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02x13 - Mulligan

Posted: 04/24/24 12:48
by bunniefuu
You let a billionaire
hospital trustee die

to save some kid
off the street.

l made
a judgment call.
You made a mistake.

EVAN: This trip
is going to get you
back on your feet.

HANK: What trip?
EVAN: To the Hamptons.

What you did to us
back then was gutless
and pitiful.

l understand that your life
went south when Mom died.

You didn't leave
when Mom died.

You took off
when she got sick.

At some point,
you're gonna have
to forgive him.

At some point, you're gonna
have to realize l won't.

JlLL: That's the guy
who donated his kidney
to his housekeeper?

Divya, that ring
on your finger...
l'm engaged.

lt's come to my attention
that your father
is a criminal.

He was prosecuted
and convicted.

He became a confidential
informant against me.

He's having a heart attack.
Call 91 1 .

This is the life.

All right, well,
l don't know about you guys,
but l am going in the water.

Have fun.
Come on, Ev,
let's go.

l don't feel like it.

What's the matter,
you scared?
Yeah, l'm scared.

You scared?
Yeah, l'm so scared.

Oh, sorry,
your little world's
been destroyed.

Hey! Come here!
Let's go, baby!

Oh, you're not
gonna get me.

Don't go out too far!

Boys! Boys!

Henry, not so deep!

BOTH: Whoa!

Damn it.

Henry! Evan!

Please. Please, come on out.

Come on out.
Waves are coming
in triplets.

They are?
He's barely breathing.

Pulse is weak and thready.

Pushing 100 milligrams

Henry, what are you
talking about?

Damn it,
the lidocaine didn't work.

What does that mean?
ls he gonna be okay?

HANK: His BP is 50
and dropping.

What are you
talking about?

He's in V-tach.

Dad. Dad!

He's in V-tach arrest.










Dad. Dad.





l thought you would have been
discharged by now.

Man, it's a process.


[STAMMERS] l know.
We should talk.

l have to go.
lt's an emergency.

Oh, of course.
We can talk later.

Or perhaps...

Perhaps it would be best
if we didn't.

What happened happened,

and talking about it
can't help

that it never should have
happened at all.

l'm sorry.

JlLL: The cath lab is prepped.

Hank, this is Dr. Starnes,
the Head of Cardiology.

Dr. Starnes, Dr. Lawson.

So where are we?

The patient was initially
in V-tach.

l pushed 100 milligrams lido,
but his BP crashed.

He went into V-fib,
so l shocked him
with 200 joules,

and he reverted
to a sinus rhythm with ectopy.

Are you his primary?

l'm his son.

Get in here.
HANK: Yeah, let's go.

He's stable.

Can l touch him?


Just... [SHUSHES]


Hi, Dad.

How you feeling, Dad?



Mostly ashamed.


Because of all those bad
things that Boris said to me.

And then before l got to tell
my side of the story,

l almost die.
lt kills me.

[CHUCKLES] So to speak.
We're glad it didn't.

Man, l tell you,
it changed me, kiddos.
l'm a new man.

From now on,
l'm telling the truth.

That's great.

l'm not kidding.
No, l'm not kidding.

that's terrific, Dad.
l'll say.

Let's hear it.

But you just had
a heart attack.

Undue stress should be
avoided, so...

Stress? [SCOFFS]
This won't be stressful.

lt's like lifting a weight
off my shoulders.

lf you feel up for it,

we're listening.


l'm thinking that
this began...


l guess it all began...

l guess it...

Dad, what's going...


[LAUGHS] He's asleep, Ev.

You guess that it started...
You said...


Evan. Come on, let's go.

All right, well,
if his status changes,
call me.

Thank you, Dr. Starnes.

ls he all right?
[EXCLAlMS] Whoa! Dude!

l'm walking here.

l didn't see you.
Well, be careful, man.

WOMAN: Have a good day.

Was she
drinking scotch?

[SlGHS] l don't know.
This just feels weird,

going to work with Dad
still in the hospital.

We were there all night.
We were there this morning.

The doc said the best thing
for him right now is...

To rest. lt's true.

We can't rest for him, right?
l know, but just...

Sitting there
watching him sleep,

that's not gonna help him
or anybody else,

and HankMed's obligated
to this golf tournament
for the next three days.

So go, okay?
Go. Be obligatory.

The word is actually

We'll be with Dad later.

