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03x15 - Bye, George

Posted: 04/24/24 11:00
by bunniefuu
Rob. Sorry I'm late. Thank you.

Susan, would you go out
with me tomorrow night?

15 seconds.

You don't understand, my boss
Dr Craig, hates me. I'm desperate.

That's flattering, Victor.
But you're not my type.

Please, please, I've
invited him out to dinner.

If I don't make a good showing
my whole career is over.

You are the most unprofessional
journalist I've ever met.

Is that a yes or no?

No. Yes?

Now, here is our own Doctor
Victor Ehrlich with some good advice

for expectant mothers.

Thank you. Susan, did you know
your breasts do a lot more

than fill out
the top of your bikini?

They are the wellspring of nature's
most perfect food, mother's milk.

It's rich in nutrients,
easily digestible,

and you can't beat the packaging.
Best of all, mother's milk is free.

Many women ask me,
Dr Ehrlich, are they big enough?

Breast size has nothing to do
with ability to lactate.

A substantial portion
of certain things you ingest

can wind up in the breast milk.

A word about teething.
Don't worry about babies choppers.

The good Lord designed the
human mouth so that the tongue

covers the lower teeth
during suckling.

But if he is just fooling around and
does nip you, look him in the eye

and say in a firm tone of voice,
"Ouch, that hurts!"

He'll learn soon enough
not to bite the hand that feeds.

This is Victor Ehrlich
with another Health Spot.

Thank you, that was very informative.

Why won't you have dinner with me?

Are we on?

What are you doing outta bed?

Looking at America.

Well, there's not
much of it out there.

That's because
you are accustomed to it.

I want to remember all I can.

I'm going home in two days.

You just got a new kidney last week,
it seems like kinda early to me.


I was out of the
hospital all day today.

Dr Wyler showed me Old Ironsides.

I've seen that show,
the guy in the wheelchair.

The ship in the harbour.

Oh, yeah. I've been meaning to get
there but when you live in a place

you kinda take all those tourist
traps for granted. And I work a lot.

You have a good job.

Right. So what are you going to do
when you go home, for a living?

There's much starvation in my land.

I want to help feed my people.

You want to be a farmer?

Yes. The UN
is introducing new methods

for growing corn in the tropics.

That's it?

You're not like the
chief's son or anything?

You are a celebrity now.

You probably could get
elected to Congress.

We have no Congress.
I do not like our government.

I don't like ours much either.

But in my homeland
they'd sh**t anyone who said that.

Those bones?

Yes. Would you like to have it?

No, no,
it would clash with my scrubs.

Did I say something wrong?

In my land, to refuse
a gift is an insult.

Gee, I'm sorry, let me have them.

No. To take a gift you have
once refused is double the insult.

Oh... Well...

Guess I'd better be going now.
Have a nice trip home.

Here's your key.

The room's a little sparse. If you'd
like, I can arrange for some art.

No, it's nice. >

Shouldn't be
too comfortable where you work.

Could use a bell, though.

What do you mean?

We have this huge bell at services,
the clinic's timepiece.

The remit for meals, emergencies
and the arrival and departure

of staff members.
You can hear the tone for miles.

It's a great sound.
It reminds us that work goes on.

Office life...
will take some getting used to.


I think I'll just sit down.


This is the last time
I'm going to bring this up.

I've read your information
on your cure for liver cancer.

And what did you think? >

You're out of your mind.

This isn't some
witch doctors incantation.

It's rooted
in proper nutrition and exercise.

And all I know is
several natives have undergone

radical remission
on this diet of theirs.

Giving up three
staggering gourmet feasts a day

for eight little high-fibre
low-fat meals doesn't seem worth it.

If the natives lived in Boston
with its bad water and bad air

and Lacola's restaurant,
they wouldn't do it either.

It's your life, Danny,
but what have you got to lose?

I was jogging. I think
I've done something to my ankle.

All right.


Michael Dukakis.

