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03x18 - Episode 18

Posted: 04/29/24 19:16
by bunniefuu
[narrator] Previously on [/i]Love Island…

Korey and Olivia left the friend zone…

I do want to explore
where me and Korey could go.

Oh, my God.

[narrator] …and Cashay was caught[/i]
between a new romance…[/i]

-Are you gonna fight for Cash?
-Honestly, yes.

I told myself I wasn't going to cry again
over this man.

[narrator] …and her old flame.[/i]

I wanna pursue Cinco[/i]

We have the connection that I want.

[narrator] Tonight,[/i]

things get sticky.

Take it easy.

He didn't want me when I wanted him,
and now he's making my life confusing.

[narrator] …and emotions run high.[/i]

It's come to my attention that a lot of
people are questioning our intentions.

I hate when people question my character,
and to say, "We're so raunchy."

You guys have sex in front of everyone,
but that's okay?

You're bringing up
what we do intimate in bed?

Know when to shut your mouth, Genny.

[theme music playing]

[rock music playing]

Alo-hay. Previo-- I did that bit.

Last night, new love blossomed
and old couples grew stronger.

I think the Trina-Cinco-Cashay saga--

I can't believe I'm saying this--

is still going,

and now, has a side of Charlie.

Cinco and Trina are done-done.

You can tell by the glasses,
she's in Tri-minator mode.

Cash and Cinco prepare
to give each other the old one-two

and they also did some boxing.

Trina rated the flirt fest
as zero stars and hit unsubscribe.

-Trina's in the bathroom now.

Yeah, she's been in there for a long time.

Trina, you good?

[Cashay] Babe.

[Trina] It's Cinco. I was watching
you guys. It was just a lot.

He's just acting so unbothered
and just so optimistic,

-like he didn't just break my heart.
-[Cashay] Yeah.

[Trina] Like nothing just happened.

Yeah, he did that to me as well.

-[Trina] And I'm just like--
-[Cashay] Yeah.

[Trina] Just disgusted by that man.

How's Trina doing?

She's not good. Not good at all.

She, obviously really, really liked you.

But we're all in here for ourselves

and unfortunately,
in the process, people get hurt.

Yeah, I mean, obviously,
I wasn't trying to hurt that girl.

Honestly, I do have feelings for her.
None of that was fake.

You know what I mean?

I just had to get that experience.

I had to learn if that was
the right thing for me.

Know your worth, baby. He is not worth it.

But I understand, if you're hurt, feel it.
So, take the time that you need.

I don't think she'll want to
talk to me right now.

I feel like it's too early.

It's not that I wanted to do that,

-I want to make somebody feel like that.

Yeah, she's not good.

-She will be, though. She's strong.
-Yeah, definitely.

-You guys okay?

-I feel so bad for Trina.
-That's what we're talking about.

She feels used.

God, I don't know what to do, dude.

I don't know. Cinco's really
rubbing me the wrong way, dude.

I don't see him the same way anymore.

I think he's just confused.

I don't really think he's malicious
in the way he's trying to go about this.

-I understand how it looks.
-It's just so hard, though, because it's--

In the conversation
that him and I had last night--

I didn't tell you about it yet,

but he was like,
"You're my person, it's always been you.

It was never Trina, but I stayed with her
because I tried to make it work.

'Cause as a man, I made a choice.

I tried to do my best
to uphold that choice,

but I can't deny the connection
that I have with you.

You're my person." And I'm like--

And I feel that way about him,
I felt that way about him before,

but it's just different
with Charlie in the mix.

Charlie is literally
a perfect angel baby human.

Like, he's an amazing man.

So, now, he was stuck
in that love triangle,

and now, he's thrown
that love triangle on you,

and you're the main character now.

Not me having options.

-Right, you're being the main character.
-But I also feel so bad for Trina.

'Cause you know how that feels,
'cause he put you in that position.

He did the exact same thing to me.

I think Charlie's amazing.
We're having so much fun together,

but right now it's just me figuring out
if him and I are compatible.

Why are you staring at me like that?

'Cause I know you
more than you think I do.

I don't know what to do.

I have to shave my armpits. I'll be back.

[narrator] To engage the OGs,[/i]
Genny uses my go-to icebreaker.[/i]

-Boob twerk.
-A twerk class.

