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05x01 - Hankwatch

Posted: 04/24/24 16:05
by bunniefuu
Previously, on Royal Pains...


What you did was very impulsive.

Divya, you made a mistake.

Divya and I have a... a completely
professional relationship.

Do you have feelings for her?

- Jeremiah!
- I don't have feelings.

Doctor Lawson... meet Dimitry Vasiliev.

I can treat him. Just don't
ask me to trust him.

I know Dima far too well to ask that.

Just keep an eye on him, Hank.

Where is Boris?

The door appears to have been locked
from the inside! Bring him out...

Hello, doctor Lawson.

Start counting backwards from 100...

One hundred...


Fingers nice and spread out.
Now push against my palms.


Okay. Your neuro exam checks out great.

Doc, please, just level with me.

Will I ever play the violin again?

Hank, the bone has fused.

You've resorbed the extravasated blood,

your mental function is back to normal.

But I'm sorry...

We couldn't save your sense of humor.

After six months of part-time doctoring,

as long as I can get back
to my full schedule,

that is one side effect
I'm willing to live with.

- Great.
- Thanks, doc.


And don't forget,
no driving until you've been

off the anti-seizure meds for a month.

Speaking of driving,
a doctor, a rabbi, and a chimp...

no jokes. Got it.

- Bye, doc.
- Bye.

Thank you.

So the doctor said he's supposed
to wake up by day three,

and it's day four.

Is that... that's not weird, right?

He had a craniotomy, Evan.

Hank needs to recover,
and we need to be patient.

Right. Right.

So what's with the scar?

Are you worried about him having it

or you having to look at it?

A little bit of both.

Okay now, Dr. Turner,
you'll go to Mr. Appel's,

who's having a flare-up with his gout

and then to the grant family
to handle their annual physical.


Dr. Moore, I need you
to assess Mr. Pinson's neck pain

in pine neck... say that five times fast.

Doctors, please call with
any updates as you have them,

and I will alert you
with any new appointments.

- Thank you.
- Bye.

- Bye.
- Thanks.

- Hi.
- Heh.


Oh, my God, I love your new hair.

Thank you. Was that
"Hankmed The Musical"?

Hank is still recovering,
and the ER is still shut down.

So I had to add a few more associates.

Oh. Well, we're gonna
need a cafeteria soon.

Uh, well, they're usually
just here in the mornings

and some afternoons.

Well, they can sleep over
if they want, because Evan

has been house hunting.

- You guys are moving out?
- Yup.

He's gonna show me
the top choices this weekend,

right, babe?

Oh, yes!

Yes, it's gonna be like,
uh, million dollar listing.

Without the million dollars, obviously.

So, um, how are you?

I was so bummed to get
your email about Rafa.

I wasn't bummed to send it.

I care about Rafa truly,
but when he visited last month

I finally realized
that we are only compatible

in one way.

At least our last weekend
together was very memorable.

Well, I'm glad to hear things ended

as passionately as they started.

Hey! Look who's home from school.

Hey! Look who's ready for summer!

Well, yeah, ready-ish.

So you sure you're up
for resuming your full schedule?

Yeah. I'm sure, Ev.

Okay, that's great.
How was your appointment?

- Couldn't have gone better.
- Awesome.

Hank, it's Ms. Newberg.

Her scalp itches. Welcome home.

- Ms. New...
- No, no, hold on.

That's beneath your pay grade.
It's... here's Divya again.

So how much longer
will the E.R. be closed?

A week, a month, all summer.

A company called symphony is negotiating

to buy the hospital,
but the regulatory approval

is taking forever.

So not so much relaxing this summer.

This is Hank.

Yeah. I'm on my way.

- On your way where?
- Yup. Where are you?

H... Henry? Henry. Henry.

Divya, initiate Hankwatch. I repeat.

Do not repeat. I'm on it.

Did you forget that you're
not supposed to be driving yet?

No, uh, I was going
to sit in the passenger seat

- and wait for you.
- Ah.

Oh, yeah, we should take your car.

- Dimitry's back.
- Yeah. In Boris's car.

Yeah, soon.

Do you really think
he had something to do

- with Boris's death?
- I don't know.

But I'm gonna find out.

