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07x14 - Grand Finale

Posted: 04/29/24 09:40
by bunniefuu
[announcer] From the legendary
Orpheum Theatre in Downtown Los Angeles,

this is the grand finale
of RuPaul's Drag Race.

We're all born naked
And the rest is drag

[announcer] Ladies and gentlemen,
presenting the queens of season seven.

A queen who took us all by storm,
Tempest DuJour.

We're all born naked
And the rest is drag

[announcer] Ring-a-ding-ding,
it's Sasha Belle.

No tea, no shade, no pink lemonade,
it's Jasmine Masters.

Honey, she's home,
let's hear it for Mrs. Kasha Davis.

She's right on your alley, it's Kandy Ho.

Telling, I'm telling the truth now
Telling, I'm telling the truth now

[announcer] Serving
Fifty Shades of Grey, it's Max.

Who do you think you
Who, who, telling the truth now, who

[announcer] Yes, ma'am, Pam,
it's Jaidynn Diore Fierce.

And the rest is drag

[announcer] She's always on brand,
the beautiful Miss Fame.

Proof that plastic is fantastic,
it's Trixie Mattel.

Our very own matryoshka doll, Katya.

I'm telling the truth now

[announcer] LaGuardia, Newark,
Kennedy Davenport.

We're all born naked
And the rest is drag

Who, who do you think you, who

Who, telling the truth now

[announcer] And now,
our top three queens.

Neat, petite, and always ready to eat,
it's Ginger Minj.

It's never been the clothes
that make the man

Nothing can

[announcer] Rise and shine, it's Pearl.

I'm telling the truth now, I'm telling
Telling, I'm telling the truth now

I'm telling, telling
I'm telling the truth now

[announcer] Last but never the least,

a one-of-a-kind collectible,
Violet Chachki.

Who, who, telling the truth now
Who, who, who do you think you

We're all born naked
And the rest is drag

[announcer] Ladies and gentlemen,
the reason for this season,

the supermodel of the world, RuPaul!

Feelings aren't real
Put your money down

It's your best spell to win, real is
What you feel, feelings aren't real

Put your money down
It's your best spell to win

The realness

Thank you.

Let me tell you something.

Child, I am feeling mighty real tonight.

Mighty real. Are you ready
to crown America's next drag superstar?

Yeah. Good. But before we do,

I have one thing to say.

You better...
[blows the whistle]

Work, work it, bitch
Work, work it, bitch

Work, work it, bitch
Work, work it, bitch

Work, work it, bitch
Work, work it, bitch

Work, work it, bitch ♪

[engine revs]

[RuPaul] The winner receives
a one-year supply

of Anastasia Beverly Hills cosmetics

and a cash prize of $100,000.

RuPaul's Drag Race
May the best woman, best woman win

Welcome to the grand finale
of RuPaul's Drag Race.

Tonight, the queendom has gathered
from far and near

to help me crown
America's next drag superstar.

In fact, we have the largest turnout ever.
Sixty queens, past and present,

under one roof. Now that's... Yes.
[cheers and applause]


That's a lot of duct tape.

A lot of duct tape.

Hey, PorkChop.

Michelle Visage,
I see you brought the girls.

-I never leave home without them.
-[RuPaul] I meant Ross and Carson.

[both] Hi!

Now, tonight, we're doing
things a little differently.

Ginger Minj, Pearl, and Violet Chachki,

I have not, repeat,
I have not made my final decision.

So, to help me make up my mind,

I've asked each of you to prepare
a lip-sync performance

to a song created especially for you.

Ladies, this will be your last chance
to impress me and to prove to the world

that you have what it takes
to become America's next drag superstar.


So, gentlemen, start your engines,
and may the best woman win.

Welcome back to the grand finale
of RuPaul's Drag Race.

This season's race for the crown
is the tightest in herstory.

So I've challenged the top three queens
to perform one last time.

First up, get ready to pray and slay
with the right reverend Ginger Minj.

Okay, ladies and gentlemen
Mama's got to bring it home ♪

Here we go
Eyelashes on, high heels too

Can't move too fast
'Cause all my weight is in my boobs

When I wake up, I drink my juice

Get on my knees
And have a kiki with Jesús

I say, "Thank you, Lord
For these hand-me-downs

For these lady curves
On the path I found

Because my light ain't hiding
Behind a bush no more

The only bush on me
Was shaven off this morning

Come on now, pray and sing

There ain't no way to pray the gay away
Come on now, pray and sing

'Cause there ain't no way
To pray the gay away

Come on now, pray, pray, pray, pray
And sing, sing, sing, sing

Pray, pray, pray, pray and sing

So when you're feeling down
In the morning

I tell you what you, what you

What you're supposed to do

It's time to pray and sing

'Cause there ain't no way
To pray the gay away

It's time to pray, ooh, and sing

'Cause there ain't
No way to pray the...



