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07x05 - Voices Carry

Posted: 04/24/24 16:38
by bunniefuu
Previously on Royal Pains...

For a man who was engaged
just a few days ago,

you certainly don't
waste any time.

My people are waiting
for their future queen.


We know how little
you care about the board

and being on a gala committee, so we hate
to ask you this, but we could use a favor.

How can I help?

I'll bid a hundred.

A hundred. I'll take
a hundred bucks.


Sold to the beautiful
Ms. Houston.


You actually thought you had...

Well, I... I texted
and you said...

Oh, that was you?

Well, I should go.

Well, you're already here.
Why don't you come in?




I am quite aware
of the danger, Mr. Chen.

I was only asking because...

We both need to exercise caution
and keep our circle small.

That is how we protect everyone.


Welcome to your castle.

This does not look
like my castle.

Gus, where is the progress?

Like this.

My business partner
and I got this gorgeous

banister two weeks ago

and you haven't even
taken it out of the box?

Antique, huh?

Those take a while to install.

We have a baby coming
in three months.

Oh, yeah.

I see the glow now.
We're adopting.

[CHUCKLES] Oh, that makes
more sense.


We need a home
to bring our daughter to.

And it can't have dust

or exposed wires or a
staircase with no banister.

I want progress.

I'm on it.


Thank you.

EVAN: Two more boxes
of iodine swabs should do it.

And, uh, we're going back
to powder-free latex gloves.

Next order of business is,
uh, next week's schedule.

So, Hank, I know you wanted those camp
physicals to take place on Tuesday.

There's a conflict,
so they're going to be Monday.

Uh, I'm hoping
you can do those solo?

Look at you,

you're a natural.

I still can't believe you're
about to have one of your own.

Our little Evan,
just all grown up.

Pretty sure I've been grown up for
a while, guys, but thank you.

I'm serious, Ev.
I'm proud of you.

And really excited
to be an uncle.

And I'm going to be an aunt.

I mean, I know
not technically, but...

[INHALES] I am still
your baby's aunt. Accept it.

I do accept it, and I love it.

And thank you so much
for the practice.

Here, go to Mama.

Here you go, Sashi.

And since we're already
off topic,

I'm actually going to jump right to
my post-HankMed meeting addendum.

Here you go.

A mamaRoo, a Bugaboo
and a "Pooj" Snug?

Pu... "Puj" snug.

What is all this?

It's a baby gift registry.

In the interest of time, I've assigned
each of you gifts to purchase.

But Paige and I promise
to look surprised.

I'm not even going
to make fun of you for this.

Well, I make no such promise.

But I've got to cut this short.

Raj will be here any minute. And I've
got to go to a meeting with my lawyers.

Lawyers? Plural?

What are they all doing?

We're waiting for Rafa and his
lawyers to make their next move.

Don't worry. I'll be fine.
You go into the city.

Yeah? You sure?
You and Jeremiah can cover me?

I can.
Jeremiah's not in town.

Where did he go?

Uh, a staffing trip
for Boris, I think.

Did you say that you have
a patient in Manhattan?

Uh, yeah.
I'm going with Olympia.

Houston. He's spending
the weekend with her.

Do you have any idea
who this woman is?

Olympia Houston.

No, seriously, I'm talking
about her ex-husbands.


So, these are men who have risen
to the top of their fields.

Like, they,
they've built empires.

But only after marrying her.

She's a king-maker,

King Henry has
kind of a ring to it.

So, I guess she proves the old
"behind every great man" adage.

Let's just say we can thank Olympia
Houston for the auto bailout,

the Freedom Tower,
and the peaceful re-annexation

of Hong Kong.

Well, I'm spending
the weekend with her.

Not re-annexing Hong Kong.

Of course not, it's re-annexed now.
That's what I just said.

What was I thinking, though? If
you're with Olympia Houston,

you can afford more than
a freaking Bugaboo.

Sorry to interrupt.

Oh, perfect timing.
Sashi's ready to go.

