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04x10 - Who's Your Daddy?

Posted: 04/24/24 15:53
by bunniefuu
So, these guys don't travel with a doctor?

No, they do... it's just for their horses.

Well, it's a pretty sweet gig.

Yeah, it'd be even sweeter if we
were getting our full of that, right?

That's nice you gave them a break,
I mean they're clearly hurting.

Well, to be totally honest, I, uh...

I cut 'em a deal to make sure
you'd be busy.

You know, keep your mind off,
you know, the breakup.

You mean Christina? That wasn't a breakup.

I know, I know.

I was trying to avoid the word "dumped."

What? I did not get dumped.

We just went our separate ways
after a relationship

that could have been but never really was.

Uh-huh. And the term for that is?

- I... can you just...
- Okay, okay.

I have bigger things
to deal with than your...

whatever it was, anyway.

Guess who's coming to town.

I'd say Santa Claus, but
it's summer and we're jewish.

Yeah, I wish it was Santa Claus.

No, the general. Yeah.

He is detouring off the campaign trail

to get some kind of award,

and Paige thinks it's time
for her parents to meet dad.

Sounds reasonable.

Oh, does it? Reasonable?

Her dad used to be a general.

Our dad used to be in
the general population, Henry.

You're getting married, Evan.

I mean, at some point,
the bride's and groom's

families have to meet.

You're right.

You're absolutely right.

"At some point."

I'll just postpone it. Oh, my God.

Mwah. Henry, you're a genius.

- I wasn't...
- Ha ha!

How does he...


That a girl, use your toe, not your heel.

- Hey, guys.
- Hi, Evan.

- Hi.
- Look at us.

We're stomping on divots.

Oh, wow, that's very exciting.

We have to talk.

You know what's exciting?

That I'm going to get to meet
your future in-laws.

We don't need to talk.

That's exciting, dad.

Friday at 6:00. We have reservations.

Ugh, I have them right now.

- Okay, good.
- How about this?

I now have something
in common with Paige's dad.

Yeah, my dad is on his way to Albany

to receive the humanitarian
medal of valor,

and your dad is up for a bloggie.

Oh, a bloggie.

Well, you know, for self-improvement.

Okay, so it's not a humanitarian award.

But I figure since
I have a little prison time,

my chances are pretty good.

- Good luck, pop.
- Thank you.

- Hello, all.
- Hi.

Enjoying the match?


Well, you know, guys ridin' on horses,

swingin' at balls... what?

- That's the game, isn't it?
- Basically.

I've been to the tournament
nine years running.

And I've never been here
because horses terrify me.

But speaking of getting back on the horse,

Divs, how was your date last night?

Evan, that's personal.

No, it's not.

Unless there was some...

You know... what? Then it would be...

was there any...
You know, was there?

- There was not.
- Oh.

There was barely... I know.

Mm, sounds like you didn't like him.

I liked him fine...

just like I have liked the other two guys

that I have been set up with.

Yeah, but who's looking for like?

- Dre... wh...


- Ooh, excuse me.
- Excuse me.


- New shoes.
- Wow. Yow.

Those are some tall new shoes.

Are you stomping divots,
or are you making them?

I'm so...

I'm fine. I'm fine. And you know what?

You don't have to rush,
'cause I'm pretty sure

they're not gonna start
till we leave the field.

Oh, I'm not trying to leave the field.

I'm trying to get to Rafa.

Is he the one who's riding

the beautiful chestnut quarter-horse?

You're looking at his horse? Wow.

I like horses.

Certainly draws a crowd, doesn't he?

Well, have you seen him?

He's 50 shades of, "oh, my God."

"Take me. Take me now."

Oh, I'm guessing
you're not here for the polo.

Polo, shmolo.

Oh, I see an opening.

Nice to meet you all.

Who knew polo players had groupies?

Rafa! Hello, Raf... no!

You... you're playing very well, Rafa.

- Hey, guys.
- Hey.

So, uh, who's winning?

Oh, the, uh... the guys on the, uh, hor...

the, uh... with the m...

I have no idea who's winning.

Okay, thank you.

So are you going to the dinner?

- The dinner?
- Mm-Hmm, Paige's family.

Oh, that.

Uh, no.

I mean, we've met.

You know, I think that
should just be you guys.

If you change your mind,
or if you get lonely,

you call me immediately.

Uh, why would I feel lonely?

Because your brother
just told me you were dumped.

