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04x13 - We're in Japan - Bringing Sexy Back

Posted: 04/28/24 16:06
by bunniefuu
[in Japanese] Green light, red light!

Green light, red light!

Green light, red light!


-What's happening this week, you guys?
-This looks so cool!

-Hey, Tanny. I have an idea.

I think we should
read the dossier together.

-I like that idea!

Let's do it! We've never done this before.

-It is our first duo.
-All right, kids.

Our hero this week is Makoto.

[in Japanese] I want to change

from a rock to a psychedelic flower.

I think that's how I want to be.

[Tan] "He is 37 years old. He's 5'8",

and he's a radio director."

-Oh, nice.

"So, he was nominated
by his boss, Kazutaka."

[in Japanese]
I've known Makoto for over 15 years.

Makoto has a lot of talent but

he is too shy and he is in his timid mode.

I really want him to be more confident
in himself.

"Makoto has been married to his wife
Yasuko for almost seven years."

Oh, that's sweet.

[in Japanese] I also had occasion
to work with his now wife,

and noticed that she is different,

very straightforward with things,

states her mind,

saying things like she wanted
to get married soon.

[in Japanese]
I cannot use your technique.

My technique is professional. [laughs]


[in Japanese] I work at a maid café,
which was my dream.

[Tan] Yasuko works in this café
where they dress in French maids outfits.

And she calls the guests "Master."

It's, like, a common thing in Japan.

[in Japanese] One day he told me
he wanted to go to the museum

to check out the exhibit.

That was my first date.

[in Japanese] Yacchan is
an absolute existence to me.

[in Japanese] Our values were so similar,

and I thought
I would never get tired of him.

[in Japanese] After I met Yacchan,

we got married in a little over a year.

We didn't have a ceremony

or anything

and I never actually proposed to her.

[in Japanese] I told him,
"Come on, let's get married!"

And he said, "Okay."

So, we rushed to turn in
our marriage registration forms

and that's how we got married. [laughs]

-[in Japanese] I'm home.
-[in Japanese] Welcome back.

[in Japanese] It's more like
we are business partners

instead of husband and wife.

That's what I've felt
over the last six years

[in Japanese] Yacchan may get mad,
but we are sexless big time.

I think we've been sexless
for 4 or 5 years. [laughs]

-[Karamo] That breaks my heart.

Oh! Poor thing.

[Makoto in Japanese] In fact,
I wanted to say something.

But I couldn't until now.

[in Japanese]
It's a very big issue.

The Japanese people actually
know "sexless" exists.

It takes a lot of courage
for a married couple

to talk about it and try to solve it.

So they don't solve the problem.

Do we, like, go to therapy or something?

I guess, in America,
everybody goes to therapy.

-But, in here,

we don't really go to therapy.
We don't have that idea.

[in Japanese] If they plan on
staying together, then I think

there are areas
where Makoto has to change.

[Makoto in Japanese]
I do my best not to be noticed.

That's where my emotional state is.

I spent my teenage years
in great distress.

I didn't have friends.

I couldn't be open to others.

[in Japanese] He really has zero interest
in clothes or fashion.

[in Japanese] I dress the same
all year around.

I only have two pairs of jeans. [laughs]

So I just rotate them.

I don't cook at all. [laughs]

[in Japanese] I really can't
imagine Makoto cooking,

So my heart will skip a beat

if he cooks the omelet rice. [laughs]


"Makoto is taking Yasuko out

on their first official date
since getting married."

-What? In seven years?
-That's so romantic!

-And we get to be part of it!
-I know!

♪ Better late than never ♪

[all] Yes!

He clearly wants to get that spark back.


[in Japanese] I want
to get my act together.

So I can be a good partner to Yacchan.

[Antoni and Tan] Our mission this week...

[Kiko] Let's help Makoto

find his mojo!

[cheering] Yes!

-Kanpai, everyone.


-That was adorable.
-Thank you.

[theme song playing]




Yay, we're in Tabata.

-Hello. This is the place.


-How are you?

Konnichiwa! Hi!

-We're huggers.

-Hi, nice to meet you.




How are you, Makoto-san? Nice to meet you.

My first impressions of Makoto are,
such a sweet guy...

...really, really lovely, energetically.

-Right here.
-This is where you live.

-[Tan] Gosh, it's a small space.
-[Karamo] I'm claustrophobic.

That house is a little bit like...


Like, is it Hoarders or is it q*eer Eye?

So much clothes everywhere.

It's a lot of a lot.


-Kuma needs a little wash.
-This is...

Oh, you like to play dress-up?

My wife, my wife.

[in Japanese] Maid café.

It's like Handmaid's Tale.

Praise be.

[Tan] Blessed be the fruit, Bobby.