[RuPaul] Ginger Minj,
you just flooded my basement.

While you catch your breath,
let's talk to the judges. Michelle Visage,

-what did you think?
-Very Patti LaBelle. No, she better do.

-I'm very proud of you, Ginger Minj.
-Thank you.

You have always been an entertainer,
and that's how you got here.

-Congratulations, honey.
-Well, praise the Lord and hallelu-jer.

I still love the minj.

Well, thank you, judges.
Ginger, tonight, you took us to church,

but all season long, you've been taking us
on one wild ride. Let's take a look.

Hi, fellas. I like to describe myself
as a glamour toad.

She always wants to look neat,
petite, and ready to eat.

-I have low sugar.

Eggs, eggs, eggs
All I want is eggs

[Michelle] She can give you comedy,
glamour, singing, and acting.

I mean, she's a quadruple thr*at.

This is America. Land of the free,
home of the fat people.

If we're supersizing our French fries,
why not supersize our next drag superstar?


-You and the bitter old lady brigade...
-Oh, girl.

were throwing shade at the younger girls.

-Do you regret that?
-Well, let me say, I'm a size 22,

no matter which way the light hits me,
I'm gonna throw shade somewhere.

But, in all serious... You know,

when I was growing up, I came
from a very Southern, very practical,

church-going family, so I was
never encouraged to speak my mind

or ask questions.

Drag gave me my voice.

So I'm finally not afraid
to ask questions and say what I feel.

I know, girl, that I do come off
a little bit abrasive sometimes,

but it all comes
from a place of love. That's it.

All right. Good.

So I'll tell you what. We're gonna take
some questions from your fans.

[Darienne] Hi.

Celeste from Richmond wants to know:
"Is it time for a big girl to win?"

Well, it is time for a big girl to win,
but I don't want to win because I'm big,

but because I came in with g*ns a-blazing,
and I k*lled the competition.

So, you've got a lot of people
rooting for you. Let's take a look.

Hi, Ginger, this is your sister.
I've always known you were a star.

I hope America sees
what the family has always seen in you.

Hi, I'm John Waters,
and I'm here for Ginger Minj.

Congratulations on getting to the finals
of RuPaul's Drag Race.

I'm rooting for you, and so is
Edith Massey from beyond the grave.

Hi, Ginger, it's mom.
I'm so proud of you.

I love watching you perform. I love you
so much, and congratulations. Bye!

Hey, Ginger, this is dad.
You know I've always been proud of you,

and I'm proud that you're my son,
and I've always tried to be there for you,

and I know sometimes I've failed at that,
but, you know, I'm a work in progress.

For you to think
that I don't approve of you

makes me feel like I failed as a father.

There's no way
that I don't approve of you.

Hopefully, tonight,
we can start two new chapters.

One, you winning everything
and going on to your fame and fortune,

something that you've worked...

[exhales deeply]'ve worked very hard for.

And hopefully, we can start
another chapter, you and I,

and we can move on and bond together
from here forward. Sorry.

Nobody knows how hard he's worked.

He's very special.

Good luck tonight. I'm so proud of you.
And we'll definitely be watching.

[cheers and applause]

What does it feel like
to hear your father say those words?

Other than my mom,
I never felt loved growing up.

And I hope that this does lead to...

not only reconciliation, but...

a relationship that I never had.

[cheers and applause]

And I hope he feels bad enough
to buy me new bottom lashes

'cause these were custom.

So what would it mean to you
to become America's next drag superstar?

Oh, God. Who doesn't want
to be part of that legacy?

I mean, you've created something
that's so special for all of us.

And to even be considered
to be part of that is overwhelming.

Ginger, you are my kind
of plus-size queen.

You've got a big talent, a big heart,
and a big future ahead of you.

-I love you, Ginger.
-I love you too.

We all love the minj.

Welcome back to the grand finale
of RuPaul's Drag Race.

The final face-off
between our top three queens continues.

She started out as a sleeping beauty,
but will her fairy tale end with a crown?

Please welcome
everybody's favorite sleepwalker, Pearl.

Now I lay me down to sleep

I pray to drag my dress is chic

Ever since she was a child

Whoa-oh, whoa-oh, whoa-oh

She wasn't loud, she wasn't wild

No-oh, no-oh, no-oh, sleepwalker

She's the queen of your dreams
Sleepwalker, chamomile and caffeine

Not even the loud boys wake her
Oh, oh, oh

Sleepwalker, never opens her eyes

Sleepwalker, taking you by surprise

Not even the loud boys wake her
Oh, oh, oh

Sleepwalker, loud boys



-Good morning, Pearl.
-Good morning.

