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06x07 - Electric Youth

Posted: 04/24/24 16:29
by bunniefuu
Previously on Royal Pains...

DIVYA: I feel like I've been
split in two now.

With one half of me wanting my baby and
the other half wanting to be at work.

HankMed's looking to grow and we're
having trouble finding the right space.

Well, I've grown a business or
two. Maybe I can help.

Forget about these lease terms
and deposits and contracts.

Let's make this easy.
Do it as partners.

Yeah, that's definitely something we
should plan on having a discussion about.

We just had the discussion.

Oh. Oh, hello. I was just...
Working out?

Are these workouts for
anyone specific?


Wow. Look at you.

thank you from Oz.

But I only gave him one photo.

Oh, no, no. This is for the
next one. And so is this.


I'm going to get
something to drink.

Yo. Another epic party, kid.

Yeah. Thanks, man.

Oh! Hey, sorry. This
was really fun.

Yeah. Well, what
else is there, huh?

Babe. Babe. Babe.
Do you hear that?

What was that, partner?


Bad dream?

Oh. Very bad.

Sorry I woke you.

No. You didn't. It's the
rager down the street.

Do you know what time it is?
What was the dream about?

It was about, uh...

I don't remember. Just
kind of, poof, you know?


Mmm. Listen. Since
they're having fun.

Yeah, uh. Paige?


I don't think I can
do this right now.

I'm just feeling really distracted.
It's a lot of things.

What am I saying?
Of course I can.

Oh, um. Sashi was crying and,
and you were in the shower.

I am so sorry she woke you.

She can't help when
she gets hungry.

Thank you.

I couldn't sleep.

I have no idea how to tell Hank and
Evan that I want to be part-time.

But you told me
with no difficulty.

I guess. But I want to maintain
my professional standards

and not abandon HankMed
during the busy season.

I suppose it is less professional
than the standard you've established.

This is more than I've
seen her eat in weeks.

Are you using formula?

Yeah, she, uh, she seems to
have developed a taste for it.

The formula was supposed to supplement
my breast milk when I went back to work.

She wasn't supposed
to like it better.

Oh, well, would you
rather I, uh, not use it?

I think I made the decision
to go part-time too late.

Too late for what?

To do what's best
for my daughter.

Hey, Emma.
Oh, my God. Hank.

You just scared the crap out of me.
What are you doing up?

Oh, just checking up on
some diagnostic cytology.

Yeah. Sounds like
a real page-turner.

Yeah. What about you?
You have a nice night?

Were you waiting up
for me? Really?

No. No, no, no. I'm just, I'm
kind of into dynamic, you know.

Yes. I was waiting up for you. But you know,
you have been coming home pretty late.

It's not that late.

Especially in the summer.
Especially in the Hamptons.

Yeah. That's exactly
why I'm worried.

It was a great party. Come on, Hank. Don't you
remember what it was like to be a teenager?


I know the timing is horrendous.

And I don't want you to think that
HankMed isn't important to me. It is.

It is. It is so important...

You want to go part-time.

Yes. How did you...

Jeremiah called me this morning.

I wish he hadn't done that.

Look, he's the medical director. He wanted
to get a jump start on the schedule.

But, Divya, why were you
nervous to tell us?

I mean, you had to know
we'd all be supportive.

I didn't want to disappoint you.

I want to have it all!

I hope I can have it all. And I hope I
can add some sleep in there somewhere.

Well, if you figure
out how, let me know.

I was up late waiting
for Emma to come home.

At least you knew
where Sashi was.

Yes. But I bet when
Emma came home,

she went straight to bed and
didn't wake up again till morning.

You're half right.
She's still asleep.


Uh, yeah. On my way.
Just text me the address.

So, are you on the clock or off?

On. Very much on.
Good. Come.

You have a lovely home, Billy.

Oh, this isn't my place. But it's my
place for now, so I plan to enjoy it.

The rest of the time
it's Jack Piper's place.

