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06x02 - All in the Family

Posted: 04/24/24 16:21
by bunniefuu
Previously on Royal Pains...

I'm Emma. [LAUGHS]

I'm a friend of Divya's.

I'm Emma. I'm a
friend of Jeremiah's.

Appletini, please.

I'm Emma.
Evan R. Lawson. Hi.

Where did your friend go?

Emma said she was your friend.

EVAN: She told me
the same thing.

Emma told me she was a patient.

Who were you looking for
today at Shadow Pond?

I was looking for my father.

Well, who is your father?

I've heard many different
things about you.

Well, Emma has another
one to add to the list.

The truth.

So with Hank back
and the summer season here

and HankMed business picking up,

you need to focus on work.

And we need to take a back seat.

Okay, we do need
to take a back seat,

but, uh, not because of me.

You're working
full time with Russel.

You're buying art, you're selling
art, you're placing art.

You are helping to run the Hamptons
office of Sutton and Chesterfield.

Like, that's, that's huge.

Nothing's more important than that.

I love you.

I love you.

And I love the way
this is going.

Can I jump in?
Verbally, of course.

Because you...

Well, we have just done

such amazing work
these past few months.

I want to take a moment
to acknowledge you.

Well, us.

[LAUGHS] Thank you. Thanks, Bob.

We're really happy with
how this has gone, too.

Not gone, going.
It's a journey.

Yeah, um, it's...

You want me to do it?

We... We feel that we are ready
to conclude our journey.

Not our journey.

[LAUGHS] We're... We're great.

Um, our journey.

It's like you said last session.

I found my center.

Paige found her center. Yeah.

So, really,
we're totally centered.

If you really feel that way,

far be it from me
to deny you your feelings.


Can I jump in?
Not verbally, physically?

Yeah, sure.


EVAN: You left me
five voicemails?

What's the big emergency?

We won at therapy, by the way.
I found my center.

That's great.
Listen, um...

What I'm about to say
is going to sound crazy,

and there's really
no way to couch it.

Already bored.
We have a sister.

We have a sister.
We have a sister.

Her name is Emma Miller.
She's 18.

Come on. I told you it was
going to sound crazy.

Where is this sister?

Emma. Her name is Emma.
And she's out on the patio.

Now, just tell me. Are
you up for meeting her?

Or do you need some time
to process this first?


Hi, there.

Oh, it's you.

We met at the puja.

Appletini, right?

That's me.

So you're our sister, huh?


I... I didn't say anything because I
wasn't looking for you or for Hank.

Yeah, right. Um, she
came here to meet Dad.



I thought he was
in the Hamptons.

Yeah, he's not.
He's in, uh, Mexico.

He's whale watching
and staying in a yurt.

Yeah, no, I...
I filled her in.

EVAN: Mmm-hmm. So...

All right, uh,
no offense or anything,

but you just kind of
showed up out of nowhere,

so why should we believe you?

I... I have DNA proof.

Oh, then, yeah. No one has DNA
proof these days. [CHUCKLES]

Okay, um...

Honestly, this is why I wanted
to talk to him, not you guys.

Uh-huh. Does Dad
know about this?

That she's in town, no.
That she exists, yeah.

That was my first question.

He deserted us.

He met my mom, Meredith, when
they were both in St. Louis...

EVAN: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Chapter 10, Dad's book.
He talks about a Meredith.

I know. I know.

Okay, I... I didn't mean
to upset you guys.

This was a mistake.

I... I should have just
waited to talk to him.

No, no, no, no.
Wait, Emma.

Please, don't go.

Evan still needs some
time to process this.

And to be honest, so do I.

Okay, I'm going to Europe.

I can't really change
my travel plans.


But here, uh...

Let me give you
my contact information.


You know, maybe we
can stay in touch.

You're on Instagram, right?


What just happened?

I lost my center.


This can't be true, Henry.

You know, I had the
same reaction you did.

But now that I've slept on it...
I know.

Oh. It's ringing.

Voicemail. Oh, just tell
him on the voice mail.

Okay, uh, Dad, look,

I know it's gonna be tough
to reach you this week, but...

Just tell him. In
case you get this...

Tell him. It's important
that you call us.

Tell him.

You didn't tell him.

I can't tell him that
his daughter's here

in a voice mail.
Oh, my God.

We don't know
she's his daughter, Hank.

