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03x22 - Tears of a Clown

Posted: 04/24/24 11:04
by bunniefuu
I need a nurse here.

Zippy's going to k*ll me
if I don't get that package

to Logan in 20 minutes.

Somebody want to help me out?

Cos Zippy's code is,

"Neither rain nor sleet
nor heat, nor gloom of night."

That's the Post Office!

Zippy never had an
original idea in his life.

What's the problem?

Want to wrap this leg for me?


Because it's showtime!

Whoa, slow down, slow down.

Are you kidding?
The circus is in town.

A couple of clowns came by to
put on a show in paediatrics.

Well, I don't like the circus.

The roar, the greasepaint,
the smell of the crowd.

They're performing tomorrow
at the gardens.

There's a game on.
What about the stink?

Don't worry, the elephants
will get used to it!


What happened, did
you get left behind?


Come on, let's go to the circus.

Careful, Donald. That's the way
my uncle fell into an open manhole.

Good morning.

Looking for a job?

No, a place to live.

That's right. If my calendar
serves me correctly,

escrow closes on your
house in a couple of weeks.

Yeah, and it occurred me
I'd better go out shopping

otherwise I'm going to
be out on the streets.

Modern kitchen, tiled floors,

wet bar. Aren't you
a little old for a condo?

Seemed like the thing to do.

Can you fit all your belongings
into one of those cr*cker boxers?

No, Lizzie's going to
help me out. She's going to
sort through all my stuff.

I'm going to have to put
some of it in storage.

Well, just bear in mind that condos
are the tenements of the future.

I've got an appointment to see one
tonight at the, er, Old North Plaza.

Oh, I wouldn't put dog in
that papier mache kennel.

You know about this kind of thing?

Some people open the Sunday papers
and go right to the funnies. Me?

I like to wander through
the real estate section.

Now, as for the Old North Plaza,
the first thing you have to do is

check how many units have been sold.

That way you don't wind up
living in a 15-storey mausoleum.

Mike, could you come
with me tonight?

It would be a big help,
I know it.

No problem.

You're sure this
isn't an imposition?

Only for the real estate agent.
Besides, you need me there to play

good cop, bad cop.
Knock the price down.



Elliot. Who died? >

Oh, Mrs Hufnagel.

I got a letter from her lawyer
who's handling her estate.

He wants to see me tonight.

So I thought I'd put
my best foot forward.

Size ten triple E wing-tip, nice.

What does Mrs Hufnagel's
lawyer want?

You're not being
sued for malpractice?

As a matter of fact, I think
she's left me something in her will.

The old bat didn't
own anything.

A couple of gerbils maybe.

I still think it pays to be
nice to your patients.

Out of the way.

Easy, Boomer.

I'm in a hurry.

The patients aren't going anywhere.

I've got five left to see.
This guy wasted my whole morning

giving a history then says
he made it all up.

Jack. I heard about you being held
at gunpoint by Shirley Daniels.

I don't want to talk about it.

You know, Auschlander never
gave her permission to start
work down in theyard.

Where's Shirley now?

Who knows? Beamed off
to another planet.

Oh, Humes wants you to cover
for her. She left her beeper.

She said you owed her.

When will she be back?

A couple of hours. She went to
pick out the new outfit her mom
and pop are buying her.

Oh, Jack.

Wait up, buddy.

I haven't seen Clancy in
the past few weeks. Aren't
you two dating any more?

Sure, we see each
other all the time.

Oh, Jack. I'm going to to be at
your examination tomorrow morning.
We start at 8 o'clock sharp.

Lucky you didn't knock him down the
stairs. Your first remedial test?

Yep, six hours long.

I'm glad that grind's behind me.

Thanks a lot!

Jack, none of us have
seen you for weeks.

Why don't you join us
for a beer after work?

I've got to study
for the remedial.

If you don't know it
now, you never will.

Oh my God, I've got to call
Clancy so she can pick up Pete.
Argh. I'll call her later.

Settle down. >

Jack. The outpatient clinic
just readmitted to one of
your patient, Mr Podgorny.

I'm assigning him back to you.
Here's the chart.

Do you want me to
handle some of your cases?