And your occupation?


Governor of what?

Of the Commonwealth
of Massachusetts.

Baloney, that's what's-his-name.

I'm what's-his-name.

Look, I don't have time for this.

State House, Boston.


This phoney's for you. Tape up
his ankle till his eyes bug out.

Governor Dukakis,
what are you doing here?

I was running and I...

Wait - let me get it.
Lean on me real hard.

OK. Come on,
we'll get you over there.

Instead, he puts us
on this earth with a body,

and a mind and a free will,

and it's up to us to do
the best we can with them.

I have seen the ravages of a
four-year drought on a country. >

Men your age just bones,
shrivelled tongues. >

I can't believe that God would have
anything to do with creating that. >

You may say what is this to do with
medicine? Who the hell knows? >

But my medicine has never been
a race with technology. >

I'm just a rudder and stick man.

Hats off to the technocrats,

but it seems that many of their
advances are impersonal bush wad.

In the jungle medicine is a... >

About man, about life...

Sorry to pull you out of there.
I just got back for a meeting

with the Massachusetts Board
of Registration and Medicine.

Have they ruled on my case?

Not yet. Fraudulent and suspect
degrees are a new phenomenon.

The state hasn't worked out a process
yet to handle someone like you.

Why don't they just get rid of me?

I offered to compile
as much information as I can get.

Since I don't know you that well,
I can be impartial.

What kind of information
are you looking for?


Plus interviewing your co-workers
to evaluate your performance.

I'd also like to sit down
and talk to you.


To find out why you did what you did.

I did it. Isn't that enough?

That's a very dangerous attitude.

They're going to hang me out to dry.

And I don't want to prolong
the agony any more than I have to.


Now, let's see...

wheatgrass grain... There we are.

Flax, flax...

Bulger wheat flakes...

There, yes.

Whey powder?

Whey powder.

And now the goats milk...


No, I can't speak with her now.

Tell her I'll return her call
later and please, hold all my calls.

Thank you.

Goat's milk. Goat's milk.... Whoa...

That's enough.

Well, here goes.

Mr Gratee's got renal colic
and grade two hydronephrosis
in the right kidney.

I understand his scan showed a five
by five millimetre calcification.

He should be able to pass that.

Donald? Do you have a second?


It's about Jack Morrison.

OK, Phil, let's start Mr Grantee
on analgesias, IV hydration,

check his analysis and let's
get a final KB in the morning.

According to my research,
Morrison's credentials were

checked thoroughly before he was
bought into the residency programme.

Not thoroughly enough, obviously.

I've been through his file,

I still have no sense
of who Jack Morrison is.

If I could answer that one...

As director of medicine,
your input will weigh heavily

with the Massachusetts board
determining his fate.

Well, he has his limitations,
we all have.

You know, when he
first arrived he was a stick.

Stiff, shy, absolutely no sense of
humour about himself or his work.

You'd start a conversation
and he'd just stare.

Made you feel that
what you just said was stupid.

But he's learnt from his
disappointments, I'll give him that.

We were going to drop him after the
first year, and I'm glad we didn't,

despite what's going on.

That still doesn't tell me
how good a doctor he is.

I would love to be able to
leap to his defence, I mean that.

Give him unqualified support.

But in all good conscience
I can't do that.

Luther, what do you do when
you feel isolated from people?

You mean like when
you have nothing in common?


I break the ice by telling jokes.

What if you're
no good at that?

Maybe I should have
tried that with Tshalla.

I mean after all,
we are both black.

Is joke telling something you're
born with or can you learn it?

Maybe what's funny in Rocksberry
doesn't really play in Africa.

Africa? I've got to
go there to be funny?

No, go and see Barry Robin,
he's the funniest guy around.

In fact, everybody else
in this hospital is an amateur.

Yeah, great idea, thanks.

Donald, about my requesting the
transfer to the emergency room?

You looking for new challenge?

What I do is nothing to
do with medicine any more.

