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19x08 - The Men Tell All

Posted: 04/25/24 08:58
by bunniefuu
[cheers and applause]

- Tonight,
on a very special episode

of "The Bachelorette"...

- I guess I like girls that are
rough around the edges.

- All of your favorite men
from the season are back...

- You had your chance.

Have some respect
for the guys that were there.

- And they're ready
to talk smack.

- You did mislead Rachel
throughout the whole process.

- Were you hoping
for Gabby's rose?

- He was condescending,
calling them "females."

- That was absurd...
- Let me speak. Let me speak.

- Roby, you were at the mansion
for four hours for a reason.

- Would you have kept me
with blond hair?


- Yes. No, just kidding!

- Rachel, the relationship
didn't really make sense to me.

- We had a connection,
and I think you did me wrong.

- You were still
entertaining both sides.

- If you think
you know what happens...

all: Meatball, Meatball,
Meatball, Meatball!

- Guess again.

- Oh, no!

- Oh!

It's a night full of surprises.

This news is about to change
your lives forever.

[dramatic music]

Are you ready to hear
what I'm about to say?

[cheers and applause]

So let's all raise our glasses

and toast to new adventures!

And it all starts right now.

[cheers and applause]

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- Good evening.

Thanks for coming.

So great seeing you. Thank you.

All right.

Good evening, Bachelor Nation.
It's so great being here.

I'm Jesse Palmer, and welcome

to what promises to be
a dramatic

and, dare I say it,
shocking "Men Tell All."

[cheers and applause]
That's right.

Now, of course, history was made

earlier this year
when we introduced

not one, but two Bachelorettes,

and so far, this season really
has lived up to all the hype.

We've had double the drama,
double the tears.

We've had double the romance
and hopefully not one,

but two engagements.

[cheers and applause]

So how's this all gonna end?

Well, later tonight,
you're gonna get

a sneak peek
that will definitely have

all of Bachelor Nation in tears.

So, of course,
Gabby and Rachel are here.

[cheers and applause]
That's right.

And so are all
of your favorite guys,

ready to hit the stage
and tell all.

We got so much to cover tonight,

but first,
before the drama unfolds,

we do have
some unfinished business

that we have to get to.

Last week,
you saw all of the Hometowns.

You saw all of them
except for one.

Rachel is now about to meet
Aven in Salem, Massachusetts.

And I'm not gonna give
anything away,

but here is a hint.

It's cursed.

I'm being serious. It is.
You don't believe me?

Take a look.

[eerie music]

♪ ♪

[trolley bell rings]

- Today, we are here
in Aven's hometown,

Salem, Massachusetts,

and I'm just nervous

because my last Hometown
with Tino

didn't go as I planned.

It was really difficult.

His family, they do not like me,

as much as he wants
to tell me they do.

And with Tyler, it was so tough

to break up with someone
on a Hometown,

but I know that it was
the right decision.

Aven is someone I have

an extremely strong
connection with.

- Hi.

Oh, my God.

- I can absolutely see
a future with him.

- You doing okay?
- Yeah.

I'm just really excited
to spend the day with him

and to meet his family
later tonight.

I'm a little bit more nervous
for that.

- Welcome to Mass.

Salem has such a rich history,

and I wanted to explore it
together today.

- I'm ready.
- I'm so happy.

- But I am so excited
to see Aven.

I feel like today,

I'd fully expect his parents
to be skeptical.

My fears are that
they just won't like me.

They don't like this process.
They just don't trust it.

So that is of course a fear
for me tonight, for sure.

I am very excited for tonight,
but I'll be completely honest.

- Yeah.
- I'm really nervous.

- Okay. Is there, like,
a specific reason why?

- You told me last week
that your parents both

didn't approve
of a couple of exes.

How many...

- I've only had
two serious relationships.

- And both of them
they didn't approve of.

- Not both parents.

I don't want you to go
into tonight nervous.

I want you to be excited

- I am excited too.
- It's gonna be fun.

Obviously, like, meeting
the parents is nerve-racking,

regardless of the situation,

but I definitely don't want you
to go in there thinking, like,

"Oh, they disapproved
of his last two girlfriends,

so what are they gonna think"...

That's not how this is
at all, I promise you.

- Okay.
- I promise you.

- So when, or ever,
was there a time

they both met someone
at the same time?

- No. There hasn't been.
- Okay.

- Oh, yeah,
you're the first one.

- Okay.
- At the same time, yeah.

My parents literally haven't,
like, been together

since I, like,
graduated college,

like, in the same room
together, so it's been,

like, six or seven... six years.

- Oh, wow.

- I didn't even think
about that aspect of it.

Like, yeah, that's huge.

Rachel is someone
that's very special

to me now at this point,
so it's very important

getting my parents' approval.

They're the two most
important people in my life,

but I could sense a little bit
of nerves coming from Rachel.

So I got some stuff
planned today

that hopefully will calm
her nerves a little bit.

[ominous music]

[crow cawing]

- After you.

- Oh.
- [whistles]

- This is so cool.

Oh, my gosh,
should we get crystals?

Oh, this one's for passion.

Okay, we definitely need
one of these.

- Hi.
- Hi!

- Hello.
- Welcome to Crow Haven Corner.

- How are you?
- Hello.

- How you guys doing today?
Both: Good.

- Well, this is
the oldest shop in Salem.

In fact, the country.

And I'm what you call
the love witch of Salem.

- Ooh.
- So, you know,

I'm just looking at you,
and I'm like,

"This is all about love,
I can tell."

And I'm like "You know what?

I gotta tell you
about my famous love spell."

I could do it for you,
if you like.

- Yeah.

- I would love to see the spell.

- Yeah. Yeah.

Okay, it would be my pleasure.

Just come with me, okay?
- I'm excited.

I've never done
anything like this.

But I am the most nervous
to meet Aven's family.

So when it comes to love
with Aven,

I will try anything.

- Right now, I can tell you
that you're extremely nervous.

I want you to remember
that your words have power.

And today,
you must take your power

and speak your words.

Know that it's okay
to say what you feel.

'Cause if you don't,
there's only so much time.

And lots of passion too.

He's romantic,
just a little shy.

- She did tell Aven
he needs to open up more.

And Aven is the one
who has told me

the least about how he feels.

- So right away, Rachel,
you're a giver.

But what I can pick up
about you is, you need clarity.

And so you definitely need that
to start today.

And I want you to follow
your heart and your soul

and most of all your instincts.

In honor of both of you today,

I ask for love and light

and the correct love
for both of you

and to have a wonderful,
beautiful, magical night.

- Wow.
- Whoa.

[soft music]

- So I want you guys both
to follow your hearts.

I enjoyed doing this
with you today.

- Thank you.

- And I wish the both of youse
the best of luck.

- Aww, thank you so much.
- Thank you so much.

This is incredible.
- Merry meet. Merry part.

May we all meet again.

Both: Yes.
[both laugh]

- I'm gonna leave now,
and thank you...

- [screams]
- [bleep].

- Oh, no! Not the fire!

- Oh, my God.
- It stays burning.

- I knew that thing
was gonna fall.

The table didn't break, though.
- Is it bad that that happened?

- Can someone help me
with the table?

- Oh, gosh.

- Is that bad luck if it fell?

Our love spell just tumbled
to the floor.

I don't know what that means.

I just hope it's not a bad sign.

Let's pray for tonight.

Oh, my God. Whoa.

[upbeat music]

- Welcome back
to the "Men Tell All."

Now, the guys are all
anxiously awaiting backstage,

and if you think you saw
fireworks this season,

just wait until later tonight.

Does Logan regret switching
from Team Rachel to Team Gabby?

Gonna ask him about that.
And then what about Nate?

Has he recovered
from that devastating breakup

with Gabby in Amsterdam?

And will he also address
the rumors about him

that have been running rampant
on social media recently?

And then of course
there's Hayden.

[crowd booing]

Will the man who enraged
all of Bachelor Nation

with his inappropriate behavior
even show up tonight?

Just wait and see.

But first, Rachel is about
to meet Aven's parents.

So will she be
welcomed with open arms,

or is she gonna need
to cast a spell?

Let's find out.

[foreboding music]

♪ ♪

- So we're going in.

- Okay. Remind me again.

- Yes, we're gonna meet
my mom, Dawn...

- Okay.
- And my dad, Arthur.

You ready?
- I'm ready.

- I'm excited.

- Aven's parents are gonna
be there together tonight,

and in his previous

they have never met
someone at the same time.

And neither of his parents
have approved

of partners in the past.

So walking in tonight,
I truly am shaking.

Like, my teeth were chattering.

This is a huge deal to me

because his parents could be
my future in-laws.

This is a big deal.

- There they are.
- Oh, my gosh.

- Hi.
- Hi, guys.

- Meeting some
of the other families

didn't go as I planned,
so tonight with Aven,

I really just want them
to like me.

- From the bottom of my heart,
it's so good to see

both of you here,
like, at the same time,

like, fully supporting me
in all of this,

and I'm so honored to introduce

this special girl
to you both, so...

- Oh, sweet.
- Cheers.

- Thank you.
- Awesome. Cheers.

Well, Aven, we were
so excited to see you.

- Yeah, it's really good
to see both of you.

- We were really excited to see

who you brought
through the doorway.

And we are so happy to meet you

and hopefully get to know you
a little better tonight

and wish both of you
all the best

on whatever this journey is
for you.

- We've had quite the journey.
- Yeah.

