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06x10 - Good Air/Bad Air

Posted: 04/24/24 16:33
by bunniefuu
HANK: Previously on
Royal Pains...

Hello, Hank.

Hi, Charlotte.

I need rugs. Tables.
Pictures. The works.

Paige found us a new patient.
Ray Mazzarino.

The mob guy?

HankMed's looking to grow,

and we're having trouble
finding the right space.

Let's make this easy.

Do it as partners.

I'm sorry Cinco hasn't
answered any of your texts.

EMMA: There's nothing else
to talk about.

Cinco is over me,
and I am over him.

EVAN: Why would Oz want to
make Hank look bad?

PAIGE: What did you hear from
the rug restoration guys?

It was deemed beyond repair.

PAIGE: I know it's hard to
send the rug back.

I'm proud you could let go
and that we can start fresh.

Not quite. [CHUCKLES]

What do you mean?

I've been thinking about
your immigration hearing.

I want to help any way I can.

Sounds like Jeremiah
hired you a lawyer.

Would that be a problem?

I thought I was
doing the right thing.

I need you to move out.

Well, next week
can't come soon enough.

I'm glad everything at work is going well.
And I miss you, Charlotte.

A lot.

Yeah, well, I can't wait.

Okay, fair point.
I will wait for that.


Uh, okay.
I... I gotta go.

Um, yeah, no, no.
Uh, me too.

Say it to her.
Say it.

I love you, Charlotte!
Okay, bye.

Thank you so much.
Really. Very helpful.

You can say I love you to her
in front of me, you know.

I would never make fun of that.

You just made fun of that.

I totally did.

Oh, never mind. Continue to
hide your emotions from me.


Is Emma home?

Uh, closing up at the
Flying Point.

Then probably hanging
out with Cinco.

It's nice to see her
fitting in here, you know?

Making her own way,
working hard, just like us.

She's a good kid, huh?

Wait, why are you here so late?

'Cause Paige is...
Paige is working late.

At, uh, Ray's house.



Speaking of the
love of my life...

Hey babe, I love you
so much. I can do it.

Oh. You're amazing.

Huh? He what? Paige.

Okay, just try to stay calm. I'm with
Hank right now. We're on our way, okay?

What's wrong?

Let's go.


I never should
have mentioned it.

You were doubled over.
I had to call them.

Okay, Ray, have a seat.
I can walk.

No, it's hospital
policy. Tell him, Hank.

You can walk.

What you can't do is work until
midnight and ignore abdominal pain.


You've recently been
diagnosed with PSC.

You need to take it easy.
Not run all over town.

And back and forth to Jersey.

Yeah, well, I'm a sl*ve
to business, Evan,

just like you.

I figured a perk of getting
into the medical profession

would be avoiding hospitals.

Well, in this case,
you figured wrong.

You've developed an
infection that could damage

your liver and bile ducts.
Come with me.

You need a paracentesis to drain the
fluid from your abdominal cavity

under ultrasound guidance.

None of us understands
Hank when he talks like this.

Just trust him.

If you don't get treated
promptly, this could k*ll you.

Stay the night, I'll get
you scheduled ASAP.

I understand that.
Shouldn't be a problem,

as long as the
ER isn't too crazy.


Whoa, uh, mass cal?

Restaurant fire.
Flying Point.

Flying Point.
I'll call her.

Three first and second degree burns...

...four smoke inhalations,

one ankle fracture
jumping out of a window.

Okay. Uh, Rose?
Have you seen my sister?

Her name's Emma Miller.
I haven't, no.

EVAN: Hey.
HANK: Hey.

Hey. I'm okay.

Oh, okay.
Okay, good.

Whew! Are you sure you're not hurt?
Yeah. Yeah.

What were you
doing there so late?

I thought that joint
closes at 11:00.

Sometimes the wait staff
plays poker after hours.

We, uh, smelled smoke
coming from the kitchen,

and a couple of guys
ran in there to check it out,

but it was already up in flames.

[SIGHS] I'm just glad you're safe.
So scary.

Let's get you cleaned up.

Wasn't there a fire alarm?
Isn't that the law?


Look, sometimes the objective
of a business burning

is to make sure it burns down.


Oh! Um, who are you?

Who are you?

I live here.

That would make two of us.

Wait. You're Boris?

You seem dubious.

Sorry. You're just
not what I expected.