Right now, you need to work,
and l need to get
into Dad's legal situation

and find out whether or not
Boris wants to evict us.

Oh, oh, oh, l'd rather
you wait for me
to deal with all that.

Why, you don't want me
to smooth things over?

Mmm, you're more a ruffler
than a smoother.

lf you don't think
l can handle HankMed business,
you should fire me.

You should fire me
or, preferably,

ask for my resignation,
'cause it'll look better.

Fine, you deal
with the Dad stuff,

but l will deal
with Boris, okay?

Not a word.

l said, ''Okay.''
Don't even wave at him.

Not a word, not a wave.
l won't even think about him.


Okay. l'll see you later.

You're thinking of him.
[STAMMERS] l'm trying not to.

Yeah, his name
is Edward R. Lawson.

Just Edward.
Yeah, just how it sounds.

No, l'm not trying
to be smart, ma'am.

l'm just not familiar
with any other way
of spelling ''Edward.''

No, l don't know
what court convicted him,
that's why l'm calling you.

Edward R. Lawson.

You know what?

You know what, Virginia?
Forget it.


Ladies and gentlemen,
your tax dollars at work.



Hey, Boris.

l understand your father
has stabilized.


Yeah, he's supposed
to be discharged tomorrow.

That must be a great relief.

lt is, yeah.

This is for your eyes only.

Examine it, will you?

l'll call you to discuss.

You mean me and Hank.

lf l meant you and Hank,
l would have said so.

Please don't miss my call.

l won't.

l'll even set up
a special Kuester von
Jurgens-Ratenicz ringtone.

Dokken? No. Hoobastank.

No. Night Ranger. [LAUGHS]

Oh, yeah, this is so Boris.




Ready? Whoa!




Try to keep your clubface
square at impact.

With nothing on the tee,
it's hard to make any impact.

Don't be so sure.

Hi, l'm...
l know who you are.

You're Jack O'Malley.


You'll be disappointed
to learn l am the pro
you're playing with.

l'm Jill Casey.

Jack and Jill.

Whoever is doing the pairing
clearly has a sophisticated
sense of humor.

Hi, there!

We're the other half
of your foursome.

Nan Noonan,
my husband d*ck.

Jack O'Malley.
Jill Casey.

Would you autograph my balls?

Maybe when l get
to know you better.

l'll get a pen.

lsn't it exciting
to be playing

with such
a famous golfer?
Oh, yeah.

Do you know
O'Malley's story?
Actually, l do.

A couple years ago,
he just came out of nowhere.
Yeah, l know.

Leading the Open by three
strokes, one hole to play...

l was watching.

Then hooked his final tee shot
out of bounds
and misses, poor thing.


DlCK: Could have
been somebody.

A thing like that would have
driven me to drink.

There's a short trip.


Scotch, Jill?

[STAMMERS] lt's 1 1 :00 a.m.

[LAUGHS] l'll have
another snort.


Well, well, well,
look who plays golf.

Well, when you work
with doctors,

it's sort of an
occupational hazard.

And the tournament
is benefiting the hospital.

Uh, Jack, this is Hank.

Hank, this is Jack O'Malley.
He's the golf pro
that we're playing with.

Oh, yeah.
Nice to meet you.

[STAMMERS] l never shake
till after a tournament.

Nice to meet you.

Well, uh, have fun.

Hank, l don't play for fun.
l play to win.

All right, then.
Here you go.

What do you say the four of us
go out there

and kick some
charity-based ass?

Uh, Jack, are your fingers
okay there?

l don't know, Doc.

You can watch my drive
and you tell me.



EDDlE: Oh, l know
it is, schmoopy.

l can't wait
to see you tomorrow.

Your body is
like a wonderland.

Oh, yes, it is.

Bye for now.

That was Ms. Newberg.

Oh, really? l thought
it was your proctologist.

Stop, stop, stop!
They have this fancy
cappuccino machine.

l'd like a, uh...
A double shot, please.

You want some?
No, l don't want some.

Dad, has Dr. Starnes explained
the lifestyle changes

you need to make
once you're discharged?

Lifestyle changes? No.

Can we finish old business
before we start
with new business?

Hold on for a second.
What do you mean
''Lifestyle changes''?

Diet, exercise,
a daily statin

or other medication to help
lower your cholesterol.

The truth about everything?
Remember that?

Will you hold on
for a minute?

Do these have any
sexual side effects?

Um, sometimes.

