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15x13 - Episode 13

Posted: 04/27/24 11:53
by bunniefuu
Narrator: Tonight on "Shark
t*nk"... [ Whistle blows ]

So, Sharks, who's ready to
make bath time fun again? Wow!

Redheads have been
kicked to the curb!

We don't get any love!

Both: We're fierce!

Tell him, sister!
Bring on the sales!

We're not profitable just yet.

You're basically a start-up.

I'm going to give you an offer.

I want to undercut Lori.

Bam! sh*ts fired!

I think you're smart as hell.

Get out the lie-detector test.

Redheads have a voice.

Don't hate me
because I'm beautiful.

Sharks, I've got a
confession to make.

I simply don't give a [bleep]

I bet you didn't
see that coming.



Narrator: First in the t*nk
are sisters on a mission

to empower an
overlooked community.




Both: Hi, Sharks!

I'm Stephanie. I'm Adrienne.

And we're sisters
and natural redheads,

so you know what that means.

Both: We're fierce!

We've embraced
the unique qualities

that come with these
vibrant, flowing locks.

But it hasn't always
been this easy.

Aside from enduring

all the annoying
ginger jokes growing up,

there was no place to
turn to for beauty advice

because no one was
targeting redheads.

Redheads have been
kicked to the curb! Left behind.

We don't get any love!

But, Sharks, we have
so much love to give,

and that's why we created...

Both: How to be a Redhead.

A beauty brand for redheads
made by... these redheads.

We offer eyebrow mascara
products in red-hot shades

to complement our
fair lashes and brows,

and our glossy shampoo
helps to strengthen, smooth,

and hydrate our unique hair.

And, Sharks, this
is just the beginning.

We're creating an entire line

of beauty, hair, and
skincare products.

We've also built a
community for redhead advice

and an outlet for
empowerment and confidence.

So whether you're a natural
redhead or a redhead by choice,

we're your one-stop shop
for all your redhead needs.

Sharks, red hair is
more than a color.

Both: It's a lifestyle!

That's why we're
here seeking $350,000

in exchange for

Wow. So tell us...
Which of you Sharks

is ready to rock it
like a redhead with us?

[ Laughter ]

Shark, some of our
products are in front of you.

Thank you. So you, too, can
learn how to be a redhead.

And, in fact, underneath
each of your cloths,

you'll find something to help
you feel as fierce as we are.

Corcoran: Wow! O'Leary: Wow!

[ Laughter ]

Both of my brothers are
redheads, so I grew up with this.

Both: Really?! Greiner: You did?

Both: Oh, my God! Really?!

We picked your wig for
you, Mr. Wonderful. Yeah.

We thought that
would be really fun.

Oh, that is perfect for him.

I love the curls. The
curls are so good.

Oh, my God, Robert.
Yours is awesome.

Yes! I love it!

Very good! Mark,
you look like a natural.

Don't hate me
because I'm beautiful.

You're not.

Kevin, you look
like a '70s rocker.

You... [ Laughter ]

So, is it true in Middle Ages

that redheads were
considered witches?

What?! Greiner: What?!

Both: That is true.

O'Leary: I think they...
Herjavec: Is that true?

Yeah, I think they often
were drownded. Yeah.

Yeah, redheads have been
dealing with bullying for centuries.

I opened this up,
and this is for brows.

Are you feeling that the color
should have a red pigment to it

as opposed to, like, you know,

you always see
there's taupe, brown...

dark brown,
black. Exactly. Exactl.

But you're saying
there's nothing

with an auburn tone to it.

It's always the wrong shade.

And our shades are
not found on the market.

That's what was so
troublesome for us.

When you walk into
an Ulta and Sephora,

there is not a
section for redheads.

Hm. And it boggles our minds

that we are not being represented
because we have a very strong market.

What percentage of the
population are brown/redheads?

Well, we're happy
you asked. Yes.

So, there's 2% of the world's
population that has red hair.

That's it? That's it? 2%?

So, on a conservative
number, about 157 million.

Does not take into consideration

the amount of people
who dye their hair red.

For instance, we had
someone who just wrote us

and they wrote saying,
"I just dyed my hair red,

and I have to change
all my coloring.

I'm lost. What do I do?"

And we recommended
our long-wearing,

which is in a
universal shade of red.

We're really proud
of this shade of red.

All redheads and all
shades can wear this shade,

and it's a shade that we wished
we had growing up. Growing up.

We had no community to turn
to when we were growing up.

Stephanie even dyed her
hair blond for seven years...

For seven years. Corcoran: Wow.

Because she felt like

she had nowhere to
turn to. O'Leary: Wow.

The larger brands must
offer something for a redhead.

Nothing at all?

No. They usually skip the shade.

They go from blond to brown,
or if they do have a product...

Because it's only 2%,
right, of the market?

But that's a really
powerful niche.

That's millions of
people looking...

Tell him, sister! Tell
him how powerful we are!

Tell us your sales.
Prove us wrong.

Bring on the sales!
Stephanie: Yes. We're ready.

Yes, so, this year,
we're projected

to make $1.1 million.


Last year, we made $833,000.


And we are projected to make
$2.4 million next... next year.

Are you profitable?
Stephanie: We're profitable.

And how profitable?

$80,000 is net. Net.

And $250,000 gross
for this year. Gross.

What are your expenses, though?

We've been reinvesting
all of our money back

into the product line.
We don't have any debt.

And it's really, really
important to note

that if you look
at our timeline,

we've been doing this
for 12 years. Mm-hmm.

our lifetime sales...