You know, the tough
guy action movie star?

Oh, the Irish actor.

Yeah. I'm his house sitter.
That's kind of my profession.

I'm always in swank pads like this. On the
beach, giant pool, no responsibility.

Huh. Does Jack Piper know you
threw a party at his house?

I like to think he'd appreciate that
his house is being appreciated.

Well, I hope so for you.
So, what can we do to help?

I can't taste my Funyuns. And I've
got this giant splotch on my hand.

I need to get some more information.
Let's start with your age.

Age is just a number.

Regardless, it's a
number that we need.

Young forever, fun forever.

Okay. Ouch. Did you receive
an electric shock?

It was a huge zap.

When did this happen?

Last night.
Did you lose consciousness?

Yeah, but they said
I wasn't out long.

Could you have hit your head?

You are good. Slammed
right into a deck chair.

You should have
called us immediately.

Billy, do you use dr*gs?

Why does everybody ask me that? I
can't be happy without being high?

Don't you find something
wrong with that assumption?

I'm more concerned with what
could be wrong with you.

Deep tissue damage, heart rhythm
disturbances or a head injury.

I feel fine. I just
can't taste anything.

Damage from an electrical
shock can be delayed.

We need to make sure
that you're all right.

We're going to take you
to the hospital right now.

Well, Bob, we ruined your coffee
just the way you like it.

We bought soy milk.

Better for my cholesterol.

Yeah, it was the least we could do since
you agreed to a breakfast therapy session.

I always go above and
beyond for my clients.

And with special ones like the two of you, I
go above and beyond the above and beyond.

Thanks, Bob. Yeah. It's just, with both of us
so busy. You know, Evan with HankLab and me

with my new business, we just don't want
to fall into the trap of last summer.

Are these ventures going well?

Uh, for me, yeah. Berger
and Lawson is taking off.

Thank you.

We're meeting with a potential
new client today, in fact.

The Rosewills. And,
um, they are very connected.

I'm so proud of you.

And I'm proud that
you're proud, Evan.

What about your venture?

Uh, he's... He's feeling the pressure.
So much so that he can't sleep.

As it turns out, though,
that's not such a bad thing.

But, yeah, there's
a lot riding on this lab.

And Ray, he's the guy who
owns the place. He's...

He's a...
Kind of a wild card.

That's Evan's way of
saying he's in the mob.

allegedly in the mob.

Does that concern you?

Yeah, a little. But what
other option do I have?

A question is only rhetorical
if you don't answer it.

The only other option is...

HankMed goes out of business
all because I failed.

Let's tighten the
spot on the cage.

Thanks for coming
to examine Hope.

I know a doctor's time
is valuable. And expensive.

Oh. She, uh, doesn't need a doctor.
She needs a locksmith.

You know, she takes classes almost every
day, then rehearsals, then the show

and she always has a smile. So, when she
said she was in pain, I got really worried.

If it's bad enough for Hope
to complain, it must be bad.

Well, I'm... I'm glad to help.
Thank you.

Hey, guys, you made it. I wish
you'd seen a smoother rehearsal.

The whole point is to free myself
from the gilded cage and then fly.

So much for my theme.

On the brighter side, it doesn't
look like you're hurting today.

Mmm. It comes and it
goes, but it is a k*ller.

I mean it, like someone is stabbing
me from the inside of my neck.

May I take a look?

Okay, stick out your tongue.

I wonder if you might have a foreign
body in your posterior pharynx.

It's not that kind of place.

Uh. I, I... No, I meant, um,
a feather in your throat.

Is it possible that you
may have swallowed one?

Only every show.

Well, I'd like to perform a flexible
laryngoscopy to, uh, find and remove

any possible obstruction. Is there, uh,
maybe an area here with more privacy?

Not really.

Okay, Hope. The cage is fixed.

Oh. And I have to get back to rehearsals.
Um, we have limited time on the stage.

Could I meet you later
on my lunch break?

