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03x03 - Rash Talk

Posted: 04/24/24 12:55
by bunniefuu


In 48 hours, you're going to prison.

I finally realized what I want right now,

and... it's not here.

When are you going back to Uruguay?

Maybe you could help me.

- Is it medical in nature?
- Yes.

I'm just a little concerned

about my knowing something about you

that you don't want him to know.

No, please,

just don't say anything to Evan, okay?

This space is so much
bigger than I remember.

It is really big.

So... what do you think?

I think we need to start cleaning.

We need to start celebrating.


Relax, Kate, come on. It's the cheap stuff.

This is a big moment.

I mean, no more cleaning people's houses.

It's the end of our days as maids

and the beginning of our days as queens.

Uh, retail queens.

Stella, we talked about this.

I know, I know, no giving up
our day job just yet.

It could be a year before the shop

is profitable enough to pay for itself.

Six months, tops.

Look, I know that I've been
a little flaky in the past.

A little?

You never met a job you couldn't quit.

This is different.

This is ours.

Owning our own business

with my best friend since third grade.

Being our own bosses?


I knew it!


Ow! Ooh!

Are you okay?

I must've just cut my finger
on the wire basket.



You got it?


To fresh starts.

I never needed one more.

- Good morning.
- Eh.

You're up early.

Hank, I'm just gonna say it.

Sleeping on the couch?

What's the word? Oh, yeah.


And that's why we're taking turns.

But, seriously, Ev,

you don't have to wash
the sheets every day.

Come on, what are we, savages?

Wow, that answers my question.

We're good friends
and good hosts, you know?

The kind who don't let guests
sleep on sofas.

A good guest doesn't hog my bathroom

for two hours every morning.

Like, what is she doing up there?

Don't know, don't care,
and neither should you.

I know Divya's going
through a hard time, okay?

I get it, I do. And I'm sorry, but...

Okay, okay. Just be nice.

Good morning, gorgeous.

I said be nice, not creepy.

Morning, Divya.

I've overstayed my welcome.

No, you have not.

What? Wait a minute,
you've been staying here?

You two are terrible liars,

but very good friends,

which is why you'll be happy to know

that I've found a place to live,

and I can move in this weekend.

That's great.

- That's so great.
- That is so cool.

Okay, okay, get off!


- You smell.
- Yeah. Go take a shower.

Done, and done.

- You want some coffee?
- No, thanks.


Uh, Divya, though
I appreciate the gesture,

this is where I draw the line, okay?

Sorry about that.


Oh, oh.

I want to make you guys
a thank-you dinner tonight.

- Sounds great.
- That's awesome, Divya.

Such a good idea.

What if she cooks Indian food?

Okay, so if she were from Italy,

would you assume she'd cook Italian?

Yes, and that would be awesome,

'cause I love Italian food.

Whatever she makes, you will eat it,

and you will like it.

- Morning.
- Hi.

Dieter gave this to me on the way in,

asked me to deliver it.

Oh, yeah, that must be
the mail from the winter, so...

Must've piled up
while we were at Newberg's.

Discard, discard, discard.

Some checks.
That's good.

Keep those.

Discard, discard.
Good. We're done.

Ev, that's a box of our mail.

What? I got
the payment envelopes.

Everything else is mostly just junk mail.

Well, "mostly" isn't "all".

Please go through that today.

- Hey, Hank?
- Yeah?

Jill just called. We need to go.

Oh, okay. See you guys.

You know what, I'll help.

I can make it fun.

Not even you can make mail sorting fun.

Want to bet?

Hank and Divya, this is Stella.

Thanks for coming.

Um, Kate's in the back. Hurry.


I told Kate to hire a handyman.

It was a simple shelf.

I'd put nine of them together before.

This one just slipped.

Yeah, and she refused to go to urgent care.

'Cause they charged $500 bucks
when you cut your thumb.

To pull out a power tool?

Please. I would need a loan.

Is it in the floor?