Great to see you again, Raj.

Same here.

Come here. Yeah!

I honestly still can't believe
after Divya jilted you like that,

you guys ended up friends.


It was a surprise for us, too.


Okay, I better go.
Good to see you again.

You forgot your registry.

No, I did not.

Hold up. Wait a second.
Wait up.


So, friend.

Are we...
Completely alone.


I missed you this morning.

I missed you, too.

[GASPS] Oops.



I am so sorry
I walked in on you.

Of course, I didn't know
there was a you.

No. How long has
there been a you,

if there is a you?

A couple of weeks ago, we
started spending time together.

But we are not ready
for anyone to know yet.

Your secret is safe with me.

No, no.

It's not like it's a secret.

We, we just don't know what

it is yet.

Okay. So, does that mean
you're not seeing that prince?

Because when you were
with him at the gala,

you seemed to be having
such a good time.

I thought maybe...

You... I, I didn't know.

No, I wasn't "with" with him.

It's, it's complicated.

Yeah, um,
I shouldn't have asked.

It's really none of my business.
No, no, no.

It's okay.
I've got to go, though.




Wait, Rafa did what?


Are you sure?
He's changed his mind before.

All right, I'm on my way.


Any more dizzy spells?

Mind if I check?

I expect no less.
Stand up, please.

Close your eyes.

And walk a few paces.

I believe I was merely
fatigued, as you suggested.

Well, I'm glad
you're taking it easier now.

Come back to me.

It's Evan.



So, uh, can I speak to you
privately for one second?

Uh, when I'm finished, you can.

I was talking to Boris.

Oh. Uh, yeah. Yeah.
No problem.

BORIS: You will analyze
those here?

Uh, the lab will forward the results
to your clinical trial doctor.

Good. Thank you.

Uh, bye, guys.




So, I just wanted to...

I was surprised

to hear you sent Jeremiah on an
H-H-C-R-and-O-D business trip.

Hamptons Heritage Center
for Rare and Orphan Diseases.

Sorry. I, I do that.


You see, he, he's still
a HankMed doctor,

so it kind of throws the schedule
off when he's suddenly not around.

With no warning.
That's all, you know.

You're here to discuss
HankMed scheduling.

I, uh, I...

I mean, I, I was.

But, uh, I...

I'm done if you are.

I am.

Okay, great. Cool.

So, uh, the other thing
I wanted to mention was

the hospital asset-tracking program I've
implemented. Which I told you about.

It's going great. It's, I
mean, it's really great.

It's almost finished.

There's just a little itsy-bitsy
issue that's come up.

You know the...
That robotic surgery arm

we have on loan from DARPA
that no one knows how to use?

Well, no one is going to learn how
to use it because it's missing.

It's not missing.

The Department of Defense
recalled it.

Oh. Well...

I'm surprised I didn't have
to sign anything or,

you know, administrate that.


Anyway, that's a...

That's a huge relief,
to be honest.

I thought you were going to have
me disappeared or something.


Not for that.

You said you had
a meeting in New York.

Not that it was
at the U.N.

Well, where else would
a global health summit be?

Fair point. Fair point.

Sorry for the side trip.

I needed to grab the materials
to review before tomorrow.

Yeah, I know you came in for a romantic
getaway, not a tour of the U.N.

Hey, hey, hey.

I came for you.

Yet it occurs to me you are
in the business of health.

Why don't you join me
at the summit?

Like I said, I came for
the romantic getaway.

Well, let's get to it.


Oh. That's Dr. Alam Saba.

I need to say hello.

He's Afghanistan's
Minister of Public Health.

I've been trying to get him
onboard with our initiatives,

but he's a tough nut to crack.

Dr. Saba.

Ms. Houston.

Uh, Dr. Saba,
this is Dr. Hank Lawson.

Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you.

My English is poor.

Probably better than our Pashto.


What kind of medicine
are you in the practice of?

Uh, concierge.

Which is house calls.

So, really GP.

Which is General Practice.

