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06x03 - A Bridge Not Quite Far Enough

Posted: 04/24/24 16:26
by bunniefuu
Previously on Royal Pains...

It won't be long before I have
to worry about baby proofing.

DIVYA: Sorry, Jeremiah.


You said this place
is quiet in the afternoon?

Yeah, between 3:00 and 5:00
p.m., it's a total graveyard.

Who were you looking for
today at Shadow Pond?

I was looking for my father.

Well, who is your father?

What I'm about to say
is going to sound crazy,

and there's really
no way to couch it.

Already bored.
We have a sister.

No offense or anything, but you just
kind of showed up out of nowhere,

so why should we believe you?

I have D.N.A. Proof.

We haven't been introduced.
Eddie R. Lawson.

I'm Hank and Evan's dad.

I'm Emma...

Your daughter.


I don't hear any screaming.

Yeah. I don't
hear anything.



Yeah. To...


Did you not hear us?


You all right?


Did you and Emma have a
chance to talk it through?

I would like you boys
to hear it from me.

Okay, so, this whole thing
started about a month ago.

I was in Missouri.
I was on the book tour.

And out of the blue,
Meredith sends me a text.

Meredith, it's me again.

I... I... I've been here
for about an hour.

I've got to go.
I've got a book signing.

I don't know what happened,
I hope you're okay

and I hope you've changed
as much as I have.

Okay, bye.

Meredith was never
going to meet me.

She didn't even know
I was in town.

More coffee, sir? Uh, no.
Just the check.


Thank you.

EDDIE: Turns out that
Emma was the one

who sent me the text.

She knew I was in town

and wanted to confirm
that I was her father.

Okay, so,
she collected some D.N.A.

She stole his saliva.


Dad, where is Emma?

That's a whole other story.

What is this?

It's proof!
That you're my father!

Let me get this straight.

You traveled halfway
across the country

in order to give me
two pieces of paper?

Those aren't just
two pieces of paper.

Those are the lab results
from a genetic test.

I mean, don't worry. I don't
want anything from you.

I just came here because I
wanted you to see for yourself

that I am doing just fine.

I have a job.
I have my own apartment.

And guess what,

I did all of that without you.

You don't believe me.

You know what? Of course,
you don't believe me.

Because you are a deadbeat dad.

You abandoned me then.
Why not abandon me now?

Abandon you? I didn't
even know you existed!

And let me tell you
something else, young lady.

I am not a deadbeat dad!

HANK: So, Dad, technically,

you could be Emma's father.

the report says there is

a 99.99% probability
of inclusion.

But I am telling you now,

I did not know about
Emma until tonight.

I knew nothing.

I believe you, Dad.
I do.

So do I.


I handled this horribly.

I mean, I just
couldn't bear the idea

that I abandoned a third child

when they were growing up.

I mean, what kind
of man does that?

And then, Emma.

She travels all this way
and what do I do?

I doubt her.

No wonder she never
wants to see me again.

I am a deadbeat dad.

Here's where we keep
the extra bottles,

pacifiers, and teethers.

Yes, I know.

And the bib and burp cloths

are stored beneath
the sterilizer.

Yes, I know.

Now, uh, the bottle warmers.

The bottle warmers are...

One here in the kitchen,
and the other in the nursery.

I remember from
our practice runs.


I'm stalling, aren't I?
I'm sorry.

It's my first day back at work

full-time and
I'm a bit nervous.

Of course, you're nervous.

You don't want to leave
your baby.

If you like,

I can make sure Sashi
naps early.

That way, she's wide awake

and ready to play
when you come home.



You remember Tilda.

Yes, the new nanny. Hello.

Good morning, Dr. Sacani.

It's nice to see you again.

If you and Miss Katdare
know what you'd like

for dinner tonight,

I can go ahead
and make something.

Oh, no. Nothing for me.

I could be busy

and there might be traffic.

Uh, but thank you and goodbye.

Okay, goodbye.
See you tonight.

Well, I should... I should
probably leave, too.


Come on. Yay!

There you go.
Thank you.



Hey, Boris!
Just following up!

I assume you still want
me in Monte Carlo

for the next phase of the trial,

and that you will let me
know if you don't.

Thank you. Bye.

Oh, nice.

No, no, no, no.
That is for Dad.

I came over to
make him breakfast.

Yeah, no, you're right.

Dad will definitely eat
all two dozen muffins.

