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07x01 - q*eer Eye for the Lambda Chi

Posted: 04/28/24 16:22
by bunniefuu
[marching band music plays]

[woman] ♪ Hey, yeah ♪

♪ All right ♪

♪ Mmm ♪

♪ Oh yeah ♪

♪ All right, whoo ♪

♪ Oh, things just keep getting better ♪

♪ Come on ♪

♪ You came into my life now ♪

[chorus] ♪ You came into my life now ♪

[woman] ♪ Oh yeah ♪

♪ Things just keep getting better ♪

♪ All right ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ Things just keep getting better ♪

-♪ Down in New Orleans ♪
-[man] Yeah, yeah, yeah.

-[man 2 speaks Louisiana Creole]
-[man 3] Yeah, keep that.

[upbeat music plays]

[Jonathan] Oh my gosh!
Who are we doing this week, Bobby?

"Our heroes this week,"
and I do say "heroes…"

[Karamo] Plot twist!

[Bobby] "…are the fraternity brothers
of Lambda Chi Alpha."

-[all] Ooh!
-That's right. We're doing a frat house.

[music ends abruptly]

Say that differently.

We are…

-Helping a frat house.

I love it!

[beep] yeah!

Yeah, bro!

-Bros! Bros! Bros!
-Lambs! Lambs!

If I hit this one,
Josh, you're getting a mohawk.

-Oh no!

You gotta get a mohawk.

-Marco, is this your pizza?

Whose pizza is that?

[Bobby] "Seniors Ian and Josh Allen have
nominated themselves and their brothers

because they want the Fab Five
to give them a wake-up call

and push the frat in the right direction."

Our fraternity kind of dipped in quality.

Our house has been
kind of in the dumps recently.

The fraternity is definitely, um…

It's… Well, it's a mess.


[Bobby] "Most of the boys in Lambda Chi

never saw themselves
as a fraternity type."

I don't feel we look like a fraternity
most of the time,

which I don't think is a bad thing.

"After getting through the pandemic,

they formed a brotherhood
and support system."

-That's nice.
-[Bobby] Yeah.

[Bobby] "For many of them,
Lambda Chi Alpha is a chosen family."

I love that the straights
even have chosen family.

-[Bobby] Yeah.
-[Ian] So many memories at this house…

Being able to live with
your closest friends and your brothers,

it's a wonderful thing to have.

-[Josh J] Food's ready.
-[Perez] They're caring.

They want to make a difference.

It's probably the most active chapter
in terms of what they do for the community

with their philanthropic efforts.

I love this. I mean,
that's what fraternities were meant to be.

-Community organizations.
-[Bobby] Yes.

"After two years of canceled events
due to the pandemic,

most people at the UNO campus
have no idea Lambda Chi even exists."

[Josh A] Not being able to have
big groups of people at our house

definitely stunted our growth.

We don't have an influx of money
just always coming in.

We have to work certain events
that, like, make us money.

It'd be better if we had a fan out here.

Like, an actual fan that's good?

We have a bucket list of things
before we get to that.

[Perez] There's a good bit of them
that come from modest means.

That makes it harder to pay dues.

That makes it harder for them
to buy the things they need.

Not all of us can be
from the country club, right?

The financial standing
of the fraternity right now is not good.

It's not as good as it used to be.

In the '80s, our fraternity was so big

that they bought this house
because they had the money.

This year coming up,
we're gonna try and push as hard as we can

to get a bunch of new members,

especially before we leave,
when we graduate.

"At the end of the week, the fraternity
is hosting an alumni mixer."

"This is an important event for these guys

to ask for alumni donations
that the fraternity desperately needs

in order to put on events
in the upcoming semester."

We still have some alumni
who are really good and wanna help,

but some of them
are gonna start flaking off if we don't…

[Ian] Give them a reason.

…give them a reason
to come back and want to help us.

To see that we are actively trying
to make this fraternity better.

We wanna impress the alumni… Sorry.


Yeah… We wanna impress the alumni.

"Our mission this week

is to turn these sloppy joes
into proper pros."


[rock music plays]

♪ Since we settled down ♪

♪ And moved to this town ♪

♪ I've been trying to mix
With the civilized crowd ♪

[Tan] It's very quiet.

[Antoni] Ooh, I see the Solo cups.

-It's not opening.
-[Tan] Try a code.

Try the password "boobs."
Like, 8-0-0… Like, spell…

-One, two, three, four.
-No, try spelling "boobs."

-I have two older brothers!
-[Bobby] 0-0-0-0.

-Try "boob."

-[Jonathan] Add an S.
-[Tan] 8-0-0…

-[Bobby] Oh my God!

-You smart little girl!

At least we know they're all straight!

Although gay dudes like boobs too.

It's a common misconception.

-[Tan] Oh.
-[Antoni] Whoa!

-[Tan] That hits you.

Oh God. It stinks so bad in here.

[Antoni] Are they asleep?

-["Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" plays]


[Tan whispers]
Oh my God. There's somebody on the sofa.

[stifled giggling]

[Jonathan] Life is coming at you fast!
You gotta get up and face the world!

Come on, honey!

Let's go!

[Karamo] It's your wake-up call!

[Tan] Come on! Who are you, kid?

-[Jonathan] You have the prettiest lashes.

-Nice to meet you, honey!
-[Antoni] Get up, Josh!

Come help us find the others.

Did y'all check the time?

-Why don't we bang on stuff?
-[Antoni] Ooh, yeah.

Time. To. Wake. Up.

[Karamo] Pledge master is here.

[Antoni] Oh, we found another one!

[Bobby] Here's another one!
Wake up! Wake up!

I'm up. I'm up. I'm up.

[Bobby] Yeah, it stinks so bad in here.

-[Karamo] Wow!
-It's not my room. Not my room.

[Tan] It's not your room?

Wake up! Wake up!

There are lost boys everywhere.

Wake up! Wake up!

Every boy is sleeping
in some dirty crevice.

[Antoni] Hello, little sleeping angel.


-[Bobby] Wake up, baby!
-[Antoni] Good morning!

Morning pizza party! Wow!

-[Jonathan] Get up! Get up!
-Get up!

[Antoni] Yay!

Oh my gosh. Did we wake you?

It's so dirty! Ew!

What is all this?

[Antoni] It's a health hazard.

The sink and the stove
tell me it's a kitchen.

Oh! Oh my God!

These are massive fruit flies.

This house is [beep] disgusting.

Tell me why this is a place
that you guys want to live.

During the school year,
this is basically like a hub.

It's always people passing through,

and they always got
something going on here.

Okay. Okay.

My parents moved to Mississippi Gulf Coast
and Bay St. Louis,

so it's about an hour now,

so I'm now ten minutes away from campus.

-This place is pretty important to you.
-Oh, hell yeah.

But there doesn't seem to be
a lot of respect for the house.

Before I moved in here,
when I was a freshman and I joined,

the house was pretty clean.

So you guys found it semi-nice,

and then you guys
specifically have ruined it?

-[Ryan] Well, me and…
-It's been ruined over the years and all…

Just depends
on what group lives in the house.

[Bobby] It's a frat house.
You guys party here,

but the cleanliness, whose responsibility
is it to kind of rally the troops?

It would probably be me.
I think it's, like, motivation.

I'm like, "Yo, we need to do this.
We need to do that,"

and it will last a couple days.

We start doing it,

but the second somebody
sees somebody not pulling their weight,

they'll slack off,
and then it becomes contagious.

It's like a snowball kind of effect.

[Antoni] Oh, I can't. I can't, but I must.



The kitchen is, like, a mix
of apple cider vinegar and, like, ugh.

Like old tequila.

Just kidding.

And that smell that oranges get

when they start to get fuzzy
and green and moldy on the outside.

[Jonathan screams]

-No! [screams]
-[violins screech]

No! No!

There's flies everywhere! [screams]

I don't wanna do this.

Ugh. Just disinfect everything.

Every one
of these children's mamas and daddies

is gonna be ashamed
that these children are living like this.

Couldn't have been at my house.

No way that my sons
have been living like this.

I'd have came in here and wrecked shop.

[in English accent] What have we here?

Evidence of false lashes.

[in usual voice] What young woman
is having to operate in this madness?

She's gonna get an eye infection.

Lots of touching loofahs.

[Jonathan] I want, like,
a HIPAA-certified hospital cleaner

on my back.


That's what I gotta say about it in here.


Oh, wait. Tanny.

Come back, Tanny. Come back.

[Antoni] So this kitchen…

You all look like you're in trouble.

Are you about to roast us?

[Antoni] I don't think I have to roast you
because what this kitchen is,

I think, speaks for itself.

You all haven't even had breakfast yet
'cause we literally woke you up.

I don't really normally wake up
till about 2:00 in the afternoon.

-[Ian] That too.
-[Antoni] Two is the average?

So I don't normally eat breakfast.

-Do you go to bed late?
-[Josh J] I work at night. I'm a cook.

-I wanna own my own restaurant.
-Are you in charge of the food here?

-Kind of. He is too.

About the only thing I can cook,
I can only fry an egg.

Okay. Do you all just buy your own food
and you come here and you share?

Do you label things? What does it work?

-We share food.
-Okay, so it is very much like a family.

End of the week, what's going on?

We have our alumni coming over.

Is it about raising money in any way?

We are looking
for, like, some, like, donations

just 'cause money's
a little tight right now.

'Cause you're students.
What does the money go towards?

Our brotherhood retreats,
our big philanthropy events and stuff,

other events we have.

If you all are gonna be raising money,
you're gonna have to charm them somehow

so they're excited to help you all out.


This is safe.

[Tan] That's actually a lovely shoe.

If it were clean, I'd wear that shoe.

There's cat hair
falling off this underwear. Gross.

-Ugh. Oh.
-I know. The smell is so shocking.

[Jonathan] I've never smelled
a litter box like this in my life.

It smells like a dead witch's tit.

It is… You can't say that. Poor witches.

It's offensive to dead witches
to say that. Like…

For everything they went through,
and they weren't even witches.

It was just, like,
a misogynistic crazy time.

Put it in my hand.
I don't want it to touch the floor.

They didn't go through half of what I've
gone through just being in this house.

You've got to change your litter box
in there, girl. It's really intense.


[Bobby] It's so gross.

This is the one time I'm okay
with fragrance plug-ins.

Why is the kitchen down here
instead of upstairs?

That's the least of my concerns.

They have a calendar here

saying when rent is due,
but not any type of cleaning.

They do have a list of "broke shit."

Um, fence, solarium windows,
back room, leaky toilet.

-Add kitchen.
-They have the upstairs listed as broke.

I agree with that.

I will say this. I could tell there was
three different colors of shat

smeared on the side of the toilet.
There was shat from more than one person.

I've seen enough Law and Order: SVU

to know when there's three different types
of shit splatter in a toilet.

On the good news,
everyone here is just absolutely stunning.

I mean, look at you. Look at you.
I saw some false eyelashes in there.

-Whose girlfriend is here sometimes?

She must really love you
because she is like…

She puts up with it.

Your girlfriend is going to be such a fan
of no more shat stains on the toilet.

Also, this is giving me extreme agita.

-[Josh J] That's mine.
-Have you ever heard about sharticles?

If you leave something out,
when people come in here and poop,

their literal poop sharticles
are flying around when they flush,

and it's getting in your toothbrush.

We have to cover that thing up.
I'm not coming from a shaming place.

I'm coming from, like,

I don't want you guys
to get, like, crabs from your toilet seat.

I don't know if crabs transfer like that.

-But you guys gotta be careful.

This house is an international disaster.

I was about to call you kids.

I'm trying hard to not, but you are
young enough to be my children.

You were sleeping in here,
but this is not your room.

-He just has amazing hospitality.
-[Tan] Wonderful.

-Are these your clothes?

-All of this is mine.

-[Tan] We've gotta talk about this first.

What the [beep]?!

-[Tan] Marco's bedroom.

There is a bed in it, but I don't know
if one would describe it as a bedroom.

Nothing is organized.

How are they still doing this
at 19, 20, 21?

These are all your clothes
on here, here, this, this?

-It all looks vintage, thrifted.
-[Marco] Yeah.

Like, you've got some stuff
that I'm not mad at at all.

-The pants are pretty great.
-[Demario] Yeah, those some funky pants.

-[Tan] You've got the mixer this week.

Do you have anything that you can show me
that's a little more dressed up?

What kind of vibe do you go for?
What do you wanna look like?

Probably just a collared shirt
and some shorts 'cause it'll still be hot.

If I need to, like,
look more professional,

it's usually just collared shirt
and pants, I don't know.

[Tan] Okay.

[Marco] The Dickie pants with this shirt.

-That's lovely.
-These shoes.

-I love those shoes.
-[Marco] These are my favorite shoes.

-[Tan] I would wear those.
-My favorite.

I saw them. I didn't wanna touch them
because there's dirt in that corner.

Treat them better.
They're a very nice shoe.

[Bobby] Oh.

I mean, this is something very important
that's just thrown out on the counter.

You know what?
I love that they have this room

that, like, goes through their history
of awards and photo albums and pictures

and things about their philanthropy,

but why aren't they taking care of it?

Like, this crap is literally just shoved
in shelves covered in filth.

Like, have some pride, boys.

[Tan] You try in your heels!

[Jonathan] Okay

-Push me.
-[Tan] Go, Jackie! Go, Jackie!

-Not into the shit!
-[Jonathan laughs]

What does it mean for you
to have this being your family?

[Demario] It's pretty nice
to have that community.

Everybody's there for each other and all.

I don't live here. I'm just here often.

-But these are your brothers.
-I call these guys my family.

I rely on them for a lot of things
and vice versa as well. Uh…

But, you know, I couldn't ask
for a better group of guys, honestly.

That's what fraternity culture
is supposed to be about, brotherhood.

But you all are both young men.

I wonder, being together,

how much are you learning
how to become that next phase

of what it is to be a man for you?

I came here looking for that.
It's one reason I wanted to join,

to get that, like, growing into manhood,
like, kind of tutorial.

-Yeah, and how's it going?
-[Demario] Uh…

It's a process.

Y'all remind me of me when I was younger.

You might see me put together now,
but, you know, I had the frat experience.

I had the good times.

But what I realized early on
is that sometimes, as young men,

you don't know
how to get to that next level.

-And no one's talking about it.

It kind of just continues
the same pattern, right?

[Ryan] Yeah, I think
that's exactly what's going on.

Just repetitive.

Ooh! We got here in the nick of time.

It is clear to me
that these boys are lost.

They have no idea of what they are doing
or how to become men.

What we've already learned about you all
is that you're nasty, but also…


[Karamo] But also, you're very kind
and vulnerable and open, and I love that.

And I think we're stepping in
with our little family

and little fraternity at the perfect time.

And so if y'all are ready to get started,
we're ready to get started.

You're DFA? You're down for anything?

-Yep. Other than a bald head, yes.

[Antoni] All right.

[Tan] So, on three, two, one.

[all] Lambda Chi Alpha!

♪ Open the curtains ♪

♪ Try and let some light in ♪

These boys know
how to put a look together,

but I wanna show them
how they can step it up.

Right now they look like college students,

and they don't look appropriate
for the event at the end of this week,

so that's what I'm gonna help them with.

[Antoni] If Lambda Chi Alpha wants respect
and recognition from their alumni,

I'm gonna bring them into our kitchen

just to show them
what a clean kitchen can look like,

and we're gonna come up with
something perfect that they can make

so they can ask for that money.

[Jonathan] There's just not
very much self-care around here.

Someone has got to teach these young men
the basics of grooming.

Got to do better.

♪ You know it's not forever ♪

We don't give them enough space
to talk about their feelings

and what they're going through,
so I wanna take the frat to a space

where we can just come together,
relax, and connect.

Letting their house go
into complete decay and disrepair

is not showing me that they have any pride
in where they live

or what they're a part of,

so these boys need to scrape,
they need to dust, they need to scrub,

they need to sweep, they need to vacuum,
they need to wipe,

everything they have never once done
in this house before

because it's gross!

It's gross.

[rock music plays]

Oh! Smell that… not-so-fresh air.

You know I am the one
that comes in and cleans your house up,

and I make it all nice again.

I'm not doing that this week.

I'm gonna take care of the upstairs,

but there's no way I have time
to do this as well.

So trash first.

I wanna see it sparkle!

[Demario] Oh God.

[Bobby] The fly traps
that are filled with flies,

the corners that are filled with dirt,

the sofas that are filled
with stiff socks.

[Ian] That is gross.

It's all got to go.

[Demario] It's wet. Why is this wet?

[Bobby] I wanna make sure that they see
how easy it actually is to repair things.

I've got you.

I'm hoping that it is gonna give them
a sense of responsibility

and make them feel proud
of the space that they live in.

Who wants to help me
with the hole in the ceiling?

-[Demario] I'll take the honors.
-[Bobby] Almost.

-Yeah, that's good.
-[Josh A] Go, Demario.

Always start with a small amount.
Yeah, go in with the edge.

I can see their little faces lighting up.

I can see that it's kind of sinking in
that it feels really nice

to have a home that's not disgusting.

-[Ian] I can live like this.
-[Cooper] Makes me feel accomplished.

And a place that when alumni come,
they wanna say, "Hey!"

"Let me give them some money
to keep this place looking nice!"

Josh, there's about four pounds of pubes
on the floor in this bathroom

that could use vacuuming.

Four pounds. Ugh!

[Marco] That shit is everywhere, bro.

[Josh J] Oh my God.

[Bobby] Ryan is the leader here,

but he's taken this leadership role,
but he's not running with it.

[Bobby] What is it about a fraternity
that drew you to it?

[Ryan] It just reminded me
of my group of friends from home,

but even more mature.
Like, guys I can really look up to

'cause we have a lot of alumnis
that, right out of college,

boom, doing something good for themselves.

-What are you, uh, majoring in?
-[Ryan] Business.

I wanna be CEO, head honcho,
like, Mr. President of an organization.

Kind of getting on-the-job training
of, you know, managing people.

-You took on this leadership role, right?

What do you think
you could do different in the future

to make sure it doesn't get like this
and it's maintained?

Make sure people are accountable
for things, really.

Good. I'm not a super huge stickler

about your personal space
getting a little messy sometimes.

It's the common spaces that you guys
owe it to each other to keep it clean.

-[Bobby] This looks completely different.

I want you to take care of your space.
It's not just about keeping things clean.

These are life lessons for everything
you're gonna do in the future.

So bring it in?

High fives? High fives! [grunts]

Good job! Good job!

I'm proud of you guys!

-We can do it!
-There we go.

[funky music plays]

♪ Five, four, three, two, one ♪

♪ Ready or not ♪

♪ Here I come ♪

Get some pep in your step!

-My bad!
-What's taking so long?

We've got shopping to do.

It's very clear
that these boys want each other's success,

so I want to teach them
how to give advice to each other

and how they can look more mature.

I know this might seem just like a mixer
at the end of this week.

These men are mostly professionals, right?
This is a massive networking opportunity.

I wanna make sure
they don't just think, "They're kids."

"They haven't found themselves."
I want them to know you are ready.

You're taking yourself seriously,

and you're looking for support
going forward.

When you are going to really connect
with people who could change your life,

you're gonna dress appropriately.


Okay. We're gonna play a game
where you can ransack the store.

You are going to choose what you think
is appropriate for this event.

Express has so many options
that are gonna work well for you.

I want you to go for business casual.

So, for example, you wanted
to ordinarily wear a T-shirt.

Could you wear a polo instead?
A button-up instead?

If you're gonna wear a sneaker,
could you wear a shoe or a boot instead?

You're going to shop for five minutes.

Choose whatever you want
based on what I've told you.

We're also going to rate
who does the best job.

-Oh no.
-All right.

All right.

Five minutes. Let's go!

[upbeat music plays]

♪ Hey, hey ♪

Look at them saunter
as if it's not five minutes.

Move, man! Move your ass!

Pink would pop, yeah.

I actually like those pants.
That isn't bad.

But I can't tell if that coordinates.

-I'm colorblind as shit.
-Okay, I'll help you.

What do you think it's gonna say?

-Will you be memorable?

Good question to ask.

Is this green?

That is, like… It's like gray,
but, like, it's got a little bit of green.

Medium? There we go.

Lord, so many choices.

I love that you're looking for accessories
in the women's wear department. Yes!

Women's pants are better too.

They sure are.

All right, kids! That's a ten, nine,

eight, seven,

six, five,

four, three,

two, done!

Boys, you ready?


Oh my! Oh my! Oh my!

Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow!

All right, everyone,
there's a whiteboard for all of you.

One by one, you're gonna stand here.

We're gonna write down a score
between one to five.

-Sound good?

All right.

-A bold one!
-This is how you make a five, guys.

Hit it!

We got a five.

[Tan] Ooh!

-[Tan] Wow.

-I gave him a five.

-You broke my scale.
-That's what that means?

-[Josh J] Yeah.

Boys. Rate him.

-I didn't know you guys were so close.

The shirt really gives off
either dad vibes

or, like, Chechnyan gangster vibe.

[Tan laughs]

That's very specific!

You can see they are brothers.
They know each other well.

Okay, next.

Hopefully that will give them
the permission to be a lot more honest.

I don't wanna be too nice,
but I don't wanna be too mean.

You be whatever you wanna be.

If it's mean, it's mean.
If it's nice, it's nice.

-I'm sorry! [laughs]
-Oh no!

But the chain
is, like, too thick for your neck.

You look like you'd be on Soul Train.


I'm giving you a five
'cause this just screams Cooper.


I did a five, too, 'cause I honestly
wasn't expecting any of it.

-[Tan laughs]

You gave him five
'cause you're shocked that he did so well?

-[Demario] Yeah.

-[Josh A] Four.

I feel like you look better when you wear
something that's, like, "pop."



Why a five?

I also like,
like, neutral-color-type stuff.

[Tan] I'm flabbergasted.

I was expecting to be so disappointed
in what they might choose.

Next, please.

However, almost everyone is so close
to being great with their outfits.

Can I make a couple of tweaks?

-Sure, whatever you think, man.

-Just to make it look a little chicer.

The shades, you don't need.
The necklace, you don't need.

The two is now a 3.5.

-That's a four.
-That helps.

So the colors actually
work really well together.

You've got a polka dot and a stripe.

You've mixed two classic prints.
Works every time. Next!

The shirt is extremely large for the pant.

And then the brown of the shoe
is a little too dressed up for this look.

If you changed the shoe and had
a looser pant, I'd be all about it.

-You know what I'm gonna do.


[Tan] I don't love a belt to match a shoe,

but it looks like you tried to match them,
and the colors are slightly off.

I'm proud of all of them.

It gives me hope
that they really do understand

what this does for their self-esteem,

what this does, potentially,
for networking, their careers,

and how people perceive them.

I really, really like it, Marco.

I'm gonna give you
a "Nailed it!" five out of five.

-[beep] all y'all!
-[Tan] Yeah!

[beep] all y'all. No.

♪ No, it wouldn't be the first time
They doubted me ♪

♪ But also shattering expectations
I gotta be ♪

♪ One step ahead at all times ♪

♪ 'Cause I know my abilities
Are like a gold mine, yeah ♪

♪ So I ain't got time for naysayers ♪

♪ But they coming for my spot
I'm a game changer ♪

[Antoni] We're gonna make
the most iconic sandwich of all.

It's actually my personal favorite,
and it was born right here in New Orleans.

Can anyone guess what it is?


-[Antoni] Have you had a muffuletta?
-[Josh A] It's my favorite.

-Your favorite?
-[Josh A] Yes.

-[Antoni] You ever made one?
-No. This is gonna be fun.

This is now gonna be
a symbol for your fraternity,

for coming together,
for combining a bunch of ingredients

and turning it into a muffuletta.

A muffulambda.

[Antoni] So basically it's cured meats
and then cheese,

vegetables that are nice
and pickley and vinegary

between one of these
perfectly beautiful sesame loaves.

Grab your towels,
put them over your shoulder.

We have a very long road
to get these young men

to where they need to be,

but one thing I'm very inspired by
is a sense of brotherhood.

As a brotherhood,
they have a responsibility

to lift each other up to be
the best versions of themselves possible.

And these are college guys.
Who doesn't love a sandwich?

So we have black kalamata olives.

Green olives that have been pitted.

It's pickled, so it's crunchy and acidic.

Josh, you're the one with the most work
because you're literally a cook.

You have some shallots
and some fresh garlic.

I have some roasted red peppers,
chili flakes,

parsley, not traditionally found.

I love to add it 'cause it's super fresh,
and it adds a nice sharp pepperiness.

Although the prosciutto
isn't going into the olive salad,

we need it nicely chopped up

'cause there's nothing worse
than having a big pull of prosciutto,

and then it's just,
like, a complete chaotic mess.

-Heard that.

Okay. How are your knife skills?


We'll find out!

I make eggs and bacon,
and that's literally it.

[Antoni] Curl your fingers when cutting.

That way, you're gonna prevent
from cutting off the tips.

Look what Josh is doing.

-[Josh J] Like this.
-That's great.

What are you gonna miss about each other
when all this is done and you've moved on?

[Josh A] The thing that I will miss
is the special award that we have

called Freeman.

And the Freeman award goes to the guy

who does the stupidest thing
in the past week.

Like walking into a window
while holding a platter of watermelon

and wiping out on the watermelon?

-sh1tting your pants at the bar.
-Or eating a cigarette!

-Or sh1tting your pants at the bar!

One of you mentioned it when we met,
just the idea of chosen family,

and I always kind of just assumed as being
part of, like, the LGBTQIA+ environment

that that's something that we own,
but I realize it isn't exclusive to us.

And the fact that, like,
you actually made a decision

to be in this thing together
makes it all the more important

because it came out of choice.

-[Ian] Home away from home.

[Antoni] Whenever you're done chopping up,
you can plop the ingredients one by one.

Salt Bae that shit.

I'm gonna grab olive oil.

Yes, you get that garlic.

You just add some of the brine
and then lemon juice and the oregano.

Are we ready to assemble this?

-[Ryan] Yeah!

The messy part now. I'm gonna go ahead,

and all this extra oil that's here
that has all the flavors

and the brininess and the acid,
I'm just gonna drizzle some of this oil.

If little bits fall in,
that's totally fine.

And then, with the back end of the spoon,

you wanna try to get
as much of the surface as possible.

And then we're gonna assemble.

So there are tons of sandwich rules.

Lighter, less dense ingredients,
you want those on the top.

You have your options here.
We can use the Genoa or the soppressata.

And then we have Mortadella.

Mortadella is fancy bologna.

Bougie bologna.


The chopped prosciutto.

A little bit goes a long way
with prosciutto.

And then for cheese,

we're gonna be doing provolone
and a little bit of mozzarella.

Three slices should suffice.

Now the olive salad.

So I don't want too much of the liquid
to pour out on the side.

Try to drain any of the excess oil.

Shit's gonna get messy,
but that's fine 'cause so is life.

So we take the top part of the bread.

Oh bam!

[Antoni] Press it down nicely.

There's, like, two schools of thought.
Toasted or untoasted.

[all] Toasted.

We want toasted?

-Any sandwich is better toasted.

[Antoni] If you're gonna be asking people
to donate money and to help you

and showing your alumni
what outstanding young gentlemen you are,

you have to live that.

You have to take pride
in everything that you do.

[Antoni] Oh, it smells so good!

[Ian] This might be the best thing
I ever did in my life.

[Antoni] Wow.

And if they do, I'm so confident
it'll come back tenfold.

-[Antoni] Cheers!
-Happy muffulambda eating.

[Antoni] Boom.

[Ian] Oh hell yeah.

Oh, this is gas.

This is the best muffuletta
I've ever had in my entire life.

-[Antoni] Damn good.
-We all did this, and it was done fast.

Is this something you think you can make
at the end of the week

when you have the alum come by?

-I mean…

-[Antoni] Who's gonna lead the way?

Yes! And you all are gonna support him?

-[Demario] Of course.
-[Cooper] I got the olives.

You can tell this fraternity
really means a lot to them,

but they need to show that.

So I wanna zhuzh it up
and make it look really sophisticated,

like a frat house
that they can take pride in.

[rock music plays]

♪ Ball ♪

♪ Throw me up against the wall ♪

♪ When I stumble… ♪

[Jonathan] Come on in, boys.

Say hi to everyone.

Take your seats, class.

Come on in.

Yes. Yes. Yes.

Everybody, check their toxic masculinity
at the door.

Okay, now jump on in, everybody.

You get a makeover!
You get a makeover! You get a makeover!

-Look how pretty your eyes are.
-Thank you.

[Jonathan] Oh my God.

Your beard is…

I know it's really big.

Yes. You're giving me, like,
"I escaped my Amish family,

like, six months ago,
and I just started using electricity."

I can't…
You know, you're too cute for this.

I definitely wanna, like…

-Trim it?

You see this part?

Like, the shortest piece
that naturally grows

dictates the longest
that your hair should be.

I think you have
such a handsome face underneath this.

I like how you have your beard.

-You're willing to go down like this?

So, prettiest curls on the planet.

Tell me about you.
What do you want with your life?

-I'm a film major.
-A film major!

You're giving artist.
You're giving, like, you know,

"I march to the beat
of my own drummer, honey."

-When's the last time you had a haircut?
-Uh, three and a half years ago.

I like having the long hair,
like, with the curls and stuff,

but it's just nicer
when it's, like, only, like…

Oh shit.

I kind of wanna get rid of this beard.

Like a little très Harry Styles
in your life.

[rock music plays]

We're gonna do a big change on you.
The facial hair has got to go.

Even the mustache?

Girl, bye.


Is dyeing an option?
I wanted to get blond tips.

Do you wanna do some highlights?

-Okay. So much to do.

That feels good!

-Hey, Ian.
-[Ian] What's up, kitten?


[Jonathan] I imagine this is what
your guys' wedding days will be like.

And you'll all be each other's best men?

[in English accent] Much better.

-We're taking this off.
-[Josh A] Let's.

-[Jonathan] Are we ready for this?

Okay. Three, two, one.

[Josh A] Oh my God.

[chuckles] Yeah, let's go.

[Jonathan] Yes.

I don't know what I look like,
but it feels a little funny.

♪ Ain't no shame to style on 'em ♪

♪ Hey, uh ♪

-♪ You know that I'm gonna shine on it ♪

♪ I'm gonna shine on it… ♪

[Ian] I feel much lighter already though.

-[Jonathan] You do, right?

[Jonathan] Sexy! Everyone's looking sexy.

♪ Ain't no shame to style on 'em… ♪

Dreamy, bitch.


♪ I'm gonna shine on it ♪

♪ I'm gonna shine on it ♪

Move your head upside down again.

Yes, Jack Harlow.

[Jonathan] We are just having so much fun.

We are thriving.
We are spreading our wings.

We are getting into big changes.

-I'mma see you on a beach, Josh.
-[Josh J] Thanks.

[Cooper] You could be on Baywatch.

[Jonathan] I love you guys
giving each other compliments.

You gotta show the homies love.

[Jonathan] Look how sweet it is to just
see young people explore and have fun

and look, nobody got hurt.

They're adorable.

Here's the new you
in three, in two, in one.

Oh, I like it.

Movie beauty montage!

-And there you are.
-Oh hell yeah.

♪ Baby, I'm a bombshell ♪

-Thanks for trusting us with your hair.
-[Ian] I needed it.

-[Jonathan] You look great.
-I trust the professionals.

♪ Bombs away… ♪

Oh snap. This is new.

-I dig it.

♪ Too hot to handle ♪

♪ Oh… ♪

Oh shit.

-Yeah, that looks nice.

Three, two, one.


Holy shit.

That's so different.

-[Jonathan] Right?
-I like it though. Yeah, this is good.

Boys! We are looking what?

[all] Gorgeous!

[Jonathan] And we love it!

[acoustic guitar music plays]

♪ Campfire ladies, sing your song ♪

♪ Doo da ♪

[Josh A] ♪ Doo da ♪

-Y'all picked a nice spot.
-[Karamo] Nice out here.

-I've never came here.
-[Karamo] Know how to start a fire?

[Cooper] Yeah, I grew up camping.

[Karamo] I'm not an outdoorsy type of guy.
Y'all about to show me something.

Cooper knows what he's doing.

[Karamo] It is clear to me
that these boys are lost.

They need some guidance.

They need to understand
how to express what they're feeling

so that they can start growing together.

What have y'all been
taught about what it means to be a man?

Just taking care
of, like, a family, for sure.

And make sure
you're financially stable as well

'cause being able to be reliable
is one of the big things I hear about

as far as becoming a man.

Well, it's funny,
not once did you say yourself.

Uh, yeah.

That's the way our culture teaches men.

You take care of everything else,
and that's your value.

Even though some might say,
"Make sure you're good as well,"

no one teaches you how to be good.

And a lot of what it is
to be good is, like,

checking in on, like, how you're feeling.
Those things affect your mental health.

How often do you offer support

and have a chance
to come together and talk?

I feel like with guys especially,
it's just instilled into us.

You don't say nothing until somebody asks.

Sometimes it's hard
to express myself and, like,

find a chance to, really.

So, hold on, do y'all ask about him?

I don't do it enough. I'm his big brother.

Y'all wanna ask him a question?

[Marco] What be going on with you?

On a daily basis,
what be going through your head?

There's just, like, a lot going on

'cause, like, over the summer,
I've been working two internships,

and I've been having
the two summer classes,

all while, like, taking the bus and…

A lot of financial things all going on.

[Karamo] Like what?

Keep it coming, Demario. Keep it coming.

Trying to, like…

[voice breaking]
It's pretty much self-improvement.

That's what I'm trying to do.

There's a lot going on in your life.

You're feeling the stress of the world.

I'm trying to figure everything out.

You feel you're losing that battle
of figuring things out?

[Demario] There's setbacks.

There's a point where I got a car,
and then I crashed it the second day.

Then it's back to no car again
and taking the bus everywhere.


[Ryan] Every time we see Demario,
there's a smile on his face.

You wouldn't even know
that he was going through that stuff.

He comes around
and brightens up the room, and I love it.

I love you,

and I didn't even know
you was going through that.

And shame on me for not asking too.

I definitely see the need
to talk about it more to you all.

And I will do so.

As men, you're taught
to hold it all on your shoulders,

figure it all out,

but then you hold everything inside,
and it just starts to eat away at you.

[Cooper] We've all had nights
where we've been sitting with each other,

we just start breaking down in our laps,
while the others try to help comfort us.

I gotta tell you, it should never
get to the place where you break down.

It's like, hold it in,

and one day
the emotions just get the best of you,

and it just explodes.

This conversation has definitely
made me think more about my position

'cause my position
is literally brotherhood chair,

so, like, I feel like I've kind of…

Not, like…

Kind of failed everyone,

not, like, checking up
on everyone and stuff.

You're good.

[Karamo] What's causing the emotion?

I just hate to see my…
all my friends like this, man.

Like, I don't know.

Plus, like, I deal with my own stuff, too,

so, like, I don't feel like
I've really ever opened up to anyone.

Why have you been unsure about opening up?

I get anxiety,
like, just thinking about bringing it up.

I really don't even know
what I'm feeling half the time.

'Cause most people don't know the emotion.

[Ryan] That's what I was about to say.
In your head, it's gibberish,

so how are you supposed to explain it
to somebody?

But also just,
it's hard feeling comfortable

for me putting it on someone else.

We don't know where they're at.

Like, and sometimes, if someone's
under, like, a crazy mental load,

it is not the best time
to dump yours on them.

And I guess it's just instilled in me
that, like, nobody can help me but me.

Even whenever somebody's giving me advice
or I'm ranting to 'em,

it's pissing me off because you don't know
what I'm going through.

You don't know this exact situation.
It all just boils, boils, boils,

and then it gets to the point
where I just…

I either shut down completely or I just…

Yeah, I just shut down completely.

[Karamo] You're not alone in that.

As men, we're taught
that you have to solve the problem.

But what we know about emotions
is that when you're in a safe place,

someone doesn't
have to solve your problems.

In these moments where you're feeling
like, "I don't even know what to say."

"I don't wanna put it on somebody else.
I don't wanna bother them,"

it's, "Hey, can we come together?"

"And I might just gibber for a bit,
but I don't need y'all to solve that."

It's okay for men
just to be able to express their emotions

without another man
feeling they have to solve it.

Because the thing is
that I see all of y'all.

You have not stopped
having tears come down your eyes.

I see the stress in your eyes. You've been
playing with sticks this entire time.

Yeah. [laughs]

All of this is what the pent-up
of, like, what wants to come out,

but y'all are, like, not letting it out.

And my brother right here in the middle,
when people do this,

it's because they're holding it even more.

But I need you to know
you gotta let it out,

and I don't know what it is,
and you might not even know what it is.

Exactly. I don't know what it is.

Y'all gotta be able
to talk about these things.

It's coming out a lot now
because this has never happened.

You have to be able
to listen to each other more.

This is a step in brotherhood,
of coming together,

and of y'all growing
and becoming better men.

If someone would've had this for me at 21,

Jesus! Hoo!

Some of the pressure I was feeling,
things I was going through,

some of them mistakes I made,
I wouldn't have made.

But y'all have an opportunity
to be there for each other.

This is what it is to be a man.
It's taking care of yourself.

The more it festers on the inside,
the worse it gets.

You're right.
I've never experienced a moment like this.

[Cooper] Yeah. For real.

I've never cried in front of someone
about my problems before.

Y'all have done a great job with this.

It is the hardest thing,

for men, but especially younger men,
to do what y'all did today.

Y'all have no idea
how ahead of the curve y'all are.

I need y'all to get up,
be there for each other right now.

Shake it off now. [chuckles]

[Demario] My man, Coop.


-[Karamo] I got you, chief.
-[Josh J] Come talk to me.

I apologize in case I made it seem…

[Cooper] Come here, Demario.

[Ryan] Whatever you need,
bro, you can talk to me.

-Appreciate that.
-[Ryan] I love you, man.

You are my best friends.
I don't know where I'd be without all you.

[Demario] It's crazy.

[Cooper] This has been
the, like, wildest weekend of my life.

-[Ian] Right?
-[Karamo laughs]

[energetic rock music plays]

♪ Ooh, oh, ooh , oh ♪

♪ Ooh, oh, ooh, oh, ooh, oh ♪

♪ Ooh, oh, ooh, oh, ooh, oh ♪

[Fab Five] Yay!


-[Antoni] Ah!

-[Jonathan] You guys look so good!
-[Karamo] They look so handsome.

[Tan] Barely recognize them.

-Are you guys ready to see your house?

[Bobby] All right.

-Oh sh… What the [beep]?!

-[Josh J] Oh my goodness.
-[Ryan laughs]

[Josh A] Son. What?

[Cooper] This ain't the same house.

[Josh A] Oh my God.

[Josh J] This is so cool.

[Demario] Book club!

-[Ian] This is insane.
-That's beautiful.

This is like a whole different world.

[Bobby] New gaming area or theater room.

[Jonathan] That's theater seating, y'all.

-Oh my God.

-[Marco] Bro, look at the popcorn machine.
-[Josh A] This is amazing.

[Marco] Big-ass TV!

Talk about movies nights at the house.

Ryan, are you shocked-happy, or are you
thinking of all the chores to assign?


-I love it. This is great.
-[Josh A] This is insane.

-Ready to see more?
-[all] Yes.

-[Ryan] I don't even wanna step on it.

[Demario] Yo.

-[Ryan] Holy cow!
-[Demario] Yo.

[Marco] This is nuts, yo.

[Bobby] This is now an area
where you can actually eat, hang.

This is so fantastic.

-I love this table so much.
-[Cooper] Awesome.

All kinds of new appliances.
Coffee makers.

You guys can be
distinguished gentlemen now.

[Josh A] Espresso machine?

-[Marco] This is insane.
-This is amazing, man. This is so nice.

[Bobby] We got one more space
for you guys to see.

Oh my God.

[Cooper] No way!

[Bobby] So now this is the place
you guys can come out, play games.

You can read.

This is the place to have a nice,
civilized game of chess or tic-tac-toe.

[Tan] It's so tastefully done, Bobby.

Oh, wow. I didn't even notice
the lighting until now.

The most exciting thing?
There's stuff to clean with!

[Bobby] Yes! Yeah, yeah, yeah.

You've got a whole cleaning station
over there.

You have no excuses.


What do you think the alumni will think
when they see this?

They're all gonna shit themselves.


Kitchen's a little different
than you last remember.

[Josh J] Yeah, just a little.

Like, have room
to, like, chop up stuff now.

-[Antoni] Yeah!
-It's awesome.

Speaking of chopping, I want you
to have a really good set of knives

to get you started.

So these are beautifully sharpened.

I understand how precious
knives are to a chef.


They're yours to practice with
and to hone in on your craft.

-Thank you so… This is awesome.
-Of course.

-You're very welcome.
-I love 'em.

You just made my heart melt.
Can I give you a hug?

Of course!

Boys, how you feeling about tonight?

I don't really see
how it could go wrong, honestly.

