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04x20 - Episode 20

Posted: 04/29/24 19:28
by bunniefuu
[narrator] Previously on Love Island USA…

"Casa Amor Hideaway will be open!"

[Islanders] Ooh!

-[Kyle] Can I pull you for a chat?

[narrator] The pressure was piled on.

-I'm feeling good.
-Where are you sleeping tonight?

Where do you want me to sleep?

-Do you wanna share a bed with me?
-I'd love to share a bed with you.

Really? I haven't felt this in a while.

In the back of my head, you know,
I-- I just think of Deb, man.

I just can't stop thinking about her.
None of these girls compare to Deb.

You know, I really miss her,
and I just can't wait to go see her.

It's like every time I look at you,
I feel like--

Like, I have to break eye contact
with you, 'cause you make me nervous.

Yeah, I'm not gonna lie.
I always do be looking at you, of course.


[Isaiah] You're-- You're very beautiful.

The vibe with me and Phoebe
is definitely growing subtly.

I didn't really see it coming,
to be honest.

[ominous instrumental playing]

[narrator] Tonight…

[Isaiah] This shit has got me f*cked up.

[Sydney] I'll be so, so heartbroken.

You've really fallen for Isaiah.

The cracks are starting to show.

On your tight ass, huh?

[Deb] I'm having a great time.

[Courtney] Do you think you would
bring him back into the villa?

[Courtney gasps, squeals]

From what he's told me,
I think he'll stay loyal to me.

[Courtney] Yeah.

[narrator] Welcome to Love Island USA.

[Islanders] Cheers!

[narrator] With the OG boys
away at Casa Amor,

Zeta spends all her time
bird watching, knitting tea cosies,

and telling kids to get off her lawn.

No idea why.

-I feel like an old grandma here.
-You're the great-grandma here.

-[both laughing]

Oh, God!

[both giggling]

You're like the 95-year-old great-grandma.

-[Zeta] No!
-[both laughing]

-I'm like…
-[Courtney laughs] Yeah.

I'm like, "Y'all go on, you hear?"

-[both laughing]

No, I really just wanted to chat with you,

'cause obviously you've
got to talk to Jordan tonight.

I feel like we're more as friends,

and I feel a stronger connection
with Chad,

-so I owe it to myself to explore.
-[Zeta] Mm-hmm.

I think it will be also fun
to just be with someone your age, like…

-…in here. Just, you know what I'm saying?

-Mm-hmm. Taking it day by day.
-Yeah, I'm happy though, Courtney.

Me too.

Jordan is amazing. I just really
appreciate, like, the person he is.

But I don't know. Like…

I just don't feel sparks,
so I'm gonna explore things with Chad now.

[Zeta] So you're excited
to talk to Chad tonight too?

-Yeah. Of course.

So do you reckon you'll pull Jordan first?

[Courtney] Mm-hmm.

[Zeta] Has he got sandals on tonight?

-[Courtney] Oh…

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God! With no socks.

Would you prefer he had socks on?


I would just prefer not at all.


[both laughing]

Oh, yeah.

[narrator] Nic's heading to the treehouse
with Nadjha.

Nic told me
to make himself more attractive,

he's going to do something with his hair.

But he clearly hasn't,
'cause the mustache is still there.

-How are you feeling, though?
-[Nadjha] I'm feeling good.

-I'm feeling really good.

And this? This is the mood.

You like it? Curls for the girls.

-I'm so glad.
-Curls for the girls. Like, actually.

Okay. See, everybody's
always told me that, but I just, like--

-Don't believe it?
-Never really believed it, yeah.

-Like, no. Like, please--

-…always wear your curls.
-Just 'cause of you.

[Nadjha] Before Jeff left,
I felt like our relationship was kinda,

like, taking a turning point.

I just felt more of a spark with Nic.

He's the first guy I think I've actually
been, like, really into from the jump.

-You look f*cking amazing.

-Really? Aw.

I love when a girl can just, like,
step out and look beautiful.

-You think I look good?
-Yeah. Insane.

-Thanks. Please hype me up some more.
-[both laughing]

Yeah, but we gotta make up for that kiss.

-Come here.

[Nadjha] Nic is just so attractive.

He checks a lot of boxes.

I feel like we're, like, very similar,
and I'm excited.

I literally love everything
that's going on here right now.

-[Nadjha giggles]
-You're so beautiful.

-A great kisser too.

-You're a good kisser too.
-Love it.

-[both] Mm!
-[Nic] Jinx.

-[Nic] Aw.

I don't know. I think you're, like,
the first guy that just has, like,

really, really caught my attention
the way you have.


-Swooped you off your feet?

-That's my job.
-I've been f*cking waiting for it.

-Do you wanna share a bed with me?
-Yeah, of course.

-Is that even a question? Yeah.

-Okay, good.

