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02x04 - Medusa

Posted: 04/24/24 12:34
by bunniefuu
Previously, on Royal Pains.

You let a billionaire
hospital trustee die

to save some kid
off the street.

l made a judgment call.
You made a mistake.

EVAN: This trip is
going to get you
back on your feet.

HANK: What trip?
To the Hamptons.

Boris Kuester
von Jurgens-Ratenicz.

Stay in my guest cottage
for the summer.

You can't let go
of my hand, can you?

No, l can't.

This thing you have,
it's genetic.

Quite fatal.

l'd like to start
making some calls

as your primary
care physician.


Where will you start?

At the beginning.

Dr. Marisa Casseras.

Hey! You going

Oh, yeah?

Hey, what are you doing?


to Pimp My Handbag, Henry.

What better ad campaign
is there than us, right?

l even got it

Look, that's your
initials right there.
Yeah, you did.

l got one for me, too.
Look, my initials.

And there's more.


Huh? And...

Hank Pops.
You know, for kids.

l like my old-fashioned bag.

Well, you can keep using it.

And l will.

To store
your old-fashioned
business ideas.

Okay, okay.
l'll use the bag.

''Metropolitan Genetic
Testing Associates.''

Are you still trying
to prove that
we're not related?

''Boris Kuester... ''
Give me...

Did Boris inherit more
than a European
banking empire, Hank?


So he summoned
you to the manor?

No, to his
winter residence.

l guess
that's billionaire speak
for the city.

Well, l'm going to
the city right now.
You want a ride?

Boris sent his car.

To take you
to the city?

To take me
to the airport.

Boris also sent
his plane.

Sorry, l'll take the bag,
but not the baggage.



Please take the baggage.

l will not take
the baggage.

Please take the baggage.

You do know Manhattan
is, like, 90 miles away,

lt's gonna be, like,
an 1 1-minute flight.

Yeah, only Boris
would send a plane
to do a helicopter's job.

All right, first of all,
let's show some respect here.

lt's not a plane,
it's a jet.

And secondly,
and this is my point,

you'll never even
know l'm there.
Like... [STAMMERlNG]

Look, he sent this thing
so l could come quickly

and go quickly,
without any encumbrances.
No offense.

Hank, l have business
in the city.
Oh, okay.

l gotta line up this swag
for mass production.

Eddie R. set me up
with this guy who
works for Scott Megur.

Scott Megur,
Megur Merchandising,
the promotional powerhouse?

Oh, wait, wait, wait.
The Megur Merchandising?

The Megur Merchan...
Right. Yeah.

Hank. Hank!

lf you leave me here,
l'm gonna drive anyway.

Let's just jet pool
and reduce
our carbon footprint.

Think about it, Hank.

You could do
the right thing here,

or you could k*ll
a polar bear.

All right,
don't distract me.
Don't distract the pilot.

And don't show anyone
any more HankMed tchotchkes.

Done, done, and done.

And don't do that, either.




These seats are
made of lambskin.

Oh. What a relief.

How much do you
think this costs?

The seat or the plane?

Dude, it's a jet.

Ugh. With that...

Gentlemen, l can
take lunch orders
at your convenience.

Oh, thank you
very much.

Shouldn't we be
landing any minute?

Where the hell
are we going?

Jesus! Did we land
on the sun?

Close, but no cigar.

Why, you know
where we are?

We're on a very
exclusive island.

That is definitely
an acceptable surprise.

HANK: Boris.


Welcome to Cuba.

The jet was
l trust.


Must have been
an expensive flight.

Especially the landing
in Cuba part.

See? Told you
it's called a jet.


BORlS: l don't want
to overtax you,

but we'll be heading
into town soon, so...

This is so awesome.
l've wanted to see
Cuba my entire life.

So where are
we gonna start?

Actually, Hank and l
will be keeping to
our own itinerary,

thank you, Mr. Lawson.



Oh, right now?

Okay. Great.

l'll see you guys soon.

For the record...

l know you're a busy man,
and sometimes l'll have
to come to you,

but l don't appreciate
being renditioned.

Would you have
willingly traveled

to an embargoed
nation, Hank?

l guess we'll
never know.

You'll be home
by Monday.

l took the liberty
of finding someone
to replace you

for the weekend
in the Hamptons.