- Yes.
- Okay.

Can you please get me the drill?

I need to numb your foot
before I remove the drill bit.


You're gonna feel a little pinch.


Okay, drill, please.

Thank you.

I want to cause as little
soft tissue trauma as possible,

so I'm gonna back the drill-bit out.

Wait, you're gonna use
the drill to remove it?


Okay, you're making me really nervous.

Stella, why don't you show Jill your shop?

I'd love to see your shop.

Kate will be fine. Promise.

All right.


Wait. You're sure you're a doctor, right?

Don't worry.

This won't take long,
and you won't feel a thing.

- I am so finding a handyman.
- Yeah.

Oh, and, uh, by the way,

do you know if the cute doctor is single?

I think he has a girlfriend.

- All the good ones do.
- Yeah.

It was just a puncture wound.

Hank is giving her a tetanus shot now.

She'll be fine.


Hmm. Maybe Kate's not the only
one who needed a doctor.

How long have you had your cough?

Uh, a few days.

We've been working two jobs
since we signed the lease.

I'm just a little under the weather.


Here's our card, okay?

Please call us if your symptoms get worse.

And no $500 charges, either.


All right, take care.


All right, today's schedule.

Thank you.

Wow. You guys are busy.

- And you smell like...
- Tuberose.

I snagged some samples.

We'll need to split up

if we're gonna see all these patients.

Yes. Which means
our only break will be now,

so shall we grab a coffee?

Actually, Hank,
there's a new clinic patient

that I was hoping you might see.

Won't take long.

Of course. Caffeine can wait.

Uh, Divya, I can handle this.

You go grab some coffee,

and I'll catch up with you later.

Are you sure?

Oh. I'm so sure.

All right. Okay.

There is no clinic patient.

I know.

- My place?
- Mine's closer.


As I was bending over, I slipped,

and my husband insisted I see a doctor.

But I generally find doctors
rude, Dr. Lawson.

Your heroism at the Jitney crash
was both impressive

and appealed to my sense
of common decency.

Yes, I can see that good manners

are very important to you.

They ought to be to everybody.

Particularly the ruffians, of course.

Of course.


Yeah, nothing's broken.

But on a scale of one to ten,

what's your pain level?

Oh. A rather rude seven.

But only on the right.

Yeah, the joint capsule
doesn't move as freely

as the one on the left.

I'll prescribe
some anti-inflammatories

and give you a sling,

and I'll be back tomorrow
to take an X-ray.

Why, if nothing's broken?

I want to make sure you don't have

a non-displaced shoulder fracture.


That would be my husband Charles.

The neighbor is back, and he's at it again.

Uh, Charles.


I want you to meet Dr. Hank Lawson.

Mr. Woodward, it's good to meet you.

The pleasure is all mine.

Thank you for responding
to Evelyn's call so quickly.

Yeah, sure.

Um, excuse me, Dr. Lawson.

Mr. Douglass.

Mr. Douglass!

Mr. Woodward!

Yeah, uh, Mr. Douglass,
for the 1 millionth time,

I am asking you,
please pick up after your dog.

I'm ignoring you for a reason,
Mr. Woodward.

Your yelling is ruining my dog's walk!

And your dog is ruining my lawn!

What in the world are you doing?

What he's making me do.

Get if off.

Get it off!

All right, all right, calm down.

It's only compost.
There you go.

There you go.

Maybe this'll teach you
to stay in your own backyard.

Friend of Mr. Woodward?

Only met him today.


Good. Yep.

Look up, please.

I can see why he would call a doctor.

That man is sick.

Okay, open up.

You know, you pushed me to the limit

when my wife fell and hurt her shoulder

cleaning up after your mutt!

Cleopatra is a purebred with papers!

A four-time runner-up
of the Westminster Kennel Club.

She's been on Oprah.

Okay, okay, um...

so, look, your eyes are clear,

ear canals are clean,

and your nose and mouth look normal.

I'd say you're fine, but here's my card.

