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03x04 - The Shaw/Hank Redemption

Posted: 04/24/24 12:56
by bunniefuu
Previously on Royal Pains...

I just got some really bad news.

Is it medical in nature?

Just... don't say a thing to Evan, okay?


I'm pregnant.

You're going to be a father.

I promised myself that
this disease would die with me.

I gotta figure out my next move.

- Dad...
- What?

You're going to prison.

Whoa! You missed a ball.

- Go get it.
- Ready, here it comes.

[Chatter, laughter]

- First day?
- Me?

- Yeah.
- No.

I'm an old-timer.

Oh, yeah, I'm hardened.

- Oh, hardened?
- Hardened.

- Really?
- Yeah.

Then why have I been here eight months

I've never seen you once?

All right, so... maybe I'm new.

Don't tell anybody, okay?

You know, technically,
I should not be here.

Oh, yeah. No, me neither.

I totally didn't do anything wrong.

- There you go.
- Mm-hmm.

Eddie R. Lawson.

- I'm Shaw.
- Shaw?

What kind of name is Shaw?

What kind of name is Eddie, Eddie?

It's like talking to my sons.

They must be good-looking sons.

I wanna tell you.


do you have any advice
on how to survive in the clank?

[Whistle] Move it along.

- For starters...
- Form a line at the flagpole!

- ...don't call it the clank.
- Yeah.

- Let's go, let's go!
- Keep to yourself.

If somebody's in trouble,
not your problem.

Make a line at the flagpole, let's go!


Well, maybe you could introduce me

to some of your friends.

- Friends?
- Yeah.

Why would I make friends here?

They're all a bunch of criminals.

You sure you don't wanna
report who did that to you?

I told you, man. I slipped in my cell.

We'll miss you around here.

Don't know what the guards
are gonna do for tech support.

Well, they'll call India,
like everyone else.

Don't worry, I'll still
take your calls, Bill.

Good luck, Shaw. Not that you'll need it.

Are you all right?

Do you know where the nearest church is?

When did you find religion?

It found me.

Baptists are a couple miles that way.

But your first stop ought to be a hospital,

- you don't look so hot.
- I'm good.

I just need to get to Austin.

- Got a girl there?
- Yeah, I do.

Listen, there's a guy in there
who might be in danger of...

- of slipping.
- Let me guess.

- Your buddy Lawson.
- Keep an eye on him.

I'll make it up to you next time

spyware hijacks your homepage.

So I just had a thought.

What if dad won't see us?

I mean, he did ask us not to come, right?

- Yeah.
- Maybe he can't see us.

What if he's in solitary?

Evan, we have to be
the adults here, okay?

And not just today.

If things go well at
the parole hearing on Monday,

we'll have to start
being the adults every day.

What do you mean by "the adults"?

- Dad being in prison...
- Correctional institution!

Whatever. It's been hard for us.

But being out might be hard for him.

I mean, once we vouch for him,
it'll be our job

to get him back to the Hamptons, and...

Here you go.

...keep him on the straight and narrow.

Straight and narrow. Got it.

Well, it ain't exactly Oz, that's for sure.

New faces! Don't think we met.

It's our first visit to the prison.

- Oh, correctional institution.
- I told you... I told him that.

Hank Lawson, and my brother Evan.

Oh, Lawson's boys.

You must've come for
your dad's parole hearing.

Yes, we did. And we are totally ready

to keep him on the straight and
narrow, if you know what I mean.

Not to say that you
haven't rehabilitated him,

'cause I'm sure you guys...

Once he got the jitters
out, he did okay here.

So he'll have your support
on the parole board?

Oh, I don't sit on the board.

But your dad has a shot.

Long as his alternative
custody is going smoothly.

That's where most of them blow it.

Uh, I'm sorry, alternative custody?

Home detention program.

Qualified with good behavior.

Gets to sleep in a house, work a real job.

Been out three weeks.

Been out three... home detention?

At whose home?

Well, he found a sponsor in Palm Beach.

Okay, and where is he working?

Well, his lawyer will know more.

Excuse me, fellas. Nice meeting you.


That's funny, dad never
mentioned home detention.

No, he sure didn't.

He said, "I don't want you
to see me like this."

And I'll bet he doesn't.

