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03x25 - Episode 25

Posted: 04/29/24 19:20
by bunniefuu
[narrator] Previously on[/i] Love Island…[/i]

The new couples were off to the races…

I don't know if I have a crush.
But I'm looking at him some kind of way.

[narrator] Exploring further connections…[/i]

-I love making you happy.
-You make me smile all the time.

Now that we're on the same page. Finally.

-[Korey] It's gonna be wild.
-I know.

-[Korey] You ready?

I'm kinda just feeling friend vibes.


America has been voting
for the couple they think

has the most potential.

And by the end of the night,

one couple will be dumped
from the island, immediately.

And three couples were left vulnerable…[/i]

The couple we think
has the most potential is

Jeremy and Bailey.

The couple we would like to dump
from the island is

K-Ci and our Elly-Belly.

Your time on Love Island[/i] is over.

[narrator] Tonight…[/i]

America's heated opinions…

"Blank forgave blank too quickly, man.

She gonna watch this back
and be embarrassed."

-I wonder who that could be.
-Oh, no.

[narrator] …dredge up the past…[/i]

I told her 100% everything that happened.

[narrator] …and cause trouble in paradise.[/i]

-I think Will's gonna break her heart.
-I'd want someone to say something to me.

The thing is, it's what he tells me.

And now, I don't know if I trust it.

It's not looking good right now.

[theme music playing]

[narrator] Welcome to Winkies Crab Shack.[/i]

Oops, that's my other gig.

Welcome to Love Island[/i].

On Sunday, we had to say to Elly and K-Ci:

"K-Ci" yourselves out.

Now the villa's a little more quiet

and a little less crowded
for the five remaining couples.

Bonjour, Kyra.[/i]

Like people with an exciting week ahead,

the Islanders are excited
for the week ahead.

And what it might mean
for their budding relationships.

-You gonna get changed?
-[Kyra] And then meditate?

-Yeah. See you downstairs.
-[Kyra] Okay.

But don't take too much time.

I'm so happy, baby.

-How was your night last night?

-Anything fun happened?
-We kissed, a little.

-Feel like I heard a little--
-That was fun.

We talked, which was, honestly,
more important.

Yeah, we talked for a while.
My damn voice is so deep,

you can hear it,
no matter if I try to whisper.

-You know what I mean?
-It just vibrates through the room.

Yeah, it vibrates through the room.

And I know everyone's already said this,
but I really, really like Andre.

-You like him? Yeah.
-[Bailey] I think he's so sweet.

-I like him, too. He's the cutest.
-[Bailey] He's so sweet.

Yeah, it's gonna be dope. I feel like,

we're all gonna have a lot of,
like, one-on-one times with our couples.

-I know.

I think that's gonna be good.

I love where you and Jeremy are at, too.

But I also, like,
overthink every little situation.

-Same here.
-So I'm like, "Does he not like me?"

Is it-- but literally, every girl's been
like, no, he's just that way with people,

-but he actually likes you, so I'm like--

And you can tell him that too, like,

tell him that you need more reassurance,
you need words of affirmation.

-Just to know that he feels the same way.
-I told him that.

I got a text!

Bailey got a text.

-Oh, my God!

-Come on, guys.
-Be right there.

-Bailey? Is this your first text?
-It's my first text.

Should we be nervous?


[indistinct chatter]

-Wait, but also, should we be scared too?
-I'm scared.

I'm nervous about Will and I
mostly because this is gonna be

the first time I'm hearing what America
questions between us.

So, I don't really know what to expect.

You'll better have some tough skin.

I don't know how bad it could be
but I know it's going to be bad.

Slo-mo frolics means it's challenge time.[/i]

And just like me, the Islanders
left all their clothes at home.

I hope they brought their quarters,
because they've got more dirty laundry

than an octopus that scares easily.


-Let's go.
-Let's go.

It's time for the Islanders to come clean[/i]

by reading the tweets
that have all the dirt on them.

