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07x12 - And the Rest Is a Drag

Posted: 04/29/24 09:39
by bunniefuu
Previously on RuPaul's Drag Race...

Category is... Hello Kitty.

Kennedy is a catsuit queen.

-Do you know how to make one?
-I don't.

I don't know what to do with all this.

Listen. The clock is running out.

Category is Hello Kitty BFF Realness.

I love this look. I'm having waist envy.

you are the winner of this challenge.

Kennedy, this look
could be more adventuresome.

Katya's eleganza.

I did not like it at all,

and there's no way Hello Kitty is allowed
to hang out with this Russian hooker.

Kennedy Davenport, shantay, you stay.

Katya, sashay away.

[tense music]

Walking into the workroom without Katya

doesn't feel right.

"If you need me,
you know where to find me:

the dumpster out back."


She's one of a kind.
I'm so sad to see her go.

And I can't believe
I'm crying on f*cking TV.

Congratulations, Miss Violet. Next.


Kennedy Davenport,
your Hello Kitty was a "Hell no" kitty.

This is not a sewing competition.

You knew you had to sew,
and what the f*ck did you do?

Girl, so what? I'm not a seamstress.
I don't know how to sew.

But no other bitch has been able
to sing or act like me.

Oh, my God!

I'm in a pressure cooker.

The heat is on, and eventually,
it's just going to explode.

I need a smoke and a nap.

[engines revving up]

[RuPaul] The winner receives
a one-year supply

of Anastasia Beverly Hills cosmetics

and a cash prize of $100,000!

RuPaul's Drag Race
May the best woman, best woman win

[tires screeching]

-Oh, my God!

It feels awesome to walk
into the workroom and it just be top four.

-Where's everybody else?
-Bitch, they gone.

Thank God!

-Hello, hello, hello!
-Hey, Michelle!

[Michelle] Condragulations, ladies.

For your final four challenge,

you'll be starring with RuPaul
in the official music video

for "Born Naked." #BornNaked.

In a few moments, you'll be dancing
with choreographer Candis Cayne,

and then you'll be acting
with director Matthew Anderson.

-I hope you're hungry,

because you're each invited
to one last meal with mama Ru.

This is definitely not a time
to be half-steppin' it, ladies,

because tomorrow,
one of you will be eliminated

and edited out of the final video.

That's some shady shit.
Bitch, I'ma turn into Effie White.

This is Dreamgirls,
and I am telling you, I am not going.

Gentlemen, start your engines,
and may the best woman win.

-Hello, girls.
-Oh, my God! Hi!

Today the choreography is gonna be
a throwback to the '80s strong woman look,

like Pat Benatar, Sheena Easton.

Okay, you start faced forward,
legs like this.

What makes me nervous
about this music video is the dancing.

It looks like one, two, three, four,

five, six, seven, eight.

But that won't get
the best of me this time.

-Ginger, that looked great.
-Thank you.

[Candis] We're gonna move on.

Step, touch, step, touch,
step, touch. Violet,

in this, you need to get
a little bit lower.

Think '80s Cheryl Tiegs dancing.

I was born in '92.

That's no excuse.

Don't get frustrated. You have the look.

Just don't psych yourself out.
It's just steps.

[Kennedy] Violet...

girl, bye.

[light jazzy music]

[blender whirring]

-Kennedy, darling. Sit down.

[RuPaul] Are you hungry?
I'm juicing now, you know.

-This was your first time auditioning.
-Yes, m'am.

-And what took you so long?
-I was always working and struggling.

I just didn't have the time, really.

And then, like, after losing my dad,

it was like,
"You know what? It's time now."

My dad passed in October 2013,

and it's still so fresh to me.

We didn't see eye-to-eye at first,

but we ended up
having the best relationship.

He came to my pageants,
and we was always talking.

He told me, "You need to go
on RuPaul's Drag Race."

By him passing, it was, like, it's time.
I want to do it for my dad.