I was gonna ask you,
just wanted to make sure.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

I feel like a kid in a candy store.

I got everything I wanted with Nadjha,
and I am, you know, grinning ear to ear.

I can't wait to spend the night with her,

and, you know,
give her some goodnight kisses.

I'm getting giddy about it.

-Me too.
-Yeah, and I'm excited.

[narrator] Over at Casa Amor, single boy
Jared is on the sofa with Chanse.

I'm not saying she's optimistic about
how this chat's going to go,

but she's shown up
wearing a wedding dress.

You know, I think you caught my eye
pretty much off the bat.

I'ma be completely honest,
I love the red hair, um,

and I think, you know,
you dress very well.

You know,
everyone's gonna play the field--

Well, that's also
the name of the game in here.

-Like, you have to have an open mind.

[Jared] Yeah, yeah, definitely.

Chanse seems like a really cool girl.

It seems that, you know,
there might be a little something there.

I think there's still
more for me to find out,

'cause I'm definitely
very physically attracted to her.

[Chanse] I'm a pretty open person,
like, in general,

and I'm not a very private person.

-Like, nude beaches in Europe.

-I love being naked. It's so fun.
-No, I'm the same way.

I-- I actually love being naked as well.

and I don't mind looking at myself naked.

I think I look
pretty damn good in the mirror.

And I like that you work out.
We could go work out together at gym time.

Yeah. So do you work out regularly?

Yeah. Wake up, lift, abs, arms, legs--


One of my best features. How can I not?

Oh, yeah? I'll have to take--
I'll have to take a better look.

-You can feel up tonight.
-Okay. Shit, then. All right, shit.


I'm, like, pretty into Jared, and, like,
really surprised to find somebody that,

like, I'm physically attracted to
and, like, mentally attracted to,

because those are, like, together,
two tough boxes to check.

I told you, I'm an adventurous lady.

-I'll try anything once. [laughs]

-Or twice, for that matter?

[narrator] Courtney's taken
Jordan for a chat.

If you're wondering why
the treehouse roof's so low,

that's what happens
when you hire a building crew

made up of cheap, non-union Oompa-Loompas.

-[Courtney] How was your day?
-It was good.

I mean, I enjoy being around you,
talking with you.

-Yeah, same to you.
-And I like the connection.

-And just, like…

I don't know.
It's effortless, kinda, talking with you.

-Yeah. Same to you.
-I really like it, so.

-So, where's your head at?

So, I do want to
explore my options with Chad too,

and I don't want you to,
like, be, like, close only to me,

and I don't wanna
rob you of your experience.

-Right, right.
-I want you to be open too,

-'cause you also deserve that.

Like, I felt like you were gonna
pursue that anyway, like, talk to him,

which, like, you absolutely should.

And then if it comes back,
I'm-- I'm thrilled.

-I'll be so happy, so.
-Yeah. I agree.

Yeah. So…

I'm excited.

-I hope I get to bunk up with you.
-[both chuckle]

-Well, we'll see.
-[Courtney] I'm dead.

Um, I think tonight I just want to, like,
see what it's like sleeping with Chad.

Just because this is
what Casa Amor is for.

-Absolutely. You gotta explore it.
-Like, exploring.


[Gabby] How are you feeling?

-[Chazz] Feeling good.
-[Gabby] Me too.

Yeah, we vibing. I can't believe,
you know, that we got to meet you.

Yeah, look at us. Day two.

-Yes, day two.
-Are you in love with me? [giggles]

-Hey, shit. We're here to find love, so.

I'm definitely liking you a lot.

-I like you too.
-Yeah. It's definitely a vibe.

I did sleep really well next to you,

and I look forward to sleeping with you
for the rest of the days.

If you would, you know, allow me to.

-Of course.

Oh, my God. You're so cute.


How are you doing?

-[Kat sighs] I'm good. Yeah.

[Kat] I wanted to have a chat with Chad,
but I don't know where he's at.

[narrator] Kat's bed buddy Chad
is moving on to Courtney.

Chad's a modern man
and wants to hear Courtney's feelings,

her thoughts, and her opinions,

so long as they're all about him.

What'd you think
when you, like, first saw me,

like, and were able to interact with me?
What were your first thoughts?

I thought you were hot,
and I was honestly really surprised.

-I thought you were gonna pull Kat.

-Mm, I see, I see.
-[Courtney] Yeah.

So I was just, like, surprised,
and I was like, "Wow, this guy has balls!"

'Cause I know, like,
a lot of guys are intimidated by me.

-So I thought it was, like,

really attractive that you were the first
to pull me, and I wasn't expecting it.

Like, I wasn't intimidated by you,
but, like, you know,

you're very-- You know,
you're well-spoken at the end of the day,

and obviously,
you know, you're really attractive,

and, like, I-- That little giggle?

Like, I told you that shit,
I f*ck with that shit.

