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02x06 - In Vino Veritas

Posted: 04/24/24 12:43
by bunniefuu
Previously on Royal Pains.

You let a billionaire
hospital trustee die

to save some kid
off the street.

l made a judgment call.
You made a mistake.

EVAN: This trip is
going to get you
back on your feet.

HANK: What trip?
EVAN: To the Hamptons.

HANK: I can't believe
you didn't tell me

that Dad took
all our money.

You should go.
That's not
what Evan wants.

lt's what l want.

At some point,
you're going to
have to forgive him.

At some point,
you're going to
realize l won't.

My dad's not
here right now.
l'm Tucker Bryant.

Hey. l've got you.
l've got you.

Why didn't you tell me
you're a hemophiliac?

HANK: He slipped rushing
down the stairs.

We had an argument.
Tucker didn't
want me to drink.

Look. lf you don't enter
a structured rehab, chances
are you're going to relapse.

TUCKER: Hank was right.

Didn't Dad fire you?

He did.
From being your doctor.

Not from being your friend.

LlBBY: l'm going to
miss you so much,

l know. l'm going to
miss you, too.

l'll tell them
l'm coming down

with an inflammatory
autoimmune disorder.


Other counselors
can cover for me.

So, my family drama
just went Shakespearean.

Big deal.

You need
a support structure.

Well, Oliver's back
from school finally.

He'll keep me occupied.

This is the guy who had
to stay for summer school
or flunk out?

Don't be so judgmental.
He's like family.

But nothing like
my family.

Come on.
You're stalling.

lt's time.


l love you.
l love you, too.

Off she goes.

GlRLS: Libby!


GlRLS: Good to see you.

TUCKER: Hey, man.

How was the party
last night?

lf you weren't married,

we could have
rolled together
in that hot ride.

l thought
you crashed it.
l did.

This is version 2.0.

Well, let's see
if you learned
how to drive it.

l will race you
to the vats.


Are you going to
an accredited university
out in Cali?

Because here
on the East Coast,

we know that a Ferrari

can probably beat a forklift
without leaving first gear.

Let's make it

Name the stakes.

Whoever gets there last
has to get a bad haircut.

Oh, really?
The only problem is

you already lost
that bet!

You're ridiculous.

Whoo! Yeah!


Come on, baby.

We've got it.
We've got it.


Ollie? Oliver?




What just happened?

l don't know.

l just couldn't
keep my eyes open.

EDDlE: Okay. l know.

l'm late.
Yes. l'm late.

You're angry.
But you're not going
to stay that way.

Not after you have
their black ham
and brie sandwich.

l'm telling you.
You know what they put
on it just for me?

A little apricot relish.

To die.

lt figures that
you'd have this town
wired already, Dad.

Well, l like
this place.

l thought
you were staying
with Newberg.

Living with her? No.

We're keeping it
young, fresh, you know?

And, uh,
physically exotic.

Thank you
for that, Dad.

l don't have to sleep
at night, anyway.

So, that's good.

All right.
Now, she's gone
for the weekend.

When she comes back,
we're going to
have a barbecue.

lf you want,
you'll invite Hank.

He keeps pretty busy
with work, Dad.

Wait. Every day of
the whole summer?

Would you buy
a hunger strike?

He just won't come.

And you know that
without asking.

l just know how
you guys left it
last time

you saw each other
at the restaurant.
All right?

Nothing's changed
since then, and...
l'm sorry.

No. No.
There's nothing anybody
can do about it.

l mean, you can't
just magically make
something go back

to the way it was.
You know?


You ready?

For what?

Feast your eyes.

Oh, my God.

That was
the best day ever.

Yeah. l thought
you should have it.


You get a little frame.
Put it right up
on the wall.

So that Hank
could see it?

l can't do this middleman act
anymore between you guys.

All right. So,
l thought maybe
it would be great

if he remembered
a time when

we didn't need
a middleman.

Right now, we don't
need a middleman.

Just a good appetite.
Come on.

EDDlE: Two black ham.

Hi. ls there somebody
who might know
where Tucker Bryant is?

Right over there.

HANK: Excuse me.

Hi. Do you know where
l can find Tucker Bryant?

Uh, find Oliver Ambrose,
and that's Tucker attached
to his hip.

Are you the doctor?

This way.
Thank God he's all right.

Yeah. Thank you.

Are you all right?

