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04x16 - Off-Season Greetings pt. 2

Posted: 04/24/24 16:04
by bunniefuu
- Previously on
Royal Pains

- Guys, this
is my cousin Owen.

- Third cousin
twice removed.

Thanks for letting me
join your party.

I hope it's not because
you feel guilty about, you know,

losing all my money

- Oh, my God.
I lost your money.

- Oh, boy.
- Look, you need to relax

- [coughing]

- The only thing
that can exacerbate your--

- Oh, oh!
- I need a hand here, Ev!

- Smile!
- Oh. [giggles]

That was crazy.
It was crazy!

- Now do you believe
I love you, Senora Correia?

- Show me.
I'm dying to see it.

It's lovely

- This belonged to Evan's
great-great-great grandfather,

Judah P. Roth

- It's a nice
enough reproduction,

but this is no heirloom

- It's snowing.
- [giggles]

- We're gonna have
a white wedding.

- Where's Boris?
- We tried to get in the door--

- Hank

- Yeah, I--uh, I just--
I can't see his epiglottis.

Can you give it a try?

- We both know
that you need a head CT.

- It was clean
after the expl*si*n.

- Uh, Barbie,
on a scale from one to ten.

How bad would you say
you're feeling?

- A one. Definitely.
- Oh.

- Barbie, that's good news.

- Oh, a one's good.
Then more like a six

- Hm.
- Or an 8 1/2.

- Math isn't her forte

- Well, one of us
has to be the pretty face.

- Have you been using
the light therapy box?

- Yeah,
but it's not helping.

My muscles and joints hurt

And my hands
feel kind of tingly.

It's like I'm old.
I don't like it.

- Neither do I

- These new symptoms
aren't consistent with

seasonal affective disorder.

- No, and her reflexes
are sluggish.

[phone beeps]
We'll have to take some blood

and look for other
possible diagnoses.

Can you give us a sec?
- Sure.

- Uh, Hank,

I just got
the head CT results

from the radiologist
about our... other patient.

We should tell him
that it's clean.

- Oh, those results.

So it is just
post-concussive syndrome.

See? I told you not to worry.
- Yes.

So he has to give it some time.
- He will.

And Divya, he's fine.

- [sighs]
Okay, everybody.

- We are going to miss you.

I'll miss you too

All right

- Jill, we really should go.

We've got, like, a three-hour
drive to the airport.

- All right, everyone.
- Have a good journey.

- Thank you

All right, you take care

and I'll see you soon,
all right?

Let's go.
- Okay.

- [whistles] Jill!
- Wait, wait. Stop, stop.

What is it? What?

- Jill, you can't leave.
We need you.

There's been an accident

We need your help
to coordinate the rescue.

- Okay, okay

- A family heirloom
that is brand-new.

- Do you think somebody
ripped off Evan's grandpa Ted?

Or maybe he thought about it
and he just doesn't want

Evan to have
the actual ring?

- Well, its a little odd.
- I know.

And I can't ask Evan,

since it's a gift
I'm giving him.

A gift that was supposed
to have family significance.

I just don't know enough
about this family to pursue it,

or even how I'd pursue it

- Listen,
you know the saying.

When you marry someone, you're
not marrying their family.

Actually, I think it is that
you are marrying their family.

I am terribly sorry.
- It's okay.

I know who Evan is,
and that's all that matters.

- You may be
the first unflappable bride

in the history
of weddings.

- Well, just wait.

When you get married,
you'll see the wedding

is all about
the big picture.

[footsteps approaching]

- Oh, I'm so excited
to see it.

Probably not as much
as you though.

Oh, wow.

That is so--
- Not my dress.

- Oh, thank God.

- Oh.
- Oh, my.

I am so sorry, Ms. Collins.

We'll be right back
with your amsale.

- [awkward laugh]

- ungh

- What's up?
You all right?

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Just a headache.

How are you feeling?

- Pretty cold

- No. I meant
about getting married.

I never got that close.
How does it feel?

- You know

It's--it's great

- I hope your "I do"
sounds more convincing.

- No. I mean, it is.

It's--I have a lot of wedding
stuff on my mind, you know?

- Oh, yeah?

Anything you want
to talk about?

- No, I'm--um...


All right, so--
- Hey, guys.

You need help?

