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06x13 - Ganging Up

Posted: 04/24/24 16:35
by bunniefuu
Previously on Royal Pains...

I am purchasing
Hamptons Heritage.

I would like all of you to serve on
the hospital's Board of Directors.

I'm afraid my answer is no.
I'm sorry.

You hired the lawyer. The one
that helped Viviana.

I had to do something to make
up for interfering.

I sold those pictures to

You sold a misleading
picture of Hank.

One that could seriously
damage his reputation.

We need to clear some things up.

Yeah. Yeah, I would love that. That
sounds great. Oh, do you mean right now?

Emma took her new car for a
spin. She didn't come back.

All her stuff is gone.
And so is she.

No new posts on her Twitter,
Instagram, or Tumblr feeds. Anything?

She's not at Cinco's.

Okay. Thank you. Fortunately,
she's not at the hospital either.

Officer Don says he'll
keep an eye out.

What? That's the best
the cops could do?

Well, he also gave
me some advice.

Which was?

Try her social media, any guys she's
been seeing, and the hospital.

I just... I can't
believe I let this happen.

Hank, this is not your fault.

Well, my fault or not, she's gone.
And she's out there all on her own.

Okay. But this is not some helpless
little girl that we're talking about.

Look, take it from a woman who knows a
thing or two about being independent.

Emma is tough, and she will be
fine until she wants to be found.

Thank you. But I still need to
make it right with her.

Hank, when you checked Emma's room,
you missed a spot. She left this.


Actually, it's
addressed to Evan.


What is it? A note?

It's money.



It's the exact amount
I gave her when I...

When you tried to
bribe her to stay.

All right, we need to step
this up a notch, guys. Okay?

What are we going to do?

Let's brainstorm.
How do I do an AMBER Alert?

That's for child abductions.

I'm thinking outside the box.

Stepping back into the box for a
moment, should we call her mother?

I was hoping we'd find her
before having to make that call.

But maybe the time has come.


Hello? Yeah. Uh-huh.

Okay. Thank you
for calling. Bye.

Is she okay?
She's with Dad.

I stand by my question.

He said she's upset, embarrassed,
and made him promise not to tell us

where she is. But she's okay.
She's okay.

Well, I'd love to talk to her myself to find
out. I mean... Could you hear where he was?

Were there any noises, like
trains or a fog horn, or...

Emma's going to be fine.
Until she wants to be found.

Oh, um... Uh, we probably
missed it. Let's forget it.

We should be there.
You should be there.

Thank you very much.

Good news.
I won the case.

Oh! Viviana, that's wonderful!

Yes. Congratulations.

So, now, you can
stay in the Hamptons.

Well, I can stay in the U.S.

Uh, Viviana's moving to Tulsa to
pursue her degree in physical therapy.

Thanks again, Divya, for hiring
me such a fantastic lawyer.

I wish you the best of luck in
everything, Viviana. Truly.

I should go check on Sashi.

You look happy.

[GIGGLES] After our last conversation,
I'm... I'm surprised to see you here.

It's not your fault
I showed up at your bar.

It's not your fault I, uh, kept coming
back, just to see you. And... And...

Fell for you.

That's so sweet.

Uh... I want to thank you for everything.

Uh... Can we
stay in touch?

This doesn't have to
be good-bye, right?

Of course not.



Okay, Sashi, sweetie. Sweetie,
Mommy loves you. Okay, bye.

Bye, bunny.

Are you okay?

Oh, yes, I'm okay.
And ready to move on.

Well, I have a feeling that things
will only get better from here.

Divya Katdare?


Thanks for making my job easy for a change.
They never come to me.

What is it?

Rafa's filed a lawsuit. He is no
longer asking for joint custody.

[SIGHS] Now he
wants sole custody.

I hope that your turning down a seat on
my board of directors was just, uh...

An impulsive reaction.

It was.

And that perhaps you've
had a change of heart.

I haven't.

Boris, we both know I'd end up as more
than just a member of your board.

It's always a slippery
slope with you.

I'm in a very good place right now, and I
just... I don't want to start slipping.

UDO: Two double-espressos.

Oh, I'm fine.
They're both for me, Hank.



Marisa and Carlos got in late. She was
jet-lagged, and he was quite fussy.

Which means you
were up all night.

Yeah. Hank, I'm not buying the
hospital only to advance my research.

I have decided to settle
in the Hamptons for good.

Yeah. I am done. I'm finished chasing things.
I'm finished being away from my family.