Call if you have problems later.

Later? What do I do now?

As a doctor, I'd advise a long, hot shower.

As a human being, I'd advise
picking up after your dog.




Hello, Mr. Postman.


So I'm the postman,

all right, what does that make you?

Are you the mail?

Are you a dog?

Am I trying to open you?

Are you running after me? Am I...

just tell me what to do.
What do I do?

For every stack of mail you go through,

I will grant you a wish.

Discard, discard.


Wow. You respond well
to bribery.

Yeah, Hank was the good son.

Me... not so much.

My mom actually used to bribe me
to do chores and homework

with Zwix Sticky Stix.

This is, uh, a lot better, by the way.


You've never heard of Zwix Sticky Stix?

- No.
- Oh, my God.

Zwix Sticky Stix... the best candy ever.

When they stopped makin' em,
I cried for, like, a week.

It was horrible.

Discard, discard.

Oh, my God.

U.S. Department of Justice.

Oh, that must be about your dad.

You open it.

I can... I can't.

"This letter is to inform you
that Edward R. Lawson"

"has become eligible for parole on Monday".

Parole? Wait, this Monday?


"Any communication with respect"

"to the aforesaid hearing"

"should be addressed
to the parole commission"

"and must be received within 15 days of..."

Of when?

What's the date on the letter?

February 1st.

You missed the window by four months.

Is there a number on there or something?

Uh, no.

No name, no number, nothing.

There's gotta be a number.

Great. So we're not gonna able
to support my dad

at his parole hearing.

Maybe they'll bend the rules.

Yeah. The Department
of Justice is known for that.

Almost done?

Almost done.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

Well, this isn't good.

We talk to dad every week.

He's never mentioned parole, ever.


Well, when we talk to him tomorrow,

we'll bring it up.

We'll see if we can do anything

or if his lawyer can.

We'll... we'll figure something out.

- Mmm!
- Hi.

- Hey.
- Hey.

I have made food for a feast.

First entree...

lamb vindaloo.

Ooh! Sounds Indian.

Ah, looks Indian, too.

- Gosh, it smells...
- Amazing.

- Thank you, Hank.
- Sure.

It is my great-grandmother's
favorite recipe.



Enjoy, enjoy.



- Gosh.
- Right.


It's great.

- Yeah?
- Fantastic, Divya.

It's really good.

Okay. Great.

It's not too spicy?
You'd tell me, right?

No, no, it is perfect.


Oh. I almost forgot the chutneys.

Be back.

Oh, my God.

It's like I ate lava. It...


Just swallow, don't chew.

- Swallow, don't chew.
- Hello? Uh, Hank?


Are you okay?

I don't think so.

If you're allergic to any component,

we'll see a raised red lesion
under that patch.

I don't understand.
I created our products

- with all-natural ingredients.
- And you've never had

an allergic reaction to any of them?

I had never had an allergic
reaction to anything.

Do you manufacture your products as well?

No, my kitchen's not big enough anymore.

We have a supplier now.

Okay. Well, could they have somehow

deviated from your recipes?

Oh, my God, I really hope not.

We have been leaving samples
in houses all over the Hamptons.

If they turn out to be toxic...

Let's not jump to conclusions, okay?

Let's see the rash.

Okay, does... does any of this hurt?


All right, it's probably
just a viral exanthem...

a skin rash brought on by the flu.

- You have had that cough.
- Yeah.

Yeah, but it's not getting any worse.

Still, it could be viral.

Okay, well, I really hope that's all it is.

We have a lot riding
on this shop, especially Kate.

You know, all I'm risking is the latest

in a string of dead end jobs.

But Kate, she gave up a job with benefits

to go into the cleaning
business with me, for me.

Um, I talk a lot when I'm nervous.

Perfectly okay.

Thank you.

It took me a long time to figure
out what I wanted to do.

And now you found your dream job,

and you don't want to lose it.

Or lose Kate.

You know, she's... she's the only person

that's always been there for me.

