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04x06 - About Face

Posted: 04/24/24 15:49
by bunniefuu
All right, ladies, come on!


Down to your left!

To the right!

Back to the middle!

Keep going.
Straight down.

Right down the middle.

Nice and deep.

Morning, Harper.


You stalking me?

This is my beach.
I run here every morning.

How do I know
you're not stalking me?


Ball down. 50 crunches-

All right, let's do this.

On the ball!

Right now.

If it's too easy,
you're not doing anything.


Okay, so, all I really
know about you is

you're a doctor
who doesn't date doctors,

and you like to be yelled at
when you work out.

I like to be challenged.

- Oh, is that what you call it?
- Yeah.

This isn't a contest, you know.
You can slow down.

I'm good.
Gets the adrenaline pumping.

Oh, an adrenaline junkie?

I used to be.
Not so much anymore.

In my opinion,
once an adrenaline junkie,

always an adrenaline junkie.

Hey, what's your name?

Oh, I'm Hank.

I don't care what your name is!

You're not! In my!

- I got it.
- You're in trouble.

I'm not in the class.

Stop stalking me.

And, tell Masi that
her favorite niece says hello.

Of course.

Thank you for
letting me stay with you.

Mum, you're always welcome.

Please call me tomorrow.

After your date.

I will.

Please call me tonight
when you land in London.


You know your father.
He won't return my call.

He's too stubborn.

Thought for the day...

To impress Hank,
I need to be more like Hank.

"Please, call me Jeremiah.

How can I make you
el better today?"


"Please, call me Jeremiah.

How can I make y-"

Gen-tech Pharmaceuticals
is up 3 to $56.36.

- Call broker.
- Call broker.

Please, call me Jeremiah.

How can I make you
feel better today?

- I beg your pardon?
- Sorry.

This is Jeremiah Sacani.
I'd like to buy some stock.

Look, look, look.

I ordered 50 boxes
of alcohol swabs,

not 50 cases.

Yes, I know the difference.
A box fits in my hand.

These cases fill my patio.

And I have a big patio, ma'am.

So, c-

No. No, of cour-

I don't want to
keep them, ma'am.

I want you to pick them up
and credit my account.

Okay, you know what?
Listen, listen, listen.

What's your name?

Your name is "Raven"?

It's a fine name,
it's a great name.

Listen, can-
It's supervisor time, raven.

Please put your su-


Why is this happening to me?

I don't have time for this.

What about a surprise?
Do you have time for that?

No, I-I-I
have to do payroll-

- Did you just paint this?
- I did. And...

You are back on
Sidney Bartlett's calendar.

Talented fiancee said what now?

I got you a meeting
at the Blackstone. Today.

- At 11:00.
- Wow. You-

I have no time
for the meeting, but wow.

I can help you
to return the cases-

No, no, no, just-
Just focus on your painting

that's great, I'll be fine.

You know why I'm gonna be fine?

Because I'm meeting
Sidney Bartlett!

Sidney Bartlett,
oh, my g-

How did you do it?

Well, I know
how disappointed you were

when you had to cancel
that first meeting.

So, since my family has
had a membership there for ages,

I just decided
to call in a favor.

I love surprise favors.

All right. Prep me, prep me.
What's this Sidney guy like?

- Come on.
- Okay, he is

a total sweetheart.

He's the kind of guy

who always remembers a name,

and he never forgets a face.
He's like this big, fat,

jolly man with a beard.

So he's like Santa.

Yes! But, instead of coming
down a chimney,

he smokes like one.

Bring him a cigar,
and you're gonna knock him dead.

- You are amazing.
- No, you're amazing.

- No, you are.
- No, you are.

Okay, me.


You get any sleep?

What have you decided
about my proposal?

I understand you can't
tell me anything

about the nature of your work.

But you did mention that

if I were to participate
in this... Venture,

it would require a set of
strict, non-negotiable rules.

These are necessary for your
protection, as well as my own.

What are they?


This is a pager watch.

Operates on a secure frequency.

Should I require you for
my personal medical needs,

I'll call your cell phone.

But the pager...

Would strictly be
for the job at hand.

And when it beeps?

When it beeps, you would

remove the SIM card
from your personal cell

and proceed directly here,
to shadow pond.

You will make no calls,

you will send
no texts or emails.

