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03x34 - Episode 34

Posted: 04/29/24 19:25
by bunniefuu
[narrator] Previously on Love Island…

the new couples tested the waters.


I don't know if I have a crush,
but I'm looking at him some kind of way.

Now that we're on the same page, finally.

-It's gonna be wild.
-I know.

-You ready?

I've been missing Cash all day.

Do you have regret?

I'm just feeling friend vibes.


America's vote put two couples in danger…

I now need the safe Islanders to choose

which couple they think
has the least potential.

…and the Islanders sealed their fate.

The couple we would like to dump
from the island is…

K-Ci and Elly.

[upbeat music playing]

[narrator] Tonight…

I dare you to kiss Andre
like you're never going to see him again.

…love games continue in the villa…

I need to stop playing games
and ask this man, "What's up?"

I'm all in. I really feel like
this could be something.

You're so hard to read.

-[man] Whoa!
-[woman] Oh, damn.

[narrator] …and the Hideaway is open.

Are these walls soundproof?

[theme music playing]

[upbeat music playing]

Welcome to Giant Neon Heart Island.

Last night, Arielle dropped in
for a surprise dumping.

America decided that the couples with
the most potential are Olivia and Korey,

Kyra and Will, and Andre and Trina.

Our safe Islanders then picked
two additional couples to save.

They chose Charlie and Alana,
and Jeremy and Bailey.

Which meant it was Elly
and K-Ci you later.

Elly and K-Ci,
your time on Love Island is over.

You guys have 30 minutes to pack your bags
and say your goodbyes.

-I love you, guys.
-I love too, babe.

Man, having to vote for K-Ci and Elly,
it was really hard for me.

I know you tried, bro.
I know you put everything into this, man.

They just weren't compatible.

I just wish K-Ci
would have had more time here.

I know that
he was really looking for love.

I'll miss y'all, man.

-Feels like we've known you for a year.
-f*ck, bro.

You have such a different energy.

I don't think
I've ever met anyone like you.

Well, you all guys are gonna
have it for the rest of your lives. So…

I know that she was
looking for her needle in the haystack.

She didn't find that here with love.

-Ciao for now.

-Ciao for now.

She left with her head held high
and if my girl's happy, I'm happy.

-Love you all so much!
-Love you.

I know, she's one of a kind.

I think if I had more time in the villa,

I might have been able
to form a romantic connection.

But I am appreciative for the short time
that I had in there

to build amazing friendships.

I'm rooting for you guys,
every single one. I love you guys.

-For real.

I do wish I had more time in the villa,
but I feel like I've grown a lot.

Finding love in the real world,
I'm just gonna take my time.

I'll meet her one day.

-Cheers to them.
-Cheers, guys.

Personally, I'd like to say,
thank you all.

I really appreciate y'all stepping out
on a limb for saving us as well.

That really meant a lot.

-Chill, bro.
-Yeah. Thanks, everyone.

Maybe we all haven't agreed to the choices
that have been made.

I want to give Alana a fair chance also
at finding a connection.

So, if that's you in the picture,
I respect that

and I think that
you need follow your heart,

which is probably one of the hardest
decisions in the villa thus far.

That's a big deal. So, yeah.

You would be a governor or something.

-I know.

Not the Governor of Hawaii.

Olivia, you're Sarah Palin from now on.

"I can see Russia from my house."

Wait. What? Really?

Listen. Korey, no.

[narrator] Classic Korey.

But imagine Olivia as Governor,

running on a platform of platforms
in platforms.

She certainly has Korey's vote
according to nightly… polling.

But America's recent vote
still has them shook…

Shaken. It should be shaken.

How do you feel…

-About the elimination?
-…about being saved by America again?

To be honest, it reassures me that,

"Okay, Olivia,
you being honest and vulnerable,

yes, it's scary,
but it's the right thing to do."

It's something that I could've
never orchestrated or thought

that it was gonna be this way.

I know, from day one till now.

-I definitely wouldn't have thought…
-Me neither.

…that we would end up coupled up,
and I genuinely enjoy it.

-Me too.
-More than any other couple I've…

Eight couples that I've been in.

Yeah, what the heck were you doing?


Me, in my one couple,
and single the rest of the time in here.

-I don't know.
-Remember what I told you?

If it's scary and excites you
at the same time, it's a good idea.

-Cheers to that.
-Cheers, mate.


