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02x02 - Visions

Posted: 04/25/24 17:28
by bunniefuu

Oh, that's good.


That's me.

That's, um... [CHUCKLES]

Hello, you handsome, little
devil. What are you doing?


I f*cking knew it.


Wow. Okay.

I remember that feeling.



Oh. Ooh. How do... How
do you? How do you do it?

What happened?

You need to see it for yourself.

- How did you know how to do it?
- We didn't. We were trying everything.

I thought you had to
unlock it with a cheat code.

Which I guess this was.

But how did you know
how to play the theremin?

I don't know. I mean,
it took us a while.

Have you played it before?

- I don't think so.
- You don't think so?

I don't know. Jacob was helping me.

So don't, like, tell everyone
that I unlocked the MORPHO.

People already somehow think I
know everything about this machine.

- I don't need more questions.
- Okay. Okay.

You know what? Why don't we just
tell people that I figured it out?

Or we could say I did, since
I was actually involved.

Well, I-I know how to play the theremin,

so it'll just be more believable
if it's me. Wait a second.

I played it. Cass said that she
played it before she gave it to me.

Hana knows how to play it, apparently.

And what is the one thing that
the three of us have in common?

- You all have blue dots?
- Literally, nothing.

We all have blue dots.

Jacob, you need to play the theremin.

Uh, yeah. I don't know if
I really want blue dots.

[SIGHS] Come on, Jacob. I
will lance them off myself.

Come on. Y-You wanna solve
a f*cking mystery or not?

It's not working.

- You were doing it a minute ago.
- It's not working.

- Is it plugged in?
- It doesn't need to be plugged in.

- What did you do to it?
- [HANA] Hmm.

- Hey.
- What's going on?

- Mrs. Hubbard, did you do it?
- Was there a little you in there?

- I think somebody else should try it.
- I... I don't have a card. So...

I have a card. I just don't
carry it around with me.

I don't carry my card around
with me. It was in my robe.

Don't you wash your robe?

Nobody washes their
robe. It's just a robe.

[HANA] Pretty sure
everyone washes their robe.

Dusty. I need to talk to you.

- How does it know what we look like?
- I don't know.

- I'm assuming you weren't skiing as well.


No, mine... mine was a
little darker than yours.

[CASS] So, I'm at Deerfest, okay?
And it looks just like Deerfest.


[CASS] So, I go into the hay maze.

And, um, there's my mom. And she's
standing there with her crown on.

And I... I go up to her,

but instead of hugging her,

I... I s*ab her.

- Oh, shit.
- Like, multiple times with a knife.


- Oh.

Right? I mean, the thing
says, "Discover who you are."

Like, is that who I am? Like, a stabber?

A person who stabs their
mom? Like, a m*rder*r person?

No. No, and it's not like you...
you were enjoying stabbing her.

I was dancing on her dead body.


Oh, shit.

You know what I think?
I think it's a metaphor.

- Yeah?
- Yeah.

For you to achieve your life potential,

you need to cut your
mother out of your life.

Which is what you're doing.

But in your real life,
you did it with a hug.

So, what's the metaphor with skiing?


You know, I'm not sure I've
quite deciphered it just yet.

It's about Whistler, right?
The last time we were apart?

[CLICKS TONGUE] I... I mean,
it does seem to confirm that.

I think, in a way, mine's
about me standing on my own too.


Hey, wait. Is that... Is that Nat?

Nat! Hey!


Hey. What's going on, you guys?

I'm just out for a run.

- That's your running outfit?
- Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah.

Yeah, sometimes, uh, when I run,

I like to just wear
the exact same clothes

that I was wearing the night before,

just to not dirty up another
pair of clothes, you know?

Anyway, what are you
two doing up so early?

- Well... [CHUCKLES] ... we haven't been to bed.

The MORPHO machine, it's working again.

I cracked it.

- [GASPS] You did? That's amazing.
- [DUSTY] Yeah.

I feel like there have been so many

new developments in the last 24 hours.

We all need to, like,
get together for dinner

and talk about everything.