-[giggles] Thanks.
-So I think--

So the giggle is what won you over?

Well, the giggles were definitely--
They were a good one for sure.

[Chad] Courtney, she surprised me.
Every time you talk to her,

she just becomes, like, just more.

More than meets the eye, so that's dope.

So, I was wondering if
you wanna sleep in my bed tonight.

-Yeah, absolutely. Yeah.

-That'd be dope.

-Thank you for asking me.
-Of course! [laughs]

-So you had a chat with…

[Kat giggles]

My brain is mush.

-Why is it mush?
-I don't know. I'm just, like…

-[Kat] You don't know what to do, or…
-Yeah. I'm just, like…

He's, like, so nice.
Like, he makes an effort.

-[Kat] Yeah.
-[Deb] And it's not even a big effort,

but this is literally what I've been
begging Jesse to do,

is make a little bit of an effort.

-Well, that is definitely a difference.

-And that's something you've been wanting.
-Yeah. And he made out with me, so.

-Well, how was that?

-I know.

-I mean…
-There she is.

[Nadjha] He's up on the balcony.
You should go pull him now.

[Kat] You think I should pull him?

He's up on the balcony.
I should go pull him now.

-[Nadjha] Yeah.
-Yeah, you should go--

I'm gonna go pull him up from the balcony.

But I do need to hear
about this f*cking kiss.



I was very curious about exploring
more of the Chad situation going on.

Like, is there gonna be an actual spark

when we do kiss/make out
outside of the challenge?

-[Kat] Hi!

-Can I steal you for a quick second?

-[Chad] Me, or…
-[Kat] Yeah, you.

Oh, yeah. I was like, okay.

-[Courtney] Okay. Nice talking to you.
-Yeah. All right, nice talking to you too.


[Courtney, giggling] Have fun.

-Hello. How are you?


I mean, it's definitely very evident
that he is into Courtney.

You know, of course when
you're trying to talk to someone

and then you see them kiss another person
in front of you, it's-- it's not normal.

But, like,
I definitely still wanna chat with him

and, um, test those waters a little bit.

-[Sydney] Where were you? Up there?

-[Sydney] With Chad?

-[Sydney] Was it good?

You like getting to know Courtney?
She's such a sweetheart.

She-- She is a sweetheart.
Courtney did ask me to sleep with her.

Yeah. That's cool, though.
I think I was gonna sleep outside tonight.

Or I might sleep inside.
I really don't know.

-I'll see where the night takes me.

See where the night takes you.

Wait, what does the wrist mean again?

-This one?

This just says "you can."

I see, I see.

So if you need a message of the day:
"you can." [chuckles]

[Courtney] Kat never said anything
about her and Chad's talk today.

-Yeah. She's sneaky.

Dude, she is sneaky. Like, I don't trust--

-I don't trust her.
-[Sydney] Yeah.

How about this?
If you ever feel like I need that one,

you just come up to me,
like, hit me with that.

You want me to hit you with the "you can"?

Absolutely. Like, yes.

If I'm acting like a little bitch,
be like…

-[Kat] "You can!"
-Yeah. And scream at me.

"You can." [laughs]

That makes me wanna be worse.

-"You can!"
-No, you-- no, no, no.

Start, like-- Let me get into
the f*cking mode, and then…


I'm down bad. I'm down bad.

[Kat giggling]

"You can!"

[mock gasp] Oh, my God. I can do this.

-[Kat] Boom!
-Thank you so much.

-You're welcome. You're welcome.
-You're amazing. You're amazing.

You know, I was just
trying to remind you that you can.

I can?

[Kat sighs] It's my gift.

You can. [giggles]

-I can?


I like you. You're really great.

-[Sydney] Yeah, how was it?
-[Courtney] It was really good.

I asked him to sleep in my bed,
and he-- Of course he said yes.

-And he was, like, really happy about it.

-[Sydney] Cheers.
-[Courtney] Cheers, bitch.

-I love you.
-[Sydney] Love you!

[narrator] Welcome back to
Love Island USA.

It's a nightmare keeping track
of all the new faces,

but we've come up with a plan
to help us identify who's who.

Gabby's scheduled for 9:00 a.m.,
but she's a bit reluctant.

I'm scared to get a tattoo.
Do you have tattoos?

No, but I think I might.

-[phone chimes]

I got a text!

[Islanders hooting, cheering]

Oh, shit!

"Islanders, the Casa Amor Hideaway
is now open.

Please choose one girl and one boy
to spend a private night together."

-Oh, shit!
-[Jesse] This is crazy.

Heating up, heating up.


-[Bella] Who's it gonna be?

[Islanders] Chazz!

[Islanders cheering, shouting]

[chanting] Hideaway!

The Casa Amor gods have
been smiling down upon me.

I was not expecting to be
chosen for the Hideaway.

