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06x04 - Steaks on a Plane

Posted: 04/24/24 16:27
by bunniefuu
Previously on Royal Pains...

To Emma.

And how lucky we are to
have the chance to make up

for the 18 years we missed.

We want you to stay here
for the summer.

You can move in
with me and Evan.

Everything worked out great.

I paid her.

The turkey club isn't bad.

Uh, whatever you suggest.

With just a touch of mustard.

I hope you enjoy it.

The sandwich is for me?

I love you.

I love you.

And I love the way
this is going.

Can I jump in?
Verbally, of course.

I don't want to be a
helicopter physician anymore.

You can be any kind
of physician you like

after we've fulfilled
our objectives.

I'll see you onboard.
We leave in 10 minutes.



She is so cool.

People should
pay you to babysit.

I would.

Oh... Seriously, though, I
would love for you to babysit.

But not now. Tonight is
for you to enjoy yourself

and to meet some people
your own age.

JEREMIAH: Yes, a handful
of teenagers have been

strategically invited for you.

What Jeremiah
means to say is that

Evan and Paige
want you to feel at home.

Uh, right.

And I do. I love
living with them.

But they do know
I'm from Missouri, right?

Not The Hunger Games?


I feel pretty silly.

You look silly.
That's part of the fun.

You know what's not fun? This wig.
It feels like my head is in a vice.

Okay. Let's get started.


Attention, tributes.

Take your marks,
please, on your discs.

Thank you for coming
to welcome our sister

and new roommate, Emma Miller!

And thank you for throwing me
this really cool party

and not making me wear a costume.

Dinner will begin shortly.
But first, you,

our tributes, must compete

for your place
at the table. Yes!

Around the cornucopia you will find
envelopes with your names on them.

Why are they doing this?

Inside each envelope...

We're hungry, it's a game.
Hunger Games?

No, I understand the allusion to the
popular young adult dystopian trilogy.

I just don't understand why. Oh.

Well, neither do I.
EVAN: Upon my shot,

let the game begin!

Uh, wait. Honey, I thought we
decided against the flaming arrow.

What are you... The whole
reason I agreed to do it

was because
of the flaming arrow.


May the odds
be ever in your favor!



PAIGE: Evan?
Oh, God.

Our roof.
I think it's...

Catching Fire. Clever.


Well, on the bright side,
since they know HankMed,

they got here
really fast. Right?

Also on the bright side?
Firemen are super hot.

Ew. Come on.


Well, it's always nice
to see HankMed,

but I prefer it when you're helping
people, not endangering them.

Not your finest moment.
Yeah. It was an accident.

That's good. Because
otherwise, it's arson.


Kevin, are you okay?

Yeah. I just, uh... I just
need to catch my breath.

These days, to catch his breath,

Chief needs
a five minute head start.

Why don't you mind
your business?

I'm just saying you could stand to hit
the weight room every once in a while.

And maybe not add
bacon to everything.

I said mind your business.

So, Divya, when are we
getting that drink?

I think you know when.

Yeah, but I'm going
to keep asking.


Chief, are you sure
you're all right?

You're still out of breath, and
they were doing most of the work.

Yeah, well, the thing is...

Randy's not exactly wrong.

Hey, Evan.

Good luck with your landlord.


I think you should get
checked out.

I'm fine.

You should come
check him out tomorrow.

You know where to find us.

[SIGHS] We're not getting our
security deposit back, are we?

Hey, Emma. It's your
older brother speaking.

Uh, your older, older brother.
It's Hank.

It's Hank.

Sorry I had to miss
the big welcome dinner,

but I will be back soon.

Okay, I'll check in
with you later. Bye.




Boris, what are you doing?


Boris, listen to me.
You need to go back inside.

I'd like to go inside, Hank, but
I have misplaced my, uh, jacket.

I'll be right up there.
Just go inside.


He's crazy! He must
be sick in the head.


I fully intended
to replace you, Hank.

Until I realized the appearance

of a rift between us
could be useful.

So, when I didn't join you
on your helicopter,

that was just
the appearance of a rift.

No, that was an actual rift.

And it still is.



Go, go, go, go, go.

Sorry. Is that
really necessary?

Your abandonment has forced me

to accelerate our plan.