Oh, yeah. Yes, I can come back. Our lab
next door is undergoing construction. But,

uh, [STAMMERS] we'll
find a quiet place there.

Thank you.

Bye. He's just as
nice as you said.

Well, I, I'd better go.

Sorry, I forgot my bag.

Thank you.

[STAMMERS] I'm just having
trouble following.

Hey, Ev. You wanted
to talk to me?

Uh, yeah, hold on one sec. You're
saying I need a CON if I am an AFC?

Is that what you're saying?

Yeah. You're talking to a guy who loves
acronyms here, but OMFG, man. This is...

Yeah, I got that one.
Thanks a lot.

How important are MRls?

They're up there.


So, Emma got home pretty late last night.
Have you met any of her friends?

No. Why?

Well, I'm just curious. You know, all
of a sudden, she's out every night.

I kind of wonder
what she's doing.

She's fine.
She's just being a kid.

You remember all the crazy
stuff we got into back then?

We turned out okay. Crazy stuff?
Like what kind of crazy stuff?

Like lots of things.
Yeah? Like what?

Like what? Um. Car-sledding after
the first big storm of the year.

Oh, yeah.

That was fun. That was pretty crazy.

Dave Schonoveld's party. We set his
oven on fire. That was awesome.

Oh. Remember Brandon
Seapley's pool?

What about it?

When we went skinny-dipping.

No, I... I wasn't there.

Yes, you were. Remember?
Brandon Seapley.

He was the only person
we knew who had a pool?

It wasn't nearly warm enough
to go swimming yet.

His family was gone for the weekend, so
it was our only shot, so we went for it.

We jumped the fence.
Hurry up before someone sees.

We were having a great time. Man, I had
the best cannonball. Like, the best.

Yours was decent. You taught me everything.
But I far surpassed you.

Mine was the stuff of legend.
All technique.

HANK: Evan, it wasn't me.

EVAN: Yes, it was, Henry. You
were totally there. Trust me.

So, we were in there, having a great time.
Then, Mr. Seapley came home.

What the hell are
you kids doing?

He was, yelling at us.
We were like, "Oh!"

We were scrambling to
get out of the pool,

grabbed our clothes and he was chasing us.
We were laughing our heads off

even though we were terrified
'cause the guy was crazy.

It was the best day ever.

It sounds like a great day.
I wasn't there.

Of course you were.

No, I wasn't.

Henry. Whatever.
Anyway, simpler times.

Now, I'm dealing with government
bureaucrats and their MRI regulations.

Which is... It's kind of what
I wanted to talk to you about.

Uh, it's not totally what I wanted
to talk about. But it's, uh...

definitely adjacent to it.

Oh, Divya's here and we've got to get to
a follow-up. Uh, can we talk tonight?

How about dinner? You know? That way we
can really talk. Catch up on everything.

Yeah, sure. Okay, great.
I'll see you later.


You're just in time for my
Frisbee golf game!

Ah, nice! I used to
love Frisbee golf.

Hey, you want to tee off?

Remember, we are here for
your follow-up. Yes.

Oh, yeah. I'm not
huge into schedules.

So, all of your tests were normal. Have
you been able to taste anything yet?

Not yet. But I'm working on it.
Hey, you thirsty?

I'll wait until happy hour.

Oh. I thought it
was happy hour.

No, it's not. Are you disoriented or are
you just not big into clocks either?

Hard to say. Both?

Um, can, can you
have a seat, please?

Uh, can you hand me the
rapid sodium test? Yes.

Billy, we need to check the
salt levels in your blood.

I'm getting plenty of salt.

Yeah, I see that. And it looks
like you're craving it, too.

Uh, I need your finger, please.

There you go.

And just hold that down. See, cerebral salt
wasting can be caused by electrical injuries.

Normal is 135.

Yours is dangerously low.

Doesn't seem that low.

Salt levels are sensitive. Even a
small variation can be a threat.

Let's start him on IV fluids.

May I have your arm?

