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05x09 - Paging Dr. Yi

Posted: 04/28/24 16:14
by bunniefuu
Hey, let's do some warm-ups, ready?


[squeals] I've reached my peak.

[theme music playing]

-♪ Better ♪
-♪ All things just keep getting better ♪

All right, kids, do you wanna hear
who we're helping this week?

-We sure do!
-[all] Yeah!

"Our heroine this week is Lilly Yi."

-Lilly Yi.

[Tan] Yeah. "She is 33.

After 11 years of studying 
and grueling hours,

Lilly just completed
her medical residency.

-She is finally a pediatrician."

[Tan] Yes! Help those kids!

"Lilly and her family just moved 
into their first adult apartment,

in Wyomissing, Pennsylvania." Wyomissing?

It sounds like the place
where we're gonna get abducted.



That's funny.


My name is Lilly.

I'm from the Greater Philadelphia area,

and I'm a pediatrician.

That's daddy.

That is daddy!

Do you see daddy?

[Lilly] I have a three year old daughter

I had her six weeks
before starting residency,

because I wanted to make residency

a little extra-challenging for myself.

"She was actually nominated
by her husband Jon,

who urged her to finish her studies

while he stayed at home
with their daughter."

You know, doctor always trumps
art student, pretty much.

So I just said, "You know what?
I'll stay at home with Annabelle,

and once you finish up,
it'll be my turn to finish up."

[Lilly] He's always been my cheerleader.

He's always been like,

"You're awesome. You've got this."

Modern family.

Working mom, three-year-old baby daughter.

Yes, yes, yes.

[Tan] "Lilly is a first-generation

and the first member of her family
to graduate college."


My parents had an incredible work ethic.

They would leave the house
around four or five in the morning,

come home around dinner time,

and somehow my mom still managed
to have dinner on the table,

a house that was clean,

I'm not sure how to work full-time,

maintain the home,

take care of a three-year-old,

and for that reason,
I always feel somewhat inadequate.

"Lilly's very accomplished,

but downplays her successes
and lacks confidence."

[Karamo] Culturally, 
we know that it's hard

when your parents
put a lot of expectations on you,

and then when you do reach them,

you still feel
like you're not good enough.

Hi, Mommy!

Lovey, Mommy's in here!

Wait just a minute.

[Jon] These past three years staying 
at home with Annabelle

have been tough
because Lilly was always gone,

on her 24-hour shifts,

and she kinda gets
a little sad about that.

'cause she doesn't know her
as well as I do.

Do you wanna put this on?

-[both] Okay!
-[Jon laughs]

[Lilly] When I'm with Annabelle,

it's usually for just a few hours
after my shift,

and so that makes me feel bad,

and guilty...

[Jon] I want this experience for Lilly

because I want her 
to see a strong doctor,

and someone who can persevere
through anything, that she is.

And then Annabelle can see
a great role model in her mother as well.

"Lilly's signature hairstyle
is a high school side pony,

usually topped with a bow."

[Lilly] People often underage me.

They're like, "Oh, you're the doctor?"

The high ponytail probably doesn't help.

"Lilly's first day of work

at her dream medical practice is 
in a few days.

She wants to walk through her new office

with her head held high."

You are flying solo now.

You just have to be more confident, and...

that's something that I struggle with,
at times.

"Someone call 911, because this
is a Fab Five confidence emergency."


Actually, we shouldn't do that,

because we should
only use 911 responsibly.


-[Karamo] Hey, ladies. We're here...
-[Jonathan] Fun!


-[Antoni] Wyomissing. Wow.

This is my favorite city name ever.
Can we address that?

-[Tan] Ready, boys?
-[all] Yeah!

It's pretty.


Oh, my God!

We are the Fab Five!


[Antoni] We've never had an introduction
like that before.

-So good to meet you. You're so pretty.
-[Lilly] Oh, my God!

How's it going?

-How are you doing, Jon?

[Karamo] You are so beautiful!

Thanks, guys. This is Annabelle.

-[Karamo] I mean, literally...
-[Lilly] You're too kind.

-[Bobby] This is a really cool space.
-[Tan] You just moved in?

Yes, you guys are our first guests.

I'm sorry,
we don't have much seating, or...

It's fine.

[Bobby] Nothing makes me happier
than a Papasan chair.

Oh, it's so comfy.

It's like a womb.

[Tan] I know. Are you putting your shoes
on their sofa?

-I'm throwing it out anyways.

[Jonathan] Pizza!

[Antoni] How old is the pizza?

It's three days,
is the word on the street.

We're not gonna eat it
unless Antoni wants to smell it and try.

-I'm a hard pass.
-You're good? Okay.

-[Antoni] Let's explore. Let's explore.
-[Jonathan] Okay.

Okay, a little young...

This is a big girl room. I like this.

I've got a lot of blank space
to work with.

This is...

I don't even know what this is.

That's somebody 
who doesn't wanna get laid.

[Jonathan] Do you want a cute little 
sparkle moment, Annabelle?

-[Annabelle] Yeah.
-[Lilly] You can match Mommy.

-[Jonathan] I'm obsessed, Annabelle.
-[Lilly] Gorgeous!