You know, she's my best friend.

She's a big sister.

She's my overprotective
best friend big sister.

Wow. I'm just really nervous.

I just can't let her down.

You know, I won't.

She's been through way too much already.

Um, about a year ago,
her husband was k*lled, so...

You know, if anyone...

if anyone deserves a break, it's Kate.

All right, let's see how you did.


Well, looks like you're
both getting a break.

Preliminary results to
the patch test are negative.

Okay, so it's not our products?

No, but you're still
experiencing viral symptoms.

So if the rash goes
outside of this circle...


I want you to call me immediately.

That's it?

- That is it.
- Great.

And please rest and stay hydrated

until your flu goes away.

I feel better already. Thank you.

Just as I'd hoped.

- No fracture.
- Oh.

But there is still
a decreased range of motion.

You're definitely stiffer
than you were yesterday.

I'm tense, all right, thanks to Charles.

Is he in the manners business also?

I'm afraid there's not enough money

in the manners business for Charles.

He's a venture capitalist.

Loves to get in on the ground
floor of small businesses...

Like yours, come to think of it.


Darling, before you walk
that letter down the street,

I'd love to hear it.

"Dear Mr. Douglass",

"I deeply regret my un-neighborly actions"

"which resulted from
the fact that you violated"

"not just common civility",

"but 150-dash-5 of the Southampton..."

Stop right there.

In a real apology, one
doesn't make excuses.

Don't worry, darling.

In the real one, I'm perfectly contrite.


I thought we should apologize in person,

so we walked over
to his house this morning,

but Mr. Douglass didn't answer.

I suspect he was home.

His dog was barking, his car
was parked in the driveway.

Well, if it'll make you feel better,

I can stop by, check things out.

Your parents raised you well.

Now, before I go, I want to
show you some exercises

that'll help unlock your shoulder.

First, lift your arm up...

- Oh.
- I know, I know.

Up and down above your head just like that.

All right. Good.

Uh, Ms. Woodward?

Your jugular vein.

Every time you inhale, it enlarges.

- Oh.
- One sec.

Breathe for me, please.

Lean forward, please, and twist.

Okay, any chest pain?

Well, there was, actually,

but it went away after my fall.

I think the anti-inflammatories

I gave you for your shoulder
may be masking other symptoms.

Of what?

Mrs. Woodward, do you have a cardiologist?

Inmate locator, press one.

Inmate matters, press two.

Yeah, hi, this is Evan R. Lawson again.

Uh, I have left five mess... seven.

Seven messages for you guys

in regards to my father, Edward R. Lawson,

so I don't know,
maybe you could call me back,

'cause that's your job.

Your job... you're not running
a video store.

I just want to help my dad.

I know, babe.

This is Evan.

Yeah, Paige is right here.
Who is this?

- Wait a minute.
- Hi. This is Paige.


Uh, yes.

Not really.

Can I call you back?

Okay, thanks.

Something wrong?

Other than the fact
that you answered my phone?


I'm sorry.

What? I'm sorry. It was an accident.

Accident? Is your phone pink?


Hey, guys. How's it goin'?

- Great.
- Okay.

So I called over a dozen numbers

at the Department of Corrections.

I can't get a hold of anybody.

Ev, relax.

We'll talk to dad later today,

and we'll find out what's going on then.

Thank you.

I said the same thing to him
over an hour ago.


this hot tub is way too stressful for me.

- Have fun.
- O... kay.

So, um, how are things?

He's just really stressed about your dad.

Yeah. No, um, I meant with you.

Oh. Oh, I'm fine, too.


Good. Good.

But, um, I've been thinking

about our conversation the other day,

and, uh, I made a list
of internists in the area.


Maybe one of them can help you

with, you know, whatever
it is you're dealing with.

You misunderstood.

And I am late for a family thing,

so if you could just tell Evan that I left,

that would be great.

And, Hank?

We don't ever need
to talk about this again.

Stop it.