The first night, like, I got
the chance to talk to her,

and, like, within,

I don't even know,
like, ten seconds,

I was like "Yeah,
she's really"...

- Ten seconds?
- Ten seconds.

She's, like, so cool
and I just, like, immediately

was like,
"Oh, this is perfect."

I, like, knew.

- How did you feel
at the beginning?

- I mean, straight out
the limo, it was like,

"Okay, we're off
to a great start."

I definitely could not wait
to talk to him,

but as soon as we talked
to each other,

I feel like we definitely had
a connection.

- Right now,
the dinners and the hotels

and the travels
around the world,

that's all great, well,
and fine, and it's fun,

but in real life,
that kind of stuff

doesn't happen all the time.

Rachel, you want to come
and have a chat with me

at the bar for a moment?
- Yes.

- So we need to be honed in
on, "This is great,

"but how does this fit
into my life?

How does this fit
into the real world?"

Those are questions
they need to be asking

themselves and each other.

I know you've been
through this process before,

so I have
some questions for you.

What attracts you
to Aven as a person?

- There's something about Aven
I truly can't describe,

but he's just
so incredible, honestly.

- Okay.

- I just feel like
we have so much in common,

just on a level of what we want

and how we want
to raise a family

and how we want
to live our lives.

- Based on those things,

do you see this being something

you can bring
into the real world?

- Absolutely.

I have absolutely thought
about my future with Aven

and we've talked about things
we want in the future

and what a family
would look like

and what our life
would look like

with my job, with his job, and...

- Yes.

- It is something
that we have talked about

because as much as it is
a fantasy,

it's all about
getting to that point

of engagement and reality,
and for me, it's serious

because when I get engaged,
that's it for me.

And he said that
for himself as well.

He's like "I would never
get down on one knee

if I wasn't 100% serious."

- It's nice to hear that you're
looking for the same things.

- Absolutely.

- So are you
earnestly, sincerely,

whole-heartedly ready
to commit to love

with Aven?

- My feelings for Aven
are so strong.

I truly do see
a future with him.

- Okay.

- But can I sit here right now
and be, like, 100%?

No. I can't, to be honest.

- Fair enough.

- But our relationship
is just so special.

I'm excited to see
where it goes.

- Okay.

- I do think the conversation
with Aven's dad

is going really well,
but I am the most nervous

to meet Aven's mom, Dawn.

They definitely do have
a really strong relationship.

So I do still fully expect
hard questions.

- You've got three others?

- Yeah, it definitely is...

- Do you feel different
with Aven?

Are you on the same level
with all of them right now?

- There are still other people
here, absolutely,

and that's just a part
of this process

and something
I've never experienced,

but with Aven,
I feel so strongly for him.

And he is so special.

And I would never bring him
into this position

and have family involved
if I didn't truly see

a future with him
outside of this.

- I feel that about you.

To see him come in and display
that much affection

when he walked in with you was...

That was right here,
that hit me right here.

So the fact that he has
brought you here

says a very powerful message
to both me and his father

about who you are to him.

- How did your conversation go
with Rachel?

- It went well.
- It went very well? Okay.

- I asked her
some tough questions and...

- [laughing] Oh, you asked...

- I have to say, she stood up
to 'em pretty good.

- That means something to me.
- Okay.

Do you, Aven Jones,
think that you are ready

to take this to the next level?

Which means engagement
and potentially marriage.

Are you ready for that
with Rachel?

- Loaded question, but yeah,
I am getting to that point.

I am.

If I get the validation
from Rachel

to getting to the end of this
and being...

Like, her showing me that
she feels the same way as I do

and that she sees
a future with me,

I feel like
that's enough validation

to trust that connection.

- Okay.
- And... yeah.

- I like her.
I hope it works out.

She's great.
She's welcome to the family.

Don't stop fighting
for her, man,

'cause she's a good catch.

- Tonight couldn't have gone
any better.

Both my parents 100% approved
of her as a person

and someone who's right for me.

Yeah, I got that today,
for sure.

You seem a little more relaxed.

- No, I feel so much better.

I was actually shaking
coming in here.

- I know.

Rachel, she's somebody
that I want to spend

the rest of my life with.

And I think this is
a perfect time

to let her know how I'm feeling.

Oh, my gosh,
this is such a good night.

- I know.
- Like, I'm so glad

that you liked them.

- So you don't have
any, like, doubts,

or, like, you feel good about
everything that they said?

- I have zero doubts.

Seeing the look
on my parents' face,

they see how happy
I am with you.

And it's just...

This night just meant
the world to me, I swear.

Like, my feelings are getting
really, really strong.

And I, like... I am, like,
falling in love with you.

[sweet music]

I am. I really am.

- Oh, my gosh,
hearing you say that

is the most incredible feeling.

You have no idea

what hearing you say this means

because I feel like you are
obviously slow to open up.

- I am.

- And I've always
just been like,

"I want him to tell me
how he feels,"

and I'm so happy right now.

- From the bottom of my heart,
I mean it.

- I feel so lucky right now.

Aven is falling in love with me.

And it makes me so happy

because I have wanted him
to say that

for a really long time.

And it means everything to me.

- Bye.
- Goodbye.

- Be safe.

- I do feel like I am
falling in love with Aven.

I feel really confident
this could be it.

This could be my happy ending.

[cheers and applause]

- Wow.

It looks like Rachel and Aven
are totally falling in love,

but with such strong feelings
for all of the remaining guys,

did Aven get a rose
at the Rose Ceremony?

Well, I got a spoiler for you:

he did.

In fact,
all of Rachel's guys did.

[cheers and applause]

So did all of Gabby's.

Now, look, I know you haven't
seen the Rose Ceremony yet,

but guess what, you're not
gonna see it tonight.

We just have way too many
things to get to,

but I told you
from the beginning,

Gabby and Rachel, they wanted
to call all the sh*ts.

They decided
that after their Hometowns,

they weren't sending
anybody home.

They wanted to keep
all of their men.

You want to see
how it all went down?

You can check it out

Okay, when we come back,
it's finally time

to hear from the men.

What was it like dating
two Bachelorettes at once?

How do the guys really feel
about Hayden telling Gabby

she's rough around the edges?

Whoo! Look out, Hayden.

Rambo's not here
to protect you, brother.

All that and more when
the "Men Tell All" returns.

[cheers and applause]

[cheers and applause]

[upbeat music]

Hi, and welcome back
to the "Men Tell All."

Now, look,
you've all been so patient,

and I promise you
it's been totally worth it

because the moment
you've been waiting for

is finally here.

It's finally time
for the men to tell all.

Everybody ready for this?

[cheers and applause]

Well, please welcome Roby.

[cheers and applause]


Jordan H.



Jordan V.









And Nate.

[cheers and applause]

All right, well, gentlemen,

it's so good
seeing you all here.

I think the last time
I saw most of you,

we were on a cruise ship,
we were sailing along

the northern coast of Europe.

Dude, I'll tell you what,

I never saw this goatee,
though, Spencer.

I'm digging the new goat.

- Oh, you liking it?
- Yeah.

- That means a lot
coming from you.

- Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
- Thank you.

- It's a good look.

Did any of you know
that that was Roby?

All: No.

- He surprised us all, actually.

- I did not notice you
with the platinum hair.

- I was in the bathroom
getting ready.

I'm like,
who the [bleep] is this?

- Well, listen,
there's so much to get to.

Let's go back to the beginning.

Let's start.
And Nate, I'll start with you.

It's gotta be tough
being in the limo,

you're headed to the mansion
thinking that

you have to leave
this impression.

It'd be tough enough
on one Bachelorette.

Where was your mindset knowing

that you were about to meet two?

- My mindset was kind of like,
"Just don't pass out."

I was literally
walking up to them,

but I was just met
with such a warm embrace

that it kind of
just felt natural

and I was able to be myself.

- You know, I had nothing
but respect for both of them,

I think they did an amazing job,

and there's nothing
that they should look back on

and think that they have
to change, 'cause I just think

they did it perfectly.

- Yeah.
[cheers and applause]

Logan, what was the best part
of dating two Bachelorettes?

- [chuckles]
- Um, the lessons learned.

I had to say something.

Thanks for asking, Jess.
- Yeah, you got it.

Don't worry, that won't be
the last question

I ask about that either.

All right, well,
I think we can all agree

that this was definitely
a crazy experience, right?

With two Bachelorettes,
we really did have

double everything.

We had double the romance,
double the man tears,

and, of course,
double the drama.

[sweeping music]

all: Whoa!

- There's two Bachelorettes.

- This is like
history in the making.

- Surprise!

- This is amazing.

I have two opportunities
with two stunning women.

How is this gonna work?

You better choose wisely.

- I just felt, like,

a really good connection
with Rachel.

And I really do want
to pursue that.

- I do have
my intentions for Rachel.

- Yeah.

- And I think you have
a little bit more, like...

I want to say
rough around the edges.

- Like, even if, like, say,
you were the only person here,

I don't think I could have
the heart to continue.

But obviously, like,
you're smoking.

- Yeah.

I think these guys saying
that because I'm different

they don't want to be with me
is, like, validating

that I may be too much
for people.

- Will you accept this rose?

- I'm sorry. I cannot.

I'm here for Gabby.

[tense music]

- I am gonna have
to decline your rose.

- Did somebody else say no?

- I gotta follow my heart,
and I'm sorry.

- Rachel being rejected
by some of the men

at the Rose Ceremony,
that was very uncomfortable.