I've got to show Dr Westphall
I can do it all.




Do you want this? Wooh!

(GIRL) It's like the circus!

Oh my gosh, a fire!
I'd better put it out.

This is great. This is the
single greatest day of my life.

Has it been that the shallow?


I'll put it out with this.


I'll save you.



Help me, somebody help me.
Is there a doctor here?

Here he is.

OK, what's the gag?

It's no gag. Bonko needs help.


Mr Podgorny.

Hello. I remember you.

Very tall.

Let's have a look at your chest.

It started showing up
the last few weeks.

Nosebleeds too. Bad.

First time I have a nosebleed
since Mrs Podgorny

found me waxing Mrs Krasuski's floor.

What's wrong with that?

Mrs Krasuski was laying
on the floor at the time.

Right. Your blood test shows
your platelet count is low.

I'm sure. I gotcha.

Your blood isn't clotting properly.

I'm going to order
a bone marrow exam.

Are you OK?

Migraine headache.

I'll be fine.

Bonko's had multiple
sclerosis for ten years,

but it's never been this bad.

Well, MS is unpredictable.
It varies from patient to patient,

and sometimes it involves a
series of att*cks and recoveries.

What about the double vision
and the slurred speech?

Symptoms should only be
temporary, but we'll admit
Bonko for observation.

Can you let me know when
you take Bonko upstairs?


It's a great costume.

I can't tell you what a thrill
it is to meet a clown like you.

Hey, wait.

Two tickets to the circus,
good for Saturday night.

Thanks, Corky.

Didn't mean to startle you.

Reflex action. Before my tumours
were removed, I always turned away.

It's better than forcing
people to see my face.

You didn't scare me a bit.

A lot of neurofibromatosis patients
don't look this good after surgery.

Dr Caldwell did a great job.

I came for a follow-up exam,
but the nurse upstairs

says it's not until tomorrow.

I'm feeling anxious.

Well, your trip's not in vain.
I happen to have two tickets to
the circus, what do yousay?

You're asking?

You mean, you want to
take me with you?

Wait till you see the man
on the flying trapeze.

Flies through the air
with the greatest of these.

I've never been to the circus.

You're the first person
who ever asked me out.

You're also the first person
I've ever turned down.

But why?

I'm seeing someone else.

I want you to look straight ahead.


Try not to move your eye.

Let's start with a CAT scan,
and go from there.

Do you mind if I just stand here?

Well, you can help
by taking that off.

How are you?

It's happening again, Corky.

I've got free passes to the circus
and I can't find anyone to go with.

Did you try Cavanero?

She's not interested in
parking it under the big top.

I am tired of dancing
around on this one.

Take the bull by the horns
and put his catheter in!


What about inviting...?


What the hell do you want?


Well, um...

The circus is in town and
I have a couple of tickets,

so I was wondering...

Go ahead, Fiscus, make my day.

Never mind.

You doctors, you've got no guts.



How are you feeling?

Better. I was really out of it.

Big Tim Champion says don't
worry about missing opening
night. Your job's secure.

Corky, I'm afraid.

You've got nothing to be afraid of.

That Dr Chandler seems real smart.

No, no, about what's going
to happen tomorrow night.

Who's going to do the act with you?


There's no-one else?

Do you remember Big Tim
paired me with him?

His timing was all off,
and he used too much powder
in exploding toilet seat!

Would you remember to put
down the lid this time!

I will. But, no matter what
happens, it won't be the same.

Because when you run in with
that plunger stuck to your face,

it makes me wet my pants.


I'd prefer you didn't call me that.

Oh, OK.

I've got your test results back.

Not all good news, is it?

Well, your CT scan is normal.
There's no evidence of haemorrhage.

Thank God.

When can she rejoin the circus?

Well, after she's discharged,

I think the best thing for her to
do is to go home and get some rest.

Our home is with the circus.

It's important for you to remain
active, within the limits of MS,

But you're going to have
to adjust your lifestyle to
a more realistic level now.

Travelling around from city
to city, exhausting yourself
while performing...

She is not giving up the circus.

Let me explain a little bit
to you about MS.

Hey, I had been living
with this for seven years.