Well, he's going to...

That is good!

I'm glad you like it.
That's mine.


That's a lot of muffins, Evan.

What can I say?
I worry, I bake.

How is he?

He's still sleeping, I hope.

He was up most
of the night, pacing.

I can't really blame him.

This is a mess.

Look, I'm worried, too.

But right now, we need to just

stay out of it.

What do you mean,
stay out of it?

He's devastated. What...

We have to do something.

That something is nothing.

We need to give Emma the
time and space to cool down.

It's what I do with you.

Okay, look. I... I may have
mixed feelings about her,

but Paige reminded me
who I am in this family.

Who are you?
I'm the bridge-builder.

You're an accountant,
not an engineer.

No, between people.
I... I...

I help people.
I helped you and Dad.

Technically, you went
behind my back,

allowed Dad to take our money,
and almost ruined our business.

Wow! You're still
holding on to that.

Okay, you know what? I have
a busy day ahead of me.

You know how I feel.

Just promise me this.

For Emma's sake, you won't
let Dad do anything stupid.

Promise me.

I promise you.
Thank you.


Hello. That's not funny.

What are you doing?
I thought you were sleeping.

Well, I was taking a walk.

And, uh, successfully knocking over
milk bottles at a carnival, I see.

It's for Emma.

Dad, you can't give that to Emma.
She's a grown woman.

Yeah, one who grew up
without a father.

Do you remember when I bought
you and Hank some bears?

You loved it!
What did you call yours?


And you slept
with it every night.

Until he got completely worn out and
we couldn't stitch him up anymore.

So, you put him in the trash
with crumpled crackers.

I didn't want him to go hungry.

Well, now,
Emma's got a Pookie, too.

Right, well, my bear was Pookie.

The only thing in the world better
than one Pookie is two Pookies!

Would you drive me
to Emma's motel?

You... Well, yeah.

Uh, I made all these muffins, Dad.
No time!

Good morning, Evan.

What happened?

How did it go?

Pookie is dead.

I'm sorry, Dad.


So, did she say
where we were meeting her?

DIVYA: Yes, in her office.

Oh, hey, Padma. Hey, Hank.
Great to see you.

Yeah, it's great
to see you, too.

This is my P.A.,
Divya Katdare.

Uh, we've met, actually.

Oh, right!
Of course, you have.

'Cause you guys...

Oh! Because we're
both Indian women?

Really, Hank?
That's so inappropriate.

Completely inappropriate. No,
no, no, no, I didn't mean that.

I meant... I just meant that
maybe at some point, you...

Actually, we do know each other.

Our families have been
friends for years. Oh, okay!

I love doing that.

People turn all kinds of red.
Yeah, you guys are really funny.

You're a great sport, Hank.
Thank you.

Sorry, I've got to run. I don't
want to be late for my lesson.

Good to see you, Padma.
You, too.

Bye, guys!

All right, let's go.

You're a good sport, Hank.
Well, thank you.

Yes! But it was
still inappropriate.

How inappropriate?

I mean, on a scale
of one to ten.

You haven't even spoken
to Emma since last night?


It's a tough situation.

And not just for Emma.
For my dad, too.

Completely understand.

I'm missing Sashi, and it's
only been a few hours.

I can't even begin
to imagine missing 18 years.

Listen, if you want to run home at
any point, you just say the word.

Thank you.

Annie, you here?
ANNIE: Come in.

[GASPS] Hi, Divya.
You must be Hank.

I am! Nice to meet you.
You, too.

I'm just going to jump right
in, if that's okay. Okay.

I've been nauseous and
vomiting and really exhausted.

And I'm not pregnant, so I
don't know what's going on.

Well, sounds like
it could be the flu.

I'll get your vitals. We
can also do a nasal swab.

Great! And if we could do that all
at the same time, even better.

I don't mean to rush you, but...

That's okay.
We can see you're swamped.

I am an ex-smoker.
I have no tonsils,

and I don't take any dr*gs
and I drink a lot of coffee.

Thank you.

I have one glass of
Chardonnay every single day.

And I have a clam allergy.

Anything more
science-y than that,

you'll have to get it
from my medical records,

which I'll have
forwarded to your office.

Uh, thank you.
Are you taking any

over-the-counter meds?

ARNOLD: Lunch? Maybe.

I came to my office early.
Let me see what I can move.

And we're done! Pack it all up!

Let's go.