I did not get dumped.

- He did not get dumped.
- You did get dumped.

- You did get dumped?
- I didn't get dumped!

- Ooh.
- Oh!

Simon! Wait, wait.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Time-out.

- Come on, get up.
- I can't.

- Come on, Simon, get up.
- It hurts too much.

- Any pain?
- No.

Did you lose consciousness?

- No.
- Good.

So far it looks like you just
bruised your shoulder.

And my ego.

Well, that I'm not qualified to treat.

Is there anything I can do to help?

Uh, you could give us some room.

As you wish.

I'm surprised you're not
in more pain, Mr. Braddock.

Simon. And I've had harder falls.

- This is true.
- Hey.

I got up from those too.

Well, perhaps you fell deliberately so you

could be treated by the beautiful doctor.

Actually, I am a physician assistant.

I was talking about Hank.

- You are quite beautiful.
- Thank you so much.

Please stand up.

So, uh, how long have
you been playing polo?

Clearly not long enough.

That's true.

I spent my 30s and 40s on Wall Street

when I could've been playing.

But then again, if I hadn't
been working on stuff,

I probably wouldn't have
had the money to buy the team.

- You're a player and the owner?
- Yep.

Even flew to Argentina
to handpick my players.

Rafa I found working in the stables.

And he recognized greatness.

Yeah, he was excellent at shoveling...

This injury time will end

in five minutes.

Five minutes until the next chukker.

Okay, here we go.

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Not for you, I'm afraid.


Damn it.

Every year we get so close
to winning the Canterbury Cup,

and every year somehow it just slips away.

Tell Ernesto to sub in,

but you better not lose without me.

The thought never occurred.

Just mount up.

Smart guy.

So I took the liberty of having

your best suit cleaned and pressed, okay?

I don't have a best suit.

I also took the liberty of buying you one.


So just keep it in the bag
till tomorrow night.

And don't be late, all right?

The general's very particular
about punctuality.

Well, what is he gonna do if I'm late?

He's gonna throw me in the brig?

- Maybe.
- Yeah? No, come on.

The man... relax.

He puts his pants on one leg at a time

- like everybody else.
- He does.

But his pants are part
of a four-star general uniform.

So that's why I've prepared
this list of topics for you.

Uh-huh. Good, good, good, good.

- Yeah.
- All right.

So these are great conversation starters.


These are not conversation starters, dad.

These are topics to be avoided, okay?

- Avoided.
- Religion, politics, race,

- pri... windmills?
- Yes.

That's a whole thing, but yes.

Well, what can I talk about?

Me as an adorable child, uh,

the weather, and golf.

Not Tiger Woods though,
all right? I mean it.

You know that I've had
dinner with adults before?

That I can actually cut my own meat?

Yes, dad, I...

I know exactly what I'm gonna talk about.

- What?
- Well, my nomination

- for a bloggie.
- No.

No, that falls under prison.

Yes, yes, but in
the self-improvement category.

- Dad, you wrote it...
- Hey, guys.

- How's it going?
- Oh, I've just had

an exhilarating time here with Emily Post.

And I will be P.P. tomorrow night...

particularly punctual.

I just gotta get my suit.

Okay, gotta keep it in the bag.

What was that about?

Uh, just prepping him
for dinner with your parents.

Evan, you don't need to prep him.

Your dad is totally lovable.

To you and me, yes, I know.

- But... but your dad is...
- Careful.

Another story... another story.

I just want it to be good, you know?

I want things to work out.

I just want your family to like my family.

And I want that too.

But cranking up the pressure
on your dad and yourself

is not gonna help.

What you need to do is relax.

Yes, I know.

It's easier said than done though.

I'm, like...

I'm gonna be a puddle of flop sweat

before I even get there.

Well, then show up
to the Blackstone early.

In fact, go super early,

get a message, take a steam

take a jacuzzi, and get dressed
in the locker room.

That way you're gonna be rested and ready

and totally de-stressed.

That's a fantastic idea.

I know.

Don't tell me. Don't tell me.

Div... ine?

Uh, Divya.

Sorry, you must get that a lot.

Well, not really, no.

Have you seen Rafa?


But, uh, if you listen for the sounds

of squealing women, I suspect
that you will find him.

- Sorry, that was rude.
- Oh, not at all.

No, no, those women are part
of why I need to see him.

I'm confused.

Aren't they your competition?

