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03x03 - Episode 3

Posted: 04/29/24 19:09
by bunniefuu
[upbeat music playing]

[narrator] Previously on [/i]Love Island…

two party crashers arrive.

Definitely gonna shake some things up.

[narrator] They came…[/i]

[Kyra] It was passionate, it was romantic.

[Korey] I'm getting nervous.

[narrator] …they saw…[/i]

Cinco knows how to work a woman.

[narrator] …they conquered.[/i]

The girl I would like
to couple up with is…

The girl I want to couple up with is…


[narrator] Leaving two boys single.[/i]


Cheers to our first date.

[narrator] …let the love games begin.[/i]

-That's all you get.
-That's all I get?

[narrator] And say hello to the new girl.[/i]

"Up for a dip? Xoxo."

I'm not usually a jealous girl…

but there's definitely
some temptation there.

Let the games begin.

[theme music playing]

[narrator] So, after an enchanting evening[/i]
of live betrayal[/i]

with a spot of home-wrecking,
our couples are

Trina and Jeremy,

Josh and Shannon,

aggressively platonic Olivia and Javonny,

Cashay and Cinco,

and Will and his stunning stolen goods,

I have butterflies.
I have butterflies when it happened, so…

And I really feel attracted to you
in all ways.

-You know, it's like…
-Me too.

-Me too.

I feel like
you're really something unique for me.

You're like a unique beautiful.

-And I love that.

And I feel the same, so,

I'm just very glad to hear that from you.

I'm very excited to get to know
so much more about you.

I wanna have more of the conversations
that we've been having.

Yeah, we're gonna have time
to have a lot of conversations.

Just let it flow,
let's see what's gonna happen,

and I feel super happy with you right now.

Me too.

This girl is the sweetest thing
in my life.

She's, like, I don't know,
I just wanna hug her and protect her,

that's how I feel right now.

-I'm really happy.
-I'm really happy too.

She's completely the opposite
I've been going out with,

but I just feel chemistry,
and you cannot explain that.

Got a little lip gloss on your face.

-It doesn't matter.
-I'm sorry.

It's a little sparkly.

I look sparkly everywhere.

[narrator] Aww, and to think their[/i]
happiness only cost another man's misery.[/i]

Speaking of which, Love Island records
just dropped two new singles entitled,

Christian and Korey.

[Korey] No, I don't see…

-Trina leaving Jeremy.
-[Christian] Yeah.

Especially for one of us.

-Dude, honestly, we're only one day deep.

-We've been here one day.
-Talk to everybody.

-Like, don't-- don't overthink.

I was 99% sure that
Will was gonna choose my girl, Kyra,

but when it actually happened,
I was a little sad.

I was like, I'm vulnerable,

so if I don't connect with someone
by the end of the week,

I could possibly be sent home.

I'll be honest,

I'm feeling something with Olivia,
so I'm gonna scope that out,

I might pull her for a chat tonight, even,

-if I can, I don't know…

…but I think the only strong couple
in here, potentially, is Shannon and Josh,

but everyone else is like,
well, it's all open play.

-Yeah. Yeah, for sure.

And obviously, bro, we're wingmans now.

-Let's get it.
-Yeah, man.

[rock music playing]

[Cinco] How do you feel
about the decision I made tonight?

-I'm definitely happy about tonight.

I'm offended, actually,
you stood up there and you were like,

"This is a hard decision.
This is a really hard decision."

I was like,
"No, it wasn't that hard. Damn!"

-No, it was a hard decision…
-I'm messing with you.

…because of the time crunch, and…

No, I get you.

-I was like, "Wow!"
-Oh, is it that hard? Yeah, okay.

Okay, if it was that hard,
choose somebody else.

No, I'm happy with the decision I made.

-I'm like, yeah.

And like I said up there,
I'm happy to see where it goes with you.

No, definitely.
And I like that you're funny.

I was like, "If this man
doesn't make me laugh--"

I mean, belly laugh. You know how I laugh.
It's kind of loud.

-Okay, relax. Chill, chill, chill.

Only thing I really ask for
out of any of this is just honesty.

No, same, of course.

If a girl comes in and you're like,

"I like her, she has a cool vibe,
I wanna get to know her."

Yeah, as long as you're honest with me,
you should get to know her.

No, it's gonna take
a really special person

to come in and take me away from you.

You too, I'm not even kidding.

-[Cinco] Definitely.
-You big too. Like, "Finally."

Yo, you keep saying I'm big,

I'm feeling like, I need to go
lose some weight or something.

No, when I say that,
it's like a really good thing,

'cause I saw you in the bed with Will,

-you took up the entire bed.
-No, I didn't.

-I woke up to go--
-I lay there--

But I was in the corner, little big.

-I was definitely, like--

No, I woke up to go to the bathroom
and I saw homeboy on the edge.

