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03x05 - Black Girl Magic

Posted: 04/28/24 15:53
by bunniefuu
Okay guys, you wanna know
what we're doing this week?

- Yeah!
- Her name is Jess Gilbo.

She's 23 years old and she
is from Lawrence, Kansas.

- Yeah.
- AKU.

Jess came out when she was 16 years old.


And identifies as a lumberjack lesbian.

Hold up, hold up! This
is our first lesbian.


I love the richness of
a lumberjack lesbian.

So guys, Jess was nominated by Carmen,

who is her childhood best friend.

Jess is the most

generous person that I know.

Cheers, queers!

She's so focused on
making other people happy,

that she doesn't put herself
at the top of the list.

Our house is definitely
a safe-space in Lawrence.

The gayest space in Lawrence.

I live with two people, one of them
is also named Jess and then Chase.

I met them here in town,

at one of, like, the
q*eer hang out spots.

When I went to college I
wanted to build computers,

but with the amount of
debt that I was building up,

I decided to drop out.

For a living, I am a server

at a Greek restaurant downtown.

Okay, two gyro sandwiches.

With every single job that I go into

I got to come out all over again

which is really frustrating
and scary and terrifying.


Especially in Kansas,

you never know if that's going to
be the last day that you work there.

Jess has been on her
own since the age of 16,

when her adoptive parents
disowned her for being a lesbian.

- And she's 23?
- Yes.

High school was really hard for Jess.

She got outed to her parents,

who are, frankly, h*m*.

It was an eruption of emotions

and I was immediately kicked out.

There was no time to pack.

There's no like grace period.

I was told to get out. So...


I was hoping that despite
all the stuff that I heard

as a young girl at church,

they would realize,

"Hey, that's my kid, so...

of course I'm going to love them."

You know?

I'm sorry.

It's like a one-two punch.

First, she doesn't know
her biological family

and then the adopted family

then disowns you for you being
who you authentically are.

After I got kicked out, I
stayed with Carmen and she...

took care of me in ways that I
can't even begin to thank her for.

I can't imagine the emotional
trauma that that must have been like,

but because she was forced to be
independent at such a young age,

she believes that she's on her own

and kinda has to figure
it out by herself.

I have not been in a house

since I got kicked out
of my parents house.

It's not really well decorated.

Most of the furniture in the house
comes from, like, the garbage,

or, like, that we got for free.

The couch.

It is literal trash,
pulled out of a dumpster.

The kitchen is just kind of...

a tragedy that we don't
really know how to fix.

Jess does not eat a lot.

I love ramen.

There have been weeks in a row,

where I had it for like
breakfast, lunch and dinner,

because I couldn't afford anything else.

Jess needs our help, so that
she can open up to people,

as she redefines what
family means to her.


- I feel the feels already.
- Yes.

So, our missions this week guys

is to take Jess from feeling
rejected to fully accepted.


This is me cheering.

Okay, we all are really gay.

I said okay.

Look at the gay flag,
we are definitely here.

- We're in the right place.
- Oh my gosh, I've never seen this,

this is a gay American flag.

- I've never seen a gay American flag.
- It's gay America!

We are here.

We are q*eer.

We are q*eer and we are here.

- Hello.
- Hello.

- Wait, are we walking right in?
- We are.

- It's a first.
- Look at this green, gorgeous piano.

Oh, my god.

- Jess?
- Is she at work?

Someone was here recently-ish,

there are flowers that are not dead.

Oh, I love it, it says "Slay the day."

Jess, we are in your house.

Look at this piece of art on the wall.

She's an artist. No, wait, wait.

Oh wow!

- I'm all about female power.
- Very subtle.

Her furniture,

it's like fancy '80s stuff that
people with like new money had.

Yep. I hated the 80s.

I kind of love them.

She be needing a bed frame too, girl.

She needs a bed frame.

There are cigarettes and old brandy.

Oh god, oh!


Mouldy, slimy celery and it
made the whole fridge slime up.

Something is dripping out on to my hand.

Oh no!

None of you are weirded out that

- we can't find Jess.
- That we're in somebody else's house.


- Sorry we're in your house.
- Hi, Jess.

- So good to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.

Sorry, we let ourselves in.

Nice to meet you, I'm Tan.

Can we talk about that
gorgeous smile on you?

You have such a beautiful smile.

How many roomies do you have?

We have two.

- Can you show us your little space?
- Yes.

- This is my space.
- Alright.

Is this your closet?


Is this a metaphor that you never
wanna be in the closet again?