It's time to hear from the judges.
Michelle, what do you have to say?

You came into this competition,
you had a bit of an attitude,

but as time went on,
you became lovable, you became awake,

and you earned
your spot here in the final.

-You had to come out of your shell...
-Oh, look at you.

-Don't you love...
-Like a pearl, pearl in a shell.

But I think the audience has spoken,
and the people like you. They really do.


You've come a long way, baby.
Let's take a look.

'Sup? I would describe Pearl
as a robotic Stepford wife bitch.

I've been drawing Pearl since I was ten.
Then one day, I just painted her on me.

You've been sleepwalking.

Wake up, Pearl.

Wake up.

You kind of, like,
told me I had no personality.

Well, I'm hoping
it will light a fire under your ass.

-Do I have something on my face?

I had a rough childhood, okay?
I wasn't watching Batman and Robin.

[Michelle] Someone set
their alarm clock and woke up.

[RuPaul] Well, flazéda.

-You're a weirdo.
-[Pearl] Oh, yeah.

[RuPaul] Boy, have you changed.

Now, there's nothing
that could break my spirit.

Attagirl, Pearl.

[cheers and applause]

-So, Pearl, what made you wake up?
-You said something a long time ago.

It was like, "The fear of looking
stupid is really holding you back,"

and, yeah, I mean, I'm not a quitter.
And I wasn't about to quit on Drag Race.

Good, I'm glad you didn't.

Have you heard of this conspiracy theory
called the Curse of Pearl,

where any queen who crosses you
immediately goes home?

Yeah, it's been brought up.
You didn't go home though.

Uh, bitch...

The thing is, I actually...
I didn't cross you.

I almost just threw your ass
out of the door.

Take a look at this.
Which queen has least impressed you?

I'd have to say Pearl.

[RuPaul] Sasha Belle, sashay away.

I noticed this black trim around her chin.
I'm thinking, "What the hell is that?"

[RuPaul] Jasmine, girl, sashay away.

There is this part of Pearl
that is too cool for season seven.

[RuPaul] Sashay away.

I can forgive her, but I'll never forget.

[RuPaul laughs]

-We have some questions from some fans.

Oh, look who's here. It's Alaska.




Xavier from California wants to know:

"Pearl, is it just me,
or does everybody want to f*ck you?"

I'm single. Single.

How do you deal
with the attention you've gotten?

I want people to like me
because I'm talented and I'm unique

and I have nerve,
and I have, you know, charisma,

or... not in that order. But thank you.

[RuPaul] Now,

you have a lot of people
in your corner. Let's take a look.

I have something on my face,
and it's a big smile of love,

pride, and joy
for my number-one grandson.

-Love you, Matty. From your grandma.

Hey, Pearl.
Chicago family sends you love.

-You've slayed all season.
-You've been k*lling it. We love you.

Come on, chin strap!

-We're so proud of you.
-So proud.

-We wish you all the luck in the world.
-We love you.

-Love you so much.
-Love you. More than anything.

I wanted to send you a quick message
letting you know how proud I am of you.

You have always been a special...

special little boy,

from the time you were two and three,
running around in your sister's tutu,

to the time that I knew
I was going to lose you to a big city.

I knew one thing would never change,
and that is my love for you.

I love you as my son.
I love you as Pearl.

And we could not be more proud of you.

And I am so happy
to have watched you go through this.

I love you, and we'll see you soon.

[cheers and applause]

Pearl, your mother is here.
I want to say hi to the mother of Pearl.

-Hello, mother of Pearl.
-Hello, Ru.

Now, you've gone over and above
for your support of Pearl. Tell us more.

One day, I thought,
"I should do a fan page."

Within just a few hours,
I was literally inundated

with private messaging
from younger gay boys, um...

Looking for sex.

-No, that's... that's my fan page.
-No, that's your fan page, right.

[Pearl's mother] I was messaged
by so many people.

"How do I come out to my parents?"
It's been pretty amazing.

That's fabulous. That's wonderful.

So, Pearl, what would you do
with $100,000?

Maybe buy some nice wigs after seeing
myself in thirsty-ass wigs all season.

Now, one final question:

do I have something on my face?

The answer is yes.
And it's a mixture of pride,

affection, and about
two and a half inches of foundation.

Ladies and gentlemen,
give it up for Pearl.

Welcome back to the grand finale
of RuPaul's Drag Race.

It's time for one last tango
with a queen who's always in vogue.

Please welcome Violet Chachki.