I want to get
my hands dirty again.

I wouldn't be caught
dead down there.

The busier I am, the better
the rest of my life will be.

Congratulations, Helen.
Your transfer has been approved.

Effective immediately.

I'd better get down there.

The review board feels
you bring maturity to the ER.

Nice stroke. I thought
you put the game in mothballs.

I haven't felt much like playing,
with all the chemo,

but this morning I tried
Wiley's cure and I'm feeling better.

What cure?

That's unimportant.

But unbelievable as it seems,
I felt the urge to take it out

on the court and whack See you soon.
I'm late for my lesson.

I don't know why you're bothering me.
Morrison isn't a surgical resident.

You consulted on his cases.

I need some sense of his abilities,

and a guess why you think
he'd lie about his training.

In my opinion, Morrison
should be bounced out on his ear.

The real issue is there is a glut
of doctors in this country already.

Not in the slums or rural areas.

Sure, and those patients can be
cared for by third-rate quacks

from half-assed medical schools.

But don't more doctors
mean lower medical costs?

You can't come in here.

Look, can we just keep focused
on Morrison's work as a doctor?

What you want me to say?

He had a case once,

a small girl
dying of cystic fibrosis.

Just at the point when a patient
like that needs the most support,

some doctors disappear.

Morrison stayed by her bed
24 hours a day for three days.

At the mortality conference when I
asked him why, all he could say was,

"My touch was the
last thing she ever felt."

Can't a man get undressed in peace?


Mrs Hufnagel, here
is the screwdriver you wanted.

It's about time.

What's the problem?

The catch in this suitcase is jammed.

Let me help you.

Na! Just because I'm a senior citizen
doesn't mean I can't jimmy a lock.

That's how I found out what
Mr Hufnagel was up to.

I sent him packing like a shot.

You tell me what kind of man wears...

I was assigned part
of Dr Morrison's case load.

With what?

None of your beeswax, Miles,
get going.

Did Boomer fill you
in after he got busted?

Yes, and according to your chart...

I'm ready to go home.

Say, between you and me,
the doctor, the patient,

I need a little bit of advice.

Do you think that it's OK

for an older woman
to ask a fellow to marry her?


Yeah. It's the '80s,
everyone is liberated, right?


By the way, I never bought in to that

lesbo scuttlebutt
about you and your roommate.

You're one of the few.

That kind of talk is so damaging.

Believe me, your public
image is the only thing

you've got left in this business.

You must have been hurt a lot, huh?

You don't know the half of it.

I never thought I'd be talking about
marriage again in this lifetime.

Look at me - I'm no prize.

A woman gets to be my age she
thinks she's run out of chances.

But you never know
when love comes up and gooses you.

Have you ever been married?


I guess it's a career first
and Mr Right second.



Dating anyone special?

Not right now.

Dating anyone at all?

Let me check your abdomen...

Ah! You lay a finger on me, butch,
I'll be calling Miami Vice.

Just sign the form
and then you can leave.


There you go.

Good luck with the proposal.

Well, good luck husband hunting.

Mrs Hufnagel, my pen.

Oh, yeah.

There you go.


Lock wouldn't have liked it,
but I'm getting closer.

What are you doing in here?

Avoiding reporters.

The regime
in Africa stated

that the reason I'm not
going back is I plundered
the relief funds.

They really think they can establish
their honour by challenging yours?

Reminds me of what Emerson
once said about a dinner guest.

"The more he talked about
his honour, the faster we
counted our spoons."

They screamed bloody
m*rder when I asked for funds

to bring Tshalla over here so
I threatened to go to the press.

What good would that do?

It's a new government.
They're image conscious,

especially about America.

So, I pointed out that people

in the United States didn't look too
kindly at letting big-eyed kids die,

so they coughed up the bucks.

What's this I hear
about a cure for cancer?

You know as well as I do that
there's no cure for liver cancer.

But Danny's in pain.

