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19x09 - Week 8: Fantasy Suites, Part 1

Posted: 04/25/24 08:58
by bunniefuu
- Previously
on "The Bachelorette"...

- Welcome to New Orleans.

My family's gonna love you.

- [laughing] Are they?

- Meeting families is huge.

If his family doesn't like me,

like, how is this gonna work
in the future?

- I just saw the chemistry
and I said to myself,

"She could be the one."

- That's a scary thing
to say itself.

- Best-case scenario,
they live happily ever after.

- I could never see myself
getting engaged.

Like, that's just not
something I could see

myself doing, at this point.

- I just have
a hard time believing

a whirlwind fairy tale trip

is really gonna prepare you
for marriage.

- I feel like I could be
the most perfect person,

and they wouldn't have liked me.

- I mean, you're saying
all the right things,

but I want to see him
fall for the right person.

- I don't know how I made it
out of that house alive.

I almost cried.

- And tonight...

- Whoo!

- We're here in Mexico.

And I am ready
to fall in love this week.

- [laughs]
- You good, Rach?

I fully expect to be
getting down on one knee

at the end of this.

I am in love with you, Gabby,

and I do not want to leave here
without you.

- You're so sweet.

- I'm just in shock
that we're at this point.

This is the moment
during Clayton's season

where everything went haywire,
everything went off the wall.


- It's really, really hard
to think about her

being on an Overnight.

It's gutting
to even think about.

- I'm, like, ready
to be engaged.

- Are you asking where I feel
with that whole thing...

- Yeah.
- 'Cause we have a week left?

- No pressure.

- You know, when you have
crazy feelings for somebody,

it's gonna hurt to know
that there are

other people still there.

It's not my intention to have
any sort of ultimatum

or anything like that,
but I can't just, like,

go through this week
being like everything's fine.

- I feel like
we were able to have,

like, an honest conversation
about it.

So you brought me here
to tell me it again.

[dramatic music]

[Latin guitar music]

♪ ♪

- There she is!

- Is that my two favorite
things, Rachel and champagne?

- Oh, my God!

- Hi!

- You look so beautiful.
- You too.

Oh, my God, it's so good
to see you in México.

- I know, we're here!
I can't believe it.

We have so much to celebrate
and talk about.

- Oh, my God. I know.

- First of all, cheers to you.

You look so beautiful.
- You do.

- And I'm just in shock
that we're at this point.

- Me too.
- Because I feel like

this is the point when
we were on Clayton's season

where everything went haywire,

like, everything
went off the wall.

- Yeah.
You know, this week is serious.

It's Overnights
with multiple men,

and being adult women
and looking for engagement,

like, it is something that

where intimacy, physical
intimacy, is something,

you know, that we need
to, like, figure out

and see if we're compatible
in that sense too.

But as much as I want to revert
back to, like,

"Let's play, let's giggle,

let's, like, chase each other
around naked"...

[both laugh]

- Well, we could
still do that, but...

- Yeah, but I know
I'm gonna have to, like,

flip it into, "But we do
have to utilize this time."

- Right.
To be honest, like,

I have been,
like, dreading this week.

- Yeah.
- Because of what happened

with Clayton...
- Mm-hmm.

- I have been so scared
to be honest with them

because of how he made me feel
in that moment

when he stood in front of us
and he was like,

"Not only am I intimate
with both of you,

"I'm love with all of you.

I'm in love with Susie."
- Yeah.

- And just the general disregard

for everyone's feelings
but his own.

- You know, I thought the way
that he told me he loved me

and the way
that we were interacting,

I'm like, "It's me."
- Exactly.

- And that's when, like...

That's where my pain
came from is,

I almost felt
like I was manipulated.

- Yes.

- So I never want
to make anyone else

feel the way that we did,
but that's kind of...

Where are you at with your guys?

- With Tino, I feel like
he was the first one

that I knew had
really strong feelings for.

- Yeah.
- It's never changed.

It's really only gotten better.

There's so many things
about Tino

that I can see myself
being with forever.

But I do obviously
have to talk about

what happened with his Hometown.

- Yeah.

- Because his family
weren't accepting of me.

- Yeah.
- And I don't know if it's,

they're just against the fact

that this is so not traditional

and that's maybe what
they wanted for him,

and this just isn't that,

but, I mean, Tino is an adult,
he's making his own decisions,

and he finally told me
he's falling in love with me.

Which was so important to me.
I was freaking out.

Like, I didn't know
how I'd get through this week

if he didn't tell me.

- Yeah.

- And he did tell me,

so I'm really happy
that he did that,

but I just really, I think,
ultimately want clarity

with myself because I don't
have a decision right now.

- Mm-hmm.

- And with Zach,
every single piece is there.

Zach has never left me
in the dark with how he felt.

He was the first one to
tell me he was falling for me.

He is so incredible.

He is funny and he's a gentleman

and he is vulnerable
and emotional

and just able to connect
in a different way.

But I don't think
I'm there with Zach.

And this is getting
days away from an engagement.

I want to use the time

to really be honest
with myself and with him...

- Yeah.
- To see if I can get there,

because like you said, we have
to be honest with them.

But everything is
so perfect on paper.

- Yeah.

Wait, okay,
so who are you bringing first?

- Aven.

- Wow.

Look at this.

- I think immediately with Aven,

we really had
this great foundation

and we just continued
to build on it.

- Yeah.

- We have
that romantic connection

and that physical connection

and he's able to be
so honest with me,

and every single he says,
I 100% believe.

I'm a little nervous
because I haven't

told Aven how I feel yet.

- Yeah.
Like, what are you feeling now?

- I feel like I'm falling
in love with Aven, for sure.

And he told me he was
falling in love with me

during his Hometown,
but I didn't say it back.

I was just kind of at the point

where I was still really scared
because of what happened

on the season with Clayton.

- Yeah.

- I don't want Aven
to feel like that as well,

so I want to get
that fear behind me.

And I really want
to tell him how I feel,

but I'm so nervous about it.
- Aww.

- So what do you honestly need
with your time with Jason,

and, like, how do you feel
right now?

- We just have, like,
a special connection

that I feel like
I've never really

felt with anyone before.

He's always been the most
kind of emotionally available

to me.

- Do you feel like you're
falling in love with him?

- I think I'm definitely
falling in love with him,

but I don't actually know
how he feels about me.

I feel like
I have to just let him know

exactly what I need, and then...

- I think you deserve it.

You deserve
to know how he feels.

- Yeah.

- How do you feel about Johnny?

- Johnny and I do have
so much fun together

and I have watched him
grow so much.

I think, unfortunately,
we could be

in two different places
in our lives

where I'm very ready for
an engagement and marriage,

and he's not.

But I can see the growth
in him as a person,

so he could really surprise me.

- Right.

So, wait, how are you feeling
going into tonight?

I know you've already told Erich

that you're falling in love
with him.

- I love how playful
we are together.

We have good banter.

Our relationship has grown
so much

over last Hometown week,

and I told him I was
falling in love with him

because it's true.

And I didn't realize
that I needed

to hear that until he told me.

But, you know,
we're going into this week

having feelings
in a certain way,

but they can definitely change.

- And we're really
gonna have to use

every single second of the time
we have left

to really make a decision
that's best for us.

- Yeah, I think
this week is gonna be

unreal, transformative.

- We get to rewrite
what this week means.

- Yeah.

- And make it
into something positive

and ending with an engagement
for both of us.

- I'm so excited.

- And chase each other around

[both laugh]

This is the most important week
of my whole journey.

- Let's get on
with our big days...

- I know. Let's go.
- And ever bigger nights.

- Bigger nights.

And I'm so excited
to see my guys this week.

Because it is just
absolutely gorgeous here.

Beaches. The jungle.

Literally the perfect place
to fall in love.

[upbeat music]

- I'm so excited.

I love it here.

I love the warm weather.

Rachel and I are going

on our first Overnights
this week.

It is so exciting
because I can see myself

potentially being engaged
with one of my men.

So there's a lot
riding on these dates.