He wants to take me to breakfast

He wants to show me his house

He wants to meet me in London

He wants to drive me around

I can't fix this problem of mine

Too many daddies and not enough time

One at a time, boys ♪

He wants to loosen my corset

He wants to buy me a ring

He wants to teach me to tango

He wants to do everything

I've got all them standing in line

Too many daddies and not enough time

Gee, there's a lot of ya
Too many daddies, too many daddies

Too many daddies
Too many daddies, too many daddies

Too many daddies and not

And not enough time

Yeah, yeeeaaahhh

[cheers and applause]

[RuPaul] Come through, mama!

Okay, Violet, let's talk to the judges,
starting with... I hate Michelle Visage.

You can hate me all you want.
I loves me some Violet Chachki.

What's so impressive about you
is you have beautiful clothes,

but you wear the clothes,
they don't wear you.

You really present yourself.

Thank you.

Every week,
I've been on the edge of my seat

waiting for you to electrify me
with your looks.

And tonight, though, you electrified me
with your performance, honey.

-[Ross] You earned it.
-Thank you.

Thank you, judges.
Now, Violet Chachki, since day one,

you wowed us with your runway,

but this competition
has not always been a cinch for you.

Let's take a look.

I'm a one-of-a-kind collectible.


My biggest strength is aesthetics.
I'm very visually appealing.

Is that conceited?

[RuPaul] You took fashion risks,
and they paid off.

[Violet] I'm giving you tartan eleganza.
I'm giving you 1956 Dior.

I'm giving you John Willie
vintage smut for your nerves.

You might have been playing
a dead person, but we were living.

Violet does have a tendency
to be sort of bitchy.

You are the team leader.
Whatever you want, boo-boo.

They think I'm mean, but all I've done

either comes from a place of humor
or a place of truth.

The biggest thing
that I've learned in this process

is to just be aware
of your first impressions.

I represent the past, the present,
but more than anything, the future.

So when did you start
designing your own clothes?

I think I started sewing
around, like, eighth grade.

Skinny jeans were just becoming a thing,

and they didn't have them
in boys' clothes.

And I also tailored
my Catholic school uniform.

-You went to Catholic school?
-K through 12.

I would do alterations mostly, so I think
at 12 or 13, I got a sewing machine.

Where'd all this confidence come from?

I got to a point in my life where I was
sick of dealing with other people's...

What they wanted me to do.

I said, "You know what? I'm gonna
live my life for me, and that's it."

We have some fan questions.
Are you ready?

-Yeah, let's do it.
-All right, there is Gia Gunn.

[Violet] Hi, Gia Gunn.

From Skylar from California:

"Violet, what would you tell a teenager
who wants to do drag

but is afraid of how their family
and friends will react?"

What I did is, I would do drag
in the middle of the night in my bedroom.

Eventually, I went out, snuck around,
just do it in secret until it became okay

and I became comfortable to do it
and be proud of it.

-Oh, that's good advice.
-Absolutely. I think that's wonderful.

Thank you, Gia.
Do we have another question?

-Hi, Mimi.

Okay, Violet Chachki,

you were voted
the shadiest queen by the other girls.

Chris from San Diego wants to know:
"Who did you vote for and why?"

I think I voted for myself, actually.

I'm honest.

If you can't hate yourself, how the hell
are you going to hate somebody else?

There you have it. It's time to hear
from some of your biggest supporters.

-Let's take a look.
-I'm Team Violet because she is sickening.

Team Violet for the win!

Yes, bitch! f*ck it up!
Slay! Come through!

Hi, Violet, mom here.

I just wanted to say congratulations
for making it to the finals.

I am so proud
of the way you have handled yourself.

We wanted to let you know
how proud we are.

We never doubted
you'd make it to the finals.

Now the world knows it too.
We're proud to be your friends.

-Now make them b*tches eat it.
-We love you.

Hi, Violet, your dad here. I would like
to wish you all the success in the world.

I am proud of the level of accomplishment
you've achieved doing what you love to do.

I hope to see you go all the way
to the top. Good luck. We love you.

Your mother, Alex, is here.

What advice do you have for parents
with children as flamboyant as Violet?

As a parent, you have to let them
be their own person.

-That's all you can do.
-[RuPaul] Right.

That's good advice. Thanks, Alex.

Now, Violet, what would it mean to you
to become America's next drag superstar?

It would mean everything.
This is it. This is what I love to do.

I have such a passion for it.
It gives me life. It's everything to me.

It brings me so much happiness and joy.
In whatever mood I'm in,

I can watch a bitch like Kennedy twirl
and just get so happy watching it.

It moves me. I love it so much.
And it would mean the world to me.

Well, Violet Chachki, you are not
just a one-of-a-kind collectible.

You are a treasure.
Ladies and gentlemen, Violet Chachki.

Welcome back to the grand finale
of RuPaul's Drag Race.

Now, while the top three
are backstage getting ready,

it's time to catch up with the queens
that made this season sickening.