I tried.

If I had to choose one way to die,
it would be suffocation by Genny's tits.

I just want to stick my face in there
and never come up for air.

-Can you take pictures of me?

-I was trying, but--
-I feel like I have so many pictures

on Instagram in this bathing suit,
but whatever.

-Can you take this of me in the heart?

-Do you want your feet in it?
-I don't care.

The main thing I'm know for is my hair.

I'm going to have to move into the shade.
It's probably the light out.

-Can you take my pictures?

-Somewhere with good lighting.
-The way he said that.

The dynamic here is a little different
just with the new girls.

Social media had never been
a topic of discussion

until those two came into the Villa.

We all talk about genuine connections
and deep conversations,

and we need people in here
that truly want relationships.

Yo, we should come up with something

where every time that whole social media
or TikTok thing gets brought up,

we do something,
but no one knows what we're doing.

-You know, a sneeze.

Just do a cartoon sneeze like Donald Duck.

The amount of followers are two! Sorry!

[narrator] The future's in good hands.[/i]

But they're not self-obsessed.

There's so much more to them
than just caring about how they look.

They also care about how they feel.

You knew I felt like
I want Jeremy to pick me,

and now I feel like, right now
I'm still just living in Florita's shadow.

All right, ladies, your turn.

No one's been like,
"Jeremy really likes you."

-Are they lying?
-That's what I'm saying.

-[Leslie] Ew. I don't trust that.
-I don't trust that either.

He hasn't talked to me, but I feel
they won't, 'cause I'm your best friend.

Yeah, I don't think that--
I just wanted to let you know about it.

I need to know
what he's saying to other people.

-I do want to talk to Charlie,

'cause I feel like
he is more interested in me right now

than he's interested in Cash,

but from the vibes
I'm getting from him, I'm more now.

I think her personality
is not compatible with his.

Like, he's really reserved.

I feel like she scares him.

Yeah, so I don't know.

I just always catch him looking at me.

I definitely do wanna get to know Charlie.

I think he's super sexy.

I'm just not sure
if our personalities would match up,

but whenever I'm around him,
I feel kind of hot and nervous.

I ran out of mouthwash and he was like,
"Here, have some of from mine."

-"Here, you can have some of mine."
-Give me.

-Baby bird it.

[narrator] Baby birding mouthwash?[/i]
Just like in my family.[/i]

Josh is adamant the new girl should be
more genuine and up-front.

He goes behind their backs to discuss.

Do you see a complete personality change
from Genny without the OG girls

and then, the Genny that's here
with the OG girls, about the raunchiness?

I mean, I seen it. He's seen it.

You know what I was sick of hearing?
The social media thing, man.

It's all they talk about.
It's like, dude, nobody cares.

Nobody literally cares.
Nobody asked, nobody's curious at all!

But if you would've seen this side before
hand, would you have picked her still?

You never know, bro.
I was vibing with her,

-that's why I recoupled with her.
-[Jeremy] Yeah.

Yeah. I just think
she's a little too much for me.

I feel like this ain't really enough time
to fully get to know anybody.

[Will] What about you?

-Are you feeling good, chill?
-I'm chilling, bro.

It is what it is. Timing's horrible.
You know what I'm saying?

How do you feel about
the whole Trina situation?

'Cause she feels like she was being used.

If I got to be the bad guy
for her to feel better,

then cool, I'll take it. You know?

But at the same time,
I know who I am, bro,

and I've been open and honest
with everybody in here

about everything I've done.

So, I feel like I've been through
this whole thing as best as I could.

I'm not sure it'll get better with Trina.

On my side, I'm good.
So it's really going to be up to her

whether she wants to keep
that tension or not.

So, do you feel like
another conversation with him would help?

No, not at all. I don't even
want to look at that man.

Cash, I'm just really scared
that he's going to hurt you.

We all love you
and you're beautiful inside and out.

And I don't know what he's doing
or how he's playing through this.

It's just, it's concerning me.

Yeah, I agree.

I don't know. I really do like Charlie.

I'm just trying to figure out
if our connection is there.

-It has nothing to do with Cinco,

but I don't know.

You know, he needs a pep talk, like,
yeah, he knows he got you.