I don't want to wait until I get sick to
start moving on with the rest of my life.

And I wish you the best
of luck with all of it, Boris.

I'll still be your doctor, whenever you
need me. But that's all I can offer.


Uh... I'm sorry,
but I need to take this.

I imagine you would.

Yeah, this is Hank. Hey, Paul,
long time. What's up?

It's a pretty fancy
treadmill, dude.

HankMed didn't want to spring
for the one with WiFi, huh?

Great to have you back
in the Hamptons, Paul.

Well, I wish I was here on a social call.
Not to donate a kidney to my brother.

When was his renal
failure diagnosed?

Only a couple of months ago. I had all
the preliminary tests done in Miami.

Pulmonary function, EKG, ultrasound.
The whole nine.

Let's call it eight. The whole
nine would have included

finishing the
pre-donor workup.

Well, my bro just bought a
ridiculous mansion on the water.

So, I figured I'd
rather finish it here.

I take it your brother didn't
go into medicine.

He went into money.
A lot of it.

His hedge fund has more assets
under management than Nicaragua.

Wow. I, uh... I hope he's
your older brother.

Uh. My twin brother.

Oh, my God. You're telling
me there's two of you?

Don't worry. We're fraternal.

Okay, good.

He's older by a whole three
minutes and 12 seconds.

He's always worked hard, and
he used to play even harder.

Like, Van d*ke-style partying?

Oh, please. You think I'm
socially aggressive?

That guy used to make me look like...
Well, like you.

Oh. Thanks for that.

And now his kidney's
paying for it.

Okay, Paul, you are done.


Not much time to work
out in South Beach, huh?

All right. Swab me,

Wait. Didn't you already determine
that you're a DNA match for him?

Oh, there's nothing to match to.

He's refusing the test because he
won't admit he needs a transplant.

So, you're going
to convince him.

That guy doesn't
listen to a word I say.

You're going to convince him.


Well, according to Hank, it's between
him and Boris. And that's it.

Even though I'm his partner.
And his brother. I mean...

And even though this is
a huge opportunity for me.

Being on the board of a major hospital?
Are you kidding me?

I mean, doesn't he realize the doors
that would open? It's like resume gold.

I would finally have a track
record outside of HankMed.

You should explain that to Hank. You
should explain all of that to Hank.

And tell him how you feel.

I feel fine. It's... He's just
not interested, you know?

I'm at peace with it.

It seems like an angry peace.

Look. With everything that's going on.
Hank, Emma, the board...

If you want to keep
talking to Bob...

What? No, I don't. I don't, okay?
I'm talking to you. My wife.

And together, we can
handle anything, right?

That's exactly how I feel.

Okay. So, we agree. Today, we
officially, finally, break up with Bob.

But gently. We both know he's
gotten attached to us.

It's even gotten
a little weird recently.

Everybody decent this time?

Hi, Bob. Come on in.

Fresh tangelo. Paige, your muffins
smell extra amazing this morning.

Ah, thanks. Well, it's
an extra special day.

We are always on the same page.

There's something I want to
talk to you guys about.


Oh. Okay.

Our sessions here together, in a domestic
setting, have been so productive.

I feel it could be a new
model for my practice.

Oh. What do you think
about me joining HankMed?

I think that's a very intriguing idea, Bob.
Very intriguing.

But if you did become a colleague,
we'd probably have to adjust

our therapeutic relationship.

Good point. Right. Otherwise, it
would be a conflict. Right, Bob?

If this comes to pass, I'm sure
we can work out the details.

If there's one thing I hate, it is someone
talking when I'm trying to interrupt them.

Yeah, listen. I overpay you to
give me results, not excuses.

Next time, before you knock up your
wife, take a look at the calendar

and keep earnings
season in mind.

So. You're the doctor my little
brother used to work for.

And you're his twin brother. Older.
By three minutes and 13 seconds.

Paul said three minutes,

[SCOFFS] I'm sure he did.

Danny, nephropathy
is a serious thing.

Your brother's a willing donor,
and he's worried about you.

I'm touched. Why are you
resisting his help?

Because it's a trap.
A trap?

He only wants to give me his kidney because
I fronted him the cash for med school.

He thinks this will
settle him up.

[LAUGHS] You can't
possibly believe that.

Well, it's what I would do. VD's smart.
But you know who's smarter? DVD.

Wow. Uh... Aside from the fact
that you both refer to yourselves

by acronyms and in the third person,
you two are pretty different.