And what would winning
RuPaul's Drag Race mean to you?

Hoo-whee. Everything has been a struggle.

I've always been a caregiver,

because my sister
is severely mentally Ret*rded,

and I had to step in.

I took part in raising my sister.

I bathed her, I washed her clothes.

I had big responsibilities
as a child myself.

And it's repeating itself,
because since I lost my dad,

now I'm her guardian.


I never ask God why. I just take it on.

And I feel like being on here
and have made it this far is my reward.

It's an amazing story,
and you've done so well.

-I am so proud of you.
-Thank you.

I loved watching you work through it
and make it happen.

I will see you out there.
That's right, honey. I'm just saying.

-[both laugh]

I had fun actually doing the choreography.

I want to do well and go to the top three,
so I'm excited to do it.

I'm so excited. I mean,
learning choreo is not my strong suit,

but I think I've got it.

But you were having trouble
with the choreo,

and you've also been clocked
for your acting.

Does that scare you at all?

Really, bitch?

Not really. I've pushed through it
every single time.

But now you can't just push through.

With me with the dancing, I know
I have to nail it or I'm gonna go home.

What's your approach other than...

I'll enjoy that I'm in top four,
and I'm here to win it.

Any issues I'm having going into it,
I'm gonna work it out,

like I've been doing the entire season.

Get over yourself.
I've been over you since you walked in.

Keep 'em coming, girl. Keep 'em coming.

-Ginger Minj.

Who is your ally back home?
Do you have any allies in the family?

It's a cliché for every gay boy to say,
"My mom is my personal hero,"

but she's amazing.

-Are your parents together?

Do you have
a relationship with your father?

When I was 14 going into 15, he left us

for his high school girlfriend. And...

-I didn't talk to him for years.

What do you want him to know about you
that you think he doesn't know?

That's a tricky question.
I don't think he knows a lot about me.

I don't think that my father has...

I'm sorry.

My entire life, I have felt like
I didn't even know who my father was.

So how could he know anything about me?

Growing up, I was so tormented in my life

that the only way I could deal
was to make jokes

and use humor to cover it all up.

My relationship with my father
has shaped me

into the human being that I am today.

No matter all the bullshit
that's happened in the past,

I just hope that...

-he's proud of me.
-Listen, I'm so proud of you.

-You are lovely, beautiful, and talented.
-That means the world to me.

Here, at least take one of these
for the ride home.

-Oh, thank you.
-I'll see you out there.

Muah! Bye.

-So whatcha wearing, pumpkin?
-I don't know.

I don't know if I want to do a gown.
It seems so, like, typical.

-Like, not enough?

I have tons of gorgeous dresses,

and I don't want to blend in
with these pageant girls.

How many times
have you gotten f*cked in this?

Once or twice.

[whispering] What are they doing?

[whispering] Trying on their shit.

While Kennedy and I completely appreciate

what these kids are trying to do
with their modern take on drag,

old-school is the only school, honey.

They're in the corner playing dress-up
like it's kindergarten.

It's a walk-off.

[Pearl humming]

[whispering] Shut the f*ck up...

Ginger and Kennedy's final runway looks
are a mystery

except for huge, gigantic
pageant girl hair.

They're competing
for who can have the biggest hair

on top of who is
America's next drag superstar.

All this bullshit
and they pulling out sleepers.

It will be comfortable
for their plane ride home.

This is your time to make a statement.

And the shit you pulling out...


-Violet, darling.

So when you auditioned for the show,

how far did you imagine yourself coming?

Oh, the winner. The crown... Girl.

Where did you get this confidence?
You have a lot of it.

Growing up, I was put
on the back burner for sure.

My sister had lots of stuff
she was going through.

I had to be my own support system,
my own biggest fan, so...

It sounds kind of lonely.

There's really no shoulder
for Violet to cry on.

-Besides my own.

That's what you're showing
in this competition,

because you won
shadiest queen, remember?

