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04x15 - Off-Season Greetings

Posted: 04/24/24 16:01
by bunniefuu
- Previously on Royal Pains

- You know, you and I
have a lot in common.

- That would surprise me

- What if I could
prove it to you?

- I don't know
how you're gonna pr--

- Honestly,
for the last few days

you've seemed unusually giddy

- I've met someone

- That's great!

- Do you have a wife
and child in Argentina?

- I do have a child

with an ex-girlfriend,
not a wife.

If I were to mention
my son immediately

to every woman I slept with

- So that's what I am

just one of those

- no

- Or should I say

that's what I was?

- Where's Boris?
- We tried to get in the door.

It appears to have been locked
from the inside!

Dr. Lawson!

[Christmas music]

♪ ♪

- No, no. Nick, you got
the chimney on the wrong side.

He's Santa, right?
He's done this a million times.

He knows what he's doing

- Hey, Ken.
- Hey, Hank, thanks for coming.

- Yeah.
- My girlfriend is a mess.

- Let's take a look.
- Come on.

- So you pretty much
celebrate everything, huh?

- Yeah, I don't want
to offend any of my clients.

Or the gods

For pete's sake, Nick,
put the chimney over there

or turn santa around, will ya?

I hate this time of year.
- Can we maybe... ?

- Yeah.
- Thank you.

♪ ♪

- Good

So how did you two meet?
- It was so romantic.

- Yeah, I went down to Florida,

and she's
a Hawaian Tropic girl.

- That's the whole story?

- What do you want,
Wuthering Heights?

- Okay.
So. Um, Barbie.

Aside from the fatigue
and mood swings, anything else?

- Overeating

Ow. Oversleeping.

Oh, I'm having the hardest
time putting together my, um...

- Outfits?
- Thoughts.

- Yeah, that may
not be a symptom.

- Right. So, um, Barbie,
do you usually spend the winters

in Florida?

- Uh- Huh. In fact, I've never
been in weather this cold

in my life

- Huh. People who are
used to sunnier climates

can be impacted by cold,
dark weather to the point

that they get something called
seasonal affective disorder.

- Does that mean
I have to go home?

- Well, full sunlight
is the best medicine,

but there's another option

A light box
you can use each morning

to make up
for lost sunlight.

- Oh. So maybe you'll
be feeling all better

by the time I get back
from Evan's bachelor party.

I loved that joke
invitation by the way.

- What joke invitation?

- The one that said
four grown men are going

to dinner at Tao
and Spider Man on Broadway.

- That's not a joke.
Evan didn't want a party.

Since Paige came into his life,
he's outgrown certain behavior.

- Of course he said
he didn't want a party.

It's called
plausible deniability.

- What?

- As best man,
your job isn't to give him

what he says he wants,
it's to give him what he needs,

a little booze and booty

- Honestly,
I think Evan might not

want to be tempted
to revert to--

- no, Ken's right.
Men have to get certain things

out of their system,
or they go crazy.

plus bacheilor parties are fun

- Sure!
Look, we'll keep it small.

Cancel the dinner, sell the
tickets to some eight-year-olds.

The k*ller's taking over.
- [screams]

- Did something just

fall past your window?

- Hey, nick!
- Hey, is he okay?

- Hey, bud. I'm just
gonna take a look, okay?

- [grunts]
- Okay. Okay.

It looks like
you've broken some ribs.

- I'm just gonna have
a listen.

Call 911

Your trachea's deviated,
and your lung's collapsed.

- What do we do?

- He needs a chest tube
to remove the trapped air,

but he's a big guy

I don't have
the right size angiocath.

- Yeah, I need an ambulance
at 1620 Old Town Road.

Yes, right away

Thank you

- Okay.
This should work.


Making the incision

Now, this should help you
breathe better.

- [grunts]

- This will create
an underwater seal.


Okay, the lung's re-inflated.

- It's good, right?

- But his heart rate's
not speeding up.

Grab me those lights.
- What for?

- To build
an external pacemaker.

- With these?
- Right now it's all we've got.

We don't regulate the current,
these 110 volts

Will do more harm
than his bradycardia.

- We?
- Yeah we.

Grab the plug, find the outlet,
and wait for my go-ahead, okay?

- But I can't--
I don't--

- Okay

All right.
This completes the circuit.

You're gonna feel
some jolts.

Go ahead


Increasing the current.