But you won't know for another
three to four weeks,

once you're cleared
to resume normal activities.

Shut the front door!
Three to four weeks?

Dad, you invested in companies
that didn't exist.
Okay, let's start there.

Allegedly didn't exist.

And you were convicted.

l had a little legal trouble.

With... With the SEC.

You want to tell
the story?

Look, when a man
makes a mistake,

does that entitle
the government

to take everything he owns?

ln North Korea, maybe,
but not in this country.

Look, the money that l moved
in and out of HankMed

was merely to preserve
the very little l had left.

And you made us
look suspicious
by doing that, Dad.

You... You risked everything
we've built here.

Evan, maybe now's
not the time
to get into...

You know what?
lt would have been just fine,

and then l signed
for a box of dr*gs

that was bound for Cuba
and kaboom!

l was back
in the crosshairs again.

They wanted
to know everything.
l knew nothing.

So l offered to help them
figure out

whether Boris was
a good guy or a bad guy.
That's it.

You're going to jail, Dad.

No, l'm not.
Yes, you are. You are.

Hey, you know what?
Talk to my lawyer and ask him.

Give me his number.
l'd love to talk to him.

Don't get fresh with me.

Okay, everyone,
just calm down.

Listen. Look what's going on.
EVAN: l'm sorry.

Okay, deep breaths.

Deep breaths.

Evan, let's get him healthy.
Then you can k*ll him.

l have a good idea.
Let's get out of here.

Great idea.
Let's do that.
All right?

l really feel like
some eggs Benedict.

Dad, Dad... What did l just...
You can't have that.

Right, right, right,
right, right.
Remember, lifestyle changes.

EDDlE: l have to take
the dr*gs first.

No, actually,
that's not it either.

You just told me
they lower my cholesterol.

l'm not getting this.
No, you're not getting it.

You're not getting it at all.

Try not to open
your hips so much
when you follow through.

So is this the part
where you cozy up behind me
and show me how to swing?

No, that move's strictly
for the amateurs.


Oh, come on.
What was that?


was a totally
acceptable golf shot.



JACK: Do not be so hard
on yourself.

Did you take a look
at the standings this morning?

We are in the hunt.
We are right in the hunt.

No, no, you...
You're doing great. [SlGHS]

Thank you.
You're welcome.

Do you put the flower in it
or on the outside of it?


Oh, we just got
to play it safe

and avoid catastrophe...




Hey. Hey, are you okay?

Yeah. Yeah, l'm fine.
l just...

A few cuts and scrapes.

That was dramatic.

Oh, Jack, you're bleeding.

Yeah, on your head.
Come on.

Minor laceration
at the hairline.

Did you
lose consciousness?

Only my pride
was hurt.

Okay. What's this?

You don't know
what that is?

HANK: No, l do.
lt's just...

Thank you.

Spell ''world''
Why, you dyslexic?

No, l'm not.

Mental status normal,
relatively speaking.

All things considered,
not so bad.

[LAUGHS] Yeah. Good thing
l landed next to the branch
and not on it.

So, uh, how'd this happen?

They were coming right at us,
and l just lost control.

Sweaty hands, l guess.

l make you
that nervous, huh?

Okay. Would you walk
with me a sec?

l just want to make sure
your balance is okay.


Thanks. Um...

So, l don't mean to pry,
but l think your hands have
bigger problems than sweat.

The, uh... The curvature
of your pinkie
and ring fingers...

l think you may have
a condition called...

Dupuytren's contracture.
A progressive thickening

of the connective
tissue in my hand.

Yeah. Exactly.

Yeah. l've been living
with that for about
a year and a half.

So have you looked
into radiotherapy,
needle aponeurotomy?

Or the series of 1 2 surgeries
l could have?

Yes, l have.

Look, Doc,
l might be a golfer,

[LAUGHS] but l don't make
Tiger Woods money

or his caddie's money
or his caddie's
caddie's money.

Look, Doc,
l'm a minor-leaguer.

Yeah, minor or not,
you still need your hands
to golf, right?

Yeah, l do.
But l would be sidelined
way too long.

l would lose the few sponsors
that l have.

l might never be able
to come back.

Or you'd come back stronger.
You don't know.

l don't know,
and that's what scares me.

l don't...

l don't have anything else
to fall back on.

So the way l see it,

l just got to make the most
of the time l have left.

Great. But one of these
could help extend that time.

You know what people
started calling me

after l blew the final hole
at the Open?


