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03x20 - Amazing Face

Posted: 04/24/24 11:03
by bunniefuu
Morning, Bobby.

Hiya, Phil.

Poor Jack. Been burning the candle
at both ends lately, huh?

It's quite a juggle, yeah.

Taking care of Pete.

Staying to make up his medical
degree plus his normal load here.

This your new fibromatosis case?

Andrea Fordham. Coming in
today to get bandages removed.

How's her recovery going?

Here. Take a look. Before and after.

Notice the contour of the skull.
No post operative complications.

The graft worked out went well.

Any scarring?

She's out of the woods, medically.

Face it, Wayne,
you're a truffle hound.

What Kathy Martin and I shared when
we were together was rare, special.

Bizarre, twisted.

I'm telling you. The closest
I have ever come to being in love

was the time I spent with Kathy.

Except for the time with Shirley, but
I'm not sure you can call that love.

Maybe, but how much canola can you
wear on your face?

Kathy was the victim of a sexual
as*ault. Not once, but, count them,

twice, at the hands of Peter White,
who is better looking than you are.

She spent two months in the bug
house taking inventory of her toes,

and you think she's ready to get
back in the ring with you? Come on!

I'm not talking about sex.
A woman in that fragile state

isn't ready to explore the
intimacy of physical union.

Have a tart, Wayne.

I want to figure out how
to approach her

so that she doesn't think
I'm coming onto her.

Just ask her out on a real date.

I hate it when Boomer
falls asleep in here.

Get off his case, Ehrlich.
He's exhausted.

But his hair gets all matted
from lying on the couch

and he walks round looking like

Hard to respect a doctor like that.

You'd better wake him up.
He's going to be late for rounds.

Up and at 'em, You old sleepy head.

Wait! Oh! What time is it?

I've got to
sign Mr Malone's discharge papers.

Which reminds me, Shirley Daniels
has a urinary tract infection.

Post-op complication
after appendectomy.

She's been telling everybody
she wants to go back to jail.

She says she welcomes
the chance to pay retribution.

It's crazy.

You're telling me.

You should go off and talk to her.

I'll stop in and see
her this afternoon.

Ever noticed that
Boomer has big feet?

Do you think you could go 24 hours
without taking a shot at someone?

It wasn't a shot,
it was an observation.

I've got to hit the head.
That tea goes right through me.

Wait. You're right. I was acting
superior and judgmental,

but I didn't mean anything by it.
I love Boomer.

That's your MO, isn't it?

You hurt people's feelings,

then you make nice and expect people
to forgive you for being a creep.

It works for Rickles.

Morning, Mark.


Oh, now, that really roast me.

Give me something
to get this off, would you, please?

I'd like to meet the
cretin who invented chewing-gum.

It came from Indians who used to
chew lumps of sweetened spruce.

Chewing gum didn't become popular
actually until the mid-1800s.

A little acetone
will get that right off.

If that man were any more homespun,

he would be driving to work in a
horse and buggy.

Mrs Hufnagel,
how are you feeling this morning?

Shh! I'm about to make contact
with Murray Robin on the other side.

Here, you see?

a*t*matic writing - correspondence
with loved ones beyond the grave.

I have reviewed the results of
your cardiac catheterisation.

What do you know about
communicating with loved ones,

running your own brother
out of town the way you did?

I'd like to schedule you for
a coronary bypass operation,

as soon as possible.

You want to
unzip me just like that, huh?

Well, you forget it.

I've seen the scars
that you guys make.

Andy Warhol might like his,
but not this chick.

You haven't responded
to the medication.

Haven't responded?

I've been constipated for a
week because of those pills.

You have an aneurysm.

It's a weakening in the wall of the
heart and it's extremely dangerous.

I don't care if you did win the
interior descending artery award.

I'm not buying.

How do you know I won an award?

Because I saw the
plaster cast of your hands.

What were you doing in my office?

I'm surprised they let you keep them
after Eve Leighton's heart went back.

Well, that really tears it.

Who do you think you are?

Now, look, it's no wonder
you had such a rough go,

trying to keep the wife happy.

What's that supposed to mean?

Because you get upset so easily!
See, the blood runs to your forehead

instead of you-know-where.

Now, look, see, I gotta talk
this over with Murray some more,

and if he says it's OK, we're on.

Yeah, well, you'd better
have this operation soon

or you can talk to him face to face.


