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01x05 - Episode 5

Posted: 04/26/24 11:51
by bunniefuu

HANA: Kate Ward is dead,
she was stabbed.

NOLAN: Shaped like a star.

PILOT: There was no turbulence.

The starboard aileron control
was switched off.

Bie shuo la!

Jess, it's been a minute.
Is it weird being Hana's boss now?

It is a bit, yeah.

What the hell?

Here's the report on the incident
at World Pacific Medicine.

DELANEY: What incident?
TENNANT: There was a break-in.

Get down!

JESS: Do you know why any
of this is happening?

Only that it could jeopardise
the Anglo-China nuclear deal.


Does Langley have any ideas
who has the balls to g*n down

an MI6 officer in his own home?

It's OK to be sad.

Which is something my dad
would never had said.

JESS: Sir George said
something to me before he died.

He told me that Nolan
has something.

He told me the same thing,
but I don't!

DELANEY: This isn't about what
one of them knows,

it's about what
one of them was given.

Hana, what do I do?
'It'll be all right.'

Please just go to Dad's,
and I will call Simon right away.

sil*ncer CLICKING

I was so scared, Mum.


Dad, check who it is before
you answer the door. Baba!

Hi, Mr Li.
Simon O'Brien. We met before?

Yes, of course. Please, come in.

My daughter is inside.

Are you all right?
Course I'm not bloody all right.

I know you've been through a lot,
but we need to go. Go?

Well, she's safe here, isn't she?

Your daughter witnessed a m*rder,
Mrs Li.

The safest place for her
is in protective custody.

She's not going anywhere until you
tell us what's going on.

Who k*lled that man?

Why is Jess in danger?


Mr Li, if I knew, I would tell you.
Nobody is safe here.

The two of you need to find
somewhere else to stay.

Jess, you need to come with me.


Your sister's going to be OK.

I know. Of course.

Things always have a way
of working out for Jess.

I sense a story there.


We just had very different
upbringings, that's all.

Jess was born in England.

She's only half Chinese.

And I've always felt that

the other part of her is what
lets life be that bit kinder.

At least that part of her belongs.

She wrote an article about me

for her paper last year.

She didn't ask.
Just assumed it'd be OK.

Hmm. It was her first job,
her big break.

And I k*lled it.

She is going to be OK.


Tell me you have her.

SIMON: 'I do. She's OK.

'Your parents are going to stay
with friends, you be safe.'

I'm going to take her
to the station.

Thank you, I owe you.


Hey! What are you doing?

It's a matter of national security.
Stay out of this, Superintendent.

This is Thames House business.

Mum? Who are you?
Get your hands off my daughter!

Where are you taking her?

Stand down.

MR LI: What is going on here!?


MUM: Simon, I don't understand.
Who are they?


Are you OK?

MI5 just took Jess from Simon.


Are you sure?

That's what Simon said,
but I'm checking.

I'm glad she's OK.


Listen, I'm sorry about Sir George.

I don't know if you guys were close.

Not really.

Selfishly, I think
I think I'm more upset

because he felt like my last hope.

And you don't know why
he's so adamant

you have whatever this thing is?

I can't have it.

I was strip-searched at Heathrow,

they went through everything I have.

Maybe it's in your head.

Like something she said to you.

She drugged me.

That's hardly the best way to get
somebody to remember something.


What if she wasn't drugging me?

You said she was.
I mean...

I'm sorry.

...what if she was sedating me?

What's the difference?

Uncuff me.

Where are you going with this?

All this time,

I thought it was
a bouncer at the nightclub

that had stabbed me.

But what if it was her?

What if it's buried inside me?

I need to get it out.

Find the scissors.

Wait, so she sedates you
at the club,

stabs whatever it is into you,

you wake up with
a hangover with no idea

why your side is hurting,
and smuggle it back to the UK.

Look... scissors.

Um... can you release the stitches?



Now you need to wash
and sterilise your hand.

Why? Because I need you to
feel inside the wound

with your fingers.

Are you serious?

I can't reach.


Right, it's gonna bleed,
so take this gauze,

and with your free hand,
open the wound.

I get it, I get it.

Are you ready?



I don't think I... feel anything.


Wait, maybe there is something.

Oh, wait.

Found it.

I can't get to it.
Oh... Wait.



You OK? Should I stop?