You thought I'd be older.

I thought you'd be scarier.

I see.

Boris, what a surprise.

I see you've met Emma.


Nice to meet you.
You as well.

Emma's the sister
I told you about.

It turns out Eddie...

Yeah. Eddie. Enough said.

Hank, I've come to
ask you a favor.

Ask or require?




Shall I come back?

No, no. I'm sorry. It's from,
uh, it's from Charlotte.

You remember, from Monaco?

Charlotte is back
in the picture?

She is.

Perhaps my request
is untimely then.

No, please. She's gone for another week.
What do you need?

Well, the results from the
clinical trial were so positive

that the double blind study
has been suspended.

The new drug can now be
given to all participants.

That's good news.

Yeah. Except... [SIGHS]

The trial has run out of funds.

So Marisa and I have
taken over this next phase.

Marisa's with you?

No. She's in Russia
evaluating, uh,

someone with the
same genetic marker.

And I've just been contacted
by a potential candidate

in Argentina.

You want me to go to Argentina.

We would go together.
Just for a few days.


Would it help if I said please?

Your jet or mine?

End of a journey.

Once this final item is
returned to its rightful owner,

your conscience will be clear.

But the work has just begun.

I know. This is only the first step.
The bigger hurdle...

[SIGHS] ...will be proving I'm
worthy of your trust again.

We'll get there.


Okay. Say your goodbyes.

They disowned you

when they learned you
weren't created for a tsar.

But I will always remember you
as nothing less than Faberge.

MONA: No, no, no, no,
no, no, no!

How many times do
I have to tell you?

You do not work on
this property unless

you are wearing the
proper staff uniform. Go!

Russel Berger!
What brings you here?

A terrible mistake.

Hi, Miss Nguyen. I'm Paige
Lawson, Russel's new partner.

We recently dis... During
last summer's appraisal,

one of your items was

lost in the shuffle.

I've come to return your egg.

Oh! I thought
the maid stole it.

I couldn't believe what I
got on the insurance claim,

considering it's not Imperial.

But still an exquisite piece.

We'd like to apologize to
your maid for the confusion.

To Wendy? You can't.
I fired her.

So, speaking of hurdles...

Let's go find Wendy.

EVAN: To characterize
Hank as some kind of

teen drug-pusher
party doc, it's libelous!

We should sue him. We should,
or them, or whatever Oz is.

Look, I don't like it either,

but any attention
you bring to this guy

is just gonna
build his audience.

Yeah. Hank's right. Oz thrives
on this kind of stuff.

Besides, today's news is
all about last night's fire.

"The Flying Inferno." "Where will
the teen elite go to brunch?"

You know, rumor has it the
place was torched on purpose.


All right.
I'm outta here.

Wish me luck on the job search.

Good luck on the job search.

HANK: All right.
So, uh, first up,

apologies for asking you
guys to cover for me

while I help Boris this weekend,

but Jeremiah assured me
we were pretty light.


So we're already losing business
to this stupid Snark bite?

No, statistically, week 24
is always light for us,

falling in the trough between
Memorial Day and July 4th.

And the percentage of patients...
Thank you, Jeremiah. Thanks.

So I added a patient
to the end of the day.

Uh, Divya, you and Jeremiah should be
able to handle it on your way home.

Actually, you should know that Sashi and
I are no longer living at Jeremiah's.

What? When did
that happen?

I'm staying at my
father's home for now.

But I'll be happy to
help with the patient.

That won't be necessary.
I'd rather do it alone.

Jeremiah, I know
that you blame me.

I... I don't want
to discuss it.

Okay. So, something's
going on that...

I was trying to
look out for you.

Viviana never asked
me for anything.

I'm sorry. Viviana?

I know that you cared about her,

but I was afraid
she was using...

We've already had
this conversation.

You're wrong.
You don't know her.

Since you meddled,
she won't accept my help,

and now she will be deported.

That is your fault.

Don't worry, this won't
affect HankMed at all.

Okay. Moving on.

This is nice.

Wendy found another job with
quaint living quarters.

If she's busy, we can just
leave this on her doorstep.

No. You need to apologize
to her directly

for indirectly
getting her fired.

What did you bring her anyway?

It's an uncut star ruby crystal

from the Luc Yen
region of Vietnam.

And where exactly
did you get it?

Relax, it's from my
personal collection.

Which I paid for.