-[Karamo] The Beatles!
-You've got a Beatles boxsetty thing here.

[in Japanese] I love their history.

I love all four members.
I also love their music.

Is this where you eat dinner
with your wife?

[in Japanese] We hardly eat together.
Our work hours are different.

So she eats alone and I eat alone.

Alone, alone.

Wow, girl got some stuff up in here.


[in Japanese] I used to make
and record music at home.

-[jingling tambourine]


-Play us... No, you play us something!
-[blues music plays]

-Oh, my [chuckling] God.
-Here you go. Play something, please.

-[Bobby] Take it away, take it away.
-[Jonathan] Please.

-Just a few chords.

-We wanna know your style a little.
-Come on. That's it.

Here you go.

-[playing a guitar sequence]
-[Karamo singing]

♪ Oh, konnichiwa ♪

♪ Konnichiwa ♪

[singing indistinctly]

♪ to your wife ♪

-♪ Have sex, have sex ♪
-♪ With your wife ♪

-♪ Have sex, have sex ♪
-♪ With your wife ♪

♪ Marriage is beautiful
Marriage, you should be living it ♪

♪ her and... ♪

[sings high note]

Love. Love.

-All right, I feel like you got that.

-Well done, Makoto!

Arigato! Arigato gozaimasu!

Makoto, so, this is where
you do your mixing? And cooking?

[in Japanese] I don't cook.
We don't even have gas for our stove.

I can see that.

-[Tan] You ready?
-[Karamo] I'm just over here being a bro.

Honey, I'm home.

-Does this turn you on?
-Yeah, babe.

Oh, yeah, okay, wait.

[Tan laughing] Did you just rip it?

He did. Gorgeous.

[speaking in a German accent] Can I get
you an order of a big wiener schnitzel?

-Oh, yeah! [in German accent]
-[in German accent] Yeah?

This has never been used?

[in Japanese] Four years ago it was.

Four years ago was the last time
you had sex,

and four years ago was the last time
you used this rice cooker.

-Is there some kind of...
-[Jonathan] Was it right here

-on this kitchen counter?

[Bobby] This is a disaster.

[Tan] Shocking.

That's their romantic setting,

-like, the table?

There's nothing that encourages romance.

[Bobby] Or sanity.

[in Japanese]
[stuttering] You shouldn't open it.

[laughing] I don't think you should.


It is absolutely terrible.

It's like a museum.

It's a museum of expired food.

[chuckling] Really gross.

When you eat, is it take-away?

Like, how do you stay alive?

[in Japanese] I eat out,
or I buy food from the convenience store.

Even though convenience stores here have
much better food than they do in the U.S.,

I still feel like you should at least
be able to prepare something.

[in Japanese] To be honest,

I've never cooked before. [laughs]

You've never cooked before?

Mmm. [laughs]

That's bonkers!

-You know what?

-I haven't found any porn.

I would just think that,
in a place like... If there's no sex...

-I don't know.
-...there'd be a little porn somewhere.

[Karamo] Honey, no one has porn anymore.
It's just online.

Literally, the moment we walked
in the door, we were like...


Where do we step?

The fact that that whole wall in there
that's filled with CDs and the desk.

You don't use that, but you use
a desk on the floor.

It makes no sense to me.

[in Japanese] It's not how I imagined it
in the beginning.

It happens to all of us.

But if you guys can allow me
to hit reset for you here at home,

and make this a place
where you can feel relaxed,

that might help with that
one-on-one time with you guys.

[in Japanese]
I would like that. Thank you. [laughs]

All right, good.


Show me what your daily
grooming activity is.


[water splashing]

A little face water.



What do you like about the way you look?


[in Japanese] When I look at myself,
I don't think I'm handsome.

Mmm... yeah... not... really.

From a gay man, me,

you are an attractive man.

There's just, like, some fear

with establishing a relationship
with yourself.

And if you don't have a relationship
with yourself,

how are you supposed to have
one with your wife,

or, like, the world?

He has not looked at himself
in the mirror,

other than just to make sure
he's not bleeding.

If you have no awareness
of your attractiveness,

that's not attractive to your partner.

I love that you were talking
about what's on the outside, too.

-Are you done for now? Okay, great.

Most of this is your wife's stuff,
other than this.


So, it's, like, plain, plain...


There are a lot of T-shirts here.

Are these yours or are these your wife's?

[in Japanese] These are from around
ten years ago [laughs]

when I would draw and make my own shirts.

Oh, it's the inside of your body.

Oh, my gosh, it's beautiful.

Tell me you still wear this stuff.


No, I don't.

Is this from a time
when you didn't feel so great?

[in Japanese] Actually, I was more open
those days

than I am now.

I wanted to express myself
and I used to make music as well.

