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03x19 - Episode 19

Posted: 04/29/24 19:17
by bunniefuu
[narrator] Previously on [/i]Love Island…

He didn't want me when I wanted him
and now he's making my life confusing.

Cash was still torn between two boys.[/i]

I do want you to be happy,

but I wanna be the one making you happy.

I'll never hurt you, I won't.

The exact situation I was in with Cinco,
Charlie, he is in that situation now.

I don't know what to do.

-[narrator][/i] And tempers flared.
-There is a time and place for stuff.[/i]

So, uncomfortable with the raunchiness.

You guys have sex in front of everyone,
that's okay?

Why are you bringing my relationship up,
Genny? Know when to shut your mouth.

[narrator] Tonight…[/i]

The temperature keeps rising.

[woman] What?

Welcome to detention, boys.

I know, he was, like, dude!

[narrator] And Arielle returns[/i]
with the results of your vote.[/i]

One girl and one boy will be
leaving the villa immediately.


No way!

It's all fun and games until it's not.

[narrator] And get ready[/i]

for three new girls!

[upbeat music playing]

Welcome to "No Love Lost" Island.[/i]

It all went down Friday night
when the OGs called out the new girls.

Genny with an OMG, flipped the sitch,

questioning Shannon and Josh's

nightly under the sheets-- dance class.

The Philly girls
know each other from back home

and Shannon responded
like a pit bull at a steak house

that had just run out of steak.

The Islanders discovered drama
is a high-fiber cereal.

It takes time to digest.

[Josh] Were you just up there with her?

Yeah, she's, like,
crying and really upset.

I mean, obviously, it's hard.
I'm trying to mediate,

and have just an open take on everything.

That's what I've been
trying to do the whole time.

I'm not attacking or defending anyone.

I'm really not gonna do that.
'Cause I feel it's not in my place.

It stinks. I'd hate to be in her position
because I get how she feels.

She feels att*cked,
she feels not welcomed.

I don't know, it's such a weird situation
that we haven't really dealt with.

We don't deal with this type of drama.

I think Leslie is a super-awesome person

and I think she got, sorta,
tied into this--

you know, in an unfair way as well.

Genevieve brought up what me
and Shannon do intimately.

It's just inappropriate and just
comes down to just being super immature.

I do wish she'd just forget about it
and move on and that's it.

-You know, like--
-There's really nothing else to say.

[Cashay] I didn't know you were
the one that told Genny.

[Charlie] Yeah, I told her, "I don't know
if anybody could take you serious

because all you guys do is
talk about y'all social media,

who y'all are sleeping with
and stuff like that."

Wait, what?

What? That's me
for keeping it, real, too real?

Like, it was just a crack, that wasn't--

I wasn't trying to make anyone feel bad
or make it worse.

Guys, what am I doing?

I don't know.

-Like, do I just not know what I want?

Do I know what I want but I'm
too scared to admit it? I don't know.

Did you bring one for Cash?

-That's so cute.

Thank you.

[dramatic music playing]

[narrator] Good morning, Hawaii![/i]

What a beautiful sunrise.
Leslie has left the villa.

Well, anyway, how about
some more kooky facts?

Sure. Flamingos are born gray
and turn pink after a year or two.

Cool, it's fun to know stuff.

All right, let's watch hot people
wake up, put on make up

and constantly be on
the verge of falling in love

or lifting weights.

Good morning, everybody.

You wanna go upstairs?

What's upstairs?

Life as we knew it.

Give me a hug.

Good morning, Prince Charlie.

Everyone calls you Prince Charlie
because I call you Prince Charming.

I was just, like,
I was just over everything.

So, I just came over here.

-Did you eat breakfast already?
-Not yet.

I feel like I gotta talk to Shannon
before I do anything else, you know?

For me, there's literally only
one thing wrong with Charlie.

It's like, tell me
what you're thinking more.

I really don't think it's that hard.

I literally don't know
where this man stands

half of the time, most of the time.

I don't even know
what I'm becoming anymore.

-Thank you.

Wait, give me a hug!

[narrator] Time for the girls from[/i]
Philadelphia to show some sisterly love.[/i]

Their cheese steak has too much beef.

Last night, obviously, like,

it was just an impulse thing,
I shouldn't have said it.

And you know,
I'm not blind to know where I went wrong.

I think it's just because you are
good friends with my little sister,

and I know you on the outside,

I feel like we fight like
big and little sisters sometimes.

When you brought our sex life
or our intimacy into it,

-I felt like, I snapped too.

When Josh said that, it was a snap moment,

I shouldn't have said it,
it was an impulse decision.

I care too much about
what people think about me.

That insecurity is in the back
of my head, "I don't think they like me,"

-you know what I mean?
-That is not the case.

I don't want you to think that
I don't like you or anything like that

or that I say anything to these girls
about anything else like that.

I just wasn't expecting
a lot of what happened.

I want this to be the last time
that this happens.

-Me too.
-[Cashay] Guys, come down.

We're coming.

The front foot or the back foot?

So, on the three,
you are rotating the front foot.

All right, everybody.

It is that time.

It is the twerk class.

Let's go, put the weights down

and come on, my friends.

You don't need those gloves
for what's about to happen today.

Everyone line up.

Cash's twerk-out class.
Come one, come all.

Little booties, big booties,
stiff booties, you're all welcome.

So, hands on your knees
and go off to the side.

And you're popping your lower back.

Yeah, okay.

Bend over, hand on knees.

You look like
you're gonna tackle somebody.

-Bend your knees.

Correct posture,
bad posture, good posture.

You get in line, get in line.

And let's see your posture.

I don't know, I don't know, I mean,

know how to twerk, then.

It was a disaster.

What about if you move
your ass and I move thingy?


There you go, there you go.

It was nice to see the girls twerking.

You need to arch your back, Korey.

Literally, bop, bop, bop-- Up, down.


I don't think I have enough jiggle
to be honest with you.

-Cinco, you're up.
-I'm here for moral support.

One, two, three, twerk out.

See you all again tomorrow,
same time, same place, same booty.

It's all right, everybody,
y'all can go back to your boxing class.

If I ever see you box with someone else
without asking me first, I will complain.

Oh, what's up?

I thought we were
going to work out together.

It's my new client.

Wow! So, you just dropped me
like a hot sack of potatoes

and just picked up a new one?

Hurts, don't it?

No, no.

-We're talking later.
-No, we're good.

-Are we good? You said, "No, we're good"?
-We're good.

-You know what?
-You did a great job, instructor.


-Josh, we back?
-Yes, we are.

-One, two.
-What happened?

Dude, I'm pissed, I was, like,

"Wow, just like that
you have a new boxing buddy,

I thought we were going to box together."
Then I was like,

"That's crazy. You just dropped me?"

Your boxing class and making jokes
and he goes,

"Yeah." And then he is like,
"Yeah, it hurts, doesn't it?"

I was like, "Yeah,
we're going to talk later."

