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08x12 - Vegas Finals: Part 2

Posted: 04/28/24 20:04
by bunniefuu
- I always knew I could do it,

but I never let myself
fully believe it would happen

until I saw it happening.

- ♪ Look out ♪

♪ It's time ♪
- Yes!

- ♪ Fighting for a dream ♪

♪ It's right within
my reach ♪

- It's about to go down!

The first woman ever
to complete stage one!

- To see Jessie Graff
beat stage one was awesome.

I want to hit
that potential too.

I want to go as far as I can.

- ♪ If we ♪

♪ Can touch ♪

♪ The sky ♪

- And she's got it!
- Yes!

- ♪ Just one night ♪
- Bam!

♪ Be the stars ♪

♪ And their eyes ♪

- I want to show the world
that a weatherman,

an average Joe, can do this.

I want to win the $1 million.

- He's done it!

- The goal is to the get
to the top of that mountain.

- This is my year.
- He's back!

- I feel like
I've got what it takes.

I'm here for a reason.

- There's no quit
in Drew Drechsel.

- Yeah!

- ♪ We'll remember ♪

♪ This moment forever ♪

♪ We'll burn on ♪

- Whoo!

- I'm ready to make
some more history tonight.

- ♪ Tonight ♪

- I would love to go out
on top yet again.

♪ ♪

- The dazzling Las Vegas Strip,

famous for spectacular shows
and big-name headliners.

But tonight the hottest ticket
in town is right here

at the national finals
of "American Ninja Warrior."

Hello, everyone, I'm Matt Iseman
along with Akbar Gbajabiamila,

and, partner, it is time for
the second half of our field

to take on this unrelenting
gauntlet of obstacles

we call stage one.

- Well, Matt, last week
only eight athletes

finished this
challenging course,

putting us on pace
for the lowest number

of stage one finishers ever.

The question is,
will tonight's competitors

learn from last week's

Don't bet against
sports cameraman Geoff Britten.

The first man
to conquer the mountain

is ready
for a repeat performance.

- Geoff Britten did it!

- Plus, Meagan Martin
is having her best season ever,

and she wants to become

the second woman
to complete stage one.

- And she does it!

- Night two also features

the Real Life Ninja
Drew Drechsel...

the weatherman Joe Moravsky...

- Whoo, airborne.

- Pioneer Kacy Catanzaro...

- Look at that reach.

- And the unpredictable
Jake Murray.

- He is a showman.

To give you a tour of
the stage one obstacles,

let's go down to
Kristine Leahy.

- Matt, thank you.
- Just like last week,

stage one is made up
of eight obstacles,

and in order to advance,
our competitors must complete it

in under
2 minutes and 20 seconds.

It all starts right behind me

with our new
first obstacle, Snake Run.

Last week,
this tricky balance obstacle

shockingly ended the season
of ninja legend Travis Rosen.

- Whoa, no!

- The Propeller Bar
took out 11 competitors,

including one of the favorites,
Ian Dory.

- Oh!
- Oh! "Finding Dory!"

- The Giant Log Grip provided
more shocking moments,

throwing off popular ninjas
Jamie Rahn and Kevin Bull.

- Oh!
- What?

- The Jumping Spider
is as dangerous as ever,

as six-time national finalist
James McGrath found out.

- Get it! Hold it! No, H2O!

- Sonic Curve returns, testing
their footwork and timing...

- Ride that swing.

- Followed by
the 14-foot Warped Wall

but with only half the run-up
of the regular season.

Broken Bridge is new...

- Ooh, ooh, ooh.

- As is our final obstacle,
the Flying Squirrel.

Competitors will have to

swing through two sets of
free-floating handles

and climb the cargo net

like Jessie Graff
making history

as the first woman
to conquer stage one.

- Jessie Graff has done it!

- If competitors
can hit the buzzer

in under 2 minutes
and 20 seconds,

they're moving on to stage two.

- Guys?
- Thanks, Kristine.

To see how these obstacles
were developed,

check out
the NBC digital exclusive

"Crashing the Course"

- Well, Jessie Graff
made history last week

on stage one,
and kicking things off tonight,

another strong
female competitor.

It's Kirsti Pratt,
better known as "The Machine."

You may recall she scaled
a salmon ladder

on her wedding day in her gown.

Well, now the groom
has caught the bug.

- My husband, Mickel,

has now started getting
into obstacle training.

Come on. Come on.
Come on.

The wedding had something
to do with it,

but my run in Indy definitely
sparked Mike's interest.

- No one has gotten
past this obstacle tonight.

Can she be the first?

- Oh!
- Yes!

- I get to see
how much fun she has.

I've started to want to
train with her

to become, you know, a ninja.

- Quick, quick, quick, quick.
- Come on.

Training my husband Mike
helps us bond closer together.

We get to spend
more time together.

This is something he's new to,

and I get to share the love
for the sport

with the love of my life.

- And there's her husband

here to cheer her on
and a whole group of family

and friends who made the trip
all the way from St. Louis.

- It's time to fire up
The Machine.

- Kirsti the first tonight
to take on Snake Run.

These eight angled steps
not as easy as they look.

They took out three competitors
last week.

But she's through.

Now the Propeller Bar,

always a challenge
for the female athletes.

- She's got that fight in her.

You saw the way she att*cked
that trampoline.

That was a nice high leap
to the propeller.

- Kirsti trains more than
20 hours a week

on ninja obstacles

but probably never
seen a Propeller Bar.

But she's through.

- I see you, Kirsti.

Just like in your
wedding dress.

If you can train
in your wedding dress,

you know you can come out here
and compete on stage one.

- Breathe, sweetie!
- Come on, keep breathing!

- But now the Giant Log Grip.

Only two women made it
past this last week.

- This is more than
50 feet down this track

with a bunch of big drops.

- And Kirsti makes it three!
- Wow, did you see that?

- What balance.

- It's like she planned
that all the way.

She... look... she's shocked.

- Now The Machine giving us
our first look tonight

at the Jumping Spider.

- Let's go!
- Hit it with conviction!

- Jessie Graff
and Meagan Martin

the only two women
ever to complete it.

- She's been practicing
on this obstacle in her gym.

- No!
- Oh, no!

- And The Machine malfunctions
on the Jumping Spider.

- You want to land
your feet in here

where the walls
are only 48 inches apart.

But watch where
The Machine's feet land,

way back here
where the opening's

at its widest point
at 58 inches.

At 5'4", she couldn't
quite stick it.

- I just popped too... too early.

Should have waited
a little longer.

- Well, no one has made
a longer trip to get here

than our next competitor.

From the tiny village
of Unalakleet, Alaska,

this is Nick Hanson,

better known
as the "Eskimo Ninja."

And Nick's success is breeding

a whole generation
of northern ninjas.

Nick Hanson the Eskimo Ninja.