Right now,

to live in this society well, in a way,

you have to k*ll your character.
It's easier that way.

Nothing that I'm gonna do this week

is gonna make you
come across as offensive.

But there's a way of...

showing who you are, your individuality,
without upsetting people.

Five years! Five years.

You have been talking about
your relationship with your wife.

When was the last romantic thing
that you did for her,

or that she did for you?

[in Japanese]
I can't recall. [laughs]

-Can't recall? Yeah.

What type of relationship do you want
with your wife?

[in Japanese] Mmm.
To be completely honest,

I was very selfish
and only thought about myself.

And she came into my life.

And then I started to think
about other people for the first time.

And we settled down
more than I expected.

So I really don't understand
what is love.

Okay. So, you don't even have a foundation

of what kind of relationship you want,

because when you got together, you didn't
take the time to figure it out together.

[in Japanese] Yeah, I think you're right.

I have no idea what she wants at all.

We've been running away
from that discussion for a few years,

and here we are.

We can help you with that. And also,

you have a beautiful smile.

-Eh? [chuckles]
-I want you to smile, and...

We gotta do this photo
over again, because...

If this is the wedding photo,
you're supposed to be happy.

[in Japanese] We borrowed
a wedding dress

at a photo studio and took a photo.

[Karamo] You need to be happy with this.

-[Tan] You look great.
-[Karamo] But he needs to be smiling.

[Jonathan] It's a party.

We're just all gonna
climb in bed with you.


What do you hope you'll gain with us
after being with us for a week?


[melancholic music plays]

[in Japanese] I want to be able to
communicate what I'm thinking.

I'll be glad if I can express
myself even a little.

What is this all gonna lead up to?
What's happening at the end of the week?

[in Japanese] I want to take her on a date
in my own way

and I want to give her a wonderful time.

I need to convey
my feelings properly. [laughs]

The fact that she has not been on a date
since Barack Obama was president

is a travesty, and an injustice,
and it's one that we will fix.

So, only one question left.

Are you ready to get this week
started with us?


-[cheering] Yeah!

Makoto clearly has an issue conveying
who he wants to be, what he wants to be.

I want to work with him this week
to show what's on the inside,

on the outside, through his style.

I wanna help Makoto realize that
just how he's learned to play music,

he can learn to connect with himself.

My help for Makoto is that each space,

although not large, has a function.

And they are now going
to be able to live in this space,

instead of just exist.

Makoto wants to show his love for Yasuko,
but he doesn't know how.

But he can change that by showing her,
with a beautiful dish.

My mission for Makoto
is to help him understand

that communicating what he needs
and expressing his feelings,

is the healthiest thing he can do
for himself and his relationship.

The word "intimacy"
means letting people in.

[upbeat music plays]



After you.

Oh, shoes.


-[Antoni] You know the rules!

[Makoto laughs] Sorry.

Making a dish for somebody

is such an incredible sign of love.

[in Japanese] This is the first time I've
ever tried to make someone else happy,

and I didn't know what to do.

This is such an embarrassing
way to notice that now.

I don't think it's embarrassing at all.

I think it takes balls to actually
be able to say, like,

this is something that I don't know.

You know what your wife said
when she was asked

what she would want you to do for her?

She said she wanted you
to make her omurice.

[in Japanese] Eh!? I had no idea!

It is beautiful, aromatic fried rice,

with an oozy, perfect omelet

that you slice open, and it is sexy AF.

This is an egg.

[in Japanese]
I haven't seen that in a while.

[laughs hysterically]

Okay. So, first things first,
you're going to crack an egg.


Do you know how [chuckling]
to crack an egg?

[in Japanese] Maybe I should be brave
now and ask you how to do it. [laughs]

-Look at you, learning.

So this is how I do it.

You hold it in your hand like this,

and a nice, firm
[eggshell cracking] crack.


Now you crack one.

[in Japanese] This is a little challenge.

I did it!

[Antoni] Not a single shell in there.

You did it!

So, in here, we're basically going to put
just one little spoon of milk.

And then with the chopsticks,
basically mix it around like this.

The base for omurice is leftover rice

with whatever things
you have lying around.

For a man who likes takeout
seven days a week,

you can use your leftover rice
from your dinners.

So, we throw in some onion.

-[Makoto] Onion.
-[Antoni] Onion, yeah.

And now, you can stand here
and you can mix this together.

And just like that, you're cooking!

[in Japanese] Well...

He looks like somebody
who's handled the pan before.


Isn't it nice to cook?

[in Japanese] It's fun for me
to be able to eat it in the end.

[Antoni] Yeah, but it's nice to know
what it is that you're eating,

instead of just eating out
of a box all the time.

[in Japanese] That's true.

