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03x18 - Any Portrait in a Storm

Posted: 04/24/24 11:02
by bunniefuu

I'm not happy about installing this
portrait in the chapel.

I've got my work order and

it says, "One painting of
Auschlander, Daniel to chapel."

I was to be hanged in the lobby.

Hung, aren't you?

Excuse me?

Not hanged, that's an effigy.
If I don't get

this painting to the right place,
I'll be hung out to dry.

(TANNOY) 'Dr Thomas Fry,
4821. Dr Thomas Fry, 4821.'

Hey, Dr Craig! Boy, you're all wet.

I don't mean, philosophically,
of course - physically.

Did you hear that the phone system
is supposed to be completed today?


Cathy Martin's out of the psych ward,

ready to start
practising medicine again.

I know, Ehrlich.

Myra 's about to give birth.
I heard she asked her daughter if

she wanted a brother or sister.
You know what Megan said?

"I hate to put you out of shape
but how about a pony?"

Oh, you heard it?

You know, Ehrlich, one of these
days, when I'm in the home waiting

for someone to adjust my shawl,

I'll miss these
daily high jinks with you.

Well, sir, I'm touched.

You would be.

Ah, no, the light,
it's all wrong in here!

I see this portrait greeting the
poor and the sick as

in from the urban sprawl
seeking aid and comfort.

It's supposed to go
on this hook here.

No. No, no, no, no, no. Over there.

This is hardly the Sistine Chapel.

Help me with this, please.

Please, be careful!

What you so nervous about?

You act like it's your
portrait being unveiled.

You don't
understand what I do.

Yeah, complain a lot.

I take my paints, I mix them
with my guts and my brains

and I tell the story of
a man's face in brushstrokes.

Hey, I paint too, pal.

Houses, fences, garages.

Maybe I ought to get
my portrait painted

while my
face is still in its prime.

Something rather distinguished.

On black velvet maybe.

The foetal monitor has recorded
some mild

late deceleration in the
baby's heart-rate.

If it gets any worse, we may
bring Maddy to delivery early.

If Dr Chandler's on the case, why
the special interest?

I know the drill - some
well-meaning social worker armed

with statutes and subsections is
just gonna take Maddy's baby away.

She needs to make that decision
for herself.

That's why you called Marie Camden

and told her that
you'd talk to the girl's parents?

I needed to win Maddy's trust.

By lying?

Turning her over to a government
agency will only

drive her further away.

You do not have the
authority to make that evaluation,

and I expect the doctors in
this hospital to obey the law.

If we turn her over
to the authorities, we might as well

put her back on the streets -
that's where she'll wind up.

If you wanna stay in this hospital,
let me suggest something to you -

put your energies into being
a doctor, not a social reformer.

Dr Woodley!
I thought you'd forgot about me.

How you doing?


Still only dilated
to three centimetres.

It looks like a long night.

Believe me, I'm not
dragging this out on purpose.

I believe you.

Hello, Maddy.

Maddy, this is Dr Westphall.
He wanted to see how you were doing.


A little nervous. I'd feel better
if I don't have to wear this.

That tracks
your baby's heartbeat.

Ooh. I can't... I can't believe
I'm gonna be a mother.

What a trip, having another
person growing inside of me.

I remember when my daughter
was born, I was, erm...

I was about five feet off the
ground for about a week.

The satisfaction was
watching her grow

and providing a place where
she could make all her mistakes

and still know she was loved.

It's a challenge, but it's the fun.

This baby's really
lucky to have me as a mom.

I'll take such
good care of her.

Your husband must be excited, huh?

Me and Dean aren't married but
he's into being a dad.

I guess cos he never
had one, or something.

Well, why don't you concentrate

on coming up with
a good name for your baby?

I already got one.

You know, like that Princess Diane?

It's good.

Goodbye, Dr Westphall.

I'll be back.

Schedule an appointment for this
young lady with Social Services.

If I could have...

Now, listen to me,
this is a young girl.

She has no sense of what it takes to
provide for the welfare of a child.

I don't know what you think
you're doing but

you are out of line, completely.


Come in!

Oh, hello, Daniel.

Quite a nor'east we're having.

Yeah, well, I enjoy a
good storm now and then.

There's a majesty to
it, don't you think?

A storm is like it's a
part of New England law.

Ships tossing on the brine, women

pacing the widows' walks,
lighthouses flash...

I'm looking forward to seeing
Catherine at the unveiling tomorrow.