- Is it working?

- Okay.
His pulse is back to 60

- Merry Christmas, Nick.

- [chuckles]
Merry Christmas, Nick.

You're gonna be okay

- [chuckles]

Evan, I can't believe you.

- And here you are,
coming down the aisle.

- Oh!
- At All Saints,

just like your mother
and your grandmother did.

- I put you in Kate Middleton's
gown as a stand-in.

I hope you don't mind.
- Hey, where's the--

- Rabbi? Bam!
- Perfect.

Both our families' traditions
will be honored.

- Whoo!

- Hello!

- Hey, there.
- Welcome home, bride-to-be!

- Thank you.
- How were finals?

- Aced them.
- Of course you did.

- Just like Evan
aced our wedding plans.

- Yeah, I think he used
a weird cut-out for my face.

- I just wish
there were more guests

on the Lawson side
of the aisle.

- Owen's still coming, right?
- Who's Owen?

- His mom was our mom's cousin,
but they lived in Wisconsin,

so we're distant
in all ways.

- You are marrying into a tiny
but elite clan.

- Yes.
Minus the elite part.

- I just hope you wouldn't have
preferred a smaller wedding.

[cell phone beeps]

- No, I love showing off.
Are you kidding?

Especially for those big donors
the general invited.

What's up?

- Shadow pond.
I'm being summoned.

- Please come in

He's expecting you.
- Thank you.

- Dr. Lawson

Florian Hostetler.
I don't know if you remember me.

We met the day
you were released from hospital.

- Yes.
I remember you.

You are Boris's lawyer.
- One of them.

You were still a bit shaken
at the time.

I hope you have fully recovered
from the expl*si*n.

- I have

- As you might imagine,

the settling of Mr. Kuester
Von Jurgens-Ratenicz's estate

is a complex matter

and the investigations
into the cause of his death

further delayed the process

but Dr. Caseras is adamant that,
as a tenant,

you will not
be kept in limbo.

- I haven't seen Marisa
since the memorial,

but please tell her
she shouldn't concern herself

with us.
- It is her wish

that you and your brother
and your business, HankMed,

remain on the premises
until probate is settled.

- Well, tell her thank you.

You mentioned the investigation.
Are there developments?

- The death has been
ruled accidental.

- In spite of my statement--

- My understanding is there
was no evidence of foul play.

- Okay


[The Blue Van's Independence]

♪ ♪

♪ My independence went away ♪

♪ I didn't listen ♪
♪ when it said ♪

♪ rely on yourself ♪

♪ trusting someone else ♪

♪ is a path ♪
♪ for the silent ghost ♪

- Hey, Divya,
your timing is perfect.

- Yes. Well, that's a lot more
than I can say for my packing.

Oh, hi!
Um, I'm Divya.

- Hi. Winnie Gordon.
Nice to meet you.

- Nice to meet you too

Are you flying with us for
the bachelorette party in Aspen?

- No. I'm making
the wedding cake.

- Come here,
you've gotta try these.

- They're so good.

- Okay.
This one first.


- Oh, my god.

This is so good

How have I never
had this cake before?

- Because it's from Passaic.
- Yeah, Winnie is an old friend.

Growing up, she was kind of
like a second mom actually--ow!

- Aw! Come on,
I'm not that old.

- I didn't say you were--
you were with Hank, so--

- You said I was old

- He's very old,
so you're old by association.

- He's so mean.
So mean.

- Um, why have I never
met you before?

- Um, well, things have
been a little awkward.

Uh, I'm the girl Hank dumped
right before he got engaged.

- I didn't know.
I am so sorry, I--

- No, no.
Don't be.

I've moved on,
and I guess Hank has too,

or else my baking
for the wedding

would be weird for him

- It may still be weird
for him.

- You didn't tell him?

- Well--okay.
No, no, no!

- Evan!
- I didn't yet, but I will.


- Hey, cousin Evan!
- Hey, how you doing, man?

- Hey, hey, hey.
- Oh, my God.

It's good to see you.
Come in.

this is my cousin Owen.

- Third cousin, twice removed.
But who's counting, right?


- So how are you?

Oh, my God, you look
exactly the same.

- I had that cabbie
drop me at the gate,

save a little dinero.
You have a very long driveway.

- We do.

- Here you go.
- Oh, thank you.

Thank you.
- I'm Paige.

- Oh, yeah. Oh, my God.
This is my fiancee.