I didn't ever expect
to be Bachelorette

and then to be rejected again
multiple times.

After you already feel like
you don't deserve it,

it's hard.


- She gave me a rose,
and I feel like the bad guy.

- Logan,
will you accept this rose?

- But if it means
I get to talk with Gabby,

I would be a fool
not to accept a rose.

The heart wants what it wants.

I've come back
to thinking about you.

- Yeah.

- After talking to her
for 20 seconds,

I realized why I was
doing all this.

Fortune favors the bold.

All: Oh!

- How's everybody?

- I was shocked
when Logan came in.

No guy's gonna want to hear

that another man is being added
to the mix.

I just didn't see that coming,
you know, from Logan.

I thought he was, like,
crazy about Rachel.

- [laughs]

- Logan, he is indecisive.

It just shows a reflection
of his character.

But, you know, drama's always
creeping somewhere, right?

- Like, for me it would be
a deal-breaker if we got down

to the final four,
which I plan to be in,

and we go in the Fantasy Suite

and we have
this sexual experience

and then she decides
that she's gonna have sex

with multiple people
and feel it out,

that would be the situation
where I'd go, "Okay, I'm out."

- What Chris said, I was pissed.

First off,
you shouldn't be talking

about Fantasy Suites anyway.

Clearly you're not here
for the right reasons.

They don't deserve
what you just said.

Like, if you're gonna put them
through that, [bleep] go home.

- Do you feel like
it's appropriate to be talking

about Fantasy Suites this early?

- I'm not taking away
anybody's else decision,

and that's something
that I would never want to do

to a female
is take away their decision.

- I understand that you're
thinking way far in advance.

We can help make this decision
at this point.

I don't want anyone to be
thinking about Fantasy Suites.

It's so early.

We don't even know
if we have a connection.

I do think it would be time
for you to go.

- Chris is playing
the villain in the house,

and who's gonna be
the next Chris?

Like, who's gonna be
the next one

that actually shows
their true colors?

- Gabby's the one
that used the word

"rough around the edges."

And my dumb ass uses
the same verbiage

that Gabby uses
to describe herself,

and she [bleep]
didn't like that.

Well, bitch, maybe you
shouldn't use that [bleep] word

to describe yourself, then.

- Oh, my God.

- I've been comparing my ex
to, like...

Like, this [bleep], right?

They don't hold a candle to her.

- Hearing this
from Hayden is disturbing

and that doesn't
sit well with me.

- After what was said
about Gabby in LA,

you went and said
"I can't trust these b*tches"?

- That's not what I said.
- I just don't believe you.

Can I walk you out?
- Yes.

- Hayden, it shocked me
because what he said,

it was absolutely insane.

It's mind-blowing.

[dramatic music]

[cheers and applause]

- All right, we obviously have
a lot to unpack here,

so I want to start
with a challenge

that I think a lot of men here
were faced with

at some point
during this journey,

and that was
trying to figure out

which of these two women
to pursue.

Ethan, it's obvious... we know
that both Rachel and Gabby,

they're both incredible ladies.

How hard was it for you
to try to figure out

which of the two
you were gonna pursue?

- You know, I think
in the first, like, two weeks,

it was tough to navigate,

but, you know,
after getting comfortable

and settling in
with each of them,

I think I kind of knew
right away

the direction that I wanted
to head.

So once we set sail
to Europe, I mean,

it was game on with Rachel, so...

- I came there for Gabby
since day one,

so to have people
not know what they want,

even if it's two Bachelorettes
or not,

you should know which one
you pair up with.

You should know which one
you like more.

Love has to be true.

- Termayne, when you found out
about the conversation

Jacob had
at the group date in LA...

It was very blunt with Gabby.

When he was explaining
his intentions

to pursue Rachel,
it didn't go over great.

What was your reaction?

- I mean, honestly, I feel like
you were trying to, you know,

steer a line in the grass
right then and there.

I just feel like the words
were just completely wrong.

Like "rough around the edges"
was much better

than, like "If you were
the only one here,

then I'd probably leave."

- Jacob, I don't feel like
you were wishy-washy at all.

I just felt that you were
kind of a [bleep]

the way you addressed it.

- There you go.
- And that's, like, the thing.

You were to the point,
but, like, come on, man,

some manners over there.

- I... yeah, look, there's
no excuses for my actions.

I was rude. I was selfish.
I was ignorant of her feelings.

I need to take ownership
on that, that I did mess up.

I just have to learn
and hopefully teach others

to do better as well.


- All right, well,
the group date in Los Angeles,

that obviously wasn't
the only dramatic thing

that happened throughout
the course of the season.

I want to go back
to that infamous Rose Ceremony

where three men,
Meatball, Termayne, and Alec,

all rejected Rachel's rose.

This was the Rose Ceremony
that Gabby and Rachel made

a decision with respect
to which guys

they wanted to continue dating.

And you all understood
and knew that you had

the choice to either accept
or reject their rose.

- When Rachel gave me the rose
and she asked me, like,

"So will you accept the rose?"
and I was like "No,

because I have a better
connection with Gabby,"

and, like, when she asked
everybody else, like, nobody...

Well, Meatball did say no,
but Meatball also did

go back and, like, try
to rekindle

his way back into the situation,

which worked for him.

But to me,
that's not genuine at all.

That's like, I want to just
be here for the moment,

you know what I mean?

- I mean, there was
a lot of questions

going through my head,
you know, to it.

I mean, I came on
open to both of them.

Going into that Rose Ceremony,

I thought if I were
to get a rose,

it was gonna be from Gabby.

- That sounds like
you didn't accept the rose

because you thought
Gabby was more into you,

as opposed to you
being more into Gabby.

So, like, who the hell
were you into?

Because, like, if you're
more into Rachel,

then, like, say that.

Be that. Do that. Man up.

Like, have some balls, Meatball.

- I just didn't know
at the moment.

[laughter, applause]

- Damn.
- I mean...

- Roby. Roby.

- Hey, Roby,
you had your chance, man.

- [muttering indistinctly]

Let me speak, let me speak.
- No, but you talked to both...

- Shut the [bleep] up
for a second and let me speak.

- Yo, bro.
- How are you gonna tell me

to shut the [bleep] up?
- Let me speak.

- You aren't hearing...
- You know what I'm saying.

- The decision that they made...
- Roby, do this.

Do this. [whooshes]

- Yeah, disappear.

- Roby, you were there
at the mansion

for four hours for a reason.

- Yeah.
- I mean, have some respect

for the rest of us
who had genuine feelings,

who caught feelings
for these girls

over the course
of two months, man.

- The decisions that they made.
- I'm saying...

- Just shows that they made
the right decision.

- Exactly.
- Oh, really?

- It's all about decisions, man.

[cheers and applause]

- All right,
I want to switch now

to someone who's not here
with us tonight,

and the reason why is because
I think Gabby and Rachel

booted him so hard
out of the mansion

that he didn't dare show up
to this "Men Tell All,"

and of course
I'm talking about Chris.

- Chris was incredibly
out of pocket the whole time.

Like, out of touch with reality.

Just trash.

Like, he didn't help
run the house.

He wasn't trying
to make friends with us.

He was trying
to control the women.

He was condescending,
calling them "females."

Like, I hate it every time.

It's like he looks at things
so in his own way.

Like, there's a right way
to do everything,

but it's gotta be his way.

And he thinks his [bleep]
don't stink, but it does,

like his breath.

All right.
- Damn!

- I don't know if any of y'all
got close to him,

but it was bad.
- Damn!


- I think for me,
the biggest part is,

you're saying this thing about
Fantasy Suites, which is weird.

It's literally day two.

It came off misogynistic.
Just derogatory.

That's not something
you talk about.

But number two, to know
what happened to these girls

a few months ago,
and then to say it right there,

that's one of my biggest
regrets from the show,

is not saying something
to him right then.

- I was hoping
he'd get taken down.

- That was absurd.

- To hear someone reduce
somebody to their counterparts

of what they can only do
for you sexually

is so barbaric,

and I'm glad
that you guys brought it up.

Real men hold
other men accountable.

[cheers and applause]
- I was saying, Nate.

- All right, listen, we do have
to take a short break.

Coming up later tonight,
Gabby and Rachel are here

to face their men.

Can't wait for that.

And after the break,

what do the guys have to say
about Hayden?

The man who said
all those nasty things

about Gabby and Rachel
that no man ever should say.

But is he gonna show?

Well, there's one man
who did show up tonight.

That's Logan.

When we come back,
Logan is gonna open up

about his dramatic decision
to switch Bachelorettes

and all the fallout
that followed.

Does he have any regrets?

We're gonna ask him that
and a lot more

coming up next
on the "Men Tell All."

[cheers and applause]

[dramatic music]

[cheers and applause]

♪ ♪

- Welcome back
to the "Men Tell All,"

and things obviously
are definitely

heating up right now,

and that's because
we're about to talk

about the one man who had
all of Bachelor Nation

clamoring for his dismissal.

You know I'm talking
about Hayden.

[crowd booing]

He referred to the women
in demeaning terms.

He compared them
to his ex-girlfriend.

He even told Gabby
she was, quote,

"rough around the edges."

[crowd muttering]

So I'm gonna open it up
to you guys now to discuss.

- Yeah, I think it really
comes down to character.

His character really showed
throughout the season.

You know, calling someone
"rough around the edges,"

calling the girls "b*tches,"
it's just one of those things

that is something that,
you know, I would want

to address in front
of a live audience

and in front of the guys.