We have even worked some
of the big fundraisers.

A little eye problem, and
already you're writing her off?

Look here. You're slowly
losing your motor functions.

You'll need physical
and occupational therapy
to help you cope.

We're coping just fine.

But you're reaching a point
where you wont be able to without
medical help. Now, yourwife...

Bonko is not my wife.

She's married to someone else.
But we have been lovers for years.

And nobody is taking her
away from me, or the circus.

Wait a minute.

This is my decision.

I need time to think.

Well, whoever your husband is,

I think he has a right to
know about your condition.

His name is Gerald Kingston.

He works in Albany,
in the governor's office.

I left him for Corky.

After a matinee.

All I want is Bonko
up on her big feet again.

Lysosomal storage disease,

and associated enzyme deficiency.

Case X - Hexosaminidase A,

Niemann-Pick sphingomyelinase...


Hi. Hi.

Hey, Pete.


Jack, this is my friend
Andy Oakley from school.

Hi. No jokes about the name, OK?

What jokes?

Hey there, Petey,
how are you? Huh? Yeah.

Would you mind? You're going
to get his pyjamas all dirty.

We were playing touch over
at Winthrop House. You are
looking at the dynamic duo.

Yeah. I hit the Clance on
a down-and-out for the winning
TV. Yeah, she's a greyhound.

I tore right past Hoops,
who instantly pretended like
he'd pulled a groin muscle.

Um, is Peter all ready?


Come here, little boomer. Come here.


Are you going to be here all night?


Have you eaten? Do you want me to
send you something from Umberto's?

No, no, I'm OK.

At least in college you can screw
around and then take an incomplete.

Um, I'll have him
back here tomorrow afternoon.

5 o'clock.

Fine. >

Good luck.


Could you take him?

OK, sure. There we go.

So long, Jack.

This is the Aristocrat.

It's our largest model.

3,100 square feet, wall-to-wall
carpeting, and all the amenities.

I like the high
ceilings, that's nice.

An energy waster. All the heat
sails right up there and sits.

Over here, we have the wet pub.

Miss Higham, how long have
you been in the United States?

I left Sheffield the day
Lady Diana gave birth to Harry.


You got a green card?

Dr Westphall isn't a big drinker so
this really doesn't mean anything.

Both the kids could
have their own room.

10 minutes from the hospital.

Oh sure. What about smelling your
neighbours' bad cooking in the hall,
and listening to their toilet flush?

Donald, don't be so practical.

Go with what the feel here.
In your gut.

Ah, I see,
you've found the master suite.

Yes, very roomy.

Well, since you two will be using

just the one bedroom, you could
turn the other two into offices.

Now, over here,
we have the bathroom.


This woman thinks we're h*m*.

You know,
I usually sell to young people.

It's so nice to deal
with an older couple.

Look, lady.

I don't know what kind of
arrangement you think we've got.

Well, most of the people in
this building are like you.

It's a water bed.

It's very comfy.
Mark, give it a try. Come on.

I'm doing you a favour
being here, don't push it.

Have you two been
together for a long time?


I think we ought to do
this room in primrose.

Are you out of your mind?

All right, we'll stay
with the eggplant.

Would you like to see the kitchen?

Mark's the cook.

That does it.

I'll wait in a car.

I love it when you're petulant.

You know, I could tell right way
that he was the artistic one.


Mr Kingston, how familiar are
you with multiple sclerosis?

Just what the doctors told me
when Alison was diagnosed.

No treatment, no cure.

Well, at least not yet.

You see, it's a progressive
chronic disease of the
central nervous system.

Signals to and from the
brain are slowed or blocked.

This impairs motor
and other functions.

Is Alison in any pain?

No, no. How long has it
been since you've seen her?

A year or two.

Well, you may find her
condition's deteriorated since then.

Dr Chandler, I still love Alison.

Even though she deserted me,
she's still my wife.

I would like her to
have the best care available.

The sooner I get her out of here
and off to Albany, the better.


Someone here to see you.

Alison. It's been a long time.

Gerald, how are you doing?
Give me a hug, you big sly.

Only you could bring me to Boston.


Got you!