- Last year was my first time

in "Ninja Warrior,"

and it was a real honor
to have that chance

to represent my state
and my culture...

- He's loving it,
and so are his fans.

- But now I'm starting to learn

a lot of the kids around here
really look up to me.

Oh, dang!
That's so close.

- The kids love Nick.

- Nicholas
wants to be a teacher.

- Hi!
- Can you guys show me

how it's done?
Show me how it's done.

- Ow!

- He coaches all the sports...

- Lift your legs up
off the floor.


- And I wouldn't be surprised
if there's gonna be

some ninja warriors
coming from this village.

- Yeah! We're all ninjas.

It is such an amazing feeling

to have that kind of support
from my community.

- A big group of supporters

came down from Alaska
to watch.

- It's not just
a journey for myself.

It's a journey for all of us,
and I'm just glad

that I get to be the person

that gets to do it
for all of them.


- Well, the only folks
not watching

back in Unalakleet
are here tonight,

including his girlfriend
and his mom.

- Go, Nick!
- You got this!

- Okay, let's go, Eskimo.

[countdown clock beeping]

- In the L.A. city finals,
Hanson made it

to the eighth obstacle
before going down

but got far enough fast enough
to make the top 15.

Hanson now at
the Propeller Bar.

- The Eskimo Ninja.

He's become a sensation
on the Internet

from his runs here,
his personality.

- They loved him
up in Alaska too.

- Hang on, Nick! Hold on!

- Hanson has proven
his Ninja skills this year,

but he is an Olympic stud

in the World
Eskimo-Indian Olympics,

has held world records
in events

like the Toe Kick
and the Knuckle Hop.

- Well, sh**t, now he better
hold on here.

- Trying the technique
we saw last week,

waiting for the log to settle.

It's safer
but eats up more time.

A little stumble there,

but look at that... a point.
He is confident.

This guy's built four new
obstacles in his backyard

out of driftwood
he found on the Alaskan shore.

- Get inside of that alley.

- Ooh!
- Whoa!

- That is a smooth
recovery there.

- It really was.
- He's ready to fight inside

of this alley
of the Jumping Spider.

- Yeah, but you can see
those feet slipping here.

- Such a dangerous alley.

- Well, not a lot of spiders
up in Alaska,

but no problem for Nick Hanson.

- You got it!

- The Eskimo Ninja
now the first tonight

to take on Sonic Curve,
six angled steps,

then a jump
to a swinging rope.

Remember, unlike the regular
seasons, stage one is timed.

Only 2 minutes, 20 seconds
to complete the course.

- Well, under a minute,

Three obstacles left.

- Well, you know, and the hard
thing about this Warped Wall

is there's the shorter run-up,
so you have to be able

to make the most of it...
- Ooh!

- Like that!

- Pick it up!
- Pick it up!

- Now the first tonight
to take on Broken Bridge.

- All right, check yourself
before you wreck yourself.

- Ooh!
- Good balance!

- Ooh, wiggling
like Jell-O there.

- Well, it seems like
a lot of time left,

but we saw last week

the Flying Squirrel
takes longer

than the athletes expect.

- All right,
the pressure's on, Matt,

and here's something
that's brand new.

You can see the time
starts to click down

right in front of your face.
That's added pressure.

- Big grab!
- That's so intimidating.

- He's got to get high
on this cargo net.

- Don't look at that countdown.

Matt, he's already starting
to get a little tired,

- and he's low.
- And he's low!

It's gonna be close.

- Fight for your life.

- 5 seconds left!

Come on. Come on.
You can do it.

- 1 second!
- You're so close!

- No! No!

- And on the runway,
time runs out

for the Eskimo Ninja just
steps away from the buzzer.

- So close!

- Good job, son!

- He just couldn't
generate enough momentum

on that last lache.

Look how low he is on the net
with only 12 seconds left.

If he could have swung higher
from those second handles,

the Eskimo Ninja
might have been

tonight's first finisher.

- Well, that tells us
how hard this stage is.

He had 30 seconds
for the final obstacle

and didn't have enough time.

He's standing by
with Kristine.

- Nick, you literally had
your hands on the platform

as time ran out.

How do you... how do you get
through that,

and what are you
feeling right now?

- I mean,
I was just gassed out,

but going up and being there

and seeing the two
seconds climb down

as I'm climbing up,
it's just, like, ahh,

but I was there.

I had it, so...

just get... if you fail,
keep working,

keep working hard,
keep doing it.

- Great message.
- Glad to hear it.

- Thank you.
- Guys.

- Well, we are just
getting started.

- Whoo!

- It's night two
of the national finals.

- Oh!
- Oh, my goodness!

- Stage one has taken out
some of the sport's elite.

- Superhero down!

- Tonight, a new set
of stars face off

with this brutal course.

- Oh!
- Yes!

- Plus, he scaled
all four stages last year.

♪ ♪

Geoff Britten returns to Vegas
on "American Ninja Warrior."


- Looking to become
the first American

ever to defeat
the Ultimate Cliffhanger.

Brent Steffensen has done it!
Over the years,

Las Vegas has brought out
the best in Brent Steffensen,

and last year was no exception.

And he has the fastest time
of the night.

- I love you guys!

- Well, tonight
the 35-year-old gym owner

is set for another
showdown here in Vegas,

looking to return to his spot
as one of the greats.

No one is more excited
to see Brent back in Vegas

than Kacy Catanzaro.

- He's got this.

- But this year
their relationship status,

well, it's complicated.

- For the last three seasons
me and Kacy have been a couple.

- That was crazy!
- I did it.

- What... what was that?

Some have said
the... the royal couple of "ANW."

Our life has just been
totally intertwined

in every way possible.

We broke up, and it's been...

it's been rough
to have it all torn away.

We still have our friendship.

We've stayed together
as far as training goes,

and we also have
"Alpha Warrior" together,

so we haven't lost everything.

- I'm really excited
that Brent and I

are competing here together.

You know, he's still
a great friend of mine,

and even though
we're not a couple anymore,

I know that he's been
training really hard,

and I know that he really can
make a big mark this season.

- Last season I had
the fastest time on stage one.

- Now this is
the old Brent Steffensen.

- This looks like more
than a run for redemption.

This looks like
the run for speed.

- It felt amazing, you know,

'cause there's a lot of talent
coming up every season.

[buzzer blares]
- Brent Steffensen,

once again
the man here on stage one.

- I'm ready to do it again.

- You got it, Brent!

- Well, we'll see Kacy
run later tonight,

but Brent is ready to hit
this course now.

- Well, it was season four in
"American Ninja Warrior"

that Steffensen made history,

the first American to complete
the Ultimate Cliffhanger,

but since then hasn't
reached those heights.

And this season, Akbar,
he has yet to hit a buzzer.