He was literally like this.

-I was like, "Oh, hell, no!"
-Oh, my gosh.

We were both sleeping. You'll see.

-You'll see tonight.
-All right.

It's pouring.

Of course.

-Of course.

Okay, let's go. We have to run back.

Are you gonna be able to make it?

What do you mean? You know what?

Give me a hug.

-[Cinco groans happily]
-[Cashay squeals, laughs]

-You're big as hell.

-In the rain and everything.

[narrator] Inside, Jeremy gets a front-row[/i]
seat to Trina's one-woman show entitled[/i]

"I was just pretending to be into Cinco,
I'm actually thrilled he rejected me."

So, how do you feel about tonight?

-Very nerve-racking.

When Cinco was giving his speech,

I really thought
that he was gonna pick me,

but then when he said Cashay's name,
I was like…

Like a sigh of relief,
I'm not even kidding you.


I was a little anxious, 'cause I haven't
pulled anyone else to talk,

-Obviously. I would have known by now.


I mean, I haven't had the desire to.
You know what I mean?

-I feel like we have the best connection.

Would you be down for the hideaway
if we got the opportunity?

I know, super random, but…

I mean, I'm down to take up
any opportunity. I mean, I am also like,

I didn't necessarily
come on the show to be super-sexual.

I mean, I really came on to actually see

if I can grow with someone,
make a connection.

So, just cuddling and footsies, right?

Yeah, I like the cuddling, of course.

Maybe eight months from now
we can probably take our pants off.

-A year and a half from now…
-[Jeremy] God, no.

-…maybe in due course.
-[Jeremy] Chill.




[Jeremy] She's definitely giving the vibes

that she kinda wants to
move things along, I guess.

So, we'll see how that all transpires.

I like this. I like where this is going,
predicting the future.

-Yeah, absolutely.
-Did we just high-five right now?

It's hard,
we're in a hard position right now.

-You can come closer.

-Do I have to guide you every time?


Oh, my gosh.

[narrator] And like my approach[/i]
to a late afternoon seafood buffet,[/i]

Jeremy is taking it slow.

Cue the "getting ready for bed" montage.

Good night, Korey. Love you to death, bro.

You're single,
but that's not a bad situation to be in.

Man, I'm praying for someone else
to walk through that door.

Low-key, that was kinda sad,
just seeing that happen, I'm like, "Damn."

♪ You showed me love, but I was weak ♪

♪ I battle on… ♪

You're gonna have
a nice snuggle tonight, baby!

I don't know, it's too soon, look.

I'm like, I don't know, it's too soon…

-It's too soon.

You know that trick
when the guy's sleeping and you're…

And you do this, one of these.

You back up and you're like…

I know what I want to do,
I definitely want to do this.


For real?

Big-ass little kid.

That was brutal.

Cutest pajama ever.

Really? You like it?
It's little and green.

I love that you have glasses too.

I'm like so blind.


[serene music playing]

["Come and Get It"
by Problem Child playing]

♪ Come and get it ♪

♪ Yeah, come and get it…[/i]

Right, dude, I'm so happy.

♪ So come and get it…[/i]

[Will] Just close your eyes.
Just relax your whole mind.

Just breathing.

♪ Always leave me wanting more
Don't know what you're looking for ♪

♪ My heart is on the floor… ♪

-Did you guys hear me last night?

-Wait, you guys hooked up?
-Yeah, we did.

He just started to, like, caress me,
and I was like, "Oh, my God, yeah."

Swear, I swear.
And we just started making out,

and I was like, "Oh, my God,
this is really happening."

-[Cashay] Not sex?
-No, not sex.

It was just, like, rubbing against me,
and he's thangin', not gonna lie.

-His thang is thangin'?
-Yes. Yeah.

You touched his thing?

-[Trina] Yeah.

-Bare hands.
-Wait, I feel like I'm blacking out.

Good morning.

[theme music playing]

["Mine for the Weekend"
by Bleeding Fingers playing]

♪ Mine for the weekend… ♪

[narrator] The morning after Cinco[/i]
stole all his Cash,[/i]

Christian hits on Olivia
using his three-step method.

6:00 a.m.? Check.

Sun in her eyes? Check.

No prior vibe? Check.

What's going on? How was your night?

-Slept amazing.
-You did?

I feel I'm more of my full self today
than even yesterday,

so I'm like, "Cool, this is good for me,
I'm happy."

That's awesome. Obviously,
I wanted to get to know you at the start.

-I think there could be something there.

I think there's a little bit
of awkwardness there.

Yeah, no, I agree.

I'm not trying to step on Javonny's toes.

-I don't think anything's there.
-[Olivia] Yeah.

No. Here's the thing. I'm like, "Okay."