Dr Axelrod. I'm Bradford Norton,
senior partner of Norton and Inch.

You are Mrs Hufnagel's lawyer.

This firm has represented
the family since Goody Gluck's
first Salem witch trial.

Shall we begin?


Where's everybody else?

You and a reptile park are the
only designated beneficiaries.

We are?

Yes, I must be dead now.

'Well, we all gotta
hit the tape sooner or later.

'But you know,
you and I shared something.

'It must be hard finding friends
with that truck tyre around your

'Your dad even gassed
the family dog.

'You had a schoolboy crush on me,
and I can understand why.'

I did not have a crush on you!

'You did too, shut up, chubs.

'You're good boy,
you're a good doctor.

'You cared about me.

'You even cried on my shoulder
when Murray died.

'So, I'm leaving almost
everything I have to you.

'Enjoy. And try not to use me as
a benchmark to judge other women.

'Always remember
the Gluck family creed.

'It is better to be
despised than forgotten.

'Ciao, Elliot.
And I don't mean food.

Well, aside from
her personal possessions,

Florence left an estate of $250,000.

A quarter of a million?

Less 75,000 to Earl's Reptile Park
mentioned in a later codicil.

That leaves your inheritance... >

175 big ones.

Now, out of that comes
certain accounts playable.

Medical bills, mortgage costs,
gambling debts, helicopter rental.


Florence was quite an aviatrix.

Plus, there are federal
and state inheritance taxes.

And legal fees due to
a regrettably undecided lawsuit
against American Samoa.

That leaves you a total of $137.65.

Now, that should cover the boat
and one breakfast special.

What boat?

Florence also designated you as
the one she wished to

dispose of her remains, at sea.

Here she is.


Yeah, this is Dr Morrison.


OK. I'll be right there.

How's he doing?

What do you expect
me to do about it?

Jack, I reassigned Mr Podgorny
to you. He's your case.

Has the platelet
count come back yet?

I don't know.

I've got to get to another patient.
Take care of this.

I want three more units
of whole blood standing by.

This is the same problem as a nose
bleed, it's just in here.

You're going to be OK.

Don't be afraid.

I'll be here until you're better.

Hey, Kath, what's new?

Well, hi, Wayne.

Still working on that diary, huh?

Every day.

It must take a lot of discipline.

I'm writing down everything
I can remember about what happened
when I was r*ped.

Wayne, I want you to hear this.

Oh, I really shouldn't.

A diary is a private thing.

"I pulled off the ski mask
and saw Peter. My friend.

"Now he was hurting me and,
the more I struggled to get away,

"the weaker I felt.
Peter slapped me across the face.

"I fell to the floor. His
tremendous weight was on top of me.

"I squirmed but..."

Kathy. You want to go to the circus?


The circus.

I've got a couple of tickets and
I thought you might like to go.


Thank you, Wayne.

I have someone else
to share my life with.

Someone who accepts
me just the way I am.

Someone who makes me feel safe.

Who is this guy?

We spent a wonderful night together.
He was very caring and gentle.

So you said. An older man?

Not really.

But experienced?

Not at all. I guess that's why he
can be so tender and considerate.

I'm glad to hear things are going
so well for you.

Vijay! Early morning surgery?

No. I'm here
to have breakfast with Kathy.

Namaskaar, Vijay.

Good morning, Kathy.

Right, um...

Well, er...

I've, er, got to be going.



Mr Podgorny's vital signs
have remained stable.

No reassertion of the bleeding.

What time is it?

It's almost 8.30.

Oh, no!

Dr Auschlander. I'm sorry.
A patient of mine had a problem.

Examination procedure says
we're to begin at 8 o'clock.

You know, the State Law says that
I can't grant you any extra time.

I'll get started.

You've got four hours left to
complete the written test.

And that will be
followed by the oral exam.

You may begin.


All right, this three ringer
is over. Everybody out.

Oh! What a grouch.

Thanks for coming. >

See all back at the gardens.

Ah, thanks.

How about a little kiss, honey?

Why didn't I become a paralegal?

Nurse Papandrao says
she needs to change your sheets.

Who are you?

Dr Chandler.

He's been taking care of you.

