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03x23 - Episode 23

Posted: 04/29/24 19:19
by bunniefuu
[narrator] Previously on [/i]Love Island…

Not new boys, what!

[narrator] Two new boys came in hot.[/i]

My head was turned.

And there were love triangles galore.[/i]

-Hopefully, I didn't disappoint.
-You definitely didn't disappoint.

He didn't hug me this morning.
He didn't want to kiss me.

He's acting so weird.

Jeremy is going for Bailey as well.

Olivia is on a date right now
with a guy that's really into her.

I cannot catch a break for nothing.

[narrator] Tonight…[/i]

Relationships are under pressure.

Andre is everything
that I've been wanting.

Coming in, you were my number one,

but then, seems like you and Olivia
were closer than I thought.

At the end of the day, like,
I might lose both.

You told me that I'm all you, but then,

you are still having
intimate chats with her.

And I'm, like, what do you want?


tonight there will be a recoupling."

And it's decision time for the boys.[/i]

The girl I would
like to couple up with is…




Leaving one girl dumped from the island.[/i]

And you'll get another chance to vote
at the end of the show.

[theme music playing]

[narrator] "Bum-bum-bum" indeed.[/i]

It's the show we call Love Island[/i]

and in two weeks we'll call
"Neon Furniture Garage Sale Island."

We've got two new guys, Andre and K-Ci.

Cashay is still
sleeping off her toothache.

Olivia and Kyra are living
their bestie life on the waterfall bench.

Man, I want to eat
a sandwich on that bench.

We got Korey wandering the villa
and within the labyrinth of his own mind.

And the Islanders have stolen
the idea for a game we invented,

and are playing…

Truth or dare.

K-Ci, I dare you to kiss Elly.

And she goes, "Yay!"

[narrator] Because they just started[/i]
playing it themselves[/i]

there's no super slo-mo saliva sh*ts.

All right.



[Will] Jeremy, true or dare?


I dare you to kiss her.

What type of kiss, though?

Like a passionate kiss?

I just put lip gloss on, though.

That's good.
Not me looking like Kylie Jenner.

[Bailey] Okay, now your turn.

[Will] Andre, truth or dare?


What's your biggest fear in life?

Biggest fear in life would probably be

not being able to be there for my daughter
if she needs me.

Like, at any moment--

And not being able to provide
for her or help her?

If she was going through something
and I'm not being able to help.

That makes sense.

[narrator] Someone actually chose truth.[/i]

We never planned for this!

We never planned for this!
Let's never mention it again.

Kyra, be a lamb and give us your thoughts
on the Olivia, Korey, Andre sitch.

Olivia is in a tough place because

I know she has feelings for Korey
and Korey likes her.

Olivia also voiced
how the date went with Andre.

The chemistry
and then the kiss, and then, like,

everything you're explaining
is what I felt with Will.

Stop it!

I'm thinking about Korey, too.

I don't wanna see Korey
go through this again.

That's because I feel
Jeremy is really into Bailey.

[Kyra] Yeah.

And you're going
to change me for Korey now.

I feel like you're going to dump me.

-For Andre.
-For Andre?

I'm not gonna lie. I want him to--

-to stay.
-Shut up!

-Like, I like-- he's a cool kid.
-Stop it!


-He's cute.
-[Kyra] Stop!

[Will] I'm kidding, baby.

[narrator] If Will couples up with Andre,[/i]

that might be the only way Korey
could get a second chance

at screwing things up with Olivia.

What's the deal?

I don't know. I mean, I don't know.

Are you just chilling?

Nah, man, I'm--

Like, I think Olivia is doing

to me exactly
what I was doing to her, you know.

Making you feel it?

She might be just making you feel
that way to see if you're going

to just back off
or if you're going to go for it.

Yeah, I definitely understand
where Liv is coming from.

Like, it feels good to have
someone come in

and they know exactly what they want.

Like, Bailey, that's what she told me,
and all the girls, like,

she came in and I was exactly
what she wanted,

and she pushed,
and Andre is doing the same to her.

So, I mean, what can I do?

Like, I want this with Olivia.

But, on the other hand, like,
this beautiful girl Bailey,

like, she came in here for me.

But I definitely think that
the longer I kind of dwell on it,

Bailey's going to be falling for Jeremy.

So, at the end of the day, like,
I might lose both.

I don't know.
Like, I really don't know right now.

-How are you feeling, baby?

You're like, I'm trying not to.

I'm trying-- Yeah, you get me!

I don't know.

