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03x06 - Episode 6

Posted: 04/29/24 19:10
by bunniefuu
[narrator] Previously on [/i]Love Island…

Don't know what you're thinkin'[/i]


He can come into the villa. He's welcome.

[narrator] Isaiah arrived in paradise.[/i]

Everybody has something to worry about.

I'm interested
and I'm going to pursue that.

He's not talking to these girls.
He's writing a novel.

And our love triangle got heated.[/i]

There was a lot of pent-up sexual tension
in that kiss.

Let's take it higher, higher[/i]

[narrator] Tonight…[/i]

Apparently, I really did, kind of,
change his mind, which is good news.

[narrator] Cinco's feeling the pressure.[/i]

I need to know now what's going on.

You have until midnight.

Oh, no.

[song continues]

[narrator] Then get ready for[/i]




This is going to be interesting.
And I can't wait.

[narrator] And find out which boys[/i]
you voted for them to date.[/i]


[theme music playing]

[pop song plays]

Blindfolded make-out parties can be fun,[/i]

but aren't without their awkwardness,

as I discovered last Thanksgiving.

Will scored Kyra's lips nine out of ten,

and as my communist
gymnastics coach told me,

that's just not good enough!

Are you mad because I give you a nine?

-I'm not mad at all.
-Let's go here, let's go talk here.

When Kyra kissed me, it was so good.

I was like, "Oh, my God,
I never kissed this person before."

And, like, I didn't want to give a ten

because if I give a ten
I was going to get in problem.

You know what I thought?

You was like new person coming in.

-Like new because I was waiting for you.

-I thought you knew.
-I felt so much…

I kind of know it,

but it was different
than the other kisses.


I didn't really think it was
all that different

from the times I kissed him before,

but maybe my kissing him has been
changing as I'm feeling more for him.

He's too cute. Ah!

-I definitely am, like, more…
-Open up with me.

I don't even know the words.

-It was like that… You know…
-I love that.

[narrator] Oh, so sweet.[/i]

But I am starting to regret

putting microphones in their mouths.

-Okay, let's go.

Won't you stay?[/i]

Won't you spend the night with me?[/i]

[Shannon] After the game,

-Josh was obviously a lot more attentive.
-I bet.

If you knew all it would take
to get him is to kiss all of his friends,

I feel like you could have
done this a long time ago.

I want to make a note of that
for future use.

I'm gonna take your hand[/i]
And show you the way[/i]

You know, like, so focused on
my kiss with Cinco,

but apparently, I really did, kind of,
change his mind, which is good news.

I really have been thinking about it. Ha!


[Aimee] Yeah, oh, my God.

No strings[/i]

Let's see what the night brings[/i]

I'm feeling like there's magic[/i]

I'm small, but I'm mighty.

-Mighty or bitey?

-Good night.
-Good night.

Have no fear[/i]

Won't you stay?[/i]

Won't you spend the night with me?[/i]

Won't you lay?[/i]

Won't you spend the night with me?[/i]

I'm gonna take your hand[/i]
And show you the way[/i]

All night long[/i]

All night long[/i]

I'm gonna turn it up[/i]
You're gonna beg me to stay[/i]

All night long[/i]

All night long[/i]

Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh[/i]

I guess they never met you, you[/i]

As if they didn't know[/i]
It's true that you[/i]

Worth more than all the money[/i]
In the world[/i]

It was definitely playing around
last night…


I was trying to test the waters with him,

see how far I can go
without not getting too far.

Girl, I was knocking on the door that
I should not have been knocking on.

Oh. [chuckles]

And the door was wood, all I got to say.


Not a wood door.

[Cashay] What old me would do--

"Oh, you want to choose her
instead of me? Ignore."

But I'm opening myself up to the situation

and, yeah, I feel good.

-That wood was strong, baby.

Oh, I feel it[/i]

Some don't know nothin' of ecstasy[/i]

[Jeremy] What did you fellas think
about last night?

I thought it was a pretty epic challenge.

Yeah. Shannon came with it.

I was, like, sheesh.

Trina came with it. I was, like, damn.

It was deep.

That was dope, man.
I'm glad I got to kiss Olivia.

I feel like some sexual spark definitely
happened with that one.

-[squeals] It's a lizard. It's not a bug.
-[Shannon] Where? I want to see him.

-Right there.
-Let's take it outside.

-Are you going to grab it with your hands?
-Yeah, baby.

He's my little friend.

-He's so cute!
-Oh, my gosh.