And progress your fake
symptoms into dementia.

Without you to
document "bone" fractures

that signal my deterioration,

a public display of mental
instability was my next choice.

Yeah, of course.

Allow me to go on
a bit, and then,

uh, retrieve me.

Go on? What are you gonna...

Oh, boy...

What have we learned today?

I'll tell you what
we've learned.

Crime butchers innocence.

And in the words
of our friend, Robespierre,

wealth has become
our crime against the state.

Has it not?
Not the money again.

Wealth. Wealth. Wealth.


Okay. Okay.
Retrieving you.

Excuse me.

show's over.

Let's just get right
over here, my friend.

Sorry about that.



Okay, I think they got it.

Settle down.

Okay, good. Good.


So, it's clear you've wanted

to appear symptomatic.

Now might be a good
time to explain why.

Boris, if you want my help,

I need to know.

Once cousin Milos was detained,

I gained greater control,
as you know,

of my family's bank

and discovered we hold
certain funds that are,

to say the very least, tainted.

You own a Swiss bank. Aren't most
of your clients hiding something?

Tax evaders or...

This account is uniquely
egregious, Hank.

It reflects
more than mere greed.

I intend to purge
my bank of this filth.

Yeah, okay.
So, have them arrested.

[EXHALES] Oh, Hank.
The layers of Swiss bankery

are deliberately opaque.

Milos was the only one
who dealt with, uh,

this account holder's

Who lives here in Monte Carlo.

So, you've been here,
creating a scene,

hoping to make them nervous
and flush them out?

Yeah. If I can
identify them,

then I'll alert the authorities.


And with you appearing unstable,

you think this guy
will approach me.

I know, I know.

You're just a simple doctor,

here to administer
a clinical trial.

But I was hoping to impose

one last time upon you
for some multitasking.

Listen, Boris, I know you're
upset about my decision

to stay in the Hamptons.
No. No.

Monsieur Lawson?
There is a call for you.

I'm sorry. For me?
Yes, for you.

He'll be there.
Un moment.


No one knows where I am.

Evan would call my cell.

It appears it has begun.

Can I count on you, Hank?

Don't you always?

You should take that
phone call then.



Of course I'm upset at the situation.
We've been evicted.

You sound angry. Well, that
arrow didn't sh**t itself.

[STAMMERING] That's absolutely true.
The bow.

It was the bow's fault.
It was not as advertised.

That is not what I...

Never mind.

Please tell me what
you were going to say.

I always mind.

Well done, Evan.

You turned my "never mind"
into an "always mind".

All credit to the master.

Thank you.

Now, please,
tell me how you feel.


I feel like we've been
down this road before.

How so?
Height of summer,

no place to live.

There's always Hank's
or your parents'.

Oh, I see what you mean.

We're back to square one.

And I kind of thought
we were past that.

At least to square two or three.

Are we homeless
or are we just hopeless?

Well, one.
But it's not hopeless.

Look, sometimes
a housing problem

is simply a housing problem.

Then, it should have
a simple solution.

Which it would.
If things were different.

But they're not.
But they could be.

Just help us.

It's a bit unorthodox.
But I might know a place.



Sorry to chow down while
you guys are doing this,

but we can get called out
at any time.

And I like to grab
a bite when I can.

Or two or three.

DIVYA: Since your shortness
of breath has gotten worse,

we're going to have you
blow into the spirometer.


Hey, Doc. Can you spot me?

Yep, I can see you perfectly.

Hey. Aren't you show-offs
gonna break for lunch?

If that's Tommy's chili,
I'll pass.

His cooking's probably
what made us all sick.

Hey, that chili has
been in my family

since the 1800s.

Yeah, that explains
the crust on it. Nasty.

Well. Are you all sick?

Any nausea?

Nah, nothing like that.

So, it's not food related.

Oh, thank God.

Thank God. I'm just
feeling run down.

You know. But still ready for
that drink whenever you are.

I'll let you know.

Sounds like you need
a new pickup line, dude.

Oh, like you've got
something better?

Check this out.
Hey, there.

I hope you know CPR,

because you take my breath away.


That's idiotic.

We're firemen.
We know CPR.

Right. Well, they see the
uniform, they hear CPR,

it paves the way and brings
up an important topic.