- Owen, when were
you discharged?

- We were gonna pick you up
from the hospital.

- Yeah

- Oh, I didn't want
to bother you guys.

You're so busy

Besides, I'm feeling
a lot better.

Just missed being here

- All right. Come inside.
It's cold out here.

- Yeah. Thanks again
for the clothes.

Would have looked funny coming
around in my hospital gown.

- Owen, what's wrong
with your leg?

- I don't know.
It hurts a lot though.

- Yeah? Since when?

- Uh, maybe from walking
in the snow?

- Dude, you walked here?

- No. Well, yeah,
from the bus stop.


- Okay, Owen,
I want you to sit down

so I can take a look
at your leg. Right now.

- [grunts]
- Oh, my God!


- Owen.
- Ow! Ow! My leg!


Ow! Ow! Ow!


[The Blue Van's Independence]

♪ ♪

♪ my independence went away ♪

♪ I didn't listen ♪
♪ when it said ♪

♪ rely on yourself ♪

♪ trusting someone else ♪

♪ is a path ♪
♪ for the silent ghost ♪

- So this red area on your leg,
you're having a reaction

To the blood thinner
you were given.

- Is my blood too thin?
- Actually the opposite.

It's a paradoxical clotting
reaction that can cause

skin necrosis in a limb

- That sounds grisly

There's a comic book
character named--

Both: Dr. Necrosis

- Wow.
- [laughs]

But he kills people

- Yeah, by rotting
their flesh, actually.

- Yes.
- Interesting.

Well, no one's flesh is rotting.
- Okay. That's good.

- It is dangerous,
but this shot of vitamin K

should reverse
the progressiion.

- Oh, it's just vitamin K.
Just vitamins.

In a big needle

- [grunts]

- And Owen, you're gonna have
to go back into the hospital--

And stay there this time--
for 24 hours

so they can switch
your medication.

Hopefully, you'll be out
in time for the wedding.

- Really?
So it'll be okay?

- Owen, you should be fine.

- Better than
your Christmas tree?

- Much better than
our Christmas tree.

- [laughs]
- Hopefully.

[holiday piano music]

♪ ♪

- Hey, pop.
- Hey, honey.

- Um, how you doing
for cash these days?

- Why, you need some?

- No, I'm good.
- Hey.

How much?

- It would be a loan, if--
you know, I would pay you back.

- Evan, I am completely
aware of how costly

A wedding can be

Everyone's got
a bill to be paid.

- You have no idea.
- Mm-hm.

Couple hundred?

A thousand?


- Well, let's talk about it.
- Okay.

- It's coming down
with a vengeance.

Should we start to worry?
- No. No no.

You miss, are gonna have

the most beautiful
white wedding.

I guarantee it

- All right.

Nap later, doctor.

I hurried back.
It's almost time.

- Yup. It's almost time.
- Time for what?

Aren't we moving to the inn
to be with our

incoming guests tonight?

- Yes, but first...

- First

- Hello! Sundown?
We do it by a window?

- Is there a medical condition
known as mental frostbite?

- Uh...
- [sarcastic laugh]

Okay, stop messing
with the shiksa.

I know you know it's
the first night of Hanukkah.

- Oh!
- Tonight?

Oh, my God.
- What--

You didn't know it was
the first night of Hanukkah?

- I had a feeling that
this night was different

from all other nights

- Yeah. Hanukkah's
not like Christmas.

It's hard to keep track of.
It's eight nights. Gelt.

- How did you know
it was the first night?

- Because tradition
matters to me,

and I want to respect
your tradition

the way you respect mine

so i've been studying up
on Judaism.

- Aw

- I was hoping to surprise you.
- Mission accomplished.

- I'm sorry.
I completely forgot.

- It's okay. It's all right.
Okay, where's your menorah?

- [under breath]
Where is it?

- Um...
- Hold on. I'm sorry.

You don't have a menorah?

- We moved a while ago,

and I don't think
I brought--

- Guys!
This is a great holiday.

Your great holiday

I mean, these things
are important.

They have meaning.
They should matter.

[cell phone rings]
- They do matter.

- Oh, seriously, Hank.
On Hanukkah?

- Oh, I'm so sorry,
Rabbi Lawson.

This is Hank

Oh. Uh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Okay, I'll be right there.