A part of me is like,
"Oh, my God, I want guys to like me."

And then now that it is that, I'm like,

"I don't want guys to like me."
You know what I mean?

You're like, "It's so hard
being a wanted woman. Please stop!"

I don't like that feeling
of being able to hurt someone.

How did your chat with Korey go?
You just talked to him, no?

I made it worse

-and more confusing for me.
-[Elly] Yeah.

I will say, though,
I know Korey's a great guy.

We kind of have the same journey.

I'm just letting you know, you--

Andre-- You're his first option.

He's really cool, dude.

[Elly] He's really cool.

I like, I mean, I enjoy talking
to him even as a friend.

I don't know if it's worth
giving up someone

I do care about so much.

I've envisioned my life
after the Villa with Korey.

The universe has a plan.

-It's crazy.
-It's perfect.

[narrator] The universe does have a plan,[/i]

which was given by the producers
after thousands of hours of planning.

Now to Korey,
the man with a plan B for Bailey.

-What's up?
-What's up?

Oh, jinx.

Who wants to go first?

Like, I find two connections.

I find, like, you and her attractive,
you know, and, like,

I kind of did this thing with Florita.

Like, when Florita
was between me and Jeremy, like,

the second she told me,
I just pulled away.

I'm trying not to do that for once
because it does suck, like,

seeing the two girls that I like
in between me and another person.

-You know?

How do you feel about her
going on the date today?

She-- she is confused. She did say that.

Selfishly, I was really excited
to hear that she's into someone else.

-Then I was like, yes!
-[Korey] I know.

It makes it less weird, and I can, like,

feel more comfortable
trying to talk to you.

So what's up with you and Jeremy?

Well, I think I got into Jeremy more
because you were into Olivia.

-[Bailey] Then, I was, like,

coming in,
you were obviously my number one,

but it seemed like
you and Olivia were closer than I thought.

I think Korey definitely feels weird.

But also I just wish that

he was, like, showing me
that he was interested.

Like is he

way more interested in her?

Or is he leaning towards me?

Like, I feel like
that would give me so much clarity.

And I'd be way more relaxed if I kind of
really knew where his head was at.

It looks like I'm gonna flirt
with Bailey again today.

We kissed tonight.

Will was like, "I dare you
to kiss Bailey," clearly helping me out.

And I was, like, "Okay."
And I walked over and we "kissed" kissed.

I don't know what the dynamic
between her and Korey is.

I think he's trying to weigh his options.


-Did you see Korey talking to Bailey?

Think he was telling her
he wants to pursue me?

Or now, because I told him I'm interested,

"Andre is going to pursue her"?

[Kyra] Hey, I think I need
to go into the shower now.

-I mean, I had a great time.
-Me too.

Yeah, that was neat.

When she came back,
she didn't even look at me.

-Good night, y'all. Love you guys.
-Good night.

[rock music playing]

[theme music playing]

[rock music playing]

[narrator] Good morning, [/i]Love Island.

Yeah, we wake up and put on sunglasses.

So do vampires and blues singers, baby.

[narrator] Time for the most[/i]
important meal of the day: makeup.[/i]

I saw you and Korey talking last night.

Yeah, it was, like, just random, like--

But I wasn't sure
if Korey was running to you

because he was freaking out that
I was interested in Andre,

'cause me and Andre kissed.

And, like, Andre literally
is just the greatest guy.

-What do you want?
-Oh, I don't know.

-Now I'm like--
-I would go with your gut.

My gut hurts right now.

Is the barber shop opening early?

-She's here!

Okay, spill everything.

What did I miss? Like, how was your date?

Did you kiss? Wait, no, go.

We did not kiss on our date.

I just want, like, an initial spark.

You want the fanny flutters.

I want the fanny flutters so hard.

Someone felt the fanny flutters, though.

I freaking knew you guys
were going to have a good date.

Was Charlie acting up while I was gone?

Was he?

Not acting up, but I think--

Is he still being flirty with you
and stuff?

You know, I just don't know. I don't want
to speak for anyone. You know?

I'm a little confused,
and I obviously have you in my mind.

Everybody keep an eye on everybody.
These men are acting up.

-These men are wild.
-They're acting up.

[narrator] As Cash's all-seeing eye[/i]
follows Charlie outside,[/i]

Andre and Will bond and show there's more
to them than just insanely good looks

and cool accents.

Not that they need more, they have
insanely good looks and cool accents.

[Andre] Yeah, bro, so for me coming here
was definitely out of my comfort zone.

But sometimes you got to step out
of that comfort zone

to grow, even as a person.

