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04x12 - Hurts Like a Mother

Posted: 04/24/24 15:55
by bunniefuu
How great that we both
exercise in the mornings.

I mean, we can spend time together

and get our workouts in.

I know. Today my boot camp,
tomorrow your beach run...

or is it more like a leisurely stroll?

Hey, there's nothing leisurely
about the way I stroll.

I mean, that's...

If you say "that's just the
way I stroll" I will hit you.

- I wasn't going to.
- Yeah, you were.

I just hope you can keep up with me.

Oh, did I forget to mention
I hold the record

for the 100-yard dash
at my high school in Providence?

Oh, so you're already a pro?

Then you won't need the gift I got you.

You got me a gift?

I always run...

with a pedometer.

You're gonna spoil me.

Wait and see where I'm taking
you for dinner tonight.

Oh, I have a meeting
with a referring doctor tonight.

- Tomorrow?
- I'm on call.

Oh, wait. So am I.

Typical workaholic doctor.

We can figure this out.

What's the rest of the week like?

Uh, the night after tomorrow,

I'm supposed to see my dad
for dinner, but I could cancel.

No. Family dinners are sacrosanct.

And then the night after that,
I'm on call again.

- Can I have my pedometer back?
- No.

Look, either we have a relationship

based solely on workout routines,

or we make on-call nights work.


You know that diner on Clearview?

Isn't the food supposed to be terrible?

Oh, so much worse than terrible.

But next door is my favorite bookstore.

So, if one of us gets called away,

the other can find
something good to read.


They have an amazing poetry section.

Finally something we don't have in common.

I'm a mystery-novel guy.

Oh, I bet they have those there too.

Then the terrible diner it is.

You guys look tired, huh?
Didn't have your breakfast?


How sweet.

Do it on your own time!

This is my time!

- Okay.
- Get on line!

You're loud.

Synchronize! Come on!

- Come on, guys.
- Got it.

What are you doing?

If I'm gonna stay here,
I need to pull my weight.

I mean, I know Hank is understanding,

but he certainly
did not expect your fiancee

to start working here and move in.

You... you did tell him that
classes start soon, right?

That this is just temporary?

Okay, "A," you don't have to do this.

"B," how dirty do you think we are?

- I'm doing it again.
- You're doing it again.


I am filling my time caretaking

instead of facing the thing
I should be facing.


So how about instead of doing that,

for five minutes, you come with me...

you sit down...

and you talk to me about it?

What am I supposed to say...

that I was lied to my whole life,

that I can't even bear
the thought of going home

because it doesn't even feel
like home anymore?

When's the last time you spoke
to your parents?

- You mean the Collins?
- Paige.

I'm sorry, that was...

that was mean.

All right.

Tell me what I can do to help.

Anything... what can I do?

Just give me some time.


- Okay.
- Thank you.


All the time you need.


Oh, gosh, I hate to interrupt
a moment of passion,

- but, um, we need a doctor.
- Um, mom...

This doesn't look like a doctor's office.

No, uh, it is.

It's a concierge doctor's office.

We usually come to you.

I wondered how you ran a business

with those guards all over the place.

Ah, yes.

The article in Dan's paper
said nothing about them.

But it did say that you were
located close to our home.

You didn't make an appointment?

The article said they were available 24-7.

- Hi. I'm Jackie.
- Hi.

And this is my daughter Fiona.

Hi, Evan R. Lawson, CFO.

This is Paige, our office manager.

Hi. The doctor should be back very soon.

Please, make yourselves comfortable.

No, no. We should make an appointment.

I'm sorry. My mom...
she doesn't do schedules,

but I'm sure that a medical practice does.

No, we... we make a lot
of exceptions, actually.

I can't wait here now, all right?

I'm gonna be late for summer school.

Fiona, Fiona, you have
a dreadful stomachache.

I think you can miss class for that,

especially since the class
is probably causing it.

No, dreadful is not an emergency, okay?

