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01x05 - Episode 5

Posted: 04/27/24 09:19
by bunniefuu
don't do that Dad oh hey well have the

authorities on you if we start messing

around with that thing there and don't

swing around there first we can't k*ll

himself falling off like that man let's

go upstairs at the front I know you

mustn't go out with a front dad it's not


the only safe place on a bus is not an

airplane it's on the ground all right at

the back that's the only safe place

because if this bus was involved in a

fatality dad there's a people at the

front or get k*lled first

well you get k*lled at the back anyway

Tanya have you got k*lled about two

seconds later you see I draw you now

during those last two seconds you might

have an amazing religious experience an

amazing revelation what the poor blokes

at the front one of my guys to get this

seat there on a side seat in a fast time

course you know I really look forward to

Saturday evening outings you know I

reckon the the holiday roustabout is a

real bargain

it's a real bargain doubt the green

holiday roustabout is a boon to the

traveler that's what you mean in a real

boon Jerry allows for seven and sixpence

you have excess 240,000 miles of British

roadway with an hour parallel view of

the lovely English countryside talks

johnnytravel ish you're not allowed off

the bus before put your ticket you see

so most people have to give up after a

couple of days yeah all right facilitate

on the facilities on the bus people will

be on four years or name that's why they

don't have facilities on the buses yeah

Oh talking about you remember that old

bus that was dumped on the waste ground

beyond Green Line Julius go now they

wouldn't build a net so I thought you're

not be robbed by a nice place to live so

I took a couple of blankets out there

but not you no no it's not a Spicer net

yeah but it had no facilitate a

deliberate defeat

okay people are you are but are not

about the basses doubt it gives you a

wonderful chance to meet people done it

did I'll ever give you the account of my

tempestuous affair on the forty to be

both discontinued that root of 19

yeah due to the incident I'm about to

realize is the Garda forty to be I think

a spring of 1948 anyway one day I got on

the bass you know what he normally sat

down and eventually the bass started out

when all the stop stop nobody got on now

he got off bell rang the bass started

out okay went to another stop nobody got

on nobody got a bell rang the password

on another stop now have you got on

nobody go and on that go on okay now

there are five stops dad it was a fairly

uneventful journey and until the

incident I won't bore you with the


you already had painted anyway after

about six stopped suddenly fish

uncannily beautiful woman with

incredibly sensuous looks about go onto

the platform of the bus tempestuous

beauty at Oh precious beauties out of a

type rarely seen hey I thought allow you

know yeah you said you know I thought I

know I hold on very cool dad bike oh boy


you have to slide by forever go anywhere

you see anywhere I could immediately see

what she was after I still doubt a mile

what she was after I won you know her

she gave me a fleeting glance all right

break my neck

yeah similar to what you did without a

Rikki anyway she gave me this speeding

larch and I was immediately aware of

what she wanted and I look the other way

so she went upstairs immediately ah I

thought funny animation about there by

there's made out


our new or she wanted yes I saw enough

about fast starts later so you come down

the stairs got off the bus without even

looking at me I thought I'll play it

very cool yes I went on another four

stops got off down at Green Lane and

I'll never seen her again there's just

one of those things start you know yeah

by Christ explain I think they know I'm

got em every oh yeah not a stupid song

in there gossamer wings you wouldn't

stand a chance we've gotten away

setting up the moon over and about and

Spacey of gossamer wings an outline

Britain's lagging behind in a space race

day imagine if sighs air fill air Jarvis

here's a government-issued gossamer

wings you know pay you go just got away

with birds that I have you come yeah


no turn about that goal John Harold so I

I used to know she used to travel on the

run for a bathroom a lot want to show

you the tempestuous tipsy beauty with

raven hair down to our waist yeah

delicately bone pain alabaster body

eloquently for trusting through a dress


or anyway as you know or as you don't

know she used to travel on a bump

alright fast yeah six o'clock or you be

sure to get one for I pass home well I

used to leave work about five o'clock as

you know about 10 miles for where she

was anyway but I always feel I had to

see her I have to see her so I used to

do eyes to come out of work yeah I have