Starting with a drag dad, a code cr*cker,
a corn popper, and a very married lady.

Mama's home. Ah!


My drag style is influenced
by campy and kitschy people of the world.

[Kandy] So how old are you?

-Oh! How old am I? Really?
-How old?

I'm Sasha Belle.
Say hello to my little friends!

I can tell you every episode,
what the challenge was, who went home.

I've cracked the code.

We'll never pick up
hot men looking like this.

I'm the next drag superstar
because I've done my homework.

-We made it, b*tches!

Jasmine is class and elegance.

I am here. H-E-R-E, bitch. I'm here.

Where did you get a loaf of bread?

[Jasmine] No tea, no shade,
no pink lemonade.


Hi, my honeys. I'm home.

My name is Mrs. Kasha Davis.

-[RuPaul] Is that Joan Rivers?
-What are you wearing?

[Kasha] Anybody can be a girl,
but it takes balls to be a lady.

There's always time for a cocktail.

Tempest DuJour, Kandy Ho accused you
of being too old. How did you feel?

Well, it never feels good,
but Kandy and I are friends.

I wish that, you know, at my age,
she looks half as fabulous as I do.

I'm sorry for calling you old.

-Apology accepted.
-My mom taught me better.

To be nice to old people.

-I love you, girl. I love you so much.
-I love you, too, I really do.

You also have an eight-year-old
and a five-year-old at home.

-Did they watch?

They did.
My daughter watched the first episode.

She cried when I got eliminated.

She said, "Papa, why doesn't
RuPaul like you anymore?"

Mimi, if you're watching,
RuPaul loves your daddy. Now, go to bed!

Next up, we've got Sasha Belle.

You arrived thinking that you had cracked
the code. What happened?

I thought that I did cr*ck the code.
I thought I knew what you wanted,

but I think what makes the show so great
is that it's so different every season.

-And I wasn't ready.
-All right.

Now, back in Iowa, you host a night
called "Sasha Belle's Drag Race,"

-is that right?
-Yes, yes.

First of all, you'll be hearing
from my lawyers.

And, second of all, how is that going?

It's going really good. We do it
because I really f*cking love this show.

I do.

If there was no grand prize,
I would still play.

You keep ringing them bells.

All right. Thank you.

-Up next, Jasmine Masters.
-Oh, my God.

What was your most exciting moment
on the drag race?

-Meeting Kennedy.

Yeah. Because I have watched her
at least nine years, ten years

on VCR tapes doing pageants
and dancing and stuff.

And... I'm sorry if I snitch
on your age, girl. Forgive me, girl.

-Jasmine, who inspired you to do drag?
-Patti LaBelle.

She who she is when she on stage,
when she off stage. She gives 1,000%.

-I just love her. She's everything to me.
-Well, we have a surprise for you.

-Take a look.

Hi, Jasmine.
I love the way you stirred it up, honey.

Thank you for always looking
like Patti LaBelle at my concerts.

I love you. Bye.

Are you serious, Ru?
You did that for me?

[RuPaul] Yeah.

Yes. Yep.

Well, I felt like we needed
to lift you up even more,

because on social media,
people were very harsh to you.

-How did that make you feel?
-When you...

...are getting so much negativity,
it's like you can't breathe.

And it took me back to a friend of mine
who had committed su1c1de

when they were bullied so much
being young and gay.

Their parents put them out.

The straight and the gay world
didn't accept them,

so they just ended it 'cause they didn't
feel like they belong. That's how I felt.

-So it was hard,

but I just ate a lot of food
and a lot of hot sauce, and...

[RuPaul] I'm glad you did get through it,
and I'm glad you're here.

For seven years, our show has been one
of the most popular ones on social media.

But recently, there's been a shift
with more and more comments

having a darker tone.
But like my mama always said,

"Unless them b*tches is paying your bills,
you pay them b*tches no mind."

All right, next up, there's always time
for a cocktail and Mrs. Kasha Davis.

During the competition, you had
some issues with some of the younger kids.

What were they?

Some of the young gals on the show
just had sort of a sense of entitlement.

It gets a little grating in that respect,
where somebody, you know,

"I've been doing this
for seven months. I will win."

And they might. So, um...

But I learned a lot from these girls.

Trixie taught me how to put
way too much makeup on.

And I'm wearing
two of Violet's corsets right here.

I've always wanted to ask you,
is there really a Mr. Kasha Davis?

-There is.
-[RuPaul] Where is he?

-Right here in the...
-[RuPaul] That's him?

-[Kasha] That's Mr. Davis.
-[RuPaul] Hi, Mr. Kasha Davis.

-He's cute.
-He's cute.

Get ready, Mr. Davis,
'cause mama's coming home.

Female phenomenon

Welcome back to the grand finale
of RuPaul's Drag Race.