- Well, Matt,
I think that stage one,

this is important for him.

This is gonna really determine

the... the psyche
of Brent Steffensen.

He needs to have success here,

and so far the first two
obstacles have been successful.

Let's see if he can get past
this big Giant Log Grip.

- Well, Brent's 35 now.
- He's been competing for...

Oh, my!

- That was a bad move.

- This crowd is shocked.

The fastest competitor
last year going home early.

- Sorry, Brent.

- As the log swung up,
Brent was parallel to it

and had his back
to the landing pad,

and look how he pushed off
thinking he had the landing,

and yet another
high-profile ninja

goes down
at the Giant Log Grip.

- Well, just like last week,

stage one is eating up
even the best ninjas.

- You know what,
it's in their head, Matt.

They are psyched out.

- Right now
let's go to Kristine,

who's standing by Brent.

- Brent, this is
a much earlier exit from you

than I think
all of us expected.

What do you think went wrong
for you in the Log Grip?

- Well, I think I just
rushed it just a little bit.

I should have given it
one more little beat,

but yeah, I've never
gone down on stage one,

so it's a huge

- Where do you go
from here?

- Well... I'm going
to hit the Strip.

- I love to hear that.
- We're in Las Vegas.

You might as well
take advantage of it.

It's great to see
that you're having

a good attitude
about all of it.

- Thank you.
- No, it's always a fun...

it's always a fun
time being here,

and that's really what
it's all about, so...

- Thank you.
- Guys, back to you.

- Thanks, Kristine.

Well, if Brent competes
for another 20 years,

he'll be as old
as our next competitor,

the oldest athlete ever
to reach the national finals,

54-year-old Jon Stewart.

The construction manager
from Washington, Utah,

was born in 1961.

To put that in perspective,
54 years ago,

the average
movie ticket cost 69¢,

a gallon of gas cost 31¢,

and a first-class stamp

broke the piggy bank
at a whopping 4¢.

Well, can Jon Stewart
put his stamp on stage one

and be tonight's
first finisher?

- All right! Whoo!

- There you can see
Stewart's wife

and all five of his kids,
ages 33 to 7.

[countdown clock beeping]

- Well, last year at Las Vegas

he broke the record
for the oldest competitor

previously held by him.

His second appearance
on stage one.

Never made it past
the third obstacle.

- Well, this is
a great opportunity

to get it going here.

- Uh-oh.
- Ooh. No!

- Are you kidding me?

- And just like that.

Jon Stewart, always
so strong in the regionals

but can't seem to figure it
out here in Vegas.

- He hit a little too far
forward on the trampoline

and just couldn't wrap his arms
around the propeller.

And when he rushed his grab
for the rope,

he just couldn't hold on.

- Well, it's an ominous note

as the first four competitors
can't finish the course.

- Dang. Really wanted it.

- Well, look who's
getting loose.

The first man to reach
the top of the tower

is getting ready
for another run.

Plus, he was the only athlete

to conquer the course
in Los Angeles.

Josh Levin has done it!

Now the youngest competitor
of the night

wants to see
just how far he can go...

- Yeah!

I can't believe I'm here.

- When "American
Ninja Warrior" returns.

- Welcome back to night two

of the national finals
in Las Vegas.

While we were away, three more
ninjas took on stage one.

Yuri Force
is one of the 30 rookies

who qualified for Vegas...

Smooth flight there.

But the Atlanta
air traffic controller

had a rough landing
at the Propeller Bar.

- Oh!
- Oh!

The Ninja Scout,
Jackson Meyer,

ditched his uniform
and busted a move...

Look at those moves.

- Go, Jackson!

- But the Eagle Scout
wasn't prepared for Snake Run.

all: No!

- I told myself
I wouldn't do that.

- Another rookie,
Utah's Clayton Wolf,

came out howling...

- The Wolf is loose.

- But at the Giant Log Grip,

the real estate investor
was underwater.

A promising run cut short
as the Wolf gets wet.

- I was cruising fast.

- On the course right now,

standing 6'6" tall,

it's 27-year-old
carpenter Jon Alexis Jr.

The man known as "The Giant"
now at the Giant Log Grip.

- Here we go, Matt.

Fee-fi-fo, look at Alexis go!

- And he's through.

Jesse "Flex" Labreck
cheering with Jon's parents.

This is where she went out
last week.

- Ooh!
- Hold it!

- Hold it!
- And The Giant...

- This is a disadvantage!

He is scrunched up in there.

- Look at that.
- Look at him.

- He's so big, so tall.
- And look at that.

Jon Alexis, though,
is destroying this course.

- Matt, he told me
he'd crush stage one.

I know exactly what you told
me you were gonna do, Jon.

- Right through
the Sonic Curve.

Loping through it
under control.

Moving on to the Warped Wall.

[overlapping shouting]

- Use those long limbs,

- Well, The Giant
is making stage one

his playground right now.

- Look at this.
- He has been smooth, Matt.

- No problem.
- No problem.

- Well, we saw
so much potential last year,

and he is putting it together,

but this course taking its toll
on the big man.

- He looks gassed.
- Piece of cake! Piece of cake!

- He's got to be careful.

This Broken Bridge,
it really is broken.

Keep going.
Keep going. Keep going.

- Oh!
- Ooh.

- A hard impact!

Plenty of time
for the last obstacle,

but The Giant looks dazed.

- That hit to the platform
knocked the wind out of him,

but he's got time.

- We could be looking
at tonight's first finisher.

- He barely even had
to jump off there.

- Come on. Come on.
- He's focused.

You know, I bet you he could
just reach out

and touch that net...

- No!
- Oh!

- Oh!


- And just like that,

The Giant cut down to size
by the final obstacle.

- The buzzer was in his sights,

but when he made
that transition,

his right hand grabs
one handle,

but he hits the left handle
with his wrist.

That crucial error
left The Giant all wet.

- Well, after 38 finishers
last year,

this course is fighting back
and fighting back hard.

Last week on stage one,
only eight finishers.

So far tonight, zero.

But our next competitor
hopes to change that.

This is Josh Levin.

The 22-year-old
engineering student

was the only athlete
to finish the L.A. city finals.

This contender
for the rookie of the year

is sh**ting for the stars
on the course and off.

- Last year I had
the really unique opportunity

to have a six-month internship

at NASA's Jet Propulsion

in Pasadena, California.

That experience was
absolutely out of this world.

[making engine sounds]

I got to work on a mission

that will be going
to Mars in four years.

That's, like, every little
kid's dream come true.

Blast off.


- Oh!

- Engineering
and "Ninja Warrior"

have very,
very similar attributes

because it's all about
problem solving

to overcome big goals.


- Josh Levin has done it!

- Whoo!

The sky is not the limit.

If we dream big and work hard,
anything's possible.