Right. Yes.

Our lifetime sales
are $4.4 million,

but we have made half of that,

over $2 million, in
the last two years.

What happened in
the first 10 years?

This is why we are so
passionate about what we do.

Because when we first started,

there was not anywhere for
us to go to for beauty advice.

So we're like, "We're gonna
start How to be a Redhead."

And we started
touring the country,

doing what we called "Rock
it like a Redhead" events.

They were confidence
beauty events. Mm-hmm.

Good for you. And we
did it for three or four years.

We even got a publishing deal,

and the "How to be a
Redhead" book is in bookstores.

In bookstores. Yes. So
we were on a book tour.

And then during this time, too,
when we were having our event,

we started the H2BAR Box,

which is an acronym for
"How to be a Redhead,"

shipping out beauty
products that we called

"redhead friendly approved"
to customers all over.

Building the capital.
We have great logistics.

We have our own warehouse.
We manage everything.

No one's targeting redheads.
We are such a powerful market.

And I think our sales and
how we built this business

shows that redheads have
a voice. They want a voice.

So you have no
retail shelf space.

It's all direct to redheads?

Direct, yes. We're
not in stores yet.

What's your margin on this?

Yeah, so, that is
our long-wearing.

$4 is our landed.

So, what do you sell this for?


- Is that the mascara?
- $26?

Corcoran: What
percentage of your customers

are coming back and reordering?

Great question. 55%.

That's amazing. Wow.

What is your average
order right now?

$55 is our average order.

What does it cost you
to acquire the customer?

It's about $26 cost per
click to get someone...

So $26 to acquire the customer.

You break even on their
first order. Adrienne: Yes.

So the lifetime value
is what, do you think?

It's about $300
from our calculations

is a lifetime value
of a customer.

You should be pouring
gasoline on that fire.

Cuban: That's why they're
here. That's why we're here.

What about men's
products for redheads?

Such a good question.
It's so important. Yeah.

Like, my husband has
bad ingrown hairs because

redheads have
very sensitive skin.

We have so many needs.

So he uses the Finally
Glossy shampoo.

Let's get into the
deal for a second

'cause I'm intrigued
with your sales. So, sales.

But $350,000 is a lot of dough.
Okay? How do I get it back?

With our... our sales.

You're taking all your profits

and putting it
back into inventory.

We really want to build
the company to the fact

that we are
eventually partnering

with a big global company.

When you hit 50, then you'll
get people sniffing around.

But you're small. You're only a
million bucks a year right now.

But we're the only ones
doing this. We're really...

I think that we've proven
that this is a market

that really wants a purchase.

A loyal market.
Loyal. Very loyal.

First of all, I love the name.

How to be a Redhead. Thank you.

I also love that you
turned being teased

into being profitable.

I think that's
brilliant. Thank you.

I think that there are
some things, you know,

really, that you
need to enhance.

How to be a
Redhead is your brand.

And on your product,
you don't see it.

That logo and How
to be a Redhead

should be the majority of this

because that's what's going
to catch someone's eyes...

Cuban: She's exactly right.

Exactly right... and know
exactly what it is, right,

if I were anywhere. Okay. Okay.

It's not the right
investment for me.

I wish you good
luck, but I'm out.

Both: Thank you so much, Lori.

Thank you. Thank you.

Ladies, it was super fun,
but not my type of business.

I'm sorry. It's not
for me. I'm out.

Okay. Thank you so much,
Robert. Thank you so much.

Herjavec: Thank you.

I think you're wonderful
entrepreneurs, obviously,

but I don't honestly
think you need a Shark.

I couldn't imagine
what I'd do for you.

'Cause you have
the whole package.

So for that reason, I'm out.

Thank you, Barbara. Thank you.

O'Leary: Alright, guys.
I'll make you an offer.

You may not like it, but...


Narrator: Three Sharks are
out, but Kevin is interested

in Adrienne and Stephanie's
beauty brand for redheads,

How to be a Redhead.

You may not like it,
but I'm all about fashion.

I'm a fashionista. I understand
the problems of redheads.

Actually, when you
started, I had hair.

You've been doing this a
long time. 12 years. [ Laughter ]

I don't see how I
get my capital back,

so I got to throw
royalty on the deal.

I'm looking at it. I'll
give you the $350,000.

Your margins are fantastic,

so you can afford to pay me
a royalty of $2.50 an order...

Eee! Corcoran: Wow.

O'Leary: until I
get back my capital.

Alright? Then it drops
to $1 in perpetuity.

And I get the 10% equity in
case I sell the company with you.

Greiner: So he's giving
you what you asked for.

Corcoran: It's a terrible offer.

But he threw a
royalty on top of it.

O'Leary: Yes.
Right, right, right.

Okay. Thank you so much.

Thank you. Thank you.

I mean, you guys are
not a product company.

You're a lifestyle
company. That's it. Yeah.

And the question is, how big
can you make the club, right?

And that's why I
asked about men.

And so the real question is,
how do you build your community

so that people
think, you know...

Every redhead knows they
have to be part of this community?

Adrienne: So, we have many,
many ways that we do that.

Every single day, we
have content that goes out.

It's in categories of
confidence, beauty.

And every day, we're sharing...

Do you guys have,
like, a podcast?

We have a podcast.
We have a podcast.

We're on our fifth season. An
episode just came out today.

Do you have many listeners?
How many downloads?

Yes, we have about, I think,

That's good. Yeah. That's good.

We're still growing it.
We just got a producer.