Well, not that different. In fact,
you're a lot like your brother seemed

before I got to know him.

Mmm. A little douchey?

I get that a lot.

I'm crying all the way to bank
I just bought 25% of.


Look. Don't let Paul
worry you, okay?

I have the most expensive
nephrologist in New York.

Yeah. But according to your chart,
you haven't seen him since January.

Well, I'm a busy guy. Ah.

A busy guy with back pain.
How bad is it?

It's not enough to slow me down.

Between that and your swollen ankles, it
looks like the nephropathy is progressing.

Danny, I want to do a full exam,
including a donor-compatibility check,

to see if you and your
brother are a match.

I don't have time for that.

Do you have time for dialysis three days a
week? Because that's where you're headed.

And I'm guessing that would especially
suck during earnings season.

Yeah, Dad, we've left a bunch of messages.
Please call us back.

We just want to talk to Emma.
Thank you.

He's not going to tell
us where she is, is he?

Well, look. Emma's safe. You know? We can't
force him to tell us any more than that.

Speaking of prying information
out of people,

why don't you want to join
Boris' board of directors?

Ev, I... I really
don't feel like...

Please. I just want to

No, you just want to
talk me into it.

No. I... I...

Okay, try me.
I mean it.

Okay. Okay.

With Boris, nothing's ever
as simple as it seems.

I mean, everything is
just a rabbit hole.


And the last thing
I want right now

is to get sucked back into
a hospital bureaucracy.

But that would never happen.
I promise...

And now you're
talking me into it.

Henry... Evan. You don't understand
my relationship with Boris.

This is stuff between me and him.
So, please, just stay out of it.

Wow. Uh... Okay. Consider me out of it.
But, Hank, this is something I need to do.

With or without you. I'm
building a life with Paige now,

and I can't pass up golden
opportunities like this.

Well, I never asked you to pass it up.
And I never would ask.

I know that. And I'm not...


I'm just afraid that what you don't want
and what I really want is about to lead us

in two completely different directions.
And that would be a real shame. Right?

Especially if there was
a way to avoid it.

Or a way to at least, like,
work through it together.

Yeah. Unfortunately,
there's not.

Okay. All right. We should probably be
more focused on Emma right now, anyway.

Yeah. Yeah.

Do you want to go
to Arizona next week?

What? Why?

That's where Dad's book tour
resumes. I figure we just

go out there and casually
bump into Emma.

Uh... I don't know about that.

We just can't let too much
time pass before we see her.

That's how family disagreements
turn into family rifts.

Okay. We could do that. It's just... Dad
told me yesterday his next book signing

was today.

He doesn't have one today.
I think...

Unless he added some dates. He's at
the Corner Bookstore this afternoon.

What? He's in Manhattan?

So, we know where he's staying.

Means we know where Emma is.

There it is.
Good old 2031.

Yep. Wait, wait, wait, wait.
We should have a Plan B.

You bring that up after we drive to
the city and I knock on the door?

Okay. We still have time. Let's just...
We... We don't have time.


Eddie told you where I am? No. No, Emma.
He didn't betray you.

He doesn't even know we're here.

Then how did you find me? Look.
We'll explain everything.

Can we just... Can we come in?

We used to stay here
with Dad when we were kids.

Even though he was spending
money he didn't have.

We always stayed in this suite. And
the burger was always the highlight.

I'm not hungry.

I know how you feel.
I know why you ran away.

Nothing feels worse than
disappointing family.

Trust me, I know. I've been
disappointing Hank for years.

My mom never really expected much of me.
So, I never let her down.

And you guys should be disappointed.
I broke your trust.

Again. I just... I can't believe all
of the stupid stuff I did this summer.

I was just so
desperate to fit in.

Wow. Well, no one gets that last
part better than I do. But, Emma,

you've made us proud way more
than you've let us down.

Proud of how smart and determined
and independent you are.

Proud that you went out and got a
job, like, the moment you got here.

An unglamorous one.

Proud of how you jumped in
during medical emergencies.

And proud that even though you came
to New York this summer to tell Eddie

you didn't need him,

he's the one you turned to now.

Because that's what family is.

People you depend on when you
run out of better options.

Wow. When you guys g*ng up,
there's really no stopping you.


Oh. Hey, Jeremiah. So, you're
eating that all by yourself?

I don't intend to finish it. Though if I
do, my picture goes up on the wall inside.