DIVYA: Okay. Tell us
more about your symptoms.

Just, uh, you know,
feeling lightheaded.


Could only bench press

It could be environmental. We should
check for a carbon monoxide leak.

No. We're the
fire department.

Tommy, show them the monitor.


All good.

DIVYA: If everyone
is a little off,

we should examine all of you.

Me first.



Sorry, we'll get back to you.

Let's go. Let's go.
Move out.



WOMAN: No, no. No fighting.

There's plenty for all.

Hello, Dr. Lawson.

Or do you truly prefer "Hank"?

Hank is fine. Usually.

Call me Berta. Sit.

[CHUCKLES] Oh, I was
talking to Bijou,

but I do appreciate
your obedience.

[CHUCKLES] And I prefer
to do this seated.

Ah! My bunions
are k*lling me.

If you became my doctor, could
you get me back into heels?

These sensible shoes
are hideous.

If you were my patient
complaining of toe pain,

my first question
would be about your diet.

My diet is exceptional.

I live to eat. And
to drink, of course.

But let's get on with it.

I assume you're aware of the
influence you hold over K.J.R.

Or as you
call him, "Boris."

You have power of attorney
over his affairs.

Who says I have
power of attorney?

Don't waste our time, bitte.

It's a fact.

As is your client's
descent into madness.

Apparently, a family curse.

I need to get my clients'
money out of his bank

before he ruins us all.

Why would I help you?

Because my patronage will be considerably
more generous than K.J.R.'s.

Let's just say

you won't be tethered
to a little guesthouse

for the rest of your life.

Listen, Boris trusts me.

Trust is nothing more
than a man's weak point.

It's why humans are
as powerless as pigeons,

eating from any hand
that feeds them.

Filthy creatures.

What would you need from me?

Ah. It's simple, really.

I need to transfer funds
I represent

out of K.J.R.'s bank
without his knowledge.

You want me to declare him unfit
so he is out of the picture.

That would take too long.

Although you can
use that defense,

should anyone ask you
after the fact.

All I need is your signature.

And your silence.

I need to think about this.

Close of business
in Geneva is at 4:30.

You will meet me there
at 4:00.

You seem pretty sure of that.

Oh, I am.

Come, Bijou.
Come, baby.

Did you know she would
want to take me to Geneva?

No. But it's better
than I had hoped.

If she transfers the money,
it can be intercepted.

TAILOR: Arms out, please.

I don't know why I have
to dress like a banker.

I mean, Berta knows
I'm a doctor.

She knows you're a doctor
to whom I awarded

power of attorney
three years ago, Hank.

Which means she also knows
you currently control

the third oldest
private bank in Geneva.

But no pressure, right?

Appearing as if you're living
beyond your means makes you

seem easily manipulated.


Which, clearly, I'm not.

Can't she just fill out a withdrawal
slip or something like that?

This is not your corner
automated teller machine.

Clients like these require
individual attention to feel secure.

Fear not. I'll have you back
in the Hamptons soon enough.

I know you prefer it there.

Look, I'm happy
to be here, Boris.

As your doctor
and as your friend.

For 48 hours, yeah. Here.

Well, I...
These cufflinks

were a gift from Otto von
Bismarck to my grandfather.

Boris, that's very...
You may return them

when we're done with this.

Right. The suit of
course, you may keep.

But not the car.

The car?


BORIS: From here to Geneva
is a five-hour drive.

You will go alone,
as my accompanying

you would raise
Berta's suspicion.

Once there, you will
proceed to my bank.

Which is designed not
only to ensure privacy,

but near anonymity.

Once inside, you will be left to
handle the transaction in private.

You will find all the necessary
paperwork in the desk drawer.

Interpol doesn't want
to arrest this Berta

until they have enough
evidence to encourage her

to betray those
whose money she represents.

All you have to do is
sign her electronic transfer,

not unlike writing
a prescription.

After that, your job is done.

I will be rid of their money,

and the authorities
will have the evidence

they need to build their case.

Mmm. No. No transfers.

I want it in cash.

Five hundred euro notes, please.

And may I see
your phone a moment?

Yeah. Sure. But, Berta,
that's a lot of money.

I mean, it will be heavy.
And you have bad feet.