[Jonathan] How do you approach
doing your hair and your face

on a day-to-day basis?

In terms of my face, I just wash it,

-with a sensitive skin cleanser,

and then for hair, 
if it's hot, I tie it up. [laughs]

Yep, if you're playful and creative,

and this is how you wanna express it...


...I'm okay with that.

But I do think it's good to have options.

Maybe you're trying to talk
to your new patients,

and you gotta explain to them

the safeness and effectiveness
of vaccines.

Do we really wanna be doing that
with a jaunty high pony and a sparkly bow?


Boom. Go!

-[Antoni] Do you cook a lot?
-[Jon] I cook everything.

It's like a lot of tofu for Annabelle.

Annabelle likes her tofu specifically
at a certain temperature,

certain kind of crust,
certain kind of seasoning.

Anything over or less,
she'll throw them on the floor,

and just be like, "No, thank you."

[Antoni] Annabelle's very particular
about what she likes to eat

or doesn't eat.

I wasn't allowed to eat whatever I wanted.
I had to eat whatever was given to me.

Kids these days... ugh.

I'm not "ugh"-ing at Annabelle. [/i]

I'm just ughing at the--

I've become that person who says,
"Kids these days."

I cannot help that sometimes
I get the best ideas.

I see a crib. I see a blanket,

and I see an opportunity
to see Bobby's seventh octave happen.

-Go, go, go.

Growing up, I wasn't allowed
to, like, decorate my room.

My parents were just like,
"No, let's not do anything".

So, it was like white walls.

[laughs] They probably had a little bit
of K-pop posters on the walls,

but I haven't had that experience,
to decorate my own space.

I just felt like I was in transition most
of my life.

I get it. You know, I met my husband
a week before med school.

Oh, my gosh!

He didn't know
what putting together a home was like.

When I first met him, literally,
it was like this.

[Lilly laughs] Okay.

-[Jonathan] Bobby!
-What, boo-boo?

Come look at this room with me.

Ooh. So what happened here?



[Tan] Yeah!

-We got him!

Yum. Tiramisu gelato.

Crème caramel.

♪ Live your life ♪

-I love the dynamic you two have here.

-You being a stay-at-home dad.

That's not a traditional role
that we see men in.

It's what family should do.

Like, it ain't about men or women.

It's whoever can do for the family,
just do it.

Yeah. Does Annabelle ever express
that she misses Mom?

All the time.

I didn't always tell her that,
'cause it'd be too much.


Lilly definitely misses

a lot of the interactions me
and Annabelle have.

It's almost like we'll basically
be talking our own language sometimes,

or I'll have to translate to Lilly
what Annabelle's asking for

or translate Annabelle's emotions to her,

and she'll just put her head down,
and she'll be like, "I wish I knew."

-I think that hurts her a bit.

And me and Annabelle are there, like,
"Hey, Mommy, what's up?"

And she just goes into that mode
and just...

I don't know what to do about it,
at this point. [laughs]


I'm gonna show you what Tan's parents
always really wanted.

-Give us one second.
-[Bobby] What?

-[Karamo] Want to go back in the closet?

Paging Dr. Tanny!

-Paging Dr. Tanny!

[Jonathan] Wow!

Mom and Dad are gonna be so proud of me.

So proud!

'Cause finally, I'm a doctor!

This is my favorite thing I've ever seen
in my life.

-[Tan] Come on, my love.
-[Lilly] Okay.

[Tan] So, Jon tells me that
when you work at the hospital,

sometimes the kids' parents don't know
that you're the doctor.

Right. A lot of my wardrobe
is just dresses, 'cause it's easy.

Like, you just throw it on and you go.

It styled itself, yeah.

Right. So, doing separates and stuff
can be like,

"This is taking too much time."

And in the end, I'm just like,
"Ah, whatever,"

and then I walk out the door.

To a certain extent, I agree.

You pull this out, and you're like,
"It does the trick".


It looks way younger than you are.

-This doesn't read, "I'm a doctor."

We have prom. We have grandma.

We have, going to a nightclub in 1999.

We do not have doctor.

We do not have cool mom.

We have everything we're not.

You are from an Asian family.

-I am also from an Asian family.

-You're a child of immigrants.

-Me too.

Your requirements are:
doctor, lawyer or engineer.

-Hundred percent.
-But you've also got to be "perfect."


Growing up, I always just felt like

my body wasn't the way
they wanted it to look.

How do you think they wanted it to look?

Smaller than what I was, I guess.

Okay. Can you stand for me please?

Talk to me about the parts of your body
that you love.

-What I love?


[Tan] Wow.

[Lilly] That's kind of it.

I'm not very confident about my body.

Your figure is wicked.

And I'm not just saying it to be nice,
I promise you.

-That is just a fact.

Even if you are beautiful,

somebody can convince you that you're not,

if they tell you often enough
that you're not.

And so I can see why

that's really affecting who she is now,

even as an adult.

-[Antoni] Let's go to your kitchen.
-[Lilly] Sure.

A lot of non-kitchen things
in the kitchen.

Why did you decide to move now?

I got a new job.

And so I'll be starting a new job

-just in a few days, actually.
-So you're basically going--

Is the new job also going
from being a resident to a full MD?

