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05x10 - Body Rock or Bust

Posted: 04/28/24 16:15
by bunniefuu
It's gorgeous around here.

[Jonathan] Is there cable cars?

-[Karamo] Yeah, cable car bus system.
-I love that.

[Karamo] This is West Philadelphia,

which is a working class,
historically black neighborhood.

I mean, there's just so much life
and history over here.

-[Jonathan] Yeah.
-[Karamo] You just gotta love it.

People see older black neighborhoods
and they think, like, all of a sudden,

it's dangerous. And there's
so much love in this community.

We're always intimidated
by what we don't know.

Better preach, Antoni.

Let me tell you something,
the art around here--

[Jonathan] The murals are incredible.

The murials[/i] are so beautiful.

-The "murals"?
-The "murals."

-You could say "mural."


-[Karamo] Murals.

[theme music playing]

-♪ Better ♪
-♪ All things just keep getting better ♪

Ladies, would you like to know
why I put you in workout clothes today?

-Yes! I love athleisure.

It's because our hero this week
is a personal trainer and a gym owner!

Are we gonna work on
my knockout punch today?



His name is Nate McIntyre.
He's 44 years old.

I wonder if he's related to Reba.

I doubt it, because he's black
and lives in West Philadelphia.

-Then no.

Well, listen, he is 6'4".

-I know. Big, tall drink of water,

-Johnny would say.

-Stay out of his nook, Johnny.
-Why, bitch?


[Jonathan] I'll let him tell me that.


[Karamo] He moved to Philadelphia
to attend Villanova University

on a football scholarship

and has never left since.

He opened Bodyrock Gym 12 years ago.

It's a '90s-inspired hip-hop boot camp.

Love that!

[Nate] You can call it hood mentality,
you can call it old school hip-hop.

You can call it punk DIY.

Let's go. Come on, ladies, let's go.

It started off just me and a couple
of people out in the middle of a park.

And I've just kind of been bootstrapping
my way to where I am now.

Fifteen left, 15 right!

Nate was nominated
by his ex-girlfriend Kristin

and his clients Lauren and Aileen.

I mean, I'm a hard person to train,
I think, because I hate working out.

But he made it so fun for me.

He's strict, but he also

welcomes you with open arms.

-What's up?

All right, step on up to your tire.

I just really fell in love with how much
care he gives to the people he trains.

Catch you on this one right here.

He has a successful studio in that

he has people that come here
that really love him and are loyal.

I cheated. [laughs]

But Nate doesn't have his act together.

Yeah. I mean, he just hasn't updated it
since he moved in.

Like, things are broken...

or falling apart.

The last time it was cleaned
was probably, like,

three years ago to, like,
throw his birthday party in that space,

and I had to wear, like, a dust mask

and, like, scrub, like, 
grime off of the walls.


Due to necessity, I live in my gym. 

He doesn't have
any self-care routine whatsoever.

I have a black mother,

and she would not be very happy
with the fact

that I walk around ashy.

Do I want to say that?
No, I shouldn't say that. [laughs]

[Karamo] Nate wears the same worn-out,
dirty gym outfit daily.


That's what I was hoping you'd say.

Tuck the front of his shirt in.
He'll be fine.


I just think he doesn't feel good enough
about himself

to keep up with his appearance.

Nate grew dreadlocks in the mid 1990s,

and he covers them up
with a head wrap every day.

-[Kristin] He won't take the do-rag off.

He, like, sleeps with it, like,
when we were still sleeping together.

If it fell off in the middle of the night,

he would like... [gasps]

pull it back on.

Like, how can we be in a relationship
with one another if I can't even see

your full self?

[Karamo] When it comes to relationships,

instead of trying to work on it,
he just calls it quits.

-Heard that before.

I'm no gym expert,

but aren't you gonna push yourself
through the uncomfortable moments?


He broke up with Kristin one year ago
to, quote-unquote "work on himself."

[Kristin] The work that he wanted to do
is financial.

I think he had a certain vision
of where his dad was at,

like, when he married his mom,

and I think there is a certain way
that he compared himself to his dad,

and I think the expectations
that he was putting on himself

got in the way of him loving himself
and loving me.

My main focus is getting things going
inside of my gym.

You know, it's a little frightening.
Things are changing at such a rapid pace.

All of a sudden you look up and you wonder

how you got priced out
of your own neighborhood.

Nate's worried that the gym can't compete
with the big businesses

that are popping up.

It's a super-valid concern.

I want him to be able to be himself
and have that reflect in the gym.

The only thing getting in the way of him
living the life he wants to be living

is himself.

Our mission this week is to give
this trainer a brand-new program.


-One, two, three, count it out.
-[women] One!

-One, two,three. What number?
-[women] Two!

-Did we just pass it?
-I don't know.

-No, that's not it.
-Is this it?

Let's go, let's go, let's go, come on!

Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!

That's not it. 
It's kind of hard to find this place.

There it is. I think it's right here.

-There you go.
-There it is! There it is! Found it!

-Come on, kids. Come on.
-[Karamo] Let's go.

One, two, three.

-[Tan] Oh, my, oh, my! Hello, how are you?


[Tan] We're just gonna join you.
What are we doing?

Okay, girls, let's show 'em what we got!

One, two, three!

[women] One!

-One, two, three!
-[women] Two!

-[Nate] One, two, three!

[Karamo] Hey! You're all sweaty.