Actually, I'm going to name him Toby.

[narrator] Oh, it seems[/i]
Shannon now has Toby and Josh[/i]

in the palm of her hand.

He's going to join us in the conversation?

-[Shannon] Just us three.
-[Josh] Just us three.

No, I just want to sit down and talk.

I feel like we haven't really talked
about where we're at in a while.


I honestly feel like since
the whole situation of the challenge,

I feel like we have gotten stronger.

Um, but I just want to see where
your head's at, you know what I mean?

What do you think?

-He says he likes you.


I do think it made us stronger

because I think it made you realize like…

I don't want to lose her,

and then I realize I don't want him
to go home either.


So I think we had that realization.

Obviously, I know there's gonna be
new people coming in and out.

Like Isaiah just came in.

I know you've had a couple chats with him.

How have those chats gone for you?

I think that he seems like
a really stand-up guy.

And if he wants to pull me for a chat,
I said, "Pull me for a chat."

So I am still going to kind of
get to know Isaiah

and see where it goes.

You know, I still think my guard
is still up, so…

-[Josh] Toby.
-Don't let him fall in the hot tea.

-Do not jump in. Here, buddy.

He just wants to hang.


Can this be our first pet?

[Shannon] Oh, my gosh, Josh.

I just wanted to have a chat,
you know what I mean?

Let's just continue to

do our thing and have some fun.


[Shannon] All right. Bye, Toby.

[narrator] While Shannon and Josh[/i]
discuss Toby's schooling,[/i]

Try-na, sorry, Trina seeks to clarify

how she feels about Cinco just in case

that challenge kiss that almost
resulted in a pregnancy

was too vague.

-[Trina] I'm interrupting. For a chat.
-No, I got distracted.

-[Cinco] You wanna talk to me?
-[Trina] Yes.

-Can we talk? I love the pink gloves.
-We were just getting started.

I'm sorry, I know.

-Five, ten minutes.
-[Cinco] All right.

-[sighs] How are you?
-How you doing?

-Good. Just extremely exhausted.

I know that.

-All that kissing.
-All right.

-Sexual tension.
-You definitely did your thing last night.

I know.

-I had to make it known.

What's up with you? How are you?

Nothing much.

Obviously, still just a lot on my mind.

Where is your mind at?

I'm gonna say I can't make my mind up.
I can't say I can't.

But I haven't made it up so far,
you know what I mean?

And I know that…

-Are you going to try to do that today?
-Yeah, definitely.

I gotta figure out
which side of me I think is better

and is best for who I want to be.

I respect that.


It makes me feel a bit anxious
that I don't get an answer,

even though that's
what I've been dreading for.


-Why dreading?
-Because, I mean…

-I need to know now what's going on.
-I feel you.

I do like you, I tried to
give you a special night yesterday,

-to show that I care.
-You definitely did. You definitely did.

The thing about it is
whatever way I choose,

I don't want you to think that I'm not
going to be here for you regardless.

[Cinco] I feel 50-50% right now.

With Trina there's a lot of passion,
sexual tension.

At the same time, Cash is awesome.

She's a beautiful soul, honestly,
inside and out.

The fact that I can talk to her so easily
is really cool.


Oh! I don't know.

[Cinco] I appreciate you talking to me,
dealing with me for this long,

and just letting me figure out who I am.

-And what you want.
-And what I want, yeah.

-What you need.


[Cashay] Such a weird situation, yeah?

-It's literally unheard of.

You're too close. I thought
you were going to give me a kiss.

Here is one.

Why just one? Are you kidding me?

I will save the other one for later.
All right?

-I'll be expecting it.

[theme music playing]

Take me to your island[/i]

Float me all the way out[/i]

'Cause I want these emotions[/i]
To feel right[/i]

[narrator] It's [/i]Love Island,

and like so many of us
in open relationships,

Jeremy and Aimee have discovered
that making out with strangers

actually brings couples closer together.

You know, before all the inevitable
toxicity and jealousy.

We got to kiss everyone.

I know. I agree, it was a…

-definitely a massive icebreaker.
-For everyone.

Everyone has kissed everyone now,
so no hidden secrets.

-[Jeremy] But…

we're definitely, like,
really moving in the right direction.

A lot stronger.

We're still right in the process
of getting to know each other,

-but everything feels comfortable.
-[Jeremy] Yeah.

-I can see your efforts now and…

-It feels good.
-I feel like we are even closer, for sure.