Why would she make it up?

I can think of
a million reasons why.

Okay, great. Name one.

Maybe she believes he's her
father, but she's mistaken.

Okay, think about this.
What if she's not mistaken?

She is mistaken, Henry.

None of this fits.

It just... It doesn't
sound like Dad.

You mean the guy
who walked out on us?

The guy who built a wind farm?

The guy who served time?

What if the new Eddie
has been a complete lie?

What else could Dad be hiding?

What if... What if
there are others, Henry?

What if... What if Dad
just fornicated

his way across the country,

and we have 18 siblings
we've never met?

I'm not saying that. I'm just saying
let's try and hold our judgment

on Dad and Emma and all of
this until we get the facts.

Yeah, Ken, you're
really on death's door.


I'm not the patient, Hank.
He is.

That's a do-over.

Uh, hi. I'm Hank. Hi.

I'm a doctor who thought
he was here to see Ken.

Hi. I'm Aaron.

I'm the head tennis pro
who told Ken I was fine.

I just had some nausea after
dinner last night with him.

So far, that's not a symptom.

Oh, so you've
eaten with Ken too?

Yes, I have.

Seriously, I'm good.

Ken's just very overprotective
of his clients.

Ah. I wish he felt that
way about his doctors.

[GROANS] Damn it.

Ken, you got to stop trying
for so much topspin.

Yeah, a little less topspin, Ken.
Sorry, guys.

is my middle name. Okay?

It's hyphenated.
Oh, it's hyphenated.

She is so going
to kick his butt.

Fantastic. I will
clear my schedule.

On second thought,
now that he reps her,

she will let him win.

Oh, she's his client.

I thought she was yet
another new girlfriend.

Tracy's my best pro...

And probably the best player
in the Hamptons right now.

She is the real deal.
She's special.

[GRUNTS] Damn it!

And also the reason
I didn't call off your visit.

Tracy's game's been off.

It's her footwork, her timing...
It's just not right.

She says she feels great,
but I think

it has to do with her injury.

HANK: What happened?

She tore her hamstring last
year at the Tallahassee Open,

dropped out of the tourney
and dropped off the map.

She moved to Costa Rica
and cut off the world.

Well, looks like
she reconnected.


I needed a female pro,

and she wants to compete again.

But you don't think she's 100%.

At 90%, she could clean the
court with just about anybody.

Ken saw her hit yesterday

and insisted
that I introduce him

before some other
agent snagged her.

Of course. That's what
dinner was last night.


But something is not right.

If she's still hurt, she could
reaggravate the injury,

which would be bad
for my business,

but worse,
it could end her career.

She's too good for that.

Okay, I'll talk to her.
No, don't.

Now I'm confused.

She'll think I said something.

Tracy is incredibly stubborn

on the court and off.

I was thinking you could give
physicals to all my pros.

I will need them for
insurance at some point,

and this way, Tracy
doesn't feel singled out.

You've really
thought this through.

Tennis pros aren't all just
strong serves and great hair.

[LAUGHS] No, they're not.


That's going to leave a mark.

KEN: Oh, oh, Hank...
I'm gonna...

Ken? Kenneth?





Guess who has a blouse
full of spit-up.

Oh, more importantly,
guess who rolled over today.

Oh, Sashi.


She's developmentally on target.

Babies begin rolling over
at approximately four months.

It won't be long before I have
to worry about baby proofing.


Did we interrupt you?

Oh, no, I was
just typing up the...

The soap notes from
last week's patients.

You are becoming a workaholic.

There's a lot to do
running HankMed.

I didn't realize how much until
the summer season started.


Um, now that Hank is back...

Do you think I'll go back to
being just a HankMed doctor?

You should
discuss that with Hank,

but you should also know,
as medical director,

you've done a wonderful job.

I'm gonna change.

Would you mind
holding Sashi for me?

Not at all.

Oh, yes.
Oh, okay.

Hello, Sashi.

How did it feel to roll over?

Oh, no, not again, Jeremiah.

It's okay.

I take it as a sign
she's comfortable with me.

And reflex is normal
at this age.

If we were smart,

we would invest in
a dry-cleaning business.



So, any chance you're free
for a physical sometime?

Physical? For me? Why?

Uh, Aaron had asked...

Aaron asked you
to give me a physical?

I said I was fine.

No, no, he asked me to schedule
them for all the pros.