We can help her auction it
off if she needs the money.



Look, I already told
the insurance people,

I never stole that pretty
egg, or anything else.

Yeah. We know.

I'm Paige and this is Russel.

We called because
we found the egg.

We just returned it
to Miss Nguyen.

Uh, which is when we found out
about your wrongful termination.

Oh. Thank you.

But you'll never get that
woman to admit she was wrong.

Well, we all know the truth,

and we're glad to see you
found a new job here.

Oh. I don't work here.

My sister is this
family's nanny.

This is her cottage.

I live in Queens now.


Were you able to
find another job?

Yes, I'm even in a union now.

The Passenger Service Workers.

[CHUCKLES] Congratulations.
A step up.

So you're here for a visit.

I have the flu. My sister insisted
that I stay here and rest.

I'm so glad you have someone
to take care of you.

Oh. Not this weekend.

The family got invited
to Martha's Vineyard

and they took my
sister with them.

But they were nice enough
to let me stay. So...


Well, hopefully this will

help make you feel better.

Oh. Don't get too close.

I've been like this for over a
week and I don't know what I have.


We should have
someone take a look.

PAIGE: Great idea.

Hey there.


about that, uh, staff meeting.

What about it?


Clearly, uh, some stuff went
on between you and Divya.

Right? And she, she seemed
pretty upset about it. So...

You know she adores you, right?

Isn't she, like, your
closest friend?

I don't want to
talk about Divya.


Uh, yeah, that's personal,
I get it. Um, all right.

Well, if you, if you
wanna talk...

I do.

I want to talk about Viviana.

Oh, okay.

How do I get her back?

She wants nothing to do with me.

Believe it or not,

that is how Paige
and I started out.

But I just didn't give up.

Don't give up.

Didn't you mention she had,
like, an immigration problem?

That's a perfect
opportunity right there.

You, you, you slay that
dragon, you win her heart.

She doesn't want my help.

So help her without
her knowing it.

Then when she finds out it was you,
you'll look generous and selfless.

Bam. Win-win.

HANK: It can't have
been all your fault.

It's all my fault.

I really believed
Viviana was using him.

Using him. How?

For his money?
For a green card?

I don't know. But you know how
vulnerable Jeremiah can be.

Listen, I'm sure you
had good intentions.

Maybe you just went about
it in the wrong way.

Hmm. I certainly did.

And I feel terrible.

You saw how much I hurt him.

How angry he was.

Look. Honestly, I didn't
know Jeremiah had it in him.

But he made a strong case
for this Viviana person.

I have to try to fix things
with him and apologize to her.

Okay. You know
what I think?

Jumping into things
caused this mess.

Maybe you should just stay out
of it until Jeremiah cools down.

This one goes upstairs,
first room on the left.

Uh, Ray?
One sec.

You just got home
from the hospital.

This is the opposite of resting.

I know, I know.
But Paige put a rush

on deliveries for the house

when she found out Olivia might
be coming out this weekend.

Oh, your wife's coming?

Finally, yeah.

You'll see, she's real.
I didn't make her up.

That's great.

You're right. I need to stay
out of Jeremiah's business.


I've never really been
good at doing nothing.

In fact, I already did
a little something.

Oh, boy.
I know. I know.

I can't help myself.

Maybe I should just get far, far
away before I do any more damage.

Maybe you should.

Doesn't Sashi have a grandmother

just outside Buenos Aires
who she's never met?

She does, but I can't...

You can. You can.
The schedule's light.

There's plenty of
space on Boris' jet.

You said it yourself, time away
from this whole mess will be good.

For everyone involved.

My Skype sessions with Rafa's
mother have been great.

And I do want Sashi to get to
know all sides of her family.

You're right. We are in.

Love it.
I'm all yours.

Okay. Lie down before
you change your mind.

Okay. So, Ray, we're gonna
test for shifting dullness

to see if any fluid's built back
up in your abdomen. [SIGHS]

Here we go.


Sounds hollow.

Hollow again.
Yep. Good news.

No fluid.

Finish the course of antibiotics
you're on, and you should be fine.

See? Like I said,
I'm fine.

Okay. So, the list of emergency
numbers is next to the phone.

But your first call
should probably be to...

Evan. If I need anything,
I will call Paige and Evan.

That's what I'd do.
But please...

Don't worry. I won't
tell him you said that.

Wow. You really are becoming
a member of our family.