And this is the perfect place
for me to end my journey.

Not just because
it's beautiful and tropical,

but also because I'm ready.

I know what I want.

I am ready
to fall in love this week

and to hear the words
"I love you, Gabby."

I can't wait.

I feel excited, hopeful,
ready for the future.

Let's get it started.

[light music]

- Today's my first
Overnight date,

and I'm excited to spend
the day with Erich.

We've grown so close
after last week.

Erich and I had
such a good Hometown,

which was really
a huge stepping stone for us

because I saw
his emotional side.

His dad has been
battling cancer.

I truly can't imagine
how hard it is on Erich,

but seeing his family
and how much they mean to him

just show
what a good person he is.

And that night, we shared
that we were falling

in love with each other,

and I'm still just reveling
in that bliss.



How are you?
- I'm good. How are you?

- It's good to see you.

- It's good to see you too.

- [laughs]

I've never met anyone
like Erich in the way

that we feel together
and around each other.

- Okay, let's go.
- [laughing]

Like, this is actually
our first date without family.

But this week could be
the most important week

even in the weeks to come
because there is

an Overnight date tonight.

It's the only time
we get uninterrupted time

alone, truly alone.

So today, I want him
to treat me like a girlfriend,

like a potential fiancée.

Because I think Erich and I
do have physical chemistry.

And I'm really
looking forward to seeing

where it goes tonight.

- Yo.
- [laughs]

- Is this water?
- Yeah.

- Yeah.
- Do you know what that means?

"Salto de Los Enamorados."

Take off your clothes.

- Oh, gladly.
[both laugh]

- I mean, it doesn't,
but you can.

- Okay.
- But this is the lovers' leap.

- Hell yeah.
- Yeah.

- Let's do it, like, right now.
- Yeah.

No, wait, hold on.

Have you jumped
off of things before?

- I have.

- You're gonna have
a lot of fun.

This is a cenote.

It's like a natural hole
in the ground in a jungle.

So should we jump?
- Yes!

I'm feeling absolutely amazing.

[both laugh]

Gabby and I have had
such a crazy connection

this whole time.

And last time I saw her,

I told her I was
falling in love with her.

So we basically
crossed the threshold

where our relationship
kinda just took

this, like, crazy leap.

You ready?
- Ready.

- Go!
- No! [screams]

♪ ♪

Oh, my God, that's actually
higher than I thought.

- But dating Gabby,
it hasn't been, like,

really easy to be honest
because there are

still two other people here.

So there's a possibility

I might not be the one for her.

- Whoo!


- That's the risk for me.

That's the thing
that I think about,

you know,
in the back of my mind.

But at this point, I'm willing
to throw myself at her.

Kind of have to take
a leap of faith.

Because she is
so freaking worth it.

- It feels good
being in the water, though.

- Yeah, it's really nice.

- Now I want to do the high one.

I don't know if I can do it.

Okay, you go look.

- A little tall, not gonna lie.

- Yeah.

- You want to just do it?
- No.

[both laugh]

- I think what it is
is just one step out.

- Oh, God.

Oh, I'm afraid.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

- You got this.

- So just one step

- Literally one step.

- Standing here thinking
about making this jump,

it's a lot like falling in love.

It's a huge leap of faith
and it's very intimidating.

[indistinct whispering]

- Yep, you got it down.

You got this.

You got this.

- Oh, I'm so scared.

I don't want to make
a big deal out of it.

I know we're trying to have fun.

And my heart is telling me
to leap, but it's so scary.

Maybe you go first.

- I want to go with you.
I'm gonna jump when you jump.

I'm not jumping without you.

- You know,
throughout this whole journey,

one of my biggest
fears has been,

will I be accepted for who I am?

I think I'm too scared.

[breathing heavily]

- You got this.
- [groans]

But I have to remind myself

how loving and supportive
Erich has been

every time we're together.

- You can do it.

- And right now,

he's definitely doing it again,

trying to give me courage
to take the leap.

And he does make me feel
really safe.

- Deep breath, deep breath,
and then you go.

- I'm gonna go.
- Okay.

Don't think. Just go.


[sweeping music]

[both laugh]

- Yeah.

- [laughs]


- I'm not always
the most adventurous.

- Yeah! Whoo!

- But jumping
off of the highest landing

was really incredible.

And having Erich's support
makes it so much easier.

It makes me feel so loved
and that we can do

lots of hard things together.

And, honestly, that's what
I want in my husband.

♪ ♪

Cheers to a great day.

- Cheers. Cheers for jumping.

- I wouldn't have been
so freaked out

if I, like, would've went
faster, but...

- You did it.
That's all that matters.

- Yeah.

- I feel like the last time
I saw you was so long ago.

- Me too.

I was really looking forward
to seeing you,

especially after, like,

how good our date was
with your family.

- Yeah.

I felt, like, so good
leaving there.

Like, it wasn't
an easy day, obviously.

- Yeah.

- But, like, I really
wanted you to be there.

I knew it wasn't gonna be
easy for me to, like,

make it through that day.
- Yeah.

- To see my dad, and, like,
I told you afterwards,

like, he's not... he's really not
doing that well.

- Yeah. I'm so sorry.
- And, like, being there

and then leaving quickly
was just like, damn.

- I know.
I didn't want to leave.

- And then to sit there and,
like, watch you drive away,

it was, like, so dramatic
and I was like, damn.

- I know. It was.

- I'm, like, getting emotional.
- Aww.

No, I know I always say,
like, thank you,

but really it means, like,
so much that you're here,

and I think seeing your family
put everything in perspective,

and so I understand
how hard it is for you

and how hard it must be.

So I hope you know how much
I do appreciate you.

And I didn't know that I needed
to, like, hear how you felt,

but it was so good to hear.

And I do,
I feel like it brought us,

like, so much closer,
just, like, everything.

- Yeah, I appreciate that.

Being here is not easy,

but it's, like,
moments like this

that I'm like,
"I, like, need to be here.

I need to be here with you."

[romantic music]

♪ ♪

- Today with Erich
was definitely as good

as I hoped, maybe even better.

I mean, it's always
felt easy with Erich,

but I feel like
there were moments

where he was able to really
support me as a true partner.

[both laugh]

I love being wrapped around him.

I love when he holds me.

I love kissing him
in the middle of the cenote.

I feel like
I didn't want it to end.

- Now we're here and this has
to last forever now,

so I'm not leaving.

- I'm so happy.

Going into tonight's dinner,

I'm excited for us to really lay

everything out on the table.

The more time
I spend with Erich,

the easier it is for me
to really see my life with him.

[both laugh]

I think tonight will
really help with that.

We know we're at that point
in our relationship,

and I think it could be
just what I need

to really see myself
engaged to him

and, you know,
at the end of this.

I just want to crawl inside you.

[acoustic guitar music]

[indistinct chatter]

- You do look unbelievable.

- Oh, my gosh, thank you.

Being with Erich
today was amazing.

It was easy and natural

and comfortable and so much fun.

I felt really connected to him.

And tonight, there's a potential

to spend the night together.

So I'm excited.

Tonight, I want to push us

into being honest
with our feelings.

I know it's scary
as hell and I think,

the Overnight portion of it

is where it becomes
the most real.

Isn't it cute?

But before we commit
to that, you know,

I need to know where he stands.

Will he be able to give me
unconditional love

and accept me for me?

- I'm taking this jacket off.

- I like
how you leave it unbuttoned.

So I'm hoping
that tonight with Erich,

I can be all the different
sides of myself in one breath.

- I was really looking forward
to seeing you.

Thinking that Hometown
was not easy.

- Yeah.

- And then to see you today,
I was like,

"We finally have this time,
like, just us."

Like you said, there's no
family involved for once.

I was like, "This is
actually gonna be amazing."

And then next thing you know,
we're doing something

that I really freaking like
to do,

which is scare myself.
- Yeah.

- And to see you scared too,
I was like, "This is perfect."

[both laugh]

- Well, I didn't want to make
a big deal out of it,

and then it became a big deal,

but I feel like
you were, like, so supportive

and so patient with me.