I'm super glad that I'm able to, you know,
experience this with Gabby.



Do I-- Do I wear lingerie?

-[Chanse] I have something for you.
-[Gabby] Oh, my God!

-[Phoebe] That's perfect.
-[Gabby] Can I borrow it?

Oh, my f*cking God!

[singsong] I'm going to the Hideaway!

And I'm so excited, 'cause now
I can get our little private, sexy time,

away from, like,
all the knuckleheads in the villa.

Let me ask you this.
So how do you think Kat might feel, bro?

I came to Casa Amor
telling myself that it's Chazz time, man.

-You know what I'm saying?
-Chazz with two Z's.

[Timmy] Chazzy's out here
moving like a boss.

It's like a proud dad.
You know what I'm saying?

Go up out there, man. Have fun.

[Jared] Yeah, we'll see how many Z's
you catch tonight, bro.

-[Timmy] Right.

You look so scrumptious.

I wanna f*ck you right now.

-[Avery] Come here.
-[Gabby] Oh, my God!


[Phoebe] You got this.

-Hi! You ready to go?

-You like the little robe?

-Yeah, it looks nice. You look great.

-Really? I'm excited.
-Yeah, I'm excited too.

[boys] Oh!

[Islanders cheering]


Let's f*cking go-- Oh!

My man's hyping me up!

[Islanders chanting] Hideaway! Hideaway!


[Gabby] Oh, my God!

-[Chazz] What!
-Look at this.

-[Gabby laughing]
-This is lit.

-Hideaway, here we are.
-Hideaway, baby!

-Are you excited?
-Hella excited!

We get to spend the night with each other
in this beautiful-ass f*ckin' room.

-You look great.
-I can take off my stripper heels now.

All right. Yeah.

-Oh, my God. It's so cute here.
-This is f*cking crazy.

It's nice as f*ck in here, for sure.

[Gabby laughs]

-You tired?
-Honestly? No.

I wanna see what it is you're wearing.

-I'm wearing, like, little shorts.

-The girls gave this to me.
-It looks nice.

-Oh, my God! Look at us.
-You look too good.

Why do you think they chose us?
What did you say?

I told the guys that
I was feeling you, for real.

Because they all showed up
and they were like, "Chazz!"

-[both laugh]

I mean, they-- they kind of--

You know, from the outside looking in,
they saw that me and you vibe.

Do they approve of me?

-Yeah, they approve of you.
-Yeah? [giggling]

[narrator] Isaiah's facing a dilemma.

Will he go for Sydney or Phoebe?

Or to put it another way,
who's gonna get the waiter's tip?

[Jeff] She's a beast, bro.
That's kinda hard to turn down.

Yeah. She's-- She's crazy.
She's a firecracker one.

But if I bring her back
and then I have to deal with Syd and her,

that's a f*cking whole lot of distress
I just don't wanna deal with, bro.

[sighs] That is some tough shit.
'Cause she dope, bro.

You just didn't meet her first.

[Jared] Yeah. Like, what if she was
the one that came in first?

Like, what if she was
one of the OG type shit?

I-- I don't know. She-- I don't know.

Like, I-- Dude, I wouldn't be dropping
the GF card for no reason with Syd, bro,

-and that's where it's the hardest for me.
-[Jared] Yeah.

Like, I didn't--
This shit has got me f*cked up.

[Jeff] Just look at her.
Zay, just look at her, bro.

[Isaiah] All natural.
She's f*cking gorgeous.

I'm just saying, like,
an eleven out of ten, bro.

Phoebe definitely seems very genuine,

and obviously that spark,
and that shit's undeniable.

But I came in here
with my-- my boxes checked,

but I was missing some.

Right now, she's definitely
checked an extra one off.

Sydney's in the back of my head,
but, like…

she's not.

I think she deserve a chance, bro.


[Isaiah] I just don't know, bro.

When you feel that spark,
you feel that spark, bro.

And it's only gonna go up more
from there, but it's, like--

[Jared] You know,
sometimes it's just undeniable.

I thought this shit was
gonna be a cakewalk, bro.


[sighs] I definitely would probably
regret leaving Phoebe, bro.

Ooh, wee. That's bad.

I'd be like,
"Damn, I'm glad I got Syd, but…

damn, I wish I gave Phoebe a chance."

Either way it's gonna be bad, bro.
'Cause you gonna be thinking about Phoebe.

-You're f*cking up.
-[Jared] Yeah.

-Yeah. So either way, you're f*cked.
-[Jared] Either way.

Different, bro. She is different, bro.

That is very different.

Look at her, bro. What the f*ck!

[Jeff laughing]

Um, I made out with Kyle.

Ah! I heard about that from Syd.

I was like, "Okay, how was Deb?
Like, you're blushing."

[Kyle] She asked if I wanted to sleep with
her tonight and, like, cuddle and stuff.