I don't know what this is. He says,
"No, you're good, you're straight."

I was like, "What?"
And then he goes, "No, you're good."

I was like, "That fighting for me thing
lasted a whole day, didn't it?"

He's throwing a tantrum
because he isn't getting what he wants.

-And I get that, but did I do that?

Just 'cause you and I aren't together
doesn't mean you have to be rude to me.

-And I didn't do anything.

[Cashay] All that just made me so upset.[/i]

Because if you say I'm your person
and you say I'm worth it

then show me that, fight for me.

Like, why are you playing games
and being petty and rude? Like--

That just makes it easier for me
to not want to be with you.

Are you fuming or are you just, like, sad?

I'm not sad, I'm pissed, like,
why are you doing that?

I feel like Cinco and Jeremy are just
checked out at this point, both of them.

I noticed that too.

Jeremy and Cinco just sit there
and stare at us

-while we're trying to have a fun time.
-And they look at us like, "So stupid."

I've tried since day one to
make a connection with someone.

And I feel like, truly,
Jeremy has just gotten lucky.

Yep, we should have saved Javonny

-instead of saving Jeremy.
-Or Wes.

It's getting old.

[narrator] #JusticeForJavonny,[/i]
but give Jeremy a break.[/i]

Maintaining a relationship's not as simple
as maintaining silky nutrient-rich hair.

Cash on the other hand,

is so good at relationships,
she's maintaining two!

What's going on?

Well, I just wanted to talk to you
because I just felt like

you were just really rude to me.
And I don't understand why.

-I was rude how?
-We can just have a chat.

So I literally, we always have
had the kind of, like,

relationship where we're like
jokey and playful with each other.

And the boxing thing,
I thought it was funny

and then you just took it to a level
where you were just like, "Oh, it hurts."

No, this is what it was.

After the pieing challenge, I seen
everybody in a whole different light.

It was like, kind of, two-faced,
not even by you, I get your pie.

Hey, cool. I get Trina, she probably
deserved it most out of everybody here.

But after everybody else talking trash
and then, like,

that's literally how y'all see me.

Oh, he's a player, he's been lying,
he hurts my girls, blah, blah, blah.

I'm like, damn,
that's really how they see me?

-That's why I shut down after that.

Come on, after all this,
I get how y'all feel

but at the same time, it was like,
y'all don't want to see it from my shoes.

Freaking Will was over here
with Flo the whole time at Casa Amor.

Nobody says anything about that but me,

y'all aren't even defending me.

I understand but it was a stand for Trina,
like, we have your back.

But it wasn't malicious, but, listen.

Y'all didn't check on me.
Y'all didn't ask about nothing,

-Because you wouldn't let us.
-Y'all let the whole day go.

You assuming that nobody has your back.

It's, like, do you even
know my heart, dude?

Why do you think we have such
a strong connection, if like,

you don't think I would still be
defending you? Like, that's crazy to me.


Then you still have nothing to say.

I really

I don't know what to do.

I don't know if to give you space,
to be over you. There's Trina in it too.

-You know what I'm saying?
-I know and now, there is Charlie.

I don't know.

Ultimately, I know what I want.

I've been doing what I want.

But at the same time,
I don't know how to go about it.

So yeah, very complicated.

I've never been in this situation either.

It gets hard because

I literally mean it when I say
Charlie's Prince Charming,

but I never saw myself as a princess.

Just don't want to hurt anybody.


I get that.

I definitely get that.

I just want what's best for you, Cash,
that's all.

He's such a good man.

He is, he definitely is.

[upbeat music playing]

[narrator] It's [/i]Love Island, where despite[/i]
taking up 90% of the day bed,[/i]

Jeremy holds space for Cinco.

How are you feeling going forward?

Are you still thinking of pursuing Cashay
or are you, like, just chilling?

I think I'm going to try, do stuff here
and there to let her know I'm still here.

I'm not gonna go all out,
I still want to be respectful.

I've never been in a situation like this
before, first off,

that's why I been distant, and that's why,
literally, I was off of it

the last couple of days, because I'm like,
"Looks like your mind is made up."

After the pie stuff, I was, like,
if you really cared about me,

you could've at least come up to me
and been like, "Are you really okay?

I see something's wrong."

You talk about me not making an effort
and all that but at the same time,

you're not giving me a reason to.

Like, obviously, I care about that girl,
you know what I mean,

but how am I supposed to
continue to be open to y'all,

how am I supposed to shake it off, like,

"You guys ridicule me for the challenge

but I'm still here, I'm happy"?

You don't see me going back to my boys
talking trash about you.

Two girls and all of a sudden
I'm just Mr. Player.

Dude, I don't get it, man.

She's literally in the same position
that I was in, between two connections.

And she still doesn't see, like--

-where I was in.
-The irony?

Yeah, she doesn't see
the irony at all, like…

I made it difficult for her and I get that

but at the same time,

I had to go through what I had
to go through to figure myself out.

I'm definitely confident
in the connection I had with Cash

when we were together.

I honestly felt that could be it for me,
you know what I mean?

I'm not here to persuade her,
to push her into a decision.

I want her to make it for herself,

that's when I know
the connection will be real.

If it doesn't work with Cash,
I'm not gonna stay here

and force anything with anybody else,

-know what I mean?

-How are you?
-You know, mingling.

-You're not mingling.

-I like that you're mingling.

I got, like, really upset

because Cinco was boxing with Josh

and, like, I'm trying to still be, like,
as friendly to him as I can.

Like, he's just being so rude
and dismissive with me.

Yeah, I'm not going to lie,
I've been here four or five days.

Majority of our talks
are about the situation.

At a certain point in time, you get tired
hearing about the same thing.

I don't feel like I should have to feel
like I've been put in the background.

-You get what I mean?
-Yeah. I get you.

I don't want to make you feel that way
and you're not that way in my mind

'cause in my mind you're at the forefront,
you're not at the back burner.

You're not competing
with anybody, Charlie.

Not you clearing your throat.

I feel so awkward with Jeremy.

The touching and stuff,
it's going too slow for me now.

I feel like I'm making myself--

-I think he does go super, super slow.
-Way too slow.

-And you know how fast I am.
-And you're not like that.

No, and it's been a week,
and I know that like a week,

obviously, isn't long in real life
but here it is. So--

You need to voice what your needs are

and then he needs to voice
his side of things.

So that you guys can actually,
like, move forward.

-Yeah, I agree.
-Like, you guys are at a standstill

and you guys
are both being really awkward.

It's because you guys
haven't had that conversation.

I totally agree.

He's a guy's guy,
the president of the guys,

frat president,
making sure all the boys are good.

For sure.

I think he's more definitely worried about
the boys than he's ever worried about me.

-Cinco, can we have another chat?

-Is that annoying?
-No, not at all.

-Am I in trouble?

What's up?

Let me take off my sunglasses.

Just-- I owe you this conversation

in the sense of just like--

-I'm like shaking.
-Come on, no reason to be nervous.