The minute me and him coupled up,

all the girls said the same thing:
red flag, player.

Every single one of them,
before I even said anything.

But I'm just very protective of my heart.

I mean, you're a gorgeous girl.

I think you're amazing.
I just want to get to know you more.

I think me and Olivia right now
are pretty tight.

Obviously, very soon to tell,
but I think there's something there.

She's coming out of her shell
more and more,

and, I mean, I think she's amazing.

We're gonna really test the waters here.
We're gonna dive in.

Of all the guys in the house,
you pull me in the most,

because you are a really good personality,
and you're cute,

and you're basically the full package,
I'm sure you've been told.

Christian makes me feel, like, special,
and wanted,

and that's, like, two requirements for me.

I wanna feel like
someone's lucky to talk to me,

and I wanna feel lucky to talk to them.

[Olivia] Let's get to know each other
and see where it goes.

-But I'm on the same page as you.
-All right.

Cool. Well, thank you.


[narrator] Is this villa a tech start-up?[/i]
Because I am seeing potential everywhere.[/i]

Here's love-dove Kyra and Will
next to pots no one will ever use.

I feel really comfortable with you,
really secure.

-And I want you to feel the same.
-[Kyra] Me too.

Very much so.

I think from this point moving forward,

it's just having fun,
proving everything that's already great,

just making great even greater.

There's so much of Will
that I wanna get to know

that I haven't gotten to know yet.

Every time I look at him, I'm smiling.

At the end of the day,
at the back of my head, I'm like,

"A girl more his type could come in.
What if he connects more with them?"

If you see it around,
can you get it for me?

Yeah, I'll take a look for it.

-Thank you for the smoothie.
-It was a good workout.

There's still that little fear in me
but I'm gonna leave it at that,

because I'm feeling good
and I don't want to get in my head.

-Okay, go find your phone.

Go out. No more kisses.

Kyra and Will are harder to separate[/i]

than my drawer full of Ethernet cables.

Sorta like Jeremy and Trina were
last night.


They did stuff!

Last night we were so cuddly
and all over each other,

but, like, I kinda want
to just tone that down.

-For sure.
-Be able to sleep on my side a little bit.

Plus, I mean, dude,
when all that stuff starts happening,

it really starts to interfere
with the relationship,

and that's when you start
getting that lust,

that's not an actual connection.

You're just appreciating, maybe,
the physical attraction,

-and being with someone, quote for quote.
-[Jeremy] Right.

[narrator] Quote unquote, Dr. Phil.[/i]

You know what I mean?
You're not seeing one's true colors.

-Where you're just totally like,

"Nah, we're chilling."

Let's really figure it out,
really get to know each other,

like, totally different vibe.

Yeah, I mean, that's literally
all I'm trying to do.

And that's with any girl.

I don't want to rush things,
I don't want to just jump into something.

You should follow your emotions,
follow your heart, but be logical too.

Follow your heart [/i]and be logical.[/i]

Right, right, right, right.

Javonny is keen on partner Olivia,

and Olivia is keen on not mentioning that

earlier, Christian came on stronger
than an aged balsamic.

I seen, you ain't got no tattoo.

I think it's cool,

but, I don't know, on me,
I'm so bubbly, and kind of free,

so I feel if I had that,

I would be trying to fake a presence
that's just not me.

You know what I mean?

Absolutely. That's cool.

That's how you express your ways
in different areas of your body.

Choose your passion, the makeup,

-and it inspires you as well.
-[Olivia] Yeah. Exactly.

Yeah, I'm passionate, like, just writing.

I am picking up on reading books.

That's interesting.
I would never have put that past you.

[laughing] For real?

I feel like you're so high energy,

I don't feel like I can see you
sitting down and relaxing

to actually be focused on something.

-I mean, with Covid--
-In the best way.

Oh, it's fine, it's fine.

I try to basically educate myself,

'cause I missed out,
I didn't go to college,

so, I like to learn something new
every day, I like to challenge myself.

Javonny definitely is opening up to me,
and I see a different side of him.

I genuinely, like, want to find love,

and if someone is here
for the right reasons,

or for the reasons that I'm here,

I want to give that a shot.

[Javonny] You're opening up more and more
now, and that has been exciting,

'cause I'm curious to see
who you really are as a person.

[Olivia] I don't even know why
I was guarded the first day,

but it's all good, though,

'cause we're moving on from that,
and I'm here, so.

Yeah, first day, I was just--

So, you were at level 100,
and for me, I felt like I was level zero,

and now that I'm around people here,
I'm like, "Life is good."

You're like, "Now I'm giving you energy."
We're meeting in the middle.

And meet in the middle,
now we'll be too loud.

Yeah. Maybe.

-Hold on. Be dark.