It's a four day work week.


Which is super exciting.

That's great, so you're
gonna have family time.


Have you started thinking about, like...

what's your fantasy about
how you want things to change for you?

One of the most important things
for every family is family meal time,

-and I want that to become a tradition.

Like, that Annabelle grows up remembering
not all the takeout

or the diner that we used to hit up
across the street...

She won't, because that's not
what we remember.

-We remember what our parents made for us.
-That's true.

I remember exactly what it was like
to have my mother's hunter's stew

or, like, sweet crepes for dessert.

You remember those things
when you grow up.

Your parents are business owners, right?


My parents thought it'd be
a brilliant idea to get a pizza shop.

[chuckles] Okay.

Have they ever made pizza before? No.

-And that's where you met Jon?

At night, he would come in
and just buy all the pizza that was left.


And we dated a while before
I even knew we were dating, apparently.

You weren't aware?

I was just like,
"Who would wanna date me?"

That was the kind of idea I had.

So I'm like, "Oh, he's just really nice
to his friends, right?"

Wait, hold on, back up.

Do you still feel that way sometimes?

Yeah... I never really went on a lot 
of dates growing up,

and, like, I always thought
I was the smart one,

not the pretty one, not the hot one.

You didn't think that you could be
more than one thing?

Yeah, I was the smart one.

[Antoni] That's heartbreaking.

She's somebody who is deeply passionate
about her job

and about helping others,

who loves her husband,

who wants to spend more time
with her daughter.

She is very much lovable.

[Tan] We're gonna head out,
and we're gonna get started on this.

-Ready to go? All right.
-[Lilly] Okay, let's go!

Annabelle's excited about it, I know.

-Can you say "The Fab Five"?
-Fab Five.



[Tan] Lilly's doing herself a disservice.

She has put in years upon years
of education

to be a pediatric doctor.

And right now,
she's not presenting as such.

The perfect prescription
is a badass wardrobe.

[Karamo] I realize that Lilly has guilt

around how she's balancing her work life 
and motherhood.

And I need to figure out how to help her
get out of her head

when it comes to her own family.

[Bobby] This week, I really wanna help 
Lilly get her home in order

to start her new life.

That way, all she has to focus on now

is the kids at her job and her husband 
and kid at home.

[Antoni] Lilly realizes that at this stage
in Annabelle's life,

a lot of the memories that she has are 
of takeout food.

The important message that I wanna send
is that when you make something

and you understand the love and the time

and the effort that goes into it,
you can appreciate it so much more.

[Jonathan] We have achieved excellence

when it comes to dressing a jaunty,
asymmetrical high pony with sparkly bows.

However, I do wanna empower her
with the tools

that she needs to be like...

I am confident.

I am a fierce mom,
and I am someone who's capable

of wearing all these different hats
and owning that.

[dance music playing]

♪ Yeah, we're gonna need a doctor
Oh, yeah! ♪

♪ Oh, yeah, you're gonna need a doctor ♪

You haven't been to Boyds before?
Not even inside?

No, I've always just walked by,
admired the beautiful architecture

[laughs] and the clothing from the window.

-Okay, after you.
-Thank you.

-All right, this is Boyds. Come with me.
-Oh, my goodness.

This does not look like anything
that I could afford nor pull off.


So, that's kind of how I feel
about most things.

Both of those things are untrue.

-I wanna make sure

that you are dressing according
to the new job you have.

-Like, you are a doctor.

And I want you to feel
very much like the doctor.

I want for Lilly to be able to walk
into her patient's room

and command the room.

And when it comes to separates,
Lilly struggles with those.

I am showing Lilly
exactly how separates can be done.

I only need you to find one thing
to build your look around.

-So, I call this a hero piece.
-I see.

I don't wanna go crazy
with everything else.

So I'd put it on a simple black jean.

A simple black pump.

Everything else is gonna be
really toned down,

and this is the thing
that you're focusing on.

-So, you don't have to think of it as,

"I've gotta find four pieces
that are gorgeous."

Just find one thing

and keep everything else simple
if you're not comfortable with separates.

-I see.
-So, we're gonna head over here.

You were wearing short-shorts
when I saw you.

[Lilly] That's just 'cause I was at home.

Do you like your legs?

No, I don't.


I feel like my thighs are kind of big.


-We all have our own hang-ups, so be it.

Maybe I can convince you
to view them in a different way.

-Shall we try some things on?

-Can I open the curtain?
-Yes, you may.

-Ooh! Come with me.
-[laughs] Oh, my gosh.

Come with me. Okay.

We're gonna do a couple of little tweaks.

It's so good.

But there's a couple of things
that are k*lling me.

-So, first of all...

The glasses, we're gonna do this instead.


Glasses that are a little more k*ller.

-Already better.
-[laughs] Okay.

And then, can we take the hair out?

-Okay. Thank you.

I'll take those from you.
Thank you, my dear.

This isn't what I'm thinking for work.

This will look b*mb for my date
with my husband.

-Yes, yes, yes.

Wow, I look like
a completely different person.

Look at yourself!

[laughing] Insane. This is really amazing.

[Tan] Are you still hating on your legs?

They actually look pretty okay. [laughs]

That's the best you're gonna give me?
They look gorgeous.