And I really appreciate that.

- Yeah.

- [chuckles]
- [sighs]

I think after our Hometown
and, you know,

seeing you with my family,
I could not have expected it

to go as well as it did.

And the thing
that I didn't tell you

was that my family is obsessed
with you.

And I just could not
have imagined...

- And I them.

- I can... I'm not up there
being like, "Wow,

this is freaking amazing," but,
like, to hear that from them

is, like, the ultimate
validation to be like,

"This girl is amazing."

And I'm just so ridiculously
attracted to you

and I couldn't wait
to see you after that.

- Definitely, like, walking in,

I think I had to get
my bearings and stuff too,

but after a second,
it was, like, so easy,

like, with your dad,

with your mom,
and with your sister.

They, I think,
welcomed me so much

to where I can really
see myself as a part

of your family, and it...

I think I've probably told you
a little bit about it,

but my growing up was

just really different

in that my parents,
like, separated early

and my dad was still
active duty in the Air Force,

so he moved away.

For a lot of years,
I would just see him

for Christmas and summers.

[tender music]

And my mom was working two jobs,

and they had us real young,

so I did a lot
of growing up on my own.

And, like, there were times
growing up

when I did have to change
who I was

in order to receive love
as a child.

- Yeah.

- And my mom and I don't
really have a relationship,

but I know she did
the best she could growing up.

It's just kind of complicated
and messy.

But looking at your family,
it's like...

It's so nice to see,

you know, you guys
really are a whole,

not, like, parts of a whole.

- Yeah. Yeah.

As hard as it is, I mean,
I can respect so much about you

and knowing where you came from
and how, like, strong you are

and how emotionally intelligent
you are

and how you handle situations.

Like, I just...

I don't know, I can't imagine

going through
what you've gone through

and you turned out
so [bleep] amazing that...

You're a beautiful person.

- Aww.

Thank you.


- So...

Like, last week,
you know, I told you

I was falling in love with you
and we left Europe

and I was, like,
falling for you,

and then I watched you leave
in that SUV

and I was just like,
"This is when it starts

to really hurt," when you
have to, like, get torn apart

and I don't get to see you
again for however long,

and I don't know how long it is.

So I spend that time in between
just thinking about us

and how much this relationship
means to me

and how much I hope
it means to you.

And I'm kind of past the point

where it's like,
"I'm falling for you."

"I'm falling in love with you."

Like, I am love
in with you, Gabby,

and I do not want
to leave here without you.

- You're so sweet.

♪ ♪

I do really see
a future with you.

You have a way
of making me feel, like,

really safe, no matter what.

And I really, really
appreciate you.

And, like, I am
falling in love with you.

I really am.

♪ ♪

I feel like I'm weightless.

Like, the happiest person
in the whole world.

When Erich said
that he was in love with me,

it felt so right.

It means a lot. It really does.
- I know.

♪ ♪

- He's taught me so much
about myself

and that I can be loved

and that he's ready
to love me for me.

I'm just so excited to be
falling in love with him

and to share it with him.

There's something for you.

It's a surprise.

- Okay.

[both laugh]

"Gabby and Erich, love is
really a leap of faith.

"Hopefully, you both
felt that today

"out in the beautiful
Mexican countryside.

"If you choose to take
this next leap,

"please use this key to stay as
a couple in the Fantasy Suite.


- What do you think?

- Obviously yes.
[both laugh]

I'm so happy right now.

You know, I am in love
with Gabby

and, you know, I told her
that I love her,

and for me it was a huge weight
lifted off my chest.

- Thank you.

- And now I get the most
meaningful time with her,

with just us.

Like, I'm just so excited.

♪ ♪

- Being loved by Erich
just feels really incredible.

It's what I've been
waiting for for so long.

I just want to hold on to it
for as long as I can.

Oh, my God, it's big.

We finally get to, like, revel
in each other and be together.

Oh. Oh, is there a hot tub?

Oh, dear God.

- [laughs]
- Oh, my God.

This is insane.

So I want to shed
every last wall.

[both laugh]

- This is really nice.

- I want to give both of us
the chance

to really feel
each other's love.


When I'm with him,
like, I want to be with him

and I can see myself
with him forever.

And every time we kiss,

the world really does melt away.

And for once,
I feel like the future

is gonna be so, so good.

[peaceful music]

♪ ♪

[both laughing]

- Whoa.
- Whoa.

[both laugh]

All right, make some breakfast?

- Mm-hmm.
- Are you gonna make me cook?

- No, I feel like I should cook.

- Waking up this morning,
it was amazing.

You know, we spent this
incredible night together.

I got to just see the raw Gabby
and have conversations,

and she is everything and more
than what I thought.

She is, to me, a person
I'm obsessed with.

- Am I doing this wrong?

- [laughs] 100% yes.

And it's, like, mind-boggling
that I had the opportunity

to spend the night with her
and have

this, like, crazy
off-camera experience.

You know, I've thrown
myself out there 100%

and told her that I love her,

and for me that's, like...
That's all of me.

So going into the rest
of this week,

I'm gonna try not to think
about everything.

I mean, the reality is, it sucks

that there are
other relationships happening.

I love spending time with you.

- This was sad.

[tense music]

- I know thinking
about things like her

in, you know, the Fantasy
Suites with these other guys,

it's just not gonna
be healthy for me.

I know how I get.

I get really in my head,
and I'm not,

like, a super jealous person,
but, you know,

when you have
crazy feelings for somebody,

it's gonna hurt to know
that there are

other people still there.

- Do you know how I feel?

- Confused.

- You think I'm confused?

- I think I'm confused.

- Why?
- I don't know.

- What do you mean?

I feel like you know

that just being with you
is so easy.

And it does,
it feels like I've known you

for so much longer than I have.

Waking up this morning
with Erich, I feel...


I don't know. A lot.

Are you gonna miss me?

- I'm so gonna miss you.
I'm gonna cry in the shower.

- I am definitely

more than falling in love
with Erich.

I really think I am
in love with him,

and I know he deserves to know,
but I know how strong

those words are, and I want
to be able, honestly,

to tell just one person
at the end of this,

and I can definitely
see it being him,

but I know I have to save it
for the right moment.

I hope you know
I don't want to let you go.

- I believe you.

I'm here.
- I know.

And I know what you're feeling,

and I know it's not,
like, okay, but...

Please just be patient with me.

I mean, undeniably,
when I'm with him,

like, I want to be
with him and I can

see myself with him forever.

And I hope
that that feeling holds up,

but I'm scared that it won't.

- I'll miss the hell out of you.

- I'll miss you more.

- I'll see you soon?
- Yeah.

- Okay.

- I have a pit in my stomach.

I get up nerves on what you're
gonna do when you walk away.

- I'm just gonna keep walking
all the way back to New Jersey.

[both laugh]

- I didn't want to say goodbye.

I wanted to spend
the whole day with him,

so I know my heart's
in the right place,

but there is also
just this heaviness of,

I have more work to do on myself

and the other men that are here.

You know, what if I have
this same exact thing

with somebody else?

And then what?

You too.

- I'll see you soon.

- I want to be able
to say, you know,

I want to be engaged to him
because I know it's him,

but I don't know.

- Bye, Gabby.
- Okay.


I'm gonna throw up.

- Bye.

You know, I almost didn't
want to leave,

but, you know, one thing
she said is, "Just be patient.

I'm here for you,"
but, you know,

this is incredibly painful

because what if she's falling
in love

with Johnny and Jason as well?

It's hard to think about that.

So I'm taking her advice

and I'm not gonna get emotional.

I'm not gonna cry
in the shower anymore.

I'm just gonna be patient
and look forward

to the next time I see her,
and hopefully it's soon.

[somber guitar music]

♪ ♪

- This week is really hard.

I know I'm falling
in love with Rachel.

And it's so hard
feeling this strongly about her

knowing she's on an Overnight
with one of the other guys.

It's just beyond me
at times that, like,

she's, like, even exploring
other physical connections.

I can't imagine her
wanting to spend

the night with anybody else.