Wait, I'm sorry.
This isn't your office?

No! Let's go!

Here we are.
No, no, not that door.

Back door!
Okay! All right!

And we're going
out the back door.

Quick! Here we go. Here we go.

What is happening?

Come on.

HANK: Okay, coming. What?

Come on.
Hurry up.


I'll be in touch.
Great! Bye!

What? What was that?

That was a private
investigator at work.

I told you.

I met Annie when I hired her to do
a background check on my nanny.

Uh, no, actually, you didn't.
Oh, sorry.

I guess Mommy brain?

Are you saying you knew we'd
be trespassing? Of course not.

I assumed that she had permission.
Well, she didn't.

MAN: Fore!

Okay, come on.
Not a good spot.

Emma, sweetie,

thank you so much for
giving me a second chance.

I'm so sorry that I wasn't there
for you when you were growing up.

But I'm going to
make it up to you.

By giving me a giant bear?

You thought that would
somehow make me say,

"Yippee! Now I'm not mad about
you missing my childhood."

Do you think
that's what Emma felt?

We don't know how she feels. That's why
we're doing this role-playing, Dad.

You know, to prepare you.

It's good! You're doing great.
This is great.

You ready? You want
to go back into it?


You know, Pookie was
only an ice-breaker.

Because I can't fix the past.

All I can do is
be here for you now,

which I will be.

I will not walk out on you.

That's great.

Aren't you walking out to go on
another book tour in two days?


Yeah, that's what I thought.

EVAN: It's okay.
Just take your time.

You know what? Take a deep breath.

[WHISPERS] Go easy on him.
He's not as smart as you.

Oh. Good, good, good.
You better?

Maybe I should just
concentrate on the present.

But then, I can't deny the past,
because that would be insensitive.

Hey, kids.
This is too stressful.

I am stressing out.

You know what? Let's take
a little break. Yeah.

Let's take a quick break.
Let's take a break.

Can I talk to you for a second?
Yeah, sure.

Okay. You're doing great.
We'll be right back.

I'll be right here.
Good game.

We're upsetting him.

He's upset.

I think Hank is right.
I should stay out of it.

What? No, no, no.
You cannot back out now.

Not when you're this close
to building that bridge.

Yeah, about that bridge.
What's the problem?

There are no problems.

I was a little annoyed when he
insisted on naming her bear Pookie.

A bear, which, by the way, was two
feet taller than the one he gave me.

But whatever.

You're jealous of Emma.

That's crazy. What?

You want to stay
the baby in the family.

But, Evan, babe,

if you build this bridge,

not only will you be the
most awesome brother ever,

you'll also be the son who
reunited a father and daughter.

I got it!
I got it!

I know what to do.

I'm going to invite Emma to
come with me on the book tour.

That way, she gets to see
this beautiful country,

she'll get to know me,
I'll get to know her.

It will be a crash course
in father-daughter bonding.

That is a wonderful offer.

And I think Emma will
definitely go for it.

Well, she would go for it
if she would hear it.

I'm afraid
the next time I see her,

she's going to throw me
in the hot tub.


Leave it to us.

Martin, your blood pressure
is perfect!

No lollipop?

No. Sorry.

Boys! You're next!

Boys! You're next!

It's time!
Divya's ready for you!

[SIGHS] Thank you again for
coming on such short notice.

It's our first summer here and I've
just been scrambling since we arrived.

Well, it's nice for me
to meet another mom.

Oh, you have kids?

Yes! Uh, I have
a daughter. Sashi.

Uh, this is her
five minutes ago.

My nanny sent it.

Well, that was thoughtful.

Oh, your baby is adorable.

Does it look like
she has a rash?

Oh, is there not an Instagram
filter on that? I can't tell.

Judd! Nelson!
Stop fighting!

It is time for your
camp physicals!

We hate camp. Yeah, we're
not going to camp.

Yes, you are!

Or Mommy's going to have a
nervous breakdown. Huh.

Leave that alone!

Boys, leave the
experiment alone.

Larkin is crazy for science.
Oh! Well, that's great.

Yeah, if you have
everything she needs.

Like, this morning, it was just
an empty plastic soda bottle,

some toilet bowl cleaner,
and aluminum foil.


Stop! Give it
back to me!

Boys! Stop torturing
your sister!

DIVYA: So, is that bottle
filled with

the aluminum foil and the,
uh, toilet bowl cleaner?