[The Blue Van's Independence]

♪ ♪

♪ My independence went away ♪

♪ I didn't listen when it said ♪

♪ Rely on yourself ♪

♪ Trusting someone else ♪

♪ Is a path for the silent ghost ♪

[laughing, snorting]

That's quite a story.

I don't know whether to say
"tmi" or "tell me more."


All right. We'll see you soon, Nola.


[Laughing] Oh, my God.

So just 'cause we're
in Florida doesn't mean

that you have to drive
like an old lady, you know.

I don't know why you're so upset,

you said we'd have to be the adults.

Yeah, I just didn't think
we'd have to start so soon.

Okay, so what did dad's lawyer say?

She said he's busing tables at
a place outside Palm Beach.

- What?
- She's gonna meet us there.

And her name is Nola 'cause
she was conceived in New Orleans

- during Mardi Gras.
- Okay.

I noticed you were
getting a little flirty there.

That was not flirty.

- That was chatty.
- Okay.

- All right.
- I'm taken.

I'm very taken.

- I am very, very...
- Evan.

Okay, are you sitting down?

All right, I wanted to tell
you and dad at the same time,

but since you insist...

I got some pretty big news, okay?


I'm gonna propose to Paige.

And I wanna use mom's ring.

That's great, Evan.

No, I... I... I... I think that's great.

Really? 'Cause you kinda

took your time
coming up with the word there.

No, look, look, I'm not
saying don't propose, you know?

I'm just saying...

before you give her mom's ring,
make sure you really know her.

You know, be fully bonded.

I think I know her pretty well.

I mean... her dad shot me in the ass.

That's pretty bonding.

Look, I'm just trying to help, okay?

Yeah, maybe I wasn't
looking for your help, doctor,

I was more looking for
your support as my brother.


And would you please drive faster?

Boats are passing us.

Can I help you with that, Dr. Caseras?

I'm sorry for intruding so early.

Oh, Hank said that you might stop by.

I just wanna check the positioning.

Everything looks fine.

So I heard you're in charge for a few days.

- How does it feel?
- Oh, it's no big deal.

Hank is available by phone.

- Quite a healthy baby.
- Yes.

I'd hope for a natural delivery,

but if this baby gets any bigger,

I may have to run to Hamptons Heritage

and beg for them to induce.

- Hamptons Heritage...
- It's a good hospital.

It is. I just imagined that

Boris would prefer a state-of-the-art suite

with a world-class O.B.

He did.

And I ignored his preference.

Just like he ignored embracing his baby.

Looks like we're going to
be a simple, traditional family.

Is there really such a thing?

By the way, Boris doesn't
know the sex of the baby.

I would appreciate your
discretion when you see him.

How did you know that I was seeing Boris?

Well, even though we are barely speaking,

I am still aware of his schedule.

In fact, I'm so glad that
you're checking up on him.

I hear him pacing at all hours, and...

the stress is hard on him,
and it worries me.

Hey. You must be Nola?

- Mm, I am.
- Good.

Just so you know, we spoke
on the phone earlier.

- Mm-hmm.
- I was being chatty,

- and not flirty.
- Imagine my relief.

Sorry about the mess. Tight schedule.

So... as you know, your dad
scored a spot in home detention.

Yeah, what does that mean exactly?

Uh, it means he is subject
to electronic monitoring,

and is required to remain
at home outside of working hours

and certain pre-approved events,
medical appointments,

religious activities... that sort of thing.

Hey, what's the "R" for in Eddie R.?

Oh, it doesn't stand
for anything, actually.

So he works here? Our dad?

Um, I don't know, what does he look like?

Aren't you his lawyer?

His, and 172 other inmates.

Can't get to know them all personally.

- Right.
- Ugh!

These are good. You should order.

- Oh.
- Excuse me!

Hi, is there an Eddie Lawson working here?

Lawson, table five.

You're Eddie Lawson?

That's... that's what it says.

- Let me guess, you're adopted.
- Not so much.

- What's going on here?
- What's going on is

your dad skipped out
on his job and paid this guy

to punch the clock for him.
Right, Mr. Lawson?

Can you tell us where he is, please?

- Yeah.
- We're his sons.

You two got I.D.?

Sometimes people like
to lie about who they are.

Oh... right.

Yeah, some people lie.

Just, um...

Write down the address.

So you know, federal parole commission

can get kinda funny
about missing offenders.

And by funny, I mean, like
to lock up for a real long time.