But he needs to show it too, you know?

-Literally. Yeah.
-Make an effort, so that way,

it doesn't look like he's just comfortable
with the fact that he has you

and not faced by Cinco.

Don't get me wrong,
he's always touching me in some way.

I'm not even kidding.

But also, when he's touches me
he touches me like this, versus like this.

Do you know what I mean?
There's a difference.

He doesn't touch with intention.
It's almost like he's a little timid.

And I'm just like, "Touch me, it's okay."

I don't know. I'm gonna have
a conversation with him today.

-Are you okay, Kyra?
-[Will] Yeah, I'm okay.

Have you had more talks
with Will about it?

[Kyra] Yeah, I talked with him last night
about it.

And I think he started feeling guilty
that he had kissed someone else.

I am over it.

I feel like you're not over it
and that's still okay.

-And don't feel the need--
-I'm over it!

Just don't feel
the need to bite your tongue.

I'm trying to move on myself,

because the more I don't move on,
the more I think about it,

and the more I imagine him,
picturing him--

-You know?
-Yeah, I get you.

[narrator] I also try not to think[/i]
about things that'll hurt me.[/i]

That's why I don't read the news
or follow food porn accounts.

Now, despite being surrounded by babes,
the guys play with a ping-pong ball--

like Forrest Gump. Poor Genny.

That was on the line.

[narrator] Let's spice things up.[/i]

Hand me my hot sauce and my texting phone.

I've got a text!


I got a text!


[narrator] Coming up…[/i]

I would like to marry this girl.

[theme music playing]

[narrator] It's [/i]Love Island.

Today's Smooch, Marry, Pie challenge

was inspired by that time I married
an overly affectionate circus clown.

Miss you, Bonky.

Each Islander will pick somebody
of the opposite sex to kiss…

Genevieve because I think she hot.


[narrator] …propose to…[/i]

The lady I would like to marry is,
of course, no other than Cashay.

Him and I definitely need to have a chat,
but I love that he proposed.

[narrator] …and finally, a little 3.14[/i]
or "pi" to the face.[/i]

Sorry, Liv.


Charlie pied me straight up all the way,
up the nose.

It is what it is.

-Dude, I'm scared.
-God, I wonder who's going to pie me.

I want to smooch this person because…

[cheering and applause]

.I want to marry this person

because she's the best connection
I have in the house

-to be my perfect wife.
-Oh, my goodness.

-This is for you.
-Not the double marriage.

-Options, bro.


Last but not least,
I want to pie this person

because, obviously, I just

want to.

Bro, the velocity.

It really looks pretty.

-Oh, my!
-Oh, Lord!

I would like to smooch this girl

because she has proven herself
time and time again

that she is a phenomenal kisser,

and I wanna see
what all the hype is about.


-Come on!

-That looked amazing.

Really good.

I don't think she liked that one too much,
but again, it's all fun and games,

and I'll probably have to have
a chat about that tonight.

I would like to marry this girl
because not only is she beautiful,

she's my best friend,

and who wouldn't
want to marry their best friend?

I want to pie this girl.

Welcome to the Villa.


I would like to marry this girl
because she's smart and she's loyal.

It kind of was a sign. I know it's a game,

but it just showed
that we're on the same page,

and it gave me some reassurance, honestly.

I would like to pie this girl.
She tried to play me

and come back with my man, Charlie

from Casa Amor!


I will smooshie this beautiful girl…

-[Will] Smooshie.

…because we are great friends now.


That was a great friend kiss.

[Will] I would like to marry this woman

because I feel I have
a beautiful connection with her.

This person,
she give a hard time to my boy.

She doesn't trust him at all,

even if he's a nice guy,
a beautiful gentleman.

-That's scary.

-That's a nice one!

[cheering and applause]

Excuse you!

[narrator] Get your faces[/i]
and ring fingers ready, boys,[/i]

now it's the girls' turn.

I would like to smooch this boy
because he is currently dating my bestie.

I would like to marry this boy
because he is literally Prince Charming--

my Charlie.

This boy, he didn't want me
when I wanted him,

and now he's making my life confusing.


That was hard.

Okay, the boy that I want to smooch,

I've kissed all of you,
but this guy brings it every time,

and I just want to go back for more.