That's just like a British thing
that I say, "Cheers, mate."

Okay. Well, I accept.

You're not a "mate," crazy.

Let's go get cereal.

Okay. I accept.

Let's go get cereal and then kiss.
That's so hot.

[both laughing]

[narrator] Cereal? Korey knows making out
is always hotter

when you can find a high-fiber snack
between your lover's teeth.

Now, like every day-old doughnut
I woke up next to this morning,

Alana and Charlie were almost thrown away.

Oh, man. What a night, right?

Yeah. That was stressful.

But truthfully,
I'm definitely a little bummed

because even though it's still new
and it happened in such an off way,

I feel like we have a stronger connection
than Trina and Andre.

-But I'm thankful that we're here still.

Yeah. And I'm glad
that the other Islanders,

they can see that those feelings are real,

'cause I'm all in.

I really feel this could be something. So…

Me too. I'm excited for us
to just continue to have fun

and just really enjoy each other,

'cause it's been so stressful.

-I do like you.

-I'm happy to still be here with you.
-Me too. Thank you.

Now to Trina, who is stunned
that America voted for her and Andre,

even though they're currently as platonic
as me and my trombone teacher used to be.

[imitates horn sound]

America voted for us.

-I am…
-I was in complete shock.

For me, I just feel like it's so clear
how honest we've been with each other.

A good relationship
always begins with a good friendship.


And I think that how we've been
doing things and handling things

has been so on point.

I wanna continue how we're going,

but there's also a chance
that we keep getting to know each other

and we don't know what happens.

One thing I told myself coming in here is,

"I want a man
that knows what he wants out of a woman."

And with you,
you're just perfection, which is great.

-Like I said, thank you to your mom.
-Thank you.

And yeah, we're friends right now.

We're, I guess, both willing to explore
where this could take us,

but every day
we're gonna live it like our last

-and see where it takes us.

And America's giving us this chance

-to make the best of this experience.
-I know.

So I'm happy. I am really happy.



[narrator] Cheers to Andrina.

To date, Jeremy's had more close calls

than a bunch of receptionists
sharing a studio apartment.

Jem-Jem and Bailey
were spared in the recoupling.

Super hot hotties catching a break?
So weird.

I've been on the chopping block
so many times now.

Literally, every time.

I'm obviously happy
that you and I got to stay.

-And that they picked us.

I feel, if anything,
tonight was a wake-up call

'cause being shy or timid
or not feeling like myself

isn't the point of this,
you know what I mean?

I think it was definitely
a big wake-up call. I need to…

-just like go for it and be myself and…
-Yeah. Just be yourself.

Yeah. I feel, with you,

you're so hard to read

because sometimes, you're affectionate
or cute, and I'm like, "This is great."

And then other times,
you're a lot more distant.

Yeah. I know we've talked
about it a little bit.

I still struggle a little bit
with not opening up, emotionally,

'cause I feel, when we talk
or anything like that,

I'm completely vulnerable,
and I told the truth and how I feel,

but yeah, it's hard sometimes
to just be totally open

and totally just go for it,
'cause of the setting we're in, but…

Do I need to be more aggressive
with you? What do you…

Sure. I mean, I'll do better too.

But still sometimes,
I feel like I don't have the mindset

to move normally on the outside.
You know what I mean?

-This is not that.
-I know.

-It's not like that.
-I know.

[narrator] After five weeks, Jeremy's
finally realized he's on a TV show.

But he has a giant blue slide
and yellow staircase to nowhere-at-home,

so it's hard for him
to tell the difference.

Time to make a move, Jemmy-baby,

or Trina and Father Andre
are going to move right past you.

It's crazy that you and Andre
are coupled-up,

and not only coupled up,
but a top-three couple?

-"Andre and Trina."
-That's cute.

[phone chimes]

-Wait, whose phone is this?
-I got a text!

She got a text. Shut up!

"Islanders, the Hideaway is now open!


Please choose one couple
to spend a special night alone.

#Feels, #DoNotDisturb."

[all whooping]

All right, who's going?

I think, it's an easy one.

I think my third eye's looking…

Wait. On three. One, two, three.

Korey and Olivia!

[upbeat music playing]

I knew you shaved for a reason.


Yeah, definitely, I can say
that I never thought

I would be going to the Hideaway…

let alone with Korey.

But here I am. And guess what?
I'm ready, baby.

Make sure you apologize to your mom
beforehand just like Josh.