[narrator] Now, as always,[/i]

Love Island raises the standard[/i]
of the national conversation.[/i]

They're taking a selfie,
we're gonna take a selfie.

-Ready? One, two, three.

-Too wild.
-Jump in the style.

[Trina] Okay, last pose.

-[cell phone chimes]

I got a text!

[cheering and applause]

[indistinct chatter]


[cheering and applause]

[cheering and applause]

-Oh, what fun!
-I love you guys.

I am feeling so excited right now.

I can't wait to see what we're about to do
outside of the villa

with no interruptions.

We'll see what happens today.

-I'm going on a date.
-She got a date.

-Tri's going on a date.
-She got a date, she got a date.

-She got a date.
-She got a date.

I mean, I can always do this guy,
like that.

It does get in my face.

-Let me see. Oh, my God!
-Dressy casuals are so cute.

-Oh, my gosh, you look so fab!

-Thank you.
-So fab!

I can't wait to actually do our own thing,

away from people,
maybe we can have deeper conversations.

To be honest, I'm not great at dates,
that's why I'm a little…

What do you mean? It's just talking.

I don't know.
I'm hella awkward, sometimes.

[Christian] Are you? I could see that.

-Are you nervous? Are you excited?
-I'm more excited than nervous.

We're pretty comfortable
with each other now.

-Yeah. How's the tightness?

It looks so cute with the bow in the back.

My advice, even though
I'm the single one here,

I would just keep it
super chill and playful,

but have a good date.
Just try and have fun.

Yeah, I mean, it's hopefully gonna be
a good time.

What do you guys think
you're gonna talk about?

Who knows? It depends on the activity.
Hopefully, I can catch my breath.

[Shannon] Girl, don't leave anything out.

Nobody else has had this.
Take advantage of it.

Bro, you look pretty stun.

This is fire.

No, you stun.

Ooh, ooh.


[Jeremy] I'm feeling super excited.

I did not expect to, like, get a text
for a date so soon.

When people get put in different
situations, different circumstances,

they show different sides of themselves,

so I think it's gonna be really good
to see a different side of her.

I'm just ready to enjoy it.

-Let's do this.
-Let's do it.

Jeremy and I are gonna have a great time.

I know he's beating around the bush,
but we're gradually getting somewhere

because yesterday we had even
a better conversation than the day before,

so the progress is there,

and I respect that he likes
to take his time

with opening up
and sharing things with me,

but I think we are
of the strongest couples in the villa.

It's definitely showing.

And I like that. I like that a lot.

[rock music playing]

[narrator] Coming up…[/i]

Cheers to our first date.

"Join me in the hot tub, Aimee."

[theme music playing]

[narrator] It's the first date of the[/i]
season, so I'm wearing my daddy's cologne[/i]

and these things called pants.

I hope there's candles
and a fruit plate.

Cue the slow-mo!

["In To the Stars" by BassMovers playing]

♪ You and I, we were meant to be ♪

♪ Come with me
Let me take you right there ♪

♪ In to the stars ♪

♪ Strolling down like we're royalty ♪

♪ You and I, we were meant to be ♪

♪ Come with me
Let me take you right there ♪

♪ In to the stars… ♪

-This is crazy.
-So beautiful.

The view is insane.

-I feel like we're looking at a portrait.
-I know.

-This is real life.
-This is beautiful.

[Trina] Ooh, they have some skates for us?

-Let's get them on, let's get them on.

Have you been skating before?

[Jeremy] I've Rollerbladed before.

-Rollerbladed? Okay.
-I haven't done the actual skates.

I can guide you down this, though,
don't worry. I got you.

-We'll see, we'll see.
-[Trina laughs]

Let's do this.

First time.

This is our first time.
Well, your first time.

-First time roller-skating.
-My first time in a long time skating.

I used to go skating with my dad
back in the day, in elementary school.

-Oh, that's fun.

♪ Take me off for just one night ♪

♪ Promise I can make you feel all right ♪

You're doing really good, actually,
for your first time.

Who would have ever thought
we'd be on our first date in Hawaii?

♪ Come with me
Let me take you right there ♪

♪ In to the stars ♪

[narrator] So good to see[/i]
they're already wearing protection.[/i]

Now to Shannon and Josh,

whose relationship is becoming
a microwaved burrito:

hot and cold.

-What up, boo?
-Nothing much.

-How'd you sleep last night?

Usually, I'm just going right to bed,
but we were smooching, we were too busy.

-I know. That was fun.
-I like it.

It's fitting so well.

-I know.
-It's like a puzzle,

and everything's kind of
just fitting perfectly,

like we're just cracking the code,
and then it's like…

You were waiting for it to crumble…

Someone comes up
and just hits the puzzle away.

I do not want that. I just feel like
everything's good where it's at.

I'm happy. I'm happy I'm here,
I'm happy I met you, you know what I mean?