I'm really sorry about that
photo of you on SnarkHampton.

I mean, you were only there
because I called you for help.

Oh, please.
Don't feel bad.

That had nothing to do with you.

Look, gossip in the Hamptons changes
faster than the stoplights.

This whole photo thing will
blow over soon, I promise.

Now we're screwed.

Cinco's parents are
suing HankMed.


You know that picture of you
sticking a needle into Cinco's ass?

They saw that, now
they're out for blood.

That's crazy.
Hank saved Cinco.

He was drugged
and out of control.

Yeah, I know that.
But thanks to Oz,

they think Hank
did the drugging.

Well, the really bad news
is now we have to call...

Keller. I know. I already did.
He's already on it.

But what if the rest of the Hamptons
starts taking this Oz guy seriously?

This has to stop. You're right.
You're right.

You want me to stick around,
postpone Argentina?

No, no. You,
you go help Boris.

I'll take care of
this sleazebag Oz

and his scum-sucking

They think they can hide behind a
cloak of anonymity. They can't.

I'm gonna find them
and expose them

for the sociopathic
cockroaches they are.

Those snarks are about to
get harpooned. Up high.

Oh, yeah. You go, Ev!

JEREMIAH: How long have
you been feeling sick?

Uh, I've had a fever
for over a week.

I'm sure it's just the flu.

other than the flu.

Let us get you a blanket, Wendy.

And some tea.

Have you had any weight loss?

Um. A couple of pounds.

I haven't had
much of an appetite.

Where are you from originally?

Have you traveled
there recently?

No. Why do you ask?

I'm just ruling out
tropical disease.


Thank you.

I'm going to draw some blood to send
for some studies, including cultures.

You should get plenty
of rest and fluids.

And I'll give you some Tylenol
to bring the fever down.

Thank you, Dr. Sacani.

And thank you, Paige and
Russel, for bringing me here.



I... I can catch
a cab home.

No, no, no. Russel
will take you home.

I will. And stay with you until
your sister gets back to town.

I will?

I mean, yes, of course.




But of course.

Who you work for, or with,

makes all the difference. You had a
suspicious boss and paid the price.

While I've always loved my job,

surrounded by the rare
and the beautiful,

now I realize

what I treasure most
is my partnership with Paige.

That is truly unique
and irreplaceable.

She seems really nice.



Oh, don't get up.

How is Wendy doing?
I came by to follow up.

Thank God.
She's still feverish.

And my nose won't stop bleeding.

RUSSEL: You poor thing.
She's very stoic.

I tried tilting my head back and
stuffing my nose with tissue.

Nothing works.

Are my gums bleeding?

Let me take a look.

Chin up, please.

Thank you.

That's it.
Oh my.

Can you make that stop?

I'm gonna spray your nose
with a vasoconstrictor.

Inhale sharply.


I'm also going to apply lidocaine
with epinephrine to your gums

to constrict the vessels
and stop the bleeding.


Your fever has spiked to 102.

The cultures haven't come back yet, but the
other blood work shows thrombocytopenia.

It's low platelet count,
which explains the bleeding.

What could have caused that?

I'll check for a Vitamin K
deficiency, or clotting disorders.

But I'm going to give you
antibiotics prophylactically.

You'll need to have someone
continue watching you.

I'm your man.

Can you let Paige know
I volunteered?

RAY: Just take care of it.

Look, don't make my doctor write me a
prescription to stay off the turnpike.

You're finally taking
care of yourself.

That's great.
You know what?

I'll finish the HankLab payroll.

Why don't you just go relax?

Actually, I have to head
over to the restaurant.

Well, that's not
really relaxing.

Now that The Flying Point's burned
down, my place is gonna blow up.

Not literally. You don't
do that to your own place

unless it's
absolutely necessary.

I'm kidding.
Too soon? Huh?


Yeah, it's probably too soon.

It sounds like what you need to worry
about isn't restaurants exploding,

it's HankMed imploding.

What are you gonna do about
this SnarkHampton business?

Don't worry, I'm handling it.
It's just,

I gotta figure out who Oz is
before Hank gets back. That's all.

Yeah, but how are
you gonna do that?

Well, if you right-click the photo
and select "Inspect element",

it should reveal
the source code.

But the site's registered via
proxy, so the only name I can find

is the great and powerful Oz.

Well, I'm not so
good with computers.