-Like, you know?
-I know, but--

Okay, so--

I just think--

God, I get so nervous and I
never get nervous in real life.

I think, like, for me I think I need
to just put my focus on Charlie.

I understand.

I don't want you to think, like, I don't--
like, I don't have feelings for you. I do.

He knows that, everyone knows that
but it's like,

I don't want to go back and forth

and leave a door open with you,

because he says he feels like
he's on the back burner

and I don't want anyone
to ever feel that way.

Got you.

I don't want to hurt him and I don't want
to hurt you and I feel bad.

These last couple of days
have been hard but--

I'm good, don't worry about me, all right?
You focus on that.

I want it to be the best
connection ever for you.

You know what I mean? And if not,

honestly, I'll still be here,
I want what's best for you, all right?

-I understand.
-I feel bad. I don't want to hurt you.

I'm good. I'm a tough guy.

I'm glad I told him,
I'm freaking out, though,

this is just me finally opening
myself up to a man. Ew.

And see what happens.

If I get hurt, I get hurt.

At least I met Prince Charming, finally.

I'm happy for you, Cash, honestly.

Can we not be weird and stuff?
Can you talk to me now?

-I will.

[dramatic music playing]

[narrator] It's [/i]Love Island, Kyra and Will[/i]
are stronger than ever[/i]

even though he hooked up with a model

while she stayed faithful at Casa Amor.

Just like I say to my girl,

"Model happens,
no biggie, chill out, bro."

-Today was perfect, I love this day.
-It was so perfect!

I've been so happy like ever since…

-I came back.
-You came back?

Yeah, things are even better.

The drama that happened at the villa,

like, nothing affects us,
like, we are super strong.

Yeah, I love this.

I don't want to rush things
and like, you know,

I didn't want to put tags
to our relationship yet

but I feel myself falling in love in Kyra.

-I can hear your heart beating.


[narrator] I can hear my heart beating.[/i]

It's a medical condition.

Cash has gone
back and forth so many times,

she has leveled up to going back in fifth.

Lay it on me.

So, when I say manifested you, I mean it.

Like I literally wrote on a piece of paper
everything I want in someone

and you're it to a T.

I don't want to be in a situation
where I push you away.

And I pulled Cinco aside and told him
everything. I was just, like,

I'm all in on you. I told him that.

I don't want him. I want you.


That's it.

What are your thinking?

Be honest. You can be honest with me,
I'm a big girl.

-My first thought is, back and forth.

-You think I'm back and forth?

But I'm not back and forth.
I've always been all on you.

He expressed his feelings to me,

I've never said anything,
I've always been focused on you.

Yeah but at the same time you did,
kind, of tell me, like,

you left the door open,
you were leaving the door open.

Because I didn't really know you and stuff
and that's just natural.

I don't know, I had that conversation
with him, it's done,

he's not on my mind, you are.

I feel good.

And if you don't, I understand.

And if you need time, I get it, but--

just because I'm for sure
doesn't mean you have to be.

No, it's not that.
It's just, like, we just--

We, literally, just had a whole
conversation about you telling me to--

speak what's on my mind all the time.

You, literally, just, like,
yeah, I've been thinking this--

I've been all in for Cash
since I've been here.

I just want somebody who's
going to be all in on me.

But I feel like no matter what Cashay
says or does, I feel like,

in the back of her mind,
she probably will always think

about the possibility with Cinco.

[narrator] Josh and Shannon[/i]
with a planned relationship is as stable[/i]

as that treacherous swinging bench,

wobbly but, hey, it does the job.

First of all, give me a kiss.
I feel like I haven't seen you all day.

-I know, I missed you.
-I missed you too.

I feel like our relationship is
so good in here and--

I know.

I feel super blessed because, like,

I met you, I met my person
and I've learned so much about myself.

I know, I feel the same way. I feel like

the Josh that I met the first--

the first week-ish

is completely different
than the Josh I know right now.

And I just feel like you've grown
as an individual.

I've grown as an individual
and together, like, we're a power couple.

Like, honestly,
Casa Amor made me realize that

we can succeed on the outside of this.

And it just made me super happy,
you know what I mean?


I feel like Josh and I are progressing
every single conversation that we have.

How is this happening?

The feelings that we feel are so real.

He just makes me feel like
the most beautiful person in the world.

I don't know what I would do
without you in here, honestly.

-Hi, everyone.
-Hey, guys.

-Hey, people.
-This is day 806

at Love Island.[/i]

We're looking for love
and I feel like we're all a step closer--

-[phone chimes]
-[women gasp]

Guys! I got a text!

She got a text!

Come on!

You look so cute right now!


You guys ready?

Yeah, oh, my God.

"Islanders, it's time to find out
who raises your heart rate the most

in tonight's game 'Hearts On Fire.'

#RedHot, #HeartThrob."

Let's go get ready.

This is gonna be crazy and embarrassing.

[Will] What is going to happen is
somebody makes my heart rate--

-[Kyra] Higher than me?
-[Will] Mm-hmm.

I guess you're about to find out
if that happens.

It's the night of nights, ladies!

[narrator] Welcome back,[/i]

the stage is set for Love Island's[/i]
striptease-based game.

Don't throw singles, it's a fire hazard.

This is Hearts On Fire.

[all] Three, two, one!


Who's trying to be bad tonight?

Look at that little devil.

[narrator] Islanders wear[/i]
heart rate monitors on their wrists[/i]

while receiving a lap dance.

Who says being heart healthy
can't be sexy?

Oh, my God!

[narrator] The Islander who gets[/i]
the other's pulses racing the most, wins.[/i]

I don't even like strip clubs,

I am just here for the week-old
room temperature shrimp.

So, let's watch them set
some Hearts On Fire.

Spank me!

I'm gonna turn these girls
heart rates all the way up.

Josh looked so sexy
in his little devil shorts!

-These are for you.
-Thank you.


That's my man. I'm going to stand by him!

Get out here, baby!


Oh, my God!

Stop, in the name of love!

[woman] Oh, my God!

[Trina] Oh, my God!

Oh, my Lord!

I know. He went, like, dude…

[gasping, grunting]

That's my thought process right now
on how hot Korey was.

That was funny, dude.

Okay, okay, okay!

Oh, my God!

I thought he was gonna kiss me
but he didn't!

Sorry, Kyra!

And I thought he was only going
to dance on me.

But he danced on everyone like that,
if not more so on the other girls.

Maybe it's just for the game,
I don't know, but whatever.

Did I do good?

-I didn't know what to do, bro!
-You did good.

-No, I couldn't believe my eyes.
-No, that was amazing.

-Yo, I didn't even get a kiss!
-You didn't?

-It's probably like red lipstick,

-to be honest.

[woman] Yes, girl!

Oh, my Lord!

Charlie is fine as hell!

We're having a good time!

My heart may have been racing
the most during that one.

[woman] Oh, my God!

Oh, my goodness, God!