Well, that is
quite a liberty.

Doctors typically
have some say in
who covers for them.

Ours is not
a typical situation.
Wouldn't you agree?

Okay, let's discuss
why l'm here.

l assume it has to do
with the Cuban geneticist
you saw, Dr. Casseras.

She's put my markers
to good use.

Dr. Casseras
has diagnosed me,

With what?

Well, the naming board
is still haggling
over what to call it.

But it appears that
l'm carrying a rare
hereditary mutation

in the ninth chromosome
of the VCP gene.

Okay, genetics
isn't my field, Boris.

lt means that one day,
perhaps quite soon,

my muscles
will turn to jelly

and my bones will
become breadsticks.

Fortunately, once
the dementia sets in,

l'll be too oblivious
to mind any of that.

But you didn't fly
all the way down here

just so she could
tell you that.

No, l flew down here
because she has
a clinical trial

for a very
promising protocol.


All right, well,
in order to be cleared
for something like that,

you'd need a careful
and thorough evaluation.

And that's why l'm here.

Blood tests, bone scans,
cardiovascular evaluations.

The kind of fun
l wouldn't want to
enjoy without you, Hank.

l'm honored.

Let's get started.


Uh, did you have
an appointment?

l have a few.

Dr. Emily Peck.


l'm Dr. Lawson's


[LAUGHS] Why would
he need replacing?

You must be Divya.


Boris hired you?

But Hank's just in
New York for the day.

All l know is,
l'm in this job
for the weekend.

So... Should we get started?

Since we're already lagging.

Uh... Lagging?

When you're early,
you're on time.

When you're on time,
you're late.

And when you're late,
you're fired.

At least, that's
my philosophy.


What is that?

That is the sound
of being majorly outside
our coverage area. l know.

ls he gonna
be all right?

That's what l've been
brought down here
against my will to determine.

l'm really sad right now.


l thought we were gonna
conquer this place together.

l was looking forward
to it, you know.

Like take a dip in the ocean,
maybe score some cigars.

Maybe sign a couple
future Yankee shortstops
or something.

l don't know.

l guess l'm on
a solo mission.

l'd try not to use words
like ''conquer'' and ''mission.''

This is a police state
with no diplomatic ties
to America.

That was... You sound
like a Tom Clancy novel.

You read
a Tom Clancy novel?

l saw the movie.
Hmm. Gotta go.

No international
incidents, please.


EVAN: This is great.

So l'm loving
the culture,
mi amigo.

ls there a beach
on this island, though?

Beach? Beach, uh...

Agua grande.


Scuba, senor?


Si. All right, yeah.


No, no.

What? No credit?
ls it 'cause
it's American Express?

No, no, no.


l don't have any...
No English?

Here. Dos.



Did you just pay for me?


Gracias, very muchas.

Uh, you're welcome, muchas.

l'm Mindy.

Evan. You're American?


Oh, l thought your people
were more into ice fishing
than scuba diving.

Well, l thought
your people had
tons of cash

that you just carried
around with you.


l actually flew in
on short notice,
a business trip.

What brings you down here?

Well, lucky for you,
my friends are lame,

and they decided
that it was
too sunny today

not to work on their tan.

They're gonna scuba tomorrow.

So, you get to be
my dive buddy.

Well. Lucky for you,
l'm available.

Great, okay.
Shall we?



BORlS: Twenty laboratories,
100 researchers

working in five major
sections of genetic study.

HANK: You seem to know
a lot about this place.

Ah! Dr. Casseras.

May l introduce
Dr. Lawson.

Ah, it's nice
to finally
meet you, Doctor.

l called from New York
and left a few voice mails,
but never heard back.

Nothing personal.

lt's harder
to call the US
than to swim there.


This is a very
impressive facility.

You sound surprised.

No, not surprised.
Just... lmpressed.

Well, l must thank you
for encouraging Boris

to pursue genetic testing
as a road to diagnosis.

That's true, Hank.

lf it weren't for you,
l wouldn't be here.

But l must say,
l did not expect

to find you
here with him.

Oh, l'm only here
to do his workup.

Hank was just
drawing some blood.

But we're more than capable
of doing the workup.

lt is, after all,
our study.

Dr. Lawson is
my medical quarterback,


We both know you don't
need my permission.


Welcome to the team,
Dr. Quarterback.