(TANNOY) Mr Dentowine,
return to your room.

I got here as soon as I could.
Is everything alright?

Everything's fine.
Let's go where we can talk.

The entire cast of Fishing Fleet
is about to go on strike.

They don't want to work for scale.
This better be important.

Oh, it is. Would you like me to get
you a cup of coffee or something?

No, thanks.

Richard? Do you love me?

Of course I do. You're my ground
of being, my anchor to windward.

The last few days have been the
happiest months in my life.

I have to get back to the
bargaining table.

I have some exciting news.
I'm pregnant.

Run that past me again.

I, or should I say we,
are going to have a baby.


Come in.

Thanks for dumping that
Hufnagel creature on me.

Mark, I'm very sorry but I
just couldn't deal with her.

I thought you might be able to.

That woman isn't a
patient, she's an affliction.

Rickets would be more fun.

I wonder Gloria Neill sent me.

I'm surprised you didn't
put out a net for that one.

That's quite an attractive woman.

She's only here for a day.

And a night. And I suppose
hit-and-run is not your style.

To replace the one that blew down.

May I?


Brass grommets made by Bulldog.
Donald, this is a good flag.

No polyester either.

The American flag should be made of
long-fibred cotton, don't you think?

It says here it was flown over
the Congress of the United States.

Yes, for about two minutes. Did you
know there's a guy at the Capitol

that does nothing but haul flags
up and down a pole all day long?

But still, the symbolism is
nice, don't you think?

Symbolism is fine
if it doesn't cost money.

If Washington is serious
about cutting the deficit,

they would get that guy down off the
roof and give him a real job.

Don't get me wrong, I'm patriotic.

I was in the Scouts
at Camp Sequassen.

But to let somebody else foot the
bill for your girlfriend's flag...

Where you heading?

I decided to put the house
on the market.

The real estate lady wants to show
it and I ought to be there.

Really? What brought this on?

With Tommy and Lizzy away, I really
don't need all that room.

It was a tough decision. There are
a lot of memories in that house.

Not to mention an excellent hedge
against inflation.

How much are you asking?

I don't know. I haven't decided.

You don't have to tell me. Just
don't get low-balled by a sob story

from some young couple starting out.

You and Ellen were once
starting out, remember?

Yes, but don't
jump at the first offer.

Thanks, Mark.
I got to keep my wits about me.

When did you get the results?

I have an appointment with
Annie Kavanagh this afternoon.

Shouldn't we wait
until the rabbit dies?

They don't do that test any more.

Anyway, I don't need to wait for
test results after five kids.

I missed two months now.

That explains the mood swings,
the laughing, the crying.

I been on an emotional

you haven't been emotional.

Are you kidding? I cried for an
hour last night

just because you were singing
in the shower.

My Way is a very moving song.

But I don't even like Sinatra. OK,
what did I eat for dinner last night?

Crab meat and navy bean soup.

There you are. I never order navy
bean soup

unless I have a duck in the oven.

You're going to keep it, of course,
the duck...I mean, the baby?


Maybe I ought to lie down.

Elevate your feet.

We need to think of a name.
How about Ivan?

Ivan's a terrible name!

I like it. It was my
grandfather's name.

Let's not quarrel.

I am about to embark on the biggest
undertaking in a man's life -


Excuse me, folks.

Have you seen Mr Cameron's chart?

He's one of Ehrlich's patients.

Check under W. For some reason,
Victor files everything under W.

Thanks. You alright?

Yes, just a bit light-headed.

Want me to do a quick neuro exam?

Believe me, I'm fine.

Nothing that a little
cold linoleum won't take care of.


I want our child to have everything,

starting with a family.
Helen, will you marry me?


Mrs Hufnagel, You shouldn't be
wandering around in your condition.

Hey, listen, you want
to change anti-perspirant.

You'll blow out those
under arms in no time.

I... I decided to go for
that surgery after all.

Ah. The dearly-departed
gave his blessing, did he?

Haven't been able to raise him.

Maybe the circuits are busy.


At any rate, you made
a sensible decision.

I'll schedule you
as soon as possible.

Get back to your room.
..Mrs Vitalli?

Your husband is in recovery.
He's doing fine.

After I take the bandages off,
I'll need some X-rays

and I'd like your permission
to take photographs.

Is that really necessary?

It is. Research.
I'd like to document your recovery.

I don't want my daughter's
face in some medical book.