Oh, I'm not trying to sleep with him.

I just want him in my underwear.

Still confused.

My card.

"Fannie Todd, president,"

"Fancied Pants...
high-end, high-performance"

"undergarments for men and women."

I'm a tiny company
with even tinier products,

even though I've been at it for years.

But if I can get Rafa
to model some of my stuff

before another designer gets to him,

it could make me big.

- So you're a businesswoman?
- Mm-Hmm.

And here I thought that
you were just one of those...

Crazy ladies who want
to ride Rafa like a polo pony?

I guess your shoulder's feeling better.

Hey, Hank, yeah.

Yeah, it is. Oats for you?

Uh, already had breakfast.

- But thank you.
- Suit yourself.

I watched ya out there.

You're no amateur. You're good.

You flatter me.

But it comes with a question attached.

A horseman like you doesn't suddenly

go flying without any contact.

So the question is,
did you hurt your shoulder

because you fell, or did you fall

because your shoulder already hurt?

It's been going on for a few days...

this, uh, jolt of pain that
hits me like a lightning bolt.

That's why I fell.

I just didn't want to admit it
in front of my team.


I mean, it's your team.

Exactly, which is why this question

is always hanging over me.

Am I on the team because I deserve to be,

or because I own it?

I mean, they're just kids,
you know? And I'm...

Look, you can't change the fact that

you're twice the age of your teammates.

Easy, doctor.

I'm only twice as old as some of them.

I consider myself to be 18,

but with 32 years extra experience.


But I don't think they see it that way.

This isn't Wall Street
where money buys respect.

You gotta earn it on the field.

Well, let's get you well enough

so you can do that.

I'm gonna do some blood work and an X-ray.

My portable's in the car.

I'll be right back.

- Paige.
- Oh, hey!

- Hey.
- How are you?

Good, good, good.

Pretend we're having a conversation.

We are having a conversation.

Good, very good.

Now, act concerned.

I am concerned.

Did you steal something?

No. No, no, no.

The guy that I went out with
the other night, David,

- he's here.
- Oh.

And you don't want to deal with him?

No- no, no, don't look.

Of course I don't want to deal with him.

He obviously likes me
more than I like him.

And dealing with him would
only hurt his feelings.


Okay, good. Good, he's gone.

Thank you. Thank you.

I can't tell you how frustrating

this whole thing is.

Divya, maybe if you just talked to him,

- you could tell him.
- No, no,

not that whole thing.

This whole... dating thing.

Veronica my matchmaker, she set me up with

three different guys.

Each have them have been precisely

what I said I wanted, but... zippo.

Is it possible that you only

think you know what you want?

Or what maybe you haven't

been honest with her about it?

Well, that's an interesting theory.

But I think that I have
been honest with Veronica

- and to myself.
- Okay.

The person I have not
been honest with is David.

Looks like you've made
a miraculous recovery.

Not exactly.

That pain in my right shoulder
that I aggravated

lifting that lid, it's moved to my left.

- I don't like that.
- You?

I'm a fiscal conservative.

I don't like anything to move to the left.

What I meant was, when
pain migrates, I get concerned.

- Concerned?
- Mm-Hmm.

What is that, doctor for
"give it up, old man."

Not necessarily, but let's get

a C.T. of your shoulders and maybe that'll

provide a translation.

- When?
- Now.

Hank, I've missed half a match already.

- If I miss another one...
- If you don't,

you could do irreparable
damage to your arms.

So you can give up half a match today,

or you can risk giving up polo forever.

Would be harder to play without arms.

Yeah, it would.


There's been an injury on the field.

- Which team?
- Neither.

- It's a spectator.
- Okay.

Excuse me, excuse me. Hi.

Okay, let me take a look.

- Aah... ow.
- Okay, okay.

I think you've broken your tibia.

Oh, I was... I was running
and my stupid heel

got caught in a divot.

If I didn't love these shoes,
I would hate them.

- Here we go.
- Thank you.


Oh, it's you.

Yes, it is. Are you okay?

I was... I was trying
to find you... when I fell.

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

Well, here I am.

I am Rafa.

And I... I... I am Fannie.

And I am Hank.

Uh, Fannie, I'm gonna use these
to splint your leg.


I should bring you along for
when I run out of painkillers.

I'd be honored.

So, Fannie, may I ask you
why you were looking for me?

Oh, well, I own a small clothing line.

It's called Fancied Pants.