Keep going.
OK, OK, almost there.

Almost got it.

I got it!

What is it?

It's a nano SIM card.


Could you sit down, please?

So, you're Jess Li.

Sister of Hana Li,

the officer on board flight 357.

That's right.

I'm Director Delaney.

I'll cut to the chase.

Did you work for Sir George, Jess?

I work for the London Echo.

You could be doing both.

Should I be asking
for a lawyer or something?

We're not the police, you're
not under arrest, so no lawyers.


Your parents are from Hong Kong.

My father is. My mum's from Camden.

You and Hana have different mothers.

Yes, hers died in Hong Kong.

It says here that
Hana's mother was arrested

after the Chinese takeover
and died in custody.

Uh, that's right.

Do you have
a Chinese passport, Jess?

I'm British, born here.

Does Hana?

No. What does this
have to do with anything?

I'm just trying to get
a full picture of a woman

who breaks into
World Pacific Medicine,

and then survives while
a trained officer was assassinated.

Hey, I didn't break into anywhere.

And if anything's missing,

you should ask those government
agents about it.

What government agents?

I filmed them.

Take a breath, Madeline.

Take a breath?
What the hell is this, John?

Why have you got OSCT officers

destroying files
at World Pacific Medicine?

National security,
maybe you've heard of it.

I couldn't chance China
making a connection

between Nolan and Blindside.

Covering your arse, you mean.
Covering everybody's arse...

MI6, Downing Street, yours included.

Don't rope me into your mess.
You roped yourself in.

Sir George Chapman is dead because
you kept Blindside secret from me.

Oh, get off your high horse,

George knew the risks,
just like the rest of us.

And what about those victims
on the flight?

The unwitting couriers for MI6?

Did they know the risks?
You've crossed lines, here, John.

I'm not shutting this down,
you've gone way too far!

I think you're forgetting
who's in charge here.

Explain to me!

Knowing everything that you know,

why would you let Nolan
or any of the others

be flown back to China?

Nolan didn't have
what we were looking for.

China was threatening the deal.

I saw no harm in
recommending we cooperate.

He was no longer of any use to you,

so you cut him loose
and threw him to the wolves.

Did it never occur to you
that if Nolan didn't have it,

one of the others might?


Hana's on the phone, ma'am.
She's found it.


Put her on speaker phone.

MEGAN: She's on.

Hana, it's me. What have you found?

It's a nano SIM card.
'Where was it?'

'Nolan had it the whole time.
It was buried in his wound.'

He wasn't stabbed by a bouncer
in Beijing, ma'am.

Shen Zhao stuck it into him.

And had no idea about this?

She never told him
what she was going to do.

TENNANT: That's because
he wasn't the intended courier.

This was improvised.

Have you seen what's on it yet?

'Find a laptop that'll read it.'

She'll need a caddy for
the nano SIM to make it full size.

You heard that?
Yeah. I'll do my best.

Call me when you're ready,
and I'll give you a secure address.

And Hana...

'Stay public.

'Now you have it,
you're in more danger than ever.'

I'd suggest once it's sent,
that she destroys the SIM.

Thank you, John,
I'll take that under advisement.

Ruth, set up end-to-end encryption
through our own satellites.

I don't want anyone else
reading this before we do.

I'll need to set up a password.



DELANEY: Quiet, everyone!
Hana, did you find a laptop?

Yes. I opened the SIM,
and there are two files.

are the files labelled?

Uh, yes. One is called "original,"
the other "C-A-E".

MEGAN: Hana, in the address bar,

type, "asterisk, backslash, three,
T, seven, backslash asterisk."


'It'll ask for a password.'

Type, "zebra, alpha, George,
six, hashtag one."

I'm in.

Drag the files into the box,
they'll automatically upload.


Now you're both on.

What's going on?


They're large files, ma'am,
so it's taking a moment to upload.

'That's fine, Hana.'
What's uploading? What is that?

Almost done.


Uh, something's wrong,
it's stopped uploading.

Should I try again?

What's happened?


Where's the link? What's the status?


Talk to me, where are the files?

They haven't come through.

Satellite data indicates 357 has
stopped transmitting or receiving.

In English, please.
Their Wi-Fi's down.

Can we turn it back on remotely?

MEGAN: No, ma'am.
TENNANT: It's the Chinese.

They know we've found it.
We don't know that.

Oh, come on, Madeline.
The file is called "C-A-E"...

"China Atomic Energy".
Who else could this be?


Did it send?
I don't think so.

Yunxi, what's happening?
I don't know.

The Wi-Fi's down.
It should reboot in just a few...


It is imperative I send this.

There must be a problem below.



Did you fix it?

It cannot be fixed.
Why not?

Because somebody
has torn out the wires.

What do you mean, "somebody"?

The internet was working a
moment ago, so who went down there?

Nobody. But you should know that...

Co-Pilot Wu!
No. Captain, this has gone too far!

There was no turbulence when
Dr Hurst fell down the stairs. What?

Gou le! Somebody turned off
the aileron control unit

to make it look like an accident.

Captain, you knew about this the
whole time, and you didn't tell us?

Shame on you!

The k*ller's been hiding down there
the whole flight,

finding some other way in and out.

What do you want to do?

If he really is down there, what's
to say he won't crash the plane?

He's right.

Open it.
HANA: Lead the way.


All clear!

I'll lead the way. Stay behind me.

HANA: I told you, I thought
I saw something down here.

OK, you go that way.
I'll go this way.

I have a quicker way.
OK, come on out!

We know you're down here!

What are you doing?

What the f*ck? Don't move!

You're under arrest!

No, you don't move.

Hands behind your head,
on your knees.

What the f*ck are you doing?

My job.

Go get Nolan, he has the SIM.

Show him the photo if he resists.

You're going to pay
for what you've done.

I think you mean "get paid".

This shouldn't be taking so long.

Can I just go in there?
Maybe I can help.


Bloody hell.


CAPTAIN: 'Sorry about that slight
disturbance, folks.

'It was just an air pocket,
no reason to be alarmed.'

Shaped like a star.

Watch the laptop. I need to go
downstairs to check something.


I'm sorry.

Hey, what's going on?

Nolan, get out of here!
Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Where's the SIM card?
Don't give it to him.

Shut up.

I know you're not stupid enough
to leave it upstairs.

Give it to me
or I'll take it from your corpse.

Don't do it!
Here it is.

Toss it to me.

I'm not letting him sh**t you
for this, Hana.

I didn't choose to do this
and neither did you.

It's not our fight.

Give it to me now!

Excuse me, you can't be up here.
Business Class passengers only.

I'm talking to you.


MAN: Where's Dr Nolan?

He went downstairs.




Nolan! Get the g*n!



Captain, there are g*nshots
in the hold.

You think we can't hear them?
Try and keep the passengers calm.

Tell them it was another air pocket.

Ni yao gan ma?

Zhe shi wo de fei ji.
Wo dei xia qu kan kan.

'Ladies and gentlemen,
please do not be alarmed.

'We are experiencing air pockets

'which has caused baggage
to fall in the hold.'




Do you even know how to use that?

Ask your friend.

Are you OK?

Not really.



Hand over the SIM.


You broke my tooth.

Yeah, well, you're lucky
that's all I broke.

Handcuff yourself,
you're under arrest.

You don't understand.
You just k*lled me.

What are you talking about?

Is that white powder?
He's foaming at the mouth.

What is on that SIM? Tell me!

Can you smell the almonds?

Tell me or I will sh**t you!

I'd save the b*ll*ts
for yourself, Wing Yee.

You won't leave Beijing alive.

What's going on?

What's going on? Is he dead?

Yeah. Captain, why would an air
marshal have cyanide in his tooth?

He wouldn't.

But Ministry of State Security

Why did he call you Wing Yee?

It's my given name.
Hana was just easier to get by.

You're Wing Yee Li?

I saw your name...

...on a luggage tag.

Dr Nolan?
It's OK.

There was a man in a green hoodie.
Danger's over.

I've never seen this bag
before in my life.

That's Songyun's case.

Bring her here.




'How you holding up?'

Well, we've, uh...

We've hit a speed bump,
but there's progress.

Are you alone?


Why? What's going on?

Tennant told me that your girl
and Nolan found something on 357.

Tennant called you?

'He's playing all angles, Maddie.'

So you need to, as well.

'Did he tell you what was found?'

Even he knows
when not to overshare.

But I did sense he's concerned

he may have backed the wrong horse
over this power plant deal.

