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03x14 - Episode 14

Posted: 04/29/24 19:15
by bunniefuu
-[narrator] Previously on[/i] Love Island…
-[dramatic music playing]

So the girl we've decided to save is…


The devil always gets her way[/i]

[Cashay] So the boy
we'd like to save is…


[narrator] The Islanders said goodbye[/i]
to four of their own.[/i]

Oh, God. I'm going to miss you.

[Javonny] It was definitely
truly an honor meeting you.

And I hope that you find
what you are looking for here.


[narrator] The boys prevailed[/i]
in a head-to-head competition.[/i]

[man] The boys reign supreme.

[men cheering]

[narrator] The door hasn't quite closed[/i]
for Cash and Cinco.[/i]

You guys don't even have half
of what we have,

and she even sees it.

I don't want to be with a man
that thinks about another girl.


[narrator] Tonight…[/i]

Yeah, the devil always gets her way[/i]

…say hello to five new girls…


[narrator] …and five new boys.[/i]

Bring in the boys!

[narrator] It's the return of Casa Amor.[/i]

The couples will be divided
and face ultimate temptation.

[all] Oh!

It's each relationship's biggest test yet.[/i]

Beautiful face, unbelievable body…

There was something about her.

[narrator] Who will stay[/i]

and who will stray?

He makes me miss Will.


[theme music playing]

[narrator] Welcome to[/i] Love Island.

Let's drink fermented grapes
out of plastic cups. Yay!

But, it's a not so happy hour

for some still mourning the loss
of four friends and lovers.

Cashay has just finished
her latest TED Talk to Cinco

about why he should choose her over Trina.

Let's drop in on damp trophy couple,
Will and Kyra.

Trigger warning, this scene contains
good-looking, lovely people

falling in love
and imagining a life together.

If you're single and salty,
get a barf bag, baby.

We're looking good tonight.

We're looking so good together
all the time.

[Will] I never thought
it's going to be like this, but…

It's just, like, sharing with someone

and someone that is so cool,
so genuine, so beautiful and nice…

You start feeling things, you know?

-You had fun today in the game?
-It was really good.

-I did!
-I lost, but I won your heart.

You did.

So you're the real winner here.

-It is tough to be that cheesy.

Oh, okay. Fine, fine, fine, fine…

I'm kidding. I love it.

Me too.


I think I…

Like, I just want to say it
and I'm always thinking about…

I also want to bring

what we're building here
to outside of the villa.

-We live so close.
-We do.

-We do similar things.
-We do.

I know it is a different environment, but…

We definitely should try and…

And that's what I want.

This is what I came here for.

You are my Love Island[/i] experience,
you know,

and I don't think we're ever going
to lose that.

I hate to say it,
but I've always been the type of person,

I was like, "Nothing is perfect,
nothing will last forever."

Like, that type of thing but…

I'm being reminded every single day
by what I see in him.

It's, you know, kind of scary,

but I am very happy
about how everything has been going.

Want me to make you dinner?

You are so cute.

[narrator] Couples since day one,[/i]
Jo-Shannon or Shosh,[/i]

also discuss the future.

For all the boyfriends at home,
this is a tutorial in what not to do.

So, I just want to see
where your head's at.

You know, how are you feeling

in our couple right now?

So, like, I mean,
we've talked from the very beginning

and we both agreed, like,

our relationship is super strong
and we love where we're at.

But we are not going to, you know,
close the mind to anybody else.

Somebody new comes in
and wants to have a conversation,

we should allow that person
to talk to us. Know what I mean?

I think that's fair.
Do you know what I mean?

Having said that, do I think
that any girl that were to come in

could have the same relationship
we have? I don't.

But at this point in the process
if your head would still turn,

I would want to know that right now.


So I feel super strongly
about our relationship.

I'm not saying my head would turn

or I want to pursue anybody else.

I'm saying if new people come in,
I am going to give them

the time that they deserve,

just like we deserved
when we were first in here,

to get to know everybody
if that's what they choose to do.

But how can I trust…


Look, I really don't know
what else to say to you

because I hate having to prove myself
with words, over and over again.

And I understand
you want to just keep checking in.

But at the same time you can see it
from my perspective.

I think it's because
I am still trying to trust you.

There's only so much I can do

to allow you to clear that headspace.
Do you know what I mean?

And it's all through my actions.

That's all I've been doing.
Proving that to you through my actions.

[Josh] I'm tired of talking about it,

I have done everything to prove to you
that I want to be with you.

And at the end of the day,
if that's not good enough,

then that's your fault.
You know what I mean? That's on you.

I think it's just going to take
a little bit more time.

[narrator] Oh, gosh. Trust is like[/i]
a watermelon covered in baby oil,[/i]

tough to always hold on to.

[Will] How are you?

[narrator] Now Trinco, Trinco little[/i]
scars, how Will wonders what you are…[/i]

going to do to get out of this mess.

[Will] How are things with Cinco?

Our situation, right now…

has brought up other trauma
that I had in past relationships.

I just feel like I'm moving backwards.

I don't want him to have those feelings
of, like, "what if" with Cash

and now, it's like I see him
and I think, "Okay he's with me,

but what if he is thinking about her?"

[scoffs] I don't know.


I feel like I just should remove myself
from this situation and let them be.

But I do want to talk to Cinco again.
It's just showing vulnerability…

is really hard for me.

I don't want Cinco to think less of me
because I have all these issues.

These things that you are saying to me…

he is going to understand, because
everyone had problems in the past.


And it's cool, then if you guys
had an opportunity to stay,

like, fight for that opportunity.


-We will fight. I will fight.
-I hope so.

-Thank you, Will.
-You're welcome.

There's a lot of things about
my relationship with Shannon I love,

and there's some stuff that I don't like.

Like… she still doesn't trust me.

This is like the fourth or fifth time
that a situation like that

from a game or, like,
from something has come up,

where she's continuing to, like,

get reassurance
about our relationship and it's…

Okay. So it's exhausting?

-It's exhausting. It is.
-Yeah. Yeah.

Florita took me on a date.
She was my type.

Aimee took me on a date.
I needed to just clear that

and, like, we're in here.

-Live in the moment.

[upbeat pop song playing]

It's you I call[/i]
When I need some air…[/i]

If we hold on to things we see[/i]

Some keep beating down on me[/i]

I feel so alive[/i]

We're all in unique, weird situations
right now.

I don't even know what to think.

Just taking it day by day. Tomorrow,
we'll see what that brings for me.

I'm staying open. I'm staying chill.
Do you know what I mean?

Oh, my God.

-Did you spray your eye?

Me and Josh had this crazy, long-ass talk.

Like, I was sh**ting questions at him.

I would say, this was like,
drop mic, here's my cards.

-Put it all on the table. Yeah.
-It was just intense.

Because I also had, like,
a huge conversation with Cinco.

Well, he was mostly talking to me,
but I took some space to myself.

-I'll update you guys tomorrow.
-We can talk when you're ready.

'Cause we feel so[/i]

So good[/i]

And we feel so, so hot[/i]

'Cause we feel so[/i]

So good[/i]

And we feel so alive[/i]

And we feel so alive[/i]

[upbeat pop song playing]

♪ Ooh ♪

Put my hands on you[/i]
I wanna love you through the night[/i]

Korey's birthday!

-Happy birthday, Korey.
-Five, six, seven, eight…

[all singing groggily, off-key]
Happy birthday to you[/i]

-It's so early.

-Thank you.
-Love you.

[Will singing "Happy Birthday" in Spanish]

[Cashay] I'm so happy it's your birthday
and you're here.

Then you watch me move…[/i]

The morning of all mornings.


Take the hour[/i]
Take the hour[/i]

-Feliz cumpleaños.
-[Korey] [/i]Feliz cumpleaños.

-[Trina] Oh, really?

I'm wide awake[/i]

-♪ Mmm, mmm[/i]

-[Trina] Morning. How are you?
-[Cinco] Good, you?

-[Trina] Good, thanks.
-[Cinco] Looks k*ller.

Thanks. You're not getting it back.

[Cashay, quietly]


Another day on this beautiful
Love Island[/i], my ladies.

Now, let's make the most of that.

Let's strengthen those romances

and strengthen those friendships.

[narrator] Easy for you to say, Kyra.[/i]

When Will isn't massaging your feet,
he's meditating or eating alone.

He doesn't turn his head
for giant waterfalls,

let alone another girl.

Get a move on.


[narrator] Now, Cinco.[/i]
How will he ever settle on one girl?[/i]

He can't even decide where to sit down.

Park it, Croc-star.

Thank you.

So, yes.

For me this is kind of awkward,
this morning. Um…

How was last night?
Going to sleep, was it weird?

Last night,
I didn't even really want to talk.

I was like, "I'll just talk to her
in the morning."

"Let me think. Clear my head."

But today, I woke up this morning…
All kissy, lovey-dovey and stuff, like…

I don't know. I just felt kind of awkward.

Especially after the conversation
I had with Cash, so…

To be honest, man,
I don't even know how to go about it.

You have stronger feelings for Cash,
obviously. Do you know what I mean?

But you're with Trina,
so you're trying to keep both happy.

It's definitely
a weird situation to be in.

I feel like if you wait,

-you sh**t yourself in the foot.
-That's true.

Definitely… Trina will be… obviously,
like, distraught at the beginning.

But, she'll get over it.
Do you know what I mean?

If you don't do what's best for you,
you don't put yourself first,

you're defeating
the purpose of this process.

-Do you know what I mean?
-Yeah, like…

[phone chimes]

I got a text!


[man] Let's go, let's go, let's go.
Get a move on.

[man 2] Let's get it. Let's get it!