It's high-end performance underwear,

and I think you would be a perfect model.

Well, I'm flattered. Thank you.

But first, your leg.

Oh, oh.

We should take you to the hospital.

I'll get you a stretcher. No, no. No need.

- I'll be her stretcher.
- Uh, no.

Be careful.
The leg needs to be stabilized.

Or I guess I could stabilize it.

Excuse us. Sorry.

- Rafa! Rafa! Rafa!
- You're the doctor.

They should be chanting
your name, not mine.

Uh, that's very kind of you,
but in fairness,

it's sorta hard to chant
one-syllable names.


Also, they do not know your name.

They do not.

So tell me about your undergarments.

I'd rather show you.

Uh, we should put this on hold

until we're off the field.

Oh, my God.


Oh, God, no.

Uh, excuse me.

Hey, um, so... this is kind of weird.

I'm in a serious bind here.

I'll give you $50
for your pants right now.

- I'll give you $60.
- Sorry.

$75 for your pants.

Pleasure doing business with you.

Oh, jeez.

Eddie, you and I can yammer
till we're blue in the face,

but nothing's gonna get better over there

till the Israelis and the Palestinians

sit across the table and say...

- Hi, everybody.
- Hi, darling.

Hi, general.

We can continue this later.

But I like a man who speaks his mind.

- Shows character.
- Thank you.

Sorry. I'm sorry I'm late.

Accident on 27, so...

We drove that way.

We didn't see anything.

I mean, I'm not saying
that there was an...

I... I had an accident on... a little one.

It's fine. It's fine.

Oh, that explains the pants.

Yeah. It's a... it's a long story.

I kid. I jest. I digress.

But, truth be known, when he was little,

he had such trouble
controlling his bowels.

Well, now that we're all together,

I would like to make a toast.

You too? All right, you go.

I'll go next.

Don't look so scared, kid.

She already said yes.

I've been married to the love
of my life for 35 years.

And although the road we've traveled

hasn't always been entirely smooth,

there is no one
I'd rather have by my side.

Family is everything.

And so as you begin your
own family, Paige and Evan,

my wish for you is not for a perfect life,

but for a happy one...

knowing that no matter what you face,

you'll always have each other.

- Cheers.
- Cheers.

Thank you, Mrs. Collins.

Eddie, do you have something
you'd like to say?


But what you said was so beautiful,

I couldn't add to it.

Fair enough.

Thank you.

Hello, David.

Divya, I didn't know you were a polo fan.

Well, actually I'm working.

But you probably knew that.

I'm sure that you've seen me here,

like I've seen you here.

Regardless, listen,
I want to explain my behavior.

Your behavior?

The ducking, the hiding, the childishness.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Please stop being so kind.

You are not making this easy.

Divya, I had a nice time with you.

- Thank you.
- But...

I didn't feel anything.

You didn't?

Oh, wow, you didn't.

I'm sorry.

On paper, you are everything
that I'm looking for.

But, when we went out...

I understand.

- Good luck.
- I'm gonna need it.

But I'm sure someone like you
will have no problem

finding exactly what you're looking for.

Who's the guy?

Someone that I was trying to avoid.

Oh, well, you weren't trying very hard.

His name is David.

We went out on a date.

I thought that he liked me.

I was wrong.

- Do you like him?
- No!

That is not the point.

How could I misread somebody so badly?

Look, it happens.

- Maybe I'm misreading myself.
- That happens too.

And maybe I don't have the ability

to know what I want.

Maybe I'm gonna spend the rest of my life

humiliating myself
in front of very nice men.

That won't happen.

Oh, Hank, there are

Almost half of them are men.

Statistically speaking,
dating should not be this hard.

It shouldn't.

Look, you know you can
come to be about anything.

Anything, that is, except dating.

Yeah, your track record
is even worse than mine.

And mine is pathetic.

Hey, I said you can come to me,

not you can make fun of me.

You know, maybe if we're
both single at 50...

Maybe 90?

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

Christmastime has always been very special

for the Collins family.

So I hope there won't be any of this,

"us this year, you next year," business.

Um, I can guarantee you there will not be

any of that, sir.

Daddy, Evan is jewish.

Well, so was Jesus.

But don't think
that gets you out of wearing

one of Ellen's hand-knit reindeer sweaters

for the Christmas card.

'Cause if it did,

I'd have converted years ago.


Honey, did you know that
Eddie's up for an award too?