-No, no, let's bring it in.
-[shouts] I can't! I can't!

I can't! [shouts]

Hi, nice to meet you.

-Hi, Aileen and Lauren, how are you?
-Hi! Nate is amazing.

We've been dedicated to him
for 15 and ten years.

-[Jonathan] Okay, commitment.

He will kick your behind.

That's a great trainer!

And he makes you feel good
from the inside.

[man] Aww!

-[Karamo] Don't have him hug you.

Class, you all are dismissed.
Get some water.

-Good class. Give it up. Whoo!

-Thank you!

[woman] Take good care of him.

-Is this really happening right now?
-[Jonathan] It is!

I want you to tell us about your gym
and make us excited for it.

Let's talk about what a client experiences
when they come in here.

You come in, I usually put you through--
I can put you through what we do.

-No, no, no.
-We're okay.

-We ain't got time for that.
-We're okay.

Do you use these machines in classes
or personal training?

Honestly, I don't ever use those machines.

I put them in here just so
people could know that it was a gym.

-Put a sign that says "gym."
-We're gonna keep going.


-[Karamo] We want to see the space.
-[Bobby] Show us things.

-[Tan] Show us!
-[Karamo] What is going on?


-[Antoni] Wow!

-What the--
-[Jonathan] Oh, my God!

All right, so my living space, I'd say,
is kind of like my Achilles heel.

Like, it bleeds into the gym,

and then, like,
I can't bring people back here.

-Achilles heel is, like, a hidden issue.
-[Nate] Uh-huh.

Honey, this is, like, our glaring--

That's what this is for.
You didn't notice.

All right, so, this is...

-[Bobby] Nate. Da... [bleeps]

Right now Nate "lives" in the gym,
but there's really nowhere to live.

The bedroom's full of stuff.

Not comfortable.

Downstairs in his "living" area,
it's full of crap.

It's gross.

Nate, do you do black sheets
so you don't have to wash 'em?

Y'all better be lucky I'm not Bobby Berk,

'cause I'd come here and Marie Kondo
the hell out of this place.

I can't handle it.
I'm gonna have to pass out.

Does this bring you joy?

I know it doesn't. Bye.

Does this bring you joy?
I know it doesn't. Good day.

Trust and believe.

This was the joint, are you kidding me?

This, however, was never my joint.

-You even do "'90s porn"?

-'90s porn!

Uh, okay, our company bathroom.


[Antoni] Isn't it kind of crazy, though,
that his customers have to change in here?

The work starts now, honey.

It's just a jimble-jamble
of all this stuff all over the bathroom,

and he's got his Waterpik
right all up in there

with everyone's sharticles flying all up
in the air.

And no. No!

No! [scoffs]

No, you bring your knees in.

[Antoni] There's, like, 
hairs that are stuck to the wall.

This is outrageous.

This is like one simple brush
against the panel.

-Lift your bum. You suck at this!

What the... []bleeps] ?



Oh, my God!

I've never seen this before.
There is full-on mold.

[Tan] On the rice.

-No, why would you sniff that?

It smells like old spinach.

[Jonathan] This is, like, your bathroom,
and this is our business bathroom,

so double situation, which I love.

I think what is important, though,
is, like, boundaries.

There's no boundaries
between church and state...

-...between myself and my clients.

Funny you should talk
about church and state,

because we're actually having an erosion
of that separation in this country anyway.

-You're getting political.

Tell me about...

-Oh, no.
-What is going on

underneath our gorgeous head wrap?
I know that we are living for head wraps.

I started getting blotches of hair
that were falling out.

-Can I see?

-And do you want to see?
-Yeah, I do.

[Nate] My goodness.
I can't believe I'm taking it off.

-All right, so...
-Okay, let me see the back.

Okay. I'm curious about,

like, what it is about the locks that
we're insisting about carrying with us?

Well, my dreadlocks were a big part

of just, kind of, how I identified myself
when I was younger.

I don't feel happy about the situation
that's going on over here.

We don't need to make any decisions.
I'm already really proud of you

for taking your head wrap off
and showing me your beautiful hair.

I prefer to come, like, as real

-and as authentic as possible.
-I love that.

Oh, my God.

It's like when Han Solo gets stuck
in that, like, cast resin thing.

That is those jars in Nate's freezer.

Oh, yeah, that can go, too.

Nobody needs that.

Oh, yeah, that color's a crime.

Wait, what is this gorgeous moment?

This is Macy Gray's album.

And it's for him.

[Jonathan] Maybe he's a producer.

Nate, you've got money here
you've never cashed.

Your fridge is kind of empty,
and your freezer is full.

-There's some expired items in there.
-[laughs] No.

When's the last time that you prepared
a whole meal in your own kitchen?

I do eat inside of here,
but it's the whole convenience thing.

I have to say the cleanest thing
in this whole room...

-[Nate] Is what? that wall plaque

with Macy Gray's album.

And why is your name on it?

My sister is Macy Gray.


There's a point where I used to travel 
on the road with her

until I decided I couldn't do it anymore.

Do you sing also?

-I do sing, yes.
-[Tan] You do?

-Wait, what? This is a plot twist.
-[Nate] Yeah.

The personality you see now
changes completely.

Yeah, KillerWhale's fun. It's...


-Yeah. That's what we go by on stage.

-[Antoni] I like that.

Okay, come with me, let's take a look

-at your closet, dear.
-[Antoni] Tan, please be gentle.