Oh. Uh... Yeah.

lt's just we have
this big event tomorrow.

Mmm. l saw.

Every piece of stemware
in the Hamptons was
in your driveway.


As the prep
gets more intense,
so do the headaches.

They put me
in such a daze.

That sounds like
a vasospastic headache.

You should really
see a doctor.

Ah, it's just stress.

Comes with the territory
of being a winemaker.

Mmm, but just in case,

you should
make an appointment
with the doctor.

Or with us,
if you want.


HANK: Does any
of this hurt?

Uh, my toe
is k*lling me.

Yeah. No hematomas
to the scalp.

No vertebral tenderness.

Okay. Lung sounds
are equal bilaterally.

[STUTTERS] You realize
you're north of my toe?

You are lucky that
a subungal hematoma

is your
only real problem.

Actually, l...
l have another problem.

l have no idea
what you just said.

HANK: You have blood
under your toenail.

Mmm. Not as cool
when you say it.

Must be her accent.
HANK: Right.

l think l saw
a blowtorch back there.

Can you grab it?

What, are you going
to spot weld me
to something?

HANK: l will
if you get fresh.

No, l'm just
heating the needle.

So, how did
this happen, guys?

We were kind of
racing the forklift
and the Ferrari.

Of course you were.

l mean,
it was a stupid
question, really.

[LAUGHlNG] Actually,
it was my fault.

Tucker and l
have been friends
since we were kids.

My dad was a very
good customer here.

l'm sure
you can imagine.

Would you lie down?

How does that lead
to racing a sports car?

TUCKER: That's...
That's simple, actually.

Oliver, here, is a...
What's the word?

[YAWNlNG] Tucker... a Boy Scout.
He completes me.

HANK: You know,
every time you step
into a Ferrari,

fairly bad happens.

Just an observation.

Maybe l should
buy a Saab.

Give the forklifts
a fighting chance.

HANK: Just relax.

Pressure's released.

You should
feel better now.

Yeah. He seems
quite content.

So, l'm guessing
his toe isn't
his biggest problem.

HANK: So, how long
have you been fatigued?

Ever since l got back
for the re-launch.

We switched over to
biodynamic a couple
of years ago,

and we're debuting
the new vintages

l've heard about that.

lt's organic.

Yeah, that's actually
Oliver's idea.

lt was the first
in the region.

He's giving a speech
about it tomorrow
at the party.

You guys should
come check it out.
Bring your friends.

We want the place
to be packed
for the press photos.

DlVYA: lt sounds like
a great cause.

But before you came back
for the re-launch,

we talked and you said
you were sleeping in

and missing classes.

Freedom. Parties. Ladies.

Yeah. Except
that UC Davis

is the top
winemaking program
in the country

and you worked
your ass off
to get in.

Yeah. And l will bounce
back next semester.

You're freaking out
over nothing.

You fell asleep
driving a forklift

in a race
with a hemophiliac.

l was just trying to
take Tucker's mind

off the whole
disinheritance thing.


We'll talk
about it later.

Or maybe Ollie will
just blog about it,
and save me time.

Oh. l'm sorry.

l didn't realize
it was covert ops.

We should take
some blood.

lt could be mono.

The kissing disease?
Yeah, that actually
totally lines up.

Definitely a possibility.

And a tox screen
is standard.

A tox screen?

Now you sound
like my dad.

TUCKER: Yeah, Hank. Don't...
Don't worry about it.

Oliver was around
for a lot of the times
that my dad was...

Tucker and l made a pact
to stay away from that crap.

Divya. Hey.

What are you doing here?

Blood samples.
From the Ambrose
Fountain Winery.

Hey, you want to
drink for free

At the winery?
l'm already going.

l think everyone
in town is going.

Breakfast at noon?

l was too nauseated
to eat at breakfast.

lt's the hospital board.

Bunch of
greedy bastards.

They brought you
cheap breakfast food?

No, it's their
clinic proposal.

lt doesn't
treat a patient
for three years.


They want to
use the cash for
more pressing needs.

Greedy bastards, indeed.

Now l'm starving.

Hey, um,
Do you want
to grab lunch?

l don't know why,
but l have this deep,

uncontrollable craving
for a PB&J.

Nausea and
strange cravings, huh?

Hey. Uh...

How long has it been
since you and Hank
broke up?

No way.

Oh, God.


JlLL: Hey, thanks
for buying this.

l can't buy a latte
in this town

without people
asking me about it.