You're fine.

Stella! Two-minute warning!

You forgot the towels!


What are you doing?

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.



Please don't touch me.

Please don't touch me.

What is it? What's wrong?

My skin is on fire.

Okay, we're gonna take
a small skin sample

with this punch biopsy tool.

And now, I'm gonna seal all skin bleeders

with this electric cautery.

Okay, that's it.

Why didn't you tell me
that you saw Hank yesterday?

I just didn't want you
to think that I was flaking.

It's not flaking if you're sick.

What's wrong with me?

We'll find out. I promise.

So what happens now?

The punch biopsy will test
for several skin diseases.

I'd also like to schedule
an MRI and an EEG.

In the meantime, Stella, I want you home,


I'll make sure of it.

Good. I'll see you guys out.

I will call Jill

and see if I can get
a rush on these samples.


Jill? Shall I call you on your cell,

or can you hear me just fine like this?


Uh... I'll, uh...

put a rush on those samples.

Thank you.

How did you know I was here?

The air smells like tuberose,

your purse is right there,

and, uh, Evan recently gave me

something that I believe belongs to you.

So many questions.




It is none of my business,

but what is with
all of the sneaking around?

Look, last summer, Hank didn't know

if he wanted to stay in the Hamptons,

and this summer, I don't know
how long I'll be here, so...

I guess it's just easier this way.

How is this easier?

Because we don't
have to explain it to anyone.


Get in.


Sorry I missed dad's call.

I got hung up with patients.

Is there a reason you're sitting
in the driveway?

It's eat now or suffer later.

Divya's cooking again.

Okay, okay.

It's okay. We're gonna be fine.

Uh, we need yogurt, lots of it.

Yogurt cools down a spicy mouth.


You really think tossing a yo-plait

onto Mount Vesuvius is gonna work?

Give me the grease.


So, what'd dad say?


He's got the hearing covered.

It's a formality.
He doesn't want us to attend.

He said that's why he's never mentioned it.

Then we won't go.

No, he wants us there.

I thought he didn't want us there.

You're just not reading between the lines.

I didn't realize there were lines.

He doesn't want to come off as desperate.

May I remind you the man is in prison?

Look, Henry, we will barely be gone, okay?

It's a long weekend at most.

Divya will be here
to take care of our clients.

As long as she doesn't cook for them,

I think everything will be fine.

Again, if dad says he's got it covered,

then he's probably got it covered.


You're taking dad's word over mine?

Why do you always have
to second-guess people?

I mean, most people
just say what they mean.

Even our dad.

Yeah, these days, even dad.

Oh, so when you say that you
and Jill are broken up,

I should believe what you're saying,

even though I know for a fact
you guys are still hooking up,

like, every night?

Oh. Oh.

By the way, would you please tell Jill

to put the toilet seat back up

when she's done in the bathroom?

A little respect would be awesome.

Yeah, sure.

Thank you.

You have to know by now
I'm gonna keep coming back

until you answer!

C'mon, Jerry, I just want
to see how you're doing!

I'm fine.

Now, leave.

Wait. You were there.

And what is this?

An affidavit of my injuries.

You're gonna sue the Woodwards?

For every dime they've got,

and you'll be able to testify
as an expert witness.

Okay, what's happened to your eyes?

It's either E. Coli, listeriosis,
or mad cow disease.

I've been scrubbing my face
every hour, but it's too late.

I, uh...

I have something.

What you have is a reaction
to excessive face washing.

Yeah? Well, what about this?

Okay, now that's something.

Are you sure you haven't been
exposed to anything else?

Other than compost?

Soap, water,

- a little clorox.
- Wait. Bleach?

A blogger online thought it
might wash the smell off my skin

and get rid of whatever
I'm allergic to in the compost.

Look, I'm not an idiot.

I didn't bathe in the bleach,

and I diluted it with water.

Any bleach on the skin can
cause a chemical burn.

Are you sure that's what this is?