- Well, Josh's parents
and his best friend

are here representing
for Team Josh

as well as a big group
of friends

who made the trip
from California.

[countdown clock beeping]

Josh, 5'6"
and a solid 150 pounds.

He's a speed climber,
champion speed climber,

one of the most
decorated in America.

Actually a 19-time
national championship.

- This is his game,

and it's good that Josh Levin
likes to go fast.

He only has 2 minutes and
20 seconds to hit that buzzer.

- The rookie now taking
on the Giant Log Grip.

- Levin's got grip strength
for days.

Now he just better brace
for those three drops.

- Levin
keeping a viselike grip.

- That's a smart move.

Now he can ease down
over the pad.

- So smooth.

The engineering student
through the third obstacle.

- Come on!
- Get that Spider.

- Well, this is a guy who has
competed at a very high level

for almost his entire life.

Got into climbing so early.

And locks in on
the Jumping Spider.

- And look at that rapid speed
that he's moving with, Matt.

Look. He is just
so fluid there.

Look at that.

- The 22-year-old rookie

looking like
a seasoned veteran.

Gravity does not apply
to this man.

- Well, don't let gravity
do you in

here at Sonic Curve.

- A measured approach.
- That's okay.

- He was the only person

to finish ahead of Jessie Graff
in the L.A. finals.

Can he join her on stage two?

- Ooh, he got tripped up there
but saved it right there.

- Climber's grip strength.

- Yeah, Josh!

- He saved
some major time there.

- He's got about 55 seconds
for the last two obstacles.

- Well, he said he's capable

of getting
through stages two and three.

- Just had to survive... oh!
- Wow!

The Broken Bridge nearly breaks
the run of this rookie,

- but he survives.
- And let me tell you.

They don't have
trampolines in rock climbing.

One mistake
on the Flying Squirrel

is all it takes
to end this run.

- Well, this crowd
getting excited.

They want to see a finisher.

About a half minute left.

- Well, Matt, what happens
in Vegas stays in Vegas,

but this won't stay in Vegas

because the revolution
will be televised.

Look what he's doing right now.

- This rookie who wowed
the crowd in Los Angeles

as the only finisher
now has the chance

to be our first finisher
of the night.

- Yeah, the count
buzzer here, Matt.

This is his third buzzer.

A rookie with three buzzers?
Get it!

- Yeah! Whoo!

- And what a run
out of this rookie.

Josh Levin becomes our first
finisher tonight on stage one.

You are looking at someone

who's going to continue to be
a star for years to come.

- Look at the one-handed grab
on the Warped Wall

with just his fingertips.

And at the Broken Bridge,
the former NASA intern

crashed down to Earth

when his right leg
missed that fifth step.

Ooh! He'll feel that one

But Josh Levin
blocked out the pain,

and the rookie remains perfect.

- Yeah!

- And right now he's
standing by with Kristine.

- Josh, congratulations.
- Your rookie season.

Did you ever think
that this was possible?

- No. I... I would
never have even imagined

that this would
actually happen.

I mean, even getting
the callback this year

was a dream come true.

Making it through
all the way to city finals

and now here stage one
Mount Midoriyama.

I can't believe it.

- Back to you,
Matt and Akbar.

- Thanks, Kristine.

Some of our best are coming up
including Jake Murray,

and to see Jake's journey
to Vegas,

check out our digital series

Plus, Mack Roesch is ready

to muscle his way
through stage one...

- Yeah!
- I'm coming for the ninja crown.

- When "American Ninja Warrior"


- Welcome back
to the national finals

of "American Ninja Warrior."

This season our friends
at POM Wonderful

are offering
a special bonus for the fans.

the "Train Like a Crazy
Healthy Ninja" sweepstakes

where you could win
$10,000 and a trip to L.A.

to work out with
"American Ninja Warrior" champ

Isaac Caldiero.

While we were away,
three more athletes

tried their hand at this brutal
stage one course.

Tiana Webberley, who trains
with Flip Rodriguez...

- Let's go team!

- Bounded through Snake Run...

- This girl ain't playing.
- Straight up.

- But the 24-year-old waitress

got served by
the Propeller Bar.

Sweet D doused
on the Propeller Bar.

Grant Clinton suffered a stroke

and almost died
seven months ago,

yet he miraculously finished
the finals course

in Oklahoma City...


But tonight in Vegas,

his miracle season ended
after just a few steps.

- Oh!
- That is not the way

the script
was supposed to be written.

- In his seventh season

Georgia's Brett Sims

finally got his
first shot at Vegas...

- Nailed it!
- Yes!

- But after multiple attempts
at the Warped Wall...

- Come on, Brett. You're gonna
need a Hail Mary here.

- One more time! Come on!
- He ran out of time.

Comes up short again.
[buzzer blares]

And at the starting block
right now...

- Yeah!

- Getting himself fired up,
rookie Jessell Boseman

out of Conroe, Texas.

In Oklahoma City, Boseman
showed tremendous agility.

- That's the agility you
you talking about, Matt.

- And right into
the Propeller Bar

- but misses that rope.
- Ah, no, no.

Use your legs, there.
Get it. Kick it.

- Now just a passenger
floating around.

Gotta get this dismount...

And he's through.

Well, his mom and sister

made the trip from Texas
to cheer him on.

6'2", 177.

Boseman using that
long frame now.

- Well, Matt, the Giant Log
Grip, though, is so low...

nearly three times the length
of the one we saw in Philly.

You have to great timing here
on the pad.

- And he nails... oh!

Almost a stumble there,

and the tumbling coach
tumbling to the platform.

- Matt, it's the first time

he's ever seen
the Jumping Spider.

You have to be
precise here with this.

- One foot off the tramp...
- Whoa!

- And locked in...
- Okay, rookie! Okay, rookie!

- But it looks like
he's having trouble

really getting purchase
with those feet.

- That's because he's 6'2",

Doesn't have the flexibility
in his hips or his knees.

You see it looks
real uncomfortable for him.

You better get out
of that Jumping Spider.

- Well, just over
1 minute 20 left.

This rookie put together
a promising run.

The long drop down,

and the Sonic Curve
should play to his strengths.

- Okay, Jessell.

- He's looking winded,
though, Akbar.

- Uh-oh, the Sonic Curve.

Get the sonic boom
for your Bose headset.


- Boseman now hung up.
- Ooh!

- He can push off that pillar.

- Come on, Boseman.
- Use that that 6'2"

- And the clock is ticking.
- He's looking winded.

Does he have enough left
for the final three obstacles?

And right up the Warped Wall.

- Plenty enough time here.
- Matt, now he's got to

get to this new obstacle here
in the Broken Bridge.

- The Broken Bridge
an agility test.

At 6'2", not gonna need
to overstride here.

- 6'2".
- Ooh, working them quick feet.

- And he rolls!
- Look at this!