But it's a great way
to market our brand.

That's the whole
point, right? Yes, yes.

Yes, yes, and they
connect with our story.

I think Lori's exactly right.

Everything should be
about How to be a Redhead.


And everything you do
should be about community.

And that's what gets
me interested in this.

Because you're probably
the only big community

that isn't identified
as a community.

Yeah. Right. And
that's the opportunity.

Corcoran: That's true.

But the question is,
can you make yourself

a lifestyle brand first and a
product company second?

Yeah, and that's why...
And that's why we spent

the first 10 years
building the community.

We toured. We
built the foundation.

But you see what I'm saying?
Your community is not big enough

'cause your sales should
follow your community,

not community follows sales.

Hey, Scarlett O'Hara over there.
Are you gonna make an offer?

So, I'm gonna make you
an offer. Greiner: Ooh!

Because I like the idea, but I want
to make sure we're on the same page.

Both: Okay. Right?

Because there's so much margins

that if you can just have
more fun with the brand...

Because I can tell you
guys are grinding it out,

going out there, but you've got
to have more fun with it, right?

Herjavec: What's the offer?
Greiner: What's the offer?

Cuban: So I'll offer
you the 350 grand.

And you asked for 10%.
I'll ask... I'll ask for 15%.


Thank you. Thank you so much.

I like my offer much better.
Was that a yes or a no?


Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

Herjavec: Boom.

Let's... go!

Whoo! Yay!

This looks really good
on you, by the way.

I'm really excited for you
guys. This is really awesome.

Thank you so much.

Both: Thank you so much.

No, I think we'll have
a lot of fun with it.

Stephanie: Yes.
Adrienne: I do, too.

Yeah, and I'm also
working with Youthforia,

if you saw that episode,
right? She's just incredible.

And she's in Ulta
and everywhere.

So we can connect you
guys and share ideas.

Great. Thank you so much.

We're so excited to work with
you. Herjavec: Great job, guys.


Yay! Ha ha!

I think the last 12 years
have prepared us for this.

And... And people thought
we were absolutely crazy.

And it pays off to
chase your dreams.

You know, whatever
you feel passionate about

deep in your bones, do it.
Because we are just so thrilled.

And we're so excited to
work with Mark. Oh, my God!

Yeah, and we came
here so prepared,

and we are so gr... We're
We're just so excited.

As sisters, this is just a
moment we'll never forget.

Oh, I love you so
much. [ Laughs ]


Narrator: In Season

made a deal with Kevin O'Leary

for his portable mini
keg, SquareKeg.

You don't do wine in this.

We actually have a
wine product in the hopper

that'll run on argon.

Argon gas to seal that surface
from any oxygen hitting it.

Correct. So for
the next two weeks,

I could be pulling out a glass?

That is a [bleep] cool idea.

Narrator: Let's see
what he's up to now.

Loucks: Before I went
to pitch on "Shark t*nk,"

we had been selling
for less than two years.

I had sold about $1.4
million in total revenue.

Since closing the deal,
it's been less than a year,

and we've sold over
$3.5 million in product.

I loved it the minute I
saw it. I knew it'd be for me.

However... I also liked it.

[ Laughs ]

And so I got ahold
of Kevin and I said,

"Kevin, I love this, too.
You like this for wine.

I like it for everything else."
You know, a cold beverage.

So I asked Kevin
to put me in the deal.

Loucks: With Mark
coming into the deal,

he's given us some
great marketing ideas,

some out-of-the-box stuff
that we hadn't thought of before.

The argon immediately
leaves the wine.

Kevin's greatest contribution

is honestly just being Kevin

and the power of word-of-mouth
marketing that he has.

And that's particularly the case

with the launch of
SquareOne Vino.

O'Leary: Today I invited Tim

to bring his whole
crew for a soft launch

of the SquareOne
Vino at my lake house.

I invited everybody, including
some of the big players

in the beverage industry.
I wanted them to see it.

I've asked all of you here today

because you're all influencers
in the wine business.

Word-of-mouth marketing

is everything today
in consumer products.

You want people to
see it, experience, try it,

and want to own
it. That's the key.

It's a very cool idea.

Loucks: Kevin has facilitated
introductions of SquareKeg

to some of the biggest
players and wine aficionados

on the planet, which, to me,
that means margaritas on tap

in every household in
America and the ability

of any of the brands
to have wine on tap

on the countertop in every
tasting room that they have.

To SquareOne!

- SquareOne!
- SquareOne!

Man: Cheers!

Loucks: The "Shark
t*nk" experience

has been one of the
most memorable things

I've ever
experienced in my life.

Working with the
Sharks that believed in us,

more than anything, it's just
been a huge confidence builder,

and the sky's the
limit moving forward.



Narrator: Next, a way to get up
close and personal with nature.


Hello, Sharks. I'm Steve Gray.

And this... This
is The Peep Show.

Today I'm here seeking $250,000

for 20% equity of my company.

Sharks, the birdhouse as we
know it hasn't changed in centuries,

and we still have
the same problem...

You can't see inside.

Are there baby chicks
in there? I don't know.

Are there eggs? Don't know.

Is there even a bird
in your birdhouse?

Well, that all changes
today with The Peep Show.

The Peep Show
seamlessly sends a signal

from your birdhouse
directly to your smartphone.

The secret... Thanks
to a hidden camera

inside The Peep Show,

you get a literal
bird's-eye view

to the intricate
nesting activity,

from building the nest...

Corcoran: That's pretty cool!

To laying eggs...
Look at that!