Hey, Divs, don't tell Hank
it's me, all right?

He might start to smell Hankwatch.

Use yes or no answers.
Do you understand?

Perfect. Just like that.

All right, so first of all,
after I basically stalked

the life insurance company
for two months, to no avail,

Paige, with one phone call,
got the meeting scheduled

for this afternoon.

Can you believe that?

Secondly, I know our schedule
is officially

bursting at the seams right now,
but it's fine, okay?

It's fine.

I just want you to know
that we can handle it.

As long as patients don't
start dropping out of the sky.

Oh, my God!

Excuse me! Are you all right?

I think your brother overreacted.

No. Come on.
No such thing for a Ballard.

She's a Ballard, Henry,
of "the Ballards."

Yup. Caught the name, Ev.

No, her family started the Hamptons.

See, he is prone to exaggeration.

You're a quick study, Ms. Ballard.

As well as this
little swap meet they call

the New York Stock Exchange.

I stand by my decision
not to leave a fallen Ballard

lying in the grass.

Especially since calling 911 right now

means an ambulance pilgrimage

to the next closest E.R. in Riverhead.

I appreciate your chivalry,

but no 911 call
would have been necessary.

I'm afraid it would have.

Ms. Ballard, your hand is turning blue

and there's no pulse.

We need to address this right now.

Address it how, exactly?

- This is gonna hurt.
- Whoa. Does it have to?

I mean, is there, like,
some kind of less painful

super vip version of this?

Why don't we get each other
through this little ordeal?

Okay, here we go.

Ms. Ballard, my hand...


Hank? The machine's warmed up.

Okay. Ms. Ballard,
we need to take an X-ray now

to make sure it's back in place
and to rule out a fracture.

You have that equipment here?

Oh, yeah, we have all kinds
of equipment here.

We're prepared for pretty much anything.

I'd heard about Hankmed,
but I had no idea

you had this sort of operation
on the premises.

Yup. A full-service, 24-7
concierge medical facility.

- Would you like a brochure?
- I'd love one.


Okay, Ms. Ballard, please have a seat.

Looking good, Tom. How's your back?

Slowly catching up to my front.

- Good to see you, Hank.
- You too, Divya.

- Yes.
- Sorry about the chaos here.

As you know, it's my annual
Hamptons Heritage fund-raiser.

What's the hook this year?

Oh, you guys will appreciate this.

It's a fashion show
with a medical theme.

- The healing power of fashion.
- Uh, fashion heals?

Only if this thing
can actually get the E.R. doors

open again.

I thought that would happen
when the approval goes through.

Look, we're speeding the process along

as fast as we can.

In the meantime this community
needs an E.R..

We can't rely on Hankmed
to just, you know,

take care of everyone, right?

- Business has been brisk.
- Oh, okay.

But now, what seems to be bothering you?

Oh, it's not me. It's my wife.

- You got married?
- In March.

Everything's been happening so fast.

I never thought marriage
was for me until I met my Erika.

- Well, congratulations.
- Thank you.

So what's happening with Erika?

She's trying her hand at fashion design.

She loves to sew.

So I convinced her
to put a few of her designs

up here on the runway.

So it's a big night for everyone.

Well, maybe too big.

As I was saying,
she's been working so hard,

I think she's making herself sick.

She's been dizzy, coughing.
Something's not right.

Hey! Oh, are you guys with the DJ...

no, honey... honey, come here.

- All right.
- I want you to meet Dr. Lawson.

- Hi.
- And Divya, his P.A.

And by meet, I take it you mean,

"please be examined by."

Honey, I told you I'm fine.
No, you're not.

And don't worry.

He's not going
to interrupt you very long.

She's on a very tight schedule
for the show.

Sorry, I do have to take this.
I love you.

- Talk to you later.
- Bye, Tom.

All right, if we have to do
this, could you come with me?

- Of course.
- Thanks.

Thank you for coming,

but he's just being overly cautious.

Too bad he's not like that
on a snowboard.

You were there when Tom broke his back?

Mmhm. I used to be an RN.

- You were a nurse.
- Mm-hmm.

- You were his nurse.
- Feel free to raise an eyebrow.

I did.

Welcome to my home away from home,

which happens to be in my home.

Tom converted his wine cellar for me.