-[Nic] Nice.
-I was like, oh, I feel like a schoolgirl!

Your gut is literally screaming at you.
What are you gonna do, ignore it?

-I know, but the thing that's--
-Now you have proof.

-Now you have proof.
-I know.

Somebody's in the Hideaway tonight.

-[Sydney] Let's place a bet.

I'm gonna say Chazz.

-[Nadjha] Okay. I think it's Jeff.
-[Sydney] Okay.

If it's Isaiah… [screams]

[Phoebe] So am I just, like,
hopping in Isaiah's bed?

Yes, you are.


Oh, my God, this feels so good.


-You have really soft lips.
-Do I?

-You do too.

[giggles] Your lips are like pillows.

What am I gonna do with you?
You're trouble.

[Chazz] Nah, you're trouble.

Do you just not wear glasses or contacts?
You just have perfect vision?

-[Deb] I do.

[narrator] Coming up…

You've really fallen for Isaiah.

If Isaiah walked in with another girl,
I would feel heartbroken.

Do you feel a connection with me?

-Like, when we were in bed last night?
-Yeah, I do.

Maybe you needed those three weeks
with Sydney to build that.

Maybe we only needed three days.

f*ck, man. I don't know. I don't know.

[narrator] Welcome back to
Love Island USA.

It was a busy night in Casa Amor.

Isaiah tested his relationship with Sydney
the way I tested myself in Dry January:

by drinking three crates of beer.

-I can't wait for Gabby to come back.
-[Bella] Oh, my God.

[girls] Yeah.

[Gabby] I don't know what
you do to me in my sleep.

I just wake up with this crazy hair.

I slept, like, so f*cking good.

I slept really good too, I can't lie.

Good morning.

With Chad, it was, like, the final test
was to kiss and then see, like…

[Nadjha] And y'all kissed
and there was nothing?

And there was nothing.

Oh, shit. I wonder how the Hideaway was.

[Courtney] Chad and I talked for,
like, two hours last night.

I was laughing, like, the whole time.

That's different from
all your snogging for two hours.

I know. We only kissed, like, twice.

-[Nadjha] How were the kisses?
-[Courtney] It was really good.

-[Nadjha] Really?
-[Courtney] Yeah, but it almost felt like

I didn't wanna do it
'cause I wanted to keep talking.

-I know!

Welcome to this side of being.

I know. I was like,
"This must be what Zeta feels like."


I love, like, the depth with Chad.

Like, we can literally
talk about the universe.

Like, crazy, deep shit for, like,
hours, and, like, laugh for hours.

The more conversations we have,
I become more physically attracted to him.

How was your night with Kyle?

It was really good.
We were, like, cuddling and talking,

and then he was like,
"Turn over, let me scratch your back."

-And I was like, "Okay."

And then we started making out.

-What are you feeling?
-[Courtney] Yeah.


-[Zeta] Yeah.
-Shit, bitch.

[Deb] I, like, already
feel like I've cheated on Jesse

because I made out with Kyle last night,
but he's a very attractive man.

Like, he definitely could bring out
maybe a more vulnerable side of me.

[Courtney] Do you think you would
bring him back into the villa?

I don't know!


[Chad] It was a good night.

Me and Courtney…

Yeah, we got some-- some smooching
in that bitch.


[Chad] Yeah. She's, like, a lot more
than meets the eye, that's for sure.

Last night I had a good time
with Courtney, as well as with Kat.

Like, I shared some kisses
with both of them.

But Courtney's a bright light, definitely.
She makes me feel very comfortable.

[Isaiah] So how did everybody sleep?

Uh, I slept pretty good.

Chanse was a nice little partner
over there. Started smooching a bit.

She's a great girl. I'm happy
to get to know her a little bit more.

You know, I just wanna
go with the flow and see, you know,

what the vibe is between us.
I think the trajectory's good.

It started getting a little intense,
and I-- I don't know.

Maybe just--
I haven't touched a woman in a while.

[boys laughing]

We were kissing for a while.

It got, like, a little aggressive,
which I am, like, so into.

-Ooh! So down for.
-[Bella] Okay!

I'm definitely most interested
in Jared right now.

I think we, like, made a good connection.

Fingers crossed that
he brings me back to the villa.

[boys] Oh!

-All right, you go talk to the boys.

-I'm gonna find the girls. Bye.
-[Jeff] Oh, shit.

-[Isaiah] Broski!
-What up, bro?

[Jared] What's the scoop?
What's the scoop, baby? What's the scoop?

-That shit was lit, bro.
-[Jeff] You're shining, bro.

-[Chazz] Yeah, man. I'm feeling--
-Yeah, you-- you big cheesing, bro!

[Chazz] That shit-- definitely I feel like
physical intimacy was there.

But we took full advantage of that shit.
I'm not gonna lie to you.