This is just t*rture.

It's like being
in the Twilight Zone.

Even just talking about it now
makes me want to throw up.

[upbeat guitar music]

- Hi.
- Hi.

- [laughs]

I missed you.

- I missed you too.

It's so good to see you.

- It's so good to see you again.

- You look beautiful!
- Thank you.

- My gosh.
- Oh, my gosh.

Well, I have
such a fun date planned.

You know,
the water is really blue,

so I figured we should
check it out together.

What do you think?
- I'm so in.

I want to do whatever today.
- Are you excited?

- I'm so excited.

- I'm so excited
to spend this day with Aven.

He is definitely someone
I was really interested

right off the bat.

Okay, let's go.
- Amazing.

- You look so good.

He is so attractive
and just an amazing person.

He really is
just the complete package,

and I do feel so lucky
that he's with me here today.

This is our ride today.
- Wow.

- You want to go see?

- Yeah, I'm in.
- Let's go and check it out.

- Rachel looks beautiful,
as always.

She's extremely attractive.
It's overwhelming sometimes.

And I'm excited.

- [gasps] This is so cool.

Look at all this.

There's a hot tub!
- [gasps]

You're kidding!
- I know.

- So I'm really looking
forward to today.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

I can't believe
how clear this water is.

- You want me to put
sunscreen on you?

- Yeah.
You want me to put some on you?

- Yeah. Can you get my back?
- Yeah.

The more and more I've gotten
to spend time with Rachel,

I continue to see her
as somebody that I can spend

the rest of my life with.

And last week at my Hometown,

I told her I was falling
in love with her.

So, hopefully, this week
is about going

where this is potentially
gonna end.

And the end is an engagement.

Cheers to building
on what we already have,

so cheers to you...
- Cheers.

- And to this week
and being in Mexico.

♪ ♪

- Last week, when Aven told me
he's falling in love with me,

I felt so happy.

But I didn't say it back.

I was still in a headspace

where I didn't want
to say anything

to anyone until the very end

just because the love word
is a really big word

that was used by Clayton
really just carelessly

when I was on the other side.

But this week, I'm in charge
of how I want to move forward.

And after today, I really hope
to be ready to take that step.

- Mm.

How are we gonna
get tired of that?

[both laugh]

The last time Rachel was
in this situation,

it wasn't easy for her.

I know this is kind of when
everything hit the fan.

I just want to do
everything I can

on my part to make her
feel special

and make her feel comfortable.

But it definitely is
a little bit scary

feeling this strongly
towards someone,

especially with other people
still being involved.

[knock at door]

- Tino.
- Jesse, what's up?

- How's it going, man?
How you doing?

- What a pleasant surprise.

- Dude, it's been a minute
since I saw you back stateside,

so I just wanted
to check in with you.

- Yeah, come on in.
- You got a minute?

Awesome, man. Appreciate it.
- Absolutely.

- I just wanted
to catch up with you.

Like, tell me
where your head's at.

How's everything going?

- The waiting game is just,
like, gut-wrenching at times.

- Yeah.
- Every day here

when I'm not getting
the date card

or the invitation or whatever is

nails on a chalkboard to me.

It is trying my patience
beyond anything

I could've, like, ever imagined,

and it's not gonna make sense
to anybody who, you know,

like, I explain this to
later on.

Like, how much
I struggled this week.

Except for you, probably.

- Yeah. I get it.

- But Rachel leaves me
with no doubt it's worth it.

So I'm gonna see this through,

and this week's gonna be awful,
but it's gonna end amazingly.

- Yeah, no, for sure.
I hear that.

Catch me up first. though.
Take me back to your Hometown.

How'd it go
on Hometowns with Rachel?

- Well, so my dad decided
to really take an interest

and make sure he asked
some tough questions, and...

Yeah, Rachel walked out of it
thinking he didn't like her.

- Really?

- And, I mean, I think
that was hard on her.

So it's horrible to think about.

[soft music]

- I had such a good time
in your hometown.

- It went as best
as it could've gone

and better than I thought
it would, honestly.

Yeah, I know I talked
to both my parents, obviously,

and they both were like,
"She's so amazing."

And I could tell
that they could see me

and, like, how happy I was

and the energy I had around you.

And that's the first thing
they both said to me

when I sat down with them
was, like,

"Wow, you look very happy
right now."

And I'm like, "Yeah, I am."

- My hopes going into it was,
like, I just want them

to, like, accept me at least,

and I feel like they did
more than that.

Like, I felt so welcome.

That going so well has, like,
made this so much easier too

because I know that they would
accept me, and it's just...

And it's a good feeling.
- Absolutely. You're accepted.

- And I think
it went really well.

- Dad and Mom love you.
- I know.

- Naturally, Dad is, like,
a little bit skeptical,

but I think she was, you know,
a little caught off guard,

so is it my favorite
of situations

where I'm splitting time
with other guys?


Like, no
by a million times over.

And if I wasn't so sure

that, like, she's future
Mrs., like, Forever for me,

like, this would be

a probably easy week
to walk away from.

- Yeah.

- I think, like, you
meeting my family

and the reaction

and, like, just the whole day
and night together,

I'm just, like, yeah,
falling in love with you.

So that's why I had to say it.

And I meant it.

♪ ♪

- I know it's fast
even for this journey,

but I knew for, in hindsight,
probably, like, weeks

that I felt this strongly
for her.

- That you were falling
in love with her?

- Yeah.
I mean, probably since Bruges.

- Wow.

- It's really, really hard
to think about her

being on an Overnight.

You know, it's hard
to be patient and wait,

especially when you know,

like, what's going on
while you're waiting.

It's gutting
to even think about.

- Hope it goes great.
- Yeah.

- I'm around
if you need anything, man.

Thanks for the chat.
- See you later, Jesse.

- See you, man.

- It's mind-boggling to me

if, like, she's not sure
at this point.

I certainly don't need
to sleep with anybody else.

- [screams]

- And I'm certainly worried
that my family

being so skeptical could
weigh in on her decision.

[peaceful music]

♪ ♪

- Tonight is my first Overnight,

and it's a really big deal,

and I definitely feel
like I want

to spend tonight
with Aven and have

that intimate time together.

I feel like
it's really important

to explore your
physical connection as well.

And I do feel like
me and Aven are at that point

in our relationship
where that is

the last kind of missing piece.


- My gosh, look at you.

- [laughs]
So good to see you again.

- How are you?

- I do think
that Aven could be the one.

- This is beautiful.
- I know.

Wait till you see
where we're eating.

It wasn't until his Hometown
that I knew for sure

that I'm falling in love
with him.

And I've been
wanting to tell him.

But I'm so terrified
because of how it went

last time with Clayton.

I was so blindsided by him.

I was so excited for today.

I had the best day with you,

and cheers to a better night.

- Cheers.

- I always am excited
for our dates,

and each time I feel like
we're able to grow so much more

even if it's just,
like, little things.

- Mm-hmm.

- Like, I mean, even just kinda
going back to last week.

it means so much to me

to be able to see myself
with your family

and to see where you came from.

And even just beyond that,
we have come so far.

- Long way.
- Such a long way.

- I definitely agree.

Like, I feel like
from the beginning,

from when I met you,

we just take the next step
every time, and like you said,

it just keeps getting
better and better

and we continue
to grow and grow.

And it's been
an amazing journey so far,

and I really hope it continues.

And yeah, last week
was so special to me.

It just meant a lot
that, you know,

you can potentially see yourself

a part of my family, so...

- And you would never be
in this position

if I didn't genuinely see

a life outside of this with you.

And that's exactly what I told
your parents as well.

- Mm-hmm.

- And I want us to be able

to be in a place
where we are on the page,

so I guess going into tonight,

I really do have a question.

Obviously, we're coming up
to a really big week.

- Absolutely.
- And moving forward,

can you genuinely see yourself
getting engaged in two weeks?

- I definitely can.

I think that, you know,
the moments that we've had,

we've continued
to build, build, and build.