You shouldn't be
carrying it around.

I won't be.

What are you...

You will.





Well, this is it.
My little guesthouse.

EVAN: What?
PAIGE: Bob. It's beautiful.

My nephew lived here for a
while, but he's gone now.

Oh, I'm so sorry.

Oh, no, he's still alive. I just had
to find a way to get him to move out.

He had a Christian death metal
band that used to practice here.

They were an abomination. Ah.

Anyway, I've been a little reluctant
to rent it out since then.

Now, I know there are
potential boundary issues.

Oh, but... But this is
us acknowledging them?

Oh, I acknowledge
the boundary issues.

I acknowledge
the boundary issues.

Wonderful. And since you
even have your own entrance,

we'll never have to see each other
except when you're in session.

I think it's perfect.

It's not too small for
the two of you? No.

Are you kidding? It's actually three
of us with Emma. But it's huge.

Oh! Emma. I didn't realize
she was living with you.

Is that a problem?

Not for me.

Thank you. I'm sure
she's going to love it, too.


If you're here for that drink,

you're going to have to come back.
I'm on duty.

So am I.
Is Kevin around?

Oh, he's sleeping. We were up late
putting out a warehouse fire.

Are you a little out
of breath now, too?

Yeah, a little. I think Chief's
thing is going around.

Well, is anyone else
getting worse?

I got a little
lightheaded earlier.

Tommy, you were born
a little lightheaded.

Maybe it's viral.

What do you mean?
Like, a cold or something?

Well, I'm thinking "or
something" is more likely.

How did you get
the cuts on your hand?

TOMMY: Debris drill last week,
warehouse last night...

Who knows? Our hands
get beat up all the time.

Yesterday, I saw you
cleaning out the fish t*nk.

Are you the only one
who does that?

No. We rotate.

What's a fish t*nk
got to do with it?

Pseudomonas. It's a bacteria
found in fish and their water

that can infect people

through abrasions
and lacerations

in the skin, resulting
in a type of pneumonia.

We should do
some chest X-rays.

Jeremiah, could you go to the
car and get the machine?


We could start just by culturing some
of the water from the fish t*nk.

And wait days
for the lab results

when we could make
a diagnosis now?

No, you're right. Okay.

Well, let's, uh...
Let's head upstairs.

DIVYA: Okay. Great.

You know, this isn't really that heavy.
I mean, you could probably...

BERTA: You're not leaving my sight
until this money is safely deposited.

You have a lovely face,
but you know too much.

You know, I see your feet
are still bothering you.

Maybe I could
take a look, you know.

Don't worry, Dr. Lawson. We
will be seated soon enough.

It's just on the street there.

Oh, good, I was afraid your
bank might be further away.

Not my bank, my car.

I've lost my faith
in Swiss banks.

We're going to the Caribbean.

The Caribbean? But...

Don't worry. You don't
need your passport.

No, I was just...
My bag is in my car.

It's been collected.

I'm very thorough, Doctor.

Yeah. Yeah, you are.

Hey, are you hungry?

Because I am starving

and I hear the restaurant at
the Four Seasons is excellent.

We haven't time.

But I'll stock the plane and we can
celebrate our partnership onboard.

What shall we have?

Well, I could always go for a steak
and a bottle of something red.

Ah... A man of
simple pleasures.

And since we're in Switzerland,

some cheese and chocolate.

Aber natürlich.

And how do you feel
about oysters?

Dr. Lawson. Are you
trying to seduce me?


I'm not.

How am I insulting Emma?

I only said with
all her stuff here,

this place is cozier
than we thought.

Oh, no, no. You didn't say cozier.
You said tighter.

Excuse me.
Once she gets here,

we'll be sharing a bedroom wall.

So what? We're not
kicking her out, Paige.

She's excited to live here.
And we're not kicker-outers.

At least I'm not.
Oh, and you think I am?

Look. At least
she works lousy hours.

Exactly. She's going to
come in late and wake you.

You know how grouchy you get.

What did you just say? I said
you know how grouchy you get!

Well, I guess I do now!

Did she forget her key?

[WHISPERS] I don't know. Did
she hear you yelling at me?

You were yelling at me, too. No,
you were yelling at me more.