-I'm happy.
-I'm enjoying this ride, honestly.

Ah, chaos one day, calm the next.[/i]

Speaking of red flags,
new boy Isaiah thinks

Shannon's been showing
more red flags than a red flag store

-that only sells red flags.
-[Cinco] How do you feel here?[/i]

[Isaiah] I'm starting to get a little like
maybe not so into Shannon.

She's definitely the type of girl
I usually go for

-that isn't good for me.
-[Cinco] I don't like that.

She's not proven anything to me.

She hasn't pulled me once,
but she says she's really into me.

And then with Aimee,
like, we have a good connection.

I think it gets stronger.

She has a high-spirited personality.
She's very curious but very adventurous

-and fire, you know what I mean?
-[Isaiah] Yeah.

[Cinco] Bro, she is not going to be
chasing after you.

She wants to know that she's wanted,
you know what I mean?

Did you have a good conversation
this morning?

Yeah, I spoke to Trina. It's hard, bro.
It's hard, you know what I am saying?

'Cause at the same time,
I don't want to hurt anybody,

but at the same time
I'm trying to be selfish. Yeah.

You're not selfish,
you have to be yourself,

and they will understand.

With Cash, it's always just--
She's kind of built up a wall.

She's quick to push me away just because
she's trying to safeguard being hurt.

So, it's just, like, I don't really know
what else there is to do with that one.

All right. Give me a beat.


-I got a text.

-She got a text, she got a text.
-She got a text, she got a text.

-She got a text, she got a text.
-She got a text, she got a text.

Read that thing.



Boys day, boys day, boys day.

-Villa to ourselves!
-Let's go get ready.

-[Cinco] Y'all enjoy.

-So, I'll see you later.

This is gonna be fun.

-I just want to chill with my boys, man.
-They're probably gonna do something sick.

Get their nails done, get their facials.

Bro, that's what I need.

I need my nails done, bro. This is nasty.

I'm excited.

Get away from these boys
and their testosterone.

Literally what we needed.

I think this is going to be
a test for Josh.

Since we had a chat,

we're better than ever.

I think you and Isaiah should maybe talk.

His kiss was really good.
He gave it a tongue.

He just said he is attracted to me,
but we don't know each other.

He said he had his eye on me,
but he sees the way I am with Josh

and he's like, "What's the deal?"

Like, "What's going on?"

So there is potential with Isaiah.

[narrator] The boys are finally getting[/i]
exactly what they want.[/i]

Time to rap about themselves
in the key of…

♪ For the boys day ♪

♪ For the boys day ♪

[narrator] Make it stop![/i]

-♪ For the boys day ♪
-♪ Boy ♪

Y'all have fun.

Bye, boys!

Boys day starts now!

Yeah, let's get it!

Let me see something!

-Hold on.
-Let me see something!


-You did catch a little air on that.

[serene music playing]

[all] Oh, my God.

It's beautiful!

Look. So good!

-Oh, my God. Look at those macarons!
-This is beautiful.

I'm gonna take a seat.

This is straight out of a movie.

-But so proper.
-I know. This is a feast.

Oh, my God, guys,
we're gonna make some leis.

This is so beautiful.
We have all these flowers in front of us.

It's gonna be amazing. I love this.

It's cute.

"The lei is a symbol of aloha
in Hawaiian culture,

and if you put good energy
into making your lei…"

Right here.

"…it will transfer to
whoever you give it to."

Aloha means love, hello, goodbye,
showing love, showing respect,

showing appreciation.

And giving that aloha to that person.

Oh, my God, a butterfly. That's good luck.

-That is good luck.
-Oh, my God!

-I'm scared.
-Oh, my God!

-I know.
-Guys, it's a sign.

Yes, girls, it's a sign-- a bad one.[/i]

As the old saying goes,

a butterfly flaps its wings at brunch

and creates a hurricane
in a rented reality TV villa.

That's round number one.

-[narrator] And this won't help… Send![/i]
-[text chimes]

I got a text!


Okay, okay. Okay!

It says…



This is going to be interesting.

And I can't wait.

-Three, where?

[theme music playing]

[Korey] I got a text!

[all cheering]


Danger's in control[/i]
I'm confident, I know[/i]

That sometimes I intimidate[/i]

Lit fuse[/i]
I'm burning and about to explode[/i]

My name is Lei-Yen. I'm 28 years old.
I'm from Houston, Texas.

I'm Caribbean. My mom's Trinidadian,
my dad's Antiguan.