Yeah, it's very small.

It's for my blog. It's nothing.

You know, my staff keeps saying

I should keep up
with all this computering stuff.

What kind of an award
do they give for a blog?

Uh, who's got room for dessert?

It's called a bloggie.

How long have you been writing it?

Just coffee, maybe, after-dinner drink?

I'm... I'm feeling a little...

- ever since I was in...
- Florida.

You were in Florida. Right, dad?

Florida, a very inspirational
state, Florida.

Florida... that's where
you were incarcerated.

- And that too.
- Yep.

It started off as a way of my reflecting

on the mistakes that I made.

And pretty soon, it became a guide

to helping others to avoid
mistakes of their own.

And I'm very proud to say

that very soon it will be a book.

Well, I admire the way
you've turned your life around

and your willingness to, uh... to share it.

Thank you.

And you know, I could
really share that story

and reach a lot more people
if I was on tour.

So I was thinking, general, do you have...

A warm-up act
for your stump speeches, huh?

Because I would be so happy
to come on down.

I could give them an inspirational spiel,

talk about my book,
and warm the crowd up for you,

then you come out to John Phillip Sousa,

and bing-bang-boom,
we would be off to the races.

I apologize. We have to go.

Paige, would you sign for the meal?


We'll have to do this again really soon.


"Bing-bang-boom," dad?

- Are you nuts?
- What?

I thought it was a great idea.

You put him on the spot just now.

You made him so uncomfortable
he got up and left.

Evan, they are traveling tonight.

Maybe they just were anxious to get going.

Why didn't they just say that then?


all I needed was one night from you...

one night for you to put
me first instead of yourself.

You couldn't even do it.
You couldn't even for one night,

because all you care about is yourself.



Good morning.

Hi. Good morning.

- You got up early.
- Yes, yeah.

I couldn't sleep, so, uh...

hey, you feel like some frozen yogurt?

It's 7:30 in the morning.

Yeah, uh, scoop du jour opens at 8:00.

So why don't you go and get one
of your favorite things?

You know, the Oreo Reese's swirl.

I don't want frozen yogurt.

And while you're there,
would you mind popping

into the little stationery store next door

and getting me a ream of paper,
some nice thick stock?

Not so thick it won't go
through the printer.

But, you know, just nice.

Okay. What are you talking about?

I am writing your father
an apology letter.

You have nothing to apologize for.

From my father.

It's harder than you think too.

My... my dad doesn't
talk like normal people, so...

Evan, my father did not
leave the restaurant

- because of your dad.
- Right.

He just made an incredibly inappropriate

and opportunistic offer,
and your father, uh,

instantly got up and left.

I'm sure the two have nothing
to do with each other.

Is that my cell?

Yeah, it's been ringing all morning.

It's k*lling me, in fact.


I have a dozen texts
from friends and relatives.

And my dad's called six times.

Yeah, he wants you
to call off the wedding.

I'm sure of it.

Okay, um, call him now.

Yeah, I need to know how much
damage I have to control.

No, you know, no, no.

Help me with this letter first.

Maybe if I can send him
an email before you two talk...

staying one step ahead of the game.

As a military man, he'll respect that.

So listen, Paige, okay? Listen.

- "Dear, general... "
- That's strange.

Is it? Is "dear, sir," better?

- I've been going back and forth.
- No.

This text.


From some political blogger.

How did they get your number?

I have no idea.

- Is that your dad?
- Mm-Hmm.

Whoa. Who's that?

Not my mother.

This blogger is saying that this woman

was my dad's assistant.

But clearly he's implying
their relationship

went beyond military business.

Well, I'm sure there's
a reasonable explanation.

Yeah, me too. I just...

gotta figure out what it is.


Excuse me. Excuse me.

Doctor coming through. Thank you.

Fannie, you shouldn't be back here.

She's tachycardic at 120.

Her lips are turning blue.

- She's becoming hypoxic.
- Okay.

Hold this. Turn it on.

Here's some oxygen, Fannie.


Okay, we're just gonna give you a listen.


- I'll get I.V. steroids.
- Good.

What's happening to me?

Those spots on your neck,
your difficulty breathing,

I think when you broke your leg,

fat droplets escaped
from inside your bones

and collected in your bloodstream.

If I'm right, it's blocking oxygen

from getting into your lungs.

I knew I shouldn't have come
today, but I had to.

I've worked so hard for this.