New girl Leslie kind of shocked me.

Take it easy.

Take it easy.

I saw an opportunity, I took it.
And sh**t's sh**t, so--

If somebody's mad at me, that's on them.

I would like to marry this boy

because I feel like he wouldn't be
too bad to spend forever with.

-Will you marry me, Cinco?
-[Cinco] I appreciate it.

I feel like we're always gonna be good,

so I feel that's
a perfect setup for marriage.

The boy I want to pie is as sweet as pie.

I feel like a wet dog that--
I got a little frosted tips going on.

I want to smooch this boy because,
from the moment he walked in,

I thought he was very fine.

Kiss Charlie.

Kissing Charlie, twice,
was really hot both times.

I want to marry this boy because,

if you like it,
then you should put a ring on it.


I want to pie this boy

because he has been
breaking hearts left and right.


I'm going four pies to you.

I would like to marry this boy
because he's honest, loyal, I respect him,

and I think our life would be
really fun outside the Villa.

Korey, will you marry me?

[Korey] Outside of this,
we share the most similar of qualities.

It was nice to see
she would marry me back.

Okay, now, for this little guy,

we can all take a wild guess.

We just know.

We know!

-That's three.

Every time Cinco got pied,
my smile would just continue to grow.

My girl stayed loyal at Casa Amor,

and while she was doing that,

he was getting down and busy
in bed with another girl.


The second we left for Casa Amor,
his head was turned right away.

And I don't think that the whole thing
should have blown over so quickly.

He got right off the hook about it.

I've been waiting for this one.

I think this person
needs to make up his mind.

No mercy.

[Shannon] I think Cinco's being
completely two-faced,

so he definitely deserved
all the pies that he got.


-That's four.
-One more and it's Cinco, though.

We know where that one's going.

Man, I'm just the pie guy
right now, man. Sheesh.

She's putting her hair up for this one.

-She is game for this one.

Let's do it!

Model up, baby!

I would like to pie this little boy

because he never knows what he wants.

-Get it out.
-This little boy

has broken two hearts here in this Villa.


-He's a player.

And, you know what? He deserves this.


I did great. I feel great,
'cause that needed to be done.

All right, guys, let's go hit the showers!


[theme music playing]

Not gonna lie to you, it's [/i]Love Island.

Our Pulitzer "pies" winning game,
Smooch, Marry, Pie

also had more shade
than a really, really, really, really,

really big miniature hat.

That was probably
one of my favorite challenges so far.

-[Josh] I think Cinco had the most fun.

Damn, they really didn't have to
come at my boy like that.

Was I a little crazy
with what I said, guys,

or you think he deserved it?

You did your thing, girl.

-It needed to be said.

He needed five more pies in his face,
to be honest with you guys.

[Cinco] I get how they see it.

Honestly, you guys know that's not me
and that's not my character.

I didn't try to hurt Trina
and I never tried to hurt Cash either.

Only thing I really did was
make the best decision for myself.

I don't know why
anyone else didn't pie Will--

I kinda wish I did.

That was so sneaky behind Kyra's back.

I don't think that guys
that, as soon as someone comes in,

their head turns,
and they share a bed like that,

deserve to get away with it that easy.

I'm not as patient
if I was in your position.

He did voice that
he did feel really guilty about it.

They didn't do anything more than kiss
and I trust him.

[Will] Hey, what about you, man?
Olivia is going for you 100%, man.

How do you feel?

I think it was cool that
we both picked each other to…

-To marry.
-…marry, or whatever.

But even on the outside of this,

that's probably the girl
I would get along with the most.

Only time can tell with that, you know?

Olivia's vows to Korey were so good.

-That was really cute.

-Well, you guys, like, "like" each other.

He is really
everything that I kind of want.

-I know.

-Oh, my God.

I know!

-Oh, my goodness.
-Wait, where did that even come from?

But it came!

How do you feel?

You haven't spoken yet.
How do you feel about the challenge?

I just feel like-- I know it was probably
awkward for you, for me to kiss Josh.

My only interest around him is that--

it's attractive how into you he is.

I'm not trying to directly disrespect you,
if that makes sense.

That's crazy because that was just
kind of like a slap in the face,

'cause I just didn't see that
coming from you.