Uh, Dr. Casseras.

You mind if l review
your protocol?

l think she likes me.




EMlLY: Thank you,

Okay. Take care.

You, too!
Bye, darling.

l can turn on
the radio,
if you want.

Sorry, did you
say something?

l'd be happy to
play some music.

Oh, it's not music.
lt's my podcast.

You produce
your own podcast?

Welcome to
the medicine of tomorrow.

Sorry to bother you.

l was just wondering
when l might get
that blood work back.

l will do my best to
expedite it for you.

Thank you so much.


You're lucky to have
a generous man like Boris
as a benefactor.

l understand why
you would be suspicious.

As an American.

l know that,
where you're from,

hope is often sold
to the highest bidder.

That is not
how it works here.
Not in this country.

And certainly not
in this building.

l'm not suspicious
as an American,

just interested
as a doctor.

Hmm. Have you
read my protocol?

l'm still, uh,
getting through it.

Mmm-hmm. Genetics
is not your domain.

No, it's not.

But l have to
make sure Boris doesn't
endanger his life

by trying to save it.

That's my domain.


That was incredible.

Which part?
The fish or the caves
or the coral reef?

Well, the best part
for me was by far
when your top came off.


And yet, l felt pretty
comfortable with you
down there.

That's good.

You know, l am
a creature of the ocean.

Yeah, l live
in the Hamptons.


That's hot.
Thank you.


What is he saying?

l don't know...

That there's a mythical
Greek gorgon in the water?

What is...

There's a giant
jellyfish right there.


That's a man-of-w*r!
Quick! Quick!


MAN: You got it?
[PANTlNG] Okay.

Oh, my God.


Oh, God! Oh, God!

EVAN: Did l just sustain
a scuba diving injury?

On the boat?

He should be
here any second.

Don't worry, Evan.
You're gonna be okay.

There he is.

Hey. Thank God.

Okay, this is Mindy,
my diving buddy.

Hi, Mindy.
What happened to him?

[STAMMERlNG] l accidentally
whacked him with my t*nk.

There was a lot of blood.

Did he lose consciousness?

Any... Any nausea?
No, it's just
a crap load of pain.

All right, let me see.

Come here.
Any pain here?

No, no, no,
it's just around
the hole in my head.

Oh, okay.

Follow my finger, please.

Good. Okay, now,
let's see that cut.



Huh. These aren't
the gloves and suturing kit
l was hoping to find.

That's why
l monogrammed
the bags.

Great. Okay.

Good. Uh...

l need that beach bag.

Thank you.
All right, sorry, bro.

You're gonna get
a little wet again.

That's all right.


That burns.

What are you doing?

lt's called ''the hat trick.''

l'm gonna twist hairs
on both sides
of the laceration

to make braids.

Do you really think
this is the right time

for me to get
my hair did, huh?

lt's to close up
your wound.

All right, Mindy,
can you hold down
this braid for me?

Can you stop calling
them braids, please?

That's what they are.

Thank you.

Mother... [EXCLAlMlNG]

Okay, all right.

There we go.

That was impressive.

MlNDY: And the wound's
gonna heal like that?

Within 10 days,
it should, yeah.

l'm guessing we can't
say the same for
my martyred beach bag.

Sorry about that.

Oh, Evan, l'm so sorry.

Can l... Can l take you
for a drink or something
to make it up to you?

Sure, yeah.
That sounds like
reasonable compensation.

blunt force trauma
and alcohol don't mix.

Sorry, bro.

Oh, well, at least you have
a note from your doctor.

Well, if we ever
meet again, though,

like in Saskatchewan
or Winnipeg or something,

it's on.

Bye. Sorry.

No, no, it's cool.

Nice to meet
you guys. Bye.

Bye. Come on.

Diagnosis, lateral
epicondylitis, period.

Treatment, sling, naprosyn,
500 milligrams BlD, period.

Signed, Emily...
Dr. Peck.

Here's what you need
to know about our
next patient, Alan Ryder.

He can be... A handful.

He's impatient
and squeamish and...


You went to Herricks?


Well, l assumed,

what with the oversized
contemporary mansion
and all.

Hey, my dad made
his own money,

and he made me
make my own, too.


Hope you followed
that logic.

Might be a little complex
for a Herricks grad.