-Did I?
-Did that hurt your feelings?

Kind of, but I knew that wasn't the case.

I was like, "I need to work harder
to show these girls who I really am."

I think the biggest thing
that I've learned

is to just be aware
of your first impressions,

because it could be difficult
to change someone's first impression.

I know that you're only 22, and you think,
"Well, a lot of people have this."

Let me tell you,
a lot of people don't have it.

You are really special.

A lot of people will take a lifetime
to get where you are.

-Thank you so much, Ru.
-Thank you.

-Pearl, darling, welcome to lunch.
-Thank you.

-Did you think you'd make it this far?

You didn't? Have you surprised yourself?

I surprised myself coming in here
and retreating into "my shell."

I've never had these moments
of clamming up.

You were ready to tap out at one point.

I definitely was hurting, yeah.

But I'm all bark and no bite.

The thing is that I know your potential,
and I wanted to see it,

and I was feeling that it wasn't there.

-What was baby Pearl like?
-Baby Pearl?

-Yeah. Like, say, seven years old.


When I was seven, you know,
I was scared shitless all the time.

I was going through
some pretty traumatic times.

It was just mental, emotional, physical,
psychological torment every day.

That's pretty rough. When I first met you,
I felt there was something else going on,

-and it felt like a traumatic issue to me.

I'm not the kind of person
that opens up a lot.

So every time I do, it makes the weight
feel a bit more lifted off my shoulders.

Oh boy, has there been
a transformation in you.

At this point,
nothing can break my spirit.

Good. Well, condragulations.

-Mwah! Mwah!
-Mwah! Mwah!

Flazéda, girl!

-Hi, girls.

It's time to sh**t
the music video for Born Naked.

For the first part, we're doing
choreography in front of a green screen.

[Candis] Before we start,
I have to let you know, this is it.

It's between your performance
and 100 grand.


Hit it!

Throw your top down
Like you know where you're going

[Candis] Work. Give it to me, girl.

...where you're going
Running all the red lights

[Candis] Gorgeous.

And I said who
Who do you think you are?

Who do you think you are?

-♪ Who do you think you...
-[tense music]

-What happened with the hair?
-It caught a breeze and flew away.

I hope it matches the other takes.

Lord be with me.

A sexy muscle car under the radar

Throw your top down
Like you know where you're going

Pearl has a limited repertoire
as far as movement.

It's like she fitting to slam somebody.
That's why we call it the Pearl smash.

Pearl smash!

[Candis] Is there something going on here?

-Is that boy hair?
-Is it okay?

-I think your wig is sliding back.
-It's sliding back.

These queens. Don't they know
a bobby pin when they see one?

You all are having wig problems.
You know that you're working with a fan.

-This is video.

You want to be America's drag superstar,
and your wig is sliding back?

But you want to be a drag superstar.

Oh, oh, oh... uh, oh, okay, okay.

Do you need a moment
to go to the workroom and sort it out?

[Kennedy] Unprofessional.


While Pearl sorts her wig out,
let's get Violet up here.

-Is your wig on tight?
-I think so.

Okay. Cue music.

And I said who

Who do you think you are?

Who do you think you are?

I'm trying so hard that I forget
I'm supposed to do choreography.


Who do you think you are?

[tense music]

[Candis] Violet's earring falls off.

These girls. This is a music video.

Didn't you glue your earrings on?

Just try to give us a take
that we can use.

It was a shitty mess.

A hot one.
I'm talking about with flies on it.


We might have got something.
I hope it's enough.

We'll see.

What the hell are you looking at?

It's our acting scene,
directed by Matthew Anderson.

We'll play three different characters,
and they're gonna be cut together.

I'm gonna kick y'all's ass.

Ru is gonna act alongside us,
and it's a bit intimidating.

And... action.

In science class,
we learned that all human beings

-evolved from lizards.
-You're a lizard.

Zip it, boy.

