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03x33 - Episode 33

Posted: 04/29/24 19:25
by bunniefuu
[narrator] Previously on Love Island…

Welcome to detention, boys.



[narrator] …Arielle returned
with the results of your vote

which left four Islanders vulnerable…

One girl and one boy
will be leaving the Villa immediately.

Who have you decided to save?



…sending Cinco and Genevieve packing…

I wish the best for all of y'all.
Honestly, I really do.

…and three new girls made an entrance.

-Hi, guys.

-Oh, my goodness.

[narrator] Tonight…

the new arrivals put relationships
under pressure.

-I model. That's my thing.
-I can see the model.


When I saw you, you were definitely…

You ain't got to gas me up now.

-All right, I won't.
-I'm kidding.

You haven't had a girl come in
with you as her number one,

I think that's so weird.

I'm nervous.

Um, yeah.

I'm like… really attracted to Bailey.

Dude, yeah. Yeah, I'm not gonna lie.

f*ck, are we back where we started?
f*ck, man!

Korey likes these girls.

Oh, my God, you're freaking out, babe.

[theme music playing]

[upbeat music playing]

Hey, pretty P+ peeps, it's Love Island.

In a show built
on the arrival of new hot people,

the Islanders were shook by the news
of the arrival of new hot people.

Jeremy, Korey, Will and Charlie

were selected to prepare a dinner
or dessert to welcome the new girls.

-Did you already put your curry in here?

[narrator] The date guys
wait anxiously in the kitchen.

Josh and the veteran girls
wait nervously upstairs

on the balcony of infinite judgment.

And so, our scene is set.

[upbeat music continues]

Please welcome Elly, Alana and Bailey.

-Hi, boys.
-Hi, guys!

-Hey, how are you doing?
-All right, guys, no falling.

-Oh, my God, they sound beautiful.
-They sound cute.

-They sound sexy.

-Oh, my goodness.
-How are you guys doing?

Why do y'all look so good? Holy crap.

Thank you!

-I'm Korey.
-I'm Elly.

-Nice to meet you.
-Alana. Nice to meet you.

Jeremy. Nice to meet you.

-It's actually "Alana."

-Yeah, like no T's.
-Got it.

Nice to meet you.

Good, how are you?

Wow, they're laughing away.

What's so funny?
They've been here for five minutes.

Like, two seconds.

Let's show the ladies where we have to go.


-Are y'all stoked to be here?

-Are y'all nervous?


-I think I ate a bug.

Look how the one in the back is walking.
Oh, my God.

-I know. I saw that.
-Literally, drop-dead gorgeous.

I hate that I know I'm gonna love them.

Oh, my God, I'm gonna love anybody,
and that's what I hate about myself.

That's Bailey's chair.

-"Alana," yeah.

-I hope you guys enjoy.

-I sit here?

And then Elly.

I'm excited, date night.

I don't know what these girls
are gonna be like,

but I'ma be honest, Olivia, she's dope.

They're gonna have to, literally,
blow my mind for my head to turn.

-Thank you!
-Do you prefer a side?

-All right, we're gonna get y'alls food.

-Just wait a little bit.

Thank you.


-I'ma say…


They're so much cuter in person.

-That are.
-That's what I thought, too.

-They look good.
-Literally, all of them.

-I know. I'm surprised.
-Way hotter in person.

My heart's going
pitter-patter, pitter-patter.

That's lovely. Fantastic.

Damn. Yo.

Bailey is f*cking bad.

-Bailey is bad.

-I'm in love.
-Forty two?

I'm all over that, bro.

Josh, what the hell is 42?
They've said, we have 42.

Forty-two means they're beautiful,
all stunning.

Korey said when he goes to the bar,
and his friends see a cute girl,

they'll be, "Oh, 42," or something.

-Okay, I have a big question for you.

Do you like curry?

Yeah, I do. I love curry.

-This is vegan, actually. I'm vegan.

How long have you been vegan for?

Vegan for like, two years.
I'm vegetarian for seven.

-So, salud.


He's not making eye contact with me.
He's never done that.

Yeah, none of the boys
are making eye-contact with us.

-Did you make all of this?

This is impressive. It looks delicious.

Yeah, and then there's flank steak,
and some sautéed spinach.

I love sautéed spinach. No, this is great.

-It's really good. I swear.

-Cheers, to you coming into the Villa.

-Y'all are about to have a blast.