Sorry to interrupt,

but shall we get down
to the business at hand?

My migraines
haven't gone away.

Have they changed
in character

since Dr. Lawson
saw you last?

No. But the medicine
he prescribed
only helped a little,

and my wife's out of town,
so no one is here
to massage my temples.

Okay, well, let's
explore this further.

Open wide.


That's great.



Sixteen point zero.

Order an MRl.

l also want a CBC,
a SMAC-7, and an ESR.

l want to rule out
temporal arteritis.

He's had these
migraines for years.

l mean, why waste
his time and money?

Mr. Ryder, you need
to give the lnderal
a real chance to work.

Alan, l believe in
aggressive diagnostics.

lt saves time
in the long run,

helps you sleep better
along the way.

So, we will call you
and schedule those tests.

Okay. Thank you.

And before we leave...
Fill this up.

Hand it to Divya
when you're done.

EVAN: Dinner
was so good, Boris.
Thank you so much.

HANK: Yeah, thanks.

BORlS: People come
from all over
for that congri.


You guys looked like
you were enjoying
your mojitos even more.

l think l'm the only person
in the Caribbean
on a cocktail ban.

Oh, sorry, Ev.

Like, who knows how far
things could have gone
with that girl?

She was...
She was Canadian, Hank.

She was Canadian.

Yeah, l don't know
what that means.

He's had his
trouble with girls.

Who has not?

So, where are we
going exactly?

l want to show
you something.

l've lived on your
property for weeks,

and we've never
shared a meal.

One night in Cuba,
and we're taking
a post-supper stroll.

l feel
a powerful connection
with this place.

Maybe because it's one
of the few places l can

walk around without
bodyguards and...

Or maybe it's because
Cuba and l are so alike.

How so?

We're both waiting
for the news that
will change everything.

l understand how hopeful
this diagnosis has made you.

What do you think
of Dr. Casseras'
clinical trial?

l support
early-phase studies,

and what l see so far
is impressive.

l just need to finish
my due diligence.

That is why
l'm here, isn't it?

Estobar Square.
This is what
l wanted you to see.


Huh. What's Marisa
handing out?


Cefixime, doxycycline,

The shipment
my father signed for.

Yeah, the one
l informed you was
not for my personal use.

That was right before
you scolded me,
l believe.

Yes, Richie, l know.

But l hired you
to sell my house,

not to give it away.

Problematic realtor?


You want to talk about it?

Not even a little.

So what brings you by?

Uh, well, l was...
l was just dropping off
some lab work.

Figured l'd stop in.

To say hi.


Do you know
Dr. Emily Peck?


Doesn't ring a bell.

She just sort of
came out of nowhere.

Huh. No one comes
out of nowhere.


Dr. Emily Peck, MD.

Uh, Princeton undergrad.

Finished third
in her class
at Johns Hopkins.

Merit scholarship winner.

Student board member,
Amnesty lnternational.

You want l should go on?

No. l've got the picture.

Does she want
to buy a house?



She is smoking.

Like a Cohiba.

Yeah, nicely played, Boris.


ls Boris in
a long-distance

HANK: Yeah.

With the woman trying
to save his life.


l thought that was you.

Mmm, the benefits
of concierge medicine.

We should do
all the tests.

Right here in
the hacienda, no?

Any questions
before l begin?

No, l've had
muscle biopsies
before, Hank.


Something's on your mind.

lt's the last test.

You have to pass.

There's a lot
at stake here.


you saw me dance
with Marisa last night.

lt's raised some
concerns for you.

Since you
brought it up...
Yes, it did.

And while we're
making a list,

l'm not wild
about the fact

that you're funding
her research, either.

But maybe you feel
none of that
is my business.

Perhaps that's exactly
how l feel.

My sister works
in the factory,
it's true.

l don't believe...
Prove it.


Oh, my God.

l feel like l just opened
the Ark of the Covenant.

Like, l feel like
if l were a n*zi,

my face would be
melting off right now.

Um, Raiders of the Lost Ark.

''l throw you the whip,
you throw me the idol.''

l get it.
Yeah. Wow, nice.

Okay... My friend.

How many pesos?

Don't you have dollars?

MlNDY: Evan!


Okay, uh, dude,

last time l saw this girl,
l ended up
with a purse on my head.