In my wildest dreams,
I never thought this would happen.


-All right. We're getting ready, guys.

Let's just say that these girls

are probably in for some crazy stories
tomorrow morning.

[woman] Hey!

[serene music playing]

[narrator] We're back.

Korey and Olivia
are headed to the Hideaway.

I don't blush easy,

but these Islanders are using words

that have me looking
like I'm wearing more rouge

than an Elizabethan man.

"Forsooth, the nights spent
betwixt thine thighs."

Shannon wore my lingerie to the Hideaway.

You're gonna wear my lingerie
to the Hideaway.

I wore my lingerie to the Hideaway.

Your p*ssy is God.

Hell, yeah!

I'm giving you guys
an 86% chance of pipage.


She's gonna show up
with some freaking outfit,

and you'll be like…

Yeah, you're gonna be like,
antenna all day, antenna all night, man.

Wait. Pause.

Do I just go up there, literally, in this
or should I put a robe?

-No. Robe.

Guys, I'm going to get annihilated.

-I'm so excited!
-Yeah, you are!

[upbeat music playing]

Hey, have fun, bro.

-Enjoy the moment and the memories.
-I'm okay. It's the showbiz.

I'm going to sleep.

-You ain't gonna get a lot of that.
-Going to sleep.

-Oh, my God.
-[women gasp, squeal]

-Hey, bitch.
-It's so hot.

No, she didn't.

I kinda wanna bone you right now.

-All right, guys.
-Done! Done!

Not the cowboy hat.


Send the signal.

[knocking on door]

Three, two, one. Go.

-[women squealing]

Thank you.

-Have fun tonight, my love.

-I love you so much.
-We'll see you tomorrow.

-Enjoy yourself.

-Not you in the heels.
-I know, I was thinking of wearing heels,

'cause I was like,
I need to make a grand entrance.

[serene music playing]

She's about to get laid.

I think Jeremy gave him his lotion
'cause he smells like Jolly Ranchers.

-Jeremy smells like Jolly Ranchers?

That's what he smells like?

He's like,
"What do Jolly Ranchers smell like?"

I'm like, "You."

All right,
I definitely did not see all this.

Yo, this is sick.

-This is cute.
-Is this real wood?

That's what you think of? What the heck?

-That's cute. "Sweet Dreams" and a bunny.
-This is dope.

Wait, are these walls soundproof?

That's what you think of too? Okay.
Stop looking at the architecture.

-I know. This is me…
-What're you doing?

Super excited. Hideaway, finally.

Can finally sleep away
from other 20 people in the room,

and get to spend the night with Olivia,
this amazing girl. I'm excited.

All right. So, cheers.

To finally finding each other
on the very end of this thing.

-For another experience…

…that we get to experience together,
and trusting and following your hearts.

-I like it.

Honestly, truly, just excited
to spend this time with Korey.

This is kind of a make or break it.

Do we have what it takes
to go to the next level, romantically?

'Cause I know our friendship is solid,
but, yeah, I mean…

So, I'll tell you, when I came down there
and saw you just now, I was like…

I don't know… like my heart dropped
almost a little bit, I was like…

-f*ck, yeah. Like…

And even just right now,
just seeing you in these pictures,

you look super pretty.

And it's just crazy, too.

This whole time, for me anyways,

I'm looking in there,
waiting for someone to come in

and hit that instant spark with.

I don't know why I never looked
right in front of me. So…

I love that.

[mid-tempo music playing]

[music continues]

I think with me and Alana,

I think our biggest thing
is just gonna be communication.

I mean, I feel great with Bailey.
I think we're in a good place.

-I hope they're having fun up there.
-Oh, yeah.

This bed is sick, though.
Just like my bed, but…

Yo, why am I breaking shit?

Just drop…

Oh, my God!

[music continues]

Ever since he came to me today,

he started acting differently,
so that's good.

-Like better since…

Yeah. I just need to let myself
be more vulnerable

and put myself out there.

-It's so scary, but…

I can tell he likes you, dude.

Yeah. Every time I'm like,
"Does Jeremy like me or not?"

Everyone's like, "No, he likes you."
And I said that to him,

"Sometimes I don't know
if you like me or not."

I think it's just because
it's not what you're used to.

Whatever happens, happens.

True. I know, I'm like, this is cute.

[upbeat music playing]

[music continues]

[music continues]

I am in my Hideaway, guys.