I made my pitch, and I'm so close

to getting Rafa to sign.

I need... I need to be okay.

I can't make any guarantees, but the fact

that you're still breathing,
conscious, and rational

makes me think your chances
of a recovery are good.


Hey, Rafa.

Take this.

It has always brought me good luck.

I don't need luck, Rafa.

I need you to say yes.

Please get well.


What'd they say?

We keep missing each other.

They're on a plane now from Albany,

but my mom texted saying that they want

to talk in person
and that I shouldn't believe

everything I hear.

Yeah, I bet the worst is over, you know?

Well, no, because my cousin texted

saying that I need
to turn on the TV, comment,

get ahead of the story...
Sharon Reeves, seen here

outside a motel
in Boonesville, Missouri...

Before it gets bigger.

A city which has no local military base.

One week after this photo was taken,

miss Reeves died in a single-car accident

in a vehicle registered
to general Collins.

But according to a military spokesman,

there was never
any official investigation.

People are asking questions,

but general Collins, currently leading

by two points in the New York Senate Race,

isn't providing any answers.

General, general, one question, please.

Got nothing for you today,

- maybe tomorrow.
- Come on.

You said you were gonna
answer my questions.

No. Thanks a lot.

Good to see y'all. Thank you.

General, one question.

Did you sleep with your assistant, sir?

Was she underage?

Did you sleep with your assistant?

All right. Y'all have a good day.

They didn't leave the
restaurant because of your dad.

They left because of this.


Come on, Braddock.

Go, Braddock.

- Aah!
- Simon?

Are you all right?

Johnny, get the horses.

My arm.

It's my arm.

- Simon!
- Are you okay?

Has your arm gotten worse?

It's paralyzed.

Didn't you say my C.T. was clean?

What's happening to him?

I don't know yet.

But I do know this isn't a polo injury.

Then what is it?

I've had a pain in my arm

for a while now, Rafa, a sharp pain.

But I've been keeping it to myself.

Why would you do that?

To show that I deserve to be on this team.

But the truth is, I'm getting old

and I can't keep up with you guys anymore.

Go ahead, Hank.

All right, we need to get you
to the hospital

for a neck and spine M.R.I.

before this paralysis progresses further.

Shoulda stopped playing
like you told me to,

- but I just couldn't.
- Come on.

- Well, I'm coming with you.
- No.

- Yes, I'm coming with you.
- You stay here

- and win the match.
- The match doesn't matter.

I'm not asking you as your teammate.

I'm telling you as your boss.

I don't know why I was so stubborn,

why it mattered to me so much.

Well, you love the game.

More than anything, so I thought.

We'll know more
when the M.R.I. comes back,

which should be any minute.

So how did my team do?

I left before the match was over.

What? Why would you do that?

To come here.

Oh, right. Sorry.

It's okay.

You won?

Yes, we won.


Without me?

For you.

We wouldn't be a team without you.

You put us together.

Hey, listen, you...

you've been like a father figure to me,

the only one I've ever really had.

Well, thank you, Rafa.

You have no idea
how much that means to me.

- Just one thing.
- You name it.

How about instead of a father figure,

you think of me more like
an older brother figure?

Slightly older.

- Okay.
- Okay.

Try that again, Simon.

Well, I am trying,
but it's usually not this hard.

What does that mean?

Ironically, it means that even though

you can't show me you're okay,
you will be.

If I'm right, you have something called

Parsonage-Turner syndrome,
an inflammatory reaction

against the nerves
that run through your underarm.

- It is permanent?
- No.

With oral steroids and physical therapy,

you have an excellent chance
at a complete recovery.

So no more polo?

Not for a while.

And this time, you're gonna
have to be patient.

- I'll make sure of it.
- Good.


- Thanks, doc.
- You got it.

Be right back.

Hank, um, is now a good time?

- Uh, let me go check.
- Okay.

Looking good.

Fannie, you really dodged a b*llet here.

I mean, an embolism
can be a very serious thing.

But I think 'cause
you're in such good health,

you pulled through like a champ.

Well, I was just lucky you were there.

Thank you.

Okay, I'm gonna send him in, if it's okay.


Okay, so Fannie's stable, but tired.

- So no more than five minutes.
- Okay.

- Thank you.
- Okay. Yeah.

I heard you won.

Yes, we're champions.

Are you in?

Yes, I am.

I'm so happy.

We're gonna have a marvelous time.