Ellen talked to her
about the portrait.

As a matter of fact, I'm thinking
of cancelling the whole ceremony.

I don't belong
up there with Father McCabe.

St Eligius was his dream.

I'm taking my turn at the tiller,
that's all.

Listen, you have tried to keep
this place on course for 30 years.

You've earned a portrait.

I'd prefer to see a new Coulter
Counter for the haematology lab.

That's why you should be up next
to Father McCabe.

What do you
think of this artist's work?

I haven't seen it yet.

Oh, well, now that's the difference
between you and me, Daniel.

I'd have been all over this guy
like a cheap suit.

I had an artist paint a portrait of
my wife, my son and myself. And...

Well, Ellen and I turned out all
right, but what he did to Stephen...


Con-artist! The damn thing is
still sitting up in the attic.

As a matter of fact, I did try to
summon up courage a while ago

to look at the portrait...

..but the prospect of seeing myself
embalmed on canvas

proved to be too much.

I would have felt like someone
contemplating his own skull.

Rain depresses some people.

So do you, Daniel.

This reception is meant
as a tribute but if it's gonna

make you nutty, the hell with it.



You've left your car lights on.

You're joking?

No, sir.


It's true!

Don't be ridiculous!

Perhaps we ought to drop the matter.

Well, it's up to you.

Oh, my God, she's right!

Ever since you
came into this office,

my day has been a disaster!

You haven't seen a gerbil
running around, have you?

Get that thing out of here.

It's all right,
we're on official business.

I'll just keep looking around.

Lucy, any empty rooms on this floor?

Yeah, 3311. Why? Another tryst?

Bruins game - storm knocked down my
antenna, I need a place to watch TV.

Go to a bar like any
ordinary Neanderthal.

Actin' funny,
and I don't know why...

Hey, Salami!

You've got the wrong guy, pal!

No, it's Warren!

# Purple haze

# All in my brain!

# Things they don't seem
the same... #

(RADIO) Viva El Salvador! Revolution.

Sorry, comrade, no habla Tex Mex.

But good luck
with your revolution anyway.

Kilo, alpha, six, Zulu, golf
bravo, clear.

Help! A rat!

You're no rat! You're a gerbil.

What's this?

I'm being bugged!

Oh, sorry!

Oh, hey, does this little
guy belong to you?

I figured he came here when
I was in the room below.

He was supposed to go down the
ventilator shaft. He went up it.

He's adorable.
Has he got a name?

This is Ike.
And this is Tina. I'm Tony Clifton.

I hope he didn't scare you.

Nah, I raised gerbils.

What's with that string?

We work for Phaseron.

The telecommunications company?

Yeah, he runs through the wall
with the line around his neck,

and we pull cable after him.

Nice work, if you can get it.

Thanks for looking out after him.

My pleasure.

I didn't order that!

No, Dr Chandler did. He wants to
keep you on an IV.

Oh, sure,
he wants to run up my bill.

He may be a credit to his race, but
I bet he's working on commission.

Let's see.

IV, one.

How much you get
for that bag of tap water?

How should I know?

Well this time, I'm keeping track
of everything myself. Stock number?

You don't have to worry about this.

All chargeable items come with

a sticker that we peel off
and put on this chart, here.

See. When you're discharged,
an event we all look forward to,

the computer reads the stock
numbers and prints out your bill.

Don't try and snow me.

You check into a hospital,
you get schticed.



There we go.

Just a minute, young man!

What's the problem?

Number one, the cigarette.

And visiting hours in
this ward are over.

I've got to see Maddy.
I'm gonna be a father.

I'll even put out the butt.



Hey, ladies!
How's life in the baby factory?

Hi, Dean.

What's all this?

A big, bloody drag.

How come I never see
your old man?

He died about a month ago.

It happens. I've got something
for the kid.

Willie says I'm gonna
have the baby really soon.


Open it.

Oh, I love him. He's wonderful.

I have to talk to you.

A little
floppy tail and floppy little ears.

You know how much you
and this kid mean to me?

Yeah, of course.

Well I've got to make a run.
To Miami.

Before the baby's born?

Now, yeah, right away.

The combat zone is
no place to raise a kid.

Dean, I need you to be here, please.

Look, if I stay,
they're gonna throw my butt in jail.

You remember that
rich kid from Newton?

I used his credit
card, now the cops got an ID on me.

Just tell them about Tony Glow!