I just felt like
it was more of a punch line.

[Shannon] New girl Leslie kissing my man--

I don't know. I just--
It doesn't rub me the right way.

I definitely didn't appreciate it
or like watching it.

-He's my man.

I sure hope Leslie has health insurance.[/i]

Back to the Villa we hadn't left
to get ready for a party

honoring tonight's very special guest,
unresolved tension.

Wondering who am I going to talk to next?
I'm not interested in anybody.

-We need some men to come in.

-Hey, Kyra, do some digging tonight?

She's like, "Finally, something to do
instead of being in love."


Do you love Will?

-I didn't even say anything!
-Exactly. The look on your face.

-You crazy person.
-Shut up.

[Kyra] I like these pants.

-You like these pants?

I'm really liking them too.

[narrator] So far, Shannon's frosty[/i]
frosting is the only repercussion[/i]

Will's faced for hooking up with Flo.

So he's wearing his celebratory
"I got away with it" pants.

How's your mood today
after the pie challenge?

I didn't got pied, you saw that?

-I know.
-I mean, I got pied a little bit.

Wait, yeah. I was going to ask you
how you felt about that.

I mean, I don't feel bad,

but at the same time,
I want to talk to Shannon.

I think she took it
really personal, I feel.

-She was really mad.

I don't know if you saw me,
I was laughing.

I saw you laughing but she was pissed off.

-She was so mad.
-I'm going to talk to her.

Yeah, that's good.

But I didn't like
what she said after, actually,

-about us.

Because, you didn't say anything.
Why is she saying all this stuff?

You know that's not how I feel at all,

so I was like,
"Where is this coming from?"

At the end of the day,
I'm really focused on what we have.

I feel like you are super mature
in so many ways, and I love that.

I love how we can have real conversations
without any problem,

even with my language barrier
in romance. You know?

I love your accent.

So much.

How are you?

I mean, I've just got to know, last night.
We ain't really talked a whole lot, so,

I just want to know
how your conversation went yesterday.

I'm so sorry, I feel so bad.
I thought I told you.

I ain't know. I was like,
"Is she going to ask me

or do I got to ask her
or she's going to tell me?"

No. Oh, my God. I keep forgetting.
I don't trust him,

because he literally broke Trina's heart.

She was sobbing in her room.

It's hard to believe
that he's a good person.

It just sucks because,
since we've been back,

majority of our time has been consumed…

-I know.
-…with that situation.

I'm not the type of person that will
act like something is all good.

-I just needed to know,

is this something that
I should be worried about?

You feel that's why you pulled back today?

-I know that's why.
-[Cashay] Okay.

-Yeah, I know for a fact that--
-[Cashay] Okay, I get you.

-I understand.

[Cashay] The exact situation I was in
with Cinco,

Charlie, he's in that situation now.

I don't know what to do.

You have nothing to worry about.
I would tell you.

I don't want to pull a Cinco and Trina.

I would never hurt you. I won't.

[theme music playing]

[narrator] Welcome back,[/i]

and for
the formerly connectively deficient pair,

Olivia and Korey,
the flame of love is burning brightly.

No, wait, that's the fire pit.

Regardless, things are heating up.

What did you think about my proposal?

-I liked it.
-Did you?

The ring fit on my nail,
but that's about it.

But, nah, it was good.

I feel like we've been
on the same journey.

The other night when you came down
by yourself, showed me a lot too.

So, I mean, that's what really got me.

Plus, the kissing booth,
plus, the little striptease thing,

when you got all wet.

Plus, all the singing.

I love that!

No, it was just cool. I like--

-Wait, so you kind of, like, "like" me?

I gravitate towards you.

But I don't think I said anything before
because I'm the type of person--

I don't want to 50-50--

Pursue this girl 50,
and then this other girl 50.

Yeah. And I remember you saying that.

Yeah, I feel like it's fair to the girl
to give them my full undivided attention.

It's uncomfortable for me.
I do have a spark with Korey,

and I can't believe that he was
in front of my face this whole time,

and I'm happy.

I really could see myself leaving
the Villa with Korey at this moment.

All right. We should get out of here.

All right, we'll let's go hang out
with everyone else.

But, yeah, it's good talking to you.

You said, "Oh."