You kids are the reason
mommy needs her happy pills.

Ha-ha, look.
My dollies are kai-kai'ing.

You don't even know
what that means. I...

I hate it here. Woosh!

Okay, cut.

Pearl, you seem to just be hitting
one note all the way through.

You know, the anger you had
when you were gonna walk off the show?

-Remember that?

-We all remember.
-Use that.


[Matthew] Here we go. Action!

Don't you give me no lip, boy.

Oh, I hate it here!

[Matthew] And cut. Very nice.

That was better with emotional intensity,

so, time to do the great switcheroo

and get into your next character.

All right, darlings, round two.
And... action.

Hurry up and eat.
Mommy's got to watch her stories.

Somebody pass me the potatoes.

Pearl is doing really well pilled-out.


-[Matthew] Action.
-What's that?

It's RuPaul's Born Naked,
available on iTunes.

Don't forget
to shamelessly plug that CD.

-Pick it up and show it.

Just show me
how you would do it right now.

Got it.

Kennedy is an amazing performer,
but her biggest weakness

is her short-term memory...


Oh, pick it up?

It's RuPaul Born...
It's RuPaul's Born Naked,

available on iTunes.

Um, okay. Get the hell out of here
and change those damn outfits.


Don't you dare give me no lip, boy.

Don't call me boy.
Call me... Violet Chachki.

Miss Violet
is flat lining as the teen queen.

Violet, you tend to sort of read
a bit of a monotone.

So let's just get
a few more spikes into your read.

-[Matthew] Very good.

[RuPaul] Isn't she clever?

-Don't worry, little sister.

I'll come back for you when I'm famous.

Please make it stop.

[upbeat music]


-It's the last day.
-The last day.

It is the last time
that we are entering the workroom,

and at this point in the competition,

we're pretty much evenly divided
right down the middle.

On one end of the room, you have
Violet and Pearl, the "pretty girls,"

which they call themselves.
We don't call them that.

And on the other end of the room,
you've got Kennedy and myself

representing the bitter old lady brigade.

[Ginger Minj] I want to know
your first impressions that first day.

Pearl, when she came in,
and she was like, "Um,

I have a face chin on,
and blah, blah, blah."

-I was like, "This stupid bitch."
-"She's stoned."

"She's high as a kite out of her mind,"

so I guess my first impression
of Pearl was kind of spot-on.


My first impression of you
is that, I mean,

you was full of yourself.

And has that changed?
No, it hasn't because...

because you haven't let it die down.

So I do respect you,
but still think you full of yourself.

I just feel like you are too young
to take on this type of responsibility.

I agree with Kennedy. It's a level
of maturity that you haven't reached yet.

[Kennedy] Thank you.

[Ginger Minj] This is a job title.
It's not just,

"Here's a check and a crown
and have fun."

You've got to be an ambassador
for RuPaul's Drag Race.

You are a representative, and I don't feel
like you've been in this game long enough

to know that you must step out of Violet
and be professional about some situations.

And I don't feel like you've been there.
You're not there yet.

Okay, I understand
more of what you're saying.

You don't want to be known
as being a bitch.

[Violet] That's it.

Violet is different.
In the beginning, she would be like,

"f*ck you.
I don't give a f*ck what you think."

But here in this moment,
she's just listening and accepting it.

[Kennedy] You've got the bitter old
lady brigade to help guide.

I'm just saying.

["Cover Girl" playing]

Cover girl, put the bass in your walk

Head to toe
Let your whole body talk

And what?

Welcome to the main stage
of RuPaul's Drag Race.

Tonight it's just family, so God help us.

This week we challenged my girls

to star in the official video
for Born Naked.

And tonight they're stomping the runway
in their very best drag.

Gentlemen, start your engines,
and may the best woman win.

Now sissy that walk

[RuPaul] First up, Kennedy Davenport.

[Carson] Taste the rainbow.

[RuPaul] Yes.