And I think last week, you know,

that was really just kind of
the deciding factor for me

of knowing how ready I am
for this with you

and how I feel about you

and that I'm falling in love
with you.

And yeah, I can definitely see
a life with you

outside of all of this
and an engagement.

I feel like I'm ready for it.

Like, I came here in a really
good, like, mental space

and prepared for that.

And I didn't know if I was gonna

meet somebody that I felt
like I could do that with,

but I have.
- Mm-hmm.

- I'm 100% ready
and feel ready for it.

And you've made that
very easy for me.

But I definitely want it
to be something

that you feel as well.

I want you to feel the same.

- Yeah.

I feel like
everything I ask for,

you really embody.

I mean, we started out
a little bit slower,

but we were able to build
such a strong foundation,

and I feel like
from the beginning,

you were always
the person I was like,

"I feel so safe with him."

And that's huge for me
in a relationship.

- Mm-hmm.

- To feel that I can
be vulnerable with you,

and now I feel like
we are in the place

where we not only have

that friendship
and that foundation,

but just this incredible
romantic connection.

And you're so open
and you're so humble

and I think when I heard you say

that you were falling in love
when we were in Salem,

I was nervous to say
anything back to you

just because on my last journey,

I feel like that word was

really carelessly thrown around.

- Absolutely.

- And what that word
means to me is huge.

And of course I know
it means the same to you.

- Yeah.

- And you would never use
that word

if you weren't
absolutely feeling it,

which is why
I'm comfortable saying

that I am falling in love
with you.

- Oh, my gosh.
- [laughs]

- Ah!
- And I truly mean it.

[romantic music]

♪ ♪

- I'm on cloud nine.

It meant
the absolute world to me

that she was able to say
that she was falling

in love with me as well.

I didn't really have words.

I was just so happy to hear

that the feeling was mutual.

- I have something.

- Wow, a card?

I can open this and read it?

- Mm-hmm.
- Oh, wow.

- I feel so happy.

Aven truly has everything
I've asked for and more.

- "Please use this key
to stay together as a couple

in the Fantasy Suite."

Wow. I'm excited.

Let's do it.
- Is it a yes?

- That's a absolute yes for me.

- I really believe every
single thing Aven says to me.

And he continues
to prove with his actions

over and over again
that he wants to be with me.

- Oh, my God!

[fireworks booming]

I'm so happy right now.


- I feel like this journey
is working for me.

It truly does feel like
he's too good to be true.

- Ooh.

- Oh, my God.
- My God.

- This is so beautiful.

- So beautiful.

- I feel so excited
because I've been waiting

for this moment,
and it is the perfect end

to such a fairy tale day.

Like, I just really am
on cloud nine.

Whenever I'm with Aven, I just
fall for him more and more.

And I can definitely see
myself spending

the rest of my life with him.

♪ ♪

[peaceful music]

♪ ♪

- That was a good night.

- It was a great night.

I'm on cloud nine.
[both laugh]

After last night, for sure.

- After spending the night
with Aven,

I just really am on

kind of a different level
with him right now.

It's gonna be hard to top.

I'm just running
on a high right now.

You're very chipper today.

- Yeah? Am I chipper?

- Yes.
[both laugh]

It's definitely really important

to explore
your physical connection,

and Aven is the full package.

The full package.

- Cheers to an amazing night
and an amazing morning.

- Cheers.

Oh, do we do this?
- Are we doing this?

Kind of slept
for, like, 20 minutes,

and the sun was just beaming in.

And I was like, "Dang,
this is really nice."

Just waking up next to her.

It felt like... it felt right.

It felt natural and right.

- I really am so excited

that we got to spend
the night together

and take our relationship
to a new level.

- I appreciate it.

- Aven, I am falling
in love with you.

- I'm falling in love
with you deeper.


I'm very confident
about where we're at.

And I would love
to be engaged to her

and start a relationship
and start a life with her.

The fact that I've
now met somebody

that I feel like I can get
there with is a big deal.

Yesterday was amazing.

Thank you.

- Don't forget about me.
- Oh, yeah.

- Don't forget
I'm falling in love with you.

Don't forget that either.

- I'm in love with you too.

I will not forget.

- I'm gonna miss you.

- Bye.
- Bye.

♪ ♪

- Oh, my gosh, this has been
excruciating waiting.

I've been dying to see Rachel.

I was ready to pull out my hair.

You establish
an amazing connection

and tell each other
that you're falling in love

with each other
and then have to wait

while other guys are trying
to entertain her.

But that's all fading away
by the minute

because I'm so excited
for the date today.

[soft music]

I really, really want today
to go well.

Rachel's seen
how badly this week can go,

from her previous experience,
and I just, like,

need to keep making it known

that I am the for-sure thing.

I don't care
about the other guys.

And, you know, the light
at the end of the tunnel's

worth stomaching
all these challenges.

[steady guitar music]

♪ ♪

- Today, I'm seeing Tino.

Coming off the most incredible
day with Aven.

It's hard to switch
from Aven to Tino.

I'm excited, but I am
so nervous about today

just because last week,

Hometowns didn't go well
with his family.

So I think tonight we do
need to discuss the fact

that his family is
really not supportive

and, like, how we're
gonna move past it.

- Wow.
- Hi.

Good to see you.

- Great to see you.

- How are you?

It's a big day.

And I know that this day has
so much potential

to bring us to a whole new
level of feeling.

And I really hope
that we can get there.

I think we can.

How are you doing?

- Better now.
- Better?

Are you ready to go?
- Yeah, I'm so ready.

- Okay, let's go.
- Let's do it.

- How are you?
- I'm good.

- You look nice.
- Thank you.

- I'm excited for you to see
what we're doing.

- I'm excited too.

[horse whinnies]
Oh, horses. Sweet.

- Are you excited?
- Yeah.

- Have you ever
ridden a horse before?

- Not in a couple years.

- I saw that picture of you
with a cowboy hat on

in your house.

- [laughs] Perfect.

Hello, horses.
- Aww.

I've always wanted to do
something like this with Tino,

and the horses in the jungle,
it's just so magical,

so romantic.

It's definitely
a bucket list date.

Their little braids are so cute.

I think Tino is gonna do
great today on the horse.

- [grunts]
- Okay.

- Sorry, buddy,
I've seen thinner days.

- He's very athletic
and he had the cowboy hat on

in one of his baby pictures,

so maybe he's, like,
real country.

- Oh, this way, this way.

- [laughs]

- Wait, wait. Hey.

Oh, sorry. Whoa.
- [laughs]

- We're not going this way.

Come on, turn around.

I haven't ridden a horse
in a couple years.

Mine's a little rambunctious.

You're good, you're good.

I'm here.

But we're having a great time.

- Oh, my goodness.

- This is a ride.
- [laughs]

[upbeat Western music]

- So excited to be here.

I'm falling really fast,
and when I'm not with her,

I wish I was with her,
and when I'm with her,

I don't want to be
anywhere else.

- [laughing]

- Ooh!

- Oh, my God.
- You can do it, Rach.

- See, you're just trying
to race.


You know, I had nerves
coming into today

just because last week,
Rachel met my family,

which presented
some unique challenges,

but when we see each other
for the first time,

and, like, it starts
going away exponentially

and then we're back
to the middle.

- Oh, no, I can't run
when I'm in this top.

- I mean, this journey's been
a lot of ups and downs,

but we're certainly
riding an up right now.

- They're so in love.

- What do you think?
Are you in love?

[horse whinnies]
- [laughs]

- Wow.
- I know.

- This is so cool.

No way. This is all ours?
- Right? Yes!

- Do we get to jump in?

- Do you want to?
- Yeah.

- If I slip and fall in,
are you gonna go in after me?

- 100%.

- Are you good?

- I had my foot caught.

- This is so beautiful.

- Yeah, this is amazing.

- I haven't seen you in a while.

- Not since our Hometown.

- I know.
How have you been feeling?

- Really good.

I mean, like, how it ended
kind of, like, sent me

to cloud nine,
and that was amazing.

- Yeah.