Aww! ...the new arrivals...


Greiner: Aww.

Family feeding time...

Corcoran: Ohh.

Greiner: Wow.
That's really cool.

Cuban: That is pretty cool.

Corcoran: What a cool show. Wow!

And, finally,
to their first flight.

And to make sure those baby
birds are well taken care of,

I've scientifically
designed The Peep Show

to include features like...

this integrated climbing wall.

This helps the baby chicks

climb out of the nest
for their first flight.

Aww. [ Chuckles ]
That's really cute.

How about a welcome mat?

It also doubles as an
elevated nesting platform.

This allows air to circulate,
keeping the nest drier

and therefore
healthier for the chicks.

Top and bottom ventilation

keep air circulating through
the warmer summer months,

making sure the nesting box
is at the perfect temperature.

The secret behind The
Peep Show is that it's powered

by the standard
surveillance cameras

found in already 26 million
American households.

Simply pop it in,

and it's this easy

to finally see inside. Wow.

So, Sharks, I want
you to join my flock...

[ Chuckles ]
opening your hearts,

but mostly your wallets,

and making an offer
that's not cheap-cheap.

[ Laughter ]

Cuban: Ohh. Alright. Good.

And as a gift to you, I
brought you all a Peep Show.

Corcoran: Thank you so much.

Greiner: Thank you.
Gray: You're welcome.

Beautifully done.

Herjavec: Beautifully
made. Yeah.

Corcoran: What a
clever idea, really.

Cuban: It really is clever.

How did you come
up with the idea?

So, you know, I have
to give all the credit

in the world to Dad.

So, growing up, I grew
up about 150 miles

south of the
Arctic Circle and...

What? Wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait.

Corcoran: Wow. Which city?

It's Fairbanks. Oh, Fairbanks.

Very short summers up there,

and so the arrival
of birds is a big deal.

And they arrive by
the millions. Wow.

We always had
birdhouses out there.

And about 30 years ago,

Dad wanted to see inside
one of those birdhouses.

And when he gets his
mind to it, it gets done.

He ran a sewer-inspection
camera from the birdhouse,

to the back of the house,

drilled a hole
through the windowsill.

Mom was not happy at
that moment. I'm sure.

And The Peep Show was born.

So, how does this
camera maintain a charge?

Sure. You know, this uses
off-the-shelf security cameras.

That camera in particular
has a multi-year battery life.

Does The Peep Show
come with the camera?

No, but for an extra
$100... cha-ching...

I will include a
camera in the box.

[ Laughs ] I
gotcha. "Cha-ching."

Speaking of cha-ching,
how much is it?

Great question.

$199 without the camera.
$299 with the camera.

And, Steve, what does
it cost you to make?

Right now the product is $36.

Wow. The packaging
and out-of-box experience

is an additional $11.

I'm in it for $47.

And, Steve, what's
your background?

I find myself
incredibly interesting.

No, not... not at
all. [ Laughter ]

So I'm, you know,
from Fairbanks, Alaska.

I went, I got a
degree in advertising,

went to work in Seattle, mostly
with technology companies.

And after 20 years,
I just had enough.

And I'm a pretty methodical
saver, and I retired and...

Good for you. That's awesome.

Corcoran: So now you're
gonna have a dream

and do exactly what you
want, and this is your dream.

So let's talk about sales 'cause
you have a company here.

Okay. I have been in this
for three and a half months.

Okay. How many
have you sold? Whoa.

I have $28,000 in sales.


So you're basically
a start-up, Steven.

I am an ornithologist.

Are you really? Yes, I am.

Of course you are. Greiner:
Amongst a million other things.

I'm the only Shark here that's
seen the vermilion flycatcher

or the red-legged honeycreeper.

They don't even know what I'm
talking about. They don't even exist.

They don't even know
what I'm talking about.

I have actually seen those
birds with binoculars live.

Oh, wow.

So here's a question.

In our community,
a lot of people

would feel unhappy about
the privacy issue here,

about disturbing the
birds in any way at all.

I'm just wondering

if you wouldn't get
litigated for privacy.

Oh, my gosh. Oh, God!

By the birds?

If we do, bring it on.

I would just love that, to
be sued by a bird in court.

[ Laughs ]

O'Leary: Well,
it's not the bird,

but within the birdwatching
community, okay,

there's a very famous
story going around right now

about a monkey
that stole a camera.

It's a real story. And it took
a whole bunch of pictures.

A monkey stole a camera.
A monkey stole a camera.

And it took selfies of
itself and other images.

Corcoran: Crazy.

When they took the images,

litigation began by a bunch
of people in the community

on behalf of the monkey

so that the monkey
could retain the rights.

[ Cackling ]

And so... That
is an actual story.

Are you kidding
me?! No. I'm serious.

And that is going
to happen here.

Someone's going to litigate
on behalf of the family.

Of the bird. Steve, I bet
you didn't see that coming.

Now, if you... if you included
some kind of a document

that they would sign agreeing
to be spied on like this,

I could get behind
this idea, but I can't.

I'm out. I'm out.

No, that is perfectly perfect.

You are still
Mr. Wonderful to me.

Greiner: Aww. Thank you. Yeah.

You can tell you love birds.

I think everything
you've done about this

is very sweet and
very thoughtful.

And it truly is quality.

And I think a lot of people

are fascinated by
birds and watching,

and I don't think the
birds are gonna mind.

Yeah. Naysayer, Kevin.

You're right.

For me, I don't see
it as an investment,

but I certainly will give
tons of them to people.