How about you?
Do you feel like you've grown

-since you got here?
-A lot, man.

I feel like I've grown with Kyra
and by myself.

[Andre] Do you feel like Kyra is

totally different than the girls
you've dated in the past?

-[Andre] Yeah?

And I am happy for that, man.

It's the first time
I date an English speaker.

But I don't think it's a problem for us.

We actually make, like,
to put a little bit of spice, you know,

-like trying to understand each other.
-Yeah, yeah.

I was so caught off guard
and happy that on my date yesterday

I found out so much about Olivia.

And it actually,
to my surprise, was, like,

a lot of the same things that I believe in
is what she believes in.

-It was just nice to feel that connection.
-I saw. She was really happy, too.

-Were you?

Do you want to marry,
at one point of your life?

Do you want to get, like, married?

I would like to get married.

That's the ultimate goal.

You know, I've actually tried before.

After, like, five months, I proposed.

It was super fast.
And it was, like, super rushed.

And, you know, things didn't work out.

We split up,
and separated and divorced in February.

It was a hard decision for me
because, you know,

marriage to me means a lot.

But I also realize there's no point in
staying in something if you're not happy.

So all these experiences
that I'm bringing to the table, like,

I'm here super confident.

-I know I don't have to force anything.
-Make you grow--

I trust, like, my feelings.

And that's kind of like
what made me wanna come here.

Like, those experiences
just make you more stronger.

Absolutely, bro.

[narrator] In the immortal words[/i]
of her royal highness, Kelly Clarkson,[/i]

"What doesn't k*ll you
makes you stronger."

On the Bench of Infinite Confusion,
Korey gives love advice to Elly.

And if she's smart,
she'll do the exact opposite.

How was your date last night,

-first of all?
-It was good.

I just want to feel, like,
a spark or butterflies or something.

-[Korey] Yeah.
-I can't tell if he's just shy or quiet.

In that position, like, you can't be shy.

-I will say that.
-[Elly] I know.

You have to come out of
your comfort zone real quick.

I can tell, like, physical attraction
and, like, sexual tension,

but I feel like in the past

-that's led me to the wrong things.
-Wrong thing. Yeah.

-Not, like, a genuine connection.
-Yup. Trust me. I'm right there with you.


I got a text!


Of course!

[Korey] Here we go.

That is crazy!

You gotta do what you gotta do, baby.

Oh, boy, this is going
to be an interesting day, huh?

I feel like a lot of questions
will be answered

because the guys are choosing.

[Olivia] What am I going to do
if Korey couples up with me,

and then I'm, like, literally in bed
with Korey and thinking about Andre?

Who can you see yourself have a life with?

-Both. Both of them.
-Both of them?

Dude, they're literally both great.
I don't know, they're both freaking great.

I told Olivia, you know,
in such a short time here,

I just wanna get to know her better,
the days that I have here.

Of course, you're being open
and honest with her.

It's crazy 'cause these new guys were,
I mean, we literally--

Like, you guys talked to them
but we haven't even-- None of us.

-[Kyra] I think you should talk to them.
-We should talk to them today.

If they don't pull you, you pull them.

[Charlie] The energy is funny.

-[Korey] It's weird, I know.
-[Charlie] Yeah.

I will definitely talk to Cash, though.

I guess she's thinking
there's something with you and Alana.

-Are you going to talk to Charlie soon?
-I don't know.

I kinda think that he should approach me.

I believe in people following their hearts

and not staying
with anyone out of obligation.

And if he really does want me,
he can act like it.

-You know? That's it.
-[Alana] Yeah.

I think they're all afraid of us today.
They're hiding over there.

-[Cashay] They're hiding, yeah.
-[Alana] They're hiding.

But I also think, like, you don't have
to consider me as much as you are.

Yeah, I'd just say I'm considering you.

[Alana] I'm just kind of, like,
stuck in a weird position.

I definitely want to have
a conversation with Charlie today.

I think that I owe it to myself.

I feel like every time we talk,
we kind of avoid the subject

of what is actually going
to be inevitable at some point,

that a decision needs to be made.

I'm not saying it's just for Charlie,

if you feel that
for any of the guys in the house,

put your cards on the table.

Nothing bad can happen from you
putting your cards on the table.

You, too.

-Can you hear me?
-Yeah, I can hear you.

-Are you there?
-I'm right here.

I don't know if they can hear us.

-Can they hear us?
-[Olivia] Probably.


-[Kyra] They can't hear us.
-[Olivia] Can you hear me?