- Yep.
- Sorry, what's your tat?

This one is for Paramore,

my favorite band and my favorite song.

You identify as a lumberjack lesbian?

- Yes.
- What exactly is that?

Basically, like, in the fall, I
like to just put on some plaid.

Is that kind of what costume play or no?


Oh, you're such a big lumberjack, Daddy!

No, it's not like that.

- Oh no!
- It's okay.

She's a super pretty girl

and she presents so nicely

and then you see her
room and you're like...

We're here for a reason.

Bobby's gotta fix that room.

I actually legit want to try this.

I know people who eat
this stuff like dry.

- Is it... Did you put the...
- Yeah, it's pretty good.

- It's a sodium b*mb, but it's delicious.
- Yeah.

- Tell me more about lumberjack lesbian.
- Lumberjack lesbian.

It's kinda like this grungy, rustic,

like, combination of
plaid and torn jeans.

Do you love that or is that just,

are you fitting into a category?

I don't know. I've never
really thought about it.

My style icon is
Janelle Monáe, love her.

- Love.
- Love her.


She, like, combines masculinity
and femininity into one.

Keeping people guessing between,
like, whether or not, like,

I wanna be you know, masculine today.

I wanna wear a button up
and a bow tie and look cute.


So, little confession to make,

I tried the little styrofoam
Ramen for the first time.

- Oh, yeah?
- It's delicious.

There's this thing called a Potluck.

- Have you ever heard of it?
- Oh, yeah.

So, that's something that I was
thinking would be interesting for you

and your friends at
the end of this week.

I've never done a potluck
or, like, been to one.

- Been to one, really?
- Yeah.

That's, like, all we
did in college was, like,

one person makes the risotto,
you make like a large pasta dish

and then like everyone just
sort of brings their own thing

and it's like a mish-mosh.

I think the thing that I'm stuck on

is like having other people
bring stuff, because I'm like,

"Oh, well, you're my friend, you
don't have to bring anything."'

But, they're your friends and
they want to bring something.

I think that's like really adorable

just have a bunch of people get together

and bring a bunch of different stuff.

- and see if it works or not.
- Yeah.

Tell me what is going on in the house.

Kind of feels like even your bedroom

that you're not here permanently,

like you're almost kind
of just passing through.

Yeah, I've had a lot of
temporary living situations,

so, like, I've never had that

kind of like sense of like, "Oh
let me make this more homey."

- I don't really know what that means.
- Alright. I get that.

One thing that started giving
me more a sense of home,

just finding those little...

luxuries that make a
home feel permanent.

I want to be able to

help you get this place set up to where

you feel like the adult
that you've had to be,

for the last seven years.

- Okay.
- Yeah?


I'm not gonna address this container.

Wait, why are we not addressing...

- This is, this is, just like a basic...
- 'Cause we just did by looking at it.

This represents the whole kitchen.

I really hope that a dog did that.

- That tattoo of Paramore...
- Mm hm.

- One of my favorite groups ever.
- Oh, my goodness.

I love Paramore so much.

I used to get picked on because of I,

- because I listened to rock music.
- Are you serious?

Yeah, no I got called
an Oreo all the time.

I honestly...

like, have a warped
sense of black culture

and, like, what it means
to be a black woman.

In my experience I feel
like I can't really fit in.

Like I'm not white,

but also all the kids
at school that are black

think that you know,
I'm not black enough

and it was just, like, hard.

Like, I got out cast from that group,

I was outcast from
literally everyone else,

just because I was like different.

It bothers me when people
try to define our style...

or our tastes...

just based on our skin tone.

- Yeah
- Because there's so much more to that.

I want to be recognized

as, like, a strong black
woman who, you know,

who knows about her culture

and can stand up for people who
look like me, especially here.

I just want to tell you that you
already are a strong black women.

- Seriously.
- It does not feel like it.

It may not feel like it,

because sometimes the things
that other people see in us,

we don't see in ourselves.

Thank you for being so open with me.

I feel like I can really talk to you.

- Do you have a perm in here?
- Yeah.

- Okay.
- Yeah.

When's last time you had your perm?

It's been like a few months for sure,

and I think it's just
'cause I can't afford to,

because I just can't afford to do it.

Sometimes it's kind of better
to do something that, like,

makes more sense with the maintenance

and when I say maintenance like
time, money, all that stuff.

Okay, got it, hear you.

I cannot even bring myself to
understand like what she's going through.