Your brother will be informed
that you would be

temporarily unavailable.

I suggest you prepare him
for your possible absence.

While I can arrange for
other doctors to be on call,

I can't guarantee
that when you page me

I won't be with a patient.

Such is the risk I would take.


Any questions?

Probably none you would answer.

Given the limited details,

I'll understand
if you decline my offer.

I'm in.

♪ my independence went away ♪

♪ I didn't listen
when it said ♪

♪ rely on yourself ♪

♪ trusting someone else ♪

♪ is a path
for the silent ghost ♪

Does Hank, uh,
often make beach calls?

When necessary, yes.

When Mr. Keegan called,
he said

he was by the first
lifeguard station.

Okay, now, Hank would
double-check that

his bag was stocked with
medical supplies.

As have I, twice.

But, why didn't this gentleman
just go to the ER?

Because he is
a retainer patient.

They don't go.
We come.

You know, it might be easier

if you take off your shoes.
To walk.

No. No, do you
have any idea

what's underneath this sand?

No. But I know that
Hank wouldn't complain.

Here, over here!
Over here, here, here!

It's my friend.

Woody Keegan,
we are from Hankmed.

I am Divya, and this is
Dr. Sacani.

Oh, please, call me Jeremiah.

How can I make you
feel better today?

It's- my hip.

From what you told me,
it appears to be dislocated.

We need to reduce it quickly.
His foot has no pulse.

No pulse?
He could lose the foot.

Dude, that's messed up.

"Messed up" means serious,
right? Yes, it's very serious.

Sir? Sir.

Help me hold
his pelvis down, okay?

We need to keep it
on the board.

Woody, uh-

I need to attempt
to reduce your hip.

Here goes.


Try again.


I'll call Hank.

I apologize for the discomfort.

Just rest for a moment.

I'll just be a minute.

I'm Dr. Tovo Kitihara.

Today I'll present
an alternative method

to a posterior hip dislocation.

The East Baltimore lift.

Each grab the other's shoulder.

Extend the hip,
and rotate inward.

Excuse me, friend of Woody's?

Um, there's another surfer
a click down the beach.

Will you call him over, please.

Dude! Dude!
Over here, c'mere!

When I lift it, with the other
hand reach under the leg

and each grab
each other's shoulders.

You understand?

Reach under it.

That's it, each grab
the other's shoulder.

I'm gonna extend the hip
and rotate inward.


And your pain
should be gone, yes?


Divya, will you
check his foot, please?

His pulse has returned.

Well, your foot and your hip
are going to be fine.

Excellent work.

I knew you had it in you.


Oh, Henry.

Hey, I'm glad you're here.
I need to discuss something.

Oh, my God. Okay, uh-
I- I'm taking care of the boxes.

No, it's not the boxes.

Good, then I want to discuss
something with you first.

It's really, really
important, okay?

Striped or solid?

Why does it matter?

'Cause I am about to have
the meeting of my life.

Of my life, Henry.

I finally get to pitch
the services of Hankmed

at the Blackstone.

Which tie?

You always choose the opposite
of what I choose.

Maybe this time, I'll choose

the opposite of what I think,
so you'll choose the other one.

Okay, don't mess with
the system, Henry. It works.

Which one?

The striped.

Solid it is.


Wait a second.
Did you just pick

the tie you want me to wear,

or the one
you don't want me to wear?


Damn you.

What the hell is that?

Did you get a DUl?

Are you under house arrest?

No, I'm not under house arrest.

Uh, it's a communications device
from Boris.


I want one of those.

You can't have one.

And that's what I wanted
to talk to you about.

Boris may need me on short
notice in the near future,

and I won't be able to reach you
after he calls.

How will I even know
you're gone?

Someone from shadow pond
will contact you,

and I'll be unavailable.

Just temporarily.

You're w-

Hold on. Wha-
I- is-

Are you, w-
Ho, whoa. What?

Is there something wrong
with Boris?

Something's wrong with Boris.
Oh, my God.

Henry, can you-
Ohh, of course.

You can't say anything, right?


Is Boris dying?

Henry, is he dying?

Blink twice if he's dying.

The man of the hour returns.

Uh, excuse me?

I called on the way over

to rave about
your impressive save.

- Oh.
- Uh, the-

Ah, what's it called again?

It- The-
The East Baltimore lift.

It's a technique that, uh...