Plus, I did hear
that you were injured.

I'm good.

Any part of you that's not good?

Just some normal fatigue.

I'm clawing my way
back into playing shape,

working here, signing with Ken,

and hopefully nailing a spot in
the Palm Springs Tennis Classic.

Sounds exhausting.

I'll have plenty of time to be
exhausted when I stop playing,

but until then, I have
to play every point

as if my life depended on it.

Well, in order to
help you do that,

we should get you
an MRI to make sure

your hamstring looks
as good as you feel.

Okay, great.

EVAN: Here it is.

"Steamboat Eddie," chapter 10.

"Meredith" in italics...

"St. Louis, 1996."

"And even though Meredith
and I were ships passing,

"I will never forget
a saying she lived by."


[LAUGHS] For every action,
there's a consequence.

Well, there's an understatement.

It's kind of ironic,
that's for sure.

Oh, my God. Where is she?
She said noon.

It's 12:15.

To an 18-year-old, that's,
like, 30 minutes early.


Please... Please
stop saying relax.

I'm not relaxed, Paige.

I have a kid sister who
showed up out of nowhere,

and she's really nice,
and she's smart.

But how do we... How do we
even know she's my sister?

How do we know
she's our sister, huh?

Okay, Evan, think of
what Bob would say.

Stay centered.



I'm not calling her a liar.

I'm just saying that why
should we believe her,

'cause she just
shows up and says it?

She has DNA proof.

What are you, a molecular
biologist all of a sudden?

I'm sorry.

Honey, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.

We don't know what she wants.

We don't know who she is.

We know nothing about her.

Which is why we are here to
get her to come to dinner,

but if you want to keep
snapping at me,

maybe you should be
doing this by yourself.

No, no, I can't.
I need you. Please.

Oh, there she is right there.

There goes my theory
she's after Dad's money.

What money?



Hey. Sorry I'm late.

You must be Paige.
I'm Emma.

It's so nice to meet you.

Oh, uh, doing your homework?

He, uh, doesn't
believe I'm his sister.

I didn't say that.

I mean, it's fine.
I don't blame you.

If some kid showed up
and said what I'm saying

I'd call her a liar and tell
her to shut the front door.

What did you say?


That's a... That's an expression
that someone I know uses.


Listen, Emma, we're so
happy you had the courage

to come to the Hamptons
and to meet Hank and Evan,

and we just don't want you to get
away without getting to know you...

Right, Evan?

Right. Yeah.

Well, it, uh, means a lot
that you're even pretending,

but unfortunately,
I don't think I can.

Well, that's too bad.

By the way,
I... I love your bag.

Is it from Berkeley's on Main?

Yeah, how did you know?

I saw it in their window.


Look, I'm having lunch,
and I would love to talk more,

but I actually
have to get inside.

My friends are waiting.
I'm sorry.

Well, will you just think about
coming to dinner tonight?

I can't.

I have so much to do
before Europe.


You should come.

I mean...


I think it would
mean a lot to...

Us... You know,
all of us,

and, uh...

And I'm not pretending.


Who could say no to that?

All right.





Ah, I hope
she's not overheating.



I love how attentive
you are to Sashi.

Wha... Oh. Have I been

Just a smidge.

Ah! I just
want to make up

for every smile, hiccup,
and poopy diaper I missed.

Perfect. So I'll call you
at 2:00 a.m. And 5:00 a.m.

Every morning for
the next 12 months.

Okay, all right, I'll back off.

You've probably got your
hands full at Jeremiah's.

I mean, he must be constantly
cleaning every surface,

picking up every binky...

Actually, he has been
surprisingly, shockingly serene.

I was worried that we would
give him a nervous breakdown,

but I think that the
company is good for him.

I'm happy to hear that.

How much longer you think
you can stay with him?

I hate imposing.

I thought for sure
we'd be gone by now,

but after the C-section,

I needed the help.

Right. Well, if you
ever need a place,

you two can always
crash with Uncle Hank.

That's very kind,

but I'm not the only one
with a new family member.

How is all that going?
I don't know, you know.

You can't prepare for
something like this.

At first, I thought I was totally fine...
TRACY: Hey, guys.

I'm so sorry I'm late.

I had a lesson
with the Sander twins.

They were locked in a five-set
death match. [CHUCKLES]

Most competitive eight-year-olds
I've ever seen.