- It's very, very nice
to meet you, Paige.

- I'm excited
to meet you too.

- This is Divya,
and that's Winnie.

- Hey.
- Oh, hi.

- Nice to meet you.
- Hello.

- So how are you, man?

Like, how's--Owen
owns a comic book store.

- Oh, no,
that hasn't happened yet.

I'm still managing
the hardware store.

- Ooh! Ooh! But...

Guess how excited I am
to see Spider Man tonight.

On a scale
of one to ten--guess.

- 9,000?
- like, 9 million!

- That's a lot.
- Yeah.

I owe my love
of comics to Evan.

- What?
You're kidding.

- When I was four
and you were nine,

You gave me
your superman cape.

You don't remember that?
- I actually don't.

- Changed my life, cuz.
- Hmm.

- Sounds like you guys
are closer than you thought.

- [gasps]

Your invitation said we're
going first-class into the city.

Is that a limo?
Does that mean limo?

I have never
been in a limo.

I would love that

[upbeat music]

- Private jet?

I've never been
in a private jet before.

- You want steak
or lobster, kid?

- Aw!
- No time for that.

We're landing in the city
in, like, ten minutes.


- Well, a little change of plan.
Why don't you tell him?

- Where are we going?

- Vegas, baby.
- Vegas, baby.

- Vegas?
- now?

- Yeah!
- Are you serious?

- Las Vegas, Nevada.

- Oh, my God.
- Wow.

- Aw, thank you so much.

- Hey

are you cool with that?
- Yeah.

I'm--I'm in shock.
I'm trying to process it.

But yeah, I mean,
it was a surprise.

- Yeah. Ihope it's a good one.
- It is.

It's a little more who
I used to be than who I am now.

but it's definitely cool.
It's Vegas, man.

- And I don't mind visiting
who you used to be.

Just promise me
we won't stay.

[glasses clink]


- Prost.
- Yeah, prost.

- You done good so far.
- Wow.

- Just keep
the investors coming,

and we can't lose
on this deal.

- Can't lose, huh?


- Tought you were too busy
to meet me at the hospital

Because you had business
to conduct.

- I conduct a lot
of my business here.

Why are you dressed
like that, dude?

- I hope I'm not
embarrassing you at your office.

- Nah, you're good.

So what do you want
to talk to me about?

- My engagement party.
- You're going through with it?

- Don't start

I'd like--

I need everything to go well
with Nikki's family.

- [groans]

I mean it.

Henry, there won't be any
Passaic ball-busting, all right?

I've toned down the speech
I would have given

In front of Winnie's family

- I'm not talking
about your speech.

I don't want you
hitting up my relatives

To be with this
"opportunity" of yours.

Nikki's family is...

- [sighs]
I get it.

I get it, your in-laws
are loaded, you don't want me

waltzing in at the last second
and ruining it for you

Just as you're about to join
their little club.

It's fine

look, as far as
My investment opportunity goes,

you're making
a big mistake.

I am telling you,
you can't lose.

- Oh, so now
you're a CPA and a psychic.

- Yes, exactly.
That's what I am.

I'm a CPA psychic

Come on.

Will you sit down please and
have a drink with your brother?

One drink. We'll drink
to your wedding-- How's that?

- Thank you,
but it's been a long day,

And I've got to be
at the hospital early, okay?

- Come on.
- See you later.

- Yeah.
Congratulations, Hank.

- Yeah, I know you've gotta run,
but I'm so glad

that I caught you,
and I cannot wait to see you.

- I miss you too.
It's good to hear your voice.

- Well, you're saving lives,
and I'm off to party in Aspen.

- Yeah, well,
save some partying for me, okay?

- Well, that's a promise.

I will skype you
on Wednesday,

and I'll pick you up
on Thursday.

- All right, I'll see you then.
- Bye.

Any luck
with later flights?

- No. And it isn't
just our airline.

We're five minutes from JFK,

And they've cancelled
all flights into Denver.

There's a storm
over the Rockies.

- Oh, no.
I know.

Ugh, and most of my friends
have already flown in.

Well, at least they'll have fun.
- Look at you.

It would take me days
to get over something like this.

- Oh, I'm not over it.
And I'm not giving up.

Even if we have to lay over
in Pittsburgh.

- Oh, my God,
it's him.

- Meet Rafa in person
and get his autograph

At the forum shops
in Caesar's Palace.