I said, "Oh."

-How was that?
-Let me see your face.

-[Korey] Do I have lipstick on me?
-[Olivia] A little bit.

Is it wet?

It's not too wet. Like, honestly.

You were having a hard time.

You were going through it.

-Yeah. I'm good, though.
-I'm feeling pretty bad for you right now.

-'Cause they're not making it easy.

I'm good, to be honest. I know who I am,

and I know what I've done,
and it wasn't to hurt anybody.

I feel like you guys are going to be able
to move past this pretty easily now.

So I don't think
I would worry too much about it.

If somebody told me what I did wrong,
I would be okay, I would be receptive,

but I can't even figure out
what I did wrong.

I really feel like they're just angry

that the situation didn't play out
the way that they wanted it to.

As long as you know who you are.

You're not a bad guy.

You can choose to be upset
and keep dragging things out,

or you can accept the situation
for what it is

-and try to move past it.

-I appreciate you for understanding me.
-I got you.

But, yeah, I promise I'm good.
I'm just chilling.

[narrator] Since kissing Genny in the[/i]
challenge, Charlie's been standoffish.[/i]

So, Genny with a G, an E and two N's
must now find the "Why?"

So, what's up? How's your night so far?

I feel like there's never
a dull moment here.

-You know what I'm saying?

For sure.
There's always something going on.

But, yeah, I just wanted to talk to you
because, obviously, we kissed today,

and I feel like we both
find each other attractive.

-But I know you're with Cash.

How are you feeling
with the whole Cash-Cinco situation?

I kind of knew coming in here
what I was getting myself into.

I kind of approached Cash,

and knowing that she still had
that open end with Cinco.

But, you know, I chose to pursue it.

It's just that, I've never really been
the type of person

to want to juggle two people
at the same time.

Yeah. That's how I feel too,
so it's a tricky situation.

Like, I do really like Jeremy,
and every time he talks to me, he's like,

"No, I'm happy with you,"

but like I said, I have no idea
what he's saying behind closed doors.

I mean, we do kind of--
I'm not going to lie--

we kind of questioned your intentions.
You know what I'm saying?

Like, are you really here
to connect with somebody,

or is it just social media,
you know what I'm saying?

'Cause we do hear you
talking about it a lot.

And I'm not going to lie,
I'd be thinking, like,

if I was to even get to know her--

Everyone found out you have a lot
of Instagram followers too, right now.

-Yeah, I mean--
-I don't even fit. It's just funny--

But I don't bring it up, though.

-You know what I'm saying?

It just makes you kind of--

When you hear somebody talk about it,
it just makes you question,

"I don't even know if I would even
wanna take the time to get to know them,"

because I want somebody who's genuine,
and I know Cash is genuine.

-Yeah, for sure.
-At least in from of me she's genuine.

I hate when my character
comes into question,

because I know I'm a good person,
and I take pride in being a good person.

Yeah. I mean, to me you seem cool.
I don't have any--

-Sorry I'm putting all this on you.
-Nah, it's cool.

I just can't believe that
everyone's talking behind our backs

because everyone here uses social media.

I've heard everyone here
talk about social media.

And I just don't understand
why me and Leslie are being singled out.

I want to get closer.
It looks disgusting far away.

Yes. There you go. Wait.

-What are you doing?

Charlie confirmed that
all the guys are talking trash on us.

[Leslie] On both of us?

What did I do?

Exactly. And I'm supper annoyed
that Jeremy didn't stick up for me.

That's what I wanna run it by him--

I've never done anything wrong to them.

[Genevieve] Basically saying that
they're questioning our intentions,

that all we talk about is social media,
which is so not true. Literally.

[Leslie] I can be honest with them.

[narrator] Coming up…[/i]

You say, "We're so raunchy."

You guys have sex in front of everyone,
but that's okay?

You're bringing up
what we do intimate in bed?

Know when to shut your mouth.

[narrator] Welcome back to the Villa.[/i]

Shannon and Josh
are happily holding hands.

I give it five minutes.

In three-- one.

[Josh] Since we're married now,
where do you want to go on our honeymoon?

I'm thinking Greece, maybe Italy.

-I can do that.
-[Shannon] Or Bora Bora.

You've been to Greece, right?