I've had to live with
this disease all my life.

If it will help
someone else get well,

then I want you to take my picture.

Mum, I think it would be a
lot easier if I did this alone.

All right. I'll pick you up later.

I think my mom's more
worried about this than I am.

I guess she's looking out for you.

We'll get these bandages off
and see what kind of job I did.

Where do you want me to put this?



Now, what you're going to
see is a work in progress.

Don't worry.
I've been through this before

and I know not to expect too much.

There are going to be some rough
spots on the contour of the skin

and some discoloration.

But I removed most of the tumours
through internal incisions.

There's not going to be
much visible scarring.

My face feels so small!

Well, you want a look?

I guess I have to.

Do you know what it's like to be
somebody you've never seen before?

You look great.


I'll be back in a few minutes.

Hold it - you're
gonna like this picture.

Drop Dead Bob!
I watched your reruns on cable.

So the priest says,
"I don't recognise the name,

"but his face rings a bell."


Dr Hilden,
your service needs to talk to you.

Have some medicine
balm and scissors ready.

Dr Hilden is gonna need
a better exposure of the bile duct.

The gall bladder looks pancreatic.

More like a sweet potato,
only made out of meat.

Mrs Hufnagel?

Oh, is that you, Lawrence?

It looks like you're holding up
a stagecoach.

Get out of here, what are you doing?

Just having a look-see.
You don't think I'm gonna let them

pull out my engine without
checking out the motor pool.

What is that big pink tube
and why is it pulsating?

Get out of here, would you, please?
You're not sterile.

You're telling me.

Mr Hufnagel,

he started calling me Fertile Myrtle
after my fourth son was born.

Little Alvin, just as
cute as a chipmunk.

I thought you had a hysterectomy.

So did I.

Hey, these floors
are a little dingy.

When's the last time
you had them waxed?

I was gonna ask you the
same thing about your legs.

I've got to re-scrub.

The floors can wait.

Put that poor schlemiel
back together again first.

Call security.

If she comes back in here,
tell them to sh**t to k*ll.


All right.


Hold on there, sport.

As you can see, this is a
neo-cottage colonial ideal.

Oh, Dr Westfall.

Ms Ivy.

Crosby and Nedra Blela,
this is Dr Westfall.

How do you do? Hi.

And look at all these
oak cabinets in this kitchen.

It certainly looks...
lived in.

All the modern conveniences, of
course, and tons of closet space.

That's quite a spoon
you've got up there.

My wife found that somewhere, yeah.

You're taking it with you, of

The wainscoting in the dinette
lends tremendous warmth, I think.

Oh, we'd probably rip it
down so we could wallpaper.

Um...I'll be upstairs, all right?

This house is really quite a find.
And it just went on the market.

It'll need a lot of work.


Oh! Yeah.


How about going easy there, kid?

This is my room.

I don't think the bed is built
for all this bouncing, right?

Where's your kids?

Each room has its own quiet elegance
and its own time of day in the sun.

Are you firm on your price,
Dr Westfall?

nobody's ever firm on a price.

This is a lot more than a house.

It's a home, just
crying out for a family.

Nedra and I are oenophiles.

This is a very liberal area, I don't
think the neighbours will mind.

What I mean is,
do you by chance have a wine cellar?

Well, there's a fall-out
shelter in the basement.

It was built during the Cuban m*ssile
crisis. I keep a few bottles there.


I'll be downstairs.

Astonishing, that a man and woman
should come together

at a moment of tenderness
and love and create a life.

You shouldn't be playing
hooky from those negotiations.

Well, sometimes it's better

that the two sides thrash
the issues out themselves.

Wedding due and Mitzi have children?

Those things I said about not
wanting to propagate her gene pool?

Well, they're partially true. The
fact is, we never got around to it.

By the time I feathered the nest,

Mitzi and I had lost
interest in each other.

Marcy was born when I was still
too young to know what I was doing.

Probably better that way.

But think how much more wisdom
and experience we'll both have.

Yes. All of which will be thrown
right back into our faces

as irrelevant and old-fashioned.

Don't worry,
you'll make a great father.

What about Ezekiel?
We can call him Zeke?

It's too Old Testament.

Anyway, what makes you so
sure it's gonna be a boy?

Males have a 1.2% edge.

Let's see. When he's 12, I'll be 65.

A young 65.

So that'll make me 75 by the
time he gets out of college.