[reading text]


I'm the king, you're the k*ller[/i]
I'm coming out like a winner[/i]

[upbeat music playing]

[Cinco] "#BrewsAndBros, #NoChicksAllowed."


[narrator] It's[/i] Love Island,
and the guys just learned[/i]

they're leaving on a boys-only adventure.

They're excited because

they'll be weaving tapestries
expressing their feminine sides.

JK, it's going to be bro-ey.

-Bye, boys.
-Bye, boys.

-Boy, bye.
-See you, sunshine.

-Bye, boys.
-See you.

You all have fun without us.

You all have fun.

One, two, three…

[men shouting]

Bros day out. Let's do this. Finally!

No girls allowed.

[Will] Look at him,
he's warming up now. Look.

Warm up. Warm up, baby. Yes.

Yes. And look at his face.

[all] Boys day!

Let's get it!


♪ Get ready ♪

♪ Get ready ♪

♪ Get gone ♪

♪ Get gone ♪

Why was Trina crying yesterday?

[Cashay] I forgot to tell you guys, but…

Um, he told her that
he does have feelings for me still.

[Shannon] How did you forget
to mention that?

Because everything was so romantic.

Um, he said that
he, like, told her everything, like…

his conversation with me.
Like, how he feels. Um…

The connection he still feels with me
and all that stuff. He told her.

But, um, if new guys do come in here,

I don't want to be so, like,
focused on Cinco and closed off.

-[Shannon] Trust the process.

-I'm just excited for today.
-Me too.

It's like
I want to get my mind off things,

but I have unresolved things
to accomplish.

Wait, what were you going to talk
to Cinco about?

About our conversation yesterday.

We feel the same
that our relationship right now

-is kind of stagnant.

And then he told me
about his conversation with Cash

and how she finally expressed that she
still has strong feelings for him.


I kind of just wish, like,
we left on a good note

before he took off.

[Kyra] Mm-hmm. Well, do you think
you guys left on not a good note?

[Trina] It's a little--
it's a little odd right now.

I'm not really too worried about
other girls coming into the villa anymore.

I'm just more worried about
mine and Cinco's

-potential relationship.
-Or new guys.

What about new guys,
if new guys came in?

Eh. No.

-I don't know.
-That how you feel?

I've been through so much
with Cinco already.

I don't feel like doing that
with another man,

and I'm still invested
into making this work with him.


So, boys are so focused on boys day out,

brews boys.

But us girls are going to have
a b*mb time in the villa by ourselves.

Might I add, just the five OGs.

Without anybody, this whole villa is ours.

Do you think the guys
are actually going to talk

about their relationships and stuff?

Or do you feel like
they're just going to try to wild out.

Hopefully, both.

I think it's good for the guys
to have guy time,

get out of the villa,
away from the girls and actually…

-[phone chimes]

-I got a text!
-Oh, my God!

-Oh, my God!

[all screaming excitedly]

-What? Read it.
-What? Oh, my God!

-Stop. Read it!

-I can't open it.
-[Kyra] Read!

Oh, my God. Are you guys ready?

[all screaming excitedly]


Oh, my God!



Oh, my God.

-Casa, Casa, Casa…
-Oh, my God!

[girls chanting] Casa, Casa, Casa…

[all cheering]

Oh, my God.

-Pack a bag.

Guys, let's go.

♪ We're looking for good vibes… ♪

Five new guys. This is a big deal.

I'm freaking excited!

I can't imagine how hot
the guys are going to be.

Oh, my God. This is crazy.

-Thank God, you and I are single.
-Thank God!

I deserve love.

Boys, watch out.

[Kyra] The guys
are just going to come back here

and not know we're here?

Not my problem.

I'm going to go to Casa Amor.
I'm going to have an amazing time.

It's crazy that I just had
this conversation with Cinco last night.

I'm glad that that happened.

If, last night, he was like,
"Okay, I choose you,"

I wouldn't be able
to experience Casa Amor.

But, well, he didn't.

-I would've stayed loyal.
-[Shannon] Things happen for a reason.

So I'm going to just do me
like I'm single.

I feel like things
are actually going to get weird.

-Wait, this is Cinco's.
-This is it.

[Cashay] It's just going to be
kind of naughty

and I mean, like, a little exciting.

And not that I'm not excited, you know.
It's just scary.

I want Will.
Will is so gorgeous, so perfect.

I don't need to see other guys.
Like, I got my guy.

I wrote "Flaquita plus Will,"
and that's what he calls me.

Girls, this is going to change everything.

I think I want to leave something.

I'm going to put my thong lingerie
that I wore to the Hideaway.

[Cashay] Yes!

This is going to be the ultimate test
to see where we stand.

-Are you guys ready? Let's freaking go!

Let's go!


[all] Casa Amor!

-We're so ready!
-We're ready, baby.

[upbeat music playing]

[all cheering]

[narrator] Coming up…[/i]

[Arielle] There are five smoking-hot boys
here. Shall we meet them?

[all] Yes!

[narrator] Amor guys. Amor girls.[/i]


Lots amor drama.

Amor-ica, it's Casa Amor.

It's just a party[/i]

[narrator] Welcome back[/i]
to Bro Island, bro.[/i]

The girls got Casa Amor
and a rad, classic whip but whatevs.

We got suds, spuds, and buds.

[Korey] I haven't had french fries
in forever.

So you're not going to say grace?
That's great.

-Goes right for the fry.
-[Cinco] God, bless the food.

It's crazy.

Cheers for a boys' day,
you know what I'm saying?

Getting this done yesterday, showing the
girls what's up. Let's enjoy the time.

-Let's enjoy this.

-Cheers, mate.

It feels really good to be with you guys
outside of the place.

Do you miss Kyra?

Not that much.
I mean, it's like a short time…

I mean, we see each other 24/7, man.
It's nice to have other… you know?

-Right. It's healthy. You need that space.
-It is really healthy.

How do you feel about the situation
with Cash and Trina?

Yeah. I have been a couple
with both of them

and the way I was with Cash,
I feel like it was better for me.

I was more happy. I was more vibrant.

If you're feeling these feelings too,
you need to act on them and tell her.

-Do you now what I mean?

And not wait, because if you wait
you don't know what's going to happen.

Yeah, man.

What's up with you and Shannon
at this point?

Obviously, you guys have been pretty
much inseparable since the beginning, so…

There's just certain things
she keeps bringing up

about her insecurities,
um, about her trusting me

and I don't want to have
to keep proving myself to someone.

-Like being on my knees.
-[Will] That's what I was going to say.

Like, begging.
Like, "Okay do you trust me?"

-Yeah, proving, proving.
-I want someone

who genuinely trusts me

and if new girls come in
and they want to pull me for chats,

I am 100% open to getting to know them.

But you never know what's going to happen.

Just live in the moment for this.

-Right. Let's do it.

-All right.

[upbeat music playing]

I just gotta do what I do[/i]
And be who I am[/i]

And be somewhere that I wanna be[/i]

Gotta run where I go[/i]
And feel what I feel[/i]

Even if you don't agree[/i]

I gotta live, live, live, live[/i]

[narrator] Take a look at Casa Amor.[/i]

It's got everything an OG girl needs.

Pool? Yep. Waterfall? Of course.

Makeup room? You know it.
And beds to sleep alone comfortably

or on top of the person
you're cheating on your guy with.

[woman] What's that?

-Look at this infinity pool.
-This is so beautiful.

-[Kyra] Just like a dream!
-[woman] This is just like a dream.

[woman] Shut up.

-[all chattering]

-Oh, my God!
-This is so freaking huge.

-[all] Whoo!
-[woman] Oh, my God.

Check it out. Shower room, guys.

[all] Ooh.

-[woman 1] It says, "Stay cool."
-[woman 2] Not bad.

I mean, this place, like… I almost
could say it's better than the villa.

-[woman] This is so cute. "Girl g*ng."
-[woman 2] This is adorable.

-[woman 3] Okay, let's keep going.
-Let's walk it out.

This is like… Look, the bedroom!

[all cheering]

"Come as you are."

Okay, Shannon, Cashay…

We're next to each other!

Casa Amor,
I feel like we're living in paradise.

It is just beautiful.

[Kyra] We're about to have
some intimate moments.

[Cashay] Guys, this place is set up
to fall in love.

"Aloha, Hawaii." One, two, three…

[all] Aloha, Hawaii!

We can spend forever[/i]
Here in paradise…[/i]

[narrator] Aloha, Hawaii.[/i]
And aloha, Arielle Vandenberg.[/i]

-Hey, girls.
-Oh, my God!

-Come on!
-[Cashay] Join us.

-[Arielle] Don't mind if I do.
-[Kyra] The queen is here.

-I love these little fresh-faced babes!

Welcome to Casa Amor.


I think this place is so intimate,
and I love that.

So, how are you guys feeling
without the boys being here?

Are you having
a little bit of withdrawals?

-A little bit.
-Fortunately for me, I am good.

-Are you panicking?
-Just a tad. Yes, I am panicking.

But I'm here to meet the new guys
and I'm excited to see what it's about.

-Love that.
-[Trina] Thank you.

That's what you guys should do here.
That's what it's all about.

-And then you got saved the other day?

I'm so excited.
I feel like, now, I have no doubts

that following my heart
is the only way to go about this.

[women] Yeah.

[Olivia] This is my chance.

A newfound confidence in myself,
knowing what I want to go after.

Kind of restarting day one.

[Arielle] I kind of feel like we should go
somewhere that isn't raining.

-Should we go under cover?

-Let's go inside. Come on.
-Let's switch the language up, ladies.

[Arielle] Okay, the boys are not going
to be alone.

They are going to meet
five brand-new girls.

♪ Let me take it right from the start ♪

How do you feel about that?

-You don't like it?
-I don't.