-Did you make this?
-I did, yeah.

Do you like cooking?

I used to meal prep for competition
and stuff,

so I can only cook
like this and chicken good.

Like what competition?

-Bodybuilding. Like, physique and stuff.

-Yeah. Do you compete?
-It is quite nice. No!

-You look like you compete.
-I have no upper body strength.

Well, no. It's like…

Yo, I'm not gonna lie, I used to
do that shit all the time, just like…

Where are you from?

So, I'm from New York.

I'm from Buffalo, and Manhattan.

The first place I moved
in the US was New York.

-Oh, nice.
-It was hard, actually.

It was… The first time I get there,

it was snowing and you know, storm.

-With backpacks, it was horrible.

-What do you do?
-My last job was in a cannabis store.

-Oh, really?
-What about you? Tell me about you.

I'm in real estate and I model.

-So that's kinda been my thing.
-I can see the model.


You're a personal trainer, right?

Yeah, a personal trainer in New York.

Have you been
training people in the Villa?

-Always open to training anyone.
-I need someone to train me.

I got you. Did you play a sport, or like…

-I did softball growing up.
-Oh, nice.

-I was a pitcher. So, yup.
-Nice. Dope.

-I like being center of attention.
-That's dope.

So, where are you from?
How's your life home set up?

My dad is Indian
and my mom is from the States.

-Okay, so is that what you are? Mixed.

-What's your tribe?
-My what?

-'Cause I got Indian in me, too.
-No, like India. From India.


-Oh, boy.
-I'm done.

Korey looks like the only one
that's having a good time.

-Don't say that.

You can say rude things
when Charlie's out there.

What made you to choose me?

I kinda like your energy.

You're a little mysterious, though,
so I was curious, "What's under there?"

-You want to see?
-Yeah, I want to see.

-I know you're in something, yeah.
-In a relation with Kyra.

Are you open to other things,
or are you pretty solid?

I feel like I closed it
when I was with Flo.


I don't need to try
or test my relationship anymore.

I understand.

Because, I already tested
and I feel like I'm really good with her.

That's good. I like that.

I wish you the best.

This was f*cking great! Should we hug?


I appreciate it. I need new friends.

Thanks for the food. It was terrible.

I know.

I'm just kidding.

-All right, it was nice meeting you.
-Nice meeting you, too.

Definitely there's gonna be
more conversations, for sure.

Well, thank you for dinner.

-It was nice getting to know you a little.

-Definitely get to know you more.
-Yeah, I'll talk to you more.

Thanks, guys!

[narrator] Huh. That went well.

Korey learned Indians can be from India,

Jeremy learned how to blush,

and Will learned that it's perfectly okay
to say no to a model.

I think she's dope as hell.

Bro, she didn't even eat my plate.


-How was it?
-What's the tea?

Good. I mean, he's super wifed.

Who did you have again? Jeremy.

Yeah, I had Jeremy.

Can we all sit together?

Dude, she's so f*cking dope and so hot.


Yeah, no, she's bad.

It was great, he's super nice.

I didn't ask him at all about
who he's coupled up with her or anything.

I guess he has to be open
to getting to know people now

'cause Genny's gone, but--

-You forgot that fast?

No, I mean, like the other stuff.

Korey was so sweet.

Do you like him?

Yeah, I do. I really do.

-That's good.
-Yeah, it is.

"I do, I really do." Okay.

For a second, I think I was loud.

-Elly, she's cool, dude.
-She is.

-Yeah, you'll like her for sure.
-But is she a what?

-Is she a 42?
-Right now, yes. She's a solid 42.

-Who did you have dessert with, again?

-But Charlie seems more calm.

-I need somebody to match my energy, and--

-You do?

-Charlie seems super mellow.
-I want someone to be chill.

-But, I don't know.
-But Charlie's with Cash,

and she's so high energy.

I feel like
he has to be able to match that.

-Yeah. For sure.

I literally put so much
on the line for Charlie,

and it's like, I would--

Hi. Stop being sexual.
We're freaking out next to you.

I've been in your spot.

"I'm giggly because my man's right next
to me and not at dessert or dinner." Cool.

How do it look, bro?

Dude, it literally looks fire.
You're gonna k*ll it with that.

Bro, that looks beautiful.

Rock his world tonight.

I guess I gotta give him a blowie.

[all laughing]

Oh, my God.