Well, I'll watch his graduation
on a closed-circuit from a home.

I'd like to propose a toast
to our child.

I'm ingesting for two.

Where will you come from,
my baby, my dear?

Out of the everywhere into the here.

To the mother of my future family.

She's got more muscle control in her
face than I ever thought she'd have.

After 12 operations
and 12 disappointments,

it's hard to believe that
the nightmare's really over.

There's no evidence the neuro-
fibromatosis has reasserted itself.

Andrea is going to do very well.

I owe you an apology, Dr Caldwell.

She had more faith
in you than I did.

Andrea has faith in herself.

Every time that disease ravaged
her face, she never gave in to it.

And you should be proud of her.

I am.

You ready? Yeah.

Andrea, you've got company.


Just a minute.


Well, what do you think?

Thank you, Dr Caldwell.

Oh, honey.

I am so happy for you.

(TANNOY) Nurse Margaret Ryan, 4322.

Nurse Margaret Ryan, 4322.

Hi, guys.


Pete wanted to say hello.

Ah, more visitors.
What is this, live-in airport?

If you'd like, Mrs McDonnell,
I can draw the curtain.

Can I hold Pete?

Of course.

I wasn't sure you'd want a murderess
bouncing your child on her knee.

You're getting so big.

Charlie, do you think it's smart
going around telling everyone...?

Hey, I'm guilty, that's the fact.

I shot Peter White in the morgue
and once in the heart...on purpose.


Even so, your lawyers wouldn't
appreciate you admitting it publicly.

I don't care. I committed a crime,
I should go to jail.

Not for ever, just long enough.

I'll never do it again.

I don't think I could
ever get that angry.

At least, I hope I don't.

So, come on. What's the gossip?

What's the dirt around here?

I'm not staying in this room
another minute.

What kind of a hospital puts
you in bed next to a k*ller?

And what's worse,
all the doctors come to see her.

Good riddance. She snores.

Well, I've got a meeting with
Dr Craig. I'll stop by tomorrow, OK?

Yeah, I should be going too.

But you just got here.

Yeah, well...

Relax, Jack. You don't have to be
nervous around me.

OK. Say goodbye.

Are you sleepy?

Oh, by the way. Did Maria White
get my present for her baby?

I don't know, what was it?

A little ski mask. See?

I knitted one in pink and one
in blue. Just to cover my bases.

Why is Mom having another baby?

Well, see. Millions of tiny sperm
cells compete for a single ovum.

It's like playing
capture the flag, but...

Thanks, Geoff.
I think we got the picture.

Hi, guys.

How was school?

Oh, I didn't get a bit of work done.

I was too busy
thinking about the baby.

That will be great.
The pitter-patter of little feet.

Baby junk everywhere.
Half-eaten jars of strained peas

in a refrigerator. Ugh!

Oh, what a mistake!

You're the one who engineered this
whole thing between Richard and Mom.

I told mum she should
have an affair, not a baby.

Hasn't she heard of contraception?

Yeah. I told her about the Pill,

but she and Richard
prefer the sheath-and-film method.

How is it
you know so much about all this?

They showed us
a film strip in school.

It was about cows mostly.
And one bull.

Well, I for one am embarrassed
for Mom's disregard

for the planet.
Doesn't she know there's

a population expl*si*n
going on right this moment?

It's not like she's
a litter bug or anything.

I'm looking for my own apartment.

I can't stand being around Mom
during toilet training.

She gets so... Behind it.

They'll turn your room
into the nursery.

No way am I sharing a room

with a snot-encrusted,
drippy-juiced rug-rat!

No, you move in with Jeff.

Look. I'm at a very crucial point
in my psychosexual development.

An 18-year-old needs his privacy.

Yeah, so does a monk.
But for different reasons.

Isn't everyone forgetting Mom and
Richard are supposed to be in love?

If they want a kid,
that's their business.

Then the baby can
sleep in their room. Yeah.

Poor little guy.

Can you imagine what the kid's
hooter's gonna look like?


Congratulations, kiddo.

For what?

Assisting Craig in the Hufnagel
surgery. What a load off my mind!

What are you talking about, Victor?

Why else do you think
he wants to talk to both of us?

He'll break the news to me
that you're on the first team.

But I don't want anything
to do with the old witch!

Victor, I really think you should be
in there working on Hufnagel.

You deserve her!