But for him not to be here,

I think it speaks a lot
to his character

and how cowardly he is
not to be here.

- For a man to have to put down
a woman

to feel like he's empowered
is just not okay.

And if this is how
you're treating Gabby,

you don't deserve Rachel either.

So I'm glad that they
eventually got rid of him.


- He completely lied
about the whole thing.

After hearing all of that,
he's a misogynist,

and, honestly, his dog, Rambo,
doesn't need training.

He needs training.

[laughter, applause]

- It was rude what he said,
it was disrespectful,

and to not only put
Rachel through that,

put Gabby through that,
put us through that,

he's putting his dog through,
like, a lot more trauma.

Like, taking away the dog toy.

I'm like,
"Bro, like, free Rambo."

Like, what are you doing?
Like, let him out.

- I mean, I guess Hayden
and I like different girls.

I guess I like girls that
are rough around the edges.

I love Gabby. She's...

[cheers and applause]

- Whee-yoo!

- All right, there is one man
who did decide

to show up tonight,
and that's Logan.

Obviously, Logan,
he accepted Rachel's rose,

he later on switched
to Team Gabby,

and I wanted to open it up
to you guys.

Ethan, what were
the repercussions of that?

- Unfortunately, the group date
in Belgium was cancelled.

It did rub me the wrong way.

And getting that
group date cancelled

was tough on me
'cause that was time

that I could've used bad.

- Logan switching,
we instantly knew that,

"Okay, now there's another guy,

our conversations with Gabby
are gonna be shorter now."

I didn't have a ton of time
with Gabby at that point,

so I really could've used
those extra minutes,

those extra conversations

to strengthen my relationship
with her before Hometowns.

- I saw two wonderful people,

and although I felt more moved
by one connection,

I thought maybe there's
potential in the other one

that I hadn't seen or explored.

- At what point did you know?

- Felt like you were just
looking for the next step.

That's why you accepted
that rose.

You went to France,
and you sent me home.

- I wasn't just looking
for the next step,

because you know what?

I saw this moving connection
with Gabby.

And so I accepted her rose.

And, you know,
if that's seen as a bitch move,

you know, so be it.

But I thought
it was worth exploring

if it means spending the rest
of my life with someone.


- Logan, look, I can tell
that you have a lot

you want to get off your chest.

Want to come up in the hot seat?

- Yeah, absolutely.
- Let's have a talk.

[cheers and applause]

[exciting music]

- All right, listen, first off,

I really respect you
for being here.

Tell me if I get this right.

You flirted
with both Gabby and Rachel,

you made out with both
Gabby and Rachel,

and then you joined Team Rachel
until you didn't.

Basically about right?

- In layman's terms,
that's sort of right.

- That's a lot to process.

- You know, it's...
I was constantly

battling two things, Jesse.

It was me not wanting to make
these women's journey,

which was already so difficult,
more difficult

versus me telling my truth
and following my heart.

And those two things,

got to a place
where they conflicted.

- Let's go back to that
decisive Rose Ceremony

where you knew that if you
accepted a rose from Rachel,

that meant you were gonna
have to commit to her.

- Looking back,
after Rachel gave me the rose,

I would've liked to have
pulled them both aside

and say, "I am very open

"to exploring things
with Rachel,

"but I have to be honest,

the connection that moved me
was with Gabby."

- Well, that leads me
to my question.

So before those roses
were handed out,

were you hoping
for Gabby's rose?

Or were you hoping for...

Like, what were you hoping
in that moment?

- I was having a heart attack.
I couldn't believe...

- So was... yeah.
- That this was happening.

- So was everybody.
- So soon after and without me

being able to talk
to them beforehand.

- Honestly, I just don't really
have, like, the sympathy card

that I guess you're wanting
right now,

for me at least, because you...

- I'm not asking
for anything from you.

- I think in your mind,

you felt like Rachel
really wasn't into you,

so your next thing was,
"If I flip,

I can stay longer."

And that's what you did.

- I disagree completely, Jordan.

There was a huge part of me
that thought

when I stepped away from Rachel
and told Gabby how I felt,

that she would send me home.

So it wasn't the easy choice.

It wasn't jumping over
because it was convenient,

'cause it was anything
but convenient.

- But Logan, I hope you do know
you did mislead Rachel

throughout the whole process.

- It was unintentional.

A conversation that I was
desperate to have,

which would keep people
from being misled,

I wanted the right time
and place, and it didn't come.

And I wish I would've
just had the conversation

right off the bat.

- Bottom line now, Logan,

when you look back on all this,
do you regret

leaving Rachel to pursue Gabby?

- I wish I had done it
in a more graceful way

that didn't affect
so many people,

but I don't regret
pursuing Gabby, no.

- You know, Rachel and Gabby
are gonna be here later.

- Yeah.

- What do you want
to say to them?

- I'm sorry for making things

even more hard
than they needed to be.

But I hope they can just see

that my heart was
in the right place.

- I know it was
really tough for you.

And, listen... I mean this...

Thank you for coming here

and facing
all of these tough questions.

[cheers and applause]
- Yeah.

- Thank you so much, Logan.
- Thank you.

- And if you think you've seen
the last of Logan,

by the way, you haven't.

You're gonna see him again
when a new season

of "Bachelor in Paradise"
premiers on September 27th.

[cheers and applause]

All right, well,
before we go any further,

I don't know about you all,
but I could sure use a drink.

Fellas, what do you think?

[cheers and applause]

I'm craving a little champagne.

- Ooh.
- Nice.

- And thankfully
I got some good news

because our incredible friends
at Virgin Voyages

have just the app for that.

This app works on all
Virgin Voyages sailings,

but in honor of this season
cruising around the globe,

they're letting us have some fun

right here
on the "Men Tell All" stage.

Get this, all you gotta do
is just shake your phone,

and then you have to press

the all-important Push Me button

like that.

And voilà, champagne.

[cheers and applause]

- I gotta be honest, I was
definitely using this app

while on board the ship.

Thank you so much.

How great is this, everybody?

Champagne on demand.

It doesn't get any better.

Now, before we do
a toast to this season,

I do have some news.

And, in fact, for all of
those of you in this audience,

this news is about to change
your lives, forever.

[cheers and applause]

- Well, get ready.

Because our amazing friends
at Virgin Voyages

are giving every single person
in this audience...

A free cruise!

[cheers and applause]


You get a cruise!
You get a cruise!

You get a cruise!
You get a cruise!

Everybody gets a cruise!

Yes, that is right!

Each of you will be given
the chance

to shake for champagne
on your very own free cruise

from Virgin Voyages!

And, yes, you're also
gonna be able to pick

from any one of their amazing
adults-only sailing experiences

all around the world.

Audience, how are we feeling
about that?

[cheers and applause]

And if you at home,
or anyone in our audience,

you want to learn more,
you can go to

for more information.

I think that calls for a toast.

So let's all raise our glasses
and toast to new adventures!

Cheers, everyone!

[cheers and applause]

[upbeat music]

- Welcome back
to the "Men Tell All."

Now, this next man stole
America's heart

with his good looks,
his casual charm,

and with his tireless defense
of the two women

and their right
to call the sh*ts.

But it was his heart-wrenching
breakup with Gabby

that really made him
a Bachelor Nation favorite.

Nate, you want to come on up?

[cheers and applause]

♪ ♪

[indistinct chatter]

Have a seat.

All right, Nate, I think
I speak on behalf of everybody

when I say that your
vulnerability, your maturity,

it really was
impressive to watch.

[cheers and applause]

Obviously, we're gonna have
a lot to get to.

I'm gonna ask you a lot.
I want to hear

all about your time with Gabby.

Of course,
we also have to address

everything that's being said
on social media too,

and we'll get to that,

but first, let's take a look
back at your journey.

- All right.

[exciting music]

♪ ♪

- Oh, my God, my first kiss
with Gabby, it was magical.

Like, her lips are so soft.

Oh, my God.
- [laughs]

- I knew she was a good kisser,
but damn.

- How old are you?
- I'm 33.

- I've never met a mature man.
[both laugh]

- Her smile is so radiant

and her personality just
makes it shine even more.

There's so many levels to her
that it's just beautiful.

She just has a way
of bringing out the best in me

and I just like
who I am around her.

Your smile melts my heart.

- Aww.
- It really does.

The second I laid eyes on you,

I felt like I was
meeting my best friend

and forever could never
be long enough

to just realize how beautiful
you are inside and out.

- Aww, thank you.


Nate makes me feel special

in a way
that nobody else has here,

and I was wondering
throughout this whole time,

how did you become
so emotionally intelligent,

because it's just not common
for men.

- I have a beautiful baby girl
who is six,

and she is my world.

Like, a pocket of my heart
just bursted open

the first time, you know,
she said Dad or the first time

she told me she loved me,
the first time,

like, I felt her hug me.

Like, I'm a girl dad 1,000%.

- You're gonna make me cry.
So sweet.

- Oh, thank you.
Please don't make me cry.

Oh, my gosh.

- I've never met anyone

or dated anyone like him before.

It's so heartwarming to know
that men like him exist.

Because he really is,
like, a true, true man.

[both laugh]

- Gabby's just so unique
and I just see

so much in her
whenever I look at her.

Every day that I spend
a second more with her,

I see my potential wife in Gabby

and I feel like
this is meant to be.

- [sobbing]

Oh, God, I don't even know
where to start.