And if l'd gotten one
at the hospital...


What does
''woo-hoo'' mean?

Minus equals
not pregnant.

God, l love a minus.

l'm going to get
a peanut butter
and jelly sandwich.

Hank? l've got
some big news.

Whoever makes your shirts
discovered a brand new pastel?

l'll have you know
this is actually

all Woody Harrelson-
approved hemp.

This is my shout-out
to the environment.

Well, that is big news.

Well, it's not
as big as Divya
getting knocked up.


l saw her at the store

She was buying
a pregnancy test.


l guess l always thought
she would change her mind

about marrying Raj
and moving to London.

Okay. l know
what you mean,

but there are two ways
those tests can go.

That's a good point.

l didn't even think
of that. Okay. Good.

l'll investigate
at the winery.

Speaking of which,
l invited Dad.

Because it's
right up his alley.

lt's all about biodynamics
and green tech.

l told you about his
BlueSky company, right?

You did, right after
l told you not to
tell me about it.

Oh, my God.
Suck it up, Henry.

You are seeing
your father today,

whether you like it
or not.

Rich people too drunk
to protect their wallets.

l'm sure he jumped
at the invite.

he really cares
about this stuff.


Plus, he gets to hang
with his two sons.

Just like the old days.


You always did
love costumes.


We were on
a treasure hunt,


l don't remember it
that way.

l'll see you guys
at the table.



Hey. l was just leaving.

Oh, was it something
l said?

Or something
l was going to say?

No, l got called back
to the hospital.

God forbid l have
an actual day off.

Well, maybe
l'll catch you
at the next

biodynamic winemaking
re-launch party.

Well, l hope l see you
sooner than that.


Oh. Sorry.
Oh. Uh...

[LAUGHlNG] Okay. Well,
we should definitely
do that again soon.

Yeah. We'll nail it
next time.

Hey, guys, l've got
some test results.

Do you want
to speak privately?

Tucker's like
my little brother.

Well, it's definitely
not mono.

We're still waiting
on the CBC
and chem panel.

Now, would that show
if he had narcolepsy?

The symptoms don't
add up for that.

My next step is an MRl,

which l think
we should schedule
for tomorrow.

You guys are insane.
l feel fine.

lf l fall asleep on
any more forklifts,
l'll call you.


DlVYA: How many have
you taken today?

See what l meant
about the stress?

Did you call your doctor?

Look. The truth is,
l've only been
at this job

for a couple
of weeks,

and my insurance
hasn't kicked in, yet.


Hey. There you are.

This is weird.

Oh, l see you have
an alcohol beverage there.

Are you...
Are you spying on me?

No, l was looking
for you. l was...

l wanted
to say hi. Hi.

Are you going
to drink that?

l don't feel
like it today.

Oh. All right.

You know what?
Why don't you
take a load off?

lt's just because
of the heat, you know?

Sit down for
five minutes. Rest up.

Our practice does
pro bono work.

l'm happy
to help you.

l... l can't talk
about it here.

You drink just
like my dad.

Though he prefers
his wine in a box.

Oh, l love those.
Those are really good
for organizing your fridge.

Oh, no, no. She's...
l'm... l'm so thirsty.

You know, my parents
never really understood

this whole
winemaking gig.

They wanted me to
have an office
and a 401 [k].

Parents seem to
think they know best.

So, what are you
picking up?

From the wine?

Kind of lemony, l guess.

lt's weird. l also taste
kind of a shortbread.

He tends to
make things up
as he goes along.

No, that's impressive.

No one ever gets
the shortbread.

You're saying
there actually is
shortbread in it?

Here. Try this.

God, so much wine.


lt's like burnt toast.

See? He's an idiot.

Or he's a supertaster.

There is no way that
he is a super anything.

Let the lady talk.

What's a supertaster?

Well, they have
more taste buds,

so they have
a keener sense of taste
than most people.

So, it's kind of,
like, a superpower.

You're saying that
l have a superpower.

l've found
my radioactive spider,
it looks like.

Holy God.

How about doing me
a little favor?

Would you like me
to go faster than
a speeding b*llet?

Would you like me to
leap a tall building
in a single bound?

How about you leap off
a tall building?

[LAUGHS] l...
l have some wines
in the barrel room

that l'd love
your thoughts on.

Care for a private tasting?

lsn't that your job?

Well, doctors get
second opinions
sometimes, don't they?