Provides a more
controlled traction than

other reducing maneuvers
for posterior hip dislocations.

I haven't even heard of it.

Yeah, me either.
Where'd you learn that?

Eh, East Baltimore.

- So, Divs.
- Yeah?

Striped or solid?

Don't ask me.

Ask Hank,
then choose the opposite.


- yeah.
- Okay. So, what...

Is with all of these boxes?

It's a lot of boxes, I know.

You screwed up didn't you?

I'm taking care of it!
All right?

All I wa-

oh, my God.


How's your mom?

She left for London
this morning.

Really? Wow.

How's your dad?

Not returning her calls.

And he's alone.

I'm a bit worried.

Maybe you should
go check on him.

You know, medically.





I'm looking for
Sidney Bartlett?

That's me.

And you are?

Ah- Ah- Evan R. Lawson,
CFO of Hankmed?

Sorry if I messed up your game.

Oh, doesn't take much,
believe me.

It's nice to finally meet you.

You too.

You're talking about my father.

- Ohh.
- I'm his daughter.

Sydney with a "Y", not an "I".

Okay. And so now you-
You have his job?



Please, have a seat.

Thank you.

I wasn't implying, by the way,

that being big, fat,
and jolly was bad.

Go, Santa!

Anyway, I heard that
your father likes cigars, so I-

I brought him
a box of my favorites.

He died two weeks ago.

From emphysema.

Oh, my God.

I am so sorry.

It's okay.

I'm Evan R. Lawson.

I'm the CFO of Hankmed.

Oh, Sydney Bartlett.
Sydney with a "Y", not an "I".

- Huh.
- Have we met?

I'm almost certain we haven't.

It's really good to meet you.

Nice to meet you too.

I am so sorry.

I had no idea sid died
when I was in england.

It's okay.
Uh, I met with his daughter.

With a "Y".

- You met Sydney?
- Yeah.

How'd it go?

Initially, terrible.

Like, the worst meeting
I've ever had in my life.

But, uh...
I think I turned it around.

- Good.
- Yeah.

Oh. Syd- That's-


It's me, Paige.

Paige Collins.

Oh, it's been a while.

I hardly recognize you.

I know, I hardly recognized
you either.

Miss Bartlett?
Can we talk to you?

Yeah, of course.

I have to go.
It's so good to see you.

Please tell your parents
I said hello.

- I will.
- Okay.

I really- I-


Guess I didn't make as much of
an impression as I thought.

How can I help you?

- It seems you double-booked
our court time.

We have a lesson
on court seven today.

But, we have a lesson
on that court.

But don't you remember,
we spoke after lunch yesterday.

But Miss Bartlett and I
spoke yesterday morning.

Any chance you all
might want to play together?

Is this about court seven?

And it's already booked.

I know, by us.

But our instructor isn't there,

and we arranged for a lesson
this morning?

Don't you remember,
miss Bartlett?

- I'd really like to play today.
- It helps calm her nerves.

Did I mention we've been
members for over 15 years?

We've been members for over 20.

Now, Sydney, I know you've
been through a lot lately-

It's the only exercise
I'll have all week!

I- You- Yeah, I'm going to
go check the schedule.

Excuse me.
I'll be right back.

Are you sure about the jacket?

Yes. It's a country club.

There's a dress code.

I don't know,
it just feels desperate.

You're lucky I'm not
making you wear a tie.

Would it be striped or solid?

Hey, it's not my fault you
couldn't close this deal.

I will ignore
your snarky comment.

But, speaking of closing,

when do you
bring out the contract?

After Sydney says yes.

No, you-
No, no. Listen to me.

You don't wait for her
to actually say yes.

You pounce the moment you smell
even a hint of "maybe".

Are you listening to me?


Oh, my God.

Boris looks terrible.

Is he losing weight?

Brothers Lawson.


Good morning, Boris.

Good morning.

No, really, I-I just-
I wanted to say

good morning.

'Cause every new morning...

Is a good one.

Especially this one.

- Evan, I think-
- And, you know,

I am- I-
I just wanted to say,

I'm so grateful for the
generosity you've shown Hankmed.

You've given us so much,

We could never repay it.

Well, I thank you.

I- Thank you. Really.

It's been an honor...

Not getting to know you.



I am so sorry.



Hello, father.