We are going to demolish
formal rush this year.

-[Ian] It's almost unfair at this point.
-Yeah, I mean, it kind of is.

I want you to have the unfair advantage,

so I have a new wardrobe
for every one of you

that will make sense for the future
that you want outside of these four walls.

-Yes? Yes?
-[all] Yes.

This couch makes me
wanna have some snacks.

-Like some Swedish Fish.
-[Tan] Kids?

-[all] Yeah?
-You ready to see 'em?

-[Tan] Me too!

Come and show the boys.

-I like the little cuff at the bottom.

-[Karamo] Look at you!
-[Tan] Doesn't he look so handsome?

-[Antoni] Yeah.
-[Karamo] Yeah!

[Jonathan] Cute!


[Karamo] Yes! Yes! Boom!


Swagged out.



[Bobby] Love a print with a suit.


[Jonathan] Okay, you're really
giving me sexuality, honey.

It's great.
Are they doing their swimsuit looks next?

[Bobby] Love this.

You are so cute, I can't stand it.

Look at your cute little fitted outfit.

[Josh A] Uh! Uh!

[Karamo] You're giving me BDE energy.

-[all cheering] Yeah!
-Yeah! Look at him!

[chanting] Cooper! Cooper! Cooper!

[Karamo] You look good!


Where did the fraternity boys go?
'Cause these are all models.

We have had a lot of fun
getting to know you guys,

and not only have you guys
cleaned up really well,

but I think
you've also learned a lot as well.

Not only on how to take pride
in the space that you live,

but also we took you guys
from boys to men this week.

Yes. You've been thoroughly yassified.


You guys have something big tonight.
How are you feeling? Are you nervous?

I'm more prepared now.

-Less nervous than I was beforehand, so…
-[Marco] Yeah, for real.

You should be so proud of yourselves.

If this is what the future of men
look like for our nation,

I am very excited about where we're going.

I could not echo that more.

I was really scared about it.

I have not always had young men,
especially when I was your guys' age,

be, like, the kindest to me.

And this was a very healing experience,
and I just am very inspired by you guys,

and I'm very proud of you guys.

These past few days
have been very eye-opening

about how I take care of myself,
how I take care of my friends,

and I just wanna say thank you
from the bottom of my heart.

This changed my life.
Honestly, this changed my life.

This has been amazing. Amazing.

Thank you all so much. It has been great.

Like, it was truly magical.

[Ryan] Especially thank you
to the moment we all shared yesterday

and just you helping us along the way.

It's one of the reasons we're so strong.
It's 'cause we know we have each other.

Just keep being there for each other.
On that note…

-We gotta get out of here so you guys can…
-We're gonna miss you all!

…start entertaining in your new home.
Good luck tonight, guys.

-[Tan] Bye!
-Bye, guys.

-Bye, guys.

[upbeat music plays]

[Ryan] Everybody who's in there cooking,
knock it out.

Everybody else, let's try to get
this place up here looking straight.

We're about to bring some alumni in.
As many conversations as possible.

Meet as many guys as you can.
If you know 'em, say, "What's up?"

Go to the ones you don't know.
Let's get to work.

[Josh J] That looks beautiful.
Don't skimp on the olives.

[Ryan] Hello. Welcome. Hello.

-How we doing?
-John Person.

John, I'm Ryan Parker.
It's nice to meet you.

Oh my God! Oh my God! [laughs]

Welcome to the newly designed house.

-[man] Yeah.
-Look at this room!

Hello, hello!

-Welcome to the new kitchen.

Y'all making these?

-All of 'em.

This is not a fraternity house.


Gotta look great for the occasion.
I see you did too.

-[man] Why didn't we think of that?

-[Ryan] Look right here.
-Oh, no! That's so funny.

Just wanted to ask
if there's anyone that you know,

or if you would be comfortable
with some kind of donation?

-Well, thank you. I really appreciate it.

I am so proud
of how far these boys have come.

[Jonathan] Watching these young people
step into this journey

with whole, full hearts,

asking questions,

supporting each other,

and also being kind to themselves
at the same time,

it's really heartwarming.

Because the true test of being a man
is how vulnerable you can be,

how loving you can be,
how understanding you can be.

[Tan] It is so hard
to find your chosen family,

and that is what they are to each other.

They're caring. They're loving.
They support each other.

They have each other to rely on,
so they can share their fears,

their anxieties,
their hopes for the future.

Because your brothers can teach you.

That's what it is. Each one teach one.

And here we go.

The cycle continues.

Cheers to Lambda Alpha, everybody!

-Come on now! Yeah!
-Lambda Alpha!


[rock music plays]

You only have one chance
to make a good first impression.

And it starts with the right handshake.

Lock eyes, lock hands,
two to three shakes.

-Not too hard.

Not too soft.

Just right.

It's a greeting, not a competition.

[chimes tinkling]

-I don't want anyone saying I'm dramatic.


No! No!

I [beep] hate dirty [beep] fingernails!

We shouldn't be on here telling lies.

Not all things keep getting better.


-Some things progressively get worse!
-I was gonna say.

♪ Way too much fun ♪

♪ Party's on ♪

♪ Just keeps getting better ♪

-We'll make muffulettas.



I'm crying! [laughing]


-Nailing it!
-Yeah, you got this.

-What the [beep] is happening?


Oh, uh… [mumbles]


I don't know if I would've been willing
to take on these seven boys in a fight.

I think I have about five more minutes
till I lose consciousness.


Or, actually, JK.
I would totally take them on in a fight.

I mean, Karamo always seemed old.

Back in my day,
it was called raising the roof. Hey!

He seems really old today.

We are six months apart!

You ain't that much younger, Bobby!
You old too!


You're a d*ck!

♪ I feel like getting a little ♪

♪ Crazy ♪

[laughing] Stop!


I'm done. It's fine. I'm so good now.

I think we've all
been gargling bong water.


♪ Never ever wanna stop ♪

♪ It's only just begun ♪

♪ This is way too much fun ♪

♪ Way too much fun ♪