We had to drink
all the bottles really fast.

- It is gorgeous.
- Thank you.

Do you mind me asking,
if you were a nurse,

how did you get into fashion?

Well, let's use the word,
"fashion" loosely.

When people stay in hospitals,
they can often feel like

they've lost their identity,
and hospital gowns don't help.

I couldn't stand seeing
my patients in them,

so uncomfortable and exposed,
so I came up with these.

Patient pajamas.

It became a hobby, a way for me to relax

after finishing a double shift.

And now Tom is making
my dreams come true.

Erika, any hemoptysis or dyspnea?

- No.
- Are...

and I'm not producing any sputum either.


and if I did it would be clear.

Yup. We'd like to run some blood anyway.

And give you an antitussive
for the cough.

- And ask when you plan to rest.
- When the runway show is set.

I still have a few pieces
left to finish,

and they have to be perfect.

It is for the hospital, right?

Well, we support your cause,
so we're happy to grant you

a few extra hours of manual labor.

As long as your blood work
comes back normal.

That house is cute.

- Is that it?
- No, I think it's this one.


- They must be moving out.
- Yeah.


Evan, it's beautiful.

- Right?
- I love it.

I'm glad.

But wait, wait, wait.

Why are they moving furniture
into the house?

Maybe it rented already.

Well, why would it be rented
if you had an appointment?

Because I didn't make an appointment.

You didn't tell them we were coming?

I'm sorry, I forgot.

Okay. Uh, well,
show me your second favorite.

That was my second favorite.

How many places have you seen?

I thought about looking more,

but the guest house is not just my home,

it's my office.

And the E.R. is closed,
and Hankwatch is on overdrive,

so Hankmed is just really
overwhelmed right now.

Evan, we've barely seen
each other all winter.

You've been slammed at work

and I've been overwhelmed
at school... that's fine.

But we can't keep putting
our marriage on hold.

You and I are starting our own journey,

and we need to do that
together... and alone.


Thank you, my man.

- Hey.
- You're late.

I know, sorry. Paige and I had a thing.

Oh. Want to talk about it?

No, it wasn't like...

it was just
a little bumpy on the reentry.


And how has your reentry been so far?

Smooth. Real smooth.

Don't we usually grab lunch
on the fly when we're this busy?

We've actually never been this busy.


That's why I think
it's important that we start

making time for an energy boost
here and there.

Divya didn't come in for a boost.

Exactly. You want to be like her?

'Cause I don't.

Just sit back and relax, man.
Relax, Henry, seriously.

Enjoy your acai-hemp-chia juice.

Thank you so much.

Oh! That tastes healthy.

- It is.
- Good.

Listen, thank you.

Thanks for keeping Hankmed
running so well

while I was recovering.

Yeah, no problem.

I was actually surprised
at how smooth it went.


Um, I don't think
I have any change, my friend.

- Jeremiah.
- No.

Oh, my God! You look like a wookiee.

- Uh...
- Wow, look at you!

You're like a whole new man.

Oh, my God, come here!

Oh, yeah, that.
Uh, partially a whole new man.

What happened in Iceland?

And please don't say,
"what happens in Iceland"

"stays in Iceland."

It didn't occur to me to say that.

Sit down. Sit down.

Divya's not here.

So tell us all about the beard.

Oh, I came straight from jfk
when I got Evan's text

about how busy you are,
but if there's time

before appointments, I can get a shave.

Oh, no, no, no. I just meant what...

what inspired it?

Like, did your research
involve sasquatch?

Actually it centered
on endocrine disruptors

like diethylstilbestrol,
and how it enhances the...

okay, that... yeah,
that's not interesting.

My girlfriend thinks it is.

- Girlfriend?
- Yeah.

- Well, that is interesting.
- Yeah, tell us all about her.

Is she Icelandic?

I'd rather not discuss her.


A grizzly Adams and a girlfriend.

- I know.
- Like, who was that guy?

Who are you? Since when
do we eat in a vegan joint?

I had brain surgery, not a heart attack.


I'm the one who almost
had the heart attack.

I told you how terrifying it was
for me to see you like that...

I know, Ev. I was there too.

But I'm fine now, okay?


Boris? Boris?