Hey, check it out.

What are you doing, man?

Just a trick
l picked up at school.

No more sneaking
corkscrews out of
the tasting room.


Give it a shot.

lsn't your speech
pretty soon?

l'm good to go.
On top of my game.

You're double-fisting
wine bottles.


You know,
you should listen
to Hank.

The first time l met Hank,
he saved my life.

The last time l saw him,
he saved my dad's life.

He... He's generally
a good guy to listen to.

Yeah? Well,
l'm not a hemophiliac
or an addict.

You are seriously
k*lling my buzz
right now.

What's going on
with you, man?

Just get the MRl.
Oliver. Please?

[LAUGHlNG] What?
To scan for what?

Signs of ''Making
Tucker Cry Syndrome''?

Who are you, dude?
You're insulting me, man.

And you're insulting
my dad, every...

You're hammered,
and you're about
to make

an important speech
about what you're doing
with your life.


Are... Are you really,
really going to tell me

that nothing
is wrong right now?

Spoken like
a Boy Scout.

Well, there goes the whole
little brother feeling, man.

You know,
you're just like family.

You're just like
my family.

You going to
open this,

or are you going
to keep talking?

Now, come on.
Stop being such a bitch.

Thanks for
coming so fast.

ls he okay?
Yeah, he's fine.

l, um... l got
that Factor Vlll
from the car.

He said l'm fine.

Thank you.

Just get the hell away
from me, Ollie.



l know you're angry,

but taking it out
on a bottle only
makes things worse.

He saw everything,
everything l went through
with my dad.

l... l just don't understand
how he could do that stuff.

And around me.

He's your friend.

Maybe you should
give him the benefit
of the doubt.

You knew from
the very beginning,
you know.

The first thing
you asked for
was a drug test.

Well, l asked for
a standard work-up.

Could you put some
pressure on that?

That's why
he wasn't himself,
you know.

That's why
he's been exhausted.

Licking the life out
of potato chip bags.

Try talking to him
after he's had some time
to cool off.

You mean sober up?

EVAN: Leather?
Um, kind of
a soulful, pithy...

[SlGHS] Evan.


Cherry is right?

This is awesome!

DlVYA: Why Evan,
of all people?


Shouldn't you be noting
your own tastes?

l wish l could.
But l can't
taste them at all.

l think it might be
an AVM.

Like a dune buggy?

Or, an arteriovenous

lt's an abnormal connection
between the artery
and the vein.


But, Kim,
why would you
think that?

l know
what it feels like.

l've had one before.

You have? When?

Five years ago.
Started with headaches.

The doctor called it
vasospastic then, too.

Did you have a coil
placed in your AVM
to embolize it?

l made it through fine.

And when l woke up,
l had this
amazing palate.

Heightened taste.

l know it sounds crazy.
But l just... l...

l knew l had to take
advantage of it,
like it was

was meant
to happen.

So, l quit my desk job
and l found winemaking.

about two days ago,

all the wine
started tasting the same.

And the headaches.
lt's happening again.

Hey, you need
a CT scan right away.

You could have another
symptomatic AVM.

Right away, meaning before
my insurance takes effect?

And don't worry about
your insurance.

You can afford us.
But you cannot afford
to wait.

My new company.

There you go.
Thank you.

Oh. Dr. Lawson.

Oh, please.
Call me Hank.

You know,
your brother put me
at your table

so l can sit
between my sons.

Oh. lsn't that nice?
''Got Wind?''

Yeah, this is
my new energy company
l invested in.

Uh, Evan didn't
tell you about it?

Just try and stop him.

You haven't seen him
anywhere, have you?

He's here somewhere.

Hey, uh, Hank?

Did he by any chance
show you the picture
l gave him?

Oh, yeah.

Such a special memory,
the Repo Lot incident.

That Caddy wasn't ''repoed,''
it was impounded.

Falsely impounded,
as a matter of fact.

We were fighting
the system.

Oh, yeah.

That's not
what l remember.

Use your foot and push.




Are you okay, Henry?

Yeah. But l can't
reach the keys.

Look around.
See what you can use.

l remember that
that was the day

l realized
you could do anything.

That was the day
l realized
you would do anything.

DlVYA: Hank.

Oh. Divya,
this is Eddie Lawson.

l am so happy
to see you.

l've heard a lot
about you.

l hear you are
an invaluable member
of the HankMed team.