These tweets will bring
the couples closer together

until they read them,
then it's drama for your mama.

The Islanders will climb
into a giant washing machine,

and slide down into a pool of soapy suds.

-[/i][narrator] Where they'll find a pair[/i]

of the tight-iest whitie-est

with a titillating tweet printed on them.

"Blank is gorgeous
and her body is flawless.

Like, legit perfect."

That's so sweet.

That's a nice tweet.

[narrator] They must then pick a bucket[/i]
filled with yesterdays drawers,[/i]

and throw it at the Islander
they think the tweet was directed at.

Well, I'll take it. That's nice.

See who it is.



-Let's go.
-Thanks, guys. That's so sweet.

Being one of the curvier girls here,
that made me really excited

that people are embracing that.

-You are beautiful, baby.
-Thank you. Thanks, everyone.



"Blank is the Love Island [/i]Tupperware.

He's there to hold the leftovers."

Oh, my God!

What! What? No.

-Girl, you came for him,

you're coming for me, too.

You guys ready?

-Andre is the Love Island Tupperware.


[Andre] Trina being called leftover.

She took that one
more personal than I did.

I got no leftovers.
I got a full-on entrée, okay.

Go, girl!

Get it out, Trina.

-What these people got to say about us?
-Acting like they know us.

They're acting like
they know us, right? All right.

"I feel like blank and this girl

had a deeper conversation in one day
then he's had with blank in three weeks."

Three weeks.

[Trina] All of us wonder
what's really going on out there.

What other people are seeing.

Oh, William.

-I love you.
-Love you.

I mean, I have this conversation
with everyone here.

-All right.
-Let's find out.

"I feel like Will and this girl

had a deeper conversation in one day
then he's had with Kyra in three weeks."

I feel that our deepest conversation
are always in, like, pillow talk.

Probably that's what Americans didn't see.


-All right, let's go.
-Let's go.


"Blank is the Grim Reaper of Love Island.[/i]

Somehow every girl he gets with leaves
and he's still here."

"Jeremy is the Grim Reaper
of Love Island."[/i]

That's a cool nickname. I like it.

But don't be afraid to come near me.

Hopefully, I can break that streak.

[rock music playing]


[Kyra] You guys ready for this one?

-Let's go.

"Blank needs an Emmy for her acting
like she actually likes blank."


The Dirty Laundry challenge was, for sure,
the worst challenge.

-Back up.
-I love you, girl.



I don't really see
how she could have connected me and Trina.

But yeah, that kind of threw me off
a little bit.


-No, they have kissed.

What is America seeing, like, what?

Ice cold!

Okay, well, I'm gonna say this.

People can think what they want,
I know what I know.

That hurt! That hurt my heart.


"I'm rewatching last night's episode,
and blank seems so boring and dry.

No personality.
Why did I vote to save him?"


Boring and dry.

Shot it!

-Not so tough.
-[Olivia] Sorry, Charlie.

All right, let's see who it really is.

And Charlie.

Seems so boring.

-No. It's not true.
-Not true.

[Charlie] They said I was boring
and had no personality.

It was kinda hard
to really figure that one out.



-You guys ready?
-Let's do it.

"Sorry, not sorry.
But blank doesn't seem genuine."

That one's gonna hurt.

[Will] Another one. Another one.

Hey, what's wrong with me?
Why does this keep happening?

-[Will] Bailey…
-[Korey] Bailey.

-…doesn't seem genuine.
-[Korey] Damn!

All right. I mean--

I know I'm a genuine person, so--

It was a personal attack on me
as a person. It was like, no,

Bailey herself is not genuine, so--

-It's just a game.
-I'm good.

I feel like that was the worst thing
anyone could have said about me.

Okay. Awesome belly-rub.

"Blank forgave blank too quickly, man.

She gonna watch this back
and be embarrassed."

Two Z's.

-Wonder who that could be?
-Oh, no.

I'm sorry, guys.