You actually have a closet,
but you've got all of this.

-It's a lot of stuff in there.
-It's a lot, mate.

What are you wearing on a date?

What would I do on a date?

Well, tell me what you'd do on a date
and then I wanna know what you'd wear.

I like a restaurant, like,
but not, like, too fancy of a restaurant.

I love salsa.

You dance salsa?

I dance falsa. I dance fake salsa.

Can you show me?

You just kind of, you know, work it.

-[laughs] Oh! Oh!
-Put your hand up, then turn around.

Oh, nice. All right. You twirl, too!
All right. I like that.

He's a sexy man.

I feel like I could make 
a T-shirt look fly.

-Trying to look more crisp.

It's not necessarily
where I feel the most comfortable.

But now I'm 44 years old,

so I don't want to get into this stuff,

-but I'm not tied to anything here.

Do you feel like you have to look
a certain way

because you've hit a certain age?

I feel like there's pressure to look,

-act, behave a certain way.

I just want to look fly.

Well, maybe there's a way of balancing fly
and a more appropriately dressed Nate.

That doesn't mean you're getting rid
of your essence.

That's what we're gonna do. We're gonna 
focus on you and get to the place

that makes you feel more confident,

because I know that
this is not your story.

[Karamo] How did you envision this place 
being once you got it?

[Nate] This was, like,

my opportunity to create
the Philadelphia that I wanted to see.

You know, people of all races, colors,
creeds inside of space, like,

for them to feel comfortable inside
of the world of fitness.

I expected it to,

you know, provide for me
and be able to provide for others.

The first of many gyms.

And, you know, I look up,
and all of a sudden I'm 44 years old.

And then now I'm like, "Wait a minute.

If I'm gonna go and accomplish this stuff,
you know,

it should have happened ten years ago."

And not having a person to really 
bounce that kind of stuff off of,

it can be difficult.

Has there ever been anyone that
you felt like you could talk to about

what was going on in your mind?

My last girlfriend Kristin,
she's probably, you know,

the person who's dug the deepest.

This sounds to me like 
life overwhelmed you.

Yeah. It's definitely frustrating.

I know we came in here like a force,

but we are here to support you 100%

in you feeling comfortable,
in you getting what you need.

-I'm ready to do it.

Yeah. No, you gotta have a little bit
more excitement than that.

Are you ready? You're a trainer.
Are you ready to get this week started?

-Let's go, let's do this!
-[Karamo] There we go!

-Shirts off!

One, two, three, Bodyrock.

Three, two, one.

[all] Bodyrock!

-We're lunging out.
-Come on, we can lunge out.

[Jonathan] Add a pulse at the bottom.

-[Karamo] We got it. Torso.
-[Antoni] Pulse it out.

-[Jonathan] Go!
-[Bobby] Tight.

I want Nate to keep
the cool neighborhood vibe that he has,

but as his neighborhood evolves,

his business needs to be able to grow
to stay there.

Hair moving south or moving away,

it's a tough subject,

but I want to show him there can be
a different way for him to be confident

about the way that he looks.

Let's embrace the beauty
of what we get to be now.

Nate has so many clothes in his closet,

but none of them represent
the person he wants to be.

If you're encouraging people
to live their best lives,

I want to feel that from you also.

Nate knows exactly what he needs
to be doing.

He knows that he needs
to be eating better.

He wants this for himself,
but he's not doing it.

Why isn't he doing it?

I want to find out.

He's not satisfied with where he is
in his life or the success of the gym.

I want to show him,

"Your best days aren't behind you.

They're still in front of you."

♪ Yeah, gonna take my time
Gonna take my time ♪

[pop music playing]

So, this is West Philly.

-[Nate] Yeah, we're on Baltimore Avenue.

It runs all the way from the suburbs into
areas that are, you know, changing a lot.

There's, like, gentrification going on.

[laughs] That's the word for the day.

What's your perception of that?

Is it a positive thing, a negative thing?

I mean, I like neighborhoods that have

people who are invested
in maintaining them.

It makes you fall in love with being part
of something that's bigger than just you.

Have you been to Booker's?

I have been to Booker's.

Yeah, this is good food.

-[Antoni] Okay. After you.

-Hi, Saba.

-Hi, guys, how are you?
-[Antoni] Good.

-This is Nate.
-Hi, Nate. Nice to meet you. Welcome.

There are local businesses that are
thriving by staying true to themselves,

but also supporting
their respective communities.

-Saba, can we use your kitchen, please?
-Yes, please.

-Okay, awesome. Thank you so much.
-Thank you.

-You like Mediterranean food?
-I do.

-I like how clean it is.

But I also like to keep it simple,
because we don't have time, we're busy.

We're running businesses, right?

We're gonna do a nice little reveal.

This is a red snapper,
and we're gonna whole roast it,

and I'm gonna show you,
like, how simple it is to do.

I need easy.

Nate's philosophy in the gym
is back to basics.

I'm gonna apply that to food.

We're gonna start with a red onion
and just slice through it.

There you go.

When's the last time you cooked?

-I have no idea.

So now we have our onions.
We're just gonna grab a handful.

Lift the fishy by the tail
and put it underneath.

-All the flavors from the fish and fat...
-Oh, right.

All those juices
are gonna come pouring down.

And then a bit of Greek olive oil.

That's gonna get them
really nice and crispy.

-It's gonna help them brown afterwards.
-This is right up my alley.