He's obviously slipping away.

He's undergone conventional

He just went off to play tennis.

Good for him. People should enjoy
what they do right up until the end.

If Danny had his way
he'd go out stroking.

I've never felt that giving false
hope ever achieved anything, doctor.

False hope is better
than no hope at all.

You wrote an order for pipercillan?

The patient has a pseudonoma.

You don't need pipercillan.

It's drug company hype
and you know it.

You're enjoying
yourself down here(!)

This is one of the
few places I can work

and have contact with patients.

This whole thing is going
to blow over and you'll be back

and your own cases before you know.

I doubt that.

Jack, I need a complete
drug history on Mr Grotkey.

His number is 119...

Wait, wait.

Sign this.

Jack, you can't give up hope.

What's the worst the
state board can do to you?

Revoke my licence.

If there's a lawsuit
I could go to prison.

You're going to
end up wearing a dress.

Not to mention end my career forever.

They won't do that.
Dr Westborne won't let them.

What's the best you can hope for?

I don't know.

The state can let the hospital
handle it internally.

You can finish your classroom work
while you're in your residency.

There aren't enough hours
in a day for that.

I've got a feeling I am going to
be made a public example to others.

Have you pleaded
and begged Halloran yet?

She wanted to talk.

What's the use? I said no.

You've got to
go down fighting on this.

You know her reputation.
Why would she give me a break?

I'm thinking of going
to Africa to work with Dr Wiler.

Jack, Wyler's staying right here.

He's got an office
on the fourth floor.


22 hours from now we will be home.

Tshalla, I've been
putting off telling you something

until you were strong enough.

What is it?

A very nice lady

from the International Red Cross will
be accompanying you back to Africa.

You are not returning?

There will be very much
sadness in the village.

I must speak to you at once.

The reporters are
waiting in the lobby.


The news just came in over
the wire, it's your clinic.

The government troops
burned it to the ground.

Oh, my God!

The reports are confused,
but the military police

claim the rebel leader
was being treated in the clinic.

I...I need to be...

Keep the press away.

Of course.

Dr Wyler?


Hello, my pet.

Save the pleasantries, Murray.

What's wrong?

Well, there comes a time in every

woman's life when she's got to take
the bull by the horns.


I want to get married.

Who's the lucky guy?

To you!

Sadie Hawkins Day!

I'm not kidding.

Are you free next Saturday? We can
get the blood test downstairs.

Better to have failed than
to have never loved at all.

Answer me, Murray.

Mr Robin, can I talk to
you for a minute? Hi, Mrs Hufnagel

Is it about my test results?

No, your health is fine.

If you value your flaccid life,
take a hike.

What can I do for you?

Teach me how to tell jokes.

My pleasure. Murray Robbin's
comedy workshop officially open.

You mean it?

Sure do.

Look, later, Axelrod. I'm on the
edge of something big. Get lost!

I'll see you later, Mr Robbin.

Call me Murray.

OK, Murray, I'll see you later.

Elliot's a good boy.

For my money, he's a pretty fair
doctor. You shouldn't beat up on him.

Oh, enough about porky.
Is it yes or not?

Flo, you know
I've never been married.

As a comedian I'm always living on
the road, working all the holidays,

even New Year's Eve.
It was so cold in Pittsville

the last winter I fell off
the bed and shattered my pyjamas.

I'm going home.


I'm touched.

I'm flattered.
You're an American beauty, Rose.

And I don't deserve all this
attention you've been giving to me.

Maybe we should live together.

The whole enchilada or nothing.

Mexican food always gives me gas!

I'll think about it.

I'm in the book. Goodbye, Murray.


Dr Wyler, I know
I'm out of line here.

Who are you?

Luther Hawkins, orderly.

I need to talk to you. Can I borrow
moment of your valuable time?

Have a seat.

I never thought I'd get
a chance to meet you face-to-face.

What can I do for you?

It's not what you can do for me,
it's what I can do for you.

