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07x08 - Lending a Shoulder

Posted: 04/24/24 16:41
by bunniefuu
Previously on Royal Pains...

She wants to try
couples' therapy.

So, what did you say?

I have to at least
give it a try.

For the kids' sake.

There's this young girl
who's seven months pregnant.


[CLEARS THROAT] And your parents?
Are they still...

It's just my mom, and
she's leaving it to me.

She wants us.

We're going to have a baby.


EVAN: Oh, my God.
Look. There she is.

There she is.

She's so beautiful.

She really is.

The baby is breech and high,

but that's not unusual
at 35 weeks.

She may turn on her own.

I understand you'll
be moving here soon.

Mmm-hmm. Next week.
After finals.

We've booked her a room
at the Blackstone.

Elan, I didn't know you were
in summer school. Mmm-hmm.

Wow, that's great.
Must be fun.

And when it's over, we look
forward to getting to know you.

I will see you again on Monday.

And then again every
week after that.

Hey. Can I take you
to lunch today?

Sure, I guess. Sure.

As long as I don't
miss the train home.


And thanks again for
letting us be here.

Well, you'll be her parents.


All right.


Her name's Greta.

She's a marine biologist. Mostly
studies migration patterns.


Sounds like she travels a lot.

Yeah. Why, you think
that's a problem?

Oh, I don't know.

You're clearly both capable, smart
people, and you'll figure it out.

And, you know, she
sounds very interesting.

Yeah, she is. We're having
dinner again tonight.



Is everything okay?

It's my Aji.

That's Marathi for grand...

Yeah, I remember.

She's been a bit ill lately.

Constant cough and cold. And
she refuses to see a doctor.

You're worried about pneumonia.

Yeah, very worried.

You know, I'm going
over there today.

And she loves you.

Well, all grandmas love me.

Oh, not more than mine.

She'd listen to you.

Yeah, I'd be happy to go.

Thank you. And don't worry, I'll
have you back in time for dinner.

I would hate for Greta
to think that you had...




Why did you ask Elan
to go to lunch?

Because I got hungry.

And I want to get to know her.

I completely understand
why you'd want to do that.

I'm just...

I'm not sure it's the best idea.


I feel like she wants to get this
over with as fast as she can

and not leave any
emotional entanglements.

Are you talking about
Elan or yourself?


I mean, there's nothing wrong
with avoiding awkwardness.

Of which there is a lot.

And if I'm being honest with
myself, yeah, of course.

I can't wait until it's just
you, me and our daughter.

And I'm looking
forward to that, too.

And I will respect Elan's decision if
she decides to never see us again.


I also know what it's like to be
adopted and to have questions.

And so, when our little girl
asks about her birth mother,

I would like to be able
to have answers.

And she should at least know that
I tried to get them for her.


All right, I'm just going
to put this down right here.

Now, don't move.

Okay. My neighbor that
referred you was right.

You're not only fast,
you're very accommodating.

Well, thank you.
I try to be helpful.

So, you said this happened when
you went sailing, Mr. Beeman?

Please. Call me Bruce.

And, yes, it happened yesterday,
though I have no idea how.


Okay. Um, have you ever
had this type of injury?

Not since I was a 15-year-old launch
boy at the yacht club. [CHUCKLES]

Will I be able to walk
down the aisle tomorrow?

You're getting married.
My fiancée warned me

not to go sailing the day
before the wedding.

Not to worry.
Your ankle's just sprained.

You may walk slower than usual, but you
can absolutely make it to the altar.

What about the honeymoon?

Fifteen months on the open sea.

That's a long time.

How about I throw in a quick
exam as a wedding present?

Sure. Why not?

I try to stay in shape
for my fiancée.

She's incredible.

Loving, smart,
beautiful and funny.

Deep breath in.

Did I mention beautiful?

You did. Another
deep breath, please.

I've had my share of
failed relationships,

but this one was worth
all the years of searching.

This one's the whole package.

Hey, that's the woman
I've been looking for.

Back off, buddy,
I saw her first.


Other than losing your balance,
have you had any other symptoms?

Fiancé, you are so fired. You
missed our champagne tasting.