We're gonna come back w...


Do you have a restroom?

Yeah, right down there to the left.

So sorry.

Were you watching me sleep?


Let's call in sick,
spend the day in bed together.

Very tempting...

Come on.

We have so few days left.

What do you mean?

Well, I'm leaving soon for Oahu.

You are?

I have to get back on the road
with the polo team.

Of course.

- When?
- Five days.

So we should spend

as much of this time together as possible.

Keep out the real world...

for as long as we can.

I can't.

I, uh, have to work.

And I promised Hank that
I would meet him this morning.

I... I can't be late.

I suppose I should go to practice.

I'll see you tonight?

Yeah, of course... tonight.

[The Blue Van's Independence]

♪ My independence went away

♪ I didn't listen when it said ♪

♪ rely on yourself

♪ trusting someone else

♪ is a path for the silent ghost ♪

She leaves for college in the fall,

but she insisted on taking
this A.P. class now

that she could just as easily take then.

If it were me, I would spend
my last summer lying by the pool

drinking virgin margaritas.


Because that is how you prepare for M.I.T.

Here, water.

So I don't see any stones
in your gallbladder or duct.

I'll check your appendix now.

Maybe if you did yoga
or meditated with me,

then this class
wouldn't drive you so crazy.

Mom, I told you, I like organic chemistry.

I have no idea where this side
of my daughter came from.

Me, my husband, and my son
wouldn't know organic chemistry

from organic produce.

Okay, so there's no evidence
of appendicitis either.

Well, I felt nauseous last week too.

That doesn't mean there's
anything serious to worry about.

I'll give you some antiemetics
to treat the nausea,

and I'll run some tests
on your blood and urine.

I, uh... I don't need a pregnancy test.

Yep, I'm probably the only
mother in the Hamptons

who wishes her daughter
made time for boys.

She doesn't understand me

because I'm not ripping off my bodice.

I'm a romance novelist...

well, a part-time romance novelist.

I just write when I can,

and I leave myself time
to rest and replenish.

I won't get my characters
out of bed without good reason.

Anything I may have read?

Well, my biggest hit was my first one...

The Other Side Of Ecstasy.

It's exactly what it sounds like.

Hold on. You're Jackie Van Ark?

- Uh-huh.
- I love that book!

That's... we used to read it out loud

- at summer camp after lights out.
- All right.

I, uh... I haven't... I'm probably
not your target audience.

Oh, anyone who makes love
is my target audience.

- Really?
- I'll send you a copy.


- This may hurt a little.
- Oh, she hates sh*ts...

ever since she was little.

Uh, so, hey, are you going
to live in the dorms at M.I.T.?

'Cause I'm about to start at Parsons,

and I found this blog

that shows you
how to arrange your furniture

to make 200 square feet feel like 500.

It's... it's awesome.

- Okay.
- Yeah.

All done.

Thank you.


Hey. I am so sorry I am late.

I had the craziest of nights.

Don't worry about it.
Jeremiah needs a ride.

Can you pick him up on the way
to your first appointment?

- Sure.
- Great.

So I couldn't find one of my shoes.

And when I got to my car,
it was practically out of gas.

You don't have to explain.
You're five minutes late.

Hey, is everything okay?

You seem unusually anxious.

Do I?

Yeah, and, honestly,
for the last few days,

you've seemed unusually giddy.

- I've met someone.
- That's great.

Who is he?

Actually, you know him.



H... he seems like a decent guy...
great polo player.

- Is he still here?
- Yes.

But he's leaving soon.

Oh, but you'll keep seeing each other?

Well, I hope so.

We... we haven't talked about it,

b... but we've talked
about all sorts of other things.

He has amazing stories

from being all over the world,

and... and he wants to hear my stories too.

We holed up in his hotel room.

That was nearly too much information.

I love seeing you happy.

Happy? Yes.

Maybe a little crazy too.