-So now the cavity's been cleaned out.

[Antoni] So all we have is the inside.

-[Nate] See, this is so simple.
-Right? Awesome.

We're gonna make three incisions,
to the bone. I wouldn't cut through it.

What's nice here is that we get
to flavor the inside of it.

-I see.
-And it's also gonna look super cute

when it comes out of the oven.

-This'll knock some socks off right here.

And then a little bit of salt and pepper
on top because seasoning is everything.

Into the oven.

These puppies are gonna roast
side by side,

and we'll check on them
in about 30, 35 minutes.

-You like cooking!
-I do like cooking.

Eating this way is
the way I would prefer to eat,

but I don't get to do that

in the situation that I'm in right now,
the way I live.

-I see a lot of willingness.

You have all of these infomercial relics

of all these awesome cooking tools
in your kitchen.

But in your freezer, you have, like,

20 pork chops that were
all purchased at the same time,

and then they all got frozen.

What happens?

It's like having pistons moving
at the same time.

Like, if you have one that's working
and the other three aren't working,

eventually the one that's working
is gonna stop working.

When one thing is off, it makes it easier
for other things to be off.

-For sure.
-My food's off, my diet's off.

My energy level is affected.

Sentiment turns to sediment.

Nate's biggest struggle is follow-through.

He has all of these fantastic ideas,

but he doesn't know how to continue
with them once they get started.

He needs to learn how to keep it simple.

I fear letting myself down,

giving up on some of my dreams,

-my overall big mission.

You know,
if I'm not taking care of myself,

then everything else, you know,
falls to the wayside.

But how do you feel?

I feel like it's now or never.

The one thing that Nate has follow-through
in his life right now is fitness.

It's about Nate presenting himself 
like that in every facet of his life.

-We're ready for this fish.
-I'm hyped about this.

It's like in between
my complexion and yours.

Weirdly, it's like our fish baby.

That is a weird expression
I never thought I would say.

It doesn't get easier than that.

Okay, let's try it now.


That is banging.

Whoo, mama!

Isn't that nice?

-We k*lled it.
-We did k*ll it! We did.

[Bobby] I smell yumminess.

How's it going?

-Want a little piece of fishy?
-Yes, please.

-There you go.

-[Antoni] All right.
-I'm eating light and energetic.

-I'm ready to go. Whoo!
-[Antoni] Right? That's what we want.

-[Antoni] Bye.
-[Bobby] Bye, baby.

-This way.
-[Antoni] Go off with Bobby.

-I'll see you guys later.
-[Bobby] Bye.

[pop music playing]

Are we going to the gym or somewhere else?

Just sit back, just live in it.

-[Nate] I think I know where we're going.

You guys got me yesterday.
I was totally off-guard.

-[laughs] Good.
-Teaching my class, doing my thing.

[laughs] Next thing you know, I'm getting
bum-rushed by these five dudes.

God, this city is so pretty.

[Nate] Yeah, it's got history to it.

The architecture is...

like, my neighborhood, you have a mix
of so many different people.

You got people from the 'hood,

you got college students, business people.

So many different types of people all 
in one small area.

It's a community.

What was it like when you first opened?

Um, just like, you know,
you have a newborn baby, you know.

I was very detailed with everything.

And I think that disarray started 
to happen

when I was like, "Am I gonna make rent?"

So you're a little worried
about gentrification.

Your neighborhood changing,
rent's going up,

other gyms coming in. Yeah?

I'm not opposed to investing 
into a neighborhood

to make that neighborhood better,

but I'm opposed to the idea of,
all of a sudden,

you know, the mom-and-pop turned
into this boutique

that nobody can afford anymore.

How does Bodyrock survive gentrification?

That's always a thing
that I'm thinking about, you know,

without having, like, a proper education
when it comes to business and marketing.

I can really, truly, honestly say
I have been there.

I dropped out of high school at 15,

no education at all.

I mean, I used to live in my car.
I've been homeless.

This is a nice car to live in.

[laughs] No, it was not this car.

And now I have a furniture brand that's 
in stores all over the world.

[Nate] So how did you take your business
from small to scaled up?

You build consistencies in your brand.

What would you say the first step
you took towards...

finding that consistency?

I would say, with me,
there were visual standards

that set the brand apart
from other furniture stores.

You said to me yesterday,

you know, "I'm gritty, that's my thing.

I don't want to be those other gyms."

I don't want you to, either.

'Cause what you are,

that's what sets you apart,
and that's what your clients love.

And so I want to show you some examples
of that.

Nate could still have
a cool neighborhood gym

that stays true to his philosophies,
but also appeals to a wider audience.

This is the world famous boxer
Danny Garcia's place.

-[Nate] Oh, okay.
-It's got barber shop,

body shop, clothing store and a gym.

The gym is ultimately what I want
to show you.

[man] Here is where the dream came true.


This was the first thing that opened
in the compound.

Danny, he loves the sport,
and the community loves him.

So he decided, well, why not open his own?

You know, when you in somebody else's gym,
you gotta follow other people's rules.

So he's like, "Listen,
we're gonna make our own rules here."

[Nate] I think it's cool that
everything has its own place.

Everything is organized.

-This is not like any corporate gym.
-No, not at all.

But it's inviting, still,
'cause it's clean.

Your focus is what you're doing here.
Your focus is not the space.

You can still be unique,

but still have something
that you can duplicate as well

-if you ever expand.