A rookie one obstacle away
from stage two!

- He got here only 3 seconds
faster than Nick Hanson did,

so he's gotta get trucking.
The clock is ticking.

- This is a 10-foot lache

from the first handles
to the second.

- Come on, just... oh!
- Oh!

- A promising run,

but he falls
on the final obstacle.

- First take another look
at the one-foot leap

into the Jumping Spider.

I've never seen that.

But on the Flying Squirrel

he didn't build enough momentum

to make that leap
and did a belly flop.

- I think I just rushed it.

Thought I was fast enough.
I just cut it too short.

Maybe next year.

- Well, next up
is another rookie,

the self-proclaimed
"King of Obstacles,"

220 pound construction
worker Mack Roesch.

The King blew us away
in Atlanta,

muscling his way through
a grueling course.

- Well,
that's a real crown, Matt.

- And kept his crown on
from start to finish.

- Yeah!

- Well, after the Atlanta
competition, we promised Mack

that if he finished stage one,
we'd put on crowns.

- All right, King. Come on.
- Bring it on, Mack Roesch.

- And the robe comes off.

Mack ready to take on
stage one.

There's his father McDuff
here to cheer him on.

- Clearly, Mack is a physical
marvel for a guy his size.

He runs a 40-yard dash
in 4.5 seconds.

- And look at him go.

- He is living
up to his last name,

and he is rushing
through this course.

- Mack Roesch,
a great rush thus far.

A little misstep
here on the Propeller Bar,

but what agility.

Mack calls himself
the "King of Obstacles,"

and he's even put out
business cards and T-shirts.

- Well, the King better hold
on here on the Giant Log Grip.

- Hold on.
- The bigger question is,

is the Giant Log Grip
ready for Mack?

- The King is here!

The King is here.

Now this is where you see
the big bulk here.

- Right into it!
- Does he have the flexibility?

- Oh!
- No!

- Body slammed!

- The King knocked off
his throne,

but the crown stays on,

and still only
one finisher tonight.

- Look again at how the big
fella tore through Snake Run.

But at the Jumping Spider,

his left foot slipped
as soon as he enters the chute,

and 220 pounds is too much
to hold up with just your arms.

- Well, I guess we'll have to
save the crown for next year.

- Coming up...

Last year, Drew Drechsel
finally reached stage three...

- Yeah, baby!
- Stage three!

- But now he's ready to take it
to the next level...

- I definitely feel like I have

unfinished business here
in Las Vegas.

- And later...

He did it!

He went where no man
had ever gone before.

- Stage four. Whoo!

- Can the first
American Ninja Warrior

make it back to the top?

- If I decide to do something,
there is no stopping me.


- Find out when "American
Ninja Warrior" returns.


- Welcome back
to the national finals

of "American Ninja Warrior."

To be part of
the ultimate fan community

for "American Ninja Warrior,"
join the conversation

While we were away,
three more athletes

tried to conquer
this unforgiving stage one.

New Jersey track coach
Anthony DeFranco

sprinted onto the course...

- He came off the block

- But like many other

his season ended
at the Jumping Spider.

both: Oh!
- Bounced off like a pinball.

- Photographer Andrew Lowes
was picture perfect

on the Jumping Spider...

Andrew Lowes
making good time here.

But the four-time Vegas veteran
lost his focus at Sonic Curve.

And a promising run
comes to an end.

Colorado insurance agent
Brittany Reid came in

as the tallest
female competitor...

Brittany Reid showed
a lot of promise in Atlanta.

But even at 5'9", she came up
short at the Propeller Bar.

- Oh, not enough return there.
- No!

- Well,
our next female athlete

is 6 inches shorter
than Brittany,

but she's ready to flex
her muscle on stage one.

It's 24-year-old
Natalie Duran.

UCLA researcher is also
a YouTube sensation

with 100,000 followers.

But there are two people whose
attention she really wants.

- I'm a first-generation

and since I was born,

my parents were expecting me
to become a doctor...


What's up, YouTube?

But I am just, like,

camera all the time,
loud all the time...

Hoo-ah! Ow.

And I... I really like


So I wouldn't call myself
the black sheep of the family.

I'm more of the rainbow
sheep of the family.

- What power out of Duran.
- This will actually be

the first time
my parents come

and watch me run the course.

- She's got it!

- My parents being proud of me
in something

that's not purely academic
is the world to me.

- And Mom and Dad are ready.

First time ever watching
their daughter compete.

Well, she impressed us
in Los Angeles,

qualifying for the city
finals along with Jessie Graff.

Hoping now to join
Jessie on stage two.

At 5'3", gets through
the Snake Run,

but the Propeller Bar always
a challenge for the women,

particularly the smaller
and lighter ones.

- Oh, you have to own it.
- So what it's been difficult?

- Oh, no!

- Oh, my God.

- And Natalie Duran
becomes the 16th victim

of the Propeller Bar
here on stage one.

- It's okay.
- It's okay, it's okay.

- Well, let's check out
her technique again

on the trampoline.

She leans too far forward
on the launch

and goes out and not up.

At 5'3", she needed a lot
more elevation than she got.

- What a trip.
- Oh, my gosh.

You never realize what you need
to work on until you get on it.

- Well, next up on the course,

this is 23-year-old rookie
Adam Rayl

from Phoenix, Arizona.

Rayl was a walk-on
who had a terrific run

in the L.A. city finals,

and his number one fan is back
to watch him here in Vegas.

Great transition. Power.

- Los Angeles
was my first experience

with "Ninja Warrior."

- Whoo!

- My mom was
going absolutely nuts.

- I have never been a reserved,

clap politely kind of person.

I'm all in, and no matter
what I'm doing, I love fully...

Relax sweetie.

And when it's my son out there,

I feel as if
I'm running it with him.

Yeah, good job!

I'm so emotional.
I'm a basket case.

- I heard her a little bit.

I was in kind of
the heat of battle

and super focused
on what I was doing,

but even through that
some of her screams

and crazy momness came through.

- Yes!

I'm so proud of that boy.
I wouldn't be surprised

if he could make it
all the way.

- Seeing my mom tonight
at the competition

is gonna be off the chain.

She's gonna be ridiculous.

It's probably gonna
be embarrassing.

- And there's Mom, Vicki,

already looking like
a basket case

the rest of Adam's family.

[countdown clock beeping]

- Well, Rayl and his family
are a tight-knit group.

They work together
building concrete tabletops.

Rayl onto the Propeller Bar.

- You develop
great grip strength

lifting 100-pound blocks
of concrete every day.

- Rayl 5'11", 180.

Waited two weeks
in the walk-on line in L.A.

but finished
the qualifying course

and made it to the eighth
obstacle in the city finals.

[overlapping shouting]

- Now taking on
the Giant Log Grip.