Sorry, guys, it's an emergency.
Uh, happy Hanukkah, Paige.

- Happy Hanukkah.
- You know what we could do?

We can make a menorah

All we need is an egg carton
and some tin foil.

- No, no, no, that's--
Let's just go to the inn.

- Hold--are you sure?
- Yeah.

- Okay.
I'll get the bags.

- Is this becaluse of the ring?

- You know
it's not an heirloom?

- I bought it on ebay

- Why would you
make up that story?

- Because I heard how important
tradition was to you,

and I knew how little tradition
we have in the Lawson family.

- Okay, but you can't
just make up traditions.

- I also wanted you
to think you were

marrying into
a normal family.

You know, because
yours is so upstanding,

so well-respected

Oh, Paige, I made
a gigantic error here,

and I am so sorry

I totally understand

if you don't want
to give Evan that ring.

You want to buy a new one,
I will pay for it.

- No, no, no.
That won't be necessary

- You sure?
- Yes.

Let's just drop it.
- Dropping.

- All righty. All set.
Um, everything all right?

- Yeah everything's great

- Everything's great.
- Yeah.

- Okay. Let's do this!
- All right, let's go.

- Barbie!

Oh, my God.
Oh, this isn't good.

Hank! Hank! come here!

- I'm coming!
I'm coming!

- She's--

- Okay, just
give her some space.

- All right.

- That's it.
Easy. Easy.

All right, what happened?

- Well, she wanted to come out
and play in the snow.

She's from florida

So I bent down
to pack a snowball,

I think she must
have slipped on the ice.

I think she broke her neck

You don't move somebody when
they break their neck, right?

I called 9-1-1 and I called you.
You got here first.

- I don't think
her neck is broken,

and she didn't
slip on the ice.

She's bradycardic
and hypothermic.

Get me some blankets, fast.

[sirens blaring]
It's okay, Barbie.

It's okay

gonna be all right.

gonna be all right.

- Barbie, the blood tests
show that you have

Hashimoto's disease

It's an autoimmune condition
that affects your thyroid,

and one of the symptoms
is intolerance to cold weather.

- Hashimoto's

is it worse
because it's foreign?

- Uh, no. No.

And with proper treatment
and thyroid meds

And regular thyroid blood tests,
you should be okay.

- Well, that's a big relief.
What about you?

- What about me?
- You keep rubbing your temples.

Are you bored?

- [laughs] Oh!
No. No, I'm not bored.

Sorry, I just
have a headache.

-F.Y.I. Not good for business
when the doctor looks sick.

- Thank you so much.
- How long is she in here for?

- Could be afew days.
- Oh, I might miss the wedding.

You're gonna stay here
with me, right, Ken?

- I would, but it would be
against hospital policy.

- You know what?
I know most of the nurses.

Yeah, I could pull a few strings
and get you a nice cot

right in this room

- Aw, thanks, hank.
- You got it.

- Yeah. Thanks, hank.
- Don't mention it, Kenneth.

Always happy to help.
Happy holidays, guys, huh?

- Mm.
- All right.

- We can play uno

- Okay. Uh, when Evan asked me
to be his best man,

I said, are you doing this
because I'm your only brother

or because
I'm your only friend?


Friend. That was
supposed to be a joke.

- I didn't know.
I'm so sorry.

Funny, funny

- Thank you so much.
It's just been cut, okay?

I hate public speaking

Maybe I'll just keep
the toast simple, you know?

You're great. She's great.
You guys are great.

This is great

I want it to be good,
you know?

Paige and Evan
deserve nothing less.

- I could not
agree with you more.

I'll tell you what

You start again,
I'm gonna help you.


- Hi, everybody.

Uh, for those of you who
don't know, I'm Evan, I'm the--

- Uh, before Evan talks,
I just have a quick few things

I want to say

Can you guys
hear me all right?

- Yes.
- Uh-huh!

- Hank and I are about
to start a brand-new chapter

in our lives,

so I thought
I'd commemorate it

with a little something
not to mark where Hank's been,

but where he's going

You can't be a successful
physician in New York City

with a bag that looks like
you got it at the flea market.


- [chuckles]

- Evan. Evan. I've got
some really good news.

I've thought about
what you said..

and I'm gonna invest
with you.