-And let's continue having some fun.

Yeah. You're so cute.

-You're cute.
-You're cute.

[Shannon] Josh and I are great.

The beginning
was just a little bit awkward.

He doesn't know what I like,
I don't know what he likes,

and I think we got past the awkward stage,

and now we're just letting our guard down
and really giving it our all.

-Power couple.

-Give me a kiss.
-I love it.

["She Wanna Be Mine" playing]

That's all you're getting.

-That's all I get?

-I have to wait for later?

♪ She wanna be mine ♪

♪ She want me spend that time, yeah ♪

♪ I want you to be mine ♪

♪ Mine ♪

[Trina] They have the fruit platter.

[narrator] Fruit plate, knew it![/i]

-[Trina] And drinks with umbrellas!
-[Jeremy] Amazing.

This is so cute.

-I'm loving the color arrangements too.
-I know.

-I know. We get to lounge, talk.

-I love how it's so diced up perfectly.
-Perfectly, yeah.

Great, and we're going to celebrate.

-So, should we cheers to our…
-I think we should.

-…first date, and to many more to come.
-Many more.

[Christian] We gotta sit down with Jeremy.
He's not looking for anything serious.

I agree with you on that.

This morning when we went downstairs,
he was like, "I don't know, dude."

Yeah, he was on the fence, bro,
about it, for sure.

[Christian] Trina and Jeremy would look,
oh, so great and stuff

but I think we're gonna see some
massive shifts in the next couple days

with that relationship.

It's normal to be nervous,
you'd be lying if you said you weren't.

I don't think Trina has that personality,
but I could see how certain personalities

might walk all over him
to a certain extent, you know?

'Cause he's such a nice guy.

I don't think he would allow himself
to get walked over and be a pushover.

Yeah. But that's a conversation
they gotta have themselves.

Exactly, yeah. They gotta figure that out.

[Jeremy] It's only been a couple days,

but I feel like, just able to
do this today, is huge for us.

-Able to come out here,

get to know each other on a deeper level

without having the watchful eyes
of everyone else in the villa.

Yes, everybody in the villa.

This was definitely an escape
and a breathable moment for me too.


Well, I think it's pretty early
with everything that's been going on

but if we end up progressing,

and it gets like really serious
towards the end,

how would you even feel about
doing long distance again?

'Cause you're all the way
across the country.

-I'm in Cali, you're in New York.
-I know, it's hard.

-You've already been through that before.
-I know.

I feel like I'm super open,

but I feel like it's hard for me
to jump back into something super serious,

you know what I mean?

Is that where you're at,
or are you totally in a different spot?

I'm all over the place,
I'm not gonna lie to you.

I know you like to go slow,
and I'm the type…

I'm the opposite, I'm kind of impulsive.

But it's great that we're the opposite,
so that way we can balance each other out.

I think we can always come to a compromise

'cause you are just so expressive
in your feelings,

and I like that you show vulnerability
as well.

I'm happy with you, and I'm, like…

Oh, my heart! Okay.

I mean, we have to take it day by day
and see how everything happens,

but I feel like we have the strongest--

-Connection in the villa?
-Yeah. In the villa.

And I'm glad that we're able
to be out here and get to know each other…

-Me too. Right.
-…a little bit deeper, on a deeper level.

-Shall we switch straws? Like this.
-Can you do this? Let's see.

-Okay, one, two, three.
-Here we go.

-Delicious, delicious.

-Thank you for this.

I'm so glad we got
to come out here and do this.

-Me too.
-This is really amazing.

-Shall we go take a walk?
-Let's go.

-Let's go.
-Let me help you up.

[Trina] Please.

-I got you.
-[Trina] Thank you.

-Of course.
-All right, let's go this way.

Okay, here we go.

[narrator] Sure, I'll clean it up.[/i]

Back at the precariously situated villa,

newly single Christian
is being as forward as his bangs.

-Last night, how do you feel about that?
-Last night? With what happened?

With Cash, I'm like, I just want
what's best for her, to be honest.

We both know we're just like best friends.

I'm figuring myself out as well,
what I want,

and what I want to pursue and stuff.
And I'll be honest, it's totally you.

That's good news.

I'm trying to pursue you, 100%.

Yeah, I think you're honest, you're rad.

-And so, I'm--
-I'm rad.

Everyone hear that? I'm rad.

She's using terminology. We're rad.

I-- Yeah.

I like to use random words,
I feel like it's fun.

I use, yeah.

We're using
the Christian-Olivia dictionary.

-Love that.

["Give You My Love Tonight"
by Pop Talk playing]

♪ Give you my love ♪

♪ Unbelievable ♪

[theme music playing]

[rock music playing]

-Hi, guys!
-Don't tell anything, we're coming.

