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03x04 - When Robert Met Jamie

Posted: 04/28/24 15:52
by bunniefuu
We're super pumped for your wedding man.

Yeah, It's going to be awesome.

He's gonna be a good husband,

he's already an amazing father.

To Robert's last night as a free man.

Did somebody call for a stripper?



You ready, Daddy?


Look at this beard.


Listen, you get him tonight,

but we get you tomorrow,

so enjoy this.

Nice to meet you all.

Drink water in between.

So, are you guys excited?


At the end of this week
Robert is saying "I do."

- Oh, wait, is it our first wedding?
- Yeah.

We got our first wedding.

My name is Robert Hitchcock.

I'm from Kansas City, Missouri.

He works as a nurse
in a psychiatric ward.

- Oh, wow.
- Now, Robert is 5', 5".

- Oh, my God, I'm finally gonna feel tall.
- I love a shorty.

Me too, but I also love you
white giants and you black giants.

He was nominated by his
groomsmen and his fiancée Jamie.

When I first met them,

I thought they were married
because they are so well together.

I think they just never
found the time to get married.

I'm so excited.

One week.

Robert and his fiancée, Jamie,
are on opposite schedules.

Monday through Friday,

Robert stays at home with
the kids while she works.

I work every weekend and then
I'm home Monday through Friday.

Don't put it in there, it's clean.

I've got three kids.

Nova is three years old.

Cosmo's one and
Audrey's eight years old.

Robert and I have been
together for six years.

The thing that attracted me to
Robert was just his personality,

he's so, like, outgoing
and he's a fabulous father.

I keep trying to lay on
the wit and charm real thick

to keep her around.

I nominated Robert, because
this week is the wedding,

and I want it to be about him too.

I want it to be a piece of him,

but it seems like he doesn't
really enjoy it fully,

just 'cause of his childhood.

He had a rough go.

I don't really have
an example of marriage.

My father was dead before I was born,

so my example of marriage
comes from my own construct.

I never thought that I was going
to have some form of wedding

and I'm kind of freaked out.

Like, I know, it's supposed
to be for me, but, like,

I would have been happy

with just marrying
Jamie in a courthouse.

This must run really deep,

'cause, I mean, they
already have kids together.

There's definitely some past,
probably abandonment issues.

When me and Robert first started dating,

his hair was so short.

When I was in the Army I
always had super short hair

and now that I have long hair...

He's turned into Gimli from you know,

Lord of the Rings almost.

It just has a life of its own

and he needs a little help.

He's just not really, like,
taking care of himself, honestly.

When I walk down the aisle,

I want to look the best
that I can for Jamie.

He deserves it, they deserve
it. They both deserve it.

The most important thing that
Robert could take away from this

is just him being more like confident.

Our mission this week guys,

let's help this cowardly groom

find his courage.


We have had two fights,

one was over a black jelly bean
within the first week of our marriage,

but you get over those things.

I got the black jelly bean.

He gave it to me.

We're in suburbia.

Here, here, here it's this one guys.

- It's this one.
- Yes.

I love a nicely shaded home.

Yes, queen.



Look at your dress.

- I got a baby.
- Can I have a hug? You're so pretty.

You are gorgeous.

Can I touch your hair?


It is a lot tidier than
I was expecting it to be.

I see a lot of kid's things.

Oh, my gosh, you guys got lots of stuff.

- Robert.
- She just called you Robert.

Does she not call you Dad?

She does call me Dad.

Audrey is not my biological daughter,

so she calls me Robert and
she mocks her or mimics her.

Oh, my gosh, look how cute you look.

She looks like Honey Boo Boo
when Honey Boo Boo was still cute.

- Remember?
- I don't know if that's a compliment.

- It is Honey Boo Boo was the cutest...
- No, it's not a compliment.

- It's not a compliment.
- It's not a compliment now.

Good job, Bobby.

I'm going to send you a gift
basket of muffins to help your soul.

- What is that smell?
- Things smell like they're cooking.

Pork chops.

Gorgeous browning.

- What did you season this with?
- Korean red pepper spice.

- Korean red pepper spice?
- I lived in Korea for, like, three years.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!

Olympics, here we come.

The UK...

versus The US...

men's rhythmic gymnastics
championships is upon us.

Okay, ready?

Okay, watch your little bitty face.

Oh, God. Let's try again.

Oh, my God, his pants gonna fall.

But then Tanny!

- Oh, Tan, that is a stunning technique.
- Great style.


Rhythmic gymnast realness, honey.

Nice, right? You're welcome.

Daddy sleeps down here.

Woah, look at you, daredevil.

Oh, my God.

Dad sleeps there?

Oh, my God, Dad sleeps there.

It's horrible.

It's a dungeon.

Shiz is everywhere.

Like it looks like a
bachelor pad in the worst way.

This is where Robert and Mommy stay?


Um... 'cause I wanted
the master bedroom.

But, you're not the adult. They
suggested me going down here

and I'm like... slaves down there.

I can clearly tell that the
kids are the king of the castle

and Robert's the minion.

- This is my room.
- So, this is your room?

So, you have the master bedroom?


No, no, no, no, no.

Are these cheesy mashed potatoes?

Cheese and heavy cream
and a whole lot of butter.

Why am I here again?

I'm not quite sure.

This is delicious.

It is delicious.

This is delicious.

I think a lot of my
value came for my mom

and her just being like we need to cook

whatever we can from like
food stamps and stuff.

So, I cooked you know, it's
delicious poor man's food,

but I feel like, I mean
the kids I love them,

but they have only like
hyper-escalated the poor intake.

As much as Robert is loved

by his family for his buttery choices...

He keeps asking for you,
he's like, "Where's Robert?"

If you put enough butter in
anything, it'll taste delicious,

but he's taking the easy way out.

So, is it kind of like you
want to be able to prepare

healthier meals for your family?

Yeah, I've literally been
like this weight my whole life.

When you're chubby in high school

and you walk around and got man boobs,

and you're like... "Just
gonna try to hide them."

- Yeah.
- and I've always kind of felt

stupid insecure.

I'll talk and talk and talk and
I literally don't stop talking

to a default, like so much and, like...

Robert is definitely a talker.

I've literally talked over
you like four times now

and I just an a*t*matic thing.

I live with Jonathan every single day.

Yeah, we're friends
with Jonathan Van Ness.

We don't even notice any more.

There's no... middle part,

like, the middle part's gone completely.

So, it's just actually a skirt.

This is Audrey's room.

We actually had this as
our room for a little while.

How did a six year old conquer you?

I don't know.

Like, it was more, like,

being able to give all
of them their own rooms.

Okay. Where does Jamie sleep?

On the couch, most
of the time with kids.

She doesn't like the basement.

To me...

a key to a good, healthy,
long-lasting relationship

is being able to go to
sleep with each other.

My husband and I have busy schedules

and that's really the only time we have

is just at night, cuddling a little bit,

rolling over going to sleep.

You've been married 14
years, you said right?

- I mean that's real, real talk.
- Especially in gay years, that's like...

eighty-something in gay years.


this is my "no" pile.


This is meant to be my "yes" pile,

but I think there's only
one thing I'm putting there.


What is your go-to?

Ninety percent of time I
wear about the same three

pairs of shorts,

black t-shirt pretty much

almost daily if I can.

I need to get that one fixed,
'cause I just love the shirt,

but maybe I just need to throw it away.

What do you mean when you say
you want to get this fixed?


I wanna know what you
think can be accomplished.

What's the one where you have it
cut all the way down the side here?

- Oh, you're gonna make it into a t*nk top?
- Yes.

Struggling to believe that
you're gonna wear a t*nk top,

- because...
- Yeah, my man boobs...

Tell me about this issue.

Just grab a handful,
grab a handful, cup 'em.

- There you go, you gotta cup...
- It's a regular chest.

Now, let me cup you.

I'm a tiny little guy.

I'm a tiny little guy.

This concerns me that you have got
such an issue with your own body.

- I weight 250lbs.
- Listen, it's not...

That's morbidly obese at my
height and my weight range.

I've been this big for so long,

and I've learned that baggier
stuff just made me look fat.

So then, I got stuff
that was tighter fitting

but then I'm like a
busted can of biscuits,

- 'cause it's so hard to...
- We're gonna stop.

We're gonna stop.

We're gonna stop.

It's really hard to hear.

You're self-deprecating attitude,
I know you're laughing through it.

I don't love it.

I definitely don't feel handsome.

I don't feel beautiful.

No, I don't know how I
could keep Jamie sometimes.

You've got a wedding this week.

I want you to walk down that aisle
thinking, "I look incredible."

It's like the trifecta.

Okay, is he wearing a wig here?

- No, that's his hair.
- With a blow dry?

So, what were you and Tanny
talking about downstairs?

I mean, I don't think we
really talked about wardrobe.

Know what? I convinced
myself for a long time

that people would say
I was ugly or something

and then there was, like,
a shining moment one time

when I was little bit younger,

in my twenties or
something, when I realized

no one actually had ever said
that, but it's still there, like...

So, what messages were your parents
telling you when you were a kid?

My mom always progressed positivity.

My father died before I was born.

And... having four kids and a mom who...

Abusive boyfriends, abusive people,

ended up making it
where life was so hard

that we went to like foster care.

What was it like in those foster
care homes when you were there?

Other than one place,

absolutely appalling.

There was, like, one woman that, like,

her idea of punishment was,
like, lock me in a room.

Every day I got home I'd be in there,

like the only time I got to go
out was like going to church.

A lot of people treated
me really poorly.

I mean the only one that
didn't do it was my mom.

And you know you can...

you can have some many
bad things happen to you,

you could blame it on
your parents, but...

at the end of the day
it wasn't her fault.

She actually said, you
know, like, "You're great."

'You're going to be a great person'.

I want to be what she said and
that's what I try to keep doing.

- You know?
- Yeah.

What's going on?

He's making me cry like an [BLEEP].

He does that to everyone,
girl. Don't worry.

Robert has been hearing
all these negative messages

in his own mind,

and now all Robert
does is insult himself.

He needs to be better to himself.

- Is this your baño?
- Oh, yeah.

I mean, you have beautiful hair.

That hair is serving me Metallica, 1991.

I feel like right now you're giving
me, like, Samara from The Ring.

I feel like the TV's gonna come
on and I'm gonna be like, "No!'

You know what I mean?

I guess the one that gets
compared most is Gimli.

- That boy from Lord of the Rings?
- Yeah.

When people say that I'm like...

Do you know how many
times people call me

"Jesus", call me this, I mean...

you don't have time to be
concerned about all that stuff.

This is actually four year new.

I was always army clean-cut, but
now I feel comfortable because

I look like a kid without this, like...

You get rid of this, I look
like an eighteen year old.

I mean, a worn-out eighteen year old,

but, like, I want to feel pretty.

I'm not not into your look.

I think you're so handsome
with your beard the way it is,

with your hair the way it is.

However, I was like
really, really, really

into my one world, one love,
like hip tat with a squirly Q,

when I was seventeen.

I was like regularly rock that forever.

I just like, when you're 45, 55, 65,

I want you to look back at these
wedding pictures and be like,


What's your favorite
thing that your dad makes?

Do you like bibimbap? Bibimbap?

Do you like his curry?
I just made him smile.


- Wifey-to-be!
- This is Jamie.


- He's my new best friend.
- Is he?

How are you?

- Whattsup?
- Hey, babe.

Did you meet at work?

- No.
- No.

Like, she works with people
that are sick and dying.

I work with people that have
full blown mental illnesses.

That's my extrovertness and
being able to talk to them.

You can be a nurse and
you can hand out meds,

but if you can talk to somebody

and project that love to them.

Let them know, like,
"You're gonna be okay."

Your professional life, which
you've dedicated that to,

is so important and we
need people like you.

You're obviously such an incredible man,

so, like, I wanna investigate that more.

You know what's interesting?

The second that like we start
to talk about you, it's like...

Yeah maybe, but I'm
also trying to, like...

- Stop talking about the man boobs.
- I can't stop.

I don't see man breasts,
all I see is a chest

that I want to lay my head on.

You are not nice to yourself.

You are not kind to yourself,

and we're not going to stand for it.

You are our first wedding,
so we're so excited.

- I know.
- I'm so excited.

Are you ready to love
yourself? Like do it on three.

Loving ourselves on three.

One. Two. Three.

All the negative messages
that Robert heard as a child,

he's still listening to those messages.

I need Robert to grow past
these negative feelings

he has about himself,

before he walks down
the aisle with Jamie.

At my wedding I felt handsome
and I want that for Robert.

That's what you should
feel on your wedding.

You should feel like you look your best.

I want Robert to have
a strong foundation,

in terms of his dietary habits,

so that he can make healthier
choices for his family.

I love a strong statement look,

but I never want the look to wear you,

I want you to wear the look.

I really want to show Robert that

being a great unit with Jamie

is just as important to the kids

as giving them everything
their heart desires.

Even if at the end of the day

you're just touching feet
because you're exhausted,

that's the intimacy couples
need to stay together.

- Are you ready?
- Yeah, this is gonna be amazing.

I'm so excited.

We've hit many rocky roads
through the years and...

you just know that the
storms going to pass.

Nothing's going to be perfect and...

suck it up.

- Are you excited to come shopping?
- Yeah.

I can make my own decisions,

you know for a whole lot of
stuff, but things like this...

I'm gonna teach you how
to make a good decision.

You're biggest issue

is that you don't think that
stuff's going to fit you right.

There's never something in my size.

- Yeah.
- 'Cause, like, anything that looks good

is always made for you.

- It's, like, queen size and I'm, like, okay...
- Oh, am I queen size?

I got bull size going over here like.

- I love being referred to as queen size.
- Big bear size.

Right now, Robert is
a man who is hiding.

I brought Robert to Bonobos
for this very reason.

- They only have a sample size.
- Okay.

Then you choose what
you want in the store

and then they send it over to your home

in your correct size.

How'd I never know this existed?

His issues with his body

are small issues that you
can disguise in a heart beat.

I know you've said this before,
that you are not a regular size.

You are but,

we're vertically challenged.

Your pants are always gonna be too long

that you purchase, mine are too.

You gotta cut 'em up, roll
'em up, doing stupid stuff.

We'll inject some prints,

but we'll balance it out with some

more neutral stuff, so you still...

I like the style of what you're wearing

but I mean, I don't know if I could

- do the white pants.
- The white jeans are a lot.

And you could never find a pair
of white jeans that just like...

- I would k*ll for big legs.
- I love this.

- I love my legs.
- You've got great calves.

Do you do some kind of sport?

- Nah man.
- That's just natural?

That's how I could run
when I was in the army.

"I don't why, but I was
really built for this!"

Are you confident about how
you gonna look this weekend?

She's going to look so beautiful.

I don't want to outshine her
but I want to be on her level.

- Yeah.
- And I feel like just a penguin suit

or something like that
is just, it's not who I am

and I have never found
anything that fits me.

Don't be concerned about, "Is it
gonna fit, is it's not gonna fit?"

It's gonna fit.

We're gonna make sure it fits.

- Are you ready to try on?
- Yeah.

- Okay.
- Am I ready to try on!

Come on out for me.

Okay, so can your jeans are still baggy?

Don't worry about that,
we're gonna correct that.

But, I wanted to give me an example

of why you would wear
a more structured shirt.

I would never pick this.

Oh, my God, this is cool.

It's more forgiving for the areas

that you need it to be forgiving on.

- I can see what you're doing.
- You can see where we're going.

Like, and it makes my
shoulders, which are already big,

look squared-off correctly.

This makes me smile.

Like it really does like it makes
me feel like I'm just like...

- Good.
- I'm gonna buy like three of these.

Good, good.

- I've created layers.
- Yeah, yeah.

I've given you the over
shirt which is called

a work shirt or a shacket.


But, the areas you are
concerned about you can't see.

It's pretty swanky, actually.

It's amazing what a
difference this had made.

Makes you wanna like,
kind of just like...

- Posing!
- I like that.

He looks like a cool dad.
He looks at age appropriate.

He's finally seeing that
sexy guy that you said

he's never seen in the mirror before.

You know, you look good,

but for now let's get you
back into your regular clothes.

I know.

They're hiding me again.

I wanna be dancing queen.

- We love pain.
- Oh, yeah, you guys think you can hurt me?

- I'm not gonna hurt you.
- Gonna see if I can keep up?

If didn't think you could keep up
I wouldn't be bringing you here.

- But...
- Do I get a headband?

We can get you a headband if you want?

This week is all about

- self-care and self-love.
- Okay.

- Hi!
- Welcome to Orange Theory.

- Guys, this is Rob.
- Bobby, great to see you again.

- My name's Kelly, nice to meet you.
- How's it going? I'm Antoni.

Do you know how this works?

Working out?

I mean, I only ran like
miles, and miles, and miles

and extra miles when I was in the army.

I wanted to bring you somewhere

where you can have a
community-based program

to really kind of motivate you

just to feel your best.

I find that when I
don't feel my best self,

it makes my self-confidence worse.

On his wedding day,

I want him to be 100% confident.

- Yeah.
- I'm just here purely for vanity.

Yep, he's pretty on a treadmill.

- You want a head band?
- You're missing your ascot.

It wasn't an ascot, it was
a fanny pack, get it right.

Treadmills, go ahead and
press that green star button

right next to your hip.

And start taking it to your base pace.


Keep that chest lifting
and keep those eyes forward.

When they said don't eat heavy...

- Did you?
- Not really, but yes!

- You feeling it?
- Nope, not at all, drill sergeant.

You should be feeling
uncomfortable right about now.

She's starring at my butt,
of course I'm uncomfortable.

There you go.

Let's see what you got here.

Do you do parties as well?

This is a party, right?
Come on, here you go.

Nice job. Here you go.

That push-up's looking great.

One more rep here, keep pushing.

May have been ten years since
I've done anything like this, so...

You got it.

What a lot of people don't think about,

is taking care of your physical health,

has a huge effect on your mental health.

And if he's constantly feeling
that he's not in the best of shape,

then get in a little bit better shape

and it'll make you feel so much better

in every aspect of your life.

k*lled it.

It was a little all over the place.

Great job, seriously.

Thank you. No, you did a fantastic job.

You crushed it, actually.

No one could have
gotten me to go workout.

It took two sexy dudes
and some orange machinery.

Oh, man.

I've been lying to myself
to validate laziness,

like it's okay to give up

and not go work out,
not go move forward.

Is this something that you
think you'd like to keep up?


I need to just own up
and just be what I was.

What's up, Antoni?

- Can I come around with you?
- Get back here.

- Oh, my God. What?
- You got your own station and everything.

How are you feeling?

- A little wobbly, are you wobbly?
- A little bit.

So, you're more familiar
with Korean cuisine,

but I wanted to introduce you to this

really beautiful little
country called Laos

and their unofficial national
dish is a thing called larb.

It's basically a meat salad,

and I'm on a little mission.

I'm going to cook with zero oil.

Zero oil!

Robert knows more about
food than most people I know,

but he's not making healthy
choices in cooking for his family.

He needs to put a little more care

and effort into making healthy choices

that are still just as
delicious, if not more.

I wanted to show you
sort of like a pure,

clean Keto style way of doing it

where we're just using, like,
the protein and the veggies.

- That's a fish sauce?
- Yeah.

Probably put in, like, half a cup-ish.

- And then the lime juice.
- Yeah, I'm all about some lime.

- And then we have a bit of like a...
- Thai chili sauce?

Yep, exactly.

- Oh, yeah man.
- So, you just plop some of that in there.


Perfect, so you're gonna
gently whisk that up,

get it all incorporated.

- We have some ground chicken.
- Oh, chicken.

So, we're going to add just
a little bit of chicken stock.

- This pan is hot.
- Hot.

So, we're gonna plop the
chicken right in here.

You're familiar with
lemongrass, how to treat this?

Yeah, I got something to beat it with.

You're freaking awesome.

Oh, he knows exactly what he's doing!

We have a lemon grass,
shallot facial going on.

So now this beautiful
sauce that you made,

we're gonna go ahead and
plop some of that in here.

The plop is good.

So, it's like really intense flavors
that are coming not from butter.


- So, are your kids picky eaters?
- Yeah.

Nova will just literally
not eat anything,

you would think she
was eating everything.

Why would you say you think
she's eating everything?

She looks like she has a
little more weight on her.

Who's feeding her?

Me. Yeah, yeah.

I'm not trying to shame
you, but I'm, like,

- like, let's talk about that.
- No, I have been trying to cut it back.


'cause I want her to feel confident.

I don't want her to be like...

me, self-deprecating.

I don't want her to, like, grow
up and have to make this like...

this lie essentially
to try to feel better.

Honestly, I really think
it boils down to, like,

just trying to have a balance.

On weekends, like go make your gratin,

go make your cheesy mashed potatoes.

You can enjoy them and
not feel guilty about it.

It's just like self-deprecating humour,

these are all just habits.

And I think just being aware of
them and being gentle with yourself,

but knowing that it's
like "Oh, I'm aware of it.

How does it serve me?
How does it not serve me?"

He has the ability to
change those habits.

He has the ability to shape the way

that his kids and his
family look at the food.

I want him to feel empowered by that.

We've got all our components,

- we're ready to try.
- Okay.

Are you going to do one bite?

It's a Korean way of
eating lettuce wrap.

Oh, my God, you just
taught me something,

it's a little aggressive,
but I'm into it.

How's that?

That's amazing.

Are you wondering what we're doing here?

This looks like a hair salon...

- who knows.
- Maybe.

Oh, [BLEEP]. This is a dance studio.

- It is a dance studio.
- Oh, no.

Do you think you're dancing today?

Uh, I mean in sandals,
am I gonna just like...

hit it and just knock it off the park.

You're very flexible
and I appreciate that.

I want you to take a seat.

Oh, God, more striptease, Jesus.


We're not here for
another fireman striptease.

- No?
- Not at all.

Something that kept resonating with me

was the first 30 minutes of our meeting.

I pulled audio and I
want you to hear this.

Are you ready?

If it's my own voice, not really, no.

It's alright.

I've always kind of
felt stupid insecure.

I weigh 250lbs.

That's morbidly obese
at my weight range.

When you're chubby in high school

and you gotta walk around
and you got man boobs.

Just grab a handful of that.

Grab a handful. Cup 'em, there you go.

I talk, and talk, and talk and
I literally don't stop talking.

I'm like a busted can of biscuits.

I look like an 18 year old.

I mean, a worn-out 18 year old.

I definitely don't feel handsome.

I don't feel beautiful.

I don't know how I could
keep Jamie sometimes...


We came in here thinking
that you're an amazing guy.

We were thinking the same
things that your soon-to-be-wife

was thinking about you,

that your buddies were
thinking about you, that we met,

that your kids think about you.

Nobody else is saying
these things about you.

It's you saying these things.

The only way to change this

is to acknowledge it.

I want to get up.

Look at yourself.

Can you see yourself?

- Yeah.
- What do you see right now?

I see a nice guy.

That's the only one saving grace
that I see anytime I look in a mirror.

I see a good guy.

Hold on.

Good guy.

I see a...

- a father, I mean like...
- That's big.

Something I really wanted
in my life, you know?

Success, I mean, I see a successful guy.

- You write it, come on.
- I don't know how to spell it.


- Yeah I do know how to spell.
- Yes.

Definitely funny, okay.

Instead of fat, maybe built.

You are built, good job.

I want Robert to know that

anytime he hears himself
saying the negative things

he has to stop himself

and remember he is funny,

that he is handsome,

that he is loved.

Those things that
happened to you as a child

have now made you a good guy,

have made you fun,

have turned you into a father,

have turned you into worthy,
strong, handsome, loved.

The first 30 minutes you told
strangers all these negative things,

but that's in the past

and this is a brand new
day, brand new window.

There you go.

This is what people see.

This is what you need to see.

This is the vow you're
making to yourself.

This is the vow that you want to make

to your family and to your future wife.

That this is the man
you're gonna be for them

and this is the man you're
gonna be for yourself.

Maybe stop telling people who I
am and just let them see who I am.

I'm proud of you.

The biggest thing I'm doing for Robert

is I'm moving him from the basement

to the master bedroom
where he should be,

so that he can make sure that
he not only focuses on himself,

but on his wife.


I've been thinking about you
for, like, 72 hours straight now.

Now, I heard you saying you'd constantly

had this kind of like similar crew

you're whole, like, young adult life,
because you were in the military.

- Absolutely.
- I found this one hair cut

that I think'll be really
sexy on you and it is shorter.

It's not a crew thing even at all.

It's very medium-length.

- Okay.
- It's actually...

Do you know who it's
really kind of like?

- It's kind of Jon Snow-ish.
- Jon Snow, yes!

Yeah, it's kind of Jon Snow-ish.

And now let's talk about your beard.

LIke I feel like I need
to get it off your body.

Yeah and I could see
the lapels of the suit

and actually be part of that.

How are you seeing things?

How are you connecting dots?

Okay, ready? This is gonna be major.

Oh, God.

Feel good?

Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

I wish I could put it like on my...

You got a good swirl.



- Yeah, I like that.
- Okay, so watch.

So, I kind of come in with one layer

and you really got to, like,
apply it generously to your stache.

And then I twist it.

- Now that's a curl.
- Honey.

- This is our moustache.
- It's our moustache.

Let's talk about your wedding.
Going through this process,

it just really opened up my eyes

to the thought of,
like, me being part of it

and really enjoying myself and
just, like, the, the way that, like,

- I'm going to look, you know like?
- Yeah.

I was not aware of, like, how...

self-deprecating I was.

I mean, I was belittling myself.

I was abusing myself.

Sometimes it just takes
five fabulous dudes to...

- change it a little bit.
- But you were also ready

to change a bit as well.

I really want him to move forward

with this idea of
self-care in his marriage

because I think that

really a lot of times,

when our relationship
break down in our lives

with our kids, with our loved ones,

it's really because your
relationship broke down with yourself.

Hey, you ready?

- Oh, man.
- You know, you look amazing.


This is like old timey but, like,

still new. I would have
never known to do this.

I would never told anyone to do this.

This is amazing.

In the mirror he's like giving me


hold-me-daddy, you're-gorgeous-daddy.

It looks so good on you.

- I can't even believe it.
- You look like Jon Snow.

Yeah, just that little bit like, oh!

Differences should be appreciated.

I noticed Julie's differences
and thought this would never work

and then, I began to
appreciate her differences,

because it sort of filled in my gaps.

How excited are you to see your house?

Thrilled, oh, my God.

They're here.

Look how sparkly Karamo is.


Look at our little disco ball.

- Hey, queen.
- Do I go in with my eyes closed?

You should go into everything
with your eyes closed.

Look at your hair!

And that's just "wake
up in the morning" hair.

- Alright, do we do a three, two, one?
- You can open them now.

- Yes
- Three, Two...

- You like?
- What did you do?

Oh, my God.

What the hell!

Pictures of the kids and the family.

Man, this is amazing.

I gave you indestructible coffee tables,

so the kids can't destroy them.

And instead of a TV, I
gave you an art frame,

which is also a TV.

Don't need TV, period!

We can just keep this off,
dude's, like, k*lling it.

- You put up...
- Coat racks.

I love how there have been so
many changes and it's, like,

"The coat racks, I love the coat racks!"

- No, I mean, it's like overwhelming.
- You ready to see more?

Oh, man.

No, go in there.

Go in.


Oh, my God.

Cabinets aren't white anymore

and when I see black and
those little leather accents,

Oh, my God.

I'm a crier.

The chandelier thing,

- I don't even know what that's called.
- It's on a dimmer,

so you can have some nice,
romantic evenings in here.

Oh, my God.


I mean this is like
literally mind blowing!

This is your space.

I mean, this is amazing, we get
to sleep together in our bed.

She doesn't have to come
down to a bachelor pad.

I mean this, she can't go back.

I can't go back. It will not go back.

We have all of your components
ready for the larb salad.

I don't need to go over it with you.

- You were showing me in that kitchen.
- It's going to be awesome.

- The knives.
- Oh, my God.

So, these are like the best
commercial Japanese knives

that you could ever have. They
have a really nice from grip.

This is something that you use everyday,

so I really felt like you had
to have the best of the best.

Welcome to your gorgeous bathroom.

For tomorrow there were some
things that I wanted to hit.

- Alright.
- This is a gorgeous restorative mask,

so tomorrow, when you
get out of the shower,

before the big day.

Yes, then you're gonna
put these little guys on.

And you're going to let
that oil soak into the skin.

That kind of create spaces for
the moisturizer to attach to.

- Does that make sense?
- It totally does.


Now, this cool thing
I'm gonna do right here

is your trick to not getting flat hair.

- So, it's like a trainer, essentially.
- Yeah.

And then another thing I'll do is
I'm going to get you a little...

a blot thing.

Just like a little blotter for your
pocket for tomorrow, for the big day.

- Blot me, please.
- You're gonna get blotted.

You have to blot me. Do slower blots.

- Slower blots?
- Yeah, like, let it sink in.

- Okay, so time to show your closet.
- Okay.

So, I got you some shirts.

You know I love a pattern.
You know I love a print.

- Yeah.
- But...

I got you just, simple.

These you can wear to, as a casual look.

I got you a couple that are
gonna be a lot more formal.

This is the only one I should be ironing
and this is just, like, a light...

- Iron everything!
- Iron everything?

Iron everything. Even with a t-shirt,

when you fold a t-shirt, I
can see the lines that you...

This has been folded
and I can see the lines.

- I iron my t-shirt.
- Oh, my God.

It takes like 20 seconds, just do
it. It's gonna make it look like...

- I'm down on that.
- It looks like you've tidied up.

- Are you ready to try on?
- Yeah.

My question is: do we get
to see the wedding look?

I didn't even think about that.

Okay kids, just a more
sophisticated version.

- Robert!
- Yeah.

Look at that moustache and that jacket.

Look at the handle bars.

How do you feeling a slight heel?


Don't you feel pretty sexy?

This is like when I go out.

Alright, alright, you peacock, come on.

Fairy dust, fairy dust, fairy dust.

- An iconic French tuck.
- Yes.

Everyday Robert.

I wanted to show him how

to keep the same jeans,
to keep the same shirt,

we're just changing it up slightly.

It just looks like a more casual
version of what you had on before

You literally just gave me, like,

ten different strong influencer poses.

You're going to nail Instagram
after this, it's so good.

You guys really did come
in, you really did make...

an honest improvement.

Like, each one of you guys have been
so instrumental in changing stuff.

I never noticed I was
that self-deprecating.

Loving yourself and, like,
learning to love yourself,

is a conversation that, like,
has to be more than five days.

Just take your time every day of
the next few weeks, months, years...

and be good to yourself.

You really make me want to, like,

not have to self-deprecate,

also for Audrey, also
for Nova, also for Jamie

and my family.

You've been so open during
this whole week it's incredible,

so just keep doing that.

Well, we are very excited
about your special day tomorrow.

Every single time that I was,
you know, like talking about it,

it's just her day, da,
da, da... It's my day too.

I cannot wait to see

what your wardrobe looks
like at that wedding tomorrow.

- We cannot wait.
- It is gorgeous.

Love you.

You're so sweet baby boopers,

with very beautiful skin,
if I do say so myself.

- Thank you. Keep up with that workout.

I'm gonna kick your ass...

Do not forget we love ourselves.

Thanks much.

Don't forget to love yourself, girl.

Okay, bye.

Don't go to bed angry and you
go to bed and you do a kiss.

- Just like that.
- She likes that part.

And I like that part.

Hey gentlemen, we're cutting cake.

Cutting the cake

for the Robert Hitchcock, yeah!

Oh, my God, I love cake.

- There you go.
- You know I do.

What kind of cake is it?

- Vanilla.
- Yum.

Robert Hitchcock, come on Bruley.

- What a cutie.
- Come and sit down.

- Thank you, Bru.
- Come on.

Who's ready for Robert Hitchcock?

I was born ready.

Look how good he looks, look
how good that kitchen looks.

That's not even oil in the pan,
that's actually chicken stock.

- Yum.
- Swapping the butter

for butter lettuce.

That's a good job, Antoni.

We're going in.

They're about to see
him for the first time.


Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

- They changed this whole thing.
- Oh, my God.

Holy cow, look at you.


Wait, what happened to our TV?

Oh, my gosh.

God, this is a TV.

- It is a TV.
- Shut up.

That's a TV.

- That's amazing.
- This is not our house.


The baby has no reaction.

Cosmo, give us something.
Give us some reaction, Cosmo.

- This is amazing.
- This is our kitchen.

- Wow.
- Look at the table.

- This is so beautiful.
- It's totally different.


Close your eyes, keep them closed.

Why are there clothes still on the bed?


And open 'em.

Oh, my God.


This is beautiful.

Imma close the door.

Ah, they're having a private moment.

We'll actually close the door
and we're going to lock it.

We're going to have our room.

I love that he's calling
it "their room" already.

- Finally.
- Yes.

I want to be old with you and
I want tomorrow to be awesome.

It's already awesome.

There's going to be an
Irish twin in this family.

Someone's getting pregnant tonight.

I've never seen you make that at all.

I made it with Antoni.

He showed me how to make it.

Kinda like I'll show you
how to make some stuff.

You know, sometimes we get into habits

as parents that you forget
that every action you do

actually is being
absorbed by your children.

That's so good.

Are you ready for tomorrow then?

- You been thinking about it? Yeah.
- I'm so ready.

When you stand next to me,

you'll actually see
someone that loves himself.


He needed to hear how
negative he was about himself,

so it's really sweet that he's
going to be a more confident man.


I knew I wore a suit for a reason.


Wedding day vibes!

Oh, cufflinks with a design on it, nice!

So, Paolini made this
suit especially for him.

You see the lining? It's
like Van Gogh or something.

- It is Van Gogh.
- Oh, Starry Night.

Oh, wow, he looks so cute.

To the future.

- To the future.
- Blessings.

Is that his mammy?


Your hair looks cute, Boo.

I love her little crown.

Get in Nova, get it.

Oh, my God.

That back-less dress is everything!

It is.

- They both look beautiful.
- She does look beautiful.

- Robert.
- Jamie-po.

You're the man of my dreams.

I have encountered so
many people in my life.

... and I want you to know
how much you mean to me.

But up until meeting you,

I had never met anyone

that I could say I love.


I love you.

- Aw.
- Cutie.

Jamie, take this ring.

Robert, take this ring.

Robert and Jamie,

I now pronounce you

husband and wife

and you may enjoy your
first kiss as newly-weds.

- That was a beautiful.
- Love it.

He seems so happy.

I could not have asked
for a better wedding.

It seemed surreal,

feeling confident standing up there...

It was amazing, long
way from a week ago.

Nova, do you wanna thank everybody?
Say 'thank you for being here'.

Thank you.

I felt proud to receive Jamie and to...

love me!

Ladies and Gentlemen, at this time

the bride and groom will
do their first dance.

It's gonna be a shimmy.

Robert and Jamie,

our advice is be patient.

Hold hands out of blue.

Be there for each other.

What's that word we were going to use?

It is give and take.

- Pay attention to the other person.
- Pick your battles.

- Compromise.
- There you go.

- What she said.
- Oh, my god.

Cheers to Robert and Jamie.


You don't have to take your
journey to self-care alone.

Working out in a
community-based program

helps you be held accountable

and be around people
with like-minded goals.

- Right guys?
- Yeah!