- I thought
I was over him.

- What went wrong
between you?

- [sighs]

After a few days
with Rafa,

I felt things
that I hadn't felt

In 15 years
of being with Raj.

But stupidly, I thought
that it was mutual.

But it was just
a fling for him.

Now he keeps texting, he keeps
calling and begging to explain

That it was more
than that.

- Well, um, a man
who keeps calling.

It doesn't sound
like it was just a fling.

And it seems like
you still have feelings.

But you haven't had
a conversation

About what happened

- I guess not

- Well, you can't
move on until you do.

Hey, new plan

We're not going to denver

or Pittsburgh

- All right,
where are we going?

- Las Vegas, baby.

[rock music]

♪ ♪

- Mr. Keller, it's a pleasure
to have you back here with us

at the Palms Casino Resort

- Thanks so much, Michael.

- Oh, thank you very much, sir.
[phone chimes]

Good evening, gentlemen.
Enjoy your night.

- Thanks so much.
- Bye, sir.

- All right, let's get
this show on the road.

Where's your cousin?

- Owen! You ready?
- I'm busy.

- I don't know

- Oh, Barbie says the lights
you prescribed aren't working.


- Well, give it some time,
you know?

One session won't--
Wow, that's a small bikini.

- If you like that,
check this out.

- That is...
Not appropriate, Ken.

It's not appropriate

- May I draw
any of you gentlemen a bath?

- A bath?

Uh, no, we're good,
but thank you.

- Fix this

- Owen, we're supposed
to be going out.

Wow, you've made
yourself comfortable.

- Why would we go out?
I want to live here.

- Okay. Does that burger
have three patties?

- I know
what you're thinking.

You're thinking,
"Owen's put on a few pounds

Since the last time
I saw him."

But don't worry
because I am on the Lipitor.

- You do know the Lipitor
isn't a substitute

for the good eating habits?

- Are you done painting
each other's nails yet?

Let's go.
The gold diggers club awaits.

- Okay.
- Vamonos

- Owen, if you want to,
you know, come, you should...

- Oh, hey, hey.

Uh, thanks for letting me
join your party.

I hope it's not because you
feel guilty about, you know,

losing all my money

- Losing your money?

- At Hank's engagement party,

- Ooh, that looks good.
- I wasn't that we had to.

- Hank.
- So that's Nikki.

- Yep


Sorry about your godmother,
dude, I hadn't heard.

- Yeah

Now you and Hank are pretty much
the only family I have.

[phone beeps]
- Well...

- Well, at least Gladdie
left me the cats.

- That's good, right?

- and $50,000.

- What?
- Yeah.

Yeah, I'm gonna use it
to open up

my own comic book store

- Dude, that's awesome.
- [laughs] Yeah.

- You're gonna need
a lot more than that

to open a store though

[clears throat]
Owen, since you're family,

I could let you in on a little,
uh, investment opportunity.

It's pretty unique,

- Really?
- Yeah.

- What's this,
like, insider trading?

- Don't--no, it's not--
are you--?

It's not insider trading.

It's instinct.
Expert instinct though.

Come on.
Put it this way.

Most of our trusted clients,
like the big whales--

they're jumping in right now

frankly, you can't lose.

Oh, my God,
I lost your money.

[Christmas music]

♪ ♪

- [sighs]

It's not
that you have a son.

It's that you
kept it from me.

- I was afraid
that would scare you off.

Our relationship
was so new.


I am sorry
I hurt you

But if you will give me
a chance,

I can prove
that my feelings are true.

- Excuse me

I'm sorry.
- Do not be sorry.

The minute I saw his face,
I called the spa at Wynn.

There's a choco latte body buff
waiting with my name on it.

Now go.
Have a good time.

- But this was supposed
to be your party.

- So at least let me play cupid.

- [whispers]
Thank you.

[pop music]

♪ ♪

- Julia, you are the best.
These are for you.

- Thank you, sir.
- You're welcome.

- You gave her a purple?

Isn't purple, like,
a lot for a tip?

- Just mind your own chips, kid.
- All my chips are gone.

- Wait, you went through
all your chips already?

- Yeah.
- Dude.

You know what?

Well, take all of it.

- Really?
- Yeah.

It'll keep you going
for a while at least.

- Thanks

- Well,
check out Richie Rich.

- It's part of the groom's
responsibility. Come on.