Well... And I'm out.

But you did everything right.

Steve, it's beautifully
made, as Lori said.

I mean, it's really,
really beautiful.

I'm just not a bird guy.
Can't get excited by it.

I'm sorry. I'm out.

You know, Steve, this is great

what you've accomplished
to come from Fairbanks

and get to this point,
but, most importantly,

to be retired and be able
to do whatever you want.

That's awesome.
Corcoran: Good for you.

I'm just not one with the birds.

Mm-hmm. I'm not your guy.

So for those reasons, I'm out.

Steve, let me address it.

I love the product, and
I'm the girl for your product

'cause I do love birds and
I have them in my garden,

and I put everything
out to track them.

I have to say I think
you're here very early.

I think you've
got a great start.

What did you say?
$28,000 in sales?

Yeah, $28,000 in three and a
half months. That's a great start.

So I'm sure you're gonna
do very well. Thank you.

I'm gonna order a few of these

'cause I want more
than one. I love it.

But I'm not gonna
invest in you now,

so I'm sorry... I'm out.

I thank you for those
very, very kind words.

So, if I've come on and
maybe opened a few eyes

to the amazing birding world...

And you have. You have.

You have, and I think
you're gonna sell like crazy.

You're gonna sell a bunch.

For sure.
Congratulations, Steven.

Steven, we will
see you in court!

I'll see you in court.

[ Laughter ]

This proves that good
things can happen late in life,

and this experience
has been tremendous.

And I'm not just
saying that to save face.

This really was a
life-changing experience.


One of the most funny memories

that I have over
the last 15 years

was a product
called Squirrel Boss.

Just press the remote control

and deliver a harmless
static-shock correction...

[ Laughter ]

that is similar to
walking across the carpet

and touching something. Buh-bam!

Who would like to
challenge the Squirrel Boss?

Greiner: This guy
loved his product.

He didn't think it was sadistic.
He thought it was great.

Go ahead. Ready?

[ Zap ] Aah!

[ Laughter ]

What if there's
two squirrels on it?

- That's fine.
- Ready?

Two squirrels!

[ Zap ] Ohh!

[ Laughter ]

Squirrel Boss I thought
was really funny,

and I didn't like them to
suffer, but it was hilarious.

[ Zap ] [ Squeals ]

[ Laughter ]

Daymond John, you are up.

[ Zap ] Aah!

[ Laughter ]

Greiner: Come on, Kev.

No, thank you!


Narrator: Next in
the t*nk is a product

to help you with
your green thumb.


Hi, Sharks. My
name is Aabesh De.

I'm from Nashville, Tennessee,

here seeking $300,000

for 10% of my company, Flora.

Sharks, I've got a
confession to make.

I'm a serial k*ller.

[ Laughter ]

But before you judge
me, here's the thing.

I'm guessin' that some of
you might be serial K*llers, too.

Serial plant K*llers, that is.

We've all been there

in the disappointment of
k*lling our beloved plants.

The last straw for me
was when my dear mother

gave me her prized rose bush
plant that she had for years,

and I ended up k*lling that
thing in eight short days.

I had enough, and so I invented

the Flora Pod,

a magical, patented plant sensor

that takes the guesswork
out of plant care

by telling you exactly how
much moisture, temperature, light,

and other vitals
your plants need.

But that's just scratching
the surface, Sharks.

Because the Flora app can
be used without the device

and host multiple benefits
like watering reminders,

care guides,
plant identification,

proprietary plant I.D. for
thousands of plant species

in just three easy steps.

Step one, we add your plant.

Let's say Mark just got a
beautiful golden pothos.

We scan it in the app.

We get everything we need
to actually take care of it.

Can even give it a nickname.

In this case,
we'll call it Chloe.

In step two, we're guided

with beautiful animations
and illustrations,

and in just seconds,
we get our first reading.

Going on to step three,

which is checking and
assessing our plants' vitals.

We automatically
see that Chloe's feeling

a bit parched and thirsty.

We can drill into days and
weeks and months worth of data

to see how Chloe has changed.

It's really that easy to take
care of your plants with Flora.

So, Sharks, who's ready to
stop the serial plant k*lling,

get your green thumbs on,
and join me on this journey?

O'Leary: How
much does this cost?

Right now, it costs 28
bucks to make at the moment.

With our next batch, we're
gonna get that down to 14 bucks.

And you sell it to the
consumer for what?

For $49.

I can buy five Chloes for $49.

So what if one dies?
Just get a new one.

Oh, he's so horrible. He doesn't
care what dies. He just replaces it.

No, but, I mean, come on.
You could get a new plant.

You don't intend it for each plant
to have a separate one, do you?

No, it's kind of like
your AirPods connecting

and pairing and unpairing
to different devices.

You're not gonna
buy seven AirPods

for seven different devices.

It's the same thing
with the Flora Pod.

Do you move them around?
You can move them around.

And what does it tell
me about the plant?

So, I put it in. What are
some of the readings?

I can... I get the moisture,
but besides that, what?

Moisture, light,
temperature, and humidity.

And the thing about
Flora is we custom tailor

our recommendations to each
and every single plant species.

How do I gauge? Like, let's
say it said 45% moisture.

How do I know then
to add a half a cup?

Or how do I know what to do?

So, here's the cool
thing about that.

We tell you exactly what ranges
your moisture, temperature,

light, humidity need
to be to basically thrive.

Do you have any competition?

The major competition
we have is with the app.