No, listen, I just hope
he's worthy of you.

Hey, maybe you should bring
him around some time.

Oh, Hank, how very big brother of you.

Yeah, it'll be fun.

We'll get to know him
man-to-man and man-to-Evan.

You know, I'd like that.

We could have a dinner party.

Then everybody
could get to know one another.

It has to be something special,
something big.

That's not exactly what I meant.


I've never felt like this before.

When he calls,
I get butterflies in my stomach.

When he leaves the room,
even for a moment, I miss him.

I just hope he feels the same way.

Okay. Something special it is.

Great! You guys are going to love him.


I am fine.

Thank you for the idea.


Thank you for picking me up.
My car's being detailed.

Your car is always spotless.


Jeremiah, your home is beautiful.

It's built for entertaining.

Yes, my mentor designed it that way.

He had many dinner parties here.

You ready?

I need you to leave first in
order for me to set the alarm.


So you never entertain, Jeremiah?

I've never had a reason.

Would you like one?

I'm planning a dinner party,

and I want it to be very special.

And your house is definitely that.

Oh, you're welcome to host it
here anytime you want.


Tomorrow. Sure.

May I ask... are you celebrating something?


I, uh...

I want to introduce everyone
to my new boyfriend.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Can you take a break from
the housewife porn for one sec?

Jackie sent it... I'm just
reading it to be polite.

Look, I don't care what kind
of weird stuff you're into,

I just need your advice.

Henry, for one sec, please.

- Come on.
- God.


All right, so I've been reading

these adoption support websites.

Good for you. You're informing yourself.

Yeah, but it's... it's... it's not enough.

Paige says she needs time.

- What I think she needs...
- Is time.

No, she'll be happier
if she's doing something...

other than cleaning.

- Why?
- Because...

isn't everyone happier
when they're doing something?

I think you mean you'd feel better

if you were doing something.

She just seems so lost.

I want to help her.

I have no idea how.

There are no...

pep talks for this.

There are no sweet fiancee things
I can do to fix it for her.

You can't fix it.

But you can be there.

That's plenty.

I could at least, like... what if I...

Evan, I know it's hard, but do nothing.

That's the best way to help her right now.

I promise.

Good talk.

I'll do nothing.

Yeah, that should be easy for me.

Oh, my God.



you got to do something.

We made a mistake not telling Paige.

We thought we were doing the right thing.

We discussed it many times,

but we didn't want her to question

that... that she was part of the family.

We wanted Paige to feel secure and loved.

She did.

She... she does.

She has every right to be angry with us.

We kept this secret too long.

I've always been too willing
to keep secrets.

But I honestly believed
I was protecting my family...

the only way I knew how.

You know Paige.

You know she loves you.

She just needs time.

Her mother and I miss her...

so much.

Just tell her that.

She'll listen to you, son.

I was just putting a book away,

and it slipped out of my hand,

and the next thing I know,

I have pulled this whole thing
on top of my foot,

and it swelled up
like a superabsorbent polymer.

They can absorb and retain up
to 500 times their weight and...

Never mind.

So nothing's broken.

Sorry I can't say the same
for the bookshelf.

It's an etagere.

It's built to display
delicate objets d'art.


I wanted her to have beautiful
artistic things around her.

And I put my clunky textbooks on it.

I guess the etagere revolted.

Okay, uh, I'll wrap up your foot.

If you could keep your leg up
for me, that'd be great.

If you keep ice on it,
the swelling should go down.

Now, how's your abdominal pain.

Uh, it's gone.

Paige didn't come with you?

I wanted to thank her.

She texted me a link to that blog.

Oh, Paige doesn't usually come
with me on house calls,

but I'll bet she'll be happy
to get a text from you.

How about your nausea?

Um, the shot worked.


Tough to concentrate
when you're throwing up all day.

You're welcome, but according
to your blood work,

the vomiting left you dehydrated.

So, not surprisingly,
you need to rehydrate and rest.