Maybe, I don't know,
at Giorgio's? [SIGHS]

- 100%.
- Can we go anywhere else?

Nat, you have to try the machine.

- Oh, my God. I would... Oh. Sorry. Hold on.

Hi, sweetie. Hi. Are you just waking up?

What do you mean? Savannah. No.

- No, I've basically been at home all night.
- Dusty.

- [DUSTY] Mm-hmm.

Look, if we're gonna be
serious about taking time apart

to self-explore this...


[STAMMERS] ... we have to
figure how to tell Trina.


And we should come up with
a term that's less ridiculous

than "self-ploration." [CHUCKLES]

I think we can do better. [CHUCKLES]

So we're calling it a "self-ploration."

Which is a mix of
"self" and "exploration."

And that also sounds like separation.

- But it's not a separation.
- No.

No. It's more like a...
a relationship rumspringa.

You studied the Amish in school, right?

It's a brief period where we both
get to explore a little more freedom.

Okay. So you guys are
going into the city

to do coke and f*ck a bunch of people?


- Whoa. Absolutely not.
- [DUSTY] No.

I mean, unless doing coke is a
part of us figuring out who we are

- outside of a relationship.
- Oh, right.

Yeah, maybe I will try
the old devil's chalk.

- No, you are not doing coke.
- No, I probably won't.

Can I ask a question?

- Yes. Please.
- Please.

- Did you guys sleep at all last night?
- What?

Uh, I... What we did
was, we just decided

we're just gonna drink a lot of coffee.

Power right through it.

But you believe me right
here when I tell you

that we are really, really
focused and thinking clearly.

Dad's eyes are closed.

No, they're not. I'm just
thinking about what you're saying.

So, what about f*cking other people?

You guys haven't talked
about it, have you?

- Um...
- I...


[STAMMERS] I think we should?

You think we should?

- I mean, I think we can.

Mmm. I just think that we should
consider Trina in this, you know?

As a child of divorce myself, I
know how destabilizing it can be.

Yeah, yeah. N-Not that this is divorce.

Yeah. And not that you're a child,

but yeah, I'm honestly pretty confused.

Is one of you guys moving out or...

- No. No, no, no, no. Oh, no. No.
- [TRINA] Okay.

Your dad, he's just... he'll sleep
in the basement for a bit, you know?

Just to give us a little space so
that we can figure out who we are.

- And then we will come back together...
- [CASS] Mm-hmm.

- ... even stronger than before.
- Mmm.

- Hmm. I mean, I get it.
- Yeah?

You know, I've always thought you guys

probably got together a bit too young.

So, yeah, I can see how
this is healthy for you.

- Okay. You do.

I definitely don't know
what to tell my friends,

since you guys haven't exactly
nailed the presentation.

We just want you to know that
we love you more than anything,

and, um, that we are
both still here for you,

for anything you want, no matter what.

Can I have a party tonight?

What? A house party?

At our house? And we're not here?


I'm the child of a self-ploration.


How many bottles of
Throatroaster whiskey

do you think I can take
without your dad noticing?

How many do we need? Like,

do you think people will
bring their own stuff or...

Have you never hosted a party before?

I've basically never
been to a party before,

because Kolton would always go,

and I'd be at home,
like, doing our laundry.

Aw. That's very sweet.


So, a rager sounds fun, uh, for sure.

It's just that I didn't get a
lot of sleep last night, so...

Jesus. Am I the only one
who got any sleep last night?

Well, after we unlocked the machine,

people started coming into Johnson's,

wanting to discover who they are. So...

Yeah. I'm not, like, dying to find out.

Apparently, the next "stage"
has convinced my parents

that they need to take some
time apart from each other.

So I can only imagine
what it would say about me.

Wait, what? Your parents
are getting a divorce?

No. God, no. That's way too simple.

Um, they're just going to be, uh,
living separately in the same house.

Oh, shit.


Are you okay?

Yeah. You know my dad.

He won't be able to survive
without my mom for more than a day.

In fact, their first
act as a separated couple

is going to a dinner together.