Charlie? No?

-Korey has supersonic hearing.
-Yeah, I know.


Me checking the supersonic hearing
from over here.

So, Korey,

I already feel like
I know what you're gonna say.

[Olivia] I was all in on him.
Literally, from Casa Amor, like--

-Did he know that?
-[Olivia] Yes, I told him.

And then, the only reason
I'm keeping my options open now,

because he scared me
with leaving me so easily yet again.

Okay, I see what you're saying, but--

I literally was not even open to
my head turning until I felt like,

me and his relationship
was on the rocks because of him.

[Olivia] Unfortunately, right when Korey
opened the door for another girl,

he opened the door for me as well,

and Andre walked in at the perfect time,

and he is that spark
I've been waiting for.

I can say at this moment I'm no longer

100% for Korey.

And that's crazy.

Damn it, can I pull you for like--

-[Korey] What's up?

-For her.
-You guys private chatting?

Yeah, do you mind if I have
two more minutes?

-No, you're good.

Anyways, are you ready to talk to Korey?

-[Kyra] I think you're gonna have

to talk to Korey,
because it's gonna not be good.

You need to take advantage
of the time we have, which is right now.

[theme music playing]

[rock music playing]

[narrator] It's [/i]Love Island,

where one girl will be going home tonight.

Oh, wrong tone.

One girl will tragically
be going home tonight.

Now, Korey, Olivia, do that thing you do,

with not understanding
your feelings. It's cute.

What are you feeling at this moment?
Obviously, it's kind of weird.

Last night when
you were gone for that entire date,

like, I'm sitting here
talking to even the guys and--

I'm, like, saying,
I wonder if the date is going good.

I wonder if she's liking him,
or vice versa, you know?

I think with Bailey coming in,

like, I did have to see

and explore that, kind of like
what you're doing with Andre.

'Cause it does feel good
when someone comes in

and is, like, all for you.

I'll be honest with you.

Andre is literally everything
that I've been wanting.

-[Olivia] He's exactly what I pictured,

I guess, for my Love Island [/i]experience.

-[Olivia] And he is

telling me everything I want to hear,
and I like everything that he has to say.


I still have, like,
really strong feelings for you.

It's a weird place to be,
from going from single for

basically the whole time on Love Island[/i]

to another love triangle.

Which one am I leaning more towards?

Yesterday, I was a million percent Korey.

Today, I'm not.

You're thinking about not only in here
but on the outside of here.

And I think that's, like,
where I'm at, is like, what life--

Should be or what you picture it to be?

[narrator] Even though Charlie's[/i]
the perfect guy to go to the library with,[/i]

Queen Cash has found Prince Charles

royally confusing.

The recoupling could end her reign.

So Cash wants to know
what the Buckingham Palace is going on?

[Cashay] How you doing?

-[Charlie] Obviously, it's been weird.
-[Cashay] Because Alana?

I was going to say nothing else to her.

-Know what I'm saying?

I was just going to focus just on us,

and just try to get us back
to what we were at.

And then when she pulled me yesterday,
it was confusing.

-You know, so--
-So you like her?

I don't know if it's more
I like her or it was I'm just infatuated.

Me having a conversation with people,
that don't necessarily mean

that I wanna recouple with them
or talk to them or--

-I understand that.
-And being intimate with them, like, is--

-I'm not doing anything--
-But the fact that

you did tell her that you are interested
in getting to know her,

and then you told me,
"Okay, never mind, I'm all you,"

but then you're having
those intimate chats with her.

What do you want?
Am I just that disposable to you?

We still can't seem to figure it out.

Charlie is very different now
than he was at Casa Amor.

He's worried I'm going to hurt him.

All the Cinco talk. Like,
"How long are you going to be this way?"

Because we have
a limited amount of time left here.

I'm not doing nothing different
than what everybody else has been doing.

This whole situation has been,
it's been a lot.

-Do you think it's worth it?

What? Me and you?

I mean, yeah.

But if you want us, and if you want me,

then open up and, like, just be there.

Because I don't know how much more
I can fight for a man

that's not fighting for me.

I deserve someone who knows what he wants.

So, I'm gonna head downstairs.

I'm still kinda having a hard time

seeing just exactly
what it is about Cash that's keeping me

from fully moving forward,
what direction I want to go in.

I think I just really need
to have a chat with Alana

to see how things are between me and her.

My nerves are a little bad.

But I'm just trying
to keep my head on straight

and just make sure
I make the right decision.