Okay. Good. Thank you.

Right there.

See, the problem is
that water follows salt.

So, if you lose the salt in your body, you
lose the fluid and become dehydrated.

This Solu-Cortef should help your fluid balance.
Sorry, no more drinks and no more salt.


Part of the job description.

You're helping
me out and I'm grateful.

But you do have a serious,
responsible vibe going on.

He's always been like that.

You should look into the
happiness principle.

Uh, I'm sorry. The what?

Keep an open mind.

Yeah. We buzzkills aren't
exactly known for that.

Happiness is the point
of everything.

Well, that makes sense to me.

It didn't always make
sense to me.

I have four older brothers and they
all used to be fun, crazy, and happy.

Then they grew up. One by one, I watched
them become cranky, ulcer-ridden,

serious professionals.

I couldn't do it.

Life is too short.

So, I sought happiness instead.

And I found it.

I can play Frisbee
golf though, right?

Absolutely not.

We need to restore your
sodium slowly and carefully.

Yeah. Too much too fast can lead
to central pontine myelinolysis.

Right. Yeah. What's that?

Acute paralysis. So, Billy, you
need to take this seriously.

All right. You've got
my attention now.

Good. I'm glad to hear it.

What happened?
We had a party.

Everybody came. So, there was a
lot of foot traffic out here.

Out here? The rug
was [STAMMERS] outside?

It's been out here for a while.
Indoor l outdoor living, you know.

Mmm-hmm. Um. You probably
didn't realize, but

hand-knotted rugs can take
entire lifetimes to weave.


I remember when your grandmother
bought this at auction.

It dates back to the latter part
of the reign of Shah Tahmasp.

In 1565.

Yeah, that's part of the problem.
Aesthetically, we're a little more modern.

Not that the 1560s weren't a good time.

Was, was this a gift from
your grandmother?

In a way. She died and we
inherited the rug. And the house.

Which is nice, for what it is.

But eventually, we want to replace
everything with more contemporary furniture

and the rug just won't fit in.

I'm sure we can get you a
substantial price for it.

No, we'll store it. But we just
thought we should repair it first.

Well. We know a rug restoration
specialist whose work is like magic.

So, when the MRI gets here,
we've got to get two letters.

One from the architect and one from the
engineer, just to get it certified.

So, what I was thinking...

The inspector came this morning.


We got approved
before installation?

Pre-approved. Don't worry about it. Look
at that. Already open for business.


Do you remember what you were
doing when the pain began?

Nothing. It just happened. I was talking
to the stage manager about the cage and...

Ugh. It's just so awful.

I can give you
something for that.

I just need to do a culture first to
check for infections. Open wide, please?


All right. This will ease the pain as well
as help with any discomfort from the scope.

All right. Chin up
towards me a little bit.

Thank you.

And if you could just
try to breathe

normally through your nose.
That's it.

Oh, hello, Divya. This is Hope.
Nice to meet you, Hope.

I don't see an obstruction. The
cultures will give us more information.

So, I'll let you
know when we get the results.

Thanks. Come back next door soon. They fixed
the cage, so you'll get the full show.

She seems lovely.

Evan asked me to stop by and
check the progress on the space.

Uh, actually,
I'm glad you're here.

I've been thinking about the
discussion we had last night.

Me, too.

I know that you were trying to
help when you spoke with Hank.

Yes, and I wanted
to help more. So,

I downloaded the current research on
bottle-feeding versus breast-feeding.

it's quite controversial.

Mmm. How thoughtful.

Hello? Ev? Anybody home?

Oh. You must be Hank.
Oh. Yeah. Um. Hello.

I have heard so much
about you. I'm Bob.

Ah. Bob. I've heard
a lot about you, too.

Um. I was just looking for Evan.
We're supposed to have dinner.

Delightful. Well, make yourself at home.
Don't mind me.

I am just here to do
a little bit of gardening.

Um. On their porch?

Wherever there's life, I tend.
I find it very therapeutic.