I shouldn't be allowed near her
with a sharp object!

But you're a
much better surgeon than I am!

Yes, that's very true,
but fortunately for you,

my record's been spotty lately.
Wussing out, the exploding b*llet,

Caldwell throwing me
off the team, twice!

It's gotta count for something.

But Dr Craig
still thinks I'm cut-happy.

Are you kidding?
After the needlepoint you did

in that Zulu kidney transplant?

You're a shoo-in, Jacquelyn.

Dr Wade. You're familiar
with the Hufnagel case, aren't you?

No, not really, sir.

She's been on nitrates,
beta-blockers, calcium,

and still no improvement
in her condition.

Well, you two
have a lot to talk about.

Ehrlich, where are you going?

Well, I just want you to know
that I totally respect your

decision, and I wholeheartedly agree
with it. Jacquelyn is a fine doctor.

Will you sit down?

of the right coronary artery

with no response
to medical management.

I'm sure you agree
that a cabbage is indicated.

Wouldn't you?

Yes, sir.
Anything she says.

Good, cos you two
will assist me today.

Dr Craig, I'd just like to say...

Dr Craig doesn't want to hear
a fawning monologue thanking him

for putting us on the surgical team.

It is an honour and a privilege.

That goes without saying. Get out.

Luther, is that you?

Oh, yes, sir.

I admire you doing it, but why are
you memorising the cranial nerves?

Remember I told you I was in school
for my paramedic licence?

Tonight, we take our final exam,
and I have to memorise

all 12 cranial nerves in order,
or it's bye-bye, upward mobility.

I can give you a little trick
that will help you memorise them.

"On Old Olympus' Towering Tops,
A Finn And German Viewed Some Hops."

I don't recognise those lyrics.

On - olfactory, old - optic,

Olympus - ocular motor...

Towering, trochlear! Hey, I got it,
Dr Auschlander. Thank-you!

Old Olympus, towering tops...

a German...

Someone did something.

On Old Olympus...

Try this one, it's a lot easier.

"Oh, Oh, Oh,
To Touch And Feel A Girl

"Very Sexy And Hot."

Very sexy and hot, I got it!

Remember, learning can be fun!

Very sexy and hot?

Andrea. Where's your Mom?

She's looking for you.

Want to get something to eat?
I'm not hungry.

The food's not so great
in our cafeteria, anyway.

I'm not ready yet.

To what, eat?

I'm not going out there.

When I removed the aneurysm
from the ventricular wall, >

you'll notice I didn't double cut.

That could cause emboli.

Pressure's 60, Dr Craig.

Increase the flow on that pump.

Do you see many instances
of Postpericardiotomy Syndrome?

One out of ten patients complain
of post-op chest pain,

but don't experience
any lasting complications.

What's wrong, Ehrlich?

Oh, nothing, sir.

You haven't uttered a tasteless
remark this entire procedure.

It's been a refreshing change,
but something must be wrong.

Well, it's just that you let
Dr Wade made the incision, and you

let her use the sternal spreader
and the Curved Mayo scissors.

You even let her
adjust the aortic cannula!

Stop whining!

Pressure's down to 50.

Well, get a vasal presser!
Can't you even maintain a pressure?!

I'm giving her 100 micrograms, IV.

How would you like it if your
brother licked the egg beaters
every time?

We are performing an operation here
that 20 years ago,

would have been
considered a miracle.

And you're yammering
about chocolate frosting?!

That cut came awfully close
to the apparatus.

I nicked the capillary muscle.
See what you made me do?

Maybe I'm too sensitive. Probably
because I was a middle child.

I would have pegged you
as the runt of the litter!

I was an only child.

Figures. Probably never
had to wear hand-me-downs.

Always got to sit
next to the window in the car.

Never had to sleep
in the bottom bunk.

I wonder if Mrs Hufnagel
has any brothers or sisters.

What a frightening thought. Mean
pressure's back to normal again.

Excuse me for saying, but I could
have done that as well as Dr Wade.

OK, that's it, Ehrlich.

I am sick and tired of you
dragging your problems into my OR.

It's not fair to me,
or to the rest of the surgical team,

and it's certainly not fair
to this patient on the table!

I think you owe us all an apology.

I'm sorry, Dr Craig.

I'm sorry, everyone.

And Mrs Hufnagel, I hope that you
can find it in your heart

to forgive me.

Teflon bolsters.