It's cool to see something that's for
the community, for his people, our people.

He needs to move onward and upward.

Come on! Yeah, yeah! Come on, Nate!


[dance music playing]

[echoes] ♪ Yeah, yeah, here we go ♪[/i]

They have some impressive stuff here.

-[Nate] Oh, wow, this place is nice!
-It's nice, right?

Hello, Andrew, how are you?

-Good, how are you doing?
-Good to see you, buddy.

This is my friend Nate.
Nate, this is Andrew.

-Andrew owns this store.
-Nice to meet you.

We are gonna help ourselves to your store.

-All right, thank you.
-[Tan] Cheers, buddy.

Not only is Nate a gym owner,
he's a creative guy.

That's not what he has
in his closet right now.

You had said that you want to be fly 
and funky, fresh.

You said that you are a musician.

You have your band, KillerWhale.

Well, when I'm in my band,
that's a lot easier for me,

to like, you know, swag,

funky, you know,
like a mix between, like...

James Earl Jones' voice
and Rick James' cornrows.

-Oh, my!
-[both laugh]

Maybe we need to get a bit of KillerWhale

-and incorporate that into your closet.

Do you feel fly when you're working out
at the gym in your gym clothes?

It's not cool, actually.

Your word is "fly."
It's not fly what you're wearing.

-Like, all of it should be fly, Nate.

All right. Should we shop?

-[laughs] Yeah, let's do it.

So, layering.

Start with something simple.
Go with a pair of jeans.

Grab a T-shirt, but get a jacket
with a layer that's more dressed up.

Something like that. And then, 
go for a boot, and you've got your look.


[Tan] I'm gonna get you to go around.

-[Nate] I'm gonna do this myself?
-You are.

-These are hot.

-I like those a lot.
-Good, me, too.

Loving this so far.

It feels fly.
Can I just continue to use your word

even though it's definitely not
within my normal vernacular?

-Yes. That's it, I love that.


-How we doing?

-We ready?
-I'm ready.

I mean, this works for me.

I love the jeans. I love the jacket.

I don't know about this shirt.

Easy fix. Does it feel authentic?

Yeah, I like the way it's made more 
to my shape.

Yeah, so,

I would like you to give me
just a little bit of KillerWhale.

[laughs] A little bit of KillerWhale?

A verse.

All right, here we go.

♪ I'm so... I just want to be alone ♪

♪ I don't need nobody but you 
I'm on my own ♪


Yay! I loved it.

It's a wonderful feeling
seeing Nate come alive like this.

He just needed the freedom
to be able to express who he truly was--

the Nate that is very fly.

I wanted to give you layers again.

I wanted to give you loose
so it still feels fly.

I gave you a sneaker so it's more you,

and I gave you a trouser
because it's more formal.

I saw you had a lot of hats
on your wardrobe.

You're a hat guy.

Yeah, that's fly. I dig that.

♪ Ooh, girl, tell him
Ooh, girl, tell him ♪

♪ Ooh, girl, tell him
Ooh, girl, tell him ♪

-Ooh! Yeah, girl, tell 'em!

-[pop music playing]
-[man vocalizing]

♪ Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey! ♪

[Karamo] You know where we are?

[Nate] This is my old stomping ground.
This is where I went to school.

I played football, so we're gonna go 
by the football stadium in a second.

-You talking about this football stadium?

Well, maybe I'll just turn in here.

-What are you doing?
-Maybe I'll just come in here.


-[Nate] I haven't been here since I left.
-Oh, really?

-Come on, let's go.
-Oh, my goodness.


-Thanks for inviting me back.

[Karamo] What position did you play?

[Nate] Well, defensive lineman.

I was wide receiver.

-Oh, really?

-Oh, okay

We need to get back to the core Nate.

The Nate that said,
"You know what, I'm gonna start a gym."

He's right here in front of me,
but Nate doesn't see him anymore.

What was it like there for you?
What brought you to Villanova?

Well, coming from where I was in Ohio,

I lived kind of, like, in the country,
and I wanted to get out.

Football allowed me the opportunity
to come to this school.

However, my dad...

he wanted me to go to a military academy.

Actually, he was a drill sergeant
in the military,

and there was points in our relationship
where we battled.

He thought I was, you know, lazy

and hard-headed,
you know, and in some ways,

yes, that's true.

We hear our parents or people saying,

in the beginning of our lives,
certain things.

And so you start to say, "Well, yeah."

Well, see, the thing is that you're not 
lazy, nor are you hard-headed.

-So don't internalize his words.
-I see that, yeah.

You gotta start to break the cycle
with that.

You know, I knew
I was gonna take over the world

when I was stepping off of this field,

some of my most powerful moments.

Yeah, I can point to different areas.


you know, when life hits,
then you start to...

question, you know,

your own capabilities.

Yeah. You gotta start
to fight against that.


So what I want to do out here is,

I want to show you really what

these expectations
that you're holding onto,

how they're causing burdens in your life
and stopping you from being

the guy who thought
he could conquer everything.

-You ready?

All right, let's do it.
I don't know what to expect.


This is really a workout.

This is gonna be a workout.

-[Karamo] Come on.
-You're gonna try to break me.


-Are you kidding me?

-Old school ass...

The weights. Where'd you get these from?
These are from my gym.

-They came from your gym.

-You gotta be kidding me.
-These are from your gym.