The natural interaction,
the reward of nurturing.

I've heard that, though I've never done
much gardening myself. No time, I guess.

We caretakers must find time to
take care of ourselves, too.

Well, I like taking care
of people. Always have.


Yeah, I, um... I started pretty early.
But it was good. I learned a lot.

I mean, I missed a few things. Uh.
Actually, Evan was just talking about...

Evan was talking about what?

No, no, no. It was...
It was nothing.

If it's on your mind,
it's not nothing.

I apologize. I can't seem to
turn off the therapist mode.

I am always butting in, being nosy. But I
promise you, it comes from a good place.

Oh, believe me.
I understand the impulse.

So, uh. What do you
think you missed?

Uh. Nothing important, you know?
Just, um, irresponsible things.

Like skipping school or, uh,
getting chased by cops.

Or, uh, going skinny-dipping
in the Seapley's pool.

Why didn't you go?

I didn't have a choice.

Our dad had left us.

My mom was starting
to get pretty sick.

I needed to be there.
And I knew that.

Hank! Hank!
Oh, my God, Hank.

HANK: But I also knew I needed to protect
Evan from it for as long as I could.

Me, Matty and Daniel. We went
skinny-dipping in Brandon's pool.


It was awesome!

I guess it's been on my
mind more than I realized.


I think I'm falling into old habits. You
know, I thought I needed to protect Evan.

And now I'm doing the
same thing with Emma.

Your sister.

Yeah, I just can't let
her be a teenager.

Maybe it's because I don't
know what that means.

And I wish I did.

Mmm, I understand.

Maybe you will.

What do you think of these two?

I want to give Ray
a few choices.

A client like Ray doesn't want choices. Just
tell him you've found the perfect piece.

And then make sure you do.

Got it.

This really is the
best partnership, isn't it?

Oh, God. You're going to turn into
a Hallmark card again, aren't you?

No, I'm just... I'm just
saying we're in this together.

And I like it.

Me, too. Now
get back to work.

Oh. What did you hear from
the rug restoration guys?


It was deemed beyond repair.


Those entitled twits, didn't just damage it,
they held a perfect beauty in their home.

And then they ignored her, tortured
her and finally m*rder*d her.

They aren't the Rosewills,
they're the Mansons.

The Mansons of antique rugs.


It's heartbreaking.

We should plot our revenge on
the House of Rosewill.

We can replace it
with polyester shag.

Faux leopard.

Metallic flokati.


Hey, Bob. Come on in. Hey.

Thank you so much for coming.

I couldn't miss a chance to
see the infamous HankMed HQ.

You know, I really feel I get a
better sense of you and Paige

the more I see of
your lives in action.


Speaking of.
Oh, Paige? She's not here.

This isn't really a marriage
crisis so much as a me thing.

Oh. Well, uh, why don't you have a seat?
Tell me what's on your mind.

All right.

I overheard Hank talking
to you last night.

Were his revelations
surprising to you?

Yes and no. I always knew he
stepped up, obviously.

Uh, I never really thought about
how much he missed though.

He took to it so well, I just
assumed it was baked into his DNA.

Like he was born to be the adult
and I was born to be the kid.

Do you still feel like the kid?

Sometimes. Like with
this lab thing.

I keep thinking, "What
would Hank do?"

I think that a lot actually.
"What would Hank do?"

I rely on him.

And he relies on you.

Yeah, he does.

You're an adult now.

Maybe it's Hank's turn to
be the kid, so to speak.


I didn't think I'd see you.

Uh, I know. I'm late.
You sounded upset.

I was just complaining to my
friend about my work schedule.


I speak a little Spanish.
I heard you say "immigration."


If you're having trouble, maybe I
could help. I could do some research.

That's very sweet, but I don't
want you to handle it.

You can listen and
tell me I can handle it.

You can handle it.

A quick study.
And you speak Spanish.

I'm impressed.

Sorry you missed my shift. You're going to
have to order a sandwich for Andy instead.

