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08x02 - Kiss the Sky

Posted: 04/28/24 16:28
by bunniefuu
[rock music playing]

♪ Come on, everybody ♪

♪ Rock and roll, gonna save my soul ♪

♪ Sing it, hallelujah ♪

♪ Hallelujah... ♪

[Karamo] We are in it to win it, honeys.
Let's go.

You guys, our hero this week is Tim Keel.

[Karamo] Hey, Tim Keel.

"He's possibly one of the biggest
KISS superfans of all time."


-Wait a second. I have the perfect thing.
-[Tan] Oh.

-[Jonathan] Yes!

-[Tan] Tina Turner.

He's a KISS fan!

-What's that?

-Is KISS, like, that heavy, heavy metal?

And Gene Simmons is known for his tongue.

-Yes, very long tongue.
-Is he the guy from the workout videos?

-No. That's Richard Simmons.

♪ Whoa! ♪

I've been accumulating KISS merchandise
since 1974.

I've been a fan
since the first album came out.

♪ Whoa! ♪

Every piece of space
on every wall has got something on it.

-I have no idea what songs they sing.
-I've no idea either.

[Tan] No idea what they look like.

They paint their faces and have that hair.

-They're the black-and-white g*ng!
-[Bobby] Yeah. Yeah.

They stick their tongue out and go, "Ah!"

"Tim's house has been overrun
by his greatest loves,

KISS memorabilia and pets."

Something about just the word "pets"

and the lack of specificity
makes me just a tad nervous.

I have a spur-thighed tortoise.
I have about 15 reptiles.

A bunch of fish.

Oh, and I also have a pigeon.


It's a 12-year-old boy's house, man.


-When it comes to fashion...

...if it doesn't have a KISS logo on it,
honey, Tim doesn't want it!

-I don't want it either! I love KISS!
-[Bobby] Yeah.


My dad has worn a KISS shirt
and cargo pants, only,

for the past 40 years.

Never anything else... ever.

[Tim] I have about 350 KISS shirts.
That's what I'm known for.

It's my signature.
I'm a rock-and-roll outlaw, man.


-Okay, now we're going into the story.
-[Antoni] Okay.

"More than 30 years ago,

Tim's brother Tommy, aka Doody,
was in a terrible car accident

leaving him paralyzed
with severe brain damage."

"Since that day,
Tim has been Doody's sole caretaker."

[Tim] All right, Dood.
You ready to get up?

My brother, Doody Keel,
he had a closed head injury.

He's paralyzed on his left side.

So I've been taking care of him
since, like, '86.

It's been him and I.

My dad's whole life
has been taking care of his brother.

[Doody] Where are we going?

[Tim] Just getting you back.

My dad is lonely.

"Tim was married to his high school
sweetheart, Kim, for 23 years."

"The challenge of caring for Tim's brother
combined with Tim's lack of self-care

put too much strain on the marriage."

So he has been through a divorce, honey.

Kim and I had two daughters,
Lilly and Melody.

We had a really good time raising them.

And that's why we're
such good friends today,

because of our kids.

My mom really kept my dad
focused and together.

When they got divorced, he let a lot
of his self-care fall to the wayside

and he really spiraled into a depression.

[Jonathan] "Last year,
he lost his job as a welder."

-Oh my God.

"Since being unemployed,
he's spiraled down further."

-I can understand that.
-[Antoni] Oh my God.

When it rains, it pours!

[Tan] Even if he's not
taking care of himself,

the fact that he's doing so much
for his brother is beautiful.

-It's a lot of sacrifice.

[uplifting music playing]

[Melody] I hope this experience

gives my dad
some self-confidence and self-worth,

and that he sees that there's more to him

than just a caregiver
and a KISS fan and an animal lover.

My dad is in the lowest point of his life.

He needs outside help

of someone to lift him out
and, like, give him a boost

and get him back, like, moving and shaking
and being the person he once was.

"Our mission this week is to
help Tim Keel do what it takes to heal!"



Yes, healing journey. We're upon you.

♪ Things just keep getting better
Down in New Orleans ♪

[heavy metal music playing]

♪ Whoo! ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! ♪

[Bobby] Here? Whoo!

-[Antoni] All right, let's go!
-Let's do it.

I'll knock.

[guys laugh]

-Trick or treat!

[guys] Hi!

[Jonathan] How are you, buddy?
Nice to meet you! Aw.

-You really do always wear KISS outfits.
-Hey, how are you?

-I'm Antoni. Nice to meet you.
-What's going on?

Hello. I'm Tan. Nice to meet you.

How are you?

[Karamo] Come on.
Show me around your home.

-It's not a home. It's a museum.

[royal music playing]

[Jonathan] This is the epicenter
of KISS memorabilia.

Is it for me? No, but I understand,
because if I could,

I would turn my house
into Michelle Kwan Central.

KISS, Michelle Kwan. Basically the same.
You know? I get it.

[guitar shred]

-Thanks for letting us into your home.
-Sure. Sure.


-Can I say hello to Doody?
-Try. Sure.

-[Jonathan] Hi, Doody.
-Hi, Doody.

[Karamo] Hi, Doody.

[Tim] Hey, man. We're gonna talk about you
for a minute, all right?

We grew up together.
He's seven years older than I am.

We were always close, always hung out,

and then he had a bad car accident.

They didn't think he was gonna live.
He was in a coma for three months.

-[Tim] But he woke up.

And then we got him home
as soon as we could.

So he's been with us ever since.

Was he kind of your idol?

Are you that kind of family where
your older brother was your person?

Yeah, I mean, he's the one who introduced
me to all this stuff. All this music.

You did this, Doody? [clicks tongue]

Yeah! [laughs]

[Antoni] What is it about them
that you love so much?

-Hair and makeup.

-[Jonathan] Right?

Just the whole mystique of it all.

I mean, I grew up in the '70s,
and they were big in the '70s.

-And they were my friends.

I literally just saw
an aquarium full of turtles.

-[Karamo] Oh my gosh.
-There's full turtles.

-[Karamo] So cool.

[Jonathan] Oh, look at that fish.

[Antoni] Oh my gosh. It's an albino snake.

My Achilles tendons feel numb,
and my taint is tingling.

-I just got a chill in... my whole body.
-[Tan] Wait! I wanna see!

That is gorgeous.
Oh my God. It's a real one. Oh!

What? What? What? What? What? What?


[Antoni] Reptiles just terrify me.

There's just something about them
that reminds me of dinosaurs.

I feel like they're from another planet,
and they make me terribly uncomfortable.

I would rather
snuggle up to a New York City street rat

than I would be ten feet away
from the smallest snake in the world.

[Tim] That's Oswald right here.

-[Bobby and Karamo] Oswald.

[Tim] She's going through a procedure.
She's got a feeding tube now.

[Tan] Aw.

Blood transfusion turtle!

Minding its own business
in the middle of a hectic busy place.

[Bobby] Let's see
the rest of the KISS stuff.

-[Antoni] Look at the boot.
-[electric guitar playing]

Yeah, put 'em on.

-[Tan] How did you walk in these?
-[Tim] I was walking good.

[Bobby] A sensible heel!

And then I fell once and I said,
"I think I've had enough."

-[Tan] They are insane.
-[Karamo] My gosh.

-[Tan] Ah! I have never felt better.
-[Antoni] They're so good.

-Look how tall you are.

[Karamo] It's freaking me out.

-[upbeat music playing]

Open wide!

I don't have Covid. I don't need that.

[Tan] Drink your juice!

[Antoni] Let's see your kitchen.


[Antoni] What's this guitar?

[Tim] Lilly made that when she was a baby.

-Little girl.
-[Antoni] Aw.

I noticed that where you have
a thousand pieces of KISS memorabilia,

there's always a photo of your daughters
or your family there.

[Tim] Yeah.
I'm always thinking about 'em.

What was your favorite time

when you think back
about what life used to be like?

Well, when all four of us were together,
hanging around here, cooking.

You're a sentimental man.

Yeah, I am.

Do you make food
for you and your brother?

I do. It's simple things now.
I don't go through all the trouble.

I used to come home from work,

get in this kitchen, and make a big meal
when we were together.

Did you enjoy doing that?

-[Tim] I loved it.

Yeah. I mean, I cooked in restaurants
for years and stuff.

When did it stop?
That's what I'm curious about.

Well, it stopped maybe six months after,

you know,
it was just him and I in the house.

I was just kind of like, "Well,
why am I sitting in here for two hours?"

He's, like, "Hey, man.
Whatever you got, I'll eat."

If it doesn't matter
to your brother as much,

then maybe it's a little opportunity
to think about you.

-[Antoni] And nourishing yourself.

-Well, let's see what's going in here.

-Where you at?
-This big ol' fridge.

-This is it.
-This is it.

This is all food for the tortoise.
Don't think I eat this.

So all the veggies are for the tortoise...

-[Tim] Right.
-...but not for you...

-[Tim] No.
-...a living, breathing, human being,

who's taking care of someone...

-[Tim] Right.
-...and has a life to live.

-Got it.

-[Tim] No veggies for me.
-[Antoni] I wanna know about you.

-[Tim] We got pancake mix for me.
-[Antoni] Okay.

[Tim] And I love these.
These are the best.

[Antoni] 'Cause why have the crust?

[Tim] You're eating and done
in about a minute and a half.

-[Antoni] You eat a lot of hot dogs.
-[Tim] I do.

What's in the freezer?

-[Antoni] Oh my.
-[Tim] We got some mice for the snake.

-There are mice in there? Oy!
-[Tim] Yeah.

-[Antoni] Oh, Beauties.
-[Tim] I feed the other one live mice.

And then I... I have frozen...
big, jumbo, frozen rats for the big one.

-Where do you buy rats from?
-[Tim] Pet store.

Ah, okay. You're a fascinating man.


[Karamo] Oh, that's cool.

Oh my God.

[Tan] Join me, my love.
Frankly, I've already had a look.

-Impressive, huh?
-It's... [laughs]

I love... Yes.

It's a beautiful thing.

I do love that you have a passion,
but there's got to be something more.

I'm just so used to wearing them, man.
It's all I've worn.

For how long?

-Just KISS shirts every single day?

I don't know, 20 years, maybe?

When I put these on, I just feel good
about myself.

If you feel good in it
and it makes you feel passionate

or happy or whatever, wear it.

And if you've found that, wonderful.

I do think you're limiting yourself,
'cause there's other things

that might make you feel good. So...

Yeah, I'm with you.

I would like to explore that
with you also,

but we ain't getting rid of this.

We're going to find a way
to incorporate this... vibe,

without it just being a KISS shirt.

-I'm ready.
-Good. Me too.

You're so sweet, little turtle.

Do you hate having to be around
all these snakes, too?

[in Australian accent]
We have an albino anaconda.

It could... [yells] any moment.

I love your memorabilia
and I love your passion.

Thank you.

I can see
how sweet and kind and loving you are.

It actually radiates from you.

-Thank you.
-You love your brother so deeply.

-But I want to know who you are.

-I don't know who I am.
-[Karamo] Yeah.

I don't have an identity
outside of those things.

When was the last time
you remembered having an identity?

Probably, when I was a kid, you know.
A teenager growing up.

I would go to the park all day,
looking for reptiles.

That just made me happy.

That's how people knew me.

Just like, a reptile guy, and...

Fun guy.

-Yeah, fun guy.
-Do you still have fun?

It's very few and far in between.

I could use a little more fun.
I need to live my life a little bit.

Yeah. I got you, man.

-We got this this week.
-[Tim] Thank you.


That's a lot of cobweb.

So much stuff.

I like there's just one little
patch of hairy skin poking out.

-Just to show "I'm a man."
-Just a little peek at you.

I'm a man in these boots.

-[Karamo] Jonathan! I have a guest.
-Yes! Hi!

[Tim] What are you doing
in my beautiful bathroom?

-Being a gorgeous minx in it.
-[Karamo] Y'all have fun.

-Love you!
-[Karamo] Love you too.

-[Tim] Hey.

-[Jonathan] Tell me.

[Jonathan] You come in here
in the morning.

You're humming
a little KISS tune to yourself.

-[Tim] You got that right.
-And then what happens?

-I'll jump in the shower.
-Might take a showee?

-Brush my teeth.
-Oh, it's getting sexy.

Then what happens?

Then I leave. I'm out.

What an abrupt ending!


You don't slather lotion
on those legs or arms?

-[Tim] There's no lotions.
-No lotions?

What about three of my favorite letters,


[Jonathan] If you are not
wearing sunscreen, you are incorrect.

If you do not put on some sunscreen,

I'm gonna take off my sandal
and I'm gonna chase you.

I've had it! No more Mr. Nice Person!

So what I'm going to do is just...

We're gonna switch outfits.
I'll get you in this dress.

And then I'm gonna take you over to Bobby.

-[Jonathan] Let's go.

-I'm kidding. We're not gonna switch.
-I don't mind.

Would you want to?

-Well, I...
-Should we give you this little dress?

-[Tim] I'm game.
-Here. Let's strut to find our slut.

Look right at the camera.


-No, you go, "Ooh!"

And then turn to the side like that.

I gotta get this confidence now.

I gotta get Tim
to drop into his sluttiness.

-Then look at this.
-Oh, okay.

-Hey now! Hey!

Yes, and then walk with gusto into there.
Walk in there.

[Tim laughs]

[Jonathan] Yeah, keep going.

We did a modified slut drop.

This is the season of sluts, apparently.

I'm glad we're on the same page.
You guys have fun. Love you both.

-[Tim] All right. Thank you.
-You doing okay?

-Yeah? Good.
-Yeah, I'm fine.

-So, this is Doody's room.
-Right. This is Doody's room.

How is this particular room working out?

Well, this is what you call
"just put it wherever you can."

-Okay. This bed broken, it seems?
-Yes, it's definitely broken.

The feet work, but the head doesn't work.

Is this room, the...
good angle and stuff or...

As long I have a floor,
I can turn him around.

I'm pretty good at driving.

I've been driving this thing a long time.

I can put this bad boy through...
a space like that.

Tim's not the only guy that lives here.

Doody lives here too, and I think
getting the place more open and spacious

to where he can get around better

is really going to affect
both of their quality of lives

in a very good way.

[Tan] Two.


[Tan laughs]

-Three. Open wide.
-[Antoni] Why are you sweating so much?

You can go wider.

You can go wider.

-I know you can go wider.
-You are drenched.

[Tan] The smell of this hot dog juice
is absolutely vile.

I can't believe these two idiots are
willing to put this in their mouths.

They are morons.

[Tan laughs]

Oh, what's that juice
that's falling off it? It's so gross.


-Good job!

-[Antoni gags]
-[Karamo] I've said it a million times.

Antoni, stop putting
everything in your mouth!


Frankly, I'm tired of everyone judging

the fact that I put
everything in my mouth.

How else are you gonna know
what something tastes like?

Y'all didn't mess up my hot dogs?

-You put 'em back?
-We promise we'll replenish hot dogs.

And we'll be cooking those hot dogs
and eating them personally.

We don't believe in food waste.

So as we take you, who's going
to take care of your brother this week?

-You have support?
-My family.

Okay, great.

How does that feel knowing you're gonna
take some time away from him?

You know, it's a weird thing, but yeah.
He's in good hands.

-[Melody] What's up, Daddy-O?
-Who is this gorgeous girl?

Come in here!

-Are you Melody?

Hi, Melody! I'm Tan. Nice to meet you.
How are you?

-Come on in. Join us.

-I'm gonna hug everyone. Hi!

-How are you, honey?
-I'm good. How are you?

-[Karamo] This your daughter?
-[Melody] Hi, Daddy!


[Jonathan] Hi, Daddy!

Look at this gorgeous mug.

We've already fallen in love with him.
He's a good man.

[Melody] He is the best.

Did someone get you
the Daughter-of-the-Year award?

I can feel it. You're so cute.

Well, my dad's the best.

And just the sweetest and funniest
and I just love him the most.

I mean, he's just, like,
the best dad in the world,

but he could use
a little zhuzhing, to say the least.

It's time for a little something new.

We want to get him out the house.

All my friends freaking love Tim.

Like, Tim's the party monster.

-Tim's coming to the party.
-Oh, really?

He's wearing a costume. Like, he's there.

-[Jonathan] He's the life of the party.
-Yeah. [laughs]

Just want to like, pull out that old Tim.

He can feel himself again
and, like, feel himself.

-[Antoni] Yeah!
-I think we should get this week started.

[Jonathan] Let's do it!

So you should say goodbye to Dad,
'cause you'll be seeing a new man.

-[Tim] I love you.
-[Jonathan] Aw, family.

Have so much fun.

-[Tim] Thank you.
-Come on. You're coming with us.

-[Bobby] We're out of here.
-Bye! So great to meet you all!

-Thank you!
-[Tan] Bye, Melody!

-Bye, Doody!
-[Tan] Bye, Doody.

-Lovely to meet you, sweetheart.
-Great to meet you, my friend.

[Melody] Bye! Thank you so much!

-[Tim] Later, man.
-[Jonathan] Bye, honey.

You and me, Dood.
I'll be taking care of you.


Why is he called Doody?

Doody. Like, Howdy Doody
was big back then.

[guys] Oh.


[upbeat music playing]

Tim is spending so much time,
understandably, focusing on his brother,

who needs a lot of attention
and needs a lot of care.

He's kind of lost touch with who he is.

I just want him
to take better care of himself.

He knows that he wants to.

He just doesn't really know
how to follow through.

[Tan] He's been through so much,
and you can tell he's hit rock bottom.

This is his rock bottom.

And I'm going to help
pull him out. We all are.

I'm here to make Tim realize
there's an inner sexiness to explore here.

He's been so obsessed with KISS
and being literally a caretaker,

he forgot he's hot.

And I'm here to tell him,
"You're cute, Tim!"

[Karamo] Tim has stopped
celebrating his own life.

There's a world outside that he needs
to still experience and live.

[Bobby] I know he has been
the primary caregiver

for his brother for almost 40 years,

and that's gotta take
a lot out of a person.

And he's kind of become a hermit.

He is not finding any joy in life anymore.

And I think this week, we need to show Tim

that there is still joy out there
to be had.

And this week,
we're going to show you that.

[rock music playing]

[Tan] So, Tim, this is our space.

-Oh, wow.
-Isn't it so nice?

-[Tim] It really is.
-[Tan] So lovely.

-These are my people, right here.
-[Tan laughs]

That's why I put him there.
I wanted you to feel at home.

What were you like before

all of this
that has really gotten you down?

I guess I was
a little more happy-go-lucky.

-I lived a crazy lifestyle as a kid.

What's your idea
of a crazy lifestyle as a kid?

Well, I mean,
I grew up in New Orleans, so...

-[Tim] I don't know what that means.
-We ran... we ran the streets, you know?

[Tan] I don't know what that means.
I'm foreign.

I don't know
what "running the streets" means

in New Orleans.

Partying. Constantly.

You know, and that's
just the way I lived for a long time.

And then, when I went and met my ex-wife,
I calmed down. We had the kids.

-Do you have friends to hang out with?
-I do. I do have a few friends.

-But nobody really hangs out.
-And who doesn't want to hang out?

-[Tim] Well...
-I don't mean go to a record store.

I mean going for a drink on a night?

-I'm not saying...
-I've never done that.

[Tim laughing]

I... I mean, I've never just gone somewhere
with somebody and just,

like, sat down at a table and had...

-[Tim laughs]

And had lunch. I mean,
or a drink or whatever. No.

-Never happened.
-You have not lived.

It's as if I'm meeting somebody
who just landed from another planet.

That's wild.

That's what they say about me.
I'm a little off.

No, it's not off. You just...

you haven't opened yourself up
to the things

that could be really bloody fun.

We need to find a way to bring you
back to life, like the old Tim.


Shall we... try on clothes?

Makes sense to me.

♪ Hey ♪

All of this stuff that I've got...
so, it's John Varvatos.

-[Tan laughs]

-Even I know who John Varvatos is.

-Okay, good. I'm glad.

♪ Hey, hey... ♪

Tim, you ready?

[gasps] You are ready.

-Oh my gosh. Stand here for me.


Take a look at yourself.

Yeah, that looks... That's all right.
This jacket's beautiful.

-[Tan] Isn't it?
-It really is.

[Tan] Can I do one little thing
real quick to tweak?


It's just kinda ruining the look.
I just wanna see.

-[Tim] Starting to lose my hair.
-That's all right.

So, I like the pant on you.

I want to explain why I've given you
the pant instead of the short.

So, your legs now look a regular size.

It's elongated your leg. Great.

This, if you were to go out
for a concert, a dinner,

and you put this on,
you look cool, you look age-appropriate,

and you look like a rocker,
without it looking like a costume.

Yeah, this makes me feel good.

-You look damn good.
-[Tim] Thank you.

Next. Color.

Yeah, this one's kind of weird, man.

-There you go.
-[Tim laughs]

So, it's a blazer with a granddad collar.
Really simple.

Let's try it on. Let's see how you feel.

-[Tan] Follow me.

I feel hopeful
that by the time I leave him,

he feels really good about trying on
clothes that aren't KISS clothes.

-[Tim] Hey.
-[gasps] Okay.

-Funny meeting you here. How you doing?
-Okay. All right. Hello, mate.


-I like this shirt with this jacket.
-[Tan] Great.

I'm becoming a fashion guy

right in front
of your big, naked steaming eyes.

[Tan laughs]

Yeah, it's... the only thing
that makes me uncomfortable

is that... the tuck in, man.

-Like, I'm self-conscious right here and...

You look way slimmer in this
than you did in your oversized tee.

I know that you
may be feeling self-conscious.

As far as I'm concerned,
you look wonderful, Tim.

[Tim] Thank you.

The version of you
I would love to see going forward.

Yeah, I do like this.

Well, you know the rule.

Because you like it,
I've got something for you. Hit it!

[heavy metal music playing]

All right!

[Tan] Does that feel better?

-All right. Yeah!
-What's going on here?


-Neon. How's it going?
-[Tim] Hey.

-Hi, Neon!
-[Tim] Good.

You look great. Is this linen?

-[Tan] Hello.
-[Tim] Thank you.

[Tan] What are you doing?
Why are you bugging us?

-We're busy. We have stuff to do.
-[Tim] Uh-oh.

[Tan] Okay, come on, dear.

-[Tim] Thank you.
-Let's get changed.

♪ Hey! ♪

[heavy metal music playing]

♪ Girl, you've got me hypnotized ♪

♪ I'm out of my mind... ♪

My biggest fear this week
is that Tim is gonna walk into his house

and have a meltdown
because all the KISS stuff is gone.

I want him to see himself
through the lens that we see him through,

which is that he's a really cool guy
with a really cool hobby,

and he has a lot to share with people.

[rock music playing]

-Welcome to my kitchen.
-Oh, beautiful.

I really wanted to think of
the perfect dish.

The thing I wanted to make with you,

especially knowing that
you used to cook for your family.

-And for your daughters.

[Antoni] And there was just something
about you when I met you,

-I just felt like... just like chicken soup.
-[Tim] Okay.

[Antoni] It's, like, the ultimate thing
that feeds the soul.

And I just think this is
something that's comforting.

It's something you can make
in a large batch.

You can put it in your freezer
next to those frozen...

-Frozen rats?
-[Antoni] Uncrustables.

Frozen rats? Frozen rats
and Uncrustable sandwiches.

-Gotcha. Gotcha.
-Look, I love to eat junk food. Okay?

I have my day of the week
where I allow myself to have it.

But if I eat like that every day,
I don't feel good about myself.

-[Tim] You're right.
-It affects my mental health.

It affects my mood,
my motivation, everything.

You're right. I do believe that.

-So we're starting today.

A blank slate, a tabula rasa, if you will.
That's "blank slate" in Latin.

-Ready to cook with me?
-[Tim] Sure.

Perfect. Okay.

I'm gonna do the slightly messy part
of starting with the chicken.

And I'm gonna let you
get started over here.

Here's a towel
in case you get a little messy.

These, we're literally
just going to cut into quarters.

That knife is also very sharp,
so be careful.

Okay. All right,
you're getting right into it. [laughs]

[Tim] Yeah.

[Antoni] I barely have to tell Tim
what to do.

It's like riding a bike.
He's in his element.

I'm taking a shocking amount of parsley,

and I'm gonna to shove it
right into the cavity.

The olive oil,
we don't need too much. Perfect.


I'm going to ask you
to peel some garlic cloves. Perfect.

Two st*lks of celery and two carrots.

I already rinsed them earlier.

And then, my favorite.
Have you ever had fennel?

[Tim] Nope.

It has kind of a licorice-iness to it
and a really nice sweetness.

-Oh, yeah. Yeah.
-[Antoni] Throwing in my fennel.

-[Tim] Throw it in there?
-[Antoni] Yep, you can just plop those in.

And now we have our little aromatics.

-[Tim] Okay.

Peppercorns, bay leaves. Yep.

And then do
a little double-knot situation.

That goes into the pot.
Plop. Perfect. Pour all that water in.

I love that I don't have
to complete sentences with you

and you know exactly
what's happening next.

There seems to be, you know, the you

from the past, who was
making all these meals for his family

and very involved in the kitchen.

Is it different because the family isn't
what it kind of used to be?

Yeah, I mean, I'm just...

I'm not gonna sit here and do this
when I'm sitting staring at myself.

It's all about getting together
in the kitchen

and hanging out and laughing
and joking and cooking.

It's just something
you do with your family.

-Doesn't it feel good to make something...
-It sure does!

-You're a caretaker.
-I like it. I'm back. I'm back.

Yeah. It's great.

It's nice to even do it for yourself
and for your brother

or even to make something
when your daughters come over

to have something ready for them.

Yeah. Yeah.

Nothing makes me happier

than reminding someone of something
that used to bring them so much joy.

-How do you feel about ginger?
-Um, I kind of like Marianne better.


-That was a joke.

-There he is!

[both laughing]

And I'm really starting to think
that he just misses that life.

He misses the past.

-Doesn't that smell great?
-[Tim] Yeah, it does.

[Antoni] You have some tongs right there.

If you don't mind
grabbing the little herb...

-[Tim] You want it on...
-Perfect. Right on that, like, platter.

Ooh, he's left his legs.

[Tim laughs]

-Aren't we the animal lovers, huh?
-[Antoni] Yep.

Then, I'm just going to ask you
to fish out all of the stuff.

-[Tim] There you go.
-Perfect. Take this over here.

[Tim] Mm-hmm.

All right. We have our bird.
Are you ready to get dirty?

Ready. You want me
to tear it up with my hands?

-You wanna use tongs or something?

-No, I'm a hands kind of guy.
-I'm all about the hands.

[cheerful music playing]

That's perfect, though.
You really took apart this whole thing.

I'm gonna plop this in here.

-And I cooked some rice here.
-[Tim] Oh, yeah.

[Antoni] I know it's a bowl of soup,
but it's so beautiful.

-[Tim] It really does look good.
-I'm gonna move on over here.

[Antoni] Let's see how this worked out.


-Better than a can?

I like those flavors.

It was good to get back
in the kitchen a little bit.

You know?
Kind of thought I lost it a little bit,

but I mean, I could still do it.

If you feel like, "Oh, man.
I'm doing the same thing again,"

you feel like you're kind of in a rut,

just know that this is
one of many tools that are out there.

-This was great. You're awesome.

[heavy metal music playing]

♪ Hoo! ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ Every time I'm feeling sick inside ♪

♪ Just a little taste
And you'll bring me back to life... ♪

I don't know if anyone told you,
this is Hoochie Daddy season.

By the time you're done,
your shorts are gonna be this short.

-Just letting you know
-Got a long way to go.

Got a long way to go.

I remember you saying
you love reptiles, alligators, turtles.

So I thought let's go on a cool little
swamp tour just to get out the house.

-Have a little fun.

-I haven't been out in nature in a while.
-Hey! But you like nature, right?

-I do. Love it.
-Boom. Let's do it, then.

Tim needs to start experiencing more joy.

Yes. He's had a lot of loss, but there's
so much ahead of him that he can gain.

-[man] Now here we go, guys.
-[Tim] All right.

-Check him out.
-[Karamo] Oh, wow.

[man] Little baby right there.

That's pretty extraordinary.

There you go.

♪ Well, I was born ♪

♪ Without a last name... ♪

[Tim] This is perfect, man. This is great.

[Karamo] Feels good.

-Oh, yeah. That's beautiful, man.
-[Karamo] Right?

Oh, man.

♪ Can't take away my rebel soul ♪

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ My rebel soul ♪

[man] We got one big alligator
that likes to hang back in here.

[Karamo] How big?

-[man] About 12 and a half foot.

He's a big ol' boy. We're gonna go knock
on his front door, see if he's here now.

[Karamo] You see him?

[man] There he is.

Oh, I see him going under.

[man] This bad mamma jamma over here,
this is Alex.

-[man] Alex is about 450 pounds.

[Karamo] Wow.

Look how big it is.

[Tim] He looks well-fed. The amount of fat
on the back and on the tail.

-[man] Big ol' boy.
-You know a lot about alligators, Tim.

-I am a reptile guy.
-[Karamo] Yeah.

[Tim laughs]

[Karamo] Wow.
Tim, I'm gonna get a photo of this.

-[Tim] There you go.
-[Karamo] Captain, I got you in there too.

-[Tim] Hey, now.
-[Karamo] Yeah. You look good.

[both laugh]

-Got a baby alligator.
-[Karamo] Wow. Look.

-[man] So look. Yeah, see.

-[man] This guy's name is Mojo.

-[Tim] Beautiful, man. Wow.
-[Karamo] What?

[Karamo] Can we hold Mojo?

Under his neck like that.
Just watch the business end.

[Tim] Wow, man. Can I put him in my pocket
and take him home?

Did you think you'd be doing that today?

I did not.
No idea I'd be doing this today.

That's the beauty of life.

Telling you, when you show up
and you don't know

what's gonna happen
but you just go with it...


[Karamo] I know I'm not the only one.

Do you see the light
coming back in this man?

He is happy. He is joyful.
He is having a good time.

[Tim] You forget
all about this kind of stuff.

It doesn't even enter my mind
to get out, you know? This is what I love.

[Karamo] I know it has to be a lot,
taking care of your brother.

Of course, I'm sure you hear it
all the time, you're amazing,

but that doesn't mean
it didn't stop your own life.

Well, it did stop my life a lot.

When he had that accident,
it just stopped.

You stopped taking care of yourself
and making sure you were healthy.

Right. Yeah, I sacrificed.

My kids have had to take care of me
over the years and that's a shame.

Do you think about yourself
and about doing more things?

[Tim] It's just a hard road, man.

When you're dealing
with my brother all the time,

and God bless his soul,
it wears... it wears you down, man.

So, you know,
you gotta get through that one.

[Karamo] I see you're tearing up.
What are you thinking about?

That. You know, taking care of him
and just losing myself and all that.

-Thank you, man.
-[Karamo] Yeah.

I don't know.
It's hard to see your brother like that.

-It brings you down every day.
-[Karamo] Yeah.

-You think this is what he wants?
-[Tim] No.

But I just think I'm worn out.
I'm done with emotion.

I don't want to feel hurt.
I don't want to feel... sad.

I don't want to feel anything.

What you're doing is...
it's actually a natural human trait.

It's what we do to protect ourselves,

but when you start
building walls around yourself,

you get trapped with all of the negative
thoughts and feelings inside of that box.

You start to forget that there is
life to live and that you do get wins

and you do deserve wins.

Right. Right.

I saw you having fun today
just looking out here, being on the boat.

-[Tim] Right.
-It's a win for you.

Mm-hmm. It kind of opens my lungs up
a little bit, you know?

Yeah. But it's your turn.

It's your turn
to swim out of this negativity.


By the next time I see you,

I just want you write down
ten things that make you a winner.

Then I want you to write
ten things that you want to do,

things that you deserve to do
that's gonna make you happy and smile.

I can do that.

And the reason I'm doing this
is because sometimes,

when things get up here,
it can stay foggy.

If you actually can visually see it,
you can start to remind yourself.

[Tim] Right.

Just for me, before we get off this boat,
I need you to scream,

"I deserve to be happy."

I deserve to be happy!

-[Karamo] You can go louder than that.
-I don't know.

[Karamo] I think you can.
I'll do it with you. All right?

-I'll do it.
-You ready? One more time?

[both] I deserve to be happy!

[Karamo] You do, brother.

Give you a hug, man. Oh.

You're gonna be all right.

-Thank you, man. Thank you.
-[Karamo] Yeah.

-I appreciate it.
-[Karamo] All right.

[rock ballad playing]

♪ Ah ♪

♪ Ah ♪

[Bobby] So...
today I'm taking you to an art shop.

I want to combine your love of KISS
and your love of reptiles together.

-You have two very cool hobbies.

I think you would agree that KISS is
one of the coolest things in the world.

-[Bobby] Right?
-Well, to me.

-Love 'em or hate 'em.
-Not just to you!

There are millions of people out there
that feel exactly the way you do.


I kind of want you to start thinking about
how you can use your passion of KISS

and what we're about to do today
with snakes to connect with people.

How cool would it be to find a buddy
that was also into the same things?

Yeah. Yeah.

-[Bobby] This will be fun today.
-[Tim] Cool.

[rock music playing]

So I am obviously
not a, um, snake-habitat expert,

so I didn't know exactly what to get.

-So I got a bunch of random stuff.

♪ Bring it on ♪

♪ Bring it on ♪

♪ Bring it on... ♪

[Bobby] Is there anything
that spark your creative juices?

-We can start there.
-Black gravel? All right.

-Let's get a base. [grunts]

-Let's see about some of these rocks.
-[Bobby] Okay. Yeah.

-Thought the black ones were cool.
-[Tim] Yeah.

-[Bobby] We've got some metal here.
-[Tim] Okay.

-This could be a cool stage.
-Yeah, this would be perfect.

They have platforms,

so you would have, like,
a piece of the PVC cut,

and then they go up on risers.

-[Bobby] It's like Lady Gaga, right?
-Right. Exactly. She was a big KISS fan.

-That makes sense.
-So yeah.

She gets some of her theatrics,
I would imagine.

That definitely makes sense then.
I can see that.

-Little monsters?
-There you go.

[heavy metal music playing]

A nice little bit of metallic to it.
Very rock and roll.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

What I really wanted Tim to see
about himself today is he has talents,

and he can use those to really do things

that make him happy
and that he's passionate about.

-Who wouldn't know that's a cat, right?

-It's kind of a ghost cat, you know?
-Ooh! [meows]

[both laugh]

[Bobby] We're gluing the guys in.

-Do we wanna put him on a rock?
-That's what I was thinking.

You gotta make sure
they're good and strong,

because, you know, the snake's
gonna curl around them and all.

[Bobby] Gonna curl up
and love them just like you do.

Yeah. Right.

Do you see this as something
that you can start utilizing?

You know when you have those moments
we talked about? Where you're...

-When I feel like I'm sliding a little?
-[Bobby] Yeah.

Just doing this, I can just feel better.

-Feels good, right?
-Yeah, it does.

You might find your best friend out there
who also has made a KISS aquarium.

Yeah. Yeah. Thank you.

-Of course.

-Good job, man.
-[Tim] All right.

Let's get out of here.

[rock music playing]

[Jonathan] Welcome to the Bearded Lady.

-How are you, guys?

[Jonathan] Good!

Been a long time
since I was sat in a barber's chair.

-I know. Can I take your hat off?
-[Tim] Sure.

I have a plan for you, honey.

-Wanna hear about it?

We need to get rid of this hair.
We're gonna take this down. Ooh.

Who's he?

I'm gonna lose my job
as Santa Claus this December.

Bye! You're not available.
You're booked and busy.

You don't have time
to be Santa when you're this hot.

I also have one more idea where I think
I'm gonna color your beard a bit darker.


In the words of Saint Cher,
"Turn back time."

-There you go.
-Know what I'm saying?

-I hear you.
-Just a smidge.

-Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
-I have a really important question.


Who gave you permission to be so cute?

-My mother.
-Do you know how cute you are?

No, I don't know.

I feel like men have a hard time
celebrating their own beauty sometimes.

You're probably right. Yeah.

'Cause beauty can mean so many things.

It's a beautiful thing
when we take care of ourselves.

Right. You're right.

Does KISS have any lyrics about that?

"Live life like you're on vacation."
How's that?

-That's all about taking care of yourself!

So what would Mr. Gene Simmons say

to know that you are not living life
like you're on a vacation, honey?

-We're going to take our tops off.
-Oh. Hey, now.

-You ready?
-[Tim] Yeah.

♪ All I wanna say to you ♪

♪ Is I'll do me and you do you ♪

I haven't been to a barber
in I couldn't tell you when.

[Jonathan] Why?

'Cause I just shave my head
with one of those, you know?

It's nice
for the community aspect of it,

like just getting to get out of the house
and go see your friend, your barber.

It's just like kind of nice culturally
to be around folks and see what's up.

My old man used to hang out
in a barbershop

with all his buddies, you know?

-♪ You know I got to be true... ♪

[Jonathan] Oh my God, your upper lip.

What's it like to feel
the sun and wind on there?

What am I going to chew on?

-Honey, we'll have to find something else.

My auntie's single.
Should you date my aunt? My Aunt Julie?

-You could be my uncle.
-Oh, yeah?

I'm obsessed with that for us.

Three, two, one. Ah!

♪ Ah, na, na, na, na, na... ♪

Mmm! It's gonna look good, honey.

♪ Na, na, na, na, na, na... ♪

[Jonathan] Okay,
now we're going to get your nose.

-You're gonna put wax in my nose?
-[Jonathan] I am.


Honey, if you saw what I saw,
you'd understand. Any last thoughts?

-[Tim] Uh...

[Jonathan chuckles]

Three, two, one! Parkour!

[Jonathan sighs]


Let me see. What is that?

-[Jonathan] The hair from your nose.

-That's a long-ass hair.
-[Jonathan] I know.

When's the last time you, like,
looked in the mirror and were like,

"Yeah, I like how I look?"

In my 20s. I guess.

-[Jonathan] Twenties!

I'm about getting Tim
to experience joy in different ways,

getting him out of his head
and into his body

so that he knows
that his best days are ahead of him.

You have an amazing life.
You have a family that loves you.

-[Tim] Right.
-You have passions that drive you.

There's so much that can give you
so much confidence there.

And you are a really attractive man,
and I'm not just saying it.

Inside and out.

-Your best days are ahead of you.
-[Tim] Thank you.

[Jonathan] No more putting
our joy on hold. Because what?

Our best time is...

-[Tim] Now.
-Yes! Smack! Smack! You are gorgeous.

-Are you ready?
-[Tim] I'm ready.

Three, two, one. Meet the new Tim.

[upbeat music playing]

Oh, wow. Man!


Wow. I look totally different.

Do you wanna put your glasses on?

Hey, Tim.

How you doing?


Look at that little
flirtation-station man in there.

Give me a hug!


[rock music playing]

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

-[Bobby] You ready to see it?
-[Tim] Yeah.

-[Bobby] Yeah? Are you sure?
-[Tim] I am.

Promise you won't punch me.


[Bobby laughs]

-All right, we good?
-Don't think you have to worry.

Okay. Okay.

♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh... ♪

-[Antoni] I see them!
-[Tan] I'm coming.

-Move, Jackie. Get out of my way.
-Yeah, Tanny.

-[Tan] Hi!

[Karamo] Oh my gosh!
You look super handsome!

-So gor... wow.

-What a difference.
-[Karamo] How do you feel?

-[Tim] I feel good.
-Oh my gosh.

-You look great.

Okay. Here we go.

Oh, wow!

[upbeat music playing]


This does not even look like my house.

-[Bobby] Right?
-[Tan] It absolutely does not.

-But it sure does look like a home now.
-[Karamo] It does.

Looks like a place that people
would want to come and hang now, right?

[Tim] Wow, those look cool.

[Bobby] There's still KISS everywhere.

-[Tim] Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
-Just in more digestible bites.

I love digestion!

[Tim] Dude, this is crazy.

[Karamo] It's amazing, right?

[Tan] Are you doing okay
with the less KISS?

Yeah, I love this.

-I've been preparing him all week.
-Okay, good.

-A new chair for Doody.
-Yeah. Yeah, man.

Black, matching the rock-and-roll theme.
He's got a new rock-and-roll chair.

-Yeah, this is crazy, man.
-[Bobby chuckles]

Thank you so much.

-What do you think the girls will think?
-Oh. [chuckles]

-Speechless, kind of like me right now.
-[guys laugh]

I never in a million years
would imagine that you get...

you'd do all this.

-[Bobby] We still got more. Keep going.
-[Tan] Much more.

[Jonathan] Oh my God.

[Tim] Oh man. This is crazy.

[Bobby] No more hot dog station.

I put in a dining room table
so you can start entertaining.

The girls can come over for dinner.

[Antoni] It's ready for you to cook in.

Can you start imagining yourself, though,

entertaining, being more social,
having friends and family over?

-I would have to.

This would be a shame to waste.
That's for sure.

-Good way to look at it! I like that.
-[Bobby] Amen!

-Do you feel like you deserve this?
-Well, after this week, I'm starting to.

-[Tim] Yeah.

-Yes! Perfect.
-[Jonathan] Aw!

-You deserve all of this.
-Thank you.

[Bobby] Now let's head
to your new bedroom.


Holy crap. Man! Man!

That's an all-new bed?

-[Karamo] Yeah.
-[Bobby] Yes.

[Jonathan] Take it for a test spin.
Why don't you get on there?

Yes. Oh, yes, just lay down your...

-[Karamo] Yeah!

Can I be your first cuddle?

[Tan] Aw! That's nice!

[Tim] Yeah, this is beautiful.

[Bobby] I really felt that you needed
some space to breathe.

Me too, honey.

[Bobby] And give you a space
where you can recharge.

Yeah, this is unbelievable.

I can't even imagine how weird it must be
to think about putting a look together

when mostly all you've done
is wear KISS T-shirts.

Now, it's gonna take
a little more consideration,

but it's still going to be easy.

All your pants are on this side.

Really simple pants, simple jeans

that should make you feel
perfectly comfortable.

-You can wear that with a KISS shirt?
-Absolutely, 100%.

And I wouldn't be upset.

I didn't want to turn you
into a boring corporate guy.

You don't live that life.

-There's nothing dull about you.

-[Tim] No.
-I want you to show that in your wardrobe.

[Tim] Right.

[chanting] Timmy! Timmy! Timmy! Timmy!

♪ All we want to do is rock and roll... ♪


-Love this.
-I love this color.

[Karamo] This is good!

-That's a damn good shirt...
-This green is great.

This is a version of, like, a band tee
without it necessarily having to be KISS.

-Your body language is very different.

-[Tim] I know. I feel different.

♪ All we wanna do is lose control... ♪

Oh, I like it how you went, like,
"Spank me. I'm a naughty boy,"

with that pose.


-It's funny what some clothes can do.

[Tan] It really is.
I've been saying it all along.

-The pants are giving me power down here.

-Power pants.
-[Tan] Yeah!

Just the way they fit, you know?
Makes you wanna jump up.


Who would've thought
this would happen to me?

You know, you got me sitting up straight.

You know what I mean?
I appreciate that, man.

-This is going to be a new mindset.
-[Tan] Good.

You opened my eyes up to a lot of
feelings that were definitely shut down.

I'm going to try to start thinking
positive and working on my inside.

The way that we take care of ourselves

is not about a physical appearance
for other people.

-It's really showing up for ourselves.

And you're worth showing up for.

Yeah. Yeah, I appreciate that. Yeah.

I don't know what to say.

[emotional music playing]


Yeah, it feels great. It really does.

So thank you.

So we've kept you
a little bit in the dark

about what's gonna happen after we leave.


The moment I walked in, I was very
impressed by your KISS collection.

So I contacted a local art gallery
and a curator,

and they came in,

and they chose their favorite pieces
from your collection.

And tonight, we have them displayed
in an art gallery on Magazine Street.


You and your family are gonna go.
We found some other KISS fans.

-[Tan] Ain't that something?

You know, it's something
for you to share and use

as a way to put yourself out there
and meet people

that are just as much
in love with KISS as you are.

So this night is all about you and KISS.

Wow, that's... that's crazy, man.
You guys are insane.

When you've been down and sad,
there's no magic wand.

You just don't turn happy the next day.

Have fun tonight.

[Karamo] You have to do the work of
understanding when life throws you a win,

you gotta accept it
and know that it's not a one-off,

that you're gonna have more of these.

Thank you!

-[Karamo] We love you!
-[Tim] Take care!

[Karamo] Rock on!

-Rock on, baby.
-[Karamo chuckles]

[rock music playing]

♪ Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ You can run at night
But you're gonna feel the thunder ♪

[uplifting music playing]

[horn honks]

-[woman] Oh God!
-[girl] Oh my gosh!

Oh my God!



-[girl] Oh my God!
-[Melody] Oh my God!


-Look at your face!
-Oh my God!

-Are you 24? Oh my God.
-[Tim] Hey.

-So good.
-[Tim laughs]

-[Lilly] I love the jacket.
-Look at that, huh?

-Got a green jacket.
-[Melody] Look at that jacket!


Holy shit! [laughs]


[Tim] Y'all come on in.

-Look at that.
-[Lilly] Can't wait.

Oh my God. Oh my God! [gasps]

-Oh my God!

Oh my God! Oh my God! This is so cool!

[Kim] Oh my God!

[Tim] What do you think?

[Melody] Daddy!


It's beautiful!

-Y'all wanna check out Doody's room?
-[women] Yes.


Look who's... Look who's home?


[Melody] Are you freaking kidding me?
Are you living in luxury right now?

[Tim] Check out the bed. Brand-new bed.

[Kim] He looks like
he's sleeping on a cloud now.

-[Tim] You like it, man?
-[Melody] Give him a Gene Simmons tongue.

-Oh, yeah. Yay!

[Melody laughs]

[Tim] You got my KISS shirt on, man.

I think we're... I guess I'm gonna give you

some of my KISS shirts now,
since I gotta wear the...

-[Lilly] Yeah!
-[Melody laughs]

[Tim] Let's let him rest,
'cause he looks like he needs it.

You guys want to come in here?
I got some food. Have a seat.

[Lilly] It's beautiful in here.

-Take some soup.
-[gasps] Ooh!

That looks delicious.

-[Lilly] It's good.

Oh my gosh.

That's delicious.

While we're all sitting around here,
I got some things written down here

that Karamo and I talked about.

He wanted me to make a list.

Try to get me on the right page,
so to speak.

Okay, I gotta think about
things that I've done

that I feel like I've won at in life.

You two guys.

You know, keeping my brother comfortable
has been quite a chore,

and I think I did
a pretty good job of it.

-You did a great job.
-[Tim] Yeah.

I'mma tell you guys some things I deserve.

It was kind of hard
to come up with these,

because of the way I am.

But, um, I worked at it. And I got 'em.

Um, I think I deserve to be happy.

-Yes. Yes.

Um, I deserve the love of others,

which, you know... that's hard.

Uh, that's a hard one.

I deserve some time for myself.
I gotta start carving that out, you know?

-[Melody] Mm-hmm.
-[Kim] Yes.

That's gonna really help my mind.

Get me out of here.
Get me out of the funk, you know?

Get me... thinking clear.

I want to start trying to have a life
outside of my house.

I think I deserve to keep trying
to get out and meet some folks.

[Melody] Yeah.

Last but not least, I deserve
to rock out with my... [beep] ...out.

-[Tim] You know what I'm saying?

Not expecting that one.

Hey. You know me.
I gotta come out of left field somewhere.

-[Melody] Give me a hug, Dad.
-[Tim] Thank you, Melody.

[Melody] I love you so much.
You deserve it all.

-[Kim] I love you. I'm so proud of you.
-[Tim] Thank you, Kim.

-Hey, baby.
-[Lilly] Hey.

I'm gonna be doing better now, so...

A lot more laughing to go.

[Melody laughs]

I mean, we're gonna have to hit the road
here and get to the showing of...

-The exhibition! Yes!
-...of my goodies!

[Lilly] Let's go see your collection!

[heavy metal music playing]

♪ Ha, ha, ha... ♪

Oh my God.

-Yes. [laughs]
-[Kim] Nice.



-Oh my gosh.
-That's what I made.

[Kim] That's awesome.

-[Lilly] You made the...
-[Kim] Wow!

-Yeah, I made all that.

With Tim and his love of all things KISS,

for now, it's all been
within the walls of his home.

For him to put himself out there
in the world

and share his passion with others...

Are the boots your favorite?

[Tim] Yeah. Yeah, definitely.
I used to wear those.

I had a lot of good times in those boots.

It's a way of connecting with others,
a way of letting other people in.

-How many times have you seen KISS?
-Forty-five. Forty-five. Yeah.

I think it'll make him
a little less lonely.

My only hope is
that Tim continues to be vulnerable

and put himself out there
to continue to find joy in his life.

He deserves to be happy,
and he deserves to continue living.

And this is
the first step on that journey.

-This is awesome.
-Thank you.

I'm glad that you got this
to happen for you.

Nothing like I've ever...
would ever think would happen to me.

When I think about how sweet Tim is
and what a hard worker he is

and what an all-around good person,

good brother, good dad, good human...

-[Lilly] I'm proud of you.
-Thank you, baby.

I hope this is
a love letter to caretakers.

And so if you can, like,
show somebody a little love,

let Tim's story be
a reminder for you to do that.

[Lilly] You deserve it. You deserve it.

♪ Na, na, na, na, na, wow! ♪

[curious music playing]

Ever wondered
who should take the selfie?

The most artistic one!

-The one with the best...


-[Antoni] Definitely not me.
-Is it me?

The one who knows
how to find the emotion.

-No, Karamo!
-The one with the best...

Stop! Stop!
It's the one with the longest arm.

-Know what I always wondered?

[Jonathan] Whose is longest?

[suspenseful music playing]

-It's you.

The one with the longest arm. Go!

I knew my arms would come in handy.

-Say, "Cheese."
-[Jonathan] Cheese.

[Tan] Gorge! You got it.

[heavy metal music playing]

♪ Lets me tell you now ♪

♪ Wow! ♪

♪ I walk in from the pouring rain ♪

♪ To the neon light on the stage ♪

♪ You were there
In your snakeskin boots ♪

♪ With that dangerous look on your face ♪

♪ They on you
What you wanted to do ♪

♪ But you didn't tell me the score ♪

♪ Oh no ♪

♪ I had a chance, I couldn't escape ♪

♪ Now I keep coming back for more ♪

♪ I shouldn't run ♪

♪ Was bitter now ♪

♪ I'm blind ♪

♪Snakeskin seduction ♪

♪ You're out of control ♪

♪ Make me come alive ♪

♪ Snakeskin seduction ♪

♪ You make my blood run cold ♪

♪ While you blow my mind ♪

♪ Snakeskin seduction ♪

♪ Snakeskin ♪

♪ Snakeskin ♪

♪ Snakeskin seduction ♪