-Not too much.
-Not at all.

Have fun, ladies!

Keep my bed warm.
I'm here, and I'm present.

Let's have a good time.
Like, are you kidding?


I just don't want girls sleeping
in my bed.

-[woman] Oh.
-[Arielle] Don't you worry.

They're not the only ones
that get to have some fun around here.

You think I would just leave you all
on your own?

There are five smoking-hot boys here too.

[Kyra] Stop. Oh, my goodness!

-Yeah. So shall we meet them?
-[all] Yes!

-Oh, my God.
-Let's do it. Bring in the boys.

[rousing rock music playing]


[narrator] It's Casa Amor,[/i]

which is Spanish for Casa Amor.


After a little champagne,

we've served the girls up
something much stronger.

It's time to get drunk on hunk.

-So shall we meet them?
-[all] Yes!

-Oh, my God.
-Let's do it. Bring in the boys.


Burnin it up[/i]
I got the fire in me[/i]

Nothing won't stop my victory[/i]

[Gabe] My name's Gabe. I'm 27.

I live in Miami,
and I'm a model and personal trainer.

Why wouldn't the ladies want me
in the house?

I am a giant nerd in, like, a Chad's body.

[laughs] You know, like,
someone who's tall, handsome, fit…

I'm sorry. I'm supposed to be humble.

Shannon, are you ready to trade in
that 2020 model for a 2021?

Because I'm coming for you.

[Raul] What's good? I'm Raul.
I'm 24 years old from Miami, Florida

and I'm a pro basketball player.

I'm the life of the party,
always the one dancing,

jumping around, and being lit.

Y'all boys better hold on tight

because y'all girls is definitely
gonna catch

a different type of wave when I come in.

My name is Kam.
I am 25 years old, from New Jersey

and I am
an exercise science graduate student.

I bring excitement. A lot of flair

and I do love art,
so once I'm in, I'm all in.

My confidence, my style, and my charisma.

I think a lot of those things will help me

potentially win over Kyra
and dethrone Will.

[Andrew] I'm Andrew. I'm 29 years old.

I'm head of marketing
and athlete management

and I'm from Scranton, Pennsylvania.

I'm very sarcastic,
I love cracking jokes.

If you have a good smile,

I am going to do everything I can
to keep that smile on your face.

Everyone's getting too comfy.

I'll walk in there and show these women
what chivalry really is all about.

And that's it. It's a wrap.

[Charlie] My name is Charlie.
I'm 30 years old

and I'm from Houston, Texas.

I own a semi-trucking company.

I'm in shape. I look good.
I am the total package.

When I walk into that villa, the only head
I want to turn to me is Cashay.

I'm coming for you, baby.

-Oh, my goodness.

-What's up?
-How are you guys?

-[Arielle] Girls, meet the boys.

-What's up, ladies?
-[Shannon] Hey.


[Arielle] All right, girls. This is Raul,

-Kam, Charlie…

[Arielle] …Gabe and Andrew.

[girls] Hi.

All right.
So Charlie, anyone catch your eye?

I mean, Cashay is catching my eye.


And his eyes are… [laughs]

They're very handsome.

I'm ready to get to know
each and every one of you.

[Olivia] You guys all look very confident.
You're all standing very tall.

You look like you are ready to,
you know, tear this place up.

You have no idea.


I'm going to leave you guys
to get to know each other.

And, you know, enjoy the boys.

And maybe, hey, if you like them enough,

you just might want to keep them.
[smacks lips]

All right.
Well, I will see you guys very soon.

-[girls] Bye.
-[Arielle] Bye, guys.

Nice to meet you and have a good day.
Okay, see you later.

Hey, guys, how are you?

-Nice to meet you. Raul.
-You too. Olivia. Nice to meet you.

-Kyra. It's nice to meet you.
-It's Gabe.

Oh, my God. These boys are so hot.

I can't wait to get to know them.

And I'm here to have a good time.

I miss Will, but I'll see him soon.

Ooh, y'all are men.

I have a question.
Who are you guys thinking about,

and who do you have your eye on?

-Let's get into the nitty-gritty.
-Get down to business.

I mean, I'm sitting next to her, so…


I have the same answer, so…

-Oh, really?

Oh, my God. I sat in the right place.

I mean, you're all beautiful
and you look even better in person.

I mean, I definitely sat here on purpose.

[both chuckle]

-What are you looking at me for?
-You know what I'm about to say

because it's you. Stop playing.

-I got my eye on Cash, man.
-Aw, thank you.

-Where is…
-Oh, me.

-We know, babe.
-We already know, yeah.

We already knew.

[Cashay] I definitely want
a guy to come in

and be like, "I'm interested in you,"

and then show me that.

And yes, they both have,
Charlie and Raul, and I love that.

But that doesn't mean my feelings
for Cinco magically disappeared.

And, I say I have my eyes
on Kyra, for sure.

[Kyra] Oh, really?

We do, we do.

You guys seem like you go after
what you want, which is refreshing.

How about top three attributes
of what you're looking for in a girl.

I think a sense of humor
is super important.

Respect. Trustworthy,

because you need somebody
to have your back all the time.

Somebody that is family-oriented
and somebody with drive

because I've got
a lot of ambitions in life

and a lot of stuff
I want to do in my life,

so I need somebody
who's gonna be there with me.

Somebody that keeps me on my toes,
keeps me excited.

That's definitely something
that does it for me.

Five new guys. Different vibes.

I definitely
want to do things differently.

Normally, I guess my old self
would be like,

"Absolutely not, not my type"
and shut down.

But I do want to give everyone
a fair chance in here,

so that's what I'm going to do.

-New vibe, new experience.
-New vibes. This is a new vibe tribe.

You're getting deeper already, right?

We are talking about our feelings
more than ever.

In Casa Amor,
there are absolutely no tears.

Like, let's grow up…
[fake crying] and not cry here.

[all laughing]

[narrator] Coming up…[/i]

[upbeat music playing]


[upbeat music playing]

[narrator] Welcome back![/i]

The OG girls aren't the only ones
being tempted by temptation.

And they're not the only ones
who look hot on a gravel driveway.

Say hello to the new girls
hitting the villa.

Let the smoke show begin!

["I'm So Confident"
by Photronique playing]

I'mma show you something[/i]
You ain't seen before[/i]

Everybody talking[/i]
Like they think they know[/i]

But I'm the real deal, baby[/i]
Yeah, for sure[/i]

Hi, I'm Genevieve, but all my friends
call me Genny with a G.

I'm 22 years old,
and I'm from Pennsylvania.

I'm really confident,
so I'm not that scared of competition.

So, I'm just going to go for it
and not let anyone get in my way.

It's a difficult situation
because I do know Shannon from home,

and then I am attracted to Josh.

But I'm not really intimidated
because I have the three important Bs,

beauty, brains, and boobies.

Bad, bad[/i]
I'm so confident[/i]

I'm Leslie. I'm 24 years old,
and I am from Texarkana, Texas.

I'm not your typical country girl.

I guess I'm just looking for somebody
that can keep up with my lifestyle.

I don't hold back, so I'm just going
to come and take my man

who's unproblematic, sweet, funny.

I don't like drama.
I just want to make out with everybody.


My name's Isabel. I'm 21 years old,
and I am from Minneapolis, Minnesota.

I've never been in, like, an official,
actual relationship.

I will ghost every guy for any reason.

I am very interested in Korey.

The muscles, the tattoos.
Like, how is no one jumping on him?

While the girls are away,
the guys are going to play,

and this Minnesota girl
will definitely keep them warm.

My name is Kay.
I'm 24, and I'm from South Florida.

With dating,
I feel like I'm the perfect package

but I've been delivered
to the wrong doorstep.

I'm physically attracted to Cinco.

I like how masculine
and assertive he seems to be.

I feel like everyone
should keep their options open

because there's a lot of fish in the sea

and to be honest with you,
I'm the best fish.

k*ll the competition, like[/i]
Just like that[/i]

My name is Flo,
but you can call me Flo-money.

It's my little alter ego.

I do know my worth,

and every time I date a guy,
my standards go up.

I'm 26 now, so I'm looking for somebody
who is mature, who's a gentleman

and just knows how to treat a woman.

These girls have had it so easy

and once I come in there like a tsunami,
I'm going to flood the villa.

They're so bad[/i]
They are so confident[/i]

[girls cheering]

-Oh, my God.
-We're home!

We're home, honey.

I don't know which direction I want to go.

Is this a door? That's not a door.

-Wait, what's a…
-Let's go down here.

Oh, my God. This is the boys' stuff.

-[Leslie] They're messy.
-[Isabel] They are messy.

Why does this say "Flaq…"

Flaquita and Will?

-Who wrote that?
-[Kay] Let's wipe it off.

[all gasping]

What if she was just trying to be nice?

-They're not here.
-This is our villa.

-It is our villa.
-Oh, yeah.

Okay, let's go outside.

[narrator] That's not stirring the pot.[/i]

That's stirring it,
throwing it across the room,[/i]

and then setting the pot on fire.

Where my mans at?

-Guys, I think I spy champagne.
-It's so pretty.

-Where's everybody at?

Who's popping the bottle?

The villa is amazing!

It's so colorful and vibey.

You just want to start
a make-out sesh somewhere

because there's so many, like, hot,
sexy little places.

You got it.

[all cheering]

I probably should not be
the one pouring this.

-[woman] It's okay. You got it.
-Honestly, just hand me the bottle.

-Just pouring it straight into the head.
-Cheers to us.

Team villa, baby!

[all cheer]

-[phone chimes]
-I got a text, guys.

-[girls cheer]
-Oh, my God! It's starting.

[reading text]


I feel bad for the girls.

I wish the guys would get here though.
I'm excited.