Oh, I'm not staying. I just... I
stopped by to say hello to you.

I have to give Hope her test results.
Is she okay?

Yeah, it's. That's... That's confidential.
I can't tell you that.

In fact, I shouldn't have told
you that I was seeing her.

Or that she had tests.

Oh, that's okay. Don't tell me. I'll
follow you and Hope will tell me.

Billy? Hey.
What's going on?

People just started showing up.

I have an open door policy.

Yeah, well, what happened to
taking things seriously?

I was feeling better. I was. But now, I
feel heavy. Like my arms weigh 100 pounds.

DIVYA: His sodium
levels are stable.

Okay, I don't
want to take chances.

We should do an MRI to make
sure there's no demyelination.

Sorry, but I think
you need a buzzkill.

Uh, all right, everyone. Excuse me. Your
attention? Party's over. Time to go.

Uh, that is, if you want to beat the cops.
Who are coming now.

There we go. Thank you.


I can't move. Am I paralyzed?

Okay, stay calm. I promise
I didn't have any salt.

Weak and thready. Billy.
Billy, are you with us?

He must be in neurogenic shock.

Uh, call 911.

His blood is pooling in his limbs.
He could go into cardiac arrest.

I need towels and belts.

Excuse me? Guys, can I ask you to get up?
Thank you.

Hey, will bungee cords work?
Yeah. It's perfect.

If we tie off Billy's
extremities, we can keep

the blood centralized
near his heart.

That doesn't guarantee we'll get
enough back into his circulation.

No, but it's the only
chance we have.

We should elevate his feet.

Good thinking.




She looks well. No pain.
That's a good thing, right?

So, those test results all
came out very positive.

Or I guess that
would be negative.

Well, I... I still
can't tell you.

She doesn't seem to be moving her head too
aggressively. Nor does she seem to have any

tightening in her neck.

You're the only person in the room
that's looking at Hope's neck.

Did you just see her yawn?

She works crazy hours.

Then, that brought on her pain.

I think I know what she has.

What does she have?

I don't think that's part of
her act. Excuse me.


Hope. Oh, God, is she okay?

She's bradycardic.


Hope, is all your
pain on one side?

It feels like... Ow.

What's happening?

Hope's heart rate is extremely low due to
an exaggerated vagoglossopharyngeal reflex.


The pain in her neck was caused by an
irritation of the ninth cranial nerve,

which is now affecting
her heart rate.

This will bring her
heart rate back up.

What are...

An injection in her
neck will fix her heart?

Yes. Lidocaine into the carotid
sinus increases heart rate.

Okay, good. She's awake. Hope?
Hope, are you okay?

I don't know. Am I?

Yes. Um, her heart
rate is rebounding.


So, Billy, your MRI confirmed cervical
ascending edema, swelling working its

way up your spinal cord.

It was caused by your electrical shock.
But the edema is reversible.

And you should see it resolve
over the next six weeks.

Okay. Time to punch out.
I can stay.

No, no, no. I've got
you covered. Go.


This was a close one, right?

It was a close one.

Maybe I do need to
be more responsible.

Around electricity? Yeah.

I can feel that vibe again. Huh?
You want to tell me to grow up?

Actually, my advice is don't
grow up too fast.


In fact, maybe I could learn a thing
or two from your happiness principle.

Hmm. So, how long do
I have to stay here?

Uh, three or four nights.

Five is better. My next house-sitting
gig doesn't start until next week.


If I give you the keys to Piper's
place, can you put them under

the planter by the back door?

Yeah, sure. Happy to help.
Excellent. Thank you. Oh.

Yeah, maybe not. Yep.
Thank you.

Hey. I can taste it.

Nice. Enjoy.

Oh, my gosh. I am so sorry.
I almost knocked you over.

I'm out of it today.

Is everything all right?

Yes, I'm fine. I've just got to get home.
See Sashi. But I do hate leaving a patient.