Uh, I don't know, probably.

Put the bottle down now!
It could...


All right! You kids
are free to go.

Thank you to Divya.

ALL: Thank you to Divya.

And thank you for letting
my nanny bring Sashi over.

I'll feel so much better about
going to my next appointment.

Like I'd notice one more kid
in this house. [CHUCKLES]

Hi, Miss Katdare.
Hey, Tilda.

Oh! I remember
my first child.

And my first day away from him.

Oh, the guilt was overwhelming.

I was miserable.

I feel like I've been
split in two now. Yeah.

With one half of me
wanting my baby

and the other half
wanting to be at work.

Please tell me that
it will get easier.

It will get different.

Being a mom is... It's a permanent
state of pins and needles.


Hi. I got your text.
Is everything okay?

[GASPS] Yes.

In one of the photos, it looked
like she's getting a rash.

Are you worried about allergies?

I was! But Sashi is fine.

Although, clearly, I am suffering
from separation anxiety.

Tilda, I am so sorry
to have made you

rush over here for nothing.

Part of my job is
to ease your mind.

Why don't you just relax?

Just come inside
whenever you're ready.


Hi. Can I get you some iced tea?

Hi. Yes,
that's my nose.



Do you think she's after
their saliva, too?

Uh, I think they're
probably after hers.

Uh, how much can I bet?

It's no limit, so you can bet
anything you want. But I...

Hey, guys!

How's it going over here?

Hey! Do you want to

learn how to play
Texas Hold 'em with me?

No! No!

We don't want anyone
holding anything, actually.

This is my sister. Yeah.

So, why don't
you guys take a walk?

Right now.

That's cool.

See you tonight, Emma.
Oh, I can't.

What's tonight?
Uh, some parties.

I can't. I have to work.

Yeah, she has to work.

EVAN: She has to work
all week, actually. So...

Okay, that's enough,
big brother.

If you're here to defend...

He's a good man, Emma.

He has a really big heart.

It's almost as big as that
ridiculous pink bear he gave you.

He's handled this situation
really badly so far, but...

He wants to make it up to you.

I hope you'll let him. We
hope you'll let him. Right?

Emma, he really
didn't know about you.

I know.

I called my mom last night. And when
I told her that I had met Eddie,

she admitted that
he never knew about me.

I'm really sorry.

I know what it's like to, um,

have a complicated mother.

You know, none of this
turned out like I expected.

But now that you know
the truth about him,

I'm sure you must
have questions.

So, why not hear him out
and just get some answers?

Two bad experiences are enough.

I am done.

Oh, I'm so sorry. I have to take this.
It's Russel.


Hi! How are you?
Are you still in the city?

Emma, can I ask you something?



Don't say my name.

I didn't recognize you
with the whole...

That's the point.
Sit down.

Oh! What's it...
Oh, we're on a stakeout?


Is that the guy
from the golf club?

Don't point. Arnold Pritchard.

ANNIE: Yes. He's not
with his wife.

I'm trying to document his
extramarital affair. [CAMERA CLICKING]

He's supposed to be at
a board meeting right now.

Later on, he'll go to
a doctor's appointment.

After that, he'll go
see his elderly father.

Well, I guess the good news is

you'll have plenty of time
to search his office again.

Should we reschedule? I can't.
This is... No. I'm so sorry.

And I really owe you an
apology for the other day.

I never meant to meet you there.

It's just that, when Divya called and
said you had a last minute cancellation,

I just couldn't say no.

Yeah, I'm sure you also didn't expect Mr.
Pritchard to return.

Oops, this job is
just really important.

All right, apology accepted. In
fact, I'm hoping you can help me.

Oh, I'm listening.

A few days ago, I found out I
have an 18-year-old half sister.

Her name is Emma Miller.
She's from Missouri.

Let me guess. She just
showed up out of the blue.

Yeah, she did. And she
keeps changing her story.

I could run a background check.

If you wouldn't mind,
that would be great.

It's no problem.

Unlike my nausea, which
has gotten so much worse.

And now, I have this
strange pain right...

Okay, do you feel feverish?

I feel like
I'm going to be sick.

Is it some kind of a super bug?

No, the swab came back negative.

But you're definitely
running a fever.

Listen, Annie, you shouldn't
be on a stakeout.

You need to rest. But, look, she
just drew him some kind of a map.

To where? Her place?

I... I... I think
I'm going to be sick.