You with the hat!

[woman] Not the hat!

Peter Pan, guys!

I thought Charlie's performance was okay.

Wait, I'm sorry, I had no idea
he was gonna do that.

Oh, my God! Stop, you're fine.

He lifted Genevieve

and if anyone deserves to be lifted,
shouldn't it be me?

Maybe I'm just being salty.


Not a greaser!

[woman] Yeah, bad boy!

We got a bad boy in the building.

Oh, my God!

I'm getting nervous.

-Smile, baby.
-Take it off!

Okay! Okay!

Bite him!

[Genevieve] Me and Jeremy shared[/i]
a steamy kiss.[/i]

I don't even remember doing it.

That was sexy.

-[woman] That's hot!
-I'm gonna die.

[woman] Beautiful!

I should have sold tickets!


Oh, my God!

[man] Oh, the Magic Mike![/i]

Hold on. I'm getting flustered.

[woman] Oh, my God!

I'm done!

Oh, my God!

Oh, my God!

[Cashay] That was hot!

Oh, my God!

[woman] Encore! Encore!

Encore! Encore! Encore! Encore!

That was tight, bro.

[narrator] Here on [/i]Love Island,
it's grandparents' night.[/i]

Time to meet everyone's nana.

JK, it's time to find out according
to the hunk's heart rate monitors,

which girl gets their pulses racing most

with a dance of the lap variety.

-Let's get it.
-Here we go.

[all exclaiming]


[Jeremy] Not the cheetah girl!

[man] He put his glasses on.

[Jeremy] I love that cheetah print.
That thing was fire.

Definitely heart rate got elevated a lot.

[man] Okay.

[indistinct chatter]

[Genevieve] That was just kind of fun,[/i]
show them what I got,[/i]

and that I'm a little sex kitten.

[man] Loved that!

[all cheering]

My heart was like…

Oh! Whoa!

She looked super good in that outfit.

Okay, Kyra!


So spicy.

[indistinct chatter]



[man] Let's go, Kyra!

Here we go.


[man] Oh, my God!

[Cinco] Oh, man, Cash, Cash, Cash, Cash.

I gotta take the glasses off for this one.

[man] Oh, okay.

[man] Hold up.

Hold up, hold up.

There we go, there we go.


All right!

[man] Oh, my!

Yeah, that was not her first time.

Lord Jesus, we're going to come to you
today, just ask you to bless us, Lord!


[man] Oh, my God!

[Cashay] Work it, baby!

[man] Hold up.


Hold up!

Do your thing, girl!

[Josh] Shannon just surprises me
every day with how sexy she is.

I'm speechless, honestly.
It was super sexy.

[woman] Bring it home!

[woman] Shannon, baby!

Let's go!


-[woman 1] Trina!
-[woman 2] Get it, Trina!

[man] Okay!

Oh, my God, she kissed him!

Literally thought she hated me.

But I enjoyed it.
It's always a good time kissing Trina.

Come on, baby!

[Trina] I still forget I used to be
coupled up with Jeremy and left that boat.

[man] Turn him on!

Hold on!


[woman] Yeah, girly!

-[man 1] That was hot!
-[man 2] That was good.

Yo, she crushed that, dude!

-[Trina] Thank you.

Oh, my God!

Yo, did she-- did she kiss you?

-Yes, bro.
-[man] Look at his face!

Oh, we got the school teacher!

Welcome to detention, boys!

[woman] Oh, my God!

[man] Watch the pencil!


[Josh] Olivia k*lled it.[/i]
I loved her use of props.[/i]

It was definitely bold.

You know, it was sexy.

I think the devil definitely brings out
the bad side in Liv, for sure.

[man] There it is, there we go. Get it!

Let's go!

-[woman 1] Oh, yeah!
-[woman 2] Get it!

On top of that waist!

[Korey] When she got on top of me,[/i]

I think my little heart rate thing
just busted, honestly.

I was like, "Oh, my God!"

[woman] Oh, my God!

[man] Hold on, hold on, hold on.
You sent him back to the fetal position.

It's okay.

Breathe, breathe, breathe!

[Olivia] Let's just say tonight,
I was definitely in my element.

And I would be very surprised

if not, at least, one boy

got his heart real, real raised.

[woman] Oh, my God!

[indistinct chatter]

-[Cinco] Good job, y'all, good job!
-Thank you!

Oh, my gosh. You did great!

[woman] Well, that was fun.

[indistinct chatter]

[Josh] Cashay was an actual stripper.

[rock music playing]

What's happening?

Let's get ready for some newcomers, baby.

[narrator] The Islanders heart rates[/i]
are about to skyrocket[/i]

with the villa's new arrival

and I'd be fe-lyin'
if I said this kitty don't scratch.

[rock music playing]

-[woman 1] Who is this?
-[woman 2] Wow.

Y'all, being scared. Look at y'all's face.

Oh, Lord!

[Cashay] Oh, my God, it's Arielle!

-Oh, my God!
-[man] Damn!

[rock music playing]

[Arielle] So, cat got your tongue?

[all] Yes.

Meow. Surprise, surprise, Islanders.

Oh, my God!

First things first.

We're going to see who raised
whose heart rates the most.

Josh, the heart rate you raised
the most was Kyra's.

Korey, you raised
Trina's heart rate the most.


Will, the heart rate you elevated the most

was Kyra's.

[woman] Oh, my God!

[man] Mark of true love.

And, Charlie, the heart rate
you raised the most was Cashay's.

Not me being loyal!

Yes, you being loyal, girl!

And, Jeremy, the heart rate
you raised the most

was Genny.

-It was the kiss.

And last but not least, Cinco,

you raised Cashay's heart rate the most!

Not me not being loyal!


the heart rate you raised
the most was Josh.

Not me coming for my bestie's man!

Kyra, you raised Josh's heart
rates the most.

I said, I was, like,
"She looks good, man!"

And was I even in the game at all?

[Arielle] Cashay, the heart rate
you elevated the most

was Cinco's.

Shannon, the heart rate
you raised the most

was Jeremy's.

-Why, dude, why?
-[man] That's a switcheroo!

Bestie, back away.

Trina, the heart rate you spiked the most
was Cinco's.

Still can't make up your mind, can you?

What the freak!

What the freak!

[Arielle] And, Olivia,

you raised Korey's heart rate the most.

Nothing like a teacher's pet!

Love that.

All right, well, I hope you guys
have a great night.

-Thank you.
-Oh, wait, sorry.

One more thing.

And this might have all of
your heart rates going through the roof.

[Cashay] Oh, crap, what?

The public have been voting
for their favorite

girl Islander
and their favorite boy Islander.

And by the end of the night,

one girl and one boy

will be leaving the villa


[upbeat music playing]

-[Arielle] One more thing.
-[man] Oh, Lord!

The public have been voting
for their favorite girl Islander

and their favorite boy Islander.