So wherever your dad is,
I recommend you find him.

Make sure he's at his hearing on Monday.

I trust there are no...

complications with the pregnancy?

Yes, I know that she saw you.

Well, you also know
that I can't discuss that.

Roll up your please sleeve.

Sleeve, please.

Oh! [Glass shatters]

- Oh, I am so sorry.
- It's all right.

- I will just...
- No, no, leave it,

leave it, leave it.

They were dying anyway.

I, however, am still on the schedule.


Right tight.


Your pressure is elevated.

Ordinarily, I would just monitor it.

But given your circumstances,

I think that we should investigate further.

Further how?

I would like to order a catheterization

and angiogram of your renal arteries

to rule out any stenosis.

That sounds quite invasive.


A small-bore catheter is inserted

through your renal pelvis.

Yes, when does Hank return?

Monday. But I can arrange for you...

Thank you, Miss Katdare.

But I think I prefer a second opinion.

- From your nephrologist.
- From Hank.

[Loud music plays from inside]

♪ ♪

Welcome, sir.

- Hi, thank you.
- Thank you.

- Here you go, sir.
- Thank you.

This is where dad's doing hard time?


♪ ♪

Are you kidding?
You don't know Shaw Morgan?

Wait, the hacker guy?

Digital pirate.

Shaw, he's like the
Che Guevara of the Internet.

He liberated 100 years of entertainment

from its oppressive copyright.

Cool, cool. And Eddie R. Lawson?

- I've never heard of him
- Oh.

Oh! Thank you.

- Hello.
- All right, man, see ya.

Dude! We're at a Shaw Morgan party.

Dude, our dad may be
at a Shaw Morgan party.

Not again!

Out! Just get out!

This party's over! For good!

Hi, everybody.

Didn't you have a great time?

Wasn't this a great party?

Find the door. Thank you very much.

Sweetheart, put the glass down.


What are you doing here?

Funny, we have the same question.

I've asked you five times!
Will you turn it off?


Calm down.


Hey. [Groans]

- Are you okay?
- Yeah.

[Groans] Did you hurt your head?

Not now, this headache
started a few days ago.

[Sighs] What do you think it's from?

I think it's God
trying to tell me something.

I don't know what came over me.

I was so mad I couldn't see straight.

All right, easy on the leg.

I don't think you broke anything.

Yeah, tell that to the DJ.

Hey, you know what? All those friends...

they came here to throw him
a party when he got out of jail,

and then they came back and they threw it

over, and over, and over again.

I think they like him just for his money.

Okay, so are you his sponsor?

No way. Being friends with him

is an adventure enough.

Yeah. No, we met in prison.

Right, all those movies
you digitized and stole.

- Sorry, shared.
- No, I stole them.

And I paid for it...

with 16 long months.

Okay, Shaw, would
you excuse us for a second?

- Yeah.
- Okay, thanks.

Dad, can I talk to you over here for a sec?

You're supposed to be at work, okay?

Not... not hanging out.

And especially not with a convicted felon.

I missed my last shift, that's it.

- My friend needed me.
- Dad...

you need to help yourself first, okay?

- Yeah.
- This is the only thing

Shaw asked of me.

I had to be there for him, I owe him.

I don't care what you owe him, dad.

- Come with us now, please.
- Yes.

He saved my life.

Don't listen to that.

I didn't save his life.

He saved mine.

Excuse me, I will tell the story, okay?

All right, so we're
in prison, late at night,

and I'm on the cleaning detail.

And then all of a sudden, out of nowhere,

these two monsters...

Uh, you're already exaggerating, Eddie.

- All right, two guys.
- Dumbass.

- You unplugged the Internet.
- I'm so sorry.

Sorry doesn't cut it.

Clearly, you have
no clue what the Internet is.

Shaw, just keep to yourself.

All right, calling what
we get in here "the Internet"

is like calling your
toilet "Lake Michigan."

Now all Lawson did
was accidentally disconnect

your pre-approved

with your new girlfriend...

who's probably a dude.

He didn't mean it.

You wait right here for us.


[Grunts, groans]

He must've hit his head.

And then, knowing you, I gave him some CPR.

Goodness. All right, what do I push?

- What do I push?
- Wait a second!

Did you check if he had a pulse first?

Are you my son? Of course I did.

One, two, three, four,

five, six, seven,

eight, nine, ten.