-Yeah, let's talk about the boys.
-Okay, yeah.

I can go.

Korey for sure. I've had my eye on him
since the beginning.

I'm going to pounce on him.
If anyone else wants him, game on.

[Kay] He does seem really sweet.
When he got his heart broken…

I was like, I just want to give him a hug.

I feel so bad.

-His eyes are gorgeous.
-He's a beautiful guy

inside and out. You can tell.

What do you guys think about the boys
that are super coupled up?

Will is the epitome of the type of guy
I go after.

Definitely hoping
to bring him out of his shell.

He has stayed faithful so far,

but I'm really interested
to see, like, what he does.

Do you think
Josh is going to stay loyal to Shannon?

He would be the type of guy
I would definitely go for in real life.

But, I'm trying to not [/i]go
for the douchebag child, so…

-Go hard or go home.
-One hundred percent.

We're in a great situation right now.

The boys really don't know
what storm is coming.

Storm team villa.

-[man] The champ is here.
-[man 2] Whoo!

[Cinco] Where they at? Where they at?

-No one there.

-Let's go poolside.
-It's too clean. It's too clean.

Yeah, something is going on.

-Hey, be quiet.
-Where are they, hiding?

-Bro, cool it.
-Oh, my God. It's all new girls.

Oh, my God. It's new girls. Go, go!

-I feel like some of the people…

-Wait, what?
-It's the boys.

-You're lying.

No it was.
I swear to God, it was Josh and Will.

[women shouting] Boys!

It's all new girls. That's why they left.

-Oh, my God.
-Yo, they're damp.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God. I didn't have time
to touch up my hair.


The king's back! [shouting]

I am ecstatic.

It's happening! It's happening!

[Cinco] We've got five new girls
in the villa, I had no clue about

and I was like, "Dang."


-What up, ladies?
-[Flo] Hi.


-How are we doing?
-Oh, my God.

Nice to meet you.

[Josh] God! You guys look amazing.
How are you doing? I'm Josh.

-Nice to meet you.
-Nice to meet you. What's your name?


-Yeah. Thank you.
-I like that name.

These girls are scientifically made.
How does your body even look like that?

It's crazy. It blows my mind.

-You all are beautiful.
-Nice to meet you.

-How are you? You smell good.
-Thank you.

-[Korey] I love your hair.
-Thank you.

-You guys look good.
-Thank you. So do you guys. Damn!

Hi. Isabel.


We were not expecting this at all.

I mean… I'm going to be honest.

These women are beautiful.
These women are stunning.

Okay. This one is yours.
Flo, do you want some?

[Korey] Oh, my God.

This day just keeps getting better
and better.

[woman laughs]

You all took your sweet time, huh?

-We did. We were wilding out.
-Our first boys' day out.

Yeah, we were not expecting this.

It was definitely a good surprise,
for sure.

So where are you guys from?
Let's start with you.

I'm from Pennsylvania, but I'm
in the process of moving to Miami.

-How old are you?

PA, 22, what's your name again?

Genny. Genny with a G.

Yeah, my name is Genevieve.

-I'm Flo…

…from Miami. I was born in Germany,
but I live in Miami.

-[Will] Is Flo short for something?

-Florence? Nice.

Okay, I'm Isabel.
I'm 21, so I'm the baby of the group.

I'm from Minnesota,
if you guys even know where that is.

-[Cinco] No way. I went to school there.
-You did? Where?

University of Minnesota.

-That's where I go.
-No, you don't.

-Yes, I do.
-[Genevieve] Shut up.

Oh, God. We probably know
the same people.

-[Cinco] Yeah, we probably do.
-That's crazy that you went there.

My name is Kay. It's short for Kaitlyn.

I'm 24.
From South Florida, Fort Lauderdale.

But I live in Calabasas, California
right now. So, yeah.

I'm Leslie. I'm 24 years old
from Texarkana, Texas originally.

-It's a super small town.

But, I've lived in LA
for the past two years.

Already this is the most perfect birthday.

Like, five new girls and, like… [laughs]

My birthday is today, actually.

Happy birthday!

We are your birthday presents.

[Isabel] Wait, we should have saved
some champagne. I feel bad.

You'll get a birthday lap dance.

How do you guys feel with
the relationships you guys are in now?

[narrator] LOL.[/i]

You know, me and Shannon
have been coupled up since day one.

We have a great relationship, honestly.

You know, there is
a little bit of like a trust issue

just based off, like, things
that I've done early on in the villa.

-That's where I'm at.
-Want to know something?

Shannon's little sister is my best friend.


-So, I know Shannon really well.
-[Josh] So you have the inside scoop?

A little bit, yeah.

I know it's crazy. What a small world.
We both got out here.

Maybe years in the past, I would be
easily persuaded by beautiful women.

But, I believe
that this is a great opportunity

again for me to prove to her
that I am 100% committed.

-You're next.
-Me and Kyra,

we are in a really nice position.

We're building something
really interesting.

But, you never know if someone comes
in and maybe I feel a stronger chemistry,

-but I don't know.
-Have you kissed anybody else?

-Yeah, we've all kissed.
-Yeah, everyone.

[Cinco] I feel I've got the most,
not complicated, but weirdest situation.

-Right now? Yeah.

Trina. You know, we coupled up.
I've been with her for a while

then felt like the connection with Cash

just clicked a lot better
than me and Trina's.

And so right now, I'm in limbo.

I basically decided that I need to have
a conversation with both Cash and Trina

and tell Trina how I feel.

The connection I had with Cash
is a little stronger.

I would feel a lot better myself
if I was able to have those conversations

before it costs us.

But I'm trying to be
as less as pessimistic as possible.

Yeah, they can both make connections there

and that leaves me
up a creek really without a paddle.

I felt like Florita and I
made something really special.

We had a good connection.

Obviously, I'm a little sad that she left
because we had something very real.

But obviously she's gone,
so I'm completely single.

-So, I'm definitely…
-[Flo] So are we. [laughs]

Yeah, exactly. I'm a free man, so…

I think all of you
need to take more risks.

That's what you think?

I think none of you guys are risk-takers.

You don't think so?
Don't think I'm a risk-taker?

[Josh] It doesn't seem
like these girls really care

that, you know, some of us
are in relationships already.

Everything you said was a game[/i]

About to test you all. I'll tell you that.

Yeah, it's a good test, you know.
You're going to test our feelings.

Baby, what you wanna do?[/i]

[upbeat music playing]

[narrator] It's Casa Amor.[/i]

The sexy side house where temptation rules

with a tyrannical iron fist.

Now, like a support group
for amateur mimics,

the girls discuss their first impressions.

What's everyone's thoughts?

Gabe is, like, looks wise…
That's the first guy that I looked at

where I was like, "Okay."

Gabe, he is gorgeous,
and he's completely my physical type.

But, I miss Josh,
and I don't want to feel like that,

and I want to be as open as I can.

Shannon is definitely my type, to a T.

Yeah, yeah. Like…

I just love blondes.
I don't know what's up with me, but…

You ain't gonna be
the only one talking to her, brother.

Nah. Hey.

The real question is,

how do you feel about, where she stands

versus what you can do here in Casa Amor?

I mean, none of us really know
exactly where she's at with Josh.

[man] Yeah, sure.

But just trade him in for the new version.

-You know? Like…

We're similar. I'm just the 2.0.

I like the boy sitting next to you
with the tattoos.

[Cashay] With the nose piercing?

I'm definitely going to get
to know Charlie. He seems amazing.

He seems like a really good guy.
Like a really good prospect, I guess.

-There's no red flags…
-One hundred percent.

…he's attractive.

You guys have one, sole girl

or do you have
a couple that you think you're looking at?

When I walked in, my initial…
You know, Cash.

Cash, walking in. But again,
I am going to talk to everybody.

The reason I like Cash is because
she seems mad open and mad fun.

The time with her,
I feel like you can enjoy yourself.

Like with me, I like being goofy.

She seems like that type.
Are you feeling me?

Her vibe is just going to be open.

How she was saying that she's going
to be twerking in the club, this and that.

-She has a good vibe.
-I like that energy.

That's what I need.

Yeah, I came in here with an open mind.

You're all laughing.

-No, I'm not.
-Not at you.

-And I still…
-Not at you, babe.

And I still
do want to get to know everybody

because with the five guys
that came in here,

we saw such a different side of them
as the days went on, you know? So…

Where Kyra stands right now with Will,

they've definitely gotten comfortable.

That's cool and all. But I feel
like I can definitely wiggle my way in.

And the way that she was talking,
seems like she was open.

All we have to go on, right now,
is physical attraction.

I would say that the only people
I can vibe with are Kam and Charlie.

I like Olivia, I'm not going to lie.
The way she was speaking, her energy,

I don't know. Something clicked.

-She's surprising.

-I want to walk in with an open mind.
-One hundred percent.

-Got to have an open mind.
-[Kam] Exactly, so it's like

I've got my eye on her,
but at the same time,

I'm open to all conversations
and dialogue, because…

-They're all attractive.
-Yeah, that's what I'm saying.

I didn't see no rings on those fingers.

You don't own me!

These are the guys that we got
for Casa Amor

-and what if the girls are just hot?
-Hot as hell? I know.

Who knows, dude?
Now I'm, like, all over the place.

It's annoying.

[narrator] Are the OG girls[/i]
really questioning[/i]

if the new girls are hot or not?

Is this Truck Stop Island [/i]or Love Island[/i]?

Come on! The new girls are hot
and the boys are definitely noticing.

Especially Korey.

[in Spanish]

You look super happy, man,
super excited. Your face…

I am happy. Obviously, every one
of them are like, "What the freak?"


These are purebred from
a different continent that we never…

Like, I didn't even understand…
First of all, Flo, like,

how does that body even, like,
happen like that?