But before that,
I practiced in Brooklyn.

In the, in the ER.
I was an ER doctor.

I need my interpreter.

Okay, yeah. Me, too.
Yeah, me, too.

Ah, there she is.

Excuse me.


Wow. That wasn't
awkward at all.

That was charmingly

You can make anything sound
like a compliment. [CHUCKLES]


Stop! Stop!

Her shoulder is dislocated.

Hold still.


Wait, wait, wait.
Stop, stop.

Dr. Saba, if you'll excuse me,
may I take a look?

Thank you.



Yeah, okay.
It's a posterior dislocation.

We need to disengage the humeral
head from the glanoid faca.

Uh, Dr. Saba,
I need your help, okay?

Can you push right here?

Interior and lateral.

Okay, listen. This is going to
hurt, but I need to do it slowly.

Here we go.





Thank you.
Of course.


You're going to be okay.

How long do I have to wear this?

Until I can get
you a real sling.

Oh, just use that.
It's more fashionable.

Oh, thank you.

Then, how long
do I get to wear this?

Two weeks. You'll also
want to ice your shoulder

a couple of times a day.

Good thing you
were there. Dr. Saba,

might have taken her arm off.

Uh, well, he used the right method
for an anterior dislocation,

which is what usually happens.

This one's uncommon.

Have you had any muscle
or joint pain?


Any family history of
connective tissue disorders?

Not that I know of.

Any other symptoms?

I'm fine.

A little overwhelmed this past
week, but otherwise, fine.

Because of the summit?

Maybe. Since this
new delegation arrived,

I've had trouble concentrating.

Not what you want
in an interpreter.

Why do you think that is?

Dr. Saba.

He's kind of intense.

I can see how Dr. Saba
could be intimidating.

I heard he made Putin cry once.


But I can handle him.
I have to.

Tomorrow's conference
is too important.

What's it about?

Finding alternatives to cooking
over open fires indoors.

The smoke causes lung cancer.

Two million lives lost a year.

A lot of those lives
are in Afghanistan.

I'm supposed to be objective,
but I still have family there.

Well, speaking objectively, it
sounds like a very good cause.

Our soon-to-be daughter
and her mother are healthy.

Dr. Neil called her directly, and
I think they liked each other.

So, long story short,
Elan agreed

to move to the Hamptons for
the last month of pregnancy.

And, yes, before you ask,
the house will be ready.

You're sure about that.

Because I think paint actually
dries faster than Gus puts it on.

Well, I gave him a talking-to
and he knows the drill now.

And he was putting up the
banister when I left. So...

It doesn't surprise me at all.
That's... You do that.

Do what?

You get the job done. You
take the bull by the horns.

And your bull actually listens.

Boris isn't listening?

I don't know.
I've never worked for

a mysterious gazillionaire before.
I just...

I don't know how to do it.

Maybe there's no right way.

He's sending Jeremiah to do staffing.
That's my job.

And he's not even
keeping me in the loop.

Like, he's never been
an over-sharer, but...

I just think
he doesn't trust me.

Of course he trusts you.

He picked you, didn't he?

I just want him to think I'm the
best hospital administrator

there ever was.

Is that too much to ask?


So, you know what you do?
You take Boris by the horns.

Finish that asset tracking.

Continue to update
the network infrastructure.

Show him what you're capable of.

Boris will see
that he chose the right man.

I promise.

Are you disappointed we missed
our dinner reservation?

Absolutely not.

I got a chance
to see you in action.

Besides, this is more romantic.

I couldn't agree more.


You know, you really
impressed Dr. Saba today.

And he is not easily impressed.

Plus, you rallied
Mina's spirits.

She, she opened up
to you right away.

It's all part of the job.

No. I have many doctors.
I open up to none.


You put people at ease.

You think outside the box.

I think you should
expand your horizons.

What do you mean?

Well, I happen to know

that the Deputy Director of
the World Health Organization

is leaving his post soon.

I could get your name
on the short list.


Deputy Director? I, I
wouldn't know the first thing

about a job like that.