- Okay, then where's mine?
- I feel like I owe him.

He took work off.
He flew from Wisconsin.

- Oh, no, I didn't fly.
I took the bus.

- All right, who's ready
to sh**t some craps?

- Me.
- Yeah, let's do that.

- All right

Um, I'm gonna catch up
with you guys, okay?

- Uh, Ev?

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

Are you okay?
- Yeah, I'm good.

I'm good. I just wanna get
some air, you know?

I'll see you in a few minutes.
- Okay.

- Oh!

- Whoa!
[glasses breaking]

I'm so sorry.
- It's okay.

- Can I, um--
- No.

- Sorry

[Christmas music]

♪ ♪

- [chuckles]
- I'm not even gonna ask.

- Me neither

Did you get your wish?

- I did

- Do you want to dance?

- I do

[Christmas music

♪ ♪

- Smile.
- Oh! [giggling]

- One more

♪ ♪

- Whoo- Hoo!

♪ ♪

- Ha!

That was crazy.
It was crazy!

- Now do you believe
I love you, Senora Correia?

- You have convinced me

[cell phone ringing]

- Sorry


Yes. I saw you texted.
I was ignoring you.


Okay, yes.
I will look into it.

Okay, bye.

Apparently, a storm front
is closing airports everywhere.

My manager insists
I leave for the sh**t

in Zihuatanejo now, while
there are still flights out.

Come with me

- I'd love to,
but I can't.

I mean, ditching Paige
was bad enough.

I can't miss the wedding

- On saturday, right?

I'll be there

- Really?

- I can't let
my wife attend alone.

- [laughs]
One thing.

We should keep our news quiet
until after their wedding.

- Mm

- I don't want to steal
Paige and Evan's moment.

- Very thoughtful

- Did we lose our minds?
- Yes! Do you like it?

- Yes!

Yes, I do.

- Little Joe from Kokomo!

[all cheering]


- Owen. Owen.
You can pass the dice, you know.

- He can't pass the dice.
He's on a 15-roll hot streak.

- Okay, I'd just like him
to get a little cooler.

- Whoa. You also
cannot say "cooler."

- All right. All right.
- Hey! Hey! Paige and Evan!

Just in time,
I'm on a roll!

- It wasn't a joke,
you are here!

- Hi!

- Did you go shopping?

- Yeah, Vegas isn't
all casinos, man.

- Yeah, and I'm not
much of a gambler.

- No she's really not

- Well, he's doing great.
- Boxcars and hard eight.

- Owen is?
- Here we go, baby.

One more time, all right?
In the zone.

- In the zone!
- In the zone.

- Know you want
to get in the zone.

Are you sure you don't want
to take a little break?

- They're chanting
my name, Hank.

- I know.
- This may never happen again.

- Okay.

- Eighter from Decatur!

[wild cheers]

- Every time, every time.
- Wow.

- Hey, where's Divya?

- Um, actually,
she's at the airport.

- Yeah. Yeah, so--
guys, bad news.

Uh, the party's over.
We gotta get out of here.

- What do you mean?
What's up?

- The weather's
closing in here too,

And they may shut
the airport.

- Yeah.
- Ah.

- Color, please.
- Yeah.

- Collect your bets, kid.
- Ooh.

- Hey, dude, that's awesome!
- [laughs]

- I guess my chips
brought you some luck, huh?

- Oh, no, I haven't
been betting.

I just like
rolling the dice.


- No.
- Yes.

- Are you kidding me?
- No.

- Evan.
Does it really matter?

- Well, no, I mean...

No, I just wanted to see him
get a break, you know?

He deserves it

But it's cool.
Next time, right?

Uh, we should cash out.
- Okay, okay. Cashing out.

- Okay!
- Thank you, Frankie.

- I'll meet up with you.
- Bye! That was fun.

- Bye!

- psst

- So I hope it's not too late
to add a plus-one

For your wedding

[slot machine clicking]

- [laughs]

Do you want
to take a turn?

Cherry. Cherry. Cherry.

- Owen, you're hoarse again.
Does that happen often?

- Only when I get excited.
- So pretty often.

I'd like to look down
your throat, if you don't mind.

do you have a mirror?

- Um

- Uh, nothing smaller?

- Do you want
to use my earrings?

- One will do

Thank you






I need something
to attach it.

Um, can have
your gum?

- Yes

- Hank, what are you
looking for?