Like, absolutely beautiful.

Aww, thanks. [laughs]

You really struggle taking a compliment.

Yeah, I'm not very good at it.

It's all right, we'll build to that.

Are you feeling yourself in this look?

[Lilly] I am.

These are, like, the most...

They are the most!

...decked out shoes I've ever worn
in my life.

This is, like, boss bitch.

-[laughs] You know..
-Yes! Dr. Boss Bitch.

-Dr. Boss Bitch, right here. [laughs]

She looked fierce as fu--

She looked commanding.
She looked like a boss.

You wouldn't say no to this person.

This person looks like she could command
a whole damn hospital.

Oh, yes.

All right, come and show me.


I-- wow.

You've got some really chic separates
going on here.

[Lilly] Yeah.

So, if you were to just take this off,

-when you turn up to the hospital...

I love that just as it is.

-Like, you look super chic, but cool also.

-And still approachable...

...which I think is important 
in pediatrics.

Yeah, absolutely.

I just, I can't get over...

I just feel completely different.

[laughs] I don't wanna put
my old clothes back on now.

-That's so nice.
-That's how I feel.

Now there's like a different standard.

I'm gonna be like,
"Would Tan let me wear this?"


[dance music playing]

[Antoni] Do you know where we are?
Do you know what this is?

[gasps] Holy smokes! Nuh-uh.


Pizzeria Beddia.

[Lilly] Oh, my gosh.

Just, like, the best pizza in America.
No big deal.

[Antoni] Pizzeria Beddia is a staple
in Philadelphia.

It's one of the best places to go
for a beautiful red sauce cheese pie.

-Hey, chef.

-How are you?

Lilly and Jon met over pizza.

And guess what.
Annabelle likes pizza, too.

Could you please maybe teach us how
to make a pizza?

And then we're gonna
take over your kitchen, okay?

-I love it. Let's go.
-Awesome. After you.

This is a no-brainer.

We're making pizza.

[Dan] Flip the dough into the flour.

I'm gonna cover it on top also.


[Antoni] Earlier this week,
there was a boxed pizza sitting

on top of the oven that was neglected. 
That was sad.

Now we're taking the same thing, pizza,
and making it ourselves.

Just roll your hands, okay?

You're letting gravity do most
of the work.

-This is gonna be the tricky part.
-Yeah, correct.

It's incredible
how much more joy you can get

because you build a memory
of what it was like

actually creating that from scratch.

[Dan] And from here,
we're just going in the oven.


Probably gonna cook closer to 15 minutes,

but it's still quicker
than a delivery order, you know? [laughs]

And, like, way tastier.

And you can be proud of it.

-It's something you can make, you know?
-It's so much more meaningful.

-[both] Yeah.

-Now it's our turn. You ready? [laughs]
-Let's try.

[Antoni] Thank you, chef.

-[Lilly] Thank you so much.
-[Dan] Of course.

[Antoni] Okay. 
And now we start from the center...

[Lilly] From the center. [/i]Ooh, bubbles!

So your dad took care of this part...

-Yes, I did more like the... your pizzeria?

customer interaction, manager...

[Antoni] You did the meeting-Jon part.

I did the meeting-my-future-husband thing.

So, this is the part where

we're basically gonna put it
on the top part of our hand.

-Annabelle's gonna be so good at this.
-[both laugh]

[Lilly] There's gonna be flour everywhere.

I know you're so busy with your work,

but Jon can make the dough

the day before,
and then you take on the next step.

Oh, my gosh! It's such a symbol
for raising Annabelle.


He took care of the first few years,

and now you're gonna be taking over
with your new job

and the days that you have.

Pizza as a metaphor for our life.

-I love it.

Okay, so now we're ready for our sauce.

[Lilly] I think you just pour it out...

and then spread it around.

When's the last time you cooked like this?

Oh, my gosh, um... [laughs]

It looks good on you, I have to say.

I can't even remember.

That's really sad.

I can't even remember the last time
I cooked like this.

This is really fun.

[Antoni] Lilly has been longing
for time with her family.

Next step, you remember?

-High-moisture cheese first.
-[Antoni] Correct.

The accolades and the title
of a doctor are important, sure,

but what really matters is breaking bread

with her husband and her daughter.

Now we go to the low moisture.

[Lilly] Low-moisture cheese.

[Antoni] And I want her to remember that
going forward.

[Lilly] Here I go...

She now has time to do that.

All right.

-[Lilly] I made that!
-[Antoni] Beautiful.

-That is so yummy.

-[dance music playing]
-♪ Come on, come on, come on, come on! ♪[/i]

♪ I just can't get enough ♪

♪ Can't get enough ♪

-[Lilly] Oh, my gosh!
-[Bobby] Such a pretty neighborhood.

[Lilly] Gorgeous. [/i]Thank you.

[Bobby] I wanted to bring you here

so I could figure out your loves,
so you can figure out your loves

'cause you probably haven't had time

'cause I know with my husband
in med school and residency,

he didn't have time for anything.

[Lilly] I think I just like to walk 
into a space and feel kind of like...

calm and not too over-stimulated.

Okay, so, earthy textures.

But also, like, a few things that pop.