to get a sixty to be after travel Heath

Murray Fiddler's

yeah nice to go down the hill or get the

five one for chali down terrain imperson

yes they are used to go over for the

railway break and go cross those fields

by the dive

a passionate feeling there's no b*mb

with cabbages courser is done so I find

a page by which time the one for I pass

the six o'clock man was coming around

that corner he'll come around very

slowly cuz it was a very sharp turn

there's no bus stop there but he's too

precise I think Santa's bar size to lie

down in the middle of the road though I

could do a stallion a platform as it

went past because I knew she was on that

bus well I happen then that I still a

panting on a platform that's no bloody

good you ever get a speaker at all it's

down-arrow woman yeah once when I got

off the fast she cut off the army and

also yeah I'll play a bit funny with


oh bugger any elbow and I said yes own

choice me and I'll ran off down bottom

gardens and I'll find anything to wear

before really fast to me last night

daddy good you gotta play it cool with a

swimming dad if you want to get any word

you never get anywhere tall with that

Tiger out-of-date I fly out last P I

took her out to Western Speedway once

and we had done I thought a two cups of

tea a box of Pontefract cakes and a

takeaway pizza nothing

nothing nothing boy I'm master spend

honor fixin three chicken trade now but

nothing boy don't touch me you have been

done da that's no good to treat women

are that you've got to be extremely rap

and tempestuous with women they

extremely cool or masculine and dynamic

let me tell you an example downright

will illustrate this case in point

you know how in the spring of 1948 I

used to got canceled for the model

airplane racing only ninety to be won it

yeah they discontinued that didn't I

yeah due to the incident Alabama

I was waiting one five spring afternoon

under the mulberry tree the Sun nothing

onto the road a strange air of romance

in there and this one I was singing in

the sky I similar to the north you're

currently making yeah just standing

there with you know me model under me

are and suddenly this fantastic bird

come after me and stood by me she was

amazingly sensuous she had sensuality

written all over her face dad is he

really all over I think literally that's

a figure of speech she didn't actually

have anything written all over a fighter

I'll sometimes wish women did have

things written over their face make it a

bit easier things are sensuality

rigidity you know where you were what

would you have written over your face

they are having sizable last written


I'll ask on a small but passionate daddy

too small at night the other small or

passionate you'll get smaller an

artistic this small I think most women

should have things written out of them

saying forget about it I'll come back

when you got a father so gue the man who

is down arrow anyway actually comes this

incredibly sensuous beauty with raven

hair for a waist amazing sort of

bohemian charm shared about her you know

an ethics existentialist PA yeah she'd

obviously devil deep in the works as

such or she knew what was all about been

a couple of years by the same with a

french poet and something like that

anyway she come after me last standing

all about a you say complete last I knew

immediately what she was I become a

mermaid I said in a low caste almost

unbelievably sensuous tone she said

excuse me

no say no say no excuse me but does this

bus go to cancel what does i think what

i'll immediately asserted my masculinity

I said maybe does maybe doesn't business

is it of yours

that's a way to do it freedom wrap you

have to treat them Ravin after they are

having no my advantage I said go down

our life you brazen hussy want to say

you're going well Shiva take a hint

I never saw okay all you have to do

treat and Ralphie they're gonna hear

anyway propose you to I haven't go that

I was women plan you gotta fly extremely

cool yeah have you seen those two birds

just go on right good you fancy other

thoughts effects either scraggy went on

the aisle hood you fancy the thin one

yeah well she can be yours in a matter

of moments dad

yeah you just buy a card right the thin

one all we have to do is go out to assay

stomach ironic to establish your amazing

masculinity okay got she's fairly thin

it is yeah or say something ironic night

hello fatty comment on a fax ease thing

yeah then Sato and a rough fruit or why

James Cagney used to do starter and say

how about a bit of passionate love with


you feel what well she thinks are yeah

just be very masculine aggressively so

I'm sorry


I better pack up with me in alright

endure physical contact after such a

brief meeting yeah that's a way to do it

that now you've got a tired extremely

cold why don't we go upstairs and ignore

them for about ten stops bakelite cool

way to do it yeah