When are you guys
leaving for your honeymoon?

He says that every time he wakes up.

Every time, same thing.

Shouldn't he be alert by now?

Okay, he's having a seizure.
Go get some help.

Hey, hey, it's okay.

Evan. Evan. Let go of him, okay?

Just make sure he doesn't
fall off the bed.

It's okay, Henry.

And if you could then

- head to water mill...
- What about her hemoglobin?

and squeeze in Mr. Binke's,
heartburn that would be great.

- Oh, that's great, thanks.
- Thank you.

Okay so Dr. Crowley's
on Mr. Dunn's angina,

Dr. Tresna's draining Ms. Park's cysts.

Yeah. That takes care
of all the Hankies.

I'm sorry, did you say, "Hankies"?

Uh, yes. Yes, that's what
we call all the associates.


Well, that's what Evan calls them.

Okay, I have been spending
way too much time with Evan.

Thank God you're back.

Good news... Erika's blood work is clean.

- Well, that's a relief.
- Mm-hm.

She and Tom are quite the pairing, huh?

Well, they do seem very happy together.

How about you? Despite
all the chaos around here,

you seem to be in a good place.

Um, I am. Finally.

After last year
and my parents disowning me

and falling for someone I barely knew,

I want this summer to be all about work.

Well, so far you're getting your wish.

- I am, and I love it.
- I am so happy for y...

Yeah, you know what?

You've done more than enough...

I'll meet you at the guest house.

All right, bye-bye.

- Okay.
- Later.

- What was that about?
- What was what about?

Your high tea with our new landlord.

Dude, Dimitry's awesome.
He reminds me of Boris actually.

- Just a lot less... anti-me.
- You know I don't trust him.

What exactly is your issue with him?

He gave us the run of the place,
he let us turn it into

an urgent care center,

and as executor of Boris's estate,

he said that will never change.



Uh, I'm sorry, Hank.
I'm behind schedule.

Yeah. So who made you Boris's executor?


She asked me to help
sort out the estate.

She did. I'm gonna give her a call.

Please send her my regards, okay?

Will do.


Great. So am I gonna have to have my...

Please step up on the scale,
and then you will do so next.

She doesn't have to.

She's not part
of the key person policy...

Please don't open your mouth
until the thermometer beeps.

Ooh, we should take
his temperature more often.

He's saying I'm not part
of the key person policy.

Only Hank, Evan, and Divya
are being insured.

That's right.

Oh, then you will need
to leave the exam area.

Privacy regulations.

Really? Awesome.

I've got a few houses
to check out. See ya!

Wait a minute,
hold on a second, you can stay...

I love you too.

Now regarding your medical history...

Okay, so Hank is by far...

Hank is by far
the healthiest person I know.

Now you'll have to start over.

Now you underwent a craniotomy
in December of last year?

I did.

Are you still on the anti-seizure meds?

Nope. And I'll be driving
again as soon as I'm cleared

by a doctor.

- And for pain?
- I'm off the narcotics

and titrating down the tricyclics.

Titrating down the tricyclics.

I'm done. Here you go.

- Perfect.
- Thanks.

- So are we approved?
- No idea.

I'm just the nurse.

Well, you have some pull, right?

Yeah, so don't... don't worry about that.

Her motor functions are fine.
She's just kind of awkward.

Right? Tell him, Divs.

So, uh...

All right, Mr. Cho,
just keep it elevated,

and I'll be there in about an hour.

I know the symptoms.

Give me a call
if the fever gets any worse.

Okay. Thanks.



Oh! I didn't recognize you.

You look so...


- I have a beard now.
- So I see.

Your nordic research
must have brought out

a hidden side of you.

It was pretty life-changing.

What made you choose
research so far away?

You left so fast,
I never even got a chance

to speak to you about it.

I had to get away for a bit.

I made the decision on short notice.

- I have a girlfriend.
- Good.

- Well, welcome home.
- Good-bye, Divya.

Nice to have you back, Jeremiah.


If Erika's blood results were fine,

why are we here?

Well, she could be getting
a low-grade pneumonia.

I wouldn't be surprised
if the hours she's been keeping

had lowered her immune system.



Erika, are you down there?

Erika! Erika!

Hey, there's a fire! Are you okay?