[narrator] I just Googled "blowie."

Did you guys know about this thing?

[upbeat music playing]

It's date night on Love Island,
where the… "good vee-bes."

The boys are moving from entrées
to desserts.

Personally, I just eat
appetizers and entrées to k*ll time.

Most of my beauty marks
are just chocolate splash back.

On with the dates.

-All right, I'm about to take mine over.
-Where's the chocolate syrup?

It's right there in front of your face.

-Not the chocolate drizzle.
-That's a nasty swiggle.

-Come on, Jeremy, you ready?
-Yeah, just give me a second.

-My whipped cream is about to melt.
-Kid, stop.

-Fingers are getting cold.
-Kid, quit.

-All right, are we going?

Hey, have fun, guys.

Look at these dessert guys.

My ice cream sandwich
melting before my eyes,

along with my future.

-You guys wanna try?

Is that what you made for dinner?

It's vegan curry, yeah.

Thank you.

-All right.
-They're coming.

-We'll talk after.

Let's have fun.

I'm super pumped on this.
I've never made this before.

Oh, my God, that looks great!

-Stoked. You're welcome.
-Thank you.

-You look really good, by the way.
-Thank you so much.

You think you maybe like fried Oreos?

Fried Oreos?
I've never had a fried Oreo before.

Always a first time to everything, right?

-What is this? It's amazing.
-Ice cream sandwiches.

Wait. Out of curiosity, are there nuts?

So, they're just
regular chocolate chip cookies.

-Are you, if you have a nut, will you die?
-Not really.

If this was some sort of hazelnut,
I'd be out for the night.

Yeah, I was gonna make that.

I really hope this doesn't have nuts.

-Can't k*ll me yet.
-I know.

-Can I dig into this?
-Yeah, go for it.

I've been trying to eat really healthy,
but I have the biggest sweet tooth.

I'm always the one ordering dessert.

-I just have restraint.
-Support it.


But you're, obviously,
real on the fitness, right?

Obviously? How is it obvious?

'Cause you look like…
You look really good.

Thank you.

Where are you from?

Um, born in Austria,
grew up in Cincinnati,

-and I live in Chicago.

-I graduated May, 2020.
-Okay, what was your major?

-Neuroscience. Yeah.
-Neuroscience. Okay.

Beautiful and smart.

Thank you.

I grew up in Buffalo…

New York girl.

…and New York City,
until I moved to LA three years ago.

I love LA, but I miss New York so deeply.

Jeremy's the kid in the candy store
right now. He's like, "I got three girls."

But he doesn't get them,

'cause you never know which girl's like,
"I don't like him."

What are you in LA for?

-I'm in real estate…

-…and I model, so…
-That's dope.

-And you are?
-Personal trainer and model.


New York. We'll have to hang out.

Okay, this is my first time
trying a fried Oreo.

I'll always remember this moment, Charlie.

I put a lot of love into that,
you know what I'm saying?

-It's great.
-It's good?

-Glad you like it.
-You made this?

Yeah. No, for real. I know how to cook.

It's just, I was the only one
chosen for dessert.

I only have one date tonight, so…

Are you sad?

I mean, I guess.
I don't really look that interesting, so…

From what I've seen, it feels like
you haven't had a girl come in

with you as her number one,
and sat on you,

and I think that's so weird.

'Cause to me,
it seems like really obvious.

I'm like, "Hello?"
You're obviously super sweet, genuine.

You seem like a big teddy bear.

-I know. They call me "skippin' rocks."

'Cause I'm literally just like, I don't
know I'm making it through. I'm just…

Just skipping my little ass through.

I try not to have too many expectations.

I am looking for someone
who can be my best friend,

someone to have fun with,
travel with, just live my life with.

I'm looking for a partner
who I can obviously grow with,

starting off with friendship first.

-Like you said, everything starts there.


I'm nervous.

Um, yeah.

-It's about what's in here.
-Oh, my God.

Take that out, like the cream,

put ice cream between the Oreo.

Like cookies and cream.

f*ck me, yup. Like cookies and cream.
Yeah, I guess that's already an invention.

Yeah, that's already a thing.

Not gonna lie,
definitely was thinking about…

-Did you enjoy the dessert?
-This is amazing. Thank you.

Glad, you enjoyed it.
We had a great talk I feel.

-Yeah. You're great. Yup, we will.
-Get to know each other more.