Like Genevie-vie.



Yeah, that's top three for sure.

Leslie, she just looks wild.
We're about to get kicked out of here.


That's that risky, dangerous stuff
that I like.

I feel like our hormones are just raging.

We're lit about everybody.
Let's just be real.

Me, Korey, 100%.

He's just everything I want in a guy.
Whenever we go meet them again,

I'm pulling him for a chat right away.
Just letting you know.

Korey, like, he is just so sweet.
I just want to, like… [squeals] …kiss him.

I can just see myself,
I just want to start a sexy make-out sesh.

Like, his eyes are so beautiful.

I did not like Jeremy, coming in here.

-I was just going to say that. And now…
-He's hot!

That man is sexy.

He looks like the sexy surfer boy.

My man is looking good.

Cinco. I just want to talk to him
and see how the connection is,

see if we vibe and just go from there.

Right now, if all your girls are not here.

Do you know what I mean?
You're not with them.

Your top one girl, right now,
that you're going towards.

-Boom, Leslie. Okay.

For me, Genny and Flo,
but I think Genny is a little bit higher.

It was either her or Flo.

-[Jeremy] Okay. So, for you?
-In no specific order,

-I will say…
-Just top one.


-Are you going to let me answer or not?

Just top one. Top one, top one.


[speaking in Spanish]

The girl with the purple hair
looks interesting.

You said her first.
So, yeah, that's her.

-Okay, Flo…
-[Cinco] Flo definitely.

-Her body goes stupid.

That's all I was looking at.
I'm not going to lie.

-What do they feed you in Germany?
-Wiener schnitzel.

-What the hell's that?
-[in German accent] Wiener schnitzel.

-Is that sausage?
-[in German accent] It's sausage, yeah.

-"Sausage, yeah"?
-[in German accent] The wiener schnitzel.

Cool it with the fake accent.

When did you learn this?

[speaking German]

[narrator] Wiener schnitzel isn't sausage.[/i]

It's a breaded veal cutlet.

But, then again, I was young once,

going around
thinking everything was sausage.

With Will and Josh, does anybody
want to try to give it a chance?

I want to go for Will.
I'm going to just say it.

The Colombian accent. I mean…

Him and Kyra, like, I feel like
they're not super, like, coupled up.

They're not as in love as…
It's just they've had such a small pond.

I feel like he's only
really gotten to know her and that's it.

So I feel like, there's definitely
an opportunity to go for that

because this is the first time
he's really going to have the opportunity

to talk to another girl
without someone hovering over him.

Josh, really cool. But yeah,
he's pretty coupled up with Shannon.

I do love his eyes though.

I didn't think
I would be attracted to him.

But, you know. It's a bit of a challenge,
so I'm, like, kind of up for it.

-I just want to wish you the best of luck.
-Thank you, dude.

I will sincerely pray for you
and we're going to make it through this.

-We got this, dude.
-All right, dude.

Don't come over here, bro. No, no.

Cinco, your situation
just got a lot harder.


I'm sorry.

Honestly, I feel bad
for Josh, Cinco, and Will.



There are a bunch of pretty girls
in this villa.

I was like…


I wish you three the best of luck,

and I just hope
that you guys brought super glue

because these girls,
they seem like savages

and they're going
to try to rip our hearts out.


Tonight, I feel like
it's going to be spicy.

I'm excited.
I'm ready to get in bed with a boy.

The villa is ours, ladies.

So are the men.


Yeah, I'm feeling dangerous[/i]


I'm feeling dangerous[/i]

[Korey] Damn, man.
I wonder what they're doing.

-You know they brought in some fire.
-Oh, yeah.

Six foot, seven.

Already know there's going to be a tall,
dark-skinned dude with dreads.

-I don't even want to think about it.
-Yeah, that's another point.

You know? Like, what about
if Shannon changes her mind?

[Josh] We've had that conversation
and if she does that,

she'd be a hypocrite
because she basically told me last night

there's nobody else
that would change her mind.

Doesn't matter who comes in.

-[Will] Bro, what happened there?
-[Korey] Oh, my God.

Someone left a message. Kyra, probably.

And the girls wiped it away.

[men gasping]

-Kyra definitely left you a message, bro.
-Oh, damn!

-Did she leave me a message?
-The girls wiped it off.

That's cute, actually.

I don't think the girls
have been down here.

-She left a kiss.
-[Will] She left a kiss.

[boys] Aw!

Hey, joke's on you.
That's probably one of the girls upstairs.

[all] Oh!

[upbeat music playing]

All right, my little tiki torches.

It's time for me to tell you
all about the Love Island[/i] app.

It's packed with juicy
and exclusive content

where the tea is spilled officially.

There's polls, quizzes, and games. Oh, my.

And if you've got an appetite
for power over the villa,

you'll be able to vote on dates,
who gets dumped

and ultimately,
which couple wins the $100,000 prize.

So download the app and couple up
with Love Island [/i]now.

Also, I am ready for this kissing booth.

Dang it! Did I miss that challenge?

Whatever. Get me in there.

[upbeat music playing]

On the edge of the world[/i]

[narrator] Welcome back[/i]
to no "relationship is safe" island.[/i]

Cinco's love triangle is in his rearview.

Instead, he's looking at the road ahead
through rose-colored…

well, purple-colored glasses,

courtesy of new girl, Leslie.

-It's a little wet, but it's fine.
-You good?


-I'll take my shades off.
-Thank you for that…

-It's respectful.
-I want to look at your eyes.

-Wow, he has manners.
-Yeah. Yeah, of course.

I'm massive on manners.
I'm from the South.

Of course. I'm from the South too.

Raised from a country family, down South.

I can hear the accent.

-A little bit, for real?
-Yeah, cute.

It comes out sometimes.
I hear the same thing in your voice.

Can tell you're from down South.

-From Texas.

-Born and raised?
-Born and raised.

I moved to LA, um,
two and a half years ago.

And how was that change? Were you like…

I found a lot more open-minded people.

You know, me being the way that I am,

like, I'm very open about my sexuality.

I've never been that type of person
that's, like, scared to say what I feel.

I want to, like,
capture everybody's attention.

I love stuff like that.
And it's just so opposite.

I was definitely intrigued by you,
for real, just by first glance.

-The look and…
-[Leslie] Yeah.

And I don't know
if that's a bad thing to say,

-but I definitely wanted to…
-No, you said the purple hair

and I was like, "Oh, he likes that, huh?"

Of course, definitely.
I like people who stand out.

That's a major compliment.

-I appreciate that.
-Of course. No problem.

[squeals] I was pleasantly surprised
that Cinco pulled me.

He was definitely not on my radar.

I just think that he's got
this sweet Southern charm to him

that I didn't expect.

And, you know, the fact that he chose
to come and speak to me first,

uh, that-- that made me feel really good.

Newly single Jeremy wastes no time[/i]

getting to know new girl Genny
with three Bs.

Let's see if he enjoys her fourth B,

-You're so tan.
-I get-- I get super tan.

-I don't know.
-You look like a beach boy.

Yeah well, I grew up in Florida, actually.

-Did you do any sports?
-Um, yeah, so…

My whole life, I played a bunch of sports.

I enjoyed sports in college.

-I was a swimmer.
-I did gymnastics.

Oh, nice. I did gymnastics for a bit too.

-Yeah, when I was younger.

Nuh-uh, that's awesome.
I love a male gymnast.

-It was fun. It's ridiculous.
-People don't understand how hard it is.

Yeah, that's crazy.
So, I know you're single now.

How are you feeling about that?

Yeah, I mean, I'm still here
and I'm super happy to still be here.

-I'm open to meeting new people.

I'm obviously
looking to make new connections.

-Yeah, definitely.
-And I'm so happy that you guys showed up.

I really wanted to get to know you,
so I'm really glad you pulled me.

Seriously, I was like,
"Oh, my God. Jeremy is so cute."

I thought you guys were all beautiful,

-but I thought you were really beautiful.
-Thank you.

I can't wait to get ready for tonight.

I'm trying to get down and dirty, so…

-I bet you are. [laughs]
-Yeah. [laughs]

[Jeremy] I'm obviously glad
that Genny is interested in me

because out of all the girls,
I have gravitated towards her the most.

It's nice when those things work out,
when you click like that.

It's going to be an interesting night,
I'm sure.

Well, you have
an empty bed tonight, right?

-I do.
-Maybe we can share?

-Yeah? Would you like that?

-If you want.
-I would like that.

Yeah, yeah, I would. I was, uh…

I didn't know when that was going
to come up, but I figured, you know…

-I make the moves. [laughs]
-What a better time.

That's good. I'm, like…
I'm pretty, uh, bad at making first moves.

No, I'm super glad,
and we'll obviously get to chat.

Yeah, definitely. When I look better.

I'm surprised that you can look
better than you do right now.

Believe me. I can.

That's going to be hard. I don't know.

[Genevieve] When I first came in here,

I thought Jeremy was maybe going
to be an A-hole.

But, now that I talked to him,
is it too soon to say I'm in love?

He is just so sweet,
and, like, so tan and dreamy.

I already asked him to share a bed
so, I really jumped right in there.

[serene music playing]

[narrator] At Casa Amor, Shanna Montana[/i]

could reinvent herself with new boy, Gabe.

Hey, remember when her partner,
Josh, was like,

"It's okay to talk to other people,"

and she was like, "No, it ain't." [laughs][/i]
Following your own rules is tricky.

[Shannon] This is just so beautiful here,

and we are, um…
just happy to have you guys.

Well, I'll just say, right off the bat,
um, you're my type to a T

because the physical attraction
is definitely there

but seeing if we, kind of, vibe.