You guys probably
have gotten ads before

for, you know,
plant identification

or how to take
care of your plants,

but they only provide a
picture identification service

and some plant-care guides.

Cuban: So let's talk about
sales. Do you have any sales?

Yeah. Let's talk
about sales. Yeah.

Yeah, so, our first year
of sales was last year.

We've done $192,000 in
gross sales as of last year.

Most of that actually came
from the app subscriptions.

So, we did $144K in sales
from the app subscriptions,

about $50K from
the actual Flora Pod.

Year to date, we
have around $100,000

in gross sales thus far.

Are you profitable today?

We're not profitable just yet.

Year to date, we've spent
about $180K in expenses so far

to achieve $100,000
in gross sales.

What did you lose last year?

So, we lost about
$500,000 last year.

Cuban: How much have you raised?

$500,000? How
much have you raised?

So, we've raised $670,000,

mainly from angels, friends
and family. That's not bad. Yeah.

The average
valuation of that raise

came out to about a
$5-million post-money SAFE.

We did do an $8-million
SAFE earlier this year.

Right now in the t*nk

you're asking $300,000 for 10%,

$3-million valuation.

That's correct. So you're
giving your investors

a 60% haircut, right?

'Cause we're worth it.
That's correct because I know

the value that you
guys bring to the table.

The last thing I'd want to
do is come here thinking,

you know, you're all the
same as my other investors.

Tell us about you. Yeah.

So, I'm a
first-generation immigrant

and entrepreneur from India.

I was born in Kolkata,

and it was my parents'
underdog immigrant story

that led us out of
poverty, out of there.

It led us to jumping
all over the world.

I went from India to
Belgium to Colorado,

finally, Indiana,
where I went to I.U.

So there's actually
two Hoosiers...


Hoosiers... in
the house today.

And, so, after I.U.,

I was working at Microsoft at
the height of COVID, remotely,

stuck indoors just
like everyone else,

and I wanted to surround
myself with plants.

Lo and behold,
I was still k*lling

every single plant
in my line of sight.

I wanted to build
something for myself,

an invention that would
just tell me what to do.

And I eventually left Microsoft,
a cushy six-figure-paying job,

and went all-in with it.

It's $49 for the hardware.

I don't think you ever told
us what the subscription is.

Yeah, so, the subscription
costs 10 bucks a month

and 60 bucks a year.

So you have how many
people paying you?

So, we have around 3,000
paid subscribers at the moment.

And how many users do you have?

We have 225,000
registered users.


I-I'm trying to think if we
have any plants in our house.

You don't. I've been
to most of your homes.

You must not, or you'd know it.

Well, that's the thing.

I can't even tell you
if we have plants.

I'm not the right
Shark for this. I'm out.

Totally fair. Appreciate
your time, Robert.

Cuban: And you know what?
I'm kind of in the same boat.

I'm a... I'm a serial k*ller
when it comes to plants.

I know a product
that can help ya.

Yeah, I know, but I have
no interest in learning,

so for those reasons, I'm out.

Thank you, Mark.

I'm really your ideal client. I
like nothing more than plants.

I think I like them more
than my husband, for sure.

[ Laughs ] Some people do.

But I have to tell you,

I would never go for
a subscription model

after buying it.
That's a problem.

So I'm sorry. I'm out.

Totally fair. Thank
you, Barbara.

I was totally blown away
by your presentation.

Oh, thank you. You
are the plant guy.

The problem with this space
is I simply don't give a [bleep]

Oh! God!

[ Laughter ] I'm out. Sorry.

Greiner: Well, listen. I
think you're a little bit stuck.

I mean, you've
done a lot of raises.

You've taken in a lot of money.

You've come in. Not
unreasonable ask at all.

But I just think, for
me to be involved,

it wouldn't be fair, the
percentage I would want.

Okay. So what are you thinking?

So... You don't want to know.

[ Laughter ] Oh. Okay.

Let's hear it. Yeah.
Cuban: Try me.

You really want
me to try you? Yeah.

I would do $300K for 30%.

For 30%? Yeah.

That is... It's a bit
over what I was...

[ Laughter ] Just a little bit.

I told you! I told you.

But, Lori, how do you feel
about $300K for 15% equity

but 5% in advisory shares?

I'd be open to discussing
some sort of royalty

if you feel like there's
still too much of a bridge

or a gap between that. Wow. Wow.

All of a sudden, I'm starting
to fall in love with plants.

Greiner: Well... Very clever.

Oh, thank you. Greiner:
Let's see. Let's see.

Typical I.U. kid. Yeah.

So, what would
you say as a royalty?

So, let's say $300K of
total royalties paid back.

Let's say $2 per Flora Pod unit.

No perpetuity, but I want
you to get your money back.

How do you feel about that?

So $2 per $300K

until we hit $300K.

Then the royalty goes away.

Yep. Yep.

And then I have the

Total of 20%
equity. You get 20%.

- How about... 20% equity.
- Ooh.

Greiner: Well, you
want to know something?

I think you're smart as hell,

and I like to invest in
people that are smart as hell.

And... you got a deal.

Cuban: Yeah! Whoo!

Let's go!

Lori, I'm so excited! I love it!

Let's save some plants!

So good!

We're gonna
save a lot of plants.

Thank you all so much.
Cuban: Congratulations.

Herjavec: Very clever.
Thank you, Barbara, Kevin.

Bye-bye. Greiner:
Yeah. He was good!

Oh, my God! Whoo!

Let's go! Hoo-hoo-hoo!

I didn't think I was
gonna get a deal today.