Oh. Hey, have you set
up an interview with Bob yet?

Um, that won't be necessary.

You're hiring him
without an interview?

We're not hiring him at all. I just found
out he's not licensed or credentialed.


I left Evan a voicemail.

Hi. Can I get you a Carol's Super
Gigantic Funday Sundae, too?

I'm good, thanks.
Hold on. So...

We've been baring our souls
to just some guy?

How did you find Bob?

Well, Evan found him. Online.

Did he ever say he was a doctor?

No. Ugh. In fact, he
insisted we call him Bob.

But I just figured he was trying
to make us feel comfortable.

If it makes you feel any better, he
does have an undergraduate degree

from Concordia University.

Yeah? A degree in what?


I'm sorry if you feel deceived.

You know what?

I don't.

Evan and I never cared
about Bob's credentials.

We just cared about getting help.
And he definitely gave us that.

Big time.
He changed our lives.

We'd go to him all over again.

Well, that's a medically
inadvisable portion of ice cream.

I'll get your picture
up on that wall.

EMMA: Oh, my gosh.

HANK: Whoa.

Did you know Dad
was this popular?

No. But knowing Dad, he could have
paid all these people to be here.

Oh. You're...
You're serious.

Little bit.
Kind of.

So, Emma, after this, we'll
head back to the Hamptons?

Oh, um... Actually, I had
another idea.

Oh, really? And what was that?

Well, I was thinking maybe
I could go with Eddie.

On the last leg of
his book tour?

Yeah. Yeah, I mean, I've really
enjoyed getting to know him.

And I want to know him better. I mean,
as well as I know you guys now.

And I don't know, I was
thinking maybe it would

help me get to know
myself better.

I think it's a great idea.

Really? Do you think
he'll like it?

BOTH: He would love it.

There you guys go,
ganging up again.

Hey. What are you guys waiting on line for?
Isn't your father signing books inside?

He's supposed to be.

Get over here.

Hi, Dad.
Hi, sweetie.


Well, it looks like you three
sorted out whatever was happening.

We did.

And Emma sorted out what she'd
like to have happen next.

All right, sweetie.
I'm all ears.

Well, I was thinking.

Mr. Lawson, your fans are
extremely ready for you inside.

Could you just ask them to wait one more
second? I'm talking to my three kids.

You got it.
Thanks, Sarah.

[GASPS] Yes. Yes. Yes.

So, what did your lawyer say?

She's working on a visitation plan for
Rafa. Visitation on U.S. Soil only.

We're going
over the details tomorrow.


You ready? You ready? We're out.
We're going. We're going.

[LAUGHS] Paul. Oh, my gosh.
It's so good to see you.

I heard you were back in town.

I am indeed. Hi.

Um, where did that
baby come from?

I'm sure if you talk to your doctor
over there, he'll explain that to you.

Got to go.

Always great catching up, Katdare.


I knew you'd convince him
to get the transplant.

Oh, he hasn't agreed to it yet.

Yeah, but he's already
listening to you.

He needs to hear it from an authority
figure. Not just his bumbling little bro.

Your back hurts, too?

Uh, not enough to slow me down.

I assume you got that
expression from Danny.

Uh, we both got it from our dad.

He used to say it during his dizzy spells.
He passed away when we were in high school.

Oh. I'm sorry
to hear that.

Any idea what was causing
his dizzy spells?



Paul, did your dad have
any kidney problems?

I mean, he got up four times
a night to pee, but...

Wait. You think that my back
pain is kidney-related?

And that my dad had nephropathy,
just like my brother.

Well, I'm just...

I never even thought about it before, but
nephropathy can manifest in very subtle ways.

And it can have
a genetic component.

I mean, obviously, we won't know for
sure till we get a kidney biopsy, but...

So, if I'm sick, too,
where will Danny get a kidney?


Let's wait for all the results to come
back before we even go there. Okay?


I've got to give credit where it's due.
He really knew what to say.

What Emma needed to hear.

What can I tell you? I am really in
touch with my inner teenage girl.

Weird, babe.

But I'm so glad to hear she's okay. And that
everything's okay between the three of you.



I sense a disturbance
in the force.

Better. I hear a Kardashian.

What? I would know that laugh
anywhere, and that laugh...

Belongs to Khloe.

Okay. Oh, my God.

She's right there. With Scott. Um,
I thought Scott was Kourtney's...

They're just having lunch. See, Paige,
this is why they're so misunderstood.