You just... You watch.
Okay, all right.

COMMENTATOR: The forward,
Dean, att*cks from the right.

But the feisty Spaniard
launches himself ahead

and protects the ball for Spain.


Um, these weren't on yesterday.

Would you like me to turn them off?
Yes. Thank you.

The customer's always right.

COMMENTATOR: Turkey continues
to gain more confidence.


Hi! I'm Viviana.

What can I get for you today?

Uh, water, please.
No ice.

Water. Anything else?

Uh, yes.
The Wi-Fi password, please.

That's all?
Just water and Wi-Fi?


Did I miss anything?
Yeah, you did.

He gave her an envelope. I
think it was filled with cash.

Now, look,
I need to draw some blood

and perform an ultrasound
and barium swallow.


ANNIE: What is it?

No! CPR!

WOMAN: Are you
doing that too hard?

Okay, someone call 911.

Stop! Stop! I don't think
he's having a heart attack.

But he looks so white and heavy.

Yeah, but he's not heaving

for air or making any noise.


No air sounds on one side.

The CPR must have broken a rib,

which collapsed his lung.

It's a pneumothorax.

I was trying to help him.


No rush of air.
He's still not breathing.

Maybe I was right.
No, no, no.

The needle isn't long enough

to reach his pleural cavity.

But this might be.

ARNOLD: Huh! That's a pen
from my golf club.


Would you grab me
that Martini glass?





Good. Okay. Thank you.



Rush of air.

Okay! The lung is re-expanded.

Sir, we're going to
get you to the hospital,

but you'll be okay.

Hey, you belong to my club.

Oh, uh, no. I just...
I go running there sometimes.

I'm sorry, but I...

I have to go.
I have another client.

I'll see you later.
At Little Dune.

Oh, boy.

You know what?
She's not coming.

She's changed her mind. Dad, don't worry.
She'll be here.

She had second thoughts.
No. No.

Oh, there she is.

Nothing to worry about.

I am so glad to see you.

I was getting a little worried.

And I was having
second thoughts.

Well, uh, he's bear-free
this time. So, whew!


What is this for?

We're going for a bike ride.

Does that sound okay?

If it's not, we'll do something else.
I'll do anything you want.

No. No, no. I mean, it's not
that I don't want to go

for a bike ride with you guys.

I just don't...
I just don't know how.

She doesn't know how.


What if Eddie taught you?

Yeah! I taught Evan.
I taught Hank.

I'm going to teach you.
He's a great teacher.

Come on! We're going
for a bike ride.

Look, you can have a white
one and an orange one.

Oh, my God!
I'm riding a bike.

Look at you.
Miss Wonderful!

Oh, my God.
Just don't let go, okay?

Well, I did that
about two seconds ago.

Wait! What?
You're on your own!

You're fast!
Oh, my God!

Watch out! Watch out! Oh, no!

Use your brake!

Use your brake!


Are you all right?

I rode a bike.

Well, I mean,
I kind of rode a bike.

Not kind of.
You were perfect.

The bike was defective!
Bad bike!


I can take care of this. Ooh.

My son's a doctor.


Well, you did it.
I knew you would.

We should have done this
a long time ago.

All right.

Whatever you said worked.


Are you sure I can't
get you anything else?

Are you sure you don't
want anything else?

Oh, no, I'm...
I'm fine, thanks.

Tell me. When...

When you're at a grocery
store, do you buy groceries?

I do, yes.

When you're at a gas
station, do you get gas?


So, then, why is it that
you're in a restaurant,

and you would not order food?

I mean, if you're
not hungry, perhaps...

Oh, fine. Uh,
what do you recommend?

From here?
Oh, not much.

The turkey club isn't bad.

Oh, I'll have that then.
Yeah? Okay.

On wheat?
Uh, whatever you suggest.

Okay. One turkey club,
on wheat,

with just a touch of mustard.

Is that how you like it?

Yeah, that's how I like it.

Okay, I...
I hope you enjoy it.

This sandwich is for me?


Uh, now, uh, if you don't mind.

Sure, the customer's
always right.

Take another sip.


So, Annie,
the ultrasound showed that

your appendix and
gallbladder were all clear.

This stuff tastes like death.

But this barium swallow

will allow us to check
your esophagus and stomach

for any obstruction
so you can avoid death.

Annie, we still haven't
received your medical records.

Would you mind calling your previous
doctor to see if they can send them now?