Oh, baby, I'm sorry.
I completely forgot.



You two know each other?

We do.

This is Hank.
As in the Hank.

As in ex-fiancé Hank.


That's me.

You saw Nikki.

Drop you when you're down Nikki.

Cut and run Nikki.
Demon seed Nikki.

She's not a demon seed.

But yes, I saw her.

She's getting married tomorrow.

No big deal.


it's a really big deal.

You don't salt your coffee.
That's very un-Hank.

Did she at least apologize?

Not exactly.
But you told her off, right?

Oh, my God. Tell me every
glorious, vindictive detail.

I didn't tell her off.

You didn't give her the speech?
What speech?

The speech. The speech
all of us have ready

just in case we run into
that someone who dumped us.

You have a speech?
"Tammy Tyler, I loved you

"and you destroyed me.
I'm... I'm fine now.

"I'm great now. But you...

"You will always be
the girl who cheated.

"At relationships, Earth
Sciences and dodge ball.

"Also, you smelled like string
cheese and pencil shavings.

"Goodbye forever."

Wow. You are ready for Tammy.

Seriously. Did you forget what
happened between you and Nikki?

You lost your job at the hospital
and instead of being supportive,

she was downright evil.

Just remember one thing.

You put us here.

Not me.

You're the one who let a
billionaire hospital trustee die.

On your day off.

I mean, Jesus Christ, Hank.

This is not what
I signed on for.

I wanted to spend on florists
and caterers and photographers.

Not attorneys.

It was a long time ago.
Not that long.

Who are you? What...

How are you not freaking out?
Because I'm fine now.

We both are.
I'm happy, she's happy.

We're happy.
I'm not happy.

She dumped you.

When you were at
your absolute lowest.

Okay, but it wasn't all bad. I mean,
we had some good times together.

Okay. Okay. Yeah, okay, good.

Enjoy your little walk
along the high road.

Then tell me she looks terrible
and has gained 50 pounds

and is suffering from male
pattern baldness for females.

No, she's still very attractive.

Oh, my God.

It all finally makes sense.

What makes sense? All your girl issues.
Why you're single.


You're not over Nikki.

[SCOFFS] Please.

That is ridiculous.

Ah! That's hot!

Extremely un-Hank.


HANK: Hey.

You got a new car.

Yeah. I got tired of
repairing the old SUV.

And I needed some
retail therapy.

Well, it definitely
beats new shoes.

You have no idea.

Keyless ignition,
smartphone integration

and in four seconds flat,

I'm at 60 miles per hour and I can
get home to Sashi even quicker.


Just like its owner.


You want to drive it, don't you?

No, I mean, only if you...
Yes, I do.

Huh. No.
Oh. Okay.

So, this is the same grandmother
who arranged your marriage to Raj.


We used to be so close.

But things have been strained
since I broke off the engagement.

Oh, look, I didn't
mean to upset you.

No, no.


Raj and I, we broke up again.

Wait. Broke up again?

I thought you two
were just friends.

We recently got back
together again,

and we tried
to keep it a secret.

Oh. Okay.

I'm sorry, I...
I never told you.

Raj and I, we needed to figure
things out for ourselves first.

No, look, it makes sense.

As we get older, we realize how hard
it is to find that person to love.

Unfortunately, I realized too late
how important Raj is to me and

now I will never see him again.

Please don't
second-guess yourself.

Oh, no, no, no.
It's not that I regret

breaking it off with Raj back
then or marrying Rafa.

Those choices,
they brought me Sashi

and made me who I am now.

It's just I wish I could show
my Aji my change of heart.

Sometimes it's hard to have perspective on
your life when you're the one living it.


Aji! It's lovely to see you.

This is my Great Aunt Kiri.

Lovely to see you, too.

You're wearing white.

I'm too late.

And the rest of the furniture
will be delivered next month.

We're going to have a crib and
a changing table and dresser.

And I'm going on and on.

Sorry, I'm just
a little nervous.

But don't worry, it will totally
be ready in four weeks.

I'm just glad it's not pink.

Oh, I can't stand
pink rooms either.