- Owen has intermittent
hoarseness, and in the casino,

he was having
difficulty swallowing.

Perfect. Can you assist?
- Sure.

- Okay. Owen, could you
lean forward, please?

And open wide.
Thank you.


Okay. Owen, you have
vocal chord paralysis.

It comes and goes when the nerve
impulses to your larynx

are disrupted

- Well,
what's disrupting them?

- To answer that,
we'll need a ct.

- Which we can do
as soon as we get home.

- Okay, we're done.
Owen, you can sit up now.

- [grunts]
How'd I do?

It's not that easy for me
to sit still.

- We got a very clear picture
of what's called

An aneurysm
of the aortic arch.

- Aneurysm sounds bad.
Is it bad?

- The artery wall
has been weakening over time.

As the blood pumps through,
it expands like a balloon.

- Whoa. I like balloons.

Until they pop.

Which they always pop.
They always do.

So is it gonna pop?

[velcro tearing]
- 180 over 110.

- Owen,
just try to calm down.

- Or what?
I'll have a heart attack?

Am I having a heart attack
right now?

- No, you're not having
a heart attack.

You just have to breathe, okay?
Owen, take a breath right now.

- Who's she calling?
Is she calling 911?

- We need to call an ambulance
because this is better addressed

in the hospital

- Oh, boy.

Oh, boy. Oh, boy.
- Look, you need to relax.

The only thing
that can exacerbate your--

- [coughs]
- Oh, oh! I need a hand here.

Ev, just grab his arm.
Just pull him back easy.

That's it.
Get him to lie down

- What happened?
- He's in hypertensive crisis.

- Ambulance is on the way.
- Good.

- Hooking up
sodium nitroprusside.

That'll drain down
his diastolic.

- What happened?
[loud vomiting]

- Oh!
- Oh, my--

What's going on
right now?

- His aneurysm's compressing
his pneumogastric nerve.

He could aspirate.
We have to protect his airway.

- Here's a towel.
- How--

- Divya, he's out.
Let's move.

Okay, laryngoscope.
Thank you.


Thank you

I can't--um

- Hank.
- Yeah, I--uh...

I just--I can't
see his epiglottis.

Can you give it a try?

- Thank you.
Stay still.


- Inflate

- Okay

- Come on

[air hissing]

- Come on, owen.

- [breathes]

- Okay, okay.
He's okay.

- Oh, my God.
You hear that, buddy?

Hey, Owen.
It's all right, man.

We're here

- The surgeon made
a small incision

and inserted a stent
through the femoral artery.

- Kind of like iron man.
- Yeah.

And you came through the
procedure like a superhero too.

- Will I be--
- Save your voice, okay?

You've been intubated and had
an endovascular aneurysm repair.

- Hmm

- You are, uh...

Your finger hurts.
You're kissing.

- Really, dude?
- A water balloon?

You're afraid
of missing the wedding.

- Yeah.
- You should be out of here

in time to see Evan sweat it out
at the altar.

- Nice, man.
- [laughs]

Hey! You made it!

- It's my son's wedding.
This is all about family.

Of course I made it.
-where's grandpa?

- He didn't make it.
He has an ear infection.

- Aw, too bad. Hi, dad.
- Hi, Hankie.

All right, I have
a surprise for you.

What do you think?

- I think your editor
made some pretty drastic cuts.

- Come on

That is the promotional card
for my new book,

which comes out this spring

- Congrats!
- That's great!

- All right, now listen,
I hope you don't mind.

I gave a stack
to the gift basket girl.

- You hired a gift basket girl?
- Yeah. Um, she's here?

- Oh, yeah, really cute.
You should see her cupcakes.

- Her what now?
- What? She makes cupcakes.

She also said she was baking
your wedding cake.

- Yeah.
Yeah, she is.

So, um, I'm gonna
go check on her.

- Hank, would you mind taking
your dad's bags to his room?

Eddie and I need to conspire.
- Oh, very mysterious.

You bet.
- Thank you.

- Okay. 211.
- Got it.

- Thanks, Hank.
- You got it.

- So show me.
I am dying to see it.

- All right

Now look, even though Ted
is not here in person,

He is here in spirit.
It's an heirloom.

Guard it with your life.
- Okay.


It's lovely.
- Mm-hmm.

- You know, when I asked,

I wasn't sure you would have
such a thing.