Hearing you say you were
falling in love with me,

just hearing that at the end
of the night was just amazing,

and I'm glad I got to tell you
because I have

been feeling it for a while.

So I was just kind of hoping
that you would say something.

- I for sure had been
feeling it for a while.

I wanted to make sure
the moment was just, like...

It did it justice.

And it just could not have felt
more right when I did.

- Yeah.
- And I think all in all, like,

it turned out so amazing,

but yeah, I mean,
here and there, I kinda...

It makes me kind of,
like, scratch my head

'cause the night portion went,
like, a little different

than I expected.

- Mm-hmm.

- But anything
on your mind since?

- I just feel like I have had
a lot of nerves,

especially because I feel
so strongly about you.

And there is a little bit
just of general anxiety

coming off of Hometowns,

and what I've been through,

- No, I know.
This week is loaded, yeah.

- Just in general,
this week is huge

just in so many ways.

You know, I'm so excited,

but in the back of my mind,
I am just, like, scared,

like, "Oh, my God,
like, what if,

like, it goes off the wall?"
- Don't do that.

Trust me.
- I know.

- I'm trying so hard not to.

Like, I'm trying
not to, like, "what if" myself

into, like, a bad place, like...
- Yeah. I know.

- This is the only thing
I care about.

- Me too.

- So it'll be fine.

[tense music]

♪ ♪

- Rachel looks nervous.

I don't know why.

I mean, it could be
about my Hometown,

it could be about,
like, my parents

asking her some pretty
penetrating questions.

I hope it's not about that.

You know, I hope we can just
tackle it later tonight.

And I'll try
to kind of peel it back

and make sure
she feels as comfortable

as she always does around me.

- Okay, you count down,
then we go on three.

- One, two, three.

- [screams]


- Can we go again?
- Yeah.

- Okay, let's do it.

- I feel like I have
a lot of anxiety,

and I think he can tell
I'm nervous.

I really hope that tonight

we're able to have
really serious conversations

about last week and what
happened with his parents

and how we're
gonna move past it.

If we don't find a way
to solve the problem,

I just don't think
I can move forward.

[dramatic guitar music]

♪ ♪

- This is so beautiful.

I am so in my head.

As fun as today was,
I think tonight I have to have

some really serious

With Tino,
I do have actual issues.

Like, I'm scared to move forward

because of what happened
at Hometowns with his family.


- That's amazing.

- It scares me
because my one thing I wanted

out of Hometowns Week
was just acceptance.

And I didn't get it.

- This is yet again

one of the coolest things
I've ever done.

- Look at that.

How much in the back
of his mind is he like,

"My family doesn't like her"?

It's hard to think
that it would have no effect

on how he's thinking.

Thank you.

Can he honestly move forward
with an engagement

without support?

Like, there is kind of
that urgency for me

to really get to the bottom
of this.

How are you feeling?
- Amazing.

- Good.
- Today has been so amazing.

It's always so fun with you.

So I'm just glad we get
even more time together.

You know, I mean,
this week's been challenging.

I mean, I feel like
a broken record saying that

because every second
I have to wait to get

more time with you is like
nails on a chalkboard to me,

but, like always,
the second we're together,

all that fades away
and I'm just so excited

and I love every second
with you, so cheers to that.

- Cheers.

Is there anything on your mind?
- Yeah.

So you said that you were,
like, a little bit nervous

coming into today, and, like,
I just want, like, you to feel

so, like, comfortable

just telling me
whatever is on your mind,

if you're feeling a little nervy

or, you know, uncomfortable.

- Yeah, no, I don't think it's,
like, being uncomfortable.

You never make me
feel uncomfortable,

but I think just in general,

I just have felt
a lot of anxiety

with just this week,

and last time,
it just was such a rough week.

I'm trying to go into everything

with a really positive attitude,

but I guess with that,

I also have been kind of

wanting to talk about Hometowns.

- Okay.
- And kind of what

I spoke to your parents about
a little bit.

- Mm-hmm.

- I just feel like they really
just did not like me.

And it was just
a really big struggle for me,

I think specifically
with your dad.

And I got scared.

"Oh, my gosh, Tino's not
gonna want to move forward.

"Like, how are we
gonna get past this?

"How is this gonna end
in an engagement

when I know how much
your family means to you?"

We've talked so much at length.

You know, 'cause I'm like
"Well, how is he

"gonna move forward
when they they're just

they don't like me,"
and I can't convince anyone.

I think the last thing
your dad said to me,

like, one of the last things,
he was like,

"Well, like, I'm not gonna
disown him if he gets engaged.

Like, I just can't accept it."

And I was just like, "Whoa!"
- Really?

- Yeah.
- Wow, okay.

I didn't know that.
- Or, like, along those lines.

I was like,
"I desperately want this"...

Like, not even just approval,
but, like, "Okay,

we don't get it,
but, like, okay."

And I feel like
I didn't even get that,

and I was like, "Well,
I'm worried about you."

Like, can you get
to a point at the end

where, like, even if you don't
have their approval,

you're still like...

Can you honestly, like,
move forward with this?

[tense music]

- I don't feel like
my dad gets me as much

in the relationship sphere.

He's not... it's not, like, you.

They're really just skeptical
of the situation.

And I think that's...
- Understandable.

- Probably what your parents,
like, did the last time around.

Like, they just can't fathom
the situation we're in

where, like, we do get to know
each other and make each other

feel a certain way
so quickly, so strongly.

But they know me and they know
I wouldn't be here

if I didn't see you
as the future.

- I don't want you to say this
because you're like, "Oh, well,

"I really, like,
want this to work,

so I'm just gonna say that."

Like, do you genuinely believe,

- Yes.
- If, let's say, we got engaged

and we call them up
and you're like, "I'm engaged,"

that they're gonna be like,

Like, they're not gonna
be mad at you or me?

- They're not gonna be mad
at you or me.

- You think?
- Yes. No.

- You're, like, confident.

- I know
they're gonna come around.

End of story.
- Okay.

- It's probably not
gonna be overnight,

and I don't expect your parents
to, like, love me overnight...

- Mm-hmm.
- But I see you as the future.

There's just no reality here

where, like, they don't
get on board.

I see it so clearly with you

and I can't go home
without you at this point.

[soft music]

So they're gonna have
to get on board with that.

And they're gonna love you.

'Cause eventually
they're gonna see

the woman that I see,

and it'll be impossible not to.

You're so incredibly beautiful
and you match that

with being ambitious,
being smart, wanting a family,

wanting, you know, a career
and, like, all these things

that, like, I imagined
in, like, somebody

and it took forever and going
in front of the world stage

to find.

And my heart's a little bit
in my throat saying this,

but... I love you, Rachel.

♪ ♪

I'm in love with you.

I love everything,
like, I find out about you,

and I feel like it's overdue,

but I'm so happy to say it.

- [laughs]

I love you too.

I really do.

♪ ♪

Oh, my God, like, it's been me
waiting for this declaration

for so long, and then
all of a sudden I hear it.

And it feels so amazing
to hear him say that.

And to say it back,

it's a huge moment in your life.

Like, everyone waits
for that moment.

- Oh, I get a date card.

- Tino did tell me
that if he loves me,

his family will come around,
and I think that answer

is good enough for me.

I would absolutely love to go,
if you want to.

- I would absolutely love to go.

- All I could do is
bring up my concerns

and moving forward,
hopefully with how he feels,

his family will
also come around.

They'd better.

Because I really do see Tino
at the end.

- I feel so amazing.

Oh, my God, this is huge.

- [chuckles]

What do you think?

- I love Rachel!
This is the best night ever.

[cork pops]
- [laughs]

- To hear that Rachel's in love
with me, it's indescribable.

I'm all about this girl.
I'm in love with her.

There's nothing else
to think about.

♪ ♪

We're following the feeling,
and everything we do

reassures that we're right.

I really love Rachel.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- My last Overnight with Erich
was so special

and I really can
see us together,

but today is my Overnight date
with Johnny,

and I'm so excited.

I know we're gonna have
a ton of fun.