I know that sometimes
when you are in distress,

you can be forgetful about
taking your medications.

Perhaps I could just...
check your blood pressure?

Your blood pressure's fine.

It's nice to see you, father.

Your roses look fantastic.

I had them cut
earlier this year.

It's an experiment.

Well, it paid off.

I've never seen them
looking any better.

Here's the estimate,
Mr. Katdare.

- My crew can start next week.
- Excellent.

I'll be in touch.

What are you having done?

I'm having the pool drained
and paved over.

Uh, but, mother loves the pool.

She swims every day.

Well, I can't swim,
and she's not here.

I know that you are hurt.

But, please,
don't make things worse.

Your mother started this,
not me.

And if she thinks she's going
to have continued say

over this property,
she's quite wrong.

Father, mother wants
to talk to you

and tell you how she feels.

If you would just call her-

I don't care how she feels.

She has said enough
with her actions,

and now she will
reap the results.

Mother left you because
you are impossible.

You won't discuss anything!

You just throw up these commands
like walls around you-

- You have no right to get in-
- I am not finished!

For once, you're going to
hear what I have to say.

You shut me out.

You cut me off.

And now you're
doing the same thing to mother.

Well, if you don't
start changing,

if you don't stop this behavior,

you are going to end up
unloved and alone.

Then I guess
there is no hope for me.

So nice to meet you, Hank.

It's nice to meet you too,

I'd like to first
offer my condolences

for the loss of your father.

I know how hard it is
to lose a parent.

Thank you.
It is hard.

He meant so much to me.

I had no idea
what I was getting into

when I took over this job.

My father always made it
look so easy. But...

Me, I'm overwhelmed.

Well, don't be so
hard on yourself.

I mean, you're still fresh
to the grieving process.

It isn't just grief.

I didn't... make it

to the hospital.
In time.

I never got to say good-bye.

Sydney, remorse is
a normal part of loss.

But it can also
produce anxiety.

My father ran this club
my whole life.

I want to do a good job.

I ha- I have to
do a good job.

- You are.
- Sydney!

We have a special request for
tonight's dinner reservation.

Oh, sure.

Oh, um... Is this private?
Should we come back later?

No, no, it's fine.

Allow me to introduce
Dr. Hank Lawson.

Please, call me Hank.

- Roger Stark. Good to meet you.
- You too.

I've been telling Hank about

our club's loyal members,

and none are more important
than Roger Stark

and his daughter, Colette.

My name is Summer.

And I'm not his daughter,
I'm his wife.

Of course.

Please, forgive me.

She snubbed me at the pool
yesterday, and now this.

Fix it, Roger.

Uh, sweetheart?

She has a lot on her plate.

I'm sorry, I have to
go deal with this.

I'll, uh-
I'll stop by later to follow up.

Oh, yes, yes, and I'll-
I'll make sure

our meeting isn't interrupted.

Oh- No, not for business.

For you.

They said
you were a supervisor.

Well, I've spoken to three-
Oh my God, can y-



How'd it go?

Yeah, I think it went pretty-

I mean, I think she was...

She didn't sign the contract,
did she?

Our meeting was cut short.

All right, um,
how did she respond

to our patient care
philosophy statement?

We were interrupted
before I could get into it.

Henry, you remembered
to have Sydney

read the staff profiles, right?

Honestly, Evan, she seemed
a bit preoccu-

You forgot the staff profiles.



As if I don't have
enough to do.

It was Roger Stark
and his daughter.

It- was his wife.
It's his wife.


Ms. Bartlett?

Uh, I'm so sorry to bother you.

It seems my brother

Don't worry, Sydney,
I called my brother.

Hang tight.

Oh, that's a lot of blood-

All right,
I'm gonna help you up.

Don't move, don't move.
You're surrounded by glass.

So I'm gonna guide you back...


Let's just move way back...

Away from the glass.

And, your nose is bleeding.

So, I'm just gonna-
Gonna give you something

to stop the bleeding, okay?

Here ya go.
I'm gonna put this on your nose,

- put some pressure-
- Ow.

- Does that hurt?
- Yeah.

What happened?

I j-
Got startled,

- and I-I tripped-
- Don't put your head back.

Just keep your head
above your heart.

- Oh-kay, still bleeding.
- Ugh.


- Stay right there.
- Yeah.

Just gonna put this
under your chin

to catch the blood.