-Because with Annabelle,

-I don't want her to be under-stimulated.
-[laughs] Of course. Yeah.

[Bobby] I think the thing that people
don't realize about the medical profession

is those years that they are in school,
they are just robots.

Studying, not sleeping, working.

She's never got to pick furniture

or bedding or decor or anything.

It's like the first day of their new life.

So, thread count
is an American marketing ploy.

You can have a thousand-thread count 
sheets that feel like sandpaper.

-People are always like, "How can I tell?"

-I'm like, "Just touch it." 

-Are you ready for big girl sheets?
-Oh, my gosh.

[both laugh]

[Bobby] Now that you're starting to,
kind of, see what your home can be

and what your life can be now,
what are you most looking forward to?

I was in residency,

and I was invested
in what I was doing there,

and sometimes the other aspects of my life

didn't get as much attention as...

The relationships?


Yeah, we lived in, first few years,
Mount Sinai housing.

And so I would just sit at home by myself,

and I felt like I was just
in a relationship

with all the restrictions
of being in a relationship,

-but none of the benefits.

-None of the fun stuff.

I get what Jon is going through.

But clearly he sees in you
what I saw in my husband.

Which was an amazing person
that's worth the wait.


-Oh, thank you.

I think it'll be great, this new job,
more time,

having opportunities
to explore other interests...

It's just like, all the feels. [laughs]

[dance music playing]


♪ You keep the party going ♪

[vocalizing continuing]

♪ I keep the dream going ♪

♪ You keep the party going ♪

-[Karamo] How was your day with the guys?
-[Lilly] It was amazing.

It's just, you know,
it's hard to be vulnerable, you know?

-It is, it's very hard. I mean, for me,

the thing that stood out is Annabelle

and wanting to have
more of a relationship with her.

Yes. I'm probably not quite
as present as I should be

-or could be.

I can tell that Lilly is a great mom,

but she is feeling a lot of guilt
about the fact that she's not around.

-We're going in here. Yeah.
-What? I always wanted to come here.

[Karamo] Really?

She needs to remember
that she has to make the time,

no matter what time,

to be involved in her daughter's life.

How does it make you feel
when you come home,

and Annabelle and Jon are playing?

I feel sad. I feel left out.

I feel like this is just another moment

-that I wasn't there for.


It's a hard feeling for a mother.

Especially in a society
that doesn't really praise

"non-traditional roles,"
where the mom is at work

and father's at home.

It causes this internal conflict.

You're already dealing with the guilt
of not being there

and then you're also dealing 
with the judgment of other people.

Right. Like, why is it not okay
to find fulfillment

inside the home and outside the home.

-Like, why can't we have both?

But I just feel like there doesn't seem
to be enough hours in a day

to do everything that I wanna do.

My mom would work late hours,

so she would come home
at 11 or 12 o'clock.

-And she would wake me up.

-And for ten, 15 minutes, we would play.

And it was her way
of dealing with her guilt.

But that ten, 20 minutes
meant so much to me.

And I think for you, you have to remember,
that when you walk into your home,

you have to fight against that guilt

and say, "Doesn't matter
that I wasn't here earlier."

Any moment you're there
is the moment you should be there.

So, I want to show you something.


-We're gonna go through here.
-Oh, okay.

-Oh, my gosh!

[Jon] All right, kids, check it out.

[Lilly] Mm!

Pinch. Look, watch, pinch.

Pinch. Your turn, your turn.

[laughs] They look happy.

-This is what you walk into at nighttime.

Are you ready? Tight grip.

Keep going, keep going, you got it. 
You got it. You got it.

-[Annabelle] Yeah!
-[Jon laughs]


He's just such a sweet dad. [laughs]

[Karamo] He's a sweet dad.

You're a great mom.

[laughs] Yeah.

-[Karamo] Right?

Even when Jon, like, invites me

to be like, "Hey, Lil, play with us,"
and stuff, it's just,

I feel like I don't know how, you know?

But you gotta be present
because they want you.

[laughs] I just feel like
I don't wanna ruin their fun.

And that's usually what you feel
when you come home, right?

Yeah. [laughs]

Lilly feels like an outsider
in her own home,

because she's working all day.

But now, Lilly's schedule is changing,

so you gotta just get involved.

No more sitting on the sideline.

Your family is here and ready
and waiting for you.

-[Annabelle exclaims]

You have to tell yourself that I belong.

Interrupt those thoughts,
and then interrupt that moment

and insert yourself in.

[laughs] Oh, my gosh.

Look, turn.

[Lilly] Hey, lovey.

[Jon] Oh, you're gonna get all schmutzy.
Ah, it's all good.

[Lilly] Hey...
It's Mommy. I love you so much.

[Annabelle] Look.

-[Lilly gasps] What are you making?
-[Jon laughs] We made schmutz.

-[Annabelle] Yeah.
-[Lilly] What are you making?

-This looks like so much fun.
-Dude, grab an apron.

[Lilly] How do you do this?
Can you show me how, Annabelle?


Better. One on the inside,
one on the outside.

-Then we hold it.

-You got her? Got her?
-Yes. I got it.

[Karamo] This is the first step
in Lilly interrupting the idea

that she's a bad mom.