[narrator] Just like my parents[/i]
when I moved back home at the age of 32,[/i]

the Islanders pretend to be thrilled

by the return of Jeremy and Trina
from their skate date.

They said "Let's roll with it,"
and we literally went Rollerblading today.

-Well, roller-skating together.
-Oh, my God!

-Roller skating, yes.
-I'm so happy for you guys.

-Shall we have some girl talk?

-Girl chat? Okay.
-No one's sharing, no.

[narrator] The boys and girls split up.[/i]

Story time!

[narrator] So Jeremy and Trina can tell[/i]
the others all about their relationship.[/i]


Are you in love?


I am not in love,
but I can see myself falling for him.

It was great knowing where he stands,

and he even said
that he's willing to do long distance.

-My goodness.
-So, it's real, real?

I mean, obviously, she lives in LA,
and I live in New York City,

so I told her I'm not looking to get into
a super serious distance relationship

right after just coming out of that.

-'Cause that's literally why it ended.

So, obviously,
I don't wanna close any doors,

but I just want her to know where I stand.

What would it take for you
to have your head turned?

I don't know what would make me feel like,

"Let me go for this guy
instead of sticking with Jeremy."

'Cause, I mean, he's everything.

-He looks like a Ken doll, you know?

And he has a great personality.

Would you feel like you're still open
to talk to other women in the villa, or…

[Jeremy] Yeah, for sure. I mean, dude,

I haven't talked to anyone else,
I haven't done anything else,

I feel like she's more serious about me.

I think so.

I think I kinda got tested
when Cinco came in,

but then, it also reminded me of my past,

so, I think it wouldn't
really make me leave Jeremy

just because I see another man
that's super hot.

I love that, it makes me so happy.

If there's other girls that come in
that I'm super attracted to,

or just really want to get to know,
I'm gonna talk to them.

Right. Got you.

-[Olivia] To be the devil's advocate.
-[Trina] Yes.

You don't wanna commit yourself 100%

where you feel you have to hold back
from other connections.

Is it crazy to say
I'm kind of okay with that.

-I'd be content…
-No, that's good.

…not wanting to explore other people
if this were to work out,

or is too early to say that?

Listen, if you've met
your guy in here already, you're so lucky.

I'm not trying to hurt anyone's feelings,

but at the same time, really serious,
we've known each other two days.

I do trust him.
He'll actually let me know what's up.

[narrator] This is gonna end great.[/i]

Now, to the strongest relationship
in the villa,

Will and Cinco, who discuss their ladies.

-What up?
-How are you doing, baby?

[narrator] Cinco also wants[/i]
to put his shoes on the bench,[/i]

but Will has him totally Croc-blocked.

I just wanna know where your head is

of the situation with Cash, you guys--

Right now, we're still trying
to get to know each other.

We have a really good connection,
you know what I'm saying,

and we're still trying to
figure each other out,

but we've left things open.

I'm feeling great
about my choice last night.

Cashay is super dope.

I'm just trying to still build
a deeper connection,

still trying to learn more about her,

but honestly,
I still have an affection for Trina.

Hey, do you think I should still try
to sh**t my shot with Trina?

Talk to her.

About what I will do in that position
is being honest with everyone.

Like, talk to Cash, also talk to Jeremy.

It's just the right thing to do, you know.

-Here we go.

Left, right, left, right, left, right,[/i]

left, right, left, right, left, right.

Left, right, left, right… Here's Trina.

I just learnt something about myself
in this villa.

I don't like showing people
I have vulnerability.

-Duh. Me either, girl.
-Okay. I thought you said--

-No, I'm saying "duh" to you.
-Like you knew.

-Yeah. Yes.
-Duh, like, yeah.

I don't like being perceived as weak.

What if it gets to that point for me?

It's all rainbows and butterflies,
things look great, but then, boom.

If that does happen,
it's not like these five men

are gonna make you any less of yourself,
you know?

[Trina] Damn, dude.

It's that self-love, baby.

-[Cashay] Yeah.
-I'm here for it. Yes.

I get why you feel that way, though.

It's hard in here,

especially in knowing that other girls
and stuff are gonna come in.

Yeah. But I'm just honestly so glad
you're in the villa too.

I feel like we can relate
in so many aspects of this thing.

Yeah, and it is hard for Black women,
you know what I mean? So, it's like…

It's nice that I can talk to you about
things that no one else can understand.

The fact that you're here,
and I can really get down to it,

to the nitty-gritty of the things
that you will only understand, I have you.

-Yes, exactly.
-You know?

-You're beautiful. Period.
-Period. Exactly.

Wow. Look at us.

-Not period!
-Look at us. Yes. Period.

[narrator] Coming up…[/i]

"Join me in the hot tub, Aimee."

[all] No!

She's up there!

Let the games begin.