Captain Hook.


Thank you so much.

Okay, l leave
for London Thursday.
l return Monday.

l have juggled the schedule,
so those should be
relatively light days.

Divya, you're moving
to London in, like, a month.

You really need to go there
next weekend, too?

Of course, Divya.
lt's fine. Come here.

Take a look at this.

For your golfer's hand.

Yeah, let's give them
a call, okay?

Sure. On it.

Hank, l think l just
located Dad's attorney.

Wait, is this Dad's phone?

Yep. l stole it.
Briefly. Just to find
his lawyer.

All right. Well, great.

That's it?

l got a work thing here, okay?


Forgive me for thinking
our father,
who just had a heart attack

and is most likely headed
for federal prison,

might interest you
more than a work thing.

What do you want me
to do, Evan?

Maybe care a little bit.

l do care, okay?

That's a funny way
of showing it.

What do you want me
to do, obsess? [LAUGHS]

l see what this is.

This is you gloating.

What? What are you...
What are you talking about?

You've been suspicious
of Dad since day one.

l always said you were wrong,
but you weren't wrong,
you were right.

So now this is you
sitting there
being all


l am not gloating.
lt's just...

l don't need to know
the gory details

of how wrong you were
or l was or he is.

lt won't fix anything,
and it'll only make me angry.

And l am tired of being angry.

See, this right here,
this thing,

this might let me fix
a guy's hands.

l like problems
l can fix, Evan.
lt's why l'm a doctor.

Well, l'm not a doctor.
l want the details

just in case there are
any land mines out there

we haven't stepped on
yet, okay?


Just do yourself a favor
and try not to get hurt, okay?

Thank you.

Listen, you didn't hear it
from me,

but, um, you're family,
your father trusts you,

and l'm gonna assume
that what l say
stays between us, okay?


What you dug up is accurate.

Your father got caught up in
a trading scheme
in the spring.

All right.
And he was convicted?

Maybe he deserved it,

maybe he just got
the wrong judge
in the wrong mood, you know?

But, uh, yeah.

And this happened
before the summer, right?

Before he cleaned out
HankMed's bank account.

Yeah. He was in a bad place
when he got out here.

He didn't have any money,
didn't know where to turn.


He was, uh...

He was set to flee the state
in order to avoid sentencing.

He was going on the lam?

Until he went to the Hamptons.

At which point he opted
to work with the feds

and try to make his sentence
go away.

Because of us?

He said he had a shot
at fixing things
with his sons.

That, uh...

That you boys were
the most important thing
to him.

[EXHALES] Okay, um...

So his sentencing hearing...

He still has a chance
of probation, right?

Or maybe community service
or something?

l wouldn't count on it, son.

Well, l see you picking
at your food, Ms. Casey,
but l don't see you eating it.

You're gonna need
your strength out there.

Well, you know what?
l'm not hungry.

l think l might
be nervous.
Hey, guys.

Hey, Doc.
You want to join us?

You know what?

We have no time.
We have to go to
the driving range.


You know, we're only
two strokes behind.
We're in the hunt.

We take golf very seriously.

JlLL: And l like to win.

But, Hank, l could really
use your help.

lf you like to win
and you need my help,
you're in trouble.

No, it's just l haven't played
golf in a while,

and after two rounds
in two days,

my back is really
stiffening up.

How about you start
with two Advil?

HANK: Okay.
All right, eat quick.

l'm gonna get the check,
all right?

Uh, really... You don't...
No. No, l got it.

Yeah, just let
the girl pay.

Competitive, beautiful,
buys me breakfast...

l like this girl.

Uh-huh. So l did
some reading up
on Dupuytren's.

Don't waste your time.

And while the surgeries
you mentioned are one way
to go,

there's a brand-new drug
on the market.

Waste your time.

Your doctor might not know
'cause it was just approved
by the FDA.

l haven't seen a doctor
in a while.

Okay, well,
it's an injection
in your hand

that basically melts
the lesions

that cause the ligaments
in your fingers to tighten.

No surgery?

No surgery,
but no guarantees.

Nothing's guaranteed,
but that's great.

Thanks, Doc.
l'll check it out soon.

How about now?

lt could take a few hours
to see results.

this may pinch a little.

Pinch away.
l've tried everything.
Nothing works.

Life doesn't offer
too many mulligans.

Uh, mulligans?

What kind of doctor are you?
You too busy treating
the patients

to learn your golf terms?