Hmm. Uh, should
we get started?

HANK: Okay.

All right.

Blow, blow, blow, blow, blow.


Everything looks good.

I'll call the hospital and let
them know we're on our way.


The hospital?
Yeah, for the MRI.

Tracy, we want to make sure
your hamstring is fully healed.

You don't want
to reaggravate it.

I won't.

How can you be so sure?

Because I...

I never had
a torn hamstring, Hank.

I, um, had a broken heart.

That's why I quit playing.

I couldn't focus
on tennis or on anything,

so I faked the injury
and then moved to Costa Rica

to get as far away from
the pain as possible.

I'm sorry.

Don't be.
I'm much better now.

You know what?

Tennis saved me.

I realized how much I love it,

and being back in the Hamptons
has really helped me.


My focus is back, and I am
ready to play every point

like my life depended on it.

You the doc?

Yes, I'm Dr. Jeremiah Sacani.




How did you get a knife
stuck in your hand?

It's pretty dead here
in the afternoon,

so I was teaching
myself a knife trick.

Still kind of learning this one.

I had dinner
at Benihana last week.



Okay, pretty good
capillary refill.

Um, I should make sure you haven't
injured any pertinent structures.

What are you doing?

It's a digital Allen test,

followed by
a two-point discrimination.

When I let go, the blood should return
to your hand in less than seven seconds.


Can you move that thumb for me?

Just a little.

And the index?



Now, was that "ow"
in one or two spots?

Oh, great.

Um, it looks like
you missed the superficial

and the deep palmar
arterial arches,

as well as the flexor and extensor
tendons and the digital nerves.

Fortunately, the knife landed parallel to
the metacarpals in the proximal web space.

Well, I made sure
not to remove the knife.

I know that's the worst
thing you can do.

Ah! God!

You're not supposed
to take it out.

I can put it back
in if you like.

So this place is quiet
in the afternoon?

Yeah, between 3:00 and 5:00
p.m., it's a total graveyard.

Yeah, so I'm taking
the year off before college,

and I figured that New York
would be the perfect stopover

if I wanted to meet my father.

Does your mom know you're here?

Yeah, she wasn't exactly
thrilled at the idea.

I mean, she's not
Eddie's biggest fan.

Right. Well, we can
understand how she feels.

You know what? On behalf
of all Lawsons everywhere,

let me apologize for Dad
walking out on you,

'cause it's... Well, we know.
We've... We've been there.

Yeah, we have.

He's not the same guy
he used to be. No.

Yeah, he really is
a very sweet man.

Mmm-hmm. EVAN: He's awesome.
He really is.

Oh, my gosh.
She is so cute.

How old is she...
About four months?

Not bad.

Do you like kids?

Yeah, I, I used to do a lot
of babysitting at home.

Big Jim insisted that I learn
about earning my own money.

Big Jim?

Were you into wrestling back then?

No, um, he was
my mom's boyfriend.

He was this crazy-rich oil baron
who swept us all off to Dallas

where, you know,
everything is bigger,

or at least I thought
until I saw this place.

Is that where you go to school?
Uh, went.

Yeah, um,
right outside Dallas...

Um, Brampton Academy.

Oh, my gosh.
It was so Texas.

Girls' hair had, like,
a minimum height requirement.


Emma, it's really nice just
getting a chance to know you.

Is there any chance you
could stay a little longer?

Dad should be back
in a few days.


Well, my friends and I have been
planning this trip for so long.

Could you change your ticket?


Um, the tag...

Do you want some scissors?
Uh, no.

Just stay. Europe's
not going anywhere.

It's been there for hundreds of years.

Even better.


Okay. Uh...

Okay, I'll see if the Blackstone
can extend my reservation.

HANK: Great.

Then it's settled.

Everyone raise a glass.

To Emma,

and how lucky we are
to have the chance

to make up for the




Hey, Hank.

Oh, hey, Tamra.

I'm surprised to see
you out of the O.C.

I'm surprised to see you.
Are you a member here?

Well, you know how
exclusive it is, so shh.

So you're not a member.
Not even close, no.

Well, I'm gonna head to
the fitness studio and...

Nice seeing you.
Okay, bye.

Oh, love to Eddie and Sydney,
Spencer, Sophia, and Ryan.

Nailed it.
Thank you.


Hey, Aaron.