These first weights that are heavy on you

are the expectations
your father put on you

that you're still holding on to.

You coming out the shirt now. He ready.

Now, what do you think
this one represents?

[exhales] I don't know.

You let go of a girl who wanted
to be there for you, to support you,

because you felt like you had to do it
on your own.

Yeah, I just don't know how
to ask for help,

and I don't know
what that even looks like.

So let me put another one,
since you don't know how to ask for help.

[laughs] Seriously?

-[Karamo] How's that, heavy?
-Yeah, it's still heavy.

Good. Let me get another one for you.

What'd I tell you? Let's go.

These expectations
that you're holding on to...

-"You're lazy.

You're hard-headed.

I'm supposed to do this on my own."

You gotta start to fight against that.

"I believe in myself.

I can do whatever.

Conquer everything."

[grunts, panting]

Too much? Need any support?

-I'm right here with you.

-Thank you.
-You're welcome.

We are breeding this culture of men
not asking for help because we tell them,

"You have to be strong,
you gotta handle it on your own,"

and that's a problem.

This is all the expectations
that you're building up in your head

of what your life
is supposed to look like.

The more you try to hold on
and you feel like you're failing

is the more you're just going to dig
a deeper hole.

You gotta ask for help.

How do you let that go?

That's the question.

And how do you still accomplish
what you want to do?

It's one by one.

You can have your dreams.
That's what makes you great.

That's why you have people who keep coming
to your gym

over and over again,
because they see your dream.

They believe in you.

But the more you put
on these expectations,

the more it's messing
with your confidence.

So you gotta let it go.


[Karamo] Release it.

How do you feel?

I feel light.

-Light, right?

-I wanna move.

You feel more like
that young man who started here.

-He's never left you.

All right, now let's go, since you said
you're gonna smoke me.

Hold on.


You know I'm quick, right?
Oh, you're beating me! Hold up!

Hold up!


♪ I-I won't stop till your mine, mine... ♪

-Getting a workout when I'm working.

All done.

♪ It can take you back in time
It's groovy... ♪


[pop music playing]

Okay, we're gonna go right in here.

I'm gonna get the door for you.

[Nate] You're such a gentleman.

Welcome. Hi.

-Hi, how are you doing?
-Come on in.

Take a seat here.

[Nate] Okay.

So is this working for you,
wearing your lock sock every day?

I'm not gonna lie. I need a change.
I need to switch that up.

I'm not happy with hiding myself.

You know, I think hair loss
can cause a lot of shame,

and men don't know how 
to talk about, like,

or cosmetic-related issues as much.

But you're not going through anything
to be ashamed of

or to be embarrassed about.

And you're actually being very brave.

Also, full disclosure, I have not worked
with dreadlocks since hair school.

We're gonna, like, triple-team
our gorgeous look

and find our gorgeous way forward.

It is scary sometimes to change our look
and to evolve into something new.

So this is our gorgeous
little baby dream team.

But it is okay to feel nervous about it,
and it's okay to take that leap of faith

and throw that sand down like
Indiana Jones, honey, and take that jump.

-Let's just look at it together.
-[Nate] Yeah, let's take a peek.

[woman] All right, 
if you're not comfortable

with wearing your hair out anymore,
now could be the time to change it.

And if it's keeping you
from feeling more beautiful,

this isn't what you need right now.

You should just show more of your face,
more of your beautiful face.

All right.

Sometimes when a person
cuts off their locks,

it can be a little challenging.

So I did bring you a jar,

so that if you like,
you can keep some of your locks.

And in here I just placed
a couple of things.

Sage, just for clarity.

Black obsidian for strength,

aquamarine for patience

and then two cowrie shells
just for wealth,

to just kind of increase you
in your journey.

I love that so much.

Do you want to hold my little baby hand,
or do you got this?

How are you feeling?

I'm ready.

-This has been a long time in the making.
-[Shahada] It's gonna look--

Okay, Jerry, let's do this.


[Nate] Oh, boy.

-[Jonathan] The hard part's over!
-[Shahada] Yeah.


Yes, king!

Let's do it.
Let's start that beauty montage.

[Nate] New experiences.

♪ I'm gonna leave you high and dry ♪

♪ 'Cause this ain't easy 
That I owe you... ♪

Oh, your skin is so beautiful.

-How you doing?
-Feels good.

Trusting the process.

That's not how you're supposed to sit
in a skirt. I'm just saying.

When it's long,
you can totally go like this as a lady.

It's really, like, high fashion. You know?

When we go through big changes,
it's important to remember

that there's more things we can do even 
if we don't have our hair routine to do.

-[Nate] What are you doing now?
-Tinting your hairline a little.

So for, like, the "confidence" that
he's gonna be not having with his hair,

we're gonna give it to him
by serving face.

Oh, my God, you look amazing.

Okay, are you ready to see the new you?

-[Nate] I'm nervous.

Oh, my goodness, wow!

Look at you.

That's crazy.

Do you wanna get all up in it
and look a little closer?

You're literally giving me confidence.

I'm seeing it in your shoulders.

You're feeling it!

Look at how handsome you look!


Mind blown.

Onward and upward.

Onward and upward.
Yeah, man. Thanks a lot.

-[Jonathan] You're welcome.