Oh, you know
more than you think.

Come to the conference
tomorrow just to observe.

I know you want to check
on Mina anyway.

This morning,
my brother was joking about...

Well, he called
you a king-maker.


Well, Deputy Director
is a far cry from king, Hank.

Baby steps.

Baby steps.

So, is this what you do?

You make men into projects?

I don't make men extraordinary.

I'm attracted

to extraordinary men.

Well, I hate to tell you, but I may
not be ambitious enough for you.

At least you didn't
say old enough.



CHAIRMAN: Thank you. I give the
floor to the distinguished delegate

from Afghanistan,
Dr. Alam Saba.


You have all provided
interesting suggestions.

Actually, we haven't heard
from you, Dr. Lawson.

You are a general
practice doctor.


Thank you. Uh...

Hello. Uh...

So, I'm not sure
what all the factors are.

But I, I guess if I were
the doctor on the scene,

dealing with smoke inhalation.

HANK: Um...

I'd want chest X-rays.

Supplemental oxygen,

Uh, have you considered
ventilating the room?


Finally, someone
thinking differently.

I have the same idea.

Villagers should begin
testing prototypes right away.

We need not reinvent the wheel.

I apologize. My interpreter
is day-dreaming.


She's having a seizure.

MINA: But wouldn't I know
if I had a seizure?

There are many kinds.

What you had was
an absence seizure,

a momentary lapse of awareness.

Why did I have it?

They're caused by sudden
electrical charges in your brain.

And this is not the first one.

You said you were having trouble
concentrating recently.

They're all seizures?
I think so.

And I also think
you had one yesterday,

which would explain your
rare shoulder dislocation.

It wasn't the cab
pulling your arm.

You tensed your body so much that you
popped the bone out of the socket.

But why now?

Could be reflex epilepsy.

It's a convulsive disorder where a
certain trigger causes seizures.

Like what?
Well, uh,

triggers can be sounds you hear,

things you feel,
things you see...

Some people react
to flashing lights.

A particular song.
Even bathing can be a trigger.

What triggered me?

Well, we'll know more when
we get you to the hospital.

But I feel fine now.

And the committee will
be back from break soon.

Are there no other
Pashto interpreters?

Not today.

I wouldn't want to
endanger Mina's health,

but it did take six months to
pull this conference together.

Lives are at stake.

Yeah, right now,
I'm focused on your life.

Are these sessions recorded?

Yeah, Jorge takes care
of our technical equipment.

Can he play them back?

There's nothing he can't do.


Come here.

What do you need, Mina?

Uh, Jorge, is it possible
for you to play back

just the last 30 seconds
of the meeting?


I'm going to see if we can
trigger another seizure.

Now, I'll have this Ativan
ready to stop it if I need to.

But I want to return to exactly what
was happening when you last seized.


We're ready.


That does not look
like a momentary lapse.

No, it doesn't.

One more second.

It happened again?

I think something in Dr. Saba's
voice is a trigger for you.

It would explain why your
recent lapses in concentration

started when he arrived.

Yesterday, when you dislocated your
shoulder, Dr. Saba was calling your name.

And today,
you were interpreting for him.

One person's voice?

So, I'm going to seize
every time he talks?

Well, medication
should help to control it.

And Dr. Saba isn't
a permanent delegate, right?

MINA: But I can't finish
this conference.

I'm not much use if I can't tolerate the
voice of the man I'm here to interpret.

It's all right.
We can reschedule.

Yeah, in another six months.

Maybe you won't have to.

Jorge, I understand from a reliable source
that there is nothing you can't do.



Installing vents will
save lives in the interim.

In addition, it will create
jobs and be cost-effective.

We will work with existing
international aid dollars

to increase the number of
households testing prototypes.

RAFA: Divya.

What are you doing here, Rafa?

I signed the papers.

Did you really sign them?

The full custody agreement?


Just like that?

After everything you've put
me through this past month.