As our top three prepare backstage
for the crowning of our next superstar,

these four queens are the perfect balance
of sugar, spice, and everything nice.

Oh, and, um, chickens too. Take a look.

I hope you girls got a sweet tooth,
because Kandy's in the f*cking house.

Kandy is hot. Kandy is candente.
If you touch her too close,

you might get b*rned.
I think this runway is right on my alley.

Well, it's about time.

I do drag because I have the yearning
for old Hollywood glamour.

I'm a starlet on the rise.

There's a man on the wing!

-You're the Meryl Streep of drag.

[Max] It's all so surreal.

My name is Jaidynn Diore Fierce.
How y'all doing?

Because I am what? Fierce.

Work that puss.

I have not officially come out
to my family yet.

I think it may change my relationship,

and that's what I'm scared of most.

[Miss Fame] My brand is runway shows,
magazines, beyond-this-planet beautiful.

Should I not talk about my feelings,
or should I just keep moving on?

My God. I feel like I'm dating you.

How's your head?

How is your head?

How's your head?



That's how I talk to chickens.

Kandy Ho, I hear that you are thinking
about leaving Puerto Rico?

-I am.

Ay, sí.

I love Puerto Rico,
and I've been there since I was ten,

-Where were you before?


[Max] You're a liar!

-I guess I'm a fake Puerto Rican, right?
-Okay, all right.

-What would you have done differently?
-I wouldn't have painted on a beard.

I looked like a Neapolitan ice cream.

-Do you do your own makeup?
-I started doing it

a month before auditioning for the show.

In Puerto Rico, we just go up
to our fabulous makeup artists, like,

"Paint me and do my hair
and dress me up, and I'm gone."

-It's, like, my mistake. Sorry.

Yeah. Kandy, my dear,
you are one of my favorite hos, and...

That's saying a lot,
because I know a lot of hos.

Next, the silver fox of season seven, Max.

Yes. Now, this season,
when the queens were talking about sex,

you weren't having it at all.
You were like...

Listen, these girls, they don't talk
about anything else besides sex.

But I was tired of it. Just for a moment.

-I'm not...

I'm not that big of a prude,
honest to goodness.

You coached Jaidynn and Pearl
through a few tense moments.

Tell us about that.

Well, Jaidynn is an actress.
She is a performer.

For her to say, "I'm not," that was
nerves, so we had to calm down.

Pearl had to calm down, we had to regroup,
and then we had to go k*ll it.

-I love it. That's great.

That's great advice.

Well, Max, when it comes to my feelings
for you, there are no gray areas.

Thank you.

Up next, Jaidynn Diore Fierce.

What surprised you the most
about being on the show?

Um, well, I didn't think
we were gonna be locked up so much.

-You're sequestered.

And that was... I was imagining myself
going out to dinner with you, darling.

-I thought we'd go to Hollywood Boulevard.

Get some munchies,

some cauliflower, corn bread,
green beans, a turkey.

And I wasn't able to do that.
I was sitting in my hotel room,

-b*ating myself up and eating Doritos.
-That's different from your normal life?

You revealed that your mother
and your brother knew that you did drag.

-But they didn't know that you're gay.

-And now?

-Where is that right now?
-Well, I think it was...

she didn't want me to be that way.
I don't think they understand,

-you know, fully, who a gay person is.
-Well, that's funny,

because we have a little surprise for you.
Take a look at this.

Surprise, surprise!

I didn't get a chance to talk to you.
You had some concerns.

I've experienced rejection in my life,
so it's very hard for me to reject mine,

because I know how hurtful
and painful rejection is.

You know, this is not a battle,
it's just...

one thing that we're just gonna learn
to just go ahead and do what we do,

and that's love one another.

My love is not based on what you do.
My love is based on who you are.

And you're my precious,
handsome Christopher.

What are you feeling right now?

I feel like my family is now gonna be able
to get to know who I really am,

after 26 years of my life.

If I don't get anything else, I got
the peace and the freedom to be who I am

around my family, and to be happy.

RuPaul's Drag Race, still bringing
families together. Hallelu.

All right.

Up next, Miss Fame, girl, hey.


-By the way, how's your head?
-Well, there have been a few complaints.

[Miss Fame] What?

You and Katya came clean

-about being sober.

-And what's the reaction been?
-You know what,

I've had so many people write me

personal stories about how much time
they had, how inspiring it was.

It's just a dream come true
to be able to walk through

the obstacle of addiction
and be able to...

live your life.

Miss Fame, all season long, you served
fierce couture, gorgeous fashions,

and people only want
to talk to you about chickens.

I'm not mad about it.
At least they're talking to me.

[RuPaul] Yeah.

I grew up on a farm
with the chickens, so...