- Paige. I heard you
when you said how important

tradition was to you

and now you've got to know
how important tradition is

to the Roth-Lawson family

- Tell me about it.
- Yeah.

- No. The ring's history.
- Right.

This belonged to Evan's

Judah P. Roth

- So it's, like, what?
From the 1860s?

- Exactly.
The civil w*r.

Judah was mortally wounded
at the Battle of Gettysburg.

- But this ring
stayed in your family.

- Yes, because Judah was
so worried that his corpse

would be stripped by looters,
he swallowed the ring.

So then when he was
eventually delivered back

to his beloved Victoria,

he knew that she would know
exactly where to find it.

And she did.

- That's so romantic.

This is the perfect ring
for me to give Evan.

- It's so great.

- Oh, uh...

- Sorry, I'll be out
of your way in a minute.

- No, no, it--


- [sighs]

So this wasn't
in the plan.

- Wow. Wow.
I'm sorry, what are you--

- I'm making Paige
and Evan's cake.

Evan didn't tell you
because--you know Evan,

he was worried
it might be awkward.

- Which... which it...

- obviously isn't

Um, God.

I mean, I didn't know
you and Evan were still--

- Oh, come on, you think
I'd let anybody else bake

for the most annoying kid
in Passaic?

- [laughs]

- Oh, just met your dad.
- Oh.

- After all your stories
in high school when he was

missing in action--I gotta say,
he seemed kind of adorable.

- Yeah

We've actually gotten close.
It's been nice.

- Let me guess.
Evan initiated the reunion?

- You do know the Lawsons.
- Yeah.

- "Winnie's cakes"
- Mm-hmm.

- You have your own bakery now.
That's great, really great.

And you look great too

- That's a lot
of greats, Hank.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

- Yeah, I--

- You let Evan know I'll deliver
his masterpiece on friday.

- Of course I will

- The Hamptons suits you

You seem like you're in
a better place than last time.


- Are the crullers ready?
I finished my paper route.

- Tonight?

You're gonna try nostalgia
on me tonight?

- Okay, look,
that's the thing.

I feel terrible about--
- Oh, no.

You don't get to feel terrible.
- Please, Winnie, I am so sorry.

- Tonight was
your engagement party,

and you're here?

- Yeah. Um, it wasn't
much of a party.

Evan sort of spoiled it.

- [chuckles]
Good for Evan.

- Just let me explain--
- Hank, don't.

- Look, we were more than just
high school sweethearts, okay?

You saw me and Evan
through a lot.

We were close
for a long time off and on.

- Oh, get out.
- I know we were sort of back on

when I met Nikki last fall,

But as soon as I knew
I had feelings for her--

- No, you and your feelings
need to go!

- Please, Winnie,
I just want you—

- What?
To forgive you?

Make you feel all better
for your wedding?

But I won't.
So go.

I mean it!

- I never meant to hur--



- Hey!

There you are

- Don't tell me Evan's changing
the centerpieces again.

- Actually,
they are for me.

From Rafa

- Rafa's still trying
to get back in your good graces?

- He 1s back in them.
- Oh.

- I know
what you're thinking.

- I'm thinking
you're a smart woman

who can take care of herself
and would never make

the same mistake twice

so I'm betting
Rafa stepped up.

- Yeah, he did.
In a big way.

- There's more,
isn't there?

You're ditching me
for the wedding, aren't you?

- You are a mind reader.
- I knew it! I knew it.

Aw, don't worry, I'll be fine,
dance by myself.

- So you can probably guess
my next question.

- No

- Are we going
to discuss what happened

during Owen's intubation?

- Oh, yeah, thank you
for stepping in.

You know, my vision was blurry,
and I got dizzy.

- We both know
that you need a head CT.

- It was clean
after the expl*si*n.

- Now let's rule out
an intracranial bleed.

- I'd like
to get it inscribed.

- You say this has been
in your family for years?

- Not my family

- I didn't think so,
Miss Collins.

- Is something wrong?
- Well, this ring isn't old.

In fact, the hallmarks
are brand-new.

It's a nice enough reproduction,
but this is no heirloom.

- Okay, Paige Collins.
A wedding is not about the ring.

[Christmas music]

♪ ♪

- [giggles]

- Paige.
It's snowing.

Can you believe it?

We're gonna have
a white wedding.

- Are you ready?

- Yup.
- Here we go

Stay very still.