-I love you, guys.
-I love you too, Korey.

This one should be on you, baby.

[Korey] "Kyra forgave Will too quickly."

I have something to say about that.

I think I have always been
honest with you.

Then I think what you gonna see
is the same of what happened.

[Kyra] I know that other Islanders
had a lot to say

about everything that happened
at Casa Amor.

Maybe he didn't tell me the full details.

[theme music playing]

[narrator] Welcome back. The Islanders[/i]
are still serving the shock waves[/i]

-created by those troll-y tweets.[/i]
-Oh, my God.

[narrator] Some of them are feeling[/i]
as hurt as Korey's back.[/i]

Calm down, Jeremy,
the closest chiropractor

needs to take two boats to get here.

not my favorite challenge so far.

-I thought it started off very well,

but it ended a little sour.

It was not fun.

-Their opinions don't define us.
-That one, that was, like, the body one.

-I knew that one was about you.
-[Alana] I felt really good about that.

I was just like, "Ah, my heart."
Like, this is so nice to hear,

because I had so much fear for so long
of being judged for my body.

I used to get a lot of terrible comments
as I started gaining weight and stuff,

and finally got over it,
and got the confidence to come here, and--

With all these beautiful women, and--

I was just like, it was like,
it felt amazing.


[Alana] Did it hurt anyone really bad,
the negative ones?

I mean, I'm hurt.

-My intention's being questioned.

That's crazy because

I feel, like, I've been nothing but honest
since the beginning,

but also, I don't care about myself.

I care about Korey
and him having feelings in that way.

If it was reversed, and they were like,

"Korey is faking
his connection for Olivia,"

I'd be like, what am I not seeing?
So it hurt.

He doesn't deserve feeling like that.

The one where it said
that Liv was getting an Emmy,

-that one hurt.
-Emmy. Yeah.

-You think that is true?

-[Andre] I'm kidding, bro.

[Olivia] I hope that's not true.

I think she's a super genuine,
really sweet girl.

So, if she is playing, then yes,
she definitely needs an Emmy.

'Cause I don't think so whatsoever,
but we'll see.

The genuine part
was an attack directly on you.

-And like, Bailey--

-Oh, Bailey.
-No, you can't do that.

-It's not fair because--
-It's not true.

It's just so far from true.

I know for a fact
that you're a genuine person.

You pulled me this morning,

and you were trying to get
the tea about Jeremy, you know,

'cause you want to have a connection
with this guy.

-[Bailey] It sucks to hear that, but--

And I really appreciate all of you guys
saying something after,

because obviously what I care most about
is you guys' opinions,

'cause we're the ones who are
together 24/7.

Yeah, it's also okay to feel upset.

-I'll let myself, like--

Let yourself feel
and go through the emotions.

-I need to just cry it out.
-[Alana] Need to process.

-And then be upset and it'll be over…
-[Alana] That's healthy.

…and I'll be fine.

The one about Kyra being
embarrassed or whatever,

when she watches it again, like--

-Oh, yeah, that was tough.
-That's like-- Not again.

I'm with you on that one.

-You know, we already moved on about that.
-I know.

Then, like, people still thinking
about that thing.

[Korey] Do you think that she thinks that
there's something you're not telling her,

or, like, how do you think
she feels about it?

-Is she kind of over it, too?
-Yeah, she's kind of over, and--

Bro, Kyra and I,

we don't have to lie to each other,
you know, we're pretty honest.

The other that surprised me
was the deep conversations.

But with the thing
with the deep conversations is,

the problem with that is,
like, we normally--

In the bed, we have so much pillow talks.

Like, and that's where we, like,
actually have the most conversations

and more deep conversation
in the pillow talk.

I wonder who was the girl?

'Cause, you know,
it said "Will and this girl."

[Andre] It said it's been three weeks.

So, I mean, three weeks since Casa Amor.
Do you think it was Flo?

Like, did you all you have
a deep conversation?