Oh, yeah, sure.


I guess I just, I lost
control of the old bladder here.

That's alright.
Incontinence is a symptom of MS.

But it can sometimes be controlled
through proper training and

which is exactly why you need
to be under the care of a doctor.

Dr Chandler, why don't we let
the nurse change Bonko's sheets?


Right in front of everyone, she took
a whizz. I hope no one else noticed.

This kind of thing is
going to keep happening.

She's even showing signs of
short-term memory loss.

But I...

Don't you understand?
Always being on the road,
the physical wear andtear.

The circus is the wrong
place for her to be right now.

It's always been the wrong place.

You must be Gerald.

And you're Corky the clown.

What are we going to do?

I don't think this is
any of your business.

Look, why don't
we just step in here and talk?

Seven years is a long
time to hold a grudge.

Alison left me. I'm the one who
had to stay in Albany.

I had to face our friends,
my co-workers. Go home to
an empty houseevery night.

So, now out of revenge
you're going to separate us?

Doing that would only prove her
point about how selfish you are.

I offered Alison
the chance to come home.

I told her I would take
care of everything.

She said no. She doesn't
know what she's going to do.

She's staying in the circus.

If you he really cared about Alison,
you wouldn't force her to spend the
rest of her life in a circus tent.

Dr Chandler, thanks for your help.

Say goodbye to Alison for me.

When Mahatma Gandhi died, everything
he owned fit into a shoebox.

Oh, more pictures.


There it is.

It's my Louisville slugger.

You know, this bat made your father
a celebrity in the playground.

Hey, who's Frankie Fresh?

Never mind.

Perfect weight. 32 ounces.
I didn't even have to choke up.

I've been saving that for Tommy.


Your mother wanted you to have this.

Oh, I've worn this before.


One rainy day, Betty Russell and
I were up here and I tried it on.

Gosh, Mum sure was skinny.

Now, as I remember it,
your mother bought that

dress two sizes too small.

It took two bridesmaids and her
mother to button up the back of it.

You know, on the
morning of our wedding,

I vowed I wouldn't have a drink
before the ceremony, and I didn't.

But the minister
kept making me laugh.

And Marine looked at me,
and she swore I was loaded.

Our marriage was almost over
before it started.

You know, I always wondered why
you waited so long to have kids.

Well, sweetheart, we didn't
have any money for quite a while.

And then, when we did first try,
your mother had a miscarriage.

I didn't know that.

Yeah. So we weren't ready
to try again right away.

Was it a boy or a girl?

I don't know.

I always wanted an older sister.

Somehow I think it would have
made growing up a lot easier.


You're Tommy's older sister, you've
made his growing up a lot easier.

Maybe. But lately I've been
so obsessed with myself.

I haven't made a very good sister.

Or a daughter.

You've been a joy
since you were born.

Come on, Dad.

No, I mean it.
Both to your mother and I.

Watching you grow up made us
stop and rediscover things,

and look at the world
with fresh eyes.

I'm very proud of the way
you up turned out, lady.

Your mother would be too.

Boy, listen to me. I sound
like a Hallmark card, don't I?

Well, do you want any of this stuff?

Just the dress.

I'm afraid your time is up, Jack.


Let me finish this one answer.

I'm sorry.


Now we'll proceed with
the oral part of the exam.

The first question here...

"Briefly describe two schools
of thought regarding the timing

"of colycystectomy, for patients
presenting with acute colycystitis

"and discuss the important
advantages and disadvantages

"of each treatment form."


I appreciate your letting me in
on this neurofibromatosis follow-up.

You made your usual
insensitive remarks,

you could have observed Andrea
Fordham's procedure from the start.

I realise sometimes
I'm like a pig,

but with this new awareness
of my condition,

I can finally do
something about it. Fine.

Just watch your mouth in here.

Hey, you're early.

At least this time
I got the right day.

Andrea, my schedule's a mess.

This is Dr Ehrlich,
he's gonna be assisting me.

Hi. Hello.

I've watched your case from the
start. I really admire your courage.

Victor, file.



Yeah, I know I'm late.

I've got Mr Blasting's file
around here,

I just have to find it.