Tomorrow, definitely
gotta finish this conversation.

-I'll probably talk to you for a bit.
-Yeah, I totally want to later.

'Cause we have
five unfinished conversations.

-Yeah. So have so many conversations.

Nah, we'll get it. You're super cute.

-Thank you so much for the dessert.
-I'm stoked. Yeah, of course. Absolutely.

I'll talk to you in there.

Hopefully, we have quite a bit of time.
Maybe get to know each other.

Yeah. Is that something you're open to?

Yeah, for sure.
Like I said, I don't close any doors.

Right now, I'm still all-in on Cashay,

but definitely intrigued
by the new ladies.

So it'll be interesting
to see how all this folds out.

When I saw you, you were definitely…

-You ain't got to gas me up now.
-All right, I won't.

I'm just playing.

-Give me a hug.
-All right.

-Thank you.

[narrator] That wraps up our dates.

New girls, now that you're stuffed,
why not gossip a little bit

before you put on your posters
or pajama pants?

Okay. All right.

-Korey is perfect.

Do you love him?

Okay, maybe.

He's so sweet.

You can just tell he's genuine,
and has such good energy.

-I really liked him.
-I see that.

-How is Jeremy?
-He's awesome. He's great.

Definitely, there was a vibe there.
We both went to New York for a while.

He's very East Coast.

Alana's personality is crazy dope.
And she's obviously attractive.

I'm just, I don't know why
I'm really attracted to Bailey.

She is literally
the epitome of 42, Bailey.

Dude, yeah. I'm not gonna lie.

-f*ck! Are we back where we started?
-f*ck, man!

[laughing, hollering]

-How was Charlie?

I mean, it was good. We had… He's so calm.

-I'm not calm.

-You want a guy who's your level?
-Matches my energy.

Maybe he's calm at first.

It might be easier tomorrow,

after we've kinda
settled in a little more,

gotten to know everyone else.

He's been probably like,
"Who are all these girls here?"

As far as I'm concerned,
the dates went really well.

The talks were great, it went very normal,
it flowed very well.

But we'll see.

We have to get to know them more,
see how they act.

We never know.

Like, damn, bro, she was…

[narrator] Six dates in 15 minutes.

By Love Island's standards,
they're taking things slow.

Time for the OG girls
to make friends with the new girls

while simultaneously fearing them.

-[upbeat music playing]
-[cheering, greeting]

-Hi! I'm Kyra.
-Hi. I'm Elly.

[narrator] Okay, how can we get
everyone in the same place?

Daybed? Too small.

Pool? Too wet.

Giant semi-circular bench

where cameras have been painstakingly
set up to cover a group convo?

Could work.

We'll go down the line with you three.
So, what are your intentions?

-"What are your intentions."
-What are your intentions with us?

He sounds like a dad,
"What are your intentions?"

It's a 29-year-old thing,
you guys wouldn't understand.

Okay, I'll start.

I came here for the experience,

and, obviously, it'd be great
to meet someone special.

-So, what's your type?

I am very personality-based.
I don't have a physical type.

I'm goofy,
so I kinda like to have fun with someone.

I like someone who matches my energy.

-Fair enough.

I'm very much the same.

Like, came here
to hopefully meet a guy I connect with.

But also, my type
is anything and everything.

Like, if you look at my past,
it makes no sense.

I'm all over the place.

It really just matters if you're genuine
and fun,

and if we can laugh,
then I guess that's my type.

My type is…

Honestly, if you just line up
all my past guys, it looks like a circus.



-Cheers to that.
-Can we ask you guys questions?

-Of course.

How's the experience been so far?
Like, how's everything been going?

For me, I have taken more risks here
than I would have in the real world.

Just following my heart, which is crazy
'cause I thought I didn't have one.

And I met this one. And this one.
And everyone.

Yeah, we got like a little family now.

That's so nice. I love that.

The three new girls, drop-dead gorgeous.

And they all seemed our vibe.
They weren't like…

"I could take your man if I want to."

All these people are amazing,
and I'm very happy to be here.

-Cheers to that.
-Raise your glass to that one.

Cheers. Thanks for sharing, you guys.
I appreciate it.

Hey, welcome, guys.

[speaking foreign language]

-Yeah. Thanks!
-[speaking foreign language]

[serene music playing]

[narrator] It's Love Island on Paramount+,

which means more F-bombs
than a saloon behind a truck stop.