Lilly's daughter doesn't realize
that Mom has been gone.

She's just happy that Mom is here now.

-[Jon] Push out, push out. There you go.
-Ah! [gasps]

-Good job!
-[Jon] There you go. Teamwork.


[rock music playing]

♪ Underneath is where she's hiding ♪

♪ But you're fighting in disguise ♪


-After you.
-Thank you.

-[Jonathan] Step into my oficina.[/i]

What has been happening
with your hair color, if anything?

-'Cause it's looking very virgin to me.

So, one time, in tenth grade,
I wanted to impress a boy,

so my sister did some little streaks,

-'cause you know, it was the 90's.
-Yeah. Yeah.

And then that's it.

Queen, you've been busy.
Like, you had a full plate.


Lilly is a thriving woman, wife,

doctor, mother.

And I don't want her
getting her hair color

to be another thing
that she has to deal with consistently.

I do wanna do a little bit
of a highlight on you,

but I want it to be easy-breezy,
like, really, really low-maintenance.

-And I do wanna open up your face,

-something around here.

[pop music playing]

♪ What you want, what you need
What you need to... ♪

You seem to be very zen
when you're doing your work.

-I love doing hair.

How are you at work?

-Or do you even really know yet?

'Cause isn't it literally
gonna be, like, your first day?

Like, my first day flying solo-ish, yeah.

-I know. [laughs]

[Lilly laughs] It's sink or swim.

-[Jonathan] Swim.

-Well, because if you have the training

to do what you need to do
in these situations,

it's just kind of, like,
believing that you do.

-You know?

Confidence is definitely a journey
that we achieve on our inside.

However, with just a little
baby zhuzh to her outsides,

she can do something that will
just give her an extra little, like...

So, pick me up at high school,

where you realize that
you wanna become a doctor.

-[Jonathan] How?

I saw this documentary on this little girl

who had a completely d*sfigured face,

and there was this one doctor
who was like,

"Let me help you,
and I'll do it pro bono."

'Cause he knew how much...

that could change someone's life.

Like, I grew up with a scar on my arm,

and I knew how much torment

that I experienced growing up.

Kids were bully-ish?

Oh, my gosh.
They thought it was, like, a disease.

They'd run away from me.

Babe, I'm so sorry.

No, it's okay.

[Jonathan] Obviously, well,
it's sad that I have to say "obviously,"

-but I got bullied a lot, and...

I think, you know,
as tough as it was then,

I think sometimes it can be the reason 
why we can be so empathetic

-and so sensitive...

... and be able to help
on the level that we help.


That's very gorgeous of you.

Okay. Let's go style you up.

-Sounds good.

[Jonathan] Wow. You look really gorge.


Let's take a look at the new...

Dr. Lilly Yi.

[laughs] Oh, my gosh.

The new Dr. Lilly Yi. She's right here.

Oh, my goodness!

This hair is amazing. [laughs]

Oh, wow.

Oh, my gosh, wow.

It's so pretty. [laughs]

It's, like, changing your
little baby body language a little.

-How could I not, with, like-- damn.
-When you look this--

Who is she?

-Seriously, who is that girl?
-Like, Dr. Lilly Yi 2.0.

-It's just amazing.


Are you nervous?

Oh, I don't think I'm nervous.
I'm just excited.

You have no idea what you're about to see.
It's incredible.

-Boys, ready for this?
-[all] Yeah!

-[Tan] Okay, close your eyes.

Thank you so much.
We're gonna walk you forward.

Look how gorgeous you are! Oh, my God!

[Tan] Say hi to the boys, first of all.

[all] Hi!

You can put your glasses back on now.

No, now come join us. 
Let her see! Let her see! Let her see!


[Lilly] Oh, my goodness! This is amazing!

Oh, my...

-Hi, doctor.
-This is incredible.

-Do you like your new doctor home?
-It's beautiful, thank you so much.

Mm! [sniffles] This is amazing.

After you.

Oh, my goodness!

Oh, my gosh, and it's blue-green!

Oh, my... [gasps]

I love all the shapes.

-[Antoni] Accent wall.
-[Bobby laughs]

So, if you notice, everything
Annabelle-level is Annabelle's...

-[Lilly laughs] Oh!
-...throughout the whole house.

Anything above Annabelle-level
is Mommy and Daddy.

[Lilly] Oh, my goodness.

This is loft-living at its best.

-[Bobby] So, over here...
-[Lilly] Oh.

-[Tan] Oh, wow.
-[Lilly gasps]

That is so-- oh, my gosh.
A cute little doctor's coat.

[Bobby] So she can be like Mommy.

I never thought a toddler's room
could look this fly.


-[Tan] I wanna move in here.
-[Karamo laughs] I know.

[Tan] It's prettier than my room.

-Come on, shall we see more?
-[Bobby] Ready to see the master?

-Oh, my gosh! [gasps]

It's beautiful. Oh, my gosh.

It feels so nice!

[Bobby] Wood wall treatment on the wall.

-I love that.
-There's your painting that you guys did.

[Antoni] Welcome to your new kitchen.

[Lilly] Looks beautiful.

-[Antoni] Isn't it nice?
-I love it.