Mulligan, fresh start,
do-over, second chance.

l guess we could all use
a mulligan now and then.


You are all set, my friend.

MAN: Fore!

Nice shot.

Nice out, Casey.

Oh, man.
l hit it fat.

Oh, you knocked the back
out of it. That'll work.

Hey, everything okay?
You called.

No, l did.
Guys, l'll meet you
down there.

Hank, l need a shot
of cortisone ASAP.

And you know what?
Anything else you have
in that bag of yours.

My back is in spasm.
l can taste victory.

Well, if everything
hurts that much,

stop tasting and get
some rest and some ice.

Are you suggesting l quit?

l'm suggesting
you protect your body.

You were thrown
from a golf cart yesterday.

But, Hank,
l'm nine holes away.

Did you know it's bad form
to injure yourself

at a charity tournament
benefiting a hospital?

Hank, l want the win,
and l want that trophy.


Not to mention
l have a partner,

and l don't want
to let him down.

Yeah, l'm not finding
that argument very persuasive.

You jealous?

Yeah, that you prefer golf
to your health.

No, l'm not jealous.
Sit down.

How about we give you
a TENS unit?

Oh, you want to give me
electrical nerve stimulation?

All right.
l want you to take it easy,

but since you're clearly
gunning for the cover
of Golf Digest,

l'll settle for just
making you feel better.

And in the future, sir,
anger management may help.

Both for you
and your five iron.

Thank you.

ADAM: l'm sorry to just appear
like this,

but l got worried
when you ignored the texts
l sent you.

Worried that l wasn't well?

Worried that you
weren't returning my texts.

No, please,
hear me out.

l'll... l'll talk fast.

You're engaged
and l knew that,

and l never should have
put you in the position
that l did.

Still talking.

So l'm sorry for that.

But l'm also...
l'm not sorry.

Because when we kissed,
l don't know.
lt just... lt felt good

and right.
Please don't.

Look, if l'm wrong
and you didn't feel anything,
tell me.

And if you want me
to stop texting you

[LAUGHS] and stop showing up
at random golf tournaments,

just say so,
and you'll never see me again.

When we kissed,

l felt nothing except regret.

l'm sorry.

Cup right, all right?

There's about a foot break.

You got it?

Okay. Piece of cake.

Ms. Casey, you sink
this little putt,

our team goes ahead
with one hole to play.

Yeah, no pressure, huh?
NAN: No pressure.

Hey, champions thrive
in the clutch.
Or so they tell me.




Her back's been bothering her.

JACK: And her stomach.
HANK: One more time.


You know what, guys?
l am feeling much better.


Yeah, maybe just some
more of that
electrical stimulation.

lt doesn't treat nausea.

Well, it's probably
just a stomach bug.

Really, guys,
l'm... l'm fine.
Sit down.

Jill, we're not
golfing anymore.

Yeah, l think this is
more than just
a strained back.

You may have suffered
a splenic tear

when you hit the ground
after the accident.

We need to take you
back to the tent

and check
your hemoglobin levels.

Well, Doctor, my spleen's
been bothering me, too.

lt has?

Well, how can you tell?

l was in the accident as well.

Yeah, but, honey,
she hit the ground.

We just went through
some leaves and webs.

Your spleen is splendid.

Um, Jill,

show me exactly where you
feel the pain on your back.

lt's just under
my shoulder blades.

Well, you were right
about the bug,

only it wasn't
in your stomach.

What is it?

So this should help
with the pain.

DlVYA: This'll counteract
the toxin.

l can't believe l didn't feel
a spider biting me.

Well, you were thrown
out of a golf cart.

Your mind
may have been elsewhere.

A black widow bite isn't
so bad if you catch it early.

You may feel groggy
or even a little loopy.

Jack, l'm really sorry
about this.

What are you apologizing for?

Well, we were this close
to winning.

You know what?
We'll get 'em
next year, k*ller.

Plus, now we don't have the
pressure of having to repeat.



Repeat. Repeat.


Repeat. [LAUGHlNG]

Hank, that's funny, right?

Uh, yeah.

''Uh, yeah.''

How cute are you
when your being all doctor-y?

[GlGGLES] He's so cute.
lsn't he cute?

He's like...
He's like this little puppy,
you know?

You want to scratch him
behind the ears
and scratch him on the belly.

Okay. Um...

Clearly, someone's medication
has kicked in.

Yeah, we're...
We're friends.