You want to hit?

Uh, yeah, I just don't have a
racket, sneakers, or talent.

Give me one lesson,

and you can start hustling
on the doctor circuit.

How about we do business first?

I got the results
from the physicals.

Almost everyone did great.

Almost everyone.

You mean Tracy?
I mean you.

You're the only one
who didn't show.

I run six miles a day

and do 200 push-ups,

and play hours of tennis.

I'd know if there's something
wrong with my body,

and you should know there's
something wrong with Tracy's.


Thank you.

I might take 10%,
but I give 100%.

Guess who's playing in the
Palm Springs Tennis Classic.

Guess whose genius
made it happen.

HANK: Well, congratulations
to both of you.

Pack your bags, baby, 'cause
your days as a lowly club pro...

They're over.

No offense...
HANK: Harry?

Hey, hey.

You okay?

That's it. Now, exhale.

You okay?

What do you think
of my drop shot?


I... I think
it's just the heat.

Another one? He's been
having headaches.

AARON: How did you know?

Aaron, how long
have you had them?


Since mid-May,

since we got back
from Costa Rica.

And... And since
the summer heat started.

I... I just need to
drink more water.

I'm sorry. You were
both in Costa Rica?

That's where Aaron
tracked me down

to convince me
to come work here.

Is Tracy in danger too?

She's got this tournament
that I got her.

Ken, do you mind stepping away?

I just... I need to talk
to them medically.

No, we have
agent-client confidentiality.

Right, which would be great
if that were a real thing.

It was worth a shot.

When you were in Costa Rica,

did you two live
in close quarters?

No, we don't do that anymore.

We... We dated
but ended it last year.

Ah, okay, um, did any of you get
any bug bites when you were there?

Have you been to Costa Rica?

When you get off the plane,
they should welcome you with,

"Welcome to paradise. You are no
longer the top of the food chain."

Okay, I need to draw some blood
and test you both for parasites.


Yeah, you could have something
called Chagas disease.

It's a tropical illness
caused by triatomine bites.

These bugs are common
in Central America,

and the bites can cause fevers, headaches,
rashes, and severe body fatigue.

Symptoms that are especially
problematic for an athlete.

But you said
the physicals were clean.

Yeah, well, some parasitic infections
don't show up in standard blood tests.

TRACY: And if we have
this Chagas

disease, is it treatable?

Caught early, absolutely.

And if it's not caught early?

Let's not worry about that now.

Too late.


DIVYA: Sorry, Jeremiah!
Oh, that's okay.


Are Aaron and Tracy okay?

Uh, hopefully.

We'll check their
blood to make sure.

What about you?

What about me?

I'm a little worried
about you, Hank.

I mean, there's no
making fun of me.

There's no biting comments.
There's no eye rolls.

It's like you don't
even care anymore.


Lt... It's been
a strange few days.


Turns out I have a sister.

Other than Evan?


She's 18... A half-sister,
my father's daughter,

and she just showed up here.

Wow. Surprise.
Yeah, surprise.

You happy, sad, angry?

Let me guess...

Evan's freaking out,
but you're stoic.

You're a lot like me, Hank.

A rock on the outside, but
we feel very deeply in here.

Yeah. It's...
It's been on my mind.

That's heavy stuff.

I don't know what to think.

I dug out from underneath
his craziness,

but now it's all back, you know,

after I finally
make peace with him

and... And how
he's changed.

And all along,
he's had another kid...


This sweet girl.

I'm having trouble remembering all
the reasons I forgave him, you know?

It's just... It's hard
to know what's real.

We've got doctor-patient
confidentiality, right?

Unfortunately, yes.

Growing up, we were
always competitive,

even though I always won.

Well, I don't know about that.

And now I look at you sometimes,

and I, I envy you.

I mean, you got a lot
of people who love you,

all these people
who matter to you.

No matter how many
long-lost siblings pop up

and no matter what
your crazy father's doing,

you're always gonna have those
people keeping you strong.

That is real.

This girl has no idea how lucky
she is to have you as a brother.

Thanks, man.
Yeah, bring it in.

Bring it in. Come on.

Oh, okay. Yeah.

You all right?

And if you tell anyone
I said any of this stuff,

I'm gonna sue you within
an inch of your life.

I can assure you no one will
ever know this happened.


You sure you're all right?

I told you I'm fine.