I thought that you visited.
I don't know why.

-Are you pieing someone, Trina?
-Yeah. Have you guys seen Cinco?

Yeah, actually, I think he's over there.

-You don't have the balls.
-I see him.

-You don't have the balls.
-Guys, no, I'm just throwing this away.

-I'm kidding.
-Not again.

I know that you've given me a lot of props

for the growth that I've had in here,
you know what I mean,

but I can see it in you as well.

I can't say that a couple of weeks ago,

girls chose to kiss me in a challenge,
you'd be okay with it.

So, I want to let you know
that I'm proud of you, because--

This doesn't get any easier, but--

-I know, but I can see.
-[Shannon] I'm okay with it.

-'Cause I feel confident in us now.
-[Josh] Right.

Because you've proven to me
that I can trust you fully.

I feel super grateful to be here,

especially sharing this moment
and this process with Shannon.

Ultimately, I see growth
in our relationship,

and I can see this cultivating
to something on the outside world.

You know, we talk about it all the time.

And I think that
we're just in a great spot.

[Josh] I think that's why I know
it's gonna work

and we'll be okay on the outside.

-I don't know. I'm just super excited…
-Me too.

…to see what's next after this.

All these feelings are so real.
And it's so weird at the same time.

I am a lot to handle, I am very picky,

and I never thought that I would
find someone as amazing as Josh.

I'm just so grateful that I met him.

Dude. Is this a good look for me?

-Yeah, you look hot.

My girl, my bestie!

I'm really proud of you
from what I saw in that game.

-Oh, my gosh.
-Did that feel good?

It felt good in the moment,
but after, I was still, like, "Eh."

'Cause during the game,
after the guys went,

I started to be tearful
because no one chose me.

-Like, at all.

And I feel like
I'm back to square one again

when it comes to feeling like
the outcast of the group.

-I'm always here to talk it out.

-[Trina] Thank you.
-Because I know it's hard.

I'm really just

-trying to learn through all of this…
-[Kyra] Yeah.

…and use it for the next person that
comes in, or even outside of the Villa.

-Maybe my time will come soon.
-That's what I was saying too.

-You deserve a drink.
-I do. Should we go get one?

-Yeah, let's go.

[narrator] So after Kyra saying,[/i]
"Don't cry for him Argen-Trina,"[/i]

they join the rest of the Islanders
to celebrate being young, I guess.

I'm going to give a little toast tonight.

Cheers to us ladies
continuing and staying classy,

and just progressing in our relationships
that we have made thus far,

for the guys to bring themselves,

the best version of themselves
every single day,

and to us all connecting
as a family tonight

and having a great rest of our night.


-I love you, guys.
-Love you, guys.

Salud, familia.

Love Island.

Okay, not to ruin the vibes,
but can me and Leslie say something?

Yeah, I need to hold the floor
for a second.

It's come to my attention

that a lot of people
are questioning our intentions,

and I just want to
really speak for myself for a second.

The social media talk.
I'm not the one that always brings it up,

but that is my job.

To be stabbed in the back and told that
people are questioning my intentions.

None of you know me.
I just met this girl five, six days ago.

Not a single one of you know who I am.

From the beginning of when we were here,
we don't ever look for drama.

We never put in conversation
to make drama here.

We're just making no drama at all.

I think the majority of the conversation
wasn't about social media,

it was about how other people,
not only myself,

felt uncomfortable with the raunchiness.

There's a time and a place for stuff.
You know?

For me, personally, and I don't know
if any of you guys agree,

none of this was really an issue
until the girls got back.

We didn't see any of this,

we didn't hear any of this
until the girl got back. Am I right?

But-- and I don't mean this in a bad way--
to say, "We're so raunchy,"

and I'm not throwing
you or Shannon under the bus,

but you guys have sex
in front of everyone, but that's okay?

Everyone's comfortable with that?

[Shannon] Why are you bringing
my relationship up, Genny?

-But that's how I feel.
-No, know when to shut your mouth.

Don't bring up my relationship again
like how you like to do that.

You're bringing up
what we do intimate in bed?

But that's what I'm saying.
It's always like Genny's doing something,

-but if everybody--
-Nobody cares what you're saying.

Nobody's pointing fingers at you, Genny.