- That's awesome, Owen.
That's great!

When can you cut me a check?
Not to rush you, it's just--

Hold on one second

- It means so much
to both of us,

and we just love everyone

- Um

- We want to thank my parents
for this rooftop.

- Yeah uh

Excuse me

- Thank you, we love you.
And I want to thank Hank.

- Oh

Okay, uh, maybe
you want to slow down?

a little bit, um,
'cause you got a toast to give.

- I mean, it's amazing,
and he is amazing.

- Yeah, apparently
not any time soon, though.

- I now give you
the best man, Evan.

- Wow. Okay.
Or right now. Excuse me.

Yes, okay!

[cheers and applause]
-Go, Ev

- Nikki, thank you for that

generous and heartfelt

loved your speech, too.

so, my big brother
is tying the knot.

never in my wildest dreams

did I imagine that you
could have ended up with

a woman like Nikki, Hank.

- Thanks. Thank you.
- Yes! I that's right.

But you've always had ambition,
so--and it serves you.

You're a doctor, right?
You have to have ambition.

And I just want you to know

how impressed and amazed
I am by your ability

to just never let anything
hold you back.

Really, you know?

And this bag--the bag
that Nikki got you,

let's just hold that bag up

for one more--
just one more second.

Look at this bag, everybody.

This is--
look at how perfect it is.

It's shiny and it's new

just like your
new life together.


And this thing--where is it?


Unlike this thing,
which is old.

So out with the old
and in with the new,

Just like--
just like dad taught us.

Let's raise our glasses,

[clears throat]
This is to moving on.

To moving on!

Come on,
raise your glasses, guys.

To moving on

and to leaving
those who loved you behind--

a Lawson family tradition

Thank you

There you go.
I don't need it.

[children laughing]

- I'm telling Santa

- I am just glad
that everyone is all right.

Okay, keep me posted.

So there was a medical emergency
near Jill's township.

She stayed behind to help
and missed her flight,

But she's trying
to get on another.

- Well, we'll just have to
give her an even bigger welcome

if and when
she finally gets here.

Did they have them?

- [laughs]

So they will be driving
from the church

with little mini reindeers
and jingle bells on the back

of their car
instead of cans.

- Aw

Everything okay ?

- Rafa doesn't think
that he's going to make it.

His flight was cancelled.
- [groans]

I'm sorry

Well, I guess you'll just have
to go back to being my plus one.

Oh, that's right, we don't
get a plus one if we're single.

Whatever happened
to single people's rights?

- Hank,
Rafa and I got married.


I had to tell someone,
but please, don't say a word.

I do not want to step on
Paige and Evan's wedding.

Why are you
looking at me like that?

- Did you just say
you married Rafa?

- Yeah. In Las Vegas.
But nobody else knows.

- I understand why
you didn't marry Raj

even though you were
with him for 15 years,

but I don't get
how you could marry Rafa

after dating him
for 15 minutes.

- I love him.
That's how.

- A week ago, you were over him.
What happens next week?

- So now you
are an authority on love?

- No, but what you did
was very impulsive,

Especially for you

- So you can do
what you want to do,

and you can date
who you want to date,

but I need to remain
predictable and unchanging?

- You married him

and I know how seriously
you take marriage.

Divya you made a mistake.

- I thought that
you were my friend.

- I am.
- Okay.

Then support me on this

I just told you
that I-I got married

and all you can do
is judge me?


Hank, what's wrong?
- It's nothing.

Its just a headache

- Have you been getting
a lot of headaches?

- Yeah, yeah

Lying down--

Lying down seems to help

- Okay

Hank, Hank, this is
a positional headache.

Okay. Hank, this isn't
post-concussive syndrome, you--

Hank! We need to take you
to a hospital right now.

Come on!

- Ready, doctor?
- Let's do this.

- Now, what is the success rate
of a blood patch?

- Hmm. Based on
the cerebrospinal fluid leak

you so kindly circled
for Dr. Rivera on my MRI.

the odds are good,
but not 100%.

- But it should
stop his headaches.

- It's Hank's own blood,
so it should seal the tear

in the membrane surrounding
his spinal cord.

- Which was caused
by the expl*si*n

four months ago
at shadow pond.

- Most likely, yes.
Divya, relax.