Let's check in with new girls
Elly, Alana and Bailey,

who, incredibly, are still not in
pajama pants after eating fried dessert!


I mean, I'm super happy
that we got to meet the girls.

-Me, too. They're so sweet.
-They exceeded my expectations.

-They're so sweet.
-Everyone's so nice.

-I'm excited.
-What are you thinking about Jeremy?

He's nice.

You, like… going for him?

I'm not gonna know who I
actually am into until I talk to everyone.

For me, so much personality,
it's so important.

So, you can be like Michael B. Jordan

and if you don't have
a good personality, I'm done.

But I'm definitely getting excited
to get to know Korey more, Charlie more.

But also, Korey and Olivia…
I forget that that's kind of like a thing,

but I don't know
how much of that I believe.

Are you still super about him
after meeting him?

Definitely. Even more so,
I think, after the date. He was so sweet.

How is Korey still single?

Like, why no girl has come in
and put him as put him as number one?

'Cause it's so obvious to me.
I feel like he's perfect.

I hope the weather's nice tomorrow.

I wanna get into a f*cking bikini
and lay out,

-and be tanned and beautiful.
-Let's go down the f*cking slide.

-She is not doing that.
-If someone can hold me, I'll do it.

You have lip liner right here.

-In my unibrow?
-Something pink.

-You do not have a unibrow.
-I do.

Oh, my God, I can see little baby hairs.
They look like flowers.

[narrator] Bedtime, girls. Hope you like
group showers and communal sleeping.

It's like a youth hostel,
but clean and safe.

And if you're sexually frustrated,

yell at a waterfall
or ruin a relationship, it's up to you.

FYI, you're in a montage.

[upbeat music playing]

Good night. I'll see you in bed.

These are products that you can use
that are free products to use.

These are the condoms.

Wait. Has anyone actually
ever used the condoms?

Me and Josh don't use them.

Wait, are you guys f*cking?

Yeah, can I have one too?

Wait, who's f*cking in here?

They're f*cking.


Bro, it's gonna be interesting after this.

It's gonna be…

[speaking foreign language]

Bah! Bah! Bah! Bah! Bah! Bah! Bah!

[serene music playing]

Good night, guys.

Oh, shit.

[all laughing]

-Oh, my…
-Are you okay?

-It's always Olivia's bed that breaks.
-Everyone's trying to break my bed.

If you're gonna break my bed,
do it in the best way.

We fixed it, guys.

All right, guys. Good night, guys.

Oh, my God.

Good night, Islanders!

[upbeat music playing]

[calm music playing]

Damn, how do you look
so good in the morning? Crazy.

I don't.

-Wake up.
-I'm up.

I'm gonna go be sexy downstairs.

Not to kid, lining up to be a perfect day.

For the new arrivals.

Oh, my God. This is so sick.

Oh, my God.

-Good morning, Love Island.
-This is nice.

[narrator] The producers had devised
an ingenious new game,

but the Islanders
started playing their own,

so if anyone needs a whipped cream cannon
and a stripper pole, do let us know.

That sounds very fun.


What's the most recent lie
you've told a girl?

I don't know, I feel like the last girl
I was with before I was here, I kinda…

I knew I was coming here,
but I didn't tell her.

You know? And she didn't…

-You ghosted her.
-…realized what was going on.

Yeah, she's definitely trashing you.


If you could do anything in the world
right now, what would you do?

-Have sex with Korey.
-Oh, shit.



-What's up?
-Trina, babe.

What matters more to you?

Intelligence, or d*ck size?

That's a tough one.

I don't think it's that tough.

That's a hard one.

Honestly, intelligence. I mean--

One, two, three, lie!

He's intelligent enough
to make his d*ck, maybe,

-feel better with another woman in bed.

Imagine a guy with a large d*ck
and he's like, "What's up?"

-What are you gonna do?
-All right.


Coming into the Villa,
who caught your eye the most?


-All right.
-That's why I'm taking you.

-That's why.

She's, like,
"That's why we went on a date."

Like, not enough entrée.
I didn't know how it worked.

All right.


If you had to couple-up
with someone right now,

who would you couple-up with?

Probably, Korey.

-How come you're not…

[all drumming on table]


Who would you kiss
at this table right now if you could?

Well, I've already kissed
all of the main girls.

So… Bailey.

Me? Okay.

[all drumming on table]


What's the dirtiest thing
you've done in bed?