I'm now going to reveal,
in no particular order,

the top three boys and the top three girls

who are safe and will continue
their stay on Love Island.[/i]

If you're not in the top
then you're in the bottom.

And by the end of the night,

one girl and one boy

will be leaving the villa



No way!

It's all fun and games until it's not.

Can I please have
all of the girls on one side

and all the boys on the other?

-I love you, bro.
-I love you guys.

Girls, can I please have you all stand?


Your journey on Love Island[/i]
has been quite turbulent

but does the public think
you can turn it around?

Congratulations, Olivia, you are safe
and you can go ahead and take a seat.

Oh, my God!


you have been here since day one

and have proven to be quite popular
with all of the other Islanders.

But does America agree?

Unfortunately, not.
You are in the bottom three.

Please come and join me.


you always seem to be
the life and soul of the villa.

But is America liking what they're seeing?

They are!

Congratulations, Shannon,
you can go ahead and take a seat.


your time here on Love Island[/i]
has been a roller coaster

but the question is,
is America enjoying the ride?

Unfortunately, not so much.

You're in the bottom three.
Will you please come and join me?

[dramatic music playing]

Kyra and Cashay,

you have been here since the beginning

and have really gained the love of
your fellow Islanders.

But one of you, America
wasn't loving quite as much.

[suspenseful music playing]

Kyra, I'm sorry,
you're in the bottom three.

Please come and join me.

Cashay, congratulations,
you are safe, you can take a seat.

She deserves to be here.

[dramatic music playing]

[Arielle] So Trina, Genny and Kyra,

you've received the fewest votes
and are now at risk.

Boys, you're up next.

Please stand up.


are you enjoying your time here?

I love it.

And America is enjoying you too.

You are safe and you can take a seat.


Jeremy, you have built some
great friendships here in the villa.

But have you built the same
relationship with America?

Unfortunately, not.

You're in the bottom three.

Please come and join me.

Korey, you have a special bond
with all the Islanders

but is America feeling
the same vibes for you?

They sure are.

Congratulations, you can go ahead
and take a seat, Korey.


You certainly made the most of
your time here in the villa.

But was your time well spent?

Unfortunately, America does not think so.

Please come and join me.

[dramatic music playing]

[suspenseful music playing]

Will and Josh,

you both found connections with your girls

here in the villa from the very beginning.

[suspenseful music playing]

[Arielle] But America isn't connecting
with one of you.

[suspenseful music playing]

[upbeat music playing]

[dramatic music playing]

[Arielle] Will and Josh,

you both found connections

but America isn't connecting
with one of you.

[suspenseful music playing]

Will, I'm sorry,
you're in the bottom three.

Josh, congratulations, you are safe
and you can take a seat.

[melancholic music playing]

[Arielle] Will, Cinco and Jeremy,

you have received the fewest votes
from the public and are now at risk.

Two Islanders will be leaving
the villa tonight.

This is how it's gonna work.

There are three girls to my left
and three boys to my right.

All at risk and in need of your help.

[dramatic music playing]

Girls, you need to get together

and choose one girl
you would like to save.

And, boys, you'll need to get together

and choose one boy
that you would like to save.

I know this is a really
difficult decision.

[Josh] I don't know how to start
this conversation.

It's only right to save Will.

I really think we should save Trina.

Absolutely not. We need to save Kyra.

She deserves a shot at finding something.

[Josh] I mean, I see where
you're coming from, for sure.

Oh, my God, Jeremy, save Jeremy.

What about Cinco?

Okay, time's up.

Girls, who have you decided to
save and why?

[Cashay] We've decided
to save this girl because

she's been there for us
no matter what she was feeling

or what she was going through.

Her journey in the villa
hasn't been the easiest

but no matter what she showed strength,

courage, beauty, grace.

She's someone who deserves
to find the love of her life

and we hope with this she is able to.

This was a really difficult decision

because we don't want to see anybody go
and everyone deserves to be here.

But we believe that
we're making right choice.

The girl we want to save is…

[suspenseful music playing]


[Arielle] Congratulations, Trina. You are
safe and you can go and join the others.

[Trina] I love you.

[whispers] You deserve this.

[Arielle] Boys,

who have you decided to save and why?

[dramatic music playing]

This decision is, probably, the most
difficult decision we've ever made here.

We've all grown to, like, a family.

I hate to see anyone leave.

The boy we want to save is…

[dramatic music playing]


Congratulations, Jeremy.

You are safe
and you can go and join the others.

And then there were four.

So here's what's going to happen next.

Safe guys, I need you to get together

and decide which girl
you would like to save.

And safe girls,

I need you to do the same

and get together and decide which boy,

out of these two guys,
you would like to save.

I know everyone's gonna go against me.

I wanna save Cinco.

[Cashay] Is Cinco,
do you think, gonna be able

to actually let us go and move on?

Do you really think that?

We know what we have to do.

[Shannon] Wait, which is what?

[Cashay] He just gotta go.

You just both said different things.

Wait, what do you guys wanna do?

I wanna save Will.

I wanna save Cinco.

Obviously, I know, you're a couple.

[Jeremy] No, man, I'm not.

I just wanna make sure
everyone is on the same page.

You gotta think individually.

[Josh] Yeah.

I wanna save somebody who's actually gonna

be open to meeting new women

and find love.

Ok fine.

Can I get agreements?

Sure, do your thing.

[Arielle] Girls, who have you
decided to save and why?

Are you who's saying it?

Who are we picking?

-The cheerleader.

[dramatic music playing]

We decided to save this boy because

we do believe that this person has been
through ups and downs in this villa.

But in the end, we do feel like

this person deserves to find

what they are looking for
at the end of this.

This has been the hardest decision

that we've ever had to make here.

I still don't even really know

if it's completely agreed upon.


[dramatic music playing]

[Arielle] It needs to be unanimous.

Can we have, like, two more minutes?

[dramatic music playing]

[upbeat music playing]

[narrator] Welcome back.[/i]

So far eight Islanders are safe

but now they must make
the toughest decision yet.

Which two Islanders will they save

and which two Islanders are going home?

[Shannon] This is the toughest decision
that we've ever had to make here.

I still don't even really know

if it's completely agreed upon but…

[suspenseful music playing]

[Arielle] It needs to be unanimous.

Can we have, like, two more minutes?

If you need more time, please take it.

Are you ready to see him leave?

Guys, please don't, please don't

leave this up to me.

-I mean, will it make you happy?
-I don't know.

It's not up to me. I can't.

Whatever you guys want.

[Arielle] Okay, time's up.

Girls, who have you decided
to save and why?

We decided to save this boy because,

from the very beginning,
he has always been a shoulder to lean on.

Has always been
there for everybody in the villa

and we genuinely think that this person
is capable of finding love.


Oh, my God.

[tense music playing]

And we genuinely think that
he is here for the right reasons.

So the boy that we would like to save is…

[suspenseful music playing]


[Arielle] Congratulations, Will.

[Cinco] You know you're my boy.

You can go and join the others.