I'm sure he's done
hundreds of these before.

It's a simple
outpatient procedure.

- But this time,
the simple outpatient is you.

- [grunts]
- Blood.

- [groaning]

Whoa, yeah.
Yup, I'm feeling the pressure.

- Good.
- Whoa.

That is one weird sensation


Okay? Okay


- You need to give the blood
time to clot,

Which means lying down
on your back for an hour

with no coughing, sneezing,
or straining in any way.

- Listen,
what I said earlier--

- It doesn't matter right now

- It does to me

I upset you and I'm sorry

I am the last person
who should be

giving you advice about love

I've screwed up plenty

- Apology accepted.
But only if you'll accept mine.

- Done

- What you need right now
is some rest, okay?

So why don't I
go check in on Owen

and come back in an hour?

- Okay

[holiday piano music]

♪ ♪

- All righty

So, uh...

You want the good news
or the bad news?

- Uh, the bad news?

What's the bad news?

- They just announced
an official travel advisory.

- What does that mean?

- It means that all the New York
area airports are closed,

along with a lot
of the highways.

- [sighs]

Uh, okay.

Um, well, since none
of our guests can make it,

I suppose it's okay
that our photographer's

stuck in Manhattan,
our roses are stalled in Miami,

and our salmon
is still in Moose Pass.

- Yeah, but it's not true that
none of our guests can make it.

- Oh, really?

Oh, so you're telling me that
Newberg is not stuck in Paris,

that Jeremiah's on his way
back from Iceland,

and that Van d*ke is on his way
back from South Beach?

I can go on
with a lot more names.

- Okay. Just open this, please.
It'll cheer you up.

- Wait, are these
the butterflies?

- See for yourself

They delivered it last night,
apparently before

the apocailyptic blizzard came

- They're dead.
- No, they're not.

The company assured me
they'd travel well.

You know, I talked
to the guy for, like--

Oh, they're dead
all right.


I'm calling them right now.
- Evan--

- I talked to that guy
for ten minutes!

- Evan, don't.
It's--it's okay.

A wedding is not
about butterflies.

-I'm out! And this time
with a clean bill of health.

I wll be at your wedding


Oh, but Evan, can I get
some of my moolah now?

- Uh, can we talk about this
somewhere else, maybe?

- Well, I actually just
grabbed a cab this time.

the driver really
wants his money,

but my wallet's in my tux.
I mean, do you have it?

- I got it.
I could use some fresh air.

Let's go

- Yes, uh,
Howard Katz, please.

Then connect me
to his voicemail.

Howard, Evan Lawson

I'm hearing your merger
went belly-up,

and you said
it was a sure thing.

so I trusted you,
and actually convinced

a lot of my firm's clients
to trust me.

[knock at door]

Um, which leaves me
in an awkward position.

[knock on door]

Just call me back

Rough night?

- Thanks to you

- You're so lucky to be
marrying such a generous woman.

She just gave that cabbie
the most awesome tip.

Thank you again.
- No problem.

- I'm gonna go check-in.
- Yeah. Yeah.

[both chuckling]

- Mm-hmm?

- I've got to tell
you something, okay?

It's about owen.
- I know.

We've got 10 now.
- 10 what?

- Guests

With owen, it's 10.

It was 9--
well, it was 248.

But now it's 9, which
I could have squeezed into

an eight-top,
but I can't cram 10 people

around one eight-top

- Okay it's okay

Why don't we just
push two tables together?

- Rhey're round!

You can't push
round tables together!

It won't work!
- Okay.

- Because like everything else
in this wedding,

it won't work!
- Okay.

A wedding isn't about tables

- Oh, a wedding isn't about
a lot of things right now.

We can just get
a napkin and we can--

- We'll find a way
to make it work, okay?

We'll find a way
to make everything work.

If we can find
each other in Vegas,

we can make anything happen

Come here

It's gonna be fine

It's gonna be fine

[silent night playing]

♪ ♪

- There

You look beautiful, honey.

- I'm just so glad
you and daddy are here.

- Oh, okay.

We love you so much.
- I love you too.

- Well, there's
the father of the bride.

How are you holding up?
- Hi, Eddie.

- You know, I'm confused.
I don't know what to call you.

Should I call you general?
Should I call you senator?