On top of being rejected
by her adopted family,

She's a young woman of color,
in an extremely red state

and she's a lesbian.

She is an expert in overcoming adversity

in a way that I will not ever know.

Who are these people?

That is the last time
that I was with my family.

That was.

- Is this your biological family?
- No.

- Your adoptive family?
- Wait, this is the last time?


When was the last time you saw them?

It's been...

five years.

I mean, we've spoken a little bit,

but it's not been
positive communication.

It's been like email, text,
phone calls and things like that.

- Are they religious?
- Very!

I've been out on my own since I was 15

and I went through the
same thing, I was adopted.

I found out later that I was adopted.

I left home at 15, because I
came out and that wasn't okay.

And it took me a while

to find those core people in
my life that became my family,

but I have the now and it
didn't happen right away.

It didn't happen till my mid-twenties,
till I really found those people

that I'm, like, "these are the people

that are going to be
in my life forever."

I just feel like maybe...

family is not something that...

I'm going to have...

- really...
- No.

Just based off of like,

friends coming and going.

Tell us about the people who
are supportive in your life,

who are your roommates,
best friend, your nominator.

Yeah, we've been friends
for, like, nine years.

She's been like a forever friend, like,

a constant which is the only constant

- I've ever had.
- Well, she's your family.

- Yeah, exactly. Yeah.
- So, you have, right?

I want Jess to understand

her place in the world

and that exactly who she
is, all of her identities,

make her a strong, beautiful,
black lesbian woman.

For years I didn't
speak with my parents,

but you have to realize,

if you go out there and
you find your chosen family,

you'll be able to move on from them.

It's so important to feel like
you're a part of a community.

It has been for me, even
with, like, the Fab Five, like,

just to have the sort of,
like, a semblance of a family,

that really helps make the days good.

I just really want her to see

there is nothing ever wrong with her.

She's completely lovable

and that even though it's not okay
the way her family has treated her,

she will be okay.

That's really difficult
as a kid to understand,

that one day my family

might turn me down and say,

"Actually, I don't
want to love you anymore

because of who you are."

As a kid you assume
that the people you love

will love you unconditionally
for the rest of your life.

They don't have to love
you as you get older.

You have to find the
strength to find people

who love you enough to fight for it.

Sorority houses are up
there at the top of the hill.

I was never much of a
sorority girl myself.

Me either.

I didn't even finish high school,
so that wasn't even an option for me.

We didn't even get there.

I lived in my car.

I lived on friends' couches.

I eventually started
getting my own places.

You know, my parents... I'm pretty sure

if I would have prayed
and gone to church everyday

and acted straight,

and gone to conversion camp
and, like, things like that,

then they probably would have let
me stay there, but it's not worth it.

- No.
- At that point I don't want.

- That's horrible.
- Yeah.

Nobody should have to go through that.

My biological mom was like

and so she gave me up to adoption
to her older sister and husband.

My biological mother was 16 as well,

and she had my
biological sister already.

And so, I was the second one at age 16.

You have a biological sister?


My parents told me
that she was my cousin.

You know, I didn't know until
she spent the night at my house

and she was like, "Hey, by
the way, I'm your sister."

My parents kept me in the dark
completely when it came to that.

So what's up with you guys now?

Well, I haven't, like...

I have not really...

tried to have like a
connection with her.

Why? I mean, you said earlier
that you didn't have family, but...

I don't know, I just don't want her
to feel like burdened or you know,

like she needs to help
me or take care of me.

But, maybe she just
wants a cool sister too.

- I never really thought about it that way.
- Maybe she wants family too.

Is she...

- She's a year older than me.
- Year older, okay.

And she lives in KC.

I don't know that much else,
besides the fact that she has a kid.

So, you're an auntie.

So I guess I'm an aunt
too, oh my goodness.

You're like 'oh my god, I never
thought about that either.'

I never did think about that.

She's reached out?

- Yeah.
- Yeah and you've...

not responded?

Yeah, she's reached out,

I just like I usually don't respond.

Stop looking at it as people
are feeling pity for you

and start realizing that
people want you in their life.

Maybe it's time to reconnect.

I would love to build
that kind of connection.

You sound like you'd be a great auntie.

This is where I wanted to bring you,

this is one of my favorite stores.

It's artsy, it's young, it's hip.

When you see things that
you like, point it out to me,

'cause it's gonna help me.


The things you surround yourself
with, can bring joy to you.

Oh my goodness, that's amazing.

Design isn't just about
furniture and spending money.

- These are fun.
- Yeah.