Well, sure, right after
my organic chem final.

Fiona, it can't wait that long.

You need a break.

That was his favorite shade of white.

You have a lovely home.

Oh, I don't rent it out or anything.

It's just a one-time thing.

Oh, uh, is there gonna be
a fish option without eyes?

Thanks for being flexible
about the dinner plans.

I know there's no bookstore
if I get called away.

- I'll entertain myself.
- Good.

- Wow. This is so swanky.
- I know.

If this is just to introduce Rafa,

I can't wait to see
what she does for his birthday.

He has to show up
for his introduction first.

Well, give it to Divya.

She sure goes all out to make a statement.

Not usually, right, Ev?

Yeah, it's pretty un-ivya.

- She's usually so...
- Uptight?

- I was gonna say "reserved."
- Yeah, me too.

Oh, hi.

- You made it.
- Of course.

Wow. This is quite a spread.

Did Rafa win a tournament or something?

No, Divya's just lost her mind.

- How are you? You good?
- I'm great.

You look great. You seem, like, happy.


I hung out with Fiona this afternoon.

- The vomiting girl?
- Mm-hmm.

She texted, and I stopped by.

Bonding with a patient...
that's very Hankmed of you.

I know.

It started because she seems
kind of disconnected

from her family.

Which makes her kind of
relatable to you right now?


But hearing how positive

and... and focused she is about school,

I admire her.

She's moving forward,

and I want to do the same.

So no more adoption talk, okay?

- It's a plan.
- Good.

I don't know how this is gonna
fit into that plan, but, um...

your dad came to see me.

He did?

What happened?

You told me you needed time,

so I... I just told him that.

Thank you.

How is he?

I mean, you know how desperate
he had to be to come see me.

They miss you.

He's here. He's here.

He's here.

- You're here.
- Yes, of course.

Um, I'm sorry I'm late,

but it's hard for a man from Buenos Aires

to take a 7:00
dinner invitation seriously.

For the beautiful hostess.

I love it.

- What... what is it?
- It's for drinking mate.

In Argentina, it's a tradition
to drink from the same cup.

This one will be ours to share.

Look, it's engraved. You see?

- Mi preciosa.
- Si.

So romantic.

But can it tell how far she runs?

I love it.

Thank you.

Um, um...

okay, all right, everyone...

this is Rafa.

Rafa, this is everyone.

- Mucho gusto.
- Good to see you again.

- Shall we eat?
- Yeah.

So can this behavior
be explained medically,

or should we actually worry
about body snatchers?

She fell so hard so fast.

She's acting like a teenager. What the...?

We should do something.

I already talked to her.

I mean, I don't know what else we can do.

Again with the "do nothing"?


Hey, that was mine.

I'll make another one.

- May I have a word?
- Why?

I don't want to alarm Divya,

and I didn't approach Hank

because I know how close they are,

but I believe I need a doctor.

What's wrong?

My fingers and wrist are numb.

And sometimes I can't move it at all.

This is not good for polo,
among other things.

I can see you tomorrow for an X-ray.

Okay, thank you.

I took an oath.

Hank, it's Fiona.

I wish she told me
she was feeling sick again.

I'm her mother.
I mean, I want to help her.

Of course.

Fiona? What's the matter?

I'm drinking plenty of fluids,
like you said,

but my nausea's back,

and my stomach really, really hurts.

Okay, let's have a listen.

Your heart is racing.

Weak and thready.

Okay, let me test your skin profusion.

We need to take you to the hospital.

Let's get you up.

- Wait. What's wrong?
- She's dehydrated.

- Whoa.
- Whoa!

- Fiona.
- Call 911.

- Help me raise her feet.
- Okay.

What's happening?

Her dehydration has become
critical. Hold that.

But she was drinking water
the whole time I was here.

I can't explain why, but her
low circulating volume of blood

is sending her into shock.

If we don't resuscitate her now,

she could go into cardiac arrest.