-Good night.
-Good night.

[Olivia and Korey talking]

My dad is very strict
and then my mom's super fun.

Silly, drinks one every night.

Never remarried,
entrepreneur, rebuilds houses.

So, they're not together anymore?

They got divorced when I was 21.


-It's not fair.

You don't give up on love.
You don't give up on family.

-You're real strong. You're super strong.

I don't think I realized that
until a little bit later.

Even just seeing you put on that speech,
I was like,

"Yeah, good for her.
This girl really a governor."

I love that.

That's so funny.

[serene music playing]

Bonjour, Kyra.

[music continues]

I don't even remember falling asleep.

-It felt good.
-Thank you.

-That was fun.

-Pretty. Right?
-This is crazy.

I had fun last night, though.

I think what you said,
it shows a little taste of reality.

Even more than just whatever physically,

I liked the conversation that we had
last night even just in the hot tub.

I felt like we were good last night.

We behaved.

Yeah. For sure.

[serene music continues]

[narrator] Welcome back.

It's the morning after
Korey and Olivia went to the Hideaway.

I'm not sure what happened last night,

but I'm sure the Islanders
are gonna be super classy about it

when they inquire.

I'm happy that it was with you.

I know.

We're speculating.

Oh, my God. If you just look at her face,
she'll be glowing.

-We'll just know.
-We'll know.

Bro, look who's here!

We heard you sending up the signal.

Yeah, bro. We heard you on the roof.

High signal frequency.

No signal.

-She has risen.

Oh, my God!


[laughing, chattering]

-Look who's back.

-And she's glowing.
-Oh, my God.

I haven't even brushed my teeth.

She was super sexy.

Yeah, she had this black lingerie set
and heels…

-I told you.
-…and I was like…

[whooshing, grunting]

She looked really good.

He's hot. Period.

-I'm so happy for you.
-Yeah. It was good.

He showed last night a side of himself

that I don't think he shows a lot
with anyone.

He's was like,

"Oh, my God. How did I never see
what was in front of me this whole time?"

He's like, "You're gorgeous,"

and I was just like,

-"Thank you." It was sweet.
-My heart…

It's different
when you don't have everyone around.

-For sure.

So, this feels like
what it would be like on the outside.

But, no, honestly we behaved,
stayed up talked for a while and then…

I was tired, I'm not gonna lie.

-Yeah, okay.
-Yeah, all right.

They say a gentleman never remembers.

-You'd be proud.
-I'd be proud if you literally piped.


He is a gentleman.
I think he doesn't want any regrets.

And even for me,
he doesn't want me to have any regrets.

He actually was holding back
and he was like,

"Let's like not do that," but…

-You ended up…

No! We didn't.

But, in my past,
I'm used to guys leading with sex.

And so, for him
not to want to go all the way,

I respect him even more now,
even though I was kind of rolling my eyes.

But I was like, "Wait…"

That's literally so sweet.

It is. He really respects me.
Which is awesome.

-I'm so happy for you.
-I'm so happy.

[mid-tempo music playing]

[narrator] Charlie from Houston is
starting to put in an effort with Alana.

He can't offer her the shirt off his back

but this piece of Texas toast
can put avocado on bread.

Hey, Will, you put balsamic on it
last time, right?


[music continues]

-Hey. I made breakfast.

You did?


-How are you?

-Did they just kiss and hug?

Great. That's new.

How did you sleep?

-Like a baby.
-Like a baby?


Yesterday I felt like
we got a lot of things put out in the open

and I learned a lot more about you
just in a small amount of time.

Small amount of time, I know.

Hopefully, we just build up from there,

but now, definitely
I'ma ask more questions

and then, I feel vice versa.
You know what I'm saying?

Just to learn more, that's the only way
you're gonna really find out stuff.

That's true.
Thanks for cooking for me my breakfast.

-I love this breakfast.

It's funny
'cause I don't even eat avocado,

but obviously with you liking it,
I made you one.

Do you want to try a bite?

I'm all right.


"You want to try a bite?"
He's like, "I'm all right."

Did you want your tea?
I could bring it over here.

Do you know how to make it?
I can show you.

I really like the fact
that Charlie's been putting an effort.

He knows exactly what I have been
eating here in the mornings.

I thought that was so nice.

And then, you fill it with water
and then you do the swirly-twirly.

-You fill it all the way to the top?
-No, like here.