Also, I'm really loving like
the not silver silverware.

I didn't really realize
that was a thing.

- The gold's really cool.
- Yeah, the gold's really cool.

It's about things that motivate you.

What do you think?

- Oh, wow!
- Right?

What it feels like to sit
on a comfortable couch.

She's been through so much

and I want to make sure that
she keeps being motivated

to keep going further.

I definitely have a sense
now, of what you like

and I think that I can
continue without you.

- Fairy Godmother, surprises, got it.
- Sometimes it just takes a fairy, right?

- This is our space. It's cute, right?
- Yeah.

- It really is.
- Okay, so tell me about what you got on.

A lot more feminine
than lumberjack lesbian.

Yeah, I think it's just more of, like...

It's either lumberjack
lesbian or like crop top.

- Okay.
- It's like those are the two.

Okay, okay.

What I will say,

is that your lumberjack style
did nothing for your body,

because you were hiding this away.

Like your body's great,
let's highlight it.

- Okay.
- First things first, I didn't want to give you

fru-fru-frilly, it's not you.

- Isn't that gorgeous?
- I love that.

- Good.
- I love that.

This is the kind of thing that

you can throw on with
pretty much anything.

Jeans, t-shirt, you're good to go.

It's clear that Jess can flip
between masculine and feminine.

I don't care about a label anymore.

I want to find something
that works for her.

Not Janelle Monáe,

not lumberjack lesbian. Jess!

Are you ready?

Oh, my.

I love this.

I think you look so
cute. You look so cute.

Oh my gosh.

I love that. Okay wait.

Final touch.

I'm just gonna rest on there
because I don't want to screw that,

but I think your buns
might cause me an issue.

Don't worry about it.

Oh my goodness, yes, absolutely.

Would I buy this? Absolutely.

If it were in my price range? Yes.

Isn't it now nice to see
that there are options

other than the box that
you thought you lived in.


You can flip between
masculine and feminine,

you don't have to decide or define

who you are and how you dress.

It's purely androgynous.

Oh, Jess!


I've not seen myself in a dress in...


What goes through your mind
when you're wearing a dress?


- Oh.
- Yeah.

When I was younger, I could
not wear pants to church.

Like, the whole congregation
would talk about you,

so I was forced to wear dresses.

So, it has that negative
connotation attached to it?

- Okay.
- Yeah.

I... love this.

- You do?
- I think it's yes, it's comfortable.

It's sleek.

Like, it's not like super
girly and it just feels like...

- edgy!
- I've got a smile on my face like...

This makes me so happy.

- You're back in your regular clothes.
- I'm back in my regular clothes.

I'm gonna leave you with Antoni.

He's a diva, but you'll be fine.

- Rude!
- Alright, bye my love.

- Bye.
- Come back here, come see me.

So, I was inspired at your place

and I thought what I wanna do with you,

because it's cheap and cheerful,

feeds a crew,

- chicken broth ramen.
- Okay.

So, I'm gonna put you
to work, if that's okay?


So, into the pot, we're
actually gonna put sesame oil.

It just adds a nice
little, like a nutty,

smokiness to it and I get that
realistically you can't be making

something like this for yourself

- every night of the week.
- Right.

But, I think for something special

and, like, kind of giving
thanks to all of your friends.

It's like, it's a nice thing to
sort of share with everybody, right?

I'm starting to see that.

- You are?
- Yes.

Especially with this whole potluck idea.


I don't like you know like
breaking down and being like

'Hey, I do need help',

because it just feels weak.

Yes, but there's like
an emotional intelligence

in being able to be, like,

"You know what? I don't
have this all on my own

and I can't figure it out, and
I need your help with this."

But that's just me. What do I know?

I just make food.

So, our oil's really hot, so
this pork is ready to put in.

And ground pork is super cheap,
another "bang for your buck" meal.

and this is going to feed four people.

Perfect. It's fully cooked through.

- Going to ask you for your help here.
- Oh, okay.

This is so much easier with two people.

See how I just asked for help?


I want her to make something
that's super accessible,

budget-friendly, and
just, like, impress them

and be like the queen of her home.

So, we have a ginger,
garlic and red chilli paste.

- Do you know what Miso is?
- No.

- It's fermented soybean paste.
- Okay.

Chicken stock, 'cause we want
to flavor the noodle as well.

Grab a nice big handful

and now we'll just try to,
like, separate it a little bit.

And these basically
take, like, a minute.

All right, we're ready to assemble.


Oh, my goodness.