Damn, you can just hit them
with the "good guy."

He's like, "Okay…"

I guess, like butt stuff.

-"Butt stuff." I love him!
-Love that!

"Butt stuff."

[narrator] I'll look up what Jeremy said
later on Ask Jeeves.

Fun game, though.

Perhaps, maybe-- I don't know--

the producers could take care
of the games in future,

so the Islanders don't need to do their
jobs for them, just a thought.

[upbeat music playing]

[narrator] Welcome back to Love Island.
We're on Paramount+.

The Islanders are on an island,

and according to our market research,
you're on your laptop, in bed,

using a password
you stole from your friend.

Let's talk #Kolivia.

-What's up?
-I was actually wanna ask you…

What's the deal with you and Olivia?

With me and Olivia?

Did you guys like each other
in the beginning at all?

-No, so like--
-That's what I thought.

-Yeah, it was never like that,

until literally right after Casa Amor.

-I don't know.
-What changed?

I really don't know. We just kinda
gravitated towards each other, I guess.

In here, you literally have to
take things day by day.

You can feel one way
about a person this day,

and the next day,
it's completely different.

So your eggs aren't on that basket?


The new ladies,
all three of them are amazing.

I definitely wish they would have
came in a lot earlier.

I was almost hoping that these new girls
weren't going to be attractive

just so I could focus on Olivia. But now…


Couples aside, if no one was in a couple,
what's the word?

So much fresher. I don't know.

I think Josh is a hottie,
and it's not like--

I don't know.
Normally, I would've chosen you.

Obviously, I went out
with Will and Jeremy,

so I was definitely attracted to them.

You're awesome.
You're very easy to talk to,

and you've been super welcoming
from the beginning, which I like.

I don't know,
you're all great guys. Truthfully.

-You picked all of us.
-Yeah, exactly.

-So now you like everyone.
-I like them all.

Nothing significant
has made my heart pitter-patter.

Jeremy looks like a buff version
of my stepdad, so…


-It's just so bad.
-Oh, my God.

So, every time I look at him,
it's just a little cringe.

That was bad.

I thought you were gonna say
you wanted to--

Elly, do you wanna have a chat?


[narrator] Sure, relationships that begin
with "You remind me of my stepdad"

might start off super hot,

but is there more to Elly and Jeremy
than just the physical stuff?

So, wait. Where are you again?

-Okay, that's right.

I model and personal train in the city.

How long have you lived there?

I guess that was 2017. So, yeah.

How are you feeling in the Villa?

I know it's your first--
technically, second day.

It seems like
you're integrating fine with everyone.

Yeah, I just feel like
kinda more reserved.

Yeah. Do you usually have
like a really big personality, or…


It takes time.
I mean, I have a really big personality.

And at first, I was just shy

and I took time to get used to
being around these people,

and now, obviously,
I'm so used to these people,

-it's like second nature.

Being able to open up and stuff.
I'm sure you'll have a great time.

-Hopefully, we're welcoming, and…

-Josh, can I have a chat?
-Yeah, of course.

Josh and Bailey are going for chat.

I assume Shannon's fuming.

Do we need a hose? She's cool.
Copy. No hose required.

For now.

Is the Villa exactly how you guys
expected it to look like

-or is it different?

-It's way different. Yeah.

It's kind of smaller.

-Smaller than it is on TV?
-Yeah. It looks huge on camera!


It's super colorful.

How do you think
your dates went last night?

They were really good.

I kinda went in with the mindset
of Korey's my number one,

-and I think he's still my number one.

But like, Jeremy
has pleasantly surprised me.

What do you think of them?

So, they're honestly, both my best friends
in here, from day one.

And I know that they're both
super into you, we had that conversation.

-Really? Okay. That's so good.

Jeremy and Korey
really can't catch a break.

Clearly, they have the same type
when it comes to women,

because they keep falling
inside that love triangle.

First with Florita, obviously,
and then now, most recently with Bailey.

But it is 1-0, Jeremy.

So you don't think if I got to know Korey,
you don't think Olivia would be upset?

-No, not at all.

They understand. New people are gonna come
and they'll want to try and get to know.

Like you guys wanna try and get to know
the guys. It's not a crime.

If I'm Korey, I'm not too stressed,

because obviously,
he has a great relationship with Liv.

She's an amazing person.