I got a lot of nosebleeds
as a kid, so...

I ruined a lot of shirts,

I'm lucky you were here.

I knew when I met you
I could trust you.

Wow, thank you.

I don't know what's going on
with me- I'm so accident-prone.

I got into a car accident
on the way to see my father

to say good-bye, and then I
fell down the stairs yesterday,

and then this happened.

You might be right.

- I-I'm right about what?
- Maybe I'm-

I'm anxious.


Like, what would you
prescribe for me?

Do you think I'm Hank?

- Hey.
- Hey.

EMTs are on their way.

Oh, my God,
this is so embarrassing.

I fell,
and then I just-

For a second
I thought Evan was you.

- I don't know.
- We're gonna figure this out.

- Just give me that.
- All right, let me take a look.

Open your mouth, please?

Yeah, Ev, get some water.
She has a posterior bleed.

It'll help clear her throat.

You had me at "get".
Hold on to this.


This may pinch a little.

- Okay.
- Ow.

I need to stop the bleeding.

- Water.
- Yeah. Give her some water.

Sydney, you can spit it out
into the bowl.

- Eww.
- Oh, my God.

It's all right. I'm gonna stop
the bleeding, don't you worry.

This will anesthetize
your nose.

Okay, okay.

- Little squirt.
- Sydney,

this is going to be
very uncomfortable.


- Ow. Ow.
- Yeah. I know.

- Okay, it's in.
- Can I hold it here?

Yeah, just don't pull it out.

Don't pull it out.
It's not so bad, right?

Okay, now I'm going to
inflate the balloons.

You're going to feel
some pressure.

Let me just make sure
it inflated.

- Oh!
- Okay, good.

And, now you're going to feel
some more pressure.


Now just lean your head back.


It stopped the bleeding.


That's great, you did great.
Now what?

Her nose is broken.
I need to make a splint.

- It's broken?
- Rip me a piece of tape.

Broke my nose?

I broke my nose
as a kid, it's fine.

Look at my nose, it's fine.
It's a little crooked.

Good. This should
stabilize your nose.

Okay, tape please?

Thank you.


- Hey, doc, we're here.
- Hey, guys.

Oh, no.
You guys, I'm fine.

I'm so sorry.
I'm totally fine.

I'll go to the hospital
with her.

Henry, we'll be fine.

- Seriously, go.
- Okay.

You're in good hands.

I'm Divya Katdare.

Ah, yes.
Right this way.

- Divya?
- Jim.

- Hi.
- Nice to meet you.

You too. Veronica's said
a lot of great things about you.

About you as well.

Thank you.

I'm just sorry that my name

isn't as interesting
as yours is.

Well, I can only hope that
our meal and our conversation

will make up for that.

Okay. So, should we avoid

the boring
"what do you do for a living?"

It is boring, isn't it?

I mean, why let our jobs
invade our social life?

You have no idea.

What shall we talk about?

Well, how about what we do
when we're not working?

I love that idea.
But you go first.

Well, I used to be a runner,

but it got hard on my knees,
so now I'm big into swimming.

- Swimming.
- Pool mostly.

But I'm thinking of
going ocean.

I hear it's a whole different
workout, so...

Yes. Plus, no one's going to

fill the ocean with cement.

I hope not.

That would certainly affect
more than just my swimming.

I am so sorry.
I should explain.

No, no, no, it's fine.
You don't have to-

My mother
recently left my father.

I inadvertently
inspired her to leave him.

Yep, and then
I invited her into my home.

I wanted to check in on him.

You know, to make sure
that he was okay.

I- I talked about roses.

What could possibly go wrong
with a chat about roses?



He wants the pool drained.

I mean, who does that?
Certainly a person

who would force his daughter
into an arranged marriage.

I wanted a calm
and rational conversation.

You know, calm and rational,
because that is what I am.

I am calm
and I am rational, right?

I mean, you'd accept an apology
from me, right?!

If I had known that
swimming was a touchy subject,

I would have started off with
"what do you do for a living?"

So what do you do for a living?

I'm a family therapist.

What do I need to do?

I regret to tell you that
plans changed after I paged you.

S- so,
you don't need me.

Not at the moment, no.


since you're here,

you need to sign this
non-disclosure agreement,

a liability release.

Do you have a will, Hank?

I do.