-Oh, my God. His lips? Like, pillows.

And, like, neck kissing?
Like… waterfall. Just, like--

After tonight,
I feel like she's definitely feeling me.

I don't know, Gabby,
she checks off a lot of the boxes for me.

She puts a smile on my face.

I felt that Gabby definitely did take
my mind off of Kat back at the villa.

What you think about Zeta, Tim?
What you think she over there doing?

[Timmy] I would say
she probably going through it.

I don't know. I can't even lie to you.

We're in such a great place.
I'm pretty okay. I'm not, like, a dweller.

-[Timmy] Yeah.

-[Avery] Wait, did you guys kiss?
-Yeah. Me and Isaiah? Are you kidding?

-Yeah, they did. I can attest to that.

[Phoebe] He cuddled me all night,
and, like, not a lot of boys do that.

-[Bella] Yeah.
-So, I was like, "Yes!"

There was definitely, like…
that, like, butterfly feeling,

when you, like, are on a roller coaster

and, like,
you go on, like, a big drop down.

Like, that's how it felt
when, like, we kissed.

Me and Phoebe are vibing.

Last night we had, like, some pillow talk.

like, feeling the vibe out a lot.


Last night, um,
I did end up making out with her.

-You say you did?
-[Isaiah] Uh-huh.

And it's like, you know… [sucks teeth]


[exhales] Yeah, I'm just, like,
really kind of f*cked up again.


Just trying to figure out if I'm gonna
bring Phoebe back to the villa or not.

For me to consider Phoebe
is, like, a really big thing,

and I feel like I wouldn't really
be doing that for no reason.

Yeah, I just want to leave here
knowing that I did everything I could to

experience Casa Amor the best way I could.

-Find that clarity?

I'm so scared.

Let's think of the worst possible outcome.

That's always the best thing to do
when you're feeling that much anxiety.

Think of the worst thing.

And that's Isaiah walking in here
with the redhead, specifically.


-Or just anyone?
-I would just feel so, like…

-[Zeta] Low?

Yeah, and like I wasn't good enough.

You've really fallen for Isaiah.
I know you don't wanna say it.

-Aw, babe.

[Sydney] My feelings for him
are very real,

um, and I really am falling for him.

So if Isaiah walked in with another girl,
I would feel heartbroken.

I don't know if we would
be able to come back from it.

Oh, Syd.

[Sydney, sniffling] I know.

-I love you so much.
-[Sydney sniffling]

[narrator] Welcome back to
Love Island USA.

Oh, Chad's meditating! Can I join in?

Om… om…

oh, my God,
I think Kat's got terrible news for you.

Meditation's fun!

[Kat] Am I disturbing you?

You can come in.

This looks so peaceful.

Yeah, it is. I like it.

-You meditate?
-[Kat] Is it nice up here? I do.

-You do, really?
-[Kat] Yeah.

-[Chad] You f*cked up my session!
-I know, I'm so sorry.

-I'm just kidding.
-You're gonna meditate after I leave.


You know, I think honestly I was
getting to-- about ready to get to you.

[Kat] Mm-hmm.

You're-- You're just so cool.

I just don't know, like,
relationship-wise if I can see it.

I saw a little bit of hope
in Chad off the bat,

but it's not, like, something that's
grabbing me in a romantic way.

Like, I'm like,
"Okay, this could be a good buddy."

I can definitely understand that for sure.

And the last thing I wanted to do
was be dishonest with you.

So you're not feeling anybody in here?

Right now,

I don't-- I don't think,
like, on that level, no.

-Everyone is so cool and such a good vibe.
-Mm-hmm. Yeah.


The connection that I'm looking for
I don't think is present.

Yeah, you gotta be real.
Like, if it doesn't…

-I want to find love.

-I'm like, "Come on."

I trust the universe. I trust--

No, I agree completely.
The universe knows best.

-Always does, always will.
-For sure.

[narrator] Deb's getting a massage
from resident intellectual, Kyle.

Kyle's finished two books today!

He colored in all the pictures
and mostly stayed inside the lines.

Clever boy.

[Deb] This is the greatest day of my life.

[both chuckle]

Think it might be
the greatest day of my life too.

[Deb] Kyle has some pretty strong hands.

Not bad.

Like, all I want is to feel wanted!
It's not that hard.

Just know that I respect your position.
I really do.

-Thank you.
-I know it's not easy.

I still know that I, like,
have something with Jesse.

-Of course.
-But, like, at the same time,

-it hasn't been there.

I think I'm just, like, annoyed at myself,

'cause I feel like
I've put in so much effort,

and to almost, like, give up is, like…


[Kyle] Yeah. I understand.

So I don't know what to do.

-Me neither.
-[Deb laughs]

She doesn't seem to
externally be freaking out

about what's gonna happen
when Jesse returns

and how things are gonna be
with me and X, Y and Z.