So, not that worried,

but I am planning to take
advantage of it while I can.


There. I think that's enough.

Okay. Uh, what about
the snack situation?

Are we talking, like, nuts and nibbles?

Or is it more of a charcuterie vibe?

This is going to be so fun.

Yo, I could slice up,
like, a fruit plate.

[DUSTY] I still think
when someone invites you

for a dinner at Giorgio's,

it's reasonable to assume
she means the restaurant.

[CHUCKLES] Well, the good
thing about this dinner is

if we tell Nat about our self-ploration,

she'll just tell everyone for us.

Do you think that we're
ready to tell people?

- Yeah.
- Yeah?

Yeah. I think... I think we're ready.

Ah. Benvenuto.

Mary, Mother of God.

Come on in, you guys.

Giorgio's casa es su casa
and also mi casa. [CHUCKLES]

You remember Father Reuben?
And Hana's also here.

- Yeah. Hello.
- We meet again.

Pleasant surprise, but why are you here?

Well, Giorgio told us he had important
information about the machine.

- Oh.
- Hey, you're the machine, Father.

I've seen those g*ns you're
hiding under those priest garbs.

- Here you go, Cassie.
- Oh.

- Thank you.
- Just a little bit of bubbly. Big D.

Okay. So, before we proceed
with the evening's festivities,

I would like to request

that everybody place their mobile
devices in this security pouch.

Yeah, I'm not gonna do that.

Dusty, we're trying to be more present,

and we encourage our
guests to do the same.

I'm sorry. When you
say "we... " [STAMMERS]

Don't be afraid to unplug. Don't
be held hostage by these cubes.

- Let's go, Big D. Hand it over, boy.
- What if there's an emergency? Okay.

- See, isn't this better?

As I always say, here
is where the now is.

And as I always say,
here is where the wow is.

- [GIORGIO] Natalie, stop it.

Giorgio and I are together.
That's our announcement.


Wait, that's the important information?

That's not about the machine at all.

Well, Hana, actually it is.

Because Giorgio and I feel that
our potential is each other. [SIGHS]

- Can I have my phone back, please?
- No.

- This seems really fast, Nat.

Oh, it is extremely fast,
but it is also extremely real.

And we wanted to tell our
best friends personally

before it hits the Digest.

Also, Father, I wanted to confess to you

that this relationship has
been consummated multiple times.

You don't need to confess to me.

Okay, but can I?

- Because, yo, it was freaking amazing.
- Oh, my God.

And also, Hana, I'm sorry.

Like, I hope this doesn't bring
you any pain as one of my ex-lovers.

Is that why I'm here?

Here is where the now is.

- To Giorgio and Nat.
- Aw.

- He just toasted himself.
- I am aware.



Okay. You need to, uh,
chill with the paper towels.

Well, people aren't using the coasters.

So if you want to explain
ring marks and stains

to your parents, be my guest.

Okay. I know you're used to being, like,

the man of the house at your house,

but this isn't your house.
So, I just need you to chill.

It's a lot of pressure here, okay?

I'm very aware that I, like,
you know, look like Kolton.

And maybe people are
expecting me to act like him,

but I don't even know how he'd act.

I'm not, like, the
life-of-the-party guy, Trina.

Jacob, no one expects you
to be the life of the party.


Like, literally no one. Like, zero
expectations from anyone about you.

Super unaffected by that comment.

So just be yourself.

And please put down
the paper towels, okay?

When you see this little video
game version of you, and it's you.

And then it's... it's
saying, "This is who you are."

And... And it shows you
this little scene and...

[CHUCKLES, GROANS] I don't know
how to describe it. [GROANS]

[SCOFFS] Well, it sounds
kinda creepy. [CHUCKLES]

[STAMMERS] Maybe, but... [GRUNTS]

... even if it does
say this is who you are,

that doesn't mean this is all you are.

Interesting. What do you mean
by that, D? Elaborate, please.

Well... [SIGHS] ... okay.

If your life potential
is like an arrow...