Doesn't matter,
but l need to
man up right now,

and l have to impress her,
so if you know of
a place l could...

Oh, hey.
La Arena Y El Mar.

Great music place
by the beach.

Women love it,
and my sister Carmen
runs the bar there.

Thank you so much.

You just said your sister
works at a cigar factory.

l have many sisters.

Okay. All right.
Don't go anywhere.

La Arena Y El Mar.

La Arena Y El Mar.
Thanks, dude.

Hi. l was hoping
l'd see you again.

You look so much better.

Uh, l'm so sorry.
Do l know you?

'Cause... Ugh,
this is so weird.

Due to a thunderous blow
to the head yesterday,

l'm suffering
from memory loss.

lt's me, Mindy.

Mindy. That's a really
nice name. Mindy.

Mindy, Mindy...


Come over here.

So, how about, like,
an authentic Cuban
bar tonight?

l'm sorry, l...
l'd love to,

but l... My friends and l
have to do this thing and...

Oh. Okay.
Well, what...

l like things, if...

Sorry, l gotta go.

Sorry. Good to
see you, though.

Uh, La Arena Y El Mar

is the name of the club.
lf you're near the beach.

Or not.

Okay, so... Sorry,
what was your name?

Oscar, all right.

Let me see how much
money l have.

Or don't have,
for that matter.

You're a doctor?

Why, would you charge me
even more if l was?

[SlGHlNG] Okay...

This is my final offer,
and l'm only doing this

because you're familiar
with lndiana Jones.

You want to trade
a phone for cigars?

Are you kidding me?

This has a 3.8 inch
touch screen display...

Five-megapixel camera,
500 megahertz

of processing power,
and if you don't want it,
the offer ends in 10,

nine, eight...
Okay, okay, okay.

Thank you.


lt's been a pleasure.
Walk away, walk away.

Go. Hurry.

Your MRl showed no sign
of aneurysm, inflammation,
or hydrocephalus.

So, all tumors are ruled out.
Everything is normal.

l don't feel normal.

l have this relentless pain
l can't get rid of.

Do you understand
what that's like?

Yes, l believe l do.

Yeah, unfortunately,
tension migraines

take several days to pass.

These injections
should help.

Botox for headaches?

EMlLY: lt's called lndelaTox.

Like Botox, but even better.

Why stop there?
Maybe you could cure
my gas with a tummy tuck.

[LAUGHS] lt's unorthodox.

But, trust me, it works.

Yeah, nothing
says pain relief

like getting jammed
with a needle.


lsn't the forehead
injection for wrinkles?

No. No. That's part
of the migraine treatment.

But since you asked...

You still have
about 50 units left.

You want me to erase
some of those fine lines?

DlVYA: Not to
contradict Dr. Peck,

but HankMed does not
do or recommend
cosmetic procedures.

When you look good,
you feel good, right?

lt is totally your call.

Go easy, doc.

l don't want to get
mistaken for Mickey Rourke.

EMlLY: Okay.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.


Your lab results.
They just arrived
from the lnstitute.


You're considered
a strong candidate
for the clinical trial.




We schedule the bone marrow
aspiration for tomorrow?

Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa.

l like
aspirating bone marrow
as much as the next guy,

but let's not get
ahead of ourselves.

Well, the first step
is stem cell extraction,

For the trial, yes.

But my first step would
be to locate and interview
past participants.

All three of them?

Look, l found similar
studies in Europe.

We should do
private reviews.

And l want to follow
standard protocol

and enlist
a research committee
to assess this trial...

Protocol, committee... Hank,
what you're talking about

will take weeks, months.

No, l brought you
down here to...
To protect you.

My plan will do that.

Without the same risk
of infection, stroke,
heart and kidney failure.

The list goes
on and on.

Boris, it was only
a few weeks ago
you nearly went blind

pursuing an ill-advised
That was fear.

This is medicine.

Which is why l'm not
saying don't do this.

l'm just saying
don't do this now.

Your levels are okay.
You're not symptomatic.
You feel fine.

Participating in
this unproven trial
could change all that.

And this time,
l won't be here to help.

Look, you've already
outlived your father
and your grandfather.

You're ahead of the game.
Let's keep you there.

Well, your plan is
thorough and reasonable.
lt makes sense.

Thank you, Hank.
Sure. Okay.