He's letting me take the rap.

It's OK.
But that's why I've gotta split, see?

I'll get down there, I'll
tap into something.

Then you come south later.

You got any cash?

Never gets cold in Florida.

You're gonna look foxy with a tan.

Hey, what's the matter?

Just get out.

You don't think I'm
cutting out on you?

Do whatever you want.

Diane and me can take care of
ourselves, just get out.

Hey, what do you think
I'm going to Miami for?


A couple of deals and we can retire.

I'm having a baby! I can't wait
around for you to score.

It's not gonna do either of
us any good if I get busted.

Why don't you just
admit you're running away?

I've got to go.


Whose patient is this, please?

never seen him before.

Someone must be treating Mr Geraghty?

I performed the radiology studies
on Mr Geraghty yesterday.

OK, Cathy, go ahead.

The film showed
stenosis of the renal artery.

Go on.

He needs bilateral renal
vein catheterisation to...

I asked Dr Martin for her assessment.

We should measure for increased

plasma rennin activity
at the involved kidney.

What's your thinking on that?

We need to find out if the stenosis

is causing hypertension
and if surgery is indicated?

Very good.
Thank you.

I want to remind you that
this is the last day of

the Blood Drive so help
out if you can.

That's all. Thank you.

That was wonderful,
bailing Cathy out in there.

She's recovering from a
serious emotional trauma.

Who cares if they just
let her out of a laughing academy?

What's a little
psychosis among friends, huh?

I don't know if I could have been

as generous, given my tendency
to be neurotic.

I'm trying to
be a better person.

I'm glad to hear that.

Cathy's still fragile. She needs to
know that

she has the support of her friends.

She can count on me.

I just wanted you to know
that I'm there for you, babe.

Thank you, Victor.

When I think about the things I said
behind your back, I feel ashamed.

It was petty and it was stupid.

It was?!

Just because a woman's affectionate,
doesn't mean that she's a floozy.

A floozy?!

Who's calling who air head? If
anyone has tofu for brains, it's me.

You said that about me?!

To Dr Craig, when you were
mentally ill.

I was not mentally ill!

I know but he doesn't listen to me.
Can you possibly forgive me?


It's all right.

Fabulous, thank you, honey.

It's a good thing you're a surgeon -

you'd set
psychiatry back 200 years.

Can you see the baby yet?

No. But you're almost fully dilated.


We're moving you now.
I'll be right down.

You'd better hurry up. If history
repeats itself, I drop fast.

You all right?


I was thinking about Elizabeth
for a girl.

That's a nice name.


See you later, Maddy.

Go for it, Myra.

Doctor, Maddy's BP is 110 over 70,

contractions are
every three minutes.

Looks like the ritodrine
has failed to arrest labour.

How's the foetal heart tracing?

Just began late decelerations.

Call Dr Chandler and
alert the paediatric unit.

We've got foetal distress.
Get her to delivery.


What's going on?

I'm going to do a pelvic exam.

OK, jump in.

Who's your friend?

Oh... Dean gave her to me.
It's a present for Diane.

I work this corner in the doorway of
Humpty Dumpty's toy store.



She's in the window.
She was in the window.

Just breathe a bit.
Breathe a bit.

I can't

wait to hold Diane.

Breathe, breathe. Relax.

Just breathe. OK. She's dilated to
nine centimetres.

you're going to have the baby now.

No, I'm not ready.

Call Dr Woodleigh in the ER.


It's OK.

Just hang in there.

You all right?

Just get Dr Woodleigh.

Just go get Dr Woodleigh.

You take this off my bill
or I'm calling the Bunko squad.

I'm sorry, Mrs Hufnagel, but you are
responsible for all chargeable items

used in your treatment.

Well, I'm not paying!

Oh, Lady, we've been at this
for hours! I want to go home!


I'm Dr Aushlander.
You wished to speak with me, Ma'am?

Can the formality, Jeeves.

Excuse me?

Oh, you're the guy they're
hanging in the rogues' gallery.

I heard what that
paint slinger did to you.

Death warmed over. I'd have
sued for defamation of character.

What seems to be the problem?

Well, here, look at this,
$2.50 for surgical gloves.

Is it correct?

Yes, doctor, I double-checked,
but she...

Why do I have to pay for gloves
that are on somebody else's hands?!

Surgical gloves are necessary -
they lessen the risk of infection.

Well, here, look at this.

$6 for rubbing alcohol. For that
dough, you could have used Chivas.