Something that you need
to be told about yourself,

to point you in a new direction...

Then maybe this is something that
you need to see about yourself

to help you move in that direction.

I think they're like dreams.

- Wait a minute. You've done it?
- [GIORGIO] What'd you get, Father?

Like, a priest video game with
you wasting vampires or something?

I'm not saying what I
got, but like I said,

I think these visions are like dreams.

Oh. Visions.

And if you try to describe
'em to someone else...

They'd be bored.

[CHUCKLES] Well, no, they're...
they're just personal.

These aren't things you put on
lawn signs and bumper stickers.

A vision is more internal.

When you see it, even if
you don't wanna see it,

you know exactly what it means.

[NAT] I like that you're
calling them visions.

Do you mind if I use that when I
write about this for the Digest?

Go right ahead.

- Thank you.
- Well, I, for one, am not gonna do it.

You're not gonna do what?

The next stage. I don't need to.

Now that I've got
Natalie, I know who I am.

- [SIGHS] I feel the exact same way.


And Cass, now the four of
us can finally double-date.

- Uh.

Yeah. About that, um, we have a
wee bit of an announcement too.

Let's go.

The next stage animations
are lame as hell,

and the graphics are f*cking ass.

Right? It's, like, 15 seconds,
and you can't control it.

Because it isn't a game.

Wait, I don't get it. So,

if I put my "Liar" card
in, it'll show me lying?

I don't think it's that literal.

Mine was more of like a... a quest game.

- You just said "game."

I was walking in a meadow,
and there was a fence.

And on one side of the fence,
there were all these sheep.

And on the other side, there were foxes.

And my, like, avatar started
taking down the fence.

- And instead of...
- [JACOB] Hey, hey.

Who's ready to get f*cking drunk?

Or are we not doing that?

We were just having a discussion.

Cool, cool. Yeah. I
can just grab a seat.

Did you tape those cans to yourself?

Yeah, it's like Edward 40
hands. The classic drinking game.

These aren't 40s, obviously.
So more like Edward 12 hands.

Um, yeah.

Sorry, what's... what's happening?

Well, uh, Rita was
just sharing something.

- Mmm. Noice.
- [TRINA] Mm-hmm.

Uh, yeah. I could just put one
of these brews down, probably.

- Jake, dude.
- Oh, shit.

- Dude! Come on, man.
- What are you doing?

I got it. I got it. I got it.

Um, I think I used up
all the paper towels.

I'm just gonna go and get
some more from the basement.

But please relax.

It's just six weeks. Six weeks.

Dusty and I, we're
gonna get back together

and share all of our new
experiences with each other.

But what if you don't?

I thought I was gonna play in the NHL

for 20 seasons and
win seven Stanley Cups

until I suffered a permanent
injury to my catching hand.

Anything can happen, y'all.

What if you meet someone?

Or-Or what if someone who had
feelings before suddenly realizes

that he still has feelings for you.

And now that you're on your little,

um, relationship r-rumspringa, um...

- Mi amore.
- No, I'm fine. I'm fine.

I-I just... Oh, God.

It's just, I have all these four-for-two
coupons to various restaurants

- and nearby attractions, so...
- Nat.

You know, I think I just
need a min... [GASPS]

Is she okay?

She's okay, Father. Dusty and
Cass have just really upset her.

You think that's it, Giorgio?

You don't think it has
anything to do with the fact

that you've been openly pursuing
my wife until basically last week,

and Nat just found out
that we're taking a break?

Wait, you've been pursuing Cass?

Even I knew that.

I mean, I didn't know
about you and Giorgio.

Guys, please don't fight over me.

That's not what's happening.

I will always have a
fondness for you, Cass.

But the fact that you and
D are having marital issues,

whether they be in the
bedroom or elsewhere...

Not a sex thing.

... that does not change the feelings

that I suddenly realized
that I have for Natalie.

And I need to make it clear.

Natalie. Il mio bambino!

You wanna go see Giorgio's bathroom?

- Absolutely.
- Okay.

You were right. Telling
everybody felt really good.