Same. I mean, you're definitely my type,

Um, I usually like tall,
darker features, handsome.

Your eyes are beautiful.

-Yours too. Like…
-Um, thank you.

So, where do you kind of stand with Josh?

We're good. Josh and I are good.
There's no complaints there.

Um, but we're not married.

I came into this saying
I was going to try and be open-minded.

I don't know really
where my head is at right now

-and I just…
-[Gabe] Yeah.

I'm brutally honest.

-[Gabe] I love that.
-I have no filter.

No, you say that now.

You say that now,

-and then you'll be like…
-Lay it on me.


Like, "I don't know
how I feel about her," or "she's mean"

or something like that.

-I can't fake a vibe.
-[Gabe] No, I love it.

Um, being open and honest
is super important.

-I pretty much only have eyes for you.

-So, take that as you will.

You make me come alive[/i]

[narrator] Back at the villa, Korey[/i]
is chatting with one of the new girls[/i],

and Isabel is aggressive
when it comes to flirting.

I hope they don't notice
I'm in the laundry basket.

[Korey] So, let's hear this Isabel story.

I can't believe you're 21, first of all.

That's fine. I like my older men, so…


Um, your eyes are just…

I'm looking and I'm like, "Oh, my God.
You're going to k*ll me."

You've got better eyes than me.

-Yours are green. Let me see.

-Are these real?

You've definitely been my, like, top pick.

-Really? Let's get it.
-Person I'm most interested in.

And, I mean, like first of all,
you're just so physically attractive

with the tattoos, the arms, like…

-Oh, my God. Um…
-I appreciate it.

But you're also so, like,
genuine and, like, nice and, like…

I was like, "All these girls in here
have underestimated you."

-I was like, "Put me in, please."

Yeah, it's definitely been rough.
I keep getting saved as friends.

-I'm in here to change that, so…
-All right. Confidence, I like that.

I know what I want.

-I go for what I want.

Let them know. I'm all for you.

-I have been.

You're in here, confident,

and talking to you,
talking about you know what you want,

-I was like, "All right."

-We'll see. We'll see.
-"We'll see." Okay, okay.

No, we'll definitely have
a lot more time to talk. So…

Well, I'd love to hop in your bed later…

-All right.
-…if you let me.

-Really? Okay.
-Yeah, we could do that.

[upbeat music playing]

[breathing heavily]
That girl is aggressive.

Off the rip, just, like,
telling me how it's going to go down.

I'm like, "What in the world is this?"

But I think when
a girl knows what she wants

and does not care about any consequences,

I like that. That's a turn-on.

-Yeah, I'll definitely talk to you later.
-Okay. Yeah.

[upbeat music playing]

Now, every day and every night[/i]

[narrator] Welcome back to[/i] Love Island.

Everyone has their own way
of marking their territory.

Terrible people leave gum under the table.

Great people leave money and cheesecake.

OG girls write messages in lipstick

and leave lingerie
in the closet you rarely use

because you're shirtless anyway.


-Why is that here, bro?

-[laughs] What?
-Why is that here?

Yo, what is this…

-That's Cash.
-Both of these?

That's Cash, yeah.

-She sleeps with that.
-But, she sleeps with that,

so why is it in your closet?

Oh, my God.
That's a sign for you to think about her

when you're in the bed,
snuggling with one of these.

-Look if Trina left you something.
-Yo, what? Did she?

Maybe her panties.

[all chuckle]

[Cinco] I definitely had the thought
that Cash, not knowing where I stand

in me wanting to pursue that connection
that we had before,

that could play a role in her finding
another connection with somebody else.

But at the same time,
I'm not trying to dwell on it.

Bro, I'm, like, stuck in it right now.

[Josh] No? Let's hear it.

-Wait, who are you talking to?
-I talked to Genny.

She seems really nice, honestly.
Really down to earth, which I like.

She's obviously beautiful, but, um…

For real, she was like, "How about
we sleep in the same bed tonight?"

"I want to sleep in the bed with you."

And, you know,
she just popped that question.

Damn. Just out the rip!

That's how Isabel was too.
Like, she was like,

"I'm sleeping in your bed tonight."

I stumbled. I didn't even…
I was like, "Okay."

We don't really get
this type of attention.

For somebody to come off this aggressive.

[Jeremy] They walked in
with suits and briefcases

that said, "We mean business."


[narrator] If they mean business, well,[/i]
it's time to get to work in the villa[/i]

and Casa Amor.

Tonight's fashion theme,
"nightclub that makes me wait

for four hours on the sidewalk
before not letting me in."

God, I wish I knew what was going on
in the villa.

[Will] If they want to come talk to me,
I am completely open to talking to them.

Like having a great conversation
and see where it goes.

Oh, my God. Can we talk about boys?

-[woman] Yes.
-We haven't heard

about your conversation with Cinco.

I didn't know I'd be interested in him.

But I just like his voice.

That's just his voice.

I want to talk to him again and be like,

"Look, I don't want to pursue you
if you're just going to waste my time."

But, he's basically saying
he got a lot out of Trina in the beginning

and then she just stopped trying.

[upbeat music playing]

Baby, if we got each other[/i]
We got everything[/i]

[woman] The men in Casa Amor
are hotter, right?

They're like fire.

-They all are fair game.
-I'm open.

Then we don't need[/i]
The calls of the finer things[/i]

Literally everyone pulled Korey
for a chat.

He is like the sweetest guy ever.

'Cause baby, if we got each other[/i]
We got everything[/i]

♪ Whoa, whoa ♪

I just want to at least use
some mouthwash.

The goal is like you're going out
to a club or something

and you want to shake your ass.

I'm so excited to have
somebody else's tongue in my mouth.

I'm scared, or actually nauseous.

Yeah, I mean why am I feeling nervous?
For what?

Florita's going to be watching.

[man] Damn!

-[man] I like this green.
-[woman] Thank you.

-How are you doing?

-[woman] Good.
-[man] Oh, my goodness. What's up?

[man] Y'all ready for tonight?

Let's roll. Let's roll.

[upbeat music continues]


-[woman] Everyone's looking so good.
-[woman 2] You look so good. All of you.

[all cheer]

[indistinct chatter]

To new friendships
and a great time here at Love Island.[/i]

[all] Cheers!

[man] Cheers to new beginnings,
new friendships

and just a great time here at Casa Amor.

[all] Casa Amor!

[indistinct chatter]

How's everybody's night?

-So good, so far.
-[Kyra] I'm feeling good.

What do you like,
red or white wine better?

-You like red?


-I like white better.

-I like the sweetness a little bit.

I don't like too sweet drinks,
it's a lot for me, but…

If it's, like, chill…

-If it's daytime, I'll take a white wine.

If it's a pasta, I'll do a red.

Yeah, you need to do the red with pasta.

If it's meat, red.

But, like,
go-to drink is definitely tequila.

-One hundred percent tequila girl.

Are you in the position right now
where you're like,

"I want to settle down" or are you like,
"Let me still ride it out a bit"?

I mean, I'm at the point
where I'm ready to be in a relationship.

But I don't want to rush things.
Like, I want to…

I'm waiting for that genuine connection,
so that when I know, I'll know.

You know, you seem like
a very genuine person

that is actually looking for a connection,
and I see that.

-Definitely try and find something.
-[Shannon] Yeah.

-Do you have any pets?
-[Trina] I don't,

but I do want to sneak in a cat,

-You're a cat person?
-Cat person.

-Cats over dogs?

-Guess what kind of dog I have.
-Am I going to laugh?

-Like a Shih Tzu or a Poodle?

-A wiener dog?
-No, I have a Pomeranian.

A Pomeranian? That was going
to be my next one. That's funny.

-Okay, that's cute.
-He's so cute.

-What's his name?

-Bear? Okay.

-He's a puppy.

-I miss him.

-Do you miss him? I bet.

-How are you, Olivia?
-I'm good. How are you?

-Pretty good.

-I like the red.
-Thank you.

So, I know when you're fun,
you're really fun.

-Me? I am.

I feel like you've got a swagger about you

that just exudes
when you're out and about.

Thank you. I have had a hard time,
but I'm strong.

I think that that was in a way needed.
Do you know what I mean?

Because it opens your eyes
to a lot of different things, perspective,

and it kind of, like,
had you come back to, like, Olivia.

-It did.
-Be your genuine self, so…

Oh, my God. It's like you know me.

Kam, he has like a little baby face

and he looks so sweet,
his little smile. He's like, "cheese."

I am a freaking fun-ass person.

There's a reason me and Cashay
are best friends now.

Yes, your energies literally attract.

[Olivia] I also was surprised,
how much he was pursuing me.

It felt good
to be desired by someone, finally.

What are some key things
you're looking for in your next partner?

Before, I wanted someone
that could stand next to me

and make me feel more feminine,

as far as someone that is big and tall
and a big presence.

But now, it's literally erased.
I'm not kidding.

Now, I feel like I am looking for someone
that ignites a fire in my soul

and we can, like,
share the same, like, vibe.

And someone that I can laugh with,
that's my best friend,

but also
I actually have chemistry with them.

-Nothing is forced.

I'm a wild card.

-Hey, it's fine.
-Nothing wrong with that.

[narrator] It's[/i] Love Island,
Casa Amor edition.[/i]

And it's only a matter of time
before we desecrate those daybeds,

but for now, it's just chats.

New boy Andrew makes his move.

Let's see if Cash gives him some credit.

-Are you good or are you soaked?
-It's all right.

Black pants,
you're not going to be able to see it.

-Good, okay. Yeah.
-You good?

Yeah, I am. What's up?

-Nothing. How are you doing?

You know,
you did show interest in Shannon.

Right. I'd definitely want to
have a chat with her.

-Of course. You should.
-But, at the same time,

-I want to get to know you.