[melancholic music playing]

[Arielle] Boys,

who have you decided to save, and why?

[dramatic music playing]

We would like to save this girl because

she's one of the kindest
and sweetest girls we've met in the villa.

She's opened up a lot since
coming in here.

So the girl we wants to save is…

[dramatic music playing]


[dramatic music playing]

Congratulations, Kyra.

You can go and join the other girls.

[dramatic music playing]

I'm so sorry but, Genny and Cinco,

your time on Love Island [/i]is over.

Is there anything you would like
to say to your fellow Islanders?

[Cinco] I'm taking this experience as
a learning curve.

I've grown and I have no regrets
being in here.

I wish the best for all of y'all,
honestly. I really do.

And I'll see you all soon, man.

I'm crying.

Stop with that.

I'm sensitive too, you know?

You both have 30 minutes to pack your bags
and say your goodbyes,

and the rest of you, congratulations,
I'll see you soon.


[Cinco] It's been fun.
It's been great seeing you.

I appreciate everything.

My boy.

I'll see you at home.

I'm so happy for you.

I love you so much.


[Will] Flaquita, don't worry.

[Kyra] I know.

-I love you.
-Thank you, I love you.

Babe, much love.

Ah, Trina.

-It's been cool.

-All right.

Come here, brother!

-I love you, bro.
-[Jeremy] I love you too, man.

-You already know that.
-[Cinco] Yeah, of course.

[Jeremy] I don't know how
I'm supposed to do this without my boy.

[Cinco] Hey, man,
you're gonna be good, bro.

[Jeremy] My guy was definitely,[/i]
like, my best friend in here.[/i]

We've had our highs

and we've both had some lows in here,

where we struggled to get through it

and I had his back the entire time.

Definitely, definitely going to be missed.

And you remember me?

-I'm gonna remember you regardless.
-[Will] I know, but--

I appreciate that, bro.

Cinco was my friend.

We were there like from the beginning.

I don't know. It was such a hard night.

At least it wasn't you guys
that sent me home.

This would be a little awkward.

It just sucks I didn't get an opportunity
to meet someone because I wanted to.

You're gonna forget all about me.

-You'll be fine.
-[Cinco] Yeah, whatever.

[Cashay] Thank you for making
my villa experience.

[Cinco] Of course.
Thank you for making my heart.

So don't nobody call me indecisive,

it was you the whole time,
you know that, right?

Obviously, it's really hard to see
Cinco go home.

But I do think me and Cinco's story
happened for a reason.

Don't look at me like that!

Don't look at me like that!

I can't.

I wanna kiss you, I do but I can't

'cause I'm gonna be
walkin' out that door with you.

It was really hard seeing him go.

[dramatic music playing]

-[Cinco] You ready?

-[Cinco] All right, y'all.
-[Jeremy] All right, man.

-Love you guys.

[Korey] Love you.

That one hurts.


[dramatic music playing]

I'm leaving feeling really positive.[/i]

Shannon's really important to me

and I'm glad I'm leaving feeling really
good about our relationship.

I don't really think there was anyone
in the villa that I could've

made a connection with
other than friendship.

Hopefully, I'll find that
outside of the villa.

He lost another friend,
he could not keep a friend in this villa.

[Cinco] The villa is definitely[/i]
a different experience.[/i]

It's made me learn that

it's okay to be emotional sometimes.

The love triangle was always part
of the Cinco name in here

but at the end of the day,
it was Cash, it was always Cash.

I wish I could have been the best for her
but things don't always go as you want to.

See how things go,
wishing you all the best.

[Josh] Yeah, I'm gonna--
I want to take off my tail.

[woman] Oh, my God!
Are you still wearing that?

I don't know what to think, like,

I mean, they had to choose someone.

And I was pretty sad.

Even if I have a relationship
with the guys,

they preferred to choose Jeremy,
he never find a connection with anyone.

[Kyra] Everyone was confused about that.

Like, the girls chose Trina.

And, I mean,

Trina is a beautiful person and she is,
like, one of my best friends here.

But they want to prefer Trina
than you, you know.

-Like why this intention--
-It's kind of why I felt a little--

I don't want to use the word betrayed
but I feel like I don't know who to trust.

Don't make assumptions now.

No. I'm not going to but--

[Will] It's going to be awkward tonight.

Oh, it's gonna be super awkward tonight.

I honestly don't wanna talk
to anyone tonight except for you.

You're not going to talk to me?

[Kyra] Stop.

[narrator] As Kyra and Will go down[/i]
the paranoia rabbit hole,[/i]

Charlie goes down the Cinc-hole,

sensing Cash wanted to have
her beefcake and eat it too.

Who did you want to save tonight?

[Cashay] I, honestly,
didn't have an opinion.

I'm pretty sure you said Cinco.

No, at first, I said Will
then I said Cinco

then I said Will then I said Cinco

but it wasn't for the reasons that you're,
obviously, thinking right now.

It is just the fact that

at the

kind of, like, after all of that
and after everything,

still watching you say his name
after everything,

it was like damn, like--

Like, what am I? You know what I'm saying?

Yeah, they did send him home

but her initial thought was
to not send him home.

To me, it just seemed like Cashay
was trying to leave her options open.

And so, makes it a little bit harder

for me to actually believe
everything she says.

If I wanted Cinco,
Charlie, I would be with Cinco.

I understand he's not here
but at the same time,

to me, though, that was, kinda,
a slap in the face.

because it just made me feel--
you know what I'm saying?

It had nothing to do with our relationship

or my relationship with Cinco.
It had to do with--

The question was who do you think
will find love in here?

I said, "Will already found someone,

Cinco hasn't yet."

We talked about it. We said he probably
wouldn't find anyone in here.

He would probably
get in between you and I.

I agreed, we sent him home.

And it's, like, hard for me.

I think this whole conversation

and this whole situation
was so hard for me

and you're not getting that

because you're so caught up
in thinking like I'm going to hurt you

or I'm not being honest
with you and not there for you.

I've done nothing but have your back

and try to figure out the situation

in the best way that I could.

And tonight was so hard.

And you're not even realizing that.

It was so hard,
I've been with this person--

but at the end of the day,
I still chose you.

What more do you want from me, Charlie?

He literally tried to kiss me
goodbye and I said no.

I just think maybe you don't
know my heart enough to realize that but--

I know I'm not crazy
and I just know like--

I feel like anybody in my situation,

they probably would feel
some sort of way, too.

You know what I'm saying?

I just feel like you seeing it
from your point of view

but you're not really seeing it,
how I'm looking at it.

Oh, Lord.

It's crazy to me because if I wanted
Cinco, I'd be with Cinco.

[narrator] It's [/i]"Lost Love" Island.[/i]

The sad energy in the villa continues

after day-one veteran Cinco

and day-something new girl Genny
packed their bags and went home.

Despite some couples
still having each other,

parting with a friend
or a lover still hurts.

[Olivia] Do you want to talk about it?