But if you want to pull back
the curtain, I know a guy.

No, that's okay. I...

Well, he's like Eddie Snowden,

only he hasn't had
to move to Russia. Yet.

I had a partner try
to disappear on me.

He tracked him down in 24 hours.
Sneaky bastard.

Hey. I found the perfect
place for the amphoras!

What, you're doing
flowers now, too?

No. Amphoras. You know, those
big Grecian jugs you liked?

Oh, right, the jugs.
Yeah, the jugs.

Which reminds me, uh,
I need to order flowers.

Oh, no, no. I'll take care of it.
RAY: Thank you.

When Olivia walks in, I want to
literally sweep her off her feet.

You mean figuratively.

Literally would mean she would
actually get lifted off the ground.

No. I know what I mean.

Let's go see those jugs of yours.


Amphoras. Exactly.

Don't worry about that Oz.
We'll get that guy.


We're here.
We're here.




Hello, Lorena.

You are even more
lovely in person.

Oh, I thought you'd
never arrive.

I kinda felt the same.


Such a long trip with an infant.


Did you sleep?
You must nap.

Sashi and I slept on the plane.
Kind of.

Mariosa. I feel
at home here.

Yeah. I can see why.
It reminds you of Cuba.



Gentlemen, welcome. I am Tobias,
and this is my son, Jakob.

I'm sorry I wasn't
here to greet you.


It's my fault.
I wanted to come riding.


Uh, this is my physician whom
I spoke about, Dr. Lawson.

You can call...
He will insist on Hank.

Mucho gusto.
It's nice to meet you.

[SIGHING] Oh. Well,

as you can see, I am most
eager for your miracle drug.

I can't let this boy outpace
his father just yet. Huh?

Well, then, let's begin the exam,
since Jakob doesn't look like a boy

who will agree to stop
growing any time soon.


Hey, when does Bob get back
from his silent retreat?

Um, Wednesday?


Do you think he can
take calls from there?

Technically, I bet he could take
a call, he just couldn't speak.

Oh, I have to work late tonight.

I'm putting the finishing
touches on the house.

Okay. Whose house?



You okay?

Uh, you've been working
that job for so long now.

Like, can't Russel
just finish it?

Russel's busy redeeming himself.

I don't want to interrupt that.

And I like helping Ray.

I mean, let's not forget
he basically launched

Berger and Lawson by
becoming our first client.

Oh, I remember.

He also saved
my ass with HankLab.

We owe him.

Yeah, that's what I'm afraid of.

EMMA: Anybody home?

PAIGE: Hey, guys.

She's so Missouri.
She just, like, walks in.

She's family.
Rules don't apply.

[SIGHS] Which can be a good
thing, just not in our case.

I told Cinco and Parker
about their parents' lawsuit.

They said they can
get them to drop it.

CINCO: Which doesn't
guarantee they'll listen.

They've never met an issue
they didn't want to litigate.

You said that
if you enlisted Parker

that they would...

If we double-team it,
they might back off.

So it'll go away.

That's great.

Emma, it's so sweet of you to
worry about your brothers.

Well, she means it. Emma's
not like other girls.




Okay. So, the good news
is that even though

you've begun to
experience muscle weakness,

your bones aren't affected.

And your mental acuity
is still intact.

I will try to find
the good in that.


I'll run a full blood panel and send
out a sample for the genetic test

to confirm whether or
not you have the marker

for this disease.

When you wrote me that your ancestors
came from the same region of Austria

as some of my family, I thought you
were a likely candidate for the trial.

It's more than
I've dared to hope.

The drug is still experimental.

Early results have been
promising, but you will be...

An Indian rabbit.
A what?

Oh, right, in English
I think you say, uh,

guinea pig.

Yes. Uh, a well taken
care of guinea pig.

And a grateful one,
I promise you.

We never had a name
for what k*lled my father.

We only had family stories of
others who died in the same

very unpleasant manner.

It's a sight I don't wish
for my son to experience.


[SIGHS] Well, it will be a comfort
to at least have a diagnosis,

and the company of others
who share my fate.

It's only the beginning.
My wife Marisa and I

are doing everything we can to

reverse our fate. Yeah.



No. Oh, Mama.

Oh, there is Mama now.

Look. Doesn't she
look rested?

Oh. That is the longest I
have napped in five months.

It's the good air.