Yeah, I don't know what happened.

Henry, just relax.
I got this, stay back.

Oh, my God, what is he doing?

Ev, what are you doing?

This is having very little effect.

Let's get her out of here. Come on.

- I think I got burned.
- Okay, okay, easy.

Ev, you sure you got it?

Oh, yeah, just... you can't
exert yourself, Henry, just...

I'm good, I got it.


I know you're ruling out pneumonia,

but I don't have any fever
or pleural pain.

But I am exhausted.

Which, as you know, is
another symptom of pneumonia.

It's also a symptom
of being new at this.

I'm used to sewing for fun,
not fund-raising.

Erika, what happened down there

could have been a lot worse.

I just want my pieces to be flawless.

For Tom.

He wants this fund-raiser
to be better than ever,

especially given
what's going on with the E.R..

Of course.

You know, he thinks I can pull this off,

but I'm starting to think
that maybe I can't.

Maybe I'm not cut out for this.

Ev, let me help you.

Just sit down! Henry, relax!

All right. All right.

Here, so I don't screw up your X-ray.

Here you go.

I am not worried about the X-ray.

Look, believe me, I'd help him,

but he won't let me.

Is it because you've had a craniotomy?

- Uh...
- I saw the scar.


Yeah, it was about six months ago.

And you're back to work full time?

Today is my first day.

Well, I hope you're not overdoing it.

Why don't we both knock off
a little early today?

I need to replace the piece
that got burned

and fix a few hems

and then cross my fingers and pray.

And then you've got a deal.

Only if you promise
to check in with me by 4:00.


It's perfect, right?

- Yeah, it's great.
- It is great.

We're steps from the beach,
all new appliances.

There's a separate office
just for you, and...


What do you mean, "what"?
The air conditioner's so loud.

The air conditioner is loud.

Oh, my God, it smells
like wet dog sweater.

This whole room
now smells like wet dog sweater.

It's disgusting.

Wet dog sweater.

Why don't you want to live with me?

What? Of course I want to live with you.

If you did, you would
have found us a place

instead of complaining

about some stupid air conditioner.

It's not stupid.
It's just I have to hear

our patients when they call.

Or Hank. What if Hank's
in trouble or something

and he's trying to call
and I don't hear the phone,

so I can't answer it
because of the stupid thing?

Oh, my God. This isn't about us.

- It's about Hank.
- What?

You're worried about
being separated from Hank

while he's recovering.
It makes perfect sense.

You're saying that I've become
a Hankwatch addict?


Paige, I am so unbelievably psyched

to start our new life together,

but I can't until I'm sure Hank's okay.

I just can't leave him yet.


Dr. Lawson, how can I help you?

Why is Dimitry spending
so much time here?

I am sorry, I'm not
at liberty to discuss

the affairs of my employer.

Your employer?
Boris is the one who hired you.

Dr. Lawson, I work for Mr. Vasilyev now.


What are you doing?

Just harnessing the pre-retainer client

adrenaline burst, Henry.

Pace yourself, Daniel-San,
I don't think she's home.

Dr. Lawson! Mr. Lawson!

Ms. Ballard!
We thought this was your house!

No, she obviously owns both houses.

Both your houses
are just lovely, Ms. Ballard.

No, no. I live here.

I was cutting Mr. Mcalary's
hedges this morning

so they'd be up to code.

Oh, okay.

Well, your house is far lovelier.

Uh, Ms. Ballard,
can we just stop for a second

so I can examine your arm?

A power walk with pit stops? Sorry.

You call this walking?

Range of motion testing
is standard of care,

and as your hedge trimming
proclivities attest,

surely you're a woman

who understands that rules are rules.

Indeed I am, and the Hankmed
standard of care

seems to be quite all-encompassing.

That is correct,
and our retainer clients

also enjoy whatever
vip services they need.

By the way, is shadow pond
zoned for a CT scanner?

- Oh...
- And heaven knows

where you dump all your medical waste.

What? I assure you, we don't dump...

well, whatever you do with it,
this neighborhood is too rich

in beauty and history

to harbor a ring of illicit
biomedical activities.

- What?
- The splint feels great though.

- Thank you.
- Oh, I'm so glad.