Hey, we do have a guest room
down the hall if you wanted.

Of course, it's not finished either,
but it will be and it won't be pink.

But only if you wanted.

Um, there's...
There's no pressure, just...

I'm going on and on.



What are you studying
at summer school?

Oh, nice.

Not really, but I want to take BC Calc as a
senior, so I don't really have a choice.


I should get to
the train station.


Oh, my God.

Your water broke.



Oh, sorry. I'm sorry.


So, when will I have this baby?

Your contractions should begin
in the next six to seven hours.


That long?

Don't worry. If it takes longer,
we can always induce with Pitocin.

No. No dr*gs.

My mother doesn't
believe in them.

I'll do it naturally,
like she did.

The good news is, the baby
turned on its own. Huh.

Do you think maybe it's
time we called your mom?

Let her know...
Mom doesn't want to see this.

She wants it to be over so I
can get my life back on track.

JEN: Okay.

Your blood pressure's
a little bit elevated.

I'm going to tell Dr. Neil.


All right.

Will you page Dr. Neil?

Right away.

Is everything okay?

Well, high blood pressure can
be a sign of preeclampsia.

But I think it's more likely
she's just freaking out

about everything
happening so quickly.

[ELAN YELLING] EVAN: Uh, just hold.
One second.

Her contractions
started, I think.

I will be back with
Sashi and my parents

when her ashes are returned
for the ceremony tomorrow.

Thank you for being here today.

You were her favorite, you know.

She loved when you were a little girl
and would order the boys around.

She really loved how you insisted
they call you Dr. Katdare.


Thank you for being here.
Of course.



Dr. Katdare.

I never knew that.

I forgot it myself.

You're an hour too late.

Nikki's not here.

You know, the prenuptial
sacrament of the bridal spa day.

Right. No, I'm here
to see you.

When you didn't respond to my calls, I
thought I should follow up in person.

You don't need to concoct
a medical excuse to come by.

I know how things ended
between you and Nikki.

But we're pretty busy right now
getting ready for the wedding.

When I examined you earlier, I
thought I heard a slight bruit.

Uh, it's a whooshing sound
in your carotid artery.

It might be nothing, but it could mean
that plaque is building up in the artery

and you're in danger
of having a stroke.


Okay. Look, I think it's best
that I follow up with a doctor

who doesn't have an unsettled
history with my fiancée.

Listen, there's no
unsettled history.

If you're feeling the need to clear your
conscience a simple apology to her would suffice.

[SCOFFS] For what?

For dumping her
and breaking her heart.

Not that she needs your apology.
Clearly, she's moved on.

But it would be the
gentlemanly thing to do.

Thanks for showing yourself out.


Hey, Jeremiah, it's me.

I got your lovely message.
Thank you so much for calling.

I... I'm okay.

And I hope that you are, too.

We all really miss you and we look
forward to seeing you soon, all right?

Okay. Bye.

MAN: Please. Please, help.
We need some help. Please.

MAN: Can anyone help?
We need a doctor, please!

MAN: Help! We need a doctor.
Is anybody a doctor?

Hey, I can help.

This guy flew off
his motorcycle.

Okay, I'm going
to need your help.

He's breathing, but he's in respiratory
distress and I need to intubate.

You take this. Squeeze
every five seconds, yeah?

Thank you.

It's a Le Fort I fracture.


Okay, thank you.


I can't get
visualization orally.


No cric kit.

All right, I'm going to have
to intubate through his nose.

I know this is going to be
uncomfortable, all right,

but I need to help you breathe.

Good. We're good.

Squeeze. Every five seconds.


The tube is in his esophagus.
I need to do it again.

Okay. Back.




Squeeze. Great.

That's it.
Keep squeezing.

Okay, the tube's in his lungs.

He's getting air.
That is good.

Look! Look, he's getting air!

You saved that dude's life.

Thanks, Doc.
We'll take it from here.

No, no. Don't come by yet.

Because we're trying to give
her some privacy, okay?

I will let you know when a
good time is, I... I promise.


I know.
All right. Bye.

That was Hank. I left messages for
Divya and Jeremiah. How's she doing?