And your brand-new pizza oven.
It's so boss.

I'm so excited about it.

-It's really, really cool.
-It's a pizza oven?

It's a thing that exists,
that you can have at home.

-Tonight, I want it to be nice and simple,

and I want you to be able to recreate
the amazing experience

-that we had at the pizzeria.

Although, I'm pretty sure
that you remember all of this.

And I wrote it down in my journal.

-You did?

You wrote it down in your journal?

How cute are you!

[Jonathan] Okay, welcome to your bathroom.

-Down here.
-[Lilly] Oh, cute!

Monday is, like, your first day
as Dr. Lilly Yi in your new practice.

It is.

First thing you're gonna do is
you're gonna take this to your face.

-You're gonna cleanse.

[Jonathan] Use this to clip the hair out 
of your face.

-[Lilly] Oh! I love it.

For cleanse. First things first.
If you're going to work, but you're like,

"I don't need to give these kids
a face today. I'm busy."

Now, this is Olay's Regenerist Whips.

-We love this. This is fragrance-free.

So, this is great,
because this is a primer.

It's very moisturizing.
It's very lightweight.

So, let's take a little bit of that.

-[Lilly] Okay.
-And put it on the back of your hand.

-Then our gorgeous concealer.

[Jonathan] I just put it right next
to the moisturizer.

Mix it together with your ring finger.
Doesn't that feel luscious?

[Lilly] It does.

And now you're gonna just take that
and apply it to the neck and face. Yes.

And now you can buff it in
with your brush.

-Yes. Does that feel, like, lovely?
-It feels so good. [laughs]

-Like, how easy is that?
-So easy.


-Do you love?
-[puckers] Love it.

Okay, can I just say one more thing?

You are a literal inspiration.

In this day and age,

a first-generation Korean-American

becoming a doctor, a mom, 

like, you're the epitome
of an American dream.

-[laughs] Oh, my God.
-You really are.

And sharing with me the vulnerability
about your scar,

which is beautiful.

I love the bravery
in which you share your gorgeous scar.

So many of us need to be more proud
of who we are.

-I love you to pieces.
-Thank you so much.

[Tan] All right, Lilly.

-[Lilly] Yes.
-[Tan] I'm obsessed with your closet,

so have at it for a second.

[Lilly] Oh! Oh, my gosh! It's beautiful.

All the colors and the textures...

I know, but I actually wanna see you
in some looks.

-Shall we play?
-Let's play.

All right, kids. Here we go!
Here we go. Here we go.


Wow! Dr. Yi! Dr. Yi! Dr. Yi!

-A high-waisted gorgeous skirt.
-[Karamo] Love! Gorgeous!

-[Antoni] Love the type of zipper on that.
-[Karamo] It's gorgeous.

It's very cute. You wear it well.

-[Lilly laughs] Thank you.
-[Karamo] Yes.

I love that little nude boot, too.

Yeah. I think it looks professional.

-You could go to work like this, right?
-I think so.

Do you feel good in this?
Do you feel good in this?

I do, I'm just like...

"Who dat girl?"

[laughing] Yeah!

[Tan] Come on, love.

Paging Dr. Yi!



-[Jonathan] I love this look!
-[Tan] Love this look!

That's a great top!

And a skinny heel?

-I know.
-Good, right?

[Jonathan] Who are you?

I'm Dr. Yi.


[Tan] Dr. Yi, you look so sexy.

Oh, you're so beautiful.

[Lilly laughs] Thank you.

I'm just astonished.

I can say that I'm not the same person

that I was just a few days ago.

And not many people can say that
their life can change so much

in just a few days.

You guys didn't just come in
and give me some new clothes

and a new apartment space.

-You guys gave me a new outlook.

And that is just...

-irreplaceable, so...
-[Jonathan] Aww.

[Lilly] And this came at the perfect time,

because we're actually
having another baby.


Oh, my God!

I'm so glad we didn't do a mixology class.


Can we group-hug it out?

I don't wanna leave you.

[Antoni] Come on, everyone.

-Is this the baby's first group hug?
-[Antoni] Wait a second...

There aren't six of us,
there's seven of us!


-Bye, my love.
-[Lilly] Thank you.

-Thank you.

Let me just see one last time.
My God, you look good.

Look at that.

-Slay all day!

-[Jonathan] Raise those babies.

Love you, girl!

[speaks Korean, laughs] Thank you.

[pop music playing]

♪ On my, on my way ♪

♪ On my way, on my way right now ♪

♪ On my, on my way ♪

♪ I'm on my way
Yeah, I'm on my way ♪

[Tan] Hi, boys!

-Pizza! Pizza!

-Pizza, pizza, pizza!
-I wish you got this excited over my food.


A little homage to Lilly and Jon
and Annabelle.

-Can I do the honors today?
-Dr. Lilly!

[Tan] Come on. Thank you.

-All right, boys, let's watch this.
-[both] Yay!

[Jonathan] Hi, Walter.

Look at that dress!

She looks incredible.

[Karamo] Gorgeous, darling.


-Hi, Mommy!
-Oh, my God. Hi!

Annabelle's the cutest!


-Whoa! Whoa!
-[Lilly laughs]

Oh, wow!