Did that woman seriously
just try to brockovich us?

Are we being brockoviched right now?

That's not a verb,
and we'll be fine. Hi.

I mean, if you don't want
to sign a retainer, great,

have a good life.

But don't sit there
and accuse us of chernobyling

the whole freakin' neighborhood.

- Also not a verb.
- Whoa, whoa.

What are you doing there?
I'm moving a chair.

- Okay, let me help you.
- No, I can move a chair, Evan.

- Henry, let me...
- The doctor said to relax.

- Oh, fine. You move it.
- Thank you.


Where were you going with it?

It doesn't matter.

'Cause once you move out,
I'm gonna put it where I want it

and you won't be here to stop me.


You're not moving out.

What about the great place you found?

The air conditioner was loud,

and it smelled like wet dog sweater.

Wet dog sweater.

Four physicals, three broken bones,

two heart att*cks,
one that turned out to be gas,

and a Hankmed intern
stranded on the side of the road

with no gas.

I'm exhausted, and I am hungry.

Because you never take
time out for energy boosts.

If he offers you hemp juice, say no.

Hey, could you cover for me
tomorrow night?


I'm sorry,

why would Evan cover for you?

I cover for you.

Unless when you say, "cover,"
what you really mean is Hanksit.


It's Hankwatch.

Hanksit sounds ridiculous. We tried it.

Wait, is that why you guys
aren't moving out?

- Well...
- Okay, people.

I don't need to be hanksat
or hankwatched.

I am back to work.

I don't feel sick. I am fine.

You don't need to live with me
or hover over me.

And now that I'm back up to full speed

there are too many hanklets
or hankettes,

or whatever you call these people,

in the kitchen.

I'm sorry, Dr. Papa,
you can go to your appointments

or whatever they have you doing.

Doctors, thank you all so much
for all your help.

- Really appreciate it.
- Great.

It's just too chaotic around here.

I can't even keep track
of a simple thing

like who was taking the
follow-up call from Erika?

So who took the follow-up call
from Erika?

She was supposed to check in by 4:00.

It's already after 5:00. Anyone?

Okay, she's not picking up.

Excuse me, have any of you seen Erika?

- No, I haven't.
- Sorry.

Um, okay, Henry?




What's wrong with her?

She's in respiratory distress.
She's barely getting any air.

- Bag her.
- Mm-hm.

I'll cut the nebulizer.

Erika, breathe with this.

Breathe, Erika, that's it.

Didn't you say

she needed oxygen? What is that stuff?

The albuterol will relax
the muscles in her airway

so oxygen can get in.

Erika, take slow, deep breaths.

That's it.

Hey, what happened?

I thought you were taking it easy.

Erika, does your necklace always
have these green flecks on it?

We gotta get her out of here now.

- What kind of poisoning?
- Hydrogen sulfide.

The symptoms line up.

Yeah, but from what?
And don't say hydrogen sulfide.

My guess is it's from
a leak in the pipes

running into your house.

Acute poisoning can occur
from even a few hours

of prolonged exposure
in a small, enclosed space.

See, the gas turns copper green.

As it built up in your system
you got sicker and sicker.

But you're gonna be okay.
I'll alert health services.


I am so sorry.
You should be home resting.

I like taking care of people.
And I don't...

Need rest. Right, I get it.

Look, sometimes people overdo it
and make things worse.

Not that you would do that,
being a doctor and all.

Okay, so this sodium nitrite
should reverse the ill effects.

But unfortunately,

you'll have to evacuate your home

until the leak is fixed.

You're saying I have
to cancel the fund-raiser.

Maybe not.

Let's hear it now for all our wonderful

and talented models.

And our designers...
Fabian Lopez, Kristi Vosbeck,

and Erika Seelig.

Mwah! Here, hold that. Come on down.

You are a rock star.
I am so proud of you.

- Thank you.
- I love you.

Well, it seems like your patient pajamas

are quite the success.

Not only that, but a friend of mine

just told me that he wants
to talk to you about a future

in designing.

That's amazing news, Erika.

Yeah, a dream come true.

It... it is amazing.

Which is why it's so hard
for me to say no.

Honey, I wanted all of this
to be perfect for you

and in doing so, my hobby became work

and it stopped being fun.