-I think you're gorgeous.
-Thank you.

-And I do love the short hair.
-Do you?

-[squeals] Good.
-I think it's a lot better

-than long hair with the wigs.
-[Cashay] Really?

-You look like a Ken doll.
-God. I get that all the time.

You do. When you walked in,
I was like, "Oh, my God, large Ken."

You're confident. And I'm like,
"Oh, my God, he's Ken."

-He's literally a Ken doll.
-Yeah, I get that here and there.

Yeah. I mean, I'm not surprised.

You literally look like a movie star
with your chiseled jawline.

-Jawline there's doing it.

One of the things I can't help but notice,
your smile is so infectious.

Thank you.

-I can't stop looking at it, so…
-You're so sweet.

-You are nice.
-I am very nice.

-I'm actually very nice.
-Okay, good.

My whole thing is, like,
joking around, being sarcastic.

-I like to make people happy.

-I like to see them happy, so…

At the end of the day,
my goal is to keep a smile on your face.

-That's so cute. I love that.

Andrew, he's very complimentative

and I love being complimented

and I love attention. So that was great.

We have the potential
to be really good friends.

There's not that…
that connection there with us.

Uh, I think he's a Ken doll.

[narrator] Fun fact,[/i]
Ken doll is actually considered[/i]

very "complimentative" in some cultures.

New boy Kam is curious to know
all about Kyra's thoughts about him.

So, what would you like to know?
Let's start with that.

Anything specific
that you'd like to know about me?

-Remind me again where you're from?

-Jersey, that's right.
-Yeah, I'm a Jersey boy.

-East Coast kid.
-Yeah so,

what was your reason
or your, like, purpose of coming here?

So, I've been single
for almost two years now.

A little over a year and a half.
So coming into the experience,

ideally I'd like to come out of here
with a plus-one on my arm

I can travel the world
and do all kind of stuff with.

I'm looking to find that connection here,
for sure.

That's definitely something
I also search for,

somebody that knows
what they're looking for

and knows what it feels like.

I'm definitely big
with mental connections.


Being able to get here

before anything else, you know.
Because if we don't connect here

then everything else
is going to fall apart.

-I feel literally the exact same way.
-So, we're clicking for sure with that.

How do you feel right now

with the state of your relationship
and situation with Will?

-Where do you guys stand?
-I'm very happy with that, with him.

-[Kam] For sure.
-But at the same time,

-I don't want to, like, close a door…
-Yeah, definitely.

…and then regret it later and be like,

"Wow, I wish I actually gave that
a chance."

Coming in to the villa,
I did have my eye on Kyra.

I like her vibe, for sure.
At the end of the day, I'm here

and it's also just me and her.
There's no Will factor, so…

she's got all Kam
for however long we're in the villa.

[Kyra] I feel like I could keep talking
to you for so much longer.

-Yeah, conversation flows easily.
-[Kyra] Exactly, I know.

[gasps] Why do your eyes look like that?

[Kyra] Yo, you guys are going to love him.

[scoffs] Ew.

No, no, no, no, no.

-Stop! Don't look at me like that.

That definitely picked up my mood.

I'm like, "That conversation with him
went really well."

-I love that for you, baby.
-Yeah, it was really nice to talk to him.

The connection is forming
and he's amazing and I feel like…

if it wasn't for Will,
I could definitely see potential in him

but, like, he makes me miss Will.

Oh, baby.


-Oh, Kyra.

It's hard because
it makes me think it's like…

If these guys are great here,
like, what are the girls like there?


[narrator] Aw, Kyra misses Will so much,[/i]
she's crying.[/i]

Their hearts communicate telepathically,
and he's overcome with her sorrow.

Oh, wait, he's talking
to the hot new girl, Flo.

Maybe he's crying on the inside.
Like, very inside.

This is actually my spot of meditation
in the morning.

-You like to meditate?
-Yeah, I love meditation.

That's nice.
I tried to get into meditating,

but it's really hard.
So, maybe you could teach me?

Yeah, for sure. And you told me
you're from Germany, right?

Yeah, I was born in Germany.
My mom is from Nicaragua,

-so I speak Spanish.
-Oh, I know it.

[speaks Spanish]

My Spanish is not that good.
Maybe you could teach me that too.

I can teach you,
and you can correct my English.

[Flo] Yeah!

Will is definitely
my number one right now.

He's been my number one coming in here

and I think we do have some chemistry.

Okay, why do you want to talk to me?
Like, you don't think I'm boring?

No. I just feel like
you're very comfortable right now

in the relationship that you're in.

Kyra's really into you and maybe
you don't want to hurt her feelings,

but it is Love Island[/i] and I feel
like you've been a little bit reserved

just because you've been with her so much.

So, I wanted to kind of crack your shell
and see what's under there, you know?

And just, like, get to know you.

Yeah, really interesting.
I am open to talk to everyone and…

-Is she okay with that?
-I mean, we're both okay with that

because we trust each other, but…

-Yeah, I think both of us…
-If you met a girl that you liked,

would you take the risk?

Yeah, I'm going to follow my heart 100%.

[upbeat music playing]

Tell me more about you.
I want to know more about you.

I'm pretty, like, straightforward.
I go for what I want.

And that's why I wanted to talk to you,

so I was like, "I'm definitely going
to grab Will" even though you're…

I really appreciate that.

I like that you're mature.

I like that you're very
in tune with yourself

and that you meditate
and that you're conscious of the world.

And you're vegan. Like, I like that.

-You're beautiful, I'm not going to lie.
-Thank you.

I feel that
you are super nice as a person.

Thank you.

[Will] I have an amazing connection
with Kyra,

and I'm never going to deny that.

But, at the same time,
it is something different,

and I'm going to see what happens.

Want you closer to me[/i]

I just hope that you take a chance.

If you don't explore, you'll never know.
You know?

Want you closer to me[/i]

I hope that we have more conversations
like this.

-Don't be scared. [chuckles]
-I won't be scared.

-I don't bite.
-I know.

[upbeat music playing]

Gonna make you look good[/i]

Whoa, take a second[/i]

[narrator] We're back at Casa Amor,[/i]

the second villa that separates lovers
and makes them insecure.

You know, entertainment.

New boy Charlie
came to Love Island [/i]for the right reasons.

All he wants is the Cash.

So, what's up?

You know, when I walked in, I just
wanted to let you know right at the top,

like, where my mind was at
and where I wanted to be at.

I feel like I'm grown. I know what I want.

So, if I know what I want
then I'm gonna go get it.

What about me interests you?

Your personality. Like…

I love somebody who I can talk to
because naturally…

-You can tell, I'm naturally chill.

But, like, I feel like
I mesh better with somebody

who brings that side out of me,
somebody who is easy to talk to

and who just provides good energy,
you know?

[Cashay] I do like your vibe though,
because I always say

I want someone who balances me out
and levels me.

Charlie intrigues me. And obviously,
I think he's so attractive as well.

Do you want kids, or…

You're hesitating.

-Or not at all?
-No, it's just like, um…

-We don't have to talk about it.
-No, we can. Um, I've…

I've literally never had this conversation
with a guy before.

I was told that it's going to be
really hard for me to have kids.


My biggest fear
is falling in love with someone

and then trying to have kids
and I can't do it the natural way

and it, like, breaks that relationship.

You know, I'm not a woman, so I would
never know how that would feel.

But I feel like, if you were somebody
that's understanding,

-it shouldn't break the relationship.

I'll be like, "Oh, I can't have a kid?
Got to get a surrogate? Cool."

Really? Oh, my God.
You're so chill about it.

-I love that.
-[Charlie] Yeah.

[sentimental music playing]

Sorry, I'm just getting emotional. Um…

This is my first time even having this
conversation with a man.

And, like, it didn't even faze him.

And he kind of lifted that fear from me

of having that conversation
with future men.

Like, I don't even think
he'll ever realize

how monumental that moment was for me.

You know?

How do you even, like, thank someone
for something like that?

Just like a new day[/i]
You bring change[/i]

A miracle in so many ways[/i]

If only you knew[/i]

[narrator] Back at the villa,[/i]
Cinco is already in a love triangle,[/i]

so he probably thinks it's 'kay
to talk to Kay too.

Cinco is working his way up
to cinco [/i]girlfriends.

Good thing his name isn't noventa y cinco.[/i]

-So, I'm interested to know…
-What's up?

[laughing] You've got a lot going on
with your situation.

-But, I mean…
-Yeah, I know.

When you were sitting down,
you did say, like,

you don't know
if you're vibing well with Trina.

Or you said something along those lines,

so, I'm just curious as to why?

It's been cool. Not to get me wrong.
She's a great girl, she's awesome.

I feel like it's kind of progressed,

but at the same time,
not as much as I had wanted it to.

I feel like it's been stagnant
the last couple of days.

So, that's kinda how I've been with that.

Like, I want a fair chance
and a fair shot.

I'm not good with being, like,
second option or second choice.

And I know Cash is, like, still there
also as, like, an option,

but I definitely want to be, like,
a top priority on someone's list.

[Cinco] Kay kind of threw me off
with the conversation

about the top choice
and all the other stuff,

which I definitely get.

Again, it's kind of weighing down on me
being in that triangle again.

I would feel a lot better

if I would've got the situation settled
and out of the way

before the girls came in.

But at the same time,
I've got to make the most of it right now.

I'm not trying to play
with nobody's emotions like that.

That's the last thing I'm trying to do.

-Okay, sounds good. I'm just like…

I don't know. I'm drawn to you. [chuckles]

-So, it's like… you know.

I hear that. I appreciate that.
I'm flattered. Honestly, I really am.

[upbeat music playing]

[Josh] You look great.

-Thank you.
-You're welcome.