-Don't bring me into this.
-I'm done with this conversation.

-Because, it's--
-Ew, dude.

Stay out of what I do
in my bed with my man.

-[Shannon] Stay the f*ck out of it.

[Cashay] Okay, don't--

No, it had nothing to do
with the conversation.

-I think it's just-- Okay.
-That was just south!

-That's what you do.
-No, let's not--

So immature little girls in here.

-I'm not doing it.
-Shannon, stop.

She just threw in my face that I'm getting
intimate with my partner in here.

Why would you do that?

[Kyra] I know it's not okay,
but you can't go off at her like that.

I did not-- I just am expressing myself
that she is always like this to me.

[narrator] It's [/i]Love Island.

Thanks to a spat between Philly girls
and alleged besties, Shannon and Genny,

the atmosphere has taken on

an invasive tax audit on prom night
kind of vibe.

I'm not throwing you or Shannon
under the bus,

but you guys have sex in front of anyone,
but that's okay?

Ew, dude. Stay out of what I do
in my bed with my man.

That was just south.

-That's what you do.
-No, let's not-- Don't--

No, it had nothing to do
with the conversation.

Okay, I'm done with this conversation.

So immature little girls in here.

-I'm not doing it.
-[Kyra] Shannon, stop.

[Shannon] Why would you do that?

[Kyra] I know it's not okay,
but you can't go off at her like that.

I did not-- I just am expressing myself
that she is always like this to me.

That's the thing. It makes it seem--

Was that not weird,
that she just brought up that we have sex?

I didn't think
that was would come out of her mouth.

Talking about what I do
in my private time.

[Will] Yeah, this is--
I don't know why she had to bring--

I mean, I would not talk,
never about that.

[Shannon] No.

[Genevieve] Didn't mean to
throw Shannon under the bus,

but I just had to get that out,
because I kept saying that to everyone.

"Genny and Leslie are so sexual."

You literally have sex
in front of everyone.

Like, anything she does is okay,
but anything I do is not okay.

This is just so weird.
We literally never had any kind of drama.

Never had drama until 22-year-olds--
I can't, I'm not doing it.

Every hour,
I deal with something with her.

With her name in my mouth. I'm sick of it.

I'm here to find love.

I'm not here to hear their life stories
and their drama.

If there's something that's actually legit
that they want to address,

do the five-minute spiel. Say,

"I feel very uncomfortable that you guys
are talking about this." It's done.

Do not ruin a good night.

I have not had one night
that has been ruined here until right now.

And don't bring up
what I do in bed intimately, please.

This is just, like, not my vibe.

At first we said, "Oh, my God,
the boys are so welcoming,"

and the fact that the girls weren't,

and now that we hear the boys are talking
about us, it's just so annoying.

I just expected you, I guess,
to have my back, and I don't know.

Of course. And I think I did.
I'm not saying--

Literally, I didn't think
this was going to be a big deal,

because I thought
whatever problem anyone had with people,

it was going to get worked out.

It was worked out last night, until today,
when Josh made it 1,000 times worse.

My only issue is, all of us,
not just the guys,

all of us are super welcoming

-whenever people come in.
-Yeah, for sure.

So it's not like
we just did this out of spite.

They started talking about stuff
that made us feel like that.

She had to say something,
when she should've kept her mouth quiet

and let Leslie finish talking.

She should've shut her mouth
instead of bringing me up again

and what I do
in my personal time with him.

[narrator] America, it's that time again[/i]
for your voice to be heard.[/i]

Head over to the Love Island [/i]app

to vote for your favorite girl
and favorite boy in the Villa.

Is your favorite girl Cashay, Genevieve,

Kyra, Olivia,

Shannon or Trina?

And, is your favorite boy Charlie,

Cinco, Jeremy, Josh,

Korey or Will?

Remember, you are voting
for your favorite girl and favorite boy

in the Villa.

The Islanders with the least votes

are at risk of being dumped
from the island.

Voting open to US and Canada residents
18 years and older.

Terms and conditions apply.
Data rates may apply.

The vote closes in 30 minutes, people!

Next time…

find out who you voted
as your favorite girls and favorite boys,

and who's left vulnerable.

As if that's not enough,

we'll welcome three new girls.

[theme music playing]