I just had a conversation that just sucks.

[Olivia] Why, what's happening?

He, literally, was basically, like,
I feel like you're playing both sides.

-Judging your character?
-[Cashay] Kind of, yeah.

Just now, when I pulled Cinco for a chat,
he, literally, tried to kiss me goodbye.

And I said, "No, I'm with Charlie."
That's who I am as a person.

Seeing anyone leave always hurts me

but, like, obviously Cinco
was like my best friend in here.

You okay, baby?


I feel like I got hit by a bus.

[melancholic music playing]

[upbeat music playing]

Good morning.

Dude, last night was so much fun
until it, literally, wasn't.

Yeah, for real.

I just was not ready to let Cinco go
because I don't trust Mr. Will.

Why do you act like
you're in love with Kyra?

And then you have a model in your bed,
you're making out, getting busy

-all night with her.

[Cashay] They're not thanking anyone[/i]
for saving them.[/i]

They're taking it as a personal attack.

At the end of the day,
you were still saved.

I haven't talked to anybody yet,

from last night, I only talked to you.

It was a hard night and also

I'm really sad because
Cinco is not with us anymore.

And I really just want to know
who do you think

from the girls who wanted me to stay
and who wanted Cinco to stay.

I have that in my mind.

I don't even really think that
matters, dude, honestly.

You know what I mean, you are still here.

I see where you're coming from.
I felt like,

In Kyra's situation,
I'd have felt betrayed too.

Like, damn, like that's how y'all feel?

Like, I want to know
why they took that decision.

I feel like some of the girls
didn't want me to stay.

I don't know if because they don't like me

or they see my relationship
with Kyra is so good

and then we don't deserve to be here.

Nobody is gonna tell you
better than hearing it from them.

If they don't keep it real with you,
that's on them.

At least you ask,
you know what I'm saying?

Yeah, that's true.

-Thank you guys for listening.
-Of course.

-My horse, my horse.
-Of course, my horse.

Well, we're all still here.

-Let's go work out.
-Last five.

With four empty beds in the villa,[/i]

people are getting
a little too comfortable.

Me thinks it's time for a little
text mess… age.

-How are you feeling, Jer?
-I mean, I'm obviously sad…

-…about last night.

Did you get a text?

I got a text!

Come on, guys.

-Wait, what could this possibly say?
-No, I'm going to throw up.

"Boys, tonight three new girls
will enter the villa.

They have each chosen
two boys they want to date.

Each girl has chosen
one boy to prepare the entrée

and one to prepare the dessert.



Bro, what?

It's three new girls!

-Three new girls, cool.
-Three new girls.

You guys wanna--

[all] Hey!

"Korey, Elly has selected you
to prepare her entrée."

-All I know is making sandwiches.

Keep it dry, no mayo.

"Will, Alana has selected you
to prepare her entry."



Will getting picked to go on a date,
I literally cannot catch a break.


"Jeremy, Bailey has selected you
to prepare her entrée."


-Shake it--

"Charlie, Elly has selected
you to prepare her dessert."

I like desserts,
but I got a milk chocolate right here.

-There you go, there you go.
-Yeah, you feel me.

"Korey, Bailey has selected you
to prepare her dessert."

-What are you making?
-I don't know.

"Jeremy, Alana has selected you
to prepare her dessert."

I'm definitely fired up for the new girls.

I'll trying my best,

and hopefully make a connection,
we'll see.

That was three dinners and three desserts.

Better make it tasteless.

You just put a slice of bread on a plate.

These girls are going to be
super freaking hot.

They're, literally,
going to be b*mb shells.

[narrator] It's [/i]Love Island,

some of the boys are going to cook
for our incoming three new girls.

Boys, don't look too eager.

Rice cake entrée, jelly bean dessert,

only talk about comic books, trust me.

-[Jeremy] You just have dessert, right?
-[Charlie] Yeah, I just got desserts.

-So you can just focus on that.
-Yeah, I'm gonna do the fried Oreos,

-You have it easy.

I'm gonna make lemon pepper salmon,

asparagus and some brown rice.
Something healthy--

-Really healthy, yeah.

-I'm a little shocked nobody picked Josh.
-Maybe they're all tall.

-I am too.
-Maybe they're all models.

Also, the fact that no one picked Josh
means that Josh is not going to sway.

I don't know, they went for Will
and that's stupid.

-They saw his head turned at Casa Amor.
-They saw Casa Amor.

So, they were, like, "He's fair game."

You have a really good thing going
with Olivia, don't mess it up.

But at the same time, like,

don't go into it with a closed mind.

[Korey] Oh, no, I know.

Literally, you have to take things
hour by hour in here.

Kyra, how do you feel about
Will going on a date?

[Kyra] Like, a little nervous but also not

because things did happen at Casa Amor.

I mean, Will tells me everything,

I'll trust what he says,

but, if he, like, goes for it,
then that shows where his priorities lie.

But knowing him, I don't think he
would even allow that to happen.

I don't know, guys,
speculating is going to do nothing

-but drive us absolutely insane.
-[Kyra] Exactly.

-We got to look hot tonight!

[upbeat music playing]


Okay. So, first, how are you feeling

after last night?

I mean, I'm better now,
you know, obviously, we talked

-and we kind of hashed that out so--

I'm really not the type
to dwell on something.

Once we address it,
we move forward from it.

How do you feel about new girls coming in?

-I mean, all this is a first, so--
-I know.

I'm gonna make them feel welcome
like y'all made us feel welcome.

I'm confident, like, I'm not the type,
I'm not gonna hover over you.

Like if you wanna have a conversation,
like, that's fine

because I know if the roles were reversed,

and it was like a guy that I had to go
on a date with, you would be--

-Yeah, I'd feel the same way.

Give me a hug.

[upbeat music playing]

-[Will] Pose, pose.
-That's good.

Will's enjoying it too much.

Shannon, you want to talk?

[Shannon groans]

What was that…

What that means?

Yeah, I hate having serious talks
when I feel like

there's no bad blood.

I know there is no bad blood.

For me neither. I just wanna have--

I know I feel like you hate me
for some reason.

I never hate you,
I don't have any reason to hate you.

-I feel like you didn't like me.
-I don't know why you think like that.

It's sometimes--
small things, like, comments,

like, when I was going to pull you out

you make, "ugh", like,
those kinds of noises,

why do you have to say those things?

Well, because I'm eating.

-And I just want to sit and eat.

You know it's not the reason,

but the situation
I want to talk is about yesterday.

Kyra is your friend, right?

-It's not about friendship here.
-I don't know if I'm wrong.

I didn't put you guys there, you put
yourself there, America put you there.

But let me tell you something.

If you and Josh are in that situation,
I will save your relationship.

I want you to save someone else

that deserves to stay here
and find their person.

Then you don't deserve
to stay here, either?

-No, I think we all--
-That's the question,

-you don't deserve--
-Can you let me talk now?