It's just, when we run,

I'm always having
to catch up to you,

so I'm used to following
the back of your head.

Yes, just like this.
This is great. Perfect.

I'm sensing...

I'm just sensing that
you're still mad at me.

What's going on?

Is it Bob?

Is it 'cause we'd normally be
in session with Bob right now?

No, it's... It's...

It's not you or Bob.
It's Emma.

You're not buying the whole
half-sister thing either, huh?

It's not that. Um...

Last night at dinner,

it seemed like she
was trying too hard...

All the talk
about boarding school...

And when I noticed the dress she was
wearing still had the tag on it,

she looked really uncomfortable.

Okay, well, I mean,

she could have just been embarrassed
that you saw it, though.

Well, I wondered the same thing.

So I called her this morning
at the Blackstone to apologize

and was told that no one with
her name was staying there.

She could have just registered
under a different name.

I mean, she wouldn't
be the first wealthy person

to want to keep her
identity a secret, right?

Maybe I see my younger
self in Emma...

All that privilege

but still feeling like she
has to prove herself.

Evan, she bought a new dress
just to have dinner with us.

I think she's insecure and
probably very impressionable.

You're worried about her.

I... I know
you have questions,

but we don't know the people
she's hanging out with.

I mean, what are they doing
there so late at night?

Are they a bad influence?

I didn't think much
about it when he told me,

but when Hank drove her back
to the Blackstone last night,

she actually had him take her
to the Flying Point instead,

said she wanted
to meet some friends.

And did Hank meet any of these
friends at the Flying Point?

We don't know how old they are.

Don't forget, Emma's underage.

No, she insisted
that he drop her off.

You see what I mean?

Well, maybe we should meet
these friends of hers.

Sure, I know her.
Follow me.

EVAN: Emma?

Evan, this way.

Why are we going in the kitchen?

Oh, hello.

I was just dropping
off diapers for Divya.

She ran out.

Well, that was nice of you.

Are you leaving?

Uh, well, since
my house is empty,

I thought I would go
there and catch up on work.

Right. Um...

Before you do...

Jeremiah, I... I don't know
if I ever thanked you

for taking over and running
HankMed while I was gone.

It... It was a great

which I... I took
very seriously.

I know.

Last summer...

We had our issues.

Do you think we can ever get
back to where we once were?

No, I don't.

We don't have to go backwards
in order to move forwards.

That was then,
and a lot's happened since,

and I... I do enjoy
working for HankMed.

Oh, well, I'm very
glad to hear that.

So I assume,
now that you're back,

you'll want to resume
running the company.

Honestly, no.

I don't.

It's been heaven
just treating patients.

Jeremiah, how would
you feel about continuing

to be HankMed's
medical director?

Great. Great.

HANK: Your blood
smears are clean.

Hank, I'm sorry
if I was difficult earlier.

I'm a concierge doctor
in the Hamptons.

That wasn't difficult.

You don't want to challenge me.
I'm very competitive.


Aaron, Aaron,
you're not done yet.

Tracy, are you okay?

HANK: Tracy?

Tracy? Tracy?

Uh, not yet, Tracy.
Not yet.

She doesn't look good.

Aaron, I'll take care of her.

Aaron, let's take those leads
off and get you some water.


Huh, these delta waves weren't
present during your physical.

So why are they there now?

They only appear when
you're having an attack.

It's called
Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome.

What is it?

It's a disorder of the
electrical system of your heart,

which can cause
irregular heartbeats.

You've probably had
it your whole life,

though it's only started to manifest
itself now, which is common.

That's why my game's been off.

But now that we know
you have it,

it can be easily controlled
with medications.

Tracy, I said it can
be easily controlled.

I heard you.

Then why do you look so anxious?

Because there's one thing
you haven't told me yet.

Can I still play tennis?

As if your life depended on it.



I know you're worried,
but you shouldn't be.

Hank will take care
of everything...


So Tracy's gonna be fine.

Oh, thank God.
That's great news.

Uh, Divya, would you give
me a moment with Aaron?

Of course.

Are you in love with Tracy?

Am I what?

I told you
we ended it last year.

I... I know. I know.

But your symptoms
seem to be Tracy-based.

They come on when you're
concerned for her safety

or worried about her leaving.


That's quite a diagnosis.

Did you go to medical
school for that?

The nausea at dinner
with Keller and Tracy.