That's weird. The office said they
would send them over this morning.

I can check again.
Thank you.

Ha! I have to go!
Uh, not quite yet.

Your esophagus looks good,

but I'd still like to do
a small-bowel follow through.

Pritchard just arrived
at a Montauk motel.

I'm guessing he's not alone.

Just another 15 minutes, okay?

Thank you.



Jeremiah! Hello!

You're working late. I thought
you'd be home with the baby.

Nanny Tilda is like a dream.

She's got Sashi at
your home right now,

learning to play the drum.

Wow, a drum.
That is like a dream.


Are you going home soon?

Because I was
going to ask you...

No, I'm not.

Hey, guys.
EVAN: Hey.

PAIGE: Tell them.

Come on! Tell them!

Look, we should... No, I don't want
to make... Evan built a bridge.

Eddie and Emma
are finally talking.

And they're going to get
together on their own tomorrow.

And it's all because of Evan.

Wow! Good for you, Ev.



Annie's medical records
just came through.

No wonder I couldn't
find them before.

I know her as Annie Meadows.

But these records are under a different
last name. Perhaps, her maiden name?

That's not her maiden name.

Uh, Annie?


Where did she go?
Listen, do me a favor.

See if there's a hotel in Montauk
called The Little Dune, okay?



He's your husband, isn't he?

The man you've been following.

So, now,
you're a detective, too?

You and Arnold share
the same last name.


It was on the office door at the resort
and it was on your medical records.

I spent all this time perfecting
my investigative techniques.

I never thought I'd need it
on my own marriage.

I spent 12 years.

I was thinking
we were so special.

And then, my intuition told me

it's not just other wives.

That I had fallen
into the trap myself.


But now, I'm going
to go confront him.

But first, I'm just
going to lay down.

Or is it lie down? I'm never sure which...
Annie! Annie!

We need to get you
to the hospital.

You're having a heart attack.

I'm not having a heart attack.

I just can't... [GASPS]

Here, I want you
to chew this aspirin.

And now, I'm going to put the
nitroglycerine under your tongue.

Open. Put your
tongue back.


If we can increase
the blood flow

and get you
to the hospital fast,

the damage to your heart
should still be reversible.

No, I'm not having
any chest pains.

Look, women typically have more
subtle, non-classic symptoms,

like the ones
you've been experiencing.

And they can all
be exacerbated by stress,

which, I now realize,
you have in spades.


So, the angioplasty
was a success.

You'll be on blood thinners for
a while, and you'll follow-up

with a cardiologist.

But you should be fine.

And all those
flu-like symptoms?

Were plaque, filling
the vessels of your heart.

And now, my heart is filled
with a different pain.

Before I forget, um, in my bag,

there is a file I meant
to give you earlier.

There it is, in my purse.
It's about your sister.

Ah, thank you very much.

Annie, are you okay? Oh, my
God, I've been so worried.

Oh, you've got to be kidding me.
I shouldn't be here.

[STUTTERING] Arnold was so upset
when the hospital called,

that I insisted
on driving him here.

I wanted to make sure
you were okay.

Did I die?
Am I in hell?

Hey, I know you.
We met earlier.

Yes. Uh, that's right, we did.
Uh, at the restaurant.

But, Mr. Pritchard, Annie has just
been through a very serious procedure.

She needs to stay calm, relaxed.

Absolutely! But now that
my wife's seen Kayla,

I may as well
tell her the truth.

Now is probably
not the best time.

I found her online.

I saw her pictures
and I had to hire her.

Oh, boy.
Oh, my God!

Kayla's a car customizer.

Huh! Did not
see that coming.

Annie fell in love
with her designs

at a car show last year.

Kroft Car Designs?
You're Kayla Kroft?

When Arnold found out
I was visiting the Hamptons,

he hired me to customize a new
surveillance van for you.

Oh, it has a little
kitchen and a bathroom

and a massage chair.

It was being delivered
to my motel

when the hospital called.

I can't believe you did this.

I wanted to give you a
one-of-a-kind anniversary gift.

But I should have known.

I'm cursed to be
married to a woman

who is superb at her job.

She is impossible to surprise.

Oh, I think you may
have done it this time.


Hi, Judith.

My nanny up and quit on me,

so I had to bring Sashi along
for the follow-up.

Oh, I don't think we need one.

The kids are just fine.

You poached my nanny?