-No, like, I'm talking to you.
-Yeah, let me talk--

-Let me talk now.

I don't know why you're trying to say that
I don't think you guys deserve to be here.

Kyra is my best friend.

I'm very protective over her.

Why do you think Kyra
was in the bottom three?

-Because they just watched your Casa Amor.
-That's my problem with Kyra.

We make our solution and we talk our way.

Oh, my God!

Kyra cried all over me the night
that she found out what you did.

Yeah, but we figured out the situation.

Is it right for me to step in
on their one-on-one conversation?

I don't like seeing Kyra bawl her eyes out
over somebody like you.

-I think she deserves better.
-But that's not her problem.

You think she deserves better?

She deserves somebody that
loves her, cares about her

-and the person that is--

She just said I think Kyra
deserves someone better than you.

-I don't like that.

She's, literally, crossing the line.

She is.

She didn't think you were
going to turn your head

and I want a man, a real man
that is going to be there for her,

that a model can walk in--

Can you listen? Can you listen?

Can you listen?

I want a guy for my friend Kyra--

They're screaming at each other.

-You're not her friend--
-She doesn't jump in bed!

You don't jump in bed with her.
You put a girl right in her spot.

She went to my bed. I didn't decide.

There was an empty bed.

-Okay? You could've told her.
-The last night, I told her--

"This is Kyra's spot,
why don't you go in the empty bed?"

I told her, I was like, I understand,
I appreciate your concern

but at the same time you also don't know

-what goes on between us.
-At the same time,

we need to respect yours,
it's your relationship.

You have a lot of issues
that you need to work on.

You go and take--
I don't know what I'm gonna say.

Yeah, I hope that you work it out.

I don't wanna

listen to this.

Bye, stop talking to me!

Wow, wow, wow!

Oh, my God, this is giving me a headache.

Kick me when I'm down.

Kick me again.

-Settle down. What's going on?
-What happened?

He's pissed that I wanted to pick
Cinco instead of him.

So, he's lashing out.

'Cause, Kyra is your friend
and you just betrayed her.

She was your couple and you were
hooking up the whole weekend too, Will.

All right.

It's like always something.

Like people just love to start shit
with me. I don't understand.

[mellow music playing]

[upbeat music playing]

[narrator] Welcome back.[/i]

If you smell something burning,
it's either the boys cooking

for their dates with the new girls
or the friendship

between Shannon and Will…

[Korey] Damn, we got one hour…

To get all meals cooked,
showered, ready, everything.

-Wait, what?

I don't even know how to cook this.

-What are you doing?
-Setting this damn thing.

-Do you know what to set it to?

-I think 350 pre-heat.

I think that's what salmon goes on.

I cook mine on a higher.

On high?

It depends on what you're trying
to do, because I straight bake mine.

I don't throw it in the pan.
It's up to you.

So, I'm just gonna, like, bake it.

Get the insides like…

popping and then take it on the outside,
put it in the pan-thing and sear it.

Do me a favor. When you talk to me in
the kitchen, can you address me as "chef"?

-"Yes, chef"?

I'm definitely fired up for the new girls.
I love to cook.

I'm going full, like,
Wolfgang Puck over here.

I really hope this girl likes mushrooms.

I really hope this girl has no taste buds.

Obviously, I want the dates to go well
not just for me but all the boys.

Blind dates are always nerve-racking.

Bro, we're all looking fire.


[upbeat music playing]

I hate drama.

You gotta chill, you know, like--

It's so stupid.

When somebody says things like that,
I don't know. You know?

It sounds like it was a heated fight where
they both said things they shouldn't have.

Exactly. And now I'm caught in the middle.

Who cares who was gonna pick who?
You got saved, bro.

Wake up and enjoy the rest of the time
you have with your girl.

Guys, I wonder how hot these girls are.

They're going to be stunning.

I'm almost hoping these girls,
like, aren't super bad.

So I don't get put in a predicament
to where I have to--

I hope they're literally ten out of tens
and you get put in a predicament.

You know what? I don't have anxiety,
it's gonna be fine.

Your man is in love with you.
I'm sure you'll be fine.

I really do think he loves me,
is that crazy?


And she said, "Yeah."

What do you think the guys
are cooking tonight?

-[Jeremy] I hope they're full because

I don't want them to eat my food.

What do you guys think
they're cooking for dessert?

-I think it's ice cream.
-You don't cook dessert, you bake dessert.

Okay, if you ever tell me how to cook
dessert again…

[narrator] Good "veeb-es."[/i]

Do you think you're gonna win first place?

-Oh, this is a competition?
-I don't know, bro.

You guys ready?

[Korey] If you stay ready,[/i]
you don't have to get ready.[/i]

-You nervous?
-No, I'm not nervous at all, I just--

-Don't worry about it.

-Don't worry about it.

Yeah, I know, I'm just letting it flow.
It's just that--

Kyra, baby, you behind me?


-Trina baby!

It's cooked.

It's overcooked.

Wait, it looks so intimate.

I wanna make it look like I'm not
looking even though I'm looking.

Oh, great, they're on the balcony.

-Charlie, you got your phone on you?
-Yeah, I got--

What time is it?

-I'm getting hungry.
-I'm not at all.

When I get nervous,
I lose my appetite altogether.

[upbeat music playing]

Hi, I'm Elly, I'm 22 years old, I live
in Chicago and I'm a receptionist.

I have a bad history of
attracting married men.

So hopefully that can be avoided here.

It seems like everybody in the villa

has gotten really comfortable
but this really isn't about comfort.

It's about taking risks
and finding a genuine connection.

I'm attracted to Korey because
he seems like a sweetheart

and someone that would be
really fun to be around.

And not married, that's a big plus.

My name is Alana,
I'm 28 years old and I model.

I have a big personality
and I'm super-goofy,

I try to not take life too seriously.

I prefer men who are more direct.

I really like Will, he's super handsome.

I know he's a little wifed up right now
but no one is off-limits.

So we'll see. [chuckles]

Hi, I'm Bailey, I'm 23
and I'm a marketing intern.

I'm here at Love Island[/i]

because I'm tired of situationships

and I'm ready to
find someone to really date.

To be honest, I'm used to guys
approaching me first

but if I see a guy I'm interested in,
I'm gonna sh**t my shot.

I'm definitely into Jeremy,

he's got that Tarzan vibe going on.

Muscly and tall and nice. I'm in.

They're coming right now
because I hear them.

Hi, boys.

-Oh, my goodness.
-[Cashay] Wow.

-Literally, drop dead gorgeous.
-How you doing?

-And they have a body.
-Holy crap!

[narrator] Next time…[/i]

The new girls arrive
and start making moves.

Get ready to watch sparks fly
on their dates with the boys.

When I saw you, you were definitely…

-You ain't gotta gas me up, now.
-All right, I won't.

He's not making eye contact with me.

Yeah, none of the boys are making
eye contact with us.

Charlie didn't look up once.

[upbeat music playing]

Subtitle translation by: