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02x03 - Lopez vs Swap Meet

Posted: 04/26/24 14:51
by bunniefuu

Is the TV still broken?

If it wasn't, I'd be watching it.

You know what that means, Mayan.

Edward James Olmos Playhouse
presents "Chicano Minds."

- Action!
- Hey!

a regular pizza shop owner

who was havin' a coffee and a walk

when I found this body by the dumpster.

- Unlike your pizza, this body is fresh.

Oh, no, man!

The lawyers don't come in till
after the commercial break.

You ruined Churro's favorite show.

Quinten was interviewing
for a management position

at the Apple Store.

How did it go?

I didn't get the job
because I'm too nice.

They don't think I will
be assertive enough

with the employees.


That is so unfair.

Sounds like we're not getting a new TV.

So without TV, what are we gonna do?

We have to actually talk to each other?

I'm gonna have to ask
questions that I don't

want to know the answers to?

Like, hey Quinten,
how was your day today?

Thank you for asking.

The stress of not getting the job

is actually weighing on me a lot.

You see? It's t*rture.



Guess who got a pumpkin
sticker on his math test?

This guy.

You squashed it, Gordo.

Pumpkin sticker?

When I was in school, they only used

two letter grades, D and F.

Hey, secret handshake.

BOTH: Shau!

I am such a cool mom.

I wish I had a pumpkin sticker.

I would give it to you right now.

- I'm heeere.
- My eeears.

Mayan, I bought you a little something,

even though you never get me anything,

because that's how selfless I am.

Wow. Those are definitely heels.

Now that you're not working at the vet,

you can start dressing like a woman.

This is so nice of you,
but I mostly wear sneakers.

I know.

They're making your feet fat.

You look like you're
standing on two speed bumps.

I mean, if those patas get any wider,

you'll be able to stop traffic.

Remember when she was little,
she'd run in the rain.

- Keep roasting her, Rosie,

'cause I got four hours of TV to fill

since Quinten failed our family.

Way to kick a guy when he's down.

What can I say? I love to kick.

I probably could have been
a Rockette right there.


Look. Ignore him.

We'll figure this out.

No, he's right.

This promotion was how I planned

to provide for my family.

- So now I don't know what we're gonna do.
- I do.

I'm gonna knock the nice
right out of you.

I'm gonna take you
to the most dangerous,

ruthless, cutthroat place
in all of Los Angeles.

The Trader Joe's parking lot?

Okay, the second worst.

I'm gonna take you to the swap meet.

And while we're there, we're gonna buy

a discount TV, huh?

Who knew that when we let
a gringo in the family

that he'd be the poor one?

You live with us.

They sell TVs at the swap meet?

- What brands?
- All of 'em.

Sham-sung, So-Sony,

JV-si, JV-no.

The swap meet is a great idea.

Chance and I can get a stall
and sell some of our things

to make some extra cash.

You can sell your entire closet

of visually unappealing garments.

Well, that should bring
in $5, $6 right there.



Oh, man.

Smell that?

The sweet smell of tamales, cologne,

decorative blankets from
unlicensed movie characters.

There she is. That's Olga.

She sells the best TVs
in the entire swap meet.

And they're all compatible
with stolen cable.

Great. Let's go.

Wait. Wait.

We're not ready.

She won't sell to me because she knows

I drive such a hard bargain.

I thought it was because
you hit it and quit it.

Yeah, that too.

Well, I am sure that
I can get it from her.

I'm talking about the TV, to be clear.

No means no, okay?

And you're not gonna find
anything better from here

to that guy over there selling
birth certificates.

All right? So a-di-ós.

Hello, small business owner,
the backbone of America.

How are you today?

I'm a single mom spending my weekend

in a 90-degree parking lot
trying to feed my four kids.

How do you think I am?

It's nice to meet you too.

I... I would love to purchase
one of your beautiful TVs.

- How much is that 55-inch?
- $500.

All I have is 300.

Okay, well, since
you're being so polite...

Don't worry. You know what?

I'm gonna go get the other 200,

and I will be back
in two shakes of a jiffy.

She said it was 500.

- Can I borrow 200?
- That's full price.

For 500 bucks, you can
buy the whole swap meet!

- Did you even try to negotiate?
- No.

She's a single mom spending her weekend

in a 90-degree parking lot,
trying to feed four kids.

Boy, that woman speaks fast.

You have to negotiate.

When a dude like you
walks into the swap meet,

my people either see a mark or a narc.

- My middle name is Mark.
- Oh.

Apple is right. Maybe I am too soft.

Lucky for you,

the swap meet is where
every man learns to get hard.

You have to learn
to stand up for yourself, okay?

I have to trust that
you'll be able to take care

of my daughter and my grandson
and Churro

and Churro II when that time comes.

You got a point, George.

This is about more than the TV.

It is about providing for my family.

So I am all yours.

Make me hard.

Welcome to the George Lopez Swap Meet

School of Negotiating Bargaining School,

where you enter as a soft baby blanket,

and you leave as
a rough, scratchy serape.

Olga's a tough negotiator,
so let's start small,

otherwise she'll just tell you...

BOTH: "A-di-ós."

Follow my lead.

Where's the vendor?


Can I interest you
in an airbrushed T-shirt

or perhaps this can of soup
that is actually a bong?

- Get me the shirt that says "That Bitch."


- How much will "That Bitch" run me?
- $30.

That sounds reasonable. What?

Wrong, man.

You want to feel the fabric.

Make the stank face.

Tu qieres que yo pague esto? Por esto?

Nunca! Then you offer him five.

- Would you take five?
- Five?

This is name-brand Calvin Clown.

Fifteen, man.

Okay. That sounds like that is...

God. Quit doing that!

Then you say, "I guess you
don't want to eat today."

And walk away...

slow, so he has time to stop you.

All right.

I'll do it for five.

Then you grab the shirt,
throw $3 at him,

and we run the hell out of here.

Good luck with your drag show.

Another sale.

Secret handshake.

BOTH: Shau!

But why are you selling
all the stuff Nana gave you?

Your nana and I have different tastes.

Mine is contemporary casual,

and hers is tacky.

Like, where am I even supposed
to wear this,

to brunch with an Egyptian pharaoh?

- I'm here.
- Mom.

What are you doing here?

I thought you were at church.

I figured you needed a real saleswoman

to help sell those rags you wear,

and the priest agreed.


Is this the zebra-print
jumpsuit I got you?

And the tiger-print pants?

And the leopard-print wrap dress?

Yep, we're selling the whole zoo.

Now, if you'll excuse me,
I'm going on a safari.

Why are you selling all
of the things I got you?

Do you not like them?

I was just saying how I was gonna wear

this beautiful belt to brunch.

If you won't tell me
the truth, I know who will.

- Chance!
- Mommy thinks you're tacky.

- Chance!
- I can't lie to that woman.

She's got a direct line
to Jesus and Santa.

Mayan Isabel Lopez,

I can't believe you've been lying

to me all of these years.

Thankfully, I'm young enough
to have another daughter.


Looks like Quinten is finally getting

the hang of bargaining.

Quieres que pague esto? Por esto? Nunca.

It's your hat. Just take it.

I'm sorry.

- I got this $10 hat for free.
- Congratulations.

You got everything on my list
for under 20 bucks.

You have leveled up
from a Mark to a Marcos.

Marcos is a guy who provides
for his family,

who smells like expired Aqua Velva

that he got for half price.

Yeah. So I got the hat,

the shirt, the wig,

the glasses,

the puka shell necklace.

I rocked some of those
babies at Woodstock '99,

the real Woodstock.

Okay. Well, that's all I'm buying.

I am done taking advantage
of hardworking people

who are just trying to make ends meet.

I want to take care of my family,

but not if it means hurting
other people's families.

I thought you might say that.

That's why I had you buy me
all that stuff on the list,

because sometimes you have
to step outside who you are

and put on a wig to get what you want.

Olga won't sell to George,

but she will sell
to Matteo McConaughey here.

[IN SURFER VOICE] All right. All right.

All right.



Please don't do this, George.

Olga has been through enough,
having slept with you.

We didn't sleep together.

We made love.

Now watch the swap meet king
do his thing.

Okay. Hey, listen.

If you're not gonna buy something,

quit blocking my stall.

Get to shopping or a-di-ós.

[IN SURFER VOICE] Oh, my God. Hi.

How much for this totally
tubular flat screen?

- $500, bitch.
- What?

Wow, man. That's wild.

What, does it come with a concierge

to help you change the channel?



Yeah. One-hundy is
not gonna feed my four kids

and little Flaco over there.

Oh, what an adorable puppy.

He's 21 today.

I'm gonna take him
for a beer after work.

It's his birthday?

Oh, happy birthday, little Flaco.

Oh, he likes you,
which means I like you.

Okay, I'll sell you
that TV for 300 bucks.

Nunca. We want this TV right here.

It's the end of the day.

So you can either carry this TV home

or you can carry my hundy
and your fat dog.

Let's just take the $300 one, okay?

I can afford it. She makes a profit.

It's just as good.

It's 3 inches smaller.

Of course you'd think
it'd be just as good.

Well, what do you say, lad-ay?

Fine. 100.

But only 'cause it seems like something

ain't right with you.

If being me is wrong,
I don't want to be right.


Nana isn't answering her phone.

I shouldn't have lied to her.

It's always better to be honest.

- I hate our secret handshake.
- What?

I liked it when I was eight.

But now that I'm 8 1/2, it's cringe.

I can't believe you're saying this.

You said to be honest.

But it always looks like
you're having so much fun.

You mean like this?

Shau! It was fake.


I can't believe you
got this TV for $100.

A deal this good...
maybe I really am that bitch.

I don't know how you
can feel proud of this.

Olga only took your offer
because she was desperate

to feed her starving children.

If they're eating as good
as that dog, they'll be fine.

But you know what?

You just failed
the George Lopez Swap Meet

School of Negotiating Bargaining School,

where nice guys finish last

and George Lopez finishes
numero uno, baby!

You paid $100 for bricks, man.

Oh, how the mighty
swap meet king has fallen.

Get out.

There's a note.

"I knew it was you, George Lopez."

"I'm much better at screwing you

than you are at screwing me." Oh.

I guess Olga wasn't a fan
of you finishing first.

Oh, I can't believe this.

You made me take advantage of people,

and all we have to show
for it is a pile of bricks.

Wait a minute.

We made some good memories today.

I mean, that's not worth nothing.

No, George.

All you taught me was

to feel bad about being a good person.

You are just like my Apple Store boss.

You think that my kindness
and empathy makes me weak.

But those are my strengths.

I am not a scratchy serape!

I am a proud baby blanket,

swaddling his family in comfort,

and you're an ass!

That's what I'm talking
about right there!

What? No!

Be devastated by my words!

This is the Quinten that's
gonna get promoted.


You graduated from the
George Lopez Confidence School

of Building Ego School.

You're literally insane.

Am I?


I don't want to see your mom right now.

I'm giving her the silent treatment.

If I'm here, I'll be forced
to criticize something.

Don't worry. She's not here right now.

But you know who is?

This fashionista!

You better work, Mommy.

I assume you're mocking me
in that fabulous outfit

that accentuates your curves
in all the right places.

I'm not mocking you.

I'm trying to apologize.

I should have told you the truth.

Chance did the same thing to me.

He hates our secret handshake.

Oh, Mayan.

I knew karma would be fast and swift.

Honey, it's natural to want

to share the things you love
with your child.

That's how you bond.

So you bought me all those outfits

because you wanted to be close to me,

not because you think I have bad taste.

Two things can be true.


Mute the bricks. I got news.

I had a little sit-down with my
boss at the Apple Store today,

and I let him know
if they did not promote me,

I was gonna walk.

That's amazing.

- Oh, unless they fired you.
- No.

He said that was exactly
the kind of confidence

he was hoping to see
out of someone applying

for the management position.

And he gave me the job on the spot!


Confidence, you say?

And who, pray tell,

imbued you with such confidence?

Watch out. Oh.

Yes. I hate to admit it,

but I did learn something
about negotiating

from you, George.

I'm proud of you,
and so are your ancestors.

Right now, they're looking down on you,

and they're saying...

Look at that wee lad, Quinten.

Finally bringing home that
we bit of pot of gold now.


It's time for "The Real
Housewives of East LA."

God broke the mold, the machine,

and the factory when he made me.

Don't act like you don't know.

I'm America's mijo.

I live in the back of a truck,

and this avocado is my dinner.

Look what the newest Apple Store manager

- bought with his first paycheck.
- Yep.

I went back to Olga,
and she gave me a great deal

on a genuine Mitsu-beats-me.

Don't care. I'm watching my stories,

and they're about to fight.

Don't talk about my husband.

Girl, he won't be your husband for long.

- Ooh!
- Ahh!

Don't make me slap the feeling

right out your face!

You know what? Let's set this thing up.