So l don't want
to worry you,

but there's a slight
possibility that
the Cuban government

might be following me.

Yeah, l can't
imagine anyone

showing that level
of interest in you.


l have to pee.

Watch my back.

l'm watching it.



l was hoping
you'd say that.


You were staring at me.

l was hoping
you'd notice that.

You're American.

And it's come
between us already.

Do you want
something to drink?

Where l'm from,
the man buys, so...


What will it be?

Okay, uh... Mojitos.


Okay, look, so...

l know that you just
want to decompress
or whatever, okay?


But this is
our last night on
a beautiful island.

We're probably never
gonna be here again,

We have a few hours
for all the hedonism
we can manage

under a communist regime.

Let's enjoy this.

What... What?

Compliments from
the woman who was
checking you out earlier.

Well, that's very nice.
You'll have to
thank her for me.

Dude, who was
checking you out?

To sending ourselves off,
Cubano style.

Yeah, um...

Godspeed, and good luck.

Wait, wait, wait.
You're leaving?

Sorry, bro.
Canada's calling.


Oh, no,
l'm not a doctor.

Susie needs your help.

What... What is it?
Come on.

l cannot believe
this is happening.

EVAN: What did she do?

lt's what she had done.
Chin implants, neck lipo.

...breast lift. Everything
that needed to be fixed.

This third-world butcher
totally screwed her up.

Will she be okay?

Her pulse rate's over 1 20.
Low-grade fever.

Any pain here?

Okay, move over.
Move over.

Get in, guys, get in.


Through there.
Dr. Jose Avila.

Dr. Hank Lawson.


lt hurts to breathe.


For a pulmonary embolism?

Wouldn't you rather
get a CT angiogram?

Oh, you speak
English... Okay.

Uh, yeah, a CT angiogram.
That's perfect.

SUSlE: No.

This is as far
as l can go, Susie.

No, please, Hank.
Stay with me. Don't...

Look, l don't have
any privileges here.

Please, Susie,
just let them help.

Relatives are
allowed, right?

Hank's her fourth cousin.
By marriage.

A couple times removed.
lt works for me.

Let's go.
Great, nice.
Thank you. Let's go!

CT images show no clot.


Your medical Spanish
is very good.

Comes with the territory
when you work
in a Brooklyn hospital.

Her surgery records.

l don't see
any complications.

No, but there's still
a chance of a peripheral
blood clot or Ml.



You okay?


You're warm
to the touch.

Yeah, my whole
upper body's
burning up.


lt looks like
the anesthesiologist

increased oxygenation
towards the end
of the procedure.

Susie, have you
been scuba diving?

This morning.

How many hours
before the surgery?

At least six.
Does that matter?

You have decompression

AKA the bends.

lt's what happens
when divers
surface too quickly.

See, nitrogen bubbles form
in the blood and tissue.

My guess is
that you didn't do
a proper safety stop

at the end of your dive.

l got separated
from the group
and came up on my own.

l don't understand.

l felt fine all day.

lt can take several hours
for symptoms
like this rash to appear.

What you need now
is an oxygen treatment.

Where's the closest
hyperbaric chamber?

Second floor.
Okay, let's go.



Hey. Oh!

Oh, hi.

Your brother said
Susie's gonna be okay,

so thank you.

l don't know what l did,
but you're very welcome.

And l'm very sorry
for being so vague.

They made Susie
sign something.

You must think
l'm a total nut job.

No. Um, l mean,

most women run away after
they've gotten to know me,
not before.

So, yeah,

l just assumed that
you kind of lost interest.

Well, l figured,
''There's no way this
guy could like me.

''l mean, l almost
cracked his skull open

''and now he's wearing

''part of a tote bag
on his head.''

Whoa. Well, you see,
l loved your story

until you mentioned
the word ''tote.''

Let's talk about
more important things.

Yes, let's. Like what?

Susie's gonna be resting
for a few days,

and Kerry can keep
an eye on her.

So, l'm gonna have
some free time.

You know, we could...

Go zip lining

or horseback riding.

Or we could
start a revolution.

[SlGHlNG] l leave
in the morning.

Can't change your flight?

l doubt it.

Technically, l'm not
even here, anyway.

Well, then, technically,
this never happened.


Ah! The younger son
also rises.