Let me guess.

He's lining up the US as a buyer,

in case China is implicated
in the deaths on 357,

and the nuclear deal goes south.


He has no idea what information
Shen Zhao gave Nolan.

I'm just giving you a heads-up, honey.

He's already laying track that
everything that went wrong tonight

is because of you breaking protocol

and taking over comms lead
with DC Li.

And if he's telling me,

you can be damned sure
he's telling the PM.

So, watch your six.

If you need anything, call me.

Thanks, Mike.



Captain, you wanted to see me.

Why is my name on your case?

I, uh...

I am past the point of asking twice.

What's in it?

American bearer bonds.

Tai chun le, tai bu fu ze ren le!

What's the combination?

I don't know.


Oh, that is not bearer bonds.

All these passports have my photo

but different names.

Who paid you to smuggle this
on board?

I never met them.
It was all electronic.

Do you know what you've done to me?

Do you have any idea?
Hana, don't.


Songyun, assist Yunxi upstairs.


I don't care about your excuses!

I'm being framed.
Join the club.

This makes me look
like a British spy,

like I've got my passports
and my money to get out of China.

The death will be pinned on me.

I'll be arrested the moment
we land in Beijing.

This is what Zhang meant by we're
not getting out of China alive.

We need to turn this plane around.

I can't.

Captain, you can see
what's going on here.

You know we are innocent.

It's impossible for me to
give the orders to turn back.

Only Beijing can do that,
and they won't!

So you need to convince them!

Bad things will happen
to my family if I try.

But you know what will happen
to us if you don't?

I'm sorry.

I wish I could help you,
but it's out of my hands.

Do you?

Do you wish you could help us?

Of course.

Then what if we took the decision
out of your hands?

My family would still suffer for me
opening the cockpit door to you.

So, don't.


Ji zhang, chu shen me shi le?
You ren shou shang ma?

Ni mei shi ba?

I'm fine.

I guess I'm still a little shaken.

What happened?

It was Officer Zhang,
and an accomplice.

Where are they?

Both dead.

Beijing are going to have
a lot to say about this.

Except we're not going to Beijing.

Fly the plane.

How did you get in?
Wu, didn't you lock the hatch?

I did.
Well, clearly not!

Detective Li, put down the g*n,
what are you doing?

What does it look like
I'm doing, Captain?

I'm taking over, and you're going
to turn this plane back to London.

That's not possible.

My orders...
Are changed.

OK, no-one needs to get hurt.

I have to talk to Air Traffic
for a new flight plan.

Talk to whoever you want.
Just turn this plane around.

Hana just h*jacked flight 357.


She's forced it to turn around.
It's headed back to London.

MEGAN: Beijing air traffic control
received this from 357, ma'am.

CAPTAIN: 'What are you doing?'

HANA: 'What does it look like
I'm doing, Captain?

'I'm taking over and you're going
to turn this plane back to London.'

'OK. OK.
No-one needs to get hurt.

'I have to talk to...'

Where are they now?
Still in Russian airspace.

They turned back 12 miles
from China-Mongolian border.

Have they got enough fuel
to get home?

The plane holds 17 hours of fuel.

They're eight and a half hours out.

They should make it, just.

Get me through to the cockpit.

CAPTAIN: Understood, Tower,
patch them through.

The government wishes to speak
to you, Detective Li.

Of course they do.

HANA: 'Hello.'

Hana, what the bloody hell's
going on up there?

'We can't land in China, ma'am.'

I've been framed now
as well as Nolan.


'There was a bag
with my name on it.'

It was full of cash
and fake passports,

enough to convince anyone
that I'm a spy.

'They were going to frame me
for the murders.'

Who's "they"?

the air marshal,
was behind the killings.

Him and another officer
hiding in the hold.

Where are they now?


I shot one of them,
and the second took his own life.

He had cyanide in his tooth,

which implies he was really
Chinese State Security.



Hana, do you still have
what we discussed?

We do.

'You're not safe
until you hand it to us.'

Stay alert, and I'll meet you
at the airport.


Have Dunsfold Airbase
clear a runway.

I want our boys on the tarmac
to meet that plane.

RUTH: Ma'am.

Minister Tang
is on the line for you.

Tell him I'm busy.

She just walked in, ma'am.


Prime Minister.

'What the f*ck is going on
over there?