-'Cause that's the only one that--
-No, I don't like--

With Flo conversation,
we were pretty like, you know, pretty--


-[Charlie] Surface level?
-Surface level.

Yeah, surface level, like,
where you come from,

like, what you doing, you know, like--

How do you feel about Flo's tweets?

Because obviously,
you knew this was coming.

I already knew that everyone
was going to say that.

The last tweet, though, about him having
a greater connection with someone…

-Yeah, I wonder who they're talking about.
-[Olivia] …I don't understand that at all.

It said this girl
but it didn't say which girl.

I'm just trying not to think
about it too much, but like--

There's such little time left,
don't worry.

-[Olivia] Yeah. Don't stress.
-It sucks to think that there's more--

-He had a connection.
-[Olivia] You think he's hurting too?

-I don't know, it doesn't seem like it.
-They don't seem bothered.

Like, how do they not get, like…

-Look at them. So happy.
-…the most, like--

Don't jump, don't sit.

Their feelings could never be hurt.

Jem-Jem, vertebrae health is not a joke.[/i]

Save a horse, ride a Jeremy is what I say.

Olivia and Trina care so much about Kyra,

that they've decided to move on
from her drama

by continuing to talk about it.

You know, I can only say so much
in front of everybody, but it's like,

-I trust you, and--
-Yeah, I know.

-First off, I ain't nobody's leftovers.
-[Olivia] Say it louder.

-Say it loud for the people in the back.

Secondly, it makes me wonder
if he's also here for--

-The right reasons?
-[Trina] I think

anyone in the right mind would think
that way to protect themselves,

and I do want to protect my heart
going into this,

but I'm just gonna simmer it down,
continue to observe the guy.

He's really sweet. I haven't seen
any red flags in him whatsoever,

you know what I mean?

So that's how I feel,
and I want to check in with you,

and what you got with Korey is so genuine.

-You look happier than ever.
-Thank you.

-Since you've been here. So let them talk.
-I am.

But it kinda, it makes me feel,
like, uneasy a little bit,

but I'm not gonna let this game,
and I hope you don't either, like,

change or make us get into our heads
the last moments we have here.

I was, like I said, more irritated
and disturbed for my friends.

Like, I think, things are getting to Kyra.
She looked like she was going to crack--

Of course, it's very obvious.

It's embarrassing for her
but she already forgave him, you know.

We all have to move on
from this situation, even the public.

Do you think he's actually holding himself
accountable though to, like--

I don't know,
I just feel weird about it a little bit.

We only know what they tell us,
that's what sucks, you know.

That's the thing,
and they don't share a lot.

-We just have to support her.
-I hope the best for them, truly.

-I do, too.
-[Olivia] They have been--

Well, she's been through a lot.

[narrator] Now, Andre and Will's[/i]
South American bromance.[/i]

Someone hand these gauchos a long skewer.
They're cooking up emotional support.

-My man. What a challenge, bro.
-I just want to--

Yeah. I just wanted to talk to you,
you know,

some of those tweets were kinda heavy.

I know, bro, like, it's kind of like--
Bro, it's kind of hard, like,

to go back to the, you know,
and again and again and again.

I mean, I feel like
I was honest with Kyra 100%.

And after what happened in Casa Amor,

first thing I did was talk to her
and I clarify everything what happened.

And before Casa Amor,
we had a conversation about--

Then we came here to find
the best connection

and we were open in doing that time.

Like, right now, I'm not gonna go
for someone else or like one week ago.

I'm not gonna, like, you know,
I'm not gonna do anything

because my feelings for Kyra,
now, are bigger.

I just think, like,
you guys having the conversation was great

and, like, maybe there isn't even a need
for her to even see it,

because you guys already talked about it.

But just, like, prepare yourself,
like, mentally,

-to have to deal with it…

…in case, let's say,
she does want to watch it.

I think there's something in there,

because one thing
is you hearing something.