She's dilated at five centimeters
and her blood pressure is good.


This is really happening.
I know.

If there wasn't so much to do,
I'd be a basket case.

Oh. And guess what?

Elan's going to call her mom.

It wasn't my idea, I promise.

But I'm so happy she's doing it.

And you were right.

As much as I wanted to spend this whole
month getting to know everything about her,

I realize now that's
not going to happen.

Maybe for the best.


But I'm glad I got to learn that Elan is
smart and has her head on her shoulders.

And I got a picture of her,
so we'll have something

to share with our little girl
about her birth mother.

We're going to love
this baby so much.

I already do.


Thanks for coming.

I bet you're wondering why
I asked you to meet me here.

It may have crossed my mind.

I'm worried

about Bruce.

Did something happen?

I didn't think much of it when he
forgot about our champagne tasting,

but then I told him this funny
story about an expeditor

I'd hired to get us visas
for our honeymoon.

And an hour later, he asked me
if I'd found an expeditor.

Short-term memory loss.

Could it be related
to his falling down?

How worried should I be?

Without Bruce's consent,
I can't say much,

but if you're really worried about his
health, you should see another doctor.

[SCOFFS] Why wouldn't I be
really worried?

Well, it may be different now,

but let's just say sticking
around when things get bumpy

wasn't exactly your strong suit.

Despite what you may
have told Bruce.

Okay, so, this is about us.

Well, let me remind you,
for a solid month,

I begged you to get off the couch
and get back on your feet.

Put your life back together.
And how did you repay me?

By dumping me.

So, you want to talk bumpy?
That was bumpy.

I dumped you? [LAUGHS]

That is one seriously
selective memory.

You're the one who
did the dumping.

And, you're the one who called
me here tonight, at some

out-of-the-way place,
looking like that.

I'm dressed like this because I came
straight from our rehearsal dinner.

And I picked this place
because I didn't want anyone

we know seeing me
talking to a doctor.

Okay. And by the way, you're the
one who's dressed to impress,

which I know because it's pretty much
how you looked on our first date.

I like this look.

And just so you know,
I have a date after this.

With a marine biologist.

Hopefully she's better at
science than at choosing men.

You really haven't changed much.

I was just thinking
the same thing about you.

This time,
I'll do the walking out.


HANK: Hello, there.

Double red eye, extra red.

Oh. Bless you.

Did you get any sleep?

Not much, and it seems like
you had a rough night, too.

How did you know?

Well, you've never
blessed me before.

And, uh, didn't you have a date
with your marine biologist friend?

Right. No. Um...

She canceled. Had to catch a flight
to Belize to track whale sharks.

If I had a dollar for
every time I heard that.

[LAUGHS] Welcome
to my love life.

Wait, why are we talking
about my night?

You had quite the evening.

Roadside nasal intubation?
You're the talk of the hospital.

It was pretty amazing.

I wish I could have been
there to see you do it.

Were you nervous?

When I first saw him, yes.

But then, something kicked in.

I can't explain it.
My hands, my mind.

They started working together like
I wasn't even thinking about it.

After it was over and
the ambulance had left,

I had this realization.

When I was little,
I wanted to be a doctor.

And as I grew older,
I got so caught up in

what my parents wanted and trying to
please everyone that I forgot that.

And yesterday?

My gosh, yesterday,
it all came flooding back.

[EXHALING] Hank, I want to
apply to medical school.

I know. It's crazy.

I mean, it is crazy, isn't it?

You will be a fantastic doctor.

It would mean that I'd have
to slow down at HankMed.

And eventually quit.

Or when you finish med school,

you'll join HankMed
as Dr. Katdare.

Dr. Katdare.

I don't know
if I'd get used to that.

I could get used to that.



ELAN: Thanks for staying
with me all night.


We've walked up and down these
hospital halls a hundred times.

I've had PE with less cardio.

Do you think this baby
is ever going to come?

Yes. I promise she will.

Before Christmas?

You can always take the doctor up
on her idea of Pitocin to induce.


No dr*gs.
Right, no dr*gs.

Do you think that's a mistake?