Come on, Shaw.

One, two, three, four... [Breathes]

- Yeah, yeah.
- And that's when it happened.

- That a boy.
- I saw this beautiful light

- all around me.
- Good morning.

And I had this sense of peace and purpose

- that I'd never felt before.
- Hi.

Not even when I hacked into GE's mainframe.

And it was in that moment...

that God, it felt, was
telling me Jenny was right.

That Jenny... who's Jenny?

The one that got away.

Or the one that I guess I drove away.

Jenny's a woman of faith.

Always has been. Always wanted me to be.

But all I believed in was
raging against the machine.

It's probably why I got the boot.

- But I've changed.
- Absolutely.

Since he got out of prison,
he's been all about Bible study.

And I know it sounds crazy,

but when I first saw that light...

I felt something.

Something amazing. Something beautiful.

That night, you lost consciousness?

No, no, I gained consciousness.

Right, no, but I mean,
you were knocked out?

- Oh, yeah.
- Okay.

Did you get medical attention?

No, I was a day away from parole,

we were flying under the radar.

Okay. Any other symptoms?

Tell them about your mood swings,

about your headaches, about the insomnia.

I'm just a little stressed about tomorrow.

Oh, he's flying to Austin.

You might not wanna get on an airplane.

You may have suffered a concussion

and developed a seizure disorder.

You should be examined.

Maybe you could take care of him.

You said he should
be under a doctor's care.

I'd need access to a medical facility,

with everything from
an otoscope to an E.E.G.

I might know of a place.

Just help me remember where
everything belongs, will you?

You're so kind letting me stay here.

I want to make sure
that I am being a good guest.

Yeah... about that.

Is it weird living with your boss?

It is weirder living with Evan.

Did you know that
he alphabetizes the cereal?

Ah. I can see that.

You know, the weird thing
that I wasn't anticipating

was how it would feel
being all of Hankmed.

I mean, I may be a partner,

but with Hank gone, I'm finding
myself second-guessing things.

- Like what?
- Like...

I'm doing a routine check-up
on a V.I.P. patient

- with an elevated B.P.
- Mm-hmm.

And suddenly, I am suggesting
an angiogram with a renal cath.

[Giggles] Jump the g*n much?

Listen, Divya...

Hank left you in charge
because he trusts you,

so trust yourself.


I probably overreacted because
he has a genetic disorder.

Boris' condition is inherited.

Oh, my God. What, I said Boris?

No. You said V.I.P.,

and I just put the rest together myself.

Does this...

feel the same as this?

Okay, just take three normal steps.

Good. All right.

Open your eyes.


Open your mouth.

Tongue out.

Okay, close it.

What exactly does "inconclusive" mean?

It means we need a neurologist
to read the results.

- Right.
- The tech saw some small scarring.

That could be a seizure focus
or it could be nothing.

And I still wanna see his blood work.

So how do you have access to this clinic?

Oh, the man who sponsored me built it.

As a matter of fact, he built
the entire development.

- Really?
- Yeah.

The guy who sponsors your home detention?

Wow. I mean, who is he?

Oh, uh, Ted Roth.
Yeah, he's a local big shot.

He vouched for me
with the Bureau of Prisons.

And then if I check-in at
his place by curfew,

everybody's happy.

Well, does he live nearby,
'cause we'd love to meet him.

- Mm.
- Oh, you will, you will.

Probably at the hearing.

You know, but Ted is golfing.

And you never disturb Ted
when he's golfing.

Oh, yeah, you never...
how did you meet this guy?

Ted? I've known Ted forever.

- Huh.
- Hey, it's reverend Phil.

He wants to know if you're coming.

- Of course I am.
- Thanks.

He's also got a few questions for you.

- Okay.
- Uh, reverend Phil?

Yeah, Shaw's being baptized later today.

He wants to make his faith legit.

- You'll excuse me, boys.
- Sure, sure.

You thinking what I'm thinking?

Not usually.

Dad and Shaw Morgan,
that was already weird.

Now there's some mysterious
big-shot sponsor guy?

Oh, and reverend Phil's on the phone.

Something's up.

Wow, I was thinking
what you were thinking.

I'm gonna try to find this Ted Roth guy.

See if he's legit.

Maybe figure out what kind impression

- he'll make at dad's hearing.
- Okay.