And what's sexier? You opening up
a to-go box that's in Styrofoam,

or her watching you hold this knife

and chop an onion and then throw it
into a hot, sizzling pan?

[in Japanese] True, maybe it is sexy when
you're cooking.

-Yeah. That's right.
-Yeah. [laughs]

Now we're gonna add our rice.


[in Japanese] Delicious!

[Makoto in Japanese] It looks delicious!

[Antoni] Do you know what demi-glace is?

[in Japanese] I actually don't know.

So, this is basically veal bones
that are cooked down,

and it produces this nice, glazy

-meat sauce.

[Antoni] I'm gonna put just a little bit
of this in here.

And you have fried rice.

Now, we're gonna make an omelet.

-This is the trickier part.
-[in Japanese] I agree...


Now, it's gonna be fast.

So, shake the pan.

And then, whip the chopsticks.

Yeah, exactly.

[Antoni] It's starting to look
like an omelet.

So, you wanna get it all
to one side of the pan, basically.

Smooth. There you go.

And now, like this,
I'm going to plop it over.

-Yes! There you go.

Then basically, with a knife,

we make a little slit.

A little bit of the sauce.
We're gonna make it my way.

-[Makoto] Oh! Thank you.
-[Antoni] Now, we'll both try it together.


[in Japanese] Delicious!

So comforting.

You just made this whole meal
from scratch.

[in Japanese]
It's actually easier than I thought.

Yeah. And it doesn't have to be every day,

but just to know
that you can actually do it.

[in Japanese] I think everything is
about experience, including the mistakes.

It's like you'll never know
until you've cracked the egg. [laughs]

-I love that!

Makoto, we're gonna make sure
you look fantastic by the end of this.

[Makoto laughs] Oh.

[Tan] Normally I go around and I say,

"I think you should wear this.
I think you should wear this."

I wanna see what you would choose first.

To see what vision you have,
for who you wanna be.

[in Japanese]
There's so much to choose from.

You seem really nervous.

[in Japanese] I get really nervous
coming to places like this.

I constantly think,

what if my choices are wrong,

what if I embarrass myself? [laughs]

No! I won't embarrass you.
I'm just gonna say,

if you choose something that I don't think
is gonna be right for you,

I'm just gonna tell you why
I don't think it's gonna be right for you.

I won't say anything that's gonna
hurt your feelings,

-I promise you.

Sound good?

-[in Japanese] Yes.

What colors do you see yourself in?

[in Japanese] I think deep down,
I want to wear colors like this...

Deep down... I think so.

Great. I'm shocked,

but I'm happy about that. Okay.

So then, let's play with color.

Watching him now select fluorescent pink

is not what I expected at all.

Colorful pieces here.

[in Japanese] It's cute. Really cute.

I really like it.

I want to be the person who
wears clothes like this.


Makoto, what I've done is,
I've put you in a pink shirt,

but I've toned it down
with something over the top

just so it's not as loud for you.

What do you think of it? Do you like it?

Does it feel more like you?

[in Japanese] What I thought was...


it fits me better without the top layer.

Great. Let's try it.

There's somebody trapped inside of Makoto
who's so desperate to be seen.

Mmm. Um...

[in Japanese] I feel good,

and I finally feel like,
"Hah," like relief. [laughs]

There's no reason to go back
to bland clothes

'cause they don't make you feel anything.

Mmm. Yeah.

[in Japanese]
I feel like I can just be myself.

There is somebody pent up inside of him,

who's so desperate to get out
and show their creativity.

[Tan] You asked for bold.

This is bold.

Tell me what you're thinking.
Tell me everything you're feeling.

[in Japanese] I feel really good in this.
I feel very comfortable.

You love the Beatles. You love
the wardrobe. You love psychedelic.

This is close to that.

Do you think that this version of you

is something that your wife
will respond well to?

Do you think that she'd think,

"Okay, this is more my Makoto.
This is sexy"?


[in Japanese] but Yasuko would be...

It's a [chuckling] little
embarrassing to think about being sexy...

Do you find Yasuko sexy?


[in Japanese]
Mmm. It's difficult to say... because...

How can I say...
I try not to think about it.

There is a part of me that
tries to see her as a sibling now.

I have so many questions
and concerns about this.

I want to truly get an understanding

of how he thinks his marriage is going,

because clearly, something's not right.

Does it bother you at all

that she is working at a maid café?

[in Japanese] The fact that she wanted to
work at the maid café...

I thought that had nothing to do
with me personally.

I wanted to respect her ambitions.

It's been about four years

since you guys
have been physically intimate.

What happened?

Was it when she started at the maid café?

[in Japanese] Ah, no...
our relationship changed

before she started working
at the maid cafe

and it's been more like a friendship.