[theme music playing]

[narrator] Welcome back to hot people[/i]
doing sexy stuff by day[/i]

who then totally mix it up
and do sexy stuff by night.

Time to get glam, fam.

[Cinco] Y'all going casual tonight?

-Somebody's gotta set the vibe by blazing.
-Pop off.

-You're gonna blazer tonight?

If you going with the blazer,
I'll be upset.

-Blazer and the bor-shorts, looking wow.
-Let's get it.

-I really wanna wear Tanya tonight.
-Do it.

["All to Myself" Feat. Quinten Coblentz

♪ Your attention ♪

That's crazy.

-You think that's crazy?
-I think that's crazy.

What's crazy? That you don't kiss him?

I just told her that he said
not only is her personality "b*mb,"

he's sexually attracted to her.

That's hot.

Tonight, we're gonna be spicy.

Oh, my God, this is so freaking cute.

Oh, my goodness!

-[Kyra] Everyone got their drinks?
-They did.

[Kyra] I would like to make a toast.

Cheers to Love Island [/i]in Hawaii!


[all] Cheers!

["All to Myself" continues]

♪ I don't want just a section
Of your attention ♪

♪ Oh, no ♪

♪ Ain't asking for perfection ♪

♪ Just want you all to myself ♪

♪ You only, I just want you only ♪

[narrator] Korey, you're doing great.[/i]

But we didn't throw a Hawaii-themed party
with a $30 budget

so you could dance alone.

Why not partner with the man whose hips
are the official metronome of Colombia?


Will, teach me that salsa real quick.

We're gonna do it again.

Come, hey.

-Like, you, one…

…two, three, four.

[Olivia] Snapshot.

Whoa, that's a bad angle.
We don't go down there.

No, we're good.

Maybe have a girl do it. Girls?

-Take over this 'cause you know…
-She's "playing" playing.

Let's get it.

How many men does it take to take a photo?

-Why low like that?
-We're still holding the phone high.

-I'm gonna have a double chin.
-No, you're not.

♪ I sold my soul to the devil ♪

[narrator] Holy hot tub time machine![/i]

There's a cat making it a hot tin roof.

Your smiles can't save you now, ladies.

The new girl's got serious text appeal.

[cell phone chimes]

I got a text!

[cheering and applause]

I'm getting nervous already.

Check it out, I got chills right now.



-Oh, no!

Grab your men.

[Olivia] Did she go to our dressing room?

Above the girls' dressing room.

-Yo, it's up there.
-Oh, oh, oh!

She's up there!

Bro, it's up there.

[Olivia] Wait, there's a hot tub there?

-It's up there.
-And she waved.

You got it.

I'm not usually a jealous girl,
but it did bother me, I'm not gonna lie.

The hot tub and this Aimee girl,
there's definitely some temptation there.

Safe travels!


♪ Ain't seen nothing like me, no, oh ♪

♪ Better be ready ♪

My name's Aimee, I'm 26 years old,
I'm from LA, and I'm a private chef.

♪ You ain't seen nothing like me ♪

I'm a confident woman.

I can get what I want, so I'm not worried
about any of the girls here at the villa

'cause I don't need no more friends,
I'm trying to find the love of my life.

♪ Ain't seen nothing like me, no, oh ♪

I've definitely lived that bougie life

where I'm on a jet,
going somewhere exotic,

but I know that I can
also live a very simple life

living on a farm with the love of my life,

and I would be in complete bliss.

Yeah, I definitely have faith
that there's a guy in there for me

that's ready to settle down
and have some babies.

I'm so ready, let's go.

Where he at?

♪ You ain't seen nothing like me ♪

Let's go get you dressed.
You got a hot tub date.

Aimee, Aimee, Aimee.

Where do you wanna sit?

-Let's go over here.
-We gotta cool you down, babe.

What's going through your mind right now?

Yeah, I think that

I don't really have control
over the situation.

I guess we'll just have to wait,

and if he has
a better connection with her,

-then he wasn't meant for me.

I'm sure Aimee's great.

Obviously, she's attractive,
we're all attractive. But she ain't you.

-I'm freaking out, dude.

What if she's my type, dude?

If she's your type,
then you gotta go for it.

Oh, my God!

How you gonna do me like this,
Love Island?[/i]

I get it, it's hard.

It is hard, 'cause he's like…
My man's in here.

So, I did throw out
my little temper tantrum.

-[Cashay] Right.
-I wasn't expecting that.

-I wasn't expecting that b*mb to drop.
-[Cashay] I know.

That's the last thing I would've thought,

-was gonna happen tonight.
-[Cashay] I know.

See you on the other side.

See you on the other side.

-You got this.

If things go south,

there's always an extra sofa up here,
or an extra bed.

Let the games begin.