But if he is credible, don't come off like

the family's pressuring him. Be discreet.

You're talking to
Evan R. Lawson right now, okay?

Discretion's my middle name.

So that's what the "R" stands for.

[Knocking] Marissa.

- Everything all right?
- I'm having contractions.

But I don't wanna be one
of those first-time mothers

that goes running to the hospital too soon.

Come on in. Let's take a look.

- Ah, thank you.
- There we go.

I'm not even dilated, am I?

Quite the opposite.

You're having this baby now.

Uh, should we call Boris?

Uh, yes, but we probably shouldn't wait.

Well, let me get the obstetrics.

Yes, ke... go, go, yes, yes.


[Speaking Romanian]


[Whispers] [Speaking German]


[Speaking Romanian]
...If we could interrupt for a moment...


[Speaking German]

Oy, oy, oy, oy, oy, oy, oy, oy.

Marissa, you're doing great.

Doing great, just keep blowing.

Keep blowing, keep blowing. [Pants]

Okay, you can push now.


I'll call Dr. Jamison.

[Groaning] It's too late.

I'll have the car brought around then.

No, we can't transport
her now, the baby's crowning.

It's further than that.

[Yelling in spanish]

Nice work, Marissa, that was the head.

Oh. [Groans]

[Inhales, holds breath] Okay, wait, wait.

Don't push now. Try not to push okay?

- Nuchal cord?
- Mm-hmm.

What? What does that mean?

That the cord, it's around the neck.

Okay, Marissa, just try to relax.

- You're doing great.
- Well, cut it then.

- No.
- Cut it for God's sake.

- No, I need it intact.
- Don't listen to her.

- Cut it!
- Sh!

We have to be calm in this situation.

It's only looped once. I think I can...

[Sighs] Okay, I got it, I got it.



All right, Marissa,
you ready for the shoulders?


Go on then, push. I've got you.

[Groans] Right, right, right.

[Moans] Great! You did it!

[Moans] Oh, you did it,

you have a beautiful baby boy.

[Baby whimpers, cries] A boy.

[Whimpers] - Baby.
- A boy.

[Cries] [Laughing]

[Baby crying]

- Yellow sweater.
- Thanks.

You play by the rules
or you play with someone else.

You don't repair divots off the green.

He's right.

- That is the rule.
- Thank you.

Hard to blame them,
cheating's their only hope.


Nonetheless, they must be stopped, right?

- Hey, aren't you Ted Roth?
- Guilty.

The guy who's sponsoring Eddie R. Lawson?

Excuse me.

Keep your voice down!


Okay, I don't know which one
of my neighbors is your client,

but you tell them they don't have to worry

that an ex-con is going
to lower their property value.

Lawson is just visiting,
he's not moving in.

But he is getting out of prison.

Well, maybe, maybe not.

He can still do himself
in, he usually does.

But that's just my opinion.

Right, but you're his sponsor.

So is that the opinion
you give the parole board?


you just tell your client

that come Monday, Lawson is vacating.

- Yeah, but I...
- Try to be a good citizen,

help those down on their luck.

I spent many years
building up my reputation.

I'm not going to let
someone I hardly know ruin it.

- You understand?
- Yeah.

Good for you.

- Nice to meet you.
- You know it.

All right, what'd
you have on the last hole?


[Cries] [Giggles]

How beautiful is that?

And it'll keep him warm.

Is the anti-coagulant mixing?

Yes, doctor.

[Whimpers, cries]

- Divya.
- Hm?

Does he look all right to you?

- Is he breathing?
- What's wrong?

He seems a little lethargic.

I'm going to clear a little moisture.

Is he in distress?

No. No, he'll be fine.

Jill, get me oxygen.

- Where is it?
- Tall cabinet.

- Okay.
- Help her.

- Is he getting dusky?
- Not yet.

No, no, no, that won't work.

If he has tachypnea, he needs C-pap.

I am going to use blow-by.
It should help.

Will you hold this?

Relax, son.

Deep breaths.

Is he going to be okay?

I think it's just transient tachypnea.

Wet lungs.

We will alert the hospital.

Are you ready?

So why did he need you here?

Well, I'm sh**ting the baptism, for one.

Oh. [Water splashes]

Eddie R. Fellini over here.


And he needed me because
he started doubting himself.

- Got it!
- Which is not like Shaw at all.