How is the patient?
The patient is fine.

Hank has it under control.

I am the one out of control.
Completely out of control.

I really thought that going
part-time would give me balance,

but I seem to be
scrambling even more.

I really want to be a good mom to Sashi.
She deserves everything.

But I love my work, too.

Three years ago, this
business was my dream.

I sacrificed so much for it.

I always give 100%
to everything.

But how do I give 100% to Sashi
and my job, all at the same time?

I know.

You're going to tell me that it's
a statistical impossibility.

No. Uh, not in your case.

Your parents thought that your
career would be impossible.

And the doctors said that your
pregnancy would be impossible.

And now, you think that
managing it all is impossible.

But I know you. You can handle this.
All of it.

Thank you.

I needed that.
You're welcome.



I brought some things for Hope. How is she?
You can tell me now, right?

She gave you permission.

Uh, yes. She'll...
She'll be all right.

I still don't quite
understand what happened.

Uh, Hope has glossopharyngeal neuralgia,
which is caused by a compression of a nerve.

The ninth cranial nerve?

Uh, yes. Good memory.

The surgeon will decompress the nerve
and, uh, her pain episodes will cease.

So, no more neck injections.

Is that your car?

It's one of them. The other
one is being serviced.

Okay. Wow.

Thanks again.

See you at the restaurant.


I've got to go.

Hey, listen.

So, you probably
noticed I didn't say much

about the HankLab
at dinner last night.


That's just because
there isn't much to say.

I'm all over it. Okay? It will
be finished by next week.

You've got nothing
to worry about.

Sounds great. I knew I
could count on you. Cool.

Uh, listen. I will be right back. I've just
got to put these keys under some planter.

Whoa. Wait.

There's no one home?

Do they have a pool?

That's not happening.

Come on, Henry. Come on.
Live a little.

No, it's a bad idea.

That's the point.

BOTH: Yeah!

This is awesome!

I told you.


Race you to the shallow end?

Done, son.
All right.

On your mark, get set...
Yeah, yeah.

Hey. That's cheating.
You're a cheater.

Said the loser.
Because you're a loser.

Hey, come on.
That was not fair.

Oh, yeah? How is this? Is that fair? Is
that fair? You can't even splash well.


I thought the house-sitter
was in the hospital.

Yeah. He is.

So who turned the lights on?

Oh, boy. Oh, boy.


Is that Jack Piper?

What's going on?
Who are you?

Uh. I'm... I'm Hank.
This is Evan.

Get the hell out of my pool!

If you're not out of there by the time I get
down, I'm going to kick both your heads in.

Okay. Okay. Race you to the car?
Yeah, let's race to the car!

Ah! Go, go, go!

Ahhh! Bye! Good to
meet you! Ahhh!

You were absolutely
right about Ray.

I showed him the demilune sideboard
with the tambour door and he loved it.

Nice choice.
It was on the Bonham list.

Where's their book?

It's in my study.
I'll get it in a minute.

Which one's the study?

The door on the right.

Don't go digging around up there.
The place is a mess.

Yeah, I'm calling Hoarders.

You find it?


I love it! Yeah! I still
can't believe you did that.

I can't believe Jack
Piper has our clothes.

Where have you two been? I have been
worried sick. And where are your clothes?

Oh, no. This is what we wore out. This
is just kind of how we dress now.

Awesome. I don't want to know. Um, I'm going
to go and hang out with some friends.

I assume you want a full accounting of
everyone's names and ages and 401 K plans?

Actually, no. I just want
you to have fun.

I want you to be a teenager.

Uh... Seriously?

Seriously. I mean, I'll still
be waiting up, no matter what.

Look, just take pity on me,
will you? I can't help myself.

Okay. I'll consider it.

Thank you.

Wow. It's nice being the
older, wiser siblings.

Yeah. It is nicer.

So, tomorrow, we toilet paper Hamptons
Heritage. Yeah, we do! Yeah, we do!

HANK: Top of the stairs!