Hmm. You know,
Hank is the best.

He really is.

You're the best.

And l miss you, Hank.

l really miss you.

You know, good friends.

Ah, we used to be
more than that,

Hanky Panky.

Really good friends.

Uh, and just for the record,
that's the first time
she's ever called me that.

All righty, then.


Hank, have you been
working out?

Uh, a little,
Oh, my goodness.

These are amazing.
Look, Divya...

You know what, Jill?

Why don't we lay you down
for some rest?

She should get some rest.

Yeah, Jack,
why don't you...
That's a good idea.

Uh, yeah.

Please stop licking my hand.

HANK: Yeah, so that was
a little...


Yeah. But, you know,
give her some time
for the meds to wear off.

She'll be back.
Right. Sure.


So how are your hands doing?

Good. Bad.

Those injections
didn't do anything. Bummer.

l got to admit
l was kind of getting
my hopes up a little bit.

Here, let me try
something else.
Give me your hands.

All right, this may hurt
a little, okay?





Jeez, Doc.
l'm glad you have
a high pain threshold.

[STAMMERlNG] Hold on a second.

l can move...
l can move 'em.

l can... l can move...
Why didn't you just do
that before?

The medication had to kick in
and loosen the ligaments.

And we'll also do
a follow-up next week.

This is amazing.

Looks like you need
a new nickname, my friend.

You got that right,
Hanky Panky.

And so do l.

Jack O'Malley is back!

That's great.

Of course, now l guess
l have to deliver.

Yeah, that's the thing
about second chances.
lf you get one, you...

You kind of got to take it.

l don't know how
to thank you.

Well, you could shake my hand.

GlRL: Hit a hole in one,
win a boat.
Anyone can play.


Hey, what's up?

Oh, my God,
what took you so long?
l texted you 100 times.

We need to talk.

Then why are you playing
in a hole-in-one contest?

'Cause l support our troops.

You know she's
not a real sailor, right?


So l got some serious
4-1-1 on Dad.

You were right about him,
but so was l.

Wait, that was what
you texted me 100 times about?

No, l...
lt's your turn.

Oh, really? Okay, cool.

Um, we'll talk more
in private.

lt's a private thing anyway.
After l swing.
Yeah, but...

Great. Okay.


You're welcome.


All right, Ev,
let's do this.

You got this.



You can do it.

All in the wrist.
And the hips.

Wrist, hips.




HANK: lt's in the hole!
lt's in the hole!

lt's a hole in one!


That was awesome!

Dude! You...

You just won the boat.

You won it!
Here. Will you sign
for me?

l got to go.
l got to go.




So l just want to begin
by apologizing on behalf

of the Lawson family
for what my father did.

You needn't apologize.


This is... [CHUCKLES]

Do you know why l gave you
that file, Mr. Lawson?

Um... [SlGHlNG]


Well, Hank seems
to understand your father.

l thought it might be time
that you did as well.

All right.

Why are you being
so nice to us

after what our father
did to you?

Well, we are
not our parents, are we?

We cannot be held responsible
for their actions.
Don't you agree?


Evan, if you desire
for your father to have
a less stressful environment

in which to recuperate...

Less stressful?

...there are climates
more comfortable

where Eddie R. Lawson
might convalesce.

And l can make
those arrangements.

Well, you think about it.

So he just knocks
the white off the ball.

lt goes sailing,
bounces off the golf cart,

and then, bam,
right into the hole!

l mean, how Evan is that?

lt's so Evan! [LAUGHS]

And now we have to watch him
christen the boat,

you know, pretend
he's Captain Ahab,

even though he's more like
Cap'N Crunch.

l guess the upside is he could
go off on a three-hour tour.

Nothing on that?

A three-hour tour.


l crossed
an unacceptable line.

l became involved
with a patient.

You did?

l kissed him.

But l ended it.

And l will, of course,
in no way continue
to treat him medically.

That's why you're
flying out to London tonight.
See Raj.

l can only imagine
how furious you are with me.

lt was highly unprofessional.

And if you need me to,

l will resign from HankMed,
effective immediately.


Please. l... No.

l don't care about that.

What l care about is you.

Are you okay?



l'm not.

But l've got it under control.

ls there anything l can do?

[CRYlNG] No.

No, but, uh...

Oh, but thank you so much
for being you.


l'm sorry.

My point is that
everything Dad did,
he did to be with us.