-This isn't a marriage right now, Makoto.
-[melancholic piano music plays]

And the only way you're gonna
get to the point

where you live happily ever after,

is by talking to her.

"Do you still love me? Do you wanna be
in this with me?"

[in Japanese] I think there's a part of me
that's protecting myself

from getting too deeply involved.

Do you love Yasuko?

If you want to keep her as your wife,

as the person you'll spend
the rest of your life with,

you have to give her
a reason to stay.

Are you ready to fight for this marriage?
Are you ready to fight for yourself?

[in Japanese] I... think so...

yeah, now...

-Tell me.

Uh. I... [cries]

Now I think...

[breathes deeply]

I have to go...

face to face with her...

Up until this point,

I thought that our mission this week
should be to help Makoto

set things up, to take his wife on a date.

But they do not communicate at all.

What Makoto really needs our help with,

is the confidence to be able
to have an honest

and frank conversation with his wife.

[in Japanese] I want to talk to her.


You have me, you have my boys,

who are all gonna help you through this.
You're not alone.

Arigatou. Thank you.

Of course. Hey.


[upbeat music plays]

-[Bobby] Konnichiwa.
-[girl] Hi.

This space before
didn't function for anything.

And then the table.

This is gonna be great.

But now it's a home.

Good job. [laughs]

All right.

I love the upholstered headboard.

This is beautiful, a Japanese garden.

Makoto keeps saying

he doesn't have the words
to express himself to his wife.

Have you ever done
flower arrangements before?

Have you ever given her flowers?

[in Japanese] Never. [laughs]

-Makoto! No!

At the end of the day, man,
actions speak louder than words.

There are things around him
that have been around for centuries,

that can make his wife feel loved.

[in Japanese] Thank you for having me.

Shall we get started then?

[Japanese music plays]

Ikebana, a thousand-year-old tradition.

It is the art of beautiful,
simplistic Japanese flowers.

[in Japanese]
Unlike the Western flower arrangement,

this Japanese style,
which is called Nageire,

is meant to capture
the scenery of nature as it is,

and depict it on the plate.

For example, like this.

You can imagine
a plum tree blossoming in Japan

and below is a butterbur sprout.

Here we go.

[music fades out]

I noticed that you have on
a wedding ring.

But your wife, Yasuko, does she wear one?

[in Japanese] She lost it after a month.

-Oh, no!

[in Japanese] Well, I asked
if I should buy another one

and she said no.

So I didn't get one.


When your wife says, "No, no, it's okay,"

what she meant was,

-"Yes, buy me a new one."

You've gotta do things for your spouse.

You can't just get the girl
and then give up.

You gotta get the girl and keep the girl.

That's beautiful.

I think, when you give her these,

she's going to be so happy.

Mmm. [laughs]

-[Shiho laughs]
-Good job. Good job.



How are you feeling about what's been
happening with you thus far?

[in Japanese] Yesterday,
I was able to talk to Tan and Antoni

about many things.

I've been able to directly face

what I've been running away from.

Because I don't have confidence,

I've avoided talking face to face
with Yasuko.

What scares you about communicating
face-to-face with Yasuko?

[in Japanese]
I don't think I have the courage

to check what's most important.

If she loves me or not.


We're going to spend some time
helping you to...

be able to communicate to your wife.

And learning how to do that,
where you feel safe,

and all the fears you have
of expressing yourself

can go away.

[in Japanese] Is she here?

She is.


I've invited Jonathan and your wife here,

so that you can do yoga, where you can

open up your body and open up your minds
and your hearts together.

Intimacy starts with being able

to communicate about what you want,

and understanding
what the other person wants.


Hi. Konnichiwa.


I learned to practice yoga
when I was about 19.

It has been something that has
really connected me to my inside,

and I wanted to, kind of,
get to introduce you guys to it,

'cause sometimes when we're trying
to get to know ourselves,

you have to quiet down your brain

long enough to be able
to listen to your heart.

Feeling the breath come in your nose,

and out your mouth.

Inhale through center, exhale, stretch.



Each inhale, let it take
your chest up a little bit more.

And draw in the breath in your nose...

and out your mouth.

The light within me

salutes and sees the light
within each of you.



This is the part that's really
most important for you two.

What you two are experiencing...

The fear of communicating
with your partner,

[quiet piano music plays]

is something that many people
around the world go through.

So, I need you two to turn to each other,

and I want you two...

to hold hands.

[deep breath]

All right. [sighs]

You first.

What is the fear that you have?

[in Japanese] Do you love me?

Do you love him?

What are you thinking?

[in Japanese] I love you.


I've always worried

[breathes deeply] Mmm...

whether or not

you regret marrying me.