All right, I got you.

That was the most complicated process
I've ever seen.

I know, right?

It's important
to get the measurements right.

You didn't even measure.

Yeah, I did, with my eyes.

Oh, this is the best,
and I can see the water.


I'm really happy with the environment
with all the guys and us here right now.

-Me too. I feel like it's such a good…
-Everyone deserves to be here.

…energy and a good vibe.

Really grateful that America saw us…

I know.

…the potential, like a couple we have.

I know. Makes me happy to see that.

What we have is real.

I mean, I know it and you know it,

but for other people to see that as well,
makes me really happy.

And I'm excited for all the rest of it,
too, outside of here.

What did you think about Olive?
Did you talk to her?

-Yeah. Oh, my God.
-What did she say?

I'm so happy for her.

I wanted to go to the Hideaway with you,

but of all the couples here,
I'm so happy that she did.

And she was like,
"I felt like I knew him so well,

but then I saw
this whole different side of him."

And I totally understood that,
so I'm so happy they have that.

They deserve it.

-It seems like they had a lot of fun, too.
-I know.

You like the breakfast I made for you?

I love it. Thank you, baby,
for always making me breakfast.

I love taking care of you, baby.

Are Kyra and Will a horse house?

Because they are stable.

Whereas Trina is a tennis ball
at Wimbledon. Back and forth.

What's your game plan for today?

Twenty-one questions with Andre.

That'll be so fun.

You already told him you're interested,

Yes and no.


I feel like I did in a way,
but I was beating around the bush with it,

-with my answer.
-Yeah, it's kinda big.

I think I'm just proceeding with caution.

Yeah. I don't think
anyone can blame you for that.

Andre's a really good guy.

-He is.
-He's no Cinco.

-I don't think he's a heartbreaker.

No matter what happened,
I think he would be a genuine sweetheart.

-I don't think he'd ever lead you on…
-Or malicious.

…or do any… Yeah.

-He just seems so pure.

-He is a sweetheart.
-He is. You can tell.

[mid-tempo music playing]

I don't know what's going on in my mind.

But I am willing to open my heart up again
to see if there's something between us,

if we can find a spark with our friendship
and maybe it can be led to something else.

-I'll see you down there.
-See you.

Good luck with your 20 questions.

-I'll fill you guys in after.

[narrator] It's Love Island.

Do not build an island at home
and invite strangers over.

We've been doing this for a while.
Trust the pros.

Pick a couch, any couch.

-This one.

[narrator] Now Trina speeds up
her and Andre's relaish

with a round of 20 questions,
which Trina has adjusted up for inflation.

So, I wanted to pull you this morning

because I wanted
to get to know you better.

-Yeah. Let's do it.
-And I was thinking

the perfect way
to do it is by playing 21 questions.

-Okay, let's do it.

Ladies first.

Okay, um,
how many relationships have you been in?

-I've been in two.

-Two. Two serious relationships.

Why did you and your ex-girlfriend
break up? What's the reason?

So, we broke up

because my ex, the last one,
was actually the one I got married to.

Okay. So you were married?


It just got to the point
where I had to take a step back,

and realize that it wasn't getting better,

and the best decision was to separate,

which was super hard

because I didn't just get married just to…

-Get divorced. Yeah.
-…play a game or something.

You do it with the intent
of like, "This is forever."

So, yeah.

Let me see. My turn.

Do you find yourself going out
and making the first move?

Or do you kind of just rather
someone approaches you, you go from there?

Or do you take charge and you're like,
"Oh, I'm gonna go talk to that guy."

So, usually, I love to wear the pants,

but sometimes I take a step back

and I'm like, let's see
if the guy will approach me.

-We're cross-match…
-You wait for the girl to approach you.

-So then I wait…
-Long story short.

-Got it.

Opening up to Andre
did come really natural for me

because he's so easy to talk to,

but I don't know where
that guy's mind is at,

and it's tricky 'cause Andre is showing me
that he likes me as a person,

but I can't tell if he would like me

as someone
he could potentially see himself with.

-I'm loving these questions, though.

I definitely feel like I'm getting
to know you better with these questions.

I just feel I need to stop playing games
and ask this man, "What's up?"

But then,
that's a little bit too intense, no?

-Are you a little hungry?
-Yeah. Should we go eat?

-Yeah. Let's do it.
-Let's go.

-Are you making me breakfast?
-I did make you breakfast.