One thing is you going back
and watching it

and seeing it with your eyes,
you know what I mean?

So just like, if I was in your position,
I'd probably, like,

just have that conversation with her.

And be like, "Yeah, when you see it,
you might, like, feel something."

I told her 100% everything that happened.

If Kyra understand that,

why people don't understand that,
you know.

So the tweets of course, like,
made me think,

but at the same time,
people just gonna judge me for that?


[theme music playing]

[rock music playing]

[narrator] Welcome back.[/i]

In the challenge,
the Islanders got harsher Internet reviews

than my off-Broadway puppet show.

The puppets don't have hearts, but I do.

Some Islanders can handle the haterade,

some can't,

but they all sure know how to look good.

I just knew America
was coming for my neck.

Oh, yeah?

-You're America's Most Wanted?
-Yeah, I'm on top of the Interpol lists.


Safe to say,
no one's in a good mood today.

The guys seem unfazed by anything.
They're like--

It's all that hate from America,
makes my hair look amazing.

-It's flowing.
-They're like, this guy's not funny.

He has no personality.

Just have fun.

Every day is potentially our last.
We don't know.

You know, we all love each other

and so it doesn't matter
what the outside has to say.

It just matters what we have in here.

[indistinct chatter]

Literally, airing out the dirty laundry.

-What did you do to him?

-She's like where's my calm Willy?
-Where's my Will?

Charlie and Will
are making the toast together today.

-[Olivia] Okay.
-[Charlie] Okay,

so toast to good vibes
and a great day with great people.

Just enjoying this last time
that we have together,

'cause we never know when it's our last.

Let's make the most out of it.
Just have a good time.


Those tweets, you know, for them to say,
like, the whole acting thing.

Yeah, man, I think it's authentic
and genuine, for sure.

-Cool, man.

That definitely didn't make me feel
any type of way.

-I just hope she's good, you know.
-[Andre] Yeah.

I feel like the only people
that kinda took it a little bit serious

was Will and Kyra, you know, 'cause,
like, I know somewhere--

They're still gonna have to address that,
once this is all over.

-So it's like reopening a wound.

-What's up with your deal with Trina?
-[Andre] With Trina?

Is that still kind of
taking it day by day?

It's still a friend thing
but I'm loving it.

Any kind of relationship that I have
that becomes romantic

is gonna have to start
as a friendship, you know.

And you just don't know
where that's gonna lead, so--

-No better way!
-Cheers, brother. Appreciate it.

-Love you, dawg.
-Love you too, bro.

[narrator] Thanks, Andre.[/i]
The foundation of romance is friendship.[/i]

I was feeling guilty about falling
for my best friend, Salt Water Taffy.

But I guess it's a natural progression.

-[Kyra] I feel like I'm in a good space.

I always just keep trying
to remind myself that, like,

like I said with the girls' chat,
you know,

-just a little opinion--
-Hello, ladies.

-[Trina] Came to join you all.

-You're looking fabulous.
-Thank you.

How are you guys?

The challenge was definitely difficult.

And I was like, you know, if I,
God forbid, find out that he lied to me,

like, I'd obviously be heartbroken
but, you know--

Why doubt in something
that hasn't even happened?


I do have a lot of trust issues.
I've experienced that in the past

with even, like, guys--

Like, I told him I fall hard
and I fall fast.

And it's scary because it breaks me
that much harder.

Like, the last person I opened up to,

I told him, like,
I had love for him in my heart.

That was my first lesson.
I fully lost myself.

Like, I lost who I was as a person.
I changed a full 180,

because I looked in the mirror
and I didn't even know who I was.

But sharing all of that with Will
is how I know what we have is so strong,

because the way he connects with me
on such a deep level,

that I am able to share
all of that with him.

-And he didn't run.
-[Kyra] No. Not at all.

That's why I'm feeling good
about what we have.

[Kyra] Whatever other people think,
it doesn't matter,

because all that matters
is what we think of each other

and what we have, and, you know,

Will and I are both very excited
for what the outside has to hold.