I don't cook. [laughs]
And I'm not good at housework.

[crying] I've always felt
sorry for not being a good wife.


[in Japanese] To be honest,

cooking and housework
don't really matter to me...

I don't care about you being
a good wife either.

I am saved by the fact that you exist.

Just you existing in my life, um,

gives me the power to be like a superman.

I myself... umm...

I really love you.

[Yasuko laughs]

Feels good?

[Yasuko laughs]


[Karamo] I see you getting emotional.

Come here.

[Makoto sobbing]




Thank you. [laughs]


Makoto spent many years not communicating.

He finally got to let out everything
that he's been holding onto,

and finally feels a sense of relief.

It felt good to let it out, right?

[in Japanese]
Mmm. I feel so much better now. [laughs]

-[Jonathan] After you. Yeah.
-[Makoto] Oh, thank you. [laughs]



Did you have a nice time at the yoga?

[in Japanese] Yoga was great!

-"Saiko" means good in Japan.

In English, it means, like...

[screaming] Ah!

As far as your haircut,

if you styled it, it would look
a little baby bit different.

[in Japanese] From now on, mmm.

I think I should start doing that.

So, you're willing to spend a little bit
more time on yourself?

[in Japanese] Yes, that's right.

Makoto is ready

to get into a self-imposed cocoon,

and come out the butterfly
that we are all dying to see.

We have to get Makoto's, like,
kissing club open for business.

We need to exfoliate your lips.

-[in Japanese] Me? [laughs]


Now just...

Rub 'em. Rub it all up on your lips.

Let it get the little scratchies
on your lippies.

And circle, yes.

You know what the new
hottest club in Tokyo is?

Club Makoto's make out mouth
with his, like, wife Yasuko, honey.

-Whoo! Whoo!

-[Jonathan] Yes!

Do you have any idea, like,
when you stopped expressing yourself?

[in Japanese] I think about ten years ago.

[Jonathan] That is a long time
to lose touch with yourself.

As you continue to get back
in touch with yourself,

you're probably gonna have
a lot of feelings,

so really going out of your way

to make some time for yourself
is really important.

[in Japanese] Yes, I really think so.

I want to get back to my hobbies again,

which I haven't done for a long time.

Yes. I love that. Yes, yes, yes!

That's your f......- fire, queen.

That's your f...... passion.

[in Japanese]
First, I want to make music.

I also want to draw.

Oh, like some nasty naked pictures.

[in Japanese] Ah, but I draw
naked drawings sometimes. Mmm.

Of, like, you and Yasuko?

[in Japanese]
[laughs] No, not that. [laughs]

I don't know why I'm so obsessed
with these naked pictures.

Jonathan, get it out of your head.

I think you look like such a handsome,
handsome, sexy ass man.

Put your glasses on.

We're turning...

Three, two, one.

Wow! [laughs]

[in Japanese] It's a version of myself
that I've never seen before. [laughs]

See, like, how handsome you have been?

[in Japanese] Maybe I have belittled
myself for a long time.


[in Japanese] Well,
I want to accept myself. [laughs]

-Sexy boy.

[in Japanese] Uh, how do I say it...


[in Japanese] Yeah...
I think I'm handsome.


-Gorgeous. [laughs]



[Tan] Are you excited
to see your new place?


It looks so beautiful.

[upbeat music plays]


He's here!

Come here. I got you,

-I got you.
-Come on, boys.



-[Tan] I mean, dude, I love the kuma!

[Jonathan] It's sexy.

[Makoto] Wow!

[Bobby] So, in case
you didn't know before,

this is your kitchen.

Now you have things to actually cook with,

to serve dinner with.

You can make a nice little moment
for your wife.

[in Japanese] I'm happy!

-Ready to see the rest of it?

[in Japanese] Could you show me?

Whoa! What!


Don't be scared.

-Whoa! Whoa!
-So, now...

[in Japanese] I don't know what to say!

It doesn't even feel like my own place.

The layout is completely different.

-Oh, there's... Ah!
-[Bobby] So...

when people have a smaller space,
you need to utilize

every square foot of your space,
both vertical and horizontal.

[in Japanese] It's not one room anymore.

Working space?

-[Bobby] Yes!
-Wow! Yeah!

So now, you guys can be in the same room.

When you're working on your music,

-you know, you're in the same room as her.
-[Makoto] Oh!

[in Japanese] I'm surprised.

[in Japanese] I like how I can see
my favorite instruments.


Instead of having to dig through
your closet to find your instruments,

they're right here.

So they're art, and they're useful.

So, welcome to your new bathroom.
Isn't it gorgeous?

[in Japanese] Yes, it's so clean.

So, you wake up, you stumble in, ah,

you're gonna get your little wet brush,

you're gonna wet him down,

and then brush your hair with the wetness.