I'm sorry. One minute, you're
trying to take Sashi away from me,

and then, out of the blue, you
agree to give me full custody.

And now, you are outside
my lawyer's office.

What happened?


Your voice message.

I was furious.

[SIGHS] You were passionate.

Passionate and strong.

The qualities
I fell in love with.

The qualities I want
my daughter to have.

Does your mother want
Sashi to be like me?

I should not have
let her take control.

I should have called sooner.

How is Sashi?

She's happy.

Could I see her?

The agreement allows
for scheduled visits.

How about now?

She, she's napping
for another hour.

Well, we could grab
a drink while we wait.

Do you still like mojitos?

Really? After all we've
been through?

Especially after all
we've been through.



How about a bottle?

At Sashi's dinner.
You can join us.

I'd like that.

Hey. What's with the model?

Are we planning
some renovations?

Long-term stratagem.
Nothing pressing.


Well, uh, just so you know, uh, I
expected the asset-tracking report

to be ready today, but it's not.

It's... I don't know.
Some kind of delay.

But I will get to the bottom
of it first thing tomorrow.

I have it.

You have it.

I asked them to deliver
it directly to me.

You have too much
on your plate as it is, Evan.

Actually, I, I excel
with a full plate.

So, heap it on.

Seriously. Is that it?

How's it look?

Nothing of concern.

So, I need you focused on the
integrated computer systems.

That is a priority.

The computer systems.

Okay. Well, uh...

Just in terms of my work load,
uh, I want you to know I'm,

I feel very confident
that I can handle...

Ready with the presentation, sir.
Oh, good.

I can come with you if you want.
I could just... No, thank you.


Thank you for joining us.

We're very excited
to show you what we have.

We took all of your suggestions
into consideration.

Let's sit and take a look.



What the hell?



Uh, sir?

One last signature.

And that's your copy.

You were saying?


Oh. Hello.

You're still here.

Wow, it is really coming along.

No, it's not. No, it's not.

But here, I brought you this.

It wasn't on your registry, but
I cannot live without mine.

Oh, thank you.
I appreciate it.

And I... I wanted
to say sorry

for how short I was
with you yesterday.

I couldn't answer your questions

because, frankly,
I don't know the answers.

Well, you don't have to.
I mean, I know that

things are better
than ever with Raj.

Without the family pressure.

But then, this prince...

[CHUCKLES] I mean,
this actual prince

just drops into my life.

To make things more
confusing, Rafa shows up.

Wait, wait.

Rafa's back in the picture?
Back in the Hamptons,

definitely not back
in the picture.

See, the thing is...


I don't have a lot
of experience dating.

It's basically been an almost
arranged marriage, and then Rafa.

Which turned out beautifully
because I got Sashi,

but I wasn't exactly
thinking clearly with him.


Am I shutting myself
off from taking a risk

with another man because
of how that ended?

Oh, God. Or am I afraid
to commit to Raj

because it was my parents who
picked him in the first place?

I... I don't want to
make a safe choice.

Nor do I want to
make a foolish one.

Wow, that's
a lot to think about.


The thing is, uh,

I've been thinking
about it so much.

I mean, it's been
so inside my head.

You know, it feels good
to say it out loud.

Thank you.



What are you...


Are you okay?

No, he's not.


Ambulance is on the way.

Good. Paige, I need you
to put some gloves on.

I'm going to need your help.

Is that my bone?

Yes, we need to reduce it now.

Reduce it?
Pop the bone back in.

But... But... But don't
I need anesthesia?

Gus, you have
no pulse in your foot.

If we don't do this now,
you could lose your leg.

Okay. I need that more.

Paige, pull open
the skin. Hold on tight.

All right, Gus.
Take a deep breath.

One. Two.



It worked.
It worked.

All right. We need to
splint it now. Uh...

We need some sticks,
a couple of feet long.

Got it.

You okay, Gus?


What else do you need?
Some towels.

Clean towels to soak in saline
so we can protect the wound.

Uh, I don't have
any towels here.