So, I'm here to show what us
island girls have,

and I'm here to bring it.

I've got my eye on Cinco
because he is fine.

I'm Ms. Steal Your Man.

So, girls, watch out.

Bombs away[/i]

Bombs away[/i]

My name is Florita. I'm 27 years old.
I'm from Miami, Florida.

I am Latina,
so I definitely am a little spicy.

But what man doesn't want to say
mami [/i]in the bedroom,

you know what I mean?

Too hot to handle[/i]

Josh is coupled up, but at the same time,
I'm confident in myself.

I'm coming in full force.

You're gonna know my name[/i]

Hello, my name's Roxy. I'm 24.

And I'm originally from the UK,
but I live in Scottsdale.

You're playing with the flame[/i]

A lot of guys are attracted to the accent,

so I sometimes lay it on thick.

Sometimes I'll say, "Hello, how are you?"

It works.

Baby, I'm a bombshell[/i]

I need a guy who can handle
my personality.

In my book, nice guys finish first.

Bombs away[/i]

[all] Hello, hi!

Hello, ladies.


Hello, ladies.

How y'all doing?

Great! How are you?

[Cinco] Three new girls in the villa.

Definitely finna shake
something up in a good way.

Are we ready to have some fun or what?

-[Javonny] You ladies look stunning.
-Oh, my God!

-Thank you.
-Oh, my gosh, I was excited.

-Hi, I'm Lei-Yen.
-Lei-Yen? Pleasure to meet you. Javonny.

[Javonny] They was definitely cute.

We have some tall ones, some short,
nice heels on, some nice bubble butts.

It was fire. I ain't going to lie.

Man, I think I'm burnt.

-I'm Korey.
-Nice to meet you.

My heart dropped. I was, like,
"No freaking way." It's crazy.

-I feel like a new man for sure.
-I need my inhaler,

if y'all can bring that for me, please.

Wherever they came from, like, thank you.

Y'all ate already? Because
we just had a barbecue over there.

-I just wanna see if y'all ate.
-We ate a little bit before we came in,

but we're definitely thirsty.


[narrator] Florita is thirsty?[/i]

Well, if there's any water around,

she better drink fast because
I suspect when the girls get back,

they'll make it pretty salty.

And now, the tea. Let's get it, okay.

♪ Let's get it! Let's get it!
Let's get it! ♪

All right, we're going to start
this conversation off with Jeremy.

-Oh, Lord!

Okay, so with Jeremy,
I feel like we're here, right?

Isaiah, I feel like we're here.

But Jeremy took a few days to get here,

and Isaiah was day one.

-Isaiah is so beautiful.

Can we talk about his eyes?

-And his curly hair and his smile.
-He's gorgeous.

Definitely a real man.

Who is the most authentic guy here?


Who do we think is the most sketch?

[Olivia] Josh. Josh. Josh. Josh.

[Shannon] I know where you're coming from,
I believe that too,

but I also feel like
ever since he almost got sent home,

an energy shift, just a little bit.

He realized that everything
can change in 2.5 seconds.

To new beginnings!

[all] Cheers!

-Thank you.

So what's up, ladies? Tell us like what
type of dudes y'all are into.

You know, y'all like
spicy, calm, outgoing, wild, fun?

I like ambition and somebody
who's sure of himself.

I don't want to wear the pants
in a relationship.

That's the point of getting a man, right?


I like a guy who's more laid back.

In the past,
I've gone for all the wrong guys,

so there is no way
I can go for that anymore.

I don't think we have any bad boys
in here, we're all pretty good.

-We'll be the judge of that.
-I know. I know.

What about you, baby?

I'm more of a goofy person,

so I definitely want someone
I can laugh with.

And you know, I can be serious
at the same time

when it comes to the real stuff.

But ideally, like,

definitely like tall, muscular,

which is all of you guys.

Doesn't narrow it down.
Check, check, check.

It doesn't narrow it down, but…

yeah, mainly someone I can laugh with
and just be comfortable with.

-Kind of like a best friend.

-Got to love your best friend.
-Friend and a partner in one.

[Korey] I'm definitely going to get
to know all three of the ladies,

but off of looks like, 100% Florita,

like, that's my style to a T.

Got to see about the inside.

So, who's coupled up?

Yeah, I'm coupled up with Aimee.
We're having a really good time.

-[Will] Same here.
-With Kyra.

I'm coupled up with Shannon right now

and we're just, sort of,
taking it one day at a time.

-He's single.