I just hope you are allowing yourself
to feel, too,

like, if this is really, like,
hurting you,

you have us girls
to talk about, like, everything.

I don't want you to bottle up
your emotions,

and just wait till you leave
to, like, solve everything.

Like, we want to be there for you,
you know what I mean.

I appreciate that.

[theme music playing]

[rock music playing]

[narrator] Welcome back.[/i]
I believe it was Charles Darwin[/i]

who said, "A moth is just a butterfly
without a stylist."

That's the biggest butterfly
I have ever seen.

-Right there.

-Oh, my God! It's a moth.
-It's a moth.

That's literally the size of a bird.

Olivia is still bothered by the tweet[/i]

that suggested Korey
wasn't her natural selection.

[Korey] How you feel about that game?

Honestly, like, I don't really care
what people say about me.

It's not gonna affect me. I know who I am.

But I just don't want it to hurt you,

'cause I know you just started
opening up and being vulnerable,

and I don't want that to shut you down.

Obviously, if you were to fake anything,

you would have walked down with
any of five freaking guys from Casa Amor.

You were honest with yourself with me

by saying you thought
you had something for me.

And then you were honest with Will
on taking a chance,

and doing what you want,
what you believe is right.

Thank you.
I needed to be reminded of that.

-I don't give myself enough credit.
-Yeah, girl. You're free.

-You're good.
-I just want to make sure you're good.

I'm still practicing
on diving into my emotions.

Something I'm not good at.

But he's the most understanding person
I've ever met.

I believe you, obviously, over--

It was just more awkward for me,
I was like, "Wow."

I mean, it's safe to say
I think I'm falling for Korey.

Which is crazy.

-I'm good as long as you're good.
-I'm good.

-All right.

[rock music playing]

[narrator] Jem-Jem and Bailey[/i]
commune on the wobbly bench.[/i]

It's been so long since I've had
a heart-to-heart on a swing set.

I had to stop because I was weirding out
the other inmates.

[Bailey] So…

What do you think of the challenge today?

Some of the stuff
I think made multiple people upset.

I don't know, how did you feel about it?

I know you were kind of a little upset.

Mine was pretty bad, so, I don't know.

Do you think I'm genuine?
Do you think I'm being genuine?

Stop! Don't make that--

I'm going to cry now. Stop.

I mean, obviously, you know
who you are as a person.

You know you're genuine,

and try not to let one person's
dumb opinion get you down.

If someone said
the meanest thing about you,

you'd probably laugh about it.

Hey, it's like, I'm like, I don't--

I really don't have
high self-esteem and all.

-I feel I have very low self-esteem.

It's just how I am.
I've never been very prideful.

I think I maybe go too much
in the other direction.

I was shocked by that
but also I appreciated that

he trusted me enough
to talk to me about that,

so we're definitely moving
in the right direction.

But like, why does that man
have low self-esteem? Like, look at him.

The man is beautiful.

So many people have said so many things
about me throughout the years.

But like, for me it's like,
if you're confident in yourself,

and you know who you are, literally just
laugh it off, or make a joke,

and as long as you show it,
like, people will know who you truly are.

Seriously, I think,
overall, today was good.

-The last couple of days have been fun.
-Yeah. Thank you.

Don't let that-- Don't let
the dirty laundry get you down too much.

[theme music playing]

[rock music playing]

Food that's better the next day:[/i]

Coleslaw, meat loaf, casserole,
everything at Thanksgiving.

Twitter called Trina leftovers?
Guess what? I prefer them.

I put old pizza in my omelet
and so do aristocrats. Back off!

The challenge was--
It was something, all right.

About me, like, being Tupperware,
or whatever.

-Yeah, picking up the leftovers.
-With leftovers.

I was like, oh, my God! Like, please--

All I could think of is, like,
my mom always taught me that, like,

the food the next day tastes even better.