I think it's your decision.

You're the one doing
all the work.

You're going to be a good mom.

Have you heard back from yours?

Well, like you said,
maybe she's still at work.

Elan, are you saying no
to the Pitocin

because you're hoping your mom will
get here before you give birth?


[SHAKILY] I want her here.

I've already disappointed
her enough.

I don't want to do it anymore.

I've ruined her plans for me.

I just want to get my
life back on track.

I miss her.

I need her.

Is that why you're
giving up your baby?

Because you think it'll help
your mom to forgive you?

It may not be my place
to say this, but...

I'm not sure that should be
first and foremost in your mind

when making
a decision like this.


My mom and I had lots of
arguments when I was a teenager,

but we always got past them.

You don't know my mom.

I... I don't.

And I don't know you
very well, either.

But I do know that you're a very
capable and strong young woman.

And I think you should make this
decision based on what you want.

Whatever you decide,

please know that Evan
and I will support you.

No matter what.



Thank God you're here.

Where is he?

We were taking our wedding photos and
Bruce said he was seeing double.

He stepped out of the sun,
and he seemed to be better.

And then his speech
got all garbled.

Bruce, can you squeeze my hand?

Can you hear me?

Okay. Okay, good.

Can you speak?


When did his vision and
speech problems start?

About two hours ago.

We thought it would get
better, but it didn't.

And when he lost feeling
on the right side of his body,

that's when I called
you and 911.

Bruce is having
an ischemic stroke.

Oh, my God.
Bruce, you're having a stroke.

It's a blood clot in your brain.

But I'm going to do everything
I can to help you, I promise.

I'm right here.

Baby, it's okay.
You're going to be just fine.

That's it. You just
keep talking to him.

I got you.
I'm right here.

I'm not going anywhere.
I'm right here.

Okay? You're going
to get all better.

I'm right here.

It's okay.

Nikki, the stroke's affected
his dominant brain,

where personality, memory,
and cognition reside.

I can inject thrombolytics to break
up the clot and limit the damage.

Every second counts.

There are risks, but the risk
of not doing it is far greater.


Do it.

It's going to be okay, Bruce.

You're going to be okay.

The CT angiography confirmed that the
enzyme I injected dissolved the clot.

But he'll still need a carotid stent
to increase flow to his brain,

so we're not out
of the woods yet.

The neurologist said
you saved his life.

Thank you.

I'm glad I could help. Bruce
seems like a real gentleman.

He is.

What do you think this means
for him in the long term?

The neurologist
will fill you in.

I'm asking you.

Well, um...

In the best case scenario,
he could make a full recovery.

But he'll still need at least six
to 12 months of physical therapy.

And if it's not the best case?

No one knows how much
function he'll recover.

I'm sorry, Nikki.

And I'm sorry you had
postpone your wedding.


The minister is on her way.
We're getting married.

Goodbye, Hank.

This is not what
I signed on for.

I wanted to spend on florists
and caterers and photographers.

Not attorneys.

I think we need to postpone.

I'll see your postponement
and raise you.



It was me.


DR. NEIL: The baby's crowning.

One more big push.

One more big push.
Come on.

Elan. Hey, Elan,
you can do it.


Don't hold back.
Just let everything out.

Here, I'll... I'll push
with you. Okay?

On three.
One, two, three.


Oh, my God!

She's right there.


EVAN: Look at her.

You did so good, Elan.

You were great.
You did so great.





Hi, there.

How could my memory
have been so off?

All these years, I remembered her dumping
me, when I was the one who ended it.

And since Nikki and I broke up,

I've either dated the wrong women
or screwed up the right ones.

Maybe the reason I can't find the
right person is because of me.

And maybe you're being
too hard on yourself.

Like you said, it's hard to
get perspective on your life

when you're the one
who's living it.

RAJ: Hi.

I'm so sorry about your Aji.

Thank you.

Hey, cuties.
How you doing?

I, uh... I didn't expect
to see you here.

I came to lend my shoulder.

But now I hear your Aji's
been carried away already.

Yes. Yes.

But my family will be very pleased
to see you, especially my parents.

It's been a long time.