-I'm kind of winging it,

because we haven't talked about
what you like to eat for breakfast.

-I like to eat everything.
-Okay, great.

I love that, 'cause I love to cook, so…

I love that.

-Are you a chef in the kitchen?
-I am.

I wonder what he made her for breakfast.

Probably a relationship scramble
with a side of "what are we?"

Meanwhile, Olivia and Alana
are both seeing things sunny side up.

-How was last night?
-It was good.

Was it? Did you guys cuddle?

-We cuddled a little, we kissed.
-Did you kiss?

Really? Do you feel like last night,

the recoupling pushed to him
to either he's all in or he's not?


-That's good.
-He's trying really hard.

-Yeah. He really is.

He's putting so much effort in. He made
me breakfast which was really sweet.

And I really think he's a good person.

Yeah, last night was a long night
in itself,

and then obviously, the Hideaway.

-Tell me more.
-I think he actually really likes me.

-He's definitely falling for you. Yeah.
-I think so.

Sometimes it's either really easy
to transition from… Hey.


I'm not about this rain right now.

It's not a vibe.

It's really not.

I was just talking about, sometimes,
how it's hard to transition

from a friendship with a guy to romantic.

-But starting as friends is so good.
-I've never done that.

I think it's so good, 'cause you already
have the friendship component,

and as long as
the sexual component's there,

what more do you need?

He's really good
at communicating his emotions.

-He'll just say exactly how he feels.

He's totally boyfriend type in that way.


-What is it?
-What's up? We'll just go chat.


Where do you want to go?

-The swing.
-Perfect. Okay, cool.


What do you think?

They're cute.

Right? They look so cute together.


What do you like in relationships?

What do I like? For a relationship,

I don't know what they call it,
acts of service, doing it for the person.

So, you show love in acts of service.

Is that your love language?

-Love language?

Yeah, I think, just in general,

actions speak louder than words
with anything.

Are you an emotional person?

-I feel like I am.

Yeah. I mean, I know I am, but…

I was surprised
when Jeremy said he was emotional

because I feel like he never shows that.

He's very guarded.

You kinda have to pry it out of him.

So I don't think
he's been super emotional yet,

but maybe I just haven't seen
that side of him, so…

I know there is potential there.

I think it just takes me time

to feel a certain way about someone
or get to know them well.

I think our connection is genuine
and we're moving in the right direction.

And even if
America doesn't necessarily see that…

I think, granted,
we're in the bottom three last night…

the other Islanders see it
and that's why they saved us.


-Get your butt up.

Excuse you!

We're gonna play Truth or Dare.

Are we in detention?

You are in detention. You're free to go.


[upbeat music playing]

Love Island: a giant slumber party
filled with under-sexed adults

who sleep in the same room
and shower together.

We're like a sexy religious cult
but without the tax benefits.

We were gonna do a solitary round-robin

but then that producer got fired
for thinking outside the box.

Time for Truth or Dare.


Oh, crap.

I dare you to act like a cat.

[all whooping, laughing]

I love it!

When are y'all gonna let that go?

Not yet.

[narrator] Charlie being a cat
is 100% pure entertainment,

but we're gonna get in trouble
with our lawyers

if he commits all the way
to the litter box.

I'm sorry, Charlie.

[all laughing]

-You're in the doghouse now, Alana.

[laughter continues]

Big cat energy.

[laughing, cheering]

That was amazing.

Jeremy, truth or dare?


I dare you to go
put on one of the girls' heels and strut.

-Good one.
-He's not gonna fit any of our shoes.

That's right.

Alana, you got the biggest foot, right?

Yeah, Jeremy. Thank you.

I'm so excited.

-Jeremy, don't stretch my shoes out.
-It's stretched out already.

Show us the catwalk.

Five, six, seven, eight.

[all whooping]

Pose and pose.



Now he's showing off.

Oh, my God.

[cheering, clapping]

-That was amazing.
-Good stuff.

-Trina, truth or dare?

I dare you to kiss Andre
like you're never gonna see him again.

Stand up and get on the ground.

Stand up.

Let's go. Let's see it.

[upbeat music playing]

Making out with Trina has been
always a very pleasant experience.

Andre, always having lipstick on his face.

And we almost have a signature move now
which is "lipstick all over my face."

-Olivia, truth or dare?

Tell us one thing that you did last night
with no filter.