-I'm happy with my leftovers.
-Shut up.

I won't share my leftovers
with anybody here.

-That's-- that's for sure.

I've been very frustrated the entire day,
especially after that challenge.

But Andre
did lift my spirits up a little bit.

He's such a sweetheart.

He is a really good friend to have.

I kind of wanted to see like, again,

like, you're just trying
to see where it take us,

or you want to keep it on,
like, a friendship basis.

There are no rules that says
that you have to be in a romantic couple,

that you have to be doing this
or have to be doing that.

I feel like we're super strong.

-No, I completely agree with you. Yeah.
-I love it.

[rock music playing]

[narrator] Will and Kyra[/i]
are getting it from all angles:[/i]

the Internet, the Islanders.

Hopefully, the superstitious pair
aren't sent an ominous sign

from Colombian folklore
that's a metaphor for death.

-[Will] Is that a butterfly?
-[Kyra] No. It's a moth.

But it's a beautiful moth.

I like them.

I told you, right,
I believe that moths are spirits.

You know, in Colombia, actually,

we believed those are,
like, a sign of death.

Death. Oh, okay.

How you feel after the tweets today, baby?

Like, you forgive me too fast.
I think people--

I don't know why people
still coming back for it, you know, like--

You know, I will say,
it does just scare me a little bit,

that other people here in this villa
thought that same thing.

So, that's why I was expecting that tweet.

With everything that happened,
I felt I was more or less att*cked

for how I handled the situation
rather than you.

Like, we have to move on
about that thing, you know.

-I've been moved on.
-We already move on, like--

-I've moved on so long ago.
-Yeah, I know that, like--

And it just almost annoys me
that it's still being brought up.

I know. To me too.

'Cause I moved on such a long time ago.

[Olivia] She trusts Will.
She's putting all her trust in this man.

-He broke that trust.
-[Trina] Yeah.

[Olivia] But also she was like,

you know, I'm used to giving myself
all in on one guy.

-She told us that in the beginning.
-I'm like, "Girl, you're not changing

your pattern at all."

Every time she says something,

it's, "Will has opened me up
to make me feel this way.

I feel this because of Will, Will, Will"

It's like Kyra is losing herself
in yet another guy.

But she doesn't realize it.

And I think that's where we need
to come in and let her know.

This is another cycle
that she's also been through.

-It's just a different man.
-[Olivia] Many times.

[Trina] I think Kyra isn't really feeling
what's been happening lately

with this challenge today, with Casa Amor.

And it does worry me
that she might get heartbroken.

It's not looking good right now.

I wasn't very happy by it, but, you know,
I kept reminding myself that--

One, nobody knows what we have,
and no one will ever see that.

It's hard for people to kind of see
what we're building, you know.

That's why all that matters to me
is what's in front of me.

You're beautiful today and every day.

[Olivia] Kyra doesn't want to know.

Kyra does not want to know anything
that is not perfect.

[Trina] I think Will's influencing Kyra
to think with that mindset.

[Olivia] I've been that girl. That's why
I'm like, I know where to tread.

[Trina] Yeah. I understand.

She needs an awakening
and I think you and I--

we need to give that to her.

And I don't to break her heart
or make her feel like, she needs to--

-Or turning against us.
-[Trina] Yeah.

Because that's what I've done
in the past with ex-boyfriends.

We have to be very mindful
with the way we approach Kyra,

-because she's also sensitive.
-[Olivia] She's very defensive.


She wants what she wants,
and she wants to be happy.

But I'm not for them being together,

because I think
Will's going to break her heart.

You're so handsome.

[theme music playing]

[narrator] Wet plants and sad guitar,[/i]
tell our feelings it's time to go to work.[/i]

The tweets shook them up.

So the Islanders, are going to treat
the matter like they treat their mattress

and sleep on it.

So how was your guys' night?
How did everything end?

The conversation was really good.
He was flirting with me and I was like…

I mean, I saw him being flirty.