Typical new-mom mistake.

Never introduce a great nanny
to a desperate mother.

Don't worry.
You'll learn.

We democratize democracy.

But the rules of
the economic game changed.

It became more global. And now,
we're pressured not only on the...


Water. Wi-Fi.
Anything else?

Um, the turkey club,
on whole wheat,

with just a touch of mustard.

You know, I think
you want the burger today.

Oh! Uh, yeah.
I'll have the burger.

Medium rare. Without the bun.
And extra pickles.

That is just how I want it.

That's just how you'll get it.

The bartender is always right.


Evan! Hank!
There you are.

You are not going to believe the
extraordinary day I had today with Emma.

I learned so many things.

Big things. Little things.
Crazy things.

Okay, I'll give you
an example, all right?

You know that I love bacon
and peanut butter sandwiches?

Guess, who loves bacon
and peanut butter sandwiches?

Emma. Probably.

Emma loves them! Okay! Who's
afraid of the ocean? I am.

So is she.
She can't even swim.

I'm telling you something.
People make fun of genetics.

There is something to it.

Okay, I know I'm not going to make
up for 18 years with one day.

But it's a start!

Why the long faces?
What's going on here?

Uh, Dad, you should...
You should probably sit down.

All right, I'm sitting.
Good. Um...

So, the good news is that Emma
is definitely your daughter.

Here is
the not-so-good news.


What did Meredith do?

How did you even get this?

Hank hired a P.I. To do
a background check on Emma.

This is a big deal, you know?
I wanted to be thorough.

I wanted the facts.
And now, we have them.

So, now that we have them,
what are we going to do?

I just invited Emma to
accompany me on a book tour.

And she seemed pretty excited
about coming along with me.

Yeah, about that...

We have a different idea.

I suppose I brought
this on myself!

If I hadn't been so nervous
about leaving Sashi,

then I would have trusted Tilda,

and she would have never
met that nanny poacher!

So, now, tomorrow, I'll have to
spend all day interviewing nannies.

The ironic part being that while I'll
have 12 nannies in your kitchen,

I'll have no one
to watch over Sashi.

I could help with Sashi.


I mean, that would be great.

Thank you.

Um, I do have somewhere I need
to be between 3:00 and 5:00.

Hey, Jeremiah.

You would tell me if we had over-stayed
our welcome here, wouldn't you?

You two could never
over-stay your welcome.

Everything's fine.

Sit down, kiddo.

Just tell me what's wrong.

We know you're 17, not 18.

We know you've
run away from home.

Your mom's been looking for you.

We know that Meredith got
into some gambling schemes

and used you when you were

Which is why you ended up in
foster care for a few months.

Look, I don't know
who told you these stories.

The private investigator
that I hired.

We know they're not stories.

The only thing that
we don't know is

what got you so mad at your
mother that it made you run away.

My mom and I only had one rule.

We could lie to the people
who we were scamming.

But with each other,
we had to tell the truth.

When I found out that
she had lied about you,

and that you were alive...

I had to find you.

Especially because
I wanted to hurt her.


So, you can, uh...

Pack me up and send me home now.

I don't think so.

We've called Meredith and
told her about our new plan.

We want you to stay
here for the summer.

You can move in
with me and Evan.

Yeah, we figured you'd probably
be sick of motel-living by now.

So, I'm going to go on
the book tour by myself.

But I'm going to come back
and visit as often as I can.

And in the meantime, you can
get to know the three of us.

I have been nothing but trouble.

Why do anything for me?

Because we're your family.

You know, I... I think
I do need to sit down.

Okay, come inside.

Everything worked out great.


You must be so relieved.

I paid her.

I... I... That day
before the bike ride.

You bribed her? No, I didn't bribe her.
It was...

She's living in a motel.

She's washing dishes, you know,
things are expensive here.

And I wanted to make sure
she would hang out with Dad.


She did seem to warm up
to him quickly.

Oh, my God.

No, Evan,
she's happy to be here.

To be with all of us.

She wasn't looking to be bought.

Yeah, I was, uh... I was
trying to be a good brother.

Who cares deeply
about his father.

I wanted to help him, so...

Yeah, it was really important
that Emma liked him.

Or at least gave him a chance.
She was going to leave.

Obviously, Eddie doesn't
know, but what about Hank?

Have you told him?
No, and I'm not going to.



So, is she staying
because of us,

or is she staying
because of the money?