[all whooping]


We ate strawberries.

No, but not those kind.

-No filter.
-You know what we mean.

That's filtered.

Okay. All right. One thing…
I don't know if I can say this.


Let's just say
there was no toothpaste in the bathroom

and I needed to brush my teeth.



Last night was fun, to say the least,

and, I think, there's gonna be
a lot more nights to come.

-All right, let's do a dare.

Go to the heart shower
and take a shower, a sexy shower,

dancing and touching yourself, like…


-Do your best, Korey. Do your best.

[upbeat music playing]


[hooting, cheering]

That's familiar.

Good job!

Good job… Really?
You're gonna do me dirty like that?

-Okay. Let's ask Bailey a question.

Oh, my gosh. Who, me?

Can you dare her?

I dare you to suck chocolate
off of Jeremy's toes,

and then make out with him.

Let's go!

[all cheering]

Me, personally…

I would not want to suck anyone's toes.

I'm like… I couldn't do that.

[all whooping, screaming]

I love you so much. I promise not to joke.

Oh, my God.

Oh, damn! That looks so hot.

It was a very hairy toe.

He does need a pedicure.

Look at his face!


How does your toe taste, Jeremy?

Like chocolate.

I got some clean feet. I taste good.

I don't get grossed out like that.
So, I would do it again.

All right. Charlie.

Yeah, I'll do a dare.

I dare you to

lick chocolate from Alana's belly button
up to her mouth.

That's a big cat energy right there.

He's licking.

He's grooming his mate.

-This is epic!

The chocolate syrup was fun.

Charlie did a very good job.



-Good job.
-A sweet chocolaty cat.

-That was hot.
-That was hot.

Go, big cat!

[narrator] Welcome back to Love Island.

What did we learn from Truth or Dare?

Charlie has big cat energy,
Korey can dance,

and even though Bailey
had a toe in her mouth,

it was Olivia
who was missing her toothbrush.

The Islanders recap.

I wasn't expecting to smear my lipstick
before noon with Andre.

-You can always reapply.
-I'm not going to reapply.

I didn't even finish my cup of coffee.

I think every time we've kissed,

I've gotten a little lipstick residue
all over my face.

-Yep, you have.
-So it's kind of our thing.

How's that make out
with chocolate and toe juice?

I've never done anything with feet.
So it was a first but…

I'm kinda surprised she did it,
I mean, I wouldn't do it.

Yeah, says a lot.
She didn't give a shit, either.

-She was like, "Let's get it."
-"Let's get it."

-She was all for it.
-Yeah. She really was.

-Not the closet freak.
-Yeah. No, for real.

Not that we didn't know
who you really were.

Yes, MVP, baby.

I'm down to suck some toes. It's fine.

I love it because it's not that serious.

That's what the villa needs, too.

I literally cannot take my eyes off him.
When he takes his shirt off…

We were working out earlier, he was like,
"Hold up, let me take my shirt off."

-Which I'm like…
-"Take your time doing it," yeah.

Watching him,
catching myself staring, "I got to stop."

'Cause he's so attractive.

-How was the chocolate?

-That was hot.
-Good. Yeah.

I love that he did the cat thing.

I thought that was really cute
that he did that.

The way that he hopped right into it
as opposed to…

Remember how he was super hesitant…

-…when Elly asked.

But when you asked, it was very different.

And I loved that.

Charlie, how are you embracing
big cat energy?

-I feel that's kind of your thing now.
-Bro, I'm literally…

That's your nickname now. Big Cat.

Are y'all gonna let that go?

I'm a little cats and kittens.

Yeah, man. But I knew
this was what she wanted to see,

so I had to make it enjoyable for her.

With that said…

Bro, if she asks you in the bed,
"Can you act like a sexy cat?"

-You would do it?
-Hell, yeah, I'ma do it.

If we're in bed, sure. I'll act
however you want me to act. Sure.

You know what I'm saying?

How was that chocolate?

Oh, sh**t. I could've sat there
and licked that chocolate all day.

-You cleaned it up.

-Our man just likes to eat.
-Yeah. Literally.

He loves to eat and suck.

-That's about it, yeah.

[all laughing]

I'm done.

[narrator] Next time…

America shares their opinions.

"Kyra forgave Will too quickly.

She gonna watch this back
and be embarrassed."

The thing is, it's what he tells me.
And now, I don't know if I trust him.

[theme music playing]