Can you talk a little chicken?

-Can you do that?
-I can, but I think it's best I have...

a special guest come out
to help me do that.

-Is Colonel Sanders here?
-Hold on one moment.

Colonel Sanders? I thought he was dead.

-Oh, my God, you f*cking bitch!

She's got bigger hair than me tonight.

-Do you do tricks with it?
-I'm afraid of it sh1tting on my couture.

Oh, dear.

Miss Fame, whether in fashion or poultry,
you have a bright future ahead of you.

-Just don't cluck it up, okay?
-I promise I won't!

[RuPaul] Okay.

Welcome back to the grand finale
of RuPaul's Drag Race.

We are moments away from finding out
if Ginger, Pearl or Violet Chachki

will be crowned
America's next drag superstar.

But first, some fierce contenders

that gave our top three a real run
for their money. Let's take a look.

This isn't Maury Povich.

Drag queens say,
"Paint for the back row."

I paint for the check-cashing place
down the street.

If you're gonna be the comedy queen,
you gotta go all the way.

You right, girl, you right.

I'm back. Good evening,
distinguished panel of judges.

Sashay away.

All right, public school. Calm down.

[speaking Russian]

I'm just your average, run-of-the-mill,
Russian bisexual tr*nsv*stite hooker.

Feel the heat on my sizzling meat

I'm not going anywhere.
Ru and I are great friends.

-Miss Fame did our makeup.
-[Michelle] Ah!

When do I get to blow them?

-I can't say that either?

Well, hello.

I'm Kennedy Davenport. I spin, I flip,
I jump off the stage in six-inch heels.

-Kennedy, did you rehearse your team?
-That was a rough spot.

Next. Whoo!

-[Ross] Kennedy...
-[Ross and Kathy singing] Davenport!

Shut up!

[RuPaul] Newark, LaGuardia,
Kennedy Davenport.

Ain't nobody got time for that.

-So, Trixie Mattel.
-Hi, Ru.

When you first left, the internet
went cray cray. What was that like?

I felt very supported and loved.
I felt like less of a loser.

-Well, losing is the new winning.

What's your life been like
since Drag Race?

Oh, my gosh.

If I never get a chance again,
I have to thank you, because...

you reached into my little blond,
pink life and changed it so much.

[cheers and applause]

I'm glad you got to experience this.

Now, I hear you do
a mean RuPaul impersonation.

I could never.

-Let me hear it.

-Trixie, on the runway you're a doll,

but your comedy seems manufactured.

-Are you mad?
-Sashay away.

Three times! Three times!

Next up, Katya!

Katya, all season long, you were
plagued with doubt. What was going on?

-I was terrified the whole f*cking time.

RuPaul, you are sitting there, I see you,

-but I want to tackle you to the ground.
-Uh-huh. Yeah?

I want to stuff your entire wig
inside my mouth...

[RuPaul] Okay, yeah.

-And I want you to pee on me.

-And listen.

The first time you came over
to me, I was, like,

waiting my whole life for this.

-And... I don't know.

There's something in my brain
that said, "She wants to k*ll you."

And I... I know you don't want to...
I mean, I'm 98% sure at least.

Oh, no, I did want to k*ll you.

And then I just couldn't...
I don't know.

But now, having seen the show,

do you see that it's unfounded,
that you have no reason to doubt yourself?

Do you you were fabulous?

Watching the show has given me...
some self-esteem.

So thank you so much, Ru.

Katya, you are a freak. And...

-I freaking love you.
-Oh, my God.

[cheers and laughter]

All right, up next,
LaGuardia, Newark, Kennedy.

Now, Kennedy, when I started
saying that, I had no idea

that you would actually
fly off the main stage.

-Have you ever hurt between me down there?
-No, I mean, I'm a trained dancer.

-You mean "dahn-cer."

[RuPaul] Yes.

So I did the necessary things to stretch,
to make sure that did not happen.

But there's more down there
that could get hurt.

Yeah, way more than Katya.

-It's true.

[RuPaul] Yeah.

Throughout the season,
we joked about "the struggle is real."

It became one of your tag lines,

but in your family, in your background,
that's a reality.

I know that you recently reunited
with your mother after a long separation.

My mother's been in and out.
My dad got custody when I was two,

and my sister was two months.
And she would make me mad

because she said she'd come,
and she never did, and she was in and out.

-She was on her own journey.
-But she's here tonight with you,


[RuPaul] Chicory, are you there?
Is that Chicky right there? I love it.

-Hey, Mama Chicory.

I am so glad you are here with us tonight.
Give her a big round of applause.

And on another note,
if you ever have the chance to get out

and see Miss Kennedy Davenport in concert,

live, it will give you life. Trust. Yes.

-Yes, it's true.
-Thank you.