Has to withstand
three violent drops

on that 52-foot descent,

and a high swing on the log.

- That's some serious grip.

Now just ease down
to the platform...

- Nice.
- And the rookie's got it.

Moving on
to the Jumping Spider.

- Go, hurry!
- Oh, Mom is still nervous.

- Well, we've seen
veterans struggle here,

but he locks it in.

Well, we haven't seen
a walk-on finish stage one

since season six
when Abel Gonzalez did it,

but Adam Rayl, wow,
looking very strong.

- Nice!

And he's making good time.

He's got to keep that pace,

starting here with
the Sonic Curve.

- Angle on those steps
increases as you go.

- This walk-on rookie...

A little trouble here
as seconds tick down,

but he's through.

Under a minute left.
Three obstacles to go.

- And right up the wall!
- That was easy.

- Adam Rayl
now on to Broken Bridge.

He's got to pick up the pace
'cause the end is close

but the Flying Squirrel,
as we've seen,

eats up the clocks.

- Oh!

- Mom and this crowd
want to see another finisher.

- And you can't exactly
overlook this obstacle.

Tonight already
we've seen Jessell Boseman

and Jon Alexis Jr.
flame out here.

The clock is ticking down.

Fight for your
ever-loving life!

- Only 20 seconds left.
- Mama can't take it.

- And not very high, Akbar.

- Now he's moving, climbing.
- Get up.

- It is gonna be close,

- It's a tight one.
- Come on. Make it good.

- The sirens sounding...

but Mom can rest easy!

The walk-on rookie our second
finisher of the night.

- Adam almost went off
the rails at the Broken Bridge

when he leapt over
that fifth step,

but with time running out,
kept his composure

while his mom
did just the opposite.

- Let's go down to Kristine
for the POM Post Run Interview.

- Adam, congratulations.

Not only a walk-on
but a rookie as well.

How does this feel?

- It feels amazing.

To do that well
feels really, really good.

- Your mom was so emotional
tonight during your entire run.

You're still...
you're still emotional.

Why are you crying?

- It's... it's... I know
how hard he's worked,

and the whole family
has been there to support him,

and it's just so thrilling.

I'm just filled right up.

- Well,
keep on supporting him

'cause he now
has to go get stage two.

- Yes!
- Congratulations.

I'll let you enjoy the win.
Guys, back to you.

- Well, we only have
ten finishers so far

here at stage one
including the two from tonight,

Josh Levin and now Adam Rayl.

Surprisingly, our only two
finishers tonight are rookies,

but lots more athletes
have yet to take on the course.

Coming up, he's fearless...

- Ah!

- And he's wild.

- Train ordinary, be ordinary.

- Brace yourselves
for Crazy Craver.

- Bringing the crazy
back to Vegas!

- Plus, last year's
first American Ninja Warrior...

Geoff Britten did it!

Is making his return
to stage one...

- But this year,
I'm gonna win it.

- And we'll talk to him next on
"American Ninja Warrior."


- He is flying!

Some said
it could never be done.

He did it!
Geoff Britten did it!

Tonight, the first American
Ninja Warrior, Geoff Britten,

is looking to hit
four buzzers again.

Right now he's with Kristine.

- Matt, thank you.

Geoff, we are back here
in Las Vegas

where you made history
by becoming the first man

to reach the top
of Mount Midoriyama.

As we stand here
now back in its shadow,

how are feeling and what's
going through your mind?

- You know, it was
really strange coming back

and seeing the course,
seeing Mount Midoriyama.

I'm a little nervous.

I'm a little excited,
but I feel good.

I've trained right.

I've prepared,
and I'm gonna give it my shot.

- How do you handle the pressure
of everyone watching you

as the first
American Ninja Warrior?

- I don't know.
- I... I try and breathe.

I try and look at this like

it's the greatest playground
for adults,

and I go out there
and I try and have fun.

- I'm so excited
to see you run.

- Good luck, Geoff.
- Thank you.

- Guys, back to you.

- Thanks, Kristine.

Well, from one ninja great
to another,

- next up...
- Whoo!

- One of the most
accomplished ninjas

in the competition...

a 27-year-old gym owner
out of Fairfield, Connecticut,

Drew Drechsel.

The man known
as the "Real Life Ninja"

is coming off
his best season ever,

and his biggest fans are here
to push him to the top.

- After beating the qualifying,

beating semifinals,
making it to Las Vegas,

the pressure starts to build.

- What a performance
out of the man

they call
the "Real Life Ninja."

- I own a ninja gym.
- I teach ninja kids...

Good landing.
Good. Good.

And this year all my kids
that I teach

are coming out here
to cheer me on.

And we're gonna
start running laps.

The better I do, the more these
kids are gonna look up to me,

the more they're gonna be
motivated to train hard

and play around like I am.

Good job.

Having my own little section
of the stands cheering my name

who knows me
and they're here for me.

There you go.

that's a lot of pressure...

- Okay, Grayson, run, run, run!
- Oh!

- Ah, look at how close
you are!

But you got to learn
to block it out

because if you let it
weigh you down,

the course is gonna be
a lot harder,

so I'm ready,
and I'm gonna k*ll it.

- It was a long trip
from Connecticut,

but all the kids wearing
"Real Life Ninja" T-shirts,

ready for Drew's run.

One of his star students Tom

cheering alongside
Drew's girlfriend April.

- And you know
Drew wants to

put on a show for these kids.

- Well, one thing we know
about Drew Drechsel,

he is built for speed,
and you can see the speed here.

Do what you do, Drew.

- Well, we talked to...
- Ooh, miss!

- Missed the rope,
but look at that.

He has such good momentum
on the Propeller Bar.

Barely cost him a few seconds.
Drew Drechsel.

Speed's not gonna be an issue.
It's gonna be surviving.

- Drew now at
the Giant Log Grip.

- We've seen a lot of people

have trouble
sticking this dismount.

- Well, Matt, I think...
- Look, he's going sideways.

- Well, I can tell you
it's a good way to get vision.

I'm a Drew believer that
he's gonna get this landing.

- Whoa!
- That was so close.

- So close.

- Yeah, that wasn't the splash
he was looking to make.

- Impressive stop there,
but now the Jumping Spider.

Hopefully he stayed dry.
You need traction here.

- All right. Don't...
- Oh!

- Make that stick... oh, no, no!
- That's what I'm saying.

- Stay out of there.
- Stay low there.

- You got to below the red bar,
now up above the gap.

- Look at him fly through
inside of that Jumping Spider.

- And he's through.

Like I said,
time's not an issue.

Just needs to avoid
a mistake.

- Drew can teach his students
about agility here

at Sonic Curve.

- And exploding through
the Sonic Curve.

- Ooh, more like
sonic boom there.

- Oh!
- Ooh!

Just hangs on
to stick the dismount.