Whip smart.

Well, l've heard
so much about you, too.

Which son talked
to you about me?

Could you excuse us
for a second?


Let me just say
you sizzle in red.

All right.
Easy, k*ller.

Thank you.

Kim, the winemaker...

...had an AVM
five years ago

and is having
headaches again.

So, she needs a CT.

l'm taking her to
Hamptons Heritage now.

Do you want me
to drive you?

Evan offered, as well.

You do remember
that l drove us here,

Yeah. No, no.
We just want to help.

You know,
in any way we can
with anything.

When this is over,
l want to know

what is wrong
with you two.


HANK: Hey.

Have you talked
to him, yet?

No, l haven't seen him.

But his speech
is starting soon.

All right. Well,
we'll talk to him
when he finishes.

lntervention at a winery.

l just love irony.


So, while we have
a second...

l know your family finances
are none of my business,

so if you don't want
to talk about it,
that's totally cool.

Well, when l was a kid,
we had a comfortable life.

l mean, it was no
Bryant blender fortune,

but we didn't worry
about money.

Then, one day,
my father...

That's him
right over there.

Very nice. Wonderful.

Wait. l... l thought
your old man was MlA.

He was.

he blew it all.

So, l know what it's like
to suddenly be without.

But you have
so many things going for you
besides money, that...

l appreciate that, Hank,
but, actually...


Hello, everybody.
Uh, thanks for coming.

We're so very
proud of him.
lt's showtime.


So, without further ado,
our son, Oliver.


Are those
Oliver's parents?

Yeah. Yeah.
Bob and Laura.

ls he adopted?

No. Why?

Well, they're
so fair-skinned
compared to him.

TUCKER: He's not usually
that tan.

He just came back
from California
that way.

And you said
he was acting strangely.

l think l know
what's wrong with Oliver,
and it's not dr*gs.

Uh, this is Dr. Lawson.

l'd like to
check the blood work
on a patient.

Before he
makes it up here,

we have to thank
Marchant Organic Farms
for the compost materials.

Oh, yes. [LAUGHlNG]

Just today,
we met a new partner in
BlueSky Incorporated.

Eddie Lawson, everybody.

So, he has low sodium
and high potassium.

What does that mean?

l was right about
the skin discoloration.

lt's Addison's disease.

What's that?

lt's a problem
in the adrenal glands.

Also explains his fatigue
and erratic behavior.

And l didn't believe him.

ls it... ls it bad?

lt's treatable.
But it can escalate if
his glands shut down.

We need to
find him now.

My speech.

The lV is a dye,
so the contrast will
show up on camera.

l've been in one
of these before.

Uh, Divya,
why don't you join us
in the booth?

Uh, just away
from the radiation.

Uh, it is a small
amount of radiation.

EVAN: Yeah.

Lucky we had
a light schedule today.

ls there anything more
l can do?

You know,
have you ever had
any problems

with radiation leakage
in here?

Why don't you
just wait in the hall
or go outside?

See, l don't
trust this glass.

lt's just glass.


You have been
fussing over me
all day. Why?

Well, excuse me
for trying to
protect the baby

from the death rays.

Whose baby?
Nice try.

[WHlSPERS] l know.

Know what?

l saw you buy
the pregnancy test.


Not for myself.

You didn't buy it

Oh, my God. Jill.

Am l going to
be an uncle?
Shut up.

Jill is not pregnant.
l am not pregnant.

No one...

DlVYA: Stop.


l think someone
is pregnant.

After what l said to him,
he probably just wanted
to disappear.

Look. lt's not
your fault, okay?
Let's just find him.

Well, he'd be in here.

Oliver! Ollie!

Are you sure he wouldn't
be somewhere else?
His room, maybe.

No. No, we just must
have missed him.


Hank. He wouldn't
go in there.
He knows better.

Well, we should
make sure, okay?



Well, he's not
in this one.


ls there a problem here?

lt's not with Evan, is it?

No, Evan's fine, okay?

Hank! Hank,
he's in here!

Oliver! Ollie!

He... He's unconscious.

Don't go in.
The fumes!

l don't care.
l'll hold my breath.

No. Tucker!

You... You can't stay
in there.

lt's toxic down there,

Wow, that smells.


HANK: Tucker.

Tucker! Tucker!
Call 91 1 .

Tell them we've got
a kid trapped
in a confined space.

Already done and done.