And it makes me feel good,
'cause she's really giving me

the attention of the moment
when we're connecting too, so.

She's tough. She's a tough cookie.
She might be all sunshine and rainbows,

but underneath that,
she's-- she's pretty strong.

-I just wanna know one thing.
-[Deb] What?

It's the-- It's the only up-front, honest,
in-your-face question I'll press you about

as far as Jesse is concerned, okay?

-[Deb] Okay.
-[Kyle] And you can be real.

[Deb] Okay.

-Who's funnier?
-[Deb chuckles]

So, I'm feeling, like, guilty
for almost being, like, disloyal to Jesse,

but at the same time, like,
Jesse's done this to me.

This is all, like, part of Love Island,
to explore different connections.

But I am very torn.

And don't do the "You're both
funny, just in different ways."

-Oh, shit.
-Yeah. Yeah.

[narrator] Courtney moved in on Chad
and stole him away from Kat.

Courtney is nothing more
than a Kat burglar.

-I'm feeling like a f*cking dumbass, dude.
-[Nadjha] Why?

I don't see him as anything more
than a friend. [sniffles]

[tearful] I tried with Chad because
that was, like, the only person,

dude, and I just--

-And you think Courtney's gonna--
-No, it's not about Courtney at all.

Courtney's not playing an aspect in it.

There's not any of those guys that you--
Like, even would wanna try?

Just be interested in,
like, getting to know?

I tried. They're all amazing people,
but it's not there for me.

It just isn't.

I was very excited off the bat,

but I can't see myself in a relationship
with these men in particular.

-[Nadjha] Come here.
-[Kat] I just, like--

I know…

[narrator] After last night's
bedroom action, Isaiah's torn.

Does he stick with Sydney
or go for the new girl?

As Shakespeare once said,

"Phoebe or not Phoebe.
That is the question."

Honestly, like… [sighs]

I don't know, Phoebe. I'm very conflicted.

-Very conflicted.

Do you feel a connection with me?
Like, when we were in bed last night?

Yeah, I do. 100%.

That's why I made that move to you.

If you're here to find a genuine thing,

and if you're here to, like,
get all that you want, then--

I feel like the reason why
I'm so f*cked up is 'cause I thought--

I mean, I thought I had a genuine thing.

I was gonna ask Sydney
to be my girlfriend.


-On the next date that we had.

So, like, that's why I'm so conflicted.

Maybe you needed those three weeks
with Sydney to build that.

Maybe we only needed three days,

which is a testament to our connection.


f*ck, man.
My gut is still leaning towards Sydney.

I don't know. I don't know.

But I don't really know the reason why
I wouldn't take Phoebe back.

You know what I'm saying? I just--

Casa Amor has got me f*cked up.

I'm the full package,
and I think that you might know that too.

But I think that it's a risk,
but it's a high reward.

And I don't disagree.

-I agree with everything you're saying.

I'm confident in the, like, realness
of the connection between me and Isaiah.

Like, we have this
very, like, young giddiness,

like, youthfulness to our connection,
and now we just have to wait and see.

Like, he needs to figure out
that I'm a much better fit for him.

[narrator] Welcome back to
Love Island USA.

Those new lads have
no respect for the OG boys.

Kyle's stolen Jesse's girl.
Nic's stolen Jeff's girl.

And worst of all,
Tre's stolen Timmy's toothbrush.

You're a monster!

[Courtney] I'm proud of you, Deb.
For, like, giving Kyle a chance.

-That's so big for you.

I guarantee you,
all of Jesse's boys are definitely like,

"Her head would never ever turn.
Bro, you're good."

-He don't even wanna come back to this.
-Honestly. If he doesn't have a girl--

It's bad.

-Where art thou, bae?
-[Kat chuckles]

-I'm proud of you, Sydney.
-[Sydney] Why?

You're handling everything,
like, really well.

-I know.
-I really am proud of you.

[Sydney, chanting] I'm a bad bitch.
I'm a bad bitch.

If I had a Phoebe and Sydney mix,
that would be my girl.

You like that, huh?

I'm pulling out all stops, all right?
I'm taking out all of my sexiest clothes.

I gotta push my boundaries here.
I want the guy.

You feel how you feel, bro. That's it.

You have a gut feeling,
you don't really need to explain it.

[Isaiah] Yeah,
I did the first f*cking day, bro.

But here I am,
trying to keep my door not closed,

and I get f*cked up bad, bro, and…

-Your gut's never wrong, bro.
-It isn't.

[Sam] Yeah!

[Islanders chattering, laughing]

[Jordan] Here we go.

Here's to our new
and previous connections,

and to being able to
enjoy this moment together.

[Islanders] Cheers!

-Wine time, baby.
-[Jared] Yeah, yeah, yeah.

All right. Let's toast to connecting,
reflecting, and directing, you heard?