[theme music playing]

[rock music playing]

[narrator] Welcome back.[/i]

Cash has had it with her guy,
Chucky's child's play.

She grabs her OG girls for a chat.

They know that, just like making
an offer on a vacation home,

Cash matters.

Charlie just said he's infatuated
with Alana and doesn't know what he wants.

Do you want to come outside?
You can chat with us here.

[Kyra] Sure.

All right, girl, spill. What the actual--

Like, you say you're all in on me,

but now you're confused
after one conversation.

It's that easy for your head to turn?

I was like, "Do you like her? What is it?"

He goes, "Honestly, I don't know if I like
her or if I'm just infatuated with her."

If I told you
I was infatuated with another guy,

you would be blowing your top right now.

Dude, yo!

You need to get it together and figure out
what you want 'cause I'm tired

-of being the one that wants you.

Cash has gone from toothache to heartache.[/i]

And much like choosing
which color shoe laces to wear,

Charlie is feeling deeply conflicted.

Obviously, kind of getting pulled

-in a couple of different directions.
-[Alana] Yeah.

At the end of the day,
you don't want to hurt nobody.

Well, I mean, I'm, obviously, into you.

-[Charlie] Yeah.
-[Alana] You know?

The only person I have been interested
in talking to is you.

I also haven't pulled
any of the new guys for a reason.

You know, I just kinda, like--
It's not that I'm not interested.

I guess I would rather focus
my attention on…

-[Charlie] Yeah.

Just 'cause you came in with Cash
doesn't mean that

you have to stay with her because of that.


I just really feel like
I should be able to explore

and just have fun

and try to build those connections
the same way everybody else is doing.

-Literally, everyone here did. Yeah.
-You know what I'm saying?

I feel bad
that you're in such a tough spot.

-I think risk can be a really good thing.

We're both here.
I feel like this is a risk.

You're right. Yeah, you don't understand.
This is a huge risk.

Yeah, me too, you know.

But, you know, I feel like that's
why you gotta make the most out of it,

-no matter what.

[Charlie] Yeah, so--

Well, just know that I like you,
and I'm always on your side regardless,

-even if you don't choose me.
-I appreciate that.

Time to primp and put on clothes[/i]

cool enough
to look good getting dumped in.

One girl is going home tonight.

We're an emotional bunch
here on Love Island,[/i]

and if that makeup ain't tear-proof,

maybe don't even put it on.

Tonight, we literally have
no idea what's going to happen.

It's obvious with Kyra and Will.

But other than that, I feel like
everything else is up in the air.

At this point, I'm just weighing
the options, pros and cons.

-Just seeing what I feel like could be

the best fit for me.

I'm a little anxious, a little nervous.
This is my first recoupling.

Truth be told, there's nobody
really knows me like I know me.

Whatever decision I make,
I'ma just be willing to stand on that.

This is weird.
I don't want anybody to go home tonight.

This is going to be insane.

[Bailey] I'm still definitely
split between Korey and Jeremy.

They're still trying to figure out
who they want to couple with.

I'm really nervous, honestly.

I don't know what's going to happen.

Man, tonight is going to be
one of those nights.

I spent a lot of time with Olivia,
and she was the one

that I was really trying
to become more than friends.

So I didn't have the time

to get to know some of these girls
as much as I need to

before making a decision,
you know, this big.

Both options are amazing.

And I'm so lucky if any of these guys
choose to couple up with me tonight.

I'm just going to leave this to fate
because it's out of my control.

I got these two beautiful girls.

Both have pros and cons.

It's going to be
a tough decision for sure.

Hey, man, I hope
I'm making the right damn decision.

[rock music playing]

[theme music playing]

[narrator] Welcome back.[/i]

It's recoupling time.

Tonight, it's the boys' choice,

and with nine single Islanders,

anything could happen.

But one thing is certain:

this is one girl's
final moments in the villa.

Tonight, I would like to couple up
with this girl

because every morning
I love to see her smiling.

Also, because she's the sweetest person
that I've ever met.

She makes everyone feel comfortable,
happy, and welcoming.

She has been like a rock,

and with all the problems in the villa,

and the problems between us,

have been resolved with maturity

and a lot of wisdom.

The girl I would like to couple up is…

Kyra. Flaquita.

Come here, my Flaquita.


I am so happy.

I want to couple up with this girl

because the first night
I came in the villa,

she stood out to me
out of all the women here.

I'm definitely attracted to her.

I have enjoyed my time
getting to know this girl,

and I can't wait to get to know her more.