[Kennedy] I have on my pride dress,
fully rhinestoned,

with my matching rainbow shoes.

I am just head-to-toe pride.

[RuPaul] The rainbow leads
to her pot of gold.

Her ass.

Up next, Violet Chachki.
Man, she feels like a woman.

-[Ross] Come to the cabaret.
-[Michelle] Willkommen. Bienvenue.

[Violet] I'm giving you Victor Victoria,
Marlene Dietrich, burlesque influences.

I'm feeling very razzle-dazzle
and like a fierce f*cking bitch.

[RuPaul] She's a chachki
with some fringe on top.


[RuPaul] Ginger Minj.

[Michelle] Ginger has fringe on her Minj!

-[Carson] I've got to go to the car wash.
-[RuPaul] Yes. Yes.

[Ginger Minj] I am making sure
these judges see every rhinestone,

every piece of fringe, every single inch

of this big, bold, and beautiful bitch.

[RuPaul] It's like they say:
the bigger the hair, the juicier the ass.

-[Carson] She is mopping up the floor.
-[RuPaul] Yes.

[Rupaul] Pearl. Well, flazéda.

[Michelle] Ha-ha!

[Ross] From the Dee Snider
intimates collection.

[Michelle laughs]

[Pearl] My look is a representation
of what my drag is about.

It's vintage,
it's over-the-top, and it's sexy.

[Rupaul] What color is that,
Carson, mother-of-pearl?

[Carson] I think it is.

[Michelle laughs]

Now sissy that walk

Welcome, ladies.
I couldn't be more happy

to see my kids succeed,
and you really did.

Kennedy, you were born naked,

but you've grown to become
a fierce drag queen.

Here's a photo of you
as a little bitty boy.

If you could time travel,

what would Kennedy Davenport
have to say to little Ruben?

I would definitely have to tell him
that it's okay

that you are different
from the other kids.

All the nights that you have cried
yourself to sleep,

it'll be over soon.
And that you're gonna be respected

for your gift.

Thank you, Kennedy.

Violet, here's a photo of you
when you were four years old.

What would Violet Chachki
have to say to little Jason?


I would tell him
to try to have more patience

with everybody,
especially with your parents,

and you just need to know
how special you are

and really bask in moments of weakness
and find strength in them

and push through everything and get
to a ballet class as fast as you can.

-Thank you, Violet.
-Thank you.

Ginger, here is a photo of you
when you were five years old.

What would Ginger Minj
have to say to little Joshua?

When it feels like
the entire world is against you,

you've always got a friend in yourself,
and when it gets to that moment

where you feel there's no alternative,
and you want to end it,

remember that in your life
there's gonna be stupidity coming at you

from a never-ending parade
of bigoted assholes.

And the only way to survive that parade
is to make yourself the grand marshal.

-Thank you, Ginger.
-Thank you.

Pearl, here is a photo of you
when you were four years old.

I've never seen
that child before in my life.

What would Pearl have to say
to little Matthew?

Oh, God.

I'd have to start with a warning.

You're about to enter the toughest...

You're gonna enter
the toughest years of your life, and...

it's gonna suck really bad
for a long time.

People are gonna f*ck you up
and take advantage of you,

and people are gonna be looking at you
from across the room for so many years,

and you're not gonna understand why.

-Do you understand why now?

You're a star, baby.


Thank you, Pearl.

Ladies, the winners
of this week's challenge

will move on to the top three.

And one of you will be going home.

It's time for the judges' final critiques.

First up, Kennedy Davenport.

Let's take a look at your dailies.

We're all born naked
And the rest is drag

Hurry up and eat.
Mama's got to watch her stories.

Look, my two dollies are kai-kai'ing!

You don't even know what that means.

For the acting challenge, for me,

it was flat lined with no separation
between characters,

but you've made a lot of progress.

You look beautiful tonight.
This is representative of your best drag.