I have, like,
such deep feelings for you.

[somber music]

And I never want to say goodbye.

But I think

I'm, like, terrified

of not just, like, being a mom,

but being, like, bad at it.

- [sighs]

♪ ♪

- [sighs]

- I'm gonna miss you a lot.

- I don't know.

I don't know
if I made a mistake.

♪ ♪

Just seems unfair
that it's someone

who I was maybe
falling in love with.

♪ ♪

- You know,
I've never communicated

with someone so easily.

You know, I just felt a warmth
of just being around her,

being able to laugh and talk.

It's is gonna be
a heart connection

that I don't think I'll be able
to replicate.

♪ ♪

You can't just switch off
emotions and feelings.

I'm still, you know,
falling for her,

but it's just sad
that it's over.


- What's making you so emotional

watching that back?

- Just to see
how beautiful our journey was,

it just brought up
so many raw emotions.

Even though we broke up,
it was still a beautiful moment

that I got to share
in time with her,

so it was special
to see that again.

- In that moment,
how did it feel for you

knowing that you were
saying goodbye to Gabby?

- It was one of
the toughest goodbyes ever.

You know, when I woke up
that morning,

you know, I wasn't expecting to
see my name on the date card.

And to go
from just, like, a high

and not know
that she was feeling

those, like, feelings of doubt,

like, I just wanted to be there
for her

and let her know
that it was okay

'cause I know that she was
choosing with her heart.

And I can never be mad
at her for that.

- Yeah, it was heartbreaking
to hear when she talked about

how fearful she was
of being a mom,

and she was really fearful
of being a bad mom.

- It's so hard to hear her say
those things because for me,

to see so much in her,
being a nurturer,

someone that's so compassionate
and thoughtful,

she just had
so many facets to her

that would make her
the best mom.

But I empathize with her
and I do not feel the need,

you know...

Like, there's no hard feelings
between us.

- When you finally told Gabby
about your beautiful daughter,

Mila, your face just lights up
whenever you talk about her.

How precious is that for you?

- Having Mila in my life
is literally

the greatest treasure
that I have.

It really is.

She really is my heart.

To be loved
by that little girl is...

it's the rawest form of love
that I've ever felt,

and that's why
I'm so passionate about her

and I want my partner to have
that same level of support.

- If she's watching tonight,

what would you want to say
to her?

- Everything that I do
is for you.

Baby girl, you saved me.

You did.

I'm a better man because of you

and I'm gonna try to be
the best man because of you.

- That's really beautiful.
Thanks for sharing that.

Thank you.

[cheers and applause]

Before we move on,
recently now, on social media,

there have been
some rumors circulating

surrounding some
of your past relationships

and there have been
some allegations

that you kept your daughter
a secret

from someone you were dating
for a year and a half.

- I went through
a pretty traumatizing time

when I went through divorce,

and essentially the foundation

that was built
around my daughter

was... pretty much crumbled.

And the one thing

that I protect
most on this earth

is my daughter.

Like, I would never bring her

into a situation
I feel is dangerous,

a situation that I feel
is unstable.

And so it just made me
put a wall up,

protecting my daughter

from the instability
of my dating life.

- And for clarity too,
we're also talking about

the fact that you were dating
two women simultaneously.

- I would say I'm deeply sorry

for the way that I acted.

I should've been
more communicative,

I should've been more clear
in my intentions,

and I pray that you forgive
the man that I was

because I'm not
that same person.

- There are people that are
now starting to second-guess

everything you said to Gabby

and maybe even
your feelings for her.

- Every moment and emotion
that I had with Gabby was real.

We both felt it.
We experienced it.

You know, in past relationships,

I can't always say that we had
the commitment of,

"We'll be boyfriend
and girlfriend," but with this,

I committed to Gabby
as her boyfriend.

And I walked into it
with that lens.

- Jesse, I have one thing
to say to Nate real quick.

I'm so sorry.
- Yeah.

- I think truly great men
make other men better,

and Nate, you made me better
just talking to you,

being around you.

You're my bro. All right?

So I got your back.

- That's really well said, Alec.

Look, I know it's not easy
to come here

facing these
difficult questions.

I also know
how important it is for you

to make little Mila so proud.

And I think you did that
here tonight.

So thank you for coming, Nate.

[cheers and applause]

All right,
make sure you stick around.

We got so much more
from "Men Tell All"

when we come back.

[cheers and applause]

[upbeat music]

- Welcome back
to "Men Tell All."

Rachel and Gabby are
standing by backstage

waiting to join us, and I hear
that they have a lot to say

to their men here.

But before that,
we're gonna take a quick trip

south of the border to check in
with a few of the stars

from the upcoming season
of "Bachelor in Paradise."

Please give it up
for Serene, Genevieve,

Victoria, and Andrew.

It's so great seeing all of you.

Thanks so much for being here.

So, Andrew, I gotta ask you,
without giving too much away,

what can Bachelor Nation
expect from "Paradise"

this summer down on the beach?

- Not to even be cliché
or use buzz words,

but it is definitely
the most dramatic season.


I swear I'm not even kidding.

It's... you're gonna be

on the edge of your seat
the whole time.

- It was humid,
there were crabs,

and a lot of man tears.

One or two.

You don't have to answer
that one.

And, Victoria, look, I know

a lot of people are
really surprised.

They're also really excited
to see you

heading on down to the beach.

What made you want to go
take a trip?

- Yeah, no one's more surprised
to be there than me.


I feel like, you know, I'm 28

and it hasn't worked out for me
thus far, so here I am.

- Giving it another shot.

Now, Serene, of course you know

a lot of people
in Bachelor Nation,

they love to try to predict
who's gonna be hooking up,

maybe getting engaged,
but how surprised

are people gonna be
at some of the couples

they see down on the beach?

- You know, I've never been
to Paradise before,

but it wasn't anything
that I expected,

and so honestly
I think it's gonna be

a crazy ride every week.

- Yeah.
- I feel like so much happened

that it's easy to forget
just how crazy it actually was.

You want to take a look back?
- Oh, no. Don't do it, Jess.

Don't do it to us.
- What do you think, everybody?

You ready for your first look
at some of the romance

and drama that unfolded
this summer?

[cheers and applause]

I think it's that time,
Bachelor Nation.

Let's roll it.

- [ululating]

- This season
on "Bachelor in Paradise"...

[indistinct chatter]

- Brittany grabbed my [bleep].
Kira played with my nipples.

[both screaming]

- I can't say
I've gotten a girl this wet.

This is new.

- Ooh.
How was that?

- What is it?

- Salley's vibrator.
- Ew!

- [shrieks] Oh, my God!

- Whoo!
- Turn it off!

- Oh, my God.

- Welcome to the finest show
on television.


- Jeez.

- Whoo!

- At a time
when we all need it the most.

- Ahh!
- Oh, my God.

- I told myself I wouldn't
have sex on the first night...

- We're not having sex, Tarzan.

- Ahh!

- Am I choking you?
- [laughs]

- It's America's sexiest singles

all on the same beach
dating each other.

- It is very hard
to juggle two men at once.

I've never done that before.

- Logan is a man of high demand.

- It's getting messy
on this beach, bro.

- So what could
possibly go wrong?

- [sobbing] I want to go home.

I'm done.

- Dude, I just saw them kiss.

- I can't juggle,
like, two relationships.

- I feel so betrayed right now.

- Why is it so hard
to find love?

I don't get it.

- I'm so sorry.
- I want to leave!

- Bye.
Everybody wasted my time.

I'm not even gonna talk to you.

- You want to go
toe-to-toe with me?

See what happens, bitch.
- Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa.

- Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

[all shouting at once]
- Medic, medic, medic!

[sirens wailing]

- And a shocking twist
divides the beach.

Ladies, go pack your bags.

You'll be leaving Paradise

- Are you kidding me?
This is insane.

- It's just stupid.
I'm just mad.

- I'm sick of being poked
like a bear every day.

- [sobbing]

all: [bleep] you, Jesse Palmer!

- But for some couples,
everything goes right.

- I haven't felt
this shooken up in a while.

- I felt numb

and you're bringing me
back to life.

- Oh, my God.

- I'm in love with him.
Like, not gonna lie.

- I just love you. I love you.

[both howling]

- Just when you think
you've seen it all...

- It's Paradise's
first threesome.

- It's the most shocking...

- [screaming]
- This bitch is out her mind.

- Sexy...
- You're so hot.

- You're hot.
- You're hot.

- You're hot.
- Mwah.

- And funniest season
in Bachelor history.

- You look great,
you look great.

- Who will find love?

- I look at you and I see
the future mother of my kids.

- Who will leave brokenhearted?

- Why do we need to make this
a thing when it's not?

- Who will get engaged?

- I love you.
- Oh, my God.

- Find out starting Tuesday,
September 27th,

on the season premiere
of "Bachelor in Paradise."

[cheers and applause]

- Oh, wow.

- You see,
I told you it was crazy.

By the way,
"[bleep] you, Jesse Palmer"?

- Yes, Jesse!
- Jesse.

- I knew I was gonna get
a shout-out, but not like that!

Crazy things happen
down in Paradise.

Don't give anything
too much away.

- I'm still mad.
- Don't give it away.

All right, Serene, Genevieve,
Victoria, Andrew,

thank you all so much
for being here.

It's gonna be so much fun
to watch.

Cannot wait to see it all unfold

when the next season
of "Bachelor in Paradise"

premieres on September 27th.