Now it's time
for viewer questions. Who's first?

-Hi! I have a question for Trixie...
-[RuPaul] Uh-huh.

-From Sarah.

"You and Max knew each other in college.

Did Max speak
with that fake-ass British accent then?"

[crowd hooting and cheering]

I don't think so, but I've never been
to that area of Wisconsin.

-Maybe they talk that way.
-Yeah, that's true.

It's just an elocution thing, a diction
and an elocution thing, not an accent.

-What'd she say?
-She says it's elocution, not an accent.


[RuPaul] Yeah.

-Is she from Inglewood?
-[RuPaul] Yes.

-I know her. I know her.
-I went to high school with her.


-Well, Delta Work, you better work.
-I have a question from Amy in Boston.

"If there's an All-Stars Two, which queen
from season seven deserves to compete?"

Kennedy, who would you condone?
Nominate. Who would you nominate?

To be honest and to answer the question,
I really would choose Katya.

So you guys know something
about All-Stars Two that I don't.

Well, thank you, ladies.

Now it's time to announce the winner
of this year's Miss Congeniality.

Give it up for last year's winner,
Ben DeLaCreme.

Raise your glass, let's make a toast

Friends forever, solid gold

Back together like it was before
Stronger than ever, there ain't no more

Just say, eh
So let the music play

Well, Ru, we're here to announce
this year's breast in... Best in Show.

Sorry. Actually, it's the award
for season seven's Miss Congeniality.

I dropped the envelope out of my bosoms.
Michelle, would you join me?

Great, thank you.

Thank you so much.

The winner of season seven's
Miss Congeniality

and a cash prize of $5,000,

courtesy of Logo.... I know, right? Is...


Is there anything you'd like to say?

[speaking Russian]

Now, thanks to all of you for voting,
ladies and gentlemen. Walk the runway.

[electronic music playing]

Welcome back to the grand finale
of RuPaul's Drag Race.

Are y'all ready to crown
America's next drag superstar?

Good. Please help me welcome back
to the stage your top three queens.

Ginger Minj!

I'm telling the truth now

[RuPaul] Pearl!

I'm telling the truth now

[RuPaul] Violet Chachki!

Who, who, who do you think you

We're all born naked
And the rest is drag

Looking good, ladies.

There are only six people on Earth
who know what it feels like to be crowned

America's next drag superstar.
Please help me welcome

your reigning queen, Bianca Del Rio!

You're a champion
Greatest of them all

You're a champion, never gonna fall

You're a champion
Still standing tall

You're a champion
And you'll always be a hero

[RuPaul] Wow.


[RuPaul laughs]

Bianca Del Rio, my queen. How are you?

I'm good. I'm like the Tin Man.
I don't have a heart. But I'm good!

I want to know, what has
this past year been like for you?

It's been absolutely unreal.
I've had this amazing journey.

I've been able to travel the world,
spread my hate, do my thing, I...

No, truly, I've been in Australia,
London, Amsterdam, Akron, Ohio.

Places I never expected to visit.
It's been unreal and amazing.

I have to say that the opportunity
this lady has given me changed my life.

Therefore, I cannot thank you enough.
It's been amazing.

-So respect it.
-Thank you, Bianca.

In addition to the title
of America's next drag superstar,

the winner will walk away with a crown

and scepter provided
by Fierce! Drag Jewels

and a sickening supply of makeup
from Anastasia Beverly Hills

-and a cash prize of $100,000.
-[cheers and applause]


the time has come to crown our queen.

As always, I've consulted
with the judges and the fans,

but the final decision is mine to make.

Ginger Minj.

[cheers and applause]


[cheers and applause]

Violet Chachki.

[cheers and applause]

The winner of RuPaul's Drag Race
and America's next drag superstar is...



Would you please step forward?


May I please have a sip of water?


[cheers and applause]

-You f*cking bitch.

Where were we? Oh, of course.

The time has come to crown our queen.

The winner...

of RuPaul's Drag Race...

and America's next drag superstar...


Violet Chachki.


If I dream all the possibilities

If you just believe
In your wildest dreams


Thank you.

If I dream everything I wanna be

If you just believe
In your wildest dreams

Is there anything you'd like to say?

Come through!

If I dream everything I wanna be

Now, prance, my queen. Prance.

If you believe in your wildest dreams
They will come true

They will come true

I set my sights
On a sh**ting star, traveling

Condragulations. Wonderful.

In my heart

Remember, if you can't love yourself,

how in the hell are you going
to love somebody else?

Can I get an amen in here?

-[all] Amen.
-[RuPaul] All right.

Good night, everybody.

If I dream everything I want to be

If I dream all the possibilities

If you just believe
In your wildest dreams

They will come true

I love you!