I really am very touched
about the transformation you've made.

Thank you.

Next up, Violet Chachki.

We're all born naked
And the rest is drag

-What's that?
-It's RuPaul's Born Naked, now on iTunes.

What happened to manly music?

Oh, I hate it here!

This is why we can't have nice things.

I know dancing is not your favorite thing.

With that said,
I thought your dancing was really good.

For the acting challenge, I think
you had separation between characters.

You told the story beautifully.

Don't take this as shade,

-but did you run out of clothes?
-Oh, God, no.

Because for me,
this does not say "Violet's best drag."

It's a natural progression.
I think I get what you're doing.

-I think you do too.
-Okay, thanks.

Next up, Ginger Minj.

We're all born naked
And the rest is drag

Guess who I saw
putting on mommy's makeup.

Shut up!

Boy, you'd better take off
that hoodie right now.

Don't call me boy. Call me...

Ginger Minj!

Your characters were the most fleshed-out.

Dancing is not your strong suit,
but I think you did it your way.

You had a wig malfunction,
and you made it work.

The fact that you went with it
shows your professionalism.

This bombshell white diamonds number

is the best drag that you've had
in the entire competition,

-and you saved the best for last.
-Thank you.

Next up, Pearl.

We're all born naked
And the rest is drag

You get out of my house now!

Fine! I'm leaving.

Wait! Don't leave me here with them.

Little sister, I'll come back for you
when I'm famous.

Attagirl, Pearl.

Who would have thought,
a few weeks ago, that we'd be here today?

-I figured it out. You're a weirdo.
-Oh, f*ck yeah.

In this particular challenge, you pushed
yourself out of your comfort zone.

You gave us three definable characters.

Then with the dancing, you don't move,

and it becomes that stoner stripper
so high she just wants the dollars.

We've all been there.

I think you look beautiful. I'm proud.

-You earned your spot here. Congrats.
-Thank you.

[RuPaul] Ladies, final question.

Why should you, and not your competitors,

be crowned America's next drag superstar?

We'll start with Kennedy.

I've been in this business
for 17 long years,

and I condone myself with professionalism.

As far as my competitors,

with the exception of Ginger,
I don't think the other girls are ready.

So I fear that they may not know
how to condone themselves.

That makes me think, "What do you have
to offer once you become the queen?"

And it's not much.

[RuPaul] Thank you, Kennedy.

All right, Violet Chachki.

I already feel like I am
America's next drag superstar.

I've been telling myself that
for a long time.

I've always looked up to myself. The only
validation I need is from this show.

As far as my competitors go, I feel
like I represent the past, the present,

but more than anything, the future.

-Thank you, Violet.
-Thank you.

-All right, Ginger.
-If I could,

I'd split this with Kennedy.
I'd say, "Crown us both.

We'll get conjoined twin gowns,
and we'll wear them all year."

But my other two sisters,
as much as I do love them,

Violet has the shortest temper
I've ever seen.

And that's a problem
when you're dealing with the world.

And Pearl, as much as she has grown,
was ready to walk away

from a golden opportunity.

Not to mention this is America,
land of the free, home of the fat people,

and if we supersize our French fries,

why can't we at least supersize
our next drag superstar?

Thank you, Ginger.

-All right, Pearl.
-I've busted my f*cking ass my entire life

for everything that I have,

every article of clothing,
every rent payment.

You've been telling me how exhausted
I come off, and it's because I am...

from life. Yes,

I totally had a moment on this show
where I didn't think that I could go on.

But that doesn't define
what I've done on this show.

I do not like to keep myself limited
into some kind of drag box,

and I have so much more to show America.

Thank you, Pearl.

Now, while you untuck backstage,

the judges and I will deliberate.

All right,
just between us squirrel friends,

what do you think?
Let's start with Kennedy Davenport.

Her dancing was amazing.
She got rhythm.

And she is a great representation
of glamorous drag.