Because people keep jumping to
scandalous conclusions. Right.

Would you like to meet them?

Oh, my God. Are you serious?

I have to follow up with them about
a retainer they requested, anyways.

Yes, let's go. Come on.

I take that as a yes.
Say hi for us.

So, um, why do you think
Evan's hounding you so much

about this whole board
of directors thing?

Oh, I think Evan's really good
at talking people into things.

He knows it and he's...

Ah. Paige.

Why do you think he's been hounding
me so much? I'm so glad you asked.

I'm sure you are.

I think Evan feels dismissed. And excluded.
Especially when it comes to you and Boris.

What do you mean?

Well, there's a pretty big part of your
life that Evan's always been shut out of.

And I think the only thing he's trying
to talk you into is letting him in.


I never... I never
looked at it that way.

I'm so glad he was such
an asset with Emma.

And I just know he'd be
an asset with Boris.

So, let him help you.


Evan, I'm so sorry. I have no idea
what Kourtney did with that retainer.

Welcome to my life.

That's fine. It's fine. I'll
just send you a new one. So...

Guys, this is Charlotte.


She, this is crazy,
used to be blind.

Uh, you're really not
that good at that.

Um, what he meant to
say was I am a huge fan.

Oh, thank you. Charlotte, that's
actually not really what you say.

Actually, that's exactly
what you say.

Yeah. It works every time, I promise.
Do you want to sit with us, Charlotte?


Sit down.

Should I sit, or... I have so
many questions for you guys.

I have been a fan of your
show for years.

I'll just stand. Does the camera
honestly, like, follow you around?

Hi. What would you like?

I'd like whatever you like.

Everything here is great.

It's not the same.

It's been the same since I started
working here. Four years ago.

No, I...
I've never been here.

So, what's not the same?

It's, uh...

It's me. Uh, I've changed.
Maybe I need to... Sorry.

Sorry, Dr. Van d*ke.
He's napping poolside.

My brother doesn't nap.

He has a headache and said he
wants peace and quiet.

How bad did his headache seem?

He said it was like a horse
kicking him in the head.

Let's go.
Out of the way, Keith.

This is Dr. Van d*ke. My brother
needs an ambulance now.

Danny. Danny,
are you all right?


Something's wrong with my eye.

Okay. Okay.
Tell me what you see.

It's so blurry.
I barely can see.

Going to take a look.

Yep. You have
a subhyaloid hemorrhage.

BP is 190 l 125.

Paul, what's happening?

You're going to be fine, Danny. Your
brother's right here to make sure of it.

Right, Paul?

Yeah. Danny, listen. You're bleeding into
the subarachnoid space around your brain.

We're going to get you to the hospital.
You're going to be fine. I promise.

It's depressing his
respiratory drive.

Yeah, we may need to intubate.

Okay, Danny, don't worry. We're all over
this. Danny? Hank, he stopped breathing.


Okay. Bag him.

Okay. Clear.

Okay. Yep. Visualizing
the vocal cord. Tube?


And... I'm in.


Go for it.

Yeah, you got it.

Good. Good. Nice work.

[SIGHS] You, too.

So, your high blood pressure
caused your nephropathy.

It also caused the hemorrhage.

And your brother
saved your life.

Yeah. Your brother's
clutch like that.

Danny, you are going to need a new kidney.
The good news is we got the results back,

and your brother is
a perfect match.

We've just got to make sure my kidney
is going to do you more good than harm.

What do you mean?

I mean we may have both
inherited this thing from Dad.

That's ridiculous.

We both know I got this from all my years of
chasing eight-balls with more eight-balls.

No. Your biopsy showed no evidence
that the damage is from drug use.

But I'm guessing the real reason
you didn't want a transplant was

because you thought you
brought it on yourself.

And you wouldn't take your brother's kidney
because you didn't think you deserved it.

Wow, Danny.
You're a human being?

That didn't show up on
the labs either.

I knew you secretly gave
a damn about me.

Well, I still don't want your
kidney. You look like hell.

And I thought we were having
a moment just then.

He's right, Paul. You're
flushed. Let me take a look.

What does that mean?

It means your brother needs
to be admitted, too.

I discovered late in life that I
had a gift for reaching people.

I read all the right books about it.
But technically,

I never got the
formal qualifications.

I was focused
on patients, not paperwork.

And we totally get that, Bob.

But HankMed's patients might
not be as understanding.

Well, at least we still
have each other.