So, I think that
it's a win-win for Korey regardless,

and Jeremy is just sitting pretty.

So, we'll see how this one shakes out.

You're here for yourself.
Remember that, like I said.

-Yeah, that's true.
-So you can't…

You're probably such a nice person,
so you think like that…

you have to think what's best for you,

and see which person
you can see yourself growing with more,

and taking it to the outside and stuff.

-Thank you for the advice.
-Yeah. Of course.

-I won't tell them that you told me.
-No, I won't.

-Yeah, play it cool.
-I'll play it cool.

-So, you wanna go back over there?
-Sure. Sounds good.

That seems like a lot of work.

Okay, I need to work on my accent
'cause everyone's talking in--

-Was that British or Australian?
-We don't know.

-That was British.
-Whatever you want it to be.

Your accent's pretty good or whatever.

If I had an English accent,
I think it makes you 20 times hotter.

So I should maybe work on it,
and just pretend--

-You're from the UK or something?

UK is different than British, no?

-There's Essex.
-Okay. [clears throat]

Essex, yeah.

I am so excited

'cause after we leave the Villa,
we're gonna have a great party.


-I thought that was Australian.
-You had it till you said "party,"

-and then you had a Boston accent.
-How do you say "party"?

I'm gonna go get in the show and go party.

That's what I'm really gonna do.

I would like to have a party.

I would like to party with you!

I wanna party with you.

-[phone chimes]
-[girls gasp]

-Guys, I got a text!
-[all cheering]


"Islanders, get ready to get wet, wild,
and play some Love Island pool games!


#TooPoolForSchool, #SlipperyWhenWet."

Guys, I can't swim.

I'll save you!

No, she won't.

[mid-tempo music laying]

Rock, paper, scissors, sh**t.

[all] Hey!

[narrator] Hey, pool day!

But different than everyday
that's a pool day.

Today's pool day
isn't just swim-swim, tan-tan.

No, sir. Today is a competition.

Alana and Elly get to pick teams
for today's aquatic antics.

Nobody picked me.
What an unfamiliar feeling.

On Team Crush,
you've got Alana, Will, Olivia,

Korey, Trina, Josh, and Cashay.

-We make you rush!

-We never hush!

One, two, three, Crush!

[narrator] For team Villa Killa,
you've got Elly, Jeremy, Bailey,

Charlie, Kyra, and Shannon.

-One, two, three.
-Villa K*llers!

[all] Shh!

You got us! Okay.

[narrator] Whoever wins the most games,
wins the challenge.

And gets free membership
to the Wrinkly Fingers Club.

First up, it's a classic game of chicken.
Cluck, cluck.

So, basically, how this game works

is we're gonna have
two guys as the bottom, two girls on top.

The goal is to knock the opposite opponent
off of the shoulders of said man.

Let the Love Island pool games…


At first, we were just like,

"Oh, my God! Oh, my God, get off."
And then we were like…

Come on! Push her!

Let's go!


Shannon's strong. She's got some muscle.
She's little, but mighty.

Three, two, one,


-Come on, Will!

My girl Bailey put up such a fight,
I was not expecting that.

Come on, girls!

It was very difficult
'cause we were so competitive.

Oh, yeah! Get her!

Cashay was impossible to pull down.

Don't give in!

Go, Bailey!

It was like a nightmare. My neck is done.

Did you hear that? Wow.

-She strong.
-Go, Bailey!

-Come on, get her!
-Go, Bailey!

[narrator] The last time I saw the girls
in a fight this crappy

was when Cinco was in the Villa.

Anyhoosle, though, the winner is…

-Team Crush has won the first event!
-Who cares.

Now, it's time for the relay race!

On your marks, get set…

Let's go, Villa K*llers.

We're gonna shut them up
and we're gonna beat them down. Let's go!


Let's go!

Just keep kicking.

Tri, doesn't matter.

Go, go, go!

Show us that baseball arm.
Keep going. Let's go!

Crush, we'll make you blush Crush…

"We don't be hushed"? "We won't be hush"?

"We'll give you a rush"?

Wait, why did I forget our own chant?
Oh, God.

We don't care. Keeping playing.

Swim like your life depends on it.

Let's go.

The relay race, we definitely crushed it.

Jeremy, slide! Slide!

Oh, my God!

It was all fun and games,

but, yeah, Jeremy is a swimmer anyway,
so Team Crush showed up.

All right, guys. So right now, we're tied.