So you think he's changed.

Yeah, it's like he's lost.

In prison, he was so confident.

You know that he helped me get through.

He was my only friend.

At first, I thought "I like him"

"because he reminds me of you and Evan."

And then I thought, "no, I like him"

"because he reminds me
of myself at his age."

Confident, cocky, ambitious...

Missing the point.

- Dad.
- Yeah?

Why didn't you mention your parole hearing?

Because I wanted to
get the parole on my own.

- You know, earn your respect.
- How's that working out?

Well, if you had stayed home
like I had asked.

- Oh, so this is our fault?
- Well, no, no, no.

I didn't mean it exactly like that.

Look, I've got something
very big to share with you boys

when the time is right.

So let me just get Shaw
to his kid, me to my hearing,

- and then we'll talk.
- Wait, Shaw is a father?

Oh, yeah.

He's got an adorable daughter named Gina,

but he doesn't know her very well.

Because her mother thinks
he's a bad influence.

But I think ever since he's got his faith,

he can turn that around.

That's why he's going to Austin,

to be with his kid.

So you're helping Shaw be a dad.

Well, you and Evan
helped me get a second chance.

So I thought I would help him get his.



How do you feel?

I don't know.

Maybe I wasn't under long enough.

You know...

- maybe I could swim there.
- Swim where?

Shaw, Shaw. Can I see your tattoo?

You like it?

Hard-core geeks need street cred.

Looks like a rash underneath.

Could be a sign of infection or hep C.

I'll push the clinic for your test results.

- Yeah, you do that.
- Shaw.

Talk to me. Do you have abdominal pain?

Listen to me, I wanna do another exam,

and I think you need to rest.

Oh, please listen to Hank.

Look, he shouldn't be left alone.

Yeah, but if I miss my curfew

my ankle bracelet's
gonna give me an earful.

Don't worry, until we get some answers

I'm not going anywhere.

Shaw's asleep?


No, I'm lying. Yeah, he's asle...

you know, you don't have to do that.

Oh, sorry.

But thank you for asking.

I love that you're so supportive of me,

unlike some people I know.

I can't say, he's right here.

I love you too.


- So that was Paige.
- Mm-hmm.

Offering to fly down because
she can tell how upset I am.

- She could tell, Hank.
- You told her dad's parole

was in jeopardy and
she just sussed that out?

Ooh, you're being sarcastic.

You're defending someone
who doesn't need it.

- Paige is great.
- But?

Come on, there's always a but.

But as much as I care about her...

I care more about you.

Then why can't you just be happy for me?

I don't get it, why can't you just say

"Congratulations, Evan,
here's to you and Paige"?

Here's to you and Paige.

What the hell was that?

- I...
- That doesn't count!

You don't mean that.
You don't even have a beer!

I mean it. I mean it.

But a couple of weeks ago, you
were convinced Paige dumped you

because she hadn't returned
a couple of texts.

That's just not a sign

that you're secure in this relationship.

I'm very secure in this relationship.

Paige is very secure
in this relationship.

You're the only one who isn't
secure in this relationship.

You're not even in the relationship!


What the... you're naked!

You're naked!

It's a hot tub. And you're a doctor,

shouldn't the human body
be routine by now?

Not yours. [Scoffs]

- Your hunting accident.
- What about it?

Were you just checking out my ass?

Shaw doesn't have a rash on his back.

They're scars.

He was shot.

You totally were just checking my ass out.

Now it's awkward!

So you were shot... as a kid?

Goofing around with my cousin.

It really hurt.

My ass doesn't look that bad, right?

Can you turn around for me, please?

Okay, now, um... [Sighs]

flex your foot for me.

Can you pull your toes up?

Okay, you didn't just
stumble off the porch.

You literally tripped over your own feet

because you lost neuromuscular control.

It's called drop foot.

Now when you said you got so
mad you couldn't see straight,

were you experiencing tunnel vision?



[Door opens]

How is he?

- Hey.
- How are you?

Hank pulled me from the water.

I pulled you out of bed.



Why is he being this way?

Well, disorientation is
a symptom of lead poisoning.

He's got lead poisoning?

He was shot when he was younger.

Maybe not all of the pellets were removed.

- Film'll be up in a sec.
- Thank you.

[Clears throat] If I'm right...

his X-ray will show us where the lead is.