[both laugh]


He really gets me
in a way that I never,

ever had a man get me before.

- So what are we gonna do?

- We're going on a boat.

- A sailboat?
- Yeah.

- [bleep] yes.
- [laughs]

I'm hoping today
just brings us together

and that we can see ourselves

one step closer
to an engagement.

[light music]

♪ ♪

Have you been on one of these?
- No, I actually have not.

- Really?
- I used to have a Hobie Cat.

I don't know if that's,
like, the same thing.

- Oh, me too.
It's like a hamster.

- What?
- [laughs]

What are you talking about?
- A boat.

- An animal?
- No.

Today's huge. I'm so excited.

I cannot believe
that I'm here with Gabby.

I mean, every time we hang out,

it kind or progresses
and builds a bigger foundation.

- Just nice being here.
- No, it's cool.

Just as long
as you're here, I'm good.

I don't care what we do.
- Great.

- It's all good.

She's opened me up and made me
feel confident about myself

in ways that I have
never felt confident.

And then, you know,
we hit Hometowns

and she met the family.

I think that kind of just
catapulted us further.

- Cheers.

- Can we cheers?
- Yeah.

To us in Mexico.

- Mexico. Hell yeah.

Gabby is the dopest girl
I think I've ever hung with.

You have beauty, you have
brains, you have a good time,

you have, like, my person.

- It's, like, so crazy.

I feel like we've seen so much
of the world together.

- Yes, we actually have.

Yeah, it's been wild.
- Yeah. I know.

Like, starting in LA,
and then Europe,

and then your hometown,
and now Mexico.

- Yeah.
- You're so easy to be with,

and I feel like I can be

my most ridiculous self
with you.

- 100%.
- Yeah?

- You can be whatever you want.
- I know.

- It's been moments with you,
so it's just been,

like, amazing moments that I'm,
like, trying to just take in.

- Me too.

- Like, this is a moment
right now.

Everything's a moment, so...

- It's so crazy, but it's like,

I can't believe that we're here.

The mansion feels like
yesterday and years ago.

- And years ago.

It went by so quick,
but then again,

I feel like it's never ending,
like it's, like, forever.

- Like I'm stuck here.
[both laugh]

- Yay, roses!

- Whoa!
[both laugh]

- I got another one.
- What happened?

- No, but it does
feel like that.

It feels like forever ago,
but yesterday too.

- I feel like every time
we're together,

I think I see a new side
of you, which is nice.

Even I feel like you're getting
more comfortable with me still.

I mean, like...
- I'm trying to.

- How are you?
Like, what you feel really.

- What? You don't think I...

- No, I... no, I feel like
you're comfortable around me.

- Oh, for sure.
- Yeah.

- Yeah, but still I feel like...
Not a whole lot,

but still, like, gotta get
somewhat more comfortable,

I don't know.
- Yeah, no, absolutely.

I think there's always gonna be
some of that, for sure.

- I think
you've opened up, too, a lot,

even just from the first time.
- Yeah.

- 100% yeah.

[soft music]

- Whenever I'm with Johnny,
it is so easy and effortless.

Being with him feels so natural.

He's really taught me
to trust people.

- Should we do this?

- And has led me to the point
where I truly can see a life

together outside of this.

I'm so hopeful
about a future with him.

There is something
about being from Colorado

that whenever I feel
cold things on my feet,

I get thirsty.

- That's strange.
- [laughs]

- That sounds like
a you problem.

Whoa, this is for us?

- Oh, my God.
- Wow.

- But before I move
into an Overnight with him,

I need to know that he can
see a future with me as well.

I feel like you have been
so open with me right away.

It's like you've taken it
upon yourself

to take a chance, but...

- Definitely don't open up
that quick,

so I never talk
about how I feel.

Like I do, but it takes a while,

and, like, I think you helped
me evolve in a way.

I've said it before,
but you make me

want to be a better man.


- Well, I think you, like,
always had it in yourself

and you were just ready,
you know?

- Just needed that person.

- Yeah.

I think, like, you were,

seems like,
at the point in your life

where you were ready to, like,
take a leap of faith too.

- For sure.

Yeah, I feel like I was
just kind of feeling stuck too

and just kind of needed
to go in a way,

and this was, like,
huge in that process.

And a lot of it is
to thank you for, so...

- Like I said before,
I really didn't know

what I was gonna get
coming into this.

And, like, much like
you've grown here,

I think so have I.

And I have, like, grown
into really wanting

something, you know.
- Yeah.

- It is, like, time
to make a relationship,

like, my full priority.

I'm just, like, at a place
where it is what I want

and, like, need almost.

- I, like...

It's a hard thing
to think about.

It's such a quick process,
and that's... like, I don't know.

Like, I know
how I was feeling about you.

I'm so into you.
- Yeah.

- And I just...
The end result scares me.

I also didn't know I'd be here
on the beach with you

and falling in love
with you, so...

- Hearing you say
how you feel about me,

like, means the world
no matter what.

And, like, these weeks
have been so fast,

and, like, we're, like,
ending, you know,

like, a week
or a little over a week.

So I don't know.

Kind of... like, what do you...

I am at a place in my life

where I do feel like, you know,
I'm, like, ready to be engaged.

- I mean,
are you asking where I feel

about that whole thing
'cause we have a week left?

- No pressure.
- No pressure.

- Yeah.

[tense music]

- That's a hard thing
to think about.

It's like a battle in my head.

I don't know, like,
what to think or what to do.

And, like,
you deserve everything.

And you should get
everything you want, so...

- You too.
- Where do I stand in that?

And that's, like,
such a hard thing to decide.

- I'm just, like,
at a place, like,

I am... like, I'm ready.

♪ ♪

- I told you, like,
I can see myself

falling in love with you.
- Yeah.

- I can see me and you
being together,

but it's more so just me
bringing 100% to the table

and if I'm ready to bring 100%,
and if I'm not,

do I drag you through that?

♪ ♪

- Yeah.

♪ ♪

Just give me a second.

It seems like
he's not able to commit.

It's just really frustrating.

Because I am so ready
at this point

to leave here engaged

with someone
who is committed to me.

But what if he feels like he
can't or shouldn't be with me?

[tense music]

♪ ♪

- I am feeling really frustrated

because there is a part of me,
a big part of me,

that has asked to be loved
my whole life.

So having to ask Johnny about
his feelings really hurts.

I am terrified
that Johnny might tell me

that he can't get there.

But I don't want to step
into an Overnight

knowing that there's still big
questions being unanswered.

♪ ♪

- It's all good?

- No.

You just have to, like,
be honest with yourself,

and me, 'cause it's not fair
to either of us,

you know, if we were at the end
and then having this talk.

- Life with you would be insane.

- Mm-hmm.

- You're exactly
the person that I'd want

to, like, fall in love with
and just be my person

forever, but...

But I just don't know
if I can get to an engagement

in the next week or so.

You know, it's not
that I don't like you.

It's not that I'm not
falling for you.

It's not that I can't
see myself with you.

It's just more so
just, like, it scares me.


I don't know if I can
bring 100% to the table

and commit to that end result
if I'm not ready.

[somber music]

That's just me being
honest with you.

- No, I know, and, like...

- As much as I don't want
to tell you that either,

'cause as much as I want
to just hang out here

with you forever, I just...
- Yeah.

♪ ♪

It's obviously
really hard to hear.

There was, like,
a big part of me

that hoped

it would be, you know, like, us
one way or another.

But I feel like

we're just... we want
two different things.

♪ ♪

I think, like, if it was,

like, a different time
for both of us,

then we could be so, so great.

- You deserve the world.
You're an amazing person.

And you should get everything
you've ever wanted, so I...

- That's the hardest part
about relationships.

Honestly, like,
you want them to work,

you want them to work, but if,
like, timing isn't there,

we're at two different places,
like, you want to fix it,

but there's not anything to fix.

- So is this our goodbye?

- I think so.

- That's devastating.
- I know.

♪ ♪

- My feelings are numb.

I don't know
how to feel right now.

I feel... like, I'm upset.