They took her to the nursery
to get her examined.

Elan, she's so angelic.

And sweet.

How are you feeling?

I don't think I've ever been
this tired in my whole life.

I can imagine.

You did an incredible job.

I'm so proud of you.

Can I get you anything?

I've really been craving
a chocolate shake.

Two of them.


What do you think of Lenora?

That was my granny's name.

You want to keep her.

I do.

You're going to be a great mom.

And Evan and I will be a phone call
away if you ever need anything.



She's so beautiful.

Yes, she is.

Elan's doing the right thing.

And so are you.



Hey, hey, hey.
Take it easy on that.

Hey, listen. Listen.

If you want free candy,
you have to hit it here.

Yes! Do it again.

Uh, one's enough.

One's enough.

So, uh, you're a southpaw.

A lefty.

I'm trying to
become ami-dextrose.

Oh. Ami-dextrose.

Yeah, it means you can
bat righty and lefty.


Let's see what you've got, kid.

Nice toss.

Are you here visiting someone?

My mom.

Uh, I hope everything's okay.

Why wouldn't everything be okay?

Sam, you know the rules.

Oh. Uh, sorry.
It's my fault.

My fault. Oh, are the gummy bears
your fault, too, Dr. Lawson?

Hank. And, yeah.

I'm Jen. OB nurse.

Yeah, I...
I know who you are.

Okay, well, I'm calling the game
on account of flute practice.

I hate flute.

I know, I know. But two more lessons and
then you never have to take it again. Okay?

Come on.

Fine. But I
still hate flute.

Hey, wait for me
at the entrance.

So, playing ball in the hallway and
enabling a child's sweet tooth.

Clearly you do not have kids.

Not yet, no.

Okay, well, for the record,
I hate flute, too.


How do you feel about coffee?


Look, if you're, uh...
I'm not.

Well, I was, but I'm sorry.

No, it's not you. I'm just
not doing coffee these days.

Or drinks or dinner or anything
resembling, like, a date. I just, uh

got out of a not so good
relationship, so...

Right. Again, sorry.

You apologize a lot, Hank.

I do. And...

I'm sorry?

All right, I'll see you later.
Okay, bye.


I hope I'm not disturbing you.

No. No, no, no.
Of course not.

How are you feeling?

I, uh... I... I miss Aji.

Were those hers?



Thank you for being there.

I didn't go just
to pay my respects.

I also wanted to see you.

You did?


Karen and I have agreed that things are not
going to work out between us after all.


I realized that I'm
in love with you.

I'm in love with you, too.

That is

the best thing
I have ever heard.

Actually, there may
be one thing better.


Will you marry me?

Hey. Please tell me
we have another.


What a sunset.

[SIGHS] What a day.

Yeah, I heard the demon seed
got married at the hospital.

I'm happy for Nikki.

Does that mean you can
finally move on now?

Yeah, doesn't seem to be much forward
motion in that department for me.

Be patient.

Mrs. Dr. Hank Lawson is out
there somewhere, I promise,

and you are absolutely
going to find her.

I hope so, but...

I'm starting to think
the problem is me.

For some reason, I seem to date women who
live anywhere but here in the Hamptons,

so I make any meaningful
relationship impossible.

It seems like kind
of an easy fix.

You'd think, right?

You'll figure it out.

You always do.

How are you and Paige
holding up?

Pretty good. I mean...

Okay, considering.

It's definitely hard. Uh...

I just really want to be a dad.

I know.

You will be.

If it doesn't happen, I don't know
how Paige is going to handle it.

How we'll handle it.

Hey, listen to me.

You guys are both so strong, no matter
what happens, you're going to be okay.




No, it's just when you and
Paige first got together,

I have to say I was surprised that
you were settling down before me.

Oh, really?

You were not alone, my friend.

And now, you're going
to lap me again.

You have grown so much.

And I have no doubt you're
ready to be a father.

A great one.

Well, I had a great one
who showed me how it's done.


We have the same father, right?

Oh, not Eddie. Jesus.


You were a father
to me for years.

To you.

To you and Paige.

And to you and...


How about we just drink?