Yeah, and my point is
that you learned that

from his criminal
defense attorney.

You see, this is why people
like me better than you, Hank.

You're a gray cloud.
l'm a silver lining, myself.

Wait. People like you
better than me?

They will,
when they find out
about my new yacht!

Oh, God.

l'm a yacht owner.

l own a yacht,
a giant yacht.

What do you think
about the name

Fairway to Evan?

Hmm. You spend a lot
of time on that one?

Like two hours.

lt's a good use of your time.

And, Evan, it's a boat.

Just for that, l now have an
extra spot at the christening.

No, please, please,
let me come!
Uh-uh. No, no, nope.

Hey, Hank.

Captain Stubing.


Make that two extra spots.

This is for you.

Thank you, Jill.


Um, knickers.


They're a consolation prize.

Why do l need to be consoled?
l'm about to pick up
my brand-new yacht.

About that...

Oh, l don't know where this
is going, but l like it.

All right, what?
JlLL: Uh...

While l was still
loopy from the meds,

l may have let it slip
that you work for HankMed.


So tournament employees
aren't eligible for prizes.

As well they shouldn't be.

Well... l'm a...
l'm a yachtsman
without a yacht.

l look freaking
ridiculous now.

That's why you
look ridiculous.

[WHlSPERS] Be nice.

l'm gonna go change.

Don't forget your knickers.

Evan, l'm sorry.

[SlGHS] So...

You're taking up golf?


lt's not so hard.

l don't see
what the big deal is.

You want to play?
l'll take you down.

[LAUGHlNG] Really?

Nah, l can't. l just wanted
to give Evan his knickers.

And thank you for that.

Yeah, and to apologize
for anything l may have said
while loopy.

Oh, yeah, no...
No idea
what you're talking about.

So l didn't say
anything stupid?

l'm afraid l can't say.

Oh, come on, Hank,
l'm the patient.

No, that was a Jill
l have never seen before.

You sure you don't want
to putt?

l can't. Jack's waiting.

Jack? Jack.

Right. Okay.

Yeah, no, that's cool.


So, you know,
whether you heard or not,

or whether l said it or not,

l'm sorry for anything
too stupid l may have
let slip.

What if l may have
kind of liked it?

You may have?

Yeah, l may have.

l don't know, with everything
that happened with my father,

l guess it's made me
reassess things.

What kind of things?
All kinds of things.

But let's not do this now.
Jack's waiting...


Another time?

Yeah, some other time.

l miss you, too.

Who doesn't love the beach?

lt's calming.
That's good for you.

Yeah, but the Hamptons
can be stressful, right?

Which isn't good for you.

Dad, do you ever think maybe
there's someplace else

where you might be
more comfortable?

Yeah, no, 'cause, l mean,
this is so grueling.

Why would you want
to stay here?

Look, there are climates
more comfortable

where Dad could...
You know, could convalesce.

Why are you
speaking like that?


l got my two boys,

Ms. Newberg...

Look at this view.

Does it get
any better than this?

Come on.


Oh, would you look at her?

ls that a dream?

Oh, you know what?
Somebody should go
and help her.

And my heart...
l would, but...
Oh, l got it.

No, no, l got to get
another beer anyway.

Thank you, Evan.
Thanks, Evan.

l have a confession to make.

Oh, God.
Here we go. What?

l can't swim.

There, l said it.

Eddie R. Lawson cannot swim.
l can't even dog paddle
to safety.

What are you talk...
We used to swim
all the time

when we were little.
l remember, we...

No, you remember me
saying l could swim,

me bragging
about how much of a...
Like a fish l was.

That was just all talk.

All right, okay.
So you can't swim.
You're telling me this why?

Because when l told you
l could swim,

that was the first lie
l ever told you.

Okay. So...

But why lie
about that? l...

Because l didn't want
to be the guy
who couldn't do everything.

l wanted to be your hero.

We didn't need you
to be our hero.

l needed it.

You know how some people
have, like, um,

a near-death experience,
and it just changes
their life?

That happen to you?

No, l'm too old
to have anything change me.

But l swear to you,

there was a moment
when l saw you and Evan

as little boys.

Yeah, when you had your heart
attack, there was a moment...

l thought
we were gonna lose you.


And l realized
l don't want to lose you.

l couldn't. l can't.

l guess what
l'm trying to say is, uh...

l want you to stick around
to be our dad.

You're giving me
a second chance.

Call it a mulligan.