We were yelling at each other.
Open the door.

Is everything okay?

Yeah. Uh, we weren't
too loud, were we?

Honestly, Bob, he hardly
ever screams at me

at the top
of his lungs like that.

No, you didn't disturb me.
My power went out.

Yours is fine?

Yeah, it's...
Yeah, it's good.

Uh... Do you want to...

Do you want to come in, or...
Thank you.

What is that amazing smell?

Oh, uh, muffins.
They're for you, actually.

To thank you for renting us
this beautiful, perfect place.

And yet, you're arguing.

No blame.

What have we learned
about disagreements?

That they can bring us closer.

As long as we head
towards each other.



I agree that it's close
quarters with Emma here.

And I don't want to evict her.

How do you feel about
Emma sharing your home?

She's so grateful.
She's great.

We want to welcome her... And
this is gonna be so good for her.

I asked you how you feel.

Do you want her
to live with you?


There's your pattern. You put
others' needs ahead of yours

and your marriage suffers.

Does Emma have other options?

Hank offered his spare room.

But we insisted.

We do this to ourselves.

We have to talk to her.

It can be very risky

to insert a third person
into a new marriage.

Oh, my lights are back on.

Thank you for the muffins.
EVAN: Mmm-hmm.

Sorry for barging in.
Oh, not at all.

We're grateful you did.

Are you kidding?

This is awesome.

It's like we have our very
own concierge therapist.

Concierge therapist.
That does sound awesome.




Berta, you seem a bit unstable.

Are you in pain?
I'm in heaven.

Welcome back, madam.
Hello, Yousef.

Do you like my home?

Oh, my.
This is where you live?

Yeah. Europe has
grown so fussy.

It's your toes, isn't it?

And my ankles.

Too long a flight.

Sit here. Let me
take a look.


Okay. Is this tender?

Okay. How about here?

Oh, sorry. Your calf feels
warm, and so do you.

Look, I want to run some tests.

Well, I'll cool down once we
have deposited these funds.

Coffee, Schnell.

Banco Caribbean opens
in half an hour.

Okay. I think
you should rest first.

I'm worried you may...
No more worrying, Hank.

I thought you'd escaped
the neuroses

your people are so prone to.

By "my people",
I assume you mean doctors.

And, yeah,

we do worry when it's a
matter of life or death.





Oh. Oh, hello.

I was just...
Working out?

Good for you.

Well, physical fitness
is a healthy life choice.

You're right.
I should do the same.

Uh, you don't need muscles.

Did the firemen inspire you?

Women notice firemen.

I'm impressed.

It sounds like you're thinking about
getting out there and dating.

That's great.

Taking a chance.

Getting over that hurdle
can be the hardest part.

Is that your problem?

The hurdle?

I don't have a problem.

You won't have
a drink with Randy.

I'm a mother. Uh, I've
got my hands full.

So, you're never
going to date again?

Right now, that seems possible.

Fine. Fine.
It's a lame excuse.

Maybe Randy isn't your type.

No, actually.
I like him fine.

I may have slid back
into an old habit.

It's easier to say no.

Well, you shouldn't use
having a baby as an excuse.

You're right. I know.

But she's such an adorable one.


How about you?

You know, are these workouts
for anyone specific?



You are definitely
spiking a fever.

Yet, you're the one sweating.

[CHUCKLES] You're right.

They don't call it
the tropics for nothing.


I have an idea of what's
going on with you.

But I'd like to perform an
ultrasound just to make sure.


If you could, uh, lift your
right knee for me, please.


Thank you.

Okay, good.

Okay, let's take a look.

Uh-huh... Ah.

"Ah", what?

It's what I was afraid of.

Now, if you look in
the middle of the screen,

can you see
that shadow right there?

BERTA: There?

It looks like
you developed a DVT,

a deep vein thrombosis
during the flight.

From inactivity?

I'll give you an injection of Lovenox
to prevent the thrombus from enlarging.

If inactivity is the cause, I...
No, no, no, Berta.

You need to lie still.

You can't risk the clot
breaking loose

and embolizing to your lungs.

That would be life threatening.


BERTA: How long
will I be waylaid?

HANK: Uh, a few hours.

And a cool bath wouldn't hurt.