Yes, I'm sure.

Look, the only way to get
blistering like this

would be from a skin condition

or if you had an overwhelming

and out-of-control reaction to....


Stella? What's a Stella?

I gotta run.

But you're gonna be okay.

Just apply more Silvadene cream if needed,

call if your symptoms get worse,

and please, Jerry, stay off the Internet.

Stella! Are you there?

Hank, Stella's
not answering her phone, either.

Uh, Kate might have a key.

No. Kate's cell's going to voicemail, too.

Look, you really think that Stella

has Stevens-Johnson syndrome?

Her symptoms line up...
flu, rash, fever, skin pain.


The only missing piece is the cause.

Maybe it's a reaction to a medication.

I didn't give her any meds.

Stella went to Southampton's urgent care

when she cut her thumb.

Maybe they gave her antibiotics.

No matter how she got it,
once the blistering starts,

unless we catch it, it won't
stop until her skin comes off.


Let's try the back.

The slightest breeze
could cause an infection.

I mean, her organs will shut down.

Hank? Divya?

Kate, do you have a house key?

No. What's wrong?

Oh, my God!

When Stella went to urgent care,

did they prescribe any antibiotics?

Yes. Why?

We think she's having

a severe allergic reaction to them now.

Kate, we need you to call 911.

And find some clean cotton sheets.


It spread outside the line.

Bolus 1 liter saline

and have another ready to go.

We can't stabilize her arms.
I have to go through her nose.

- We need an atomizer.
- Yeah.

Maybe she has cotton balls
or... loose cotton.

I'm sure that they have something...

Never mind.

What are you doing?

Using the grape as a plug

to keep the medicine inside her nose.

Come on, Stella.

That's it. That's it.



Cover Stella with the sheets.

We need to keep the lesions
as clean as possible.


The rash has jumped.


She's gonna be okay, right?

Did the lab confirm
Stevens-Johnson syndrome?

Yep, off the biopsy you sent this morning.

- Thanks for the call.
- Yeah.

We think the sloughing
of her skin is just at 10%.

And you got here just in time.

I need two large bore IVs of normal saline.

Tell the burn unit we have a patient.

Let's go.

Come with me. I need you.


I don't understand.

Why didn't she get sick two weeks ago

when she started taking the antibiotics?

Stella experienced something

known as delayed hypersensitivity.

It's when the body reacts with
an exaggerated immune response

to something perceived
as a foreign substance.

But her condition was caught early.

After my husband died, I just...

I just lost it.

That must have been
a very, very tough time for you.

Most people avoided me,

but I didn't blame them.

Tragedy can sometimes feel contagious.


But Stella, she...

insisted that we go into business together.

She said she wouldn't do it without me.

But now I'm... I'm not sure

it was as much about starting a business

as it was about saving me.


It's funny, um...

Stella said the same thing about you.

- Good morning.
- Welcome.

Dr. Lawson, your tea is getting cold.

I'm more concerned with you.

Well, apparently, the sac around my heart

had become inflamed
and then filled with fluid.

Yes, I know. I spoke
with your cardiologist.

He told me you had a pericardial effusion.

So then you know that

had she left this condition untreated...

It could have turned
into an even more serious

cardiac tamponade, yeah.

Two very rude words indeed.

- Yes.
- So Dr. Barlow removed the fluid,

he prescribed some antivirals,

and now my heart will continue to beat.

A very good thing. How are you feeling now?


Mr. Douglass!


Good morning to you.

It's so nice to see you again.

It is?

If it hadn't been for him,

my wife wouldn't have hurt her shoulder.

If she hadn't hurt her shoulder,
we wouldn't have called you.

And if we hadn't called you,

her heart could have stopped beating.

So strange, isn't it?

Life's little blessings sometimes hide

in peculiar, even... rude places.

Good day, Mr. Douglass.

- Good-bye, Jerry.
- Have a nice walk.

Now, are you sure you wouldn't welcome

an investor into Hankmed?