Or anything clean,
for that matter.

Actually, check the nursery.

Next to the microwave.

The microwave?


Okay, great.
Thank you.

So, that was the hospital.

How's Mina?
The doctors did an EEG

and confirmed
her reflex epilepsy.

They've started her
on anti-seizure meds.

She should be fine.

Ah. Good.

We need women
like her at the U.N.

Not to mention men like you.

You know, your input really brought Dr.
Saba around.

Ah. I just
mentioned vents.

Using resources at hand
to save people's lives.

Isn't that what you always do?

Yeah. Yeah,
I guess so.

You could be saving people
you don't even know.

A million at a time.

You're laying it on a little thick.
But, uh, I admit, it was fun.

So, does that mean you're
considering the position at

the World Health Organization?


Look, I'm grateful
for this experience and

the offer is hard to pass up...

But you're going to.

I'm just not a suit and tie guy.

I like my simple life
in the Hamptons.

That's... That's
who I am.

And I understand. I understand
you're a woman who...

Who likes a bigger stage.


That's who I am.


I'm leaving for Switzerland
this afternoon.

A meeting for
global gender parity.

And tomorrow, I have a full
day of camp physicals.



I hope our paths cross again

when I return to the Hamptons.

Me too.

Your call sounded frantic.
What's up?

Boris is up to something.

What's he doing now?

Trading arms to the Chinese.

I'm... I'm sorry.

I'm sorry. Boris may
be a lot of things,

but I doubt he's selling weapons
to a foreign superpower.

Not weapons. Well, maybe
weapons, actually.

No, I'm talking about arms.
Like, robotic arms.

Oh. Then there was this
device in his office.

I put my finger in it.
It bit me.

Okay. You sound
like an insane person.

Oh, really? I do?

What about this mysterious
Jeremiah trip then?

Staffing is my job. Why would
Boris send him to do it?

Okay. Now, you sound jealous.

You're not listening.
Okay, the report.

I saw this report, even though
Boris tried to hide it from me.

I saw it. There's all this equipment
that's just gone missing.

Like an entire operating room.

Missing, or misplaced?

It's a huge hospital. You can't
keep track of every single thing.

That's what I'm trying... I
can't keep track of anything.

He took the whole
project away from me.

Ev, listen to me.
Come here.

I know how much you want
to impress Boris, okay?

But I think you're letting your
insecurity get the better of you.

Just let it go.

You're absolutely right.
I know.

Letting it go.

Okay, good.

I'm going to get
myself a coffee.

[MUTTERING] Kuester. Kuester.
Kuester. Kuester.

Got you.

BORIS: Hank.

Hey, Boris.


What can I do for you?

Jeremiah came to
see me a few days ago.

He was quite distraught.


He made a rather large
purchasing error for the lab.

He wanted to write a
personal check to cover it.

I assured him that was unnecessary.
But still, he seemed anxious.

I offered to let him stay
at one of my country homes.

Oh. He... He told us
he was on a trip for you.

Yeah. That has come
to my attention.

Huh. Well, I... I don't
know why he lied to us,

but if he needs time away...

He never arrived, Hank.

Maybe he's at
his house out here.

I had that checked.

The house is empty.

And it's up for sale.

The good news is that
Gus won't lose his leg.

Well, he's going
to lose his job.

I can't believe he was stalling
so he could live at our house.

Awfully creepy.

Yeah, not to mention
expensive and...

Incoming, 12:00.

I should say hello.

And 2:00.

And 5:00.

The universe is torturing me.

PAIGE: Three handsome men
who are into you?

That is so not t*rture.

What should I do?

Listen, I don't want
to overstep.

You're not. Help me.

Cut yourself some slack.

You deserve to
live happily ever after,

whether that's with a prince
or a polo player or...

A Raj.

And you should take all the time you
need to decide what that looks like.

You're right.
Thank you.

And until then, enjoy your
embarrassment of riches.


Come on.






Stop. Stop.




BORIS: Don't touch that.

This certainly
complicates things.