I'm certain your insurance company
will review this bill thoroughly.

I suggest you let them verify
the charges.

Oh, insurance, that's another racket.

I don't buy that stuff.

You have Medicare?

A senior citizen with the big C
and you're beating the drum

for Medicare?!
Doesn't cover diddly squat.

Well, if money's a problem,
perhaps you might qualify for

some type of public assistance.

Oh, keep your charity, Santa.

My father sold short in the
Depression and made a k*lling.

I tote the note, do you understand?

Now, what kind of a
discount do I get if I pay cash?

Here we go.

1, 2, 3, 4,

5, 6, 7...

Look up in the mirror.

Can you see the shoulders?

Oh, finally!

Here it comes. Come on, now,
push. Push.

Come on, push, Myra.


Oh, what is it?

It's a boy.

Has he got everything?

I mean his fingers and his toes?

He's beautiful.

Oh, look at him. He's great.


What a beauty.


He's got so much hair.


I want to hold him.

Here we go.

Let's see.

Here's your mom.

Oh, baby. Oh, my baby.

Hello, Peter. Oh, hello, big boy.

Where is Nurse Rosenthal?


You look depressed.

I needed to
get away for a while.

Well, cheaper than flying to Maui.
Did you get my message?

Oh, I forgot to call you.

You did leave your
cheque book in my car.

Oh, thank God.

You look like you could
stand a stiff drink.

I'm not sure how much longer
I can handle working in ER.

I don't know how you do it.

The blood, gore, the smell.

That part doesn't bother me.

Excuse me. Helen, could you hand
me a dozen three cc syringes?

When I worked on the ward,
the shift was the same.

I got to know the people.

Here, it's like

working in a fast food restaurant.

My home life's gone to pot.

Sink's always full of dirty dishes,
the rugs need raking.

I like the
adrenalin rush this place gives me.

The kids do try to help out but
they've got their own lives to lead.

What you need is somebody to
keep the home fires burning.

I don't want a maid.

Oh, don't knock 'em.
The housekeeping staff

at my hotel is courteous, efficient.

The only thing between me and

is an excellent laundry service.

I should move
into your hotel room.

I don't like the idea of strangers
around all the time.

Well, I'm not a stranger.

What do you mean?

Maybe I should move in with you.

Do something.
I can't stand it any more!

OK, Maddy. I'm gonna give you a
pudendal block for the pain.

What's that burning?

That's the anaesthetic.

You'll be numb in a few seconds.

Make sure they're ready
for us in neonatal ICU.

Push, Maddy. That's it.

Now try and bear down.

Damn, I can't. I can't. Make 'em
stop. I want it to be over. OK?

Now, I'm going to
give you an episiotomy.

OK. Now.

This is it.
We're almost there.

Push if you can now.

Breathe, honey. Breathe.
OK, that's my girl.

You're doing great.
We're going to push.

Good, good, good. Once more.

1, 2, 3.

OK. Good, good.

All right.
It's a girl.

You did it.


There's some fluxion in the

No expiration. Ampibag.

The heart has stopped.
Start resuscitation.


I never even got to hold her.

I'm sure that doctors did
everything they could, hon.

They tried their best.

They said everything was
going to be all right.

They lied.

I never even saw her again.

It wasn't their fault.

She was just too young.

I was dreaming about
her first day at school,

birthday parties and getting married.

Is your baby a boy or girl?

It's a boy.

His name is Peter.

I like that name, Peter.

Diane and him would
have been friends, huh?


Here we go.

Handsome Boy.

I'd better
feed him in the nursery.

No, it's all right, Myra.



Hi, sweetie.

I don't believe in God or
Heaven or anything like that,

but maybe there's a
special place for babies.

The angels to watch over them.

Do you want to hold him?

Oh, come on, Maddy, it's OK.

There you go. Just put your
arm under his head like that.

Don't worry, he won't break.

You smell so good.

I heard one of the nurses whispering.

"Maddy's lucky the baby
didn't live any longer.

"At least she didn't
get attached to her."

But what about the whole
time I was carrying my Diane?

Doesn't that count?

Heard any news on Shirley Daniels?

Yeah, she's out on bail.

I want to go visit her.

You've got to
find her first.

She left town. Her lawyer
won't tell me where she is.

I can understand that.
They want to protect her privacy.

I don't know about that, but...

Dr Martin, did you get the
results of Mr Harrison's CAT scan?