You see, I've collected money from
practically everybody who works here.

The kitchen helps, technicians,

nurses, the orderlies,
even some doctors kicked in.

Luther, didn't you hear the news?

Yeah, the clinic got torched.

Then I don't understand.

That's what this is for.

So you can start to rebuild.

'Dr Berger, Dr Steven Berger
to paediatrics.'

Miss Halloran,
we want to talk to you.


And you'd better listen
to what we have to say.


What's up?

Well, Jacqueline, you tell her.


You've interviewed every person in
the hospital about Jack Morrison

except the ones who know him best.


You see,
we cover for him, he covers for us.

When I don't feel like giving an
enema he is right there for me.

He's a straight sh**t.

The residents are a team.
The attendings are always off

at fancy dinners and golf tourneys.
But we're here helping each other.

Well, thank you
for bringing this up.

Miss Halloran...

We just don't want
to lose him, that's all.

I understand, really.

He can be a real snore,
but he stands for something,

kind of like the gold standard.

If you don't believe us,
ask his patients or their families.

And he's a very good father.

They're not
giving any points for that.

They should.

You can judge a man by
how he makes a living.

If that's true,
I'm non-existent.

Miss Halloran. Take this man, for
example, what do we know about him?

He's dead.

Besides that.

He's a man.

But we don't know
his ethnic origins,

his religious persuasion,
where he lived.

If he was intelligent,
talented, funny.

Did he prefer redheads,
blondes, brunettes?

Did he have
any relatives, friends...

Did he think the Cubs would
take the World Series?

Look, you made your point, OK?

Jack Morrison is a lot of things,

I'm still not convinced
one of them is a doctor.

Uh! And he's ugly!

Well, it's very authentic.

If you like a place that has
preferred parking for greyhound

Hong, my friend.

Welcome, welcome, Victor Ehrlich.

I have special
guests with me this evening.

Then I find one nice table for you.

Not too close to the waterfall,
I'm afraid the spray will hit us.

And bring us some
special house drinks.

Look, Mark, here is Victor's picture
right next to Don Holt.

Someone's waving at us.

That is a Zachary Wexler,
chairman of the New England Chapter

of Physicians for Quality
Care and he's waving at me. Hi.

What's he doing in a dump like this?

Victor Ehrlich, this is a pleasure.

Those health spots of yours are

the PR boost this
medical community needs.

Thank you, that's very kind of you.

And you are Susan Barclay,
the WYN anchor woman.

I certainly am.

And I'm...

You must be very proud
of your son.

No, no, no.
I look up to the man as a father,

but this is
Dr Mark Craig of St Eligius.

Mark Craig, Mark Craig.
That name rings a bell.

Winner of the
Descending Artery Award.

No, that's not it,
but a pleasure meeting you anyway.

If there's anything I can do
to help you then please call on me.

The PQC is at your disposal.

If I need something
I'll send up a flair.

What a tapeworm.

Your drinks and your table is ready.

Thank you.

If I wanted a prize
I'd go to Crackerjacks.

You're a mad man, do you know that?

You think because
you are old and famous

the Government will leave you alone.

When step off the
plane they'll sh**t you.

I was right. >

Indoor plumbing has no privacy. >

Don't try to joke your way
out of this one, George.

You called me George.
You must be angry. >

You can't go back there.

It's too big a sacrifice.

You remember what
I was like in med school?

I didn't fit in.

I wasn't comfortable
with the process.

I didn't give up anything
when I went into the jungle.

I was a foreigner here.

Everyone says I'm an extraordinary
man but I'm not... It was Africa.

Any ordinary man in that environment
could have done what I did.


I have everything
that's important to me.

My music, my people, my clinic.

If I'd stayed here in Boston

and started a practice
I would have failed.

I'm going back.

Can't you get this
through your thick skull?

They're going to k*ll you.

What good will
you be to anyone then?

Three years at
the Brooklyn naval yard

protecting the Atlantic
coast from Hitler.