Okay. You're going to
feel a little pinch.

Okay, good.

He's getting worse. We were
just watching a movie.

Chief was hogging the popcorn
as usual, and out of nowhere,

he gets short of breath.

I checked his airway
and gave him oxygen.

But it hasn't helped.
You're right, it hasn't.

He's getting cyanotic.

RANDY: Is there something
wrong with his lungs?

No, all of your
chest X-rays were normal.

This is central cyanosis.

The mask isn't helping because his
blood isn't carrying any oxygen.

If Dr. Sacani is right.

Yes, his blood
is chocolate brown.

We need to get his sats up.

Tommy, in the aquarium,
do you use methylene blue?

I use something blue.

Can you get some for me?
And some pH strips?

Well, how can that help?

Just go get it.

How can that help?

By converting methemoglobin to
a more efficient hemoglobin,

methylene blue counteracts the
properties of methemoglobinemia.

It will change his blood.

TOMMY: Here you go.
DIVYA: Thank you.

PH is good.

Hang in there, Chief.

So, not only do you
drink like a fish,

you get better like one, too?


What was happening right
before you put him on oxygen?

Oh. Nicolas Cage said,
"Hey, dirtbag," and then...

Not in the movie,
you idiot. To the Chief.

I was getting to that.
Nothing happened.

He, uh, was watching
a movie and eating popcorn.

Did you all eat it?


But Chief gets his own bowl.

Because he's Chief.

It's very salty.

Yeah, he salts everything.
Even pizza.

My mother was a lousy cook.

Could you show us the salt?


It's in here.

You moron.
That's not the salt.

This is. That's the stuff I used to cure
the corned beef on St. Patrick's Day.

Sodium nitrite. And you
keep it next to the salt?

I'm not the moron, you are.

At least I didn't
put it on the popcorn.

Or in the salt shakers.

Wait. So, we've all
been eating it?

Which is why you've been
showing symptoms.

Fatigue, dizziness
and shortness of breath.

It's nitrite poisoning.

A few hundred milligrams
can be toxic.

Although not,
in this case, fatal.

So, which one of these clowns do
I demote for trying to k*ll me?

Once you stop ingesting nitrite,

it naturally leaves your body.

You'll be fine.

So, I just got the worst of it

because I had the most of it.

And because you're older.

And heavier.

Thanks again.

You should be in the hospital

until your oxygen level
returns to normal.

I'll call an ambulance.

Or we can use
the one downstairs.



MAN: Put down the phone,
Dr. Lawson.

Oh. Uh, yeah, hey.

I was... I was wondering if we
could get a couple of burgers.

You know, maybe some nice,
cold beers.

I like mine rare.

If you can't taste the
blood, what's the point?

Don't you agree, Doctor?

Uh, yeah. Yeah, no,
I like a nice rare burger.

But you should really
keep your leg elevated.

I don't want... What I don't
want is to wait any longer.

I realized if my health
is at risk, we need to make

our deposit as soon as possible.

We go to the bank. Now.

Okay. But, Berta,
you have a...

Don't make me cut off
the phones, Hank.

Or anything else.

Look, it's not that we don't
want to spend time with you.

Obviously. I mean, we really
want to get to know you.

If we didn't, we never would
have offered in the first place.

Yeah. It's just that, apparently,
for the sake of our marriage, we...

We shouldn't have...

I mean, you guys are still
basically newlyweds, right?

Yes, we're...
No. What?

Yes, we are.
Well, it's not official.

I mean, take your time.
Figure it out.

It's... It's complicated.
Even to us.

Guys, I get it.

It's a small place.

The last thing you need
is, like,

me in the next room,
listening to you...

I mean, not that
I would listen to you or...

...that you were making...

Oh, my gosh.
You know what? TMI...

We'll just leave it
at "I get it."

Let's leave it at that. That's great.
Yeah. Yeah...

Uh, thank you for understanding.

I mean, that's awesome.

And you're going to love
living here with Hank, too.

He's super fun.
Do you like running?

Well, no, not really.


Uh, no.

Any favorite medical journals?

You know, why do we
only have to do things

that he wants to do?

Oh, my God. Welcome to my life.

Guys, don't sweat it.

Why would I whine about living
in a place like this with,

you know, my second
favorite brother?