And when we come back,
Gabby and Rachel

finally join us on stage
to face their ex-boyfriends.

[cheers and applause]

Is that gonna be awkward?

[cheers and applause]

[upbeat music]

- Welcome back
to "Men Tell All."

Now, look, it's been
a dramatic night

and I feel like
it's about to get

a whole lot more dramatic,
times two.

Is everybody finally ready?

[cheers and applause]

Ladies and gentlemen,
please welcome

our dynamic duo,
your Bachelorettes,

Gabby and Rachel!

[cheers and applause]

♪ ♪

- So good to see you.
How are you?

So good to see you too.
How are you?

- Jesse!
- Good to see you.

Have a seat.

Oh, it's so great
seeing you both.

- Thank you.
- You too.

- So happy you both are here.
How does it feel to be back?

How does it feel
to see all the guys?

- It's like we never left.

- Roby. The blond hair.

I love it.
- Oh, my God.

- Would you have kept me
with blond hair?

- Yes.

No, just kidding!
- Wow.

- I wasn't sure
if it was a magic trick or not

that he had kind of pulled
before, like, showing up here.

Well, of course
it is so great, too,

because the last time that
we were all here on this stage

was when you both found out
that you were

gonna be doing
this whole thing together.

How great has it been
for both of you

to have each other for support
throughout all this?

- We always say
we wouldn't have it

any other way, which is true.

I think the support
that we've given each other

is something that people
in our position

haven't been able
to receive before.

And we leaned
on each other so much

and it made our experience
that much better.

- Yeah, we've had

highs and lows,
and throughout it all,

having her here has just been
the ultimate thing.

- Yeah, it really has been
uncharted territory.

Two Bachelorettes,
on your own journeys,

you're dating
the same group of men.

Gabby, what was
the hardest thing

to have to navigate
at the beginning of all this,

do you think?

- Surprisingly, I felt like

the men kind of showed us

that it was hard to navigate.

I mean, we didn't know
what to expect.

I feel like Rachel's and I
communication was so good

throughout the whole thing,
but the most unpredictable part

was how the men would react
to two of us.

Which is understandable.
It's never been done before.

- Yeah, of course.

Anything you think
you two would've

done differently
when it comes to dating

the same group of guys?

- I mean, of course
we made mistakes.

We're only human.

But ultimately we were
just following our hearts

and really doing
the best we can.

- I think you forged
your own paths.

I think you guys have done
an outstanding job

together throughout all this.


I want to ask you both
about First Impression Roses.

Of course, Rachel,
you gave yours to Tino.

You gave your First Impression
Rose, Gabby, to Mario.

And I think for people
watching that back,

it just never seemed like you
and Mario were able to capture

the magic that you had
on that first night together.

What do you think happened?

- Yeah, I think a lot of it
was the navigation

of having two Bachelorettes.

I had thought
after our first conversation

that he wanted
to get to know Rachel,

which I obviously
understand why,

but there was a lack
of the communication there.

I didn't know
what side he was on

and things progressed so fast

and I think the men started
popping up left and right.

"I'm here for you.
I'm here for you."

Whereas I didn't quite know,
Mario, where you were standing.

You can see
in our last conversation,

you were like "I'm all in
on you," which I appreciate,

but it did seem a little late

compared to some
of the other men.

- I think that we had a great
first night, like you said.

We had a great connection.

And the following Rose Ceremony

where I did have
a conversation with Rachel,

it was just to have
a conversation.

I think, you know,
that third Rose Ceremony

where we chose sides,
I was with Gabby

and I didn't pivot, right?

And we did see that this season
with a few guys that did pivot,

and, you know, one being Logan
where he was accepted

and I was sent home
because of that.

And so, for me,
I just felt like, you know...

I just felt kind of like
you did me wrong.

- I'm sorry you think
that I did you wrong

because I think I also feel
the same way

and that there was never
a conversation

leading up to that point,

until almost it was too late,
that you were here for me.

Because to me, it felt like
you were still entertaining

both sides until I made
that decision for you,

but I also want to be chosen.

- Yeah.


- Okay, Rachel,
I want to ask you

about your first one-on-one
date with Jordan V.

That really was...
- Hi, Jordan.

- An out of this world date.

It really was.

It just seemed like
it was going to so well.

- Yeah.
- And then of course

you sent him home that night.

What do you want to say to him?

- I feel like
from the beginning,

we definitely had a connection,
but I think ultimately

throughout this whole journey,
my biggest fear was,

I never wanted anyone
to feel like

they were being strung along.

And so it was
such a hard decision.

But I just really was
following my heart

at the end of the day,
and I really am sorry.

- No, I mean, obviously,
it's great to see you again.

And you look
absolutely stunning tonight.

I love that dress.
It's fantastic.

- Aww.

- But, you know, like, I...

I just... I appreciate you
so much,

and honestly, like,
we had a great...

We had a great connection.
We had a great date.

Like, honestly
that zero gravity,

something I'll remember forever.

And so I'm just glad
I got this opportunity

to be part of your journey.

- Yeah, thank you, and I think

Jordan V. is gonna have
no problems going forward.


- Gabby, I know
the first couple weeks

of this whole thing for you
was very difficult.

It was very emotional,

and in part because
of some of the horrible things

that Hayden and Jacob had said
about you, or said to you.

Jacob's obviously here tonight.

What would you like
to address with him?

- What would you like
to address with me, Jacob?

- It was extremely hurtful
what I had said, obviously.

And it took me watching it back
and to see that moment.

I mean, I still have
so much emotion towards it.

You mentioned it yourself.

I just didn't have

I'm realizing that now
and I'm trying

to learn and better myself.

Just know that...

Just know I'm sorry
for my actions,

and I know you may not
accept this apology,

but I am truly and deeply sorry.

- Thank you so much.
I appreciate it.

- Thank you.


- Obviously,
I know that this was

an incredibly emotional journey
and experience for both of you,

and I know that there were
different times in all this

when you questioned whether
or not you were deserving

of being the Bachelorette.

What do you think it was
that made this

so much more difficult
than what you even expected?

- I think it's definitely
a crazy position

that no one can ever
foresee how to navigate,

if you've never been in it.

And you deal
with so much self-doubt,

especially when
you're finding love.

And I think everyone can
really relate to that.

But having Gabby
at the end of the day

and always having
a major support

is the reason
that we were really

able to make it through it.
Both: Yeah.

- After having gone through it,
I love you.

Audience: Aww.

- I can't...
I don't think that anyone else

didn't feel this way.

I think by having
Rachel and I as support,

we were able to vocalize it
for the first time.

It is a lot of pressure
to date this many men.

We've all been in relationships
where we doubt ourself,

and now we're in ten times
those relationships

and ten times the doubt.
- Right.

- I don't think
it's anything personal.

I think we're just
open and transparent

about how hard the role is.
- Yeah.

It's really, really hard
to overcome, no doubt about it.

I think it's so great
that you both had

each other for support
throughout all this.

I mean, America is just
loving your friendship.

It really has been special.

[both squeal]

[cheers and applause]

- The real love story.
We just headbutted.

- This is the real love story.

- All right,
we are just getting started

with Gabby and Rachel.

And if you love getting some
insight from Bachelorettes,

please make sure
you go and subscribe

to the one and only
official companion podcast,

"Bachelor Happy Hour."

It's hosted by two of the most
iconic Bachelorettes

of all time, Becca Kufrin
and Michelle Young,

so head to wherever
you get your podcasts,

hit that subscribe button now,

and if you think we forgot
about bloopers,

you're all crazy.

They're coming up next.

Make sure you stick around.

[cheers and applause]

[cheers and applause]

- Welcome back
to the "Men Tell All."

Gabby and Rachel have just been
reunited with their men

from their season,
and we're having

some tough conversations.

I do want to continue,
and Rachel,

I want to ask you about Logan.

Infamously, of course,
everybody remembers

he accepted your rose
at that Rose Ceremony

only to then change his mind
on the ship

and decide to pursue Gabby.

What would you
like to say to him?

- I was obviously hurt because
I did keep my heart open.

I just wish you were
a little more honest earlier,

but I understand.

- That's totally fair.

You know,
there's times that I could've

done things differently,

and I think I was looking
for the perfect time

to have a conversation
where it was private

and where I could say
everything I wanted to say

and where it was the right
place and the right time,

but I wish I didn't wait
for the perfect time

and the perfect place, you know,

and that's a lesson
I'll take home.

And you know, I'm still
learning and growing,

so I appreciate
the both of you for giving me

an opportunity to do that.

So I'm trying to be better.

- Yeah, and I do want
to take a second.

Ethan, Meatball, and Tyler,
I'm sorry about Bruges.

You guys did not deserve
to have your date cancelled

and I want to thank you all
for being so understanding

and for always being able
to pick me up.

But I'm sorry
you guys had to do that.


- And, look, I know you both
had some very emotional

connections on this journey,
and of course,

that always leads to very, very
tough and difficult goodbyes.

Rachel, I want to ask you
about Tyler.

Saying goodbye to him
on his Hometown date,

on the boardwalk, in New Jersey,

before you even met his family,

I know that had to be
really, really difficult.

- Yeah.

I really did feel
like we've always

had such a great connection.

I knew the importance
of family to Tyler.

And I knew
the level that I needed

to be at that night for him.

And I didn't think I could
get there in the end.

But I do want to thank you
so much for all of our time

together because I cherish
every moment of it,

I truly do.