Mori Salzer and I worked
up a comedy routine together.

Mori wanted to call the act
"Salzer and Pepper", but I balked.

What did he have to give up?

We settled for Mori
and Murray, the M and M Boys.

I could never figure out how

two youngsters like us
had such a bad act.

I was the straight man, he
got the laughs...or tried to.

We bombed all over the Catskills.

It got ugly between us.

You should have switched.

I didn't want to.

He babbled on about artistic
integrity and not offending
the audience.

So, on one singles weekend
I decided to get even.

It would be the last
appearance of the M and M Boys.

What happened?

It was show time.
We opened up with the rhythm number.

A little soft sh**t to loosen
up the crowd and our joints.

Skimmers, canes - the whole schmear.

It went something like this.

Can you teach me how to do that? >

Later, I'm on a roll.

Then we slide into our material.

"Hey, Mori," I said. "Yeah, Murray,"
he answers.

Hey, did you hear
the story about the Irish sort

who goes up north to canoe
the white water?

Have you ever heard
this gag before?

No, no.

Oh, yeah, I told Ehrlich.


That's great, Murray, prank falls.

It's a little early for
me to do the physical comedy, though.


Code Blue, room 3415.

I know the joke.
I know the joke, Murray.

Come on, Murray, please.

Come on, Murray. Hey,
Murray, I remember the punch line.

I remember it.

He says, don't crush that dwarf,
hand me the pliers.

Are we going to order or
sit here and grow old together?

Careful the floating umbrellas.
They can be dangerous.

At these prices you'd expect
the service to be better.

Don't worry about the right side of
the menu, this tab is on me.

Oh, you bet your puka shells it is.

Hong, I think we are ready to order.

I hear that the
platter is excellent.

Very good.

Dr Ehrlich?
Thank you, thank you so much.

Oh, thank you.

Oh, for Pete's sake!

My name is Asi, and I went
to thank you for saving my marriage.

I thought it was over
and then I saw your health spot.

I had the circumcision
and it changed my life.

I feel like a new man now.

We've gotten
so much mail from people your age

about how that little collar
of skin was cramping their style.

OK, that does it.

It's bad enough
eating this stuff,

let alone listen about some
stranger's genitals.

You're right.
Hong, take this guy away.

Thank you, though.
Thank you so much. Ciao, bye.

Come on in, doctor.

I know it's late,
you're probably on your way home.

What's on your mind?

Wow! Doctor of the Year
two years running.

That doesn't mean very much.

That's because you won it.

Hey, you've got great-looking kids.

Thank you,
that's their mother's gene pool.

I'd like to have a family some day.

Well, what can I do for you?

I should come back another time.

It's all right, sit down.

You know my father's a veterinarian.

When I was ten years old I
dragged home this lost black lab,

called her Tanni.

She was my best friend
through high school.

My father ignored Tanni

till her teeth started to rot.
He pulled out most of them.

Left her with puppy's breath
and a smirk on her face,

like she had a secret that she
didn't want to tell.

Tanni still around?

No, she got run over by a car.

I remember I picked up Tanni's body
and ran to my dad's hospital crying.

He calmly took her
and put her in a backroom.

A few moments later he came out

and said matter-of-factly,
"Oh, I put Tanni to sleep."

I started screaming at him. I said,
"You were supposed to save her!

"You're a fraud!"
I started pounding on his chest.

He took one step back and
slapped me hard across the mouth.

Dr Westphall, I lost
my first patient today.

Murray Robbin,
he was a real nice guy.

Ruptured cerebral aneurysm.

Have you told the family?


What are you waiting for?

Well, all he had was a girlfriend

and all she had was him.
I don't know what to say.

Neither do I.

You're supposed to know.

Elliot, I can understand your
concern that this lady very likely

will hate you for telling her,
but that's not something you

should be worrying about
because it's part of the job.