'I've got Beijing and DC
screaming at me for an explanation,

'and my press office
is already getting calls.'

If you'll let me explain, ma'am...

'I'm the one stuck
explaining this mess.

'MI5 is not set up to handle
international operations like this,

'and you taking point
has just made matters worse.'

I understand how you might
think that, Prime Minister,

but this all unravelled because
I was unaware of an active MI6 op

that these doctors
were unwittingly part of.

'John's already
filled me in on Blindside,

'and it strikes me that
his handling of it

'is the only thing
that's gone right tonight.'

Excuse me?
Thank you, ma'am.

'I don't know whether
you came back too soon

'after your husband's accident,

'but at this juncture,
I'm asking John to take over

'and you to step down.'

You... you can't be serious.

Whatever you need, ma'am.

'Now if you'll excuse us, Madeline,
I need to talk with John.'

She's just leaving, ma'am.

Uh, Madeline, if you could close
the do...


Can I trust you?

Of course.

The PM's put Tennant in charge.

He's so focused on covering
his arse on Blindside,

I don't trust him
to protect Hana or Nolan.

I need to get the sister out of here

before he orders me to be
escorted from the building.

What can I do?

Watch him like a hawk.

Jess, grab your things,
we're leaving.

I know it's a big ask,

but can I have your
mobile phone and your car keys?

Company vehicles are too trackable.

Of course.

Thank you for everything
that you've done for me tonight.

I'm sorry I didn't
believe you sooner.

Why would you?

After seeing how hard
you tried to save Lomax,

I should've realised then

that you wouldn't have just left
Shen Zhao to die.

Wouldn't I?

I honestly don't know.

I was really scared.

All I could think about
in that nightclub

was getting away.

Part of me thinks that
if she was in the car,

I might've run.

I think you're wrong.

I'd like to think so.

But I'll never really
know for sure.

Where the bloody hell
is my detainee?

She left with Director
General Delaney, sir.

Megan, where's her car right now?

Parked downstairs.

I guess at the end of the day,

we're all just trying to figure out
who we are

versus who we pretend to be.

I think, ultimately,
that's why I joined the police.


Because I was lost.

Growing up, I hated being Chinese.


Yeah, I was...

I was so embarrassed
to embrace my culture,

but I didn't feel British, either.

So you put on a uniform,
and everyone knows who you are.

What did your parents say?


My dad is still waiting
for me to become a doctor.

Or at least marry one.

What about your mum?

She died in Hong Kong,
when I was five.

I'm sorry.

What happened?

She was a university lecturer.

She was arrested
for inciting anti-communist dissent

among her students.

They took her away,
and I never saw her again.

She died in custody,
and they never told us how.


That's hard.

Dad emigrated us to England,

but I've never been back.

And the worst part is,
is that it, um...

it broke him, in some way, you know?

Not knowing how she died.

So, he just doesn't
talk about her, at all.

Even to me.

She's just a photo in the hallway.


JESS: Where are we going?

DELANEY: To help Hana.


She's h*jacked her flight.

She's what?
She's heading back to London,

but when she lands,
she's in real trouble.

Whoever is behind the deaths on 357

is still prepared to k*ll
for what she has.

I need you to trust me.

Well, what can I do?

Right now, if I was your sister,

I wouldn't know who to believe
about anything.

You're my assurance
that she knows I'm on her side.

Are you?

On her side?


I'll probably lose my career
for what we're about to do.


DELANEY: 'Mike, it's me.'

Maddie? What number is this?

I had to borrow a phone.
'What's happening?'

Tennant's done what you said.

He's taken over
Thames House operations.

'I'm in a car with Jess Li,
Hana Li's sister.'

Have you heard that Hana and Nolan
have h*jacked their plane?

Heard? It's deafening.

The White House is on
with Downing Street

and Beijing as we speak.

Yeah, I'm sure.

Listen, I need your help.

I don't trust that
Tennant isn't involved

in whatever's going on any more.

That's a big swing, Maddie.

Do you got a bat
to back it up with?

All I know is he's had me
on the back foot all night,

and he's lied about everything.

Does that information implicate
him directly? I don't know.

But the only way that I can be sure

is if I see what Nolan's carrying
before he does.

'Will you help me do that?'

Of course.

I'd do anything to help you.

You know that.