I'm not gonna lie. 30% was
a little bit crazy to me at first.

But she was open to negotiation.

And that's what we're
looking for in a partner...

Someone we're able
to work alongside with.

And it all worked out okay.

Lori, the people that sell
plants want them to die.

When you go out tonight, there's
gonna be guys picketing outside.

That's what's gonna happen.

[ Laughter ]


Narrator: Next up is a product

that brings calm
to a chaotic activity.


Hi, Sharks. My name is Tanya.

And I'm Rodney.

We're the Rasmussens
from Seattle, Washington.

We are seeking $100,000 for
a 10% stake in our company,


Sharks, we've been blessed
with three beautiful boys.

[ Laughter ] Corcoran: Hello!

We love spending time
together as a family,

but there's one time
of day that we dread!

Both: Bath time!

[ Laughter ]

[ Whistle blows ]

Stop splashing!

[ Whistle blows ]

Calm down in there!

[ Whistle blows ]

Don't make me kick
you out of there, Theo!

[ Laughs ]

Both: That's it!
Bath time's over!

[ Laughter ]

[ Exhales heavily ]

After years of cleaning up
after these clowns in the tub,

we were so sick of feeling
like mean lifeguards.

We wanted to be fun parents.

So we turned our splash
zone into a Splashzen.

[ Laughter ]

Splashzen is a
bathtub splash guard

that keeps all the
water inside the tub.

Just attach the
spool to one side.

Pull it across with one
hand using the handle...

Herjavec: Ohh!

And hook it to the other side.

Then, along the bottom
is a suction-cup strip

that totally seals
the splashes in.

[ Laughter ]

Herjavec: Clever.

[ Laughter ]

Rodney: Notice you can
still safely see the kids

while they're getting
silly and clean in the tub.

And do you want to know
something else exciting?


Splashzen can also
turn any bathtub...

into a dog wash!

Corcoran: Ohh! [ Laughter ]

Our pampered
pooches, our furry friends

can get as clean as they want,

and all the mess
stays contained.

You get two amazing
products for the price of one.

A kid product, a pet
product. It's a good deal.

[ Laughter ]

Wow! Greiner: Thank you.

So, Sharks, who's ready
to splash it up with us

and make bath time fun again?

That is very, very clever.
Cuban: Good job, guys.

In front of each of you, you
have a sample to check out.

In the meantime,
we're gonna go off duty

while you're doing that.

Corcoran: Okay. Greiner: Okay.

So, this is really well made.

Tanya: Yeah. I mean,
this is sturdy. It is heavy.

Yeah, it's like a one-time...
You buy it, you use it forever.

How much is it? What
do you charge for it?

Landed, $40. And
then we sell for $99.

I guess the problem
with this product

is you can't
explain that in retail.

If I saw this box
sitting on a shelf,

I wouldn't know
what the hell it is.

Yeah, we would absolutely
need to do some rebranding,

and that's where we want
you and your expertise.

We need it, yeah. If we're
gonna move into retail,

we want to do it right.

Yeah, because Splashzen
makes sense to you,

but it's not gonna
make sense to anybody

seeing it on a retail shelf.

Tanya, how are
you selling it today?

So, currently, it's all

We do a lot of
TikToks, social media.

We've had a lot
of TikToks go viral.

I had to kind of
put myself out there

and learn how TikTok worked.

Corcoran: Good for you.
Barb's my TikTok inspo.

Yes, all of you really are
It's so fun to watch you

do social media, and we, you
know, just had to figure it out.

What are your sales?

So, the total sales
are about $80,000.

About $10,000 of that was the
last three months of last year.

And then the rest has
been in the last six months,

so we've seen some
great momentum.

My challenge with
the deal is this...

This will never
be a retail product

because you have
to explain its use case.

- I don't agree with that.
- I don't, either.

And I think it's gonna
work on social media.

I think if you change the
box, that's, you know...


If you visually
give the directions

and the visuals of
the kids having fun,

it's a shoo-in in a store.

Starting out, we
didn't think we'd...

We're not gonna go
straight to Target...

Look how much real-estate space
you have to write everything on.

It's a big box.
It's a great box.

Well, that's also the
problem, too, right?

O'Leary: That's huge. Because
you need to get a lot of space.

Tanya, I have

And bath time is
also called chaos time.


But even though it's chaos,

in the bathroom, it's tile.

Okay. We just clean it up.

I wish you all the
best, but it's not for me.

I'm out.

Thank you. Thanks, Robert.

I think the issue is,

this is a nice-to-have,
not a have-to-have.

Obviously there's
a market for it,

and you just have to figure
out the right ways to market it.

Yeah. Yea. But
it's not a fit for me.

So for those reasons, I'm out.

Okay. Thanks, Mark.

O'Leary: I don't
agree with Barbara.

I don't think it's an
easy sell in retail.

I think it's a product
you want to see.

So I'm out.

Okay. Thank you.

Listen. I'm going
to give you an offer.

Yes! Yes!

- Yes!
- A lot of people say, you know,

I invest in the
best products, but...

Oh, my God. O'Leary: Ugh!

I don't feel I invest
in the best products.

We haven't heard that before.
I invest in the best people.

- People!
- Nobody says that.

Get out the lie-detector test.

And I think that you
are one of those people.

So, I think this is very smart.

It is totally my cup
of tea. Thank you.

We think so, too. Yeah.

Like, I would want that up.

I don't... I wouldn't want
water all over the floor

and have to wipe it up.

I mean, it's double cleaning.
Yeah. We're clean freaks.

You're cleaning your kids.

You just want to wrap a
towel around them and go.

So what are you gonna do, Lori?

Lori, I'm gonna come back
in if you don't make an offer.

So you came in asking
for $100,00 for 10%.


I would like to give you
the $100,000 for 20%.

Because I want to jump
out of bed in the morning

and be in it to win it with you.

Okay, Lori, you've
sold yourself. We got it.

So that... What
do you guys think?

Can... Do we want
to hear from the last...

I think you should listen to me.

Is that okay, Lori, if
we hear from Barb?

Of course it is. I
give you permission.

[ Laughter ]

I have to hear from
my two queens.

You're the mediator right
in the middle of the two.

Corcoran: What are you
looking for in a Shark?

What's the biggest obstacle?

We need the expertise.

We need someone who's
brought something to market before.

We need someone who can
help us bring the cost down.

Because, yeah, we would
love to be able to get these out

and have an even better margin.

We feel like our margins are
pretty good already. Mm-hmm.

But I definitely think
we could get them down.

I'm selling myself not
as braggadocio as Lori...

[ Laughter ] Braggadocio.

I'm pretty good at a few things.

Okay. Stop "braggadosing."

When I bought into
the Holiball girls,

three cousins who had an
oversize Christmas ornament,

their issue was they
were paying way too much

in the manufacturing
costs in Asia. Yeah.

But we were able to bring
the price down by 30%

simply by pricing it out

with seven different contacts
we had used for other businesses.

Hm. Smart.

They also increased the
delivery time by like 80%.

And what I'm also
extremely good at

is marketing on a
package design. Yeah.

But I am concerned
about the retail

because you're gonna
need a hell of a lot of money.

I'd like to ask for 20%,
but I want to undercut Lori.


Narrator: Three Sharks are out.

Rodney and Tanya have
an offer on the table from Lori

for their bathtub splash
guard, Splashzen,

but Barbara is also interested.

I'd like to ask for 20%,
but I want to undercut Lori.

So $100,000 for 15%,

but I will give you also
a $100,000 credit line,

which you will use very fast...

Sharks: Ohh! ...if you
go into retail space.

But wait! There's more!

Good offer!

We love both of you so much.

Like, thank you so
much for these offers.

Sucking up is good. But
we don't love each other.

I know. Is there a way that we
can work together, the four of us?

I don't... Greiner: What
I'll share with you is,

it's not really necessary.

I mean, I've done over a
thousand successful products,

and I have
manufacturing worldwide.

My motto is that I make
products at an affordable price

so everybody can enjoy
them, not just a select few.

Braggadocio. [ Laughs ]

Rodney, you got to pick one.
You don't want to lose both.

And so, for me, I have
no worry that I will get this

down to the right price.

Lori, are you willing to go...

I am not gonna work
with Barb because I don't...

I don't need to. I know
I can do this myself.

Will you match the

plus $100,000 line of credit?

I would match the
$100,000 line of credit,

and I'll go to split you
in the middle between...

- Ooh!
- Because I'm worth it.

Can we whisper for one second?

Whisper away. Whisper.

And before you whisper,
I will do it for 14.5%.


- Ohh!
- She went there!


Greiner: Well, you know
what? I always say...

you can do it the
easier, cheaper way,

but it doesn't mean
it's the better way.

O'Leary: Do you understand
Bam! sh*ts fired!

You understand
both offers, right?

Doesn't mean
it's the better way.

Listen. May I...
May I mention to you

one other reason why you
should come to my camp, truly?

Yes, please.

Because of all my entrepreneurs,

the maybe 12 top
ones are all couples.


They work so well
with my team. True.

I always feel if you
get the right couple,

you get two for the
price of one, basically.

We're that couple. And
let me tell you something.

All my couples are
phenomenal partners,

and they partner
with one another.

O'Leary: Guys, you gotta make a
decision. You know I have a ton of couples

and you know my husband
and I work together.

This is a great choice to
be making. This is the...

O'Leary: Enough braggadocio.

This is the best problem. Okay.

[ Indistinct whispering ]

Does it really matter
if we hear it or not?

It's an NFL game.


[ Exhales deeply ]


Barbara. Yeah?

Would you go down
to an even 14%?

Yes, I would.

You have a deal! We have a deal!

Cuban: Ohh! And
the fans go wild!

It was the hardest decision.

You know what? I
wish you good luck.

I just want you to succeed.

Thank you. That
means a lot. Thank you.

Cuban: Congratulations,
guys. Well done.

Barbara. Rodney: Barbara.

You are my queen.

You're gonna love my family.

You're gonna love my
family of entrepreneurs.

Congratulations, guys. Good job.

Herjavec: Great job, guys.

Thank you. Nice to
meet you all. Thank you.


[ Both laugh ]

I can't believe it!

We just got a deal with Barb!

We got a deal with Barb.

We had it in our minds that
Barb was the one that we wanted,

but we wanted to give
everyone a fair shot.

It was so amazing having
those two fight over us.

They are both our
queens. Queens.

We're so happy. I love
them both so much.

But, oh, my gosh.

We are so happy we
have a deal with Barb!

[ Laughs ]

Either deal would be great.

You know what? Honestly, Barb,

I knew you wanted it more.

Corcoran: Oh, come on!
You mean you gave it to me?

Well, that's why
you went to 14%!

You gave it to
me out of charity?

- Braggadocio madness!
- Out of charity?

I mean, that's
what we do up here.

- Lori, don't be a sore loser.
- I'm not.