Not just Buenos Aires
deserves the reputation.


I hope that Sashi
hasn't been fussing.

My little reina does not fuss.

We had a bath and a little walk.


Sashi, let's show
Mama our new game.


Mmm. Okay.
Let's show Mama.




That was Rafa's favorite.

The beginnings of a polo star.


I lost Rafa's father so early.

I know what it is to
raise a child alone.

It's overwhelming. Even working part-time,
I, I feel like I'm missing out.

There's no one to back you up.

You're so exhausted,
you make silly mistakes.

I know. Recently, I managed
to insult a dear friend,

and now Sashi and I
are homeless.

You're homeless?

Well, we are temporarily
at my father's house.


But I get so emotional now.

I worry that I'm not making
the right decisions.

That I am doing it all wrong.

Such guilt. Are you sure
you're not Catholic?


Hindus would blame bad karma.

Seriously, Sashi has
relatives on four continents.

And I want her to learn all her family
traditions, and someday choose for herself.

I'll start seducing her
immediately with the promise of

handmade lace on her
first communion dress.

Good luck.
My mother's competitive,

and those glittering saris
can turn a girl's head, too.

I better get started.

My fingers can't take
too much needlework.

Arthritis? Yeah, I saw
your knees are hurting.

And my doctor's
pills do nothing.

But that shouldn't stop me.

After labor, what pain compares?


Viviana's hearing
is set for 3:00.

Well, she won't be
expecting you,

but she could
use your expertise.

Oh, and Miss Warren, please don't
tell her that I hired you.

Thank you.
Hey. I got your call.

Did you get Wendy's
other tests back?

They are all negative.

And yet Russel says she's worse.

She's getting confused.

Confused. How?

Well, she keeps saying she has
to take the bus back to Queens.

To Queens?

Doesn't she work at that
estate where I saw her?

No, I, I think she
works at an airport.

At an airport? Doing what?

Something with
passenger services.

We have to get over
there right away.

I think I know what she has.

What? The very first
thing I ruled out.

Malaria. But from
a rare cause.

It's called airport malaria.

You can get malaria
in an airport?

Mosquitoes catch planes, too.

She started shaking a few minutes ago.
I didn't know what to do.

I called 911.

Can you stop this?

I'm gonna give her
Ativan to stop the seizure.

Russel, hold her arm still
so I can get the IV started.


What is happening?




[SIGHING] I will have to
add a loading dose

of anti-malarials
to combat the infection.

The malaria has
gone to her brain.

Is that as bad as it sounds?



Reminds me of Cuba.

You and Marisa danced in the
square and rekindled your romance.

And now you are doing some
rekindling of your own, huh?

Oh, Charlotte and I
are fully rekindled.

Charlotte. I like her.

She's great.
She's better than great.

I miss her.
More than I expected.

After I took her
to the airport, I was...

It's the first time we've been
apart, since we got back together.

And I just... I can't
stop thinking about her.

That is how it starts.

Next thing you know,

you have a family.

It's been hard for you
to watch Tobias and his son.

After my father died,
Hank, I felt, uh,

sealed off in a world that I
do not want for my son.

I want Carlos to

enjoy life,

not just endure it.

Well, anything you, Marisa,
or Carlos ever need,

I will always be there.

Gracias, Hank.

So your blood smear
confirms malaria.

These, uh, blue and violet

shaped crescents
are the malaria parasites.


Doesn't malaria mean bad air?

So, there's malaria in Queens?

Uh, no. I'll
inform the CDC,

but given the

before Wendy's symptoms appeared
and the average lifespan

of a mosquito, I think

the culprit is long dead.

You'll need to finish up your
maintenance dose of chloroquine,

but you'll make a full recovery.

Oh, thank you so much.

Dr. Sacani can contact your
employer to confirm your illness.

Unless you'd rather I call Mona
and get your old job back.

No, thanks.

I was at Mona's
beck and call 24-7,

dealing with her crazy rules.

In fact, I owe you.

Oh. Whatever
do you mean?

If your company hadn't
misplaced that pretty egg,

I would still be working
for that horrible woman.

Don't mention it.

Mmm. Now I know why all the
women in Argentina are so thin.

They leave all the
sweets for their visitors.


Is your arthritis acting up?

I'll be fine.

Oh, let's sit for a bit. I
could certainly use the rest.