Okay. We've got to
get them oxygen.

How do we ventilate
this t*nk?

There's a fan.
Good. Get it.


How do we get
the fan up there?

We don't.
We have to circulate air
from the bottom.

The carbon
and sulphur dioxides

from the
fermentation process

settle in the bottom
of the t*nk

because they're
heavier than air.


EDDlE: Here.
You can plug it in.

HANK: Excellent.

Hey. What if we
use these, uh,

old welder's O2 canisters
and shove the oxygen down?

No. Too dangerous.
One spark of
static electricity

could send
the whole thing up
in flames.

Well, we've got
to get the kid
out of there.

BOTH: Pulley.

Okay. l see rope.
Good. Go.



What happened?
All right.

Stay near the opening
in the side.

Right here,
under that fan.

And breathe. That's it.

Okay. Do you have
any pain anywhere?

Um, l don't... No.
l... l don't think so.

Are you bleeding?

No. No, l'm good.

Now, you're going
to put this harness
around Oliver,

under his arms.
All right?


Tucker, lay down
for a sec.

Okay. Just lay down,
face that opening,
and breathe.

That's fresh air.

Now, you're
doing great, buddy.
You're doing great.

Here we go. Good.

That's it. Yep.

Nice. Okay.
Nice job.

Now, just lay back down
and breathe in
that fresh air.

All right.
Here we go.

l'll pull, you lock.

Okay. Go!
Here we go!

All right.

Okay. Come on!

Okay. Pull!

EDDlE: One more. Okay.

Here we go.
One more. That's it.

Okay. Come on.

All right.
You got him?

Yeah. lt's coming.

Here we go.

All right.
Let's lay him down.
Gently. Gently. Gently.

EDDlE: Come on.
l've got you.
l've got him.

All right.

All right,
he's breathing,
but it's labored.

You stay with him.

All right? Okay?
Yell if anything changes.


HANK: Here you go.
Now, put the rig
on yourself.

Uh... l think l can
just climb up.

lf you fall,
this gets worse.

All right?
Just put the harness
under your arms.

That's it.



Dad! l need you!

Now! Hurry! Come on!

Yeah. l'm coming.

All right.
l'll pull, you lock.


Come on.

Come on.
Come on. One more.



EDDlE: That's it.

That's it.

Lean him up
against the vat.

All right. You keep
an eye on Oliver.

Let's get
this rope off you.

Okay. No...
No swelling.

Do you feel any pain
in your joints
or a prickly feeling?

No. No.
No, l'm fine.

You saved him, Tucker.

Now, just lie still until
the paramedics come.

Hey, Hank,
get over here.

He doesn't sound right.

He's, like,
wheezing or something.

Upper airway obstruction
due to swelling.

He's turning cyanotic.
He's not getting
enough oxygen.

TUCKER: Oliver?

EDDlE: So, what do we do?

We have to intubate.
My bag's in Divya's car.

Got it.

No, no, no.
She left for
the hospital.

Tucker. Tucker.
Tucker, stay put.

Just stay put.

Check the work bench.
For what?

l need flexible wire,
something to cut
copper tubing with,

and we can use
that oxygen now.


l need something
to sterilize with.

Uh, is there
enough alcohol
in the wine?

l don't think so.
But what else
do we have?

Hey. You know,
Bobby Ambrose said

that they make the grappa
from remnants.

Thank you, Bobby.
Plenty of alcohol here.

l need the clippers.


cricothyroid membrane.

Good. Wire.

Hank, he's blue.

We're fixing that.

Oh, wow.

HANK: There it is.
Oh, wow.

endotracheal tube.

EDDlE: Oh, wow.

Thank you.

l need something to
seal these tubes together.

Well, l thought
it would come in handy.

lt will.


lt worked.
He's breathing.



He's going to be fine.



You've certainly surpassed
everything l taught you.

This one was new
to me, too.

And, uh...
l couldn't have
done it alone.

lt's been a long time
since you called me Dad.

Let alone asked
for my help.


HANK: Okay.

DlVYA: lt's called
a dysgeusia.

Some pregnant women
can taste metal, chalk,
or nothing at all.


lt's good news, though.
Mazel tov. Absolutely.

And the headaches?

You're probably

Your bodily fluid volume
decreases with pregnancy.

That is weird.

That's... The kid's
already leeching
on your life force.

ln a good way, though.

Your palate could
return anytime
during pregnancy.