You know, we talked as a group to start,

but I didn't really get
a chance to really get to know you.

At first glance,
obviously you're beautiful.

Thank you.

And I was like,
"I definitely want to get to know you."

I'm super family-oriented.
I don't know if you could tell.

-You said you're a Pisces, right?
-I am a Pisces, yeah.

I'm an Aquarius, I'm right before you.

There's a lot of chemistry
between me and Pisces.

Y'all just get me.
You know what I mean?

Yeah, for sure.

I don't have to try hard to explain.
It comes naturally and it just flows well.

I like the whole vibe
you have going on, honestly.

-The vibe?

I feel like we have similar energies.
Do you know what I mean?

We were sitting over there, like,
I felt some type of energy from you.

I felt like… I don't know, but I was like,
"Maybe I'm tripping."

But I was like,
"You know, I like our conversations."

-Absolutely. Me too.
-I feel like it flows very naturally…

-nicely, so…

Well, I appreciate you pulling me
and talking to me.

Yeah, of course. Absolutely.

It shows a lot,
because I also talked to Will

and he's kind of
in the same situation as you.

Me and him are in very similar situations.

Yeah, so it's like…

But it just so happens that the two guys
I'm interested in…

-[Josh] Really?
-…are in relationships.

Yeah, we didn't even really ask you guys
who you guys are into.

-You know what I mean?

Obviously you're good-looking,
but I didn't even think that

you would be one of my top picks,
but then again

when I met you in person,
I just felt some type of vibe, you know?

He has a good vibe too and I'm very
open to meeting everybody else

and I do want to talk to everybody
just to see who I have a connection with.

For sure, as you should.
Awesome. Give me a hug.


Need you[/i]
Need you to feel alive[/i]

[narrator] Next up, professional baller[/i]
Raul plays a little one-on-one with Cash.[/i]

It'll either be a slam dunk

or she'll find him technically foul.

-Bring this out for you, madam.
-Thank you.

Oh, my God. What a sweetheart.

Oh, yeah.

-How are you?
-I'm good. How are you doing?

-Good. How are you feeling?
-I'm feeling anxious. I'm excited though.

It's good to be here.

-I can tell.
-With you looking all gorgeous.

-Thank you.
-And all that. Know what I'm saying?

All of that, okay.


-That's cute.
-So, where are you from?

Okay, so I'm from Buffalo, but then
I moved to New York about six years ago.

-Okay. I'm from Miami.
-Miami? I've never been.

-Never to Miami?
-No, dude.

-Like, I've literally never been.
-I'm here for a reason.

-Everyone says it's a constant party.

-It's whatever you want.

-When I go out…

-I'll be dancing. I'll be active.
-You dance?

-No, that's like…

You don't understand how important
that is to me.

I'm Spanish, so…

[gasps] Do you bachata?

Do you bachata? You're lying.

-Let's go.
-You're lying.

-I'm a dancer, what do you mean?
-Sure you know how to bachata?

-[Cashay] Yeah.
-[Raul] All right.

Oh, so you do… oh.

-[Cashay] Okay. Ay!
-[Raul] Oh.

[both vocalizing music]

You dance!

I'm gonna throw a spin.


Let me get a spin.

No, not you spinning yourself.


That's so dope. Oh, my God.

We're going to definitely have
a good time.

That's so important to me,

because I've dated people
because I'm always like…

Mmm… Maybe I can date someone
different than the stuff that I like,

but if I date someone who doesn't dance,
it never works.

It's because
I'm always on the dance floor.

I'm really trying to find someone
that's like a best friend vibe as well.

-Of course.
-I've never had that.

I was coupled up with Cinco for a while
and it was just sick

because he'll tie my do-rag
and then we're in bed giggling all night

and kissing and stuff. That's my vibe.

You say you like Cinco?
What's the situation now?

I don't want to be just waiting
on the sidelines for someone.

I'm definitely open and interested
in getting to know you guys as well.

And if you guys are a better fit,
then that's really dope.

-Definitely. Yeah.

-I'm excited. You're dope.
-Me too.

Give me a hug.

Oh, man. That's when I feel you.

-You've got to hug better though.

That's not cute.

-You want a better hug?
-Yeah, you've got to squeeze.

-That wasn't smooth?
-It was too smooth.

-I don't like smooth.

-You gotta get in there.
-I heard you say you like passion.

-So, you've got to… I got you.
-I like passion.

[narrator] Coming up…[/i]

"Kiss any boy Islander."

[woman squeals]

[indistinct shouting]

[upbeat music playing]

I think it's time to let 'em know…[/i]

[narrator] Welcome back.[/i]

The OG boys are partying
with the new villa vixens,

who honestly seem ready
to skip the chitchat,

switch on the electric fireplace,
and roll out a zebra rug.

Let's see Genny with three Bs
talk to Jeremy with three exes.

I mean with a "J." Jeremy with a "J."

I think we're all nervous.
It's obviously a big surprise for us.

-Yeah, so you're the single one.
-I'm the only single one.

I know, I feel bad. That girl,
I felt like you really liked her.

Yeah, yeah, absolutely.
We connected really, really well, but…

But that happened so you could
meet someone like me. [giggles]

Exactly. I got to meet you and
I definitely want to get to know you more.

-Happens for a reason. Yeah, me too.

[Leslie] So, I used to be
an exotic dancer.

-What did you think about it?
-I had a great time. It was very wild.

I always wanted to do it,
but I was very shy in my body.

Someone told me that girls are attracted
to guys that wear, like, marriage rings.

Is that a thing?

-Because it's something you can't have.
-Not that I've heard of.

All right.
That says a lot about you. I like it.

[cell phone chimes]

I got a text!

[all cheering]

Okay, okay. Read it out.

[Cinco] What have we got, man?

So, you're high?

[all laughing]

[reading text]

[woman] Oh, my God.

Dun, dun, dun.

Thank you.

[upbeat music playing]

[narrator] Tonight in the villa[/i]
and Casa Amor,[/i]

the Islanders will be playing
a titillating game

we call the Tower of Truth.

Each Islander will remove a block

revealing an enticing activity
they must take part in.

Got it? Good,
because I'm not explaining it twice.

"Kiss any boy Islander."

-Simple enough.
-[woman] Oh, yeah.

[woman] Whoo!

Get outta my way[/i]

All the boys and girls know[/i]
I don't play[/i]

No, I don't play, no[/i]

Hey, get outta my way[/i]

Get outta my way[/i]

I came here to win[/i]
For goodness' sake[/i]

For goodness' sake[/i]

I'm gonna rip my skirt.


Ah! Yeah, that game. That was cool.

All these girls are like…

I feel like they're all gonna take risks
no matter what.

[upbeat music continues]

"Kiss an Islander of your choice
upside down for 30 seconds."

Spider-Man kiss. Okay.

Come on, baby.

[all cheering]

I'm excited to, like,
dive in deep with these men

and see, you know,
how adventurous these men can get.

Now, clean the whole plate[/i]

Nothing left behind[/i]

[all cheering]

[woman] Oh, my God!

[man] Oh, my God!

We kissed, and it was a little sexy. Like…

[cheering continues]

Get outta my way[/i]

You know all the boys and girls[/i]
Know I don't play[/i]


You know,
I didn't mean for it to get so sexy,

but they were just kind of like…

I love Casa Amor.

I could get used to this.

[Josh] "Kiss the hottest Islander
like it's your last night on Earth."

[rock music playing]


[woman] Ooh, yeah!

Flo, obviously. Beautiful face,
unbelievable body

and, you know, just her energy.
I felt there was something about her.

[Flo] Kissing Josh is also really good.
I had a feeling it was coming,

because we also had
some type of sexual chemistry

that I wasn't expecting.

"Perform a 20-second lap dance
for an Islander of your choice."

[woman] Yeah!

Um, Gabe, would you do the honors?

[man] Gabe…

Say no more.

I'm all yours.

[woman] Whoo! All right.

[all cheering]

[all] Oh!

[cheering continues]

[all] Oh!

Shannon can work it,

and she knows what she's doing.

[Shannon laughs]

Got Gabe a little excited. Okay.

[Flo] Oh, my God.

"Kiss an Islander of your choice,
upside down for 30 seconds."

-Upside down?
-[woman] 30 seconds?

-The Spider-Man kiss.
-[woman] Yes.

[Kyra] Ooh. Okay.

[woman gasps]

Oh! Read it! Read it! Read it!

-[Kyra] Can I put it back?

It's against the rules.

[Kyra] "Kiss the top three
hottest Islanders."

-So dirty. Uh, uh, uh!

Get to smooching.

-Get-- get to smooching.
-Hurry it up.

[Kyra] I really miss Will
so much and… [sighs]

My heart is with Will. Like…

I don't want to even look or touch

or even show any affection
or attraction to any other man.

I very much think about him
every second of the day.

And I can't wait to go back and see him.

-[Flo] Okay.
-Or you can lay down. Yeah.

Learn some things on my own[/i]

-Spider-Man kiss.
-[woman] Yeah.

So, how does it feel?[/i]

To be in love[/i]

Anyone got a stopwatch?

No, it's cool. Just let 'em go.

[woman] …three, four…

[woman laughs]

[all] …four-and-a-half…



[man] …four-and-three-quarters…


Oh, wow!

[man] Will, how you feeling down there?

[Korey] Why did you put your shirt
over your pants? [laughs]

These pants are like…


[narrator] Next time on[/i] Love Island…[/i]

It's getting even hotter at the villa

and Casa Amor.

Whose heads might be turning?

I want you,
and I'm still going to go for you.

[chuckles] And that's just how it is.

[narrator] Loyalty is put to the test.[/i]

-[man] Oh, God. No.

[theme music playing]