- It was tough, but honestly,

I think you did everything

I know that it didn't end
the way I wanted it to,

but I respect what you did

and you did it
with the most class.

Your best attribute is being
able to show how you feel

and wearing your heart
on your sleeve,

and that's something
I respect so much.

So I just want to say
you're absolutely incredible.

- [mouthing words]

[cheers and applause]

- All right, Gabby.

Your goodbye
with Nate in Amsterdam

was probably one of the most,
if not the most emotional

goodbye that we'd ever seen.

What's it like
seeing Nate again?

- It feels so good
to see you again

because you did have such
an impression on my journey.

Not only with me personally,

but I do think you were
such a leader for all the men

in how well you treat women.

- Thank you so much.

You know, I know
our journey didn't end

the way I wanted it to,

but I don't think because
it ended it wasn't beautiful.

We had
one of the best friendships

that led into, like,
a great relationship

and just seeing it back
and watching us grow,

I get emotional every time
because no matter if I watch it

five times or 30 times,
like, it was real

and it was raw.

And I appreciate you
giving me the chance

and the time to explore it,
you know?

How you handled it
with so much class,

like, I think the way that we
ended things was beautiful

because you know how momentous
meeting my daughter

would've been and how much
that would've meant to me,

and for me to open up
that part of my life,

and I cannot thank you enough
and tell you

how much I admire you
and I still adore you.

- Thank you. Oh, my God.

[cheers and applause]

- Enough with the serious
stuff, though, all right?

Time to lighten the mood.
We all agree?

- Bloopers!
- Oh, that's right!

You know exactly what
I'm talking about!

It's blooper time!

[light music]

- My conversation
with Eric is gonna look

completely different than
my conversation with Jason,

and that's gonna look different.

That is... [both screaming]

Oh, it likes pineapple.
- [screams]

- That thing is brave as hell.

- Yeah.
- Well, it sounds...

It sounds like this week...

- It "sownds."
- It "sownds."

[both laugh]
- Let me feed you.

[bee buzzing]

You know... [buzzing]

[both laugh]

- What the [bleep]?

- Not, like, really trying
to be in drama, and...

- I'm sorry, there's, like,
a moth flying around your head.

- [farts]

Who was that?

Oh, my God, I just farted.

Sorry. Hold your breath.
I just farted Chinese food.

- [sniffing]
You're good. Am I?

- Oh, it smells a little.

- Oh, no, I think I'm good.

I need to shave, though.

- Is it still manly
or is it a hot tub...

- Yeah, no, it smells good.

- What you got?

Ooh, that smells sweet.

- [sniffs] Oh, my God.

- Let me smell your armpits.

- How do they smell?

- Better.

- I don't smell that bad!

- Please welcome
to the stage Alec.

[cheers and applause]


- Oh, my God!

- Not the props!

- Oh, my God!


- That candle was asking for it.

- Protein power bars!

- I did this with my...
Oh, [bleep].

- [gasps, laughs]

Oh, my gosh, I can't
get over this view.

- And our first champagne
celebration to many.

- A toast to the Bachelorettes.

- To husbands!

- To getting engaged!
- Yeah!


Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
How do I stop it?

- Cheers.

Meant for this!

- [laughs]

- Whoo!

[cheers and applause]

- Well, bloopers are
like a box of chocolates.

You never know
what you're gonna get.

By the way, there's been
more arm pit smelling

on this season
than in any season before this.

Okay, do not go anywhere.

We've got
that exclusive sneak peek

at the finale that everybody's
gonna be talking about,

is gonna be tweeting about,
probably crying about.

You are not gonna
want to miss it.

We'll be right back.

[cheers and applause]


[cheers and applause]

[upbeat music]

- Welcome back
to the "Men Tell All."

I'm here with Gabby and Rachel
and all of their ex-boyfriends.

We've gotten some closure,
we've also shared some laughs,

and now I've got one more
surprise for all of you.

You ready for this?
[cheers and applause]

Just trying to keep you
on your toes here.

Now, I know there are
a lot of men here tonight,

but Gabby and Rachel,
big question.

How would you feel
if I brought out

a couple of... bros
to the stage?

Would you feel okay with that?

We got two more bros.
- Bring them on.

- Please welcome
the hilarious stars

of the new movie "Bros,"

Billy Eichner
and Luke Macfarlane!

[cheers and applause]

- Hi. Hello.
- Where do we go?

- We're going up here?
So nice to meet you.

- Hi, I'm Billy.
- Hi.

- Nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you too.

- Billy, great to see you.
- Thank you.

- Guys, Billy, Luke, thank you
so much for being here.

- Oh, my God.
- Look at all those bros!

- Look at all those bros.

- Amazing.
- So few socks.

- Yeah, no one's wearing socks.
- No one's wearing socks.

- I support it, for the record.
I love ankles.

- It's so great
having you both here.

Thank you so much
for joining us.

- Yeah, thanks for having us.
- And Billy, look, I know

you're a very proud member
of Bachelor Nation.

- Yes!

- You made a cameo

on Colton Underwood's
season of "The Bachelor."

- I made more than a cameo.

- You did.
You had quite the impact.

Tell us about that.
- Yes, I did.

- It was one of the gayest...

I mean greatest moments
of my entire life.

- You're like
a modern-day Nostradamus.

- Yes, I asked Colton
if he was gay on "The Bachelor"

before we knew that about him.

- And lo and behold.
- I just asked as a joke

and it turned out
it wasn't a joke.


- We're so happy
you're both here.

And I think I speak on behalf
of all of Bachelor Nation

when I say we cannot wait
to watch the movie "Bros."

Now, correct me if I'm wrong,
this is brought to us

by the same team that did

"Forgetting Sarah Marshall"
and "Trainwreck."

So this really could be
the funniest movie of the year.

- Yeah, they also did

"40-Year-Old Virgin,"

- Oh, my God.
- Wow.

- Yeah.
- Everything.

- "Bros" is also
the first gay rom-com

ever made by a major studio,

- That's right.
So this is groundbreaking.

- Yeah.

- I mean, how cool is it
to work on a project

like that that's so historic?

- I mean, it's great. Honestly.

And the funny thing is,

you don't know
a lot of these people,

but they're all stars.

And I think you're gonna
fall in love with them.

- Well, that's awesome.

[cheers and applause]

All right, Bachelor Nation,
who's ready

for an exclusive sneak peek

of the exciting new movie

- Yeah!
- Let's take a look.

- I'm 40 years old.
I've never been in love.

- And are you happy?

- Who's happy all the time?

- A lot of people.

- Bobby, I had sex
with that 65-year-old.

- Jeez, he's ripped.
- I know.

It's like they injected
steroids into Dumbledore.

- ♪ What I want, you got ♪

- You met a guy.
- I don't think I'm his type.

He's like gay Tom Brady.

- Maybe you're both bottoms
and that's the problem.

- Bottom dance!

- Ooh, bottom dance!
- Yeah!

[all vocalizing]
- Oh, my God.

Gay sex was more fun

when straight people were
uncomfortable with it.

- You're a very emotional guy,
and that's great.

- I see what you like.
Meathead idiots.

I can be tough like your boys.

That's what you like, huh?
[indistinct shouting]

- Hey, what's going on?

[both breathing heavily]

- Oh.
- That's cool.

- My bad.

- "Bros." Rated R.

- Are we dating?
- No.

- Only in theaters
September 30th.

- I love the way
you noticed that.

- Yeah, listen, I gotta ask,

when you work on a project
like this,

do you learn anything
about dating?

- Yeah, well,
the whole movie was inspired

by our dating lives
and the lives or our friends,

so it's all about
the dos and don'ts of dating.

All the important things,
you know?

- This really is, like,
a boy-meets-bro love story.

- That's what it's about, yeah.

We do all the things you see
in any love story, you know?

We drive each other crazy,
we fall in love,

we fight, there's sex.

It's all a lot of fun.

- It's gonna be great.

Gabby and Rachel,
I want to ask you a favor.

Because we're so lucky to have
both Billy and Luke here,

I thought we'd play
a little game.

Are you guys down?
- Down, always.

- Okay, It's a game that I like
to call "The Bros Decide

Dating Dos and Don'ts."

And what we're gonna do is
show clips from the season

and let Billy and Luke decide

if that is a dating do or don't.

- Oh, this is gonna be good.

- Are you both down?
- Less for us, more for them.

- Yeah, yeah.
- Wow.

- I hope you guys are ready.

Gentlemen, you should all be
nervous right about now.

Everybody ready for this?
- Unless it's about me.

[cheers and applause]
- All right.

So first up, I've heard
when it comes to a first date

that you really can't
prepare too much.

But then again, maybe you can.

- [laughs] Uh-oh.

- So you guys have

and you guys better bring it.

- Oh, mysterious. I like it.
- Nice.

- What's in...
Yeah, what's in there?

- Open it up.

- I was thinking,
"Oh, what's in the bags?

You know, what kind of gifts?
I love gifts."

- Hey.
- Oh, Speedos.

- Little did I know it was
gonna be this type of gift.

[indistinct chatter]

- Yeah, they don't
cover up very much.

- I need some extra help too.

- Some guys who maybe felt like

you didn't stand out
with the talent,

like, maybe stuff the Speedo
to stand out a little bit.

- I'm sure some people stuffed.

- Gonna let it
all hang out there.

- No.
- All right.


All right, Billy, Luke,
what do you think?

Dating do or don't?

- First of all, that looked
more like the set of "Bros"

than I thought it would.
- Yeah.