Uh, wow.

No, thank you.

We really don't need an investor.

On the other hand...

Are you serious?

You're a small and honest company,

exactly the type of business
he likes to invest in.

Mr. Woodward said he would like
to meet the two of you

as soon as possible.

Huh. Well, where's the bubbly?

- 'Cause I'm ready right now.
- Stella!

Hank, Divya, leave now
before the lecture begins.

I can't believe you.

You're in the hospital, you're on an IV.

You know, I think
we're needed across town, yes?

Yeah, I think... I think we are.

Um, bye, guys.


You're barely out of the ICU.

I'm going home soon.

When we've been friends
as long as they have,

will we be like that?

I certainly hope so.

Oh, uh, water glasses
go above wine glasses.

- Okay.
- Okay.

Ah, and utensils are placed
one inch from the table.

One inch.

Mrs. Woodward gave you one
of her books, didn't she?

Yeah, she did.

Oh, Evan. Evan, wait.

I need to talk to you and Hank.


All right.

I have good news

and bad.


My lease application for
the apartment that I wanted...


- Oh, boy.
- Why?

The landlord ran my credit

and discovered that I don't have any.

And now that my parents won't be
cosigning anything for me,

it might take a while
for me to build up my own.

Well, I can help you with that

anytime you want, like... like...

now would be perfect, actually.
Now would be great.

So the good news is you're staying.

I'm staying for a while

and preparing dinners.

Hey, guys.

- Hey.
- Hi.

Divya knows.

Evan knows.

Everyone knows.

Eh, of course, they do.

Let me help you with that, my darling.

I'll finish the salad.

Oh, actually, Evan,
would you grab my phone?

It's in my purse.

Your ph...

that's a joke, right?


Oh, my God.

These are real.

Zwix Sticky Stix?

I tracked down the great-grandson

of the original manufacturer,

and he led me to a guy in Omaha

who still had some, vintage 1992.




Why did you do this for me?

Because it brings up memories
of you and your mom.

She would have loved you,

almost as much as I do.

Thank you so much.

Hey, so when I picked up
your phone the other day,

was that call about the Zwix Stix?


Yeah, it was.

Well, now it all makes sense.

Hey, Ev, a little help here.

- Look what Paige got me.
- What?!

- Zwix Sticky Stix?!
- For real!

- Yeah!
- Dude, give 'em back!

- Dude, no.
- Hey! Hey!

You don't want 20-year-old glucose

clogging your system.

- Actually, yes, I do.
- No, you don't.

- Hank, give 'em back!
- All right, all right.

Calm down. There you go.

I just want a cherry.

- You get one cherry.
- Thank you.

Stop eating!

Dinner is almost ready.

Yeah, dinner.


Okay, Divya, you know,
I'm gonna go out on a limb

and be honest with you about something.

- I...
- Love Italian?


You got pizza for dinner?


Hank told me everything.

I decided we were good enough friends

that we could be honest.

And as long as we are being honest,

I admitted that I hate to cook.

You hate to c... she hates...

She hates to cook.

This day just keeps getting
better and better.

Uh, Ev? One more thing.


I think you were right.

Now it is the best day ever.

All right. Well, of course I was right.

What was I right about?

Dad. He wants us in Florida.

So you want to go to the hearing?

Look, if dad gets released, right?

He's gonna to need some adult supervision

escorting him back to the Hamptons, right?


You need to listen to me more.

Don't push it.

What changed your mind?

When we first moved here,

you know, making a fresh start,
we had each other to lean on,

and I think that's what helped us succeed.

So now that dad has a chance
for his own fresh start...

He shouldn't have to face
the parole board alone.

This is what I'm saying.

It's our job as his family
to support him, right?

I will book the plane tickets.

I'll get the prison blueprint
tattooed on my chest.

God, I hope it's a small prison.

This looks awesome, guys. Who
wants some... who wants some wine?

Let's eat.

Hey, guys.

Could you open it a little faster?