Yeah, but why now?
He was shot so long ago.

Yeah, Shaw. When you
were beat up in prison,

did they hit or kick your back?

Yeah, so?

No, so it's possible a pellet

that had been encapsulated
in fibrous tissue was broken,

and is now leeching lead
into your bloodstream.


Or dozens of pellets.

Holy crap.

Dude, you're a walking arsenal.

We need to get you to a hospital.

No, no. No, stay away from me!

- Okay, okay, okay.
- Okay, easy.

It's not the poison!

I saw a light!

I had a vision and it was real!

- Of course it was...
- Get back!

Stop, listen, volatility
is part of the poisoning.

Just give him some space, okay?

Shaw, I'm not saying it wasn't a vision.

Lead toxicity doesn't
typically cause auras.

You see, it doesn't change the meaning of

what happened to you. Please.


It could explain your other symptoms.

Now let me help you.

I just wanna see my little girl.

I know.

Let's call an ambulance

and get you back on track to do that.


The baby's had no
repeated episodes of T.T.N.,

- but keep oxygen standing by.
- Okay.

And alert the neo-natal I.C.U.
to have an apnea monitor ready.

Hank made arrangements
for the cord blood.

I'll deliver it
first thing in the morning.

My driver will take you now.

Or now. Now's good.

That blood can prove invaluable.

Should our son... someday need it.

[Whimpers] Hi.


Well, we'll see you at Hamptons Heritage.

- Easy...
- Got it?

- Got it.
- Sir.

I realize that my reaction earlier

to your elevated blood
pressure was overzealous,

- but...
- Miss Katdare...

today is not a day you need
to defend your professionalism.

Thank you.

You say "thank you?"


Let's go.

I got it. He's in.


He's mentally altered,

but the chelation will reverse that.

Yeah, but Hank, you saved his life.

Yeah, that's great, maybe now we can

- focus on yours, dad.
- Yeah.


You're supposed to be in the house.

- That's his sponsor.
- Oh.

Hank? Evan?

I'm sorry, you know us?

No. Thanks to him, I don't.

Oh, that's rich, dad.

I'm sorry, what did you just call him?

Boys, meet Ted Roth, your grandfather.


You said your father was dead.

Well, dead to me.

I told you I had something
big to share with you.

- Yeah.
- Wait a sec, wait.

So you're not my dad's sponsor?

I'm that too.

Why did you say you were an attorney?

I didn't. You said that.

Oh. The apple doesn't fall too far.

You know what, Evan is a very good boy.

See, this is exactly
what I didn't want to happen.

One false move, he writes you off.

I'm not the one who
held a grudge for 40 years!

No, you're the one who threw me out.

I'm the one who extended
the olive branch.

Olive branch!

More like a "get out of jail free" branch!

Guys, guys, as heartwarming as this is...

Wait, how did you get Lawson from Roth?

That's what the "R" stands for.


Hey! Hey, have you seen the patient?

Shaw? You guys just took him away.

He jumped out of the ambulance
when we stopped at the gate.

Who's Shaw?

Well, he's not in his right mind.

- Could he have gone home?
- Who's Shaw?

- He wanted to swim to Austin.
- That sounds well-thought out.

Okay, look, the beach, let's go.

Move over, dad. I'll drive.

- Everybody in?
- Let's go, go, go...

Who is Shaw?

Okay, Evan... You head east.

- Yep.
- I'll try west.

Dad, comb this area, make sure...
[Ankle bracelet beeps]

- Uh, damn.
- Your charm bracelet.

All right, dad, go be where you need to be.

You're past curfew. You're
gonna screw your parole.

Well, then screw it.

There's a man missing with lead poisoning.

He's disoriented.

He could be heading
towards a seizure or coma.

- Welcome to Florida.
- Guys!

Over here. [Bracelet continues beeps]

- Are these his?
- Well, I don't know, maybe.

Shaw! Shaw!

- Dad, dad...
Both: - You can't swim!

- Come on.
- Shaw!

- Shaw!
- Shaw!

Hi, I need to get the number

to the Long Island
blood bank in West Islip.

I already phoned them, Ms. Casey.

They are staying open for us.


No, not you. Never mind.

Would you care for a drink?

Well, I don't know. What you got?

Only the best.

Oh, yes, you do.

Yeah, maybe after...

[loud metal crunching, glass shattering]