OK, I'll bring it with me.

Andrea, why don't
you take off your hat?

We must go to the same barber.
It looks better on you.

Here we go.
It's like sunny southern California.

Have you ever been?

Me? No, the lifestyle's too fast.

I could see you.

Suntan, some sporty white Porsche.

Your swelling's gone way down.

I bet it would be fun.
Zipping along, top down,

wind whistling through our hair.

I've never really been
on a vacation.

I might have to adjust the tension
on the eye lid reconstruction.

Looks symmetrical to me.

Now that I've joined the world,
I don't know what to do first,

work or vacation.


Dr Caldwell?

How about joining the
neurofibromatosis support group?

You could encourage patients,
let them know they're not alone.

Your case is extreme
so you can give hope to those

who are still suffering.

I'd like that.

I know money for research
is slow in coming.

I've got a consult.
You're due in radiology.

We need to get another picture
of that bone graft.

The technician will let us know as
soon as the X-rays are developed.

Don't forget Mr Blasting's record.

It's bumper-to-bumper down in
radiology. You'd better go.

It used to be
all I had to do was show my face

and it would clear an entire room!

Dr Caldwell, I just...

I love you.

Bongo, how come
you never got divorced?

I didn't just abandon Gerald.

I left behind the entire institution.

Hey, what do you say
we tie the knot, go to Mexico,

quickie divorce, go to Reno,
quickie marriage.

Alison, will you marry me?


You are such a clown!

So are you!

Of course you don't
really want to marry me.

Yes, I do, and I'm
waiting for an answer.

How come, after all this time, all
of a sudden you want to get married?

It's just time to quit,
settle down somewhere.



Look, what kind of life have we got?

Hotel rooms with lumpy mattresses,

greasy diner food
that's either cold or undercooked,

and I never told you this, but
I hate the smell of cotton candy.

Listen, the only reason you're
saying all this is because of me.

If I have to give up my life,

that's no reason
for you to give up yours.

But thank you.

I just don't want to lose you.

But you will eventually, anyway.



Elliot, what's in the box?

Mrs Hufnagel.

Very funny.

I've been carrying her around,
afraid to leave her anywhere.

I guess she'll be
all right in my locker.

What are you gonna do with her?

Bury her at sea.

Somewhere very deep,
like with nuclear waste.


Sorry, there I go again.

Good night, Mrs Hufnagel.

Good night, Mrs Calabash,
wherever you are. Hi!




What's going on?

It's OK, it's me.

Boomer, it's me.

Oh, hi.

Hi. How did the tests go?

I don't know.



Was he good?

Always. Except,
is golden heart ivy poisonous?

I don't know. Why?

Well, Pete's tore up part
of my plant and ate it,

but he's not turned green or
thrown up yet, so I figure he's OK?


Tomorrow I thought
we'd take Pete to the circus.

I've got plans.

With your boyfriend?


Yeah, the goofy guy from yesterday.


Yeah. It looked like
you were having a good time.

Jack, he's a friend.

We have a class together.

Why you bring him here?
I was supposed to be studying.

All I could think about was the two
of you off some place playing touch.

Jack, don't lay
your victim routine on me, OK?

It's not
your most attractive quality

and it's not my kind of game.

All right. I'm sorry.

I just think what you did was unfair.

Wait a minute.

Suddenly all I am now
is a babysitter?

I spend more time with Pete
than I do with you.

I don't mind, I love the kid,

but you and I say hello
when we exchange him and that's it.

We don't talk. We don't go out.
We don't sleep together.

Great, you say
let's take Pete to the circus.

I know damn well
you're gonna get beeped

and have to go take care of some
patient you've never even heard of.

Well, I'm a doctor, that's my job.

It's not mine.

So, what?
You want to forget about us?

Jack, face it.

We are just friends.

I value you as one.

You know how busy I've been.

Yes, and I'm not blaming you,
I'm just explaining my side.

I'll see you around.

Nice show.

Dr Chandler, you're a master
of understatement.

Bongo, I want to talk to you.

I've got your discharge papers.

Go ahead, I'll meet you in the room.

Cherie Williams,
please report to the cashier.

You've gotta smile more, Dr Chandler.