You collapsed when you heard
she got into the tournament

and could be leaving
the club, and just now

you were having trouble
breathing when she went down.

When Tracy and I dated,
it was pretty serious.

We hung out a lot.

I broke up with her last
year during the tournament

to focus on my game.

It crushed her,

and little did I know how
much it crushed me too.

I was so in love with her.

And when she came back here,
I realized that I still am.

I don't want to lose her again.

You don't have
a Costa Rica infection.

I think you're
suffering from anxiety.


Anxiety wouldn't
make me hyperventilate,

wouldn't make me collapse.

You go to medical
school for that?


So what do I do?


I can prescribe you some
antianxiety medications,

or you could just go out
there and talk to her.


Good luck.

We just feel horrible.

I mean, we had no idea
she was washing dishes.

We just wanted to make
sure she was okay.

We did...
In through the nose, Evan.


I'm afraid we chased her away.

You tried to help.

As you both know,

it's the journey
that matters most...

Not just yours, Emma's too.

She just looked so defensive.

She knew we knew she'd been
pretending to be rich,

so she just took off,

and we don't know
where she went.

We don't know where she went.
We don't know if she's okay.

Your concern for her
is admirable,

but Emma's not here.

You are.

You came back. Why?

We need to talk about
your journey, not Emma's.

That's it.
What's it?

The ferry.

She's going home.
Of course.

Let's go.

No, no, wait.

Call Hank and tell him
to look for her at the ferry.

There's one stop I think Emma needs
to make before she takes off.

This isn't a rental shop, dear.

You don't just take
what you want

and then return it
when you're done.

That's not what I did.

It's exactly
what you did, twice.

Please, give me my money back.

Should we call the police?

Mr. And Mrs. Lawson,
how nice to see you both.

Hi, there.
Everything okay here?

Everything's fine.

Just a young lady
trying to take advantage.

This is Emma.

She happens
to be my sister, actually.

I bought these clothes,

and now she won't
give me my money back.


I'm afraid that's not
quite the whole truth.

She wore the items.

No, I didn't.

it seems to me your return
policy is clearly displayed.

Yes, Mrs. Lawson, but...

Then give Emma her money back.

Right away, Mrs. Lawson.

Thank you.

Well, she did not like me.

Hold on a second.

What do you expect?

You bought and wore those clothes
knowing you were gonna return them.

Well, yeah, I mean,
technically, that's allowed.

Yeah, but you lied.

You shouldn't do that, Emma.
You shouldn't lie to people...

Not to that woman in there.
Or to us.


Look, we should talk.


Not here, though, back home.


I didn't just come here
to meet Eddie.

I came here to show him how
well I've done without him.

I mean, if he doesn't need me,

then I sure as hell
don't need him.

But when I saw
how you guys live,

I mean, I realized that my real
story wasn't going to impress him.

Wait a second, I'm sorry.

Your real story?

Yeah, what does that mean?

My mom never found an oil baron.

[SIGHS] I'm the manager
of a diner in St. Louis.

There's no Brampton Academy,

and there is no fancy
adventure in my future.

Well, I mean...

Unless you consider
the bus ride back home fancy.

Why did you make it all up?

Well, I realized that my real
story wasn't gonna impress

anyone in the Hamptons
or any of you,

and that's when
I bought the nice clothes,

and I had to get
the job for cash.

But you were driving a BMW.
That's right.

No one is ever
nice to the valet.

I slipped him some money
to borrow the car.

The last thing I wanted to do was to show
up here like I was asking for something.

I'm sorry I lied to you guys.

Well, for what it's worth, Emma,

I'm more impressed by your real
story than the one you made up.

Emma, you don't ever
have to pretend with us.

You're family, and we want you
to stay now more than ever.

EVAN: Yeah.

We want to get to know you,

the real you.


I mean, I...

You have an amazing family.

I don't want to mess that up.

EDDIE: Okay,
what's the matter?

I heard the tone
in the voice mail.

I tried to call. I know
when my children need me.

Do you know when I need you?

I'm so sorry. We haven't
been introduced.

Eddie R. Lawson.

I'm Hank and Evan's dad.

Why do you look so familiar?

I'm Emma...

Your daughter.

HANK: Dad...

Do you remember Meredith?


So you're Meredith's child.

So why don't we just
cut to the chase?

What does Meredith want,
and why are you here?