Stepping into my world
brings with it certain...


Anything else?


You walked the entire length
of the Blackstone Club

before you removed your SIM
and disabled your phone.

Don't wait so long again.



I'm calling to apologize.

I know you're in there.



I need an ambulance
at 2711 Sea View Drive.


Wake up, daddy.
Wake up.

Wake up!

Okay, come on.

What are the chances

of me running into you here?

You're a doctor, I'm a doctor.
This is a hospital, so...

I'd say pretty good.

All right, good point.

What kind of medicine
do you practice?

Pediatrics. I'm here to
check in on a newborn.

What about you?
What's your background?

I worked in a Brooklyn ER,

and now I'm in
concierge medicine.

Hmm, maybe adrenaline junkies
do change.

Have dinner with me
and find out.

You know I can't do that.

Yeah, but I don't know why
you won't date a doctor.

They're workaholics,
not socially dependable,

their divorce rate is terrible,

and don't even get me started
on their God complex.

That's all?
I thought you liked a challenge.

I'm tired of making
bad choices.

I want to learn
from my mistakes.

So do I, so do I.
But... Look,

if you're telling me
you don't feel like...

- There might be something here?
- Yeah.


Then live a little.

Break one of your rules.

The blue door.
Friday night, 7:00.

I'll meet you there.

And this is why I got
suspended in high school.

I couldn't follow the rules.

- Hey.
- There you are.

What's the, uh-
What's the update on Sydney?

Non-displaced fracture.

They're splinting and re-packing
her nose right now,

but it should heal up just fine.
And I'm you.

Um, how's uh, BKJBR?

Or is it BBKJR?


What the hell is it?

Calm down.
Everything's a-ok.

- Really? Good.
- Coming through!

That guy looks just like
Divya's dad.

Yeah, it does.



- Hey.
- Hey.

How's your dad?

He's still comatose.

The good news is

that his pupils, reflexes,

and respiratory responses
are all normal,

and the EKG
ruled out a heart attack.

- That's good.
- Yeah.

He needs tox screens
and more tests.

CT is being prepped,
and, uh-

- And neuro is on the way.
- Okay.

I actually understood
most of that.

How are you?

I'm not sure.

Why don't you just

tell me what to do
to have these boxes returned.

No, Divya, I'm-

Just d- Dkay. No,
d- d-don't transfer me.

Don't tra-

Listen to me.
Stay with your father,

and just let us know
if anything changes, okay?

Okay, bye.

So, you'll have to take calls
without Divya today.

Are you okay?

I was not, in fact,
previously familiar with

the east Baltimore lift.

I found the technique
on the Internet.

I cheated.

I know that's not
the Hankmed way.

I admire you, Hank, and I'm-

I'm extremely
disappointed in myself

that I've let you down.

Your career's been
focused on research, right?

And you played to that strength
to help a patient in need.

That is definitely
the Hankmed way.

You didn't disappoint anyone.

So you're-
You're not going to fire me?

Fire you?

Are you kidding?


We're lucky to have you.

Um, thank you.
Thank you very much.

I will go see
Divya's patients now.


They're your patients too.

Hey, Dr. Sacani.

Please, call me Jeremiah.

How can I make you
feel better today?

All good.

- Hey.
- Hi.

Weirdest thing just happened.

I was at the club for yoga, and

I ran into Sydney.

She didn't recognize me.

Had no idea who I was.

Yeah, don't take that

Yesterday she thought
I was Hank.

Wait. She didn't
recognize either of you?

Well, she had just

smashed through a glass table
with her face.

So, between that
and her car accident-

What car accident?

She was in a car accident

on the way to visit her dad
in the hospital.

That's why she
wasn't there when he died.

No wonder Sydney's distracted.

She's heartbroken.

I think it's more than grief.

Ms. Bartlett?


How can I help you?

Do you recognize us?


And- and I
so value your membership.

We're not club members.

It's me, Hank,

and my brother Evan.

I'm so sorry.

No, no, no, no.
We're not here

to make you feel bad.
We- We want to help.

We think you have
a medical condition.

what caused you to fall?

Oh, I-
I passed by the mirror

and got startled. I thought
someone was in my office.



Come with me for a sec?

Evan, stand over here.




look into the mirror
and tell me what you see.

Why don't I recognize
my own face?

It may not just be your own
face you don't recognize.