- I got to say,

this whole year
we've seen a measured,

more mature Drechsel
than ever before.

- Warped Wall should be
no issue for this man.

He is purpose-built
for stage one.

- Yeah, he is so agile,
but he's got to stay light

on his feet here
at the Broken Bridge.

This is a new obstacle for him.

- You can see him
analyzing the path.

Six steps.
Got to hit them in the center.

Using up time, though.

- Boom, boom, pow. Ooh!
- Ooh, a little stumble,

but the momentum
carries him through.

- That almost knocked
the wind out of him.

- One obstacle left,
and, Akbar,

I've been looking forward

to seeing Drew Drechsel
take on the Flying Squirrel.

- Well, nobody in this
sport flies higher

or farther
than the Real Life Ninja.

- Just like that.

- Well, here's what
he needs to do.

Get up high on the net,
minimize that climb,

or he might time out.

- Whoo!
- Did you see how high he got?

- Well, he cut it close,
but Drew Drechsel...

- Did he do a caterpillar

- Whoo!

- The Real Life Ninja
does it again,

moving on to stage two

for the fourth time
in his career.

- Whoo!

- At the Broken Bridge,

Drew taught his students
how important speed can be,

and he schooled
the Flying Squirrel

with that high lache
to the cargo net.

Drew Drechsel with a master
class performance on stage one.

- After a rough start tonight,

we're starting
to see some finishers.

Drew Drechsel's moving on,

and he's standing by
with Kristine.

- I know how badly
you want to get past

where you did last year,
make it to stage four.

- Why is this the year for you?
- I've been training harder.

Every year I find out
what my weaknesses are,

and right now I've been building
on all of my weaknesses.

I feel like I really
don't have any,

so it's just strengths
from here on out.

- There is something
about your attitude this year.

It's making me feel
very positive for you.

We'll see you on stage two.

- Thank you, Kristine.
- Thank you very much.

- Guys, back to you.

- Coming up...

- Whoo!
- Wow.

- He electrified Philly
two weeks ago.

- Fly like a phoenix bird.
- I see you, baby.

- How high can The Phoenix,
Najee Richardson,

soar tonight...

- I will dominate stage one.

- And later,
she's still the only woman

ever to finish
a city finals course.

Kacy Catanzaro has done it!

Tonight, Mighty Kacy returns
to the national finals...

- Here we go, Vegas.

- When "American
Ninja Warrior" returns.


- Welcome back to Las Vegas.

Are you ready
for some football?

- Oh, you know I am.
- Ahh!

- Well, the season
kicks off on NBC

this Thursday at 7:30 Eastern

when my team, the world
champion Denver Broncos,

hosts the Carolina Panthers
in a Super Bowl rematch.

- Yeah, watch out
for my Raiders this year.

- I told you.
- Hope springs eternal.

- Well, our next competitor
is likely an Eagles fan.

This is 25-year-old fitness
coach Najee Richardson,

the man they call
"The Phoenix."

He was once a top-level gymnast

before injuries
ended his career,

but "American Ninja Warrior's"

helped this phoenix
rise from the ashes.

- I grew up in a pretty
rough area of Philadelphia.

It had a lot of g*ng activity,
a lot of crime.

Those are my roots.

My parents put me in gymnastics
at the age of ten.

- Come on, Naj!


- I immediately
fell in love with it,

so it was a huge, huge part of
my life growing up.

- That's not cheap.
- It wasn't cheap at all,

but I did that because
I loved him so much

and because I wanted him
to be a better person.

- It's been quite a journey
going from my childhood

to now being here in Las Vegas

doing "American Ninja Warrior."

- I know Najee is gonna
go all the way,

and we're coming home
with $1 million.

That's what I predict
because that's what he wants,

and I think he deserves it.

- Yeah!

- And there's Mom and

"The Phoenix" T-shirts.

His dad cheering him on
from home in Philly.

[countdown clock beeping]

Najee 5'7" and 155 pounds
of solid muscle...

and going right into
the Propeller Bar...

but misses the rope!

- Uh-oh, going around
on that propeller

eats up precious time.

- Having trouble reaching
that rope on the Propeller Bar,

but look at him
kipping his body to move it.

- He's getting
the helicopter moving.

- Well, that is
a gymnast right there.

That's a man who has excellent
body awareness.

- Go, Najee!

- Now moving on
to the Giant Log Grip.

- You know, I had a chance
to talk with him earlier.

He said he was worried
about being on a timed course,

but right here
he should just worry

about timing his dismount
to the pad.

- He's got it.

Now the Jumping Spider.

A challenge, but Richardson,
a vault expert.

Expect him to launch off
this tramp and lock in.

- Well, we know this thing
has been spitting out

some serious venom,
the Jumping Spider.

both: Ooh.

- I see Najee's got
the serum here.

- Impressive way
to lock in there.

Looking like Peter Parker
himself there.

- Ooh!
- And Najee making great time.

- On now to the Sonic Curve.

This guy is an impressive,
expl*sive athlete.

- Yeah, he is, Matt.
- We've seen his strength.

We've seen his ability,
and watch him

just ride the lean there
on the Sonic Curve.

- Having a little trouble
on the dismount here...

- But missed it again.
- Oh, watch yourself here.

- Good push and still a minute
left now for the final three,

starting with the Warped Wall.

- Get right into that.
- Ride that speed there.

Shorter run-up there,

but nothing
for Najee Richardson.

- And The Phoenix two obstacles
away from the buzzer.

- His gymnastics career
was cut short by knee injury.

Be careful here
on the Broken Bridge.

- Ooh!
- Ooh!

- Oh, man!
- A good fall,

but that last span
held him up, Akbar.

And now Najee with over

a half minute to get through
the Flying Squirrel.

- Excellent body control.
- Yeah, and... and as a gymnast,

he knows how to move
his body here.

No double pumping.
Go for broke here, Najee.

- Good job holding on.
- He is really kipping.

- Oh, you see... you see
the way he get there?

He looks like
he's in the gymnastic vault.

- Wow!
- Whoo!

- So high on the cargo net.
- I see you, baby!

- It looks like
we're going to have

our fourth finisher
of the night.

[buzzer blares]

- And look at this.
- In his second year,

Najee Richardson's
going on to stage two.

- Whoo!
- Ah, that was awesome.

- The Broken Bridge
nearly broke his hip.

He tried to skip
that fifth step

and came up short
on number six

but managed to survive.

And look,
even he was surprised!

And on the Flying Squirrel

check out the hang time
the former gymnast got

with that lache
to the cargo net.

The Phoenix flew,

and now he's the fourth
finisher tonight.

- Let's go down to Kristine
for the POM Post Run Interview.

- Najee, you said
you were worried

about the time here

You had 8 seconds
left on the clock.

Were you aware,
and how rushed did you feel?

- I... I had no idea.

I wasn't really paying
attention to the time.

I just knew I made
a couple of mistakes

and I was a little worried
about that,

so I really started to pick up
my pace after the Warped Wall.

- How does it feel to hit
a buzzer in Las Vegas?

- It feels awesome. I can't
really put it into words.

It... it feels amazing.

- Let's carry that
confidence into stage two.

- Absolutely. Absolutely.

- Matt and Akbar,
back up to you.

- Well, the successes are
starting to mount on stage one,

and that now includes
Najee Richardson.

Still only 12 total finishers

between nights one and two,

but many of our top competitors
about to hit the course.

Well, Meagan Martin's made
history on stage one before,

and she's looking to join
Jessie Graff on stage two.

Her run's just ahead.

Plus, he's been fired up
all year long.

- Ahh!
- The ninja golden boy

Crazy Craver is ready to burn
through stage one...

- Crazy's back.

- When "American
Ninja Warrior" returns.

- Welcome back to night two
of the national finals

of "American Ninja Warrior."

While we were away,

three more athletes
took their shot at stage one.

Las Vegas resident
Chris Workman

got the hometown
crowd fired up...

all: Workman! Workman!

- But the 5'4" app developer

couldn't handle the dismount
on the Propeller Bar.

- Unfortunately,
no app for a do-over.

- Entomology student
Eric Middleton

flew like a butterfly...

- He just crushed
the Jumping Spider.

I thought he loved bugs.

- But his snail-like pace
meant he ran out of time,

and the bug man went splat
at the Flying Squirrel.

- Oh!

- Acrobat Nicholas Coolridge
harnessed his trapeze skills

to get through
the Flying Squirrel...

Real nice. Excellent form.

Becoming the fifth competitor
to hit the buzzer tonight.

- Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!

- Hey!
- Hey!

- So we're now up to
13 finishers,

and our next competitor
would love to join that list.

From Boulder, Colorado,

it's 26-year-old
rock climber Meagan Martin.

She and Jessie Graff
have had a friendly rivalry.

crowd: Beat that wall!

- Meagan conquered the
Warped Wall in season six.

- She's done it!

- A season later,
Jessie matched her.

- Jessie Graff
is the fourth woman

ever to get up
the Warped Wall!

- Meagan was the first woman
to conquer the Jumping Spider.

Last year,
Jessie followed suit...

- And a few more feet
and she'll join Meagan Martin,

and she's done it!

- But this year
it's Jessie who set the mark.

- The first woman ever
to complete stage one!

- Can Meagan keep pace?

Well, Jessie Graff
has a front row seat.

- Go Meagan!
- Also cheering Meagan on

are her parents and her
Wolfpack training partners

Ian Dory and Brian Arnold.

So here we go.

Meagan Martin with her third
go round at stage one,

looking to join
Jessie on stage two.

The last two years on
stage one she's made it

to the Warped Wall,

the only woman ever to do so
along with Jessie Graff.

Hasn't been able to make it up.
Can this be her year?

- Well, Matt,
for Meagan Martin,

she's one of the strongest
women I've ever seen

and one of the strongest
competitors here tonight.

Watch Meagan Martin crush this.

- Wow, great leap.
- Great power.

- Using her 5'3" body.

Using her grip strength
here on the rope.

- And look at that climber.
- So strong, Meagan Martin.

- Yeah, baby!
- Her rock climbing experience

comes into play here
on the Giant Log Grip.

I've been raving about Meagan
Martin and her strength.

There's a reason
why she's here.

She's earned her right
to be here in Las Vegas.

- This dismount, though,
has been difficult.

Oh... sliding! Oh!

- Oh, sh**t!

- No! What?

- Dang.
- This crowd is stunned.

- And remarkably
the rock climber,

the grip strength gives out,

and Meagan Martin cast off
by the Giant Log Grip.

- Seriously, those drops on
the Giant Log Grip are no joke.

Look at Meagan's face
after the first drop.

She was fighting it,
but the jolt of the second drop

knocked her hands loose,

and her run came
to an early end.

- Let's go down to Kristine.

- Meagan, the Log Grip
is an obstacle

that really plays
to your skill set.

What do you think
went wrong for you?

- In all honesty,
I think when I got on, like,

I wasn't squeezing
with my legs enough, maybe.

I don't know.

Just when the last drop,
it, like,

kind of started throwing me
really fast, so I thought,

"Oh, maybe I'll just be able
to get thrown onto the pad,"

and then I missed it,

but you know, I mean,
these things happen.

Like, nobody's perfect.

It's impossible
to always be on,

and you know,
this is just an off day.

- Meagan, you've done
such a great job

the women out here.

I know that
you're gonna be back.

- Definitely.
- Matt and Akbar, back to you.

- Thanks, Kristine.

Well, this course is gonna
get just a little crazier.

Up next
in the gold lamé shorts,

it's 35-year-old photographer
Neil "Crazy" Craver.

He may be a "Ninja Warrior,"
wild child,

but now he's more
balanced than ever.

- Train ordinary, be ordinary.

They call me "Crazy Craver."


Preparing for Vegas this year,

I changed up things
a little bit.

I started dating Chloe.
She's a yoga teacher.

She introduced yoga to me,

and it... it just fell
into place like,

"This is what I need
to counteract my crazy."


- He's still very crazy.

I tell him probably ten times
a day like, "Be careful,"

And then he says,
"I'm not Careful Craver.

I'm Crazy Craver," so...

- Aah!

Yoga's given me
a lot of peace

and a lot of discipline,

but when I get on the course,

the crazy is just
too much to contain.

I'm bringing the crazy
back to Vegas!


- And there's his girlfriend
and yoga teacher, Chloe.

Also among those
cheering him on,

friend and fellow ninja
Grant McCartney,

who finished stage one
last week.

[countdown clock beeping]

- Well, Matt, you can see.
- Look at him.

He's got stickers and gold ink

and gold tattoos all over him.

- Right through Snake Run.

I think if anyone's
crazy enough

to get through stage one
right now, it's Neil Craver.

- Well, he was one of
the 38 finishers

last year on stage one...

- Yeah!
- Come on, Neil!

- But only 13 have
made it this year,

and the Giant Log Grip's
given athletes nightmares.

- Good urgency here, but can he
see that landing pad?

- Nails it.
- Nice.

Right there on that "ANW."
- Ooh!

Wow, he almost went off
that bridge there.

- But got to slow down
and regroup

and stick this
on the Jumping Spider.

- He's got to be gold here.
- Nice!

- Locked it in.

- There's that yoga

- Crazy Craver
with a brisk pace so far

on the first half
of this course.

- Now the Sonic Curve.

5'11", 160, Crazy Craver.

Good agility. Good endurance.

- Oh, Matt, here it is.

He's got that gold rush
going now.

Look at that speed!

- And a good leap.