Divya, I know how busy you have
been, trying to juggle work,

Sashi, finding a new home,

it's not easy.

And I was thinking maybe
I could help you

by taking care of Sashi.

You are the best, Lorena.

We would love to have
you come to the Hamptons.

No, I meant here, in Argentina.

You could leave Sashi
with me for a while.

She could get to
know her abuela.

And then, I could bring her to you
when your busy season's over.

Lorena, I really am...
And Rafa,

he's hoping to come
to visit in a few weeks.

He could see his daughter.

Your offer is sweet.

But I think we should
probably stick to our plan.

You said how
overwhelmed you feel.

It may be best for Sashi.

I'll discuss a visitation
schedule with Rafa.

And I promise, Lorena, you will
see Sashi again very soon.

As you wish.

Thank you.

You're not mad.

The legal aid lawyer
barely remembered my name.

And then your attorney appeared.

The judge agreed to give
her more time to prepare.

And she thinks we can
fight this and win.


And it's all because of you.

I'm glad I could help.

Jeremiah, we need to talk.


Your friend, Divya.

She thought I was taking
advantage of you.

I don't think I am.

But I haven't been
completely honest.

You haven't?

When I told you I wanted to
become a physical therapist, I...


I didn't mention I've already
been accepted at a school.

In Tulsa.


you'll be leaving the Hamptons?

If I don't get deported, yes.


I should have told you.

No, no, no.

Uh, we were just starting
to get to know each other.

You didn't
owe me an explanation.

I did. And I do.

'Cause you know I like you.

I like you, too.

You're a kind man. And you've
gone out of your way to help me.

I, I should have been clear.

You're clear now.

I hope you win your case.

I will miss it here.

Argentina is captivating.

It is. You should come back.
Share it with your family.

Papa will be unable to send you off.
He cannot leave his bed.

Can you help him?

Where's his bedroom?



We need an ambulance.




If you can hear me,
you're in v-fib.

I'm gonna shock your heart.

Shocks delivered.

Stay calm.
Check responsiveness.

Call for help.

Come on, Tobias! Come on!

So, there's not much left?
Yeah. We're almost done.

Okay. Uh, it's
getting kinda late.

Should I pick up dinner?

Sure, but don't wait for me.

I thought you were almost done.

Is that Evan?
May I?

Passaic. I love
your wife.

The house looks better than
I could have hoped for.

Glad to hear it.

So, listen, my guy hasn't
cracked your website yet,

but he did get the number of the
phone that took that photo.

I'm gonna text it to you.

Okay. Great.


Hey. I'll be home
as soon as I can.

Okay. Love you.
Okay. Babe...

I'm worried, 'cause I feel like...







Why are you calling me?


My mistake.



Ms. Warren.

What happened?

I tripped over the curb in front of
the courthouse. Knocked myself out.

Luckily no concussion
and it's just a sprain.

Oh, you are lucky.

I, I'm very grateful for your
help with Viviana's case.

Oh, no, I'm sorry.

I was on my way in.
I never made it.

You were going to
be my next call.

So, wait.

If you didn't help
Viviana, who did?

But you did get
the judge to delay.

And is that enough time
to prepare her case?

Thank you so much. And
please, send me the bill.

I saw your bags are outside.

Yes, we will miss you.

Sashi, give your abuela a kiss.


I was hoping to avoid this.
I'm afraid you can't leave.

What do you mean?

I've talked to Rafa,

and he loved the idea
of Sashi staying on

so he can see
his little girl here.

I, I'm sorry that...
It isn't possible.

What's impossible

is for a minor to leave the country
without both parents' permission.


Sashi has an American passport.

And I registered her for her
Argentinean passport today.

You did what?

You said you wanted her
to enjoy her heritage.

I'll call Rafa and
clear this up.

he's on a plane now.

Sashi and I will be, too.

I know the system here. You
won't be able to clear customs.

Are you threatening us?

No. Of course not.

My son just wants to
see his daughter.

And you're welcome to stay, too.

I like 'em.

The brocade looks heavy.

Yeah. Yeah. Lose the brocade.

Those aren't the brocade.

Ah. Sorry, boss.

You know, I think I
wanna try the white set.

Strip all this?


Are you kidding?

I am the pillow king
of blanket city.


Just... [g*nsh*t]

Come on, come on, come on.

No, no, no. Don't
move. Don't move.

You've been shot.

It's not me, it's you.