I am in a complicated situation right now.

[Kyra] So, I mean, I guess
the elf in the room is Cinco.


Do we think he's making the right steps?
What are we feeling here?

I hate that Cinco is getting so much crap.

The only reason this situation
is happening is because of me.

Like, him and I could be as strong
as her and Will,

but I could not physically, emotionally,

mentally open up to him.

So if I lose him,

it is literally just because of me.

Now he is so worried that
with my commitment issues,

I could easily drop him.

And he looks at someone like Trina
and he's like, " Well, she's consistent."

I'm sorry if this is making you

No, I understand and respect you
for telling your honest truth, Cash.

But you have your truth and I have mine.

Good times[/i]

It's a party, we don't have to try[/i]

[narrator] Hey, girl, [/i]Love Island here.[/i]

Did you hear about my queens Cash
and Trina fighting over Cinco's heart?

Totes hots. It's back on, ta-ta.

So if I lose him,
it's literally just because of me.

Now he is so worried that with
my commitment issues,

I could easily drop him,
and he looks at someone like Trina,

and he's like, "Well, she's consistent."

I'm sorry if this is making you

You probably have your take on
this as well and I want to hear

what you're thinking.

No, I understand and respect you
for telling your honest truth, Cash.

-But you have your truth and I have mine.
-[Cashay] Of course.

You're making it seem as if
I'm chasing him and being consistent.

It's because I'm playing
catch-up with this man.

I don't like that you're making it
seem like he's settling for me

because you are refusing to
open up to him.

-I hear you.
-And that's not how I perceive it.

-Sorry, I'm not done.
-[Cashay] Go on.

I guess the way you view me
trying to pursue Cinco

was like an attack towards you,

but I would never do that
to another sister of mine.

But what I'm doing right now
is trying to go after somebody

that I feel like has feelings for me,

but he's scared to hurt anyone's feelings
in the process.

-[Cashay] Okay.

This is really uncomfortable
for the both of us.

I'm not trying to make you feel like that.

The only reason I felt disrespected

is I thought you pulled him
and tried to kiss him

after we had that conversation
out of nowhere.

And I'm like…

like, "Would she do that?"
You know what I mean?

My only thing is just,

the back and forth, it sucks.

And that's all I mean, you know.

Can we just have a little group hug?

-I guess.
-Or just hold hands. Let's hold hands.

Can we all hold hands and just
appreciate this moment?

I know we all have drama with these boys,
but at the end of the day,

we have found love within us.

[Shannon] I think that was much needed.

I think it was very therapeutic

and I'm glad it was just the girls.

Love you, girls.

[all] Love you!

Let's go back to the villa.

-Let's have some fun, ladies, let's go.
-See what these boys are up to.

Trouble, I'm guessing.

Let's go find out.

-They can't survive without us.
-Oh, my God, totally.

[narrator] I don't think this Cinco[/i]
situation could get any more complicated…[/i]

Hey, that's not good.

That is the new girl Lei-Yen,

who has dos ojos[/i] for Cinco.

Lei-Yen, Houston hottie.

Kinda, sorta, a little bit.

So, you know, I watched a little bit,

-so I remember, like, seeing a little bit.
-Oh, Lord.

No, I kind of told them
before y'all got here

that I was gonna make a decision
on who I kind of want to focus on.

And y'all definitely
made the decision harder,

bringing three new people
in here like that.

I didn't want to, like…
'cause you said it was complicated.

I didn't wanna add to the complication
or anything like that

but I like your vibe.

Make it three times harder.
I appreciate y'all.

Man, I'm in a situation.

I don't know if I can add anybody
to the repertoire right now.

I already feel drained
trying to figure out

this situation between Trina and Cashay.

So, Lei-Yen probably is going
to be a little much for me.

I'm definitely still open
to get to know new people.

There's nothing wrong with that.

You just come holler at me, for real.

I definitely will, don't worry.

But I want to make sure
'cause you know, Love Island,[/i]

you got to make sure you give
everybody a try.

I can't believe you came on a helicopter,
though. That's insane.

Right? So…

-The striped chairs?

Coming in a helicopter,
they swooped in and swooped out.

I have never been on a helicopter.
I am kind of afraid.

I'm a scaredy-cat when it comes to stuff.

-I will do it, though, but I'm afraid.

-[both laughing]

So have you really vibed with
anyone in the villa?

Um, it's interesting coming in
when everyone is coupled up

because I like to be the person

-that leads in a relationship.