[HANA] Notice the subtle
placement of the bathtub.

[CHUCKLES] Here, you see a
plaster bust of Giorgio's head,

- created by renowned artist, 3D printer.

Direct your attention to the mirror,

where you will see his rarely
mentioned "Superstar" card.

And in the drawers, you will find
an alarming amount of exfoliants.

It is everything I dreamed of and more.

Yeah. See, now you're glad you
agreed to this f*cked up dinner party.

Actually, I am. I'm having fun.

You are having fun, aren't you?

- What's going on there?
- [CHUCKLES] I got a good vision.

Okay, you can't keep teasing
it if you're not gonna tell me.

It was me when I was a kid, and I
was with my father, and I was happy.

And it was nice to be
reminded what that was like.

And nice to think that maybe my
"Father" card wasn't just about me.

Wow. So, you're like a
full-on MORPHO convert now?

I wouldn't say I'm a convert.

But you remember how I said I
didn't want to be a priest anymore?

Yeah, I-I do. And I-I just have to say,

that's, like, a lot of
pressure to put on me, and I...

No. No, no. I don't
wanna put pressure on you.

I... I think it's more about me.

It's more that I don't wanna
just be a priest anymore.

I don't wanna just be giving
guidance to everyone else.

I... I need to do some work on myself

and rediscover what...
what brings me joy.

"Rediscover your joy" would
make a great neon sign.


Oh, God. Are you hiding down
here because you're ashamed of me?

What? No.

I mean, I get it. I basically
ruined the party with my fun.

Jacob, nothing you could
do could embarrass me.

It's just this.

Seeing my dad's little setup down here,

I'm just feeling kind of sad, you know?

It's, like... It's sinking in that
my parents are actually doing this,

and it kind of sucks.

Like, things were just
starting to feel normal.

And I'm also well aware that
I'm complaining about this

to someone who's actually lost a parent.

Oh, no. I get it. You don't
wanna lose your family either.

But I remember someone telling me

she wouldn't wanna be in the
same relationship her whole life.

That person sounds hot.

[CHUCKLES] The hottest.

So, maybe whatever the next
stage means for your parents,

in the end, could still be
a good thing for everyone?

What about the next stage for me?

[CHUCKLES] If you wanted to
find out, I'd go with you.

I know you would. You're very sweet.

- Yeah.

Sweet, but also, like, kind
of a bad boy party animal?

- [CHUCKLES] Totally.
- Yeah? Yeah.


[CHUCKLES] All right.

- I should probably go clean up upstairs...
- Okay.

... before your parents get home.

Okay, bad boy.

- [LAUGHING] I didn't say it. You said it.

- Attention, friends!
- Kinda.

Hana, Father Reuben, where y'all at?

What's up? Hey, what's up, you guys?

What you doing back there?
You saw my steam room?

- [REUBEN] Mm-hmm. Mmm.
- It's nice, right?

Uh, okay. So I have
another announcement.

Oh, sweet Jesus.

Natalie. Do you remember last
night, when I was telling you

about all my favorite hockey
players between lovemaking sessions?


Okay. Well, as the
great one, aka number 99,

aka Wayne Gretzky once said,

"You miss 100% of the sh*ts

- you don't take."
- "You don't take."

And I'm gonna go one step
further than Wayne, okay?

Sometimes you take a shot,
and... and you think you missed.


But then the puck goes and
bounces off someone else,

and it goes right into
the back of the net.

He sh**t, he scores.

- [WHISPERS] Is she the net?
- I believe she's the net.

- Natalie Plural...
- Pearl.



- Sweet God, no.

Oh, no, no, no, no, no.

Would you do me the honor
of being my great one,

- aka my first ever Mrs. Giorgio?

[NAT] Yes. Yes. [STAMMERS]

- Of course. Yes.
- Is you for real?

- Yeah. [LAUGHING]
- Yeah, let's go! Whoo!

- Yeah!
- Let's go! Whoo!

- Oh, f*ck's sake.
- Yay, Nat!

[CHUCKLING] Oh, baby.