Certainly by the time
you give birth.

Thanks for everything.

l don't know
what's wrong with me.
l'm not usually a crier.

lt's probably
the hormones.


Yeah, weird.
Really weird.
l can't believe it!

That's great.

l can't believe
how nice you were to me

when you thought
l was pregnant.

lt was like Invasion of
the Body Snatchers.

l don't know.
l was just worried about

your crazy
pregnancy lady emotions.

What do you want?

lt's not a horror film
l'd like to see,
by the way.

Lucky for you,
l'll be long gone

before there's
any chance of that.


Do you have to be?

l honestly don't know
if Hank and l can
do this

without you.

l have to move
to London.

Of course you do.

Well, when we
replace you with
another sexy lndian PA,

it won't be the same.

Let me get that.

l appreciate that.


HANK: He'll need an ACTH test,
but looks like
Addison's disease.


He needs hydrocortizone
and saline.

So, luckily,
the steroids
for Addison's

will reduce
the swelling
in his airway.

He'll be breathing
on his own
by the end of the day.

How the hell do you
rig something like this
on the fly?

You look around
and see
what you can use.

That's my line.

TUCKER: Hank, l'm fine.
Come on, Tucker.

You're going to
the hospital, too.

Okay. Ready?

Hey. Tell Ollie
l'll race him there.

Okay, l've got him.

Hold it.

That's my boy.

When l got the tweet
Tucker was
in the hospital,

l came down with
a sudden inflammatory
autoimmune disorder.


lt's an inside joke.

Oh, okay.
Very cute.

So, is Ollie just
going to go back
to normal now?

His symptoms
will be controlled

by a permanent
drug regimen.

You know what?
Thank him for the wine.

So awesome.
Start with this guy.

Okay. You'll need to
chill that first.

Yeah. l'll just put
some ice cubes in it.

Don't you dare.


lt's under control.

Good to know.

So, you and your pops
saving the day together.

You should really
take that act
on the road.

Yeah, that was
a one-night-only show.

But a good reminder that
you never really know
what to expect from family.

lt's like
my disinheritance dilemma.

You had it wrong.

l'm not getting cut off.

My dad is.


My grandfather's
giving it all to me.

And l'm in charge of
my dad's allowance.

So, l guess just, uh,

any future
health crisis bills,
you can send my way.

That's a lot
of responsibility.

Even for
the Boy Scout.

Yeah, well,
it's just the latest battle
in a long-running civil w*r

that's never been
very civil.

Well, of all
the 17-year-olds l know

you're the one
l'd trust.

Thanks, Hank.

So, as you know,
l've always wanted
my own superpower.

l just want to
take this moment

to express
how happy l am

that l get to say l have
a superpower, basically.

All right.
Here we go.

Hold on.

Okay. Here you go.

Are they ready
for real?
Let's do this.

Here we go.

Bring it.

l taste orange, lemon,
a hint of raspberry.

l'm definitely
getting some partially
hydrogenated vegetable oil.

And l don't want to
be a snob here, but...

Feel free.

No, l don't... Okay.
The loops are definitely
not true rings.

l feel like they're
more like jagged ovals.


Well, Super-palate,
what is it?

Oh, God.
lt's so hard.

l just...
l don't know if l...
Fruity Puffs.

You got it,

l knew it.

l guess we better order
tights and a cape.

Which reminds me, um...

There's something
l want to tell you.

You were right. Yeah.

You were right about
Divya not being pregnant.

You were right about
the treasure hunt
when we were kids.


l don't know.
l guess l have
some weird Kryptonian

mental block
when it comes
to what's real

and what l want
to be real.


l was going to
say you were right.

You were going to
say what?
l didn't... Sorry.

l'm getting, like,
a weird Stepford feeling
from you right now.

you've never said
those words to me.

Okay. Okay.
Ever in our lives.

l said them.

You were right.

l remember that day.

The treasure hunt.

lt really
was an adventure.

EDDlE: You don't even know
how proud l am of you.

Unbelievable job, boys.


Yay! Yay!
Well, here's your
Super Evan cape.

What is this, boys?

This is an adventure!
EDDlE: That's right.

l love you, Dad!
l love you, too, pal.

Superhero time!

EVAN: Great. So,
you're not going to
help clean up at all?

You know what
they say, Superman.

''With great power comes
great responsibility.''

''With great power comes
great responsibility.''