Which is why I want
to go back to nursing.

It's who I am. It makes me happy.

After all, it's what helped me find you.

That's true.

Thank you.

I do happen to know
people at Hamptons Heritage.

Well, it's now...

It's now officially called

"Hamptons Heritage,
a symphony hospital."

The approval went through
just an hour ago.

Symphony will be taking over
the hospital within days.

And the E.R. should be up
and running in short order.

- Now, that's amazing news.
- Please excuse us.

- No, congratulations.
- I'm sorry, we'll be back.

Thanks so much, Divya.

- Hi.
- Hi.

You found the crab cakes.
That's not all I found.

- Mini-pigs in mini-blankets?
- No.

Lady dowager Paige,

I, Evan R. Lawson,
first Earl of Passaic,

am proud to present our humble abode.

We're gonna castle-sit.

I asked Dimitry. He said the big house

is gonna stay empty.

It's the perfect compromise.

We'll be close to Hank
and alone with each other

and our 16 bathrooms.

- Are you sure?
- Yeah.

Well, it could be 14,
'cause I don't really...

whatever it is, we'll be together.

And alone.

Oh, that might be
the insurance company, hang on.


Hey, Robinson Crusoe!


- So you kept the beard, huh?
- Yes.

Well, facial hair
is not exactly Hankmed policy.

But I'll think about
making a one-time exception.

If you'd clean it up
just a little, 'cause...

unless you're trying
to hide from somebody, um...

How about your girlfriend?

What does she think of your beard?

- I haven't mentioned it to her.
- She hasn't seen it?

We converse online.

She hasn't asked you for money, has she?

Well, that's good.

More fan mail.

Look, it's been three weeks
since my surgery.

I'm ready to start getting off the meds.

Why don't we skip this dose?

Because you know
that responsible pain management

means avoiding breakthrough pain
caused by end-of-dose failure.

Which is precisely what
you'd tell one of your patients.

I'm not gonna have any break...

Hank. It's your first day home.

Try not to be a hero.


Yes, this is Divya.

Yes, we've been waiting
to hear back from you.

No. That can't be right.

Are you sure?

Uh, Jeremiah, can I ask you a favor?

Actually, more a professional courtesy.

Of course.

I've been titrating myself
off the tricyclics

'cause they make me groggy.

With summer starting
and how busy Hankmed is,

- obviously I can't afford that.
- I see.

The problem is I just finished
my first full day back,

and I'm still experiencing some pain.

So I thought I should add back
a little hydrocodone,

just until it subsides.

And you'd like me to prescribe it.

Yes. I would.

How much do you need?

Just the man I was looking for.



I don't know how you pulled
this off, but I am impressed.

I wish I could take
all the credit, but I can't.

I just made a phone call.

This whole thing was Dimitry.

You know how I feel about Dimitry.

Why would you ever involve him?
Look around.

This very successful
fund-raiser wouldn't be here

if it wasn't for him.


You should just give
the guy a chance, Henry.

- There he is.
- Ms. Ballard, hello.

I hope you don't mind
mixing business with pleasure,

but I wanted to give you this
as soon as possible.

I am so glad you decided to do this.

This is a cease and desist order.

Village statute 330-104.

If more than two persons are employed

by a resident physician,

the use of a home professional
office shall be prohibited.

I'm sorry,

but as your brother said,
rules are rules.


You may have manipulated Marisa
and my brother,

but I want you to know,
I know you were involved

in Boris's death,
and I'm not gonna let this go.

I understand Boris
was your friend, Hank.

He was my friend too.

We are all still trying to make sense

of this horrible tragedy, okay?

Good night.

Divya. Good, there you are.

Have you seen this?
This is totally unacceptable.

I'm not sure what you're talking about.

This email. From the insurance company.

They denied us.

After assuring me that our application

would not be jeopardized
in any way by Hank's surgery.

I'm gonna call them right now
and tell them...

I don't really think
that that's necessary.

Of course it is.

It says right on the front page
that previous surgeries

cannot be used to deny coverage
and if the guy...

You should just hold off on talking...

yes, hi, I need to speak immediately

- with whoever's responsibl...
- Paige!

Hank wasn't denied.

I was.

I'm pregnant.