I'm so happy right now. I don't
even know what to do, man. [CHUCKLES]

I feel like I gotta...
I just gotta, like...

I just gotta freestyle rap.

- Okay? Yes.
- The bars are flowing through me, Natalie.

- Oh, no.

- Oh, yes.
- [GIORGIO] Okay. Okay.

♪ Natalie, Natalie ♪
♪ I wanna have a chat-alie ♪

♪ Your love has got me trippin' ♪
♪ Goin' this way and that-alie ♪

♪ You're Cass's best friend ♪
♪ I'll love ya till the end ♪

Can we get our phones back? So
we can give you some privacy.

♪ You'll always be my girl ♪
♪ On that you can depend ♪

- That's odd.
- ♪ Natalie, Natalie ♪

Where are the keys? In the jacket.
Where did you put the jacket?

Did you put the jacket
in the other room?

♪ Natalie, Natalie ♪
♪ You my pizza pie ♪

- I've got the pouch with our phones.
- How do we open it?

It doesn't matter. We'll figure
it out in the car. Just f*cking go.



[CASS LAUGHING] Well, I mean,
he definitely had a flow.

[DUSTY] It was not a flow.
I've got more flow than Giorgio.


Hey, Jacob. Uh, where's Trina?

She's upstairs sleeping.

I was just heading out,

but I did want to say Trina
told me what you guys are doing.

She did? Did... Did she seem okay?

I mean, you'd tell us if
she wasn't okay, right?

Yeah. For sure. And you
guys will be okay too.


- Night. Oh.
- No, let's...


- I'll see you at school.
- All right, good night.

[CASS] Good night, Jacob.



[CHUCKLES] All right, well...


I guess this is where we
go to our separate abodes

from our single abode.



Any interest in a nightcap at mine?

To the self-ploration. [CHUCKLES]

Mmm. [SIGHS]

... what's your first move?

- I mean, like, a ski trip to Whistler or...

Oh, I'm not going to Whistler.

Oh. Okay. Because you said that your
vision was about more than skiing.

- But I don't know what that means.
- Oh, no. I don't wanna go to Whistler now.

I wanted to stay at Whistler back then.

When we had our, you
know... our semester apart,

I was having such a great time.

I'm-I'm sure you were too.

But, oh, you know, all
that fun, new adventures.

And I just wanted to stay a
bit longer. Not forever. Just...

- Six weeks?
- Six weeks would've been great. Yeah.

I don't know. I don't know
what would've happened.

Maybe everything would've been the same,

or maybe I would've skied into a
f*cking tree on my first day and died.

It doesn't matter. What I do know
is that I came back because of you.

Because I loved you. Yeah.

[STAMMERS] But mostly because
I was afraid of losing you.

Because that's who I am.

And that's what I saw
in the part of my vision

that I didn't share with you.


Every time I come close to
something that scares me...

I stop.

I pull back. I don't go for it.
You've seen me. I never take the jump.

I always take the easy path.


N-Not that you're the easy
path. You're the, uh, hard path.

No, not the hard path.
That's no better, is it?

That makes me sad.

No. No, I'm sorry.

No, it makes me sad
because that semester,

I wanted to stay in Italy.

- Like, not forever. Just...
- Six weeks?

- Yeah.

Maybe a little longer.

So it's just sad learning

... we both have been holding
ourselves back for so long

because we're afraid of
hurting the other person.

But we're doing it now.

We're getting our six weeks.
Better late than never.


And I have a feeling it's
gonna be the best thing

that's ever happened to us.


There's a part two to my vision too.

[CHUCKLES] Hope you
didn't try and s*ab me too.

You did. You stabbed me too? Cass.

Yeah. After I stabbed my
mom, you came into the maze,

and I just kind of went
Norman Bates on your ass.

Did you also dance on my dead body?

It was more of like a minuet.



But... [SIGHS] ... it's like you
said, they're metaphors, you know?

Things we need to see to
move in a new direction.

Whatever it is we're meant to
see, isn't it better to know?


Are you sure you wanna do this?