We're gonna snuggle tonight.

-Oh, my God.

Korey put me as his screen saver.

-Isn't that cute?

Yeah. And it's a fun, weird,
risqué picture of us.

That's so cute. I love that for you.

-What's wrong?
-No, nothing.

-Girl, something's wrong.
-I was just wondering how you feel about…

[pop music playing]

Will and I?

We just want the best for you, Kyra,
and we're very skeptical about Will.

-Is this like a consensus then?

[Olivia] I can't lie. Can I tell you
something? Yeah, we talked and, like,

it goes beyond just, like, Casa Amor,
because that's kind of like--

-You all look super serious for a sec.
-All we want is the best for you, Kyra.

Okay, you can't keep saying that, though.

If you guys are seeing a flag,
I need to be told.

From day one, like,
when I fall for somebody,

I go head over heels
and I, like, close my eyes off

to the flags
that could potentially be there

and that's why I need you guys,

to help me and be there for me
and point those out to me.

Like, we only know what you guys tell us.

It's like, you guys have a whole other
relationship that we aren't aware of.

I think, like, my thing with this is that
I just-- I don't know.

There's just something about Will
I don't trust about him.

[Alana] It's so cold.

I had Miles keeping your spot warm.

[Alana] The girls won't be in for a while.
I don't think.

-What do you mean?
-They're all talking.

For me, you are more into him
than he is into you.

That's kind of a really rough thing
for me just to say right now.

You're worthy of the best love of all time

and it's nothing to do with you
or your worth.

Leave them be though.

-[Will] No?
-It's not serious.

-[Will] Okay.

It's just--
They're just talking about their feelings.

[Kyra] I don't know how he goes
from right after Casa

to coming back to me all smiling and happy

and saying I missed you
and blah, blah, blah.

But have you expressed to him
how you feel about what happened?

Because I feel, like,
you're dealing with all the backlash,

-which is unfair to you.
-[Kyra] I told him that.

I told him how
I'm feeling all the backlash,

and I'm feeling that I'm getting--

I'm the one getting all the hate
for what he did.

It's almost like,
he didn't get any consequences.

-[Olivia] Which is--

Like, how do you even
come back from that, like--

Girl, I would not come back from that.

You guys were at a good place.
He knew so much about you

and your vulnerability and stuff
and he still did that.

I would have come back here and been like,
"You did what? With who?"

But the thing is, it's what he tells me.
It's like, now I don't know if I trust it.


-Are you guys okay?
-Yeah, we're just chatting.

-Just girl talk.
-Okay, guys.

That's weird.

Is this a bigger issue than just Casa?

I don't know, if he's actually wanting
like, a relationship.

Outside of this.

You guys have an amazing relationship
in here and it's going to be amazing.

-But I'm not looking for what's in here.
-[Olivia] Right.

[Kyra] I also voiced that to him
in the beginning--

that that's what I want
outside of all this.

And that's why I thought
we were on the same page and if--

And he said he was on that same page
and if he's not or if that's changed,

that's also a discussion
that needs to be had.

-They're still in the room.
-Yeah, man. Just talking.

Has he said he wants a girlfriend?

He never used those exact words.

I feel like you should ask him that, then.


But also, it's up to you. Are you going to
listen to people? Or are you--

I just like wanna know what to do
in my next steps.

[Olivia] I think you guys can work out.

I think this is your time to step up
to the plate and be like,

"This is what I deserve.
This is what I want.

If you can't give that to me, peace."

Be bold.

-He needs to speak for himself.

[Olivia] It's not fair to blame him
unless, you know--

-You should talk tomorrow.

Yeah. I'm just gonna sleep tonight
and not really talk with him.

[dramatic music playing]

[narrator] Next time…[/i]

Seeds of doubt grow.

If his intentions aren't the same as mine,
then that's not what I want.

Take the risk or lose the chance.


And the villa has some special guests…[/i]


[theme music playing]