[hip hop music playing] 

♪ Uh, overcome all of your enemies ♪

♪ Rise above it by any means ♪

♪ Think only positivities ♪

♪ Dance the festivities ♪

♪ Chance the plan is to breathe
Switch stances create a bigger league ♪

♪ New beginnings all up in the trees
Uh! ♪

♪ Can you feel the sunshine that I feel? ♪

♪ You feel the rays... ♪

[horn honks]

[Tan] Oh, they're here!

[Jonathan] Hi!

Oh, guys!

[Bobby] Are you ready?
There's a step, there's a curb.

[Tan] Almost. Brace yourself.

Here we go.

-Oh, it's bright. Oh.
-[Tan] It sure is.

-[Karamo] Booyah!

[Bobby] Painted the whole exterior,

-painted this white so your sign pops.
-[Nate] Oh, wow, I didn't even know-- wow!

Doesn't it look gorge?

It looks dope.

-[Tan] We should get out of the heat.
-[all] Yes!

-[Bobby] All right.
-[all] Three, two, one!

Holy moly. What? [laughs]

Oh. Okay.

All right.

We got lockers in the back.

[Tan] Gorgeous lockers.

-[Jonathan] Got more graffiti on the wall.
-[Tan] Look how clean it is.

I wanted to give you a nice, clean slate

because I know
you'll wanna add more to it.

So I gave it black and white,

added some color over there, and then
you can go crazy everywhere else.

I'm very appreciative.

Like, I needed this.
I needed it to be cleaned up.

I need to be taking it down
to the bare bones.

Just the way I do things.

-I'ma put my stamp on it, no matter what.
-[Bobby] And I want you to.

Honestly, thank you. Thank you so much.

This is gonna be the flyest gym 
in America.

-[Bobby] You ready to see more?
-[Nate] ♪ Let's see more ♪[/i]



-Whoa! That's crazy.
-[Jonathan] Right?

-[Nate] Oh, my goodness!
-[Karamo] It looks nice in here.

-No more covering it up.
-[Tan] I love it.

[Bobby] You know what I love?

Making sure that when you have a small 
space, you have a lot of nice, clean,

vertical lines, so doing a cabinet door
with drawers inside...

-[Antoni] Ooh!
-makes your kitchen look cleaner.

This is a game changer for me.

More than anything, being able to actually
prepare a meal will change my entire life.

I'm, like, really excited.

I can invite someone over
to dinner, lunch.

I'd love to invite Kristin over.

-She's given me plenty of meals in my day.
-[Jonathan] Aww!

She could look at you longingly
as you're cooking for her.

-Like, give you the doe eyes.
-[laughs] Like that?

What-what? Whoa!

-[Bobby laughs]
-[Nate] What?

Oh, that's cool. [laughs]

-[Bobby] Got more drawers down here.
-[Tan] Ooh, I love storage.

-Oh, please, yes!
-When you don't have a big room,

you wanna make sure that you're utilizing
all your real estate.

Wait a minute, this is so fly.

[Bobby] One more thing. Let's go up
to your new check-in desk.

So I created you a new website with Wix.

They're really cool because it allows you
to manage your business from here.

-So it's not just a pretty website.
-This is awesome.

People can now go online and schedule.

So you're able to focus on your clients

-and not so much on the back office.

People can come and they can see
exactly what I do,

how to get involved.

There's no excuses anymore.

Thank you, man.
This is exactly what I needed.

[Karamo] You have been so brave

-and courageous this entire week.

I've been trying to figure out
on my own...

how to accept help,

how to get back to my original,
just, like, energy,

and that doesn't involve me carrying
any preconceived notions about myself.

I mean, I deserve to have a gym
that's thriving.

I deserve to be able to come home
and be relaxed inside of my space.

You do deserve that.

A lot of men, to be very honest with you,

a lot of black men were very much taught,

"You're a provider.
You have to hit certain benchmarks.

This is what a man looks like.

This what a man who does
for his community looks like."

And it's always outward,
what you're doing for them,

and we forget to say to ourselves,

"I also deserve."

And that's all I'm trying
to get you to say.

-Do you deserve love?

I deserve it, yeah.

And you've also let go of the weight.

-All right. 
-Thank you.

Thanks a lot. I appreciate it.

First things first, you had mentioned,
it was a word I'd never heard.

-Booyah nonsense?
-Booyah! Sorry, booyah.

So I wanted to add some...


and I want people to walk in
off the street and think,

"He clearly owns this place.
I'm gonna go with that guy."

But I wanna make sure you're on brand 
at all times.

So you've got, like,
Bodyrock here on the back.

-[Nate] I love it.
-You've got them on your shorts, too.

[Nate] These are hot. 
It's definitely '90s.

-Yeah. Yeah. Good. Okay, pants.

You don't always have to be in joggers.
You don't always have to be in sweats.

-[Nate] Combination of the two.

There's a cotton version of it.
They've got elasticated bottoms,

so you're still gonna feel
like you're in a jogger.

-Yeah, and I got you button-up shirts,

super, super lightweight. Like,
everything is super, super lightweight.

-I can wear this with jogging pants.
-Absolutely, you could.

-Okay, next, you need specs.

Oh, my goodness.

-That's what a prescription feels like.

That was the issue all along?

-You couldn't see how much you had?

You had no idea?

This is what it looked like
all the time, huh?

No, this is very, very different
to how it looked, believe me.

Okay, Nate, come on down.

[Fab 5 cheering]

[Tan] I know!

You look really cute.

-Look at you!
-[Antoni] I love burgundy on you.

Those glasses!

Let's just see you without the hat, too.