She's a hard worker,
and she is the professional of the group.

If she's the pro,
why wasn't that speech professional?

[RuPaul] Violet Chachki.

She's not a dancer, but she gave it
all she's got. She did a great lip sync.

And as far as her acting goes,
I was really proud of her.

She has told such a story
in her looks constantly.

I believe that she had
this last outfit planned all along.

That is not the best look.
Don't try to convince me.

-[RuPaul] Ginger Minj.
-Not a great dancer, but fine.

But she can give you comedy,
glamour, acting, and singing.

She's a quadruple threat.

She offers something different.
I grew up as a full-figured young boy.

And it does say something to kids
in small towns who may be chubby

that there's a chance
that they could rise to the top.

[RuPaul] Pearl.

At a certain point, we were all like,
"Check, please. I'm out."

But here she is in the top four
of this competition. That is so difficult.

And she fought her way back.
And she made me fall in love with her.

She does have a boozy charm.

And it's star quality that she has
where you're intrigued, you know.

But is it too off-putting,
the sort of distance, for a fan

-to fall in love with her?
-I think they'll love her.

One more topic we need to discuss.

Michelle Visage. Carson, pros and cons.

Ah, you're funny.

Silence. I've made my decision.

Bring back my girls.

Ladies, before I can decide
who makes it to the top three,

this is your last chance to impress me

and save yourself from elimination.

The time has come...

...for you to lip-sync...

...for your life!

Good luck.

And don't f*ck it up.

[Born Naked playing]

Who you waiting for, another savior?

Always looking
But you never find, never find

Waking up from another night gone

Always looking
But you never find, never find

Going downtown
You know where you're going

Throw your top down
Like you know where you're going

Tell me one thing
Do you like where you're going?

Ignoring all of the signs
And I said...

[Kennedy] I should be
America's next drag superstar,

because I'm bringing a level
that Drag Race has yet to see.

It's the Kennedy Davenport
experience, baby.

We're all born naked
And the rest is drag

I'll say it again...

Being crowned America's next drag
superstar means the culmination

of a lifetime of work.

It's time that a big girl
wins this competition.

And I said who

Who do you think you are?

I represent the old
and the new styles of drag.

I really am expressing myself
as a visual artist.

I am definitely
America's next drag superstar.

Who, who do you think you are?

I should be America's next
drag superstar, because I do glamor,

I do freaky, I do funny.

I've just worked so hard.
I just f*cking deserve it.

Who do you think you are?
I'm telling the truth now

We're all born naked
And the rest is drag

[cheers and applause]

[RuPaul] Wow!

Ladies, I've made my decision.

[tense music]

Kennedy Davenport. I'm sorry, my dear,

but you will not be moving on
to the top three.

Kennedy, the struggle is real.

And so is your God-given talent.

And your journey has just begun.

Thank you.
This has been a wonderful experience.

And I couldn't have asked
for anything more.

So thank you very much.

Now, sashay away.

I'm very disappointed
that I'm leaving right now.

I've done all that I could do.

And if it just wasn't enough,
it was enough for me.

Newark, LaGuardia, Kennedy.


I present to the world my final three.

All season long
I've consulted with the judges.

Now I want to hear from you, the fans.

Who do you think should be
America's next drag superstar?

Are you team Ginger,

team Pearl, or team Violet?

Tweet your choice to:
@RuPaulsDragRace, #DragRace,

and keep the conversation going
on RuPaul's Drag Race Facebook page.

Let your voice be heard. But remember,

the final decision is mine to make.

So tune in next week
to see the world debut

of the music video Born Naked.

And the week after that,
I will crown a winner

at the grand finale of RuPaul's Drag Race.

Now, remember, if you can't love yourself,

how in the hell
are you gonna love somebody else?

-Can I get an "amen" up in here?

All right. Now, let the music play.

Take me up, up, up

Up, up, up

We can fly tonight

Woah, oh, oh

We can fly tonight