Now that we're
almost family --

- I'm afraid we're
gonna stay almost family.

- Why? What are you
talking about?

- Priest can't get here
to perform the ceremony.

Neither can the rabrbi

There's not gonna
be a wedding.

- You know what, don't break it
to anybody just yet, okay?

Give me ten minutes.
Ten minutes?

- [sighs]

How on earth
did you get here?

- It doesn't matter

I promised to be here.
I will never let you down again.

- Sll right.

God, I can't do this

- Too late now, brother-man.
- No, I'm serious.

- Look, it is completely
natural to be nervous.

- It's not nerves,
all right?

I'm --

My whole life in the Hamptons
was built on a lie, all right?

On the night
of your engagement party,

before my speech,

I had a huge deal
fall apart.

I lost a lot of money
for some very important clients

who I had
no business advising.

But the next day,
I came to the Hamptons

to find my boss and see
if I could fix things.

Turns out he was at
a charity event,

So that's where I went

It was at shadow pond


Evan R. Lawson

[whispering indistinctly]

Not surprisingly, uninvited
guests were not welcome.

- Was ist los?

Both: [speaking german]

- That was the first time
I saw Boris.

The first time he saw me, too.
He took one look and said--

- I do not know this man.
- and they turned me away.

Bbut it gave me an idea.
It gave me more than an idea.

It gave me a plan.
I would re-invent myself.

I would start over
in a new place.

I just didn't
want to do it alone.

That day I talked you
into coming to the Hamptons,

I told you
it was for your own good.

The truth is,
I was thinking about myself.

So I waltzed into
your apartment

and I manipulated you
and used you.

- Okay

But it all worked out.

We were both
at our lowest moments

and you dug me out of mine

Coming here changed our lives...
for the better.

And it definitely
repaired our relationship.

We became friends again

And brothers like
we've never been before.

I will always,

always be grateful

- Okay, so there's more.
- Oh.

- Owen was one
of my investors.

I talked him out
of $50.000, Henry.

- $50,000.
- Yeah, his entire inheritance.

And I don't even
remember taking it.

- All right, so you'll fix this,
and I'll help.

We will find a way
to pay Owen back.

- There's still more

- Paige doesn't know

- Hey.

- Oh. Yeah.


- [giggles]

- Oh, wow.

- Evan?

- Listen, we need to talk.

- Dearly beloved,

In accordance with the template
provided to me


We gather here together
to witness the marriage

of Paige Adele Collins

and Evan Roth Lawson

If there are any objections
to this union, speak now

or forever hold your peace

Nobody? Great.
- [sniffling]

- So, by the power vested in me
by the great state of--

- Wait, i--

I need to say something.
- Sure.

- You may have noticed that,
um, it's snowing outside.

And this wedding,

like--like a lot
of things in life,

it's been a test

nothing has gone right.

Um, and I have tried so hard
to be okay with that.

I really have

Because sometimes in life
you just have to get through

the bad stuff so that you
can appreciate the good stuff.

Because there is
always good stuff, right?

This wedding,

it's not what we planned,

and, um, it's not
at all what we wanted.

- [whispers]
Paige, it's okay.


if you--


but as I look around

I realize now that
it's everything we needed.

We're surrounded by the people
that we cherish the most.

Even if we can't serve you
your steak and-or salmon dinner

in a tiny snow-covered inn
that none of us can leave

any time soon,

I know now that
I wouldn't change a thing.


Because a wedding isn't
about a lot of things,

but it's definitely
not about the past.

It's abrout the future

and I can't wait to see
how you and I reinvent ourselves

as newlyweds

because you,
Evan R. Lawson,

CFO of HankMed,

always have been
and always will be

my good stuff

- Uh, kids, we're not
up to this part yet.

Apparently, we are.


So it's with great confidence
that I pronounce you

husband and wife

- Whoo!
- Yeah!

- Yeah, Evan!


[acoustic guitar playing]

♪ and your cheek so soft ♪

♪ there is nothing for me ♪

♪ but to love you ♪

- Hey.
- [laughs]

- [laughs]

- [clears throat]

This is, uh--
it's long overdue.

- We'll send you another check
as soon as we can.

- Holy smokes, batman.

I don't understand.

- It's a down payment
for the money I had you invest.

You know?