A lot of these things are my
favorite parts of the soup,

- but I think the egg is my most favorite.
- Yep.

- So good.
- Right?


- Hey.
- Do you want a little snicky-snack?

Here you go, buddy.

I've never been here before.

The Black Archive is over here,

the Jazz Museum, the n*gro
League Baseball Museum.

- There's an Ethnic Art Gallery.
- Oh, my goodness, that's amazing.

It's the 18th and Vine District.

It, literally, is the cultural epicenter

for all things African-American.

Really? Wow.

I've never been here, and
I've lived in KC my whole life,

basically, minus Lawrence.

Now I'm excited.

- We are here.
- Ooh.

I brought you to the Friends
of Alvin Ailey Studio.

- Okay.
- Do you know who Alvin Ailey is?

- I don't.
- Alvin Ailey is...

one of the most prolific
African American modern dancers

and he established a company
that now is revered worldwide.

- Oh, okay. I'm excited.
- Yeah. That's my jam, though.

That's my jam.

Three and one and two,
three, come on Brasil.

Five, six, seven, eight.


I'm gonna make you learn
all this in five seconds!

I'm joking.

Good, folks.

That was amazing. Come on,
I want you to meet somebody.

Hey, how are you doing?

- I'm good.
- You all are amazing.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome.

- This is my friend, Jess.
- Hi.

- Jess.
- Yes.

So, she's never learned about
Alvin Ailey and Alvin Ailey Dance.

Can you tell us a little
bit about Alvin Ailey?

Yes. We have classes for
about 200 students each week.

Mr. Ailey believed in this district.

This district really is about
excellence, it's about Black excellence

and that's why it's important
to us to inspire young people,

who are our future self.

Yes. come through for Black excellence.

Jess and I had talked
about Black identity

and how a lot of times we
get messages that tell us

that you're not Black enough.

Anybody heard that before?

- Yes.
- Okay, yeah.

In middle school I actually went
to a predominant Black school.

I was always told I wasn't Black enough,

or I'm, like, the "white kid" at my
school, because of the way I talk.

It kind of made me sad and kind
of made me like doubt myself.

I want Jess to get to a place
that she starts to understand

there is no one way to be Black.

I grew up in a
predominately white studio

and a predominantly white school.

Eventually, I just kind of realized that

it's okay to love me and
love my culture and who I am.

What does it mean to be black?

To be unique.

To love yourself.

To love your natural black melanin, yes.

I want her to meet other black women

who are also defying expectations
of what it means to be black.

I want her to know that she's
not alone in her feelings.

I grew up, like, black girls would,
like, want their hair straight

and I didn't really notice until,
like, I turned, like, a teenager that

"No, like these curls are popping."

This is me.

I feel really inspired by all of you.

It's really about finding
your authentic self.

I think that's really
what's most important to us.

Yes. It's about you
loving your identity.

Thank you for that.

I know you all have to go
do some more rehearsals.

Do you mind if we hang
out here for a little bit?

- Oh, no problem, not at all.
- Okay, perfect.

- Thank you.
- Pleasure, alright.

Such a pleasure to meet you
all. Just trust. Imma be like...

So, you thought I was
gonna make you dance?

Yes, I like dancing.

I can tell you are not
looking forward to dancing.

I can do a little bit.

- That's it.
- Word. Me too.

So, the reason I
brought you in this area,

is because a big piece of
what's going on with you,

is your identity,

it's a constant struggle.


Seeing these really
beautiful women dancing and...

like, just being, like, themselves
and free just, like, I feel bad for...

I feel awful for not embracing
that, 'cause that'd be cool.

I would love to, like, feel like
a strong beautiful black woman,

- to be the kind of person that can weather anything.
- Yeah.

When you think about it, black
people have been through...

sl*very and constant oppression,

even today.

And they still find a way
to survive and stand tall.

But you are those things.

Why don't you see that yet?

Because I am afraid...

- Yeah.
- that like, maybe I'll come like come here

and there will be someone,

like a group of people who'll

- make me feel like I don't belong.
- Yeah.

Thank you.

- I cry too much.
- No, no, no.

I don't want you to leave
here thinking that you have to

check one part of your identity

because somebody reflected
it back to you negatively.

Anything you do is your identity.

A strong,


lesbian woman.

And if somebody says something to you,

you be like I'm a strong,


- lesbian women.
- Right.

I don't care what you're saying.

- So, dismissed.
- So, dismissed.

- Does that work?
- Yeah.

The genealogy center.