I've got to put Sashi down.

I promised Divya I'd get
her to bed on time.

Oh! Do you have, um...

You know... Uh... Already?
Yeah, sure.

What do you need?
No, no, no. A key.

Because I live here now.
Of course.

A key.

Sorry, I don't know what...

Here you go.

Thank you.

You guys can just let
yourselves out, right? Yeah.

Great. I'll see you later.

Cool. Bye.

[SIGHS] Well, that...
That went pretty well.


Up to a point. The point where you
assumed she wanted more money?

Yeah, that point.

Hey, we should tell Bob.

I was just thinking that.

Unless it would seem needy.

We have a session tomorrow.
We'll just tell him then.

Although we could stop by.

To see if he's had
any more power outages.

High five.


Hennrick? Yousef?

BERTA: Get back inside.

Stop! Don't move!

MAN: You are under arrest for t*rror1st
financing and money laundering.

Put your hands up.
Okay, okay.

It's not my money.
It's his.

No, not.

Look, I'm a sick woman. I have an embolism.
It could k*ll me.

He'll tell you.
He's my doctor.

Actually, he's my doctor.
When he's available.

It's good to see
you're still alive, Hank.

How the... Have you been
following us the whole time?

Mostly. Would have
been nice to know.

How bad is her embolism?

She doesn't have one.

I was just trying to stall in the hope
that I could find a way out of this.

You showed it to me
on the ultrasound.

I saw the blockage myself.

That wasn't a blockage.
That was my cufflink.

Technically, my cufflink.

The pain in my legs and my feet?

Is from gout.
It's not life threatening,

but you should try to
avoid eating rich foods,

red wine, oysters,
that kind of thing.

No, where she's going,
that won't be a problem.

You're a traitor.
We had a deal.

We did.
But like you said,

trust is for the birds.


Oh. Here you go.

Keep them.


Better, Chief.

Hmm. Well...

Chief's breathing easy.

The guys are super grateful.

And how's everyone feeling now
that you're all nitrite-free?

Well, it turns out nitrite was the
tastiest part of Tommy's cooking.

[LAUGHS] Right.

So, maybe we should get
some food with that drink.

What drink?

Oh, right. The one
we'll never have.

Well, I'm free now if you are.

And I haven't had any dinner.

After you.




Wow. Look at you.

Yeah, I've been working out.

So, uh, turkey club today
or a cheeseburger?

Because I can't decide
what you feel like.

If you do CPR,
it takes my breath away.





I encouraged her to overindulge,

hoping the att*cks of
gout would slow her down.

You were wise to make
yourself so useful.

HANK: I figured sedation
crossed a Hippocratic line.

So, I'm glad you appeared
when you did.

Once again, I've dragged you into a
gray area where you don't belong.

Not too shabby, this gray area.

So, how did you track me?
GPS in the cufflinks?

Don't be silly, Hank.

It's easier to hide money
than people.

Oh, this is yours.

I hope you haven't missed too
many important phone calls.

None, actually.

They seem to be getting along
just fine without me.

My plane will be at your
disposal within the hour.

Boris, you don't seem too
pleased with this mission.

Is this where you tell me
there's more work to be done?

Don't worry, Hank.
I won't enlist you again.

I've asked too much
of you already.

Boris, I am more than grateful for
all the ways you've changed my life.

Not the least of which
is making HankMed possible.

And to be honest,

I've enjoyed helping you
in your work.

Minus the kidnapping
and the handcuffs,

getting drugged and shoved

in the back of a limo
in Budapest...

Yeah, yeah, I understand.

You force me
out of my comfort zone.

And that's been good for me.

But I have been
exploiting you, Hank.

Allowing your moral compass
to guide me these last years.

It's why I was so unhappy
with your decision

to stay in the Hamptons.

I thought I needed
to simplify my life.

But this life
isn't simple, is it?

One doesn't have just one enemy

or one stalwart friend.

And purging my bank of one

particularly odious apple
isn't enough.

My family's business has always
been murky, to say the least.

I want to leave my son
a different legacy.

And what legacy is that?

I don't know.

I know only that
I must summon the courage

to find it and find
my own compass.

But where do I start?

Looks like
you've already started.