When you look at me and Evan,
what do you see?

I see your faces,


they look... the same.

Which is why I can't tell
the two of you apart.

What's wrong with me?

I think the part of your brain
responsible for processing faces

has somehow been impaired.

Did you hit your head
in the car accident?

Well, I didn't think so,

but the paramedics
said that I lost consciousness

and they took me
to the hospital,

but I left before
any of the tests were run.

I felt fine, and I was
anxious to see my father.

A neurologist
will confirm this, but

I believe you did suffer a head
trauma in the car accident

and it caused a condition
called prosopagnosia.

Otherwise known as
face blindness.

You can see people's faces,

but the features lack any
distinguishing details.

It's why you can't
tell people apart.

I thought I was going crazy.

Well, how soon
can I see a neurologist?

Very soon.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Any change?


The MRI showed minimal shearing

without a large bleed.

And on the Glasgow coma scale,
he's a nine.

Okay, okay,
those are good signs.

He's been unconscious for
more than 12 hours, Hank.

That's not a good sign.

The 12-hour rule
is not hard and fast,

you know that.

What matters here is that
you found him quickly.

Hank, I don't think
that he fell.

My father's bruises
aren't consistent with

a pool-side fall.

The neurologist thinks that

he must have hit
the water from a very

h- high point...

Which would explain his coma.

So you think-

I went to see him.

We had a fight.

And I told him that
there was no hope for him.

This is all my fault.


It's okay.

Looks like you did
suffer a concussion

in the car accident.

There's swelling in your right
temporal lobe.

This functional mri shows

what a normal brain scan
should look like,

here's the FMRI of your brain.

See, it's this reversal
that's likely causing

the face blindness.

But, as the swelling
in your brain goes down,

your facial recognition
should return.

Hopefully within a few weeks.

Is that how long
I'll have to rest?

The opposite, actually.

To help your brain
regain its normal function,

it needs exercise.

in an environment where you need
to associate names with faces.

Hello, Blackstone.

That's right.

You have the perfect job
to facilitate your recovery.


You signed the Blackstone.

Yes, I did.


That's a lot.

Uh, you're not
jumping up and down


No, I'm compl-
Are you kidding me?

I'm so excited.
This is like a huge deal.

- Yeah.
- It's-

Um, it's just-



you know what, just a little
executive branch talk

- between...
- Oh.

- If you don't mind, I-
- No, no.

- I'll go wait in the car.
- Yeah. Just-

Just business stuff.
- Okay.

All right. So,

I'm nervous about the amount of
business we're in for.

Not medically. We have enough
doctors now, which is awesome.


You have a me, right?
Who do I have?

You need an Evan.

I need an Evan, exactly.

So get an Evan.

I think Paige
wants to be an Evan.

She keeps telling me
she wants to help, but I-

So hire her.

She could work for us
until school starts.

She could be our
summer office manager.

See, okay, this is the-

I don't know, Henry.

I don't know if Paige
should work at Hankmed.

What are you worried about?

That she'll hate
working with me.

That I'll hate
working with her.

That I'll somehow change
working around her,

or she'll change
working around me.

That we'll stop
being honest with each other,

or we'll start being too honest,

and then suddenly we're
screaming and yelling, at work,

and I-
Saying things we regret

and wish we could take back,

but we can't take them back,

and then oh, my God,
we break up,

and we break up badly,
it's messy,

everyone gets involved,
and it's a giant disa-

It ends,
in a cataclysmic disaster.

Other than that, nothing.

I never thought I'd see the day
when Evan R. Lawson,

CFO of Hankmed,

wasn't willing to take a risk.

I know.

Ugh, it's freaking me out too.

Take your time.

Whatever you want,
whatever you decide,

I support you 100%.

Thank you.


I'm gonna hire her.

Maybe you're right, you know?

Maybe it'll be a good thing

- working with her.
- Yeah.

And if it doesn't work out,
I can just blame you.

So it's a win-win for me
either way.


I am so sorry I'm late.

And I was just thinking

how socially undependable
doctors can be.

I have to go.

Are you kidding?

I'm not.

Is it an emergency?

I need to go.
I'm sorry.

Don't apologize.
It was my mistake

for breaking my own rule.

We'll reschedule?

It's okay.

Better this happens now
than on date number five,

when I really liked you.

I really am so sorry.