What is that?

I don't know what that means.

It's all to help you to get to a place,

where you find out about your identity.

Oh my gosh!

It's Bobby.


- Milady!
- Hi.

How are you?

I wanted to bring you to this
library that focuses on genealogy,

which is the history of one's family.

Where you've come from, your
parents, your great-grandparents,

- your great-great-grandparents.
- This is really exciting.

Right? Another way to find
out a lot about your family

is from your family.

Hi, baby.



It's been so long.

I miss you so much.

You know I still love you, girl.

And this is Jamia.

- This is your niece.
- Auntie Jess.

- Don't be scared.
- Oh, my gosh.

She's like, "Wait a minute,
you look like my mama."

Oh, my goodness.

Yeah, yup!


I've talked to your sister a
little bit about your family.

We share a similar history of

adoption and siblings that
we thought were cousins and...

but they were sisters.

I am in love with this little one.

Happy to see you, it's been a while.

Yes, girl.

Dang. Starving me.

Dude, I want to hang out with you.


Oh, yeah, girl?

You let your auntie and mama talk.

You have no idea how much I miss you.

Like for real.

Like, it didn't bother me as much,

that you didn't say
anything, you know back.

I still wanted to let you know

that I was still here
because of everything

that has gone wrong for you.

It wasn't a pity feeling,

it was more or less like,

I just want, I just want you, I
want you like I want to hug you,

I want to be there for you.

I have played out in my head

seeing you again and a lot of the times

I was just like sad and
super apologetic, and you know

I felt bad and... but right
now I'm just really happy.

I'm just like really happy.

It's not, like, weird.

It's not, like, negative,

and I don't have to think about like
my parents or anything like that,

it's just, like...

- It just feels normal.
- Mm-hm.

So ladies, this is Cheryl.

- Hi, Cheryl.
- Hi there.

She has been so kind as
to take the information

that you gave me

and pulled some information
up about your guys' family.


What we did was, we've taken
your tree back to Civil w*r times.

So, there's a long line,
right there, of history.

So, we have William.

This is actually your great-grandfather

and this tells what he did for a living

- and where he worked.
- Okay.

This was his mother Sylvie.

She was born in about 1801 to 1805.

- Wow.
- We found where she is buried.

And it's in Arkansas, The
Walter's Chapel sl*ve Cemetery.

She died after 1870,

so she went through the Civil w*r

and then went on to raise babies,

- you know...
- That's really cool.

Before all of that too.

Those kind of connections just,

it establishes a family line,

even if you don't know a family line.

And there's a courage,

and there's a strength there
that runs in your family.

- That's really cool.
- That is awesome.

I'm really inspired by Sylvie, for sure.

Like, she went through an awful time.

And you know she was a mama,
and you know she was a grandma...

- and she went on to have descendants.
- Yeah.

- Just like you.
- Yeah.

You sit here and I'll have you look.

That's your grandpa.

He looks just like you.

It's so wild like
seeing all this history.


A lot of times when people are adopted,

they have a sense of rejection

and they never really get over that.

- Stop, is this your ring?
- Yes.


But, watching Jess and Janice reunite,

you could see on Jess's face that
all that fear of rejection is gone.

If you're free, I'm doing a
little dinner party on Friday.

- Really?
- If you want to come

- Okay.
- Yeah.

- If you have any time.
- I do, actually.

I'll be like "Hey, girl."


- Hi.
- Hi.

- How are you?
- Good.

You're looking gorge, I'm
obsessed with everything about you.

I can't even handle it.

Can we take your hair
down and look at it?

- Yes, absolutely.
- Okay.

So like, wearing like a natural wave
in your life is, like, really like

"We don't want to do it."

Or do you want to do it? Are
you ever curious about it?

- Have you ever done it?
- I've never done it.

I used to have really thick, froey hair,

and then when I was in middle school,

my grandmother permed it.

And then, people stopped bullying me

for my hair and started
bullying me for being gay.

And so, at least they were
like laying off my hair.

And so, like, I guess that's
where my comfort level is.

- Yeah.
- Which is why I kept it straight.

Jess never was really allowed
to be curious about her hair,

because the way that society taught her

was that it needed to
be, like, straighter

and shinier and that's so not fair.

Your face could pull
off short-cropped hair,

but are you into the idea
of having shorter hair?

- I am.
- 'Cause I think it would be cute,

because then we can get all
the perm cut out of your hair

and then you can just kinda
like move forward fresh.

The hair that's growing out of your head

is like a gorgeous, tight texture.