Now be supportive
and get it over with,

then try to forget cos
there'll be others.

Yes, sir.

You really are a paradox.

You're the most
universally loved man at St Eligius.

Even the maintenance crew talks
glowingly of your integrity,

loyalty, compassion.

Your phoney degree
doesn't fit the puzzle.

Help me here, Jack, please.

Why did you go to this school?

My grade point average was 3.1,
they told me minimally I needed

3.6 to get into the US Med school.

There are plenty of legitimate
schools outside this country.

I thought Carolton
was one.

I expected to
stay the full two years.

But the harder it got, the more I was
willing to listen to my councillors.

I didn't think I was doing
anything wrong by accelerating.

Or maybe I just wanted out
of there so bad I was willing
to believe anything.

You couldn't have learned very much.

On the contrary,

I realised I had to teach myself.

Believe me, if you study during
a water shortage, a blackout,

a nationwide garbage strike,

you realise quick how
to retain everything.

You know there's
no going back for recaps.

You wanted to be
a doctor that badly?



It was my dream.

Nina's, too.

Your wife?

Yes, she died almost a year ago.

I remember.


She came to Mexico to be with me.

She found tarantulas in the bed,
lizards in the bath tub.

You open the window to maybe
catch a cold breeze, anything

to break the heat.

The room would be
flooded with mosquitoes.

I used to say she never complained...

But that's not true.

She hated it.

Every night I'd come back to the dorm
to find her sitting on the edge

of the bed crying.


One night, I promised we'd go home.

I just want to go on being a doctor.

Don't worry, Jack...
You will.

Sorry, Victor.
You're over your credit limit.

Your credit card is no good.

$217 - that slop wasn't worth 50c!

Hong, old buddy,
how's my credit here?

Come on, Mark, help him out.

I most certainly will not!

Let's get out of here,
he's got dishes to wash.

All right,
I'm going to stay and help him.


All right.

I'll pay you by cheque
tomorrow, thanks.

Make it cash.

Thank you.

You're driving home.

Don't forget to
wear your seat belts.

Do you two need a ride?

No, we're going to
stay for the fire dance.

By the way, Danny, that cure I
gave you, it's not a cure at all.

It's just a healthy diet.

Don't tell me now.

I want to keep believing in its
power to get me through the day.

You knew all along.
Of course.

Just as I knew deep down
these walls could never hold you.

I want you to have this. >

Thank you.

What is it good for?

Nothing, but it's just for fun.

Mrs Hufnagel?

What is it, Axelrod?

I've got terrible news.

Spit it out.

My best friend was
k*lled in a car accident.

Stop, Axelrod.

I should have had her leashed,

but I didn't.

She veered into the street
and got hit broadside.

A shaggy dog story?
You're pathetic.

I had Tanni cremated.

I put her ashes inside
of a jar.

I buried her in
front of the barbecue.

I vowed never to forgive my dad.

You know, you've been in
the hospital a long time here

and you've despised me every minute.

And now I'm giving you reason to.

Murray is dead.

No kidding.

You already knew?

Ehrlich told me.

What were Murray's last words?

They were,

"That's right, I told Ehrlich."

Look, Axelrod,
your duty is finished.

Would you leave me alone?


I loved Murray.

I always will.

I should have saved his life.

I'm a real good doctor.

I could have done that for him.

It's gonna be OK, Elliot.

Yeah, it's gonna be OK.


Oh, you're a sly one, Danny.

My going-away present.

I've got a bottle of wine

gathering dust in my basement.

I was hoping we'd share it,
but I'm willing to bet its

precious contents you'll outlive me.

Sucker bet.
All hell's going to break loose

when my plane lands in 22 hours.

If the cancer doesn't get me,
I could collapse on the tennis
court tomorrow.

You've got yourself a bet.


There's a large Baobab tree
on the hill overlooking my village.

The natives say that

departed souls gather
together there in the branches.

I'll see you there, Danny.

Goodbye, old friend.