Whoever wins this game of volleyball,
wins the championships.

[narrator] Team Crush and Team Villa Killa
are all tied up. 1-1.

Next up, volleyball.

And we're gonna montage it,
because the only thing I watch

that goes for 21 rounds
is my mother during happy hour.

All right, three, two, one.

[upbeat music playing]

Charlie doesn't know
how to play volleyball at all.

You got it?

[all cheering]

Get your hands up,
get your head in the game,

and get the ball over the net.

-Game point.
-You got it.


[all cheering]

[narrator] Well, it wasn't
love at first spike for Charlie.

I haven't seen so much soft serves
since my froyo store flooded.

Team Crush wins. Let's celebrate.
Bombs away!

Water balloon fight!

Wait. How am I supposed to get…

Wait, give me one.


This isn't fun. Take cover!

I was like, "I am not getting
a black eye right now.

I don't have time for that."

-Oh, my God.
-You play baseball, Josh?

[narrator] This is why you have breast
insurance. And we do.

I shouldn't have said
this stupid baseball comment,

and he literally chucked it at my boob.

Josh! I got him in the balls!

We're never having sex again.

That's fine with me.


all is fair in love and w*r.

I'm not kidding, Josh,
I think you popped my implant.

-That f*cking hurt.
-Yeah, it hurts.

You hit me in the nuts.

That wasn't intentional.
You aimed for my titty.

Everyone's implants are f*cked up now.


Didn't mean to drop this.

[narrator] Back in the Villa,

Olivia, feeling as incompatible
as a Tesla at a gas pump.

Korey, getting to know other girls.

Just business as yoozh at the Villa

I don't know,
I didn't feel fully like myself yesterday.

When I got here,
I was like, a little thrown off.

I wanna talk to everyone,
get to know everyone.

I just know
that people are really coupled-up.

Yeah, like Josh and Shannon, probably,

and Will and Kyra, probably,
are the most coupled-up,

but we're never gonna be weird to you.
We'd be like, "I got a girl."


Nothing like that.
Everyone's super welcoming here.

If you talk to him,
you wouldn't even know.


Alana, she's super cool.

She has nice teeth. And I like her curls.

Now I'm just like… Freak.
'Cause now, I gotta choose.

You're so close with everyone here.

-You're like, "How can you be shy?"

Coming here, it makes you
do things that you normally wouldn't do.

Wouldn't do.

And any problems, or anything like that,

you can't just ghost someone
or avoid them.

-Like, you have to--
-That's true.

Yeah, you have to deal with it.
You can't run anywhere.

So, you definitely learn a lot,
more than anything.

-I always say,

you either come in here and find your love
or your one or whatever,

or you find something out about yourself.

Yeah. You need to experience new--

That's why after here,
we're going straight to Egypt,

-and then Italy.

I'm trying to see the Colosseum.

-That's amazing. I'm going to London.

And so, I'm just kinda roam.

-I bought a one-way,

-so I'm just gonna bop around wherever.
-Nice. You already bought it?

-Yeah. I bought it.
-Yo, that's sick.

But that's amazing, Egypt, wow.

That's what's on my back.
A big Egypt thing.

-Oh, shit.

You have so many tattoos.

I know. Probably just looks like
one big blob right now.

No, they're cool.


-Say it again.
-Korey likes these girls.

Oh, my God. You're freaking out, babe.

-I'm just--
-You can't freak out.

-I'm not freaking out.
-You are freaking out, though.

-Well, it's just like--
-You said it four times in the 20 minutes.

I guess I'm waiting
for someone to be like, "Yes!"

[Olivia] I'm in a weird place right now.

I can't predict
what's gonna happen with these girls.

I actually have genuine, real feelings
for Korey now.

Our boys
are also just very, very friendly.

And also, just because
he's getting to know her,

doesn't mean his feelings for you change.

I think until he says to you,

or until you see
them having multiple conversations,

there's no reason to freak out.

Do I keep leaning in? Or do I pull back?

I pull back, I'm gonna lose him,

and if I lean in,
I have potential to get hurt.

But I think that
the right thing for me to do

is put my heart on the line, risk it all…

because I want love.

[narrator] Next time…

one new girl has her eye on Korey…

-You're making me dinner tonight?
-I got you.

…putting Olivia on high alert.

I'm shutting down
and I'm pulling myself away.


I'm fine.

[theme music playing]