You're right.

Alison, you're gonna have to
make a decision about your MS.

Now you're at the edge of a more
serious stage in your disease now.

Do you know how to juggle,
Dr Chandler?

Oh, well,
you are never too old to learn.

It's easy. You put two
in one hand, one in the other.

You throw them up and
one's in the air at all times

and you keep your eye
on the one in the middle.

After that it's just rhythm.

You need the proper environment
with a sense of stability.

Even if that means sacrificing
things you enjoy now.

I thought you said
you didn't know how to juggle.

You're gonna have
to quit the circus.

What, and give up show business?

Yes, I'm afraid so.

Your turn.

I can no more give up being
with my friends in the circus

than you can juggle these bean bags.

But I can learn in time.

I don't have time.

A doctor said something to me
when I was first diagnosed.

"Take life a day at a time,
one challenge at a time."

Giving up my independence
before I have to

would be more damaging emotionally
to me than the MS itself.

Listen, you met my husband, right?

I mean, the man is not exactly
a masterpiece of the human spirit,

but we always played it safe.

We had the right neighbourhood, the
right car, conservative investments,

life with a warranty.

Then I got MS.

I decided to take a risk
and become a clown.

Know what I learned
from circus people?

Don't make judgments about people's
appearances or eccentricities.

And also, we have a common goal -
to make people happy.

So what makes you happy, Dr Chandler?

Knowing that a patient of mine has
gotten the best treatment she can.

Then you got nothing to worry about,

because my circus family
is gonna take good care of me.

You really should smile more.

Dr Auschlander.

Sit down, Jack.

Young Pete looks to be in the pink.


Did you get the results?


Jack, you failed the examination.

All of it?


I desperately wanted you
to pass you on the oral,

but in all good conscience
I couldn't.

You're going to have
to take it again

after a suitable amount of time.

Oh, God!

I'm sorry, Jack.

Drop dead!


A simple no would have been enough.

I'm 30 years old.

So am I.

All I ever wanted to be
was a history teacher.

I wanted to go to the circus.

Is our first priority
a person's physical well-being
or emotional health?

You think I'm gonna say physical.

Every woman in this hospital thinks
my only interest is in the carnal,

when really my mind
is on the carnival.

You're right. Life is a circus.
I need to take more chances.

Why am I so narrow?

Separating them would have
been the worst thing to do.

They're together.

What are?

My freebies for the circus.

Really, when are they for?


Who are you going with?

You trying to hurt my feelings?

I want to go with you.

I thought you hated the circus.

I changed my mind.

It's a date.

Hey, glad you're here,
I want you to see this.

This is where you're missing a
lesser wing of the sphenoid bone.

The graph's in good position.

If you say so.

Sitting down in radiology,
I had to think.

I'm not ready to work with other
neurofibromatosis patients yet.

Yeah, why's that?

My heart wouldn't be in it.

Too many things I want
to do for myself first.

Working with a support group,
I'd feel hypocritical.

I wasn't trying to force that
on you. It was just a suggestion.

I'll schedule your next meeting
for later in the month.

Would you...?

Could we see each other before that?
Outside the hospital, I mean?

It's not a good idea.

I meant what I said in your office.

Andrea, you don't love me.

I do.

All I did was take off
your bandages, that's it.

You're confusing
what I did with who I am.

No, I'm not.

Look, love doesn't
just happen like this.

It comes from a mutual
awareness of two people.

A selfless concern for someone else.

You don't get it, do you?

I've never been kissed in my life.

The tumours have gone from
my face but they may come back.

What chance have I got for someone
to fall in love with me?

How do I tell a guy I have a disease

which could be passed
on to our children?

I'm not expecting you
to get involved with me.

I just want to be your friend.

Then kiss me goodbye.

I was looking for a movie kiss.

That's not being fair.


Was it fair for me to grow up
with tumours on my face?

You radically changed my life.
And because you're the doctor,

you get to decide how much
you'll be involved in it.

You just leave the rest of my
emotions to fend for themselves.

Or is it you still see me
as a freak?

So long, Dr Caldwell.

You almost ready?

Just one second.

Get in, let's get out of here!