Now that we know you have one!

You gotta be there
for your friends, you know?

It's OK if you get k*lled.

Sometimes, I don't even know
what we're fighting about.

I don't got no relatives, so if
somebody in the g*ng gets hurt,

then I feel terrible.

It makes you want to slam the
other guy, you know what I mean?

In a rumble, you don't feel sad,

you don't feel scared,
you don't feel happy.

After, when the quiet comes, that's
when you start to feel something.

So you hurt your knee in a fight?

No, in a scrimmage, I got blindsided
on down and out playing quarterback.

You gotta call up a clipper, now.

Hey, Cath, how are you doing?


I got something I want to ask you.

You can put on your pants now, Chino.

You don't like me with my pants off?

You shut up, you little punk!


Hey, stop that!

Stay out of it!

Are you all right?

How did you do that?

I've been studying self-defence.
I can take care of myself.

I wish everyone in this hospital
would start treating me that way.

Are you OK?

I got to get back to the ER.

Is there something
you wanted to ask me?

No, it can wait.

You should have someone
look at your eye.

It's about to explode!

See ya.


Who's Shirley talking to?

Her attorney.

Oh, what happened to you?

I zigged when I should have zagged.

The judge still has to decide
on a change of venue,

then there's jury selection.

I wonder if we will get all women.

It will be summer before you ever
have to set foot inside a courtroom.

You just concentrate
on getting well.

Thanks, Iris. Bye-bye.

Oh, you said if I hung around
we could talk?

Do you mind walking me to my car?

I'm concerned about Shirley.
Her mental state.

If you're suggesting I try to win
this case through an insanity plea,

you're way off the mark.
Shirley will walk free

based on the merits of this case.

But she doesn't want to go free!

What she says is irrelevant.

No jury is going to hand down
a guilty verdict to a woman

who was defending herself
against r*pe!

Unless she pleads guilty.
I know Shirley,

and I don't think she is confident
to make a decision on her plea.

You don't have to worry
about your friend.

She's in my hands now.

And I never lose.

I was just on my way down to see you.

Annie! I want to ask you something.

I was just thinking, one breast is
enough to feed two babies, isn't it?

Probably, some
supplementation might be necessary.

Well, what with my mastectomy and
all, what if I am expecting twins?

I don't want to resort
to formula, because

breastfeeding is so important
to emotional development.

Helen, you're not pregnant!

That's impossible. I had
two bowls of soup for breakfast.

Your urine AGC test came back
negative, and the blood test
confirmed the results.

I know when I'm pregnant!
I'm 6 weeks overdue

and my body keeps better time
than a Swiss watch.

In my opinion, you are showing
the early signs of the menopause.

Neither of us has made any progress.

I'll talk to her later,
we need to give her time.

I keep thinking about this book
of Italian folk-tales

Andrea and I read together
when she was a child.

Stories about simple country people,
farmers and blacksmiths.

People who discover magical powers
that changed their lives.

The farmer usually chose to become
a prince or a wealthy merchant.

Andrea loved those stories.

Yeah, me too. They always
turned out happily ever after.

But usually in the end,

the hero used his last wish to turn
himself back into a commoner again.

The only life he knew
and was comfortable with.

There's no way Andrea
can change herself.

What she's got to realise now is
that she is a full-fledged Princess.

If you'd spent as much time as
she has creating an inner world,

a sanctuary for yourself,

where people couldn't
make fun or humiliate you...

She has completely shut me out.

I've lost her.

Help me get her back.


Wayne, how's your face?

Like Lithuania
after the Russians took over.

You should put some ice on it.

You shouldn't be in here,
this is the women's on-call.

I just want to talk. I've been
thinking about what you said

and you're right,
we've all been too...


No, nice.

Maybe we're wrong,
but, after all, Cath,

you've been r*ped twice,
you had a nervous breakdown...

I know.

We're just trying to make the
transition easier.

I know.

When we were lovers,

I wanted you to be happy.

That was a long time ago.

You've suffered so much.

I only wish I could
take some of the pain for you.

Don't spend the rest of your life
thinking every man is an animal.

I don't, in fact,
just a few nights ago

I went to bed with a man for the
first time since I was att*cked.

You did?

What is this, a panty raid?
Out, Fiscus.

It was wonderful.

No struggle, he was
so gentle, so loving.

He wanted me to have pleasure, and...

wanted me to share
in the joy of love-making.