You're gonna be okay.

Fiona's fluids have been replenished.

We caught the hypovolemia in time.

But she's running a fever
and still has an acute abdomen.

The surgeon wants to perform
an emergency appendectomy.

This is the release form.
I can walk you through it.

Well, you said you didn't find
anything on the ultrasound.

Yeah, and her C.T.
just came back negative,

but sometimes scans
don't give the full picture.

They need to remove her appendix

to be sure it's not causing her symptoms.

Look, I know it sounds scary,

but it's the best course
of action we have right now.

I just, um...

I just need her to be all right.

And hopefully she will be.

Why don't you start by filling
in that section right there?


Jackie? You have a rash.

Oh, yeah, I get 'em sometimes
when I'm stressed.

Does it itch?

No, it's nothing.
It... it'll go away on its own...

as soon as Fiona's all right, I'm sure.

Okay, they'll send her into
surgery as soon as possible.

But how long will I need to recuperate?

Hank will explain all of that.

But you don't need to worry
about your A.P. class.

I emailed your teacher

an official doctor's note from Hank,

and she's gonna let you take
the final later.

Can you postpone fall semester too?

So you start M.I.T. In the spring.

Fiona, your health is more important.

Oh, you don't understand.

At school, I'm gonna be around
people I can relate to...

Not like my...


I'm just tired of being
the odd girl out all the time.

Yeah, it's...

hard to feel like you don't fit.

I'm like a different species.

Everyone in my family is so creative

and free-spirited.

I took a writing class once.

I had a panic attack,

and I got my first and only "C".

A lot of people have trouble
expressing themselves that way.

Not my mom.

Even when she's not writing,
it doesn't bother her.

She's so mellow.

And I wish I could be more like her.

I'm sorry.

You probably have
more important things to do

than listen to me whine about my family.

You are not whining.

And I think you're
pretty special the way you are.

I bet your family thinks so too.

I know they love you.

I mean, look at your mom.

She's been by your side this whole time.

Yeah. I guess so.

Thanks for listening to me, Paige.

Of course.

Thank you both for coming.

But I'm afraid I have some upsetting news.

Rafa, I'm sorry.
Your tests have come back.

Your paralysis will continue to progress,

and we cannot reverse or even stop it.

Are you sure?

I've run every test twice.

Well, you are a brilliant doctor.

Obviously, you will never play polo again.

But is that really such a tragedy?

Will the world suffer
if you can't ride on your horse

waving your mallet around?

I need a hug.

I can't.


There is one thing I could try.

If I introduce a gene
for a transcription factor

normally expressed during
the growth of axons,

I may be able to motivate
the peripheral nervous system

to regenerate as Schwann cells.

You really think that would work?

I'm cured.

You're incredible, Jeremiah.

Your commitment to cutting-edge research

is unparalleled.




- What's going on, man?
- Nothing.

You were staring at that X-ray

for, like, five minutes
straight, not moving,

like you were paralyzed or something.

It's a medical conundrum.

Oh, yeah?

Is Rafa okay?

What makes you think it's Rafa?

Um, it says his name on the X-ray.

Don't worry about it, though...

you know, doctor-patient whatever.

Is he all right, though?
I don't believe so.

He may be suffering
from the nearly always fatal

Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy

or possibly a malignant schwannoma.


- Those sound horrible.
- They are.

The guy looks so perfect.

Well, looks can be deceiving.

So Rafa may be dying?

Uh, act... I've only performed an X-ray.

He needs more tests.

You've only... wha...
so he may not be dying?

Uh, maybe not.

Why would you start with the fatal stuff?

Aren't you supposed to rule out
the little things

before you go scaring
the hell out of people like me?

You're right, I... I should
rule out more common ailments.

Yes, before you k*ll him off, you should.

It's almost like you...


Do you... do you want it
to be something horrible

so that he won't be around anymore?

Of course not. I'm a physician.