♪ ♪

Gabby wants something
that I don't know

if I can give her
at this very moment.

It's not that I don't want to.

I would love to give that
to her,

but it's just something
I don't know how I can do

within the next week.

Thank you for everything.

- Mm.
Thank you for being honest.

- I'm just upset.

I don't want to say goodbye.

There goes my lady.

- Stop.

It feels like a little bit
of a punch in the gut

because it was a fear,

you know,
that I've had all along.

And now it's kind of
coming to fruition,

which is, I start to fall
for someone,

but they can't meet me where
I am or give me what I need.

And it's scary as hell.

Saying goodbye
to Johnny was hard,

but it's, like,
kind of meant to be.

Because as much as, like,

I don't want to say goodbye
to Johnny

and, like, I know he'll always
have a piece of me,

like, I know there's
something waiting for me

that's really great
with Erich and Jason.

I've been tired of fighting
for love for a long time,

and having it
right in front of my face

is, like, so enlightening,

in, like, the best way.

- This is obviously a big week.
- Yeah.

- One thing I do know
that is real

is the connection
between Gabby and I.

- Yeah.

- I feel like Erich and Jason
have been really able

to validate me
in a way that I didn't know,

like, I could ask for.

Like, it is just the feeling
of being loved

that trumps all.

- So do you feel like you're
falling in love with Gabby?

- Um, I mean, I would say,

yeah, not quite there just yet,
I would say.

But I have strong feelings
towards Gabby,

and, yeah, hopefully it turns
into something real

after this.

[dramatic music]

- I am ready for an engagement,

and it's not something
that I really planned for.

But I've seen myself progress
with Jason and Erich.

I didn't know
that I would get here.

I didn't know
that I could feel this way

in such a short amount of time,
but I'm hopeful

that I can leave here
with someone

that I want to spend
the rest of my life with.

- So you're at a point
right now where you don't

feel like you're ready
to get engaged to Gabby?

- Yeah.
- Do you think you could

get there
before this is all over?

- Right now, like, I'm just
kind of taking it day by day

and I want to be
as honest and upfront as I can

and I would never want
to hide anything from her.

You know.
- Yeah.

- I mean, truthfully, like,
it's hard... like, in two weeks,

like, it's hard
for me to see that.

Yeah, it's just, right now,
it's hard for me

to, like, get
to the point of engagement.

[solemn music]

♪ ♪

- Saying goodbye to Johnny
today was really difficult

and truly heartbreaking.

This is the hardest week,

Now I really am placing
all my hopes

on what I'm feeling
from Erich and Jason.

But my heart is telling me
that they're both ready

for the commitment
to be together forever

and ready for an engagement.

[knock at door]

[soft music]

♪ ♪


"I need to see you.

I'll be waiting on the bridge."

I hear a knock at the door
and there's a card.

I don't know
how to feel about this.

I have no idea
who wrote this note or why.

And I truly don't know
what to expect.

My mind's kind of spinning,
and I know I should go,

but I am a little scared.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪


- Hi.

I thought you were
gonna be my grandpa.

[both laugh]

- Sorry to disappoint you.
- Oh, please.


You know, it's good to see you.
It always is.

How are you?
- I'm good.

I didn't have anything
to, like, tell you or anything,

I just wanted
to see you tonight.

I was like, "I need
to figure this out."

I do have one thing
I want to tell you.

You know our last date?

Like, the day part was amazing.

The night part, like,
I couldn't imagine that

going any better.

And I'm, like, now sitting here
picturing the girl

that, like, I'm in love with
doing that with somebody else.

Like, that kind of crushes me.

And this is not gonna be easy,

but I just want to tell you
how I feel because...

I think I'm having
a really hard time.

Didn't plan
on telling you anything,

but I just want to tell you
where I'm coming from.

I do want to say that.

- Yeah.

I know.

- This is supposed
to be positive.

- Is it?
- Yes.

This is a positive, seeing you.

[tense music]

- Yeah.

- This was not my intention

to put you on the spot
or anything.

I just wanted to tell you
how I feel, that's all.

- I think, like, in the spirit
of being honest,

like, we talked about this

- What do you mean?

- Like, I feel like
we were able to have,

like, an honest conversation
about it in Fantasy Suites.

So you brought me here
to tell me it again?

- No, this is not why
I brought you here at all.

♪ ♪

I'm... [scoffs]

- I don't know.

- I mean, you do know.

- I feel
so frustrated right now.

Erich expressed to me
in the Fantasy Suite

that this week feels
like I'm cheating,

and now I feel like we're
rehashing the conversation

and I'm being pressured.

Him being like,
"I don't you to have

what we have
with somebody else,"

well, that's, like,
not for you to say.

You're here knowing that I could

have it with somebody else.

- I mean, I don't know
what's happened this week,

but, like, I can't just,
like, pretend like

I'm cool with everything and...

- I don't know, like,
what you want to me to say

or, like, if you feel
like I need

to prove something to you.

Because I think, like,
I'm always as, like, honest

and open as I can be.

And if you want to get into it,
we can get into it now.

- I really don't.

♪ ♪

I didn't want to put
anything on you.

And I'm sorry...
This is not the way

I thought this was gonna go.

- Like, I know
where your heart is

and, like, I know, like,
what you're trying to say,

but, like, we did have
this conversation

when it was just you and I,

and, like, now I can talk
to you about it,

but then I feel like
I would be defending myself.

- That's not the point at all.

It was literally
just to see you.

But now that I see you,
I'm like,

I don't want to let you go.

[solemn music]

- I don't know.

It just doesn't feel good
right now.

Why do I always
have to defend myself?

It's like, why don't you trust
what we have?

- It was not my intention
to, like,

have any sort of ultimatum

or anything like that,
but I need you to know

how I feel
because I can't just, like,

go through this whole week
being like, everything's fine.

- I feel like he was testing me.

And that's, like,
not something you do

to someone that you love.

Maybe he's not gonna
be my guy after all.

I'm starting to question it.

And I'm terrified
'cause what if I realize

that Jason isn't my guy either?

Now it's right
in front of my face,

my person might not be here.

'Cause it seems like the people

that I want to love me never do.

It's just, like,
all coming crashing down,

and I hope this doesn't end up
in a big, fat dumpster fire.

But right now, this feels
like the end for me.

♪ ♪

I feel like I have, like,
walls and barriers and...

I don't know.

♪ ♪

- Tomorrow night
on "The Bachelorette"...

- I'm having a lot
of anxiety this week.

I do have those fears
of leaving here alone.

- After Fantasy Suite,
everything took, like, a 180.

I felt blindsided.

That was the last thing
I could've ever expected.

[dramatic music]

- I don't necessarily know
where we are.

To feel this strong
about somebody and know

that, like, you could lose
that person?

That's a horrible feeling.

- This whole time
has been really hard.

It does take
kind of the right person

to know how to love me.

- I don't fully feel like
I know who you are.

- Gabby will not be joining you.

You're gonna be
the only Bachelorette here.

- I don't know
what it is about me

that's so hard to love.

Am I too broken
for anyone to love?

♪ ♪

- It all continues
tomorrow night.

- I was so excited
for this week,

but I have been, like,
dreading this week.

- Yeah.

I'm just terrified
that it's gonna...


- We have a friend!

Oh, my God,
he's actually fearless.

[quirky music]

- I don't want him
to bite my ankles.

- Should we gave it champagne?

- Oh, my God, he's gonna jump.

- Oh, there he goes.

I don't know.

It's something I think
that we'll have to see,

like, if conversation comes up.

Personally, like,
my conversation with Erich

is gonna look
completely different

than my conversation with Jason.

That's gonna look different
than with Johnny.

- I agree.

- Yeah, so it's like...
- Whoa!

- That is... [both scream]

- Oh, it likes pineapple!

- [screams]

He jumped so high!

- Positive reinforcement.

That thing is brave as hell.

- He had it right in his mouth.

- Literally, they're like dogs.

It's so happy with himself.

Look, it's gonna go take a nap.

- It's like...

- Yeah, literally licking
his chops.