[WHlSPERlNG] Oh, dude,
you have no idea.

Why are you whispering?

So sorry l can't
stay for break...


Hi, Hank.

Mindy. Cute shirt.



Cute brother.


You slut.

Actually, l'll have you know,
Mindy and l had a very
meaningful vacationship.

A vacationship?

Apparently it's
a relationship

with no strings
and no small talk.

Her suggestion.
l was amenable.

When in Cuba, l guess.

Speaking of,
the plane awaits.

l'm sorry, l mean the jet.

l wish l had
a little bit more time.

More time in bed?

Yeah, in bed,
in Cuba, with Mindy.

l'm... l'm...

Why am l
going back again?

Because, contrary
to public perception,
you have a job.

Ah, God, l hate
when you're right.

But you'll always
have the memories.

l hope you framed out
my trauma wound.

l didn't.
Get dressed, Ev.
We gotta go, now.

Whoa, wait, wait.
Whoa, whoa. Okay...

l just had a vision.

We're not starting
a HankMed franchise
down here.

l need to trade your phone
for another box
of Montecristos.

Oh, how many cigars
can you smoke?

They're not for me.
They're for
our top 10 clients.

Megur Merchandising
can probably create

a little cigar band
that says HankMed on it.

You want to market
our healthcare business
using illegal carcinogens?

No, l want to reward
our most loyal patients
using a status symbol.

My cell phone
is not legal tender.

Yes, it is.
ln fact, okay, look.

l'm gonna buy you
a new phone
the second we get back.

Don't let Boris
leave without me.

l love you.
l'm a doctor.

l need a phone.



You changed your mind.

No, Hank,
l made a decision.


What happened to
my plan being thorough,

and making sense?

lt was,
but Marisa's plan
also made sense.

So, l had to
make a choice.

Follow her advice
and increase the risk,

or follow your advice
and delay the benefit.

l chose to do something
as opposed to wait
for something.

You know me
by now, Hank.

You're not really
surprised, are you?

What l am is concerned.

Stay here, then,
the clinical trial.

Monitor my reactions
and allay your concerns.

l'm sorry.

l won't assist
a course of treatment
l don't yet support.

We need to talk!

l will not convince him
to quit my trial,

to postpone his treatment
until you feel
comfortable with it.

Look, it's clear
you still love him.

l wrote him
for many years
after he left.

He never answered
my letters.

Now, thanks to you,
l am his doctor again.

ls it ideal? No.

But l can help him.

We can both help him.


lt seems like
he's already
made his choice.

l think he has
a new quarterback.

Goodbye, Dr. Lawson.



Hank. Finally.

Oh, l can't stay.

l just... l'm playing
doubles with Alan

and his wife
at the Maidstone.

l wanted to
give you that.

Oh, and by the way,
Alan feels better.

And younger, too.

l don't transcribe
patients' notes.

Hank likes to
handle that himself.

Oh, you, him, whoever.

l just need a hard copy
and the recorder back
by 5:00.

Oh, and l forgot.

What could this
possibly be for?

For the next time
you guys need backup.

You can call me direct.

Dr. Peck...

Schmoozing patients

and pushing spa
treatments on them

are simply not hallmarks
of being professional.

And professionalism
is what this thing
is all about.

So, thank you.

But if l were you,

l wouldn't wait by the phone.

l shouldn't keep
the Ryders waiting.

HANK: l like
your ride, by the way.

BORlS: Oh,
it's an efficient
means of transport.

Well, time
is important to you.

Time is important
to everyone, Hank.

But, yes,
it's especially
important to me.

l'm sorry
you won't be staying.

l'm sorry
you won't be leaving.

But l hope
you're right,

and that
everything works out.
l really do.

l don't know how
long this will take
or when l'll be back,

but l'll...

Keep you posted.

Good. And l'll
keep searching.

A cure is out there.

You know,
if not here, somewhere.

And if you need
anything, just...
Don't worry.

l'll have you

Again. Adiós, Hank.


Good morning,
Dr. Lawson.

Good morning.

Something to drink?

Uh, just water, thanks, Ria.

Hey, have you
seen my brother?

You're the first
to arrive.

Hey, uh...


Oscar, uh,
he's a tall guy.
Red hair.



Whoa! Okay, okay.
Guys, guys.


EVAN: You don't have
to do this, okay?