We'll get you the whole 50 grand
eventually, but for now--

- What?

I-I inherited 50 grand,
but I didn't invest all of it.

- But--how much
did you give me?

- 500 bucks

- [laughs]

- you gave me 500 bucks?
- [chuckles]

- I mean, can I--
I can still keep the check?

- Dude, I'll do you better.

Um, I've learned a lot
about starting a small business.

So I could help you
get a loan

for your new comic book store,
if you want.

- Maybe we could
be its first investors.

- That's a great idea.
- I would love that.


- So what was it like watching
your little brother get married?

- It was weird, you know?

When I look at Evan,
I still see the same kid

who ate 85¢ worth
of nickels on a dare.

- [laughs]

Of course he did

I wish I was there

The ceremony sounded
like it was just amazing.

- Yeah, it was.
- I'm bummed I missed it.

- Well, we miss you more.

But I'm just--
I'm glad you're so happy.

- Yup

Happy and sweaty,
that's me.

- You had to rub it in, did you?
It's cold and snowy.

- Dude, I would k*ll
for some snow.

That and some clams
from Chewy's.

- Yeah

- But

You know what, Hank?

I'm really loving Africa

You know, who knew
I would have to leave my life

just to find myself?

- Well, you're on one
very lucky continent, my dear.

- [laughs] Okay, well,
give my love to everyone again.

And Hank, get your butts
over here sometime.

We could really use your help.
- I will definitely try.

Happy holidays.
- You too, Hank.

And happy new year

Take care of yourself,
All right?

- You know I will.
Bye, Jill.

- Bye, Hank.
[blows kiss]

- That was such
a beautiful wedding.

- Yes

They're truly in love

- Yes, they are.

- Rafa.
- Hmm?

- When we were in Vegas,
I think that I may have

gotten so swept up
in the moment

that I didn't think at all
about the future.

- There's nothing wrong
with living in the moment.

- Look, I know that I want
to enjoy this relationship

and not just keep
pushing it forward.

So as much as I love
how I feel about you,

how I feel
when I am with you,

the last thing that I want
is to get caught up

in these feelings

and just keep
rushing things.

- You want us to really
get to know one another?

- Yeah

But first, we need
to end this marriage.


- What a day

- Yeah, it's been
a roller coaster.

- So how do you feel
about the whole thing?

- [sighs]

Watching Evan marry Paige,
seeing Jill so happy in Africa--

- Mm-hmm

- Realized
everyone's moving on.

And it's given me
some new perspective.

I've mostly realized I'm better
at starting relationships

than I am at deepening them

- You know, the journey
to find love is a difficult one.

- [laughs]

- But once you find it,
the search is well worth it.

- I feel like I'm ready now,
you know?

Like, I've made peace
with my past relationships.

Now I just need
to figure out what I want.

- This is what I know

Dr. Lawson deserves
a wonderful life.

- [slurring]
Thanks, dad.

I think I needed that

- Are you all right?
- Yeah, why?

- No, no, no, seriously.

How many drinks
have you had today?

- [slurring]
I haven't had anything to drink.

- Oh, really?
Then why are you slurring?

- [stammering]
- Hank.


- You need to get Divya.
- Huh?

- You need to get Divya.
- Okay.

- [grunts]


- What can I do?
- Please, don't tell anyone.

Find her quickly.
- I'm going. I'm going now.

- Okay


When I said don't tell anyone,
I meant don't tell anyone.

- Oh

Well, let me tell you,
Mr. Smarty-pants,

They're not just "anyone,"
they're your family.

- Hmm -- hmm

- And you're gonna
make it through

because you're very strong

You're the strongest kid
I know on this planet.

- [chuckles]


I know it's our off-season,

but I'm ot going
to be very useful at all.

- Okay

One step at a time,
and I'm going to help you.

- Thank you.
- We all will.

- Thanks, sis.

- Ready

- We'll be right here,
all right?

- Hello, Dr. Lawson.
- Hi

- You know the drill.
- Yes.

- Start counting backwards
from 100.

- 100

- Dr. Lawson is
in the operating room.

The neurosurgeons are about
to start the procedure.

Apparently, he has
along recovery ahead.

Are you planning
to return to the Hamptons?

[cup clinking]

- Not yet

It's still too risky

- 94