The girl I want to couple up with is…



I would like to couple up with this girl

because from the first conversation
that I've had with this girl,

she just really made me feel like
I could be myself, and it felt good.

We've shared similar journeys
through this whole thing,

many ups and downs.

We've seen each other grow

as individuals.

And I think ultimately that's made us
grown towards each other

more than anything.

So, I'm excited.

I can't wait to explore more of it
and see what it's really about.

So the girl I would
like to couple up with is…



So cute.

I would like to couple up
with this girl because,

since our first conversation
and interaction together,

I just felt an instant connection.

I felt like I could completely be
myself around her,

and I've felt the same vibes
from her as well.

I haven't known her extremely long,

but I would like to get to know her
on a deeper level.

And I'm excited to do that.

So the girl I want to couple up with is…



You know I missed you, right?

-Thank you.
-So cute.

I'd like to couple up with this girl

because she's somebody that

I've seen a lot of growth.

I've seen her go through ups,
through downs.

Even during those tough times,

I've seen her be able to overcome them

and continue to take on each day
with a smile on her face.

I think that the whole time
she really gave her whole heart

to this experience.

And tonight,

my decision was made a little harder

because I did spend a lot of time
with somebody else.

The girl I'd like to couple up with is…


[rock music playing]

I would like to couple up
with this girl because…

she's beautiful in every way.

She's intelligent.

She knows what she wants out of life.

I feel like she doesn't take
any BS from anybody.

I've always lived life with no regrets.

I live life unapologetically.

And although it wasn't an easy decision,

I really feel like this is something
that I could potentially

move forward in my future with.

The girl I would
like to couple up with is…


Oh, my God.

It's okay. You're good.

-Go ahead.

Got a text.

[somber music playing]

-You'll make me cry.
-I love you so much.

Not my bestie!

-I love you so much.
-I love you, too.

You're gonna make me cry.

We're gonna be all right.
We're always going to be all right.

-[Olivia] I love you.
-I love you so much.

You did what was best for you.
I'm not mad.

I'm not mad.

It's okay.

You're good.

You're good.

Let's go back.

Cash is my best friend in the house.

I've watched her
be the strongest woman I know.

-I'm just, I'm so numb right now.
-It's okay.


And I've learned so much from that girl.

I don't want to be sad, but…

I've gotta take Cinco's brush.

-Anything you wanna--
-Do you think--

Do I think what? Ask me anything, babe.

-Are you gonna contact him?
-Contact Cinco?

I don't know.

[Charlie] I will miss Cash.

I love everything
she brought to the table.

But when that flame dies,
I know how hard it is to rekindle that.

As hard as that decision was,
I stayed true to myself,

and made a decision I needed to make. So,

it's just hard.

But everybody here has their own journey,

so I guess this happens to be mine.

So, yeah.

[Cashay] Charlie getting emotional
was, like, sweet,

but it's like, I think him and I both knew
it was the end for us.

Like I told you, girl, I feel like
he didn't deserve you to begin with.


And if I were you, I would go chase
the man that said he's waiting.

I just hope it's not too late
because that's who I want, guys.

Of course, I still have feelings
for that man

but I think they're meant to be.

She deserves happiness.
She deserves someone that is 100% in.

As long as she's happy, I'm happy.

I love you guys.

-See you in New York.
-You better come down to Miami, too.

-World tour, baby. World tour.

I love you.

[all] Bye!

[rock music playing]

[Olivia] That happened.

My journey in here was not easy.
I'll tell you that.

But I learned so much about myself.

Charlie and I,
we were amazing at Casa Amor,

but I think at the villa, we just,
you know, couldn't get there.

He knew and I knew, it was always Cinco.

My heart is with him.
But I don't know if it's too late.

I guess time will tell.

America, you've seen the new couples.[/i]

Now it's time to vote on which couple

has the most potential.

Head to the Love Island [/i]app
after the show and have your say.

Is it Alana and Charlie?

Bailey and Jeremy?

Elly and K-Ci?

Kyra and Will?

Olivia and Korey?

Or, Trina and Andre?

Remember, you are voting for the couple
with the most potential.

The couple with
the least votes are at risk

of being dumped from the island.

Voting open to US and Canada residents,
18 years and older.

Terms and conditions apply.
Data rates may apply.

You will have 30 minutes to vote, people!

Tune in Sunday to find out the results.

Next time…

Emotions run high
after the shocking recoupling.

Cash is such a great person.
She'd want us to be nice to him.

I'm done being nice.

And catch the results of your vote[/i]

for the couple with the most potential.