Like little zee, tiny baby
textures. I'm obsessed with her.

And if you wore her wavy
and embraced your wave

instead of fighting it, it would
actually, like, be stunning.

- Okay.
- I really want her see

that you don't have to make the choice

to subscribe to these
false ideas of beauty.

Moisturize this hair right up! I swear.

It's good to have a
wide-tooth comb in the shower,

so you can comb the
conditioner through your hair.

and for your texture of hair, you
definitely want to get that in there.

- Okay.
- Are you excited?

- Yeah, I'm really excited.
- Cute.

Have you ever had a
short haircut before?


I kinda love this.

Whatever your curly lotion is,
you want to get it like everywhere.

Then, take your trusty wet brush,

and you're gonna comb it through.

Oh my goodness, look at
what it did to my hair.

So much easier, right?

I love that.

Let me see you. Oh, my goodness.

Oh my god, look at you,
girl. It's a whole new you.

Look how fem she is!

I am... I love this.

I can't even...

Just never imagined my hair
doing anything like this.

- Let's do some make-up.
- Okay.

This haircut is magic.

Her face is magical.

Her lashes are like this long.


Like, her lashes are next level.

I feel so, like,
confident and, like, sexy.

- Like...
- Wait, what do you feel?


- And then what before that?
- Confident.

Okay. So, you're seeing
yourself how I see you.

Like, this is a strong gorgeous
woman, I want to know what she's got.

Thank you.

- Hi.
- Hi, queen.

Look at that gorgeous cut.

Oh, my God, you look so good.

- Alright, are you ready?
- Yeah.

- After you.
- Oh my God.

What is this? Is this my house?

- Yes, Queen.
- Welcome home.

- Oh my God.
- See the furniture we picked out?

- You like it?
- I do see it.

I remember all of this.

Look at the piano.

It's like a completely different space.

It's a cool adult space.

I did not even know you had a fireplace.

This is next level.

- Did you know there was a fireplace?
- No, I did not.

Bobby, this is snaps.

Oh my gosh, this is amazing.

Thank you so much.

You can now have proper
adult dinner parties.

- Yeah.
- Here's the dishes, the napkins,

the napkin rings, the silverware.

- Everything we picked out.
- Oh my goodness.

And in here is where
you will cook for them.

I love the blue.

A great way to make a kitchen
look new and young and inviting,

is just to paint the cabinets,
there's no need to spend a ton of money

replacing cabinets.

Ready to see more?

Oh my...

Oh my God.

This is my room?

- This is your room.
- Honey, this closet.

This closet!

There wasn't room in that little closet

to really give you what you needed,

so I gave you an open closet.

Oh, my goodness.

I'm just obsessed with it all.

I can't wait to see
her new fem-butch look.

- Oh my gosh.
- Yeah.

Alright boys, you ready for this?

- Yeah, of course!
- Okay.

This is our boss bitch look.

Who is she?

This is a...

huge transformation.

How do you literally feel?

I feel like I run it.


- It's such a great outfit.
- Yeah.

And I love the confidence on your face.

- I have all the confidence.
- You're so happy.

After you. Thank you, Sweetheart.

Look at that walk in that
heel bitch, get away from me.

She looks sexy, she feels sexy. We won.

Are you ready for the last look?


Come on, my love, join us.

She's a racer.

- Love this.
- We love a crop.

Look at the boyfriend jean.

Boyfriend jean looks great on
her, this was a full length jacket.

I just cropped it off
and frayed it on the ends.

- Of course you did.
- This is an option of the more masculine side,

but she still looks
cool, she looks fresh.

- Would this be considered Lumber-lesbian?
- Lumberjack lesbian?

I feel like I'm done with that term.

- Yes.
- Yay.

- Soft butch.
- Yes.

- Soft butch.
- I feel like I'm soft butch.

I'm blown away by how fearlessly
you embraced this transformation.

Right, exactly.

Like, I feel, like, radiant and
beautiful and sexy and confident.

I had it in me, but
you all brought it out

and I really appreciate it.

I just feel like...

I had pretty much given up on...

kind, genuine people.

Like, really, I did,

because everyone that I met
I feel like they pitied me

and they looked down on me...

and you know, they expected
me to be someone else,

more black, less white,

more gay, less gay.

I had basically just accepted
that the real world sucks

and family doesn't exist,
unconditional love doesn't exist.

But you all just show me that

it's beautiful and sexy
to, like, care for yourself.

- Yeah.
- You know what I mean?