Isaiah, he's just a very nice,
down-to-earth guy.

Talking to him, I was getting
really, really shy just because

he's just staring at me with his eyes.

-You have really pretty eyes.
-Appreciate it.

-You probably get that all the time.
-A little, here and there.

My eyes are brown,
like the rest of my body. It's fine.

You are, like, tan.
You have some coffee to you…

A little dash of coffee.

-A little dash of coffee.
-That's funny.

So, is it, Flower or Florita?

-Florita. All my friends call my Flower.
-I'ma call you flower.

Doesn't matter.
Whichever's more comfortable.

-[Florita] Florita.

[Korey] All right. Flower's good.

Florita, she's absolutely gorgeous.

I was just waiting for someone
just to walk in here

and immediately catch my eye
to where I'm like,

"Yo, holy crap, I need to know
what that girl is about."

That was a long time due.
I'm feeling good, honestly.

All right, so where did you
get your eye color from?

-I don't know, actually.
-[Florita] Really?

Yeah. So… I don't…
I think I might be adopted.

Because you have really gorgeous eyes.

That's the first thing I was like,
"Oh, my God! What?"

Thank you, thank you.

I feel like Korey definitely
caught my eye.

His muscles and tattoos were
just like, so cute.

I feel like there might be
something there.

-I lost my voice when I first saw you.
-Nice, nice.

So, let's say, "One, two, three.
Honey, I'm home."

[indistinct chatter]

[Cinco] So let's go around,
everybody tell their love language,

how they give love, like, what do you
think your love language is?

Top two.

Me, I'm big on words of affirmation,
'cause I feel like we can feed each other.

I want to let you know
that you're great and I'm great.

I want to know I'm great too
and I'm huge on physical touch.

If I'm into you, I want to hug you.

I want to be under you.

I want to be like, "Hey, what's up?
How you doing, bae?"

You can slap my booty any time.

"You know what, baby,
you ain't going to work today."

These three new hot girls
came in, they're fun.

I feel like they're gonna be a great time,
and they got good personalities.

And on top of that…

now we're going to see how girls
are gonna handle the pressure,

and I'm, like, ecstatic to see that.

You know, you going to be late…

Take this off, let's go!

Is anything out of place?

Guys, let's go.
Let's go check what's happening here.

Oh, there's a girl there.
There's two girls.

-There's one…
-Three, three of them.

No way.

We did not just go spill tea

to make the villa a smoother place
for three new girls to come in.

But it's Love Island. [/i]You never
know what you're going to get.

[Cashay] Wait, I'm freaking out.

[Trina] I think we're all
beautiful ladies. We'll be good.

-We're fine.
-We're solid.

Not one, not two,

but three new girls.

Definitely came as a shock.

They look so comfy out there.

Let's go, let's get it over with.

We are beauty, we are grace. Let's go.

I'm not going to lie. This seems like
an AA meeting or something.

-I know…

My name is Korey. I'm…

[indistinct chatter]

Did they bring us leis?

[Aimee yelling in Spanish]

Oh, thank you. I'm sweaty and gross.

-[Cashay] What's your name?

Hi, Roxy. I'm Cash.

-Hi, beautiful.

-I've been dying to meet you.

-Yes, I've been like…
-Have you been watching?

Yes, I'm like, this girl looks like
somebody I could talk to.

-She give me…

Talking about my hair vibes!
I've been dying to say that to you.

-I'm so happy you get it, girl.
-I'm lit!

Now that you've given me confidence,

I'm gonna rip this off
and show my Cleo braids.

I never thought anyone would care
that I'm not wearing a wig anymore.

I never thought it would be something
that someone would ever say to me,

like, "You did this thing
and I want to do it too."

It was incredible.

To have someone actually understand
why you did it, I thought that was cool.

When I started seeing
the behavior of everyone now, bro,

this thing has started getting spicy.

Yeah, definitely.

I know you are a good guy, man.

Which one you feel more connection?

Physically, it would be Trina,
personality and communication is Cash.

It's complicated, man.

You see? You see what I'm facing, man?

I just wanna hurry up, get this over with,
and this needs to come to its finale.

I'm trying to find clarity on
what I wanna do.

I think I'm getting closer to that.
I think I have gotten a lot closer to it.

So, um…

we're gonna see how it goes.

Yeah, I'm tired, man.

I'm really tired and I'm worried, man.

-Relax, man.
-This is exhausting, bro.

-This is exhausting.
-You'll be all right.