Are you jealous of him?

Divya and I have a completely
professional relationship.

I didn't mention Divya.


Do you have feelings for her?

- Jeremiah.
- I don't have feelings.

She almost always has this one with her.

Thank you.

And, uh...

are you sure that Fiona should
be studying in the hospital?

Hank said it was okay.

But shouldn't she be relaxing?

Well, maybe keeping up with her schoolwork

will make her feel more relaxed.

Oh, God, maybe you're right.

She's so different from me.

She's smart and driven.

- Oh, she always has been.
- Really?

Oh, absolutely.

Even when she was little,

she only wanted the toys
she could build with.

I couldn't buy Legos fast enough.

And then one Christmas,

I found this chemistry set for kids,

and I just knew that she would love it.

And now here she is.

She's about to go to college,

and, um...

I never figured out a way
to be closer to her.

We never had, you know,
a relationship that, um...

that I hoped for.

Well, it's never too late.

She's my ba...

she's my baby girl.

Jackie, are you okay?

I'm just... am fine. I'm just...

Jackie, are...

Jackie! What's...


- Hey.
- She's still not breathing.

Okay. The ambulance is on its way.

I... I tried mouth-to-mouth,

but I haven't done it
since junior lifeguards.

No, no, no, expired
air ventilation won't work.

Her trachea's swollen.
She needs to be intubated.

Okay, hold this.

Can you take the tube out, please?



Inflating the balloon.

Can I have the ambu bag, please?

Just... this happened so fast.

She was upset,
and then she couldn't breathe.

It's okay. Take over for me, please.

And squeeze.


And squeeze again.

Okay, I hear breath sounds.

She's getting oxygen now.

Rash and swelling both linked to stress...

I think I know what's going on
with mother and daughter.

We have to call the hospital.

Fiona doesn't need an appendectomy.

Hey, welcome back.

Just relax, Jackie.
Everything's gonna be okay.

It's okay.

You both have a condition known
as Quinke's disease.

That sounds far more adorable
than what we experienced.

Also known as hereditary angioedema.

Much less adorable.

Swelling develops rapidly
in your face, hands, feet,

or, more seriously, your trachea
or intestinal tract.

That's why you were experiencing
abdominal pain,

dehydration, and nausea.

And some patients get a nonpruritic rash,

or a rash that doesn't itch.

But why does it happen?

There are several triggers.

Trauma can be one, which is why
your foot swelled so big

when the bookcase fell.

Illness and surgery can be triggers

and often stress.

That would explain why I had my first rash

when you were a baby.

I was so tense all the time.

I just knew I was doing something wrong.

I cannot imagine you
stressed about anything.

Well, when you started
turning out so well,

nothing else seemed stressful anymore.

I had a new perspective.

Looks like you and your mom

have more in common than you thought.

This C1-inhibitor concentrate

will help alleviate your symptoms,

and you'll get medication to use

if you feel another attack coming on.

But the best way to guard
against future problems...

stress management.

Well, then I guess I should go with you

to one of your meditation classes.

I would love that.

All you have to do is clear your mind.

That's not possible.

I'll help you.

And great news
about your A.P. chem final...

you are gonna be out of the hospital

in time to take it
with your class after all.

Um, what about my mom?

She'll have to stay
another day just to be safe.


then I'll take the makeup test.

I want to be here with you.


It's my Hankmed hero.


I heard you were amazing today.

I was scared.

Yeah, but you did it.

You saved her life.

That's pretty cool.

You know what? Let's celebrate.

I'm gonna make you some food.


I miss my mom and dad.

They're my parents.

They've taken care of me my whole life,

and they know me better than anyone.

They may not have made me, but...

they made me who I am.

Will you come home with me?

Of course I will.

Right now?


Let's do this.


Hi, mom.


Oh, honey.

I wish you had told me.

I didn't want to worry you.

It's, uh... it's nothing to worry about.

Are you sure?