- Mwah.
- I hope so.

And business is going to boom.

That sounds good too.

This just in.

One would think that...

you gotta stop watching it.

I can't.

Baby, it's just making it worse.

It can't get any worse.

Hi, kids.

I was just in the neighborhood
and I thought,

hey, you guys needs to comfort food.

And I heard you like red wine risotto.


I'm really not very hungry.

Yeah. You know what I think?

I think that these people

make up those stories all the time.

And I think the more salacious,
the better,

you know, to keep the viewers going.

You have to listen to, believe in,

and trust your parents
right now, that's all.

You're right.

I know for a fact he would
never cover up a death.

He's just not that kind of man.

He's not.

All right. Come on.

So that is what you
have to hold on to right now.

And never forget
that your parents love you.

You know who else loves you?

The Lawsons.

And you know why?

Because you're family.


Thank you, Eddie.

I see where Evan gets his big heart.

All right.

Hey, dad?

I'm sorry for last night.

You know, I'm... I'm...

I can't believe I said those things.

And the man that you are...

It's not who I saw yesterday, you know?

You're... you're so much more than that.

And I'm...

Not another word.

Because you and I are gonna take care

of this wonderful woman.

Because we're gonna have
some red wine risotto.

And then you're gonna
have some red wine risotto.

That's a lot of red wine risotto.

I'm gonna have some red wine risotto.

You remove the polo wraps yourself?


And I put them on.

I don't like anyone else doing it.

You check the tendons?

You know about horses?

Yeah, I... I love horses, always have.

Horses are easy to love.

When I was a child,

I had an endlessly tolerant pony
named Elmer.

And then on my tenth birthday,

I started riding a half-arab,
half-quarter horse.

Ajax... named after the Greek hero,

not the cleaning product.

Well, he sounds like he was a brave horse.

The only thing brave
about that horse was his name.

One day I was riding and he decided

to gallop towards a fence.

And then he threw me off.

But you know the old saying.

So I got right back on the horse,

and he threw me off again.

That was the last time I rode Ajax.

I think he just didn't know how to trust.

Yeah, I guess he didn't.

Horses are like people that way.

But you kept riding, right?

I did.

I guess sometimes I feel more myself

around horses than I do people.

That's why I'm here.

That means to escape everything,

to be alone, but not alone.

I love that feeling.

You know, you and I have a lot in common.

That would surprise me.

What if I can prove it to you?

All right, well, how are you gonna...

Am I interrupting the creative process?

You never interrupt anything.

But why are you here?

Something happened.
Somebody said something.

Okay, it's the general.

No, Evan. Evan said something.

Everything is fine.

Evan's fine.

Nothing new to report.

Although Evan told me all about

the meet the parents dinner.

It was charming and delicious.

Those were not exactly
the words Evan used.

You know that that boy
can be over-dramatic sometimes.

He also said how amazing
you were with Paige.

I only did what a father

or a future father-in-law would do.

Nothing more, nothing less.

- Humility.
- Hm.

I didn't know you had it in you.

Yeah, you know that
story about the old dog?

It isn't true.

Not a day goes by when I don't feel

like I'm changing.

Yeah, for the better.

I'll drink to that.

- Mm. And to Evan.
- Mm.

My youngest is getting married.

I am so proud of him...

and a little surprised.

I mean, easy money had you walking down

that aisle first, you know?

Yeah, I guess it's not so easy.

How is it possible that my firstborn,

the doctor, can't find a good match?

I've found some, but for some reason,

I just can't seem to hang on to them.

First, a failed engagement,

then I thought Jill was the one.

- Yeah, so did I.
- Yeah.

And recently, there was this woman,

but I kinda messed that up.

Maybe I'm just not built for it.


You, Hank Lawson, are built
for anything you want.

Hank, I am not worried about you.

I can't believe I'm saying it,

but I'm not worried about you either.

Let's drink to that too.

Did you ever feel like

you didn't know who you could trust,

or who you are?

- You talked to him?
- I did.

What'd he say?

He admitted... that he did go to Missouri

with his assistant Sharon.

And they were not there on army business.

They did stay in that motel
for a couple of days.

And she did die in a car wreck in his car.

They wanted to keep it quiet.

I'm sorry.

He wasn't having an affair.


Turns out, she had
taken him there to join my mom,

because she was helping my parents...

with my adoption.

I didn't know you were adopted.

Neither did I.