[narrator] Cinco-MG,[/i]
he's finally gonna decide, Cash or Trina.[/i]

This is what we call,
in the biz, a cliffhanger,

and you bet your Hawaiian sweet rolls
we're gonna cut to a commercial break.

I need a minute[/i]

Just to figure this out[/i]
Before I get too excited[/i]

[narrator] It's [/i]Love Island trivia night.[/i]
Uh, multiple-choice question:[/i]

Which new girl brought an outfit that
will give our sensors a heart attack?

A, Lei-Yen, B, Florita or C, Roxy?

The answer is D. I have seen this show.
It's all of them.

Take a moment to soak in[/i]… ♪

-Party time!

[Cashay] I feel like they're definitely
gonna shake some stuff up.

-[Cashay laughs]

I ain't gonna hold you. These girls
are dressing up. Coming with their A game.

I don't think they came here
with anything not dressy.

They got bathing suits and prom dresses.

[laughs] Legit, dude.

Free to do what I like[/i]

Whenever I want[/i]

And I'm free[/i]… ♪

[Florita] I might definitely, like,
pull some guys tonight.

You should pull everybody, though.

-Yeah, feel it out, you know what I mean?
-I am.

And not a worry[/i]

Or a care in the world[/i]… ♪

[Cashay] Our biggest thing with the girls

is we always lead with respect,
you know what I mean.

Don't do shady stuff, don't lie and stuff,
and that is how we are.

But all you guys should…
You wanna figure out,

"I want to spend time with you."

-A good night, brother.
-Hey, man.

Free to do what I like[/i]

Whenever I want[/i]

And I'm free[/i]

To feel so right, do what I want[/i]

[Shannon] To all the queens and the kings

and maybe new beginnings
and the best summer ever.



[phone chimes]

-Oh, my God.

I got a text!


Oh, my God, okay.



Tell me who!

[phone chimes]

-I got a text.



Oh, my God.

Oh, my God, so fun!

-[phone chimes]
-Oh, I got a text.


All right. [reading]

[all] Ooh!

-[phone chimes]
-I got a text.


Oh, my God!

[chanting] Date night! Date night!



Let's go!

[phone chimes]

[gasps] I got a text.

[cheering and applause]


-Let's hear it.

There's no way, there's no way
it could be with me again.

There's no way.

-[phone chimes]
-Oh, my God. Oh, my God. I'm shaking.

-I got a text.

[indistinct chatter]

[all] Korey, Korey.

Read that thing.



Let's go.

I'm in shock.
I don't even know what to say.

All the thanks to America.
When I got all three texts,

I was like no way, this can't be real.

Honestly, I will never forget
that moment ever in my life.

-Get it.

-We're gonna ruin him.

Good, Korey.

[narrator] Just like me since my neighbor[/i]
rudely changed the Wi-Fi password,[/i]

Korey has been
unable to make a connection.

Now he has a chance to connect his IP
to three routers at once.

This analogy worked better in my head.

-Oh, my God, how cute is that?
-That is adorable.

They've really tried to set the mood.

[Korey] Charcuterie.

[Florita] Let's make a little cheers.

[Korey] To three beautiful new ladies…

[women laughing]

Got me stuttering, coming into the villa.

-Made you nervous.

To making Korey nervous.


Oh, that's good.

One, I did not think that
I would get the second text,

and then the third text,
I was like, there is no way.

And now it's all at one time,
I'm not going to lie,

I might be a little nervous.
I feel like I'm about to get interrogated.

We're gonna drill you with questions.

-We're going to know everything about you.
-Yeah, yeah, I'm ready.

Who are you coupled up with?
I can't remember.

[Korey] All right, I'm with
Trina right now. She's really cool.

Did it feel like you were nervous
when you were single?

Yeah, yeah. I'm not going to lie

because I didn't establish a relationship
with any of the girls in here.

Like, no one gave me that spark, so…

Did anyone give you a spark
since we walked in now?

-Yeah, yeah, yeah.
-[women] Ooh!

-Yeah. I'm not going to lie.

[Cashay] I want to kiss you,
but I don't wanna make things awkward.

Can I kiss you?

-I missed you so much.
-I missed you too.

But I want you to feel free to, obviously,

do your thing and stuff,
do you know what I mean?

I know you're probably
still confused and stuff.

And that's fine.

I'm not confused. You can be confused
all you want, but, like…

What are you talking about?
What do you mean?

-You're with me.
-Nah, for real.

-Let's sit back.
-It's been a long day.