I believe you have a radial nerve palsy.

Honeymoon palsy?

Yes, uh, it's called that
by laid peop... laypeople.

Your radial nerve,
which controls the movement

of your triceps and wrist
isn't working properly.

You kept your arm immobilized

and in an unusual position for too long.

I've been sleeping on it.

Oh, you should have woken me.

Not for the world.

And how is it that I can't move
my wrist at all?

If you keep your arm
immobilized for several hours,

you can damage the nerve
to the point of paralysis.

- Wait. I'm paralyzed?
- No.

You'll recover movement slowly over time.

- Uh, may I?
- Yeah, of course.

Okay, this is just a splint

that will prevent overstretching
of the denervated muscle.

Just, um, thread
your last three fingers through.

- Okay.
- Good. And the thumb.

That's good.

How do you usually sleep
when you're with someone else?

I've never been so comfortable
with someone in my arms.

In fact, I don't know how
I'm gonna sleep without you now.

I'll be very eager to get back to you.

You will?

Of course.

These last few days have been
some of the happiest in my life,

mi preciosa.

You won't be able to sleep
together anymore...

uh, in that position.

We'll find different positions.

Oh, uh, yes, that'll help.

And I will recommend
some occupational therapy.


- Thank you, Jeremiah.
- You're welcome.

Oh, whoops.


Whoever gave you that
must really like you.

So much more useful
than a gourd with a straw.

But his gift was engraved.

There's only so much room on a pedometer.

Hmm, guess you'll have
to get me something bigger...

maybe a catered dinner party.

I would take French.

- Would you?
- Yeah.

Actually, that whole dinner
got me thinking.

If you're leaving me for Rafa,
I totally get it.

It's not just the polo. He listens to me.

In all our negotiating...

about how this relationship would work,

don't you think we skipped a step?

What do you mean?

The fun, falling for each other,

"throw caution to the wind" part.

- We skipped it.
- Yeah, you're right.

There hasn't been much falling,
more like a controlled descent.

I don't know...
maybe we've been too practical.

You mean like being at an exercise class

when most people are still in bed?

No, I like that we have that in common,

and I'm not saying
that we should go overboard.

It's just...
it might be fun trying to get...

- What's this?
- Oh...

The Other Side Of Ecstasy.

This is no mystery novel, my friend.

A patient gave that to me.
I don't usually read...

Did you get to chapter nine yet?

I did.

[Katie Herzig's Hey Na Na]

Come on, up off the ball!

Let's do it. Warm-up time.

Jumping jacks, jumping jacks!

Immediately! Now!

I hope you guys had your wheaties!

Come on! Up, up, up!

This is gonna be a tough one!

Come on!

♪ Your eyes are like a blue sky ♪

♪ blue sky, blue

♪ you're floating in the fountain ♪

♪ in the fountain of youth

♪ I bet you have an ocean

♪ secret little potion

♪ I bet you have a lover
who's as fine as you ♪

♪ hey, mr. love

♪ Mr. big love, big love

♪ hey, na na, hey, na na ♪

♪ hey, na na, hey, na na ♪

♪ hey, na na, hey, na na ♪

♪ hey, na na, hey, hey, hey ♪


Are you looking for Hankmed?

I was expecting a... a waiting room.

Yeah, we get that a lot.

Uh, come on in.

The, uh, Dan's papers' article
was a little misleading,

but, uh, this is
a medical practice, though,

believe it or not.

It's a concierge medical practice.

- Oh.
- Yeah.

I'm Evan R. Lawson, CFO.

The doctors are out right now,

but I can make an appointment

for someone to visit you at your home.

Do you have a... a scheduler
or an office manager?

She's not here either.

I could make an appointment
for you, though.

Um, it's okay.

I'll just... I'll find
another way to contact her.

I'm sorry... find another way
to contact who?


Are you looking for Paige?

Yes. Yes.


What's it regarding? I'm her fiancee.


her mother.