In the X-ray viewing room.

What are these people doing here?

Probably avoiding the elevators in
case the storm knocks them out.

Since when did the elevators

need an excuse to break down?
How's your back?

It's fine, thanks.

I've had trouble. The
secret's in the abdominal muscles.

Royal Canadian Air Force exercises.

These Mr Harrison's?

The CT scan and the milogram
confirm a herniated disc.

At L5 S1 level.

The old surgery didn't
remove enough of the disc, see?

By the way, Daniel was
acting pretty testy about

the unveiling of his portrait.

Have about chimopapain injection?


It's an enzyme, from papaya,
used to remove the disc.

Maybe the whole thing
was a mistake.


The portrait?

Oh, well, the best thing to
do is forget the ceremony.


I did a test.

He's allergic to papaya.

Dr Aushlander?

Mr Harrison.


I'll recommend a laminectomy.

It's going to lay
him up for a while.

Well, he hasn't responded
to conservative therapy.

An operation is his best shot.

Thank you, Cathy.

Do you think it's a good
idea giving responsibility to

a girl like that? She just got out
of the psych ward.

Cathy has worked hard to come back.
She can handle the job.

Still, I'd have her diagnosis

Once the human mind snaps,
you can't put it back again.

They found Ellen's cousin Harold
eviscerating small animals.

He was sent away, he
came back cured.

I still won't let him pet the dog.


What are you doing?

I'm out of here.

You can't leave.

Why? I got no reason to stay.

The nurse gave me
Diane's death certificate.

Just about sums it up.

You need time to rest.

I really didn't think you'd do it.

I really didn't think you'd do it.

But you burned me, man.

Some wormy social worker
showed up in my room,

wanted to hear my side of what
happened with my dad and me.

I get r*ped and I've got to explain?

She was only trying to help.

Oh, that's really lame.

You're not
ready to be discharged yet.

You get an untreated infection and
you can die. You're much too weak.

Gee, thanks!
I'll remember to eat my spinach.

What are you doing?
What the hell are you doing?

What the hell are you doing?

We're going to have a talk.

I don't want to talk.
I'm tired of talking.

I just want to get the hell out
of this place.

I got more sleep in the bus station.

Where you going?

I'm going to live with Dean in Miami.

After he ran out on you?

He loves me.
He's got a job and a place set up.

You don't really believe that?

Isn't that what you want to hear?

You're just another one of

those doctors that gets
off running other people's lives.

I don't buy the victim crap.
You've been blaming me and

everybody else for the death of
your baby.

It's no big deal. The kid
would have just slowed me down.

You keep talking about getting off
the streets.

You won't have anything until you
take responsibility for choices.


You didn't care enough about

your baby to keep your
nose out of the coke.

Just listen.

Listen to me!

Diane's death was a tragedy. I can't
change that but

I'm not going
to let you throw your life away too.

I know what you're
trying to do for me. Thanks.

But you don't understand.

People like Dean and me,
we have to keep moving.

That's because you hate
where you are.

Give yourself a break.

Let me help.

You're the only one who
wants a better life for me.

I'm happy the way I am.

Dean's all I need right now. Look, if
you're ever in Florida, look me up.

See you round. >

We're all disappointed

but I think Dr Aushclander's
feelings are more important.

Do you realise what
this means to my career?


Cancelling an unveiling is like
scrubbing the Space Shuttle launch.

It instils doubt in people's
minds as to the quality of the job.

The press was coming.
Even PM Magazine.

Donald. You wanted to see me.
Mr Corey.

Don't Mr Corery me! Assassin!

Daniel, Mr Corey is upset because
he feels we've dismissed his work.

I can take rejection.

But to pass
judgment sight unseen is an insult.

You haven't seen the painting?


How long do you plan
to leave it covered up?

He's right - it's only a painting.

I resent that!

Would you leave us
alone for a minute?

With pleasure.



After I'm gone, people will ask

"Who is that old man and why is
his portrait hanging there?"

That's the point.

This painting will make people
remember not only the good things

you've done for St Eligius,
but what you are as a human being.

It takes an awful lot of
courage to face what

we have to to run this hospital.

And I think it takes another kind
of courage to stand up to yourself,

warts and all.

And I've always admired
you for having both.

No-one ever did a
portrait of my father.

But he used to say a just man
should be able to face himself

in the mirror each morning.

If you hate it,
we take it down.

And burn the sucker!