And it's like...

cute and confident to just be
black, and be gay, and be a woman

and what that is is
me and I'm always that.


Bobby, oh my goodness.

I felt connected to
you from the beginning

and it's inspiring

for someone with my
background, our background,

because it means that
like the sky's the limit

and you're just like actually
a really amazing person.

Thank you for letting me in

and allowing me to be
a part of your story.

Love you.

You now know your identity.

You know who you are.


you are...

a huge, black role model for me.

I look up to you so much.

And to meet you I was really scared.

I was intimidated, because I
thought that like everyone else

who looked like me,

you were just gonna be like...

She's not enough, she's weird
and you were so warm to me

and encouraging. You are...

Exactly what I want to be,
in terms of a black person.

You are yourself and that's beautiful.

It took me my whole
life to realize that,

and it is just so impactful to me.

I can't tell you how much I
love you and appreciate you.

Thank you so much.

Now none of us don't wanna leave you.

Can we get invited to this party?

- Surprise, it's just us!
- Yay!

Let's hug it out.

Let's hug it out.

- Have fun tonight.
- I will.

- You're gonna be great, just be calm.
- I'll miss you.

Have fun.


What are you cooking
in there? Smells good.

It's ramen.

Guys, ramen.

Everyone put on whatever
toppings you want.

When I was in college

the ramen I cooked,
looked nothing like this.

Tan, can you pour green tea, please?

Okay, let's go watch this.

Yeah, let's go watch Jess.

Time for Jess.

- She looks gorgeous.
- I love her in this.

She's getting everything
prepped for her broth.

Can we just talk about

how beautiful that skin
and that haircut is?

I know, thank you.

Definitely should've
done the meat first.

Oh, well.

Forgive me, Antoni.

Don't be hard on yourself,
you're doing great.

You're doing great, Sweetie.

So, hot biker babe it is.

Yes, hot biker babe!

- Yeah.
- Oh, she looks great.

I'm here for this.

With her skin, she doesn't
need a lot of anything.

I love the little color
that you picked too.


I'm so excited.

Oh, it's all her friends.

Look at that cute little family.


Oh, my god.

- Oh, my god.
- You look wonderful.

Oh, God.

Look at you.

You look so happy, literally.

I am. I feel happy. I feel sexy.

I feel like me, free.

Her smile and energy

is that energy and smile
that lights up the room.

Ah, there's Janice.

- Hey.
- You look beautiful. How are you?

This is my sister, Janice.


- Oh, my God.
- Janice, this is my fam.

Nice to meet you all.

They haven't seen each other
in years and years and years,

but the moment they got together,

it was, like, they didn't skip a beat,

they were just right
back to being sisters.

Wait, the last time that you saw me,

my hair wasn't the way that it is.



Oh, my God!

You have a bed. Oh my
god, look at these clothes.

Stop! Jess!

I wear these heels and her.

Shut up!

She likes to go between her
masculinity and femininity.

Yeah, which I really like.

I better see that at jazz house!

I love these Midwestern queens.

A knife holder.

That's lit.

We've always had this long,
drawn out relationship, so...

- Do you think that it's maybe changing?
- Yes.

- Yes.
- Finally.

- I'll take tequila and tonic.
- Tequila tonic?


You really outdid yourself, Jess.

You did.

Look at her over there
hosting, being grown.

This week has been the
best week of my life.




feel like the strong, beautiful,

black lesbian, eclectic,
artistic, like, person that, like,

all of you all have seen me as.

Well, you all are my family.

It sucks, 'cause I didn't
really know what that meant.

- Yeah.
- And...

I didn't think it was possible for me.

I thought that at any moment
one of y'all would just leave,

so I didn't allow
myself to be vulnerable.

I didn't allow myself to be open and...

now that I'm confident in who I am.

Like, I'm not afraid of tears
or emotions or messing up

or having days where
I need to remind myself

how strong and beautiful I am.

And I went from being
like this lost teenager,

who lost her whole family
and didn't know where to go,

to being like a fierce queen, so...

Cheers, queers.

You're so smart, girl.

I love you and your sponge
texture right there looks so nice.

Cheers to Jess, you guys.

To Jess, for being a strong,
black, beautiful, lesbian woman!

If social anxiety is stopping you

from meeting new people
or trying new things,

find a buddy who can support
you in those social situations.

- Are you my buddy?
- Yeah.

- You're my buddy?
- Yeah.

- This is my buddy.
- Yeah.

Don't mess up my hair, girl.