You look so cute.

-It's my suit without putting on a suit.
-[Tan] Yeah.

[Nate] I feel light. I feel fresh.

-I'm quick on my feet right now.

-[Tan] Yes, agile. Standing ovation.
-[Nate laughs]

I appreciate you guys so much.

Honestly, the most important part
of this whole experience for me

and what's going to change my life
more so than anything

is being able to take care of myself

and my health and my wellness.

I'm ready to take this to the next step,

the next level,
and it's the foundational stuff.

It's back to basics.

Feel on top of the world right now.

Good. With that being said,
we're out of here.

[Nate] I might sneak up on you guys.

-[Tan] Here, group huggies.


[upbeat music playing]

[bell rings]

-[Tan] Ant, what are we making, my love?
-This is a smoothie.

-[Antoni] Almond milk, bananas,

medjool dates, lime zest
and vegan protein powder.

She's giving me vacation, honey.

-So good.

[Antoni] Cheers, guys.

-[Bobby] Yeah.

I want to see this gym
after Nate was in there by himself.

-Should we do this?

[Antoni] You're such a good boy, Walter.

Guys, you ready?

-Yes, always.
-Let's do it.

Look how sharp he looks!

-He looks so handsome!
-[Karamo] Wow, he looks handsome, though.

-Oh, with confidence!
-Looks so good!

Welcome back to the gym. What's up?

-[man] New beginning!
-[Nate] Darling.


He is hugging everybody.
He is gonna be the mayor of West Philly.


I'm so proud of you, yo, that's dope!

You look like a nice star now.
You look like KillerWhale.

-I look like KillerWhale. [laughs]

-Oh, my gosh.
-Oh, my gosh, are you kidding me?

Oh, my God, center-part sisters.

Oh, my gosh, it smells good in here!

-Look at this.
-We're using the whole space?

-[Aileen] Wait, look at this logo.
-[Lauren] I love it.

[Lauren] Oh, my gosh! Wait a second!

[Aileen] I can't even believe it.

-I'm in shock.
-[Jonathan] Yes!

He's feeling himself.

[Tan] Why wouldn't he? Look at him.

-Come on, ladies.

I like Nate a lot.

-This is a beautiful style on you.
-It's a beautiful style on me!

We always knew you had style, though.

Yes, queen. Yes.

This is awesome. Thank you guys so much.

You're so welcome!

-I'm so happy for you.
-Thank you so much.

So happy for you.

I can't wait to work out here
because it looks amazing.

[woman] Nathon!

Oh, my, look at my son!

-Look how proud she looks.
-[Jonathan] Aww!

Welcome to Bodyrock Boot Camp!

-You look so well-groomed!

I love that look. 
But I like that hair off. Yes.

-I love how expressive she is.
-Moms notice every detail.

Oh, this is wonder-- and then there's room
to walk around in here!

I like the look of the gym!

Wait a second.
He has food in his refrigerator.

Hey, but looks so healthy.

-This is the master room?
-Yeah, it's nice.

-[Nate] This is the master bedroom.
-[woman] Open.

-So yeah. I got some competition now.

-[Karamo] Oh!

-[Antoni] Oh, Kristin!


[Kristin] Oh, wow!

This... gold chains.

Excuse me.

-[Nate] Aah.

Look how beautiful you look!

-She still likes him.
-There he is.

-[Antoni] She still likes him.
-[Kristin] Yes.

Mom's over there looking like, "Girl."

-I do clean up nice.

[Kristin] And the front looks amazing.

-[Nate] You wanna see my place?

Yeah, take me to the bedroom.


Did I say that out loud?

And I-- oh!

Oh, wow!

Look at this!

She's like, "I can sleep here."

She's like, "I'm about
to move over those speakers, honey.

-Put in my little jewelry box."

I want to say thank you so much.

-[Kristin laughs]
-You are my best friend,

and I really have appreciated

every single time that you've tried
to break through to the possibilities

that I've always dreamed of,

and I know that I can't do it on my own,

and I want you to be there with me,
so I just...

Yeah, thank you.




Allowing people in and asking for help
is not a sign of weakness.

That's accepting that
you cannot do it all alone.

Ask for the love and support
from the people that surround you.

I feel that this experience
has lit a fire underneath me.

I feel like I am in attack mode,

and I'm not retreating.

-Fired up!
-[all] Booyah!


Let's all say booyah!

[all] Booyah!

[Jonathan] He would have been
such a good cheerleader. Oh.

[Nate] Yeah, man.

Wait, what's happening with this, Bobbers?

[Bobby] I really wanted Nate
to make the gym his own,

so I encouraged him
to bring in some graffiti artists

so he really feels like 
it's a part of him.

-So he can show his personality.
-That's awesome.

Are you ever worried that
your look is starting to wear you?

I always advise not to make drastic change
on an impulse,

but if you've been feeling for some time

that your look needs a little change,
like me in this case,

it could be time for you
to make a little change.

-Bye, queen.

You've been fun.


[theme music playing]

♪ Better ♪

♪ You came into my life ♪

♪ And my world never looked so bright ♪

♪ It's true, you bring out the best
In me ♪

♪ When you are around ♪

♪ Things keep getting better ♪

♪ Better ♪

♪ Things keep getting better ♪

♪ Better ♪

♪ Things keep getting better ♪

♪ Better ♪

♪ Better ♪

♪ Things keep getting better ♪