[theme music playing]

[narrator] Welcome back to I'm-so-jealous-[/i]
I-could-throw-a-piano Island.[/i]

New girl Aimee
just pulled Josh for a date,

and Shannon is more irritated
than my infected spider bite.

Scratch, scratch.

Hey, hey, what's going on?

-Hi. How are you? Good.
-How you doing? I'm great.

-[Josh] I'm Josh, nice to meet you.
-Aimee. Muah.

-I love your eyes. I'm great.
-How are you? Thank you.

Welcome to Love Island.[/i]

-I can't believe I'm here. Yeah.
-They have drinks in here?

Maybe they're going on a hideaway.

Who knew there was a hot tub
on the rooftop here? Did you know that?

They probably have covered strawberries
and champagne up there or something.

[narrator] Shannon, relax![/i]
I'm sure there's no champagne.[/i]

-[cork pops]

[Aimee laughing]

Surprise, surprise!

I was not expecting you
to do that so quickly. Okay.

-Let's pour some, yeah.
-Pour that bubbly.

[Josh] There we go.

Welcome to the villa.

-Cheers. We're in Hawaii.
-Thank you for having me.

-Let's have a great time.
-Yes, cheers to that.

So, where are you from?

LA. Born and raised.


My parents are from Mexico.

-Oh wow.
-Mom's from Veracruz,

and Dad's from Distrito Federal,[/i]
like the--

That accent, I can't right now!
God, that's awesome.

So, um… what made you choose me?

-That's such a good question.
-That is a great question.

-I just found you very attractive.
-Thank you.

-Your smile, love your smile.
-Thank you.

-Love the tattoos.
-Thank you.

-Eyes are beautiful.
-Thank you so much.

Are you coupled up with someone?

-So, yes, I am coupled up.

What's she like? Tell me.

-She's beautiful, her name's Shannon.

Obviously, you're gorgeous,

but I am going to tell you we do have
a really good relationship right now.

That's good. I'm glad you found someone
that you can connect with.

Yeah, for sure.

But no, honestly, we said
from the very beginning, both of us,

we want to give everybody a shot,
you know what I mean,

regardless of how strong
our relationship is already.

And we're all in here for the same reason.

And we wanna get to know everybody,
and it's okay to be selfish a little bit,

because at the end of the day,
everybody wants what's best for themselves

-and you wanna try and find love.

You can't force someone
to be with you, right,

if there's a better connection elsewhere?

-Exactly, yeah.
-[Josh] Yeah.

We're just telling her
she has nothing to worry about.

But if he does have a better connection
with another girl,

then he wasn't the one for me.

I think this is just the test
in our coupling right now. It is early.

[Christian] I genuinely don't think
you have to worry about Josh.

For all we know,
what if that's not even his type?

Like, we don't know
what she looks like at all.

We can't make all these judgments.

He's genuinely in it
for your personality, I think,

and it's just a bonus you look amazing,
so I think you're cruising.

I appreciate that.
It makes me feel a little bit better.

You don't want to be
in my position right now, it's not fun.

I'm honestly just pretty surprised
but happy

that you pulled me on a date, for sure.

-Yeah, I'm glad you came.
-[Josh] Yeah.

-You're just absolutely gorgeous.
-[Aimee] Thank you.

-[Josh] A pleasant surprise.

-[Josh] Yeah.
-Definitely shocked you, right?

I didn't know
what I was walking into, honestly.

Yeah, what did you think
when you got that text?

I was excited that somebody picked me,
I was flattered.

But at the same time, I was like,

"Oh, crap. What am I walking into?
I don't know."

[Shannon] I don't wanna
keep dwelling on it.

He's gonna be back soon,
it'll be better than ever.

-Yeah, baby.
-Hey, y'all.

How are you feeling?

Feeling all right.

I'm not sweating too much.

I'm not worried about y'all, for real.

[Josh] I think we'll have a lot of fun.

[Aimee] This is just the beginning.

Hear, hear, now!

-Here to stay. Cheers.
-Here to stay. Cheers.

♪ It could go down any way ♪

♪ Any time
You and I, oh baby… ♪

[Shannon] Well, if he does come down,
and he catches a feel,

then I got some work to do.
That's all I know.

♪ Baby, it's now or never ♪

♪ Give the answer
I've been waiting to hear ♪

Dude, how long
can you be in a hot tub for?

I heard it's only up to 30 minutes.

Isn't that like a health hazard?
Like a safety hazard?

♪ Even if I stay ♪[/i]

♪ Nothing will be the same ♪

[narrator] Next time…[/i]

I'm definitely gonna talk
to every single guy.

[narrator] …new girl Aimee[/i]
causes even more of a stir in the villa.[/i]

Obviously, there's sexual tension
between us.

Aimee coming in will truly be the test.

Why can you not look at me?

[theme music playing]