What's going on?
What do you mean a long day?

Nothing, just trying to make a decision.

And you still don't have a decision, ay?

Kind of.

-Boy, you have until midnight.
-I know, I mean, the girls…

I don't want to be in bed with you,
making out, being all cute,

and tomorrow morning you're like,
"Hey, last night was fun, but…"

-Know what I mean?

I don't want to do that.
I want to know where your head's at.

[Cinco] I have a very huge decision
with two beautiful women.

They can both
change my life for the better.

I'm ready to focus on the one person
that I want to focus on.

When you figure it out,
you know, let me know.

Thank you, though. [kisses]

I appreciate you for that.

You appreciate me?

-I do appreciate you.

-I missed you today.
-I missed you too.

[theme music playing]

[narrator] In his [/i]Love Island application,[/i]

Korey listed his interests as 437 candles,

out-of-focus light bulbs,

and dating three girls at once.

Dreams do come true.

So what have your previous relationships
been like?

-Do you want kids?
-We gotta keep drilling him.

Yeah. This is like Jeopardy.[/i]

I'm gonna eat the chocolate real quick.

[women laughing]

He's on me like…

swallow this.

-Backstreet Boys or NSYNC?
-What the…

That's a serious question, actually.

-And the '90s were…
-You better answer this correctly.

All right, what is the one
that does "Bye-Bye-Bye"?


[cheering and applause]

Backstreet Boys!

All right, so, I've only had like
two or three girlfriends my whole life.

My girlfriend ended up cheating on me

with my best friend at the time.

-Oh, my God.
-[Korey] Yeah, yeah.

I laugh at it now.

I live by a five-by-five rule, right?

So, if it doesn't matter in five years,

don't spend more than
five minutes stressing about it.

-I can see that you have good energy.
-You are very sweet.

Thank you, thank you. Now I'm here…

Good answer.

Yes, that's a brilliant answer.

Are you into all flavors, like, of women?

I truly think
all of you guys are beautiful.

Thank you.

-That's awesome.
-Thank you.

I couldn't have wished for
any better of a night. It was so fun.

I look forward to doing more of this.
Maybe not all three at the same time,

but definitely want to know
each and every one of them.

I've never had a triple date like this.

-Me neither. What the hell?
-It went well.

[narrator] A love square, so simple.[/i]

Back to the love triangle

and in the immortal words of
Canadian poet laureate Avril Lavigne,

"Why did you have to go
and make Cinco complicated?"

Has he finally chosen his girl,[/i]

or will he drag it out for
another ten freaking episodes?

I think Cash and I both understand that

you don't have any bad intentions
when making this decision.

But something needs to be done
in order for us to move forward, so…

You're right.


[Cinco chuckles softly]

Trina, honestly,
I think that I want to, um…

I want to try to focus…

on you, to be honest.

Don't play with me…[/i]

-Is that all right?

Thank you.

No problem.

♪ Don't, don't… ♪

[Trina] I guess it was all worth it
in the end because he likes me

and he chose me.

And I'm happy with it. [chuckles]

I feel very relieved.

That's good.

But, yeah, well, now I gotta go tell Cash.

You haven't discussed that with her yet.

No, not yet.

[Trina] You can go talk to her.

I will. I'm not trying to have
things drag on like this,

but yeah, I'm feeling the nerves.

I want to sit here for a little bit,
get my mind right.

Do you need help getting your mind right?

No, I'm good, I got it.
I promise I'm good. I'm tough.

-Ow! Look at that.

There's your little smile. There it is.

-Yeah. I feel better.
-You do.

Thank you for trusting me
or at least trying to trust me.

I'm not going to hurt you.

Unless you give me a reason to.

I do feel really relieved
just to tell Trina

that I do want to pursue her,

but I am nervous about talking
to Cashay about this.

Just say something serious[/i]

Don't play with me[/i]

[Cinco] I don't know, man, it's hard,

but I just got to be
unapologetically me, for real,

and if people don't like that,
then it is what it is at this point.

Don't let me down.

-I won't.

-Of course.

[Cinco] This is the bed that I made,
and I need to lay in it.

Don't play with me[/i]

[narrator] Next time…[/i]

All I wanted was just a little respect.

[narrator] Cinco's decision is made.[/i]

That's mad disrespectful.

[narrator] And our three new Islanders[/i]

get to choose
who they want to see more of.

[Lei-Yen] This triangle with Cinco
is gonna turn into a square.

[theme music playing]