You... You...
went to bed with...

Do I know this person?

Gentle, loving...
Doesn't sound like anyone
who would have you fora friend.

You know who he is,
but that's not important.

Wayne, aren't you happy for me?


Hit the road, Fiscus!

Don't forget to soak your face.

And your head along with it!

It amazes me you can be friends
with that guy.

You should give him a chance,
Annie, Wayne's got a big heart.

Maybe but that's not
what he's interested in sharing.

Hello, there.

Hello. Oh, lovely!

I've given it a lot of thought
and you're right,

we can't send a kid to kindergarten

with a name like Ezekiel,
Hezekiah or Mohab.

What about just plain Mike?

Richard, I'm afraid we're
not going to have a baby.

Are you all right,
did anything happen?

No, everything is fine.

Ah. A false alarm.
Maybe it's a blessing in disguise,

give us more time to get
organised for the real thing.

I'm going through menopause.

I feel so old.

Like part of the reason for my being
alive has been taken away from me.

Don't be silly, you are a sensitive,
intelligent, very sexy woman.

I'm not looking for a baby machine.

Thank you,
but I don't think you understand.

You can go around procreating all of
your life. But it's over for me.

You want to know the real reason
Mitzi and I never had kids?

It's more than just
the road not taken.

We couldn't. Something to do
with my sperm count,

I guess they weren't
aggressive enough.

When you told me you were expecting,
I thought maybe my doctors had...

made a mistake. I felt...

very masculine.

Are you kidding?

You're the most
masculine man I've ever met.

I love you.

Can we send the kids out
for pizza tonight?

I'm buying, then a movie.

Make it a double feature.

Out of the way.

What about getting married,
are we still on?

I don't know, let me think about it.

Internal bleeding,
possible neck and shoulder injury.

I will put these in water for you.

See you at home.

Start a line, Helen.

Donald. You better get your clock
cleaned, you go home in the morning,

come to work at night.

Medicare is giving us some
heat on the DRG totals,

how did it go with Mrs Huffnagel?

Routine, she's on her way to CCU.
What about the house?

Sold it.

Just like that?

They offered 10,000 more
than I was asking.

Goes into escrow tomorrow.

Selling a house is supposed to be
like a chess game, where's the fun

if you win on the first move?

Don't stay too late.

All right.

How's she doing?

Fine. This surgery has
probably added years to her life.

It must be rewarding
to give someone another chance.

It's a great thrill(!)

When you think about
all this woman's been through,

it's amazing she's still alive.

Why is it always the good who
die young? Buddy, Otis, Jimmy.



Yes. Janis Joplin of India.

Why couldn't the good Lord have
taken Mrs Huffnagel instead?

Karma, Luther, karma. I'm sure
she is being punished for something

she did in another incarnation.

What did I do wrong?

I always gotta slide out the bedpan.

She will be unconscious
for three or four hours anyway,

then she will be incubated
for a good 24 hours.

So she won't be able to talk?

Not a word.


With any luck she won't be able
to ring the buzzer for days.

If there's anything I can do for you
two to return a favour, anything.

Nada. Just doing our job.


Do you ever ask yourself
why we keep doing this?

Cos Ellen won't
kiss me with a beard.

I mean being a doctor.

I saw a patient today,
a 20-year-old girl.

Six weeks ago you couldn't see
her face because of the tumours.

I did the surgery,

now she can lead a
relatively normal life.

Lucky young lady.

That's what I thought,
except when I removed the bandages

she was terrified.

You were expecting a pat on
the back for a job well done?


Let me tell you something.

I gave my son a Mustang
for his 16th birthday.

A week later
he wrapped it around a tree.

Too much too soon.

Oh... You got yourself good.

Just a flesh wound.

Come on, what do I do?
Other than hide out forever.

We surgeons think we can
fix everything with a knife.

We forget about the
best tool we have - time.

Give her time.

What brings you down here?

I came to see you.

Are you afraid?

I want you to be afraid.
I want you to be afraid.

Not any more.

Now, what is that for?

For all of us.

Is this where you r*ped Cathy Martin?

Don't be crazy.

Did you r*pe them?
What did you make them do?

I didn't... I don't
want to hear your lies any more.

I didn't touch her!

Say it, Peter.


Say it!

I r*ped her.

I-I... Look...
I'll turn myself in, OK?

Bye, Peter.