[Islanders] Cheers!

[narrator] I'm guessing Kyle
spends a lot of time on Tinder.

'Cause when he decides he likes Deb,

he just can't help using his finger
to swipe right.

How do you feel about me being here

in regards to, like,
when I first showed up, up until now?

You've definitely
grown on me a lot. [laughs]


[Kyle] But the question is…

-do you think you're good for me?

-Never thought about it that way, did ya?
-Don't do that to me.

Been thinking about that all day today.


-Do I think I'm good for you?

I think I could be good for you.
I feel like I could be…

something that could
evolve into something.

Like, we obviously have a good,
like, connection and friendship

and get along really well.

I like who I am when I am with you.
That's for sure.


Yeah. Since day one.

That's-- That's been
the best part of it all.

I'm trying to take things
as they come with Deb.

I mean, the ball's in her court.

We've gone over
all the surface-level stuff,

that physically I'm her type,
and emotionally, and X, Y and Z,

and that we're compatible,
which is obviously great.

But does that translate into me sticking
around and her relieving herself of Jesse?

That's the big million-dollar question.

I've been thinking about this
pretty much since I got here. Um…

I'll never just, like,
tell you what you wanna hear. Like…

Like I said,
I don't wanna sell you on me or us.

Um, I want you to know that.

-[Deb] Yeah, I know. I appreciate that.
-Yeah. Yeah.

I feel like I've been getting
a lot of that recently.

-[Deb chuckles]
-It's shitty.

But the thing is, is like,
it always, like, reveals itself, I think.

It's just a matter of time,
kind of a thing.


For me, bro, you know, things have just--

they've been coming
into perspective for me.

You know, my mind.
I can't get Deb out my head, bro.

You know what I mean?
Like, no matter all these girls here,

they all beautiful and shit like that,
but, like, something--

I really miss the way she laugh.
I miss the way she chuckles,

-you know what I'm saying?
-Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I miss all that shit,
you know what I'm saying?

I can't wait to hear that
when I get back, bro.

[Deb laughing]


Honestly, man, like, just seeing
other girls and new, fresh faces

just made me realize that sexual tension
is with Deb, you know what I mean?

We got some shit.
Some unhandled business, you know?

A lot of unfinished business
we need to handle, for sure.

I'm thinking about Deb,
wondering who she's with,

who she's sleeping with, and, you know,
who knows what she's doing there,

because I don't know if our chat before
I left to Casa Amor was the greatest.

So I'm definitely nervous
to get back, for sure.

[Kyle] What was
your favorite part of the day?

Um, probably my massage.

-[Kyle] Well, yeah.

That was my favorite part of the day too.

[both chuckling]

It's like, how could you not grow on me?

I have full faith that you gon', you know,
get back there, and Deb's gonna be there,

and you're gonna be able to finish this
last lap together and come out on top.

-Yeah. I hope so.
-I'm rooting for you, bro. On God.

[Deb laughing]

It would just be so shit if they come back
and, like, yeah, they're single,

but they disrespect and, like, moved mad.

I mean, I think they respect us
and they're loyal enough.

Like, they're at the age--
Like, do you really--

-What's respect mean to you?
-Like, going crazy, you know.

Like, making out at night and cuddling.
Cuddling is a big no-no for me.

-That would really hurt me.
-Mmm. Yeah, that's emotional.

Yeah. Like, holding somebody else.

Would you rather he snogged? I would.

I would rather Timmy was snogging someone
and not cuddling her at night.



Like, when he comes home, I'm just
gonna tell him my truest feelings

and be like, "I really like you."
Like, "Can we date?"

[gasps] Date?
You gonna ask him to be your boyfriend?


-I really like him.

[Zeta] I know you do.

I like Isaiah a lot,
and I'm risking it all for that man.

My gut is telling me that
everything's gonna be okay,

even though I have a hundred voices
in my ears telling me,

"Well, what if this? What if that?"

I don't know. I just hate this.

I miss bae.

It's like, my heart, I can feel,
like, the radioactive-ness.

Like, my vibe and his, like,
sh**ting up into the sky and intertwining.

-Is it?

-How you doing?
-I'm good.

I'm really good. How are you?

[Isaiah] Good.

[Phoebe] Like, at the end of the day,
like, I like you.

I know it's been two days.

I know that might
sound like bullshit to you,

but, like, it's not.

I just, like, want a chance with you.

That's what I want.

And I'll give you one.

-You really mean it?

-You're really gonna give me one?

He ended up saying that
he's going to give me that chance

and I'm gonna be hand-in-hand
with Isaiah, because that's what's real.

But of course
I am prepared to face Sydney.

-Are you gonna kiss me now?

Oh, f*ck!

[narrator] Next time on Love Island…

The end of Casa Amor

means big decisions.

[intense instrumental playing]