- I don't know about
the stuffing.

I don't... I think
that's a dating don't.

- Yeah, because if the date
goes well,

they're gonna find out.

- Yeah.
I like to do the opposite.

I make myself bad.

That way when I show up,

people are pleasantly surprised.

You know?

- I just want to know
who out there thinks

it's a good idea to put
themselves in the position

in the first place, as a guy,
to be in a Speedo.

- Before you answer that,
I actually think

you should tell us, do you guys
like seeing a guy in a Speedo?

- Oh, we loved it.
- 100%. Yeah.

- There you go.
- All right.

There you go.
- What's there not to like?

- Maybe that's why it took me

about 40-something years
to get married.

I hadn't figured
that one out yet.

All right, up next, they say

you always remember
your first kiss,

but I think this next kiss,
that it may be one

that both parties
would love to forget.

- Oh, no.
- Oh.

- You look very beautiful.

- Oh, thank you.
You as well.

- Thank you.
- [laughs] Yeah.

[romantic music]


[romantic music winds down]

[awkward music]

- I was just...

- No, I'm glad you did.
- Okay.

- [laughing] Yeah.
- I looked at you,

I was like, I just really
wanted to show you something.

- I was really excited
to talk to Mario.

He's a great kisser.

He's kind of
giving me butterflies.

Oh, you're so sweet.
- So are you.

So thank you for your time.
I appreciate it.

- No, thank you.

- Yeah.
- All right. All right.

That was a beautiful moment
shared between Mario and Gabby.

How did Mario do?
Dating do or don't?

- It was an intense kiss.

It was a lot, yeah.

- But you both kept going back
for a little bit more,

so how did it feel?

It looked like...

- Yeah, I know.
I think it was nice.

- Yeah.

- I think for me, like,
that was the first time

I had spoke with Gabby,
and so when you were like,

"He's a great kisser,"
I was like, "Yeah."

And then I got on, like, Twitter

and I was like, "Oh, no,"
and everybody...


- I think it was our position.

We were like this.
- Yeah.

We were reaching.

- But, you know, whatever works.

- Right. Right.
- It was the first one.

- And then you kissed her hand
at the end of all of that.

- Really want to just,
like, stamp it.

Like, just, like, make sure
you finished it off.

Okay, we've all heard
the famous saying

that the way to anyone's heart

is through their stomachs,

- Okay.
- But is that true

when it comes
to our guy Meatball?

- Yeah! Come on.

All right, ladies.

You know my nickname
is Meatball.

- Nice.
- Oh, no.

- What are meatballs...

- I'm scared.
- Without some sauce?

- No!
[all screaming]

- No! Ugh!

- No! No! No!
- God.

- Ew!
- Ah!

- It smells just like spaghetti.

I'm Italian,
but I don't do canned sauce.

[cheers and applause]

- Yes.
I appreciate it.

I appreciate it. Go, Meatball.
- Go, Meatball.

- Go, Meatball.
- It's the dedication for me.

- I have PTSD
watching that back.

What do you think?
- I was turned on.

I... yeah!
[cheers and applause]

- Yeah, Meatball. Attaboy.

- Yes.
- Attaboy.

I was into it.
- I liked it.

- It was unforgettable. Okay.

What'd you guys
think of the game?

So much fun.

Thank you guys so much
for being here, Billy and Luke.

- Wait a second. Wait a second.

- Uh, yeah?

- I think someone has
a special gift for Meatball

that they were gonna bring me.

- Oh, no.

- Yes!
- Oh.

- Oh, no.
- Oh! Meatball, do it!

- Meatball.

- Meatball!
- Do it!

All: Meatball, Meatball,
Meatball, Meatball!

- You know he's gonna.
- No! No!

- Take your clothes off!

[cheers and applause]

- Let's go!
- Strip! Strip!

- What is going on here?

Meatball is taking
his clothes off.

what's happening here?


All: Meatball, Meatball,
Meatball, Meatball!

- Meatball...
I do not want this to happen.

All: Meatball, Meatball,
Meatball, Meatball!

- Let's go!
- Yeah!

- Get in there!

- Oh, my God,
he's down on one knee.

[all screaming]

I can't.

- Oh, no!

- Oh!

[cheers and applause]

- Go see "Bros"
on September 30th!

[cheers and applause]

- Oh, my God.

- This is the best moment on TV.

- Oh, my God.

I cannot believe
what I just saw.

Bachelor Nation,
don't miss "Bros."

It's only in theaters
September 30th.

Coming up...
All: Meatball! Meatball!

- I don't even know
what's happening right now.

How do our two Bachelorettes
navigate these final days?

Will Gabby and Rachel find love
at the end of their journey

or are they gonna leave

Don't go anywhere.

[cheers and applause]

[exciting music]

- Welcome back
to the "Men Tell All."

Yes, after tackling
Billy Eichner,

Meatball is still here
and I know that

because I can smell him.


Meatball, you look like
you still got

some sauce on your collar.

- I know. Saving it for later.
- Leftovers.

- We tried to clean up Meatball
the best we could.

Okay, Gabby, Rachel, look,
you both made history

this season as Bachelorettes.

I know it hasn't
always been easy,

but I wanted to take
the chance to tell you both,

you need to know just how proud
I am of the two of you.

I've just been
so amazed at your ability

and how you've
handled everything,

how you've supported each other.

It really has been incredible
to watch you two do all this.

And I know it's not over yet.

- Thank you.
- Of course, yeah. Listen.

I do want to ask you both
each one final question.

Rachel, any regrets?

- I don't think I have
any regrets at all.

I think a lot of people can
look at us being emotional

and judge us from the outside,

but I think Gabby and I,
being able to wear our heart

on our sleeve is brave of us.

And I'm so proud of you.

- I'm so proud of you. Aww.

- And do you stand
by all the decisions

you've made thus far?
- Of course. Yeah.

And if I didn't,
I would never tell you.

- Just keep those to yourself.

- Yeah, those are for me
to know and you never.

- You got a good poker face.
I like it.

There's obviously so many twists

and turns that are coming up.

I really do think that Bachelor
Nation is gonna be shocked.

Two Bachelorettes, six men,

all hoping for a chance at love.

So what's gonna happen?

You're not going to believe it.

Gabby and Rachel, they vowed
to do things their way,

and they did.

So what's this shocking ending
that nobody,

nobody is going to see coming?

Here's a look at one
of the craziest endings ever.

[cheers and applause]

- I'm so scared.

- You got this.


- Bienvenidos.

I am in love now.

I just want to hold on to it
for as long as I can.

It means so much
that you're here

because you've always made me
feel so safe.

- [squealing]
- You're good, Rach.

- I fully expect to be
getting down on one knee.

- We had the best time.
I feel like I fit in perfectly.

- Welcome.

- I'm on cloud nine.

I'm falling in love with you.

And I'm ready for an engagement.

- This is the moment
during Clayton's season

where everything went haywire.

The last thing
your dad said to me, like,

was that they don't like me.

I'm scared to move forward.

- After Fantasy Suite,
everything took, like, a 180.

I felt blindsided.

That was the last thing
I could've ever expected.

- You know, I don't like
picturing the girl

that, like, I'm in love with
doing that with somebody else.

Like, that crushes me.

- He was testing me.

That's, like,
not something you do

to someone that you love.

- Just take a minute, honey.

This is all a lot.

- I tried so hard to not be
reckless with other people,

and he was reckless with me.

- I just love her.

I want the best for her.

- I'm so conflicted now.

I just don't understand.

You told me things
and then you went back

against what you said.

- I want to be fully honest
and transparent.

- He took advantage
of everything.

He never loved me.

Is it me?

What is it about me
that's so hard to love?

- [sobbing]

Now we're literally
about to be engaged tomorrow

to our dream guys.

- Literally dreams.
- Mm-hmm.

- I just don't want him
to feel pressure.

- But it is what you want.

You want someone who's gonna
commit to you for life.

- Right.
- And who is 100% sure.

- Yeah.

I feel like all my dreams
are, like, coming true.

[dramatic music]

[cheers and applause]

- Wow, I told you.

It's gonna be
absolutely shocking.

You want to see it all unfold?

Well, please join us
next Monday night

as the journey continues
building to a finale

that promises to be
one of the most intense,

and just totally insane endings

in "Bachelorette" history.

It's been an incredible
night tonight.

I want to give a big thank you

to our incredible Bachelorettes,

Gabby and Rachel.

- Thank you.

- Of course, to all of our men.

[cheers and applause]

And our amazing studio audience.

For everybody here, to all
of you, Bachelor Nation,

I'm Jesse Palmer.


[cheers and applause]

- All right, next up,
this clip asks

the all-important question,

how much information
is too much information

when you first meet?

- Hmm.
- Uh-oh.

- Hello.
- Hello.


My name is Quincey, aka Prince.

And just, you know, a little
background story of me,

you know, I haven't had sex
in a year and almost a half.

So I've been saving
for the right person.

You guys have a nice one.
- We'll see you inside.

- You too.
- He was like,

"I haven't had sex
in a year and a half."

I was like,
"That makes one of us."

- Do you know
who you're talking to?

- Yeah.
[both laugh]

- Wow.
- All right.

Your sex life
and how much time has elapsed

since your last encounter.

- I appreciate the honesty.

Maybe not on a first date,
but, you know.

- I don't know, that's tough.

That's a tough one.

- How's it going?


Are you...

- Have you had sex since?
- What is it now? Yeah.