Bob. We adore you.
And, um,

we're so grateful for everything
you've helped us achieve. But...

But it's time to part ways. This has
nothing to do with you being unlicensed.

We're just done with therapy.

Bravo. I was beginning to wonder
when you two would get here.

Get where?

It's crucial for patients to reach
this conclusion on their own.

I am so proud of you two. To be honest, I
was worried that you guys were getting

a little attached to me.


But, yes, now, my work here,

our work here, is done.

Wait a second.


One last group hug?

So, it turns out your brother had
a simple case of prostatitis.

Maybe caused by a catheter during
his bladder testing in Miami.

But as soon as the
infection clears...

You'll be able to donate away.

If I can't find a better donor.


How you doing, man?
I heard you were in town.

What, are you too cheap
to get a hotel?

What, are you too cheap to buy
me an edible arrangement?

Oof. I totally would have done that,
but I'm actually not here for a visit.

I was just filing some forms
for my new role as...

Wait for it. Vice Chairman of the
hospital's new board of directors. Oh, yes.

Vice chairman.

Wow. I am vice impressed.

Got enough pull to
get me my own room?

I'll throw you a hundred
shares of Netflix.

Ev, this is Paul's
brother, Danny.

Oh, my God. Nice to meet
you, Danny Van d*ke.

That makes you DVD. [LAUGHS]
My God, that's awesome.

A lot better than VD, I'll tell you
that much. Anyway, I've got to go.

I hope the whole family gets well soon.
All right? I'll see you later.

You think you've got it rough?

That was Hank's little brother.
Tell him how you suffer, Hank.

Uh. He has his quirks, but
actually, I rely on him a lot.

Little brothers can really
surprise you sometimes.

Uh. If you guys will excuse me, I need
to go talk to him about something.

So. I had a thought.

Yeah? Me, too. You go first.

I think we should buy a house.
Oh, my God. I love that idea.

Really? That's awesome.

That's awesome.
Okay. Now, you go.

Okay. I think we should get married. Again.
And then take a ridiculous honeymoon.

You don't like that idea?

No, I love it. I just... I hate that
it was so much better than mine.

But don't count me out just yet.

I have, uh, one more
up my sleeve.

Yeah? Bring it.

I just have to show it to you.

[LAUGHS] This is my
favorite idea so far.

You're damn right, it is.


Are you Robert Rappaport?

Please, it's Bob.

Oh. Okay. Bob.
Uh, I'm Jeremiah.

Jeremiah. How can I help you?

Uh, you come highly recommended
by Evan and Paige Lawson.

Are you taking on new clients?

Come on in.


Raj? [LAUGHS] Oh, my God. Oh.

It's been a while.

Well, judging by this beautiful young lady,
I'd say it's been at least 16 months?

You were always quick with
numbers. This is Sashi.


You are adorable.
Thank you. [CHUCKLES]

I am so happy for you, Divya.

Is everything okay?

Well, since you asked, I'm just
leaving my lawyer's office.

I'm dealing with a custody battle,
and it seems things are going to get

more difficult before
they get easier.

Well, since you mentioned it, I've
got a brilliant divorce attorney

if you need a second opinion.

Oh, my gosh. Raj, I am
so sorry it didn't work out.

Don't be. She wasn't.

Maybe this is why our parents plotted
every moment of our futures for us.

Because they knew if left to our own
devices, we'd both make a total mess of it.

Come on.

You tell me all about your kids.

Oh, gosh. We've got a lot of
catching up to do. We do.

Hello, Hank.
Hey, bro.

I've decided to join the Board.

If I'm still welcome, that is.

What has made you
change your mind?

Actually, Boris, that's
between me and my brother.

You mind if I borrow your, uh,
Vice Chairman for a few minutes?


Well. If you'll excuse me.


Why did you change your mind?

I just realized it shouldn't
be about me and Boris.

It should be about me and you.

And with you at my side,
I'm not worried about Boris,

or hospital politics
or anything else.

Because when you and I g*ng
up, there's no stopping us.

I'm really flattered by
everything you just said, Henry.

Uh, I really am.
But here's the thing.


I'm with Boris now. And we
are really happy together.

Okay. [LAUGHS]

It happened really fast.
But it just feels right. Okay?

Mmm-hmm. Yeah, no. I mean, you
guys are perfect together.

That's what I think.

Seriously, though. I just
walked out on Boris.

You think he's pissed?

What are we going to
do if he's pissed?

I'm sure we'll figure something out.
We always do, right?