Now, the most important part is product.

This is gonna give you a little bit
of moisture and a little bit of control.

You're gonna work it all over your head.

And then use your brush,

kind of do it to the side and back.

We all end up
in circumstances sometimes,

that we don't really quite know
how we got there,

and we're not really loving it.

It may not be easy, it may not be quick.

But, newsflash, you are capable of change.

I gotta tell you, you look
like a brand new man.

You're putting off a different energy.

[in Japanese] Mmm. I feel really good.

Do you feel like a sexy man now?

[in Japanese] Yes, I think...

I could say sexy...

Scream it, 'cause you didn't seem
too proud right there.

Say, "I am sexy."

-I'm sexy!
-[laughing] Yes, you are!

Yeah! [laughs]

You can tell this is a man who knows
that he deserves a good life,

and who is willing to go after
what he wants.

But, most importantly, he's willing
to communicate with his wife,

so that they can grow together.

Okay, boys.
[in Japanese] Are you ready?




He gave us a walk and a show.

Too kawaii. Love the red jacket.

[in Japanese] I'm really happy.

I'm happy.


[in Japanese] Mmm. I think, originally,
I'm supposed to be this bright person.

-[Tan] Good. Me, too. Me, too.

The fact that you walked in with your head
held high makes me so happy.

I didn't know what to expect
at the start of this week,

but you've surprised all of us.

[in Japanese] I'm surprised too.

Makoto is presenting a version of himself

that seems hopeful about
what could be,

hopeful about his life, but also,

hopeful about what his marriage could be.

This is the first day
of the rest of his life.

So, when we met,

we could all see there was an issue.

You've now opened up
the lines of communication.

Now, you can just express yourself.

[in Japanese] I feel so many things
overflow like a dam collapsing.

But I am actually very happy

because you guys

really accepted that.

We're always here for you.


-Bye, my friend.
-Thank you.

We're proud of you.

-Handsome man, you.

Joy tonight, you're gonna be great.

-And you look so good, so good.



[Antoni] And raw, it's so good.

-[Jonathan] Is this for me?
-[Antoni] Yeah.


This is, like, a super popular
dish here, right?

It's called omurice.


They're all about making sure
the omelet is super wet,

-so that it's ooey-gooey on the inside.

-Shall we... [laughs]

Makoto's tape! I wanna see
what happened to Makoto.

I'll share yours.

-[Bobby] Watch your head, Jonny.
-[Karamo] Let's go see Makoto.

-♪ Makoto... ♪

-♪ Makoto... ♪
-No more singing, please!

♪ Makoto ♪

-You guys ready?

[in Japanese] Start!

[Karamo] Yes!


Oh, he looks so good!

-I love him in that turtleneck.
-I love!

-Yeah, he looks hot.


-[cheering] Yasuko!

[in Japanese] Oh, my God...


-She loves how he looks!


[in Japanese] Amazing.

-Her face lit up when she saw him.
-I know!

[in Japanese]
I'll take your coat. [laughs]

[in Japanese] Ah, really?

Wah, thank you.

It's incredible. I've never
seen you like this before.

-Me? [chuckles]
-Mmm. Yes, you.

I'm flattered. Flattered?
Grateful? Um...Mmm. [laughs]

Well, um, I'm thinking
I should stop down playing myself.

This is amazing. Excuse me...

even though this is my house, too.

-Yeah, so...

Oh, my God!

Her eyes are like, boom, boom, boom, boom.

[in Japanese] Amazing!

[in Japanese] They made a space here...

Ah! This is the workspace! Wow!

It's a workspace and here, we can rest.

[Karamo] Bobby, you did such a great job

-of creating a space for everything.
-[Bobby] Thank you.

Small spaces you'd think were easy,
but small spaces are actually harder.

Wah! [laughs]

[in Japanese] This is where we sleep.

[Yasuko in Japanese] Amazing!

It's gorgeous now.
It looks like a hotel.

Yeah, it's gorgeous.

This sleeping space
is a proper sleeping space now.

This is amazing. Like,
it really doesn't feel like I'm talking

-to you right now.
-Yeah, I...

She's in shock.

[in Japanese]
This a bag for you.


-[Yasuko in Japanese] For me?
-[Makoto in Japanese] Yeah. Yeah.


What! You've never bought me
anything like this before.

It's cute!

I think she's clinging onto it
not because it's a pretty bag.

Just for the fact that it's something
that came from him.

-For the first time.

[in Japanese] After this,

I wanted to take you out. [laughs]

-[in Japanese] What? Out?

I've got a dress for you.

It's pretty!

Let me know once you've changed.


Are you okay in there?

Could you please zip the back for me?