The coach went to DC,
so he finagled a

basketball scholarship for me but I
dropped out when I tore up my knee.

Wise move, quitting.


Basketball. Ruthless game.
Invented by the Aztecs.

I thought it was the Celtics.

They used to play
for three, four days.

Then after the game the
losing team was beheaded.

Nowadays they only do
that to the coaches!

Look at all this water.
The storm drains must be full up.

I've got to go over to
the main shaft.

Do you think they
have any openings at

the phone company for a guy like me?

Sure, you'll love it. Piece of cake.



Slow down, fat boy.

This isn't the potato famine.

I'm getting tired of all
your fat jokes.

No problem. The jokes will stop
when you lose the pounds.

It's great. Oh, thanks.

Here, can open this next.
You're going to love it.

Oh, he's beautiful.

You're fabulous, kid.
Don't ever change.

Oh, thanks, Phil,
that's just great. Look at that.

That's what I got him.

So now he has two.

It looks good on him.

Listen, you guys, this is so great.

I know you're so busy.
I appreciate you doing this for me.

I know that some of
you had problems with Peter,

but even at the worst of
times he was a terrific father.


What goes up the chimney? Smoke.

Your wish and my wish
will not be broke.


When you
say the same word at the same time?

Our beepers went off together.

Come on, Elliott.


They did, didn't you hear it?

Yep, I heard it.

Quite a spread.

Thank Dr Auschlander.
He cancelled the unveiling.

And if we didn't eat it,
they'd feed it to the hogs.

I can see why.

Where's the card?

Maybe I should open up
another bottle.



That's sick.

Could you take me
back to my room, Jack?


One, two, three.

Give me a line of D5 half normal
saline solution, and oxygen.

We've got a pulse.

Heart rate 110, respiratory 12.

There was a big spark and
he fell in the water.

I don't know what happened. I
came and got him as fast as I could.

BP 135 over 95.


What the hell is going on?

You've been electrocuted, man.

Damn! Again?
That's the second time this year.

Oh, my head is ringing like a bell.

They can't get to Peter so they're
picking on my baby. Is that it?

It's probably just some
twisted creep's idea of a joke.

Why would anyone
want to do that to me?

Is something wrong? >


Never mind.

Put it in the wheel, Erlich.

Storms bring up the
worst in you, Lucy.

So, have you seen the
portrait of Dorian Auschlander?

Erlich, unlike the residents

in this hospital, we nurses
work during our shifts.

It makes the poor old guy look like a
failed genetics experiment.

A cross between Buddha
and Vlad the Impaler.

Your sources, Dr Erlich,
are far more charitable than mine.

Sir, you overheard me out
of context.

Hey, Clifton, congratulations,
the phones are finally working.

Phones, what phones?

It would have been nice to
have the unveiling anyway.

It's not me.

It's a piece of cloth
with some pigment on it.

No, no.

You've got to watch the eyes.

You see how they always
follow me, no matter where I go?

There's a part of you in that thing.

You really see a resemblance?


I always felt like you and I could
talk, and even if I don't see you

every day, I like knowing
you're around.

Now, even after you're gone,

I'll know where to find you.

See you later.

What do you think?

I like it.

So do I.

Did you find her?

She's out there somewhere.

Back on the streets.

I guess I blew it.

Think about when you were 14
and how you felt about the world.

What were you doing?
What was important to you?

I was co-captain of the soccer team
and played trumpet in the band.

You should have seen
the g*ng I grew up with.

They lived for boot hockey.

Boot hockey?

boots, no skates, dead of winter.

Any excuse to beat the snot out of
each other.

Especially Jimmy.

He loved to fight.

Your boyfriend?

Probably could have

gone to college
but he didn't want any part of it.


He said he made a better
living hotwiring cars.

What happened to him?


Still in Detroit, 31 years old,
playing boot hockey, stealing cars.

Teenage prostitutes come into
this hospital, become mothers.

Little girls dressing up to
be like adults.

What's the rush?

Can't let it weigh you down.

Can't get angry about it
because it happens all the time.

I should take my own advice.

Dr Woodlake.
Alvira Newbrook is in the ER.

She wants this month's stats.

They're not ready.

She seemed anxious to get them.

Tell her I'll get back to her.

Charm her, Axelrod.


You ever feel like this
place is closing in around you?

The Holmes baby, Diane. Where is she?


It's an awfully long
trip through eternity.

I thought
maybe she'd like some company.