-He's got a lot to take in right now.
-Yeah, he has.

-You look amazing!
-[Lilly] Thanks, honey.

-I missed you.
-I missed you, too.


[Lilly] Are you ready, Annabelle?

-[Jon] Oh!
-[Lilly laughs]

[Tan] Aww, look at her.

She's so happy in her space.

She is so cute.

Oh, my gosh, this is everything we wanted.

-[Lilly] Jon, look at this.
-[Jon] Look, immediately to the horse.

[Lilly gasps] You want the bed?

-[Jon] Whoa!
-[Lilly] This is your bed, lovey.

-[Annabelle neighs]

[Lilly] This is your bed.

It's a horsey.

[Lilly] It is a horsey.




I'm just stunned.

This is like, we have a home now.

-Like, a legit home.
-I know.

Oh, yeah.

-What you got going here?
-I learned how to make pizza.

Like, our whole life started together
'cause of pizza.

[both laugh]

Pizza's such a fun, interactive way
for families to connect.

And although Annabelle's too young now,
she can still watch her parents make it,

-and she can partake one day.
-[Jonathan] Yeah.

Carbs always brought my family together,
more than anything.

-[Jon] It looks good.

[Antoni] It's fully cooked!

[Lilly] First pizza together!

-Love it.

She did it.

-They made their own first pizza.


♪ Put it on the pizza!
Put it on the pizza! ♪

♪ Put it on the pizza! ♪

-[Lilly] Wanna do some mac and cheese?
-[Annabelle] Uh-huh.

[Lilly] Yeah?

Lilly was so afraid

that she was always gonna be seen
as not the fun parent.

And look at this, she's actually doing it.

She's having fun, she's playing.

Annabelle loves her,

and they obviously have
such a gorgeous little connection.


[Lilly] Mommy's coming home
from work, and you're running to Mommy.


Our Insecurities aren't realities,

For sure.

I feel like I'm not the same person.

I've learned so much.

And they weren't trying to change, like...

-who I am, you know?

-No, I love her essence.
-No, we saw you for who you are.

But, dude, this hair.

-I know, that hair.

Mm-hmm. It looks really great.
You look really great.

-Let's be real on that.

He's so in love with her.

So, tell me how great I look, though.
What do you like about me?

[Jon] Everything, always.

It's always been the same,
but, I mean, it's like... look at this.

This is a massive shift compared
to how she was at the start.

At the start of the week, 
remember when we'd give her a compliment,

-she would look down, couldn't accept it?
-Oh, yes.

And now she's asking her husband,
tell me what you love about me.

She wants to receive those compliments.

-We all want to receive those compliments.

-[Lilly] Wanna go to bed?
-[Jon] Sure.

-[Lilly] In our new adult bedroom?
-[both laugh]

Ooh, it's her first day of work.
She was so nervous.

I wonder what look
she's gonna pull, honey.

Her Artis brush
and she putting it on perfectly.

-[Antoni] She has the most beautiful face.
-[Karamo] Right.

[gasps] Oh, my God.

I have so much pride right now.

[Karamo] Look how amazing she looks!

I love the little shrug at the end.

[Lilly] Bye, baby.

[Tan] Oh, yeah. Kiss her goodbye.

[sobs] Okay. This hasn't made me cry 
in a second. This is, like, really sweet.

[Lilly] Thank you.

[Jon] Be awesome.

I learned that the things
that Jon was always saying... [laughs]

might actually be true.

I am a good mother.

I am deserving of my accomplishments.

Now I feel ready.

I feel prepared. I feel confident.

Hi, nice to meet you.

-Nice to meet you.
-You too.

[Lilly] And I know that I'll be able to do

what I have dedicated my life to do.


I'm Dr. Yi.

Hi, I'm Aiden.

Nice to meet you.

Is it cool if I check you out, real quick?


-Is that all right? Okay.

You're old enough. I wanna ask permission.

It's your body, right?

Good jo-- yeah. You better teach consent
to the babies.

Can you do two jumping jacks for me?

I'll do 'em with you.

-[Antoni] Aww!
-[Tan] She is fantastic.

I would have loved her as my doctor.

Look at those beautiful blue eyes.

Lilly is so much more comfortable
with herself

than I know she was before.

Sometimes it's so much easier
to be hard on ourselves

and to not give ourselves credit
for actually trying.

The fact that Lilly has worked
for 11 years

to become a doctor is so admirable.

And we don't have to get caught up
in comparing

how much we're at home with our family
as compared to someone else,

because work-life balance is inside of us.

[Karamo] And so no more apologizing
about the quantity of time.

It's more about the quality of time
she's spending with her daughter,

'cause that's really what matters.

Nailed it.

Paging Dr. Lilly...

[all] Oh, she has arrived!


Let's go to med school.


[Karamo] Spin-off!

Lilies come in all different types
of colors.

And as beautiful as they are,

they actually all hide 
a very dirty little secret.

And it's called an anther.

The anthers are the pollen producers,

that when they fall out,
can stain your counters, your floors,

your clothes, your nose.

So when you get them home,

take a tissue, go right here
in the center of the flower,

and very gently, just pull them right off.

And you've saved yourself a lot
of heartache.

[hip-hop music playing]