Oh, zip the back? Yes.

Here we go. Ah, it's good. It looks good.

-Oh, I'm sorry.
-Ah, thank goodness.

Ah, perfect! You look pretty.

Thank you very much.


-Smooth. [laughs]
-Very smooth.

-She has wanted this Makoto...

...for a long time.

[Yasuko in Japanese] It's been a while.

[Makoto in Japanese] Yeah, a long while.


This is...amazing!

The colors are so pretty.

This is so romantic and gorgeous.

[in Japanese] Amazing.

Oh, look at them holding hands!

[Bobby] This is the first major affection
they've had in years.

-That is a big step.
-Yeah, it is.

-[in Japanese] So pretty.
-[in Japanese] Yeah.

This color is so pretty.

-So, Yasuko...


it's been years
since we've done something like this.


That's true. We didn't really date.

I think we should talk
about what we are both interested in.

Yeah, and...

Because we both have
so many places like this we want to go to.

That's true.

Right? In the spring,
we can go see the cherry blossoms.

Let's go.

[Yasuko] This is nice. So nice.
I had a lot of fun.

[elevator bell rings]

No matter how many times I see this,

-I'll be surprised.

It doesn't look like our home.

-Oh, oh! Oh, my god!

I didn't know you could crack eggs!

-Surprisingly, I can.
-You can crack them now.


Okay, she's in a bit of shock right now,
because she's watching

-her husband prepare a meal from scratch.

-[in Japanese] You should wear this.
-[in Japanese] Ah, should I?

Because you're wearing nice clothes.

Yeah, the pretty clothes.
You're right.

I actually don't know
how to put on an apron.

Should I tie the back?

Yes, please. I look like
"Cooking Papa."

So cute.

[in Japanese] This is amazing.
If you continue like this,

the omurice should be done in 3 hours.

-They have a real giggle together.
-They do.

-They really enjoy each other's company.

[Yasuko in Japanese] Wow.

[Makoto in Japanese] Looking great!

[Yasuko] I cannot watch this
because it makes me nervous.


[Yasuko] I'm so scared! How is it?
Did you do it?

Yes, I did. Look!

-I see! [laughs]
-And then...

No, no. If you open it up
like this... [laughs]

It's a delicious looking scrambled egg.


-It's okay.

-It's his first time.

I'm very happy with that.

[in Japanese]
You can have the first bite.

-They're sharing. That's cute.

[in Japanese] Oh, that's a big bite.

-[in Japanese] It's good!
-[in Japanese] Really? [laughs] I'm glad.

-Oh, she loves it!

[in Japanese]
It's good! Really good! Good job!

-[in Japanese] Can you fix my hair?
-[in Japanese] This is amazing,

I've never seen your hair like this.


[in Japanese]
Yasuko. [laughs] I bought you a ring.

-[in Japanese] What?
-[Kiko] Ah!


-[in Japanese] It fits. [laughs]
-[in Japanese] It fits!

-It does. [laughs]

-Thank you very much.

-[cheering] Yay!

[in Japanese] A few years ago,
you spoke about having kids and stuff.

But we didn't talk

about how you feel about it.

So I would like to start

talking about things like that.

I feel relieved

and I am so sorry for all those years.

-No, not at all.

-I love you.

This is okay, right?
I love you, you love me.

So I think we will be able
to continue our lives together

and we need to be able to talk

whenever something is bothering us.


Look, they're talking,
they're communicating,

they're engaging.

-I mean, this is a brand new couple.

[in Japanese] Until now,
I had a hard time facing my wife, Yasuko,

because I wasn't confident.

Because of Fab 5,

I was able to gain confidence

and I know now that I can just be myself.

I'll stop downplaying myself

and live with my head held high.

-[in Japanese] In case you were wondering,
-[in Japanese] Wow! [laughs]

That ikebana in the middle. That...

-Mmm. What?
-I made that, with Bobby.

What! Eh! [laughs] You did ikebana?

-I did!

We had a master to teach us.

-Amazing! [laughs]

Oh, my God, you guys.

I feel like there's a potential
that we may have just taken

this sexless marriage,
and turned her into a baby carriage.

-[cheering] Yeah!

-To Makoto and love!
-To Makoto!

[cheering] To Makoto and love!



I'm so grateful to have had
this experience in Japan.

I was a little scared that we would not
be able to connect

because of language barriers.

But we haven't had that problem at all.

We feel so far apart sometimes.

You're over here, I'm over there.

What are we gonna have in common?

No matter where we go in the world,
the one connecting factor

is our desperation for connection,
and love and support.

We are capable of loving ourselves.

And it's nice to see
that all of our heroes

experience the same issues we do.

So, thanks for letting me in.

Arigato gozaimasu, Japan.
